Conspiracy to lust and passion. Arsenal Right movements directly in bed

Conspiracy to lust and passion. Arsenal Right movements directly in bed
Conspiracy to lust and passion. Arsenal Right movements directly in bed
The strongest conspiracies and spells for love, sex, family relations Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich

Lust and passion

Lust and passion

Conspiracy is designed for both men and women. Reads from the open fire: a fire, candles, fireplace

Railing a fire of passion at the bottom of the abdomen (name). Raise the passion in the head. Let she drunk and dope. Let the brains demolish and dominates above the body.

The passion is burning in (name), flames and torments. The legs are trembling, the lips dry, the hands themselves are drawn to me. It will not be able to align this passion. It's not to get rid of it. Only I can alone this passion, but I can send this passion.

Everything for me for (name) converges. Everything on me is coming to him. I want (name) my body. I want so much in the eyes darkens. I am for (name) the biggest dream, the piece of sweet. To be together in the heat of passion! Test us lust and lust!

Burn, fire, and burns to bones. Gori, fire, and support me!

Be my wishes filled!

Khanta Ular.

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Passion in solitude Masturbation is one of the forms of sexual life. This is explained in one of the comments of Prabhupada in the "nectar of the instruction": "The inconsishes of the genitals are two species - permitted and unauthorized, and therefore distinguish with pervolored and unauthorized

The spell on the passion is a special form of a magical impact that is not aimed at a challenge of love, and an exceptionally physical attraction awakens in a person. Such a rite is optimal, for example, if you need to awaken a passion from spouses, which as a result of a long-term life stepped slightly towards each other.

But on the other hand, the spell on the passion will be immoral if a husband from the family will be performed. From such a guidance, you can expect the most severe negative consequences.

As a rule, all the guidance rites, the action of which is aimed at the awakening of passion are not distinguished by the complexity of the holding. But at the same time require attachments of their own feelings into conspiracy words. It is advisable to conduct such impacts in the period of an increasing moon, but if you have a strong energy from nature, any other lunar phase is suitable.


There is a conspiracy, which is very easy to awaken the passion from a partner, the feelings for you from which slightly cooled. It can be like a husband and lover. To read a conspiracy, you need to retire in a separate room, light the church candle.

"I, the slave of God (own name) I ignite again the feelings of your slave of God (chosen name), ignite the flame fire of the passion at the bottom of your belly. I'll raise the desire and lust your heart and in the head. Let the thoughts, the slave for me, manage you. Let them drink you and dope. My words are strong and strong, they will make your body burn from passion to me. Wherever you were, the slave of God (chosen name), you will be passionately wishing me everywhere. Passion in your body will torment you and not let me go, until I come to me. From now on, and forever your lips will dry and reach my lips, your legs will tremble, and you will always look for me. There is a passionate fire in this world, burning in your soul, do not alone and do not forget about me. Thoughts about me will not leave in the afternoon, no night and you can not get rid of them. Only I, the slave of God (own name) I can quench your thirst and hunger, to satisfy your passion. Everything converges on me and comes with. You will want to want my bodies so that in the eyes there will be dark. Only I will be in the Gresses of yours to be and in dreams to see. In the heat of passion is strong and we will join and enjoy, experiencing lust and lust. I sought the fire, so burn the flame, burn the soul and the bones of the slave of God (chosen name) passion unmanaged to me, the servant of God (own name).

Strengthen the effect of such a conspiracy on passion can be used as an additional furniture attribute a photo of a loved one in full growth. By pronouncing magic words, you should keep the picture as close as possible to the fire, where the genitals of the person being traveled.

This ritual is better to spend before bedtime. After writing words, you need to glue the candle and go to bed, no one else is talking to this evening.

Rite at the first date

If you liked a person at the first date, and you wish to tie it at a sexual level, you can spend a strong rite. At the same time, be careful, do not make mistakes. After all, if you pass it off after you will wake a passion, a person will suffer very much, and you will have to pay for it. Conspiracy is read when the chosen is within visibility.

It is allowed to pronounce the following magical words with a whisper, but at the same time consciously and intelligible:

"We met with you, and I don't want to part. I, the slave of God (own name), I dream of your sweet kiss, Slave God (chosen name). And I also dream sweetly kiss you in response. Let our hugs be passionate, and we will be strongly owning each other. Our meeting was not accidental, our fate intertwined and the bodies merged. I want to give you a real pleasure, and that you answer me the same. I wish you could not get your eyes from my eyes to my eyes, so that you dreamed about touching my body and my lips. I will always assume you to myself, I will always fill your passion for the strong heart. You will always talk "Yes, as soon as I wish. Amen".

The main thing is to speak such magic words so that your chosen one does notice.

A peculiarity of all the promotional rites aimed at the awakening of passion is a short period of validity. But it is unlikely that this fact can be considered a disadvantage. After all, due to this, such rituals belong to white magic and do not lead to strong negative consequences.

These probes work only if you yourself experience passionate feelings to a person, otherwise they will be useless. Moreover, a person needs not only to desire, but also sincerely believe in the power of magic.

Mikhail Koryakin, urologist-andrologist of the medical rehabilitation center of the Ministry of Health, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

This is explained: Women have a testosterone level (hormone responsible for sexual desire) at least 10 times less than in men. This hormone, by the way, is responsible for endurance, strength, greater muscle mass, that is, typically male signs. But I categorically not advise to use drugs with testosterone to increase libido, even in the form of gels for outdoor use. It is not clean!

Increased pharmacological method The level of male sex hormone in the female body will inevitably lead to a threshable change in appearance: the mustache and beard will begin to grow, the skin will become coarse and greasy, the voice is lower and so on. Moreover, the excess of testosterone in a woman will block the menstrual cycle and lead To infertility. Therefore, we consider more harmless ways to strengthen sexual attraction.

1. Erotic fantasy

Books with a playful plot, with a description of spicy details, as well as beautiful films about love can push to ensure that you wanted to repeat on-site romance in life, and activate a sexual desire.

Our advice:modern TV series "Masters of Sex", "Call Girl", "Tell me that you love me," as well as the classics - films "with widespread eyes" and "9 and a half weeks".

2. Regular sports

Exercise slightly increase the level of testosterone in the body. No wonder all athletes have the level of this hormone higher than the rest of the women. This is a scientific fact. But this does not mean that you need to raise a barbell or throw the kernel. An ordinary fitness is quite suitable. Choose what you like - swimming, dancing, aerobics, etc. So the figure will be more touched, which is also important for sexual attractiveness.

3. Aromatherapy

Although odors, as such, cannot cause an attraction and combine active sexual action (contrary to advertising!), Pleasant flavors in the bedroom will configure the romantic way, will increase the mood. And by the way, do not forget to give your man a perfume that you like.

4. Spa treatments

A warm bath relaxes, relieves fatigue and stress that it does not hurt before love marathons. Hydromassage, in particular the effect of the directional shower jet on certain parts of the body, is capable of exciting quite strongly. So you can experiment in the shower, while the husband waits for you in bed and return prepared. Or take a shower or bath together.

5. Proper nutrition, attention to your health

Do not forget to regularly visit not only the female doctor, but also other specialists, including the dentist. Any discomfort distracts, disturbing and oppressing sexual desire.

6. Men's compliments

It is known that a man loves his eyes, and a woman's ears. As possible, provoke men to admire you, talked about how you are beautiful. Affectionate words, attention, self-confidence, compliments (and even often frank flattery) are able to wake a passion. Awareness that you are desired, causes a response.

7. Solar baths

Ultraviolet rays affect the skin and lead to the production of vitamin D and as a result - testosterone. But the tan should be light. Excess of the Sun leads to aging of the skin and can provoke the development of melanoma.

8. Full Son

A woman, as a rule, needs to sleep more than a man. Therefore, it is not necessary to save on a dream in order to let your beloved pies, get into the apartment, releasing all the lingerie, etc. If a man in this regard is more coarsely and may want anyone and anywhere, then women are more tender and demanding.

9. Impact on erogenous zones

Many women have such a zone. You can use the earrings suspensions that could affect this area and increase sexual desire. Others excite affectionate touch to the chest. In general, all the skin in humans is a sexual body. And the woman has all the more. It is no coincidence that women touch outsiders cause rejection and irritation.

10. A little fault

Alcohol makes girls more free, liberated, reduces behavior control. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, no one has not excited a woman drunk in the trash. But a glass of red or white for dinner only benefit.

Among men there are personalities are still super-sensitive. It happens before proximity to your girlfriend, they are so worried and worry that they risk the victim of Fiasco. Calm down and show your male qualities will help this, quite effective and strong conspiracy on proximity With your favorite guy.

"On the island of Buyan behind the sea ocean there is an oak, an oak of that thousand years. Oak is that one thousand and one branch does not be rushing from the wind, do not break from the rain. So let the Slave of God (name) ninety-nine lived and one lived and one lived not bent from the Master of the Body, from the woman's glance, from evil intent, from enviable thoughts. Amen".

This conspiracy on your favorite boys is not read directly before proximity. - The effect may be the opposite. Make this rite during the day, at noon, if there are oaks nearby, stand up in front of him and say the witchcraft regulations. From the tree you can take a piece of paper, attribute home and stored under the mattress.

Listed not only by representatives of the strong half of humanity. Ladies also suffer annoying failures. If you love your chosen one, but the desire of proximity somewhere happened somewhere, read a conspiracy to a female desire. This is a strong plot of proximity for women. Go early in the morning to the river, enter the water, screamet on yourself and say: "The sky is my father, the earth is my mother, tell the water of Bability to give the power." Mind by the river water, breathe it at home, once again saying a plot.

Proximity and passion go hand in hand.

  • There are periods in the life of each of us when we are obsessed with love, this bright major instinct, manifestation of the beser in our nature.
  • The desire is sometimes becoming marked.
  • Flame of passion does not heat - it burns.
  • You can find satisfaction by making a strong conspiracy on the proximity to a man, and having received what it lass so much.

Independent conspiracy on the emergence of passion when accidental acquaintance

"I dream of your kiss. I want to hug you and own you (name). Our meeting was not accidental, I wanted to give you pleasure. You can't give up my gaze. He manites you and fills with passion. Be mine, my random beauty, and tell me "yes" when I need it. "

Lust and passion

This free plot of proximity to read from the open fire.

Designed for both women and men.

"I fierces the fire of passion at the bottom of the abdomen (name). Raise the passion in the head. Let she drunk and dope. Let the brain demolish and dominates above the body. The passion is burning in (name), flames and torments. The legs are trembling, the lips dry, the hands themselves are drawn to me. It will not be able to align this passion. It's not to get rid of it. Only I can alone this passion, but I can send this passion. Everything for me for (name) converges. Everything on me is coming to him. I want (name) my body. I want so much in the eyes darkens. I am for (name) the biggest dream. To be together in the heat of passion! Test us lust and lust! Burn, fire, and burns to bones. Gori, fire, and support me! Be my wishes filled! Kuntaa Ular. "

Love rituals are capable not only to cause a strong sense of love, but also passion. Some rituals act completely short time. No specific conditions for their conduct required. You can perform them at any time of the day if another is not agreed. Conspiracies to challenge strong passion will help with married couples to revive and ignite the former fire in relationships.

In rites, helping to cause an ardent passion and attraction, there are both light love spells and more serious. The latter are called sexual bindings. But they require more strength, skills. If the plot is performed incorrectly, then the consequences may be negative.

Conspiracy for men and women

The easiest conspiracy can be used both men and women. The text is based on the photo of the belt object, which is kept above the burning church candle. A person should be depicted in full growth. Words are pronouncing in a low voice, slowly and clearly.

"I grow up, the slave (a) of God (God's name) (name) of the fire below the abdomen of a heart (name), the messengers fly from the fire, they want to break the whole body. In the knees - shiver, in white hands - goose leather, in the mouth - dry. Night day, night-midnight, wait, tolerate the nemem. Come, on the fence they will be put on the fence, lose and impart. Porina is mine, like a snowball, cool, caress my paint. Amen!"

Conspiracy on salt

Salt will help not only remove negative energy, but also to strengthen passionate feelings. A conspiracy salt is gradually added to the food that is being prepared for his man.

"It stands on Mount White throne, the first wife sits on the throne. Men on the mountain climb, the skin is moving, the veins are torn. Gave me the first wife my cherished words. I will say the words, Milanka Podoku. Kipi, Passion White, Passion Yaraya. Let without the body of my Lord slave (name) will be nauseous that fish is in a dry shore. Let the Lord are not afraid, Molle is not ashamed, everything is pretty me, hugs yes, fornicing with me creates. Amen!"

Conspiracy to passion at the first date

The ritual is suitable for strengthening passion from a unchanged person.

For example, if you wish to cause strong traction and uncontrolled lust in a man on the first date, then the following conspiracy will suit (while the object of your desire must be within visibility):

"I, the slave of God (name), dream of your kiss, the servant of God (name). I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I want to own you, the servant of God (name). There was no random meeting our, we are destined to each other fate. I want to give you pleasure and that you give pleasure to me. You can not refuse to look at my, my touches, my lips. I will bear you, I will fill your heart with a passion. You will be mine, the slave of God (name), you will tell me "yes" when I wish himself. May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual from problems in intimate life

Failing in sexual affairs can not only representatives of strong sex. Frequently often and the beautiful half of humanity lies with annoying failures. If you felt that the passion began to fade and the desire of proximity is no longer so strong, then you can hold a rite to the revival of passion to your partner.

To do this, in the early morning go to the river, enter the water and begin to spill on themselves with water, saying:

"The sky is my father, the earth is my mother, tell the water of Bability to give the power."

Returning home, take running water from the river with you. At home, you will see her face again.

Rite clothes

The ritual is carried out in this way ::

  • Do with your own hands you need to wash any item of the object of lust, ideally a shirt. In the process of washing, it is necessary to constantly think about the proximity to this person, to represent it in all the paints of passion.
  • Clothes should be dried over open fire. Having exhausted it, they pronounce the following words:

"Peer, dry, shirt, until you dry. Yes, the owner of his own (pronounce his name) to teach how to dry from passion and love of software (pronounce their name). "

  • When clothing dries, you need to resemble a little in it, so that it can carry the necessary energy. Only after that it gives her to his beloved person.

Since ancient times, conspiracies were considered the most effective and efficient rituals who were held on the items of clothing or for food.

For example, the shirt after a conspiracy is charged with the necessary energy. Putting it on, the object is exposed to this energy itself for a long time. The ritual begins to act almost instantly. Food or clothing will constantly call the object of lust of thought about physical proximity.

Despite the simplicity of conspiracy on passion, they exist specific rules and features:

  • the duration of the rituals conducted does not last more than a year;
  • the strength and time of the rituals depends only on your energy;
  • the insane passion from the object of lust to you does not guarantee the emergence of fervent and devoted love;
  • it is impossible to cause a stormy passion in a person who experiences strong negative emotions towards you;
  • several different rituals cannot be held in a row, it can provoke the opposite effect or cause a partner a sense of permanent desire, insatiability, which will lead to concerns and psychological disorder.