Description of the forest in the picture Vasnetsova Alenushka. Picture Vasnetsova "Alenushka"

Description of the forest in the picture Vasnetsova Alenushka. Picture Vasnetsov
Description of the forest in the picture Vasnetsova Alenushka. Picture Vasnetsova "Alenushka"

Essay in the picture V.M. Vasnetsova "Alyonushka"

Completed in the thicket of sunshine.

Gloomy forest around the wall.

Hanging Alyonushka:

How now she live alone?

There is no cute mother with her,

Neither the mother-in-law ...

Tears dripped on pebbles

At the forest lake.

Who dispel the Duma bitter

Who will help her in trouble? ..

Only reed one with me

Reflected in water.

And the birthmark of Kidka

All sadness and saddess.

Sorry, not knowing Alyonushka,

Muses the happiness of the maiden

And love will find ...

Oh, how fun to hope

Knowing a fairy tale

    Artist V.M.vasnetsov and his paintings.

    Alyonushka description (posture, appearance, clothing, face).

    Nature sympathizes Alyonushka.

    What techniques and means allowed the artist to express the content of the picture?

    How do I relate to the picture? (What did you like and why, what makes the picture think about, what feelings cause?)

The painting "Alyonushka" testifies to Vasnets's huge love to his people.

E.I. Golubuva

Questions that will help prepare for the composition

Description of Alyonushka

    Who do you see in the center of the picture?

    Why Vasnetsov portrayed Alyonushka in the center, in the foreground of the picture?

    Where is Alyonushka?

    Describe the girl's pose.

    Why did she accept such a pose?

    What is Alyonushka mood?

    What do you think about the reason for the sadness of Alyonushka?

    What words can I describe the mountains of Alyonushka?

    With the help of what the artist showed that she has insufficient fate?

    How does Viktor Mikhailovich refer to his heroine?

    With what artistic techniques, the artist attracts attention to the face of Alyonushka?

Description of Nature (competing the main heroine)

    What can be said about Nature surrounding Alyonushka?

    Describe everything you see in the front and background.

    What time of year is depicted in the picture?

    What details about this testify?

    What do you think the artist chose autumn?

    With what funds, the artist showed that nature is sad with a poor girl?

    Who else in the picture sympathizes the grief of Alyonushka? Why do you think so?

    What paints the artist uses to create a sad, inconsolable mood?

Epitts for description

Alyonushka: Cute, lonely, depressed, silent, sad, pensive, sad, happily, barefoot, pronounced head, sad look, frozen posture, heavy fate, old torn sarafan, worn things, blossomed faded jacket.

Osinki: Pensive, thin, trembling, disturbing.

Water: Fixed, dark, frozen, cold.

Sky: Unlucky, dreary, dusk, gray, cloudy, nonlaskaya, gloomy.

Forest: sullen, dense, deaf, gloomy, mysterious.

Out: Deep, cold, dark, sad.

Paints: Yellow, dark green, brown, cold dark tones, neuropal, dull.

We use words

Nearby, away, on the right, left, close, at the top, here, in the foreground, in the background.

Write without speech repetition

Alyonushka, sister, heroine, she, girl, orphan.

Artist, painter, master brushes, landscape officer, author.

Create, write, depict, create.

Picture, canvas, reproduction, canvas, work, creation.

Brief information about the writer.

IN iTER Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926). Russian painter artist and architect, master of historical and folk painting. V. M, Vasnetsov was born in the village of Lopyal Vyatka province. His father, a priest, a passionate lover of nature, he instilled this feeling and his sons, future artists Viktor and Apollinaria.

The nature of the Vyatka Territory could not be loved, not to be attached to her with all my heart. From ornamental years I heard Vasnetsov epics and fairy tales about Russian heroes, broaching sad songs that girls sang. All this could not have an impact on the development of talent.

From 1868 to 1875 Vasnetsov studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. His first works were drawings and paintings on household topics. However, only in Moscow, he fully found himself as an artist. It was in Moscow that Vasnetsov worked on his well-known paintings: "Carrier", "Alyonushka", "Bogatyri", "Ivan-Tsarevich on a gray wolf", "Vityaz on the crossroads". In these paintings, the historical start and poetic fiction closely intertwined. Vasnetsov opened a rich and bright world of popular poetry images for Russian art.

I have always been convinced that [...] in fairy tales, song, epics, drama affects the entire whole appearance of the people, internal and external, with the past and present, and maybe the future.

V.M. Vasnetsov

Essay in the picture V.M. Vasnetsova "Alyonushka" (sample)*

The plot of "Alyonushka" is inspired by the artist of the Russian folk fairy tale about Sister Alyonushka and Bratz Ivanushka. In this picture, Vasnetsov showed us an image of a simple Russian girl, expressed his attitude towards her.

In the foreground, the artist depicted Alyonushka, who sits on a gray stone near a deep pool. She is very sad. Apparently, the girl will be sad about his heavy life, whips. Alyonushka is poorly dressed: it is an old sundress, a faded jacket, she barefoot.

Her face, though sad, but beautiful and kind. A quiet autumn nature complements the touching image of a peasant orphan girl. Sad froze around young birrors, aspen, ate. The tree is fragile and thin, as the heroine itself. They seem to protect it from the evil world. Nature is consonant with the mood of Alyonushka: it seems that it grieves together with the heroine.

A dark forest is reflected in deep waters. The yellowed leaves lie on the surface of the water motionless. There is neither a single ray of the sun in the forest, and there is nothing joyful and light on Alyonushka.

Coloring paintings emphasizes its sad content. It is not by chance that the artist resorts to the inhabitual deep tones of dark green, blue, yellow, red-brown colors of nature. In this modest color gamut Vasnetsov introduced other tones, contrasting. These are pink flowers on the sarafane, gentle blouse sweatshirts, juicy green juice. Bright tones enhance the emotional effects of the painting, it is better to help to understand the mood of the heroine.

The artist with great love showed us Alyonushka, her feelings. He believes in the future of the girl's happiness. Vasnetsov causes our picture to have sympathy for the fate of poor orphans. She touches us and worries, makes worrying along with the heroine.

"Alyonushka" is one of the first paintings in Russian art, where the poetry of people's fairy tales is inextricably merged with the poetry and incess of his native Russian nature.

* The essay does not write off (and do not retell in your own words - this is not a presentation).

Victor Vasnetsov is the most beautiful painter of the turn of the century, he successfully worked at the end of 19 - at the beginning of the 20th centuries, so the genre that he chooses was constantly changing. At first, these were the canvas in which their genre was more related to the domestic direction, then he switched to portraits, and only then switched to the interpretation of folk art, which he devoted all his remaining life. It happened after reading the artist of the epic and fairy tales, which were so badly struck by the artist that he decided to reproduce it all in his paintings.

It is known that the artist wrote his picture "Alyonushka" in 1881, the basis of which the events of the Russian folk fairy tale, which is known to everyone. Victor Vasnetsov was struck by a young girl who remained alone, without parents, continuing to raise his brother. His struck and its hardworking, and a sense of responsibility. Therefore, he decided to show the main character of the Russian folk fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka".

The girl artist placed on a central place in his picture. On Alenushka, wearing a simple, light and colorful dress. Beautiful and sad heroine lonely and sad sitting on a large gray stone. Hands she tightly wrapped her legs tightly. She has no shoes on her legs. The girl sadly lowered his head on his knees, her hair wavy and lightly managed to fasten and get out of the braid. The expression of the face of the hardworking heroine is good, but very sad, as the viewer sees and how widely and sad eyes are revealed, and slightly ripped her mouth, and the lips shake a little. The strongest longing and sadness is read throughout its adorable image.

Most likely, at that moment all her thoughts were about the brother, who got drunk from the puddle, without listening to the sister, and now he turned into a small and snow-white goat. Because of this, she is so sad and sad, because the girl does not know how to help him. And this image of sadness and sadness painter portrayed on the background of beautiful and early autumn. The girl sits on the banks of the river, so in the foreground shows the dark and fixed water of the river, on the calm stroy of which small yellow leaves float. The girl sitting on the stone, straight on the banks of the river looks into the water and clearly sees his image.

Next to Alyonushka in the water, high and slender replacements grow, whose leaves are thin and bright green. They stand in water and around where they do not look, everywhere rees. It can be seen that people practically do not come to this river in the forest. And just the girl who is going through his brother, came here by chance.

In the background of the painting, behind the girl, the dark forest is visible. It grows low-tight birches and oxides with subtle trunks. On the trees, the leaves are already starting to yellow and they, as if trying to hold the girl, are also sad and tremble from the lightweight breeze. On one, stronger branch, the poultry of birds. But they are also sad: they are sitting calmly, do not jump and do not frolic, as they usually make birds, do not hear their funny and perky songs.

A little further can be seen thick and impassable forest. This chapter cozy ate spruce, which are always green. And their dark color adds to the picture of Victor Vasnets even more sadness, sadness and even gloomy. All forest nature is in the tense period of wilting, as if she, like the heroine of the painting, sad. But not only the forest was grathed on the painting picture. Unsite and gray sky scares with their dark flowers. It does not break down the sun and will not even slip away and will not shine at least one small ray. Heavenly arch of gloomy and sealing.

The whole composition of Vasnetsi painting amazes with his uniform plan and what color gamut picks up the artist to display sadness and sadness in the life of the girl. All nature comongs her grief and tragedy along with her. But immediately, Viktor Mikhailovich enjoys both a contrast reception, as against the background of all this gloomy and dark nature, where various shades of green are mainly used, a girl stands out. For the image of her face, light and gentle, the painter used only bright paints.

The mood of the artist Vasnetsov is perfectly felt: he sympathizes Alyonushka and is experiencing for her destiny. The entire picturesque Vetsnets painting causes a sympathy and compassion for the Girl itself with a difficult fate. Sad and sadly look at the heroine of the picture, which fell into such a tragic situation, so I want to help her somehow help, remove all adversity and trouble from her life. The artist, using green colors, was able to make realism in his cloth. It seems that another moment and everything will be expensive in the picture: the forest is covered and starts to tremble with her leaves, and the girl suddenly revives, raises his head, look and asked help. This picture of the artist Viktor Vasnetsov was recognized as the best work.

Despite the fact that the most popular work Viktor Vasnetsova It was written on the reasons of the Russian folk fairy tale, picture "Alenushka" You can not call a simple illustration. The artist pursued a different goal - not so much to recreate the famous plot, how much to "revive" a fabulous character, make an image close and understandable, to organically enter into the environment, create a psychologically accurate portrait of the heroine.

Vasnetsov recognized the Roerich in the fact that "Alenushka" is his favorite work. He began writing a picture in the summer of 1881 in Akhtyrka, near Abramseva - the estates of Savva Mamontov, where the best artists were going to. And ended the work in winter in Moscow, where the artist often visited musical evenings from the Tretyakov - perhaps this is one of the reasons that the picture came out so lyric.

An old sundress with faded flowers, disheveled hair, hacked bare feet give out in Alyonushka not an abstract fairy character, but a completely real girl from the people. Although, in terms of face, many guess the similarity with the daughter of Savva Mamontov Vera - the very one that posed Serov for the "Girls with Peaches", all the other details indicate that the peasant was the prototype of the heroine. Vasnetsov saw her in Akhtyrka, where he was at that time.

This version is confirmed by the words of the artist himself: "The picture as if I lived in my head for a long time, but I really saw her when I met one proliferate girl. So much longing, loneliness and purely Russian sadness was in her eyes ... some special Russian spirit had sleigh from her. "

Initially, Vasnetsov called the picture "Festuric Alenushka", however, regarding the artist, there is nothing offensive or ironic to his heroin. The fact is that the word "foolish" in those times called yurodiv or orphans. Recall the fairy tale - after the death of parents, Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka remain alone, and desperate to find a naughty brother, Alenushka feels round orphans, lonely and abandoned. Some critics insisted that this is not a fabulous image, but the embodiment of the orphan shares of the poor peasants, which one could meet in every village.

The general mood of the artist creates with the help of accurate landscape details: a quiet autumn wilting nature, dark ohwow at the feet of Alenushka, muted tones, gray sky in clouds, fallen leaves on the shore and in water as if underline the longing and hopelessness on the face of the heroine. At the same time, the landscape cannot be called conditional or abstract - this is recognizable nature of the middle strip of Russia.

It was one of the first in the history of Russian painting of paintings, where the internal experiences of a person were transmitted through a finely reproduced state of nature. Given the fact that the picture was created based on fairy tales, it is quite justified - psychological parallelism is inherent in many works of oral folk art.

how will the fate of "Girls with Peaches" - Mammoth faith.

"Dead of antiquity of the deep" came to life thanks to Viktor Vasnetsov's brush. Bogati and princes went beyond book rows and illustrations. The artist grew up in the wilderness of the Ural forests on Russian fairy tales, which sounded under the crackle of Lucian. And already in St. Petersburg, childhood memories did not forget and suffered those magic stories to canvas. We consider fabulous canvases with Natalia Summer.


Bosy Propolitude girl on the shore of the forest river. With an incomprehensible sadness looks into the deep pool. The sad picture is inspired by a fairy tale about Sister Alyonushka and Bratz Ivanushka, and drawing a siroto from the peasant girl from the estate of Akhtydka, adding, as he confessed himself, the features of the mammoth confusion - the daughter of the famous Moscow patron. Girl sophisticated the nature of the nature, intertwining the poetry of popular ledges.

Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf

Grim Dark Forest. And the gray wolf is quite expected for such a thicket. Only instead of evil grinned human eyes from a predator, and there are two seats on it. Walking Ivanushka gently holds the submissive fate of Elena beautiful. We recognize not only the plot of the Russian fairy tale, but also the image of the girl. The artist endowed a fabulous heroine with real features - Savva Mamontov's nieces, Natalia.

V.M. Vasnetsov. Alyonushka. 1881

V.M. Vasnetsov. Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf. 1889


Victor Vasnetsov. Bogati. 1898.

One of the most famous paintings in Russian painting Vasnetsov dedicated 20 years of life. "Bogati" became the most large-scale picture of the artist. The size of the canvas is almost 3 by 4.5 meters. Bogatyri - a collective image. Ilya, for example, this is the peasant Ivan Petrov, and the blacksmith from Abrahamshev, and the cab driver from the Crimean bridge. At the heart of the picture - the children's feelings of the author. "So stood before my eyes: Vhorogia, space, warriors. Wonderful dream of childhood. "

Song of joy and sadness

Victor Vasnetsov. Sirin and Alkonost. Song of joy and sadness. 1896.

Alkonost and Sirin. Two semptyts with the ghostly promises of a cloudless paradise in the future and regrets about the paradise lost. Vasnetsov embellished the dolebral birds, giving the mythical creatures of beautiful female faces and rich crowns. Singing Sirin is so sad that the venues of the century tree, delighted the alkonosta can make you forget about everything ... If you stay in a look in the picture.

Carpet plane

Victor Vasnetsov. Carpet plane. 1880.

Picture for railway control. Not a train and not even postproke. Carpet plane. So Viktor Vasnetsov responded to Savva Mamontov's request to write a picture for the new industrial project. The fabulous aircraft is a symbol of victory over the space puzzled board members and inspired the artist himself. Mammoth acquired a picture, and Vasnetsov discovered a new world for himself. In which there is no place for ordinary.

Three princes of the underground kingdom

Victor Vasnetsov. Three princes of the underground kingdom. 1884.

Gold, copper and coal. Three wealth that are hidden in the depths of the Earth. Three fabulous princesses - the embodiment of the ground. Proud and arrogant gold, curious copper and timid coal. Tsarevna - Mountain Mine Mountains, accustomed to command people. There are two paintings with such a plot. At one of them in the corner - as a pioneer of two men figures, pleasedly look into beautiful cold faces.

Koschei the Deathless

Victor Vasnetsov. Koschei the Deathless. 1917-1926

Rich choirs with chocolate, red and gold shades. Luxury Packets and rare tree breeds - a decent framing for inapproprous treasure chests, and the main treasure that the blade is not given in the hands - young beauties. The girl is interested in a sword, which, however, Koscheya does not win. The image of the main fabulous villain Victor Vasnetsov wrote nine years. Chronologically painting became the last artist.


Creating a picture "Alenushka" was completed in 1881. It is one of the many famous works of the author. The famous picture written in the plot of the fairy tale about "Sister Alyonushka and Bratz Ivanushka". Work is performed by oil. The heroine of the picture was a simple rustic girl from Akhtyrki.

In the center of the picture we see on a big stone a young, beautiful girl, that sits, begging his legs. Lowering his head on his knees, a lonely girl looks into a deep lake with sad eyes of a orphan. In the eyes of the girl, pain and sadness are displayed. All her thoughts about Brother Ivanushka, that was lost. Although the girl is very young, but the look is quite an adult. The artist created an accurate psychological portrait of the heroine and managed to make her image clear.

The clothes of the girl are simple and modest, which was typically for ordinary Christian families. Old black skirt with flowers, blouse and bare feet that speaks about the poverty of the girl. Dark tones in which work was performed, contrast with a blush girl.

The beginning of the fall is the time of year, which is depicted in the picture. This is evidenced by the foliage on the water of the dark and deep lake. The surface of the water is smooth of which the SC is germinated. The creator of the picture so realistic handed over the sadness and the pain of the girl. That it is also indulging in nature. The thick and intense forest in the background, frowns autumn sky. The picture creates such a feeling that everything froze around, no twig will be laughed.

Only a flock of swallows who bear positive and pleasant sensations.

With the help of paints, the creator achieves the desired impression. The general tone of the pattern is neuropy, the green, gray colors prevail.

The artist tried to understand, express the Russian spirit and he succeeded.

This picture has a feeling of pity and sadness.

Writing Description Pictures Alenushka Vasnetsova

Picture of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsova "Alyonushka", I am not found for the first time. I remember this illustration from infant age when parents read me exciting fairy tales and showed pictures from books. This image I was convicted at many exhibitions on a row with the works of world importance. The picture "Alenushka" was a frequent guest in books with Russian fairy tales, she became a real symbol of Russian folk tales.

Such popularity does not cause much surprise, because the canvas is written by an outstanding master, which definitely earned such popularity.

Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, was born on May 15, 1848 in the family with the speaker, ancient Russian surname. He studied in the spiritual school and of course took drawing lessons, by the way, his younger brother went in the footsteps of the elder and became an artist, but did not gain such popularity as Victor. Already in 1893 Vasnetsov became a full-fledged member of the Academy of Arts. He made an incomparable contribution to the development of all Russian art, and in the particular painting, as he was an unsurpassed painter, a master of the brush.

The picture "Alenushka" was created in 1881, but before the start of work on the picture, the artist wrote a number of etudes on which forest landscapes were depicted, and already in the final version, he was connected to them together and added a girl. It turned out a beautiful, fabulous canvas. In the background, you can see an empty dusky forest, which simultaneously manits, but also harms his black and impassable fools, in the foreground we see the reservoir on which the yellowed leaves are already swimming, which speaks of the fall of autumn.

On the coast quietly lie giant-boulders, and on one of them a young girl sits, she bowed her head on his knees and looks a sad look into the water. What does she think about? About your groom? About brother Ivanushka? Or about the evil Baba Yaga, which rests it? Everyone thinks its history, composes his own magical fairy tale. You can pay attention to small birch trees growing on the shore, they say that this is Russian land and only Russian, that Alyonushka is a simple Russian girl with his rich spiritual world.

To admire this, the work of art can be infinitely, in any case, it causes many reflections and in an adult and in a child, it allows you to look behind the scenes of famous fairy tales, wake up a dormant Russian spirit.

Grade 5, Grade 6

Writing reasoning in the picture

She is so sad and unhappy! And even so beautiful.

Alyonushka red hair. Dark sundress with flowers, white skirt under sundress and light shirt. It doesn't seem to be a festive clothing ... and in general, the picture of the fun does not look at all. Dark color, sad girl. Around her thicket, but she sits over dark water - over the pool. It is sad, thinks all.

It is terrible that she will be rushed with melancholy in the pool. It was a pity that it was her, because she is so beautiful. She would find a guy, and not to be sad here.

She is like a princess in cartoons. But this is the plot of fairy tales. She is sad because of his stupid brother. He fell, of course, in some rework another, and to help her. In my opinion, he drank from the puddles! Well, drank stupid dirty water (with microbes) so poisoned. Practically fell into the hospital! In a fairy tale, this is called - "became a kid". And he drank from the puddles, which was like a form similar to the trail from the intention of the goat.

By the way, and every demons, too, because goat prints! Not without the tricks of evil spirits here and dark forces. So Alyonushka is sitting, and crying. How now to live with such a brother? And if he is hugging him?!

In the picture of autumn. Next to the heroine even small trees - Christmas trees and birch. They look like a little. On the surface of the water. Autumn yellow leaves. Sky gray, rain. Here is - the shower rushing!

I didn't sit here, Alyonushka, but it wet, gets sick. What over such a stupid brother is crying?

When she declares him, and she will make sure, even if you need to go through a hundred tests, then she will also forgive him. It will not be this kind girl to scold him, but will regret. And after, never remembered his stupid act. And in the end, he will fall into anything again. And she again pull him out!

But, however, why not risk? If for you the mountain elder sister gets up, pull out of any trouble.

Over Alyonushka on a bird branch. That would be, as in the cartoon, suggested to her how not to be so kind!

Of course, now it is necessary to help your brother, good. You can write off the age of young such behavior. But after let him answer for himself! In order not to grown quite a goat.