Interesting about waltz. Thematic class "Waltz about Walla"

Interesting about waltz. Thematic class "Waltz about Walla"

The purpose of the event is:

  • to acquaint students and their parents with the history of development of this wonderful dance - Waltz;
  • give the opportunity to hear the execution of the waltz on various tools;
  • continue to attach children to musical culture and raise an artistic taste.

Program tasks:

  • expand the horizons;
  • acquainted with the variety of waltz music of different eras and composers;
  • promoting the upbringing of musical culture, the culture of the listener.

Form of the event - Lecture-concert.


  • festive scene design with multi-colored scarves;
  • poster with the name of the event "Waltz about Walla";
  • musical instruments: Bayan, Accordion, Piano, Violin, Flute.

Event flow


A lot of Walsa said:
He is in the songs and verse,
And how many dances did not happen,
And better Waltz, right, no.

This dance is eternally young, one of the most ancient and mass .. Of course, there are no eternal dances. They are also born and dying. But of all the dances, no one has stood such a long time test as a waltz.

In the 70s of the XVI century, the Walsa was called a folk dance that emerged in some regions of Southern Germany and Austria. This is a simple people's dance that felt well in the sound of several tools, which played 2-3 musicians from the people, in broad-grained hats, and coarse wooden shoes. Music is characterized by waltza escort, measured threedole step.

Numerous varieties of folk rustic dances that have exitted in South Germany and Austria by the beginning of the XVIII century, united in one group, called Ledler or German dance. The dance acquired great popularity in the II half of the XVIII century in the work of composers of Mozart and Schubert.

Thanks to his extraordinary fascination, he penetrated the aristocratic salon, where he perfectly felt herself in the sound of a fragile cluster, which was playing professional musicians in silk camsoles and powdered wigs.

This natural as life itself the dance has become popular on the balas in the Great Salons.

The keepers of morality, the risers of etiquette could not hold back indignation. The fact that the cavalier during the dance kept a lady for the waist seemed to them unheard of liberty. Waltz tried to ban, but he returned to the Great Salons again.

Brought from Germany at the beginning of the XIX century, he long junteled on the rear rooms before broke into advanced salons.

With the French courtyard, Waltz remained banned back in 1820. Mothers preferred to export daughters on balls, where the "convulsive arms" of Waltz did not recognize.

In the books published in 1800, it was said that society, civilization, religion threatens the "waltza infection" and the waltz was compared with cholera and leprosy. Conservative English Society made Waltz on a quarter of a century later than most other European countries.

The dance and in Russia did not immediately appear, since Paul I knew the highest commanders to prevent his spread, and officers guilty "in dancing dance, Waltene, called" immediately from the point they were transmitted to Gaupvakta.

In the days of the July monarchy (1830 - 1848. The main internal organs, heart, light, brain and often lead the case in the salon Baroneles T., where, during the Waltz, the young man unexpectedly noticed that with every rotation Mademoiselle walked harder on his hand. Here is such a difficult path of Waltz, but at the same time he has become a popular dance in all layers of the European society, especially in Vienna.

Waltz's flourishing is associated with the work of the Austrian composers of Lanner, Strauss - Father, and later His sons of Iozef and Johann, called "King Waltz."

He dedicated his talent, he devoted his skills to dance music, first of all - Walsa and Operette. His music is characterized by brightness of the melody, temperament, elegance.

Sparkling, sparkle clocks Strauss, infecting a listener with genuine fun and cheerfulness.

K.N. one Waltz I. Strauss "Fairy Tales of the Vienna Forest"

/ Piano /


The great Polish composer F. Sheopen wrote only 14 waltz, at the strauss of them 500. But 14 Waltz Chopin is invaluable pearls. Nobody danced these waltz music, they are created only for concert performance. Already later, to the music of Schopin waltors began to dance on scenes of ballet theaters.

K.N. 2. F. Chopin "Waltz No. 7 to Minor"

/ Piano /


Romances - Waltza enjoyed great popularity. Special waltz acquired in Russian music. You know a lot of Russian vintage romances - Waltz, songs - Waltza.

I remember the Waltz sound adorable,
Spring night at the late hour,
His voice unknown -
And the song is wonderful.
K.N. 3. N. Sheets "I remember the Waltza Sound Adorable."


You do not believe the guys, but still some half a century ago TVs, tape recorders and radio receivers had units, but about computers, video recorders, interneate, players and cell phones did not evenly heard. What was? How then lived, how did you relate? And they lived well and rested well. There were players and patefones, radio, libraries, cinema halls. Dancing in schools, clubs and think, often danced under the harmonica, bayan, accordion - half a century ago. Yes, and now there are dancing.

Really dancing were one of the most affordable and favorite entertainment, the way to leisure all ages. No wonder in the club bills wrote: "Cinema, after movies dancing!" - That turned out to be a clove program. Dancing in the courtyards, and at home and at school evenings.

K.N. four "Figure Waltz"


Already in Soviet times, Waltz stepped from secular living rooms in the masses.

Summer in the evening from the parks of culture and recreation, dance sites were heard of the sounds of brass bands that performed Dunaevsky's wals, paint brothers, and beautiful vintage waltzes.

So he rotates, so he originated
Black water slightly gliding disk
Circling, spin the waltz over the water,
Quietly around, the hill are covered with a hairy.
It's above the flock of the winds
He got up Ilya Alekseich Tents
Half fellow people officer
Waltz writing, on the old manner.
Orchestra copper will sound,
Tenor in the garden city will sing.
And without having restrained everyone in sight
The boy will pay, suddenly in the third row.

K.N. five I. Shatrov "on the hits of manchuria"


War she passed through the lives of many people. But even at this difficult time, the composers wrote their lyrical songs, thus the opportunity to talk with loved ones, express their inner mind, to express their girlfriend, the bride, the wife, who was far away, for the thirty lands, in the distant rear.

K.N. 6. Music D. Tukhmanova, Words V. Kharitonova

"School Waltz"


There are waltz written for orchestra, piano, violins, there are romances and arias from the opera written in the rhythm of the Waltz. Waltovy traditions were developed in the works of Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Khachaturian and they are written not in the traditional form of Waltz.

K.N. 6. D. Shostakovich "Waltz - Joke",


Jazz one of the directions in music.

Jazz influence touched almost all the leading genres of music. A feature of jazz is the conflict of rhythms, which later became the basis of the specifics of jazz. Some dances were addressed to jazz to jazz to jazzing, not directly related to Jazz. This was especially touched by Tango, Waltz, Waltz - Boston. And Tango and Waltz are firmly entered into the repertoire of jazz teams.

K.N. 7. Yu. Vesnyaka "Jazz - Waltz"

/ Piano /


Having reached this day, the waltz acquired such features: latitude and dynamic, extraordinary smoothness and ease.

Evgeny Dog wonderful composer wrote a lot of music for movies. One of the best and favorite waltz to the movie "My tender and gentle beast."

K.N. eight E. Dog "Waltz"

/ trio violinists /


Easy, colorful, shiny waltz sounds in the movie "Blizzard" in the story of Pushkin's name, music to which one of the best Soviet composers of George Sviridov wrote.

K.N. nine G. Sviridov "Waltz - Blizzard"

/ violp ensemble /


And will complete our concert program Waltz of the modern composer E.Dogov, performed by the duet of the accordionists. Accordion is very popular in France, his "spill" sound is filled with a kind of charm. And now we will take a walk in Paris boulevards.

K.N. 10 E. Doga "Paris Cascade"

/ Duet accordionists /


Years, but the waltz is still fresh, it is beautiful, as in the days of his youth. He is desirable guest of dance evenings. It never cools the interest of composers. You can with confidence to say Waltz is immortal. Like a fabulous Phoenix, he will be reborn again and again.


1. Tarasov, V. in the world of Waltz / Vol Tarasov. - M.: Melody, 1989

2. Boylchevsky, Yu.S, short music dictionary for students

3. [Text] /u.Bulchevsky, V.Fomin, -8 -e ed. - L.: Music, 1986. - 216c. / Music Encyclopedic Dictionary / Ch. ed. G.V. Celdysh. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. - 672c.: Il.

4. Frumkin, V.A. Let's talk about music: entertaining schoolchild dictionary [Text] / V.A. Fruumkin. - 2nd ed., Add. - L.: Music, 1968. - 224С.

5. On the ballroom dance: a little history [Text] // Youth Estrada, 2004.- №3-4. - p.3-7. //

6. Oh, this waltz!. [Text]: Waltz, Waltz - Boston, Slow Waltz, Figure Waltz. // Youth Estrada C.26 - 110.//

I liked it very much!

About the waltz says quite a few
He sneezes in songs and verses.
And how much dance is not,
And better Waltz, right, no!
Waltz is still waltz!

- Waltz! Is there a dance amazing? Dance, the charm of which is already two centuries. He reigns today. Maybe it is less likely to dance - the waltz requires a large area, swing, but he sounds constantly.
Waltz everywhere: in the music "serious" and "easy", in the opera and operetta, in symphonies, tool, in ballet and song.
Smooth dances with a progress, similar to the waltz, existed a very long time and from different nations. By the way, the word "waltz" itself occurred from the German "Weller", "Waltzen" - to twist, roll off.
The French had such a dance with such a dance, Polyakov - Kuyuyak, the Germans - a slow Delleer, the Austrians - Landler.
Most often, the ancestor of the Waltz is called Landler, because it was from him that the famous Vienna Waltz occurred. Of course, "ancestors" differed significantly from their "descendant". They did not possess him with a lot of rapidness, nor a smooth sliding step. They were dancing rougher, with sweeps, and the partners raised high above the earth and circled in the air.
Waltz development especially intensively occurred in Vienna. The heyday of the Vienna Waltz is associated with the work of Johann Strauss Father, and later his sons: Josef and, in particular, Johann, nicknamed "King Waltz." The most famous from its 477 waltzs such as the "Beautiful Blue Danube", "Tales of the Vienna Forest", "Viennese Voices".
Walves Johann Strauss Father sounded in the Austrian capital everywhere. And the Walves of Johann Strauss-Son conquered not only Europe, but also the whole world. Poetic, elegant, with charming, freely flowing melodies, they captivated hearing. Waltza sounded in the operetta I. Strauss "Bat", "Gypsy Baron".
Operetta is a new theater genre that appeared in the XIX century in France, where the first of the dances was on a par with a cannodisciisk, it was Waltz. He sounded in the famous world of Operetta "Silva", "Bayaderka", "Princess Circus", the author of which was the famous Vienna composer Imre Kalman.

- Starting with "invitations to the dance" Weber, Waltz got into the sphere of symphonic music. A magnificent way of such a symphonic waltz was the "Waltz Fantasy" M. Glinka. Sounded in concerts Piano Waltza - "Mephistovals" F. Sheet, "Sentimental Waltz" P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Probably, I would not remember you,
But Tchaikovsky is in the morning of Sunday
In the manor under the "Sentimental Waltz"
Shyly spinning snow spring.

Hide Walsa, away from all,
I thought Radious Avenue:
He is so similar, spring this snow,
What touched the branches does not dare not dare.

And again the smell from somewhere took
And sadness, that time is veins flying ...
Ah, this waltz, sentimental waltz,
Pensive, all from snowflakes white.

I. Volobuev

- Numerous magnificent waltz Chopin - then brilliant brixure, then tender and dreamy, sounded in concerts. Polish composer wrote them at all for dancing. These are charming concert plays.

About Waltse №7 Chopin Pooh L. Ozersova:

Still sounds in my ears
Seventh Waltz Easy step.
Like sighted breeze
Like flutter bird wings,
As the world I opened
In the plexus of music lines.
I still sound the waltz in me,
As a cloud in blueness,
As the spring in the grass.
As a dream that I see that
How to mean about what i live
With nature in kinship.

- This famous seventh waltz - gentle, light, full of sadness - is considered the Waltz of Maria Khopenskaya, the bride of Chopin. Her parents prevented their marriage.
Outstanding Waltz samples created composers of different countries: Schubert, Schumann, Brahms, Row, Leutagues, Glinka, Tchaikovsky, Glazunov, etc.
F. Schubert improvised his waltz during dancing. The traditions of Schubert continued Robert Schuman ("Butterflies", "Carnival" for piano) and Johanes Brahms (16 waltz for piano in 4 and 2 hands, "Waltza love" and "New Waltza love" for the vocal quartet, as well as for piano in four hands).
F. Chopin Valsa and F. Sheet are approaching the poems of romantic music genres, combining poetic expressiveness with elegance, glitter, virtuosity.
Waltza sounds in the symphones of Berlioz - "Fantastic Symphony", P.I. Tchaikovsky - "Fifth Symphony".
Waltza sounds in Opera Sh. Buno - "Faust", P.I. Tchaikovsky - "Eugene Onegin", D. Verdy - "Traviata", D. Puccini - "Boheme".
Waltz conquered Russia. Here were popular songs in the processing of V. V. Andreev for the orchestra of folk instruments.

Syania chandelier and sibling mirrors
They merged into one mirage crystal.
And blows, blows a blessing wind
The heat of fragrant lads.
Andreev Strict, like fashion penny,
In the motifs of Waltz injected the entry,
Vintage song, without pause,
Captivating metropolitan vir.

- Many Russian romances are written in the rhythm of the Waltz ... Waltz Romance is a special cabin genre, dance of loved, prelude feelings and expectation of passion.

Romance "Night Svetla" (SL. M. Langua, music. A. Shishkin):
Night light over the river
The moon shines quietly.
And glitters silver
Blue water.

Dark forest there in silence
Emerald branches.
Ring songs
Not singing the nightingale.

Dear friend, gentle friend
I as before love
On this night under the moon
Remember you.

On this night at the moon,
On someone else's side
Dear friend, gentle friend
Remember you about me.

Under the moon blooming
Blue flowers.
This color is blue
Gives the heart of the dreams.

To you Greater Ice.
Your name whisper.
Under the moon, in silence
I am sad with flowers.

- Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote a lot of waltz. Waltza is in the 5th and 6th symphony, in the opera "Eugene Onegin", in the ballet "Sleeping Beauty" and "Nutcracker", Waltz are in the "Serenade for String Orchestra". Known "Sentimental Waltz"; In the piano cycle "Seasons" in the rhythm of the Waltz written "April. Snowdrop "and" December. Sky ". Finally, the romance "Middle of the Noisy Ball" for the words A. Tolstoy - also Waltz!

Like light droplets or snowflakes
Start magically own silence ...
Glinka melody is growing -
And it clear the bottomless question.
Evil is pushed
Coordination is forgotten,
And the violin of sadness agrees in the hearts.
Mustache, the whole world warms Tchaikovsky,
And, like a beam, kindness extends to the distance.

(W. Kumisbayev)

- Opera "Eugene Onegin" ... Ball in the house of Larina. Celebrate the name of Tatiana. Shimmer Mama, remember the recent hunt Fathers of families ...

Suddenly because of the door in the hall long
Fagot and flute rang out.

And everything was poured into the hall.
And the ball glitters in all its glory.

Monotonous and insane
How the vikhore life is young
Waltz Vikhori noisy
Chet flashes for a clear ...

(A. S. Pushkin. "Evgeny Onegin")

- S. S. Prokofiev "War and World" ... Ball at the Great Velmazby. Young girl in a pink dress ... With a beating heart, she waits: Does anyone invite her to the dance? "Waltz, Waltz!" - the voice of the manager is heard. Not immediately, as if a gentle melody arises from afar. The first happy waltz of Natasha Rostova sounds.

- All "Pushkin Waltsy" Prokofiev and Dramatic Waltz Khachaturian to Drama Lermontov "Masquerade" are known to everyone. Waltz is beautiful from music illustrations to Tale A. S. Pushkin "Blizzard" George Sviridova.

- "When the guns say, the muses are silent" - it is known for a long time. But we also know the words of V. Mayakovsky: "and the song, and verse is a bomb and a banner." Songs of the war years are varied: hiking marches and majestic hymns, ballads and satirical chastushki. But there is a special topic - lyrical waltz. During the years of the Great Patriotic War, the song-waltz "Blue Pockets" was very popular. The waltovaya composition applied and Matvey Blanter in one of the best military songs - "in the front of the front-line". Another popular lyrical song in the military environment is a "random waltz" Mark Frakdina, which is often called "officer waltz" on the front. Each of these waltz has its own story.

- And how many magnificent waltzes sounded in old movies!
Isak Dunaevsky "Lunar Waltz" (k / f "Circus"), Tikhon Khrennikov "Good in Moscow spaces" ((k / f "Pink and shepherd") and many others.

"White dance" - a song from K \\ f "This fun planet." Sl. I. Scharun, music. D. Tukhmanova.

The music is again audible
The pianist got up and the dance called.
And in front of everyone
I'm going to you through the hall now.
I want to invite you to dance
And only you,
And it's not by chance that this dance is waltz.
Swirl swell white dance,
Oh, and service is white dance,
If the white dance makes friends.
Waltz over the earth sails
Kind, like a friend and white, like snow,
Maybe this waltz
We have to remember forever.
I want to invite you to dance ...

- Many beautiful songs are written in the rhythm of the Waltz: "Waltz is still waltz", "in the city garden playing a spirit orchestra", "School Waltz", "Railing ring" and others. Our people love waltzes. This tradition occurs since ancient times, the military brass bands played in the city gardens and parks, in the execution of the vintage waltses: "on the hits of Manchuria", "Autumn Son", "Danube Waves", "Amur waves", " Birch "and others.

It was nice to listen to, sitting a little bit alone on a bench or walking along the alands of the garden this wonderful music, imposing peace, light sadness and a lyrical mood.

Waltza, Waltza - My torment, -
Endlessly I listen ready
Sincere writings
Droppers Russian regiments.

(N. Ushakov)

- What about our time? Of course, Waltz continues his victorious tour. He gained a lot of professions: "collective farm waltz" P. Mayboroda, "Shakhtar Waltz" I. O. Dunaevsky, Walves of pilots, sailors. He prescribed in the most unexpected places: "Siberian Waltz" T. Nosov, "Kiev Waltz" P. Mayboroda, "Waltz Garden Ring" E. Blischkin.

- Graduation school ball ... What complex feelings are owned by young men and girls! It's sad to part with your beloved school, where so much experienced, where your friends, teachers ... sing a lot and dance on the graduation ball, but the last school waltz is undoubtedly the most exciting and touching moment of this wonderful event.

This waltz,
This waltz,
This waltz ...
This slow, smooth flight ...
For her,
For him
And for you
Waltz over school is sailing ...

- You can say with confidence: Waltz is immortal! Like a fabulous Phoenix, he will be reborn again and again, always beautiful and young, as life itself.
Listen: sad, sings, laughs a beautiful melody, a magic dance is spinning and flies over the world. Waltz continues!

Waltz is one of the most famous and common dancing on the planet. With all its simplicity, the movements used in it are incredibly elegant. This dance literally sparkles romantic and mutual attraction. Probably, these qualities help him remain among the most popular dances of all times and peoples.

There is no other opinion about where, how and when the Waltz appeared, does not exist. This just does not know no one. The only thing that can be said more or less exactly is that Waltz relative to the Yong. Its age is calculated about two centuries. The name of the dance, as is customary, comes from the word "Walzer" (it.) - "Rotate, spin."

As it is believed, the Proathers of Waltz became the folk dances of several countries - the Czech Republic, England, France. It happened, according to, for example, ld Auerbach, somewhere in the 70s of the 18th century. But this information, as mentioned above, is often contested and are not the only existing opinion on the origin of the Waltz.

The list of ballroom dancing at the court waltz entered only in 1816, under the pre-large number of changes. And he became full ballroom dance and later - closer to the end of the 19th century. The clergy initially did not take this dance, swinging it as "sinful" and "depraved." However, in contrast to the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie gladly adopted a new dance, and instead of spreading in the so-called "Higher Society", Waltz began to conquer recognition in the Bourgeoisian environment.

There are several types of Waltz:

  • Vienna Waltz
  • Waltz Boston (English Waltz)
  • Tango Waltz
  • Figured Waltz

As a genre of instrumental works, Waltz was also very popular. Many of all the favorite and famous composers often appealed to him, among them - Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Lanner, Glinka, etc. It was they who very much contributed to the development and dissemination of this dance.

Already for quite a long time, the Waltz remains the main dance of all celebrations - graduation, weddings, etc. Starting to walk on the planet somewhere closer to the end of the 18th century, the waltz did not stop his movement for a second and does not stop so far.

Option 2.

For a long time, a person is able to reveal his feelings, show the state of the inner world due to movements, of which there are any dance.

One of the most recognizable and preferred is the waltz. The Word itself causes gentle or solemn sensations associated with the grazing of partner movements, music melodic, romantic setting. Its name causes a slight dizziness associated with rotation in a circle. This is exactly what denotes the German word "Walzen".

The history of this dance is connected with the unification of the elements of the perky dances existing in the Czech Republic, England and France in the XVIII century. After the characteristic changes, they merged into a single, more elegant, measured, but at the same time rapid waltz.

Currently, the concept of Waltz is connected not only with slow movement in a circle, a power step, but also rhythmic, rapid movements. That is why it is customary to allocate several types of Waltz, each of which has its own characteristics.

Around the mid-20th century, the Waltz began to include some figures that did not cause difficulties in performance. They alternated while simultaneously moving around the hall. The figure attracts the simplicity of execution, periodic change of positions, but incessant steep.

Glowing passions between partners is reflected during the execution of tango-waltz. He conveys the story of one of the manifestations of human love - tortured, which every sharp movement fascinates, as if burns.

Viennese Waltz - is characterized by development in movements. At the same time, it does not lose lightness, creating a sense of flight.

The most serious, restrained waltz looks slow. This dance, as a rule, most accurately perform experienced partners. It needs an excerpt, a sense of tact, a considerable number of workouts. From the side of the girl should be felt the female charm, from a man - excerpt and discipline.

A common feature that combines different types of waltz is a two-stroke revolution, each of which is present three steps.

Currently, the Waltz deserves special attention, as it is a mandatory participant in various dance shows, concert programs, fascinating, healthy occupation in free time. Both children and older generations are respecting him, trying to more accurately reflect his essence, which is not expressed in such complex details and a special account.

2, 3, 4, grade 6 in music.

Waltz - from the old-German word "Walzen" - spinning, spinning, slide in dance. Waltz - Ballroom Dance of Musical Size 3/4 with a special focus on the first tact and the main figure "Step-step-closed position". Waltz is a movement or sliding in a living and outstanding manner of execution (it is easily achieved and fulfilled).

Waltz originated in the vicinity of Vienna and Alpine region of Austria. Waltz danced on the balas at the Habsburg yard at the beginning of the XVII century. Much earlier than this time, "spising dances" performed the Austrian and Bavarian peasants. Many easily recognizable waltovoe motifs can be traced in simple peasant peasants.

In the middle of the eighteenth century, the German variety of Waltz was very popular in France. Initially, this dance was danced as one of the countersdance figures (Kadryli) with intertwined hands at the level of shoulders, but soon the Waltz became an independent dance, and "closed position" was introduced. By the end of the XVIII century, this old-Austrian peasant dance was adopted by the highest society with a 3/4 musical size (three quarters).

Despite the popularity of the Waltz in opponents, there was no lack. Dance teachers saw in the Waltz a threat to their profession. The main steps in the waltz could be learned in a relatively short time, while Menuet and other court dances demanded significant practice not only in the study of the many complex figures, but also in improving the relevant positions and behavior manner during dance.

Waltz also criticized on moral beliefs: they objected against too close and close position in dance, as well as fast circling movements. Religious leaders almost unanimously considered this dance vulgar and sinful. European courtiers stubbornly opposed Walsa. In England (country of strict morality) Waltz was accepted even later.

In July 1816, Waltz was included in the Bala program, which gave the Prince Regent in London. A few days later, in the newspaper The Times, the advance article was angrily reported: "We have been watched with pain as indecent foreign dance, called" Waltz ", was presented (we hope in the first and last time) in the English yard on Friday ... It is absolutely enough to take a look at the sensually intertwined limbs and closely pressed the body into a dance to see how far we left from modest restraint, which was still considered a distinctive feature of English women. While this obscene dance was limited by a circle of prostitutes and adulterers, we did not think that he deserves our attention, but now, when the Waltz is trying to penetrate the respectable classes of our society through a civilian example applied to our rulers, we feel obliged to warn every parent against the show This dance is their daughters, for Waltz will inevitably have a detrimental effect on them. " (Source: The Times, London, July 16, 1816)

Even later, in 1866, the article in the English magazine Belgravia reported: "The one who nights the night is watching without much anxiety, like his sister or wife, captured by an unfamiliar man and subordinate to passionate arms, circling in a dance on a small room - the only obvious apology This indecent appeal can only be that all this happens under the sounds of music - it is hardly able to understand that horror, with which the presentation of this immoral dance was met. "

Strong disapproval sounded from the older generation, but occasionally mentioned the fact that the ruling queen (Queen Victoria), who was a beautiful and skilled dancer of ballroom dancing, was experiencing a special passion for Walsa.

But the story, as a rule, repeats again and again, and resistance only served as an increase in the popularity of the Waltz. The bourgeoisie with delight adopted this dance immediately after the French revolution. Only in Paris there existed near the seven of the ballroom halls! The German traveler in Paris in 1804 reported: "This love for Walsa and the complete absorption of the German dance is a completely new phenomenon that has become one of the vulgar post-war habits, such as smoking."

As reported, for the first time Waltz was presented in the United States in Boston in 1834. Lorenzo Paparti, Boston dance teacher, organized a show in the mansion Mrs. Otis - Beacon Hill. Public leaders were stunned by the fact that they called "the diligent, violating all sorts of decency show." By the middle of the XIX century, the Waltz was firmly rooted in the society of the United States.

Music plays an important role in the dance, and each dance depends on the availability of appropriate music. Approximately in 1830, Walsa had a huge support for two great Austrian composers - Franz Lanner and Johann Strauss. These two composers were widely known and popular in the XIX century; They installed the standard for the Vienna Waltz (very fast variation of the Waltz). By 1900, the standard dance circuit for the Waltz was 3/4 and 1/4 for all other combined dances.

By the end of the XIX century, two varieties of waltz were finally formed. The first is the Waltz Boston, a slow waltz with long sliding steps. Although this style disappeared after the First World War, he stimulated the development of English or international style, which exists today. The second variety is the waltz with a delay of a step that includes one step in three times of musical size. Delay steps are still widely used in Waltse.

Fortunately, strong resistance gradually disappeared, and Waltz survived exciting and versatile success. To date, there are two most common forms, both reflecting the main characteristics of the dance. They are known as modern waltz and Vienna (fast) waltz.