ONORE DE BAL'SAK SHADE SKIN. Unknown masterpiece

ONORE DE BAL'SAK SHADE SKIN. Unknown masterpiece

At the end of October, a young man was included in the Pale-Royal building - Rafael de Valenten, in the view of which the players noticed some terrible secret, the facial features expressed his feasibility of suicide and thousands of deceived hopes. The lost Valenten knew the last Napoleondor and in the stupor began to wander through the streets of Paris. His mind swallowed the only thought - to end the life of suicide, rushing into the Seine from the royal bridge. The idea that in the afternoon he will be the prey of boating, which will be assessed in fifty francs, caused his disgust. He decided to die at night, "to leave a society, despite the greatness of his soul, an unidentified corpse." Breadlessly walking, he began to look at the Louvre, Academy, Towers of the Cathedral of Our Lady, Towers of the Palace of Justice, the Bridge of Arts. To wait for the night, he headed for the bench of antiquities to ask the works of art. There she was a thin old man with an ominous mockery on thin lips. The insightful old man guessed the spiritual torments of a young man and offered to make his power of the monarch. He handed him a phenomenon flap, on which the following words were engraved in Sanskritsky: "With me, you will enjoy everything, but your life will belong to me - and your wishes will be fulfilled with every desire I will decrease how your days .. . "

Rafael concluded a contract with an old man, the whole life of which was to save the strength of force in passions, and wished, in case his fate, will not change in the shortest possible time so that the old man fell in love with the dancer. At the arts of Arts, Valantan accidentally met his friends, who, considering him an outstanding person, offered work in the newspaper, in order to create an opposition, "able to satisfy unsatisfied without much harm to the National Government of the Citizen King" (Louis Philippe). Friends led Rafael on a sought lunch to the founding of the newspaper in the house of the richest banker Tortifer. The audience, which gathered this evening in a luxurious mansion, was truly monstrous: "Young Writers without a style stood next to the young writers without ideas, prose, greedy to poetic beauty, - next to prosaic poets there were two or three scientists created in order To dilute the atmosphere of the conversation with nitrogen, and several watervillers, ready for any minute to move with ephemeral blasts, which, like the praises of diamond, will not shine and do not warm. " After a plentiful dinner, the public was offered beautiful curtises, subtle fakes under the "innocent timid maids." Curcture Akilin and Euphrasia in a conversation with Rafael and Emil argue that it is better to die young than being abandoned when their beauty will die.

Woman without a heart

Rafael tells Emile about the causes of his spiritual torment and suffering. Since childhood, Father Rafael subjugated the son of severe discipline. To twenty-one, he was under the solid hand of the parent, the young man was naive and eager love. Once on the ball, he decided to play his father's money and won an impressive amount of money for him, however, having been having his own act, hid this fact. Soon father began to give him money for maintenance and share his plans. Father Rafael Ten years fought with Prussist and Bavarian diplomats, seeking the recognition of rights to foreign land ownership. From this process, to which Rafael was actively connected, its future depended. When the decree on the loss of rights was made public, Rafael sold land, leaving only an island, who has no value where his mother's grave was. Began the long payroll with creditors, which brought into the grave of the Father. The young man decided to stretch the remaining funds for three years, and settled in a cheap hotel, engaged in scientific work - "Theory of Will." He lived the injignment, but the work of thought, classes, seemed to him with the most beautiful business of life. Ms. G. Gomehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Massers took care of Raphael, and her daughter Polina provided him with many services, rejected which he could not. After a while he began to give polynet lessons, the girl turned out to be extremely capable and intelligent. Having left his head to science, Rafael continued to dream of a beautiful lady, luxurious, notable and rich. In Polina, he saw the embodiment of all his desires, but she lacked the salon gloss. "... a woman," whether it is attractive as beautiful Elena, this Galatea Homer, "can not conquer my heart if she is at least a little bit."

Once, in winter, Rusyak introduced him to the house, "where the entire Paris was" and introduced to the charming Countess of Theodore, the owner of eighty thousand livra income. The countess was the lady of twenty two, enjoyed a flawless reputation, had a marriage over his shoulders, but did not have a lover, the most enterprising Volokat Paris suffered Fiasco in the struggle for the right to possess her. Rafael fell in love without memory at theodore, she was the embodiment of those dreams that were forced to tremble his heart. Parting with him, she asked him to be from her. Returning home and feeling the contrast of the situation Rafael cursed his "honest respectful poverty" and decided to seduce the Theodore, which was the last lottery ticket, from which his fate depended. What only the victims did not go to the poor seducer: he was incredibly able to get on foot in the rain and maintain a presentable species; For the last money, he brought it to the house when they returned from the theater. To secure a decent wardrobe, he had to conclude a contract for writing false memoirs, which should have come under the name of another person. Once she sent him a note with a messenger and requested to come. After her call, Rafael learned that she needed the protection of his influential relative-Duke de Wawar. The lord of the madman was only a means to implement a mysterious case, which he never learned about. Raphael tormented the idea that the cause of solitude of the Countess could be a physical disadvantage. To dispel their doubts, he decided to hide in her bedroom. Having left the guests, Theodore entered its apartments and as if he took off the usual mask of courtiness and friendly. Rafael did not find any deficiencies in it, and calmed down; Falling asleep, she said: "My God!" Delightful Rafael built a mass of guessing assuming that he could mean a similar exclamation: "Her exclamation, whether there is nothing significant, or a deep, or a random, or significant, could express happiness, and grief, and bodily pain, and concern" . As it turned out later, she just remembered that I forgot to say to my broker so that he would exchange a five percent rente on three-percent. When Rafael revealed his poverty and all-consuming passion to her, she replied that he would not belong to anyone and agreed to get married only for the duke. Rafael left the Countess forever and moved to Rastyanka.

Rastinyak, playing in a gambling house on their joint money, won twenty-seven thousand francs. From this day, friends went into rampant. When the funds were embedded, Valenten, he decided that he was "social zero" and decided to leave life.

The story returns to the point when Rafael is located in the Tortfer mansion. It takes a piece of shaggy skin out of his pocket and seizes the desire to become the owner of two hundred thousand annual income. Nautro Notary Cardo informs the public that Rafael became a full heir of Major O'Flaerty, who died on the eve. The newly new rich looked at the shaggy and noticed that it had decreased in size. He was leaving the ghostly chill of death, now "he could all - and did not want anything."


In one December day, an old man came to the chic mansion of Marquis de Valanten, Rafael-Mr. Bornik was once studied under whose leadership. The old loyal servant Jonathan tells the teacher that his owner leads a novel life and suppresses all the desires. The honorable elder came to ask for Marquis, so that he patted the minister to restore him, Bornik, inspector in a provincial college. Rafael, tired by the long outpouring of the old man, accidentally walked out that he wanted to achieve recovery in office. Realizing the said, Marquis came into rage when he looked at the shaggy, she significantly decreased. In the theater, he somehow met a sudden old man with young eyes, whereas in his view, only the echoes of opposing passions were read now. The old man led the familiar to Raphael - the dancer Euphrasia. At the question look at Marquis, the old man replied that he was now happy as a young man, and that he missed Being: "The whole life is in a single hour of love." Looking at the public, Rafael stopped the gaze on the farodore, which was sitting with another fan, all the same beautiful and cold. An excellent stranger was sitting on the neighboring chair with Raphael, causing the admired views of all those present. It was Polina. Her father, at her time, who commanded the horse's horse grenadiers as a squadron, was captured by the Cossacks; According to rumors, he managed to run and get to India. Returning, he made the daughter of the heir of a million state. They agreed to meet in the hotel "Saint-Cantne", their former housing that stored the memories of their poverty, Polina wanted to transfer the paper, which, moving, bequeathed to her Rafael.

Updated at home, Rafael looked at the talisman and guess, so that Polina loved him. The next morning it overwhelmed joy - the talisman did not decrease, it means that the contract is violated.

Having met, young people realized that all his heart would love each other and nothing hinders their happiness. When Rafael once again looked at Shagren, he noticed that she had again decreased, and in a rummy anger threw it into the well. What will happen, it will be, "the exhausted Rafael decided and he he he he hesitated in the soul with Polina. In one February day, the gardener brought the marquis to a strange find, "the size of which did not exceed six square inches."

From now on Rafael decided to look for the means of salvation from scientists to stretch shagreen and extend their lives. The first to whom he went, was Mr. Lavrille, "Priest Zoology". On the question of how to stop the narrowing of the skin, Lavrille replied: "Science is extensive, and the human life is very short. Therefore, we do not pretend to know all the phenomena of nature. "

The second, who turned Marquis, became Professor Mechanics Tablet. Attempting to stop the narrowing of shagren by exposure to her hydraulic press was not crowned with success. Shagrena remained a mustache and unharmed. The amazed German hit the skin with a blacksmith hammer, but there was no trace of damage on it. The apprentice threw the skin into a coal fiber, but even one of her shaggy was taken out completely unharmed.

Chemist Zhemf broke a razor, trying to cut the skin, tried to dissemble it with electric shock, exposed a voltov pillar - all to no avail.

Now Valanden has no longer believed in anything, began to look for damage to his body and convened physicians. For a long time, he began to notice signs of consumers, now it became obvious both to him and Polina. Doctors came to the following conclusion: "To smash the window, I needed a blow, and who is his noise?" They attributed leeches, diet and climate change. Raphael in response to these recommendations sarcastically smiled.

A month later, he went on the water in ex. Here he ran into a coarse coldness and disregard for others. He was avoided and almost in his face stated that "once a person is so sick, he should not ride on the water." The collision with the cruelty of secular appeal led to a duel with one of the brave bravets. Rafael killed his opponent, and the skin narrowed again.

Leaving the water, he settled in the rural hut of Mont-Dora. People who have lived deeply sympathized with him, and pity - "the feeling that is most difficult to endure from other people." Soon Ionathan arrived at him and led his owner home. Polyna's letters transferred to him, in which she poured her love for him, he threw in the fireplace. Made by Bianshon, the opium immersed Rafael in an artificial sleep for several days. The old man of the servant decided to follow the Council of Byanshon and entertain the owner. He convened a full house of friends, the magnificent feast was planned, but who saw this spectacle Valant came to a frantic anger. Drinking a portion of the sleeping pill, he again plunged into sleep. He woke him to Polina, he began to kill him off, showed a skin block that became the size of the "Leaf of Barquing", she began to consider the mascot, and he, seeing her beautiful, could not cope with him. "Polina, go here! Pauline!" He cried out, and the talisman in her hand began to shrink. Polina decided to confuse her breasts, remove himself with a shawl to die. She decided that if he would kill himself, he would be alive. Raphael, seeing all this, inxical from passion, rushed to her and immediately died.


What did it become with Polina?

On the steamer "Aerger City" a young man and a beautiful woman admired the figure in the fog over the Lairo. "Easy this is the creation of it Undine, then Sylphide Parished in the air," so the word you are looking for, hurts somewhere in my memory, but it cannot be caught, it was possible to think that this is the ghost of the ladies depicted by Antoine De La Sal, he wants to protect his The country from the invasion of modernity. "

At the end of October 1829, a young man comes to the gym. The face of the blond young man is still listed by the charm of innocence, but at the same time on it lies and the defill of the voluptuous vice. The stranger loses the last gold coin and decides to commit suicide. Before his death, he walks in Paris, studying the selling books, gives the latter with the rest, admires a pretty woman.

In the bench of antiquities in the face of the young man, the whole history of the world is held, starting from ancient Egypt and ending with the Epoch of the Renaissance. After sunset in front of the hero, a small, slim old man appears in a black coat and offers to show him the image of Jesus Christ Rafael's brush.

The painting is amazing a young man with his realism. He recognizes the owner of the shop, which wanted to commit suicide because of humiliating poverty. An old man offers help. He indicates a striking eye-sided ski-like skin opposite. Loskutoks, magnitude with the skin of the fox, on the reverse side contains the printing of Solomon and the inscription warning. The old man says that he himself never tried to own shagreen skin, and his well-being built on the refusal of two tearing human principles - desires and opportunities. He preferred to know and see and live with a mind, not a heart. Unlike the old man, the young man wants to live a stormy life in pleasure wine, fun and women. The old man laughs at his desire. The young man is enough shaggy skin and runs out to the street, where he meets three friends.

Raphael de Valenten (so calling the main character of the novel) goes along with them for dinner to Banker Tyfer, who decided to organize the opposition royal power to the newspaper. Society from the hopes of young writers, artists and scientists enjoys food and wine, chatting about politics, argues about the state of the state. After dinner, young people are heading to the hall, where they are met by a whole selection of charming women of various nationalities. Beautiful ladies look innocent, but hide inside the most sophisticated vice.

Rafael and his friend, a journalist Emil, talking with two girls - the magnificent beauty of Akilina, whose beloved died on the scaffold, and the fragile Virgin Yehrasy, not believing in love.

Part II. Woman without a heart

Rafael tells Emily the story of his life. He graduated from college, then, under the guidance of his father, studied by the law craft. Father Rafael, a serious man and dry, kept him in a strict cord. After receiving the formation, the hero is attached to family litigation. The court ends with ruin. Ten months later, Father Rafael dies.

Relatives turn away from the poor youth. For three years, he lives for the money remaining after the sale of the property, feeding only bread, sausage and milk. During the science of Science, Rafael closely converges with his apartment hostess, Ms. Godan and its fourteen-year-old Polina daughter, which, in gratitude for concern, begins to teach the game on the piano. He belongs to the girl as a sister, in part because of the reluctance to squeeze her innocence, partly because she is poor. Once Rafael meets Rastyanka. He introduces it to the Higher Paris Society and introduces an impregnable beauty of Russian origin, Countess Feodoroy. Trying to fall in love with her, Rafael falls in love with himself. Desperately seeking love feodorah, a young scientist spends the last money for her visits. At some point, there is an explanation between them, in which the girl warns Raphael from any love confessions. As a friend hero, she needs as a beloved - no.

Rabyak helps Raphael to extract 50 ecu, finding a person who is ready to pay for the manuscript of historical memoirs. For the walk of Feodorus asks the young man to write a relative, Duke de Navarreu, a letter to wrinkle for her word. As soon as Rafael does it, the Countess immediately removes him from himself. The young man begins to penetrate her souls to the caches - a rigid, cold, selfish.

Polina throws up Rafael money so that he can go to the theater with thesis. The young man is trying to find out his beloved from the bodily side. He hides in her bedroom, listens, as the Countess sings, watches her serene bed. Then Rafael asks the aodore about a date. He behaves with it as charmingly, but does not master the body, wanting to master the soul. Forky recognition in love causes boredom in a decanter.

Rafael recognizes Rasten in that he wants to end the life of suicide. Eugene offers a friend to kill himself more exquisitely - through pleasures. Rafael leaves Ms. G. Mansard. Polina says goodbye to him with tears. Rabyak for money received by Raphael for work, wins 27 thousand francs. The main character begins to burn life. He strives all the money, makes debts, pays off creditors, selling the island with the grave of his mother. Rafael remains 2 thousand francs, but he cannot return to the relaxed life of a scientist. "Theodore still takes his heart.

Drunk Rafael interrupts his story to wish to become a millionaire. He shares with the email of the mystery of shaggy skin, decreasing with each desire and declining his life.

In the morning, Banker Cardo informs Raphael that he became the heir to six million. Their young man left a relative of the mother - some Calcutt Major O'Flaerty.

Part III. Agony

The mansion of Marquis de Valantane, the old servant of Jonathan meets the teacher of Rafael, Mr. Bornik. Jonathan tells him about the strange lifestyle of his Mr.: The latter requires that everything in the house submits strictly commissioned; He asks for an old servant to predict his desires and not ask him questions with the words "please" or "Want." Bornik asks Rafael to help him, and he, according to the kindness of the soul, wishes his old teacher to return a profitable position. Higher leather hanging in front of the hero, circled with a red contour, immediately decreases. Rafael is horrified, but understands what made you do not turn.

In the Italian theater, the hero meets Polina. It is so beautiful that the eyes of the whole society are chained. Rafael wishes the girl to love him. Shagreen skin does not change its size.

Polina and Rafael are recognized by each other in love. The girl tells how the money earned on fans, so that the young man could wear pure shirts and drink milk pleading during his poverty. Young people decide to marry. Rafael sees the shaggy skin continues to decrease. In a rustling of rage, he throws the flap into the garden.

Polina and Rafael enjoy happiness. The gardener cares in the well the remainder of chasing skin. Rafael quarrel with Polina.

Zoologist, Mr. Lavrille, determines the shaggy skin as the skin of a rare donkey breed - onset, occable in Persia, and says that she, like all the elements of our world, can shrink and stretch. Professor Mechanics Tablet assigns Raphael to Spighalter. There, they try to stretch the skin under a huge press, but the skin remains unchanged. Chemist Zhef tries to expose it to reagents, and this also does not give any results.

Rafael begins to cough, like a caring. Bianash collects medical consultation. One of the doctors believes that Rafael has a sick stomach, the second is the soul, the third - both. The hero is sent on the water. Local society does not accept it. Rafael is caused by a duel. He kills the enemy, after which he moves to another terrain. Hero's last days live on the wake of wildlife. When villagers begin to regret it, Rafael returns to Paris. He asks Bianos to write him down a tincture with Opery to live at least in a dream.

Death comes to Rafael in the arms of Polina, which he wishes most of all in the world.

The legend of shagreen came to us from the darkness of the centuries. The essence of her is that with every our desire (desire is a thought that generates an action) we spend part of themselves; So, the more desires - the sooner our life decreases.

Reverse logic: what a dimension and not more active we live, these are more likely to live for a long time.

This image is the fruit of everyday wisdom, and a typical case when visible is accepted for valid. After all, everything is so obvious! The point of reference is taken by youth - the time of the most stormy and unrestrained desires. The more I "allowed" in my youth (I burned the candle at once from two ends "), the less remains for the entire subsequent life. And in all options, life goes to a decline, under the slide.

If the same scheme turn wider - from birth to death - it becomes more convincing. Starting your way almost from nothing (well, what is a fertilized egg? Without a microscope, it is difficult to even believe in it), a person is developing, gaining strength, reaches a peak in his youth - and then slowly roll down to turn down in a weak old age in practically nothing.

"The first step of the child is the first step to death."

True, this scheme contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, because it is not clear where the incredible growth energy takes place in the first stage. The child eats a lot, and yet the energies of food are not enough to satisfy and compensate for growth. But this contradiction today we see with you, and before it was simply not noticed.

And the second contradiction is about the essence of desires. From the principle of shagreen leather it follows that it is necessary to avoid desires, strong feelings. Peace is ideal. The smaller the contacts with the outside world than the balanced world internal - the better ...

But the desire (repeat) is a thought that generates an action! This is the action that only can accumulate energy production and create an energy surplus value, and thus to support the energy production at the same level.

Recall another circumstance: the energy industry of the newborn is so great that it is almost impossible to surpass it. So we can accept it for the maximum. The optimal maximum. Maximum within the boundaries permitted.

This is a measure. And landmark. Life benchmark.

So the task of each of us has become clarified: this is how to use our energy production, so to adjust its surplus energy so that its level is far from retreating from the initial one. And since the energy industry is consumed, it accumulates, this line must resemble a sinusoid. The sinusoid, which rolls in the boundaries of the permitted, the peak every time striving to reach the standard - the level of the newborn energy industry. (And gets out! - At the moments of inspiration.)

Such a schedule of life can not help distrust. How! And in the newborn, and the young men in the prime, and the old manner is the same level of energy production? ..

Imagine - yes. Just the energy spent at different ages is simply expressing. It provides an increase in the newborn, the young man - the ability to act, transforming the world, an old man - wisdom. Intellectual effort is as powerful as the emotion of a young man. The height of which young man takes off in the catch of inspiration is also available and an old man who is leisurely rises to her on the steps of the mind. Self, our old man should be practically healthy.

Art electronic edition

Balzac, Onor de

Shagreen leather: novel; Unknown masterpiece: Story / Onor de Balzac; Per. With Fr. Boris Grytzova, John Bryusoye; accompanied. Article and notes of faith Milchina. - M.: Time, 2017. - (Time Verified).

ISBN 978-5-0011-2046-9

On the works of Honore de Balzak (1799-1850), you can make an exhaustive idea of \u200b\u200bthe history and everyday life of France of the first half of the XIX century. But Balzac not only described the world around him, he also created his own world - a multi-volume "human comedy". Balzaki heroes are people who are embraced by a strong, all-consuming and most commonly destructive passion. Their own desires are fatal. In the novel "Shagreen leather" Balzac described this situation with the help of expressive metaphor: the magic talisman performs all the desires of the main character, but every fulfilled desire shortens its life. The passion of the artist to perfection, described in the story "Unknown masterpiece", is also lost.

When issuing classic books to us, the publishing house "Time", I really wanted to create a really modern series, show a living connection of unfading classics and surrounding reality. Therefore, we turned to famous writers, scientists, journalists and cultural workers with a request to write accompanying articles to the chosen books - not dry explanatory texts and not cribs for exams, but a kind of explanations in love expensive to their hearts to the authors. Someone turned out to be sublime and touching, at someone's sustain and academic, but it is always sincere and interesting, and sometimes - unexpectedly and unusual.

In love for the work of Honore de Balzak, the translator and the historian of literature Vera Milchina - a book should be read already then to bring your opinion with an article and look at the work at a different angle.

© V. A. Milchina, accompanying article, Notes, 2017

© Composition, decoration, "Time", 2017

Shagreen leather

I. Talisman

At the end of October 1829, one young man entered Palee-Royal, just by the time gambling houses, according to the law, protecting the rights of passion to be subject to taxation on its very essence. Do not hesitate, he climbed the stairs of the triton, at which the number "36" was.

- Do you want to give you a hat? - harshly shouted to him the deadly pale old man, who was sacrificed somewhere in the shadow behind the barrier, and then suddenly rose and put on a napkin his physiognomy.

When you enter the gambling house, the law will first of all take your hat. Perhaps this is a kind of gospel parable, a warning, sent by heaven, or, rather, a special kind of hello contract requiring a certain pledge from us? Perhaps, want to make you relate with respect to those who beat you? Perhaps the police that penetrates all public clocks wants to know the surname of your hatter or your own if you wrote it on a hat lining? And maybe finally, intend to remove the measure from your skull, then to make instructive statistical tables of mental abilities of players? On this account, the administration stores full silence. But keep in mind that as soon as you make the first step towards the green field, you no longer belong to you, just like you do not belong to yourself: you are in the power of the game - and you yourself, and your wealth, And your hat, and cane, and raincoat. A when exit the game Returns you what you have passed for storage, - that is, a murderous, emitted epigram will prove to you that something she leaves you still. However, if you have a new headdress, then the lesson, the meaning of which is that the player should make a special costume, will be in a penny.

The bewilderment depicted on the face of a young man when receiving a number in exchange for a hat whose fields, fortunately, were slightly worn, indicated its inexperience; The old man, probably with young years, was mired in a kipuchi enjoyment of Azart, looked at him dull, indifferent look, in which the philosopher would distinguish the poverty of the hospital, the wanderings of bankrupt, the string of drunks, an indefinite cautor, a link to Guasacaalko. The spirit and bloodless his face, testifying that he was now eating exclusively by the gutish soups Darce, was a pale image of passion simplified to the limit. Deep wrinkles talked about constant torment; It must be all his scant earnings he lossed on the day of paying. Similarly, the swirls, on whom the beatings no longer act, he would not have shuddered under any circumstances, he remained ineffective to the deaf moams of the loser, to their silent curses, to their worn views. It was embodiment games. If a young man looked at this sad Cherberry, perhaps he would think: "Nothing but the deck of cards, no in his heart!" But he did not listen to this personified council, delivered here, of course, the providence itself, just as it also reports something disgusting hallway of any triton. He entered the hall with decisive steps, where the ringing of gold was challenged and blinded the soul, embraced greed. Probably, a young man pushed here the most logical of all the eloquent phrases Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the sad meaning of which, it seems: "Yes, I admit that a person can go to play, but only when he sees him between him and death Last Ecu. "

In the evenings, the poetry of gambling houses is duty, but she is secured success, as well as the bloody drama. The halls will be filled with spectators and players who have a poor old man, that they precipitated here to warm up, people who excited the orgy, which began with wine and is about to end in Sene. Passion here is presented in abundance, but still an excessive number of actors prevents you from watching the game demon right in the face. In the evenings, this is a real concert, and all the troupe and every tool of the orchestra displays its phrase. You will see here many honorable people who came here for entertainment and pay them just as they pay for an interesting performance or for a delicacy, while, and others, buying on a cheap somewhere in the attic affection, they pay for them then as many as three months regrets. But do you understand how to observe a person who is impatiently waiting for the discovery of tritons? Between the player evening and morning the same difference, as between the careless spouse and the lover, languishing under the window of his beauty. Only in the morning you will meet a trembling passion in the gambling house and needs in all its terrible height. That's when you can admire the real player, on a player who did not eat, did not sleep, did not live, did not think - so cruelly hesitated by the beat of the failures, who carried the constantly doubled his bets, so he endured, exhausted itching impatience: when, Finally, dropping "thirty and forty"? In this damned hour you will notice the eyes, the tranquility of which scares, notice the faces that you are terrified, the views that seem to raise cards and devour them.

- "Shagreen Leather", Russia, Speaph (Lenfilm) / Lenfilm, 1992, CV., 39 min. Experimental gaming film. Cast: Olga Konddin, Andrei Khramtsov, Andrei Slavini, Natalia Fisson (see Fisson Natalya Vladimirovna), Sergey Shcherbin. Director: Igor ... ... Encyclopedia of cinema

This term has other values, see Shagreen Leather (Values). Shagreen leather La Peau de Chagrin The name of the novel is not amenable to accurate translation. In French Chagrin means the grade of the skin, and sadness. He could be translated as ... Wikipedia

Shagreen leather - 1992, 39 min., Col., Lenfilm, Pief. Genre: Experimental film. Dir. Igor Bezrukov, SC. Igor Bezrukov, Opera. Valery Revich, comp. Yuri Khanin. Cast: Olga Konddin, Andrei Kharamtsov, Andrei Slavini, Natalia Fisson, Sergey Shcherbin ... Lenfilm. Annotated movie catalog (1918-2003)

Shagreen leather (Fr. Peau de Chagrin, Chagrin): Shagreen (Material), or Shagreen (FR. Chagrin) Soft rough leather (goat, Baiga, Konsky); Also skin stamping technology is used when processing leather with ... ... Wikipedia

Shagreen Leather La Peau de Chagrin Genre: Roman

This term has other values, see Shagreen Leather (Values). Shagreen leather La Peau de Chagrin ... Wikipedia

- "Shachen bone" Yu.Hanon at the door of the Mariinsky Theater Shaggy Coast ... Wikipedia

- "Shagreen Bone" Yu.Hanon at the door of the Mariinsky Theater Shard Bone Genre Avangard Director Igor Bezrukov Producer Alexey Grochots ... Wikipedia

- "Shagreen bone" Y.Hanon at the doors of the Mariinsky Theater ... Wikipedia

Leather, leather, wives. 1. External cover of animals (sometimes vegetable) organisms. Skin crackled from the cold. All skin wrinkled. Snakes change the skin. Clean the skin from the apple. 2. The selected animal skins, freed from wool. Suitcase from pork ... ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov


  • Shagreen leather, Balzac Onor de. "Shagreen skin" - one of the brightest works that make up the "human comedy". Open the book, and you will see an unusual epigraph - a wriggling black line. Such a line hello hero ...
  • Shagreen leather, Onor de Balzac. The book includes the novels, the story and novels of the writer, included in the cycles `scenes of political life` And` philosophical etudes` Through a human comedy`. Central place in Tome takes ...