Green lamp. Green Lampo About Henry Green Lamp Read

Green lamp. Green Lampo About Henry Green Lamp Read

In London in 1920, in winter, at the corner of Piccadilly and one alley, two well-dressed middle-aged people stopped. They just left the expensive restaurant. There they had dinner, drank wine and joked with actipers from the Dryerlen Theater.

Now their attention was attracted by lying without movement, a poorly dressed man of twenty-five years, because of which the crowd began to gather.

- Staketon! "The thick gentleman said a thick gentleman to his friend, seeing that he was bent and peering into the lying. - Honestly, you should not do this to the Padal. He is drunk or died.

"I'm hungry ... And I'm alive," murmured unfortunate, lifting up to look at Stretton, who thought about something. - It was a faint.

- Reimer! - said Stunton. - Here is the case to do the joke. I had an interesting idea. I'm tired of ordinary entertainment, and you can only joke in one way: to make toys from people.

These words were told quietly, so lying, and now the man leaning against the fence did not hear them.

Rayimer, who was still, contemptuously shrugged, said goodbye to Strelton and left to drive the night into his club, and Stunton, when approving the crowd and with the help of a polisman, sat down a street-free person in Keb.

The crew went to one of the Tractors of Guy Street.

Walkers called John Yves. He arrived in London from Ireland to seek service or work. Yves was an orphan, brought up in the Forest family. In addition to elementary school, he did not receive any education. When Ivu was 15 years old, his teacher died, adult children of the forester left - who is in America, who is in South Wales, who worked in one farmer for some time. Then he had to experience the work of carbon, sailor, servants in the restaurant, and 22 years he fell ill with inflammation of the lungs and, coming out of the hospital, decided to try his happiness in London. But competition and unemployment soon showed him that it's not easy to find a job. He spent the night in the parks, on the marins, was sprouted, I was sipped and was, as we saw, raised by Stretton, the owner of trading warehouses in City.

Alexander Green

Green lamp

In London in 1920, in winter, at the corner of Piccadilly and one alley, two well-dressed middle-aged people stopped. They just left the expensive restaurant. There they had dinner, drank wine and joked with actipers from the Dryerlen Theater.

Now their attention was attracted by lying without movement, a poorly dressed man of twenty-five years, because of which the crowd began to gather.

Stilton cheese! "The thick gentleman said a thick gentleman to his friend, seeing that he was bent and peering into the lying. - Honestly, you should not do this to the Padal. He is drunk or died.

I'm hungry ... and I am alive, - muttered the unfortunate, lifting up to look at Stretton, who thought about something. - It was a faint.

Reimer! - said Stunton. - Here is the case to do a joke. I had an interesting idea. I'm tired of ordinary entertainment, and you can only joke in one way: to make toys from people.

These words were told quietly, so lying, and now the man leaning against the fence did not hear them.

The Reimer, who was still, contemptuously shrugged, said goodbye to Studeton and went to dust the night into his club, and Stunton, when approving the crowd and with the help of a polisman, sat down a street man in Cab.

The crew went to one of the Tractors of Gaistritis. The poor fellow called John Yves. He arrived in London from Ireland to seek service or work. Yves was an orphan, brought up in the Forest family. In addition to elementary school, he did not receive any education. When Ivu was 15 years old, his teacher died, adult children of the forester left - who is in America, who is in South Wales, who worked in one farmer for some time. Then he had to experience the work of carbon, sailor, servants in the restaurant, and 22 years he fell ill with inflammation of the lungs and, coming out of the hospital, decided to try his happiness in London. But competition and unemployment soon showed him that it's not easy to find a job. He spent the night in the parks, on the marins, was sprouted, I was sipped and was, as we saw, raised by Stretton, the owner of trading warehouses in City.

Staketon at 40 years old got everything he could have a honest person for money, who did not know the worries about the night and food. He owned a state of 20 million pounds. What he invented to do with Yves was perfect nonsense, but Stunton was very proud of his fiction, since he had a weakness to consider himself a man of great imagination and a fantasy cunning.

When Ives drank wine, he was well and told Stretton his story, Stunton said:

I want to make you a proposal from which your eyes will immediately shine. Listen: I give you ten pounds with the condition that you tomorrow hire a room on one of the central streets, in the second floor, with a window to the street. Each evening, exactly five to twelve nights, on the windowsill of one window, always the same, should stand a lit lamp, covered with a green lamp. While the lamp is on the sentence appointed, you will not get out of the house from five to twelve, you will not accept anyone and you will not talk to anyone. In short, the work is not difficult, and if you agree to do this, - I will send you ten pounds every month. I won't say you.

If you do not joke, - answered Yves, scaryly amazed by the offer, - then I agree to forget even my own name. But tell me, please, - how long will this prosperity last?

It is unknown. Maybe a year, maybe - all my life.

Better. But - I dare to ask - why do you need this green illumination?

Secret! - answered Staketon. - Great Mystery! The lamp will serve as a signal for people and affairs that you will never know anything.

Understand. That is, I do not understand anything. Okay; Drink a coin and know that tomorrow, according to my address, John IV will cover the lamp window!

Thus took place a strange deal, after which the tramp and the millionaire broke up, completely satisfied with each other.

Saying good, Stunton said:

Write to demand like this: "3-33-6". Even keep in mind that it is not known when, maybe in a month, maybe - a year later, in a word, quite unexpectedly, people who will visit you will be prompted by a wealthy person. Why is it and how - I do not have the right to explain. But it will happen ...

Hell! - muttered Yves, looking after Camba, who was overlooking Stitton, and thoughtfully spinning a decaphony ticket. - Or this man is crazy, or I'm a lucky one special. To promise such a bunch of grace, just for burning on the day of Paul-liter kerosene.

On the evening of the next day, one window of the second floor of a gloomy house No. 52 on River Street shone with soft green light. The lamp was moved to the frame itself.

Two passers-by some time looked at the green window from the opposite house of the sidewalk; Then Staketon said:

So, the milestone raim when you are bored, come here and smile. There, outside the window, fool sits. Fool, bought cheap, in installments, for a long time. He sniffs from boredom or go crazy ... But it will be waiting, not knowing what. Yes, here and he!

Indeed, a dark figure, leaning his forehead to the glass, looked in the streets of the street, as if asking: "Who is there? What do I want? Who will come?"

However, you are also a fool, my miley, "Reimer said, taking a friend at hand and fascinating him to the car. - What is fun in this joke?

Toy ... a toy from a living person, "said Stunton, the sweetest dishes!

In 1928, a hospital for the poor placed on one of the London Okrain was announced wild screams: shouted from terrible pain just brought an old man, dirty, badly dressed man with a depleted face. He broke his leg, stuck on the black staircase of the dark triton.

The victim attributed to the surgical department. The case was serious, since the sophisticated bone fracture caused the breakdown of the vessels.

According to the already inflammatory process of tissue, the surgeon, which examined the poor fellow, concluded that the operation is necessary. She was immediately made, after which the weakened old man was put on the bed, and he soon fell asleep, and waking up, he saw that in front of him the same surgeon was sitting on his right leg.

So how we had to meet! - said the doctor, serious, tall man with a sad glance. - Do you learn me, Mr. Stunton? "I am John Iv, who you instructed to dudge every day at a burning green lamp." I recognized you at first sight.

Thousand devils! - murmured, peering, Stunton. - What happened? Is it possible?

Yes. Tell me what has changed your lifestyle?

I broke ... a few big losses ... Panic on the stock exchange ... For three years already, as I became a beggar. And you? You?

I lit a lamp for several years, "Iv smiled," and at the beginning of boredom, and then he began to read everything with his passion. Once I revealed the old anatomy, lying on the shelf of the room, where I lived, and was amazed. In front of me, an exciting country of secrets of the human body opened. As drunk, I sat all night over this book, and in the morning went to the library and asked: "What should I study to become a doctor?" The answer was mocking: "Examine mathematics, geometry, botany, zoology, morphology, biology, pharmacology, Latin, etc. But I stubbornly interrogated, and I wrote everything to myself.

By that time, I have already fought a green lamp for two years, and once, returning in the evening (I did not consider it necessary, as first, there is a snowless house of 7 hours), I saw a man in a cylinder, which looked at my green window, not the annoyance, not With contempt. "Yves - a classic fool! - muttered that person, not noticing me. - He is waiting for the promised wonderful things ... Yes, he even has hope, and I ... I'm almost ruined!" It was you. You added: "A stupid joke. It was not worth throwing money."

I had enough books to learn, learn and learn, no matter what. I almost hit you at the same street, but I remembered that thanks to your mockery generosity I can become an educated person ...

Further? Okay. If the desire is strong, the performance will not slow down. In one, a student lived with me, who took part in me and helped me, in one and a half years old, pass exams for admission to a medical college. As you can see, I was a capable person ...

Silence has come.

I have not come to your window for a long time, "said Iva St Shotton's shocked by the story - for a long time ago. But now it seems to me that there is still a green lamp ... Lamp, illuminating the darkness of the night. Excuse me.

Will took out a clock.

Ten o'clock. You have to sleep, "he said. - Probably, after three weeks you can leave the hospital. Then call me - perhaps I will give you a job in our ambulance: write the names of the coming patients. And going down on the dark stairs, ignite ... at least a match.

Alexander Green

Green lamp

In London in 1920, in winter, at the corner of Piccadilly and one alley, two well-dressed middle-aged people stopped. They just left the expensive restaurant. There they had dinner, drank wine and joked with actipers from the Dryerlen Theater.

Now their attention was attracted by lying without movement, a poorly dressed man of twenty-five years, because of which the crowd began to gather.

Stilton cheese! "The thick gentleman said a thick gentleman to his friend, seeing that he was bent and peering into the lying. - Honestly, you should not do this to the Padal. He is drunk or died.

I'm hungry ... and I am alive, - muttered the unfortunate, lifting up to look at Stretton, who thought about something. - It was a faint.

Reimer! - said Stunton. - Here is the case to do a joke. I had an interesting idea. I'm tired of ordinary entertainment, and you can only joke in one way: to make toys from people.

These words were told quietly, so lying, and now the man leaning against the fence did not hear them.

The Reimer, who was still, contemptuously shrugged, said goodbye to Studeton and went to dust the night into his club, and Stunton, when approving the crowd and with the help of a polisman, sat down a street man in Cab.

The crew went to one of the Tractors of Gaistritis. The poor fellow called John Yves. He arrived in London from Ireland to seek service or work. Yves was an orphan, brought up in the Forest family. In addition to elementary school, he did not receive any education. When Ivu was 15 years old, his teacher died, adult children of the forester left - who is in America, who is in South Wales, who worked in one farmer for some time. Then he had to experience the work of carbon, sailor, servants in the restaurant, and 22 years he fell ill with inflammation of the lungs and, coming out of the hospital, decided to try his happiness in London. But competition and unemployment soon showed him that it's not easy to find a job. He spent the night in the parks, on the marins, was sprouted, I was sipped and was, as we saw, raised by Stretton, the owner of trading warehouses in City.

Staketon at 40 years old got everything he could have a honest person for money, who did not know the worries about the night and food. He owned a state of 20 million pounds. What he invented to do with Yves was perfect nonsense, but Stunton was very proud of his fiction, since he had a weakness to consider himself a man of great imagination and a fantasy cunning.

When Ives drank wine, he was well and told Stretton his story, Stunton said:

I want to make you a proposal from which your eyes will immediately shine. Listen: I give you ten pounds with the condition that you tomorrow hire a room on one of the central streets, in the second floor, with a window to the street. Each evening, exactly five to twelve nights, on the windowsill of one window, always the same, should stand a lit lamp, covered with a green lamp. While the lamp is on the sentence appointed, you will not get out of the house from five to twelve, you will not accept anyone and you will not talk to anyone. In short, the work is not difficult, and if you agree to do this, - I will send you ten pounds every month. I won't say you.

If you do not joke, - answered Yves, scaryly amazed by the offer, - then I agree to forget even my own name. But tell me, please, - how long will this prosperity last?

It is unknown. Maybe a year, maybe - all my life.

Better. But - I dare to ask - why do you need this green illumination?

Secret! - answered Staketon. - Great Mystery! The lamp will serve as a signal for people and affairs that you will never know anything.

Understand. That is, I do not understand anything. Okay; Drink a coin and know that tomorrow, according to my address, John IV will cover the lamp window!

Thus took place a strange deal, after which the tramp and the millionaire broke up, completely satisfied with each other.

Saying good, Stunton said:

Write to demand like this: "3-33-6". Even keep in mind that it is not known when, maybe in a month, maybe - a year later, in a word, quite unexpectedly, people who will visit you will be prompted by a wealthy person. Why is it and how - I do not have the right to explain. But it will happen ...

Hell! - muttered Yves, looking after Camba, who was overlooking Stitton, and thoughtfully spinning a decaphony ticket. - Or this man is crazy, or I'm a lucky one special. To promise such a bunch of grace, just for burning on the day of Paul-liter kerosene.

On the evening of the next day, one window of the second floor of a gloomy house No. 52 on River Street shone with soft green light. The lamp was moved to the frame itself.

Two passers-by some time looked at the green window from the opposite house of the sidewalk; Then Staketon said:

So, the milestone raim when you are bored, come here and smile. There, outside the window, fool sits. Fool, bought cheap, in installments, for a long time. He sniffs from boredom or go crazy ... But it will be waiting, not knowing what. Yes, here and he!

Indeed, a dark figure, leaning his forehead to the glass, looked in the streets of the street, as if asking: "Who is there? What do I want? Who will come?"

However, you are also a fool, my miley, "Reimer said, taking a friend at hand and fascinating him to the car. - What is fun in this joke?

Toy ... a toy from a living person, "said Stunton, the sweetest dishes!

In 1928, a hospital for the poor placed on one of the London Okrain was announced wild screams: shouted from terrible pain just brought an old man, dirty, badly dressed man with a depleted face. He broke his leg, stuck on the black staircase of the dark triton.

The victim attributed to the surgical department. The case was serious, since the sophisticated bone fracture caused the breakdown of the vessels.

According to the already inflammatory process of tissue, the surgeon, which examined the poor fellow, concluded that the operation is necessary. She was immediately made, after which the weakened old man was put on the bed, and he soon fell asleep, and waking up, he saw that in front of him the same surgeon was sitting on his right leg.

So how we had to meet! - said the doctor, serious, tall man with a sad glance. - Do you learn me, Mr. Stunton? "I am John Iv, who you instructed to dudge every day at a burning green lamp." I recognized you at first sight.

Thousand devils! - murmured, peering, Stunton. - What happened? Is it possible?

Yes. Tell me what has changed your lifestyle?

I broke ... a few big losses ... Panic on the stock exchange ... For three years already, as I became a beggar. And you? You?

I lit a lamp for several years, "Iv smiled," and at the beginning of boredom, and then he began to read everything with his passion. Once I revealed the old anatomy, lying on the shelf of the room, where I lived, and was amazed. In front of me, an exciting country of secrets of the human body opened. As drunk, I sat all night over this book, and in the morning went to the library and asked: "What should I study to become a doctor?" The answer was mocking: "Examine mathematics, geometry, botany, zoology, morphology, biology, pharmacology, Latin, etc. But I stubbornly interrogated, and I wrote everything to myself.

By that time, I have already fought a green lamp for two years, and once, returning in the evening (I did not consider it necessary, as first, there is a snowless house of 7 hours), I saw a man in a cylinder, which looked at my green window, not the annoyance, not With contempt. "Yves - a classic fool! - muttered that person, not noticing me. - He is waiting for the promised wonderful things ... Yes, he even has hope, and I ... I'm almost ruined!" It was you. You added: "A stupid joke. It was not worth throwing money."

I had enough books to learn, learn and learn, no matter what. I almost hit you at the same street, but I remembered that thanks to your mockery generosity I can become an educated person ...

Further? Okay. If the desire is strong, the performance will not slow down. In one, a student lived with me, who took part in me and helped me, in one and a half years old, pass exams for admission to a medical college. As you can see, I was a capable person ...

Silence has come.

I have not come to your window for a long time, "said Iva St Shotton's shocked by the story - for a long time ago. But now it seems to me that there is still a green lamp ... Lamp, illuminating the darkness of the night. Excuse me.

Will took out a clock.

Ten o'clock. You have to sleep, "he said. - Probably, after three weeks you can leave the hospital. Then call me - perhaps I will give you a job in our ambulance: write the names of the coming patients. And going down on the dark stairs, ignite ... at least a match.

Alexander Green

Green lamp

In London in 1920, in winter, at the corner of Piccadilly and one alley, two well-dressed middle-aged people stopped. They just left the expensive restaurant. There they had dinner, drank wine and joked with actipers from the Dryerlen Theater.

Now their attention was attracted by lying without movement, a poorly dressed man of twenty-five years, because of which the crowd began to gather.

Stilton cheese! "The thick gentleman said a thick gentleman to his friend, seeing that he was bent and peering into the lying. - Honestly, you should not do this to the Padal. He is drunk or died.

I'm hungry ... and I am alive, - muttered the unfortunate, lifting up to look at Stretton, who thought about something. - It was a faint.

Reimer! - said Stunton. - Here is the case to do a joke. I had an interesting idea. I'm tired of ordinary entertainment, and you can only joke in one way: to make toys from people.

These words were told quietly, so lying, and now the man leaning against the fence did not hear them.

The Reimer, who was still, contemptuously shrugged, said goodbye to Studeton and went to dust the night into his club, and Stunton, when approving the crowd and with the help of a polisman, sat down a street man in Cab.

The crew went to one of the Tractors of Gaistritis. The poor fellow called John Yves. He arrived in London from Ireland to seek service or work. Yves was an orphan, brought up in the Forest family. In addition to elementary school, he did not receive any education. When Ivu was 15 years old, his teacher died, adult children of the forester left - who is in America, who is in South Wales, who worked in one farmer for some time. Then he had to experience the work of carbon, sailor, servants in the restaurant, and 22 years he fell ill with inflammation of the lungs and, coming out of the hospital, decided to try his happiness in London. But competition and unemployment soon showed him that it's not easy to find a job. He spent the night in the parks, on the marins, was sprouted, I was sipped and was, as we saw, raised by Stretton, the owner of trading warehouses in City.

Staketon at 40 years old got everything he could have a honest person for money, who did not know the worries about the night and food. He owned a state of 20 million pounds. What he invented to do with Yves was perfect nonsense, but Stunton was very proud of his fiction, since he had a weakness to consider himself a man of great imagination and a fantasy cunning.

When Ives drank wine, he was well and told Stretton his story, Stunton said:

I want to make you a proposal from which your eyes will immediately shine. Listen: I give you ten pounds with the condition that you tomorrow hire a room on one of the central streets, in the second floor, with a window to the street. Each evening, exactly five to twelve nights, on the windowsill of one window, always the same, should stand a lit lamp, covered with a green lamp. While the lamp is on the sentence appointed, you will not get out of the house from five to twelve, you will not accept anyone and you will not talk to anyone. In short, the work is not difficult, and if you agree to do this, - I will send you ten pounds every month. I won't say you.

If you do not joke, - answered Yves, scaryly amazed by the offer, - then I agree to forget even my own name. But tell me, please, - how long will this prosperity last?

It is unknown. Maybe a year, maybe - all my life.

Better. But - I dare to ask - why do you need this green illumination?

Secret! - answered Staketon. - Great Mystery! The lamp will serve as a signal for people and affairs that you will never know anything.

Understand. That is, I do not understand anything. Okay; Drink a coin and know that tomorrow, according to my address, John IV will cover the lamp window!

Thus took place a strange deal, after which the tramp and the millionaire broke up, completely satisfied with each other.

Saying good, Stunton said:

Write to demand like this: "3-33-6". Even keep in mind that it is not known when, maybe in a month, maybe - a year later, in a word, quite unexpectedly, people who will visit you will be prompted by a wealthy person. Why is it and how - I do not have the right to explain. But it will happen ...

Hell! - muttered Yves, looking after Camba, who was overlooking Stitton, and thoughtfully spinning a decaphony ticket. - Or this man is crazy, or I'm a lucky one special. To promise such a bunch of grace, just for burning on the day of Paul-liter kerosene.

On the evening of the next day, one window of the second floor of a gloomy house No. 52 on River Street shone with soft green light. The lamp was moved to the frame itself.

Two passers-by some time looked at the green window from the opposite house of the sidewalk; Then Staketon said:

So, the milestone raim when you are bored, come here and smile. There, outside the window, fool sits. Fool, bought cheap, in installments, for a long time. He sniffs from boredom or go crazy ... But it will be waiting, not knowing what. Yes, here and he!

Indeed, a dark figure, leaning his forehead to the glass, looked in the streets of the street, as if asking: "Who is there? What do I want? Who will come?"

However, you are also a fool, my miley, "Reimer said, taking a friend at hand and fascinating him to the car. - What is fun in this joke?

Toy ... a toy from a living person, "said Stunton, the sweetest dishes!

In 1928, a hospital for the poor placed on one of the London Okrain was announced wild screams: shouted from terrible pain just brought an old man, dirty, badly dressed man with a depleted face. He broke his leg, stuck on the black staircase of the dark triton.

The victim attributed to the surgical department. The case was serious, since the sophisticated bone fracture caused the breakdown of the vessels.

According to the already inflammatory process of tissue, the surgeon, which examined the poor fellow, concluded that the operation is necessary. She was immediately made, after which the weakened old man was put on the bed, and he soon fell asleep, and waking up, he saw that in front of him the same surgeon was sitting on his right leg.

Green lamp

Alexander Stepanovich Green

Alexander Green

Green lamp

In London in 1920, in winter, at the corner of Piccadilly and one alley, two well-dressed middle-aged people stopped. They just left the expensive restaurant. There they had dinner, drank wine and joked with actipers from the Dryerlen Theater.

Now their attention was attracted by lying without movement, a poorly dressed man of twenty-five years, because of which the crowd began to gather.

- Staketon! "The thick gentleman said a thick gentleman to his friend, seeing that he was bent and peering into the lying. - Honestly, you should not do this to the Padal. He is drunk or died.

"I'm hungry ... And I'm alive," murmured unfortunate, lifting up to look at Stretton, who thought about something. - It was a faint.

- Reimer! - said Stunton. - Here is the case to do the joke. I had an interesting idea. I'm tired of ordinary entertainment, and you can only joke in one way: to make toys from people.

These words were told quietly, so lying, and now the man leaning against the fence did not hear them.

Rayimer, who was still, contemptuously shrugged, said goodbye to Strelton and left to drive the night into his club, and Stunton, when approving the crowd and with the help of a polisman, sat down a street-free person in Keb.

The crew went to one of the Tractors of Guy Street.

Walkers called John Yves. He arrived in London from Ireland to seek service or work. Yves was an orphan, brought up in the Forest family. In addition to elementary school, he did not receive any education. When Ivu was 15 years old, his teacher died, adult children of the forester left - who is in America, who is in South Wales, who worked in one farmer for some time. Then he had to experience the work of carbon, sailor, servants in the restaurant, and 22 years he fell ill with inflammation of the lungs and, coming out of the hospital, decided to try his happiness in London. But competition and unemployment soon showed him that it's not easy to find a job. He spent the night in the parks, on the marins, was sprouted, I was sipped and was, as we saw, raised by Stretton, the owner of trading warehouses in City.

Staketon at 40 years old got everything he could have a honest person for money, who did not know the worries about the night and food. He owned a state of 20 million pounds. What he invented to do with Yves was perfect nonsense, but Stunton was very proud of his fiction, since he had a weakness to consider himself a man of great imagination and a fantasy cunning.

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