Spain location on the world map. Spain on a modern world stage

Spain location on the world map. Spain on a modern world stage
Spain location on the world map. Spain on a modern world stage

the place is completely unique. Here, the will of Fate crossed religion and culture, various natural zones are adjacent on the territory of the country, even the landscape is extremely controversial - the bucolic meadows are transferred to the impregnable harsh mountains, then replace the luxurious beaches with a gentle warm sea.

This is the bog of Europe and Africa, Islam and Christianity, on the territory of Spain The mass of medieval castles and monasteries, and numerous tourists, flooding the country, are always found. Tourism, starting to grow rapidly from 1960, brought the country to advanced places in the world at attendance.

Particle of Western Europe, or where is the state?

Features of the geographical position and border

Spain belongs to Western Europe and is her southwestern tip. The Pyrenean Peninsula is engaged by 80%, it includes the islands and Balearic, as well as some objects on the African coast. From Europe, the country is reliably separated by the mountains, followed by.

The Atlantic Ocean came to Spain from the north and from the West, in the east and south of her coast bathed in the warm waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The Canary Islands is the Atlantic, and the Balearic and Pithiuse - Mediterranean.

It is there, on the islands and on the coast, are located main resort zones countries. But mountain areas give unlimited opportunities for skiing skiing. Such features of the geographical position make the country with absolutely unique and very attractive to the European public.

Climate, population, currency

  • Climate

    In general, the climate of Spain is Mediterranean, more precisely, among the numerous climatic zones of the Mediterranean country most. But they are divided into 3 major subgroups: marine, continental and steppe.

    If you take the whole country as a whole, its average annual temperature is fixed between + 14 ° C and + 19 ° C.

  • Population

    In all, there are about 40 million people in Spain, of which 99% are Catholics. Among the inhabitants of the country, 4 separate groups can be distinguished, more precisely, 4 people: Spaniards, Galicians, Catalans, Basic.

    There are smaller ethnic groups, they also speak their languages.

    Due to such diverseness of the population in the country, internal problems are exacerbated from time to time. For example, Spain is the largest euro country from those who do not want to recognize Kosovo, for the reason that she has similar problems with the Basque population.

    Recently, the situation is developing towards the aggravation of such problems, since Spain enhances the flow of immigrants from African countries, both legal and criminal.

  • Currency

    To date, the euro goes in Spain, this monetary unit was introduced in 2002. The exchange of currencies problems does not represent, it is carried out through banks. There are also numerous exchangers in which a more profitable course is observed than in the branches of banks.

    True, finding out among them the most suitable is not so simple, it differs greatly at the exchange offices, even those located next to each other. Sometimes when exchanging the currency has to pay commissions.

Administrative division by region

State Spain it is a constitutional monarchy And the city of Madrid has the capital.

Geographically country is divided On the 17 autonomous communities and 2 more cities, Ceuta and Melilla, having autonomy. Autonomous regions, in turn, are divided into 50 provinces.

Costa Brava, Mallorca, Costa Blanca and other seats on the coast

The line of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, ishing Spain from the East, and further south, to the Gibraltar Strait, rich in resorts, providing tourists chic beach rest. The same applies to the Biscay bay, and to the islands.

All Spanish beaches belong to the municipality and are provided to the resort workers for free.

Consider the brightest resort places.

And what is famous for the south of the Kingdom - Popular Resorts

In the south, you can visit Andalusia, to get acquainted with the sights of Granada, Seville and Cordoba. Southern Spain offers tourists diving and windsurfing, rich in nightlife, picturesque waterfalls and a luxurious beach vacation. It:

  • Malaga, with mixed beaches, pebbles with sand, with old palaces and castles;
  • Costa tropical, the coast of sandy, sea entertainment and monuments of the Middle Ages;
  • Sierra Nevada And other resorts for amateur ski fans operating from December to March.

International Airports

Spain has 29 Airports16 of them were assigned an international status. In fact, they are in every big city, and in Madrid and are the largest.

From Russia, you can fly by charter in 6 Spanish airports.

See also video - Spain on the world map:

It has a unique climate, beautiful cities and resorts of Spain is a European-level leisure against the background of world cultural values.

Here you are waiting for such natural features like the Mediterranean Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the proximity of Africa, the Pyrenean Mountains.

These elements combined with national traditions and monuments of antiquity do not allow to allocate the best resorts on the country map. It all thus depends on your preferences and wallet.

Excursion programs are available throughout the year. Seasons of beach holidays, treatment, skis, which offer cities and resorts of Spain depend on this or that region.

Beach resorts of mainland Spain

The word "Costa" in Spanish means "coast". This feature is easy to distinguish beach cities and resorts of Spain. Among them are the following.

  • . Abounds with cozy bays, Aqua Brava water parks, Playa de Aro, Lloret de Mar are located here.
  • . Especially interesting to children with their attractions "Port Aventura" belonging to the famous Universal Studios.
  • Lovers of the "soft" beach holiday will surely enjoy Costa del Maresm and Costa del Garraf.
  • Dear bohemian Costa del Sol and Costa Blanca attract holidaymakers with high prosperity.

The absence of large enterprises of heavy industry in the cities of Spain causes high ecological indicators.

Cities in Spain for History Lovers

Excursions are interesting throughout the country. Small villages make it possible to see the lives of various ethnic groups. Architectural monuments, museums, Madrid Gallery, Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSeville reflect the history of the development of not only Europe, but also of the entire civilization.

Many of the cities of Spain have Arena for Corrida. Lovers of acute sensations can see the spectacle, the final of which is the death of a bull, and sometimes bullfighter. The dates of the fighting should be found in advance to take care of tickets.

Unforgettable vacation in the Spanish Islands

The island part of the country consists of Balearo and Canary archipelago. The hot breath of Africa allows you to have fun on local beaches almost all year round. Mallorca is a real pearl of the Mediterranean. Prices of hotels, yacht clubs, elite restaurants are equal to the cost of production of the local pearl factory.

Probated fame due to therapeutic properties of black sand beaches having volcanic origins. Local rates are lower than in Mallorca, but no particular democraticness is different. At the same time, on the neighboring islands with the same climate, the cost of rest is available to tourists with a middle budget.

Spain, located on these islands and the resorts of Spain attract representatives of "Higher Light". Here are the summer residence of the Spanish Royal House.

Natural health resorts

Many thermal hospitals operate on sources known since the time of ancient Rome. Aragon spa complexes combine mineral waters with walks in the Pyrenean National Parks. The chain of Kowadong Lakes is water and air treatments, acquaintance with the Doronan era, pilgrimage to the Altar of the Virgin Covadong.

Ski slopes in ski resorts

Spain Ski Resorts are located at a low height (2-2.5 km). For this reason, for skating it is worth choosing only the winter months. Sierra Nevada is the most popular, but a fairly expensive area for skiing. More available for the price of the United Araman Ski Area Range Zone on the Sierra de la Demand Ridge, which includes many ski resorts. The well-established bases of the Aragonian Pyrenees claimed the 2010 Olympics. In addition to skis, therapeutic sources of mineral water are available here. Bakayir's slopes, oil, La Pinilla, Alto Campo are equipped for professionals, beginners, families with children.

From a financial point of view, new winter highways are attractive: Val de Nuria, Rasos de Peger, Walter-2000.

Detailed map of Spain in Russian online. Satellite map of Spain with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Spain on the world map - Western European state at the Pyrenean Peninsula with the capital in the city of Madrid, whose population is about 3 million inhabitants. Spain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea and the Biscay Bay. In addition to the continental part, Spain also includes a number of islands. For example, the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean.

Spain - Wikipedia

Population of Spain:46 528 024 people. (2017)
Capital of Spain: City of Madrid.
The largest cities of Spain: Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMadrid, Valencia, Malaga, Seville, Zaragoza
Phone Code of Spain: 34
National domain by germing: .es

Cards of cities in Spain.

Sights of Spain:

What to see in Spain: National Prado Museum, Burgos Cathedral, Cave of Altamira, Square of Spain in Seville, Canary Islands, Park Guele, Beach La Cum, Cuenca, Mesquite, Monstery, Escorial, Church of the Holy Family, Ibiza Island, Alhambra, Costa Brava, Royal Palace In Madrid, Seville Alcazar, Dunes Maspalomas, Loro Park, Aqueduct in Segovia, Roman Theater in Merida, Montestery Montserrat, House Museum Salvador Dali in Figuene, Puerta del Sol in Madrid, Palazzo Real in Madrid, Touric Gardens in Valencia, Henellife.

The state language of Spain is spanishBut many residents speak dialects in Basque and Galician languages. The second state language is Catalansky, which is quite common in Spain.

Climate in Spain Subtropic prevails, so the sun shines most of the year, the summer is roast and dry, the winter is short-lived soft weather conditions. The coldest time is the winter period, and the warmest is the period from June to September.

Spain - This is a fairly popular place to relax both among Europeans and residents of other countries. Particularly attracted tourists a variety of Spain. In each city of Spain - its atmosphere and its own architecture, they are all unique in their own and interesting.

Attractions in Spain Great many thanks to the remaining traces of the era of the Roman Empire and Middle Ages. Churches, fortresses, cathedrals - all these architectural structures of the distant past can be contemplated in almost every Spanish city. In addition to the sights of tourists attracts the National Spanish Fun - Corrida. Many tourists come to Spain specifically to visit this presentation. Many believe that to come to Spain and not to visit the Corrida - a crime.

Holidays in Spain: Spain is famous for Spain and beach holidays. Catalonia is the most famous resort region. The most visited Spanish resorts are the Canary Islands, Alicante, Costa Brava and Costa Blanca.

Spain Resorts:

Spain Resorts in the Mediterranean Sea: Ibiza Island, Mallorca Island, Minorca Island. Spain Resorts on the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean: Tenerife Island, Gran Canaria Island, La Palma Island, Lanzarote Island, Fuerteventura Island. Resorts in Continental Spain: Costa del Sol, Costa Tropical, Costa Brava, Costa Dorada, Costa Blanca, San Sebastian resort.

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With the help of the Spain's resorts card, you can get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhere you are either heading or still want to go on vacation. The map shows all resorts both continental Spain and island (Ibiza, Tenerife, Mallorca and Menorca).

We also invite you to familiarize yourself with information from the main beach resorts of Spain. This data will also help in recreation planning.

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Going on a trip to another country is very important to have a scheme of the region at hand. A detailed map of Spain with resorts and cities in Russian will help to navigate on an unfamiliar area and choose the desired travel direction. Thanks to her even before the rest, you can plan sightseeing or travel around the surrounding area. All the cards given in this article can be increased, just click on them.

Spain is one of the visited countries from tourists. In this country, the resorts with excellent climate and amazing beaches and cities with architectural monuments and a variety of entertainments are surprising in this country. You can visit it all year round, opening this country from the new side into each trip. What it will be for the place is the distant Canary or Balearic Islands, historical regions Catalonia, Valencia or Andalusia, and maybe Barcelona or Madrid with museums and a rich nightlife, solve only you.

The main unit of administrative-territorial division of Spain is the autonomous region. In total, the state has 17 autonomous regions. Below you can read them in more detail.

Spain Map with Provinces

Autonomous regions in turn are divided into 50 provinces and 2 autonomous cities - Seutu and Melilla. Each province has its own characteristics and its flavor. Read more about them can be found here.

Political map of Spain in Russian with cities

This scheme displays major cities in the autonomous regions of the country. She will serve as a visual manual into the world of the political device of the state.

Physical map of Spain

The physical scheme shows the relief changes throughout the country. It indicates mountain ranges, hills and plains, as well as many bays and capes. Thanks to the special color, a common inclination of the area is clearly visible.

Spain map with cities and resorts in Russian

A detailed scheme with cities and resorts will serve as a navigator of your future travel. You can not only choose a resort for vacation, but also to make a plan for traveling in neighboring cities.

Map of the coast of Spain

On the coast of Spain there are a large number of resorts popular with tourists. Take advantage of the scheme to better navigate when choosing a place of rest.

Road map of Spain

When traveling by car, the atlas of the country will serve as an excellent assistant. It clearly shows the established message between cities and resorts.

For travel on some roads will have to pay. Paid highways are shown below.

Railways map of Spain in Russian with cities detailed

If you are planning a trip by train around the country, then you will need a country railway scheme. It can be seen on it, between which cities are easy to get by train.

Tourist map of Spain

It is a schematic representation of the main attractions of the state characteristic of one or another region.

Detailed map of Spain with attractions and capital

Below you will find the interactive scheme of the country with attractions in Google MEP. Over time, she will be replenished. To consider in more detail the city you are interested in, click on "+" in the lower left corner. The scale of objects can be changed from the coverage of the whole country to the consideration of streets and houses. The map moves in all directions - up, down, left, right. If you wish, you can look at the city from the satellite.

In this article, you could familiarize yourself with the most detailed and necessary charts of Spain, which can be useful to you when planning your route through this country.

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