The history of the emergence of the novel crime and punishment. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" - the history of creation

The history of the emergence of the novel crime and punishment. Dostoevsky
The history of the emergence of the novel crime and punishment. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" - the history of creation
Wikitite has the full text of this work.

"Crime and Punishment" - Roman Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, first published in 1866 in the magazine "Russian Bulletin" (No. 1, 2, 4, 6-8, 11-12). A separate edition of the novel (with a change in division into parts, some abbreviations and stylistic editing) was released in 1867.

History of creation

The first parts of the "crime and punishment" appeared for the first time in 1866 in eight rooms of the magazine "Russian Bulletin". Roman is printed in parts in January-December. All year Dostoevsky is working on a novel, rushing to add to the next book of magazine written chapters.

Soon after the end of the publication of the novel in the journal Dostoevsky prints it by a separate publication: "Roman in six parts with epylogue F. M. Dostoevsky. The publication is corrected. " For this, Dostoevsky's edition made significant reductions and changes in the text: three parts of the magazine editorial board were transformed into six, the partially changed to the chapter.


The plot unfolds around the main character, Rodion Raskolnikova, in whose head the theory of crime ripens. According to his idea, humanity is divided into "chosen" and "material". "Favorites" (a classic example is Napoleon) have the right to commit murder or several killings for the sake of future great achievements. Raskolnikov himself is very poor, he cannot pay not only to study at the university, but also his own accommodation. His mother and sister are very poor, soon he learns that his sister (Avdota Romanovna) is ready to marry a person who does not like, for the sake of money, for the sake of his brother. It was the last drop, and the Raskolnikov makes the intentional killing of the Straightener's old woman ("lich" by his definition) and the forced murder of her sister, witness. But the splitters can not use stolen, he hides it. From that time, the terrible life of the criminal, merrying, feverish consciousness begins, his attempts to find a support and meaning in life, justify a deed and its assessment. Slim psychologism, existential understanding of the act and the further existence of Skolnikov was colorfully transferred to Dostoevsky. All new and new faces are involved in the novel. Fate is confronted with a lonely intimidant, poor girl in which he finds a relative soul and support, Sonya Marmaladeova, who has become a path of self-selling because of poverty. Sonya, believing in God, is trying to somehow hold out in life, losing his parents. Raskolnikov also finds a support in a university friend of the Raulmichine, in love with His sister Avdotia Romanovna. Such characters appear as the investigator Porphiri Petrovich, who felt the soul of Raskolnikov and won it in wicked water, Svidrigaylov, a depravant and a scoundrel - a vivid example of a "chosen" person (on the theory of Skolnikov), Luzhin, lawyer and a cunning egoist, and others. In the novel open The social causes of crimes and disasters, moral contradictions, the oppressive circumstances of the fall, describes the life of St. Petersburg poor, drunkenness and prostitution, are described dozens of peculiar characters and actors. Throughout the Roman, the Raskolnikov is trying to understand whether he decent is he is, whether he has the right to finish the court over other people. Without supporting the burden of his crime, the main character is confessed in the committed murder, writing a comprehensive recognition. However, he sees the guilt of not the murder, but in the fact that he went to him without assessing his inner weakness and miserable fabric. He refuses the claim to be chosen. Raskolnikov hits the cautious, but Sonya remains next to him. These two lonely man have found each other in a very difficult period of life for both. In the end, the hero finds a support in love and religious consciousness.


The effect of the novel occurs in the summer in St. Petersburg.


  • Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov, a beggar former student, the main character of the narration. It believes that it has the moral right to commit crimes and murder only the first step on an uncompromising road, which will lead it to the top. Unconsciously chooses as a victim of the most weak and defenseless member of society, justifying this to the innocence of the life of the old-year-old age, after the murder of which faces the most severe psychological shock: the murder does not make a person "Favorites".
  • Pulcheria Alexandrovna Skolnikova, Mother Rodion Romanovich Skolnikova, comes to him in St. Petersburg hoping to give a daughter for a nuddle and equip a family life. Disappointment in the nudge, fear of life and peace of mind of Rodion, the misfortune of his daughter lead her to illness and death.
  • Avdota Romanovna Skolnikova, sister Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov. Smart, beautiful, chaste girl, in love with her brother before self-sacrifice. It has a habit at the moments of thoughtfulness to walk from the corner to the corner around the room. In the struggle for his happiness, it was ready to marry on the calculation, but could not communicate with the puddle sake of his salvation. It turns out to marry the Raulmichina, having found a sincere and loving person in him, a true friend of his brother.
  • Petr Petrovich Lugin, Groom Avdoti Romanovna Raskolnikova, lawyer, enterprising and selfish dealers. The groom of Avdoti Romanovna, who wanted to make it his slave, obliged to him with his position and well-being. Dislike for Raskolnikov, the desire to embroil him with his family is an attempt to escape Marmaladov, to falsify the perfect alleged theft.
  • Dmitry Prokofievich Raleshin, Former student, friend Raskolnikov. Strong, cheerful, intelligent small, sincere and immediate. Deep love and attachment to Raskolnikov explain his care for him. He falls in love with dunechka, proves his love with their help and support. Marries the dun.
  • Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov, former titular adviser, dropped drunkard, alcoholic. It reflects the features of the heroes of the unwitted Dostoevsky novel "Drunk", to which the novel writing a novel is genetically dates back. Sonya Marmaladova's father, hesitates his bias to alcohol, weak, a haired man who loving, however, his children. Crushed a horse.
  • Katerina Ivanovna Marmaladova, Wife Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov, headquarters officer daughter. Sick woman forced one to educate three children, not quite healthy soul. After the hard funeral of the husband, actuated by constant work, concerns and illness, goes crazy and dies.
  • Sonya Semenovna Marmaladova, daughter Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov from the first marriage, a girl desperate on self-selling. Despite such a genus, a sensitive, timid and shy girl, forced to earn such an unsightly way. Understands the suffering of Rodion, finds a support in him in life, and the strength to make a man again. Leaving him in Siberia, becomes his life girlfriend.
  • Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov, nobleman, former officer, landowner. Depravitraft, scoundrel, Shuler. It is introduced into the counterweights of Raskolnik as an example of a person who does not stop in any case to achieve its goals and for a second not conceived on the methods and "right of its" (about such people and there is a Rodion in its theory). Avdota Romanovna became the object of the passion of Svidrigaylov. An attempt to achieve its location by the help of Rodion was not crowned with success. Riding in the madness and the abyss of debauchery, despite the terrible fear of death, shoots himself in the temple.
  • Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailova, His late wife, in the murder of which Arkady Ivanovich is suspected, according to whose approval was to him in ghost. Donated the Duna three thousand rubles, which allowed the Dong to reject the nudio as a groom.
  • Andrei Semenovich Lebesyatnikov, young man serving in the ministry. "Progressist", the Socialist-Utopist, however, a stupid person, not to the end understanding and exaggerating many of the ideas of constructing commune. Neighbor pointer.
  • Porfiry Petrovich, Bearing investigative cases. The master of his deeds, a subtle psychologist, who dreamed Skolnikov and offering him himself to confess to murder. But it was not able to prove the guilt of Rodion, due to the lack of evidence.
  • Amalia Ludwigovna (Ivanovna) Lippevhelezhzel, I handed over the apartment Lebesyatnikov, a nudge, marmalade. A stupid and bored woman, proud of his father, whose origin is not known at all.
  • Alena Ivanovna, College secretary, the incident. Sukland and evil old woman, killed Raskolnikov.
  • Lizaveta Ivanovna, High Sister of Alena Ivanovna, random evidence of the murder, killed Raskolnikov.
  • Zosimov, doctor, dewmuel friend


Based on the novel, artistic and animated films were repeatedly starred. The most famous of them:

  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (1935, US with the participation of Peter Lorre, Edward Arnold and Marian Marsh);
  • Crime and Punishment (Fr. Crime et châtiment.) (1956, France Directed by Georges Lampin, with the participation of Jean Gaben, Marina Vlad and Robert Osseyn);
  • Crime and Punishment (1969, USSR, with the participation of George Tarautkina, Innokentia Smoktunovsky, Tatiana Disroven, Victoria Fedorova);
  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (1979, a short film with the participation of Timothy West, Vanessa Redgrave and John Hurt);
  • Shock (eng. Astonished.) (1988, USA with the participation of Lilian Komorowsk, Tommy Hollis and Ken Ryan);
  • Dostoevsky's crime and punishment (eng. Dostoevsky "S CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ) (1998, USA, television movie with Patrick Dempsey, Ben Kingsley and Julie Delpi);
  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (2002, USA-Russia-Poland)
  • Crime and Punishment (2007, Russia, with the participation of Vladimir Koshevoy, Andrei Panin, Alexander Baluyev and Elena Yakovleva).

Theatrical performances

The novel was repeatedly staged in Russia and abroad. The first attempt to stage Roman A. S. Ushakov in 1867 did not take place due to the banner of censorship. The first setting in Russia refers to 1899. The first well-known foreign production took place in the Paris Theater "Odeon" ().


The first Polish translation (Zbrodnia I Kara) came out in 1887-88.

The imperfect Lithuanian translation of Josas Balchunas came out in 1929. His reprint B.

Wikitite has the full text of this work.

"Crime and Punishment" - Roman Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, first published in 1866 in the magazine "Russian Bulletin" (No. 1, 2, 4, 6-8, 11-12). A separate edition of the novel (with a change in division into parts, some abbreviations and stylistic editing) was released in 1867.

History of creation

The first parts of the "crime and punishment" appeared for the first time in 1866 in eight rooms of the magazine "Russian Bulletin". Roman is printed in parts in January-December. All year Dostoevsky is working on a novel, rushing to add to the next book of magazine written chapters.

Soon after the end of the publication of the novel in the journal Dostoevsky prints it by a separate publication: "Roman in six parts with epylogue F. M. Dostoevsky. The publication is corrected. " For this, Dostoevsky's edition made significant reductions and changes in the text: three parts of the magazine editorial board were transformed into six, the partially changed to the chapter.


The plot unfolds around the main character, Rodion Raskolnikova, in whose head the theory of crime ripens. According to his idea, humanity is divided into "chosen" and "material". "Favorites" (a classic example is Napoleon) have the right to commit murder or several killings for the sake of future great achievements. Raskolnikov himself is very poor, he cannot pay not only to study at the university, but also his own accommodation. His mother and sister are very poor, soon he learns that his sister (Avdota Romanovna) is ready to marry a person who does not like, for the sake of money, for the sake of his brother. It was the last drop, and the Raskolnikov makes the intentional killing of the Straightener's old woman ("lich" by his definition) and the forced murder of her sister, witness. But the splitters can not use stolen, he hides it. From that time, the terrible life of the criminal, merrying, feverish consciousness begins, his attempts to find a support and meaning in life, justify a deed and its assessment. Slim psychologism, existential understanding of the act and the further existence of Skolnikov was colorfully transferred to Dostoevsky. All new and new faces are involved in the novel. Fate is confronted with a lonely intimidant, poor girl in which he finds a relative soul and support, Sonya Marmaladeova, who has become a path of self-selling because of poverty. Sonya, believing in God, is trying to somehow hold out in life, losing his parents. Raskolnikov also finds a support in a university friend of the Raulmichine, in love with His sister Avdotia Romanovna. Such characters appear as the investigator Porphiri Petrovich, who felt the soul of Raskolnikov and won it in wicked water, Svidrigaylov, a depravant and a scoundrel - a vivid example of a "chosen" person (on the theory of Skolnikov), Luzhin, lawyer and a cunning egoist, and others. In the novel open The social causes of crimes and disasters, moral contradictions, the oppressive circumstances of the fall, describes the life of St. Petersburg poor, drunkenness and prostitution, are described dozens of peculiar characters and actors. Throughout the Roman, the Raskolnikov is trying to understand whether he decent is he is, whether he has the right to finish the court over other people. Without supporting the burden of his crime, the main character is confessed in the committed murder, writing a comprehensive recognition. However, he sees the guilt of not the murder, but in the fact that he went to him without assessing his inner weakness and miserable fabric. He refuses the claim to be chosen. Raskolnikov hits the cautious, but Sonya remains next to him. These two lonely man have found each other in a very difficult period of life for both. In the end, the hero finds a support in love and religious consciousness.


The effect of the novel occurs in the summer in St. Petersburg.


  • Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov, a beggar former student, the main character of the narration. It believes that it has the moral right to commit crimes and murder only the first step on an uncompromising road, which will lead it to the top. Unconsciously chooses as a victim of the most weak and defenseless member of society, justifying this to the innocence of the life of the old-year-old age, after the murder of which faces the most severe psychological shock: the murder does not make a person "Favorites".
  • Pulcheria Alexandrovna Skolnikova, Mother Rodion Romanovich Skolnikova, comes to him in St. Petersburg hoping to give a daughter for a nuddle and equip a family life. Disappointment in the nudge, fear of life and peace of mind of Rodion, the misfortune of his daughter lead her to illness and death.
  • Avdota Romanovna Skolnikova, sister Rodion Romanovich Skolnikov. Smart, beautiful, chaste girl, in love with her brother before self-sacrifice. It has a habit at the moments of thoughtfulness to walk from the corner to the corner around the room. In the struggle for his happiness, it was ready to marry on the calculation, but could not communicate with the puddle sake of his salvation. It turns out to marry the Raulmichina, having found a sincere and loving person in him, a true friend of his brother.
  • Petr Petrovich Lugin, Groom Avdoti Romanovna Raskolnikova, lawyer, enterprising and selfish dealers. The groom of Avdoti Romanovna, who wanted to make it his slave, obliged to him with his position and well-being. Dislike for Raskolnikov, the desire to embroil him with his family is an attempt to escape Marmaladov, to falsify the perfect alleged theft.
  • Dmitry Prokofievich Raleshin, Former student, friend Raskolnikov. Strong, cheerful, intelligent small, sincere and immediate. Deep love and attachment to Raskolnikov explain his care for him. He falls in love with dunechka, proves his love with their help and support. Marries the dun.
  • Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov, former titular adviser, dropped drunkard, alcoholic. It reflects the features of the heroes of the unwitted Dostoevsky novel "Drunk", to which the novel writing a novel is genetically dates back. Sonya Marmaladova's father, hesitates his bias to alcohol, weak, a haired man who loving, however, his children. Crushed a horse.
  • Katerina Ivanovna Marmaladova, Wife Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov, headquarters officer daughter. Sick woman forced one to educate three children, not quite healthy soul. After the hard funeral of the husband, actuated by constant work, concerns and illness, goes crazy and dies.
  • Sonya Semenovna Marmaladova, daughter Semen Zakharovich Marmaladov from the first marriage, a girl desperate on self-selling. Despite such a genus, a sensitive, timid and shy girl, forced to earn such an unsightly way. Understands the suffering of Rodion, finds a support in him in life, and the strength to make a man again. Leaving him in Siberia, becomes his life girlfriend.
  • Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov, nobleman, former officer, landowner. Depravitraft, scoundrel, Shuler. It is introduced into the counterweights of Raskolnik as an example of a person who does not stop in any case to achieve its goals and for a second not conceived on the methods and "right of its" (about such people and there is a Rodion in its theory). Avdota Romanovna became the object of the passion of Svidrigaylov. An attempt to achieve its location by the help of Rodion was not crowned with success. Riding in the madness and the abyss of debauchery, despite the terrible fear of death, shoots himself in the temple.
  • Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailova, His late wife, in the murder of which Arkady Ivanovich is suspected, according to whose approval was to him in ghost. Donated the Duna three thousand rubles, which allowed the Dong to reject the nudio as a groom.
  • Andrei Semenovich Lebesyatnikov, young man serving in the ministry. "Progressist", the Socialist-Utopist, however, a stupid person, not to the end understanding and exaggerating many of the ideas of constructing commune. Neighbor pointer.
  • Porfiry Petrovich, Bearing investigative cases. The master of his deeds, a subtle psychologist, who dreamed Skolnikov and offering him himself to confess to murder. But it was not able to prove the guilt of Rodion, due to the lack of evidence.
  • Amalia Ludwigovna (Ivanovna) Lippevhelezhzel, I handed over the apartment Lebesyatnikov, a nudge, marmalade. A stupid and bored woman, proud of his father, whose origin is not known at all.
  • Alena Ivanovna, College secretary, the incident. Sukland and evil old woman, killed Raskolnikov.
  • Lizaveta Ivanovna, High Sister of Alena Ivanovna, random evidence of the murder, killed Raskolnikov.
  • Zosimov, doctor, dewmuel friend


Based on the novel, artistic and animated films were repeatedly starred. The most famous of them:

  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (1935, US with the participation of Peter Lorre, Edward Arnold and Marian Marsh);
  • Crime and Punishment (Fr. Crime et châtiment.) (1956, France Directed by Georges Lampin, with the participation of Jean Gaben, Marina Vlad and Robert Osseyn);
  • Crime and Punishment (1969, USSR, with the participation of George Tarautkina, Innokentia Smoktunovsky, Tatiana Disroven, Victoria Fedorova);
  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (1979, a short film with the participation of Timothy West, Vanessa Redgrave and John Hurt);
  • Shock (eng. Astonished.) (1988, USA with the participation of Lilian Komorowsk, Tommy Hollis and Ken Ryan);
  • Dostoevsky's crime and punishment (eng. Dostoevsky "S CRIME AND PUNISHMENT ) (1998, USA, television movie with Patrick Dempsey, Ben Kingsley and Julie Delpi);
  • Crime and Punishment (eng. CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.) (2002, USA-Russia-Poland)
  • Crime and Punishment (2007, Russia, with the participation of Vladimir Koshevoy, Andrei Panin, Alexander Baluyev and Elena Yakovleva).

Theatrical performances

The novel was repeatedly staged in Russia and abroad. The first attempt to stage Roman A. S. Ushakov in 1867 did not take place due to the banner of censorship. The first setting in Russia refers to 1899. The first well-known foreign production took place in the Paris Theater "Odeon" ().


The first Polish translation (Zbrodnia I Kara) came out in 1887-88.

The imperfect Lithuanian translation of Josas Balchunas came out in 1929. His reprint B.

Crime and Punishment - the most famous Roman F.M. Dostoevsky, who committed a powerful coup of public consciousness. Writing the novel symbolizes the opening of the highest, new stage of creativity of the brilliant writer. In the novel, with the inherent Dostoevsky psychologism, the path of rolling soul of a person through the thorns of suffering to comprehend the truth is shown.

History of creation

The way to create the work was very difficult. The design of the novel with the theory of superman underlying, began to be born still during the writer's stay at Katorga, he ripened for many years, but the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe revealing essence of the "ordinary" and "extraordinary" people crystallized during the stay of Dostoevsky in Italy .

The beginning of the work on the novel was marked by the merger of two drafts - the unfinished novel "Drunk" and the sketches of the novel, the plot of which is built on the confession of one of the cortishes. Subsequently, the story was based on the story about the poor student Rodion Raskolnikov, who killed the old woman for the good of his family. Full drams and conflicts The life of a big city has become one of the main images of the novel.

Over Roman Fedor Mikhailovich worked in 1865-1866, and almost immediately after graduation in 1866, he was published in the Russian Bulletin magazine. The response among the reviewers and the literary community of that time was very violent - from violent admiration for a sharp rejection. The novel was repeatedly incessation and was subsequently shielded. The first theatrical statement in Russia took place in 1899 (it is noteworthy that it was put on the border on the 11th earlier).

Description of the work

The action takes place in the poor district of St. Petersburg of the 1860s. Rodion of Raskolnikov, a former student, lays the old woman to the last valuable thing. Halded for her, he plots a terrible murder. On the way home, he looks into one of the peteed establishments, where he meets with a completely sung out of the official Marmaladov. Rodion listens to his daughter's unfortunate fate, Sonya Marmaladova, forced with filing a stepmother to make money for his family prostitution.

Soon, the Raskolnikov receives a letter from the mother and is terrified by the moral violence over his younger sister of the Duni, who led the cruel and depraved landowner of Svidrigayl over it. Raskolnikova's mother hopes to arrange the fate of his children, having married to Peter Study, a very secured person his daughter, but at the same time everyone understands that love in this marriage will not be and the girl will again be doomed to suffering. Rodion's heart breaks away from pity for Sona and the Dun, and the thought of murdering the hated old woman is firmly fixed in his mind. He is going to spend the money of the interest rates earned by the wrong way, to the good cause - the deliverance of the suffering girls and young men from the humiliating poverty.

Despite the aversion to bloody violence rising in his soul, the splitters still make a grave sin. In addition, besides the old woman, he kills her meek sister Lizaven, an involuntary witness for a serious crime. Rodion with difficulty is able to escape from the scene of the crime, while he hides the old richness in a random place, without even assessing their real value.

Soul suffering Skolnikov cause social alienation between him and those surrounding, from the experiences of Rodion dreams. Soon he learns that in the crime committed them, another person was accused - a simple rustic guy of the Molka. A painful response to the conversations of the surrounding crime becomes too noticeable and suspicious.

Further in the novel describes the grave milestone of the soul of the killer student trying to find peace of mind, to find at least some moral justification to the crime. Light thread passes through the novel Communication of Rodion with the unfortunate, but with the good and high-turn girl Sonya Marmaladova. Her soul mint from the inconsistency of the inner purity of the sinful lifestyle and the splitters finds a relative soul in this girlfriend. Lonely Sonya and University friend Raughin become support for the suffering of the former student of Rodion.

Over time, the investigator in the case of the murder of Porfiry Petrovich finds out the detailed circumstances of crime and splitters, after many moral torments, recognizes himself as a killer and goes to the cautious. Selfless Sonya does not leave his closest friend and goes after him, thanks to the girl there is a mental transformation of the main character of the novel.

Main heroes of Romana

(Illustration of I. Glazunov Raskolnikov in his camork)

The duality of spiritual gusts is enclosed in the name of the main hero of the novel. His whole life is permeated with the issue - will the violations of the law be justified if they are committed in the name of love for near? Under the pressure of the external circumstances of the splitters in practice, all the circles of moral hell associated with the killing for helping to help close people are held. Catharsis comes due to the most expensive person - Sona Marmaladeova, which helps to conquer the soul of a rolling-minded killer student, despite the grave conditions of the concert existence.

Wisdom and humility carries the image of this amazing, tragic, and at the same time sublime, heroine. For the sake of the well-being of the neighbor, she trampled the most expensive thing that she has - his female honor. Despite its way of earning, Sonya does not cause the slightest contempt, her clean soul, the commitment of the ideals of Christian morality leads to the admiration of the readers of the novel. Being a faithful and loving friend of Rodion, she goes with him to the very end.

The mysteriousness and ambiguity of this character makes it once again think about the many-sidedness of human nature. The tricky and vicious person on the one hand, he by the end of the novel shows his care and care for his orphaned children and helps Sona Marmalade to restore its spoiled reputation.

A successful entrepreneur, a person with respectable outfice produces a deceptive impression. Luzhin is cold, korestolyviliv, he is not bent, he wishes not love from his wife, and exclusively operability and humility.

Analysis of the work

The compositional construction of the novel is a polyphonic form, where the line of each of the main characters are multifaceted, self-sufficient, and at the same time actively interacts with themes of the remaining characters. Also, the peculiarities of the novel is the amazing concentration of events - the time frame of the novel is limited to two weeks that with such a significant amount is quite rare in world literature of that time.

The structural composition of the novel is quite simple - 6 parts, each of them in turn is divided into 6-7 chapters. A feature is incomprehensiveness of Raskolnikov's days with a clear and concise structure of the novel, which emphasizes the inner state of the main character. The first part describes the three days of life Skolnikov, and with the second - the number of events increases with each chapter, reaching an amazing concentration.

Another feature of the novel is the hopeless doom and the tragic fate of most of her heroes. To the end of the novel with the reader, only young characters will remain - Rodion and Dunya Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmaladov, Dmitry Raleshin.

Dostoevsky himself considered his novel by the "psychological report of one crime," he is confident that spiritual flour is dominated over legal punishment. The protagonist hero moves away from God and is fond of popular at that time the ideas of nihilism and only by the end of the novel there is a return to Christian morality, the author leaves the hero a hypothetical possibility of repentance.

Final output

Throughout the novel, "Crime and Punishment" there is a transformation of the worldview of Rodion Skolnikov from close to Nietzsche, which was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200b"superman", to Christian - with his teaching about divine love, humility and mercy. The social concept of the novel is closely intertwined with the Evangelical teaching about love and all exercise. All Roman is impregnated with the true Christian spirit and makes everyone who occurs in the life of the events and actions of people through the prism of the possibility of spiritual transformation of mankind.

Roman Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" became the main literary event of the second half of the 60s. XIX century. At first glance, an ordinary detective story about the murder of the old-year older agers for the purpose of light and fast profit turned into a very deep philosophical reflection On the borders of the freedom of man and living conditions in the modern author of the capital of St. Petersburg.

Confusion and idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel

The novel thought Dostoevsky even during his stay at the Siberian Katorga. For participation in the Petrashevsky Bunte, the writer was sentenced to death, but at the last moment by order of the emperor the execution was replaced by reference and carriage. Without the opportunity to write, Dostoevsky had a sufficient number of time to form the idea and outline the approximate plan for the development of the plot.

"Crime and Punishment" - a description of the history of moral transformation of a strong person, indifferent to public convention and deprived self-reflection. Characteristic of the frequent mention of the great people of the past, especially Napoleon, with whom it openly compares the splitters. "Crime and Punishment", in addition, raises another topic: this strong person commits a crime not only to prove your self-sufficiencyBut also for the possibility of instant enrichment. These two aspects have compiled the basis of the idea of \u200b\u200bDostoevsky.

Sources when writing

When writing a novel, the author took advantage of both its former experience in the genre of the novel and real events. The following components that have made a work can be noted:

  • The unfinished novel "Drunky". It is his characters and plot lines that served as the basis for the description of the life of the Marmaladov family.
  • The crime of the Starber, otherwise, Raskolnik Gerasim Church, a resident of Moscow. In order to rob the chisty, penetrated the apartment of two elderly women and, faced with them, drove both axes.

Structure of the work and its content

The novel consists of six parts broken on the chapter and epiloga. A variety of plot lines and a wide range of raised problems impede attempts in a compressed form to set out the content of the work. Analysis of psychology and behavior Characters in a given situation became a visiting card of Dostoevsky, which is already visible on the first novel from his pentateuch - "crime and punishment."

Part 1: Tie and characteristics of heroes

Since the first parts are the string of the plot and the exposition of the main actors of the novel, it is advisable to bring their content on the chapters:

Part 2: Event Development

Events described in the second part have especially important For understanding the essence of the novel:

Part 3: Detective component

The further content of the work "Crime and Punishment" is fully dedicated to the detective component.

Raskolnikov demands from the sister to cancel the wedding, but it refuses. After a tense conversation, the mother and Dunya return to the hotel, where they are following the next morning, Rassakhin visits them. They discuss the current situation, in particular, Pulcheria Aleksandrovna asks for the Council that to do with the request of a nudio to visit them in the absence of Raskolnikov. Dunya believes that brother must be present at the meeting.

Sonya comes to the apartment of Raskolnikov in order to invite him to the funeral. Mother and sister already know that the young man gave all his money on the funeral of Marmaladov, and they are aware of Sony in society. Despite this, the splitters officially represent each other, and the Dunya even bowed to Sona.

After that, the Rasks go to the police to find out how it can get stuffed things. During the conversation it becomes clear that he is also suspect. The investigator Porfiry Petrovich recalls that earlier Raskolnikov published an article on the division of people on ordinary and extraordinary, among other things that have the right to murder.

Upon returning, the Raskolnikov faces their house with a man who calls him a killer. The nerves of a young man at the limit, he dreams the third nightmare, in which he hits the old woman with an ax, but she does not die, and it is indispensable. Raskolnikov trying to escape, but surrounding his crowd prevents it. Waking up, he discovers in his room Svidrigaylova.

Part 4: Lazarus Resurrection

The goal of Svidrigaylova is a meeting with the Duna, and the Raskolniks should help him. Rodion refuses and a little later, together with the defects, goes to the mother, where Luzhin is already located. He is annoyed by a violation of his wishes, suits the scandal, after which the Dunya drives the groom.

After that, the Raskolnikov visits Sonya. Finding the Gospel Open on the page, where he tells about the resurrection of Lazarus, he asks the girl to read this story to him. When Sonya serves as a request, the splitters bow to her and promises the next day to tell, who killed the interest officer and her sister. But before the story, he again comes to the police for things, and faces attempts by the investigator with a cunning to make him recognize the guilt. In the hearts of the splitters demands already to openly call him guilty, but Petrofirya Petrovich does not. The Cabinet accidentally leads an arrested dilapider, who confessed in murder.

Part 5: Meadian Revenge and Raskolnikov Recognition

Luzhin wants to take revenge on Raskolnikov for a torn wedding and throws up 100 rubles in his pocket. Marmalades are satisfied with the funeral for which no one came. Gradually, a quarrel boats from the Ivanovna and apartment hosterat between Katerina because of the invited, and in its very height appears. He accuses Sonya in theft, and money, of course, find a girl in his pocket. Lebesyatnikov, a neighbor's neighbor, says that she personally saw how he threw money in his pocket, but the apartment hostess is still cracks all the family.

Raskolnikov remains with Sonya and gives her to understand that the killer is he. The girl with understanding belongs to this and promises to go with him Katorga, if he confesses. The conversation interrupts the news that Katerina Ivanovna went crazy and, together with children, beats through the streets. Sonya and Raskolnikov try to stop the woman, but that overtakes the death attack. The funeral on myself agrees to take Svidrigaylov, motivating this by hearding all the conversations of Sony and Raskolnikov.

Part 6: Junction

The investigator is in the apartment of Raskolnikova and directly declares that he considers him a killer. Porfirya Petrovich proposes to appear on two days later. During this time, Rodion is found with Svidrigaylov, from whom he learns that he is greatly loved in his sister, but nothing can be between them.

After the conversation, Svidrigaylov comes to the Dun and says that her brother is a killer. He offers to organize flight and help financially, if she agrees to be his mistress. Dunya is trying to leave, but the door turns out to be locked. Then the girl shoots Swidrigailov, but does not fall. After that, he releases the Dunya. Shocked what happened, Svidrigaylov gives Sona money, which will be needed with Raskolnikov in Katorga, takes off the hotel room and shoots the Duni revolver to death.

Raskolnikov says goodbye to the mother, sister and Sonya, on the intersection kisses the Earth and confesses to murder. After that, he goes to the police, where he repeats his recognition.


Raskolnikov is serving a sentence on the Siberian Katorga. Sonya, as promised, went after him. Dunya and Ralesychin got married, and Pulcheria Alexandrovna soon died from longing for his son. Raskolnikov holds a mansion from the rest of the prisoners, all his free time spent in thought about how hesitally he ordered his life.

Year of release book: 1866

The Roman Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" refer to the first product of the so-called "Great Pentateuch" of Dostoevsky. These are the most mature author's novels, which were written after the cowards, are considered the most significant among its works. Given that Dostoevsky himself was in a very difficult financial situation at the time of writing, he was close to both the main characters and the atmosphere of poverty. Perhaps this is precisely this allowed the author to register so well-quality psychological portraits of the main characters, as well as competently transfer the atmosphere of the poor quarters of St. Petersburg. All this allowed the images of the novel "Crime and Punishment" to be relevant and at the present time, and the novel himself get into our rating.

Summary of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

At this time, Svidrigaylov arrives after the Dneus, which immediately finds a relative soul in the Raskolnik. The main hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment" is surprised by the ability of Svidrigailov to have fun after everything he has done. But not everything is so simple, and in the novel "Crime and Punishment" of Svidrigaylov, not to withstand spiritual torments and the refusal of Sony, shot himself. It was the last straw for Rodion Romanovich and at the insistence of Sony he decides to confess the crime.

Raskolnikov turns out to be in Siberia, but with Him Sonya goes. She, despite his coldness, constantly visits him, which deserves recognition from the cautious. At the same time, the splitters, falling into the hospital, sees a dream that opens to him that "the pride of the mind leads to death, and humility of the heart to love." This allows him to open the Gospel.

Roman "Crime and Punishment" on the site top books

The images of the novel "Crime and Punishment" are so bright that this allowed the book even through the century after writing to occupy a worthy place among. At the same time, due to the fact that the Roman Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" takes place in the school program, the work was managed to take a high place and among. And despite some decline in interest in the work recently, the book will surely be presented for a long time in a variety of rankings of our site.

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