The history of all mankind is greater. Message on the topic: "Pages of world history

The history of all mankind is greater. Message on the topic:
The history of all mankind is greater. Message on the topic: "Pages of world history

Background of mankind - at the origins of the universe

There is only a mig between the past and the future.

It is he called life.

Modern Wisdom Wisdom

A person is not given to understand how the universe is arranged, in which he lives. For the reason that its mind is not an infinite concept. This is understandable, it is about the usual person. Philosophers, mathematics, physics and other abstract thinkers are not counting. As soon as it comes to infinite - anyway about what: about queues, troubles, the universe, - an ordinary person immediately wonders who is the extreme, that next, what is there, in infinity? Therefore, it is better not to burden him with such abstractions. As we will try not to upset his as incomprehensible absurdity of immortality (physical).

By the way, it is even good that his universe is unknown. The child tends to break the toy, just just thinks how to do it. It is enough that a person has already written his "small universe" - the earth's surface. And then he would make a grave already not in the earth, but in a space scale.

Therefore, in relation to the universe, a person has to be content with what he sees (or believes that he sees). She sees not just the universe, but as many as three worlds, they dissuade each other, like red, fast and round.

The first world underlying the two others is the world of atom, microworld. We are faced in life only with its surface - molecules, atoms. The molecule is an ordered totality of atoms, and the atom itself is infinite as the Universe. His countless structures populate the steps of the endless staircase of their structures. As soon as you stop on some step - immediately the question: what's next? And then - a new step, and so without end.

For clarity, atoms are sometimes compared with the solar system. In the center - the sun, the core, which focuses almost the entire mass of the atom. Elementary particles are rotated around the kernel (of course, the similarity is purely external; Recall that it is other peace). But after all, both in the core, and in elementary particles there may be their own structures, substructures, and so on, like dumps - one to another. So physics thought to the idea that under certain conditions, our universe could squeeze to the "point" without time and space. Next, we will see what this hypothesis led to.

So far, physicists got only to elementary, subatomic particles (electrons, positrons, protons, and so on). But even these particles behave like particles, as waves (in fact, nor the other, their world - other!). Make millions of revolutions per second (which is impossible to submit no way), now and then go from one state to another. In a calm state, they are alone, they are touching - completely different as a banging spouse.

One of the physicists withered withered that even the atom core (not to mention the elementary particles) resets an impregnable island surrounded by a wall. Neither break the wall nor climb on it. You can only flush the stones of different weights through it, with a different force, and then wait than they will answer this "islanders." According to their retaliatory stones - always strictly proportionately and weight thrown over the wall - you can judge the habits of the inhabitants.

Research of physicists suggest that the universe consists of elementary particles as the ocean - from the droplets. Find particles and continuously interact with each other. They permeate us and under certain conditions form atoms of cosmic gases and molecules of cosmic dust. And the planets, stars, galaxies are created from gas-penetrating nebula.

The extensive achievement of scientific thought was the understanding that the universe is heterogeneous, consists of an infinite set of different-quality regions (domains).

So far, scientists have thought of the existence of three types of domains: already mentioned the point, dimensionless in time and space (just the hardest to imagine everything); vacuum, where the elementary particles are so far from each other, which interacts very weakly; Finally, our own domain, our megamir, which is the process of a large explosion of the aforementioned "point" and flying into all sides of galaxies (which is fixed by telescopes). Whether our domain will expand irrelevant or before certain boundaries, after which it will begin to shrink again, the scientist is not yet clear.

Astronomical studies made it possible to formulate a hypothesis, according to which a large explosion began approximately 13 billion years ago and continues today. In the course of this process, as already mentioned, gas-pepped nebulae are formed from elementary particles of space, and from them, the celestial bodies and their aggregate - galaxies. Some "products" of the explosion - the most distant from us - are not yet understood (they are called "quasars", "pulsars", "black holes" and the like). Others have been studied better, and you can judge more confident about them.

So, astronomers, having studied different stars at different stages of their development, formulated the theory of birth, life and death of the star.

Stars are formed from the heavenly particles of matter, "sticking" to each other according to the law of world community. If the star is "too big" - it explodes, scatters a part of its matter into space and gradually, for tens of billions of years, cools with luminous "white dwarf". If the star turns out to be "too small" - thermonuclear processes in its depths do not have time to warm it up to the luminescence, and it cools off the "black dwarf" with the unreasonable "black dwarf" for tens of billions. If the star turned out to be "medium (as our sun), it is able to stably shine about a dozen billions of years - our sun passed about half of this path - and then all the same slow cooling process begins.

Some stars remain "single", others form "paired systems", and some, like the sun, surround themselves with planets-stars. Because of its low magnitude, the planet of the solar system cannot be warmed up, neither collapse in the sun, but begin to contact around it in certain orbits. And in the same space around the Sun rotates in the most intricate orbits many celestial bodies smaller. Some of them become satellites of the planets and from time to time fall on their surface along with cosmic dust.

Folding planets occurs similarly to the folding of stars - only on a smaller scale. And then it all depends on what the magnitude of the planet and at what distance it is from the sun. There are "Small Planets" - those that closer to the sun or, on the contrary, are very far from him: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars (about remote we know very little). There are "big", behind the orbit of Mars: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

About the planets It is important for us to know one thing: all the dreams of long-time and recent years about whether there is life on Mars "(as well as on all other planets and their satellites), - alas, unscientific fiction. While we do not know if there is life on the planets near the stars closest to the Sun, it is so far that you can hardly ever find out, and if we find out, it is unlikely "will be taiting." But the fact that we are alone in the solar system, and before other solar systems never do not share - at least in our modern state (we will have to talk about other possible states), this is certain.

Instead of dreaming about the "life of distant", it is better to deal with two fairy tales that have long been foggy and interfere with soberly assess the position of things.

Fairy tale number 1 - "Contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations." For her excuse, there is only one reason: I really want. All other arguments are shining against such contacts. Start with the fact that cosmic distances even between the near stars are so great that the rocket whether on such distances, whether the signals are like sending them anywhere. But this - for us, in our current state. For a qualitatively other state, it may take a fraction of a second. In other words, it means a meeting with qualitatively different civilization. For example, a meeting of a person with ant. What to talk about these two interlocutors: how best to build an anthill or Moscow (although the difference seemingly small)? Is it worth chant instead of ant alcohol kefir? That is why, even if civilization is higher in its level of development, it has the technical capabilities of contact with ours, it will not make it, however, it will not be a reasonable person to turn the anthill.

Fairy tale № 2 - "Life on Earth is brought from space." The primitiveness of this popular fairy tale is revealed by a simple question: And who brought life into space? (We agreed - in this book not to concern religion).

Instead of fairy tales, let us ask for other questions. How could life arise on Earth? Why did life originate (at least within the framework of the solar system) only on Earth?

Geologists worked well and gave us a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow the planet Earth developed.

Like all other planets of the solar system, the Earth was formed from a gas-dust cloud, rotating around the sun. It happened about 4.5-4.6 billion years ago. Initially, the planets had to look more or less equally. And then the unique characteristics of the earth (mass, distance from the sun and so on) caused a rapid evolution of the earth's crust and the atmosphere, the evolution, which did not happen on any other planet. It took 200-300 million years, so that the lithosphere, the atmosphere and the hydrosphere appeared (also the unique property of the Earth!) They came to such a state when there were compounds of increasingly complex molecules. And twice as old so that molecules appear that can reproduce themselves, that is, there is a qualitatively new form of existence of matter - a life (3.8 billion years ago).

The duration of the formation of the organic world of the organic world from the inorganic makes it possible to consider this process as a complex chain of changes that lead in the end to the transition of quantitative changes to high-quality. In order for the complex set of molecules to turn into a self-reproducing organismApparently, it took a coherent, synergistic action of several mechanismswho gave such an effect.

Among this kind of mechanisms, the mechanisms are allocated: protective (helpering to resist the destruction); processing and metabolism (helping to maintain the achieved state); reproducing yourself similar (first - by simple expansion of organism cells, then - increasingly complex ways); mutations (adaptations to a changing medium); struggle for the existence (survival in worsening conditions), natural selection (survive the most viable); care for offspring (otherwise the process of reproduction of generations) is collected; aging and death (to ensure the living space, the following generations and the increase in the viability of the entire population).

With all volume, the question of a particular impulse remains, which turned the complex set of molecules into the body. Whether this is an electrical discharge (zipper), a sharp change in the parameters of the medium under the underwater eruption of a volcano or some other natural cataclysms (most likely a combination of several such factors), we do not know. We only know that this does not require "bringing from space", nor the mandatory intervention of some supernatural forces.

Instead of gadas that replacing the lack of scientific knowledge, I would like to once again pay attention to the uniqueness of the situation: there is a favorable combination of many different conditions, often even independent of each other.

The land is not too close to the Sun (as Venus) and not too far from it (like Mars). Of all the planets of the solar system, a steady hydrosphere can be created on Earth - a lifestyle cradle. The volcanic activity of the Earth is quite large enough to increase the temperature of the bottom layers of the ocean (a prerequisite condition for the occurrence of life). But not so large to bring the ocean to a boil or at least to temperatures at which complex molecules are destroyed. The magnetic field and the atmosphere of the Earth is a good "screen" from excess solar radiation, but they still skip part of the rays - just such as favorable for the occurrence of life.

All this is said to emphasize again: on Earth, a unique "lifelike optimum" was created, missing on other planets. Perhaps this is the rarest (although not necessarily the only one) phenomenon in the whole of our galaxy. And we must do everything to keep this optimum. This is much more important than any contact with any hypothetical alien civilizations.

Make it all the more necessary that this "lifelike optimum" is not at all guaranteed to us not only to millions and billions of years, but even in the near future. The earth is not so stable, as it seems. It consists of huge tectonic plates, which are "facing millions of years", then "sprawling". The large-scale human intervention can sharply speed up these processes, provoke the strengthening of volcanic activity, create a greenhouse effect on the earth's surface and increase the world's ocean due to the melting of the ice of Antarctic and the Arctic. Thus, change the center of gravity of the rotation of the Earth around its axis and cause catastrophic climate change.

And this is not to mention that the fall on the surface of the land of a major celestial body or a sharp change in the space irradiation of the planet is able to cause a global catastrophe (the last such catastrophe happened 70-67 million years ago). Yes, and a smaller catastrophe in modern conditions can mean millions and billions of human victims.

In a word, we should not only thank God for the unique conditions for life on Earth, but to do everything possible to keep the "Life-Great Optimum", do not give our planet to degrade in this regard to the level of other planets of the solar system.

First, the organisms of the "initial life" (proteodes, 2,6-0.57 billion years ago);

Then the organisms of the "ancient life" (plywood, 570-230 million years ago);

Then the organisms of "middle life" (Paleozoa, 230-70 / 67 million years ago);

Finally, the organisms of "new life" (Cenozoa, the last 70-67 million years).

If you try to present this scheme in the form of film directions, where each frame is equal to a million years, then it turns out about such a picture.

... the shallow water of the seas, where warmer, but not too hot, was covered with microscopic organisms (bacteria, they are also called blue-green algae), around which viruses were chiege - the smallest non-calm particles consisting of nucleic acid and a protein shell. At first, organisms were fed by these substances, and then the mechanism of photosynthesis was created - the processing of inorganic substances into organic with the help of the energy of the Sun. Development went faster.

The by-product of photosynthesis - oxygen began to enter the atmosphere, from which he managed to destroy the part of hydrogen and inert gases. As a result, a new - modern atmosphere rich in oxygen was formed. Oxygen began to actively absorb the top layer of the earth's crust. There was soil.

Primary viruses and bacteria over a billion years have mastered, established themselves, transformed the sea, air and land land, opened the road with more complex organisms - multicellular plants and animals: sponges, jellyfish, corals, worms ... The "century of algae" (another billion), " Age Meduse "(another billion years old)," Age of fish "... The mass invasion of organisms on the marsh sushi began, well-prepared by the vital activity of bacteria. In the vegetation world they told the onset of the MAY (it continues until now). Behind plants are amphibians, then reptiles. The "age of reptiles" began the duration of more than one and a half million years. These then "kings of nature" became more and more giganis. Thirty-meter dinosaurs were dominated by land, in the sea - fifteen meters of ichthyosaurs, octal memes were soaked in the sky.

But this 200-300 million years ago there was some global catastrophe (one can only guess which asteroid, a surgery of cosmic irradiation or anything else ...) - and luxurious coniferous-fern forests went under the ground, becoming coal deposits, oil , Gas.

70-67 million years ago followed another catastrophe - and from the kingdom of giant reptiles remained pitiful dwarfs: 20 species of crocodiles, 212 types of skulls and about 5 thousand species of lizards and snakes. And on the site of ferns, deciduous appeared.

The burned scaly leather-armor and the laying of eggs in the limestone shell gave a huge advantage revenge compared to amphibians. The same advantage of warm-blooded animals - birds and mammals. Feathers of some and wool others helped save the heat of the body. And the mammals generally gave birth to a cubized and fed them with their maternal milk - the best tool from pathogens of microbes. Mammals, like reptiles, invaded the sea (whales, dolphins, walruses, seals), flew into the air (bats).

Every day of the life of each organism is a continuous struggle for survival. Under such conditions, repeating reactions laid the beginning of the chain of instincts - congenital forms of behavior typical of this animal. The laws of instinctive group behavior were gradually developed. Of the several thousand primary mammalian species over time, several types of so-called insectivores were distinguished (more precisely - almost omnivorous): hedgehogs, moles, outcrows ... who would have thought that our pedigree would go so far!

Imagine: predators have a problem with meat and they are forced to say goodbye to life, dries her grass - the herbivores are the same tragedy. And omnivores, if you have bad, do not circle anything. Huge advantage!

Especially skillfully learned to use the laws of instinctive group behavior in the extraction of diverse food and salvation from enemies, several dozen species of omnivorous mammals - primates (for which this honorable title "first"). Among the primates, "Primatosssimusi" - monkeys. They appeared no earlier than 35-30 million years ago, but they received particularly widespread, according to various sources, from 3.5 million to 600 thousand years ago.

The first primates were small animals similar to the protein. One of these families - Tupayi - preserved to the present day, and scientists argue, to attach them to primates or insectiva. But another family - Lemurs - clearly possesses many features of primates. And the third - long expesed - even lemurs turned: they have greatly developed the hind limbs (from where and the name), the fingers of the front limbs and the rounded skull - an important condition for the formation of a more perfect brain.

Lower types of lemurs are similar to large mice, and lower types of monkeys - on highly developed lemurs. See which chain? But between the "Lower Lemur" and "Higher Monkey" - a distance of a huge size. At the "Higher Monkeys", sexual maturity comes later - it is better to prepare for the reproduction of offspring, pregnancy and breastfeeding is longer - the offspring is longer and is better saved from pathogens, voice ligaments work better - it means that you can voice, modulating tens of lads report on danger. And they are more difficult for the Mimic Mords - it means you can report valuable information without giving yourself a sound. And even the lifespan is optimal (from 20 to 60 years), allowing you to withstand the rate of change of generations - in the herd always there are strong and experienced adults that protect the younger young.

We have already said that food from monkeys, like all primates, was distinguished by a great variety. Edible fruits, leaves, stems, young shoots, flowers, tubers - rich "grocery". Edible insects, lizards, cheese, chicks, eggs, worms, snails - no less rich "gastronomy".

It's a shame, of course, to consult that we have come from an animal to which it is difficult to attach the epithet "beautiful". And not, let's say, from the magnificent peacock or the Great Swan, Yako Tsarevna from the fairy tale. But what can you do? The types of monkeys are a great set. They are divided into "lower" (less similar to humans) and "higher" (more similar). At the same time, the difference between the "lower" and "higher" monkeys is no more than between the "highest" monkeys and man. Even in the smallest detail! So in vain, many of us are diverted from the side of the pedigree.

So, what is the difference to the monkey from man-examiner, and that, in turn, from monkey, and finally, just a person?

In short, the monkey ("Higher") can take advantage of some to the gun only by chance and immediately will forget about this plastic episode in his life. Because its natural position is all fours, and "stand up on the wind" and release at least one front limb to capture an instrument (say, sticks) - a rare, extraordinary feat.

Unlike "just monkeys", a mancast (this is no longer 30 million years ago, but an order of magnitude closer to us) - Animal If it is not yet open, then easily standing on the hind paws and is used to attack and protect the stick, bone, stone. Note, not yet processed tool, but who turned out to be at hand a suitable subject, but no longer accidentally, but deliberately, with knowledge of the case.

Finally, for monkeyspecker (Peteitrope) - 1.2-0.5 million years ago - characterized by stable strain, and therefore systematic use of guns, and not only suitable items, but also roughly processed.

With all that, it is still an animal. Requests of reason appear - the animal becomes a man.

Note that this line is not direct genealogy. There may be "branches" who were not further development. For example, the bones of creatures occupying an intermediate position between piccanthrops and people (dating: 200-5 thousand years ago). At the place of the find, they were called Neanderthals. Some scientists consider them as a special, preferable to the branch in the development of man.

Only very few species of monkeys inhabit families and not on trees, but where is more convenient for the setting. As a rule, the place of residence of the monkey is the branches of trees in the forest (so safer). And the optimal amount of flocks is not too big (there is not enough feed) and not very small (so that the package has survived with a not too murderous catastrophe). Here we find some features of the similarities from the primitive community of people - although, of course, the difference is huge.

Over time, the top types of monkeys reached one-bed and two-year growth and one or two centners of weight. A sort of Mahina could face forces with a bear. In any case, the speed of reaction, cunning, dexterity, the speed of movement was superior to it.

But not meters and centners, and instincts - "automatic" reactions to this or that exposure from the outside - it turned out to be strong a monkey. More precisely, as already mentioned, the effectiveness of instinctive group behavior.

Instincts (reflexes), as you know, are divided into unconditional and conditional. The simplest unconditional instincts: flashing, cough, sneezing, allowing automatically cleaned from dust and pathogens of eyes, throat, nose. There are instincts and more complicated: instinct of self-preservation, power instinct (also a kind of self-preservation), reproduction instinct, which is divided into sexual and parent, instinct of orientation - devices to the environment (remember at least intercontinental flights of birds). In this regard, monkeys have no special advantages compared to other animals.

But in terms of conditional instincts (not congenital, but the acquired, obtained by the "life experience"), the top types of monkeys are much ahead of the rest of the animal brotherhood. Even smart animals - dogs, cats, horses. This is not sand, which will beat the hook and again, even when it is convinced that his "feeder" is a villain. Fooling a monkey times - well, two - and all: the conditioned reflex on you was developed as an enemy. And she immediately notifies the whole flock about it. It would be bad for you if you were not separated by the zoo cell grille!

And then the monkey accidentally pushed the banana stick. Sensation is communicated to neighbors. He worked as a group conditional reflex - and bananas as it did not happen - everywhere where the stick would be taped. A tool may be not only a stick, but also a stone. The stone is a pointed form, which acts as an ax. It remains to rise to the rear paws, freeing the front and start to work, the solid is improving: "Labor made a man's monkey."

And there I went, I went: a mancast, monkeyshell, a man Neanderthal ...

The Council recently believed that instead of dots, it was necessary to complete the evolutionary series so: "And 40 thousand years ago, a reasonable man, homo sapiens appeared.

However, studies of recent years have shown that the path from man-examinations to a person reasonably turned out to be more complex and took hundreds of thousands, if not millions of years.

We will not go into the details of this process. I look more carefully for a flock of monkeys, let's see how far a flock of man-examiners and monkeysides left it, many common features in a flock of monkeys and in the primitive community of people.

It turns out that there is a lot of common features.

For example, both in a flock, and in the community, "authority" is allocated - the most powerful and successful eater. He is the best piece. And not as a reward, but for sober calculation. It will be rated - more will benefit for others. It is not by chance that the instructions in case of a plane crash said: first put the oxygen mask himself, then put on the child - otherwise both will die.

In the pack, and in the community, the most attractive female (on health, in half the arms of youth) again gets the strongest and most successful, sometimes after the selection of applicants - the fight of males. There is no calculation here, but a pure instinct: thus the most healthy offspring is obtained. But if all females get one - incest, degeneracy, death is inevitable. And all the same instinct drives the "first lover" to the next. And its place takes another - and please: the desired diversity. It's funny, but the remnants of this purely monkey behavior remained in humans (mainly in men) still. They are clearly formulated in the Aphorism of Showman Fomenko: "Idiot's dream is a neighbor's wife."

And in the flock, and in the community, the mother will definitely share food with a young. Maternal instinct tells her that otherwise the fatigue threatens. And in the flock, and in the community, the female will not allow a stronger physically male to the girl who has not reached puberty. For this also threatens fastening.

General withdrawal from said. There is no impassable walls between the inorganic and organic world (although it is different worlds). There is no impassable wall between the vegetation and animal world (although it is different worlds). There is no impassable walls between monkey and close to her species of the animal world. There is no impassable wall between monkey and man (although the difference is huge). There is no impassable wall between the monkey of the packs and the primitive community (we will not understand anything in the features of the primitive community, if you do not look closely for their "sponsings" in the monkey stak).

The world around 4th grade
Subject: "The beginning of the history of mankind"

  • we find out what epochs scientists share the history of mankind
  • find out what testimonies about primitive people are preserved
  • faced how gradually changed the life of primitive people

Today we guys go on a trip by car time, in the distant past. We learn that millions of years ago have occurred for historical events.Guys, what is the story?

History is sciencewhich studies how various peoples lived, what events took place in their lives, how and why the life of people changed and became like now. History is a very ancient word. Translated from the Greek language it means "Study, story about the events of the past."History is the road in time. She goes deep in centuries, in gray antiquity.

Herodot - father of history

Almost 2.5 thousand years have passed since the Greek by name Herodotus For the first time introduced people with their scientific labor. Herodotus called his work "History", he became the first scientist-historian, we call him the "father of history".

And how modern people learned about the ancient people?

Archeology is an antiquity science. There are many historical sources for which we learn about life in the past. Modern society would never know how our distant ancestors looked and lived if not archeology. This is an antiquity science, which studies the history of human society on the human remains found and objects.

A little about the profession archaeologist

Archaeologists regularly conduct excavations, removing household objects from the bowrance, personal belongings and bones of people who lived hundreds, thousands of years ago.

Archaeologists during excavations found many remains (bones, skulls). They noticed that the dimensions and configurations of human remains are very different from ours. What conclusion can be done?

Yes, the ancients were very different from modern.

Scientists share the history of mankind into several large eras:

  • primitive story
  • ancient world history
  • history of the Middle Ages

Primitive story is the longest. People who are burning in this era are called primitive. Scientists approximately calculated that the oldest people appeared about two and a half million years ago.

In 1924, during the archaeological excavations in the Kalahari desert in South Africa were discovered the remains of Australophec - Southern man who became the progenitor of a modern man.

Subsequently, the remains of Australopitets were found in Central and East Africa. Therefore, it is believed that the cradle of all mankind is the African continent.But it is only a hypothesis.

A primitive man did little on the modern: He had much more similarity with a big monkey. However, he no longer belonged to Primate because possessed the following features:

  • Movement is not on four limbs, but on two legs. Strying is the most important difference between an ancient person from animals.
  • Long hands were convenient to perform an uncomfortable job: collect berries, dig ground, grab, knock.
  • The brain size was more than the monkeys, but much less than that of modern people.
  • Strong emotions The most ancient people expressed with the help of rippled sounds, because it was not yet developed. They only fed to find.

Primitive people gathered in small teams, because it was extremely difficult to survive in wildlife conditions. As they lived in the warm regions of the globe, it was not necessary to take care of clothes. However, primitive people still learned how to build primitive dwellings, which saved them from scoring sunlight, rain, predators.

The first tools of labor The oldest people were their strong hands and teeth, as well as stones and broken bumps of trees. Over time, they learned how to make the simplest instrument from the primary means: sticks, horns and bones of animals, stones.

The main occupation of the most ancient people There was a prey of food: fishing and hunting, demanding agility, endurance and great physical strength. Women were collecting edible plants and berries. Between the tribes there was a exchange of some goods to others.

A huge impact on the development of humanity had the ability to extract and use fire. Thanks to this, ancient people significantly improved their lives: the fire provided them with heat, reliable protection against wild animals, improved the quality of food.

Ancient people transferred their knowledge with the help of rock painting. With the help of primitive figures, they depicted the world around the world, important periods of their lives: scenes of hunting, skirmishes with warring tribes.

It was all the eastern branch of a Sino-Caucasian wave. The western one - went to the West in two ways - through the epitian steppes in the Balkano-Carpatho-Danube region and then to the center. Europe (appeared by the ancestors of Retov, Polesgov Balkan P-Oov, Cyprus, Crete and O-Went of the Aegean and Ionical Seas, and Northern Tribes, Related Pictites and Scotts); The second way - through the populated seven-khamitic tribes of Libya - noticeably bypassed the North African features (such as dark-skinned skin and the darker color of the hair) - further through the Gibraltar and on the Pyrenean Used as a culture of bell-haired cups. These were from the southwest to the northeast, settling along the path of the Mediterranean (Ibrara, Liguras, Sardes, Corsa, Sikan) and going to Northern Europe on the other hand. In the north, the two divided branches were reinforced - that's where to North. Islands these most brachikefals ...

Sent through sowing. Africa brought semit-khamitic features to Europe from the West to Europe, and the subsequent contacts of the Sino Caucasians of the Mediterranean with Afrazians only aggravated the picture; The number of red-haired and blue-eyed decreased by more than 50%. By the way, one C-to the population still remained in the southern and southeastern part of Malaya Asia, avoiding the onslaught of the Nostrants, but their linguistic traces were erased from this region to subsequent migrations of semites; The survivors moved to Lehnos, Lesbos Islands, Cyprus, Crete, etc., exposed to the assimilation of their excellent number of C-predecessors.

Well, to finish with Sino-Caucasians - finally it remains to say that it was the Western wave of migration to the nations who brought the culture of megalithic monuments to Europe ...

So! I forgot to mention the three important things that, however, you should specify the abbreviation IMHO, because Opinions of scientists are diverged here: first, who lived in the Middle East, a few people who lived before the arrival of white people here, influenced the formation (not without the impact of early seven) on the emergence of such mysterious peoples in the interference, such as Prototigrid and Protoevfrath tribes (culture Bhalaf, who directly preceded foreign Sumerian - 5000 - 4200 BC), who spoke on the so-called. "Banana languages" - mainly with an open syllable. The same tribes - probably came to the islands of the Mediterranean Sea before Sino Caucasians (because researchers of the ancient non-Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bof the Mediterranean are allocated in particular in the language of the population of Crete Austric Ancient Substrate), moved there and later - during the semitic demographic explosion, carrying This zone has been occurring at the vicinity of Jericho after the semi-tested doctor culture preceded by the doctor neolithic A (approx. 6600 BC). Secondly, the ethnic community of ACSI / Hayaas - also had Sino-Caucasian roots, subsequently influenced the education of tribal unions of urants, and later on the formation of Armen (Armenians). These (a / x) lived on the southern and eastern coasts of the Black Sea.

Thirdly, this is nochmers that moved to the southern two-barrel approx. 3600 - 3400 BC. By the sea and replaced the "bananas" of the halaf. Although their language is isolated - some scientists, exploring its agglutinative-ergative structure, belong to it to the original Sino-Caucasian, but separated from the primancy at a fairly early stage and absorbed many foreign onwards (primarily Altai - in connection with long-term coexistence ) Elements. Logically, this point of view seems to me the most believable, in any case, in comparison with the obvious debates on the genetic insolation of the Sumerian language.

Well, and to distract from the semittes - it is necessary to add about their wave-like relocations to Mesopotamia from the Levant, as evidenced by the North-Kraskan culture of Hassun (approx. 5570 - 4950 BC), in which the echoes of the Levant Doctochemical culture of Neolithic in and the ancient are clearly visible Ceramic Neolithic culture of the AMUC A-B. Synchronous Hassuna Culture Samarra (approx. 5570 - 4850 BC) Apparently, had the same language affiliation. Subsequently, these crop these languages \u200b\u200bwere substituted in this region in the North Ashitsky Akkadian language (the beginning is the first half of the III thousand BC). However, the history of the Middle East began at this time is quite detailed in textbooks on the history of the ancient world, so that detailed descriptions will be done on this. We will restrict ourselves if necessary, few-seed references ...

Moves out from Levanta to West Iran, Eastern Nostrants soon broke up to the Elamo-Dravida and the Ural-Altai branches. This was caused by the displacement of the Ural-Altaians to the region of the Eastern Caspiani and South Turkmenistan, where they own the culture of the Lack and the late Mesolololi ladies ladies Cesme (chronologically - Wed. Nostr.).

Following this, the Ural-Altai community broke into the Ural-Yukagir and Altai; The Carriers of the Ural-Yukagir Pri-language began movement in the forest-steppe zones along the Ural mountain range (the collapse of this language in the Southern Urals - approx. 3500 BC), as a result of which Yukagiro-Chuvansky, Finnish, Ugors and Self-Languages, carriers were formed a lot later. which spread over a taiga to the north and north-west from the south. Urals. Altai migrated, respectively, on Altai, from where there are Turkic, Mongolian and Tunguso-Manchuric languages, which are predominantly east and northeast, the adopted dominant genes of the yellow race from the already "labeled" here in the living Sino Caucasians and few austants. Paleosibirsk breeding associations mentioned earlier from such mixes.

It is necessary to add that the marginal branch of the Eastern Nostratic Wave, which has come down to the Far East, was divided into two groups: North and South. South could not be able to break the Protokoytsev settled here, the future founders of the Xia dynasty, but, having encouraged the last, invaded the Japanese O-Wa and Korean Persh, where it was not possible to consolidate even to Sino Caucasians in due time (however, these mastered the fertile river valleys of Yangtze - Jiang and Juan-He, and scored on the province). In these regions, the oldest layers of languages \u200b\u200bbelong to more advanced nostrants, but genetics was on the side of the austric tribes, and again took her ...

The Northern Group - held in the footsteps of the family on-day, and by going Bering Bridge, mixed with the "Aboriginal" of the Far North of America, formed a divided later Eskimo-Aleutian linguistic community. Much later ethnic picture of North. America was replenished with carriers of Altai languages \u200b\u200bmoving here ...

Elamo-Dravidian peoples - became the founders of the agricultural crops of the South-West Iran (Bus-Mordech, Morgar, Kick-run, Côte Diges). Here they were subjected to insidious genetic influence on the part of Indo-Pacific tribal unions of Indian and Nafig darkened. Later, Elamo-Dravidi was settled by Industan, the Valley of the Indian River (Culture of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro), Contach with the Caucasian Migrants, contributed to the formation of Cassites Tribal Unions (Kaspa / Kasha), Lullyubyev, etc. In the valley of the Kerhe and Karuna Valley, states were formed by Elam ... In short, it is again historical times, and it is written enough about them.

The resettlement to the north of the tribes that spoken on Indo-European primacy is associated with archaeol appeared in the Northern Black Sea region. Cultures of Surc-Dnepr and Dnipro-Donets (5980 - 4830 Sun), where a horse was tamed for the first time in history. Forces of each other, the proto and E culture turned around with their nomads from the fusion of a rod with a Dniester - and to the Volga-Don Metersfit. The nature of the resettlement was infiltrative and gradually covered the adjacent steppe territories - it was possible with the help of a new four-way achievement. Although the data economy tribes still lagged behind the regions of the "fertile crescent" of the Middle East.

Here, the culture of medium stack (4300 - 3500 SP), which came to replace them (4300 - 3500 SP), relating to the Glotovchronological data to the period of decay and the definition of the Praeask. Thus, the mid-circuies can be considered late Pyranceo-Europeans. The echoes of this culture occupied steppe expanses from the lower Danube to the Southern Urals, giving rise to several variations of the middle stack and the subsequent, replacing each other cultures (Kukutni-Tripolie in the Danube-Carpathian region - the Western branch, rather early and later developed and subsequently in parallel in the person P Chernivoda I-III, Gumelnica, etc.). Moreover, the next wave of relocation to the West had its "twin" in the East. The average stack is the last stronghold of the sameness, then there is a tendency to split the tongue on Kentum- and Sathem Group. The use of chariot accelerated this split.

The middle stack, whose cattle breeding was 75% based on a domesticated horse, also gave the beginning of two resettlement waves - an extensive nuclear community in the West ("Kentum" - Proto-German, Celts, Greeks, Italians, Anatolys, Thracians, etc.) and Afanasyevskaya - in the east ("Sathem" - Proto Balts, Slavs, Indian and Iranian Arias, Thara), (at the turn of the IV-III thousand Sun). The yammy circle of cultures is related archaeological cultures that have nagging from the southern primarity to the Dniester, later replaced by the cultures of the catacomb burials (approx. 22th century Sun). The catacomba of the same ka has advanced in the lower house of the Volga and Don from the eastern shores of the Caspian Sea.

To the III thousand, the aircraft refers to the full decay of the andy of Property and, consequently, the loss of connections between its representatives and the beginning of the formation of direct ethnic groups in Europe.

The first to separate the ancestors of the Germans and Anatolys, the substrate of the German ethnos went to Europe as part of the culture of combat axes and cord ceramics (Kon. III thousand Sun), and Anatolytsev - as part of Maykop culture.

Maikopskaya K-RA - (representatives were divided into the North-West Caucasus into two branches - Luvians, (migrated later on the Balkans with the early Mini and the Palaishes with Nevitats (Hitts) - those who went into small Asia from the East, through Armenian Highlands. Later Nevitats And the chairs are mixed with the Mountain Hutts and Casque tribes, who spoke on Abkhazo-Adyg. Languages, and form the Hatt ethnos. The Luvians will join them later, from the west afterwarding Gellespont. From now on, the Middle Eastern sources appear about the "Hutty country", eternal enemies. Dr. Egypt.

The circle of combat axes and cord ceramics included several wave-like migrations, operating on the European culture of Tripid Cups - from the Volga to the Rhine, after the German substrate included the subsequent resettlement of the substrate (however, a little played by the role in the formation) of Balto-Slavs (Saxo Turing Kar, K-Ra Single Graves of Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein, Swedish and Baltic Local Axes, Rhine Cups and Oder Ceramics, K-Ra Zlota, Vistul-Nemanskaya, Middle Persian, Fatyanovskaya, etc.).

The Kukuteni-Tripolie in the Danube-Carpathian region in the described period was alternately changed at the beginning of the Unetitsky K-Roy, then - Luzitsky. With the assistance of Kargan burial carriers who came between this change - the ancient Balcanic languages \u200b\u200band ethnic groups (Thracian, Illirin Group) were formed.

Through this region, starting with the III thousand, the waves of the Es of the Peoples will pass, subsequently settled the Balkans (Minimen, who collapsed later on the Aolites, Ionians and Ahaeis, who were crowded from there Pelasgov and the tribes related to them, who became part of the rogue of the nations of the Sea & quot. Here It should be noted a separate tribal Thracian group, which is already under a different name - Frigians - will be held in North. Balkans in Maly Asia (the people "of Mushkushi & Quot, partially mixed with the tribes of Azzi Highhaas and, having moved to the habitat of the Hurrites and Urartsky tribes, will form an Armenian ethnic.

In 17-15 V.V. Sun - in the steppes of the south. Europe and the Urals on the change of catacomb k-re (replaced by a pit) comes cutting, and in the South Ural steppes the first, "Petrovsky stage" of Andronovsky culture was replaced by the "Alakul stage". Four stages of the Andronov culture occurred in the period from 18 to 11th century Sun, covered the period of decline of the Arkiam and the synthesis of the Ariyev who separated in the Afanasyevskaya era, their split on the Iranian and Indian and migration of the first - in Central Asia and Iran, the second - through the same Central Asia On the territory of the Dravida Industan. Part of the Vedic Ariuses, separated from the main mass, through the Mesopotamian steppes, invaded the state of the Mitanni with all the ensuing consequences (in the textbooks read about it, I will not stop the Aryan ruling tip). The following was the separation of Iranian arions on Iranians (Iranoshahr) and Turanians (Turan) - 9-8 century Sun, the formation of Avesta and Zoroastrianism.

In the same period, the formation of the ethnos of Thakarov, which influenced the ethnogenesis of Yuezhey Sogdov, Skif, Sakov, Kushanov, etc., formed and superstand, later, together with a swarm of combat axes and cord ceramics (more precisely, with the substituted substrate) inflated on the formation Balto-Slavic unity. Contact K-Ry Curgan burials with a new Luzhitskaya K-Roy gave impetus to the new resettlement of peoples - already an iron wave, at the turn of II-I thousand Sun. Here, first of all, the Illyrian tribes are moving from the northern Balkans - Dorians, sweeping the Ahasey strongholds and civilization of the Egeida. It had far-reaching consequences: the migration of the Ahetseians provoked a chain reaction, the chaotic movement of the island Mine-Greek and Dowindo European tribes, the attack of the last to Egypt and the Hittte Kingdom (after the defeat of the latter - the formation of a set of small kingdoms - Lydia, Licks, Freigia) and T .P.

To this movement (peoples of the sea), sardes, the kors, Sikans, the Sikula and the tribes of the Appeninsky P-Oov, who spoke in the Latino-Falsk languages, moved here during bronze - at the beginning of the II thousand Sun and now crowded Umbro-OCO-Sabelle tribes Italy Iron Wave.

Resettlement to the center. Europe from East K-Fields of burial urn at the turn of II-I thousand Sun - finally led the line in the formation of European peoples of antiquity.

On the rich inheritance of combat axes and cord ceramics, the echoes of the cultures of the Danube-Carpathian region and the fields of burial urns - in Scandinavia, a specific Yastorphic K-ra was formed, characteristic of Germans. From the contacts of the combat axes and cord ceramics, Unelitskaya and Luzhitsky cultures, Kurgan burials and fields of funeral urns, Galstatatsky Kro (Celto-German) and Syncreticheskaya Laten (actually belonging to the Celts, who later influenced the neighboring Germanic, Thracian, Balto-Slavic and Italian tribes).

On the shoulders of the Andronovskaya and the cutting crops, which came out of a pit and catacomb - were formed Belogrudovskaya, Belozerskaya and Chernolesski K-Falls of Kimmerians, Scythian-Siberian Cultures, K-ry Sarmatian Circle, etc.

Slavs - addressed later all, in close contact with the Balt for a long time. On their formation, the influence was provided by Klonovid-shaped Cups, spherical amphoras, cord ceramics, Unethitsky and Luzhitskaya, Kargan burials (more precisely - Tchinetskaya-Komarovskaya-Sosnitskaya of its branches), Skiffo-Sarsat circle, Laen, Zarubinetskaya and Latezarubinetskaya, Chernyakhovskaya , Kolochinsky and Prague Penkovskaya.


Type of lesson: Lesson studying a new material.

The purpose of the lesson: Characterize the background of mankind, its differences from the historical period

Food universal learning activities:

explain the reasons for the search for the ancient people of answers to questions about the origin of the world and man, to formulate their own judgment on the ethical meaning of these issues; compare the historical period of human development and prehistory, detect differences; explain the criteria for the periodization of the oldest history of mankind; Compare a modern person with primitive, identify significant differences, compile a comparative table; characterize the main forms of primitive religion, be able to apply theoretical knowledge

on the primitive forms of religion to analyze historical situations; Structuring the text of the textbook, allocate the essential signs of the Neolithic Revolution, issue the results in the reference scheme; To formulate and argue your own opinion on the problem of a person's origin, to participate in the collective discussion.

Equipment lesson: computer, projector, multimedia presentation, textbook V.I.ukolova, A.V.revyakin. History. Universal history of grade 10. M: - "Enlightenment", 2015.

During the classes:

    Orgmoment. Greeting, checking the readiness of students to the lesson.

    Motivational stage.

Recall the most common periodization of history. Name in the chronological sequence of stages of historical development. (Primitive, ancient world, Middle Ages, new time, the latest time).

Today we will look at the longest period in the history of mankind - primitive or prehistory.

    Studying a new material:

Slide 1. Topic of the lesson: Background.

Slide 2. The purpose of the lesson: to find out the main content, the role and place of the prehistory of mankind in the historical process.

Slide 3. Task: Read the "Background and History" section (p. 16 textbook) and formulate a significant difference in prehistory and history as two stages of human development. Conclusions Secure in the table.

Background and history.

Checking the task.

Slide 4. Acquaintance with a model of filling the table.

Rubage IV-III thousand BC e. -


Formation of a person as a biology-gym with its psychofi and social characteristics

The emergence of civilizations, i.e. statehood, written, awareness of his past

Slide 5. Studying the primarity we will spend according to the following plan.


1. The origin of a person.

2. Periodization of primitive.

4. Neolithic revolution.

Slide 6. The origin of a person.

A man arose on Earth during a long and uneven evolutionary process -Anterrogenesis, many stages of which are not completely clear to the end.

It is believed that 8-5 million years ago, African monkeys were divided into 2 branches: one led to man-like monkeys (chimpanzees, etc.), the other to the first hominids (Australopithekamov, who had a two-legged gait).

Australopitetka - Southern Monkeys. Their remains are found in South and East Africa. They lived 9-5 million years ago. Their appearance is associated with the advent of Savann. This is the first representative of the evolutionary branch, which ultimately, as some scientists believe, led to a person.

Slide 7. Probably OK. 2 million years ago Australopiteke gave the origin of the "man" (Homo), the first representative of which many scientists consider the "man skillful" (Homo Habilis) - his fossil residues are found together with the oldest stone weapons (etc. Olduva culture).

Slide 8. The next era took a straightforward man (Homo.Erectus.). Man spinning perfectly mastered the technique the manufacture of manual stone choppers, the remains of which are found in different places - Asia, Africa, Europe.

The man skillfully created coarse rubbing tools: Rouguil, tips, widely used fire. His brain allowed to make inaccessible monkeys surgery: split stones and sharp edges to sharpen sticks, cut meat. It is believed that these were truly the first people. They lived with teams - human herds, they were engaged in hunting and collecting.

Slide 9. Regarding the time, the place of the emergence and immediate ancestors of a man of the modern species - a man of reasonable (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) - there is no consensus in science. According to one hypothesis, it arose in Africa OK. 200 thousand years ago and then crowded more ancient people everywhere; According to another, the formation of a "intelligent person" (t. N. Sapentation) occurred gradually in different parts of the planet. One of the subspecies of a man of reasonable - Neanderthals.

Neanderthals was a chorean, strong person, the volume of his brain even exceeded the brain volume of the modern man, but was different in the structure. Judging by the finds of bones in the parking lot of Neanderthal, he hunted on large animals. The emergence of new techniques for the manufacture of workers of labor, the first burials associated with the emergence of religious rituals, speaks of the high mental development of this person.

Slide 10. An early representative of the modern man (Neoantrophs) in Europe was Kromanonians who lived 40-10 thousand years ago; Possible ancestors of the Europeanid race. The name comes from the grotto of Cro-Manon in France, where in 1868 several skeletons of people were found along with the latter Paleolithic guns.

Cryanonians created a rich and diverse culture of the late Paleolithic and transitional period to Mesolith. More than 100 types of complex stone and bone tools, produced, produced by new, more efficient treatment of stone and bone (for example, more than 250 shots were required for the manufacture of a flint knife).

Slide 11.Cryanonians and hunting methods (corrugated hunting) were significantly improved, producing northern and noble deer, mammoths, woolly rhinos, cave bears, wolves and other animals. They made assemetalki, harpuna and hooks for fishing, birds for birds.Cryanonians tamed the first pet - a dog.

Slide 12. Cryanonians are the creators of European primitive arts, as evidenced by multicolor painting on the walls and ceilings of the caves (Altamira, Lasco, Montiespan, etc.), engraving on pieces of stone or bone, ornament, small stone and clay sculpture.

Slide 13. Apparently, the lifespan of the army was more than that of Neander Taltsev: OK. 10% have already lived to 40 years. Cryanonians could fully use speech and abstract thinking. They were less aggressive than Neanderthals. And it contributed to their association. They lived by generic communities. In this era, a primitive purchase system was formed.

Slide 14. Differences of a man of modern species (Homo Sapiens Sapiens) from the animal (monkey).

Strain. Moves on two legs.

The absence of hair cover on the body.

Moves on four limbs. Good climbs on trees

Has wool cover all over the body


The skull bones is much thinner than the monkey.

Face features thinner and small, face flat.

Powerful skull bones.

Extracted face.

Developed abnormal arcs.

Slide 15.

The brain is more in terms of volume and is more difficult to organize (more sowruly).

The ability to think.

Directoral speech

Small brain volume.

System of sounds and emotions

for information transfer


The spine is thinner, has bends that allow you to maintain balance in a vertical position and when walking.

Direct and powerful vertebral pole.


Hands do not participate in walking, in short, than the monkeys, take only before the hip.

The thumb is opposed to the rest, which simplifies grabbing movements

The front limbs are long, below the knees.

The monkey is enough a item not five fingers, but only four-me, because The thumb is short and poorly developed

Slide 16.

Legs longer hands. The stop has a set that performs the role of an amor-tizator when walking.

There is a massive heel

Rear limbs are shorter

kie in relation to the body and the front limbs.

Stop is not developed and not adapted

lena to walking, flat in shape

Social characteristics

Activities and communication

Ability to communicate, collaborative work, purposeful

activities not only ad

environmental, but also

the ability to create socioculum


Instinctive behavior.

Organized community.

The ability to act together.

Features of action.

Slide 17. About 40 thousand years ago, at the turn of the Upper Paleolithic, "reasonable man" becomes the only representative of the family of hominids and populates almost the entire land.

Exemplary option to fill the table.

Nizhny Paleolith

Human allocation from an animal state.

Production of roughly treated stone guns (cut, knives, scrapers, copies).

Mastering fire.

Half-age division of labor.

Formation of the main cell of society - a small generic community

The birth of man as biology

great species and the beginning of the formation of human society

Middle Paleolith

Upper Paleolith

Spread on Earth Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

The appearance of throwing guns (darts, harpuna).

The existence of small dwellings.

The origin of religion.

The emergence of art

(Dance, music, rocky writing).

Mastering new mainland-American and Australia

Providing food and necessary means for life.

Formation of man as

spiritual being


The appearance of microlith - miniature

stone tools.

Probable Drinking Dog As Assistant in Hunting

Expanding the possibilities of hunting


The formation of a neighbor community.

Neolithic revolution (transition

from assigning farms to the producing).

Complication of painting (multithi

burning, abstraction)

Expanding opportunities to ensure food and means to life.

The beginning of the transition to the formation of statehood

Slide 19. 3. Ancient forms of social and spiritual life.

Man is a biosocycinochny creature. The most important stage in the development of human culture and man as a spiritual being is the origin of religion. Religious performances and beliefs were quite diverse.

Animism - (Lat. Anima, Animus - Soul, Spirit) Belief in the existence of the soul and spirits, in the animation of the world around the world.

Slide 20. Totemism (The term is borrowed from the North American tribe of Odjbeyev, in whose language Totem means its genus, as well as the name of the natural object in relation to

a definite group of people) - faith in the patronage of the real or imaginary ancestor (totem), which could be a person, an animal or plant.

Slide 21. Fetishism (Lat. Factitius - Magic, miraculous) - Worship of non-impexed material subjects - fetishes, which are attributed to supernatural properties.

Magic (Lat. Magia) - Rites, with the help of which people tried to influence the supernatural by other people, on the phenomena of nature and events.

Slide 22. The ideas about the most ancient forms of social life have undergone major changes in connection with the new discoveries of historians and ethnologists. Comments on the scheme.

The period of assigning farms.

Slide 23.

Transition to a manufacturing farm.

The functions of the neighbor community:

    Collective labor mutual assistance

    Regulation of relationships

    Some management forms

Slide 24. 4. Neolithic revolution.

Neolithic - New Stone Age, Period (OK. 8 - 3 thousand BC. E.)

The Neolithic Revolution is the transition from the assignment farm (gathering, hunting) to producing (agriculture, cattle breeding).

Work with the card of the first foci of agriculture (page 23 of the textbook).

1. Determine the territory where ancient farming arose, the territory of the first civilizations on Earth.

2. Do these territories coincide?

3. Is the foci of agriculture be uniformly on the territory of the globe? What factors, in your opinion, influenced this process?

Slide 25 - 28.


The appearance of new


labor instruments from Kamni; the transition to the control of the cultivation of cereals and the growing of animals;

selection of crafts;

appearance of arable

agriculture; invention

and the development of soy and plow; Establishment of construction as special

economic spheres

activities; appearance

individual (family) farms and primary property

Creating constants

settlements, villages,

settlers -

vintage cities;

transition to neighboring

community; bundle

inside the community; form

filling large

intercommunal combined

tribes - tribes

Transformation control

into a special scope of labor; The appearance of

chats of the administration, the authorities of the leader;

expansion of the military

collisions between


Complication and diff-fermentation of religious beliefs;

the emergence of plenoral gods; form

polyteism (Multi-Length)

Slide 29.

    the property and social inequality

    a special group of noble and rich people

Slide 30. Homework:

§ 1, finish the table

"Periodization of primitive", make an argued conclusion about the most significant, in your opinion, change in people's life.

Fastening learned. Perform an application 1 tasks.


    magic 2. Animism 3. Animism 4. Magic 5. Fetishism 6. Magic 7. Totemism 8.Thether

9. Magic 10. Animism 11. Totemism 12. Fetishism

According to various testimonies and research, approximately three million years ago (although the alternative history of mankind calls other numbers) a person came out of the world of animals. About 35 thousand years ago, the formation of modern people began. Third thousand years later, civilizations began to develop in different parts of the world.

If the history of mankind was equated to day, then from the moment of the formation of classes and states to our time, according to scientists, only 4 minutes passed.

The primitive purchase system was the longest stage. He lasted about a million years. It should be noted that the exact time when the history of mankind began, it is very difficult to call. The upper boundary (final stage) of the primitive commuting system varies in different limits depending on the continent. For example, classes in Africa and Asia began to be formed at the turn of 4-3 V. BC er, in America - 1 c. BC e.

As the history of mankind began, why where and when it happened, remains a mystery. Unfortunately, there are no monuments of those eras.

Humanity by different scientists is carried out in different ways.

Another ancient Roman and the ancient Chinese philosophers knew about the existence of three (copper), stone and iron. In the 19th - early 20th centuries, this archaeological periodization received scientific development. As a result, scientists typicalized the stages and the era of these periods.

Lasted several times longer than the entire subsequent history of mankind. The separation into steps within this era is based on the complication and change of the forms of stone guns.

The Stone Age began with Paleolithic (ancient), in which, in turn, scientists allocate the stage of the lower (early), middle and upper (late) Paleolithic.

Stone Age ends with neolithic (by the novokamenny century). At the end of this period, the first copper guns appear. This indicates the formation of a special stage - Eneolyt (Halkolite).

The structure of the internal periodization of the subsequent centuries (Novocamena, Iron and Bronze) is represented by different researchers in different ways. Defined cultures within the stages themselves are quite high.

Archaeological periodization is based on wholesale technological aspects and does not give the idea of \u200b\u200bthe formation of production as a whole. Currently, the separation system at the stage wears not so much global as regional.

Some limited goals are present in the paleoanthropological periodization of primitive system. It is based on the principle of the biological evolution of people. According to this separation system at the stage of development, researchers talk about the existence of ancient (archantrop), ancient (Paleoanthroprope), as well as the fossil modern (neoanthrop) of a person. Despite some controversial moments, the Paleoanthropological system for dividing the development of people to the steps is closely echoes the archaeological system.

At the same time, the specified special periodization of human history will not be equal to the importance with the overall system of separation of past people. The development of the direction of the historical and material understanding of the human development was first seriously launched by the Morgan (American ethnograph). In accordance with the separation of the entire process to the era, barbarism and wildness established in the 18th century, given the indicators of the development of the production of "means of life", the American ethnographer allocated the highest, middle and lower level in each specified era. Subsequently, Engels, having highly appreciated this periodization, summarized it.