Name: Amelia. Amelia: What does this name mean, and how it affects the character and fate of the person

Name: Amelia. Amelia: What does this name mean, and how it affects the character and fate of the person
Name: Amelia. Amelia: What does this name mean, and how it affects the character and fate of the person

Knowing the secret of the origin of the name, you can learn a lot about a person. At the same time, many features of his behavior are explained. In this article, we learn that the girl is in itself, which is Amelia, names for her life: influence on childhood, youth, family life. The reader finds out how it was formed, which means. The article will indicate, men with what names are best suited for marriage.

Amelia name: origin and influence on the child

The roots of this name are with ancient Germany. It originated from the word "amal", which means "work", "work". Alternatives - Amel, Amalia, Amelass. Sympticking - Lia, Amelka. The girl is very disciplined and capable of organizing himself, thanks to which he managed to help parents. The sense of duty in it is present from the small years. She willingly help mom in the kitchen and therefore from childhood knows how to cook a lot of dishes. But to force her to do something completely meaningless. It is better to first talk and convince her that some kind of action is extremely necessary.

Amelia: Names for youth

The girl matures pretty early. At the age of 16, she already knows a lot, so it is capable of start an independent life. It is endowed with a combat character, therefore, if it is strongly involved in sports, it has every chance of becoming a professional athlete. She is very honest and does not like to participate in the gossip, even if the person deserves convictions. Prefers to see only positive qualities in people. Amel is not stupid, but too hard trusts others, because of what it can easily become a victim of deception. The main number of your affairs is performed with great enthusiasm.

In friends, she has a lot of guys who are not inferior to anything. At the same time, the girl is very open and kind, always ready to help and support a person in any situation, for which it is valued. She is a very demanding person in relation to themselves and people. Here is a character of a little man named Amelia!

Names name for family

A woman, as already mentioned earlier, very honest, so forgiveness for anything will not marry. She is able to wait a long time for a long time, so the wedding can play quite late. From a little girl, which was once an indispensable assistant for Mom, will turn into an excellent hostess, which will contain a house clean, comfort. It applies to approvingly.

The owner of such a born in summer, very intelligent, brought up, confident and purposeful. They are filled with optimism and joy, for which they are nice to communicate with them. For this reason, Amelia never happens one. In any society in which it is located, a positive, favorable atmosphere is formed. Sometimes her confidence is infectious for other people.

Spring individuals who wear this name are highlighted by their activity and the ability to take care of any business. They are kind, always try to help others and are able to easily converge with people. That may be Amelia!

Names name in astrology and compatibility

Planet keeper owner named - Uranus.

Stone-charm - amethyst, as well as rhinestone.

Plant - Barbaris, Camery and Aspen.

Animal - electric slot and eel.

Favorable days - Wednesday and Saturday.

Now we know what the name of Amelia means, but what men will be most suitable for her for marriage? They are only two: Pat and Witold. It is more difficult to create a family with Evgraph, Joseph, Trifon, Nikon and Vissarion.

1. Personality: those who are thinking about

2. Color: purple

3. Basic features: sociability - Intellect - Activity - Health

4. Totem plant: violet

5. Toten animal: Malinovka

6. Sign: Aquarius

7. Type. Modest looks, but do not give me to forget about yourself, like their totem - violet. This is very truthful nature, with rather contradictory features of the character, at the same time restrained and wishing to like.

8. Psychic. Trying to find your own personality, sometimes closed in yourself. They lack courage and confidence in their own power. Could use their indecision.

9. Will. Very strong, combined with a developed sense of debt helps them to achieve success.

10. Ecavitability. People with this type of character know well where the limit to which you can act, and where you should stop and do not move the boundaries of the pervolored.

11. Reaction rate. Very slow. Some of them seem to the embodiment of humility and patience, which just helps them bring their plans to the end.

12. Field of activity. It seems that they like to force them more than working out themselves. They do not have any special ambitions, but they know perfectly well what the road to choose. Love sports, become magnificent bats. Success to them brings everything related to electronics, radio, television. Can work pediatricians or preschool institutions, as they love young children. And do not forget that they often manage to get around their chef!

13. Intuition. Good. Moreover, they also have excellent knowledge of human psychology. Know what page should be shattered. They love to play the role of a "female child" and all sorts of bows, rushes, etc. are worn to old age.

14. Intellect. They have a synthetic mind warehouse that avoids vitality. They will excellently see all the circumstances associated with this case.

15. susceptibility. In their sensitivity there is a certain proportion of false naivety and a lack of innocence, which produce a strong impression on men.

16. Morality. These are mysterious women. They manage to be doubled, misleading others. Native and relatives Danuta, be attentive ...

17. Health. Excellent, serves as many years. Predisposed to completeness. These women do not prevent attention to joints and knees and carefully engage in winter sports.

18. Sexuality. Strong and complicated. Here and the calculation, and spontaneity, fears and sensuality, bordering masochism. These women do not feel the needs of Maternity, they may have problems in this soil.

19. Activity. They say more than doing.

20. Sociability. Always ready to provide a service, even if they do this with the calculation. Excellent hostesses, guests are accepted with chic, can even get into debts, just to let dust in the eyes.

21. Conclusion. Even reaching great success, remain restless, maybe subconsciously realizing that their successes are not a reflection of their merit.

Version 2. What does the name of Amelia mean

Personality. Those who are thinking about.

Character. 88%.

Radiation. 90%.

Vibration. 88,000 heating / s.

Color. Purple.

Main features. Sociability - Intellect
- Activity - Health.

Totem plant. Violet.

Toten animal. Robin.

Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. Modest with mind, but not letting forget
About me, like their totem - violet. It is very truthful nature, with pretty contradictory
Fixes of character, at the same time discreet and wishing to like.

11. Psychic. Trying to find my own personality
Sometimes closed in yourself. They lack courage and confidence in their own power.
Could use their indecision.

12. Will. Very strong, combined with developed
A sense of debt helps them to succeed.

13. Ecavitability. People with this type of character
know perfectly where the limit to which you can act, and where to stay
And do not move the boundaries permitted.

14. Reaction rate. Amelia is very slow.
Some of them seem to the incarnation of humility and patience, which just helps
They bring their plans to the end.

15. Field of activity.
It seems that they like to force them more than working
ourselves. They do not have any special ambitions, but they know perfectly well what road
choose. Love sports, become magnificent bats. Success brings everything
What is connected with electronics, radio, television. Can work pediatricians or in
preschool children's institutions, as they love young children. And do not forget that
Often they manage to get around their chef!

16. Intuition. Good. Why else they possess
Excellent knowledge of human psychology. Know what page should be shattered.
Love to play the role of a "female child" and to old age are all sorts of bows, rushes
and etc.

17. Intellect. They have a synthetic warehouse of the mind
Which allows you to avoid vitality. They will be superbly seen all the circumstances
Recognizing this case.

18. susceptibility. There are sensitivity in their sensitivity.
a certain proportion of false naivety and a lattern innocence that produce
Strong impression on men.

19. Morality. These are mysterious women.
They manage to be doubled, misleading others. Native and close Amelia,
be careful...

20. Health. Excellent, serves them throughout
many years. Predisposed to completeness. These women do not interfere with pay attention
on joints and knees and carefully engage in winter sports.

21. Sexuality. Strong and complicated. Here and
Calculation, and spontaneity, fears and sensuality, bordering masochism. These women
Do not feel the needs of motherhood, they may have in life on this basis

22. Activity. They say more than doing.

23. Sociability. Always ready to provide a service
Even if this is done with the calculation. Excellent hostesses, guests are taken with chic,
They may even get into debt, just to let dust in the eyes.

24. Conclusion. Even achieving great success,
remains restless
Maybe subconsciously realizing that her successes are not a reflection of her merit.

Numerology named after Amelia

Number of name: 5

The number 5 in numerology is a kind of field of action and the personification of human experience. It is always ready for the leading role and responsibility. Figure 5 - introverted. Her motto: "Progress in everything."

The value of letters in the name of Amelia

BUT - Alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person in the name has this letter, he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual equilibrium. People whose name begins on "A", quite hard work. They love to show in all initiative and do not like Routine.

M. - If you look at people who have the letter "M", we can say that they are scattered and unorganized, but in reality everything is wrong. All they need, they will never forget. Prefer to do work qualitatively. Of these, excellent leaders are obtained, who are always considered with the interests of others.

E. - Communicability, insight, mercantility and egoism. Holders of this letter are able to have people to do. They are simultaneously simple and charming. Constantly strive for a good life, which is expensive than friendship. They realize themselves in creative professions. Are interesting interlocutors.

L. - Artistic and inventive individuals. In actions prefer to be guided by logical thinking. Could be located to yourself. In rare cases, narcissists and neglect belong to other people. It is extremely difficult to partition with close people. There are unnecessary capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND - A subtle mental organization, romanticism, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. The fair sex is paying a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on internal qualities. Lost success, they manage to achieve in science and work with people. Very economic and calculating.

I - People who in the name have this letter, know their price. They seek to achieve love and respect from the surrounding people. People with the letter "I" - good thinkers and are able to hide a lot of secrets. In addition, they are excellent interlocutors and romantic nature with a rich fantasy.

Name as phrase

  • BUT - Az (I, I, myself, myself)
  • M. - Thinking
  • E. - Esi (there is, to exist)
  • L. - People
  • AND - and (association, combine, union, unity, one, together, "together with")
  • I - (ya \u003d a) az

Fashion for unusual foreign names for girls and does not think to pass, and it is good. If you call your daughter Amelia: the meaning of the name, character and fate, which is waiting for a girl in the future.

Amelia: accurate characteristic of a person with this name. What life is waiting for a girl, a girl, a woman with this name?

Researchers agree that Amelia has German origin. It is formed from the word "amal", which means in the translation "work", "work". That is, its meaning is "worker" or "hardworking".

In different languages, the name sounds, although it seems, but in different ways: Amalia, Emmelina. In Russia, Amalia variant is more common, and in England - Amelia.

Brief form names: Ama, Amal, Leia, Meliche, Amushka.

What character can be a girl?

The girl is distinguished by discipline and obedience. She is very economic, she likes to help parents, and especially to fulfill the houses along with mom. It is not surprising that the girl is early learning to cook for the whole family.

Since childhood, its independence and independence begins to manifest. She can do many things without assistance. Such features usually encourage her in the future early to leave the father's house and live separately.

Little Amelia shows himself a very raw personality, but in adolescence, it becomes some kind of shower. She is honest and loves to do it right.

The girl has a very developed sense of debt, which is preserved in his continued life. Communication with loved ones and family, she just considers her debt, so it is very important for her.

School years

Study is not difficult for her, she likes to learn and does not come out well. Amelia - the owner of an analytically folded mind. Quickly grabs new information and can help more slow and lagging classmates. The girl has no problem planning, it is very organized. As a result, she has enough time for everything: and on study, and on games, and for useful classes.

Friendship and communication

As the origin of the name Amelia influenced its meaning

Amelia in its nature is spoiled, responsible and loves working. She is very diligent, punctual. Charming surrounding with his radiant smile. Maneru of behavior tries to copy from the mother, she imites her ability to stay in society.

In adolescence, sexually developing femininity, dislike and hypocrisy. This affects the number of friends, especially female. She does not tolerate a discussion of someone and talk behind his back. Acid reacts to rudeness to your address. It is mostly communicating with the boys, since she has little friends. Usually Amelia is surrounded by attention not only for men, but also female. People stretch to her and want to spend time in her company. This may cause envy in the rest.


A great importance for Amelia has the spiritual development and formation of worldview. It has the ability to simulate the situation and see the common picture that successfully applies to solving problems as its own and strangers.

A girl named Amelia is talent in different directions. It will receive great pleasure from participating in various sections and circles. It is suitable for both visual arts, theater and photography. Very capable of sports, it can seriously captivate them and achieve success. Sports can make it more attractive.


Usually in Amelia health is very strong. However, as the girl grows, the girl may appear to complete, so it is very important to observe the measure in making food not to give out exercise. Sustaines are becoming a weak point of the child. In adolescence, it may not arise with them problems, but as the problem can gain a serious nature. It is necessary to abide care and take care of yourself.

How will life in adulthood?

Growing Amelia can be closed in itself, it is restrained and straightened. She knows how to understand people very well. Enjoy your external modesty to get the location of others. Often, seeks what she wants.

She strives for higher education and is happy to study, comprehending items thoroughly and deep. Usually chooses areas of electronics, medicine, sports.

Its weakness can be called a tendency to trust people. Fraudsters can take advantage of this. Close people need to try to protect her.

The girl named Amelia carefully plans his day to all have time. Does not tolerate coercion. He likes to read fantastic literature.

It is honest and open. She is ready to help people. Often gives advice who really work in practice, because it has great knowledge in life. Amelia is trying to keep optimism and good location of the Spirit, even when everything goes not as she wants. She successfully conveys their mood to others, charges them with positive and cheerfulness. I fiercely fighting for your beliefs and almost always she succeeds in the fact that it is a strong person.


At work retains excellent relations with colleagues. It is respected for perseverance, hard work and humanity. The bosses appreciate her diligence and brings an example to others. Amelia before to take for any job, carefully counts its strength. If she understands that he will not be able to cope, it either refuses or asks for help. It actively uses advanced intuition to assess the situation. After making a solution, it is difficult to minimize it from the selected path, it goes to the end and tries to perform his work well. Able to support a conversation with employees and charm a smile.

The girl named Amelia is very ambitious and never stops on the achieved. She always appears next goal. Huge importance gives his reputation, trying not to stain her. Outlines in the workplace are not about it. Amelia can convince people and easily can achieve a profitable contract where her colleagues were defeated. She has chances with time to become the boss.


Characteristic named after Amelia, features of character and fate

The girl with the name Amelia can like people. She knows about his attractiveness and uses it for personal purposes. It may imperceptibly manipulate its chosen one. Prefers men of the same smart and experienced as she herself. With the peers, she can hardly be interesting.

She will easily charm any man thanks to an excellent external data and an innate tendency to acting. Skirfully flirting and "builds eyes" that men involuntarily fall under her spells. In his youth, the financial capabilities of a man are of great importance for her, but the older it becomes, the more the amount of money ceases to disturb her.

In the bedroom, she is very inventive and will give a lover to bother. It can perform different roles - to be both active and passive.

Marriage and marriage

Family bonds for Amelia is a serious step. Marry coming out is not in a hurry, first everything will think and choose the most profitable option. She strives for the creation of a strong and friendly family.

Such a girl is an excellent hostess and wife. She tries to smooth conflicts, manifests tenderness and care towards their home, trying to please them. It has excellent relations with mother-in-law, which are built on mutual love. Amelia - a hospitable mistress, loves to make friends, and go home to them. Children refers with great love and understanding, spends a large amount of time with them.

Personality and season of birth

The character of Amelia also depends on what time of year she was born.

  • Born in spring is very energetic and persistent in achieving goals.
  • "Autumn" features activity and initiative.
  • The summer appeared in the summer, always becomes the leader in the team, it has good manners.
  • "Winter" loves to bring the case to the end, optimistic and vitality, which applies to others.

What girl will be?

In childhood, she has a firm character. It is aware of it to realize that with the help of his appearance you can achieve what she wants. Parents should explain to her that in this way you can get very dubious success. Of negative qualities, you can note some narrowing in communication with people.

But how many positive character traits is located at the little Amelia! She is hardworking, the mustache, has a gift of conviction and can defend his point of view, knows how to be the leader in the company.

Parents will notice very quickly that the girl has become independent not by the years, and will communicate with it on an equal footing.

Amelia is very ambitious, and in its behavior it can be calculated sometimes a lot of narrowness. But at the same time she is very hardworking, stubborn and happily. She has congenital talent to relieve people and clearly show another point of view. Amelia is patient and she has a big power of will. Nature laid the good abilities of the head, amazing intuition and sense of measure.

The meaning of Amelia

There are no accurate data that would talk about the origin of this name. However, the majority of sources converge in the opinion that their origin takes the name from the ancient German's word, which in translation means diligence, work and work. However, in the Muslim version, the name comes from male amil, which means "Lady". Amelia's named after Amelia celebrates twice a year: September 19 and July 10.

Character named Amelia

The main features that are characterized by Amelia is love for work, slowness and prudence. All this manifests itself with her literally from the smallest years. She has a charming smile and beautiful eyes. In girls with this name, an interesting feature has been seen. They, as a rule, the appearance inherit from the Father, and the content of the inner world from the mother. She can deserve himself in society, and her manner of behavior is majestic. School learning is easy for it, which can be written off on congenital commitment and operational. Amelia is never limited to one direction in learning, so in addition to school, it visits numerous circles. She likes acting skills, photography and sport. Of particular importance is homemade.

She becomes independent too early, seeks to be useful for his parents. Of course, first of all she tries to be closer to her mother, wanting to learn how to learn the household and learn cooking. Amelia has a very strong sense of debt, which is stretched for life. For her, mutual understanding between loved ones is very important for their safety.

A girl with the name Amelia cannot be noticed. Men may not pay attention to the beautiful lady with the mysterious name, and in the beautiful half it is often envied by these points. Probably, that is why she has few girlfriends, and among friends there are much more men, some of which is nervously breathing to her.

All her life is subordinated to the hard control, and every day is melted coming up. She has a strong intuition that helps her to be released even from the most difficult situations. Despite its leisure behavior, there is a lot of energy that it applies to the place.

She feminine and honest, does not tolerate false and hypocrisy. I got used to tell the truth in the face. This is another trait that Amelia is obliged to a small number of friends, few people can endure the truth in the face. In his address, the proven remark leaves for the root, does not allow someone to discuss someone behind her back. It gives the level of their spiritual development, which forms its future. High results and success come to her due to patience and humility.

Amelia is charming and herself knows good about it, and she also understands that, thanks to this, she can lead his partner. Choosing a chosen one, it does not last notice attention to the intellect and the formation of a man. She is attracted by partners older, since they have a rich life experience, but the peers almost never interest it, she is bored with them. If Amelia is not in a pair, then it wants so much, because it stands only to put it with a finger, as a number of applicants for hand and heart are built. Tie the relationship draws attention to the financial side of his chosen one, but it is only up to 30 years, after this age priorities change.

From Amelia, it turns out a beautiful mother and a wonderful wife, which makes a lot of effort in order to provide their households with attention and care. She likes to pamper your favorite delicious food. The management of the economy is so much like Amelia that even unexpectedly stunned guests will not find it by surprise, everything is in order.

But in the career affairs, this girl shows a striking grip and perseverance, because to stop there is not about it. Having reached one goal - it will take it over another. Paying special attention to his reputation, it will never go to weave intrigue against their rivals. Just as his mind and charm.