Platonov, analysis of the work of Yushka, plan. Retelling and a brief description of the work of "Yushka" Platonova A.P Test on the work

Platonov, analysis of the work of Yushka, plan. Retelling and a brief description of the work of "Yushka" Platonova A.P Test on the work

The genre of the work is a story. The main character is a girlish blacksmith Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The string of work is a description of the life of Yushni, his work in the forge. With the development of action, the reader finds out how surrounding people belongs to Yushka, and even the fact that Yushku has some relatives to which he leaves every summer. Culmination - a dispute with drunk passersby and the death of Yushka. An isolation - the arrival of the adopted daughter of Yushki and the story about her further fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary deeds, the heroes of his works enter ordinary household relations. Based on these relationships, the writer is trying to look deeper into the human soul, to hurt the strings not yet touched. Heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here and the hero of this story is a subframe blacksmith, who was the subject of universal ridicule, moving in hatred. The whole life of this man was held in work.

Jushka killed. Made it because of his scented angry random drunk passerby. After the death of Yushka, however, began to notice that he was missing everyone.

That kind of innobility disappeared, the embodiment of which he was. Walked and meekness disappeared. The fact that people of this kind are carriers of true human values, for some reason it becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushnaya left behind the same good man - a sirota girl learned to the money clustered and became a doctor, dinner and notably helping the patient. Here is a paradox: Yushka lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his receptional daughter generously carried their people.

There are not so many of such people like Jushnaya. The main problem raised by the writer is that people do not smear anger on such people, their life failures, accumulated over many years inexplicable hatred. Attitude towards people requiring compassion is the indicator of human consistency as a carrier of high moral qualities.


Portrait of a jushia and a story about what his work consisted. His financial situation. The attitude of children to Sushka. Adults, too, like children, offend and cripples. Every summer, Yushka takes a vacation and goes somewhere for a month. Yushka became weaker and this year did not go anywhere. Random passerby kills Yushka. To say goodbye to the person they were tormented, everyone came. After the death of Yushka, life has changed around. The receptional daughter of Yushka arrived, began to search for him and told, where he went to every summer. Potted, the girl remained forever in this city in order to work by the doctor. All my life, the daughter of Yushka carries people good.

Platonov - a writing, creepy, often at Vischaini's own creatures, I have been described by Zvicheini Pobetovi Vіdnosini people, muggy through the CI Vіdnosini, Glyibshe Pіznati Lyudu Tu її Soul. Yogo Gero-Prosti People, Little People of Bouw І Yushni - Hero of Cre. Platonova "Yushka".


OpovoDannya Platonova Yushka.

Pricework over the work "Yushka" Platonov І YOGO ANALIZOM, WARTO VІDDDOVATORY Genre Tsієї Roboti І Tset Rippovіd. Rospevіd, kind of Vіdaє we ask the same people: Good, Chuyin, Yaky Umіv Love Schiro, Nevazyuchi Ni at Scho. Before Ts, Istorіya, I can show us the Jorstokіsti Ludi, I could not see the prosecuity, so love I love I like it just like that. Such Bachimo Nerudiani, Jorstokіst, Pomelki People, and the author of the author showing us, Shaho Seried Usny Tsoy, є People Dobi, Yaki Vmіyut Radіti Krasі Nadodi, Yakі you can pіklowatu about Middle.

Hero OpovoDannya Yushka.

From the head of the hero of OpovoDannya "Yushka" The author to mean us on the very cigarette І Tse Yuhim Dmitrovich. True, I don't have a cliking nikto, for Siberiana Vіn Buv Yushka. Tsa Bow Sorokarіchniy Cholovіk, it is glad to be adequately together. Vіn Khvorіv on dry. Bratzyuvav Vіn from Koval, Vikonuchi Rutinnu Robot, for Yaku, removing copіiki. Bouw's shower, so the Yak Nevіt Obligi SOCI is not MІG DOZVOLITITING NOVA, PIV deployed tea water, but alive in the kitchen in Koval's apartments.

All Bulo B Nіchhoye, from Tіlki for the goodness of Doshevnіyi, Maiuchi will celebrate Dar Lyody, Yushka Committing to himself, Uva and Yoji Soyki and Vdariti, Vdariti. Yak Dorosli's Yak Doroslі, so і dіti, zganyuyui on nyochy, ally, Yushka himself at those who are so to have his own love so much, simply, simply, not having lover. SAME so tugging Tsi Dobo Lyudin, without making this in the vіdpovіd. Ditaam, Lishe Kazav: "Tea Vi, Rіdnі Moi, whom Vi, little! Vi, Maput, love me? Whom am I bless you? "

In OpovoDannі Platonova "Yushka" І Short Snіsti Bachimo, Šoe not t_lki to the people of Vіn put from good і Lyu'yu, Vіn і to the approximateness to visit the soils of Nіzhnostі i tse mi Bachimo, Kolya Vіn fucking in the scent of Kvitiv, not Dihaju not zіpsuvati їx to your own dikhany. Bachimo, Yak Vіn Pіdnіmaє Dorcelii Zhukvіv і mosashok, Vіdchuvayuchi yourself without them orphans, Yak Vinus Volochuyuzhuyu Spev Ptakhiv і Konikіv.

Nevozhayuchi at Zhorsstokіsti Owl, Vіn without raising his Lyudiani, and Mіzh Tim, twenty d'Rock_v was talked over him, and one time, the Zutsuch h Forky, I was glad to frighten the Yushka, ended for Yuhim Dmitrovich Ponya. Vіn Zaginov. I wanted, with a cube on the funeral, I had all Mist. Mozhae, Scho, people were high enough post, Aji Zhoy's death raised Lovely. Svitle stagnated by Svіtle, she was suspended that he was not Vistachi.

It's one Heroї in SiroTa, Divina, about Yakiiiiiii in Kіntzi. Vona Priyokhal, the jungle of Vіdvіdati Yushka, it is not just providy, but Wil_kuvati yo. З ї їїнь иповіді и дизоммовая, othushka taking Divchina pіd his krill. Vіn, Vіdmmalyuchi in Usomi, inscribed by Vivechi Divchin, bringing y grossі to inhibition, і vonay now, Zavіnichi University, visiting the Doctors, coming to the doctor. Ale, not missed, so I couldn't live yogi. Tse Bouv, Fatherly, the town of Lyuba, Yaka in the professional loved, as a soul, as a soul, Yushku. For his ghostty, Jushnaya Zumіv Turn the Divchin loved people, Robiti for them is good, there was a halter in the m_stі і lіkuvala in the dryness, Yaki Hvori on dryness.

Plan creator Yushka

1. The knowledge of Johim Dmitrovich - Yushka. Description of yogo roboti і's minds of yogi
3. Battiki pokyut the Succu of your D_Ti for Bogan's behavish
4. Jorstokіst Doroslich
5. Rosemova Z Dasha - Koval's Daughter
6. Schorchini Fijd Yushka. Natural Natural Vіdpochinok Yushka Vіd Mista Ta Yoy resident
7. Znovka Robot І Znov Znushnia
8. Hyvoroba progressuє.
9. Overlooking the cause of the death of Yushka
10. Jushki funeral
11. Sirota - Named Yushka's daughter
12. Dіvina-Lіkar, Yaka without Wesho L_kuvala Khvalich on tuberculosis

At Tsiy Storіntz, Shukali:

  • yushka Anali
  • yushka Platonov Anali
  • short Plan Platonov
  • plan Rospovіdi Jushka Platonov on points
  • platonov Yushka.

Platonov is a writer who very often described the usual household relations of people, trying through these relationships, to know the person and his soul deeper. His heroes are ordinary people, a simple person and Yushnaya - the hero of the work of Platonov "Yushka".

Story Platonova Yushka.

Working on the work of "Yushka" Platonov and his analysis, it is worth noting the genre of this work and this is a story. The story, who knows us the story of one person: Good, responsive, who knew how to love sincerely, no matter what. In addition, this is a story that shows us the cruelty of mankind, which could not understand what to love and how to love it just like that. Here we see inhumanity, cruelty, mistakes of people, as well as the author showed us that among all this there are people kind people who know how to rejoice in the beauty of nature, which can take care of the neighbor.

Heroes of the story of Yushka

With the main hero of the story "Yushka" the author introduces us at the very beginning and this is Efim Dmitrievich. True, no one called him, for all he was a shrimp. It was a forty-year-old man who was prematurely a disease. He was sick with a car. He worked for a blacksmith, performing a black work for which he received a penny. It was very poor, since even the clothes did not have to afford a new one, drank water instead of tea, and lived in the kitchen in the apartment of the Blacksmith.

Everything would be anything, that's just on the kindness of the soulful, having a real gift of love, Yushka attracted attention to himself and everyone wanted to offend him, cause a conflict, hit. He was constantly offended by both adults and children, who swept her angrily on him, but Yushka himself believed that they were so manifesting her love for him, no one had taught them in a different way. That is how this kindest man considered this, so I did not insult. Children, only said: "What are you, my relatives, what are you, small! Do you need to love me? Why do I need you? "

In the story of Platonova "Yushka" and a brief content we see that not only to people he treats good and love, he and nature treats a sense of tenderness and we see it when he leans inhaling the aroma of flowers, not breathing not to spoil their beauty with their breath. We see how he raises the dead bugs and bugs, feeling without them orphaned, as he enjoys the singing of birds and grasshoppers.

Despite the cruelty of others, he did not lose his humanity, and meanwhile, twenty-five years old mocked him, and once, a meeting with the next passers-by, who beat Yushno, ended for Efim Dmitrievich Ponya. He died. He was buried, while the whole city came to the funeral. Maybe because people felt a big loss, because with his death they lost love. They lost something bright, lost what is missing to each of them.

Another heroine is an orphan, the girl, about which we learn at the end of the work. She came to visit Yushka, but not just to visit, but cure him. From her story we learn that Yushka took the girl under his wing. He, refusing everything to himself, managed to learn the girl, bringing her money for training, and she now, graduating from the university, and learn to the doctor, came to help him. But, I did not have time, since he did not catch him alive. It was probably the only person who truly loved, with all his heart, all the soul. For your life, Yushka managed to teach the girl to love people, to do good for them, so she stayed in the city and treated for free of charge of people who were sick with Cachotka.

Working plan Yushka

1. Acquaintance with Efim Dmitrievich - Yushka. Description of his work and the conditions of his life
2. Cruelty of children in relation to Sushka
3. Parents frighten their children for poor behavior
4. The cruelty of adults
5. Conversation with Dasha - Daughter of the Blacksmith
6. Annual gooseca. Enjoying nature and rest of Yushka from the city and its inhabitants
7. Again the work and again mockery
8. Disease progresses
9. Passerspit caused the death of Yushka
10. Jushki funeral
11. Orphanage - called Yushki's daughter
12. A girl-doctor who died freely treated patients with tuberculosis

The genre of the work is a story. The main character is a girlish blacksmith Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The string of work is a description of the life of Yushni, his work in the forge. With the development of action, the reader finds out how surrounding people belongs to Yushka, and even the fact that Yushku has some relatives to which he leaves every summer. Culmination - a dispute with drunk passersby and the death of Yushka. An isolation is the arrival of the adopted daughter of Yushki and the story about her far-nursing fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary deeds, the heroes of its works enter into ordinary household relations. Based on these relations, Pisa-Tel tries to look deeper into the human soul, to hurt the strings not yet touched. Heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here and the hero of this story is a subframe blacksmith, who was the subject of universal ridicule, moving in hatred. The whole life of this man was held in work.

Jushka killed. Made it because of his scented angry randomly drunk passerby. After the death of the Yushka, however, began to be rejected that he was missing everything.

That kind of innobility disappeared, the embodiment of which he was. Disappeared whether kindness and meekness. The fact that people of this kind are carriers of true human values, for some reason it becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left after himself the same kind person - a sirota girl learned to the famous money and became a doctor, dablyin and notably helping pain. Here is a paradox: Yushka did not have enough understanding and sospace of people, and his receptional daughter generously carried their people.

There are not so many people like people in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people do not smear anger on such people, their life failures, accumulated over many years inexplicable hatred. Attitude towards people requiring compassion is the indicator of human consistency as a carrier of high moral coasses.


  1. Portrait of a jushia and a story about what his work consisted.
  2. His financial situation.
  3. The attitude of children to Sushka.
  4. Adults, too, like children, offend and cripples.
  5. Every summer, Yushka takes a vacation and goes somewhere for a month. Material from site.
  6. Yushka became weaker and this year did not go anywhere.
  7. Random passerby kills Yushka.
  8. To say goodbye to the person they were tormented by all.
  9. After the death of Yushka, life has changed around.
  10. The receptional daughter of Yushka arrived, began to search for him and told, where he went to every summer.
  11. Potted, the girl remained forever in this city in order to work by the doctor.
  12. All my life, the daughter of Yushka carries people good.

Theme lesson:

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe workshop:Everyone should reveal its abilities, and not copy anyone.

Motto workshop:Do in your own way, based on your abilities, interests and life experience, adjusting yourself.


Improve the ability to analyze the artwork, repeat and consolidate the ways to create the image of a literary hero, continue work on the formation of the skills of thoughtful reading of the artistic work;

Develop speech, improve the skills of working with text, ability to analyze, compare, see the artistic part;

Educating love and respect for a person, to promote the formation of positive moral qualities of the personality: responsibility for actions, respect for someone else's opinion, lifestyle, love for neighbor.



Lesson-workshop by the story of A.Platonova "Yushka"

Theme lesson:

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe workshop:Everyone should reveal its abilities, and not copy anyone.

Motto workshop:Do in your own way, based on your abilities, interests and life experience, adjusting yourself.


  • Improve the ability to analyze the artwork, repeat and consolidate the ways to create the image of a literary hero, continue work on the formation of the skills of thoughtful reading of the artistic work;
  • Develop speech, improve the skills of working with text, ability to analyze, compare, see the artistic part;
  • Educating love and respect for a person, to promote the formation of positive moral qualities of the personality: responsibility for actions, respect for someone else's opinion, lifestyle, love for neighbor.

Equipment: Didactic Cards, Presentation, Document Camera,

During the classes:

1. Org.Moment.

Hello guys, My name is Natalia Valerievna.

Today, at the lesson of literature, I invite you to the workshop, but not ordinary, and the Word Workshop. I do not voice the lesson, she is not recorded with us, but I want us to formulate it in our dialogue.

And the door to our workshop is opening with the words of the writer A. P. Platonova, whose creativity you started studying:

"I just want to be a man.

A person for me is a rarity and holiday. "

(This word has no epithets - in the word "man" all high moral concepts are laid: kindness, justice, mercy. Once you are a person, you can not be different.)

Behind these, it would seem so simple and familiar with childhood, one of the most complex moral problems is hidden. As long as a person will exist, he will not stop painfully thinking about it, because the history of the development of society is the history of the struggle of good and evil.

What is good? It's all good that there is in us that we can disinterestedly to give to the surrounding people.

But with evil harder.At what point is the moment of life, it grabs into our hearts?

They say a person appears on the light of the womb of the mother with a purest soul and body.Where does an anger appear in it then, rootless?

So I invite you to a serious conversation in the Word Workshop, where we are thinking about the love of your neighbor, good and evil.

What is a man on earth?What do you think?

Over this question is worth thinking.

Yes, how many people are so many opinions. But the opinion of the modern poet Dmitry Golubova. He reflects on the appointment of man on earth:

Man like a star born

Medium unclear, disturbing lamp

In infinity begins

And ends in infinity.

Generain is contemplated

A century over the age of the earth is unprecedented.

Man like a star is born

So that the universe has become lighter.

So many years ago a new star was lit in the sky ... A man was born to live, hero of the story "Yushka", i.e., his name is Yushka.

Guys, do you know what your name does?

(If not, be sure to find out, it is important that everyone knows the history of his name, where it happened, which means)

And what do you know about the name of Yushka? What does it mean?

Yushka. - It is blood, a life-giving fluid, a significant loss of which threatens the organism with death. To put Yushka - beat up to blood.

Yushka. - Navar meat, fish, liquid part of the whole dish.

How does the full name of the Yushka sound like? (Efim Dmitrievich)

Turn to the names of names. We read what the name of Efim means. (slide)

Efim - Pious, benevolent, sacred.

We found out the meaning of the Yushka name, now we turn to the characteristics of the main character.

Portrait of a jushia.

- What kind of people see people? What do you know about him? What do you think?

(Read it)

Before us is old on the sight of a man, weak, patient. The author emphasizes the external inconquality.

  • Selective reading

"He was slightly tall and Hood; On a crossed face, instead of mustache and beard, rare gray hair grew separately; The eyes were white, like a blind man, and there was always moisture in them, like not cooler tears. "

Many location is paid to the details in the description of the Yushka: Hands, Food, Clothing, Eyes.

Eyes - Soul Mirror. Crying soul. We are compassioned to the soul, we love, hate, mindfulness.

And the table is more than modest:i did not drink tea, I did not receive sugar.

Who can remember when and what about even the item with tea and sugar pop up?

(Parents suffered children for disobedience, saying: "Here you will be the same as the Yushka! ... You will be tormented, and you will not drink tea with sugar, but one water!")

And where else?

"Swimming, passerby with the force of anger pushed the jewel in the chest, and he fell back.

  • Rest, - said passersogue and left hometo drink tea .

- What does it say?(about indifference)

What does it mean for the inhabitants of the village? How do you think about it?

Tea with sugar is "full", "normal", "respectable life", life as the peak of all the dreams and aspirations of people,

and he is a healthy assistant at the main blacksmith, and he performs the work imperceptible to prying eyes, although necessary.

For many years we carry out without shifts the same clothes resembling a rubbish.

- Why was there a little power in his hands "?

He was seriously ill tuberculosis.

He is the first in the morning goes to the forge and the last one leaves for the night, so the old men and the old women do the beginning and the end of the day.

But in Yushka there was something that people do not know. - - -What do people know about him? How did you ever see it?

1. Clean (Aside by people, he is transformed. We see him merry and happy, open to the surrounding nature. "Good man - brother of all the creatures."

2. Consider ( Yushka gives his love to the girl-Syrote, helps her, refuses himself in many ways, only that she had everything could learn and live in prosperity. That's where it disappears every time.)

Why do people be so cruel to Schuke, although he claims in a conversation with the daughter of the Blacksmith Dasha Reverse: "Me, Dasha, people love!"

Is it so? What does he answer to his offenders? Who is right?

These questions arise before us when reading the story. To answer these questions, opening the mystery of Yushki, let's work in groups.

(The class is divided into four groups, and each group works with their questions to individual text episodes).

I Group - Meeting Yushki with children


(What they were doing?

How did they behave?)

Yushka (what did you do? What did you feel?)

... stopped playing, fled, shouted

... raised branches and threw ...

... sucked again, threw, touched and pushed

... again pushed and chose

... stronger pushing ... shouted around the jushia

... did it too hurt


... did not answer anything and was not offended

... walked quietly and did not cover the face

... walked and silent

... did not touch and did not answer



And now, guys, on sheets in the tablewe write a peculiar table of behavior, and most importantly - feelings, the condition of heroes.

(Let's see through the document-camera) Protection 1 group

In the "psychological duel", children and Jushni behave in different ways, and the conclusion is the same - rejoiced.What is the name of the literary reception, which indicates opposite qualities, signs? Antitz in the behavior of heroes

What attracts children to Sushka?

How does Yushka respond to their cruelty? Offendedis he on them? Why?

(Thrown stones in it, shout, with blows. Moves the children is not malicious and not hatred, they are waiting for a natural reaction from a person - evil respond to evil. Evil for children - this is the source of joy and fun. They want him "to" responded to them Evil and cheered them. "He believed that they needed them, love for him is a source of people to each other).

Why children who are just starting to live, and therefore should not yet learn evil and hatred,torzay Jushia? What do they expect from him?(The children were surprised that he was not angry, does not close his face, does not scold, does not answer them. They wanted to pour out, eave him.)

How do you understand the word "torment"?

(Subscribe synonyms:torment, mock, notic, tyry)

Why? (The children were pleased that you can do everything you want. Yushka believed that the children love him, but do not know what to do for love, so and torment him).

What does Yushni appear in front of you? What about children?

(Yushka is kind, patient. Children are evil, cruel, coarse).

Group II - Meeting Yushki with adults.


(Viewing through the document) Protection 2 groups

Why do they treat him so much?

Because he is not like that.

What does Yushni meet them?

(Silence demoloses all insults. An example from the text. Yushka follows the Christian commandment. In response to the blow will substitute his cheek.

Why are their hearts filled with fastened raid at the sight of Yushka?

They do not know how to love. Can not forgive him that he is not like them.

What feelings do you have adults in the story? They are disgusting, very cruel people.

  • Can a person get her anger, anger on another person?

Retelling of the dialogue of the Yushki and the daughter of the Blacksmith. (SHORT)

What happened? What does Yushka say in this conversation?

Yushka does not understand, "Why should he die if he was born to live."

Do you agree with the thought of Yushka?

Work with illustration.

Feeling taking place even more helps illustration of an artist to the story.

What episode is depicted on it?

What do you feel when you see shown?

Output :

It is impossible to put myself one person above the others, no one has the right to judge other people for dissolutely, especially to mock and kill.

III group - Yushka and nature.

Prepare an expressive reading of nature description, think about questions:

How does this episode help us understand the image of the Yushka?

Does he complement what we already know the hero about this?

How does Yushni change on the background of nature?

Like everyone living, he wants love and sympathy, but finds them only in the world of nature, and not among people. People just sweat, reproach for unrequited nonsense and torment him.

Having left away from people, Jushia is transformed. He will open the world: the fragrance of herbs, the voice of the rivers, the singing of birds, merry beetles, dragonfly, grasshoppers - lives with one breath, one lively joy with this world.

IV Group - Yushka and "Cheerful Passenger".

Prepare reading on roles.

How to welcome passenger jushno?

"At least you died", instead of "Hello." "Would be fun without you, otherwise I'm afraid to miss."

how But you can contact a person with the wish of death? Is it not cruelty?

People are afraid of boredom, time when they remain alone with themselves, with their conscience that gives them.

How did the passers around Jushno? (Yurozhny) What does the word Yurodny mean?

"The obedients considered God's people, but at the same time teased and humiliated." "Jewish at life beat, he died of beatings, but everyone who knew him came to the body of the deceased."

Yuro "Wild and (region) Yurody" New, Aya.

  1. Stupid, eccentric, insane ..
  2. Christian ascetic-madman or acting a madman and possessing, according to believers, the gift of privacy

What prevented Yushka "Merry Pale"?

"And what am I to you, what I bother you! ... without me too, it means that it is impossible! I put my parents to live, I was born according to the law, I also need the whole world ... "

  • Why for the first time Yushka "stood", and not angry? Maybe it was not necessary to be angry?

Yushka can not be angry, he is very kind. He sawing something for the first time. It was necessary to dry out, it is impossible to be silent all the time!

So, Yushka and he could not be angry, did not know how to be kind, with a soft heart.

- Remember, reading the lines describing the appearance of the Yushka, we heard such words: "He had white eyes, like a blind man." The blind man who saw everything saw the heart.

How can I call such an all-seeing heart? (Severie heart)
And the inhabitants of the town? After all, they are in vain, but what is their heart? (Blind heart) Yushka- "Slept" with a moay of heart, residents of a blind heart. Because they do not see a genuine juice, everyone considers himself to reproach him for "unrequited nonsense", throw a stone in it (in the literal sense of the word), severely wander into the word.

Find how Yushya speaks about human hearts?

Does he call the heart of cruel somewhere?

"The people love me without a concept, the heart in people happensblind.

What does the blind heart mean?

Sometimes a person is not thinking about what he creates evil.

I offer you a game called "cluster". Its essence is that the main concept is similar in meaning, synonyms.

Choose a word to the recorded concept that you would be able to explain the meaning of the "blind heart"


Cruelty indifference

related selfish


Such qualities had people surrounding Yushka. But he forgive them.
"The blind heart" happens in a person who is not able to understand the other, sacrificing himself, to do good or even notice him, loving only himself, not experiencing pity and compassion to others.

But Yushka died ...
- What happened after the death of Yushka? Have people understood that in relation to Sushka did wrong?

(They all came to the funeral, asked for forgiveness from Yushka and ... Forgotten !!!)

It was worse to live without a jushia. Why?
("Now all the anger and mockery remained among people and spent between them, because there were no Yushki, lawlessly tolerant of anyone else's evil, fierce, mockery and misfortune").

So, the rights was Yushka, when he said that people love him, without understanding how he needed him?
(Yes, right. He was wiser them).

They say: "Good comes from the good ...".

But it turns out that evil won? After all, Yushka died? (Not).
- How can you continue the quotation "good from good comes ..."? (EVERYTHING DEPENDS ON US)

Of course, it all depends on us, as in one eastern parable. I suggest you listen to her.

Eastern parable "All in your hands"

"This story occurred a long time ago. One sage lived in the ancient city, the fame of which was held throughout the city. But in this city there lived an evil person who envied his glory. And he decided to come up with such a question so that the sage could not answer him.

He went to the meadow, caught a butterfly, squeezed her between closed palms and thought: "I'll say, I: oh, the wisest, what my butterfly is lived or dead? If he says that the dead, I will break the palms - the butterfly will fly away, and if he says - Living, I will Summary Palm, and the butterfly will die. Then it becomes clear which of us is wiser. "

So the envious and did, caught a butterfly, put it between the palms, went to the sage and asked him: "What is my butterfly - live or dead?"

But the sage replied: "Everything is in your hands."

Do you agree guys that everything depends on us?

What feelings caused your story?

However, the story causes not only a sense of pity, but also a perturbation of that cruel reality, people (children and adults), which are not available such elementary and necessary feelings like compassion, kindness.

Why do you think the most important thing about Yushka learned after his death?

Output. In life it often happens: when we lose a person, only then we are aware of how great and heavy loss.

A. Platonov, undoubtedly, loves his hero, regrets him, but leaves us, readers, the right to draw conclusions themselves. Write a writer could change a lot in the story of the story. But even at the same time, the tragic finals of A. Platonov retains faith in the victory of humanity over inhumanity.

So, in your opinion, is the author in the work of "Yushka" try to convey to us?
A. Platonov teaches us pity and compassion, he teaches us to love and respect the person, empathize with him and help him. And to see in every person equal to yourself, to understand him and love.

Yushka died, but importantly, that he left behind. He handed his strength, the life of the girl who sees the debt to increase good on Earth.

What is the most important topic raisesA.P.Platonov?

Theme of mercy, compassion for people, good.
- And how do you understand the meaning of wordsmercy, sympathy, compassion, evil, good.
Sympathy is sorrowing a man, compassion for him, to see in every equal one, to understand him.

Work with the statements of famous people. (slide)

The problem of respect, compassion, empathy, love for man has always been very sharp, and many great people appeal to her.

- Read the proposed spellings and try to choose the most suitable for the topic of our lesson workshop. Prove.

Respect in yourself and other human personality.
DI. Pisarev

Than a man smarter and kinder, the more he notices good inpeople.
B. Pascal

Great souls suffer from suffering silently.
F. Shiller

Do not be indifferent, for the indifference is deadly for the soul of man.
M Gorky

"Old wisdom says: do not cry about the dead - we are crying about the soul and conscience."
V. Rasputin

"Love your neighbor, like yourself."

Let's go back to the beginning of our conversation. So how can we formulate the topic of our lesson?

I suggest that formulate: "Great Power of Good".Do you agree with me? Okay. Thank you.


Summing up our dialogue, I want you to understand that good germinates and gives its fruits. "So every kind brings and good fruits," the gospels says. Do not be blind, have a greasy heart, do not forget that there are people near you who need your help, your participation, compassion and sympathy.

BUT for goodbye I want to tell you a lot thank you for work. You have well shown that such moral values, as good, understanding, mercy are understandable to you, I was pleased to communicate with you.

For the soul I give you a poem.

Sums overcome obstacles

And pain and ghost success.

Live without requiring award

For your act for all.

Still sadness the world is cut

The smell is threatened by trouble,

You must be someone needed

Always - like bread or water.

Be kind of habit

Not by calculation. Come true

At least a little cinema -

Let her from the cage swell.

Creative work (Home or in time)

  • Let's be fantasized. Think and draw how the heart of the Yushka will look. Select associations. (Students choose the associations, someone has a heart in the form of a flower, someone in the form of stars, etc.) Discuss in the group.
  • Now let's pick up the color in which you would paint the heart of the Yushka.

For example:

love for nature -green;

love to motherland -red;

love for living -yellow;

Love for people -orange . )

  • Try to portray the heart of the Yushka, filling it with different colors. The main thing in this work is not beautifully drawn, but try to portray your own idea.
  • Completing of the work.

(Show through the document-camera).

Creative homework.

Our streets are still full of lonely old people, by which they are indifferent to "beautiful clean people", "removing in their important and happy business", do not hear anxious and rare hearts of the hearts of those who need care so much and heat, and sometimes just View and kind word ...