Phorum What do in the gallery. How to put your job in the art gallery

Phorum What do in the gallery. How to put your job in the art gallery
Phorum What do in the gallery. How to put your job in the art gallery

Visit nearby galleries and explore which of them work, similar to your style. As a rule, the exhibition organizers adhere to a specific genre - take advantage of this. Pay attention to what the work of the Gallery expert commission preferred. Think over your style, genre and direction. Ask yourself: "Do my work like them?"

Demonstrate the beneficial differences of your works from other artists. This will require a certain smelling: with all the similarity of styles, your works should be distinguished from the works of competitors. Do not forget that the organizers of the exhibitions, first of all, business people will not risk.

Visit the opening of the exhibition (usually they pass every Thursday evening) in order to establish connections with representatives of art business. Demonstrate your passion and skill. Show interest and awaken interest in your work.

Submit an application for participation in the premium. This will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your creativity to the experts in the art of the art, and even in case of loss you still declare yourself.

Feed yourself from attempts, pre-doomed to failure, - Avoid participation in paid exhibitions and contests. Most often it is just a collection of money for any artistic community or art gallery. Similar shares, as a rule, do not contribute to professional and creative development. On the contrary, the mark of participation in such an event can spoil your resume. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules. One of them is the place of your residence. In most cases, come around them. Avoid art salons requiring payment for your participation in the show or organization of an individual exhibition. No self-respecting gallery will be engaged in this.

Send an email request to an art salon or a gallery, wherever you want to be exhibited. Try to provide as many samples of your work, sketches, as well as information about your work, give a link to a personal website or blog, describe your creative concept. Many exhibition organizers prefer to collect information about the artist before presenting his work to the general public.

Create an online gallery. It can be placed in the work of local artists, as well as masters who are creating in one with you.

Become a member of the collective exhibition. As a rule, only a membership fee is needed to participate in such an exposition, samples of your work and your creative summary. In addition, collective exhibitions do not oblige you to one-sided cooperation and do not take a commission from selling your work. Participation in it will give you strength and confidence in achieving the goal.

Contract with gallery. So, you were fortunate enough to cooperate with galleries or artistic salon. An important condition for cooperation is a contract. Usually galleries take commissions from the cost of sold works, as they are your representatives, and not by buyers. Make sure that the amount charged to the Commission is clearly registered in the contract, usually it is 20% -50%. Despite this, the gallery is advantageous to overestimate the cost of paintings, since their income directly depends on this. Carefully examine the contract, one of the mandatory conditions may be the sale and demonstration of your work solely in this gallery.

I just do not understand these doubts, they are mostly groundless, at the expense of anatomy and base, I would have drew curves abstract drawings, and I would say: "You do not know anatomy." But here in my work is not to see that everything is both base and anatomy, let in some moments extended, but not rejecting, and say that I don't know anything that I have the same drawings, not the same color and in general. You see because I just do not draw plot lines, but by images, it is stupid to judge only because of this. Apparently they think that they can sit here and easily judge my work here, although they are probably not the highest masters, whom they put as an example to learn from these old masters. I would understand if they said that my works are rejected, strange, by the atmosphere and color. Yes, I can still take it, but neither what the color is well developed here, the base, anatomy or something else.

Yes, in the technique of your case, in the technique, you did not have a base, yes, something you learned, but the foundations of the picture did not have it, you ignore it, continue to draw, convincing yourself in some kind of own uniqueness.

Well, in my work there can be no knowledge of anatomy, etc. Ahah Another thing is their stylization. My color, my stylistics, and yes I do not say that I have a unique style. Where did you invent it, why do you think you can think about me and talk? And the fact that I have my own unique style, have already said other people long ago, I did not say and I'm not going to say this: "Look at me, I have a unique style" ahah, but I told it. There is no current that I don't have to smoke, I never submitted my work, I only protect them if on that there is a reason from insults, but if there is a tactful criticism, and not just "you don't know anything," then I thank this person. Therefore, it would be better for you, if you do not know the person who write it all.

Thank you! It is not easy to develop, I will bring something new, experimenting, experimenting. I do not have that story, which is in these Avard works, and what. I have a slightly different look, but my work is not the same type, they are different, let them look like, but this is an illusion, because the color is still different in every work, how not to twist, let it not be drastically, but it is not necessary when You work in your stylization, this is when you draw for someone for someone, to order, there is another question. I do not draw plots as the rest, but by images, moments, frames. And many masters did so, and it is impossible to judge for it. Some paints with plots, others, others are generally squares. Yes, I work in my manner, and let them say what they want. Yet in my works more stateness, I put more souls than it is in all great and not always, drawn by thewords. The main thing is by the technique, also the soul. And here, in all galleries it will almost won't see it, and I have a soul in works, but I appreciate only the main technique.
But it seems to me that those gentlemen who wrote to me and who support the view that I can't do anything, it is unlikely that you can repeat at least one, even my last, work. Recreate from the head those images that I have, which not everyone will come up with. Thank you for your attention to my work!

To view photos on Android smartphones, a gallery of images is used. Standard Gallery supports such formats as: JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP and WEBP. But often, users are not enough functions of the standard gallery. If you need additional image viewing modes, reading metadata, support for cloud services and other functions Tom you can always install an alternative image gallery. In this article we will tell about the best of them.


  • For those of you who have a large collection of photos on cloud services, the best solution will be the installation of a multiplatform viewer JustPictures! This is a long-lived application that has been used on smartphones operating on Android 1.5, you can apply to view local images (in the device's memory or on the memory memory), as well as on those stored on: Tumblr, Onedrive, Flickr, Deviant Art , Smugmug
  • After installing the program and its first launch, an interface will open in which you can add image storage locations. With the second and subsequent launches of the program on the master interface, the default photo will be shown in chronological order. But, the display mode can be changed by name, tags and file size
  • Tags for photos can be prescribed manually both individually and packet. You can add date, geometry and other data to photos.
  • In the gallery JustPictures! The developer was able to make enough comfortable file management. When highlighting the photo, the context menu is opening where you can select the delete, moving, tag editing functions, etc. In addition to basic actions with files, they can be sent to friends by email and MMS. But, today, it is unlikely that someone will use these functions if there are messengers
  • It is well implemented synchronization with "clouds" and pictures hosting. Directly from this application you can search for photos by tags, name
  • Unlike other galleries and file managers in JustPictures! You can not highlight the file shortcut with a long press. When downloading a photo to your accounts, the program itself will be able to track updates and index new files.
  • JustPictures app! This is a simple and convenient image gallery with the ability to integrate with cloud services. But, at the time of writing this review, the application Find on Play Market failed. Although on third-party directories it is present

  • Unlike JustPictures! QuickPic Gallery in Play Market is present. And, as rating shows, is one of the most popular utilities for smartphones and tablets on Android. This application easily combines the organizer and image editor. And that today is very important, it has synchronization with cloud services
  • The QuickPic application supports standard image files, gif animation and video files. In the view mode, you can select the display of the list, grid and in the form of a gallery. In this application, a very convenient conductor, thanks to which to manage its photobibece very easily and conveniently
  • An excellent QuickPic feature is to hide unused images. Initially, after indexing, this gallery will show all the images. If you do not want the cover of music albums, books and some other images of them can be simply disabled
  • If you have a very large file library, so that the application works quickly and without hang in the settings you can activate the cache for the preview of the pictures. In order to protect personal information on media files, you can install a password. After that, they will be hidden from the overall access. But, you need to understand that if this application is removed from the device's memory, the hidden files will become newly visible to everyone who gets access to the device.
  • In QuickPic, you can view EXIF-information (geometry, format, etc.), and some data (date, etc.) can be edited.
  • In this alternative image gallery, you can sort, rename, copy and move files. It is possible to create folders and work with them, as well as the file transfer function via Wi-Fi
  • All popular Google Drive, Flickr, Dropbox, Onedrive and Google Photo are supported from cloud services and photochostins. But there is no simple integration with social networks at the moment in QuickPic

  • In the F-Stop Media, you can display photos on the screen, an extended list, a grid, or large miniatures. Sort photos in this application can be implemented by name and date. If folders are displayed, then by the number of images in them
  • An excellent feature of the F-Stop Media Gallery is the creation of "smart" albums. To do this, you can select the folders to be combined into the album. You can add and delete subdirectories inside folders, as well as combine photos by date, tags and other parameters
  • As in QuickPic, this application has the File Protection feature. Using the password, you can apply a ban on folder display. But, separately, it is impossible to disable files. Yes, and defense, gently say, very unsteady. When you delete the folder application again become visible
  • In F-Stop Media Gallery, you can perform standard operations on files: removal, copying, etc. With long pressing, you can activate batch operations.
  • There is no own image editor in this gallery. But it can be used as a shell for other programs. Including external editors

  • This Specialized Alternative Gallery for Android will allow you to store your photos with the protection of the 128-bit AES encryption. Also the protective function of the application is the automatic transition to sleep mode in the absence of activity.
  • Hidden using this application files will not be available through the main gallery. And in order to unlock them, you need to go to the Secure Gallery - Gallery Lock and remove the password from the files. But, as in the case of other alternative galleries when uninstallation of the application, protected photos are again visible through the main gallery.
  • In the rest, except for protection of files, the functionality of this gallery is quite limited. It is possible to view photos, and on this, perhaps, everything. Move, delete and copy files.

Gallery KK - Gallery ICS

Application Gallery KK - Gallery ICS This is an improved version of the Android Kitkat standard gallery. The main feature of this gallery is the built-in photo editor with the possibility of overlapping fast filters. In addition, in such an editor, you can cade the image and turn it. It is possible to draw and trim the video.

Gallery KK - Gallery ICS is well implemented sorting images on albums, metategams, geotechnos, etc.

Another alternative gallery in which many interesting features are implemented: File sharing, photo organizer, personalization, etc. The main function of Myroll is the "moments" show, that is, the withdrawal of photos by date. At the same time, such "moments" can be edited, apply covers to them, export to Facebook, sending by email, etc.

Cyanogen Gallery.

For lovers of all sorts of "frills" will have to taste Photo Gallery 3D & HD. This three-dimensional alternative gallery for devices on the Android operating system has a multitude of interactive features. It supports many formats, including those that are not supported by the kernel of the operating system.

In the editor of this gallery, you can cut and rotate the image. But, the rest of the functionality of the Photo Gallery 3D & HD application is not very rich.


The main features of the viewer of images and video Piktures is a great support for gestures. Also, the user can change the size of images and sort photos to folders. It is worth noting and pin out images with a vertical rewind. Photos can be displayed in time or by shooting locations.

Images can be sent to your Facebook and WhatsApp accounts, as well as by Gmail mail. The built-in editor is not provided, but the application supports external image editors.

Video. QuickPic - Android Gallery

Look At Me continues to talk about young heroes that achieve something themselves. Today in the category « Personal experience » Gallery Coordinator « Room » Julia Yusma tells how she began to engage in gallery. How many problems create a rent gallery how to make an exhibition of a young artist and come up with a project within the framework of Biennale - we will talk about all this In an interview with Julia for Look At Me.

Julia Yusma, Photographer and coordinator gallery "Room"

What do you have to do with art? How did you get to the gallery?

In general, I am a photographer, but now I am doing a little photo. A year and a half ago, I moved to Moscow from St. Petersburg and was looking for an interesting job, and Alexei Tregubov, a theater artist working at the modern play school, looking for an assistant. We met in time, and so I became an assistant theatrical artist. When I came, it turned out that Alexey, by this moment, I just turned the former theatrical foyer in the gallery space - painted the walls, bought a good light, so I quickly turned into an assistant in the assistant gallery. In St. Petersburg, I worked in the "Footage" with Nadi Sheremetova - helped to make exhibitions, seminars, a portfolio revival. There, by the way, I visited the course of Lisa Fetisovoy about gallery business is a big luck, because you have at least some formation of a gallery or curator in Russia there is no place.

Now modern art is like a photo of five years ago, when the boom happened and everyone took up the cameras

In general, the profession of gallery is unpredictable. Emmanuel is distant, for example, without special education worked in different galleries, then decided to open his own, he had only twenty thousand euros for the whole thing. He put up young and interesting authors with a small popularity, turned up with connections and so built a relationship that he was able to put Damien Hirst. Or Mennur Camel, who flew without money at all in Tokyo to Nobuezi Araki, then the star, but who had not yet had a representative in Europe, and spread such a red track in front of him that he had provided his work to him and they had been collaborating for ten years. These are all stories about the fact that it is very important to be brave and be able to communicate, and with everyone. Inspires what someone does everything like that from scratch and do it yourself, when you risk yourself for myself and you do not intend my mistakes.

Now modern art is like a photo of five years ago, when the boom happened and all took up the cameras. There is an active movement in this area, and there are a lot of such people around me - my husband is studying in Rodchenko on multimedia, friends are somehow connected with exhibition activities. I am not art historian, not a critic and not a journalist and I do not try to pretend to be perfect in contemporary art - there are curators for this. My task is to understand the environment itself and be able to work with it. Invent which people to connect with each other and what conditions to offer them so that they can cool work and do something interesting.

Any exhibition is at least twenty-five thousand rubles, a few days of searching for the necessary paper in printing houses and mountains of nerves

I do not know how it happens in large galleries, but in the "room" the responsibility to shift not to whom - you answer everything yourself, and you should always be prepared for what your initial idea in the process of incarnation will turn into something else. Of course, working in the gallery is very interesting, but if you are going to go somewhere where you plan to communicate with artists all the time, go to the workouts and engage in pleasant and easy business, it is worth thinking twice. It is necessary to cope with a bunch of banal technical work. When the viewer enters the ordinary hall with white walls, on which pictures in a neat passecut are hung, he does not know that any exhibition is at least twenty-five thousand rubles, a few days of searching for the desired paper in the printing houses and the mountains of the nerves.

Preparation of the exhibition Maxim Chem

How did the gallery itself appear and how is it arranged from the inside?

The gallery opened Alexey. When I came, we had a name, walls and light. I found a designer who made us a corporate identity, started the social network. Experience in this area we have both, strictly speaking, almost no, but it was a huge sincere desire to do this business. Our main feature is, of course, the situation in the theater. I do not know more such examples in anyone else or somewhere else. When we had an exhibition "Chaos theory" of French Medicators Electronic Shadow within the framework of Biennale and drove Peter Wibel, who has a gallery type of our type in the schedule, as I understood, usually allocated from about three to four minutes, I liked us. By the way, when you make a special project Biennale, no one, of course, does not warn you that Wibel will come to see. I was called by his assistant for fifteen minutes before the visit with the question "Where to park?". At that moment I was not at that theater at all and I woke up from this call - that is, it is clear that it was a panic. But the installation managed to turn on, he looked, and everything in the end was excellent. Then half the theater mastered the technique of its inclusion - and there it was necessary to run the smoke car in a certain sequence, wind fruit, computer, projector.

I was called by the Assistant Curator Biennale Waibel 15 minutes before the visit with the question "Where to park?"

Thanks to the theater, we have resources - the room and the workers we have theatrical, which greatly facilitates life. We are delivered from the main problem of small galleries who need to survive in constant battles with rent. Another point is our public, these are mostly theatrical viewers. We have a rather big passability, a person is fifty-hundred per evening, because the "room" is the place where all the audience go in the intermission, not counting those who coming in the gallery during the day when there are no performances. In many ways, therefore, we try to make projects for which there is no need for deep special education or a multi-stage explanation. We strive for a person to get into the "room", saw some such works, so exhibited so that it in itself was impressed by him and inspired.

Where do you get money for the gallery?

Of course, we buy all materials yourself, and printing or production, if necessary, we also pay for yourself - the theater does not sponsor the gallery. Sales occur, but so far very rare, at first it was literally money from Alexey's pocket. In general, it is somehow not accepted in Russia - to discuss what how much it costs, and call prices, as well as to praise sales (although they are, in general, indicator of the success of gallery players), whereas in Europe it is all considered normal. We are not aimed at sales to sell, in the sense it's not the main vector - although they, of course, are needed, because we need a budget for the exhibition - on any, no matter how it looks like it looks like. Why do we so can exist? Because we are still theatrical workers on the salary. Gallery is our initiative in addition to basic posts and our Addition to theater. Everything we do is to coordinate, and the duties of all people working here, gallery affairs are not included - so we try to do everything at the maximum on your own.

"Theory of Chaos" in this regard was good luck - we met with the wonderful Catherine Iraqi (Gallery "Iragi"), which also works in France, and in Russia, and she suggested that we are partitioned. She found artists and sponsors: here we were very lucky because the questions of sponsorship is for us while the dark forest.

Exposition of the exhibition "Chaos Theory"

How much time you need to come up with and implement the exhibition?

First we find the artist, then we will contact him and begin negotiations, as soon as something has been evaporated - we meet. We select a curator, familiar with the artist, all together coordinate the details and we refine (and sometimes we build from scratch), in fact, the exhibition project. Then the production stage is already beginning - ordering printing, passecut, weighing, objects. With objects again helps what we live in the theater. In the Bout Facial Work iron construction for the installation of the "chaos theory" on which a heavy projector was held. It is difficult for me to be honest, to imagine something that would be able to build in our workshop. Alexey, for example, for the play "Bear" came up with ice furniture, which was supposed to melt during the presentation, and when consultation was required, from the production workshop, they called the Museum of Ice Sculptures, where they were told that what they had already done, actually It is impossible, so you can hardly help. Then one of these ice sculptures is a melting Vienna chair - was exhibited in MMI. What brings us to a conversation that Alexey is a theater artist, but he still does something for himself, and there are many such artists. We are now planning to make an exhibition of another theater artist who honestly says: I have a material, but I don't know how to merge all this, make a project from this. And here we turn on.

If the artist tells us that I would like to give an elephant, we are given this elephant if possible

We strive to remain such a loyal platform - we do not want to be one of those galleries that asks to enlarge Swarovski crystals installation to sell it more expensive. I don't go into the soul of the work, we work with this very carefully and respect the artist - well, and our conscience remains clean. If the artist would tell us that I would like to bring an elephant, we bring it to this elephant. Now, for example, we made an exhibition of the work of Alexey itself - these are big canvases with gray backgrounds, and we also repainted the walls in gray. Perhaps you will have to repaint them in the near future, and then quickly return to the white for the next exposure, and I don't even know how much the white paint layers do.

How did you promote the gallery and made it famous?

We went the standard way - began to raise all your personal contacts and communicate with journalists and critics. After we declared a little about themselves, made three or four events, people somehow began to find us. All this is still going through social networks - we did not even feel the need to make the site, and now we do it, because he has become needed.

Usually you will post everywhere event, call people interesting to you and invite them to discovery, go to auctions, uprisites, exhibitions, get acquainted with people, and they will know about you. I do not know where artists began to leave for us, but now we come quite a lot of letters with suggestions. Previously, we started to engage in the next exhibition approximately when you opened the current, now we have a plan for three or four exhibitions forward. The first responses were perceived as a victory, now it's not so surprising. There are proposals from buyers - their little, but they are, and all this, of course, mostly dating.

Expositions of exhibitions in the gallery "Room"

Gallery can be a successful enterprise? And is it important at all in the case of a gallery?

Success is a very relative phenomenon. Public and internal success for the gallery are completely different things, one thing - when all Moscow goes to you on the discovery, the other - who works with you. In this plan, Vaibel's praise is the best assessment, because the project with the Gallery "Iragi" is for us - this is something at the level above, and I want to not reduce the bar. Not in the sense to bring only famous artists, but to make good projects for which there would be no shame. For us, success is probably not a generally accepted definition: in standard conditions the gallery is successful when it continues to exist for a long time, because it is really difficult. For us, success is a response, we can afford to immediately pay attention to this, because we are not dependent on the lease.

Once I almost agreed to deliver the bath from Yoshkar-Ola

Which of the exhibitions invented by you is especially the road?

The first, it was the exhibition MAMA PAPA DADA of the young collage of Maxim Chem. He came up with put in the center of the hall of the bath, in which there was a handset with a read text with a musical substrate, which he himself wrote, bulk box on the walls, where it was necessary to look to watch the work, a wooden staircase, continuing a paper collage. We all confused it, and until the last moment I did not believe that everything is true and will be how he conceived. And it was exactly what we wanted, interesting, alive. Then I faced the fact that the artist who never exhibited brings you a mountain of truly interesting material, and you should choose something from it. Here the last word was for Alexey, whose much more experience, he removed the hard hand. As a result, half of the fact that we have prepared for the wrestle, because we had to break between the desire to show all the cool and task to make a meaningful, one-piece exhibition project.

This, of course, everything was fun: I, for example, almost agreed on the delivery of a bath from Yoshkar-Ola, because the announcement on the Internet was not signed. For a while I drove the mounts, because six people laughed in the theater as a result of this bath in the theater, where she was solid stairs and curtains, and she was cast iron and weighed a hundred kilos. More music, which from this tube sounded, played from my iPoda - and then in the theater there was a children's performance, and the iPod disappeared. It was a pity - in my opinion, this is a worthy disappearance.

Interview - Naila Golman

Friends, colleagues!
As with every self-respecting forum, we open the gallery.
As the name follows, in the gallery you can post photos and even the video of your best works!

Spoilertarget "\u003e. Spoiler: Hyde to work with the gallery. Click me.

Loading restrictions for all users, except those who are included in the Master group, are:
10 megabytes of free space on our hosting, the maximum size of the 1MB file and the maximum resolution of the snapshots 1600 * 1200. A files with the extension JPG, PNG and GIF are accepted.
And the most important rule: One work is one, the best, photo.

The gallery is open to everyone, but the forum team reserves the right to refuse to publish photos of your posted photos. For example, because your photos are too dark or fuzzy, or pressed against the background of your favorite wallpaper. What to find faith we always find

Now about the most pleasant!
In order to start working with the gallery, it is enough to loose, create a diorama or paint something delightful, take a picture of it, go to the forum and click on the "Gallery" button, it is in the upper right corner of the screen.
Everything is very simple.

When entering the gallery, we are of course the first thing we see photos of the works placed in it and, attention!
Large "Add Media" button!
So she looks like, you can see for yourself.

We are transferred to the next tab with a slight movement, simply put on the button, do not hesitate.
Do you have something to show? If not, not trouble, everything is ahead.

Next point. Before us a bookmark with a choice of two options

  1. download file (s) to one of the appropriate categories (sculpture, painting, diorama ...)
  2. or create an album and download files to it

Category Hard restricts your choice.
In the album you can publish the work of a different plan in one place.

Poke the mouse in the green circle, top or bottom and choose the desired menu
I, for example, chose the category "Sculpture".

On the Many Useful Information tab, you can survive ...

To download masterpieces, we have two options, download the file from the computer, or use the third-party hosting and inserting the link to the "Load the image" field to click on the plus.
And then, in one way or another, we get to the next page.

By the way! If you use the second loading method, you can bypass our limit on the download, which in truth is only good, the truth is the security of the entire file and completely will be on the conscience of the hosting, the services of which you took advantage.
I can recommend

We continue the excursion!

I choose the "Download image from a computer", after standard action on the selection of pictures,
And confirming your choice, we fall on the next page.

In the field highlighted in green, you need to enter the name of the photo, in a blue field - its description.
Click on the "Save Media" button. And ...!

Under the photos of work there is a tab "Edit fields and tags".
There you can describe your work in more detail, choose the scale, genre and so on.

If you did not fill out this tab, the "Information" field looks like this.

And after filling

And one more pleasant opportunity, a small icon of the camera appeared in the message editor tab.
By clicking on it, you can insert any photo downloaded by you in the gallery.

And the last, when loading multiple files, it is possible to automatically enter them
title and Description, for this serve two fields above the downloaded image.

That's all, pleasant work.

Questions, suggestions and wishes for the work of the gallery you can write in this topic.