Dogon on quarters in basketball reviews. How long does the basketball match last

Dogon on quarters in basketball reviews. How long does the basketball match last
Dogon on quarters in basketball reviews. How long does the basketball match last

How to use rates on a total in basketball, a practical analysis of existing strategies and tips, is it possible to win, as well as a review of the calculation programs of the match on the basis of statistics, is it possible to trust? All this in this article.

A feature of bets on basketball is a huge variety of total totals in the line. This is due to the division of the game at half, a quarter and the presence of a large number of statistical indicators of common and individual associated with Total.

What are there

What bets on the total in basketball offer bookmakers?

In the main line of the match there is a classic common total - the number of points scored by both teams. You can bet on TB or TM of the specified amount of points.

An additional total total in basketball can be different. it

  • Rates to another common total total, different from average.
  • The number of points scored by teams not for the whole game, and for a certain interval - half of the game, a quarter.
  • Total glasses on emphasis or default (match, half, quarter)
  • Individual total. These can be typed glasses, the number of fashers, selected, abandoned penalty, three-way, etc. The bookmaker offers such bets on both teams and separate players. ( What happens in other sports)
  • Asian Total ( what looks like in basketball)

There are in painting and specific rates on Total:

Total in basketball is considered to be overtime (from)?

The newcomers inevitably arises the question: Total in basketball is considered to be overtime or without? The word overtime is often reduced as "from".

There is no unified approach in the BC. Some are countable taking into account overtime, others without.

Some bookmakers exhibit separately coefficients for the main time and taking into account overtime ... We give an example of excerpts from the rules of one known BC.

What often did the total read or unclear?

What is happening more often - a total of even or tying. The network you can meet the arguments of supporters of both points of view, wearing usually superficial character.

The rules of basketball are such that in addition to two-point, three-point, free throws there are also other situations, for example, when the teams are punishable by an additional free throw (after the player throws the ball with the fol). All this makes, in my opinion, the choice of emphasis is random.

That is, at the distance, the total even does not have an advantage.

This is confirmed by the coefficients on the case / notion in the bookmakers - they are usually the same.

However, there is an interesting point: When the basketball game comes to an end, it remains, for example, 2-3 minutes, the total on the case starts to change depending on the current account.

This suggests that in a short period of time, the two-point throw version becomes the most likely.

This is based on this one of the strategies that we consider further.

Strategies of rates on total in basketball

Overview of some strategies on the Total Basketball.

Strategy for a total of a quarter of a quarter of even or default + doogle

The strategy is simple and attractive, there are many reviews about the network of diametrically opposite. Her supporters argue that it is based on statistics, namely, a quarter in the basketball game, they are very rarely held so that they all end with a total of even or unlast. Regarding the probability of this, the numbers from 90% to 97% are given.

Strategy Algorithm Next: Choose a basketball game, in principle, any, then make a bet on the total check (or uncle) in the first quarter. We look through the broadcast (or just follow the account online). The rate passes - go to the next match, no - we begin the doghon, doublening the amount of the bet on the second quarter and so to the "victorious end".

Let's try a strategy in practice

March 27, as part of the next game day of the NBA, 5 meetings took place. Consider the action of the strategy on the example of one of them. The screenshot submitted below gives us statistics of the 10th matches of both teams. The sample, of course, is small, but still we observe that 2 matches of 20 ended with the quarters on the total even or unclear.

Suppose our bank is 6000 rubles. The bookmaker set the 1.9 coefficient on total covers.

Select "Careful" Option: Determine the planned winnings of 20 rubles, so the initial rate

20 / (1.9 - 1) \u003d 20 / 0.9 \u003d 22 rubles, which is 0.33% of the bankroll

If we want profits to be fixed in nature, the amount of the bet must be calculated each time by the formula

S \u003d (L + W) / k - 1, where L is the planning gain, W is a common loss, k - coefficient.

To strongly strain the brain there is an online calculator for calculating

We bet on Total Chet in the first quarter.

The first quarter ended "not in our favor" - 27:22 (Total Uncle). I note that in Live (LIVE), the bookmaker lowered the CEF on a total of even a quarter to 1.87 - thus, the bet on the 2nd quarter is done in the amount of

(20 + 22)/(1.87 – 1) = 42/0.87 = 48

In the second quarter we get - 31:31 (Total even).

Our winnings, as we planned, amounted to - 48 * 1.87 - (22 + 48) \u003d 90 - 70 \u003d 20 rubles

The bankroll chosen by us is designed for 8 iterations, that is, if the two selected matches in a row will be played not as expected, "plum" cannot be avoided. Therefore, for the experiment, we continue the game.

The following two matches (which are not superimposed on each other in time) on which we repeat play on the fourths -

"Memphis Grizzly @ Golden State Warriors" and "Portland Trail Blazerrs @ Los Angeles Laucker"

In the first of these, only the third quarter (27:27) brings an even total.

And finally, in the last match, it is necessary to confess, pretty quickly, we get 4 odd totala.

Our loss (rates in 4 iterations) - 22 + 48 + 103 + 222 \u003d 395 rubles

"Track" a quarter to four of them. The first quarter of the meeting Detroit Pistons - New York Nix ends with the score of 36:34, our bid passes. Profit - 20 rubles.

In the following three matches, using the above calculations, we get fixed profits (20 rubles) in the first, second and third steps, respectively. So for two NBA gaming days we received an income of 20 * 6 \u003d 120 rubles

This strategy can be modified depending on the "fantasy" of the player.

  1. If the first rate did not play, for example, even, then the next is done on the institution, etc.
  2. The player is included in the game in Lyiv and only if the two first quarters ended on even or uncle. It puts, it is clear to the opposite result.

Unless, of course, do not show the wonders of forecasting in comparison with the BC analyst team ...

There is a way to influence this alignment. It is based on changing the line from its initial placement until the start of the match.

The actions of the player must be the following: Early in the morning we retain a newly exhibited line on basketball (on matches that take place in the evening or at night - NBA). After 10-12 hours, we repeat this operation and begin to compare. We see that the line in some positions has undergone changes - somewhere Total went up, somewhere down. These matches are interested in us. If the gap with the original line is 2 or more points, then the players appear a chance to have an advantage over the bookmaker.

Consider in more detail on the example of one of the NBA matches.

In the screenshots, we see the initial total from the bookmaker - 229 and before the match - 231. Entering the total painted Total, we find Total 229 and make a bet on TM (229). The coefficient will be 2.19.

The line changes are usually associated with some exclusive information received by the bookmaker, but exclusively with the desire of the BC to align cash flows in both directions (this is how the BC receives a profit).

Therefore, the original Total - it remains the most likely, and we can use it.

In some cases, when the total is changed significantly, it makes sense to analyze the latest news from the team (for example, before the match it became aware of the injury of the best sniper, bringing the team to the lion's share of glasses).

Selected for example, the match ended with Total 224, our bid played.

We define the basic rules of the strategy.

  • Choosing a bookmaker with the highest coefficients. This is important, especially at the distance, if you seriously removed "to listen" with the bookmaker.
  • Fix as soon as possible the status of the line for the matches you are interested in (optimally - immediately after its placement), it is desirable at least 10-12 hours before the start of the matches.
  • The authors of the strategy consider 2 points with a minimal displacement in the line when you can consider a meeting suitable for our strategy.
  • All rates are doing. In this case, we will have an advantage over the bookmaker.

The main rule:

With an increase in total - we bet on TM (from the initial value)

Was 200 → Become 204 → put TM (200)

With a decrease - we put on TB (from the initial value)

Was 200 → 197 → put TB (200)


It seems to me that the strategy is worthy of attention. It can be adopted by the Bettors playing Flat. The search for "Vyuyny" rates require knowledge and time, and in this case we increase our chances of confrontation with the bookmaker, without spending special efforts.

Strategy Schukin on total in basketball

The strategy is based on the prematurity analysis of the basketball game and the calculation of the likely individual total total of both teams based on the statistics of the last matches of teams and personal meetings. Accordingly, it is assumed that you can correctly guess or calculate the outcome of the match and the overall total.

If briefly:

  1. Choose a match for analysis, not forgetting that we need statistical data of teams.
  2. Calculate according to the formula alleged Total 1-team (hosts). To do this, we fold the glasses scored by the command in the last 5-7 games, and the resulting amount is divided by the number of matches. Further, add 1 to the resulting result 1 for victory and subtract 1.5 for each of the lesions (the latest command meetings are taken into account). The calculation of the total volume of three points is completed - "Master Bonus".
  3. We make a similar calculation for the 2nd team, with the exception of the "bonus" add.
  4. Based on the statistics of personal meetings for three years, we calculate the average total of the 1st team in these matches. The resulting value is folded with the total, obtained in paragraphs 2, and divide into two. The same actions are done for the opponent's team. As a result, we get the likely total of each of the commands.
  5. At the final stage, we carry out a comparison with the Line BC. If the total total by us differs from the total totela, put up by the bookmaker by more than 5 points, then such a match is suitable for rates. If the total in the line is more "ours", then put on TM. Accordingly, if the total in the line is less "ours" - we put on TB.

We will analyze the analysis of the match using the example:

  1. Choose one of the NBA matches
  2. BC often provide pre-aromatic team statistics.
    It is natural, incomplete, more detailed information can be found on one of the statistical analysis sites (for example,\u003d9&tourn\u003d31). Result of the last 7 matches New York Nix
    We produce a simple calculation: 98 + 95 + 101 + 105 + 110 + 87 + 112 \u003d 708
    708/7 = 101.1
    101.1 + 3 = 104.1
    104.1 + 1 – 6 *1.5 =105.1 – 9 = 96.1
  3. Result of the last 7 matches Detroit Pistons

    87 + 95 + 96 + 112 + 75 + 83 + 96 = 644
    644/7 = 92
    92 + 1 – 6 * 1.5 = 93 – 9 = 84
  4. We calculate the average totals in personal confrontations (10 meetings).

    New York Nix.
    92 + 105 + 89 +102 +105 +108 + 90 + 95 (without overtime) + 81 + 95 \u003d 962
    962/10 = 96.2
    (96.2 + 96.1) / 2 \u003d 96.15Troit Pistons
    112 + 102 + 102 + 89 + 111 + 96 + 112 + 95 (without overtime) + 97 + 98 \u003d 1014
    1014/10 = 101.4
    (101.4 + 84) / 2 \u003d 92.7Ilt, alleged Total teams - 96 and 93, total 189 points.
  5. Total match, exposed BK, was 209 points.
    Thus, our calculated total differs from the total in the line for 20 points. This is, of course, a lot. It is time to think about whether there is some trick here ... if we come to the conclusion that there is no, then you can safely put on TM (209).
    As a result, the team scored 204 points, our bid played

But the forecast itself was distant from reality.

Some features of the strategy.

  • The strategy requires premature analysis (search for statistical data) and computing, which complicates it a little
  • As a result of the analysis, we have an estimated invoice, the individual total team and the overall total match. In my opinion, the last most reliable indicator that is worth navigating when choosing a bet.
  • Critics strategies often complain about not enough serious analysis (no results are discarded by total, there is no accounting for domestic and guest games, rival forces, etc.)


When it says about the passability of bets on this strategy, a figure is usually mentioned in 70%, which, of course, causes some distrust. However, everyone can test this system and draw their own conclusions. In my opinion, the century of information is made by serious mathematicians, software complexes are compiled, capable of fully "calculate" the match with all his nuances. Therefore, a similar strategy based on highly simplified calculations is useful for concrete, but it is unlikely that it can serve as the only basis for the game ...

The strategy on the total one or less according to the results of the first half

This strategy is called in different ways. The main idea is next. Choosing a match (better than a few), fix the initial total totals. We see the first half of the meeting (two quarters). Compare the initial total and the currently exhibited by the bookmaker depending on the game of the game. If the difference is 10%, then such matches are suitable for us. If Thotal fell (the teams are clogged), then put on TB. Otherwise, the total rose, put on TM.

It so happened that this strategy was tested by me on the example of the already mentioned match Detroit Pistons - New York Nix. Total before the match was 209.

The teams so famously began to meet that they managed to paint in the first quarter of 70 points. The current total reached up to 227 points and after the first half stopped on the number 225.

The difference was 16 points, I made a bet on TM (225). As can be seen from the following screenshot, the teams scored for two 204 points - the bid played.

Another example from the practice is the meeting of the NBA "Oklahoma-City Tander - Orlando Madzhik."

Total after the first half dropped 22 points compared to the initial one. Following the strategy, put on TB (200.5).

The teams "have done" to overtime, but Total was "piercing" in the main time of the match (204)

What is worth paying attention to, playing on this system:

  • Selection of matches. Recommendations on this occasion are different - the elimination of youth games, cup finals, low-consumable "exotic" championships. It should be agreed that in comparison with the rates on the case / union (where in principle, any match is suitable) here it is better to focus on the well-known leagues (NBA, Euroleague, etc.)
  • There are various views on how to evaluate the magnitude of the displacement of the total when selecting matches for the bet. The above was indicated about 10% (or the first two digits, which is the same). This is a general case, and so, in principle, other options can be considered, starting with 5-7 points. Here, the player can analyze the situation and make a decision.
  • In the network you can find a description of the strategy called "Strategy for basketball Total boom." It also provides a doghon in case of failure, which looks quite logical.

Still strategies. Briefly

Presented strategies, the possibilities of beatives are not limited.

Another very interesting and attractive area is the strategy "" and "" on the totals in basketball, which in some sense can be considered win-win.

The strategy on a quarter-based strategy is also popular, based on the conviction that all four-quarters of the team do not play on TB or TM. Looks like a fourth system at a quarter, only in this case "caught up" by TB or TM in a quarter.

Forecast for Total Basketball. The role of statistics

The statistics founded most of the popular strategies. Various basketball statistical services provide all sorts of information about leagues, teams, players. In priority, of course, statistics on the NBA (for example,

NBA fans know the impressive record records recorded in the most popular World League.

The maximum number of points scored by both teams is in the main time - 320 points ("Golden State" - "Denver", 162: 158, 11/02/1990). If we take into account overtime, then 370 points ("Detroit" - "Denver", 186: 184 (3 from), 12/13/1983).

How to predict total in basketball

There are various approaches to solving the issue of forecasts to the exact total in basketball. Some we have already considered higher.

Be sure to take into account the basis (the same as in other sports), but basketball has its own specifics:

  1. Analysis of the physical form of players (complex schedule, moving over long distances, etc.).
  2. The presence of injured players in both teams. This factor is able to seriously affect the total. The situation must be monitored by almost the beginning of the match.
  3. When calculating the total, each of the commands using statistical data should be considered:
    • The factor of his field (if the team plays at home, then homemade matches are taken in the calculation).
    • The game is discarded, the result of which is not typical for one reason or another for the evaluated team.
    • Not taken into account by overtime, play-off games, if it comes to "regularly" (in games, the performance drops).

Approach based on the ratio of the number of possessions by the ball

Another curious approach to the analyzing of the total in basketball will like the fans of game statistics of matches. It is based on the ratio of the number of possessions by the ball of each of the teams and abandoned glasses. You can determine the effectiveness of the action team in the attack and in defense.

If 100 possessions account for 120 points - the effectiveness of the attack 1.2 points per possession.

To calculate the likely total match, it is necessary to correctly predict the number of possessions by the ball in the match and determine the effectiveness of the team attack.

In basketball, it also did not cost without a well-known calculation scheme Total for American football. We have already considered its application for European football, for basketball it looks similarly, only there it is necessary to use the average total total indicator (in relation to a specific league). For example, in NBA according to the service From 2012 to 2017, the average total was 200.45 points.

Overview of programs for calculating total in basketball: Tables, Calculators

Various mathematical tools for calculating total in basketball are actively moving on a network on a commercial basis. The question of their effectiveness needs a separate study. Here I will simply give examples of mathematical means that are used by the Bettors.

Considering Schukin's strategy to basketball, we produced calculations manually using simple formulas. The following level is automatic calculations based on Excel or programs.

The form of a simple calculator program for calculating, where you want to put in the table information. Unlike the descriptions of the calculation, Total Shchukin on the Internet, here the sample of matches is limited to six games.

Another option - calculations directly in the Excel table. One of them is called - "Analytical program for basketball rates" and determines the outcome and total match.

Here the sample is 10 matches. In the screenshot below we see the results of the calculations.

For the listed means it is characteristic that these statistics are manually entered.

Among the more serious programs, self-collecting the necessary data, you can highlight the betting program for Winbasket basketball matches. The program window is divided into several areas. In the left, we choose the match, after which we observe the statistics of the teams and the calculated indicators - the account, total, coefficients. According to the authors of this program, it makes the analysis of matches immediately in three schemes:

  • schukina system
  • system Outcome / Match
  • nBA system Fly

Algorithms, programs, models based on statistical analysis and probability theory are used by all market participants (bookmakers, players, capperas). In the relevant forums, you can find reasoning about the chains of Markov, the Kolmogorov equation - Chase. Nevertheless, I am convinced that all this is only one of the means to achieve the goal, and the data issued by these programs cannot be perceived as a 100% forecast of the upcoming event.

Summing up

Evaluating the prospects of total in basketball for rates, I can say the following. Basketball is not a priority sport for me. However, when I got acquainted closer with this area, I found a lot of interesting opportunities. It is the basketball that seems to me a convenient "battle field" with a bookmaker when using various strategies associated with the change of line, betting in Live, corridors and forks.

Yes, and the whole basketball as a whole. Today I propose to determine if there is really working basketball bet strategy in Lyiv?

I am quite skeptical about various game strategies, as 100% tactics allowing without risk and without much difficulty to win, no. But some justifying themselves approaches and the concept of the game. Next, it is about this and talk to what you should pay attention to during Live basketball matches.

Basketball Basketball Workshop in Lyiv

The most common strategy of basketball bets in Live is a strategy game of totalas in the quarters. Yes, a certain proportion of truth in this is that it is rare to meet the game when in the match all four quarters are completed on the total glasses clogged or less. But sometimes such matches are still passing. Some koppers offer this concept the game to combine with the dogon, which, in my opinion, promises failure at the distance. If the Kapper will stumble on such a game where all four quarters will piss the ring, then his bank will pretty weight loss.

If you still decided to put on a total of quarters, then you need to consider first of all the following:

  • Form of commands
  • Form of leaders
  • Statistics Points Bench

Basketball Intensive sport, where a replacement occurs every few minutes. All teams from the start come out in their most optimal compositions, which means that if all the leaders are healthy and in the start, then the first quarter is best to take a total of more points. If the bet is playing, then on the second quarter we look at the total glasses less, since in most cases most of the time the second quarter the leaders of each team will rest.

But, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the bench, because there are such teams in the NBA in particular, where the benches are incredibly powerful and gaining points are not less than the main starting. In less popular championships, where the choice of teams of individual performers is not so rich, can with a more or less equal game the whole first half to play in one makeup. Most recently watched such a match in Argentina's Basketball Championship. The first half threw well, but in the second we went frequent replacements and Total fell.

Read also Volleyball bet strategy in Live: how and what to put on?

We will summarize that it is necessary to take into account if we put on the strategy of bets on basketball in Lyiv to total more / less points on the quarters:

  1. Statistics set of glasses by the main players
  2. Statistics Sick Points Players Bench
  3. The form of teams in general

It is quite obvious if the team plays the first half of the game in one makeup, then the second will be replaced, so in the second half it is worth taking ITM.

Basketball Basketball Strategy in Live for Common Total

However, I am much more like a completely different strategy. It is as follows:

  • The first half of the meeting (2 quarters) is visible.
  • The initial total total is compared after two quarters
  • If the total rose by 7-10%, then the total glasses are taken less if the total has fallen by 7-10%, then the total points are raised (total total match)

I will give a small example. Yesterday was a match in Argentina on basketball. Initially, the total in front of the game was exhibited in the region of 162.5. But the players did not fly at all. Yes, it happens that you expect a match of the match more, but all the basic basketball players seem to be good, but come out and can not score. The first three quarters took place on TM, here it was and we see that it will be with the bank, if you catch the first three-quarters on TB and even Dogon. Therefore, I do not recommend this strategy to apply.

Basketball is the best game with the ball. This, of course, is not indisputable, the expression is attributed to the commentator of the TV channel "Match TV", known in the past Basketball player Vladimir Gomel. Anyway, no one will argue with the fact that basketball is a spectacular and dynamic game in which everything can change at any time. We will try to earn on this volatility of basketball.

Winged "swing" basketball

Basketball as a sport for betting is popular among the players, and enjoys well-deserved attention from bookmakers. The latter is expressed in a solid "painting" of the line even on such specific markets as Finnish Championships or Poland. Evidence of popularity among players is the presence of all kinds of strategies of bets in basketball. One of the most famous among them is the doghon on the winner on the quarters.

As known, basketball Match comprises 4-quarters 10 (in the American and Philippine Leagues - 12) minutes. As in any other sport, every particular match has a favorite and Anderdog. Sometimes this is a very pronounced favorite - so much that his victory is estimated by the coefficient of 1.05, and the phora is 25-30 points.

It happens in each form of sports - remember at least the notorious "Real P1". But if in football the favorite, as a rule, confidently dominates throughout the match, then in basketball such a picture is not as often as often - even if we are talking about favorite, the likelihood of which bookmakers are evaluated in 1.05.

For example, take two matches with the participation of the "heavy" favorite in the face of the Spanish "Barcelona" - football and basketball. On March 1, the Spanish Grand (1st place in the National Championship) took a modest "Sporting" on his field (19th place in the championship). Victory "Barca" did not doubt At bookmakers, which was supported by the 1.05 coefficient. "Barcelona" fully justified the expectations of football analysts, defeating the "Sporting" with a score of 6-1. At the same time, the Catalans confidently won in both hats: 3-1 in the first (the victory of the hosts was evaluated at 1.22) and 3-0 in the second (estimated at 1.15).

Basketball "Barça", although it takes the 5th place in the Spanish Championship (from the "Valencia Going in the first place" 3 victories are separated), it is considered one of the favorites of the tournament and has no less star composition than football.

On February 12, Barcelona took Mentarelon on his field, which in the Spanish Championship ranks last. The chances of Catalan basketball players were evaluated even higher than their football teammates - the coefficient to win did not exceed 1.03, and the phora was (-19). Did something incredible happened? Not. "Barcelona" confidently won with a difference of 20 points (92:72), breaking, let and french, minus fores.

Now we'll seeHow events developed in this match from the point of view of quarters. "Barca" began very confident, thoring the heads of the bookmakers (-5) on the first quarter with a large margin (33-23). After a convincing start of the favorite, the bookmakers reduced the minus Obo "Barcelona" on the 2nd quarter to (-2.5), but she was broken (22:18). For a big break, the teams went with a score 55:41. During the break Bookmakers In the 3rd quarter again put the Catalan favorite with the form (-2).

But in the third quarter of the match everything went a little different ways assumed the analysts of the BC. "Manresa" managed to impose the struggle to the famous opponent, and as a result reduced the difference from 14 to 12 points, winning the 3rd quarter with an advantage of 2 points. The coefficient to the "Manresian" victory in the 3rd quarter was 2.3. In the final segment, everything fell into place, and "Barcelona" again won with a difference of 8 points, Punching the minus for the 4th quarter of the 4th quarter and confidently winning the match.

Strategy Live rates in basketball For quarters, it is based on the fact that in one of the quarters, the team either will be able to keep their heads, or in general will be able to win at least one quarter, like the Manresian in the 3rd quarter. Such a system was named Humpty Dumpty.

Why does it work?

Strategy followers argue that even the weakest team is able to win at least one quarter. Or hold the advantage of the possession. Skeptics object - what prevents a strong team to take all the quarters? Why should she lose at least one of them if she is elementary stronger than his rival?

Let's figure it out.

Let's go back to the football match "Barcelona - Sporting". What could the coach "Sporting" in the first half with a score of 3-1? Stand at the edge of the field and try to finish the players. What makes a basketball coach in cases when his team begins to lose in the first quarter of 10, and then 15 points? Right - he takes a time out. Takes his board, collects players around himself and shows them that you need to change.

Modern basketball - this is a chess partyin which more than 150 different combinations. Only the attack can be played by such combinations as the zone breakthrough, the "eight", a combination attack, the attack "Give and leave" (transfer with the subsequent rapid jerk to the ring), attack through the center, with a long distance and so on.

The uniqueness of the basketball is that the coach may at any time take a time out to change the game of his team, give an indication about the winning combination. Neither in football, nor hockey from the coach, there is no possibility to affect the game along the match. All this leads to the fact that the situation on the site may change at any time, sometimes in the most radical way. That's why basketball is called "Swing."

Please note what happens in the NBA matches when the team passes the rival jerk 0-6 or 0-8. The coach immediately takes a time-out, after which the team usually returns to the game, playing the advantage.

Another important point is psychology. It is quite difficult to constantly maintain a concentration when your team wins 20, and even in 30 points. In one of the quarters, it is quite possible if you do not relax, then slightly slow down the grip in protection, and the leaders fall to individual actions. The opponent for which "fly" in 20-30 points (and even in front of their fans) is a real shame, it will certainly take advantage of this, and if not completely demoralized, it will try to impose a fight, or even return to the game. Such examples we observe each round of each championship..

Another important aspect - The desire of coaches to guard the leaders The starting five, when the result of the match is no longer a doubt. This approach is widely practiced on both sides of the ocean: in San Antonio before the start of the final quarter, Parker and Leonard can sit on the bench, in Dallas - Novitski, in Moscow CSKA, convincingly defeating Parma - the entire starting five to the young Players were able to express themselves and disrupt the ovations of the public. This is especially true in the second half of the season for European clubs, in parallel with the home championship forced to perform in European competitions. That is why we often see how in the last quarter the team, which losing the whole match, takes revenge.

All this allows you to say with confidence that a quarter won is a quarter - not just interesting statistical information, not an accident, but the most real pattern of modern basketball. Bookmakers know perfectly about it, Exposing limits on the rates on the quarters (especially on the last quarter), and even blocking the accounts of the players, comprehended by the basketball dogon basketball. You can also make money on basketball "swing" if you adhere to a few simple rules.

How to bet on the Humpty Dumpty system

For the game on the HUMPTY DUMPTY system you need to find a match on which will be take in Live mode.
Some followers of HUMPTY DUMPTY argue that matches need to be selected by the following criteria:

BUT) The team should play in the second half of the match better than in the first.

B) Studying team statistics, you need to ensure that it does not have a tendency to "plum" of all quarters

IN) In full-time meetings, none of the teams should lose all quarters of more than two matches

D) The team does not have trends towards major losses of all quarters, except one

It is possible that for European basketball, these rules work, but they are not suitable for the NBA. As an example, you can bring the game between "Orlando" and "New York Nix", which took place on the night of March 1-2. The first round match in December "Orlando" lost all 4 quarters, but in the March meeting, they took a convincing revenue, losing only the last quarter and winning the match 101: 90 (Davali Dawal Dawa Line. 2, 2 for the victory of New York "And odds (+1) in quarters).

By careful analysis, we find the match of equal teams or the game in which anderdog maybe Render a favorite fierce resistance. At the same time, we pay special attention to:

  1. - Championship Germany
  2. - Filipin Championship
  3. - NBA
  4. - France Championship
  5. -Componate Italy
  6. -Componate Finland and Sweden
  7. -Compyat Czech Republic

After the start of the match in Live, we see the first quarter, and We bet on Anderdog In the case of his loss, either on one of the teams that lost a quarter, in the case of the game of equal commands. If Anderdog won the first quarter, we leave the game, and never put on the favorite - too large a minus forah will be on it in the next quarters. If the "heavy" favorite lost Anderdogu 1 and 2 quarters, then in the third minus Fora, on his quarter a quarter, can reach (-10) glasses.

Before joining the game, we break our bank into three parts. On the second quarter we put 15% of the bank, on the third quarter - 30% of the bank, on the 4th quarter - 55% of the bank. These numbers are not an axiom, and you can break the bank at your discretion in such a way that at each next step to repel the money lost and profit. Just do not forgetthat often the team wins in the last quarter.

At the same time, you can enter the game not from the second quarter, but from the 3rd or even from the 4th. In this case, we can start at once with a 30% bank or from 55% of the bank, or wait for the team loss in the three-quarters of the match to download the last quarter of the standard 15% of the bank.

By careful analysis you always find 2-3 matches per day In the European or Asian championships, and 1-2 matches in the NBA, which will be approached for the bet. On weekends, when the next rounds of European national championships are held, they will be more than more.

One of the most popular sports is basketball - a more exciting and beautiful game for those who are interested in spectacular events. But also basketball is a great way to earn at bets in bookmakers, having its own features and secrets. In addition, strategies for basketball rates differ from football just with their approach to different leagues, championships, countries, and therefore more accurately evaluate the future result of the contest. So, in order.

Fast passage

Bets for total in basketball

Basketball is one of those sports where there is a lot of opportunities for earnings at rates, but also the latitude of analysts is quite large. Immediately, the feature of the transaction is rushed into the eye - it is necessary to closely clarify at the bookmaker (and if it is indicated - to take into account) with overtime (from) or without a reflected rate. Overtime is called extra time (5 minutes), which is given if at the end of the main game teams played a draw. By the way, whether the overtime will be at the end of the match - also a separate betting, which can be quite well earned.

Bets on total in basketball is one of the most popular betting in bookmakers. Totals are a numeric face, both sides, one of which needs to be chosen to conclude a transaction with the bookmaker. Types of totals on basketball are the same as in football, only slightly modified the essence of the value and the numeric indicator. Total more (TB) and less (TM) suggest whether the specified event indicator will be exceeded or not. In football, for example, habitually see such tatals as 1.5 or 2.5 per number of scored heads. And the basketball is considered not the number of throws in the basket, but counted glasses (the usual abandoned ball - 2 points, three-point throw - far). Therefore, it is necessary to understand that TB155.5 on the match is the norm, and for the period definitely bust. Again, a detailed analytics of cups and teams will help to determine the maximum possible total at the game.

In addition to the glasses for the whole game, the totals in basketball are used for each quarter and on a separate command. Mathematical calculations and past statistics after determining the approximate total total, and with other indicators.

Basketball bets in Live

Conclusion betting on the site of the bookmaker's office, when the match has already begun - these are bids Live. In basketball, they have a big advantage than in other sporting events. If in football is only 2 half, and in tennis, a maximum of 3 sites, then in basketball - 4 periods, which means that it is wider than and, in the event of a nothed rate in the first or even the first three periods, there is always the opportunity to recoup in the fourth . It is still nice to play on Live and because it is not necessary to put on the whole game as a whole, you can just limit yourself to one period and if the rate immediately played, you can safely refuse to calmly from further transactions.

In betting live to conclude transactions with a bookmaker, it is possible not only on the outcome or total time and periods, even before the end of the game, the Handicap coefficients (Fora) are still available, who will scratch the point in the match or the rate on the case / non-raininess in Live- bets and free throws or fouls.

Basketball bets in quarters

Excellent opportunity to quickly "raise" money, increase the chances of winning or returning funds for already, obviously, a non-marked bet - it is not immediately on the whole game, but in stages. Basketball bets on the quarters have proven themselves well and to understand the advantage, consider this version of the strategy.

Match in Life - Gran Canaria and Hapoel Jerusalem. There is already a third quarter and for general glasses at the current moment on this segment of the game - a draw. But draw, as you know, is not the most common outcome of the game, especially in basketball. If the entire match was already put on the winnings of the Gran Canaria, but in the third period, the margin shows that the forecast may not come true, that is, the opportunity to correct the situation by putting a rival or handicap of the current outsider, depending on the size of the CEFs and the theory of probability . It is also necessary to analyze the situation and do not rush. It often happens that the basketball team is swinging for a long time, pulls out the opponent, and then opens second breathing. Therefore, rates for periods in basketball is better to spend in real time and, it is desirable, watching the current state of the online broadcast game.

Rates of emphasis in basketball

To put to the game and at the beginning of the match the rate on the case / uncle in basketball is to poke your finger into the sky, it is no better than playing a casino with a chance of 50 to 50. But if you analyze three quarters of a sporting event and rely on the statistics of the frequency of abandoned three-point statistics ( Considering the presence of basketball players who systematically perform such throws) - then the percentage ratio of the variation of the couple and nothing is beginning to be adjusted towards the Bether. It is not necessary to navigate the coefficient (equal to 1.85) - it is the same on the reasons to be the above, because the bookmaker does not realize what the result will be.

Features and secrets online Basketball rates

1) Glasses per game have more permanent character than in other sporting events, even in time intervals. There is a certain corridor of abandoned balls approximately from 114 to 230 along with overtime, depending on the league and teams participating in the match. And if the game in football or hockey can often end with a draw or zero account, the basketball does not suffer in such events.

2) There is the possibility of betting on the odds and total without a significant reduction in the CEFs, as often happens in football.

3) The intensity of the number of competitions in the championship is much higher - you can make a bet almost every day.

The secret of successful bets on basketball can be called regularities that occur during the game:

1) At the beginning of the season, basketball teams do not reach glasses, comparing averages. The main reason is the "Rack" and the setting of the "combat spirit" of athletes.

2) Replacing even one player in the main composition can lead to unpredictable results - after all, without teamwork and the command system, the opponent is much more difficult to defeat. The same applies to injuries during the offseason.

3) The effectiveness of the balls abandoned into the ring in the playoffs is lower than in the season, because the main task in the competition is not to give to throw a rival, and only then attack.

Basketball Base Strategy

Basketball rates strategies are based on each individual league, Cup and any better will notice what, sometimes, big differences between the results of matches. The most popular basketball matches for rates - FIBA \u200b\u200bCall Cup (to which the most famous NBA is the National Basketball Association of the USA), Euroleague, Eurocup, Single League VTB. Marking strategy on total club in every single club is an arithmetic counting of the average statistical indicator, taking into account the forow. How to calculate the correct total on the game between the teams?

Counting the average total on the basketball team and on the match

Selecting the game - we appeal to statistics on previously played matches. It is important - the more previous data it is collected, the more correct the outcome of the current basketball game will be calculated. For example, we take the last 7 contests of both teams with other rivals. Calculate the average rate of each - we summarize the glasses and divide on 7. So, add a two points to the receiving side, as they play at home, do not touch guests yet. After that, we produce the following calculations with the result of the owners of the field - for each victory from the last 7 matches add a unit, and for the loss - take 1.5. Doing the same with the result of guests. As a result, we get two values \u200b\u200bthat can be considered an approximate indicator on the command. The amount of these numbers divided into two - will be an average total at the match. Choose the nearest total to the bet.

Data from statistics can be taken directly on the site of the bookmaker, which in the archive stores information about the events, filtering data on teams and clubs. On Viline, for example, click on the statistics icon (opposite the match on the right) will open a new tab where you can see the results of the already played matches, event calendar, full-time meetings.

Basketball bets on basketball

Dogon's strategy works great in one match when the transaction is performed for periods. How it works? We put on a given event with a smaller coefficient for the first period, if not played - we increase the amount twice and again put on the same outcome only in the second period. After the failure of the team in the first segment of the game, it will try to rehabilitate, and the bookmaker will immediately increase the CEF. If, during this time, the rehabilitation time did not occur - the coefficient increases even more, and we again make the same actions with the next period. Here we get or a significant gain, or a change of positions. Usually, to the fourth quarter, the gap for such a failure is essential, so we change your opinion on clearly the opposite, and put on the original outsider, increasing the amount so that at least have a small profit, since CEF is much smaller than at the beginning of the game.

Ordinar - Single Bet

Single bet may include only one bet with a fixed coefficient to which the amount flow will be multiplied. It is necessary to play orders in order to diversify deposits, bringing risks to a minimum. At the same time, single coupons can be played both at different matches and one, even with a variety of initial positions per match. This is the easiest way to bet on the sport on the site of the bookmaker.

Express rates are a coupon, which includes transactions for several matches. Attracts express the ability to increase the attachment at times and even dozens of times. The nuances are: it is impossible to put in one express Caef from one match, as well as, in the event of a loss of at least one point from the coupon, the whole amount burns. As a recommendation - try not to make too long lines from sports events in one coupon. Let it be better to be several express rates, but with a greater probability of winning, especially since one such coupon from 2-9 sets can give profit even when the rest of the tickets fail.

Let's start with the fact that not all bookmakers offer a better rates, and the main reason is an increased probability of winning. For novice players, this is just a chance to progress yourself from losses due to lack of experience. The essence of the betting system in basketball is to give the opportunity to beetter the right to an error without losing all attached tools. The coupon of the system is a crushing of long express into several short, and in case of losing one or more (depending on the selected type of system), get a winn for the rest. The system coupon can be, for example, 2 of 3 or 6 out of 12, where in the first case is allowed to lose the same event, and in the second - six. But on winning short expresss, the coefficients are not multiplied, but are summed up. The final result of the coupon, compared with the usual expression, below profitability, but it gives much more chances to win.

Virtual basketball Blank (VBL)

Digital technologies are firmly entered into our lives and now lovers of virtual sports have the opportunity to earn at BBQ betting (virtual basketball). VBL matches are a simulation of an artificial intelligence of a possible outcome of the game, given the built-in statistics of real teams, their position in the tournament table, club indicators. Episodes from the match are created using a random number generator, and the better can monitor the game using virtual broadcast.

The virtual basketball system works around the clock. Participates in the contest of 16 teams, and each game of 8 passes within 3 minutes 20 seconds. Before making a bet on a virtual basketball, you need to understand not only the event development system, but also study the statistical indicators of the current state of the standings, analyze the indicators of the teams. Next, open a deal:

  • In the line we find the line "Virtual Basketball";

  • To view statistics, find it on the icon specified in the screenshot.

  • Events open to pay immediately under general information;

  • The click of the match will open a window of additional betting, where you can choose coefficients of odds, total and individual totals, victory of one of the teams or draw. Transactions are accepted up to 10 seconds before the match. We make your bets and click on the corresponding button. After 4 minutes we get the results of the game.

How to bet on basketball on the site bk

Having having learned the theory of bets on basketball, after analyzing the statistics of the most predictable matches - we do it. How to make a bet in the bookmaker? Consider the easiest way - ordinar. So, the steps to the conclusion of betting with the bookmaker look approximately as follows:

1) We register on the site of the bookmaker office, preferably licensed. On our site, all bookmakers are official and working through the Cupis (what is Cupis, its advantages and disadvantages read in a separate article). We introduce real data and confirm your identity, following the instructions on the site.

2) We will make money on the balance of any of the payment systems presented on the site.

4) Create your own basketball bet strategy using general information.

5) Click on the match for the opening of the coefficients presented at the current moment from the BC.

6) Select the required category of bets and click on the winnings. At this point, the coupon is filled on the right, which indicates the information about the competition, the selected CEF and the amount for the bet. We specify the amount and click the "Make a bet" button, or the character, replacing it.

7) We repeat the same actions, only with 3 points, to open new transactions with the bookmaker. Watch the matches and win money on the online bets!

Strategy Dogon in quarters

3 quarter bet strategy

Surely you thought about what really a lot of people bet on a quarter, because they are difficult to predict, etc. It turns out that quite a lot of betters make this kind of forecasts both in mode before the start of the match and in the Live branch, i.e. online when the match is already coming.

What guaranteed kapper when choosing a match and forecasting, what are they studying and what are the most popular outcomes prefer to take into their transactions with bookmakers? You will learn about this from this article.

So, one of the most popular strategies is the bid on Anderdog to win a quarter. The coefficients are chosen within 2.5-7, and we calculate that at least one quarter will remain for the winner. You need to put on the "Dogon" system. For example, on the first quarter - 100 rubles, on the second (in case of losing the first), multiply twice -200 rubles, if the second loses - the third bet again raise - 400 rubles. Well, if she does not go - the fourth bet is made 800 rubles. In most cases, a weaker team in basketball takes at least one quarter. However, there are losses of all four quarters. Then we continue to multiply the next match. It is important to analyze the games of Apsiders, watch statistics.

The screenshot shows 7 random matches from the line of the day, and in 6 matches from 7 outsider won 1 quarter.

Strategy of rates on total quarter

Another popular bet is a quarter of a quarter more or less, and even or unless. We will analyze first forecasts on TB and TM in a quarter. We can move along the same tactic that was described above on the victory of the outsider using the "Dogon". We choose more or less and put the rates with multiplication until it goes and in the end we will not remain in the plus. The minus of this tactics is that a decent bank is to have. Because there are an unsuccessful series, when only the 6th or 7th bid can be won. However, if after 5 bets you can not put the sixth with multiplication, you are a decent amount.

Now consider the transactions on the "even" and "odd" in the quarters. Professional players who often play in this type of betting, have developed some tactics. We are waiting for the moment when two minutes will remain until the end of the current quarter, and if the result is still even - we put on even. Explanation of this choice: For the remaining two minutes, the commands will be able to hold 6 attacks on average (for 20 seconds to the attack takes). Three-pointed few people will risk throwing, especially if the teams go to the leg. And the penalties rush very carefully, so the high probability that two goals will fly off the penalties.

Strategy Dogon in quarters

We have already raised the "Dogon" strategy in the rates on a quarter. Now let's talk more about choosing matches where it is better to apply it. Many professional betters are offered in the morning to select 8-10 matches in line and record which totals are put on a quarter in each of them. Well, then we wait when it remains an hour before the meeting starts, and compare the coefficients. Where the value has changed a few points "+" (it was for example Total 35, and now 37-38) we set everywhere on TM. And if the total for each quarter decreased by 2-3 points, we flirting TB. Why is that? This is most likely the bookmakers try to level the volume of money on both sides of the total.

We initially put on the first quarter if the transaction loses, multiply 2 times and put on. The whole system of "Dogon" is described already above and in the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the rates in the example you can navigate and understand how much you put. As soon as the bid played, you start your way first and put the minimum bet.

3 quarter bet strategy

What are the good bets on the third quarter? The thing is that such forecasts are made in most cases Live. And Kapper already sees the picture of the match, as two quarters were played to the break. Based on this data, you can analyze how the teams will behave, run forward and throw a lot of throws, or will be a little dried the game. Yes, and the arithmetic average already you will know by the fourths played.

Therefore, you need to analyze the player team player. If she is more protective, and this team in half of the game managed to go into a gap, wait - TM. If on the floor there is such a situation that the favorite lost, wait for the powerful bullfight on the opponent's ring and an active game with throws. And this is most of all TB.

In general, in the break very correctly bets when you saw half of the meeting, you can analyze the statistics and already on the basis of them to make your forecast. It is not only about the total totals more / less, but also forces, outcomes P1 / P2, and other types of rates.