The life and creative path of Onor de Balzak, biography. Biography Balzaka Women Balsakovsky Age

The life and creative path of Onor de Balzak, biography. Biography Balzaka Women Balsakovsky Age
The life and creative path of Onor de Balzak, biography. Biography Balzaka Women Balsakovsky Age

Lecture 12-13.

Creativity Onor de Balzac

1. Writer's life path.

2. The universality of the idea, theatic - genome composition, the basic principles of the construction of the epic "Human Comedy" O. de Balzak.

3. Idean-artistic analysis of the works of "Eugene Koanda", "Shagreen leather".

1. Wispeter's Life Path

The first half of the XIX century did not know the brighter figure than Onor Balzac (1799-1850)which was rightly called the "Father of Modern Realism and Naturalism". His life is a living embodiment of the conditions in which there was European, and especially the French Writer of the XIX century. Balzac lived only 51 years old, leaving the reader of 96 works. He planned to write them about 150, but did not have time to complete his grand ideas. All his works are interconnected through through characters, which in some novels performed the main ones, and in others - secondary heroes.

Balzac everyone finds her. One impressed fullness and coherence picture of the world, which he outlined. Others worried gothic secrets, inscribed in this objective picture. Thirds admired by the colorful characters that created the imagination of the writer, raised over the reality of their greatness and its lowestity.

Onor Balzac (he joined his last name later and quite arbitrarily) was born on May 20, 1799 in the city of Tour. His father Bernard Francois - the peasant son, who was hard and for a long time he had been in people, - married only fifty years, taking a young girl from a rich family (she was younger than 32 years old). Mother hurried to sell firstborn from her hands. The kid gave to the village of Kormilice, in which he spent 3 years. Mother did not often visited. Silent life and love relationship with one of the local aristocrats completely absorbed it. Even after returning to the parental house, the mother saw her son only on Sundays. The childhood of Honore was heavy and badly. The family was almost not engaged in her upbringing.

Parents considered themselves people educated, so they did not regret the money for the formation of their children. At 8 years old, Ondore was given to study at the Vandomsky College, which became a "spiritual prison" for him, because there was a strict supervision of pupils, they did not even be released home on vacation. All letters reread the censor, resorted even to corporal punishment. Young Balzac felt in college abandoned and oppressed, obviously, because he studied mediocrely and among the educators had a reputation as a unlawful and low-adequate student. Here he first began to write poems and became interested in literature.

Having received secondary education, with great difficulties Balzac, he recorded a free student of the Paris school of law. In November 1816, he entered the Faculty of Sorbonne's Rights, he was seriously interested in philosophy and fiction. At the same time, he had to work as a writer in the notary office. Experience acquired during the service has become the source of many plot collisions in the works of "Human Comedy".

In 1819, Balzac graduated from the course of the Law Faculty and received a bachelor's degree of law. However, ONORA did not have the desire to stare in the notarial office, he wanted to become a writer (this happened in 1819, when Napoleonic escapades were irrevocably ended and restored Burbones had already ruled the country). Mother And I did not want to hear about such a dubious career, but old Bernard Francois unexpectedly agreed to provide his son something like a two-year trial period. Even concluded a kind of deal with him on this, which provided member monetary assistance; After all, as A.verta wrote, "Balzac was born in the family where the money is idle."

When Bernara-Francois Military Intendant, Francois Balzak, was resigned, the family settled in Vіlpіzzi, and Ohore remained in Paris, where he experienced creative flour, sitting in his attic before a clean sheet of paper. He wanted to become a writer, without having the slightest idea, what he will write about; And he took up the heroic tragedy - the genre of his talent is most contraindicated. Hoped by hopes, the young man worked on the tragedy "Cromwell", but the work was out of weak, secondary, oriented not on life, but on the canons of the art of the XVII century. The tragedy did not receive recognition even in a family circle.

In 1820 - 1821 Balzac began work on the novel in the letters "Stenny, or philosophical wandering", focusing on creativity J.-zh. Rousseau and and. V. Goethe, as well as the experience of personal experiences and impressions. However, this work remained unfinished: the writer was not enough skill and maturity.

Spring of 1822 brought him a meeting with a woman who played an important role in his further fate. Lara De Bernie, the gardens of Louis XVI, was married and older Balzac for 22 years. This is the Angel of Friendship, who accompanied ONOR for 15 years. She helped him with money and tips, was his criticism. She became for him the maternal beginning, which he was looking for all childhood from his mother. Balzac thanked her love, but it did not mean that she kept loyalty. His passes rarely became young girls. Not by chance in his work, exploring the evolution of the female soul from the young age and to a deep old age, the writer drew attention precisely on 30 - Summer, "Balzakovsky" age. After all, at this time, the woman, in his opinion, reaches the heyday of physical and spiritual opportunities, is exempt from the illusions of youth.

Onor Balzac was the tutor of children Madame Bernie. "Soon Balzaki begins to notice something. First, Oneorn, even when he does not give lessons, goes to the house of Bernie and spends days and evenings there. Secondly, he began to dress thoroughly, became friendly, more affordable and much welcoming. " When the mother learned about Madame Bernie's relations with her son, she was awakened by a feeling of jealousy, and soon rumors began to walk on frequent visits from the city. To protect the Son from this woman, the mother sent him to her sister.

From 1821 to 1825, Onor de Balzac first in collaboration with others, and then he independently began to write and produce novels, full secrets, horrors and crimes. He was attached to the attic on the street ice "єr and, encouraging himself coffee, one by one strain the novels:" Bіragska heiress "(1822)," Last Fairy, or a new magic lamp "(1822) and others. Young Prose Signed with various pseudonyms and Further refused to include in the assembly of his works. However, no fame, no fees for a hazardous life brought work.

In 1836, already known, he reprinted some of them, but under the pseudonym Oras de Saint-Oben. Although the pseudonym was no more than a secret, Balzac never decided to publish these books for his own. He wrote in 1842 in the "Preface to the" Human Comedy "": ".. I should draw the attention of readers to what I admit only those works that came under my last name. In addition to the "human comedy," I only own "one hundred playful stories", two plays and several articles - and however, they are all signed. "

Researchers have repeatedly arose temptation not to take into account the early works of the writer. And it is hardly worth it to succumb to this temptation. Without them, the image of the writer would not be complete. In addition, they became a kind of test field for him.

For some time, Hingerie Balzac generally turned into a literary feeder, he did not be enough for any order, which brought money. And those money was considerable at that time (especially for a beginner writer, no one known, anonymous), and the family ceased to believe that Honor spent time on nonsense. He himself, however, was dissatisfied, because he hoped that literary work would immediately bring him a penny, glory and power. And the young Balzac, pushed by fervent impatience, resorted to commercial speculations: He began to publish classics, bought a printing house, and then weigh. He devoted this activity for almost three years - from 1825 to 1828, and as a result - bankruptcy and huge debt, which partly covered to have, and partially already an elderly mistress Mrs. de Bernie. But he didn't get rid of his debt on the end of the days, because over time it only increased him.

"For Balzak, - wrote another biographer, Stephen Tsweig, - Midasa, on the contrary (for everything, to what he told turned turns not to gold, but for debts) - everything and always ended with financial collapse ...". He was still repeatedly launched in adventures (published newspapers and magazines, bought shares of abandoned silver mines, for the purpose of earning worked for the theater), and all with the same result: instead of gold - debts that gradually grew up to numbers of truly astronomical.

In the second Iol. 20 years. XIX century In the Paris press, articles and essays of Balzak appeared, which were talented sketches of typical characters and scenes from the life of different layers of French society. Many of them became the basis for images and situations in the works of "Human Comedy".

"The last Shuang, or Brittany in 1800" (1829) - the first work of Balzak, signed by his last name (he generally called this novel with his first work), - was published a year before the "red and black" stand. But the "red and black" is a masterpiece, a large monument of new realism, and the "Last Shuang" is a secondary, immature.

Undoubtedly, Standal and Balzac are very different artistic individuals. The creativity of the first is primarily two vertices: "Red and Black" and "Parm Monastery". If he had not even written anything else, he would still be standing stand. Balzac had things that managed to him better, and some worse. And yet, first of all, he is the author of the "human comedy" as a whole. He knew and said this himself: "The work that the author works, will receive in the future recognition, primarily due to the breadth of its plan, and not the values \u200b\u200bof individual parts."

This Balsakіvkka work began on the threshold of the revolution of 1830, which the writer accepted, but I realized very quickly that the people were deceived. And yet, a significant part of his works revealed the topic of restoration (Gobsek, "Shagreen Skin", "Colonel Shabra", "Father Gorio", "Museum of Antiquities", "Glitter and Poverty Curtains").

In 1833 he saw the light Roman "Eugene Grande", which determined the new era in the creative development of O. de Balzac. The subject of the image in the new product was the bourgeois everyday life with its external and actual flow. Immediately after the publication of a book in Balzak, an intention arose about the unification of all his works in Epopeus.

In 1834, in the apartment Balzak found a temporary shelter Jules Sando, the satellite of Aurora Dupin is rejected. The writer offered him the post of secretariat. Sando witnessed dinners. But after a year and a half he ran away from Balzac, because he believed that it was better to die with hunger than to work.

After 30 years, Balzac began to dream of marriage with a notable, beautiful, young and rich woman, which would help him establish his financial and personal problems.

In 1832, he received a letter with the Odessa stamp, which was signed by the "strangers". The secret correspondent was the Countess Evelyn Ganskaya (from the birth of Rzhevoskaya), which belonged to the famous Polish family and was younger than a year for just a year. She was married to Vureneslav Gansky, a wealthy landowner in Volyn. Correspondence soon turned into love, which was destined to continue until the death of the writer. At first glance, Ganskaya did not occupy a special place in the life of the Balzak. In the intervals between meetings with the beloved, which took place in Switzerland, in Germany, in Italy, Balzac took care of women, wrote novels ... However, everything changed, when Evelyn became a widow in 1841. More and more time they spent together. Balzac often traveled to Russia, Ukraine, in the estate of Evelina. In 1845, he was very shocked by the news of her pregnancy. In dreams, the writer saw himself as a father, no doubt that he would have a son. The artist even called him Victor-Onor and began to build plans for the future. But the dreams were not destined to come true, because the child was born 6 months and died. March 14, 1850. Balzac and Ganskaya marked in Berdichev. She knew perfectly well that she was waiting for her sick husband and the position of the widow of the writer, and still gave consent to marriage.

In 1835, after the publication of the novel "Batyushka Gorio", a real glory came to the writer and recognition. Appeared one after another novels and novels. The beginning of the 30s. marked not only intense literary activities Balzac. His successes opened the door of aristocratic salons in front of him, which was tessil his pride. We stabilized material affairs, the long-standing dreams of the house, a carriage, a shoemaker came true. The artist lived broadly and freely.

When Glory came when he became the ruler of the Dum, his huge fees could no longer change anything. Money disappeared, not yet appeared in the wallet; Givered debts, they poured, as if in the abyss, not satisfying and the small part of the lenders. Great Balzac ran away from them, like a frivolous almush, and once (although not long) even got into a debt prison.

All this dramatically changed his life. To pay off debts, he had to work with feverish speed (about two decades he wrote 74 novels, many stories, essays, plays, articles), and to support the fame of the spoiled success of the successive dandy - to get into debt again and again.

However, Onor and did not look for exit from this closed circle. Apparently, the eternal hurry, the atmosphere has an increasing number of falls and the adventure of the prerequisites of its existence, and only under such circumstances, it was probably a Balzak genius could manifest. So, at first, Balzac quite soberly put myself a goal to become a writer and only then, "after ten-year searches, at randoms .. Opened his true vocation." He wrote 12 - 14 hours a day without a break in a state of almost somnambulic, turning the night a day and struggling with sleep and fatigue with the help of giant portions of black coffee; Coffee in the end and brought him into the grave.

40s XIX century. - The last period of the creativity of Balzak and no less significant and fruitful. 28 new novels of Prosaika came out. However, since the autumn of 1848, he worked a little and did not print almost nothing, because his state of his health deteriorated sharply: heart disease, liver, strong headaches. The mighty body of the Creator "Human Comedy" was broken by unbearable labor. Balzac actually burned in labor, surviving almost up to 50 years. This happened on August 18, 1850. However, the withdrawal of his creative activity and skill was the "human comedy", which brought him real recognition and immortality in the centuries.

In the tombstone of V. Gyu, said: "This mighty and tireless worker, this philosopher, this thinker, this genius has lived among us life, full dream, struggle, battles - life, which all the great people live in all times."

2. Universality of the plan, theatic - genome composition, the basic principles of building the epic "Human Comedy" O. de Balzac

The circle of literary interests O. De Balzak was evidenced by the fact that he felt the need for the development of his own argued look at the world. The result of such searches was the formation of a philosophical foundation of the future grand epic Balzak: the concept of peace and man, implemented in the "Human Comedy" before he approached its creation.

"Congratulate me. After all, it was only spoiled that I am a genius, "so, according to the memoirs of the sister Balzak Surville, the writer himself announced the emergence of a new plan, which was not analogues in world literature. In 1833, he openly declared the desire to unite his novels into one epic. An independent feature that symbolized the beginning of the creation of a new book was the novel "Father Gorio", which author graduated in 1835 from this work, Balzac began to systematically take the names and characters of heroes from their previous works.

Gold power became one of the top-end topics of world literature. Almost all outstanding writers of the XIX-XX centuries. Addressed her. It was not an exception and outstanding French prose Onebor de Balzac, the author of the Romani cycle under the general name "Human Comedy", which he wrote over 20 years. In these works, the writer sought to embody the artistic summary of the life of the French society of the period 1816-1848.

The connection of the artist's prose with the real life of France the restoration era is complex and numerous. He skillfully twisted the mention of historical details and real events with the names of the heroes of the Human Comedy and the events described in it. But Balzac was not intended to recreate an accurate copy of reality. He did not hide that France appeared on the "human comedy", lay an imprint of his ideas about the meaning and content of human life and the history of civilization in general. But you can say exactly that he consistently implemented in his work a humanistic look at the history of civilization. The history of the morality, which Balzac wrote, is a story seen through people with all their dreams, passions, grief and joy.

The writer decided in his works to show as wide as possible panorama of the life of the France of his era, but subsequently made sure that it was impossible to implement within one novel. So the cycle began to take shape, which in 1842 was called the "Human Comedy".

Dante Divine Comedy

"Human Comedy" Balzac

In shape, this work is an independent trip to the other world, carried out by a poet in an artistic imagination, vision

In form - image of life of France in all its manifestations

The purpose of the work is to indicate the medieval person and the path to salvation

The purpose of the comedy is the desire to explain the patterns of human reality

Named comedy because it started sadly, but had a happy end

Named comedy because she showed the concept of the human world from various sides

Genre - Poem

Problematically determine the genre. Most often two definitions are found: the cycle of novels and epic

Divided into three parts ("hell", "purgatory", "paradise") - these are three worlds where Dante lived time: real life, purgatory of the inner struggle and paradise of faith

Divided into three parts, each of which included certain works

Since the Plan of Balzakіvkosko, the epic robbed gradually, the principles of the classification of works that entered it many times changed. Initially, the artist planned to name the main work of his life "Social Etudes", but later the "Divine Comedy" let him assign him to another thought regarding the name of the work. The grand product required the majestic name. She came to the writer not immediately, but much later (by analogy with the "Divine Comedy" of Dante). Tragedy XVIII century. Changed by a comedy of the middle of the XIX century. The writer himself explained the chosen title so much: "A huge scope of the plan, at the same time covers the history and criticism of society, the analysis of its shortcomings and the discussion of its foundations allows, I think, give him the title under which he will appear," Human Comedy. " Or is it possible, only the right one? This will be solved by the readers themselves when the work will be completed. "

The first step towards the "human comedy" was the appeal of Balzak to the genre of the "physiological essay", which did not have anything in common with physiology in a medical understanding of this word. It was an independent study of certain social phenomena. "Physiological essay" - art journalism affecting modern topics and developed a rich material of socio-domestic and psychological observations.

The first sketches of grand labor appeared since 1833 ("Shagreen Leather"), work on the last pages was over short before the death of the author ("Wizard of Modern History", 1848). In 1845, the writer amounted to a list of all works of the "human comedy", which has numbered 144 titles. But he did not have time to realize his idea.

In a letter to Mrs. Carro, he wrote: "My work should absorb all types of people, all social conditions, he must embody all social shifts so that not a single life situation, not one person, no character, male or female, nor One lifestyle, no profession, nor anyone's views, no French province, nor at least something from childhood, old age, of mature age, with politics, rights or military affairs were not forgotten. "

The phenomena are ordinary - and secret, and explicit, and also the events of personal life, their reasons and Prshoosnovam Balzac provided no less weight than historians attached to the events of the public life of peoples. "This is a difficult work - describe 2 - 3 thousand people who stand out against the background of their era, because it is about so much in the end of the types that every generation represent, and" L. to." Went in them all. Such a number of persons, characters, such a lot of destinies needed a certain framework and - yes forgive me for this statement - galleries. "

The society, which became the fruit of the creative energy of the writer, possessed with all signs of reality. From one work to another, "general characters", which, along with the universality of the creative method and the author's concept, strengthened the plan of the writer, giving it the scale of architectural structures. Gradually, Balzac appeared their doctors (b "Yanshon, Delene), a detective (Cordanten, Perad), lawyers (Dervil, Derosh), financiers (Nussengen, Brothers Kelliers, Du Tiye), Roshovshchiki (Gobsek, Palma, Bido), to know ( L_stomeri, Kergabooleti, Montfrіnєzi, Grank, Ronkeroli, Rogani), etc.

Comprehensive the grandeur of the overall plan Balzak allowed the "preface to the" human comedy ". "The initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe" human comedy "appeared in front of me as a dream, as one of those foggy ideas, they grow them, but can not clearly imagine ...".

The main provisions of "Preface ..."

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis work was born as a result of a comparison of humanity with the animal world.

The desire to find a single mechanism in society, since it, in his opinion, is similar to nature.

The writer allocated three forms of human being: "Men, women and things."

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea is to give a huge panorama of society based on the law of egoism.

Balzac did not confess the Rousserans's ideas about the "natural kindness of man".

"The Human Comedy" is divided into three parts, each of which Balzac called Etudes (Vivchens): "Etudes about the nravakh", "philosophical etudes", "analytical etudes". The central place in it occupied "Etudes on customs", which the writer divided into different scenes of life. This scheme was conditional in nature, some works passed from one partition to another. According to the scheme, the author placed his novels in this way (the most important works):

1. "Etudes about the nravakh".

A) Scenes of privacy. "Cat's house playing in the ball", "Ball in CO", "married consent", "side family", "Gobsek", "Silhouette of a woman", "30-year-old woman", "Colonel Shabra", "Abandoned Woman" , "Father Gorio", "marriage contract", "Lunchlessness", "daughter Eve", "Beatrice", "The first steps in science."

B) Scenes of provincial life. "Eugene Grande", "Planned Godisar", "Provincial Muse", "Old Virgo", "Pjisretta", "Life of Bachelor", "Lost Illusions".

C) scenes of Parisian life. "History of thirteen", "shine and poverty of the Kurtisanok", "Fachino Cana", "Business Man", "Prince Bohemia", "Kuzina Betta".

D) scenes of political life. "Waste of modern history", "Dark business", "The episodes of the era of terror".

E) scenes of military life. "Shuani", "Passion in the Desert".

E) scenes of rural life. "Rural doctor", "rural priest", "peasants".

2. "Philosophical etudes."

"Shagreen leather", "Logged Melmoth", "Unknown masterpiece", "Cursed Child", "Sell of Absolut", "Goodbye", "Palach", "Elixir longevity".

3. "Analytical etudes."

"The philosophy of marriage", "Small adversity of married life."

"Etudes about the nravakh" constituted the overall history of the Company, where all events and acts were collected. Each of the six sections corresponded to one of the main thoughts. Everyone had its meaning, its value and covered a certain period of human life:

"Scenes of privacy depict childhood, youth and mistakes peculiar to this age.

Scenes of provincial life are given passion in their mature age, describing calculations, interests and ambitions.

The scenes of Parisian life draw a picture of tastes, vices and irrepressive manifestations of life associated with customs that thrive in the capital, where you can simultaneously be found and unique good, and unique evil.

The scenes of political life reflect the interests of many or all - that is, it is about life that it flows as if it does not bother.

Scenes of military life show a grandiose picture of society in the state of the highest voltage, when it goes beyond its existence - when protected from enemy invasion or goes into conquering hikes.

The scenes of rustic life is like a long day. In this section, the reader first meets the cleanest characters and will be shown how to implement high principles of order, politicians and morality. "

It is difficult to call all the themes of the works of Honor de Balzak. The author took the attention to his attention, it would seem, antichoke topics: the enrichment and bankruptcy of the merchant, the history of the estate changed the owner, the speculation of land plots, financial scams, the struggle around the testament. In novels, these are these main events and determined the relationships of parents - children, women - men, lovers - mistresses.

The main theme, which combined the works of Balzak to one whole, is the desire to explain the laws of reality. The author was interested not only by specific topics and problems, but also the relationship of these problems; Not only individual passions, but also the formation of a person under the influence of the medium.

These methods allowed the writer to make certain conclusions about the degradation of a person in a bourgeois society. However, he did not absolize the influence of the medium, and led the hero to the independent choice of his life path.

Combined such a huge number of works and actors the following: Balzac developed an important motive of human actions - the desire for enrichment.

The internal construction of the "human comedy" is such that large novels alternately alternate in it with the "Crossroads" - "Prince of Bohemia", "Business Man", "Comedians are unknown for themselves." It is rather involuntarily written by Etudes, the main value of which is the meeting with a well-known writer characters, who for a short time again united intrigue.

The "Human Comedy" writer built on the principle of cyclicality: most characters passed from the work into a work, speaking by the main actors in some and episodic - in others. Balzac boldly refused the plot, where the biography of this or that hero was completely given.

Thus, the important compositional principle of the "human comedy" is the interaction and relationship of various parts of the cycle (for example, the actions of Gobsek and Father Gorio took place almost simultaneously, they had both a common character - Anastasi de Reto - Daughter of Father Gorio and wife of the graph de Reto).

Very problematic accurately and unambiguously determine the genre of this work. Most often given two definitions: the cycle of novels and epic. It is unlikely that they can be attributed to the "human comedy". Formally, this is a cycle of novels, more precisely - works. But many of them do not have a means of communication between themselves - for example, neither the plots nor the problems nor the common heroes have connected the novels "Shuani", "peasants", "shine and poverty of the Kurtyzanok" and the story "Shagreen skin." And there are a lot of such examples. The definition of "epic" is also only partially concerned with the "human comedy". For epic, in modern her form, it is characteristic of the presence of rod heroes and the general plot, which was not at Balzak.

The most difficult version of cyclical unity is an association within one plan of works of different genres (novels, stories, novel, essays, stories). In this case, a huge life material, a huge number of characters, the scale of generalizations of the writer also allowed to talk about epic. As a rule, in such a context, first of all recall the "human comedy" Balzak and about Roigon-McCari E. Zol, created under the influence of the Balzak masterpiece.

3. Idean-artistic analysis of the works of "Eugene Grande", "Shagreen leather"

In 1831, Balzac published a novel "Shagreen leather", which "was to formulate modernity, our life, our egoism." The main theme of the work is the topic of a talented, but poor young man who has lost his youth in a collision with a selfish and poor bourgeois society. Already in this book, the main feature of the writer's creativity was contacted - fantastic images did not contradict the realistic display of reality, but, on the contrary, attached special intrigues and philosophical generalizations of the stories.

The philosophical formulas are disclosed in the novel on the example of the fate of the main character of Raphael de Valanten, put before the dilemma of the century: "wish" and "be able." Infected the time of time, Rafael, who initially chose the path of the scientist, give up him for the sake of shine and pleasures of secular life. Having survived the full collapse in its ambitious intentions, rejected by a woman who was so fascinated, remaining without minimal livelihood, the hero was already ready to commit suicide. It was at this time that the fate of him brought him with an amazing old man, Antiquarian, who handed him an all-powerful mascot - shaggy skin, for the owner of which the desire and opportunities became reality. However, Raphael's life of Rafael's life for all desires, which began to emerge together with a decrease in shaggy skin size. Exit from this situation for the hero was only one - quench all the desires.

So in the novel, two existence systems are revealed: life, complete pleasures and passions, which led to the destruction of a person, and the life of the ascetic, the only pleasure of which was knowledge and potential power. Balzac depicted both the strengths and weaknesses of both these systems on the example of the image of Rafael, who first almost did not destroy himself in line with passions, and then slowly died in the "plant" existence without desires and emotions.

"Rafael could all, but did not accomplish nothing." The reason for this is the hero egoism. Wanting to have millions and having received them, Rafael, previously overflowing wishes and dreams, immediately reborn: "Deep egoistic thought entered his very essence and absorbed the universe for him."

All events in the novel are strictly motivated by a natural coincidence: Raphael, having received shaggy skin, immediately wished entertainment and orgies, and at the same moment it came across his long-time friend who invited him to "a luxurious party in the Tortfer's House; There, the hero accidentally met with a notary, who had already found the heir to the deceased millionaire heir for two weeks, Rafael was, etc. So, the fantastic image of shaded skin spoke "a means of purely realistic reflection of experiences, moods and events" (Goethe).

In 1833 he saw the light of the novel "Eugene Grande". The subject of the image in the new product was the bourgeois commonness with its familiar event of events. The place of action is typical of the French Province of the city of Sumur, which is revealed against the background of the rivalry of two born families of the city - Kryuton and Grasssenіv, which aroused the heroine of Roman Euzheni, the hear of the multi-million property of the "Grande's father".

The main character of the novel is the father of Ezhena. Felix Grande is an image of a provincial rich, the personality is exceptional. Thirst for money flooded his soul, destroyed all human feelings in it. The news about the suicide brother left him completely indifferent. In the fate of the orphaned nephew, he did not take any family participation, quickly sending it to India. His wife and daughter left without the very necessary, exhibiting even on the visits of the doctor. His habitual indifference to the dying wife Grande changed only after he learned that her death threatened the distribution of property, because it was Ezhena who was the legitimate heiress of the mother. The only one, to whom he was not indifferent to his own, is a daughter. And then only because I saw the future Bereginn of accumulated wealth in it. "Target Zlato, Take care! You will give me an answer on that light, "these are the last words of the Father, facing the child.

The passion for the accumulation is not only Tegumanizvalla Felix Grande, the causes of the premature death of his wife and the lost life of Ezhena, to whom the father refused to love and be beloved in the natural right. The sad evolution of Charles Grande was explained and the sad evolution of Charles Grande, who came to the uncle's house with unspoiled young men, and returned from India cruel and greedy, losing the best features of his "I".

Having built the Grande biography, Balzac in a wide exposition analytically exposed the "roots" of the hero degradation, thereby holding a parallel with a bourgeois society, which claimed her greatness with gold. This image was often compared with the Gobsek image. But the thirst for profit from Gobsek and Grande wore a different character: if Gobsek has a gold cult in the philosophical understanding of the greatness of wealth, then Grande just loved money for money. The realistic image of Felix Grande is not endowed with romantic features that have made their way into Gobsekov. If the complexity of Nature of Gobsek improved Balzak to something, then the Grande's father did not have awakened any sympathies of the writer in his primitiveness.

Somish Milliona is opposed to his daughter. It was Ezhenia with her indifference to gold, high spirituality and desire for happiness decided to enter the conflict with his father. The origins of the dramatic collision - in the love of the heroine to her young cousin Charles. In the fight for Charles - beloved and in love - she showed rare perseverance and audacity. But Grande went tricky way, sending a nephew for gold to distant India. If the happiness of Esya never came, then Charles himself became the reason for this, betraying the youthful love for money and social status. Having lost the meaning of life with love, internally devastated Esya at the end of the novel continued to exist, as if performing the Testament of the Father: "Despite the 800 thousand livres of income, she lives just like the poor Ezhen Grande lived, heats the oven in her room only in those The days when I allowed her father ... Always dressed, as her mother dressed. Somish House, without the Sun, without heat, constantly filled with melancholy - a reflection of her life. "

Here such a sad appeared the history of Eugene - women created by nature for happiness to be a wife and mother. But through his spirituality and dissimilarity on others, for the despot father, she "... I didn't get a husband or children or families."

Creative method of writer

Balzakov's heroes were introduced: bright, talented, extraordinary individuals;

Tendency to contrasts and exaggerations;

Balzac over the character worked in three stages:

Sketched a man's image, pushing out someone from his friends or from literature,

Collected all the material into one;

The character became an embodiment of some particular passion, the idea, which attached to him a certain form;

Everything that happened in his works is the result of numerous causes and consequences;

A significant place in the works was assigned to descriptions.

Questions for self-control

1. Why is Onebor de Balzak call the "father of modern realism and naturalism"?

2. Expand the main idea by the writer "Human Comedy".

3. What unites such a mass of the works of Balzak to one whole?

4. What are the basic principles of building an epic "Human Comedy"?

One of the greatest prosaikov of the XIX century - O. de Balzac. The biography of this writer is not inferior to the turbulent adventures of the heroes, which he created. Until now, the world is interested in his personal life.

Gorky childhood

The founder of realism was born on May 20, 1799, in the city of the tour, which is located in the center of France. Proser came from a simple, but enterprising family. Father, local lawyer, Bernard Francois Balssa missed and resell the land of ruined nobles. Such a business brought him profit. This was the reason that he changed the surname and boasted his relationship with the popular writer Jean-Louis Gez de Balzac, to which there was no relationship.

Subsequently, acquired the noblesty console "de". Bernard married a girl, Anna-Charlotte-laure of Salambier, who was 30 years old younger than him. Mother Onor Right from an aristocratic family. The woman was freedom-loving and did not hide her novels. A brother writer, who was a favorite Anna appeared on the side of the side. A future writer was given to Cormalice. After he lived in the boarding house.

In the house where everything, except the family, was not easy to put on the first place. Little attention in childhood received an onor de Balzac. The biography is briefly described in some of its works. The problems he survived when was small, later attended his works.

Failed lawyer

Apparently, the genius inherited the main features of the parents, because in the future they were pronounced in his character. At the request of the Father and Mother of the Son sent to the Wandom College, where he studied the right. The institution was distinguished by a harsh discipline that the boy constantly broke. For this he earned a reputation as a slacker and robber. There the child discovered the world of the book. At the 12th age, I first tried myself as a writer. Then all classmates mumbled over his works.

Due to constant stress and lack of attention, the child fell ill. Parents took him home. The guy was sick for several years. Many doctors did not give warranty to the fact that the child would live. Nevertheless, he smoked.

The young man continued to learn the case of a lawyer in Paris, where his parents moved. At school, learn in 1816 - 1819. Simultaneously operates notary. But he truly manil only the world of literature. To him and stretched Balzac. The biography could have to work out otherwise, but the parents decided to support the passion of the Son and give him a chance.

The first love

Father promised to maintain an onor for two years. During this time, the young man had to prove that he could work in the selected direction. During this time, the future talent has actively worked, but not one of his works was seriously expected. The first tragedy "Cromwell" was ruthlessly condemned. In general, until 1823 he wrote about 20 volumes. Later, the writer himself called his early labor with a continuous mistake.

From time to time, the young man went out of Paris to the province, where parents moved. There he met Laura de Bernie. Tightly burst with this woman his biography. Onor Balzac, who received a minimum maternal caress, found in the arms of Madame (older than 20 years) heat and tenderness. Unhappy in family life, with six children in his arms, she became his love and support.

When the term came to be reported to relatives for those two years, which they financed his passion, there was nothing to provide Balzak. All attempts to break into the world of the word fell. Therefore, the family refused him in cash.

Veil entrepreneur

Since childhood, the Wizard Word dreamed of indecently get rich. So far, the literature has not been evolved, Prosper tried to earn. First, he gives one-dimensional edition of the classics. Also organizes a publisher. Then goes to Sardinia to find in the mines of silver ancient Romans. Another plan that did not justify itself is the cultivation of pineapple under Paris. Complicated and fantastic business schemes are full of Biography Balzac. You can briefly describe all of his ideas in one word - Fiasco.

From the failures of the already big debts even more increased. From prison for bills, his mother was saved, which partially repaid loans.

For a long period of life, the genius pursued poverty. So, at night, the thief was climbed into his simple apartment. Assurance he was looking for what could be stealing. The owner who at that time was in the room was not confused and said: "In vain you are looking for in the dark what I do not even see in the world."

Way to success

Submortion was not among the advantages that Hini de Balzac had. The biography of the writer would not cause so much emotions if it were not for his unshakable faith in his fate. The master continued to work, despite anything.

In 1829, Prosper again took the pen. He compiled a hard schedule for himself. I went to bed at 6 pm, woke up at midnight. He wrote all the time. Tens of pages came out from under his hands. Forces in himself, he maintained numerous cups of strong coffee.

The efforts were crowned with success. Fame he brought the historical novel "Shuana". The world then did not know who Balzac is. The author's biography notes that so far he used various pseudonyms.

Actions in this book occur during the Great French Revolution. Here, the talented author skillfully described the struggle of the Republican troops with Schuan.

Foundation of Main Labor

On wings of success, the master decides in 1831 to create a series of stories. It was supposed to be a description of the then morality. The name is "Human Comedy". Work began with the scenes of the life of Paris XVIII-XIX century.

Many doors opened up the name of Onor de Balzac. The biography of a man after lightning popularity has acquired new colors. In the most fashionable salons, he was taken as a respected guest. There, the author met many heroes of his future works, which entered the "human comedy". The purpose of labor was to connect all its written works in one cycle. He took all previously published novels and partially changed them. Heroes of different books acquired between themselves family, friendly and other connections. The epic should have consist of 143 novels. But to bring the idea to the end the Frenchman failed.

Comedy theory

"The unsurpassed novelist" - that's what the name received from critics Balzac. The biography of the Writer is forever connected with the "human comedy". It consists of three parts. The first and wider, which included previous works - "Etudes about the nravakh". Here the audience meets with the miser Gobsek, a disinterested father Gorio, the French officer Shabra. The second section is "philosophical". He helps the reader to reason about the meaning of life. Here entered the novel "Shagreen Leather." The third part is "analytical etudes." Books in this fragment are allocated by excessive reflections, and sometimes put the plot into the background.

Full of curious situations Biography Balzac. Creativity brought profit, but did not cover all the costs and past debts. There is a story that the author weekly went to his editor to ask for an advance payment of future fees. The boss was distinguished by misfortune, so rarely issued money. Once a writer, as always, came for the payment, but the secretary said that today the owner does not accept. What Balzac answered that he was indifferent to him, the main thing that the head would give money.

Women of Balzakovsky age

Unattractive on the appearance of Honore still conquered many ladies. They were affected by the foul and passion with whom the proseca spoke. Therefore, a man spent all free time from writing with numerous mistresses. His attention was achieving many noble ladies, but often wasted. Women "elegant" age loved Balzac. The biography of the writer full of romantic adventures. Their heroines became ladies who are far over 30. He described such specials in his works.

The most popular was the character of the novel "Thirty-year-old woman." Home Figure - Girl Julie. Through this image, the author clearly transmits the psychology of the beautiful floor. It was because of this work, the expression "Woman of Balzakovsky age" was born, that is, a lady from 30 to 40 years.

A dream come true

Love plays a big role in human life. Polish countess Evelyna Ganskaya became the biggest passion that he ever felt on Balzac. Biography briefly describes their acquaintance. A woman, like hundreds of other fans, sent a recognition writer. The man replied. Correspondence began. For a long time they met secretly.

Evelina refused to throw a spouse and marry a prose. Relations continued for 17 years. Free it became when she was widowed. Then the couple was married. This happened in May 1850, in the Ukrainian city of Berdichev. But there was no married life to enjoy the marriage life. For a long time he had a hard time and died of the same year on August 18, in Paris.

The master pushed each of his heroes. He was not afraid to make their life not only bright, but also realistic. That is why the characters of Balzak are still interesting to the reader.

Onor de Balzac - the famous French novelist, was born on May 20, 1799 in Tour, died on August 18, 1850 in Paris. For five years, he was given to the initial school in the tour, and 7 went to the Vandom Jesuit college, where he stayed for 7 years. In 1814, Balzac moved along with his parents to Paris, where he finished his education - first in private pensions, and then in Sorbonnewhere lecture listened with enthusiasm Gizo, Cousin, Willeman. At the same time, he was engaged in learning the right to find the Father, who wanted to make a notary from him.

Honore de Balzac. Dougurotype 1842

The first literary experience of Balzak was the tragedy in the verses "Cromwell", which was worthy of enormous labor, but did not suit anywhere. After this first failure, he refused the tragedy and began for the novel. Intended by material needs, he began to write one after another very bad novels, which was sold for several hundred francs to various publishers. Such work because of a piece of bread extremely painted it. The desire to be embarrassed from poverty from poverty involved him in several commercial enterprises ended with a complete ruin for him. He had to eliminate cases, having accepted more than 50,000 francs debt (1828). Subsequently, thanks to new loans for paying interest and other monetary losses, the amount of his debts with various fluctuations increased, and he languished all his life under their burden; Only shortly before the death managed to finally divided with debts. In the early 1820s, Balzac met and closely fell asleep with Mrs. De Bernie. This woman was a good genius of his youth in the most difficult years of struggle, deprivation and unknown. According to his own recognition, she had a huge impact on his character and on the development of his talent.

The first novel Balzak, who had a noisy success and nominated him from the environment of other novice writers, was "marriage physiology" (1829). Since then, glory grows continuously. The fertility of it and tireless energy is truly amazing. In the same year, he printed another 4 novel, in the next - 11 ("Thirty-year woman"; Gobsek, "Shagreen leather", etc.); In 1831 - 8, including the "rural doctor." Now he works even more than before, with an extraordinary thoroughness, he finished his works, reworking several times written.

Genius and villains. Honore de Balzac

Balzac has once seduced the role of politics. In their political views, he was strict legitimist. In 1832, he put his candidacy for deputies in Angouleme and, on this, expressed the following program in one private letter: "The destruction of every nobility, with the exception of the chamber of the peers; Department of the clergy from Rome; natural boundaries of France; full equality of the middle class; Recognition of true superiority; savings in expenses; an increase in income through a better tax distribution; Education for all. "

Failure to fail in elections, he with a new zeal began for the literature. 1832 11 new novels were published, by the way: "Louis Lamber" "Abandoned Woman", "Colonel Shabra". In early 1833, Balzac entered into correspondence with Ganskaya Countess. A novel arose from this correspondence, which lasted 17 years and ended with a marriage a few months before the death of the novelist. The monument of this novel serves the volume of letters of Balzak to Mrs. Ghanskaya, published then called "Letters to the Stranger." In continuation of these 17 years, Balzac still worked without tired, and except for the novels wrote different articles in magazines. In 1835, he began to publish the magazine "Paris Chronicle"; This edition lasted a year with a little and as a result brought him 50,000 francs of pure deficit.

From 1833 to 1838, inclusive Balzac issued 26 stories and novels, among them "Eugene Grande", "Father Gorio", "Serafita", "Lilia Dolina", "Lost Illusions", "Caesar Baroto". In 1838, he again left Paris for several months, this time with a commercial purpose. He dreams a brilliant enterprise that can immediately enrich it; He goes to Sardinia, where is going to operate silver copy, known during the times of Roman rule. The company will end in failure, since a more deft dealers took advantage of his idea and interrupted him the road.

Until 1843, Balzac lived almost slowly in Paris, or in his estate Les Jardies, under Paris, purchased by him in 1839 and asked for him to a new source of permanent costs. In August 1843, Balzac went for 2 months to St. Petersburg, where Mrs. Ganskaya was located at that time (her husband was owned by extensive estates in Ukraine). In 1845 and 1846, he twice traveled to Italy, where she spent the winter with her daughter. Urgent work and different urgent obligations made it return to Paris and all his efforts were aimed at paying finally with debts and arrange their affairs, without which he could not fulfill the cherished dream of his life - marry a beloved woman. To a certain extent, he succeeded. Winter 1847 - 1848 Balzac spent in Russia, in the estate of the Ghanaian village near Berdichev, but a few days before the February revolution, the money was called him to Paris. He remained completely alien to political movement and in the fall of 1848 again went to Russia.

In 1849 - 1847 28 new novels of Balzak appeared in the press (Ursula Miruue, "rural priest", "poor relatives", "Kuzen Pons", etc.). Starting from 1848, it already works little and almost nothing new prints. The secondary trip to Russia was fatal for him. Its organism was extended by "excessive work; A cold joined this, which fell on the heart and lungs and turned into a long protracted disease. The harsh climate also agreed on him and interfered with recovery. Such a state with temporary improvements stretched to spring 1850. On March 14, the marriage of the Ganskaya Council with Balzac finally took place in Berdichev. In April, the spouses left Russia and headed to Paris, where they settled in a small hotel, bought by Balzac for several years before it was decorated with artistic luxury. The health of the novel, however, all worsened and finally, on August 18, 1850 after the grid 34-hour agony, he died.

The value of the Balzak in the literature is very large: he expanded the framework of the novel and, after being one of the main founders realistic and naturalistic currents, pointed to him new paths, for which he was in many ways to the beginning of the 20th century. Its main look is purely naturalistic: it looks at any phenomenon, as the result and interaction of well-known conditions, a well-known environment. According to this, Balzac's novels are not only the image of certain characters, but also the picture of the entire modern society with the main forces that manage them: the universal challenges for the benefits of life, the thirst for profit, honors, position in the world, with all varied wrestling of large and small passions. At the same time, he reveals the entire backstage of this movement in the most smallest detail, in his daily use, which gives his books the character of the burning reality. When drawing characters, he highlights some one main, prevailing feature. By definition by FAI, for Balzak, any person is not more than "any passion that the mind serves and the authorities and which is counteracting the circumstances." Thanks to this, his heroes get extraordinary, relief and brightness, and many of them became nominated, like the heroes of Moliere: So, the Grande became synonymous with the miserness, the Gorio - father's love, etc. Women occupy a great place in his novels. With all his merciless realism, he always puts on a pedestal, she is always higher than the surrounding, and is a victim of a man's egoism. His favorite type is a woman 30 - 40 years old ("Balzakovsky age").

The full collection of works by Balzak was published by him in 1842 under the general title " Human comedy", With a preface, where he determines his task:" Give the story and at the same time criticism of society, the study of his ailments and the consideration of it began. " One of the first translators of Balzak into Russian was the great Dostoevsky (his translation "Eugene Grande", made before Kamga).

(Essays about other French writers, see the topic "More on the topic" below the text of the article.)

Onor de Balzac - French novelist, one of the genericants realistic and naturalistic directions in prose. Born on May 20, 1799 in the city of Tour, there was one time Clerk at the notary, but did not want to continue this service, feeling calling for literature. Throughout his life, Balzac struggled with the cramped material situation, he worked with perseverance and perseverance, composed a lot of uncomfortable projects to get rich, but never came out of debts and was forced to write a novel behind the novel, while doing 12-18 hours a day. The result of such a work was 91 novels, which constitute one common cycle "Human Comedy", where more than 2,000 persons are described with individual and household characteristics.

Honore de Balzac. Dougurotype 1842

Family life Balzac did not know; He married only a few months before his death on the Ghanaian Countess, in the correspondence from which was 17 years old and for a date from which came more than once to Russia (Hanskaya's husband owned extensive estates in Ukraine). The heart disease, which Balzac suffered, intensified during his last journey, and, arriving in Paris, together with his wife, who married in Berdichev, the writer died in three months, August 1850.

In his novels, Onebor de Balzac is a Makimnaya and thoughtful cartoon of human nature and public relations. The bourgeois class, folk morals and characters are described by him with truthfulness and strength, almost unknown to it. For the most part, each of the individuals withdrawn by him possesses some kind of prevailing passion, which serves as a motivating cause of his actions and is very often the cause of his death. This passion, despite its all-consuming sizes, does not give this person an exceptional or fantastic nature: the novelist puts these features into dependence on the living conditions and the moral physiognomy of the subject that the reality of the latter remains out of doubt.

Genius and villains. Honore de Balzac

One of the most active and frequent springs leading to the Balzaki heroes serve money. The author, all his life invented ways for faster and loyal enrichment, had the opportunity to explore the world of Deltsov, sweatshirts, entrepreneurs with their ambitious plans, dules, fantastic hopes disappearing, like soap bubbles, and fascinating the initiators themselves, and those who are They believed. This world was transferred by Balzac to his "human comedy" along with all the differences that passion for money creates in people with a different sincere warehouse and various habits created by one or another environment. The description of the latter is often enough to have a Balzac for the characteristics of its characters; The smallest details of the situation are depicted by the author with great accuracy, giving its overall picture of the concept of the moral side of the heroes. Already one of this desire to reproduce the life situation of the acting persons in all its details can explain why Emil Zol saw in Balzak head of naturalism.

Balzac studied the locality in detail, Wednesday, faces before being taken for a description. He was from almost all France, studying the terrain, in which his novels occurs; He started a wide variety of dating, tried to talk with people of different professions and a different public environment. Therefore, all his characters are vitality, although most of them burn off from one prevailing passion, which can be vanity, envy, misfortune, passion for profit, or, as in the "Father Gorio", which has passed the father's love for daughters.

But as far as the Balzac is strong in the description of human characters and social relations, it is as weak in descriptions of nature: his landscapes are pale, dims and banal. It is only interested in a person, and among people mostly those whose defects make it clear to see the true lining of human nature. To the disadvantages of Balzak as a writer, it should be counted the poverty of its style and the lack of feeling measures. Even in the famous image of the hotel in Father Gorio, the excessiveness of the descriptions and passion of the artist is noticeable. Fabul his novels often does not correspond to the realism of characters and conditions; Romanticism in this respect influenced him mainly by its bad side. But the overall picture of the life of the bourgeois class in Paris and in the provinces, with all its disadvantages, vices, passions, with all the variety of characters and types, is presented to them perfectly.

Balzac Onor de (1799 - 1850.)
French writer. Born in the family of immigrants from the peasants of Languedoc.

The initial surname of Walz changed his father, starting an official's career. The "de" part added to the name of the Son, claiming noble origin.

Between 1819 and 1824 Balzac published under a pseudonym from half a dozen of novels.

Publishing and typographic case involved him in big debts. For the first time, under his name, he published the novel "The Last Shoot".

The period from 1830 to 1848. He dedicated to the extensive cycle of novels and the associates known to the reading public as "Human Comedy". Balzac gave his work all his strength, but loved the secular life with her fun and travel.

Overwork from tremendous work, problems in personal life and the first signs of severe illness overshadowed the last years of the writer's life. Five months before his death, he married Evelina Ganskaya, whose consent to the marriage Balzak had to expect many years.

His most famous writings - "Shagreen Skin", "Gobsek", "Unknown masterpiece", "Evgenia Grande", "Banker's House of Nusingen", "Peasants", "Kuzen Pontoint" and others.