Magic fairy tales. Tales Characteristics of the images of heroes Thermal hero - Bear

Magic fairy tales. Tales Characteristics of the images of heroes Thermal hero - Bear
Magic fairy tales. Tales Characteristics of the images of heroes Thermal hero - Bear

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    1. purpose of work

All people from early childhood love fairy tales. Thanks to fairy tales, we get a unique opportunity to plunge into the magical world. Getting acquainted with the magical world of fairy tales, we bring up love for the Word and interest in reading.

Do we believe in the reality of the fairy tale? And believe, and I do not believe, but for some reason I really want to believe in a fabulous miracle in the magic in everyday life. What is a fairy tale and when she appeared? These questions interested me, and I decided to explore fairy tales:

1. To know with the history of folk fairy tales; 2. Analyze fairy tales of animals; 3. To identify the main features of the character of the heroes of animal fairy tales.

1.2. Objectives of research

The tasks of my research work are to:

1. To study the fairy tales of animals; 2. identify the features of the character of fabulous animals; 3. Compare traits of animal character with human character traits; 4. Remove the effect of reading fairy tales on the formation of a child's personality. Create a presentation "The main features of the character of heroes in fairy tales about animals"

Object Studies are folk tales of animals; subjectresearch - distinctive features of the character of the heroes of these fairy tales.

    Introduction. What is a fairy tale?

The fairy tale is an entertaining story about extraordinary events. The fairy tales created the people, so they are called Russian folk. They arose in deep antiquity, when people still could not write and passed out of mouth to mouth, from the generation to the generation.

All fairy tales are divided into: Magic, domestic and fairy tales of animals. Special meaning in animal fairy tales. Their heroes are animals, birds and fish, but very similar to their character on people. The main task of such fairy tales is to make fun of the character traits, negative actions and cause compassion to the weak, offended. For fairy tales of animals, the idea that revived nature is capable of acting independently, animals and plants have the right to their lives.

In fairy tales of animals, the tricky fox acts, an evil and stupid wolf, a cowardly hare, a proud rooster, a good-natured bear and other animals and birds. Fairy tales about animals, as a rule, moral and edge. A favorite hero of such fairy tales is a sly and deceiver (Fox) - be sure to oppose the positive character (bear, hare).

3. The main part. The main characters of fairy tales about animals and their characteristics of their character

3.1. The main character is Fox.

The favorite hero of fabulous stories about animals is Fox. She is dodging and very tricky, often ready for the most incredible fiction. Fox thinks only about his benefit. Lisa Avenita and Zlophamny. It refers to revenge, feels full superiority over the gullible and stupid wolf. How much resourcefulness in it and how much avengeous feeling! Stupidity and gullibility are also infinite as cunning and calculation. The people endowed it with different names: Fox Patriyevna, a fox, a row. Fairy tales: "Fox-sister and Wolf", "Cat, Rooster, and Fox", "Fox and Hare", "Bear and Lisa", "Kolobok", "Lisa and Zhuravl".

3.2. The main character is wolf.

Another hero, with whom Fox often faces, is a wolf. This is the direct opposite image of fox. In fairy tales, the wolf is stupid, it is easy to deceive. No, it seems that such trouble, in whatever this is the unlucky, the ever beaten beast. The image of the wolf in fairy tales is always hungry and lonely. It always falls into a funny, ridiculous position. Fairy tales: "Old bread-salt is forgotten", "Wolf and goat", "stupid wolf", "insatiable wolf", "Kolobok".

3.3. Main Hero - Bear

Also one of the main characters in fairy tales about animals is the Bear. The bear often falls into funny situations, but never attacks anyone. The image of the bear, remaining the same main figure of the Forest Kingdom, appears before us by a slow, gullible loser, often stupid and smooth, Kosolap. He constantly blows his exorbitant strength, although it is not always possible to apply it. Fairy tales: "Man and Bear", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "Winter Beasts", "Bear and Dog", "Bear - Lipovaya Noga".

3.4. The main character is hare.

The hare in Russian folk fairy tales is a positive hero. In some fairy tales, this is a victim, a weak and helpless hero, which is afraid of everything. In others, he acts as a deft sly, which, despite fear, is capable of brave actions. Fairy tales: "Zaikina Hut", "Hares and Frogs".

    Questioning "Russian folk tales about animals in our life" among students of 3-5 classes

I have conducted a survey "Russian folk tales of animals in our life":

among classmates (grade 3 students),

among students of grade 5.

25 people took part in the survey. Of these, 21 people responded that they love to read Russian folk tales about animals.

Name the most favorite fabulous heroes

Which of them do you consider a positive hero?

Who is a negative hero?

What do tales of animals teach?

Kindness and wisdom

Honesty and justice


Friendship and loyalty

    Results of research

After analyzing these questionnaires, I concluded that almost all the children know and love Russian folk tales about animals and their main characters. Children often choose positive heroes that have a positive effect on the behavior of the child. I also learned that reading Russian folk fairy tales about animals has a positive effect on the formation of a child's personality.


In fairy tales of animals, the victory of the positive heroes above is negative, the victory of goodness over evil. Each animal has its own character, its distinctive features, but they all personify the person and the features of its warehouse.

List of used literature

1. Afanasyev A.N. "People's Russian Fairy Tales", M., 2010.

2. Anikin V.P. Russian folktale. M., 1984.

3. Vedernikova N.M. Russian folktale. M., 1975.

4. Russian folk fairy tales / processing M. Bulatova, I. Karnukhova - M.: 2014

The word "fairy tale" in his modern sense appeared only in the 17th century. Before that, they told the "bike" or "bass" (from the word "fire" - to tell).

Merry and sad, terrible and funny, they are familiar with us since childhood. Our first ideas about the world, good and evil, about justice are connected with them.

Fairy tales in Russia are known since ancient times. In ancient writing there are scenes, motifs and images resembling fabulous. Talking fairy tales - old Russian custom. Back in ancient times, the execution of fairy tales was available to everyone: both men and women, and children and adults. There were such people who were storm and developed their fabulous heritage. They always enjoyed respect in the people.

Fairy tales love both children and adults. They inspire writers and poets, composers and artists. Speaks and movies are put on fairy tales, operas and ballets are created. Fairy tales came to us from deep antiquity. They told their beggar wanderers, tailors, retired soldiers.

The fairy tale is one of the main types of oral folk creativity. Artistic narration of a fantastic, adventure or domestic nature.

The authors of almost all interpretations determine the fairy tale as a type of oral narration with fantastic fiction. Communication with myth and legends, which indicates M.L. Franz vonov, takes a fairy tale beyond the simple fantastic story. The fairy tale is not only a poetic fiction or a game of fantasy; Through the content, language, plots and images in it reflect the cultural values \u200b\u200bof its creator.

Four tales were close and understood by the simple people. Fantasy intertwined in them with reality. Living in need, people dreamed of carpets-aircraft, about the palaces, about self-balancing tablecloths. And always in Russian fairy tales, justice triumphantly, and good won evil. Not by chance A. S. Pushkin wrote: "What is the beauty of these fairy tales! Each is a poem! "

Thus, the wisdom and value of the fairy tale is that it reflects, opens up and allows you to experience the meaning of the most important universal values \u200b\u200band life sense in general. From the point of view of everyday sense, the fairy tale is naive, in terms of life sense - deep and inexhaustible.

From other prosaic genres, the fairy tale is characterized by a more developed aesthetic side. The aesthetic beginning is manifested in the idealization of positive heroes, and in the bright image of the "fabulous world", and the romantic color of events. In fairy tales there are often repeating definitions: a kind horse; grey Wolf; Red maiden; Good well done, as well as combinations of words: the day for the whole world; go where eyes look; buyne hung his head; Neither in the fairy tale, nor the pen describe; Soon the fairy tale affects, but no sooner is done; How long is briefly ...

Often, in Russian fairy tales, the definition is put after the defined word, which creates special observance: my sons are cute; the sun is red; Beauty writing ...

Characteristic for Russian fairy tales. Brief and truncated forms of adjectives: Red Sun; The buyne hung his head; - and verbs: to hug instead grabbed, pour instead go.

The tale language is typical of the use of the names of the nouns and the names of adjectives with various suffixes, which give them a diminutive value: Mal-Yak -iy, Brother-Ec, Petush-Ok, Sun-Rysh ... All this makes the presentation of smooth, singing, emotional . The same goals are also a variety of amps and excretory particles: that's what, that, ka ... (here's a miracle! I'll go right. What a miracle!)

From other prosaic genres, the fairy tale is characterized by a more developed aesthetic side. The aesthetic beginning is manifested in the idealization of positive heroes, and in the bright image of the "fabulous world", and the romantic color of events.

In Russian fairy tales, wealth ever had its own value, and rich was never a good, honest and decent person. Wealth mattered as a means of achieving other purposes and lost this importance when the most important vitality was achieved. In this regard, wealth in Russian fairy tales has never been earned by difficulty: it accidentally came (using fabulous assistants - Bourge's sowing, horse-hump ...) and often happened.

Images of Russian fairy tale are transparent and contradictory. Any attempts to use the image of a fabulous hero as a person's image lead researchers to thoughts on the existence in a folk fairy tale contradiction - the victory of the hero-fool, "low hero". This contradiction is overcome, if we consider the simplicity of "fool", as a symbol of all that alien to Christian morality and condemnation by it: greed, cunning, kidnast. The simplicity of the hero helps him to believe in a miracle, surrender to his magic, because only at the same time the power is miraculous.

Mechanism of the MassAdnation In the process of perception and experiences of the fairy tale, A.V. Zaporozhets. He wrote about the existence of a special type of emotional knowledge, in which a person reflects reality in the form of emotional images. In children, the generation of images of this emotional knowledge often occurs in the process of perceiving the fairy tale. Under the influence of the hearing, the child arises sympathy for the hero and develops an emotional image of perceived events and relationships. Under certain conditions, children have emotional images begin to anticipate what should happen to the hero.

The emotion of the image reflects the internal changes that occur in the depths of the human essential characteristics. In the children's consciousness, the external picture of the situation, reflected in the fairy tale, is combined with the picture of those unrest, which causes this situation in the child. The hero of the fairy tale coping is first folded as an external detailed reality of complicity in directly perceived and experienced events. Only then she goes into the inner plan - an emotional imagination plan. In the formation of a premonition of the results of another person and emotional anticipation of the effects of their own actions, the images of a verbal description and a visual image of events are of great importance, as if simulating their meaning for the child and people close to him. These expressive tools are of social origin.

Thus, a fairy tale for a child is not just a fantasy, but a special reality that helps to establish the world of human feelings, relations, the most important moral categories, in the future - the world of life meanings. The fairy tale displays a child beyond everyday life and helps to overcome the distance between everyday life and life sense.

Magic type fairy tales include magic, adventure, heroic. Based on such fairy tales is a wonderful world. Wonderful world is a subject, fantastic, unlimited world. Thanks to unlimited fiction and the wonderful principle of organizing a material in fairy tales with a wonderful world of possible "transformation", striking with its speed (children are not growing by day, and by the hour, every day more and more becomes more or more). Not only the speed of the process is irred, but also his own character (from the fairy tale "Snow Maiden". "Look, at the Snow Maiden lips, the lips have opened. The snow shook off and left the snowdrift of a living girl." "Appeal" in the fairy tales of the wonderful type As a rule, they occur with the help of magic beings or items.

To create images in a fairy tale, various stylistic techniques are used.

Description is a traditional stylistic reception used to characterize heroes, items, actions. These are formula-descriptions depicting wonderful transformations of fabulous heroes in handsome men and beauties, in birds, animals, trees; Formulas-descriptions of magic items (chellices, grinding bar, handkerchief, bark basket with a resin), capable of turning the common in the place of impassable forest, build an impregnable mountain on the way, arrange a barrier in the form of a burning river, a resin river, turn an ordinary house to the fortress, To accommodate the house in the eggshell.

The hyperbole is a traditional stylistic agent enclosing the exaggeration of signs, objects, actions. The magic fairy tale as a genre is organically connected with hyperbolization, since the unusual of its images is naturally combined " with emotion excessive exaggerated"(V.P. Anikin). Hyperbulized formula descriptions are distinguished by bright pictorial, entertainment, causing fantastic paintings in imagination and different emotions. Hyperbole, exaggerating property, quality, action, promotes the birth of fabulous fiction, strengthening artistic impression.

Comparison is a traditional stylistic agent that encloses a visual comparison of one subject with another (affordable younger schoolchildren). The comparison can be a means of hyperbolization: stones with a bath, and Ivan took and raised, recking them as a lightweight ball; Aroi - Dr. goes, a bag of my magnitude with a stove, eyes, like a plate, ears, like a mittens; Quarter himself from Arshri, and beard, like broom, bag, like a bath. Comparative speed, in which the unusual beauty of the appearance is compared with the light of the sun, fire (sits like the sun; so beautiful as the sun; beautiful, as if the fire burns), extraordinary dexterity - with a chain of cats (EMA, like a cat, climbs ), extraordinary flareness - with flea speed and proteins (I am fast as a squirrel, frisky, like a flea), a thick impassable forest is compared with a chellic (thick forest, like a garlic), a steep mountain of solid rock with a grinding bar (Mountain solid, like grinding bar).

The metaphor is a traditional stylistic agent that enters the transfer of the properties of one subject to another on the principle of similarities.

Epitts are a traditional stylistic agent, which is a constant determination of the subject, emphasizing its familiar feature. Their functions are varied: the visual (characteristic of the properties of heroes and objects), expressive (expression of an emotional assessment), compositive (means of creating contrast, antithesis); In this case, the expression of an emotional estimate prevails over the simple characteristic of the properties. The circle of constant includes epithets, rising to folk tradition: black forest, dark forest, beautiful maiden, good man. Groups of permanent epithets involved in the creation of fabulous antithesis, opposition to good and evil are distinguished. So, the wonderful character of the characters, the fairytale items are emphasized using epithets transmitting, like traditional comparisons, metaphors, sunlight, fire, - gold, silver, copper; Light, shiny, red. In touch with the image, the fire indicates the definitions, these are the heroes of fairy tales (the Sun - Mother; Sun - Virgo; Fireproof king; Red king; Zlatovlasaya Virgo; Light beautiful maiden). The objects of searching for heroes are wonderful animals with gold wool, golden hair, golden mane and tail, gold horns, bright, shiny birds. The heroes are waiting for tests on the road with gold, silver trees, in gold, silver, copper palaces, they are able to arrange golden bridges, golden roads, golden palaces, it is helped by items with gold, copper, red definitions. The heroines are able to bestow children with heads with silk making, gold-shameful sons. The hero can be dressed in red shirt or red pants, has an extraordinary white or red horse, white deer. In contrast to the light-point color color belonging to positive heroes, the characteristics of their opponents are accompanied by definitions containing negative emotional shades - iron, black, bad. In the city, who was under the rule of the twelve-round snake, hung a darkness in the form of a black cloth, from the breath of the snake become black herbs, the earth, from the spilled snake drink, the steps of the porch are black. Traditional epithets characterizing fabulous space (for thirty lands; resin river, at the honey well; fiery; fiery meadow with burning coals; copper kingdom), distinguishing unusual qualities of characters, items (twelve-headed snakes, thirty-paradise iron, twelve samovar), giving a specific Realistic characteristic (strong man, elder brother, blue cloth, blue tangle, red tangle, white tangle, blue box, blue cloud, red sun, big house, big forest bear). Thanks to the presence of permanent epithets, a folk magic fairy tale acquires special pictureness, an unusual combination of real and fantastic.

In the magic folk fairy tale, two main types of heroes. One of them is epic. It makes the hero of "noble" origin, youthful feats and beauty (Ivan-Tsarevich, for example). The other is "low", "not submitting hopes." He takes a low social situation, poorly dressed, despise others, in the form of lazy and rustle, but suddenly performs heroic feats or gets support for the magical forces and reaches a fabulous target. The second type of hero is purely democratic - especially characteristic of a magical fairy tale.

In the course of the development of the plot, everything is "low", unsightly around the hero and in it itself turns into "high", but in a different sense than in primitive folklore. The fairy tale does not explain the ritual value of ash, lying on the fool on the furnace, etc. But the hero, "not going to hopes", the poor, orphan, younger, ugly, dirty, "fool" reaches fabulous goals inaccessible to his "smart" senior, noble rivals.

The transformation of the "low consciousness" of the poor peasant-"fool" in "High Consciousness", in the "wise" there is a purely artistic, aesthetic trait. There is no doubt that traces of primitive ideas, customs and rituals penetrated the magic fairy tale in the form of the corresponding motifs. The creators of the fairy tales choose some moments, shape or lower others, emphasize those motives that have moved to the dominant system of representations from the highest category into the lowest, and the parts that characterize the "low state" of the hero are mainly taken from the life of the democratic segments of the population. As a result, a bright image of the hero, "not feeding hopes", is a kind of aesthetic phenomenon, in general, alien to primitive folklore.

The coercion of the hero corresponds to its low social situation and is partly as a consequence of social oppression, partly as a means of strengthening the characteristics of the hero, "not given hopes". The fairy tale, on the one hand, depicts the conversion of low in high - the transformation of the poor, rustic, ugly, dirty, etc. In a rich, noble, beautiful. On the other hand, under the low visibility of dirty, Cinderella, poor, etc. Shows truly heroic qualities, beauty, higgy wisdom. The transformation of a low as a result of the democratic folk idealization of the disadvantaged is an aesthetic law of a magical fairy tale. "Low" Hero is an ordinary brother, Ivan-furak, whom everyone is considered inappropriate. But it is he who won the top in all the peripeties, and not his smart brothers.

Difficult tasks are successfully solved both Ivan Tsarevich, and Ivan-fool. They are solved in different ways. The epic hero is achieving success due to its outstanding force. Otherwise, "low" hero behaves. He himself decides little and rather passive. He makes everything for the hero of his assistant, and he either diligently performs that he is punished, or goes to sleep, following the rule: "Morning in the evening wiser." If the "low" hero manifests the initiative, he only spoils the case. Therefore, he is surrounded in a fairy tale atmosphere of the kindergarten. Such a hero is not necessarily a simple stove. He can even be called Ivan Tsarevich, as in a fairy tale about the princess-frog.

The "low" hero seems to mask his "high" essence, but at the end of the narrative drops its ugly larva, turning into handsome and well done worthy of its chosen. "D.S.Likhachev writes:" Dullness, stupidity is an important component of the ancient Russian laughter. Mixing ... "fools fools," turns laughter for himself, plays a fool. "

The ultimate goal of the adventures of the fairy-tale hero is a wedding, and he will be married by the princess. As already mentioned, this fabulous wedding is a wonderful way out of the exacerbated social situation, which is always associated with intrasday relations in a fairy tale.

The characters of magical fairy tales are divided into positive and negative, and the essence of them during the narration usually does not change. The hero in most fairy tales represents the same type of seeker, departing for the magic subject or bride and seeking good luck. His social status does not matter: it can be Ivan-Tsarevich or Ivan - the peasant son, Andrei-Sagittarius or an Emelya-fool. But in the exposition of the fairy tale, the hero is often presented in two ways. This is the so-called epic hero, which is distinguished by noble (or wonderful) origin, extraordinary strength and beauty, as well as early warning. Such, for example, punctors. Mother pushed him away from the pea. Grow out not by day, but by the hour, punish the gun will take yourself a weapon, usually this is a boulava of an extraordinary fortress. However, more often the tale calls the epic hero Ivan-Tsarevich. He is beautiful and performs heroic exploits.

From the heroine of Russian magic fairy tales, the wise of Virgo, which owns magic skills and associated with the forces of nature, such a beauty, "that in a fairy tale, not to describe" (Vasilisa is beautiful, Vasilisa, Vasilisa, Mary Morrevna). Usually it exceeds the mind of his chosen one and the hero loses her, then dismisses the blasphemy of the immortal.

The fairy bride is a conflicting creature, especially when the hero has to conquer it. According to V. Ya. Prippa, "on the one hand, she is a faithful bride, she is waiting for her narrowed, she refuses to everyone who is dominated by her hands in the absence of a groom. On the other hand, it is a cunning, vengeful and evil creature, it is always ready to kill , drown, cripple, tooking your groom, and the main task of the hero, who came out or almost reached her possession, is to tame it. He makes it very simple: he beat it to half-grain, then happiness comes. " It is enough to remember the fairy tales "horns" and "Magic Ring". Since the fabulous bride is associated with a different world, it may be unclean. His rod beating is cleansing. Each male fabulous character corresponds to its type of heroine. "Low" Hero-Baker corresponds to the type of gear of female pads, maid and marshy (for example, the heroine of the fairy tale "Frost"). The younger sister in Russian magic fairy tales is an eternal and faithful beloved, which is three pairs of iron stupid shoes, three crouthed iron breakdowns, three semi-stoned gatherings to find their groom ("a feather of the finista-clear falcon").

There are special characters in a fairy tale - wonderful assistants who are transmitted magicly strength and abilities of the hero, so according to the thought of V.Ya. Proppap, "hero and his assistant there is a functional one face." They are a bird, the only purpose of which is to deliver the hero from the thieves kingdom home; horse. He is a wedding like a bird, and at the same time it is a creature of chtonic (i.e. associated with land), and gives his hero a deceased father. Fiery horse ("from the nostrils flame pyshet") is found in the fairy tales of many nations of the world. Secondly, these are assistants of the anthropomorphic species associated with the cult of ancestors (the deceased mother, leaving the Syrote, a cow-helper, the graceful dead man - a copper forehead, a certain grandmother's grandmother). Thirdly, this personified human abilities (described, united, etc.). All assistants are functionally united: their role is to help the hero to fulfill a difficult task.

Since the hero of the Russian magic fairy tale is often a moral assessment, then wonderful assistants contribute to his success, because he is "good." However, wonderful assistance can be deprived of all moral painting - this is only the property of wonderful items, no matter who they belong. The magic ring helps the hero to get a princess-bride, but the same bride, mastering this ring, gets rid of the unwanted husband.

Dark forces in the magic fairy tale are also represented by characters different by origin. But the function they have one: they test the hero. This is his ritual-mythological opponents, which he must overcome in the course of fabulous tests.

With the evil forces of nature, primarily with the underground kingdom, is connected by the blasting immortal. The fairy tale draws it not a stupid old man, but a powerful spirit. In the origin of this character, the soul of which is outside the body, much unclear. Koschey in a fairy tale always kidnaps a woman. It prompted V.P. Anikina to the following conclusion: "There is no doubt that the embodiment is the embodiment of the social force, which violated the ancient orders of equality and took its former social power from the woman."

The image of Baba Yaga also has a mythological basis. In all fairy tales, Yaga is connected with the kingdom of the dead. She lives in a different world or on the border of the worlds, upholstered in the hut on the courier legs standing in the dense forest. The hut looks like a coffin, and Lies in her Yaga: "The head is in one corner, legs in the other, the nose in the ceiling is thrown." Like the dead men in popular beliefs, Yaga does not see, but he deepes the spirit of a living person, from here her traditional exclamation: "Fu-Fu-Fu, the Russian spirit smells!" (However, all supernatural creatures - and only they - they have the ability to figure out the smell of a living person). Yaga herself is like a skeleton: she has a bone foot.

Among the enemies of the hero, there are those who are not associated with hostile forces of nature - these are the enemies of the social plan. The king wants to lime the hero to take possession of his wife. The youngest brother and younger sister are opposed by their senior brothers and sisters: the younger declared stupid, but surpass the eldest with their moral qualities. Those are smart to everyday mind, they are envious and chalk, they think only about themselves and their benefits, and the tale condemns them. Hostile to the padder of her stepmother.

The fairy tales of an angry stepmother and Padherce are especially popular. Magic wants to lime a stepdaughter, makes her constantly work and eventually drives her out of the house, leaving her helpless for the mercy of fate; But the fate (in the form of inanimate objects, animals, supernatural creatures) helps her and saves it. The wired stepdaire, taken to the forest sent to the Baba Yaga, to the bath to unclean spirits, is getting rid of a gentle speech (from frost, Leshgo), then with the help of inanimate and animated and animated objects with the help of it (from the bear, Baba Yagi), their deviance (from unclean spirits); Finally, as some fairy tales tell, the blessing of the mother is helped. Evil stepmother is opposed to modesty and patience of stepdaughter. This is a Christian ideal - hence the popularity of fairy tales about the stepmother and Padherce in the Christian world. But there are here and the moments of the Doharistian: stepmother in some fairy tales seems to be a witch and refers to Paderitsa to his sister Yaga.

The most archaic of the opponents of the hero is a snake. One of the most ancient images of the world folklore, snake embodies the hostile to man forces of nature - first of all the fire and water. It is not by chance that it is stably associated with the image of the fiery river. The water element in world mythologies embodies chaos with its darkness and the abyss. From this abyss and is a snake. The motive of Zmeuekescence appeared from the motive of the absorption, for example, dedicated to pecking through the structure, which had the form of a monstrous animal. Dedicated as it were digested and erupted with a new person.

We often occur in the fairy tale. For example, staying in the stomach is replaced by staying in the nest or whining the snake around the hero. Changes and the forms of goods given by the snake. The snake remains common magical abilities, of which two develop especially: the ability to heal and understand the language of animals. In the fairy tale "Snake-cannibal" snake swallows Tsarevich to teach His bird language, and again spits him.

Interesting in a fairy tale is the motive of the hero in a barrel, he is a relatives of the motif of the hero in fish and comes from him. The envious is put a hero in the boat; "Some weather climbed clouds, the waves were incurred, the waves rose and suffered a boat in unknown where. They brought them away far away and thrown into the island." These two motives are close. Looking into a barrel motivated very differently. But there is a complex in which it enters organically. This complex consists of a prediction about the death of the king from the boy, descending it into the water, from the upbringing of the boy in the silence of some shepherd or gardener and from his counterpart.

Thus, the fairy tale as a folk phenomenon should be studied in its valid roots, which go through the cultural and mythological traditions.

Speech - about the bride of the main character. Whether he is Ivan-Tsarevich or Ivanushka-fool, he will certainly find Vasilisa to do or Vasilisa lovely. The girl is relying first to save, and then marry - all honor on honor. That's just a gigless girl. It can hide in the image of a frog, possess some kind of wizard and abilities, be able to talk with animals, sun, wind and moon ... In general, she is clearly a difficult girl. At the same time, some kind of "classified". Judge for yourself: finding information about it is much more difficult than any other fabulous character. In the encyclopedias (both in classical, paper and new, networks), extensive articles about Ilya Muromster and Dobryne Nikitich, about the blazes of the Immortal and Baba Yaga, about mermaids, ledgers and water, but there is nothing about Vasilis and not . On the surface there is only a short article in a large Soviet encyclopedia, which says:

"Vasilisa Revinde - a character of Russian folk magical fairy tales. In most of them, Vasilisa recreately - the daughter of the sea king, endowed with the wisdom and the ability to transform. The same female appears under the name of Marya-Tsarevna, Maryia Morava, Elena beautiful. Maxim Gorky called Vasilis, wise one Of the most advanced images created by the folk fantasy. In nature, the disadvantaged sirot - Vasilisa is beautiful in the unique text of Afanasyev. "

Let's start, perhaps, with Vasilisa-senior, with the one that the bitter identified with Marya-Princess, Marya Morrevoy and Elena beautiful. And there were all the foundations. All these characters are very similar, for example, by the fact that nothing about them in fairy tales is not said. Like, the Red Maiden, which light did not see - and that's it. Neither a detailed description of appearance, no character traits. Just a female function, without which there will be no fairy tale: because the hero must win the princess, and who she is there - the tenth thing. Let Vasilisa be.

The name, by the way, hints at high origin. The name "Vasilisa" can be translated from Greek as "royal." And this royal girl (sometimes in fairy tales it is called - the tsar-maiden) begins to expose hero to the trials. That is, sometimes it does it not, and some fabulous villain like the blasphemy of the immortal or snake of Gorynych, who kidnapped the princess and keeps in captivity (at best) or is going to die out (at worst).

Sometimes the Father of the Potential Bride speaks as a villain. In a fairy tale, where Vasilisa appears the daughter of the Water Tsar, the Lord of the Sea Waters repairs the hero of obstacles to destroy him, but loses, because the enemy suddenly turns out to be his daughter's heart, and no witchcraft can overcome him. But everything is more or less clear: there is some evil power (dragon, magicians or evil parents of the girl), and the hero must fight the enemy. Actually, this is how he becomes a hero. And the princess, the Kingdom or Tsarevna (no matter) - award for the hero.

However, it also happens that Ivan-Tsarevich or Ivan-Fool or another central fabulous character is forced to undergo tests not because of the dragons or sorcerers - he is tormented by the bride itself. Then the hero needs to be buried to the windows of her Svetlitsy and kiss the beauty in the mouth of sugar, then you know the girl among the twelve girlfriends who look like her, then you need to catch a fuzzy - or demonstrate enviable hemita to hide from proud so that That did not find it. At worst, the hero is invited to solve riddles. But in one or another form of Vasilisa will be checked.

It would seem that unusual in trials? Testing a man - is it in general in the female character: is he good enough to tie his life with him or give birth to him offspring, does he have strength and mind to be a decent spouse and father? From a biological point of view, everything is completely correct. However, there is one small detail. If the unfortunate Ivan does not fulfill the tasks, then death awaits him - and it is repeatedly emphasized in dozens of Russian fairy tales.

It is asked why the beautiful princess demonstrates bloodthirstiness, which is more likely to the face of the snake of Gorynych? Because in fact she does not want to marry at all. Moreover, she ends with the hero, believes the famous researcher of Russian folklore Vladimir Prippet in his book "Historical roots of a magical fairy tale":

"The task is asked as the test of the groom ... But these tasks are also interesting to others. They contain a moment of threats:" If you don't do - cut down the head of the head. "This threat gives another motivation. In tasks and threats it is not only a desire to have the best groom to have the best groom. But the secret, hidden hope that there will be no such a groom at all.

The words "perhaps, I agree, only performing three tasks" full of cunning. The bridegroom is sent to death ... In some cases, this hostility is completely pronounced. It manifests itself out when the task has already been completed and when all new and new and more dangerous tasks are set. "

Why is Vasilisa, she is Marya Morrevna, she is Elena beautiful, against marriage? Perhaps in fairy tales, where she constantly chintes the goat to the main hero, this marriage is simply not necessary. She or himself rules the country - and she does not need a husband as a competitor to power, or she is a king's daughter who will overthrow her with a potential spouse to capture the throne. Quite logical version.

As all the same proppage writes, the plot of the goat, which hero rejuvenates the future father-in-law with her daughter or in order to her, could well have real foundations. According to proppap, the struggle for the throne between the hero and the old king there is a phenomenon is quite historical. The fairy tale here reflects the transfer of power from the testing towards the son-in-law through a woman, through daughter. And this once again explains why in fairy tales there is so little about the appearance and character of the bride - this is a character-function: or a prize of a hero, or a means of achieving power. Sad story.

Meanwhile, in the Russian tradition there is a fairy tale that tells about childhood, adolescence and youth Vasilisa. Just about it mentioned bitter, saying that it is not like the usual image of the princes, which tries to conquer the hero. In this fairy tale Vasilisa - orphan girl. Not the fact that it is the same character. Nevertheless, this Vasilisa, unlike other fairy tale sick, is absolutely a full-blooded heroine - with a biography, character and so on.

Dotted line sketching the storyline. A spouse dies at the merchant, leaving him a little daughter. Father decides to marry again. Maghi has his daughters, and the whole new company begins to Tyraen Vasilis, loading it with unbearable work. In general, it is very similar to a fairy tale about Cinderella. It seems that yes not quite, because the Fairy-godfather helped Cinderella, and Vasilisa was a terrible witch from the forest.

It turned out this is like. Stepmother and her daughters said that there was no more fire in the house, and sent Vasilis to the forest to Baba Yaga, of course, hoping that she would not return. The girl listened. Her road through the dark forest was terrible - and strange: she met three riders, one whites, another red, and the third black, and they were all drove towards Yaga.

When Vasilisa got to her dwelling, she met her a high fence from stakes seated by human skulls. No less terrible was the house of Jagi: for example, instead of servants, the witch had three pairs of hands that appeared nowhere and disappeared anywhere. But the most terrible thing in this house was Baba Yaga.

The witch, however, accepted Vasilis favorably and promised that the fire would give her if Vasilisa would fulfill all her tasks. Performing difficult tasks - the indispensable path of the hero. Unlike fairy tales, a woman passes in this, there is a woman, therefore her tasks for her female, just their too much: the courtyard is cleaned, and the hut is reciprocating, and take the lingerie, and cook dinner, and get the grains, and all - in a day. Of course, if the tasks be performed badly, Baba Yaga promised Vasilis to eat.

Vasilisa wrapped the clothes of Yagi, removes her house, prepared her food, then learned to separate healthy grains from infected, and Mac - from dirt. After Yaga allowed Vasilis to ask her a few questions. Vasilisa asked about three mysterious riders - white, red and black. The witch replied that this is a clear day, the Red Sun and the Black Night, and all of them - her faithful servants. That is, Baba Yaga in this fairy tale is an extremely powerful sorceress.

After she asked Vasilisa, that she does not ask further, about dead hands, for example, and Vasilisa replies that, they say, if you know a lot - soon you will build up. Yaga looked at her and, squinting, said that the answer was faithful: she did not like too curious and eats. And after asked how this Vasilisa manages to answer her questions without mistakes and how she managed to fully fulfill all the work.

Vasilisa replied that her mother blessing helped her, and then the witch pushed her for the threshold: "I don't need a blessed here." But in addition gave the girl of the fire - she took off the skull from the fence, whose socies were fluent in the flame. And when Vasilisa returned home, the skull burned her tormentors.

Creepy fairy tale. And her essence is that Vasilisa is beautiful, performing the tasks of Baba Yaga, she learned a lot. For example, the erasing of the clothes of Yagi, Vasilisa literally saw, from which the old woman was stitched, writes in his book "Running with Wolves" a well-known researcher in the fairy tales of Clarissa Estes:

"In the symbols of archetype, clothing corresponds to the person, the first impression we produce on others. Person is something like camouflage, which allows other things that we ourselves, and no more. But ... person is not only a mask for which You can hide, but the presence of the eclipse of the usual person.

In this sense, a person or mask is a sign of rank, dignity, character and power. This is an external pointer, an external manifestation of skill. Erasing the clothes of the jagi, dedicated to the sideline, see how the person's seams look like a dress crouched. "

And so - in everything. Vasilisa sees how and that Yaga eats, how forces the world to spin around him, and the day, the sun and night - to walk in my service cereals. And a terrible skull, having a fire, who witch hands a girl, in this case - a symbol of a special witchcraft knowledge that she received, being at Jagi in novice.

The sorceress, by the way, maybe he would continue their training, will not be Vasilisa Blessed daughter. But it did not work out. And Vasilisa, armed with force and secret knowledge, went back to the world. In this case, it is clear from where Vasilisa magic skills, which are often mentioned in other fairy tales. It is also clear why it can be both kind, and evil.

She is still a blessed child, but the Yaga's Baba School is also not going anywhere. Because Vasilisa ceased to be a meek lipstick: her enemies died, and she herself married Tsarevich and sat down on the throne ...



Baran-uncompressive - The hero of the fairy tale of the same name. He began to see unclear, who worried his dreams, forced to suspect that "the world does not end with the walls of the Glev." Sheep began to silently call him "smart" and "philosophe" and alien to him. Baran scared and died. Explaining the happening, Shepherd Nikita suggested that the deceased "Wall Baran in a dream saw."

Bogatyr - Hero of the fairy tale of the same name, the son of Baba-Yaga. Posted by her on the feats, one oak pulled out with the root, the other twist his fist, and seeing the third, with a hollow, climbed there and fell asleep, allocating the surroundings of snoring. Glory he was great. B. And they were afraid, and hoped for the fact that he would drop in the dream. But the century passed, and he slept, without coming his country to help, that would not happen to her. When, with an enemy invasion, it was approached to help, it turned out that B. Long dead and rotted. His image was so clearly aimed against the autocracy that the tale remained not printed until 1917.

General - Characters "Tale about how one man's two generals proceeded." Miraculously found themselves on the uninhabited island in some night shirts and with orders on the neck. Nothing was able to and, again, almost ate each other. Touching, decided to seek a man and, having found, demanded that he fed them. In the future, they lived with his works, and when they missed, he built "such a vessel, so that the ocean-sea is twisted." Upon returning to St. Petersburg, they received a retirement accumulated over the past years, and a glass of vodka and fillets of silver pressed their breadwinner.

Wild landmark - The hero of the fairy tale of the same name. After reading the retrograde newspaper "Elementary", stupidly complained that "there was a lot of things divorced ... a man," and tried to oppress them in every way. God heard the tear peasant prayers, and "did not become a man on the entire space of possessions of the stupid landlord." He came to be delighted ("clean" air), but it turned out that now he did not take guests nor to eat himself, not even dust from the mirror, and there was no one to pay for the execution of the treasury. However, he did not retreat from his "principles" and as a result, began to move on all fours, lost its human speech and became interested in a predatory beast (one day almost the female did not shine). Concerned with the lack of supply and destruction of the treasury, the authorities commanded the "man to catch and cast back." A landowner also caught with great difficulty and led it to a more or less decent view.

Ruff - Character Fairy Tale "Cartish-idealist." Looks at the world with bitter sobriety, seeing everywhere with a reaches and wildness. Over the reasoning of the crucian, Ironizes, having climbing him in perfect ignorance of life and in inconsistency (Cara is indignant to Pike, but he himself eats seashells). However, it recognizes that "still you can talk to him with it," and sometimes even slightly fluctuates in your skepticism, while the tragic outcome of the "dispute" of the crucian with Pike does not confirm his rightness.

Suddenished hare - The hero of the fairy tale of the same name, "so expensive reasoned as the donkey room." I believed that "every anima is granted to live" and that, although Zaitsev "all eaten", he "not picky up" and "I agree to live in every possible way," the fox was caught in the heat of this philosophizing, which, having bored him speeches, ate him.

Karas idealist - The hero of the fairy tale of the same name. Living in a quiet creek, complates and cherishes dreams about the celebration of goodness over evil and even about the possibility of despite the pike (which is thrown on to see) that it has no right to eat others. Eats seashells, justifying the fact that "they are climbing themselves" and they have "no soul, but a couple." Representing the pike with their speeches, for the first time he was released with the council: "Look to see!" In the second - suspected in Sicilism and is pretty concentrated at the interrogation by perch, and for the third time the pike was so surprised by his depression: "Do you know what kind of virtue is?" "What rose her mouth and almost unwittingly swallowed the interlocutor." In the image of K. Grotescanly captured the features of the modern writer of liberalism.

Kissel "The hero of the fairy tale of the same name," it was before peasing and soft that no inconvenience felt from the fact that his ate. " The Lords before that they were killed that they were provided to the pigs, so in the end, "only dried screamers remained from Kisl." In the grotesque form, peasant humility was also displayed here, and the postrelformal cruise of the village, robbed not only by the "gentlemen" -pomers, but also with new bourgeois predators, who, by convincing satirika, like pigs, "satiety ... do not know."

Konya - Hero of the fairy tale of the same name, "Ordinary Men's Belly, tortured, beaten," which "day-day ... from the Komomut does not come out." A description of his life is full of sorrowful pathos: "For all the field, rasol, poetry, space; For K. It is a boala ... for all nature - mother, for him one - Beach and torture. " Criticism compared this fairy tale with a poem in prose. In the form of K. embodied the fate of the Russian peasantry (it is worth comparing this fairy tale with everyday life of the "economic peasant" from "little life"). The "sorrowful singer of the conea" called Shchedrin Poet I. F. Annensky.

Liberal - The hero of the fairy tale of the same name. "There was a good deed to do," but from the dregiousness more and the desires had ever more. At first, only "if possible," then agreeing to get "at least something" and, finally, acting "in relation to meanness", considerable to the consideration: "Today I'm lying in the dirt, and tomorrow the sun looks like, he will dry up. -Well done!"
Eagle-patron - Hero of the fairy tale of the same name. Surrounded by a whole court staff and agreed even to start science and art. However, soon it was tired of it (however, the nightingale was injured immediately), and he cruelly dealt with his owl and falcon, who tried to train his diploma and arithmetic, the historian of Dyatlah sharpened in the hollow, etc.

Promotud Piskary - The hero of the fairy tale of the same name, "enlightened, moderately liberal." Since childhood, the father's warnings were frightened about the danger to please in the ear and concluded that "I need to live so much so that no one noticed." I dug up the hole, just to fit myself, did not start any friends, no family, lived, walked at the end even praise: "That's however, everyone lived - that would be quietly in the river!" Only before the death of "the womb" guessed that in this case, "perhaps, the entire piscal of the genus would have been translated." The history of the Pischar's wisdom in a hyperbolized form expresses sense or, rather, the whole nonsense of cowardly attempts to "devote himself to a cult of self-preservation", as stated in the book "Abroad". The features of this character are clearly visible, for example, at the heroes of "modern idyll", in the positive and other generous heroes. Characteristically, the comment made by the then critic in the newspaper "Russian Vedomosti": "We are all more or less ISP KARI ..."

Empty - Character of the fairy tale "Konya", "Brother" Hero, unlike him a leading idle life. The personification of the local nobility. The arguments of emptiness about the conagament as an embodiment of common sense, humility, "life of the spirit and spirit of life", etc. They represent a critic, "a good parody" to the then theories, who sought to justify and even exhibit "Katore" labor Peasants, their accuracy, darkness and passivity.

Ruslanians Serezha - Hero of the "Christmas Fairy Tale", a ten-year-old boy. After the sermon on the need to live in the truth, said the author, "for the holiday," C. decided to act like a passion. But both the mother, and the priest himself, and the servants walked him, that "it is necessary to live Og-Lyadyvyuchi." Shocked by the discrepancy between high words (truly - Christmas fairy tale!) And the real life, stories about the sorrow of those who tried to live in the truth, the hero fell ill and died.

Selfless hare - The hero of the fairy tale of the same name. I caught a wolf and submissively sitting in anticipation of my fate, not daring to escape even when he comes his bride's brother and says she snaps with grief. Released to see with her, returns back, as promised, honoring indulgent wolf praise.

Toptygin 1st - One of the heroes of the Fairy Tale "Bear on Voivodeship". He dreamed of imprinting himself in the history of brilliant atrocities, but with a hangover took a harmless Chiizik for the "internal spore" and ate him. He became a universal laughing and no longer able to fix his reputation even at the authorities, no matter how hard it tried - "he climbed at night to the printing house, the machines were broken, the font was mixed, and the work of the mind of human to the exhaust pit dumped." "And if he began right with the printing houses - to be to him ... General."

Toptygin 2nd - Fairy Tale Character "Bear on Voivodeshes". Arriving on the Voivodeship in the calculation to ruin the printing house or burn the university, found that all this has already done. I decided that I had no "spirit" to eradicate anymore, but "right behind the skin is accepted." Having climbed into the neighboring man, the whole cattle impraited and wanted to destroy the courtyard, but was caught up and stamped with disgrace.

Toptygin 3rd - Fairy Tale Character "Bear on Voivodeshes". I got up before the painful dilemma: "Little atposure - raise on laughter; A lot of attacks - at the horns will raise ... "Arriving on the voivodship, hid in Berlog, without entering the office, and found that without his intervention, everything in the forest goes by the order. He began to get out of the burgoot only "to obtain a assigned content" (although in the depths of the soul, "why the governor sent"). Later was killed by hunters like "all furny animals", too, at the starting order.


purpose of work

All people from early childhood love fairy tales. Thanks to fairy tales, we get a unique opportunity to plunge into the magical world. Getting acquainted with the magical world of fairy tales, we bring up love for the Word and interest in reading.

Do we believe in the reality of the fairy tale? And believe, and I do not believe, but for some reason I really want to believe in a fabulous miracle in the magic in everyday life. What is a fairy tale and when she appeared? These questions interested me, and I decided to explore fairy tales:

1. To know with the history of folk fairy tales;

2. Analyze fairy tales of animals;

3. To identify the main features of the character of the heroes of animal fairy tales.

Objectives of research

The tasks of my research work are to:

1. To study tales of animals;

2. identify the features of the nature of fabulous animals;

3. Compare animal character traits with man character traits;

4. Reveal the effect of reading fairy tales on the formation of a child's personality

5. Create a presentation "The main features of the character of heroes in animal fairy tales"

Object Studies are folk tales of animals; The subject of the study is the distinctive features of the character of the heroes of these fairy tales.

What is a fairy tale?

The fairy tale is an entertaining story about extraordinary events. The fairy tales created the people, so they are called Russian folk. They arose in deep antiquity, when people still could not write and passed out of mouth to mouth, from the generation to the generation.

All fairy tales are divided into: Magic, domestic and fairy tales of animals.

Special meaning in animal fairy tales. Their heroes are animals, birds and fish, but very similar to their character on people. The main task of such fairy tales is to make fun of the character traits, negative actions and cause compassion to the weak, offended. For fairy tales of animals, the idea that revived nature is capable of acting independently, animals and plants have the right to their lives.

In fairy tales of animals, the tricky fox acts, an evil and stupid wolf, a cowardly hare, a proud rooster, a good-natured bear and other animals and birds. Fairy tales about animals, as a rule, moral and edge. A favorite hero of such fairy tales is a sly and deceiver (Fox) - be sure to oppose the positive character (bear, hare).

Main part. The main characters of fairy tales about animals and their characteristics of their character

1. The main character is Fox.

The favorite hero of fabulous stories about animals is Fox. She is dodging and very tricky, often ready for the most incredible fiction. Fox thinks only about his benefit. Lisa Avenita and Zlophamny. It refers to revenge, feels full superiority over the gullible and stupid wolf. How much resourcefulness in it and how much avengeous feeling! Stupidity and gullibility are also infinite as cunning and calculation. The people endowed it with different names: Fox Patriyevna, a fox fox, a row. Fairy tales: "Fox-sister and Wolf", "Cat, Rooster, and Fox", "Fox and Hare", "Bear and Lisa", "Kolobok", "Lisa and Zhuravl".

2. The main character is the wolf.

Another hero, with whom Fox often faces, is a wolf. This is the direct opposite image of fox. In fairy tales, the wolf is stupid, it is easy to deceive. No, it seems that such trouble, in whatever this is the unlucky, the ever beaten beast. The image of the wolf in fairy tales is always hungry and lonely. It always falls into a funny, ridiculous position. Fairy tales: "Old bread-salt is forgotten", "Wolf and goat", "stupid wolf", "insatiable wolf", "Kolobok".

3. Main Hero - Bear

Also one of the main characters in fairy tales about animals is the Bear. The bear often falls into funny situations, but never attacks anyone. The image of a bear, staying still the main figure of the Forest Kingdom, appears before us by a slow, gullible loser, often stupid and smooth, Kosolap. He constantly blows his exorbitant strength, although it is not always possible to apply it. Fairy tales: "Man and Bear", "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "Winter Beasts", "Bear and Dog", "Bear - Lipovaya Noga".

4. The main character is the hare.

The hare in Russian folk fairy tales is a positive hero. In some fairy tales, this is a victim, a weak and helpless hero, which is afraid of everything. In others, he acts as a deft sly, which, despite fear, is capable of brave actions. Fairy tales: "Zaikina Hut", "Hares and Frogs".

Questioning "Russian folk tales about animals in our life" among students of 3-5 classes

I have conducted a survey "Russian folk tales of animals in our life":

Among classmates (grade 3 students),

Among students of grade 5.

25 people took part in the survey. Of these, 21 people responded that they love to read Russian folk tales about animals.

Results of research

After analyzing these questionnaires, I concluded that almost all the children know and love Russian folk tales about animals and their main characters. Children often choose positive heroes that have a positive effect on the behavior of the child. I also learned that reading Russian folk fairy tales about animals has a positive effect on the formation of a child's personality.


In fairy tales of animals, the victory of the positive heroes above is negative, the victory of goodness over evil. Each animal has its own character, its distinctive features, but they all personify the person and the features of its warehouse.

Bibliographic reference

Voronkova M.O. The main features of the character of heroes in fairy tales about animals // Start in science. - 2018. - № 5-1. - P. 93-95;
URL:\u003d1068 (date of handling: 12/13/2019).