Characteristic to a student with provocative behavior. Characteristic on a difficult student: scheme of compilation and example

Characteristic to a student with provocative behavior. Characteristic on a difficult student: scheme of compilation and example
Characteristic to a student with provocative behavior. Characteristic on a difficult student: scheme of compilation and example

Do you know what characteristic is? This is a document that reflects the personality of the person on which it is compiled. In this case, the assignment of the characteristics may be the most different. Begin to describe already from school bench. Next, they are required when entering the university, acceptance for military registration, with employment and in many other cases. That is why the one who writes such a document must compile it competently and objectively. Sometimes there will be further studies and a person's career.

Responsibilities of the teacher

The work of the teacher is impossible to overestimate. There are many duties on his shoulders. Among them is not only the fulfillment of the main task of the teacher, the worship of knowledge in the mass, but also the huge volumes of related paper work on the design of plans, checking notebooks, journal management and methodical work.

In addition to all this, teachers make up characteristics on students. Writing such a document is a responsible and important part of the work. In addition, to make a similar document is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. The fact is that all the information set forth in the characteristic should be truthful and impartial. It is important that any reading this document makes an adequate picture of the student's personality. In connection with the publicity of the written all information in the characteristic should be reported by a competent language.

Why do you need a similar document and how to write it correctly? These questions are worried about many teachers, especially beginners. For them, our article is intended.

The need for document

The characteristic of the student from the class teacher is most often provided. Such documents are necessary when children are transition to another class or school. Sometimes the teacher is them at the request of the management of the educational institution.

For example, the characteristic to the student from the class teacher is drawn up at the end of the fourth schoolchildren. In this case, the document reflecting the features of the child's personality is necessary for the provision of teacher to a teaching senior children. Also, the need to characterize occurs after graduating from nine classes. Without such a document, it is impossible to enter technical school or vocational school. The characteristic to the eleventh grade student is for the university chosen.

The importance of a creative approach

Due to the fact that the teacher often has to write characteristics, their text is often obtained by template containing general information that does not provide a complete picture of the person. Sometimes it is negatively affecting the student, as well as on its relationship with a new teacher. That is why the characteristic on the schoolchildren should most closely reflect the features of his character, as well as personal and psychological features. In this regard, when drawing up an important document, it is necessary to objectively assess the student, while avoiding bias.

That's right and competently composed of the characteristic will be a big help for that teacher, who will continue to teach a schoolboy. It will help the teacher to determine the type of personality, its features, as well as character traits to identify the abilities and needs of the child.

What are the requirements for the characteristic?

The document reflecting the main features of the student's personality should not only be easily readable, but also be compiled according to a specific scheme. In addition, the information in the characteristic is set out in such a way that the person who reads her can compile an extensive picture of the individual and psychological characteristics of the child.

It should be remembered that the surname, name, patronymic, and the address and contact information of the schoolchildren are written without abbreviations. Also, the document necessarily indicates the qualifications of the skills and knowledge of the student.

Make up the psychological and pedagogical characteristics using the data contained in the student map. This allows you to give an impartial assessment of the apprentice's abilities on the scale developed by experts, which helps to disclose the characteristics of the nature of the child and gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhis behavior and level of knowledge.

Structure characteristics

The first point of the document describing the personal qualities of the schoolchildren contains its Full name, home address and age. The following describes the state of the student's health and the level of its physical development. It also indicates whether a child has chronic diseases, what is its growth and weight, and whether they correspond to the age norm.

The third item characteristic concerns the conditions that have a student in the family. It describes the number of households and the level of material well-being. It is necessary to describe the psychological atmosphere that exists in the family family. The characteristic should contain age, place of work and the profession of parents, as well as their contact information.

Characteristic on Serednyachkov

Good schoolchild performance can be episodic. In this case, the characteristic on the average student should celebrate its indifference to the school. Such children perceive lessons as a service. They fulfill the requirements of teachers, to some extent participate in class work, sometimes even exercise activity. However, sometimes it is done only in order not to attract adult attention and avoid trouble. Such a trait of character should be notified by the teacher and is indicated in the description of the personality.

As a rule, middling are in full confidence that the school and lessons are a boring and uninteresting occupation that only adults need. Sometimes such children learn only for the sake of obtaining a satisfactory assessment of their knowledge, asking for a teacher to put "at least Troychka". There are no training motivation for such schoolchildren, which makes harm to their moral education. All this should be reflected in this pedagogue characteristic. Knowing this, a new teacher will strive to increase the extracurricular motivation of a teenager to develop his cognitive interests and awakening the desire to expand and deepen knowledge.

Where to get data for drawing up the characteristic?

In order for a teacher without any difficulty to make a personal description of his student, it is required to conduct this process expressed in systematic control and evaluation of the results of training activities. Conducting such diagnostics and allows you to promptly identify existing gaps. In addition, the teacher must talk with the students and their parents, watch the most difficult schoolchildren with the simultaneous fixation of the data obtained in the teacher's diary. When writing the characteristic to the student, the analysis and generalization of the available data are made.

New student - what to take a teacher?

Referring to the student, the teacher must take all measures to eliminate the lagging schoolchild.

As a rule, they find an expression in carrying out additional classes. Due to the fact that failures in the educational process are often caused by the poor behavior of the child, the educational impact will also be needed from the teacher. It should include not only individual work with a student, but also conducting conversations with his family.



student ___ class MOU "SOSH № __",


Enrolled in school __.__. 20__, learned under the program "Perspective". Before entering school, I visited the School of Development of Personality.

Lives in a complete, prosperous family. Mother ______ works as an educator in kindergarten, tries to be aware of all the Son's school affairs, constantly comes to school.

Home tasks are more often completed, under the control of mom. The homework in the diary ______ does not record itself, the mother uses the "Electronic Diary" service. Tasks in the Russian language are reduced to writing text, grammatical tasks ______ does not perform.

It is characterized by behavior that does not comply with age standards and is a serious obstacle to the full inclusion of the child in training activities. In the lessons ______ does not work orally, the written tasks do not fulfill. It cannot be calmly sitting in place, prevents the surrounding children, does not follow the work in the classroom. He is engaged in unauthorized affairs: chews erases, breaks the handles, tear the cover on textbooks, playing toys that brings from home, swinging on the chair. Constantly violates the discipline: puts his legs on the desk, it can shout in the lesson, knocking on the desk, lie on the chairs, crawl on the floor. The teachers comments do not respond, refuses to fulfill the requirements. The resulting conversations of the result do not give.

The peculiarity of behavior ______ affects its performance. ______ performs only verification and test work, which considers important. With verification and control papers in Russian and mathematics it does not cope.

Russian language. Specographic skill is not formed. When writing a lot of mistakes. Grammatical tasks do not fulfill. Writing work in the lessons does not fulfill. Dictates can only write individually, as it does not have time for the tempo of the class. He writes dictates badly: uses both written and printed letters, allowing many errors, skips and replaces the letters. He writes only a simple pencil, the handle does not use. The presentation, the essay does not write. The material passed is not assimilated.

Mathematics. The addition table is learned partially, the multiplication table is not learned. In connection with this, the calculations are fulfilled with difficulty. Solving tasks does not cope. Does not make efforts to read the task, sort out its content. Works in the lesson rarely, it does not cope with the test. Tasks requiring mental actions does not fulfill. Sloves in knowledge are not eliminated.

Reading. The reading technique complies with the standards. In the lessons ______ does not read. According to Mom, at home ______ teaches some poems to speak, but to tell them at school in class or teacher after lessons the boy refuses. The text does not retell, orally does not respond to questions about the content of the text. The written final reading work ______ was satisfactory.

The world. The lessons do not work. Performs written tasks at home. Well copes with test checks and testing.

Technology and from. In the lessons of technology and labor ______ works not always, it only performs sole assignments. If the work does not work, then ______ Into it, River, throws on the floor and does not try to do again.

Physical Education. The lessons often do not fulfill the requirements of the teacher, violates the discipline, not engaged, the safety technique does not observe.

Music. There is no interest in the lesson. The lessons do not work, the requirements of the teacher does not fulfill.

English. Often disrupts discipline, refuses to fulfill the requirements of the teacher. Estimates on the subject gets for homework.

It rejoices satisfactory estimates, twos in the diary cries or erases.

Violations in behavior affect the relationship of ______ with classmates. Communicates with individual class guys. Despite inadequate behavior, children ______ do not reject, take it into your games. During the game, it may not control their actions, hit, push, obscene to express.

On changes constantly disrupts the discipline. Aware of the wrongness of its actions, but next time it does the same.

Conversations with mom on the problems of the behavior of her son were revived repeatedly. The joint efforts of the school and family of positive results do not bring. The child needs more help and attention teacher for learning, control and education than a teacher in a general education class can give.

Classroom teacher ______________


The characteristic on a difficult student requires a teacher that makes it up, not only psychological knowledge, but also the ability to analyze the situation from different sides. Such a document is designed to give the most complete information about the personality of the student and help plan assistance in developing the child himself.

In what cases is the characteristic of a difficult teenager?

The characteristic on a difficult student is usually compiled as a planning (in the transition to the next step of learning, when transferring to another educational institution, visiting the military registration and enlistment office) or upon request (requirement) of other instances: law enforcement agencies, social services, other minors services.

In this case, the document gives an emerging body information about the child and the ability to draw conclusions: what is the cause of problem behavior, absenteeism or poor student performance. The information obtained is usually used when planning the relevant assistance - bringing to the responsibility of parents, corrective and preventive measures with a child, medical treatment, etc.

Characteristic on a difficult student: plan

Any characteristic is an official document, so it must be competently composed. Information should be served by portions, in each paragraph, one aspect of the child's development should be described. The document must be completed by teachers who have the greatest experience in communicating with the child (class teacher, teacher-psychologist, teacher-defectologist) and leader (director or his deputy). If the characteristic is printed not on the branded form of institution, then at the top, before the "cap", all the details of the school are indicated.

The characteristic of a student (difficult teenager or an exemplary excellent person) is also compiled according to a specific algorithm, which includes such information:

  • general data on the student (what is the name, age where it lives in what conditions, health condition);
  • (social well-being, status, material standard of living);
  • pedagogical information: academic performance, behavioral features in lessons, cognitive interest, attitude to social activities;
  • psychosocial development of the child (the development of mental functions, personal features, sociometric status in the group, social impact on the development, a tendency to rejecting behavior: offenses, improvised actions);
  • out-of-school interests and inclinations.

Social information about the student

The characteristic on a difficult student implies the disclosure of the causes of its weak progress or hard-primassium. A great influence in such negative points is given to a social development situation. It:

  • family influence (incomplete and large families, the presence of parents of dependencies, condoms, violence and conflicts in the family);
  • low material well-being in the family;
  • the presence of severely ill close relatives who are directly in contact with the child;
  • heavy vital circumstances (for example, resettlement from hot spots).

The characteristic on a difficult elementary school student should also include information about visiting the child of the kindergartens, the correctional groups (whether they were registered with the defectologists), how much the development of basic physical and mental functions corresponds to the norm. Thus, the organic peculiarities of development are excluded from the causes of failure to avail and the conclusion is made about pedagogical neglection, which will be in the further correction.

Deviant teenager

In the language of psychologists "Hard teenager" - a fairly broad designation. Experts allocate deviant adolescents (a warehouse of the personality and the social situation of development of which lead them to rejecting behavior) and pedagogically launched children who have not formed interest in studying, there is no skill of educational activities and suffer performance. In order for the characteristic to give an idea of \u200b\u200ba particular child, these psychological moments should be analyzed in it:

  • development of motivation to the teaching, cognitive functions (thinking, speech, attention, memory);
  • the usual emotional state of the child;
  • personal features, character;
  • physical and psychological traces of violence over a child;
  • the presence of cases of deviating behavior (bad habits, offenses);
  • communication with peers in the classroom, a company of friends);
  • availability of interests and useful classes.

Example Characteristics on a difficult student

Vasilisa Vasilyeva started training in ... (school) 2 years ago. Before that, there was a student ... (schools), from where she moved due to the conflict situation in the classroom. In this educational institution, Vasilisa showed itself as difficult to a student with a decreased motivation to the learning process.

Vasilisa lives in an incomplete father, is in places of imprisonment, mother, Vasilyeva V. V., unemployed, has alcohol addiction. Raising the child is occupied by occasionally, most of the time the girl is granted to herself. The material welfare of the family is low: Vasilisa does not have all the necessary items of seasonal clothes (in winter walks in autumn boots), sometimes he asks for classmates money for lunch. From the previous educational institution, the girl left, because he created a conflict situation in the team - stole money from a classmate.

In the lessons, Vasilis behaves passively, does not delve into the learning process, does not fulfill homework. The performance is low, there is no favorite items. It often strives lessons, sometimes for a good reason (sick, has chronic bronchitis).

By the nature of Vasilisa, a closed, unavalious, obveruble girl. With classmates behaves removed, tries to avoid them. The comments react coldly, without interest, but not aggressively.

Vasilisa is planned to conduct correctional classes from a psychologist, as well as bringing information about the family situation of the child as unfavorable for full development to social services.

At the end put the date and signature.

The characteristic is written on a 2013 student of class 2, consisting in accounting in VSHA, PDN, drug abuse, with weak achievement.

Fi is trained in the MBOU "SOSH No." from September 1, 2015 at the age of full 15 years, until that moment was not studied (in connection with the issue of determining the guardianship and place of residence). IN this moment Learn in grade 2. The grade 1 software was not mastered due to the passage of lessons, the lack of desire to learn, monitor and promote school from the guardian.

Grigory began to occupy 01.09.2016. For the first month of training did not attend classes from 07.09.16. On September 15, 16, as of health, there is a certificate from the doctor. Also, there was also no ..., at the moment there is no confirmation of documents. According to the results of the first quarter, the FI is not certified by the main (Russian, reading, mathematics surrounding the world) subjects.

It does not try to absorb software material on the main subjects, especially in the Russian language, as it is not interested in the process of obtaining knowledge or the end result. Regularly late for classes, does not consider it necessary to bring educational supplies to school, even if there are individuals.

Reading skills are practically not formed: it does not know the letters, it cannot drain into syllables, confuses the letters, does not know how to follow the text. Does not retell, does not learn the program works. Written skills are poorly formed: can write separate letters, words; It cannot correctly write off a small text, admits spelling errors when writing off. I do not know how to translate with the printed written text, write under dictation. Mathematical skills: knows how to count to 100 or more. Solve simple tasks if a teacher reads them. Does not know the name of the components when adding and subtracting. In lessons behaves passively, it does not answer questions, does not consider it necessary to take part in the lesson. Grigory does not fulfill the total work in the lesson, it suffers in the performance of written works, since academic debt for missed classes is not liquidated.

The speech is undeveloped, the vocabulary is scarce, does not know how to pick up synonyms, antonyms, it is difficult in the interpretation of some words. Mental development at a low level. Software does not absorb. The physical development of Gregory corresponds to age, at the moment has liberation from the lessons of physical culture.

Gregory classmates practically does not communicate practically, conflicts, students from other classes, school staff arise periodically. Ignore generally accepted rules of behavior in public places.

Friends with students of senior classes, consisting on intraschool accounting and registered in ADN in Kuibyshev district.

Does not recognize social activities, ignores its execution.

If there are circles of sports, artistic and aesthetic, scientific direction, also extracurricular activities in the 5 directions, the FI is not engaged in any of them.

It has bad habits: smoking, sprievits.

Brought up by the Guardian FULL NAME, pensioner. Guardian authority and respect for a teenager does not use the adolescent, can not have a positive effect on Gregory. The school comes only after numerous requests from the class leader.

Gregory is registered with ADN, on VSHA, in adolescent drug addiction.

At the moment, it is registered with the inspection by ... City District ...

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student 7 in class MBOU SOSH №2

Nefedova Danil Ruslanovich

2003 birth.

Danil is studying in this school with grade 5.

The state of health and development of the student:

The child is physically and mentally developed, completely healthy.

There are no signs of increased nervousness; Outbreaks of anger, aggressiveness in relation to peers, in relation to teachers is not observed, there is also no tendency to destructive actions.

In terms of pathological deposits, Danil does not smoke, alcohol does not use alcohol, but in September 2016, in an attempt to consume toxico-drugs, specifically - gasoline.

In dispensary taking a teenager does not consist.

Data on parents, family:

Mom - Nefedova Alina Vladimirovna, has an unfinished higher education, works by the seller in the store.

Danila has a younger brother , Nefedov Yegor Ruslanovich, 09.09.2016 year of birth, which lives in Rzhev with her grandmother (in connection with the study in the gymnasium).

The family refers to the category of social and stable, secured. Parents of a child in divorce. Children are raised by the mother. Native Father does not provide material support, children do not support communication with him.

Family type:

Mom morally stable, owns culture of education, the emotional atmosphere of the family is positive;

The family refers to the category of prosperous, pedagogically competent (parental is posted by cultural education); The child is under constant control of the mother, constant awareness of interest, about the behavior of the child at school and out of school).

The family is non-conflict, the family reigns a prosperous emotional atmosphere.

The nature of the relationship with parents with a child:

The family has an attitude of mutual respect, joint experience of joy, grief, care from the mother, interest to the success and failures of the child, willingness to help solve any situations. Between Mom and Danil - trusting relationships.

Organization of the regime of labor and recreation:

The child helps around the house. The day mode is observing. The child's mom regularly helps and controls the performance of the homework.

During leisure, the child spends time along with his mother, during the holidays rides a grandmother to the city of Rzhev.

Training features:

The student has time for "3" and "4", is not fully in force.

Attitude towards teaching: neutral.

Teaching motives: cognitive interest in certain subjects (Russian and literature, physical culture), seeks to earn adult approval, in particular by mom and grandmothers.

Position in the class team, attitude to the team:

Student position in the team: accepted.

The class is closest with Seven Artur. There is a nature of mutual influence.

Relationship with other classmates: smooth. Danil is subject to the influence of its environment. By nature: Extravert (constantly sent for communication, it is easy to contact, curious, opened, full of attention to others).

Attitude towards public opinion: actively positive (seeks to correct the flaws, take into account the comments).

5. Relationship to social activities and socially useful work:

Public orders always performs readily, in good faith.

It always takes an active part in class labor affairs, always stands up with reports on class watches.

In the 6th grade participated in the competition of readers "Literary readings" (school level). But he lacks confidence - hesitates to speak in front of the big public.

Danil shows interest in the following activities: physical, organizational, sports.

At the beginning of the school year attended a boxing circle.

The parks and libraries are actively visiting along with the class during the holidays.

Public instructions are responsible. Interested in sports. Actively participates in the public life of the school and class.

7. Features of the sphere of the freedom of the student:

"Street" communication over the week stands out 8-9 hours. The house should be up to 8-9 pm.

Outside the class had friendly connections with Alexey (a neighbor of the house, studying in 8 grams of MBOU SOSH No. 2). At the moment, he stopped close communication with him at the request of Mom Daniel, since AlexeyOkazova for Danil a negative impact.

Preferred street communication site (courtyard);

8. Self-assessment of the person:

Self-assessment level: adequate (correctly assesses its positive and negative qualities, personal capabilities and achievements).

9. Features of behavior:

Daniel is very responsive, helps the eldest and others.

Negative actions (misconduct) learned was the following character: at the beginning of the school year, I was late for lessons, after a conversation with my mother, corrected.

10. What kind of education measures were used by whom when their results are:regularly conducted and continue to be carried out as the need for a conversation with the child's mother (for example, being late for lessons, poor performance). Results: The child reacts adequately to all comments and seeks to correct his shortcomings.

11. The proposed measures necessary to correct a minor:

Constant cooperation with the parents of the child in terms of the organization of studies and child education. Monitoring the attendance of the school, progress, accomplishing homework.

School Director (Signature, Ph.D., Print) ______________________

CL. Head (signature, Full name) ____________________