How to draw a pencil feature. Take a line: how to draw perfect arrows

How to draw a pencil feature. Take a line: how to draw perfect arrows

Note: I did this lesson for a very long time. He dust somewhere in the bins of a hard drive and he was very lonely, so I publish it here. Suddenly it will be useful for you?

Somewhere in the parallel universe there is an eternal struggle between the forces of evil and good. In our universe, evil has long interrupted and quietly enjoy beautiful landscapes and clean air. All this fills a well-known character, colorfully described in stories and films. There is probably a person who does not know who he is. And since we should learn how to draw a pencil feature. Damn (from ancient hero chort) — Guru of all evil, and not very good creatures. It is usually depicted in red, with hooves and tail. It is not necessary to represent hell as the personification of chaos, because he has a clear hierarchy, consisting of devil, demons, succubs, situnts, pirates, gopniks and swine flu bacteria.

Often the subject is remembered in folklore and various stories, but it is mainly bred, like Loha:

  • It is sent to him all who are not too lazy;
  • If something goes wrong, damn it, or picked up, or the hell knows how correctly;
  • According to statistics, each resident of this planet was at least once sent to him;
  • It is called him as in different ways: Satan, Shaitan, Velzevul, Mephistopheles, Lucifer and one more different names depending on the people and the level of Aike.

You can also come up with a name for him, I think it will not be offended:

How to draw scratch pencil phased

Step one. With the help of lines, create a matchmaker with wings and a long tail. Step second. Circle the line so that the body of the creature is. Add more horns and chain in hand. Step Three. Remove the initial shape with an eraser and carefully circle the drawing, sketching all the missed places. Step fourth. Grasp the drawing of the body, muscles and muscles, there should be sharp claws on the paws. Pitch fifth. It remains only to work out a person, and in his hands he must keep a huge chain. Next take color pencils and can paint on the very first picture on top. We still have a lot of horror counters, try to portray:

  1. The devil himself;
  2. Monster;
  3. Draw a huge bat;
  4. Gargool;
  5. Aliens;
  6. Someone else's;
  7. Grim Reaper;
  8. Werewolf;
  9. Vampire;
  10. Walking zombies;

This is a rather difficult lesson, so you may need a lot of effort to repeat it. If it did not work out the first time - do not despair and try again. Try to make maximum effort to execute this lesson. If, nevertheless it does not work, you can try to execute the lesson "". But I believe that you will succeed.

What do you need

In order to draw hell we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take a mediated special paper: novice artists will be much more pleasant to draw on such.
  • Compared pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each you need to use for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Shelf for rubbing hatching. You can use conventional paper twisted in the cone. She Lego will rub the hatching, turning it into monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Phased lesson

Draw the characters of films, cartoons and stories are much simpler than those of people and animals. It does not need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them on special occupations that need to repeat quite accurately. But if you want, when butoget is black - you can always make your eyes a little more. It will give greater cartoons.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to draw your attention to the lesson "". It will help to increase your workshop or just deliver a little pleasure.

All complex drawings should be created by promising thinking and vision. The subject should be not only the form on the sheet. You must draw it volumetric, that is, creating out of simple geometric tel, as if they are at each other: here is a ball in Cuba, but two balls are near. Of these primitive forms and consists of all living and not alive on earth.

Tip: Create an outline as few thick strokes as possible. The thicker the outline will be - the more difficult it will be erased later.

The first step is more precisely zero, you always need to place a sheet of paper. This will give you to understand where it will be the drawing specifically. If you place the drawing on the half of the sheet - the second half you can use for another picture. Here is an example of the markup of the sheet in the center:

Step one. Using lines, create a matchmaker with and a long tail.

Step second. Circle the line so that the body of the creature is. Add more horns and chain in hand.

Step Three. Remove the initial shape with an eraser and carefully circle the drawing, sketching all the missed places.

Step fourth. Grasp the drawing of the body, muscles and muscles, there should be sharp claws on the paws.

Pitch fifth. It remains only to work, and in his hands he must keep a huge chain. Next take color pencils and can paint on the very first picture on top.

I sincerely hope that you liked the lesson about how to draw hell and hope that you could repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is as interesting and fascinating. Share with your friends this lesson in Soc. networks.

So people are arranged that they want to always look into the future. Humanity nourishes a big passion to everything mysterious and otherworked and this is exactly what pushes them to conduct various rituals.

Challenge challenge is the most common. Damn is the essence belonging to the black forces, it is pretty sociable and usually never refuses to communicate. In this article we will deal with how to call the scrutin, what is necessary for this, how to hold a rite without consequences for yourself, because black magic is not a joke.

Consequences of black magic

Before you proceed to fortune, I want to prevent the consequences of the appeal to black magic. Many people think that they are not threatened with them if they turn to witchcraft in order to punish evil. This is not true. Especially when the absolute amateur is taken for rites.

The consequences can be very serious, victims of witchcraft often begin to root, tragedies and troubles come with them. Moreover, all this can be transmitted to the following generations. Think very well, but do you really need it?

Challenge the unclean: basic ways

Why do people want to call for a trait? And who is he, in general, such? Check - this is a small unclean force, but it is not as safe as it may seem. Gadgets do not realize what consequences may occur after the rite. The devils are very concave, one day hitting the house, they do not want to leave from there. Begin to joke, scare, harm and harm the owners. That is why it is important to comply with all the conditions and correctly complete the session so that the scrutain is removed there, where came from.

It is necessary to clean the room from unnecessary things before guessing. Damn is the servant of Satan, so all the icons and other church things must be removed. Electrical appliances Disable so that there is no interference to open the portal. Under hand you always have holy water, which should be poured into a dark bottle and is well closed, so that the devils do not teach it.

So, there are three main ways how to cause damask at home:

  • call with needle;
  • ritual with a mirror;
  • method with saucer.

For this ritual, you need to cook a needle, a sheet of A4 format, handle or pencil, thread. In the center of the sheet you need make drawing trait And be sure to draw a PUP to him. In the upper part of the paper, write the entire alphabet, in the bottom item to register the numbers from 0 to 9, on the left to place the word "yes", on the right "no". Grind thread in the needle and proceed to fortune.

Before calling, everyone who is guessing must remove metal decorations and native crosses. Guess in the dark with a candle. The one who will lead the process pierces his hearing's finger, dripping the blood to the drawing and puts the needle on the nastrobe navel. Gadgets are taken by arms and pronounce words: Quick, the hell come. Then ask: Damn you here?

If the needle moves towards the word "yes", it means that everything turned out and you can start asking questions. Answers will fold from letters and numberswhich were drawn on the sheet. After the session is completed, it is necessary to thank the assistant and say: the scold, the scarlet go. From the beginning and to the end of the ritual, the window must be kept open.

Call with mirror

This ritual, as they assure those who spent it can be very frightened. So think well, can you bring it to the end.

For ritual it will take:

  • Vase (better if it is crystal with gilding, because devils love wealth).
  • Water.
  • Candles (only non-church, remember that these entities are afraid of religious things).
  • Round mirror.
  • Holy Water, in a Dark Bottle, to complete the session.

Pour the usual water in the vase, lower the mirror on the bottom and say: the damn, the damn manifest. Look in the mirror if everything is done, right, then in the reflection you will see the trait. It is necessary to clearly formulate your desire and voice it. After that, spill in the holy water vase to complete the session. Remember, in love affairs it will not help, he is more materialist, so ask money, house, car, etc.

As soon as noticethat on the mirror appeared the raid from him to get rid of. Wash it with holy water, scatter and throw away. For subsequent rites will have to buy a new one.

If instead of the hell, a man looks at you from the mirror, know that this is a detractor. You can ask the evil spirits to punish it. The offender will be troubles until the mirror is in water.

Fortune telling

For such a call, you need to have: watman, saucer, pen, marker, candle. Put the saucer in the center of the paper up the bottom and circle along the contour, draw the feature in the center. All the rest write exactly like when you gadania with a needle. On the saucer, draw the arrow with a marker. Start a call. The bottom of the saucer is heated above the candle, put in the center of the Watman. All present put the pillows of the fingers on the saucer, but do not press it. The questioning at the delicacy to the devil says: "Chertka, Churchtika." Then asks: "Damn, are you here?" And the plate begins to move along the leaf, pointing the letters and numbers. Upon completion of the rite, tell me: the damn, the scrutik leave.

In conclusion, a few words about how to better ask questions. Do not ask about the same few times, by this you will only raise the trait. Questions must be the one that can be answered alone: \u200b\u200byes, no, I do not know. On very long questions, you may simply do not answer. In order not to be confused during the ritual, you can all want to know, write out on the leaflet. After the call, you definitely thank the assistant and close the window after the session. If this is not done, the horned can stay for you for a long time and deliver a lot of trouble.

ATTENTION, only today!

Note: I did this lesson for a very long time. He dust somewhere in the bins of a hard drive and he was very lonely, so I publish it here. Suddenly it will be useful for you?

Somewhere in the parallel universe there is an eternal struggle between the forces of evil and good. In our universe, evil has long interrupted and quietly enjoy beautiful landscapes and clean air. All this fills a well-known character, colorfully described in stories and films. There is probably a person who does not know who he is. And since we should learn how to draw a pencil feature. Damn (from ancient hero chort) — Guru of all evil, and not very good creatures. It is usually depicted in red, with hooves and tail. It is not necessary to represent hell as the personification of chaos, for he has a clear hierarchy, consisting of devil, succubs, situnts, gopniks and swine flu bacteria.

Often the subject is remembered in folklore and various stories, but it is mainly bred, like Loha:

  • It is sent to him all who are not too lazy;
  • If something goes wrong, damn it, or picked up, or the hell knows how correctly;
  • According to statistics, each resident of this planet was at least once sent to him;
  • It is called him as in different ways: Satan, Shaitan, Velzevul, Mephistopheles, Lucifer and one more different names depending on the people and the level of Aike.

You can also come up with a name for him, I think it will not be offended:

How to draw scratch pencil phased

Step one. With the help of lines, create a matchmaker with wings and a long tail. Step second. Circle the line so that the body of the creature is. Add more horns and chain in hand. Step Three. Remove the initial shape with an eraser and carefully circle the drawing, sketching all the missed places. Step fourth. Grasp the drawing of the body, muscles and muscles, there should be sharp claws on the paws. Pitch fifth. It remains only to work out a person, and in his hands he must keep a huge chain. Next take color pencils and can paint on the very first picture on top. We still have a lot of horror counters, try to depict.

Looking at the singer Adele in her famous HELLO video, reflexively want to bring the eyeliner and draw myself the same arrows - velvety, volumetric and perfectly repeating eye shape. It is the form of an eye determines the desired appearance of the arrows that suits you the most. Makeup artist working with Adele, it knows perfectly well, so their one and the same trick works every time new.

We are sure that you often torment the question, whether all the eyeliners for the eyes are about the same or still have special, which are suitable for you more than others? We rush to calm down that the difference can only be in the applicator or texture (which affects the final effect), and the rest of the differences between them are not observed. Therefore, it remains for small: take yourself with your shape of the eyes and is infinitely practiced perfectly.

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How to choose a suitable form

  1. For almond-shaped form Eye simply slide by ayliner along a natural bend. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe first third, the line must be thickened and bring in this state to an outer corner. For greater illness, you can add vinyl shine (or leave the top arrow matte, and the decisive edge of the lower eyelid is unobtrusted with a black pencil).
  2. Eye shape asian type It will decorate a thick line drawn by liquid and waterproof. Make sure in practice several times that the line is quite thick so that your special eyes "do not eat" at the exit. The arrow should never go out of their usual borders.
  3. When awesome century At first it is better to practice with open eyes to control the entire residual area you have. There is a chance that drawing an arrow with closed eyes, you will simply not find it later. Using gel aylineer or a pencil with a soft blade, drive a thin arrow along the top century, boldly withdrawing it for an outer angle. Another "tricky" reception is elongated and lying on the side of the letter V, outlining the outer corner of the eye.
  4. For lowered corners of the eye It is necessary to focus on their lifting. Draw the two middle arrow thick on both centuries, keeping the inner corner open and bright (point of a highlyater or pearl - the most), withdrawing both lines up, parallel to each other.
  5. Round eyes It is always necessary to lengthen. To do this, it is necessary to draw in the top of the century, from the inner corner to the external, thickening the line in approximately in the middle. At the edges, it remains less puzzled.
  6. When widely planted eyesYou need to visually reduce the distance between them. Move the eyelid along the entire length and extend the arrow line to the bridge. The intensive line should be clearly for the growth of eyelashes and not to leave the border of the outer corner not at the millimeter.
  7. For closely planted eyes Act right on the contrary: drawing the arrows, try to make an indentation from the inner corner of the century. If you also offer a gentle eyelid, it will help visually expand the look. From the outside, the arrow can round up.

Photo: Getty Images, Archive Press Services