Pencil portraits. How to draw a self portrait from the photo, learn to draw a picture from the photo

Pencil portraits. How to draw a self portrait from the photo, learn to draw a picture from the photo
Pencil portraits. How to draw a self portrait from the photo, learn to draw a picture from the photo

If you start from scratch - full zero like meAnd they wanted to learn to draw a pencil - read the chronicle of a lazy inflated artist. The last time I painted in school. Drew like everything, medium.

How can you draw a pencil after 50 hours of practiceAnd how to learn this. I started drawing from scratch. I did not paint regularly, on average 15 minutes a day, for six months. And you can learn and in a couple of months, drawing 60 minutes a day!

Drawing - Copy Skill

The following pictures began to draw in the confidence that I am a talentless to drawing. But since I know that almost everything I know about yourself is not true. I decided to double-check myself: I really have a hand curved or it was injured in school.


The main element of drawing. Drafting the shadows and the field of sphere.

The time is indicated taking into account the reading of the textbook. Drawing itself takes a time two times less.


Basic building brick of any drawing.

Modifications Cuba

Draw a pencil texture

Flags and Rosa

Draw Cubes - advanced level

Draw spheres - advanced level

From this stage you we must buy Establishment - paper pencil. In the previous lessons, I was growing with my finger, then essay # 3.

All the magic seats: volume, small shadows in the corners, when painting the eye and portrait - thanks to the erection. Your drawing capacity will seem to be multiplied by three! Outside themselves when compare your results.

Flags, scrolls

Cylinders: volcano, cup

Draw a live tree

Room in perspective

Street in perspective

Draw in the central perspective: castle, city

Inscription in perspective

Learning to draw a portrait

Learning to draw a hand

Exam: First portrait!

Draw people much more difficult than roses or anime. The face cannot be distorted - every error is immediately noticeable. Learn to draw people you need when you feel the confidence that you can recognize the outlines and sketch of the face.

Portraits cannot be drawing quickly, hardship is required and attentiveness. That's what I got a portrait of my wife:

Learn to draw pictures from scratch

Eight paintings drew a total day, half of time. Pencil was also practiced alone day. Learning to draw to the same results, even if "the hands of the ass grow", it is possible for 50-150 hours. In terms of serials - this is 2-3 seasons of Dr. Haouc.

The first picture acrylic "I like you" Vasi Lojkin painted 6 hours. What acrylic is and how to manage it - I did not know. The brush also kept for the first time after school.

The knead the desired shade is not easy. Throw everything because it does not work - I rushed every half an hour. Need a person who will support. I went to study at the art studio and painted under the artist's supervision. A year later, a couple of times took the lessons of drawing online at the same teacher.

He learned to draw a pencil, and Snorzka turned out to be comprehensive. I took a brush for the first time after school and drew. Long 6 hours, curved, but how cool! Now I can make an extraordinary gift - draw a picture to a friend, bookmark in a notebook, caricature for work. Even did a small cartoon.

The first picture: pastel, acrylic, gouache and butter. All techniques from scratch, and hang on the wall - not ashamed.

How to learn how to draw - algorithm

Training Paint with a pencil is a base: To remove the corners, the size of the lines, comply with the proportions. Just learn not afraid to draw. Lighten the initial level, and then only more fun and easier.

What to learn to draw

    Draw simple pencil.

    Fundamental tool for drawing. Almost all the illustrations, sketches and pictures are drawn first with a pencil. Next, it rubs to barely visible lines, or on top of the paints. Errors are easily corrected. №1 for beginners.

    Draw gel handles.

    Simple drawing tool in color. Drawing technique is similar to a pencil drawing technique - all the same handle, not a brush. You can fix errors only in Photoshop.

    Draw felt-faucers. Analogs: markers and professional "copies".

    More variety of colors than gel pens. The set will cost cheaper. After 1-2 years, the markers dry and need to buy a new set.

    Feltolsters are a little impregnate paper and it begins to rip out, because of this I do not like to draw them. You can hinder 2-3 times and the line becomes more saturated, you can draw a half.

    We draw watercolor.

    Cheap materials, and familiar from school. Diluted with water, so the new layer of paint blurs the previous one. It is difficult to master how it will behave. From scratch, independently, not just learn to draw parts. Advantage - availability.

  • Draw a gouache.

    Matte color, more thick than watercolor, is also diluted with water. Great for newcomers: it is easier to correct inaccuracy than watercolor. Cheap material.

  • Draw acrylic paints.

    The most affordable professional material. Acrylic dries quickly, 5-15 minutes. They are easy to apply the second layer, fix the flaws. If high-quality, then resistant to water.

    Acrylic painted on canvas. You can also describe anything: wall, stool, cup, helmet, ashtray, T-shirt, photo frames. I recommend to open the work with a varnish from the canister.

  • Draw pastel - Dry and Oil.

    The technique of drawing pastels is unusual - you need to draw shameles, rubbing them about paper.

    The technique of drawing with oil pastels is similar to drawing with pencils, but has its own characteristics.

  • We draw oil.

    Complex professional paints. Durable, but it is impossible to buy cheap - crack.

    Long dry, about 2-10 days. This is a plus - you can always remove the layer, try, growing. But minus, you need to very carefully apply the layer on top so as not to spoil what is. I do not recommend their use for beginners.

You are able to learn to draw a pencil . Find "Why?", Buy a tutorial and refill in pleasure. In a month - surprised by your abilities.

We can now carefully look at the details. And let's start with the face. The person's face is the first thing that we pay attention to in any situation, and this is also definitely applicable to art: the observer will first of all consider a person with your characteristic features. The transfer of the face on paper, especially the drawing of living expressive expressions, undoubtedly worth the effort.

In this lesson we will get acquainted with the main components face drawing - proportions, features and angleAnd in the following lessons already we will analyze a variety of expressions of individuals.

1. Proportions of the face

Full face:

In this position, the skull will be a flat circle to which the outlines of the jaw are added, which in general forms the shape of the egg, pointed below. Two perpendicular in the center of the line divide the "Egg" into four parts. To distribute face features:

- Mix the middle of the left and right half of the horizontal line. At these points will be eyes.

- divide the vertical lower line into five equal parts. The tip of the nose will be at the second point from the center. Write fold will be at the third point from the center, for one current below from the tip of the nose.

- divide the upper half of the head into four equal parts: the growth line of hair (if a person has no bald) will be located between the second and third point from the center. The ear will be located between the upper century and the tip of the nose (in the event that the face is on the same level). When a man looks up or down, the position of the ears is changing.

It is useful to know that the width of the face is the width of five eyes or a little less. The distance between the eyes is equal to the width of one eye. For people, it is uncharacteristic to have widespread or too closely related eyes, but it is always noticeable (widespread eyes give a person an innocent children's expression, and narrowly delivered for some reason excite suspicion in us). The distance between the bottom lip and chin also equals the width of one eye.

Another criterion measures is the length of the index finger over the thumb. In the diagram below, all lengths are marked according to this criterion: the height of the ear, the distance between the level of hair growth and level of eyebrows, the distance from the eyebrows to the nose, the distance from the nose to the chin, the distance between the pupils.


From the side, the shape of the head also resembles an egg, but pointed to the side. The central lines now share their heads on the front (face) and rear (skull) parts.

From the skull:

- Ear is located right behind the central line. According to its size and location, it is also located between the upper century and the tip of the nose.
- the depth of the skull varies between two separated dots lines (as shown in step 4).

From the face:

- The features of the face are located in the same way as in Afas.

- The deepening of the nose or coincides with the central line, or is located just above.

- The most outstanding point will be the level of eyebrows (1 point from the center).

2. Facial features

Eyes and eyebrows

The eye is built from two simple arcs, in shape resembling almonds. There are no strict rules here, since the shape of the eyes can be completely different, but there is general recommendations:

- an outer corner of the eye above internal, and not vice versa.

- If you compare the eyes with the almond, the rounded part of the pupil will be on the side of the inner corner, decreases towards an external corner.

Details of the eye

- Rainbing eyes partially hidden behind the upper age. It crosses the lower eyelid only if the person looks down or pushed (the lower eyelid rises).

- The eyelashes bend outward, and they are shorter in the lower eyelid (in fact, it is not necessary to draw them every time).

- If you want to portray the oval of the tears in the inner corner of the eye, as well as to show the thickness of the lower eyelid, it completely depends on your preferences; Excess details does not always look appropriate. Adding such details in proportion to the complexity of drawing.

- The same can be applicable to drawing the folds of the century - it adds expressiveness and looks less alarmed. I think it is better not to add a fold if you perform stylized pattern or your drawing is too small.

The eye into the profile reminds on the form of the tip of the boom (the parties can be concave and convex), with a slight designation of the upper eyelid and, selectively, lower. In life, we do not see the iris in the profile, but we see the eye protein. When I worked on the lesson, many said that "it looks strange," so the iris must still be designated.

As for the eyebrows, the easiest way to draw them after the eye to repeat the bending of the upper eyelid. Most of the eyebrows length looks inside, and her tip is always a bit shorter.

In the profile, the form of eyebrows changes - it becomes like a comma. This "comma" continues the level of eyelashes (where they bend). Sometimes an eyebrow seems one whole with eyelashes, so you can also draw one curve for the top of the eye and the eyebrows.

The nose is usually a wedge-shaped form - it is easier to visualize and give three dimensions before complementing the details.

The partition and the sides of the nose are flat, which will noticeably on the finished figure, but already at the stage of the outline it is necessary to designate them to subsequently distribute the parts. In our wedge, the lower flat part is a truncated triangle, connecting the wings and the tip of the nose. Wings are bent towards the partition, forming nostrils - note that if you look at the bottom, the lines forming the side partitions are in the foreground, in parallel to the face. The partition protrudes below than the wings (if you look straight), which means that during anonymous ¾ the far nostril will not be visible, respectively.

The most difficult moment during the drawing of the nose can be the decision-making, which parts of the nose are better not to depict for a natural look. You will not always have to fully draw the wings of the nose (where they are connected to the face), and in most cases the picture looks better if you simply draw the bottom of the nose. The same applies to the four lines of the nose partition, in the place where they are connected to the face - in most cases it will be better if you draw only the bottom of the nose (wings, nostrils, partition) - you can alternately cover the line to make sure . If the head is turned to ¾, it becomes necessary to draw the bridge lines. You will need to observe a lot, by the method of trial and error to recognize the unique features of the nose. Caricaturists have this feature - it is necessary to carefully consider the outlines of noses to understand why they are depicted. We will return to this issue in the following lessons.


Tips on the image of the mouth and lips:

- First you need to draw a lip fold, as it is the most stripped and dark of the three almost parallel lines that form the mouth. In fact, it is not a solid straight line - it consists of several implicit curves. In the figure below, you can see hyperbulous examples of the movement of the mouth line - note that they repeat the top lip line. This line can be "mitigated" in several ways: the hollow over the lip can already be (to distinguish between the corners) or so wide that it becomes invisible. It may be the opposite - the lower lip is so complete that he creates a feeling of inflated lips. If you find it difficult to stick with symmetry at this stage, try starting from the center and draw one line on each side.

- The upper corners of the lips are more noticeable, but you can soften them by portraying two wide curves, or soften so that they will stop being noticeable.

- The bottom lip is definitely reminds the usual curve, but it can be almost flat or rather rounded. My advice is to designate the lower lip of at least a conventional dash under the bottom boundary.

- The upper lip is almost always lower, and it is less represented forward. If its outline is encountered, it should be brighter expressed, as the lower lip and so stands out with his shadow (in size should not exceed the size of the lip).

- The lip profile resembles the arrow tip form, and the protrusion of the upper lip becomes obvious. The shape of the lip is also different - the top is flat and is located diagonally, and the lower more rounded.

- Looping in the profile is deflected down, starting with the crossing of the lips. Even if the person smiles, the line goes down below and rises again in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corners. Never lift the line level if you draw a profile.


The main part of the ear (if it is drawn correctly) has the form of the letter FROM From the outside and the form of an inverted letter U. On the inside (the border of the top cartilage of the ear). Frequently paint smaller U. above the ear of the ear (you can make your finger to your ear), which goes on to a smaller letter FROM. Ear details are depicted around the ear hole (but not always), and their forms can be completely diverse from different people. The drawing can be stylized - for example, in the figure below the ear in its general form resembles the elongated "@" characters.

When the face is turned into an Afas, the ears are depicted in profile, respectively:

- The glass, before the designated letter U is now visible separately - the same when you watch the side of the plate and then see her bottom, as if it was closer to you.

- on the shape of an ear hole resembles a drop and stands out on a general ear background.

- the ear thickness from this angle depends on the proximity to the head, this is another individual factor. Nevertheless, the ear is always issued forward - it happened during the evolution.

If you look at the back, the ear seems separate from the body, mostly this is a glass connected with his head with the help of the channel. Do not understand the size of the channel - its function is that the ears come forward. In this perspective canal weighing the lobe.

3. Rackers

Since the head is based on the circle, where the contours are indicated by the facial features, changing the head of the head is easier than it seems at first glance. Nevertheless, it is even more important to observe the position of people's heads in different angles in life to remember all the protrusions and depressions, superimposed on each other as an unexpected way. The nose, undoubtedly, significantly retreats from the head (also appear eyebrows, cheekbones, lip center and chin); At the same time, the sockets and the sides of the mouth form some of the depressions on our "circle".

When we painted my face in the Father and in the profile, we simplified the task to a two-dimensional image, where all lines were flat. For all other persons, we need to rebuild our thinking into a three-dimensional world and realize that the shape of the egg is actually an egg, and the lines we used before to arrange the features of the face, crossed this egg like the equator and meridians on the globe: at the slightest Changing the position of the head we will see that they are rounded. The location of the facial features is just the drawing of intersecting lines at a certain angle - now there are three of them. We can again share our heads on the upper and lower parts, "cut" our "egg", but now it is necessary to keep in mind: the most close to us components look thicker. The same applies to face drawing in a raised or lowered state.

Man looks down

- All the features bend towards upwards, and the ears are "rising".

- Since the nose is issued forward, his tip falls below the original mark, so it seems that he is now closer to her lips, and if a person drops his head even lower, then Mr. partially brings her lips. From this angle it is not necessary to draw additional details of the nose - there will be enough bridges and wings.

- Eyebrow arcs are fairly flat, but they can be curved again if too strongly tilt their heads.

- The upper eyelid eye becomes more expressive, and just a little change the position of the head, so that they completely hid the eyes orbits.

- The upper lip is almost invisible, and the bottom increases.

Man looks up

- all lines damn face seek down; Ears are also moving down.

- The upper lip is visible in full (which does not happen in the Afas). Now the lips seem to be inflated.

- eyebrows bend stronger, and the lower eyelid rises, because of what the eyes seem fair.

- The lower part of the nose is now completely visible, both nostrils are clearly displayed.

Man turns out

  1. When we see a person almost completely unscrewed, abrasive arcs and cheekbones remain from visible traits. The neck line is superimposed on the chin line and is located next to the ear. When a person turns, we also see eyelashes.
  2. Also when turning, we can see part of the eyebrow line and the protrusion of the lower eyelid; The tip of the nose also appears right due to cheeks.
  3. When a person turns almost into profile, eye apples and lips appear (although the fold between the lips is small), and the neckline is merged with the chin line. We are still visible part of the cheek covering the wing of the nose.

It's time to practice

Use the method of fast sketch, throwing the expression on the paper that you notice around yourself in a coffee shop or on the street.

Do not try to detail all the features and do not be afraid to make a mistake, the main thing is to transfer the traits from different angles.

If you are difficult to draw in the amount, take the present egg (you can cook it, just in case). Draw three lines in the center and add separating lines. Watch and drucribe an egg with contour lines from different sides - so you will feel how the lines and distances between them will behave in different angles. You can outline the features of the face on the surface of the eggs along the main lines and trace how they change in the amount when the egg is rotated.

Many people find a dosyne in drawing. Some want to become professional artists, but for others it is just a favorite hobby. This article will be told about how to draw a styled pencil portrait for beginners. Why do people draw portraits? Someone just really like the person he wants to draw. Another interesting to try yourself. The third wants to impress. But it all applies to adults.

But many children want to congratulate their mom with a holiday or just please her. They come the idea to draw her portrait pencil. After all, such a gift will be pleasant, will remember for a long time and will take its place in the house. Not all the guys learn in art school, but I want the drawing was completed correctly and pleased with his beauty.. Therefore, a lesson will be told here how to phase out a person's face on paper. And since you can draw anyone, let it be at least mom, at least a favorite actress, then this lesson will be useful to the most different people.

Even novice guys should turn out well and they quickly retire portrait technique. And all because the selected object for drawing really likes and their children want someone to please. This is the best motivation.

Where to start painting a portrait? The first steps

To learn to draw a portrait, you need to move from simple to complex. At the head of man in the figure there is only three persons: Fear, profile and seaside. To begin with, you should try to learn how to properly depict a person's face on the side. After that, it will be much easier to write it in Afas.

It is worth remembering that the faces of a man and women are slightly different. When drawing a portrait of a man should use more hard, clear lines. In the portrait of women, they should refuse them from them, preferred softer, smooth and feminine.

To begin with, draw a frame of the future portrait of a pencil. Display the shape of the head, the approximate distance between the chin and the population, the distance between the eyes. At the same time, do not forget and about scale, proportions and other facial measurements. The pencil strokes need to be done thin and light, so that at any time it was possible to correct them.

After it turned out to draw the basis of the future portrait, it should be proceeded to the image of the feature of the face. In order not to be distorted image, you need to constantly check the drawing and model.

As soon as the phased part will be marked by different parts of the person, it is necessary to highlight those parts that act, namely forehead, cheekbones, chin. In general, you should pay attention to the features of the person's face and try to transfer them. Whether it is the thickness of the lips, the height of the forehead or the location of the eyes.

The hairstyle should pay more attention, because it is a component of the image, style and perception of a person. It is necessary to draw it with long strokes, darkening the hair from the roots, thereby giving them volume.

To make the completion of the drawing, you need to erase the extra frame lines and proceed to working out parts. Leather, hair, shadow and light. All this should be transferred in the drawing with a pencil. This will help pencil strokes that, when pressing, become lighter or darker. Background you need to draw dark strokes, pressing on a pencil. It is necessary to do this in order for a person to stand out and was in the foreground. Attention should be paid to individual features, a highlight of a person and transfer them on paper.

Artists-portraitists have golden rules for drawing a person referred to as the standard:

  • the line of the eyes is a segment in the middle between the tip of the head and the chin;
  • the nose line passes between the eyebrows and the chin;
  • the cut between the nose and lips is divided into three parts: on the bottom line of the upper part and will be the beginning of the lips;
  • the head should also be divided into three equal parts, the topmost of the hair growth line, the average - eyebrows, and the bottom - the nose.

How to draw eyes?

The drawing of the eye should be given a separate attention, as they are a mirror of the soul and are very important when a person image. What should I start:

  • draw two oval;
  • within them two more - iris and pupil;
  • draw eyelashes, not straight sticks, but arcuate from century to eyebrows, more thick on corners and short at the beginning;
  • strike so that the edges of the iris are darkened, and the glare were designated on the pupil.

Portrait of a pencil

Drawing lessons on the Internet

In the modern world, even if a person has not studied drawing in the midst of studio and is a very novice artist, for him is not all lost. After all, in the age of the Internet a lot of artists is completely free of charge lay out drawing lessons to the network. Phased photos depicting each step, training video. All this will help master the skill and learn to draw beautiful portraits. It is only worth finding an appropriate video or blog and then even at beginners will begin to get beautiful paintings.

Whatever an interesting and useful article, not everyone is able to perceive written with ease, it will be easier to see many easier than read and try to understand independently. Draw from the tutorial will be quite simple and exciting.

It is worth remembering that the real artist is the one who does not represent his life without drawing and holds a pencil in his hands every day!

Good day, friends!

Today we learn how to draw a portrait of a person in stages, as an example, we will use the image of a beautiful woman. In this article you will find tips that will certainly be useful for novice artists.


For any task, you need an appropriate attitude, and to create a person's portrait you need to have access to its appearance of nature or photo. Even until you pested a pencil and try to think about:

  • what will be the background;
  • will something shown in the background;
  • it will be a horizontal or vertical format;
  • and other important points.

Nature and light

Even if you are well acquainted with the proportions of the human body, and draw abstract portraits quite well, to achieve portrait similarities you will need to be needed. You can also use photos as a nature.

To the image that you will use as an example is one very important requirement - this is the light. It is desirable that in the room or in the photo was one dominant light source. Simple lighting will allow correct, without errors, show the volume, especially if you do not have experience. Lighting, this is not all that we need - but the correct, good light can help you well.

Here are all the guides: line of symmetry, eye, nose, eyebrows, mouth, etc. If you are not familiar with the proportions of the head, look, please, our lesson :.

At this stage, we learn to draw a portrait rather rudely and not quite carefully, but you need to try to correctly convey all forms: nose, cheekbones, chin, and others, the most distinguished and characteristic features of the person. Stroke can show falling shadows.

Draw the ears of man

Several tips:

  • If you draw a pencil, the draft sketch make it very easy, so that later on top of the applied fine beautiful lines.
  • If you create an oil portrait, the sketch can be made on canvas with a small brush, designated only the form of the face, and several guide lines. It is not worth drawing in more detail, since the oil layer will block all your pencil lines. Immediately go to the next further stages of working with paints.

We specify all lines, try to make a beautiful clean sketch.

This is about such an outline you can stop and then continue to work already in color.

Shadow and Light: Big Brushes

The best way to make a picture of volumetric - at first, to darken it as much as possible, as the bright tones are added, it will become more and more painful.

First, the person needs to "paint" into a fairly dark shade, sometimes you can even make Mulatto out of man.

The point shows the size of the brush with respect to the size of the head, and the color that will be used as the main one.

Draw a parrot

Then take the shade of the turn of the main color of the skin and go through the large plots to which the light falls.

You can repeat the application of shadows and light a large brush several times. Try as long as you can not take thinner brushes in your hands. The transition from large brushes to thin should be gradual. For example, to work with paints: Brush No. 20, then No. 16, hereinafter No. 12, 10, 6, 4.

A little more accuracy

In order to draw a portrait correctly, move away from the canvas, every time you're going to use another shade or show a new form. Get distracted from work, more often translate your eyes, especially if you feel that we are tired or confused.

Manipulation with the application of shade and light during work repeat several times, you can gradually move to the smaller sizes, thus specifying the image on the canvas. Naturally, it should be done consciously and accurately.

We refine the shadows, the point shows the size of the brush and color

At the stage of clarifications, you can draw a little eyes. Thus, the face will immediately revive, and you will be easier to navigate what else needs to work.

Dry Brush Technique in Painting

Important advice: as an example, do not use models with a huge amount of makeup. It is strongly confusing, it is difficult to determine where the model is actually a century, and where the drawn arrow; where the defill from the artificial shine, and wherever the light source.

We carry the shadow, glare, shine. We specify the brightest glare and the darkest shadows. For example, it is the shadow under the chin on the neck and the contour of the face on the left side. Gliding on the hair show a lighter tone. Add a glare to the right on the nose, near the eye, and under the eyebrow.

Pictures of a person's face, a portrait is the most complex view of the visual art. Learning to draw a portrait of a person right, even a simple pencil, requires not only time for training, but also talent. The complexity of the figure of a person's portrait is in the ability to convey the emotional state of a person, his facial expressions, a look depth, etc. To do this, you need to correctly draw your eyes, just repeat the shape of the lips of the person and other features of his face.
How to draw a portrait of a man if you do not have experience? Learn a simple man's face drawing technique is quite possible independently, but you can try to try draw a person's face Phased, simple pencil. Perhaps not from the first time, but with a big desire, you will definitely be able to draw a real portrait of a person.

1. Common human face contour is the most important

To draw correctly portrait of man It is important to accurately make the first contour, the contour of the face. Without pressing a strongly pencil, repeat this oval person's faces on your drawing. You may have to draw it several times, repeating this step again. Do not spare paper, draw until this circuit is correct shape and symmetrical. If you wish to draw the same portrait on my drawing, take care of patience and diligence.

2. Marking of the main parts of the person

Exactly in the center, draw a horizontal line dividing a portrait into two parts, and just below another parallel line. From the center of the bottom line, draw a perpendicular line, and mark where the nasal tip will be located on the face. Drawing these lines, do not push hard to the pencil. Do not forget to draw ears.

3. Eyes - the main part of the portrait

Draw a person's face gradually simply and fascinating. The main thing is to accurately make the first steps. At this stage it will draw much easier, but you need to be extremely attentive and neat. Probably, you need to sharpen a fighter pencil, we will need to do thin lines now.
Eyes on the face of a person are the most important part of the portrait. Therefore, let's start to draw this portrait step. Smooth, oval lines draw eyes, but pre-put tags (points) for the side, upper and lower boundaries of each eye. Draw pupils, mouth line and initial hair contours.

4. Draw contours of eyebrows, mouth and lips

This step will be the most difficult, but after it the man's portrait will be almost over. Initially draw what is easy to draw. Draw your eyebrows and finish draw the hair contour. Now let's draw a little more complicated person's element - lips. The lower lip is easier to draw, here it will begin with it, and the upper will be a mirror reflection of the bottom, only she is divided into the center in half. Do not draw too wide mouth and thick lips.
Start drawing the nose from its tip, in the form of "checkbox", and at the edges there are two arcs. Now from the right eyebrows, spend a line, with a slight deflection to the right.
Neatly remove with your face drawing man Unnecessary contour lines and see, a real portrait of man turned out.

5. Picture of a person's face is almost completed

If you reached this stage and are quite pleased with your drawing of a person, then you are a real artist and apparently a lot of things can still paint. Starting from this step, you deserve rest, and therefore it is difficult to draw more in the portrait of a person. You will need only to draw eyebrows, eyelids in our eyes, hair and draw ears in more detail.

6. Portrait of a man. Creating in the figure of shadows

So it turned out a real drawing of a person's face, it remains only to make a portrait, how real artists do. That is, add a soft simple pencil into a drawing of shadows, make a picture of the face volume. This effect can be achieved only by creating shadows and contrasts.
On face and hair, many areas need to be subject to darker and dense light. Such an effect will give the person a big realistic and depth.
Now you know how draw a portrait man and can try to draw a portrait by photography. Draw a portrait of a man "With Nature" do not try, it can only make artists. If you manage to convey the basic similarities and express in your drawing the main trait of a person is already good. And if the portrait will have resemblance to a person in the photo, you can be sure you have a real talent.

A lesson, how to draw a portrait of a person is a supplement to the lesson how to draw a person in full growth. Draw at the beginning of a standing person, and after using this lesson, you can draw in detail and face of a person.

Picture of a person's face is, first of all, eyes. It is this element that the portrait needs to be given the most attention. In this lesson you can learn to draw eyes in detail.

Each person's nose has unique features, so give accurate tips how to draw a girl's nose, a child or a man. One can only make an abstract or as they say the "academic" drawing of the nose.

If you decide to draw a person's face, it is important to achieve similarity in the portrait of a person and accurately draw any features of the face. But the eyes and lips are the most important elements of the face pattern.

The ballerina is difficult to draw, because it is necessary to transfer the grace and the elegance of the movements of the dancer. To make you easier to draw a ballerina, this lesson is made step by step.

Let's try to statenly draw hockey player in motion, with a stick and washer. You may even be able to draw your favorite hockey player or goalkeeper.

In this lesson, we learn to correctly draw pencil comics anime in the style of manga. Each anime fan wants to be able to draw a manga, but it is not easy for everyone, because it is difficult to draw a person, even more so anime in motion.

The eyes of a person's face in the style of anime is the basis of this style. Eyes always have a distorted increased size, and the features of a person have only approximate similarity with a real person.