Temporary and eternal in Russian literature characters: E. A

Temporary and eternal in Russian literature characters: E. A
  • Love is loan "and the humanistic ideas of Dr. Ravik in the novel" Triumphal Arch ".
  • Roman B. Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago": Genre, Problems, System of images, originality of the material.
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  • In the novel, "Dr. Zhivago" Boris Pasternak portrayed amazing stories of love, intertwined in the life of the main character - Yuri Andreevich Zhivago.
    The topic of love in the work is definitely related to women's images. It is noteworthy that at first "Dr. Zhivago" was called "Boys and Girls". Indeed, from the very first episodes, in addition to boys, girls appear here - Nadia, sinking. The second part of the novel opens the head of the "girl from another circle" - Larisa Gishar appears. In the end, we get acquainted with another one way - the third wife of Zhivago, Marina.
    Tonya rigged the first wife of the hero. We know that they rose together, were friends from childhood. But at one fine moment, Yuri suddenly found that "Tonya, this old comrade, this understandable, not requiring an explanation, turned out to be the most inaccessible and difficult from everything that Jura could have imagined, turned out to be a woman."
    Tonya was a simple, touching, familiar and native. She seemed to be designed by Zhivago his most fate. We remember that before the death of Anna Ivanovna, the mother Tony, blessed Yuri and her daughter to marry: "If I die, do not part. You are created for each other. Marry. So I made you ... "
    Perhaps these words were forced and forced Yura, and even tona, too, refer to each other. Between them broke out, love. It was the first sense in the life of heroes: "The scarf made a mixed smell of tangerine peel and the tonina palm, the same charging. It was something new in lawyer, never experienced and sharply permeating from top to bottom. "
    We see that the first perception of Tony was in Livago rather sensual than emotional. I think that exactly the ratio of the hero to his wife and remained throughout their joint life.
    Yuri's love to tone was quiet, clean and, to some extent, thankful. After all, this woman, good, understanding, sincere, was a vital support of Yuri Zhivago. However, with all his love for this woman, the hero is experiencing a sense of guilt. It can be said that his bright feeling was overshadowed by one severity - wines for love for another - Larisa Gishar, Lara.
    "Lara was the cleanest creature in the world," the author says about this heroine. She was brought up in a poor family, so it was forced to give lessons, care for his mother, to endure the caress of the nag rich Komarovsky.
    For a long time, Larisa and Zhivago are found only fleeting, casually, by chance, without noticing each other. Moreover, each new meeting is happening at the new life stage of the heroes.
    But the time passes. Already matured, the heroes are again found in the evening. A moment is a moment when Snezhnoye, frosty winter, Yura sees a candle in an unfamiliar window and cannot tear out eyes from her. It was Lara Room. And the candle will subsequently become a symbol of their love - the sign of eternal spiritual, saving fire, the sacred passion of two souls.
    During a meeting with Laro on the Ball of Jura, his act: the exhausted girl shoots not only in the Komarovsky hates, but also in the hated, imposed from the outside, existence.
    Fate reduces heroes during terrible tests - revolution and civil war. Both heroes are incomprehensible: Yuri has its own family, the children whom he gently loves. Lara is married. But their compound is inevitable, their souls are drawn to each other in search of salvation from horror and catastrophe of a terrible world.
    Lara gives the hero light, supports, burns, not fading, like the candle that he saw many years ago. This woman appears in front of Yuri Andreevich, then in the form of a swan, then rowan, and, in the end, it becomes clear that for the main character of Lara - the embodiment of nature itself: "For sure the gift of the living spirit, the flow of his breast, crossing all his being and a couple The wings came out from under the blades outside ... ".
    For Zhivago Lara - the embodiment of femininity, the embodiment of his ideal, the symbol of Russia. This woman is good, in the opinion of the hero, "that is unlikely a clean and rapid line, what the whole of her in one fellows was circled around the bottom of the Creator." For the chief hero of Roman Larisa Fedorovna - "A representative of the life itself, of the existence".
    But the tragedy lives inside the heroine: "I am broken, I'm with a crack for life. I was premature, it was criminally early made a woman, dedicated to life with the worst side. "
    Larisa is not only a loving woman. She is also a caring mother. When the heroine begins to feel the fast arrest, then, first of all, thinks about the fate of his daughter: "What will happen to Katten? I am a mother. I have to warn your misfortune and come up with something. " Perhaps this is what makes a woman run to the Far East with Komarovsky.
    But, in my opinion, Lara never forgave this act. Perhaps that is why, returning from Irkutsk and learning about the death of Yuri Zhivago, she suddenly talks about her terrible wine: "There is no rest of the rest from pity and flour. But I do not say, I do not open the main thing. I can not call this, unable. When I reach this place of my life, I move my hair on my head from horror. And even, you know, I will not challenge that I am quite normal. "
    The final of the life of this heroine is terrible. Once leaving the house, Larisa is no longer refundable: "Apparently, she was arrested on the street, and she died or disappeared unknown where ... in one of the innumerable general or female concentration camps of the North."
    But in the life of Zhivago there was another woman - his third wife Marina. Love for her is a certain compromise Hero with life: "Yuri Andreevich sometimes said that their rapproche was a novel in twenty buckets, as the novels in twenty chapters or twenty letters."
    Marina was distinguished by humility and complete submission to the interests of Yuri Andreevich. She said goodbye to the doctor all his oddities, "By this time, the frauds formed, the whims of the man dropped and conscious of their fall."
    With something, this heroine resembles Agafia Pshetitsyn from Roman Goncharov "Oblomov". Pshetitsyn also supported Oblomov in the last years of his life, gave him comfort and warmth, in which Ilya Ilyich needed. Of course, it was not holy love, but only a cozy existence. But sometimes it can be needed.
    Thus, through the entire Novel "Dr. Zhivago", there are three female images associated with the figure of the main character - Yuri Zhivago. Tonya, Lara, Marina ... Such different, but managers, each in their own way, to support the hero, to give him his love, to become his companion at a certain stage of life.

    pasternak's novel show the problems of the life of that time.

    "Dr. Zhivago" main characters

    • Yuri Andreevich Zhivago - doctor, the main character of the novel
    • Antonina Aleksandrovna Zhivago (Gully) - wife Yury
    • Larisa Fedorovna Antipova (Gishar) - antipova's wife
    • Pavel Pavlovich Antipov (Strelnikov) - husband Lara, Revolutionary Commissioner
    • Alexander Aleksandrovich and Anna Ivanovna Gulkin - parents Antonina
    • Evgraph Andreevich Zhivago - major General, Yuriy's Charter
    • Nikolai Nikolaevich Vedenyapin - uncle Yury Andreevich
    • Viktor Ippolitovich Komarovsky - moscow lawyer
    • Katya Antipova - daughter Larisa
    • Mikhail Gordon and Innokenty Dudorov - classmates Yuri by gymnasium
    • Osip Himazetdinovich Galiullin - white General
    • Anfim Efimovich Samevyatov - lawyer, Bolshevik
    • Livherey Averkievich Mikulitsyn (Comrade Forest) - the leader of the "Forest Brothers"
    • Marina - third civilian wife Yuri
    • Kikilinean Savelyevich Tiverzin and Pavel Ferapontovich Antipov - workers of the Brest Railway, Polcutory
    • Maria Nikolaevna Zhivago (Vedenyapina) - mother Yuri.
    • Prov Afanasyevich Sokolov - acolyte
    • Shura Schlesinger - girlfriend Antonina Aleksandrovna
    • Marfa Gavrilovna Tiverzin - mother of Cylerse Savelievich Tiverzin
    • Sophia Malakhova - girlfriend Savelia
    • Markel - janitor in the old house of the Zivago family, Father Marina

    Yuri Zhivago is a little boy who is experiencing the death of the mother: "They walked and sang" eternal memory "...". Yura is a descendant of a rich family who has done its own condition on industrial, trading and banking operations. The marriage of the parents was not happy: the Father threw the family even before the death of the mother.

    An uncle, living in the south of Russia she likes the orphaned Yura. Then numerous relatives and friends will send him to Moscow, where he as a native will be accepted in the family of Alexander and Anna Gully.

    The exclusiveness of Yuri becomes obvious rather early - another young man he manifests himself as a talented poet. But at the same time, he decides to go in the footsteps of his reception father Alexander Gully and enters the university's medical department, where he also manifests itself as a talented doctor. The first love, and later, the wife of Yuri Zhivago becomes his daughter of his benefactors - Tonya humbly.

    Yuri and Tony had two children, but then fate separated them forever, and his youngest daughter, born after parting, did not see the doctor.

    At the beginning of the novel, new faces are constantly in front of the reader. All of them will connect to a single tangle the further stroke of the narration. One of them is Larisa, an antisticance of a nurserly lawyer of Komarovsky, who is trying by all their might and cannot escape from captivity of his "patronage". Lara has a friend of childhood - Pavel Antipov, who will later become her husband, and Lara will see his salvation in it. Married, they can not find their happiness with Antipov, Paul will throw a family and go to the front of the First World War. Subsequently, he will become a formidable revolutionary commissioner, replacing the name for Strelnikov. At the end of the Civil War, he plans to reunite with his family, but this desire is not destined to come true.

    Yuri Zhivago and Laru fate with different ways in the period of the First World War in the frontal settlement of Melueloevo, where the main character of the work is called up to war as a military doctor, and Antipova is a voluntary sister-mercy, trying to find the missing husband of Paul. Subsequently, the life of Zhivago and Lara again intersect in Provincial Yuryatin-on-Rynw (the fictional Ural city, whose prototype was Perm), where they are in vain looking asylum from destroying everything and the whole revolution. Yuri and Larisa will meet and love each other. But the shortness of poverty, hunger and repression will be separated by the family of Dr. Zhivago, and Larina family. A year and a half Zhivago will disappear in Siberia, serving a military doctor in captivity of the red partisans. By doing escape, he will go back to the Urals back - in Yuurchatin, where he will meet with Larna. His spouse is sinking, along with children and the test of Yuri, being in Moscow, writes about the ambulance of the expulsion abroad. In the hope of waiting for the winter and horrors of the Juryatinsky Revoensive, Yuri and Lara are hidden in the abandoned estate Varykino. Soon an unexpected guest - Komarovsky, who received an invitation to lead the Ministry of Justice in the Far Eastern Republic, proclaimed in the territory of Transbaikalia and the Russian Far East. He persuades Yuri Andreevich to let go of Laru and her daughter with him - east, promising them then abandon them abroad. Yuri Andreevich agrees, realizing that he will never see them again.

    Gradually, he begins to go crazy from loneliness. Soon the wife of Lara comes to Varykino - Pavel Antipov (Strelnikov). Siberian degraded and wandering through the expanses, he tells Yury Andreevich about his participation in the revolution, about Lenin, about the ideals of the Soviet power, but, having learned from Yuri Andreevich that Lara loved the time and loves him, he understood how bitterly he was mistaken. Strelnikov cums up with a rifle shot. After the suicide, Strelnikov, the doctor returns to Moscow in Hope to fight for his further life. There he meets his last woman - Marina, the daughter of the former (still under the Tsarist Russia) of the Zhivagovsky wipers of Markela. In civil marriage with Marina, two girls are born. Yuri gradually lowers, throws scientific and literary activities and, even aware of his fall, can do nothing with it. Once in the morning, on the way to work, he becomes bad in the tram, and he dies from a heart attack in the center of Moscow. To say goodbye to Him to His coffin come the only man's brother of Evgraph and Lara, which shortly after that disappears.

    Ahead will be the second world, and Kursk arc, and the Bunda of Tanya, who will tell the faded gray friends of Childhood, Yuri Andreevich - Innokenti Dudorov and Mikhail Gordon, who survived the gulag, arrests and repressions of the late 30s, the history of his life; It turns out that this is the extramarital daughter of Yuri and Lara, and Brother Yuri General Major Evgraf Zhivago takes her under his care. He will also make a collection of writings of Yuri - a notebook, which Dudorov and Gordon read in the last scene of the novel. The novel is completed by the 25th poems of Yuri Zhivago.

    In the novel Boris Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" depicted amazing stories of love, intertwined in the life of the chief hero - Yuri Andreevich Zhivago.
    The topic of love in the work is definitely related to women's images. At the beginning of the novel, we see two girls idiot and tony. In the second part of the novel, learn about the life of Larisa Gishar, Lara. In the end, we get acquainted with another one way - the third wife of Zhivago, Marina.

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    In the novel Boris Pasternak "Dr. Zhivago" depicted amazing stories of love, intertwined in the life of the chief hero - Yuri Andreevich Zhivago.
    The topic of love in the work is definitely related to women's images. At the beginning of the novel, we see two girls idiot and tony. In the second part of the novel, learn about the life of Larisa Gishar, Lara. In the end, we get acquainted with another one way - the third wife of Zhivago, Marina.
    Tonya bully - the first wife of the hero. They grew together, were friends from childhood. But at one fine moment, Yuri suddenly realized that "Tonya, this ancient comrade, this clear, not requiring explanation, turned out to be the most inaccessible and difficult from everything that Jura could have imagined, turned out to be a woman."
    Tonya was simple, touching, good, close and native. It seemed that she was designed by Zhivago most fate. Recall the moment when the mother Tony, Anna Ivanovna blessed Yuri and his daughter for marriage. "If I die, do not part. You are created for each other. Marry. So I made you ... " Perhaps these words were forced and forced Yura, and even tona, too, refer to each other. Between them broke out, love. It was the first sense in the life of heroes.
    Yuri's love to tone was quiet and clean. This woman, good, understanding, sincere, was a vital support of Yuri Zhivago. However, with all his love for this woman, the hero is experiencing a sense of guilt. This guilt was love for Larisa Gishar.
    "Lara was the cleanest creature in the world," the author says about this heroine. She was brought up in a poor family, so it was forced to give lessons, care for his mother, to endure the caress of the nag rich Komarovsky.
    For a long time, Larisa and Zhivago are found only casual, by chance, without noticing each other, and each new meeting is happening at the new life stage of heroes.
    A moment is a moment when Snezhnoye, frosty winter, Yura sees a candle in an unfamiliar window and cannot tear out eyes from her. It was Lara Room. The candle becomes a symbol of their love - a sign of eternal spiritual, saving fire and life. \\

    "... Melo, Chalno throughout the Earth
    In all limits.
    Candle burned on the table,
    Candle burned ... "

    Fate reduces heroes during terrible tests - revolution and civil war. Both heroes are incomprehensible: Yuri has its own family, the children he loves. Lara is married. But their compound is inevitable, their souls are drawn to each other in search of salvation from horror and catastrophe of a terrible world.
    Lara gives the hero light, supports, burns, not fading, like the candle that he saw many years ago.
    For Zhivago Lara - the embodiment of nature, femininity, the embodiment of his ideal.
    But the tragedy lives inside the heroine: "I am broken, I'm with a crack for life. I was premature, it was criminally early made a woman, dedicated to life with the worst side. "
    Larisa is not only a loving woman, she is also a caring mother. When the heroine begins to feel the fast arrest, then, first of all, thinks about the fate of his daughter: "What will happen to Katten? I am a mother. I have to warn your misfortune and come up with something. "
    The final of the life of this heroine is terrible. Once leaving the house, Larisa is no longer refundable: "Apparently, she was arrested on the street, and she died or disappeared unknown where ... in one of the innumerable general or female concentration camps of the North."
    In the life of Dr. Zhivago there was another woman - his third wife Marina.
    Marina was distinguished by humility and complete submission to the interests of Yuri Andreevich. She said goodbye to the doctor all his oddities, "By this time, the frauds formed, the whims of the man dropped and conscious of their fall."
    Women's images take place through the whole novel, closely flying with the fate of the main character. Tonya, lara, marina ... They are so different, but each in its own way was able to support Yuri Andreevich, to give their love, to become his companion at different stages of his life.

    Revealing the reader in the history of life Yuri Zhivago, Pasternak pays considerable attention to the love storyline, and therefore female images that differ in ambiguity are important in the novel. Heroin characters symbolize the political situation of Russia.


    The appearance of the first wife, Tony, appears at the beginning of the work. In the next part, the characters of the heroine complements Larisa. In the final part, Marina shows the third wife of Yuri Zhivago. Each of the girls personifies different directions of Russia's life.

    Antonina Aleksandrovna is associated with the intelligentsia of Russia. A brought up and educated girl is a typical representative of pre-revolutionary culture, she has to adapt to life in a post-revolutionary time. Like other representatives of their environment, the tone is difficult to find their place in the new conditions. Zhivago helps his wife look at life from a different point of rhenium, adapt. Simple and close childhood friend becomes a support of the main character. Adhesive friendship grew into mutual love. Yuri perceives Antonina as a reliable friend, a loved one, an ideal wife who will understand and support.

    But the meek and touching tonya is a reflection of a not current period of life, so Livago leaves her, despite all the warm feelings, having loved the other woman who can give him more free love. Tonya emigrates from Russia to Europe, taking with them children, which only confirms her desire to preserve the past, while the main character seeks to meet the future. She never was able to survive the treason of his spouse, and the doctor was feeling a sense of guilt by the end of his life.

    Larisa Fedorovna Antipova

    The next companion on the life path of Yuri Zhivago becomes Larisa Fedorovna Antipova. Pasternak indicates the connection of its image with the Russian life of the present. Lara Personifies the exciting and lively display, needs care. Throughout his life, she is pursued by adversity: the death of the father, financial disadvantaged, a love relationship with Komarovsky, chosen one of her mother. In the novel, it is associated with nature: dawn, swan. Her connection with the mother's lover only strengthens the doctors' desire to help the girl, take care of her. Larisa, loving mother and wife, becomes the embodiment of courage and courage characteristic of the revolutionary generation. For her, the welfare of the child is most important. To escape from the arrest, she runs with his daughter and a man whom he hates.

    Larisa disappears without a trace at the end of the novel, her fate is unknown. Its image embodies the "patient" Russia, she needs a solid change. But for Zhivago, she feminine and clean, symbolizes life, to realize the goals. Her life is typical, similar to many others at that time. It is a symbol of generation, abandoned by revolutionary variables, disappeared without a trace.


    The third wife of the main character is the daughter of janitor - Marina, talented and kind girl. Her image undoubtedly is an idealized representative of the Soviet society. Pasternak pays special attention to its bright character traits. She is submissive and subordinated to the desires of her husband, faithful, forgives all his shortcomings and quirks. Marina supports Yuri, provides warmth and mercy throughout the time they are together. Their relationship was not sublime love, but only convenient coexistence. A timid and quiet marina is hope for a happy future. Such an image is needed not only to the doctor, but also of all Soviet Russia.

    All three women significantly influenced the life of the main character, to form his personality. Such dissimilar, but important, they became a mapping stages of Russia's development.

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