Graphics in the picture gallery Jag. Pictures of graphics! Modern graphics graphics authors and their works

Graphics in the picture gallery Jag. Pictures of graphics! Modern graphics graphics authors and their works
Graphics in the picture gallery Jag. Pictures of graphics! Modern graphics graphics authors and their works

The collection of domestic graphics of the end of the XIX-XX centuries in the Sergiev-Posad Museum-Reserve is small in volume, less systematically and is intelligible than its picturesque collection of this period. But it possesses its artistic significance in the general museum complex.
The specifics of the graphic collection of the museum (as well as picturesque) is the predominance of local artists in it and a certain thematic orientation associated with the iconography of Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra and the city. Particular part of it is separate sheets (rarely - cycles of works) of well-known masters of domestic visual art - I.I. Shishkin, B.M. Kustodiev, K.S. Petrova-Vodkina, V.A. Favorsky, TA Maurina and others (about 80 works).

The first steps towards the formation of the collection were made at the very beginning of the museum - in 1920-1921: more than 30 graphic works of local artists were purchased from the "exhibitions of architectural motives of the TSL".
The most valuable part of the meeting is the acquisition of the gift and purchase of graphic works from individuals. In this way, entered the Museum of Work II. Shishkin, B.M. Kustodiev, V.A. Favorsky, L.S. Baksta. "Names" (I. Rupin, V.Makovsky, I.Shishkin, K. Korovin, etc.) "are named", but are represented by one work. "Personalia" of Russian graphic art in the museum assembly is essentially one - so. Maurry (the SPMW collection allows the example of the best works to show its creativity in development - from 1940s to 1970s). Nevertheless, for the "provincial" assembly of the art of the XIX-XX centuries and the individual works of classics artists are extremely valuable.

The most early samples of printed graphics in the work complex under consideration are 80 meters of the XIX century. They are connected with one "personnel" - a sign and meaningful in the history of the Russian engraving of this period - I.I. Shishkin (1832 1898).
Recall that the 1870s - the period of transitional and "passing" for Russian printed graphics, the time of dominance of tone engraving. But in this not the most creative period there were genuine virtuosos of xylography (V.V. Mae) and etching (I.I. Shishkin). In our meeting there are four etching of the artist created by him in the 1880s (the period, especially fruitful in the work of Shishkin). These are brilliant execution and subtlety of the state of nature of nature "Gurzuf" (1885), "Chernolesie" (1885), "April" (1885), "swamp on the Warsaw Railway" (1886). The Museum Meeting also has drawings of famous Russian painters, such as the Makovsky artist Vladimir Egorovich Makovsky (1846-1920) and Valentin Aleksandrovich Serov (1865 - 1911). Portraits V.E. Makovsky, made in the figure, are also impeccable in composition and completion, as well as its oil operation. Being a master portrait, V.E. Makovsky possessed talent to correctly transfer not only the external similarity of portrayed, but also the features of his mental movements, highlighting those main features of the character that determine the actions of a person, his thoughts and feelings. Valentin Serov, like any real artist, worked remarkably not only in oil painting, but the drawing technician was virtuoso. The numerous operations of the pencil and coal have the same liveliness and accuracy in the transfer of the nature of the people depicted, the same perfection of the performance, as well as its paintings by oil.

The Museum meeting has several works of famous Russian artists of the late XIX - early XX centuries. This is, above all, drawing Mikhail Vrubel (1856-1910), the largest representative of symbolism and modern in Russian visual art. Along with sheets L.S. Baksta and MA Vrubel The period of the heyday of Russian graphs of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries and the 1910s is represented by the work of K.A. Korovina (1861-1939) - sketch of scenery of 1917. To opera N.A. Roman Korsakov "Sadko". This sketch is the only "surviving" sample of theatrical decorative graphics. The stylistically, our sheet is close to a whole number of theatrical works of K. Korovin of the late 1900s-1910s. Sketches K. Korovina K Sadko 1906, 1914 is distinguished by a more complex composite construction, they include not only the image "choir", but also an open terrace, through the spills of which the landscape is visible. Our sheet has a chamber sound: it represents the interior of the Chamber with a high arch, small windows, tiled oven and shops.
The collection of graphics of the museum has a small drawing of Ilya Efimovich Repin "Portrait of the writer Leontiev-Shcheglov". I.L. Leontiev-Schieglov (1856-1911) - Talented Russian writer and playwright

Graphic sheets B.M. Kustodiev in the meeting of the Sergiev-Posad Museum-Reserve is three Linograviors of 1926 (subscribed by the author) received from the private collection in 1928. In the work of the artist, the graphic occupied a great place, although he was, by the benefit, painter. In the 1920s, Kustodiyiv engaged in a lot of books illustration, poster and easel engraving (xylography, lithography, linograph). In 1926, B.M. Custodiev was created by several compositions with "swimsters" in techniques of linogravory, xylography and watercolors. In diary records for 1926 of the first biograph of Kustodiyev V.V. Warrova (artist-graphics, historian of art, art criticism) constantly sounds the theme of the work of Boris Mikhailovich over the linographs of the "Batcher" and "Buckles". Permanent model in recent years B.M. Kustodiev "for portraits, characters of paintings, covers, engravings, illustrations" served His daughter Irina. She posed his father and for the engraving of a swimsuit.
Over the series "Bathrighters" B.M. Kustodiev worked, in the literal sense of the word, until the last days of his life: the last engraving of this cycle was made to them on May 4, 1927 (and on May 26, the artist did not become).

Creativity of one of the outstanding figures of domestic art of the XX century, the classics of engravings on the tree V.A. Favorsky (1886-1964) is presented in the museum collection by sixteen graphic sheets of different periods: these are machine work, and book illustrations, and samples of its "font graphics".
The selection of sheets is largely case, not all of them are first-class or iconic works of the master. In 1919 1939 Members of this family (including Vladimir Andreevich Favorsky) lived in Sergiev Zagorsk, were rooted in his spiritual and cultural life, many of their works were created here, and the father-in-law Favorsky was one of the organizers of our museum.
Among them are one of the most famous, significant works of this period of creativity of the Master - Stankovaya Engraving "October 1917" 1928. This xylography was created on the first state order of the Council of State for the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution. Then the Favorsky was conceived by the "Years of the Revolution" series, where "the drawings located in chronological order were supposed to recreate the entire history of the Soviet state for the first 10 years." Woodmark "October 1917" is an unfolded plot-narrative and, at the same time, a sign, metaphorical composition with a variety of actors and several episodes, organically fused enough.

Late period of creativity V.A. The Favorsky in our collection represents engravings from its best, most famous cycles of the 1950s, for which in 1962 the artist was awarded the Lenin Prize, - Illustrations of 1950 to "Word about the regiment of Igor" and to Boris Godunov 1955 . donated to the museum in 1965
They perfectly demonstrate the "late style" of the Xylographs of the Favorsky, where more attention is paid to the appearance of heroes, an atmosphere, a suit, where the visual means are naturally changed: a certain "painting" comes to replace the asceticism of graphic solutions with the release of contours and open hatching. The epic solemnation, the epichitance of the "Words" is full of fullness in a multifigure composition ("before the battle"), in which the Favorsky includes images of Russian warriors under battle staging and Huslar. From the manifold of graphic cycles V.A. Favorsky 50s to Dramaturgia A.S. Pushkin ("Boris Godunov", "Little tragedies") in the collection of the museum there is only one illustration for the tragedy "Boris Godunov" - "Pimen and Grigory" 1955

A collection of works of outstanding domestic graphics and painter Tatiana Alekseevna Maurina in the Sergiev Posad Museum-Reserve in its volume, the level of work, their genre diversity can be compared only with the largest museum collections of the country with the collections of the XX B. (GMII, GTG, TRM). This is sixty-two-sheets received to us in 1977 1978 after the author's personal exhibition in the museum. Forty five works were transferred to T.A. Maurina as a gift.
Chronologically, the collection of Mavrinski works covers a large period of artist's creativity (extreme dates - 1944 and 1976; and approximately an equal number of sheets belongs to the periods of 40 x, \u200b\u200b50 x, 60s and 70s). It presents a sufficient variety of graphic techniques in which Mavrin works fruitfully: these are watercolors, guasies, sheets made in mixed technique (tempera, gouache or tempera, gouache, watercolor), pencil drawings, drawings of passenger.

"Zagorskiy cycle" TA Maurina, pronantly expressing her globility, priorities in art, its unique style, often and fairly called "Mavrinsky", began to develop in the 1940s. The "plot series" of the Maution works of the 50s - "fabulously seen" ensemble Lavra, Pyatnitsky monastery, the old city and the life of its inhabitants - the daily and festive, embodied in its special, metaphorically-poetic key associated with the image of folk art, folklore. Equally expressive and free, bold in the drawing, composition, color sheets of the 1960-1970s. In their thematic composition, genre landscapes still prevail, in whose names themselves will emphasize the effective-household aspect. Classic sample "Mavrinskiy portrait" in our meeting - Demidov 1973 "Demidova" - a wonderful example of the organic connection of two genres - "Portrait in a landscape": a large, frontal, waist image of a "Russian old woman" in a white scarf on a summer rustic background Landscape, where, according to the old tradition of popular painting and the Lubka, the inscriptions are given on the images themselves.

Graphics - type of visual art.

The term "graphics" occurred from the Greek word "counto" - I write. Main graphics graphics - line, barcode, stain and point. The main color is black, although other colors can also be applied as auxiliary tool.

M. Vrubel. Illustration to the tragedy A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri"
The paper background in the chart plays the role of space, which is important for graphic pattern.
Graphic, despite the larger compared to painting, the language is characterized by great image features and emotion transmission. It is only worth remembering the pictures of the young artist Nadi Rusheva. They fascinate with ease, accuracy and depth images. You can read this artist.

N. Rusheva "Pushkin and Pushchin"
Many famous artists used graphics features: Bilibin, Breygel, Van Gogh, Watto, Vrubel, Goya, Kurenga, Leonardo da Vinci, Alphonse Fly, Rembrandt, Titian, Somov, Hokusai, etc.

F. Tolstoy "Under the game Amur" Toned Paper, Pencil, Sepia, Belil

Graphic genres are mostly the same as the painting genres. But here more often there are portrait genre and landscape, to a lesser extent - historical, household and other genres.

M. Demidov "Portrait of S. Rakhmaninova"

V. Favorsky "Mikhail Kutuzov" (1945). From the series "Great Russian commander"

V. Favorsky "Pushkin-Licesther" (1935)

The landscape in the graphic figure "does not play" with paints, but surprises the fineness of feelings and encourages imagination.

S. Nikireev "Dandelions"

Graphic works of world famous artists

Graphic art is diverse and attracts artists the possibility of transmitting senses and thoughts with the help of a pencil or felt-meter. This feature fascinates not only a graphic artist creating a work of art, but also the viewer.

A. Durer "Self-portrait" (1500). Old Pinakotek (Munich)
The largest European artist Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), left a big heritage from the drawings - about a thousand: landscapes, portraits, sketches of people, animals and plants. Most fully, this artist was revealed in graphic figure, because In the picturesque works, he was not always free from the arbitrariness of customers.
Durer constantly practiced in layout, generalization, building space. His animalist and botanical drawings are distinguished by high execution skill, observation. Most of his drawings carefully worked out. In his engravings and paintings, he repeatedly repeated the motives of graphic work.

A. Durer "Hands of Praying" (about 1508)

Katsusik Hokusai "Self-portrait"
Katsusik Hokusai. (1760-1849) - Great Japanese artist Ukiyo-E (variable world images), illustrator, engraving. He is the author of a variety of graphic drawings and engravings.

Katsusik Hokusai "Big Wave in Canhanwa" (1823-1831)

Vladimir Andreevich Favorsky (1886-1964) - Russian and Soviet schedule, master portrait, xylography and book graphics, art historian, scenograph, painter monumentalist, teacher and theorist of fine art, professor.

Known with its cycles graphics and engraving, as well as illustrations for works by A.S. Pushkin, to the "Word about the regiment of Igor", Transformation of Marshak, the stories of Privhanin and Tolstoy, etc.
In its plastic vision, the Favorsky is close to the Byzantine mosaicists, to Michelangelo, Vrubel.

V. Favorsky. Illustration for "Little Tragedy" A.S. Pushkin
Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519). "Universal Man": Italian artist and scientist, inventor, writer, musician, one of the largest representatives of high revival art.

Estimated self portrait Leonardo da Vinci
The artist constantly fixed the results of his observations over the world in sketches, sketches performed in various techniques (Italian pencil, silver pencil, Sangin, Pen, etc.), sought acute in the transfer of facial expressions, physical features and movements of the human body, leading everything in perfect Compliance with the spiritual atmosphere of its composition.

Leonardo da Vinci. Sketch of the head of a young girl (angel's head for the painting "Madonna in the rocks")

Leonardo da Vinci "Vitruvian man" (1490). Gallery of the Venice Academy (Italy)
This drawing was created to determine the proportions (male) of the human body, as described in the treatise of the ancient Roman architect Vitruvia "On Architecture".
Vitruvian man - The figure of a naked man in the two superimposed one on another positions: with their hands dated and legs, inscribed in the circle; With diluted hands and coated with legs, inscribed in a square. The drawing and explanations for it are sometimes called "canonical proportions."
The drawing is made with a pen, ink and watercolor with a metal pencil, drawing dimensions 34.3 × 24.5 centimeters.
The drawing is at the same time scientific labor and works of art, it serves as an example of Leonardo's interest in proportions.


A specific graphic genre is a caricature (satirical pattern, cartoon).
Caricature is one of the oldest types of drawing. It reflects the problems of society and from an early time served as a certain method of self-affirmation over the offender. So mocked the enemies, so people mocked their lords or enslavers. Usually it was a drawing with gross distortions of the features of offenders or greasy, tail, etc. The birth of the caricature in Russia occurred in the XVII century. with folk chest of chest pictures.
Caricature in satirical or humorous form and currently depicts any social, socio-political, domestic phenomena, real faces or characteristic types of people.
Modern caricature is a satirical or humorous drawing, isoanject. The subject differences the political caricature, social, domestic, etc. The caricature genre develops throughout the world.

Capitalism through the eyes of Hurluf Bidstrup, Danish artist-cartoonist ((1912-1988)
Famous domestic artists-cartoonists: cerema, rotts, seeds, bodges, Denis, Kukryniks, Efimov.

Kukryniks (from left to right: Porfiry Wings, Mikhail Kupriyanov, Nikolai Sokolov)

Caricature Kukryniks.
Cartoon (FR. Charge) - a variety of caricatures; Satyrian or good-natured-humoristic image (usually portrait), in which the external similarity is observed, but the most characteristic features of the model are allocated. People, animals and various subjects can be depicted on cartoons. Unlike caricature, the cartoons do not raise the shortcomings of the hero, they are good, make people smile, but not laugh at the pictures.

Cartoon at Maxim Galkina
Another variety of caricature is grotesque.
Grotesque (Fr. Grotesque, literally - "Fancy", "comical" - kind of artistic activity, comically or tragicomically generalizing and sharpening the life plot through a combination of real and fantastic. Grotesque is inherent in other arts: literature, painting, music. In essence, the grotesque is inherent in certain artistic thinking, this is a kind of gift. In the genre, Grotesque wrote Aristophane, F. Rabl, E. T. A. Gofman, N. V. Gogol, M. Twin, F. Kafka, M. A. Bulgakov, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin.But in this article we consider only grotesque in visual art.

Lyrical grotesque

Art - figurative understanding of reality; process or result of the expression of internal or external (with respect to the Creator) of the world in the artistic form; Creativity in such a way that it reflects not only the author himself, but also other people.

Today we concisely tell you about the largest artists and sculptors from around the world, and let's start with Russian artists.

Ivanovsky Ivan Konstantinovich (1817-1900), marinist. Member of the St. Petersburg, Amsterdam, Roman, Florentine and Stuttgart Academies. Created about 6 thousand paintings. The most famous: "ninth shaft", "Chesmen fight".

Ivan Aivazovsky "Ninth Val"

Anthropov Alexey Petrovich (1716-1795), portraitist. Acquired wide fame for the decorative paintings of the palaces in St. Petersburg and its suburbs.

Anthropov Alexey Petrovich - Self-portrait

Argunov Ivan Petrovich (1729-1802), portraitist. He wrote the parade portraits, which were distinguished by an exact and clear pattern, restrained by color. The author "portrait of an unknown peasant in Russian costume" and others.

Argunov Ivan - Portrait of an unknown peasant in Russian suit

Arkhipov Abram Efimovich (1862-1930), Master of plenary painting, etudes and genre paintings. He worked a lot over portraits, mostly peasants, created life-affirming images of contemporaries.

Borisov Musatov Viktor Elpidiforovich (1870-1905), artist Novator. Pictures: "Girl on the balcony", "at the reservoir".

Borisov-Musatov Viktor Elpidiforovich - Picture "At the reservoir"

Borovikovsky Vladimir Lukich (1757-1825), portraitist. He was ordered portraits of the most high-ranking officials of the time, members of the imperial family. Portraits of Arsenyeva, Lopukhina, Kurakino received the greatest fame.

Borovikovsky Vladimir Lukich - portrait of A. and V. Gagarines 1802

Bruni Fedor (Fidelio) Antonovich (1799-1875). Pictures: "Death of Camillas, sisters Horace", "Copper Zmiy" and others, painting St. Isaac Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

Bryullov Karl Pavlovich (1799-1852). I wrote sketches and pictures on historical and mythological topics, but I got fame as a portraitist. Pictures: "Horseman", "Yu. P. Samoilova with Arapchonkom "," Virsavia "," Italian afternoon ", etc. One of the best is a portrait of Yu. P. Samoilova with his daughter.

The most famous picture of Bryullov - Yu. P. Samoilova with his daughter

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926), Mobile, author of paintings on historical and fabulous stories. The most famous canvases "After traveling Igor Svyatoslavich with Polovtsy", "Alenushka". The most ambitious work is the picture of "Bogatyri".

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov - Painting "Bogatyry"

Venetsianov Alexey Gavrilovich (1780-1847), one of the founders of the household genre in Russian painting. Posted many portraits of peasants and scenes of rustic life. Pictures: "Khumno", "Sleeping Cowel", "on arable land. Spring "," Head of an old man-peasant ".

Picture "Sleeping Cowel" - Venetsian Alexei

Vescheckin Vasily Vasilyevich (1842-1904), Master of Batal Genre. Posted by the cycle of paintings on religious plots. Pictures: "Apotheosis of the war", "All calmly" spinning. "

"Apotheosis of War" - picture of the Russian artist Vasily Vereshchagin

Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910). He was engaged in machine painting, monumental painting churches. Pictures: "Demon Sitting", "Gadeller", "Pan", "Lilac", "Demon defeated", etc.

Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich - Demon 1802

Ge Nikolai Nikolaevich (1831-1894), one of the founders of the mobile partnership, landscape, portraitist. Picture "Saul from Anestherskogy Magician", "The Secret Meeting", "Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof."

Kramskaya Ivan Nikolaevich (1837-1887), one of the creators of the mobile partnership. Pictures: "Unknown", "Mina Moiseev", "Half-owner", "Contemporance".

Nesterov Mikhail Vasilyevich (1862-1942), portraitist, master of monumental painting and lyrical landscape. The most famous pictures: "Victim of Friendies", "Expert", "to the sovereign of the publ", "deserter".

Nesterov Mikhail Vasilyevich - Painting "Victim of Friends"

Repin Ilya Efimovich (1844-1930). Portraits of contemporaries (Stasov, Pisemist, Tolstoy, Deligus). Much fame got pictures: "did not wait", "burlaci on the Volga", "the Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan", "Ivan the Terrible and Son of His Ivan."

Repin Ilya Efimovich - Painting "Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan"

Surikov Vasily Ivanovich (1848-1916), Master of historical painting. Pictures: "Fear of Morozova", "Morning Strelleskaya execution", "Transition Suvorov through the Alps", "Stepan Razin".

Surikov Vasily Ivanovich - Painting "Morning Strelleskaya execution"

Chagal Mark (1887-1985), painter and schedule. Created surreal works, often on folklore and biblical topics ("Under the city"), stained glass windows and illustrations.

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich (1832-1898), landscape. Pictures: "noon. In the vicinity of Moscow, "" Rye "," Forest Dali "," Among the valley of the Rusty "," Morning in the Pine Forest ".

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich - "Ship Grove"

Foreign artists

Bosch (Bos Van Aken.) Geeronimus (OK 1460-1516), Netherlands paintings. The most famous are: "The temptation of St. Antonio ", Triptychs" WHO SENA "and" Garden of pleasure ".

Botticelli Sandro. (1445-1510), Italian artist, master of Florentine school. Compositions on religious-biblical topics: "Allegory of Power", "Judith's Return", "Madonna and Angels". Mythological compositions: "Spring", "Birth of Venus".

Sandro Botticelli "Madonna with baby and angels"

Bruegel Peter. (between 1525 and 1535-1569), the Netherlands painter. Pictures: "Battle of Carnival and Post", "Mad Greta", "Peasant Dance".

Van Gogh Vincent (1853-1890), Dutch artist, representative of postmingnessism. Pictures: "Peasanthie", "Potato Ciffiers", "Montmartre Hills", "Landscape in Aventer after Rain".

Vincent Van Gogh - "Landscape in Overfish after the rain"

Wang Dake Antonis (1599-1641), Flemish painter. Parade aristocratic and intimate portraits ("Karl I on the hunt"), religious and mythological compositions in the Baroque spirit.

Velasquez. (Rodriguez de Silva Velasquez) Diego. (1599-1660), Spanish artist. Pictures: "Breakfast", "Breakfast of two young men", "Christ in the House of Martha and Mary". Portraits of a particularly royal house: Infanta Mary Teresa, Infanta Margarita.

Veronese Paolo. (1528-1588), Italian painter of the Renaissance, representative of the Venetian school. Perched the frescoes of Villa Barbara-Volpy in Maze. The most famous picture of "Marriage in Cana" is the most famous.

Gajen Pol. (1848-1903), French artist, a representative of postpressionism. Pictures: "Two Taitian women", "and, are you jealous?", "King's wife", where do we come from? Who are we? Where we are going?".

Paul Gajen - Taitian-1891.

Goya Francisco (1746-1828), Spanish artist. I wrote paintings on household and historical, mythological and religious plots, portraits, performed the wall painting (frescoes). Pictures: "umbrella", "seller of dishes", series of etching "Caprician".

Golbaine Hans Jr. (1497 or 1498-1543), German painter and schedule, Representative of Renaissance. Works: "Dead Christ" and "Mrett".

Dali Salvador (1904-1989), Spanish painter, representative of surrealism. The most famous Pictures Fantasmagoria "Giraffe Giraffe" and "Constancy of Memory".

Dali Salvador - Painting "Sleep"

House Onebook (1808-1879), French schedule, painter, and sculptor, master of satirical drawing and lithography. Fame acquired caricatures on the ruling top and boss ("Transnonen Street", "Good Bourgeois" series).

Durer Albrecht (1471-1528), German artist, a representative of German Renaissance. Pictures: "House at Pond", "View of Innsbruck", "Portrait of Oswald Cleel".

Constable John (1776-1837), English-landscape artist, representative of impressionism. Paintings; "Mill in Flatford", "Cathedral in Salisbury from the Garden of Bishop", "Breadfield".

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian artist. According to the versatility of their giving, they surpassed all its predecessors and teachers. Pictures: "Last Supper", "Jocona", "Madonna Litta", "Lady with Mornosta", "Madonna in Grote" and many others.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) - "Last Supper"

Mazacho (1401-1428), Italian painter, representative of the Florentine school, one of the founders of the art of revival. Created frescoes of Brankachchi Chapels in the Church of Santa Maria del Carmina in Florence.

Mana Eduard (1832-1883), French painter and schedule, founder of impressionism. Pictures: "Breakfast on the grass", Olympia, "" Bar in Foli-Berger. "

Modigliani Amadeo (1840-1920), French artist of Italian origin. Pictures: "Pablo Picasso", "Mrs. Pompadur", "Lady with a black tie", "nude", and others.

Monet Claude Oscar (1840-1926), founder of French impressionism. Pictures: "Breakfast on the grass", "Lilac in the sun", "impression. Sunrise "," Station Saint-Lazar. "

Murillo Bartolome Esteban (1618-1682), Spanish artist, representative of Baroque painting. Pictures: "Holy family with a bird", "escape to Egypt", generation of shepherds "," Madonna with a baby "and others.

Picasso Pablo (1881-1973), one of the largest artists of the XX century. Pictures: "Harlequin", "Portrait of a wife", "Jacqueline with a black scarf", "Old guitarist", "Dinner of the blind", "girl on a bowl", three musicians ", etc.

Pussen Nika (1594-1665), French painter, representative of classicism. Pictures: "Tancred and Hermine", "Arcade shepherds".

Rafael Santia (1483-1665), Italian artist, one of the greatest masters of the Florentine-Roman high rebirth. The central place in his work occupies the theme of Madonna: "Madonna Concreatement", "Madonna Solly", "Madonna Terranova", "Madonna in Green", "Sikstinskaya Madonna". and etc.

Raphael Santi - St. Jerome that supports two executed

Rembrandt Harmers Wang Rhine (1606-1669), Dutch artist. Paintings; "Anatomy of Dr. Tulp", "Dana", "Night Watch", "Holy Family", "Girl at the window."

Rembrandt - "Dana".

Renoir Pierre Augusten (1841-1919), French artist, representative of impressionism. Pictures: "Portrait of Alfred Sissey with his wife", "Swimming on Seine", "Tropick in high grass", "Breakfast", first evening in Opera ", Portrait of an actress Samari".

Sarian Martiros Sergeevich (1880-1972), Armenian painter. Pictures: "Armenia", "Ararat Valley", "Autumn Still Life".

Cezanne Pol. (1839-1906), French artist, a representative of postpressionism. Pictures: "Piano girl", road in Pontoise "," Bouquet of flowers in a vase "," Piero and Harlequin "," Lady in Blue ", etc.

Surbaran Francisco (1598-1664), Spanish painter. Representative of the Seville School. Fame acquired its cycle of paintings from the life of St. Bonaventure.

Turner Joseph Melor William (1775-1851), Anglian artist, representative of impressionism, master of romantic landscape. The mythological, historical plots ("Hannibal, crossing the Alps in the blizzard", "Ulysses and the Polyfem") reflect in his canvases. Pictures: "Evening Star", "Rain, Couples and Speed", "Melt and Calais".

Tintoretto Jacopo. (1518-1594), Italian artist, representative of the Venetian school. Large pair compositions "Last Supper", popularity brought a picture "Miracle San Mark". In the cycle of biblical scenes, the most significant canvas: "Creation of animals", "Creating Adam and Eve", Solomon and Queen Sava, "etc.

Titian Veverielio (OK 1476/77 or 1489/90 - 1576), Italian artist, Master of the Venetian School of Renaissance. Pictures: "Flora", "Earth and Heavenly Love", "Madonna with Cherries", "Mailing Christ", "Abduction of Europe".

Toulouse-Lotrek Henri Marie Raymont de (1864-1901), French artist, a representative of postmingnessism. Pictures: "Countess Toulouse-Thorrek for breakfast in Merro", "Broke", "in a cafe", dance in Moulin-Rouge, "and others.

Hals Franz. (1581 or 85-1666), Dutch artist, the largest reformer of Jewish portrait painting. Pictures: "Singing flutist boy", "Children with a circle", "Gypsy", "smiling cavalier", "cheerful companion".

El Greco Domenico (1541-1614), Spanish artist of Greek origin.

Engr Jean Auguste Dominic (1780-1867), French artist, one of the best portraits of the XIX century, a supporter of the traditions of classicism.

The largest painters, sculptors, charts around the world Updated: February 18, 2017 by the author: website

Famous artists, sculptors, graphics

Ivanovsky Ivan Konstantinovich(1817-1900) - Russian painter, master of sea landscape ("Ninth Val", "Black Sea").

Borovikovsky Vladimir Lukich(1757-1825) - Russian and Ukrainian portraitist artist, sentimentalist (portraits M. I. Lopukhina, A. B. Kurakina).

Bosch (Bos Van Aken) Jerome (Hieronimus)(Ok. 1460-1516) - Dutch painter, one of the largest masters of the Northern Renaissance.

Botticelli Sandro (Alessandro di Mariano di Vanya Filipei)(1445-1510) - the greatest Italian painter of the Epoch of the early Renaissance.

Bruegel-Senior Peter ("Menietary")(OK 1525-1569) - Flemish painter and schedule, master of landscape and genre scenes.

Bryullov Karl Pavlovich(1799-1852) - Russian painter, draftsman, master of stress-dramatic canvases ("Last Day Pompeii") and parade portraits ("Horseman").

Van Gogh Vincent(1853-1890) - Dutch painter, representative of postpressionism. For its paintings, color contrasts, a rhythm rhythm. Created tragic images in the painful-tense, extremely expressive manner built on color contrasts, a gustful rhythm, on the free dynamics of the pastoral smear ("Night café", "Landscape in the overax after the rain").

Wang Duck Antonis (1599-1641) -flemish painter, virtuoso of painting, student of Rubens. His works are marked by noble spirituality ("Self-portrait").

VanAyke Jan.(Ok. 1385 or 1390-1441) - Flemish painter of early rebirth, master portrait, author of more than 100 compositions on religious plots, one of the first artists who have mastered the technique of painting with oil paints.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov(1848-1926) - Russian Mobile Artist. Created a canvas on the topics of Russian epics and fairy tales ("Alenushka", "three heroes").

Watto Antohan(1684-1721) - French artist, master of genre painting.

Velasquez Diego (Velasquez Rodriguez de Silva)(1599-1660) - Spanish artist. Velasquez's canvas ("breakfast", "delivering nonsense") are characterized by a feeling of harmony, subtlety and saturation of color.

Venetsianov Alexey Gavrilovich(1780-1847) - Russian painter. Most of his works - on the topics of peasant life, written from nature.

Vescheckin Vasily Vasilyevich(1842-1904) - Russian battalist. In his works showed horrors of war ("apotheosis of war"). He died at the explosion of the battleship "Petropavlovsk" in Port Arthur.

Vermer Delftsky Jan.(1632-1675) - Dutch painter, distinguished by the poetic perception of everyday life ("Girl reading a letter").

Veronese (Cagliari) Paolo(1528-1588) - the Italian painter of the Renaissance. Created paintings differ in festive and sophistication.

Vrubel Mikhail Alexandrovich(1856-1910) - Russian artist of the Silver Century. Practically for philosophical generalization, tragedy, symbolic understanding of the plot ("Princess Garza", "Demon").

Vuchetich Evgeny Viktorovich(1908-1974) - Russian Soviet sculptor (the figure of the mother's motherland at the Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd).

Ge Nikolai Nikolaevich(1831–1894) - the famous Russian painter, master of portraits, historical and religious canvases ("Last Supper", "Peter I Interrogates Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof", "What is the truth?").

Gainesboro Thomas.(1727–1788) - english painter, schedule, portraitist and landscape.

Gogen Eugene Henri Paul(1848–1903) - french painter, sculptor-ceramist and schedule. Along with Cezanne and Van Gogh, considered the largest representative of postmingnessism.

Goya Francisco Jose de(1746–1828) - spanish painter and graph, brave innovator form. Among his works - frescoes, picturesque canvas ("Mach Nude"), a series of engravings ("Caprician").

Greco (El Greco)(Domenicos Teotokopoulos) (1541-1614 ) - Spanish painter of Greek origin, whose works are peculiar to mystical exaltation ("Portrait of the Inquisitor").

David Jacques Louis(1748–1825) - French painter, supporter of the classic school of painting ("Goraziev").

Dali Salvador(1904–1989) - Spanish artist, one of the most prominent representatives of surrealism. In his paintings, attached to the visible accuracy of unnatural situations and combinations of objects.

Degi Edgar (1834–1917) - French Imprithsionist Artist, Master Pastel ("Blue Dancers").

Delacroix Eugene (1798–1863) - French painter and schedule, head of French romanticism ("Freedom, leading people").

Georgeon(1477–1510) - Italian painter, one of the founders of the art of high revival ("Sleeping Venus", "Judith").

Jotto di Bondone(1266–1337) - Italian artist, the appearance of the new time painting ("mourning Christ").

Donatello (Donato di Niccolo di Betto Bardi) (1386–1466) - italian sculptor, one of the "fathers" of Renaissance.

Durer Albrecht(1471-1528) - German painter and schedule of the Renaissance, Art Theorist (Self-portraits, Madonna with Baby, Engravings).

Kandinsky Vasily Vasilyevich(1866-1944) - Russian painter and schedule, avant-gardeist, one of the founders of abstract art.

Kanov Antonio(1757-1822) - Italian sculptor, the most significant representative of classicism in the European sculpture.

Caravaggio Michelangelo Yes (Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio)(1571-1610) - Italian artist, the reformer of European painting of the XVII century, one of the largest masters Baroque.

Cyproshensky Orest Adamovich(1782-1836) - Russian painter and draftsman, representative of romanticism (portraits A. S. Pushkin).

Klodt Peter Karlovich(1805-1867) - Russian sculptor, representative of classicism, animal (horses at Anichkovo Bridge in St. Petersburg).

Korovin Konstantin Alekseevich(1861-1939) - Russian painter and theater artist, a subtle master of plenary painting, close to impressionism.

Kramskaya Ivan Nikolaevich(1837-1887) - Russian painter, mobile phone, teacher I. E. Repin ("May night"). Master of the psychological portrait revealing complex mental movements ("Stranger").

Cranes Lucas Elder(1472-1553) - German painter and schedule who combined the artistic principles of rebirth with a gothic tradition, a brilliant portraitist.

Kindji Arkhip Ivanovich(1841-1910) - Russian painter-landscape, mobile phone. The works of Kuinji demonstrate the decorative color of the flavor, to the illusion close to nature the effects of lighting ("Night on the Dnieper").

Larionov Mikhail Fedorovich(1881-1964) - Russian painter, avant-garde, abstract, creator of the so-called radiation.

Levitan Isaac Ilyich(1860-1900) is a Russian painter-mobile phone, a landscape officer, the creator of the Moody Landscape, which reveals the subtle nuances of the states of nature ("Over the Eternal Region").

Levitsky Dmitry Grigorievich(1735-1822) - Russian portrait of the XVIII century, master of parade portraits.

Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) - Italian artist, sculptor, architect and scientist. Improved the ideal of female beauty in the world famous canvas "Joconda" ("Mona Lisa").

Lisype(IV century BC) is an ancient Greek sculptor, a court artist Alexander Macedonsky.

Mazaccho (Tommaso di Giovanni di Simone Cassai)(1401-1428) - the Italian painter, in his works sought to embody the idea of \u200b\u200bthe perfection of man.

Malevich Kazimir Severinovich(1878-1935) - Russian abstractionist artist ("Black Square"), the founder of Suprematism.

Mana Eduard(1832-1883) - French artist, one of the brightest representatives of impressionism. His works are distinguished by the freshness and acuteness of the perception of reality ("concert in Tuilery").

Matisse Henri(1869-1954) - French painter, schedule, asserting ornamental style in stained glass windows, engravings, lithographs, founder of Formism.

Michelangelo Buonarroti(1475-1564) - Italian painter, sculptor and architect (David, painting of the Sistine Chapel in Rome).

Miron from Eleuleter(V in. BC) - Greek sculptor of the epoch preceded directly to the highest flourishing of Greek art (end VI - beginning V century). The most famous work of Mirone is "Discobol".

Modigliani Amedeo(1884-1920) - Italian painter. The work of Modigliani is characterized by musical sophistication of silhouette and color, concise composition of the composition.

Monet Oscar Claude(1840-1926) - French painter, one of the founders of impressionism.

Munk Edward.(1863-1944) - Norwegian painter and schedule, one of the founders of expressionism ("Creek").

Mukhina Vera Ignatievna(1889-1953) - Soviet sculptor monumentalist ("Worker and collective farmer").

Perov Vasily Grigorievich (Curden)(1834-1882) - Russian painter, one of the founders of the "partnership of mobile art exhibitions" ("Troika", "Portrait of F. M. Dostoevsky", "Prival Hunters").

Petrov-Vodkin Kuzma Sergeevich(1878-1939) - Russian Soviet painter ("Swimming Red Kony"), symbolist, romantic.

Picasso Pablo Ruiz(1881-1973) - French artist, worked in several directions - cubism, realism, etc. created works, full pain and protest ("Gernik"), author of the famous "dove of the world".

Pirosmani Niko(1862-1918) - Georgian primitivist artist. He wrote group portraits, signs, sharply transmitting the feeling of completeness and joy of life.

Praxitel(IV century BC) - an ancient Greek sculptor, was born in Athens OK. 390 BC e. The author of the famous compositions "Hermes with the infant Dionis", "Apollo who kills a lizard". Most of the workshop works are known in Roman copies or the descriptions of ancient authors.

Pussen Nika(1594-1665) - French painter, representative of the school of classicism ("Landscape with a polyfem").

Rafael Santia(1483-1520) - Italian painter and architect, whose canvases distinguishes classic clarity and majestic spirituality. He glorified the earthly genesis, harmony of his spiritual and physical forces ("Sicstinskaya Madonna").

Reynolds Joshua(1723-1792) - English painter and theoretics of art. Virtuoso portrait ("J. O. Khitfield"), also wrote to historical and mythological topics.

Rembrandt Harmers Wang Rhine(1606-1669) - Dutch painter, draftsman, etching. He wrote scene complex on the psychological structure, portraits ("Night Watch", "Dana").

Renoir Ogust.(1841-1919) - French painter, schedule and sculptor close to impressionists. He chased the sensual beauty and joy of being.

Repin Ilya Efimovich(1844-1930) - Russian and Ukrainian painter. I revealed the spiritual beauty of the people, his winsnoye ("Cossacks write a letter to Turkish Sultan", "Burlaki on the Volga", "did not wait").

Roerich Nikolai Konstantinovich(1874-1947) - Russian artist, since the 1920s, he lived in India, whose philosophy had a huge influence on his work.

Roden Ogust.(1840-1917) - French sculptor, innovator forms ("thinker", "Citizens Kale").

Rockot Fedor Stepanovich(1735-1808) - an outstanding Russian painter. Among the works of the artist - subtle painting, poetic portraits, imbued with the awareness of the spiritual and physical beauty of a person.

Rubens Peter Paul(1577-1640) - Flemish painter. His landscapes are imbued with the feeling of powerful natural forces. The scenes of peasant life ("Return of Reapes") are imbued with a democratic spirit.

Rublev Andrey(Ok. 1360-ok. 1430) - Great Russian painter, icon painter, the largest master of the Moscow School of Painting. Rublev's works are penetrated by deep humanity and sublime spirituality ("Trinity", painting of many cathedrals, icons).

Savrasov Alexey Kondratievich(1830-1897) - Russian painter-landscape, mobile phone. Transmitted the poetic beauty and significance of everyday motifs ("Graci flew").

Sarian Martiros Sergeevich(1880-1972) - Armenian artist. Master of life-affirming, emotional landscape, bright and decorative-bobbed in the manner ("Ararat Valley", "Armenia"), an acute psychological portrait and festive on the flavor of still life.

Cezanne Pol.(1839-1906) - French painter, postmingnessist ("Marines", "Peaches and Pears").

Serov Valentin Alexandrovich(1865-1911) - Russian painter and schedule, mobile phone. Early works ("girl with peaches") are distinguished by the freshness and wealth of color.

Sneiders France.(1579-1657) - Flemish painter, master of still lifes and animal compositions in the style of Baroque ("Cockflets", "Fruit Market").

Surikov Vasily Ivanovich(1848-1916) - Russian Mobile Artist, Many canvases are devoted to the turning point of Russian history ("Fear of Morozov" and others). Portrait Master.

Tintoretto (Robusti) Jacopo(1518-1594) - Italian painter, one of the greatest painters of the Venice School of the Late Renaissance.

Titian (Titian Titionalo)(1476-1576) - Italian painter, head of the Venetian school. His works are characterized by the cheerfulness, the multi-facetedness of the perception of life ("Venus and Adonis", "Dana"), and in later works - intense drama.

Torvaldsen Berper(1768-1844) - Danish sculptor, representative of classicism. Torvaldsen sculptures are characterized by plastic completion, restraint and idealization of images ("Jason").

Tropinin Vasily Andreevich(1776-1857) - Russian painter, master of romantic portrait.

Toulouse-Lotrek Henri de(1864-1901) - French schedule and painter, postimipressionist.

FIDIA(V in. BC) - an ancient Greek sculptor of a period of high classics. The work of the fidia is considered one of the highest achievements of ancient art (statues of Athens, Zeus Olympic).

Hokusai Katsusika(1760-1849) - Japanese painter and draftsman, master colored xylography.

Bellini Benvenuto(1500-1571) - Italian sculptor, architect and writer. One of the most famous representatives of mannerism.

Chagal Mark(1887-1985) - French artist, follower of surrealism. Most of his images are inspired by Russian and Jewish folk motifs.

Shishkin Ivan Ivanovich(1832-1898), Russian painter, one of the largest masters of realistic landscape painting. Academician (1865), Professor (1873), Head of the landscape workshop (1894-1895) of the Academy of Arts. Member of the founder of the "Partnership of Mobile Art Exhibitions".

Escher Maurice Cornelis(1898-1972) - Dutch artist-schedule. It is known primarily by its conceptual lithographs, engravings on a tree and metal, in which he studied the plastic aspects of the concepts of infinity and symmetry, as well as the features of the psychological perception of complex three-dimensional objects.

Yaroshenko Nikolai Aleksandrovich(1846-1898) - Russian painter-mobile phone. Portraits, landscapes, genre scenes ("Kochegar", "Old and Youth"), are distinguished by drama.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

) In its expressive sweeping works, the fog transparency was able to preserve, the ease of the sail, the smooth shaking of the ship on the waves.

Its paintings are affected by their depth, volume, saturation, and the texture is such that it is impossible to tear away from them.

Warm simplicity Valentina Gubareva

FRIEND OF PRIMTIVIST OF Minsk Valentin Gubarev Does not chase for glory and just does what he loves. His creativity is insanely popular abroad, but almost unfamiliar to his compatriots. In the mid-1990s, the French fell in love with his household sketches and concluded a contract with the artist for 16 years. The paintings that seem to be understandable only to us, the carriers of the "modest charm of undeveloped socialism", liked the European public, and began exhibitions in Switzerland, Germany, Great Britain and other countries.

Sensual realism of Sergey Marrannikov

Sergey Marshnikov 41 year. He lives in St. Petersburg and creates in the best traditions of the classic Russian school of realistic portrait painting. Heroisters of his canvases become gentle and defenseless in their semi-nurse. At many of the most famous paintings depicted Muse and the wife of the artist - Natalia.

Mostic world Philip Barlow

In the modern era of the pictures of high resolution and heyday of hyperealism Creativity Philip Barlow (Philip Barlow) immediately attracts attention. However, the viewer requires a certain effort to force themselves to look at the blurred silhouettes and bright spots on the author's canvases. Probably, so see the world without glasses and contact lenses people suffering from myopia.

Sunny Bunnies Laurent Park

Painting Laurent Parceliel is an amazing world in which there is no sadness or despondency. He will not meet frowning and rainy paintings. There is a lot of light, air and bright colors on his canvas, which the artist inflicts characteristic recognizable strokes. It creates a feeling that the paintings are woven from a thousand sunny bunnies.

Dynamics of the city in the works of Jeremy Manna

Oil on wooden panels American artist Jeremy Mann (Jeremy Mann) writes dynamic portraits of modern metropolis. "Abstract shapes, lines, contrast of light and dark spots - everything creates a picture that causes the feeling that a person is experiencing in the crowd and the turmoil of the city, but can also express peace of mind, which is gained in contemplating quiet beauty," the artist says.

Illusory world of Nile Simon

In the paintings of the British artist Nile Simon (Neil Simone), everything does not seem at first glance. "For me, the world around is a series of fragile and constantly changing forms, shadows and borders," says Simon. And in his paintings, everything is really illusory and interconnected. The boundaries are washed away, and the plots flow into each other.

Love drama Joseph Laratso

Italian on the origin of the modern American artist Joseph Lorasso (Joseph Lorusso) carries the plots on the canvas peeped them in the daily lives of ordinary people. Hugs and kisses, passionate impulses, minutes of tenderness and desires fill its emotional paintings.

Rustic life Dmitry Lyowin

Dmitry Levin - a recognized master of the Russian landscape, who has proven itself as a talented representative of the Russian realistic school. The most important source of his art is affection for nature, which he gently and passionately loves and part of which feels herself.

Bright East Valery Blokhina