Robert Downey in full growth. Robert Downey Jr.

Robert Downey in full growth. Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey in full growth. Robert Downey Jr.

Men should be measured by centimeters, and growth sites including. This physiological parameter has an important meaning, especially if we are talking about a man who is known for the whole world. And who does not know Robert Dauni younger, brilliantly playing the role of Tony Stark in the fantastic adventure militant "Iron Man"? It would seem that you can still dream of, because there are glory, and material wealth, and happy family life. But, obviously, there is one complex among the actor, because it's not for nothing that Robert Downey Jr does not like to be photographed in full growth. Of course, avoid cameras - the task for sought-after actors is almost unbearable, so it appears most often in public. What is Robert Dauni younger?

Spots in the Sun.

It is from the screens of televisions and red tracks to us are looking confident people, without flaws, complexes and problems, but in reality the actors are ordinary people. So, Robert Downey, who adore millions of fans and fans, believes that his growth is too small. Of course, it does not make such applications out loud, but the conclusions will suggest themselves. In the official portfolio, which is made from each minimer, it is indicated that Robert Downey Jr. has an increase equal to 174 centimeters, and the weight is within 73-75 kilograms. But these data were repeatedly questioned, and then why.

In 2003, recovering from a divorce with Deboor Falconer, Robert married Susan Levin. The second wife of the actor, which is producer, never hid his height - 160 centimeters. And why hide, if, according to the generally accepted standards, he fits into the "golden middle"? The solutions of the elementary mathematical example is sufficient to determine the difference in the growth between Robert Dauni and his wife, which is 14 centimeters. But the photos taken by Paparazzi during the rest of the actor with his wife on the beach, indicate that this difference is somewhat less. It is easy to make sure that you look at the photo below. Even the naked look it can be seen that the growth of Robert Downey ML. Does not reach the declared 174 centimeters. It varies within 170-172 centimeters.

Is this a reason for growing? Any adequate person will not see the problem in this. But the actor thinks differently, because at the solemn events it was not once noticed in the shoe, increasing growth. Obviously, in the wardrobe of the Hollywood actor, shoes and shoes in high square heels are dominated, which he tries to hide under long pants trousers. But the cameras of the omnipresent paparazzi does not slip away.

It remains only to guess, why the actor who bathes in the rays of glory resorts to such tricks. It is much more important to keep a healthy lifestyle, because it's no secret that Robert Dauni Jr., who revealed to the cinema at a five-year-old age, had problems with alcohol and drugs. In a drunk, he often satisfied the fights, and once fell asleep naked in the living room of the neighbors, to which she was passing through the fence at night. In 1996, the actor underwent forced treatment from narcotic dependence, and then spent a year and a half in prison.

Robert Downey Jr. was a sealing deboschier. At one time, the actor managed to put the entire Hollywood on the ears. He fucked over his colleagues, satisfied his own scenes on the set and disrupted the ideas. But in recent years, he became the right way and became the highest paid actor. Gicnuned found 15 curious facts about the life and career of the actor.

1 He carries high heels

Robert may be the highest paid actor Hollywood, but it is definitely not the highest. Its growth is 173 cm.

During the start of the filming of Sherlock Holmes film, Guy Richie was dissatisfied with the difference in the growth of Robert Dauni Jr. and Jude Lowe and forced Robert to wear footwear on the platform. While addiction to the new shoe, the actor was not always able to keep the balance during filming.

Being forced to wear heels in almost every scene of the "Iron Man", as Gwyneth Paltrow above him, the actor became much more confident to walk on them. Also Robert borrowed an idea with heels and for his daily wardrobe.

2 I tried marijuana at the age of 6

The attitude of the actor with drugs has a long history, and acquaintance with them passed under unusual conditions. When Robert was 6 years old, his father offered to smoke together Marijuana. Later, Dauni said that the use of drugs became a certain emotional connection between him and his father. He claims that this is how the father tried to show his love. Just he did not know how to do it right.

3 Burger King saved him life

Somehow in 2003 Robert Downey Jr. drove by car in a state of narcotic intoxication. Seeing the diner burger King, I decided to buy myself burger. But the taste of one seemed so disgusting that Dauni Proshev understood that it was necessary to change his life. The first point of the new life was the refusal of drugs.

4 Threw the last acquired drugs to the ocean

After the incident with Burger King, Robert Downey Jr. canceled drug tramp with friends and instead went toward the sea. When I arrived at a place, inhaling clean air and listening to the crash of the waves, he realized that he was ready to abandon drugs. He collected all the narcotic substances that were with him, and threw them into the water. Since then, it is absolutely clean.

5 He was released on a day from a rehabilitation center for shooting in Elton John clip

The script for the clip was simple: a man walks on an empty house, singing a song strings. The only problem was that the director wanted to see in the clip just Robert, who was then in the rehabilitation center.

The entire clip consists of one continuous double. A total of 16 doubles were made.

6 He had to play Hamlet in the scenic adaptation of Mela Gibson

Dauni had to play the Danish Prince, but he went to prison due to drugs. Gibson, however, was not offended and years later paid the insurance, without which Robert would not get more in Hollywood not a single role.

7 He studied the classic ballet in England

Because of the schedule of Father, Robert spent most of his childhood and junior in moving. During this time, he managed to live in California, New York, Connecticut, Paris and a small town of Chelsea. Where in 1977 in studied at the School of Perhe House and was engaged in classic ballet.

8 At school time he hated comics

In the high school grades, he was removed from classes for hooliganism: Dauni insulted his classmate for his love for graphic novels, snatched comic from his hands and ripped into parts. And, by the way, it was a comic about an iron man.

9 He is the first and last member of SNL, who nominated for an Oscar in the "Best Male Role" nomination

List of eminent members of the transfer "Saturday night in the lone of air" (eng. Saturday Night Live) Very extensive, among them: Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Will Ferrell, Steve Martin, Dan Ecroyd, Billy Crystal, Chris Rock and even Rob Schneider.
Nevertheless, Dauni Jr. was the first nominee for Oscar for the best male role. It happened in 1993, then he was nominated for the role in the biographical film "Chaplin".

10 He buried all the clothes from the film "Less zero" in the backyard

Robert Downey Jr. Wanting Take the hell over the past life, took all the clothes he wore during the filming of the film "Less Zero", telling about the collapse of the personality of the rich children, and buried her in the backyard at home. Thus, he symbolically committed with an old life and began a new stage.

11 Broke the hand of Holly Berry

Removing in the movie "Gothic" with Holly Berry, Dauni accidentally broke her hand. Robert then pulled the actress too sharply. After that, Dauni immediately took from the site and checked on alcohol and drugs - but did not find anything and let go.

12 The actor in Japan ordered

In 2008, during the promotional tour of the film "Iron Man," Dauni flew to Japan, but at the airport he was almost denied the entrance due to numerous problems with law and bad reputation. The organizers managed to settle the harness under the honest word that the actor will never come to the country of the rising sun.

It may surprise you, but any place of the actor is not exotic beaches or noisy filmmakers, but an international comic conference.

Appearing on the program "Late night with Net Mainers", Downey Jr. told about his numerous visits on Comic-Con after he became an "iron man." " I feel like the mayor of the Comic-Con. My normal life outside it seems incredibly boring. But when I on Comic-Con, I am a deity ".

Robert was born in the family of Robert Downey Elder and Eli Downey. His father was an actor, director and producer, and mother actress. The parents of the actor divorced in 1978.

Since childhood, Robert participated in the projects of his father. Already at the age of five, he made his debut in the downey-senior film "Pan". Then followed small roles in the paintings "The Palace of Griser", "In the Ass Academy" and others.

In 1978, together with his father, he moved to California, but in 1982 he threw school and returned to New York to continue the acting career.

In 1985, he joined the team of the popular American television show "Saturday in the evening live," where he worked during the year.

After moving to Hollywood, Robert Dauni received a major role in the comedy "Specialist in Element", released on screens in 1987. Then the roles were followed in such patterns as "less than zero", "believing in the truth", "Aer America".

In 1992 played a major role in the film "Chaplin". For work in this film, the actor received the first in his career a nomination for the Golden Globe and Oscar.

In the following years, starred in such films as "short stories", "Ava Caesar", "Only you", "Royal Grace", "Love Triangle", "Black and White", "Gothic", "fur" and many others .

The new twist in the career of Robert Downey Jr. was the role of Tony Stark in the film "Iron Man", released on screens in 2008. In the same year, the actor starred in the picture "Soldiers of Failures", for the role in which the next nomination for Oscar and Golden Globe received.

In 2010, Robert became the owner of the Golden Globe Prize for the execution of the lead role in the film "Sherlock Holmes".

Currently continues to film. Among his latest works, role in films such as "Avengers", "Judge", "Iron Man 3", "Avengers: Era Altron."

Hobbies : Wushu, music, painting

Personal life : From 1984 to 1991, I met with actress Sarai Jessica Parker.

In 1992, Robert married the singer and the Debora Falconer model. In September 1993, the Song of Indio was born from the spouses. The pair broke up in 2004 due to the narcotic dependence of the actor.

In 2003, on the set of thriller "Gothic" met with the producer of Susan Levin. Romantic relationships arose between Robert and Susan, which led to the fact that in August 2005, the lovers played a wedding. On November 4, 2014, the spouses became their parents: the pair had daughter Avri Roel.

Scandals \\ Interesting Facts \\ Charity

In the mid-1990s, the actor suffered from narcotic drug addiction. At that time, as a result of a series of loud scandals, he was fired from the studios, where he was busy on the set. In addition, in 1996, Robert was sentenced to 16 months of imprisonment and forced treatment for drugs and weapons. His current wife Susan Levin helped to cope with a detrimental dependence: before making her the proposal, the actor passed the course of treatment in one of the Los Angeles clinics and completely got rid of dependence.

According to Robert Downey Jr., to drugs, in particular, he learned his father when the actor was only eight years old.

actor, producer, screenwriter

Robert Downey ML. - The man of difficult fate and an outstanding actor with a motley list of diversified roles - was born in Manhattan (New York) in the family of director Robert Dauni and Actresses Elsi Ford on April 4, 1965. From the very childhood, he was prepared by the acting fate -knebut of Robert younger became the father's film, where the boy played at a five-year-old age.

At the age of ten years, he lived and he studied ballet in England, then he received an education in the field of executive arts in Stagezhtor Manore (Greenwich-Village). In 1978 - after the divorce of parents - he moved with his father to California, but for real acting experience returned to New York in 1982.

After the experience in television, I decided to associate my life with cinema forever: the first serious roles Robert Downey ML. Receives after a comedy specialist for me to take James Tobek. A few more successful adolescent films - and the actor receives its most important role in the twentieth century - the legendary comedian in the Bayopic Richard Attenboro Chaplin (1992). The film brings the nomination for the Golden Globe and Oscar, the BAFTA Award and World Recognition. At about the same time, he plays a memorable eccentric reporter in the inborn killers of Oliver Stone. But success and promising career go into non-existence before problems with drugs and law. Robert Downey Junior receives a period of 16 months for storing cocaine, heroin and weapons and forced treatment against dependence in Los Angeles prison.

It could become a final point in the career of the Great Actor. But acquaintance with Susan Levin - Hollywood producer - changed his relation to life: the actor tie with bad habits and makes Susan's proposal of his hand and hearts. So begins the second stage of ascent to the title of one of the highest paid and sought-after actors according to Forbes. Downey ML. He records the solo album "The Futurist", in which opens up new facets of his talent, takes off in films a kiss of the wave and fur - both films are highly valued by a visual audience and film critics. It is approved to the main role in the screening of the Marvel Comic series Iron Man and Avengers. And, in the end, receives a second nomination for an Oscar in the film of Ben Stylera Soldiers Failures (2008). After that, signs a contract for cooperation with Ham Richie in its screenizations of Sherlock Holmes, with which it becomes one of the most recognizable actors in the world. Robert Downey ML. The filmography has more than 70 films.

He is a happy family man in a ten-year marriage with Susan Levin. He has the son of Indio from the first marriage with Debra Falconer, Son and Daughter - from the second.

Robert Dauni ML. Brown eyes, dark hair color, light skin and medium lips. Forms Oval, forehead medium, hair straight, thick. Robert Downey ML. Does not change the color of the hair, giving preference to natural. At the actor medium straight nose and rounded chin. Robert Downey ML. Sometimes letters a mustache and beard. The growth of the actor - 174 cm, there is a tattoo.

Zodiac sign - Aries (04.04.1965)

Robert Downey ML. - The man of difficult fate and an outstanding actor with a motley list of diversified roles - was born in Manhattan (New York) in the family of director Robert Dauni and Actresses Elsi Ford on April 4, 1965. From the very childhood, he was prepared by the acting fate -knebut of Robert younger became the father's film, where the boy played at a five-year-old age. At the age of ten years, he lived and he studied ballet in England, then he received an education in the field of executive arts in Stagezhtor Manore (Greenwich-Village). In 1978 - after a divorce of parents - he moved with his father to California, but he returned to New York to the real acting experience in New York. After the experience in television, I decided to associate my life with cinema: the first major roles of Robert Downey ML. Receives after a comedy specialist ...

What is the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatzka?

We did not find any information about the growth and weight of the singer Nina Shatzka, so it will be possible to find out the exemplary data with comparison on photographs with people whose height and weight we know.

In the photo on the right of Nina Shatskaya, shoe in heels 9cm and there is an Andrei Derzhanin next to it with an increase in 179cm and the shoes adding 2 cm. It turns out that she has shown in 9 cm of Nina Shatskaya heels above 181cm about 2-3cm. Consistently from 184cm We get an exemplary growth of Nina Shatzka in 175cm. The weight of Nina Shatzka looks at 70-75kg

Nina Shatsky's growth 175cm

The weight of Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

What is the height and weight of Irina Nishina?

Irina Nizina is a well-known Russian actress of the theater and cinema, winner of the Seagull Awards and Moscow Debuts. Active fame Actress brought such work in the cinema, as a new life of the Gurov's detective and lawyer. In the Internet, the actress is attributed to 174 cm.

How reliable and accurate about the growth and weight of Irina with a nickey nobody are definitely unknown.

Irina Rising 174cm

Weight Irina Nishina 65kg

What is the growth and weight of the hope of Obolentseva?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and received the greatest fame as a secular lioness.

No information about the growth and weight of the hopes of Obolentseva, therefore we will approximately estimate about the parameters of the celebrity.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentsev and Svetlana Bondarchuk, with an increase in 177cm, follows from the photo it follows that the growth of hope of Obolventseva is about 174-175cm, and weight 59kg

Growth Nadezhda Obolentseva 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

What is Tatiana Denisova's height and weight?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She received the greatest fame as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and head of the Dance Team "JB Ballet" in Germany; One of the permanent members of the jury and choreographer of the Ukrainian TV project "Dance everything!" , as well as mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project "Dances".

In the Internet of the Internet, the famous choreographer is attributed to the growth of 166cm, and the weight is 58kg. Does these declared parameters with real data, nobody knows in reality

Tatiana Denisova 166cm

Tatiana Denisova's weight 58kg

What is the weight of Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor received a lot of popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films like Smered, poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in the theater and cinema.

On the Internet, the well-known actor is attributed to 177-178cm growth, and the weight is 79kg. They are not very significant and accurately stated by anyone is not known to anyone

Growth of Anton Makarsky 177-178cm

The weight of Anton Makarskoe 79kg

What is the height and weight of Sergey Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov appeared on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. Tostyg is the greatest fame due to its sports success in the field of Bodybuilde and TV project House2

In the open spaces of Ineta Sergey Kucherov, growth is attributed to 178-179cm, and the weight is 88kg. Will these declared reality parameters and reality, no one knows exactly

Growth of Sergey Kucherov 178-179cm

The weight of Sergey Kucherov 88-90kg