Musical works about spring. Lesson on music on the topic "Images of spring in the works of Russian composers"

Musical works about spring. Lesson on music on the topic "Images of spring in the works of Russian composers"

The purpose of the lesson: familiarity with the peculiarities of the music of nature of different composers.

Tasks: Education of moral culture, love for nature,

the ability to correctly determine the musical paintings of nature,

features and changes in music, the development of performing skills.

Equipment lesson:

laptop, presentation of nature paintings, screen, projector, music discs, tape recorder, KASSIO keys.

During the classes:

About nature is written a lot of poets poets - A. Fetom,

F. Tyutchev, A. Pushkin, M. Lermontov, A. block ....

Spring, spring, spring came,

On the street becomes warm.

Spring droplets

From all sides hear ...

The sun rays are cheerful,

The first snowdrops want to get out.

Everything is having fun, the sun sparkles

Nature always flourishes in spring ...

I asked you too to prepare poems about the spring (homework).

Children expressly read verses of spring.

And what happens in nature in the spring?

The sun shines brighter, it becomes warmer, the first leaflets appear on the trees, the first flowers begin to appear, the birds arrive from warm edges ...

All nature awakens from the winter sleep and blooms ...

On the board prepared different pictures of nature.

Children together with the teacher determine what paints paintings are written, features of the image, artistic picture of the painting, which musical works would come to these pictures.

View slides with image of nature paintings on the screen.

The theme of nature, spring is reflected in the paintings of many artists:

Repina, Shishkin, Vasnetsova, Nesterova, Korovina, Rylova ..

And now let's enter and we enter, let's notice from the winter sleep and perform our rhythmic exercises "Spring has come," "Swallow", "Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring" ...

Placing on the speakers: "Birchings", "Seasons of the Year", "Spring",

"I go with the bias" ...

And now we will show how they sang songs in dances, on holidays and fulfill our songs about nature, about spring ...

A group of children for execution is selected. Folk Investments are distributed (students perform rhythm songs).

Another group of children becomes in a dance (girls' heads are decorated with flowers) and perform songs "with a view I go", "Spring", "Swan's" ...

Groups of children with tools and songs are changing, others are selected.

Paintings of nature reflected in their works not only

poets, writers, artists, but also many composers -

russian and foreign: P. Tchaikovsky, S. Rakhmaninov, A. Vivaldi, E. Grig, N. Rimsky - Korsakov, I. Stavinsky, M. Mussorgsky and others ...

Now we will listen to fragments of works about the nature of different composers:

P. Tchaikovsky "April. Snowdrop ("Seasons of the Year"),

A. Vivaldi »Spring", S. Rachmaninov "Spring water",

E. Grig "Morning" ...

Students determine the nature of music, changes, features, performers, tools ...

To each work it is possible to choose the corresponding picture of nature located on the board or on the screen.


In notebooks on music, draw pictures of spring to the works listened in classroom, choose the corresponding poems about the spring.

Conclusion: Spring Theme is in the works of poets, writers,

artists, composers.

They all showed their attitude, their feelings

to nature through their works.

Nature music in all composers is different.

But it is always - beautiful, tender, light,

melodic, pleasant, amazing ...

I Organization of the beginning of the lesson

Introduction to theme lesson (slide 1)

The man loves his land, because it cannot live without the smell of the leaves, without a ringing stream of the stream, without a blue corner of the cornfield in the field. Without rivers and mountains, people like without friends.

In our country, there are many artists, composers, poets that can convey the beauty of our native land.

Seasons - autumn, winter, spring, summer - replace each other. In the spring, the earth is wound off, nature awakens from long winter sleep. Summer is the time of the hot sun, swimming, walking in the shady forest. Autumn brings people a rich harvest: full baskets of berries and mushrooms. And in winter, nature is reworked again in sleep. And every time of year is perfectly in its own way.

U: Look at the pictures(Slide 2).

What time of year is depicted?

D: Spring.

How did you determine for what features?

What does the spring happen to nature?

How do we learn that Spring has come?

How do we dress in the spring?

U: Right. Guys. And today we will travel to the world of paints and Sounds of spring.(Slide 3)

Who is there from the roof

Will hang in the cold?

Who has this spring

Water drips from the nose?


I play joining.

What is this song?

- "Sunny drops."

We repeat the words. (to each couplet - illustration)

W: What kind of music in character? What is the mood in it?

D.: Music fun, belling, joyful, cheerful.

W.: Music sounded equally in character or not?

D.: In the sewer smoothly, in the chorus - passionately.

W.: What does chorus depict?

D.: How drops fall.

W: This song is called"Sunny drops" (slide 4).

This showed us the spring composer Sergey Sosnin. What can be present picture?

D.: Sunny, funny, joyful day, drip icicles, ring, run, murmur streams.

II listening music

Spring - This is a bright birthday holiday of nature. Nature wakes up. A man in spring is easier to breathe. In the spring, a new life blooms on Earth, the kidneys are blooming on the trees, the grass of grass appears in the field; Butterflies, beetles crawl out of cracks and warm in the sun. The first snowdrops appear:

In the forest, where birks crowded with a gurby,

Snowdrop looked blue eyes.

First of course

green put up the leg,

Then stretched out of all his little forces

And quietly asked:

"I see the weather warm and clear.

Tell me, is it true that this is spring? "

So, Listen to the Spring Song, look into her paints, and you will understand what poultry churred, murmurs the stream, quietly whisper the first leaflets of Birch.

Listen and see spring!


Music sounded. When you listened to her, what picture of the spring nature did you introduce?

What music is in character? (smooth, singing, gentle)

Pace? (not very fast)

Dance, song or marching? (dance)

In the rhythm of what dance is executed? (Waltz)

This music was written by Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Tchaikovsky called her play "April. Snowdrop"(Slide 6) From early childhood, Tchaikovsky loved to watch and enjoy in Russian forests by this miracle of nature, as under the blow of the light spring breeze, the petals reveal the first colors-snowdrops.

Yes, the snowdrop is the first spring flower, so gentle and beautiful, which inspired to create a musical work of the Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Repeated hearing.

Now we will listen again. The smoothness of the melody will hand over the movements of the hands.

Who performs?

Ensemble. (Show illustration)(Slide 7)

What tools sounded? (show on the stand)

Illustrations (slide 8)

And now, we will travel to the world of paints and Sounds of Spring. We will listen to her song and peering in her paint.

Presentation "April.Dechnic" (performed by F - BUT)

Learned the work?

Who performed? (F - BU)

What is the name of?

Who wrote?

III game on children's musical instruments

U: And on what tools do you know how to play?

D: Metallophone, xylophone, Maracas, Rumba Rumbers

(I show the tools - the children call)

(execute "Rondo" Mozart on children's musical instruments)

IV execution

U: Guys, do you know how to celebrate the spring before? These days, children ran flies on the village with birds made from the dough. They were scattered in the field so that the Earth gives a rich harvest. Others put on long sixts and silent so that the birds seemed flying. At the same time, the guys sang songs - shakes. What were these songs called?

D: Westerns.

U: Tell me what is special in spring?

D.: In the spring, the persistent, exclamation intonations are repeated many times.

All the lively rejoices in spring. Spring brings joy and feeling of flourishing nature. Let's sing a song so that Spring heard how we admire it and admire the sounds of spring.

VI Music and Didactive Game

But not only composers reflected paintings of nature, seasons in music.

Spring worried the heart of real artists. I suggest you imagine that you are artists. It is better to understand, to feel it will help us with the music of Ramiressa "Lark".

W: Whatever you take paint to portray the sound of spring.

Light or dark?

(Music sounds - children lay the cards of the right color)

D: Light, warm tones, because in the spring it comes to life, wakes up, rejoices.

VII execution

U: Spring has come. Everything is rejoicing. Nevertheless, it is symbolic that it was in the first days of March that the brightest, gentle and affectionate holiday is celebrated.

Who do we congratulate?

Yes, we congratulate moms. Such gentle tender, beautiful, as Spring itself. (Song fulfillment)

VIII Summing up.

Our lesson came to the end. We opened a secret today: Spring's sound is passed not only by words, but also paints and music.

With music of which composer got acquainted?(Slide 9)

What is the name of?

Who performed?

Our lesson approached the end, but the journey into the spring world of nature did not end. Listen and see spring. And you will tell about your unusual observations in the following lessons. (Slide 11)

On this, our lesson is finished, but I would like to deliver another little joy to all those present guests your favorite song. (Performed song at the request of children "Great mood "

Municipal General Education

"Secondary School No. 2" Istra

Abstract music lesson

on the topic: "Images of spring in the music of Russian composers"


Shashkin Galina Gennadievna,

primary school teacher

Subject: "Images of spring in the music of Russian composers"

Purpose: To form ideas from students about the work of Russian composers.


Educational: The assimilation of new information about the work of Vivaldi, I. P Tchaikovsky, V. with Rakhmaninov.

Educational: Education of interest, emotionally value attitude towards the work of great composers.

Developing: Development of communicative and creative abilities of students.

Planned results:

Personal: - the formation of a holistic, socially-oriented view of the world in its diversity of nature, culture;

Formation of aesthetic needs, values \u200b\u200band feelings;

Development of cooperation skills with adults and peers.

MetaPered: -Mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

- Mastering basic subject and interdisciplinary concepts reflecting significant links in accordance with the content of the subject "Music"

Subject:- the ability to perceive music and express your attitude to a musical work;

- Formation of interest in musical art and musical activity.

Means of education: Presentation

Literature: 1) Tutorial Music 2 Class E. D. CRTSKAYA, G. P. Sergeeva, T. S. Shmagina

2) "Basics of pedagogical skills." Zanina L.V., Menshikova N.P.

3) "Age Psychology" L. F. Obukhova

Teacher's activities

Activities of students


Organizing time

Hello guys! My name is Galina Gennadevna, today I will spend your music lesson. Sit down please.


Sitting on their places

Message Topics lesson. Actualization of knowledge.


Already fragrances were fir

And smells in the air resin;

Already a meadow grown

And moss is biting over the rock.

Sepa the blue bays,

And boats walk along the river;

Already cranked Niva,

And hear herd in the distance ...

And the air is full of silence,

And how to breathe sweetly!

So the heart with life is unearthly

Inhales the sky grace.

What time of year says in the poem?

What phenomena can it be characterized this time of year?

That's right, well done! Or maybe someone knows the poem about the spring?

Guys, we were not just talking about the spring. Our conversation is related to theme lesson. Look at the screen. Who will read the subject of the lesson?

It becomes warm, snow melts, birds are returned.

Yes ... (at will, children answer)

Images of spring in the music of Russian composers.

Studying a new material

Micro suit

Micro suit



Today we will talk to you about how the composers in their works were presented.

Very many Russian composers appealed to the topic "Nature" among them the greatest composer P. I. Tchaikovsky. Have you heard about this?

Do you know any works of this composer?

This composer wrote a lot of operas, ballets, romances. Please read the names of the ballets to which the composer wrote music.

Peter Ilyich loved the nature very much, and in accordance with this he chose himself. Last place where he lived is in the wedge in the Moscow region. Now there is a museum. Tchaikovsky. Have you heard of such museums?

Look at the screen (Museum Photos)

In St. Petersburg from 1840 to 1906 The musical musical magazine was published, called Nuevelist. The editor of this journal suggested Tchaikovsky to write every time a musical work for the release of the magazine.

The work took place once a month. Guys, how many months a year?

So .. how many works did the composer come?

Right! The editor of the magazine to each work picked up the poem of different authors, as an epigraph. And what is the epigraph?

Epigraph is a small text before the work of the work. This text reflects the main idea.

Later Tchaikovsky offered to unite 12 works in the collection "Seasons"

Now we will listen to the musical work of the "Lark" song "But for a start, let's read the epigraph to this work. (I ask for someone to read)

Now listen to the work.

Guys, what mood is this melody?

And why? After all, spring began to rejoice! Birds flew.

Or maybe the work is sad because it is only the beginning of spring? Imagine the birds only flew, they need to have nests, adapt to a new place. You agree with me?

And what is the rhythm of the work? Slow or fast?

That's right, you can even say the average. And now answer the question, the work is written in Minor or in Major?

(Minor is a musical way that transfers sadness, longing, and major on the contrary joy)

That's right, we have already said that the melody is sad, then this work is written in Minor.

And what month does the work of the "Lyubric Song" refer to?

That's right, let's now listen to the work of the Snowdrop

And this product says the mood?

Already happier, more fun than in the previous work.

And the rhythm differs from ...?

Guys, if this work transfers joy, then it is written in Minor or Major?

Quite right.

What months of spring is narrated in the work? When the snowdrops appear?

So guys. Let's bring a microchitogo.

With the work of which composer, we met with you?

What is the collection of works we talked about?

What works did we listen to? (titles)

Well done, and now we will talk about the work of the composer Rakhmaninov.

Sergey Vasilyevich Rakhmaninov is a composer who wrote a lot of works, he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory.

What is a conservatory?

He loved Russia very much. When Rachmaninov began at that time, he was in America, he was very worried about his country, so he helped how he could. Rachmaninov passed all the money earned on the speeches of the Red Cross (organization of assistance to victims)

Since we have the subject of the lesson, related to the spring, then we will listen to the Ranx Rakhmaninov "Spring Water"

Do you know what a romance is?

Rachmaninov wrote a melody on the poem of Tyutchev "Spring Water" Let's read this poem.

What mood Music transmits?

What picture seemed to you while listening

Do you agree that rhythm is medium?

Guys, you all are well done.

Let's answer the questions:

Working which composer we listened to?

What is the name of the work?

And what do you remember most about the person of the composer?

So, we met with the works of Russian composers, but I want to tell you about the famous Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi.

This composer lived in the 18th century! And now what age?

How many centuries passed since he lived?

So after 300 years, the music of Vivaldi recognizable and loved.

Let's listen to the work of "Spring"

What associations do you have this work?

Let's summarize.

What's new you learned today?

What did you like most in our lesson?


Yes, ballet "Nutcracker"

- "Sleeping Beauty", "Swan Lake",


Do not know

- "The field is posted with flowers,

In the sky there are light waves.

Surface larks Peña

Blue abyss full "


Answers children



Yes, he is faster

In major

In April

Tchaikovsky I. P.

- "Seasons"

- "Snowdrop" and "Lyonca Song"

This is a higher educational music institution.

Romance in music - vocal essay written on a small poem

Answers children

Answers ...


- "Spring water"

Different answers

Different answers

Grade 2.
The purpose of the lesson: familiarity with the peculiarities of the music of nature of different composers.

Tasks: Education of moral culture, love for nature,

the ability to correctly determine the musical paintings of nature,

features and changes in music, the development of performing skills.

Equipment lesson:

laptop, presentation of nature paintings, screen, projector, music discs, tape recorder, KASSIO keys.
During the classes:

About nature is written a lot of poets poets - A. Fetom,

F. Tyutchev, A. Pushkin, M.Lermontov, A.Blokom ....
Spring, spring, spring came,

On the street becomes warm.

Spring droplets

From all sides hear ...

The sun rays are cheerful,

The first snowdrops want to get out.

Everything is having fun, the sun sparkles

Nature always flourishes in spring ...

I asked you too to prepare poems about the spring (homework).

Children expressly read verses of spring.

And what happens in nature in the spring?

The sun shines brighter, it becomes warmer, the first leaflets appear on the trees, the first flowers begin to appear, the birds arrive from warm edges ...

All nature awakens from the winter sleep and blooms ...

On the board prepared different pictures of nature.

Children together with the teacher determine what paints paintings are written, features of the image, artistic picture of the painting, which musical works would come to these pictures.

View slides with image of nature paintings on the screen.

The theme of nature, spring is reflected in the paintings of many artists:

Repina, Shishkin, Vasnetsova, Nesterova, Korovina, Rylova ..

And now let's enter and we enter, let's notice from the winter sleep and perform our rhythmic exercises "Spring has come," "Swallow", "Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring" ...
Placing on the speakers: "Birchings", "Seasons of the Year", "Spring",

"I go with the bias" ...

And now we will show how they sang songs in dances, on holidays and fulfill our songs about nature, about spring ...

A group of children for execution is selected. Folk Investments are distributed (students perform rhythm songs).

Another group of children becomes in a dance (girls' heads are decorated with flowers) and perform songs "with a view I go", "Spring", "Swan's" ...

Groups of children with tools and songs are changing, others are selected.

Paintings of nature reflected in their works not only

poets, writers, artists, but also many composers -

russian and foreign: P. Tchaikovsky, S. Rakhmaninov, A.Vivaldi, E.Grieg, N. Rimsky, Korsakov, I. Stavinsky, M. M.Morusorgsky and others ...
Now we will listen to fragments of works about the nature of different composers:
P. Tchaikovsky "April.SdsNezhnik (" Seasons of the Year "),

A. Vivaldi »Spring", s.rahmaninov "Spring water",

E.Grieng "Morning" ...

Students determine the nature of music, changes, features, performers, tools ...

To each work it is possible to choose the corresponding picture of nature located on the board or on the screen.


In notebooks on music, draw pictures of spring to the works listened in classroom, choose the corresponding poems about the spring.
Conclusion: Spring Theme is in the works of poets, writers,

artists, composers.

They all showed their attitude, their feelings

to nature through their works.

Nature music in all composers is different.

But it is always - beautiful, tender, light,

As an artist describes the nature of paints, the composer and musician describes the nature of the music. From the great composers, we got all collections of works from the "Seven Year" cycle.

We suggest you to plunge into the music of spring nature, feel real breathing and trepidation of spring.

A. Vivaldi "Seasons of the Year." Spring

Written in 1723 cycle from 4 concerts "Four Seasons" is the most famous work of Antonio Vivaldi and one of the popular works of the Baroque era. "Spring" is the first concert from the cycle "Seasons".

In the first part of the "Seasons" concerts, the famous composer expressed all the power of spring, accompanying three works by poetic sonnet, colorfully describing the phenomena of nature.

Sonnet Vivaldi also divided into three parts: in the first part, the nature protrudes, freeing from the winter captivity, in the second - peaceful sleeping sleeping sleeps, and in the third - shepherd dances with nymphs under the cover of spring.

Concert №1 Mi Major "Spring"

According to the idea of \u200b\u200bVivaldi, each season corresponds to a certain region of Italy, and for spring is the romantic Venice and the shores of the Adriatic, where sea landscapes and sunrise of the sun awaken are especially beautiful from winter hibernation.

Vivaldi Spring.


Spring is getting better! And the joyful song
Full nature. Sun and warm
Murbs of streams. And festive news
Marshmallow spreads exactly magic.
Suddenly the velvet clouds run out,
As the Blagovest sounds heavenly thunder.
But quickly runs the vortex mighty,
And twitter again floats in the blue space.
Dyhanye flowers, herbs rustling,
Full nature of dreams.
Sleeping a shepherd, the charter,
And there is a slightly audible dog.
Shepherd dogs sound
Delivering buzzing over the meadows
And nymph dancing magic circle
Spring is distilled by wonderful rays.

Not only the old baroque form of the musical concert "Spring", but also the solo sound of the tools: the delicate sounds of the violin are replaced by an alarming gobone, bass join gradually, imposing on the melody where "lightning" and "thunder" are depicted.

The melody in the first part of the spring cycle - Allegro, it often changes the rhythm, crushes, clearly audible "voices and trills of birds", "murmur of the stream", ease of the breeze. The second part is Largo, melodic, over the sound of music there is a three-space texture. The top layer is a melodic solo violin, singeredness and sadness. The average layer of texture mimics the quiet rustle of foliage and herbs, the sounds of monotonne and are well combined with the bass of the third formation - the rhythmic, depicting a slightly audible "Tanking PSA". The third part of the cycle on the tempo and the dynamics of sound reminds the first, but here is noticeably rhythmic braking at the end of each melodic wave. The main hero of the Spring cycle, Vivaldi chose a soling violin, dividing each "month" into three stages: exposure, development and reprint.

P. I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons". Spring

"Lark song". March

"The field is taken by flowers,
In the sky there are light waves.
Surface larks Peña
Blue abyss full "

The first play from the spring cycle is dedicated to Marta, when gentle and fragile flowers make their way from under the snow, returned from warm bird edges, and on the protiney in the forest, the larks firmed under the affectionate rays of the sun. The singing of the lark symbolizes the spring, so the lyrical and leopard melody resembles a bird roll ring, a free flight over native expanses and creates a lung, a little sad and dreamy mood. The light trills gradually subscribe, night comes in the forest, and everything gets away in anticipation of the next day.

The epigraph of this play by the composer was used poem of the poet of Apollo Maikova, telling about the flight of the Lark in the sky, happily singing praise in the spring, blooming colors and generous sun.

"Snowdrop". April

"Blue clean
Snowdrop: flower,
Or beside a density
Last snowball.
Recent Tears
About the mountain was
And the first dreams
About happiness in other ... "

As soon as the fields come out with the fields and forests, and the glades begins to break through from the old leaves and the needles of the green grass, snowdrops appear. Nature awakens, sending his first messengers to the light. Like a snowdrop flower, a month of April is very loved by the Russian people, especially women, the poets are devoted to him, emphasizing the whiteness and transparency of bells resembling that Spring finally entered into their rights. The beginning of the play of the Tchaikovsky "March" permeated with touching motifs, it looks like a quiet, dizzying waltz, which is replaced by emotional chords, and then muted sound major notes. At the beginning of the first section of the play more air, the game becomes more emotional to the middle and descends to the lower octave, and then returned to the light and sensual waltz.

This musical work is also dedicated to one of the poems A.N. Majkova, in which the snowdrock is compared with the hope, and practically miserable snow with forgotten the sorcesses and anxiety.

"White Nights ". May

"What is the night! For all what a burden!
Thank you, my native impact edge!
From the kingdom of ice, from the kingdom of blizzard and snow
How fresh and clean yours departs May! "

Peter Chaikovsky lived in St. Petersburg for many years, so he dedicated one of his plays to the famous "White Nights", beginning at the end of May. Freshness of the night, when the street is light, almost like during the day, Tomny Nega of the last days of spring, for which the heat comes, the warm sun - all this is reflected in the inverted and baking music of the piano, complete contradictions. Then the melody rushes up, forcing it to test the sublime feelings and delight, then falls into a few octave, betraying the soul to heavy thought.

The work consists of several sections, short, lyrical deviations, joyful chords, short reprises and a calm, slow finals, representing the viewer, a bright sky and strict northern beauty.

Astor Piazzolla "Seasons" Spring

The talent of the composer is in the ability to express those feelings and emotions that the writer conveys with the help of words, and the artist writes paintings with paintings, reflecting the condition of its inner world, sometimes contradictory surrounding reality. One of the ingenious musicians of the 20th century was recognized by the Astor Piazzolla Astor, who created his own and inimitable musical style.

Astor Piazzolla turned the whole idea of \u200b\u200bhow real voluptuous music should sound, if you mix all three different in the form of the genre in one cocktail. So was born with nothing inclusive style - the amazing style of the game. It is based on several directions: tango, jazz and classical music.

Spring. Piazzolla - Primavera Porteña Allegro

This part of the cycle about the days of the year in Buenos Aires more resembles a classic tango with an emotional supervision, incendiary rhythm and a rapid pace that the accordion sets.

The performance of this work can be heard in the interpretation of many orchestras, but the interest of musical critics causes not so much a new tango music, as a sharp change of melody in the middle and lyrism, which is replaced by passion from the first chords of the accordionist solo.

J. Haydn Oratoria "Seasons of the Year". 1st part: Spring

The 1st part of the instrumental entry "Transition from Winter to Spring" opens. Overture Composition Double: A heavy bass screensaver with a pumping atmosphere is replaced by a soft, light, tonal-stable motive.

The end of the entry and finals of the first segment coincide in the chore of landpashings, welcoming the spring. The choir includes 4 votes, male and female, they enter the party not at the same time. The transition of violins and flutes begin, after which the dominant moves to the chorus. The song is lyrical, it meets the motives of folk music.

The choir gives the position to a severe powerful bass of Simon, which takes off the solo part of the "time of the year". A clear rhythm, a square structure and adherence to folk chanting closer to the listener to the life of a cheerful pahar, whose role performs Simon.

Common tone to the end of the "Spring" rises. And the peak becomes a choral song, which and ends the spring part of the oratorio.