Stepped drawing landscape for beginners. Master class of beautiful landscape with step-by-step photos

Stepped drawing landscape for beginners. Master class of beautiful landscape with step-by-step photos

Drawing with paints is not only very interesting, but also informative. The landscape, executed in various techniques soothes, gives positive emotions and raises a sense of excellent in the artist.

From our lesson you will learn how to draw a landscape in stages and that it will be necessary for this.


Watercolor or gouache painting provides a wide selection of landscape.

For example, one of the most impressive plots for drawing is mountains. They can be both smooth, similar to a mountain range and sharp. Depicting the mountains, you have the opportunity to show the contrast between the sky and the earth, high plains and slopes.

Another significant moment is the weather. It is very fascinating to draw winter mountains: you can "play" with shadow and light, with various shades and reflexes on the white snow. Ultramarine, yellowish, turquoise, ocher or burgundy color - all this is quite appropriate on a snow cover. The main thing is to choose a suitable color gamut.

No less interesting for novice artists will be the summer landscape with the image of the mountains. Picturesque and beautiful: warm shades of grass or cold colors on pine branches, a riot of greenery and paints. At the same time, you do not need to thoroughly draw them - than bolder and freely lies in the hand, the painting will be easier.

Important: Landscape is not only nature, but also a certain atmosphere, in the creation of which we invest our mood and emotion.

What does the landscape begins?

Any drawing must be started with layout on a paper sheet. Do the sky less land or vice versa. Note that these parts should not be the same.

If you draw a mountain, then be sure to think over which top will become higher, and some is low. Do not depict the same mountains, at least it happens in reality. It is best to make them different compositionally, which will add certain speakers to your drawing.

Pay special attention to objects located in the foreground is that the closest to the artist, that is, to you. The foreground is always drawn more friendly and more detailed than the rear.

And now let's try to draw a mountain landscape of gouache.

Landscape gouache stages: draw mountains

Stage 1
Take a special paper for the drawing of A3 format and make a preliminary sketch, mixing the white and blue gouache, fill the sky. While it is "not dried", draw a white gouache clouds, performing circular movements with a brush to get a mixture of paints. The use of such equipment will make the sky cloud and a little fantastic.

2 stage
Go to the image of the mountains. Mix the white gouache with blue, add a little bit of purple and completely fascinate the mountains. This color stirrels and immediately squeeze the portions of the mountains that are located in the light. In order not to disturb the air perspective at the base of the mountains, make a light.

Now the most interesting! You want to know how to draw a landscape in stages for beginners in a variety of options? Then let's draw snow-covered mountains.

3 stages
Mastikhina Belil's Mastichene and slightly pressing, while the paint did not dry, make the switches of this mastikhin on the grief. Shadow areas are filled with the same way, only a bluish tint of Guoshi.

Important: Do not use a large number of gouache and do not mix it with water - the paint should be thick. Practice first on a separate sheet paper and only then start the drawing.

4 stages
Mix bleel with a blue gouache, and then smooth strokes walk at the foot of the mountains.

5 stage
Now mix the blue paint with green and draw the forest. Add ocher or other shades of yellow and green for the image of the forest. Use the same colors to draw the land.

6 stage
Draw the lake, Mixing Belil and Blue Gouache and add a little green.

7 stage
Final step. Again, mix the blue and green paint, and then, making large strokes, put the future bushes.

8 stages
Using light shades of ocher and green colors, finish the image of the bushes.

Landscape watercolor stages: draw a sunset

Next, we will look at how with the help of watercolor to draw the sunset. All that will be required in this case is watercolor and watercolor paper. Let's proceed?

Stage 1
Without making a preliminary sketch and a slightly shaking sheet with water, proceed to writing the sky. To do this, take blue, purple, pink and orange watercolor color. Clouds can draw as you like more, mixing colors and creating unusual transitions.

2 stage
While the paint did not dry, tick the darker color of the distant plan - it should differ from the sky. And a little closer to yourself, using a dark purple shade, make the plan even darker. Picture also a small fluffy tree and leave the work until complete drying.

3 stages
With the use of a dark purple shade, draw a tree trunk by adding burgundy splashes in some places. The same color fresk the land so that it is as much as possible on the roots of the tree.

Then with a thin tassel, slowly depicts the branches of the tree, various in width and length: thick and thin, long and short. In the distant plan, make a branch a little lighter, and on the front.

Ready! You independently painted a colorful and very beautiful sunset.

To draw a landscape with paints there are many techniques. But if you are a novice artist, the phased drawing will be easier using Guashi. It is easy to use: does not have a specific smell, easily mixed with water and is dismissed. Any brushes are suitable for working with gouache, but best to give preference to pony or synthetics.

This technique is suitable for newcomers also because making an error, it will be easy to fix it, curing the other layer of paint. In addition, the following layer applied to the dried pigment does not mix with the previous one. The main difference between gouache from acrylic and oil paints - it can be drawn more freely, without fearing to make a mistake.

It does not matter how you will draw parts of the picture - all at once or separately. For example, you first can be painted with a gouache ground and the sky, and then write the foreground, trees and clouds.

Note: To speed up the work, apply paint to items at once, not leaving "for later." Agree, much easier to do everything in one stage, and not wait for the picture "dry".

This version of the drawing of the landscape is no less interesting and is also quite suitable for novice artists. You can easily master watercolor technique if you know some tricks and important rules.

- Watercolor drawing - first of all, work with layers. The paint is translucent, which means the mixing of each new layer with the past can not be avoided.
- Errors are excluded - that's what you need to know anyone who takes in the hands of Watercolor.
- Successful success - dense paper. A rough special surface perfectly absorbs watercolor paint and guarantees a good effect.
- Middle items must be painted with bright colors, everything else should be mixed with water and pale. Unlike oil, acrylic or guaashi, watercolor wrote "liquid".
- To work with watercolor it is best to use brushes with a natural pile of protein or pony.

And, of course, do not forget that paint scenery in several stages - a rather difficult task for a novice artist. There are many questions here: how to arrange everything on a sheet, how to get a certain color, how to select one or another subject, etc. Answers come only with experience.

The best advice that can be given to all beginners in painting - more training - draw the most common items. Remember that the sooner you will understand that realistic directly depends on the allocation of some details and creating contrast, the sooner everything will turn out.

So what is the landscape? This is a good training for any artist who does not allow to get away from the main topic of the image and at the same time gives freedom of fantasy.

Now we will look at how to draw a landscape with a pencil phased for beginners. It will be palm, shore and river. This lesson for beginners and is aimed at securing knowledge on hatch drawing techniques. If you do not know the basics, you first need to study, then.
Draw a sketch of the landscape.

Below is a table in which the numbers are shown different tones when hatching.

See what and what kind of hatching will draw. In each item in brackets, the number will be specified, which tone to use.

Use varying soft pencils to create a specific tone to create a strong contrast. The author begins with the application of light tones (1) at the sky and water with a pencil 2N.

We make diagonal strokes from the top of the sky (2), the bottom of these lines we make light by weakening the pressure on the pencil 2n. We make a horizontal hatching in the foreground of the water (2), creates the illusion of ripples. Do not forget to remove the horizontal line of the horizon in the island before starting stroke.

Strike the most distant mountain (coast) (3), which is located far away with a pencil NV (weakly press a pencil). At the island (in which we had to erase the line) we make the shadows of the NV and 2B pencils, and the small part of it in the foreground stroke 2V and 4B. Light tones (4) islands are made with a pencil NV. Do not hurry. If you start tired or feel disappointment, take a break. When you return to the lesson, you look a fresh look and can correct what were unhappy.

Pencil HB is reverting a reflection of the island in water (5). Ton use darker than the island itself at this stage. Hatching lines make horizontal, not at an angle. Perhaps it will be easier for you to add hatch lines Turning the drawing (sheet) sideways. Pain the land in the foreground (7), the strokes make 2 in the pencil. The author writes that currently this sketch style is her favorite. However, you are a unique identity with your own preferences. Those. You need to experiment with different techniques in drawing, until you find the style that you most suitable!

Use the 4B pencil to draw a few zagunin in the foreground. These lines will mimic small shrubs and foliage. Draw the trunk.

Add a pencil stroke 2B along the bottom of the island (6). In the upper part of the island, the bright areas below the dark. The author left a tiny horizontal strip of light, where the Earth occurs with water. In addition, she used a sharpened pencil NV to draw several small trees and shrubs on the island. Branches by palm trees are drawing 2 in a pencil.

Use compatient HB and 2V pencils to draw small branches on the top of the palm tree. Branches that are in the foreground is much darker than those who are further.

Get away from the drawing and look at the hatching. You may have to make some zones lighter or darker. To make darker, just add extra lines between other hatching lines. To make lighter, take a soft gum and carefully walk. Sign your name, write the date and postpone the drawing with a smile.

Do not be afraid to use different hatch methods. It is not necessary to draw as you do not like, subsequently problems may arise, you need to look for new methods. If you have done even a very terrible drawing, you can repeat the approach again! Keep in mind the more you are practicing in drawing sketches, the faster and better you will get to get. On a good day you can draw several different and wonderful sketches for an hour!
Posted by Brenda Hoddinot, site (source)

Drawing stamps: How to make with your own hands, materials for the manufacture of stamps, options for children's work in the drawing technique with stamps.

Drawing stamps with preschool children

Drawing stamps - It is a non-traditional drawing technique with children. Its essence is that the image is obtained by applying a stamp with paint to the surface of a sheet of paper.

From which materials you can make a stamp for drawing

Stamps can be made from various materials:

- from a sheet of foam rubber or from a conventional foam sponge (see),

- from the living leaves of trees (see),

- from cardboard, tight paper, newspaper paper (see Master Class "),

- From the opposite end of the pencil (crumpled), wound on him a thin strip of foam rubber and tieding it to a pencil with a strong thread. It turns out a stamp with which you can depict snowballs or berries,

- from cotton sticks (it turns out a stamp for the image of the same circles),

- or use ready-made sets of children's stamps sold in stores for children's creativity.

In this article, you will learn an unusual way to make stamps from corrugated cardboard.

How to make a stamp for drawing with your hands from corrugated cardboard

Step 1. Cut off a piece of cardboard from the packaging box, mook the wet sponge of the top layer, to withstand some time, remove this layer, exposing the "corrugation".

Important Council: When removing the upper layer, you should try not to crush the harmonica, otherwise the stamps will get a clamping corrugation.

This step performs an adult.

Step 2. Seeing the workpiece. Then cut the strip from it with a height of 3-5 cm, arbitrary length.

Step 3. Twist round rolls from sliced \u200b\u200bstrips - stamps of different diameters of the desired size. For a postcard, which is given below in this article, the size of the roll is approximately 2.5 - 4.5 cm.

It is not necessary to make stamps only in the form of a roll. You can fold the strip in the form of a triangle that imitating the leaf.

Step 4. Secure the resulting stamps with a thread or put on them gum.

Step 5. Corrugated cardboard can be used as a stamp. To get such a stamp, you need to cut the strips from cardboard with an open and closed "corrugation" of different lengths, approximately 3 cm, 5 - 7 cm and 10 cm. This is how our stamps and stripes look like this.

Stamps are ready! It's time to apply them in drawing. We will show how it is done on the example of a tree drawing with children - autumn birch. And you can come up with anything and what you like your children!

Drawing by stamps with children: draw autumn birch

Materials and tools

For drawing you and children will be needed:

- white paper sheet,

- Paints (gouache),

- Tassel,

- palette

- Prepared by you describing the above stamps for drawing (strips of packaging corrugated cardboard and round rolls).

Stages of drawing birch stamps

Stage 1. Draw the stamps of the birch barrel.

Tassel apply black paint on the palette. Cut the long strip of corrugated cardboard into the paint and put prints on paper, drawing a birch trunk.

Useful tips:

- start drawing you need from below, slightly flexing the strip, creating a larger volume of the barrel at the bottom.

- We make prints immediately on paper without a preliminary sketch, develop the eye meter! The strip is short, so you need to inguffed it in the paint several times and continue to increase, i.e. "Strip", the trunk to the desired height of the tree.

- In the upper part, we reduce the width to no, getting a top of a tree trunk.

Stage 2. Drawing of branches of branches of branches

- Short stripes with open corrugations draw branches, slightly bending strips of cardboard (draw bending branches, bending the cardboard strip under the angle we need).

- straight stripes with a closed corrugation (well, if you choose a cardboard with a fine corrugation for them) Apply 2 to 3 prints on branches and to continue the crown.

Stage 3. Draw stamps to the foliage of trees and shrubs, grass.

Option 1. Dilute on the palette of yellow-green paint, orange-brown shades, to dip the round stamps - rolls and make with these stamps of prints on the branches of trees. And straight strips on earth can be depicted grass.

Option 2. You can bend the corrugated and make her grass prints.

Option 3. You can finish the strips to close, forming a triangle, and print a shrub under the tree with such a stamp.

Option 4. If you draw with children not to birch, but rowan, then the red berries on shrubs can be drawn not only with a small stamps, but also the back side of the brush. And you can trust the berries with a tube from a cocktail, a wand for cleaning the ears, toothpick. It will depend on what size you will schedule draw berries.

These are such fabulous trees turned out in children 6-7 years old.

Creative tasks for children in the technique of "Drawing by stamps"

These creative tasks can be given to children after a master class on drawing by stamps:

- Think how to draw a flock of birds using stamps made by you on this master class?
- Draw with stamps birch and flock of birds over it.
- Come up with what other materials can this round stamps make?
- Make stamps from potatoes or bumps. Draw a tree with the help of stamps made.

Drawing stamps - a fascinating occupation, developing a child's imagination. Invent your stamps and your figures from them, do not be afraid to fantasize and experiment. Good luck in creativity! We will be glad if you share with us what you have come up with this master class. Send them to the post of site: [Email Protected]website

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Absolutely any novice artist sooner or later thinks about how to draw an autumn landscape. It is this time of year that makes nature unusually bright and beautiful, inspiring painters to create truly magnificent landscapes. Of course, learn how to draw the autumn landscape in stages, best, doing sketches from nature somewhere in the park or outside the city. But, if there is no such possibility, you can use photos. But to understand how to draw the autumn landscape in gradually for beginners without nature or the photo, most likely, will not work. After all, drawing a landscape on imagination, you can easily allow different errors.
Before painting the autumn landscape with a pencil, it is worth preparation:
one). Pencil - you can use both the usual, but well-sharpened pencil, and mechanical;
2). A handle that has a gel black rod;
3). Colour pencils;
four). Eraser;
five). Leaf of paper.

If everything you need is already prepared, you can start learning how to draw the autumn landscape with a pencil phased:
1. Picture light lines of the horizon line and make a fence;
2. Draw the outlines of large trees and small bushes;
3. Draw a fence;
4. Follow the two birch trees and schematically depict them to foliage. Note a path leaving in the distance;
5. Circuit the drawing with a handle, specifying the details. Drawing bushes and trees, avoid excessive detail - do not draw every leaf. In the sky, draw a large cumulus clouds. Draw a bird on the fence;
6. Using eraser, remove the pencil sketch;
7. Green shades, yellow and light brown shadow grass;
8. Pencils of gray-brown gamma Skin the path and stones;
9. Black, gray and brown pencils creep the trunks of trees;
10. Using pencils of bright, saturated tones, paint the foliage of bushes and trees;
11. Gray and brown pencils color the fence;

There is an opportunity to attend an izostudia or art school. Therefore, to acquire appropriate benefits and finding thematic material on the Internet, young artists try to master the Aza of professional drawing.

General explanations

In this article, we will deal with how to draw a landscape, how to properly convey the future, get acquainted with other theoretical concepts and their practical embodiment on paper or canvas. So, the first recommendation relating to everything before starting to work with paints or other color tools, it is necessary to make sketch with simple pencils and erase, which will then be brought to perfection. For a sketch, the usual album leaf or Watman will be best.

Theoretical Foundation

Phased drawing

And now we will deal with how to draw a landscape in stages.

  • The album leaf should be located vertically. So it will draw much more convenient.
  • Distributing depicted items and parts, consider the principle of harmony so that there is no displacement of the pattern to the left or right, so as not to "waste" one or another of its edge.
  • We will talk about that landscape. The work begins with the drawing of the Earth, the main details of the relief.
  • Next, go to the foreground trees, and then - far. All the time should be remembered about the correct spatial distribution of objects.
  • Now the turn of small details: islets of snow, herbs on protaly, puddles, foliage, etc.
  • The next stage is a stroking. It is not applied on the whole drawing, but on some parts of it. Then the sketch will not lose its initial lightness, airiness. The hatching of a soft pencil is done. Strongly "black" do not need puddles and clouds, do not forget about the game of light and shadows. And the crowns of trees are better to stroke, too, in the "mass", without swaying separately every laptop drawing will lose its naturalness.

To brush and paints

When the sketch is over, look carefully, whether everything turned out exactly how you want? Charge flaws. Maybe there is a need to draw another sketch, and then move towards brushes and paints. It should be noted that the landscape, especially the spring, best or dry pastel. It makes it easier for you to convey the radiant and airiness of spring air, the tenderness of the paints, the very atmosphere of the beginning of this wonderful time of the year.