"War and World" L.N. Tolstoy masterpiece of world literature. History of the creation of a novel.ppt works of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy War and the world

"War and World" L.N. Tolstoy masterpiece of world literature. History of the creation of a novel.ppt works of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy War and the world
war and World, War and World Movie
The novel of this term also exists other meanings, see war and world (values).

"War and Peace" (Rus. Dorief "War and Peace") - Roman-epic Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy, describing Russian society in the era of wars against Napoleon in 1805-1812.

  • 1 History of writing a novel
    • 1.1 Tolstoy sources
  • 2 Central characters
  • 3 plot
    • 3.1 I Tom
      • 3.1.1 1 part
      • 3.1.2 2 Part
      • 3.1.3 3 Part
    • 3.2 II Tom
      • 3.2.1 1 part
      • 3.2.2 2 Part
      • 3.2.3 3 Part
      • 3.2.4 4 Part
      • 3.2.5 5 Part
    • 3.3 III Tom
      • 3.3.1 Part 1
      • 3.3.2 Part 2.
      • 3.3.3 Part 3.
    • 3.4 IV Tom
      • 3.4.1 Part 3.
      • 3.4.2 Part 4.
    • 3.5 Epilogue
      • 3.5.1 Part 1
      • 3.5.2 Part 2
  • 4 Disputes about the title
  • 5 E-shielding and use of novel as a literary basis
    • 5.1 Activity
    • 5.2 Using the novel as a literary basis
    • 5.3 Opera
    • 5.4 Staging
  • 6 Interesting facts
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Links

History writing novel

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe epic was formed long before the start of work on the text, which is known as the "War and Peace". The outline of the preface to the "war and the world" Tolstoy wrote that in 1856 he began to write a story, "the hero of which was to be a Decembrist, returning with the family to Russia. I brought unwittingly from the present by 1825 ... But in 1825, my hero was already a mature, family man. To understand him, I needed to be transferred to his youth, and his youth coincided with ... Epoch of 1812 ... If the reason for our celebration was not accidental, but was in the essence of the nature of the Russian people and troops, then this character was supposed to be more brighter in the era Failures and lesions ... "So Tolstoy gradually came to the need to start a story since 1805.

The building of the Borodino Museum, occupied by the exposition dedicated to the novel a memorable sign on the estate, which served as a prototype of the house of growth in the Roman L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Moscow, Povarskaya Street, 55

Tolstoy returned to work on Tolstoy. In the early 1861, he read the chapter from the novel "Decembrists", written in November 1860 - early 1861, Turgenev and informed about the work on the novel of Herzen. However, the work was postponed several times until in 1863-1869. Not written Roman "War and Peace". For some time, the Roman-epic was perceived by Tolstoy as part of the story, which was supposed to finish Pierre's return and Natasha from the Siberian Links in 1856 (this is what we are talking about the 3rred chapters of the novel "Decembrists"). Attempts to work on this idea were taken by a thick last time in the late 1870s, after the end of Anna Karenina.

The novel "War and the World" had a great success. An excerpt from the novel called "1805" appeared in the "Russian Bulletin" in 1865. In 1868, three parts were released, which soon followed the remaining two (only four volumes).

The greatest epic work of the new European literature, the "war and the world", recognized as criticizing the whole world, is striking with a purely technical point of view with the size of its fictional linen. Only in painting you can find some parallel in the huge paintings of Paolo Veronese in the Venice Palace of the Doge, where hundreds of people are discharged with surprise and individual expression. Tolstoy's novels are represented by all classes of society, from emperors and kings to the last soldier, all ages, all temperatures and the space of a whole reign of Alexander I. What even more elevates his dignity as an epic is the psychology of the Russian people. With affecting penetration, the thickness of the crowd, both the high and the lowest and brutal and brutal and brutal, (for example, in the famous scene of the murder of Vereshchagin).

Everywhere Tolstoy tries to grab the spontaneous, unconscious beginning of human life. All the philosophy of the novel comes down to the fact that the success and failure in historical life does not depend on the will and talents of individual people, but on how much they reflect the spontaneous lining of historical events. Hence his love attitude towards Kutuzov, strong, above all, not strategic knowledge and not heroism, but by the fact that he understood that purely Russian, not spectacular and not bright, but the only correct way that could be cope with Napoleon. From here, the dislike of Tolstoy to Napoleon, so highly appreciated his personal talents; From here, finally, the construction of the greatest sages of the modest soldier of Plato Karataev for the fact that he is aware of himself exclusively part of a whole, without the slightest claims on an individual value. Philosophical or, or rather, the historiophy thought of a thick majority penetrates his great novel - and it is great - not in the form of reasoning, but in the brilliantly seized details and one-piece paintings, the true meaning of which is not difficult to understand every thoughtful reader.

In the first edition of the "War and Mira" there was a long range of purely theoretical pages that prevented the integrity of the artistic impression; In later publications, these arguments were allocated and made a special part. Nevertheless, in "War and the World", the fat thoughtler was reflected far from all and not the most characteristic of its own parties. There is no reason that it takes red thread through all the works of Tolstoy, as written to the "war and the world" and later - there is no deep pessimistic mood.

In the later works of thick, the transformation of the elegant, graceful flirty, charming Natasha in the blurry, slightly dressed, fully left in concerns about the house and children of the landowner would produce a sad impression; But in the era of her enjoyment, the family happiness Tolstoy, all this was erected into the Pearl of creation.

Later, Tolstoy skeptically referred to his novels. January 1871 Tolstoy sent a letter to Fetu: "As I am happy ... what to write a crowded lot like" war "I will never become more."

On December 6, 1908, Tolstoy recorded in the diary: "People love me for the trifles -" War and Peace ", etc., which they seem very important."

In the summer of 1909, one of the visitors of the Casual Polyana expressed his delight and thanks for the creation of the "war and the world" and "Anna Karenina". Tolstoy replied: "It's like an all else that came to Edison and would say:" I very much respect you for what you are well dancing Mazurka. " I attribute the importance to completely different my books. "

There were various options for the name of the novel: "1805 year" (a passage from the novel was published under this title), "everything is good that it ends well" and "three pores".

The handwritten fund of the novel is 5202 sheets.

Sources Tolstoy

Lion Tolstoy When writing, the following scientific works were used: the academic history of the war academician A. I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, the story of M. I. Bogdanovich, "Life of Speransky's Graph" M. Korf, "Biography Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsova" M. P. Shcherbinina, Freemasonry - Karl Gubert Lobrey Plumen, about Vereshchagin - Ivan Zhukov; From French historians - Tiere, A. Duma-Art., Georges Chambre, Maximellen Fua, Pierre Lanfre. As well as a number of evidence of contemporaries of the Patriotic War: Alexey Bonailuzhev-Ryumin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Sergey Glinka, Fedor Glinka, Denis Davydov, Stepan Zhikharev, Alexey Ermolov, Ivan Liprandi, Fedor Korbeletsky, Krasnokutsky, Alexander Grigorievich, Vasily Pepovsky, Ilya Radozhitsky, Ivan Skobelev , Mikhail Speransky, Alexander Shishkov; Letters A. Volkovka to Lanskaya. From French memoirists - Boss, Jean Rappa, Philip de Segur, Auguste Marmon, "Holy Helena Memorial" Las-Kaza.

Of the fiction on Tolstoy, Russian novels R. Zotov "Leonid or features from Napoleon I", M. Zagoskin - Roslavlev ". British novels - William Techkeea "Vanity Fair" and Mary Elizabeth Braddon "Aurora Floyd" - according to memories T. A. Kuzminskaya writer directly indicated that the nature of the latter's main character reminds Natasha.

Central characters

Main article: List of characters novel "War and Peace"
  • Count Pierre (Peter Cyrillovich) of Lyuhov.
  • Count Nikolai Ilyich Rostov (Nicolas) is the eldest son of Ilya Rostov.
  • Natasha Rostov (Natalie) is the younger daughter of Rostov, in marriage, the Countess of the Bezukhova, the second wife of Pierre.
  • Sonya (Sophia Aleksandrovna, Sophie) - the nephew of the Graph Rostov, is brought up in the family of the graph.
Related links between fictional noble childbirth in the novel
  • Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky - the old prince, according to the plot - a prominent figure of the Catherine Epoch. The prototype is the grandfather L. N. Tolstoy for the mother, the representative of the ancient kind of Volkonsky.
  • Prince Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky (Fr. André) - Son of the Old Prince.
  • Princess Maria Nikolaevna (Fr. Marie) - the daughter of the old prince, the sister of Prince Andrei, in marriage, Countess Rostov (wife Nikolai Ilyich Rostov). The prototype can be called Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (in marriage thick), Mother L. N. Tolstoy
  • Prince Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin - the friend of Anna Pavlovna Shersher, spoke of children: "My children are a burden of my existence." Kurakin, Alexey Borisovich - Probable prototype.
  • Elena Vasilyevna Kuragin (Helen) - daughter Vasily Kuragin. The first, the wrong wife of Pierre Zuhovova.
  • Anatole Kuragin - the younger son of Prince Vasily, Kutil and the depravant, tried to seduce Natasha Rostov and take it, "Restless fool" by expressing Prince Vasily.
  • Dolokhova Marya Ivanovna, mother of Fedor Dolokhova.
  • Shard Fedor Ivanovich, her son, officer of Semenovsky regiment I, 1, VI. At the beginning of the novel was the infantry officer of the Semenovsky Guards Regiment - started the Buckers, later one of the leaders of the partisan movement. Prototypes served as partisan Ivan Dorokhov, Duelist Fedor Tolstoy-American and partisans Alexander Figner.
  • Plato Karatayev - Soldier of the Absheron Regiment, who met Pierre Bezuhov in captivity.
  • Captain Tushin is the captain of the artillery corps, distinguished during the Shenagraben battle. The prototype was his headquarters-captain of artillery Ya. I. Sudakov.
  • Vasily Dmitrievich Denisov is a friend of Nikolai Rostov. Dr. Denisova served Denis Davydov.
  • Maria Dmitrievna Akhrosimova is a familiar family of growth. The prototype of Ahrosimova served as a widow of Major General of Abrosimova Nastasya Dmitrievna. A. S. Griboedov almost portrait her in his comedy "grief from the mind."

In the novel number 559 heroes. About 200 of them are historical faces.


Napoleon and Alexander in Tilsit

In the novel, the abundance of chapters and parts, most of which have plot finishes. Short chapters and many parts allow you to thick move the story in time and space and thanks to this, to fit hundreds of episodes in one novel.

I Tom

The Actions of the I Tom describe the events of the war in the Union with Austria against Napoleon in 1805-1807.

1 part

The action begins with the reception of the approximate Empress Anna Pavlovna Sherler, where we see all the highest light of St. Petersburg. This technique is a kind of exposure: here we get acquainted with many of the most important heroes of the novel. On the other hand, the reception is a means of characteristics of the "highest society" comparable to the "Famovskogo society" (A. S. Griboedov "Mount from the mind"), immoral and false. All those who arrived are looking for themselves in useful dating that they can start Shero. So, Prince Vasily worries the fate of his children, whom he tries to arrange a profitable marriage, and Drubetskaya comes to persuade the prince of Vasily to face her son. An indicative feature is the ritual greetings to anyone unknown and no one unnecessary voyage (FR. MA TANTE). None of the guests knows who she is, and does not want to talk to her, but they cannot break the unwritten laws of secular society. On the pussy background of the guests of Anna Sherler two characters are distinguished: Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duchev. They are opposed to the highest light as Chatsky is opposed to "Famovsky society". Most of the conversations on this ball are devoted to politics and the upcoming war with Napoleon, which is called the "Corsican monster". Despite this, most guest dialogues are conducted in French.

Despite his promises, Bolkonsky not ride Kuragin, Pierre immediately after the departure of Andrei goes there. Anatole Kuragin - the son of Prince Vasily Kuragin, who gives him a lot of inconvenience to the fact that he constantly leads a rampant life and spends money father. After his return, because of the border, Pierre constantly spends his time at Curabina, along with Doolokhov and other officers. This life is absolutely not suitable for a bellow, who has an exalted soul, a kind heart and abilities to become a really influential person, to benefit society. The next "adventures" of Anatol, Pierre and Dolokhova end in the fact that they got somewhere the live bear somewhere, they frightened them with young actresses, and when the police came to take them, they "caught the quarter, tied him back to the bear and put the bear in the sink; Bear floats, and quarterly on it. " The result, Pierre was sent to Moscow, she was demolished into soldiers, and his father had somehow pressed his father with Anatola.

L. Pasternak, illustration to the novel "War and Peace" - "Napoleon and Lavrushka at the transition from Vyazma to Tsarev-Zachin"

From St. Petersburg, the action is transferred to Moscow to the name of the Countess of the Rostova and her daughter Natasha. Here we are familiar with the whole family of growth: Countess Natalya Rostova, her husband Count Ilya Rostov, their children: faith, Nikolai, Natasha and Petei, as well as the nephew of the Counsel Countess. The atmosphere in the family of growth is opposed to receiving Shero: everything is easier, sincere, kind. Two love lines are tied here: Sonya and Nikolai Rostov, Natasha and Boris Drubetskaya.

Sonya and Nikolai are trying to hide their relationship from everyone, since their love cannot lead to anything good, because Sonya's Sonya sister Nicholas. But Nikolay goes to war, and Sonya cannot hold back their tears. She sincerely worries about him. The conversation of his secondary sister and at the same time the best friend with her brother, as well as their kiss sees Natasha Rostov. She also wants to love someone, therefore it comes to a frank conversation with Boris and kisses him. The holiday continues. He is also present Pierre Duhov, who comes here with a very young Natasha Rostova. Marya Dmitrievna Ahrosimova arrives - a very influential and respected woman. Almost all those present are afraid of her for the courage and the sharpness of its judgments and statements. Holiday in full swing. Count Rostov dancing her favorite dance - "Danilub of the Durger" with Ahrosimova.

At this time, the old Graph of Duchov dies in Moscow - the owner of the huge state and Father Pieger. Prince Vasily, being a relative of Zuhova, begins to fight for the inheritance. In addition to his inheritance, the princesses of Mammoth, who, together with Prince, Vasily Kuragin are the most close relatives of the graph. The fight also intervenes the Princess Drubetskaya - the mother of Boris. The case is complicated by the fact that in his will, the Count writes to the emperor with a request to legalize Pierre (Pierre is an illegal son of the graph and without this procedure can not get the inheritance) and makes it all. Prince Vasily's plan is that no one has seen this testament, it is only worth destroying it, and all the inheritance will be divided between them and princes. The goal of Drubetskaya is to get at least a small part of the inheritance to have money to unwind your son departing to the war. The result unfolds the struggle for the "mosaic portfolio" in which the will is kept. Pierre, coming to his dying father, again feels a stranger. He is uncomfortable here. He simultaneously feels sorrow due to the death of the father and awkwardness due to the big attention, chained to him.

Going to war, Andrei Bolkonsky leaves his pregnant wife Lisa with his father and sister, Prince Marya, in the family estate Bald Mountains. His father, General-Annef Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, for several years already lives in his estate. It is distinguished by the directness of his judgments, severeness and rigor. From his daughter, he wants to raise a smart girl, so forces her mathematics. The same Princess Marya madly loves his father and brother, it is very sensitive and diveged. Saying goodbye to Prince Andrey, she persuades him to take the icon. Shortly before, Marya receives a letter from his good girlfriend Juli Karagina, who writes that, according to rumors, Prince Vasily wants to marry her son Anatoly on her.

2 part

A. Kivchenko, illustration to the novel "War and Peace" - "Kutuzov on a Poklonnaya Mountain in front of the Military Council in Filya A. Kivchenko, an illustration for the novel" War and Peace "-" Graph Rostopchin and the merchant son Vereshchagin on the courtyard of the governor's house in Moscow "

In the second part, the action is transferred to Austria. Russian army, having committed a long transition, preparing for looking in Brownau in the town. The commander-in-chief of the army is coming to the review - Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. Inspecting the shelves, he welcomes the officers familiar to him. At the same view, we see and democated after the case with the Bear of Dologov. Kutuzov accompanied adjutants: Nesvitsky and already familiar to us Bolkonsky.

The war continued, Cutuzov's troops retreat, burning bridges behind them. The Union Austrian Army under the command of General Macs was crushed. Kutuzov sends Andrei Bolkonsky with a message about the first victory to the Austrian Emperor Frank.

Soon the Shenagraben battle was given. The four-thousandths of Bagration was to ensure the retreat of the rest of the Kutuzov army. The French decided that in front of them the whole Russian army.

In this battle, one of the main topics of the novel is very pronounced - the topic of true and false patriotism. The true hero of the battle is Tushin, whose battery was obliged to the whole army success of the whole battle. But the modest tushin is lost when he is reported on the Council for two lost tools: he does not want to give his answer, that there was no reinforcement, another officer. Andrei Bolkonsky stands for Tushina.

The Pavlograd Gusar Regiment, which serves Nikolai Rostov, for which this battle becomes the first major battle in life. Nikolay is experiencing genuine fear: everything that he imagined, it turns out only fantasy and a fairy tale, in fact, the war appears to be a terrible, chilling spectacle, where everything: and explosions, and weapons, and pain, and death. And even though Rostov does not exhibit in the battle of their valor, but only shows her cowardice, no one condemns him, since his feelings are clear to everyone.

3 part

Pierre Duhov, after the death of his father, having received all his legacy, becomes a "noble bride and one of the richest young people. Now he is invited to all the balls and techniques, they want to communicate with him, respect him. Prince Vasily does not miss such an opportunity and introduces his daughter to the beauty of Helen and Pierre, which Helen makes a big impression. For rapprochement, he satisfies Pierre a destination in camera-junckers, insists that the young man stops in his house. Understanding the need to like the rich bridegroom, Helen behaves within obligations, flirting, and her parents are pushing the bun for marriage with all their might. The young man naively believes in the sincerity of such a relationship, it seems to him that everyone loves him.

At the same time, Prince Vasily decides to marry his son Anatoly, who bored him with his baits and gulyans, on one of the richest and most notable heiress of the time - Mary of Bologkoe. Vasilius with her son arrives in the estate of the Balcony Bald Mountains and meets with the Father of the future bride. The old prince is arrogant and wary of the young man with a dubious reputation in a secular society. Anatole is careless, you used to lead a rampant life and rely only on your father. So now the conversation is mainly between the "older" generation: Vasily, representing your son, and the prince. Despite all his contempt for an anatoly, Prince Bolkonsky leaves the choice of Marya itself, understanding that for the "ugly" Princess Marya, who does not go anywhere from the estate, the chance to marry the handsome Anatoly is good luck. But Marya itself is in thought: she understands all the charms of marriage and, although he does not like Anatol, hopes that love will come later, but she does not want to leave her father alone in his estate. The choice becomes apparent when Marya sees how Anatol flirts with Madmoiselle Brying, her companion. The attachment and love for the Father outweighs, and Princess resolutely refuses anatoly Kuragin.

Battle under Austerlitz

Following the successful Shenagraben battle, a new one was preparing under Austerlitz. A detailed disposition was painted to the battle, which, however, was practically impossible to implement. On the Council, Wehooter reads this disposition, but Kutuzov, in contrast to all others, sleeps. He, soberly comparing the strength of the Russians and the French, knows that the battle will be lost, and the discosition of the Weifier was only good because it was already approved and nothing could be changed in it. According to Kutuzov, the best thing they can do in front of tomorrow's battle is to sleep.

Andrei Bolkonsky should take part in tomorrow's battle. On the eve he will not sleep. He thinks for a long time that he can bring him tomorrow. He dreams of glory, about the happy case, which will make it famous. Prince Andrei puts as an example of Napoleon, who glorified only one battle at Toulon, after which he could smooth over the European map over several years. Bolkonsky is ready to donate to many sake of their own glory: he is not a pity for this not a family or wealth, nor even life. Bolkonsky sighs that tomorrow will be fatal for him, as well as for the entire military campaign.

The next morning, Napoleon, on the day of the anniversary of his coronation, in the happy arrangement of the Spirit, examining the places of the upcoming battle and waiting when the sun finally comes out of the fog, gives Marshal the order to start the case. Kutuzov, on the contrary, in the morning dwells in an extended and irritable mood. He notices confusion in allied troops and waits when all the columns gather. Further, for the divergent mist, the enemy seems much closer than previously assumed, and, having heard a close shooting, Kutuzov's sweet rushes to run back, where the troops were passed by the emperors. Bolkonsky decides that this long-awaited moment came, it came to him. Jumping from a horse, he rushes to the banner's soldier who fell out of the hands and, having picked up, with a cry of "Hurray!" Runs forward, in the hope that the upset battalion will run behind him. And, indeed, one by one soldiers overtake him. Prince Andrei gets wound and, without his strength, falls on his back, where only an infinite sky opens in front of him, and everything becomes empty, insignificant and having no meaning. Bonaparte, after a winning battle, circles the battlefield, giving out the latest orders and considering the remaining killed and wounded. Among others, Napoleon sees the lying on Bolkonsky and makes tend it to the dressing point.

The first volume of the novel ends with the fact that Prince Andrei, among other hopeless wounded, surrendered to the seizure.

II volume

The second volume can be truly called the only "peaceful" in the whole novel. It displays the life of heroes between 1806 and 181 years. Most of it is devoted to the personal relationship of heroes, the topic of love and finding the meaning of life.

1 part

The second volume begins with the arrival of Nikolai Rostov home, where he happily meets the whole family of growth. Together with him comes and his new military friend of Denisov. Soon the triumph in honor of the Hero of the Military Campaign of Prince Bagration, which was attended by all the highest light in the Anglitsky Club. The total in the evening was heard to the toasts, glorifying Bagration, as well as the emperor. Nobody wanted to remember about the recent defeat.

Pierre Duhov, who has changed after marriage, is present at the celebration. In fact, he feels deeply unhappy, he began to understand the real face of Helen, which is largely similar to his brother, and he is also beginning to torment suspicions about the treason of his wife with a young officer of Dolokhov. By random coincidence of the circumstances of Pierre and Shardov, they are sitting opposite each other at the table. Decisibly sassy behavior of Dolokhova annoys Pierre, but the last drop is becoming a TOSOSHOVA "For the health of beautiful women and their lovers." All this was the reason that Pierre Duhov causes Dolokhov on a duel. Nikolay Rostov becomes Sing Nolokhov, and Nesvitsky - Bezuhova. The next day, at 9 o'clock in the morning, Pierre and Secundant arrive in Sokolniki and meet there, Dologov, Rostov and Denisov. The Secundant of Laughova is trying to persuade the parties to reconcile, but the opponents are determined. Before the duel, it turns out the inability of NUHOVOV even to keep the gun as it should be, while Solokhov is an otny duelist. Opponents diverge, and on the team begin to go to rapprochement. Lyuhov shoots in the direction of Dolokhov and the bullet enters the stomach. Duckers and viewers want to interrupt the duel because of the wound, but Doolokov prefers to continue, and carefully aims, expired by blood. Sheolov shoots past. Rostov with Denisov will be dismissed. For questions from Nicholas about the well-being of Dologov, he begging Rostov to go to his adorable mother and prepare it. Having managed to fulfill the order, Rostov learns that she lives with his mother and sister in Moscow, and, contrary to his behavior in society, is a tender son and brother.

The excitement of Pierre, about the connection of his wife with Dolokhov, continues. He reflects on the past duel, and increasingly asks for himself a question: "Who is right, who is to blame?". When Pierre, finally, seemed from Helen "with an eye on the eye," she begins to scold and contemptively laughing at her husband, using his naivety. Pierre says that they are better to part, in response hears sarcastic consent, "... if you give me a state." Then, in the character of Pierre, the Father's breed is for the first time, he feels a passion and charming of rabies. Grabbing a marble board from the table, he is with a cry "I will kill you!" Wares to Helen. She runs out of the room. A week later, Pierre issues a power of attorney for most of his condition, and sent to St. Petersburg.

After receiving in the Bald Mountains, the news of the death of Prince Andrei at Austerlitsky battle, the old prince comes with a letter from Kutuzov, where it is not known whether Andrei has been died, or stayed alive, because, among the founded officers found on the battlefield, he was not Renovated. Liza, Andrei's wife, relatives from the very beginning do not tell anything to know anything in order not to hurt her. Night of childbirth suddenly arrives Prince Andrei. Lisa does not tolerate childbirth and dies. On her dead face, Andrei reads a reputable expression: "What did you do with me?", Which no longer leaves him. Newborn son give name Nikolai.

During the recovery of Dologov, Rostov especially began his way with him. And he becomes a frequent guest in the family of the Rostov family. Shelokhov falls in love with Sonya and makes her an offer, but she refuses him, because still in love with Nicholas. Fedor before leaving to the army suits a farewell fear for his friends, where he is not quite honest, heats Rostov by 43 thousand rubles, thus aventing him for refusing to Sony.

Vasily Denisov spends more time in Natasha Rostova society. Soon makes her an offer. Natasha does not know how to be. She runs to the mother, but that thanking Denisov for his honor, harmony does not give, because he considers his daughter too young. Vasily apologizes in front of the Countess, saying for a farewell, that "guardian" her daughter and all their family, and next day leaves Moscow. Rostov himself after leaving his friend, two weeks stayed at home, waiting for money from the old graph to pay all 43 thousand and receive a receipt from Dolokhov.

2 part

After his explanation with his wife, Pierre rides in St. Petersburg. Torzhok at the station, waiting for horses, he meets the Mason who wants to help him. They start talking about God, but Pierre does not believe in God. He talks about how he hates his life. Mason convinces him in the opposite and persuades Pierre to join their ranks. Pierre, after a long rapidly, there is a dedication to the masons and after that he feels what has changed. Prince Vasily comes to Pierre. They talk about Helen, Prince asks him to return it to her. Pierre refuses and asks Prince to leave. Pierre leaves a lot of money for alms to the masons. Pierre believed in the association of people, but completely disappointed in this. The end of 1806 began the second war with Napoleon. Sheer takes Boris. He took a favorable position in the service. He does not want to remember the growth. Helen takes interest to him and invites him. Boris becomes close man for the house of beans. Princess Marya replaces Nikolka mother. The child is suddenly ill. Marya and Andrei argue than to treat him. Bolkonsky writes them a letter to victory. The child recovers. Pierre took up charity. He agreed everywhere with the manager and began to do business. He began to live former life. In the spring of 1807 Pierre gathered in St. Petersburg. He drove into his estate - everything seems to be good there, everything is still, but the burdock around. Pierre visits Prince Andrew, they begin to talk about the meaning of life and about worldwife. Andrei says that he began inner rebirth. Rostov is tied to the shelf. War begins again.

3 part

L. Pasternak, illustration to the novel "War and World" - "Natasha Rostov on the first ball"

Russia and France are becoming allies, and there are good relations between the "two lords of the world". So, the Russians help their former enemy, the French, fight against their former ally, Austrians.

Prince Andrei Bolkonsky lives at oddly in his estate, completely absorbed by his affairs. He actively engages in transformations in his estates, reads a lot and becomes one of the most educated people of their time. However, Andrei cannot find the meaning of life and believes that his age is over.

Bolkonsky on affairs is sent to the Count Rostov. There he meets with Natasha and accidentally overhears her conversation with Sonya, in which Rostov described the beauty of the night sky and the moon. She spells his soul.

"No, life is not over for 31 years, - suddenly finally, the Prince Andrei decided ..."

Bolkonsky comes to Petersburg and gets acquainted with Speransky. This person becomes his ideal, and Andrei tries to be equal to him. Speransky gives the prince of the order - to develop a section "rights of persons" in the developed civil deposits, and Andrei is responsible for this task.

"He saw in him a reasonable, strict-thought, a huge mind of a person, energy and persistence of the authorities and consumed only for the good of Russia. Speransky in the eyes of Prince Andrei was exactly the person, reasonably explaining all the phenomena of life, recognizing valid only that It is reasonable, and to all who knows how to make merilo rationality, which he himself so wanted to be ... "

Pierre is disappointed in Freemasonry. He knew all his brothers as weak and insignificant people. He is increasingly and more often begins to think about the misfortune and the mercantility of his comrades. He starts depression.

"On Pierre again, she found that longing, which he was so afraid ..."

Pierre is increasingly moving away from his wife, feels humiliated and offended.

In growth, they also went badly: there was no money for life, but I wanted to live just as rich and idle. Berg makes the proposal of the faith of growth, and it agrees. Natasha again gets closer with Boris Drubetsky. However, Natasha's parents take the right measures to make Boris, in love with Natasha, stopping to be at the growth that a young man, confusing in his feelings, is happy.

December 31, on the eve of 1810, there was a ball in Ekaterininskoy Velmazby. It was the first real Ball of Natasha Rostova. The girl is very inspired and excited because of the upcoming event. However, nobody comes to her on the ball and does not pay any attention to it. Natasha is saddened.

At the same Ball was the prince Andrei Bolkonsky. Pierre Ducheov asks for his friend to invite Natasha Rostov to the dance, and the prince gladly agrees, having learned the most girl in her that a few years ago he spoke about the beauty of the moon. Gentle feelings flas out between them.

"... But barely hugged this thin, mobile mill, and she moved so close to him and smiled so close to him, her charms hit him in his head: he felt a revived and rarely, when, translating her breath and leaving her, He stopped and began to look at the dancing. "

Prince Andrei understands that his interest in transformations is destroyed. He is disappointed in Speransky, a man without a soul, mirror reflecting other people, but not did not have his inner world. Prince Andrei visits the growth where he feels happy. After dinner Natasha, at the request of home, sang. Prince Andrei, struck by her singing to the depths of the soul, felt like young and updated.

The next time Andrei and Natasha are found at the evening at Berg, her husband of faith, sisters Natasha. Faith, who has noticed the interest of Andrei to Natasha, has started talking about Natasha's children's love in Boris, than the prince involuntarily interested. Most of the evening Andrei spent next to Natasha in an unusually lively mood.

The next day, Andrei came to Rostov for lunch and stayed before the evening. He did not hide the spent as much time as possible with Natasha. The girl does not understand his feelings: such a thing has never been with her. However, she admits himself he loves Bolkonsky.

At that same evening, Andrei went to Pierre. There he told about his love for Natasha Rostova, and also expressed the desire to marry her. Pierre, who has noticed changes in the other, supported him and was ready to listen and help.

"- I would not believe those who would tell me that I could love so much," said Prince Andrei. "This is not the feeling that I had before. The whole world is divided into two half: one thing - she and she and There all happiness of hope, light; another half - everything where it is not, there is all the despondency and darkness ... "

Prince Andrei asks the blessing of the Father, but Nikolai Andreevich is angry with angrily. He considers Natasha inappropriate party for his son. He forces Andrei to postpone marriage for a year. He makes Natasha's proposal, and she happily agrees, the news, however, is overshadowed by an annual delay. The wedding is left secret to not connect Natasha and provide her full freedom. If during this time she sobs him, she had the right to refuse. So says Andrei in front of his departure.

Nikolai Andreevich, distressed by the face of his son, takes all his anger on his daughter. He tries to make her life in every way and specially converges with Madam Grade. Princess Maria strongly suffers.

4 part

Rostile business is upset, and the Countess asks for his Son, Nicholas, come to help his father. Nikolay reluctantly agrees and goes down. Having arrived, he is very surprised by the changes that happened in Natasha, but skeptically refers to her marriage with the prince of Bolkonsky. Nikolay soon realized that he was still less than his father and pulled away from it.

Rostov (Nikolai, Peter, Natasha and Ilya Andreevich) go hunting. The old graph misses the old wolf, but Nikolai does not give the beast to leave. The hero of that day became a fortress peasant Danil, who cope with the Material Wolf, who drove Nikolai.

After the hunt Natasha, Petya and Nikolai go to visit her uncle, where Natasha's love is manifested for all Russian, who all the time he felt happier and was sure that she didn't do anything better in life.

During the Scholly, Nikolai notices the beauty of Sony, and for the first time he understands that he truly loves her. He declares his intention to marry Natasha, who comes to indescribable delight.

Natasha with Sonya during the densit, and Sonya sees in the mirror of the Lying Prince Andrew. However, this vision does not extract anything, and soon forget about it.

Nikolay declares her mother about his intention to marry Sona. Countess comes to horror (Sonya is not the very best party for her son), and they quarrel with Nikolai. Countess begins to touch Sonya in every way. The result, Nikolai, angry, says Mother, which marries without her permission, if they do not leave Sonya alone. Natasha is trying to reconcile them, but she does not work. She, however, seeks the fact that an agreement was concluded between Nicholas and his mother: he does not take anything without the knowledge of the mother, and she, in turn, will not oppress Sonya. Nikolay leaves.

The cases are still stronger, and the whole family moves to Moscow. However, the Countess, upset sororated with his son, falls and remains in the village.

5 part

Old Bolkonsky also lives in Moscow; He fell markedly, became irritable, the relationship with her daughter had spoiled, which torments the old man himself, and especially the princess Marjo. When the Graph Rostov with Natasha come to Bolkonsky, they take growth unfriendly: the prince - with the calculation, and the princess of Marya - herself suffering from awkwardness. Natasha is hurting it; To console her, Mary Dmitrievna, in the house of which Rostov stopped, took her a ticket to Opera. The Rostov Theater is celebrating Boris Drubetsky, now the groom Juli Karagina, Dologov, Helene Bezuhov and her brother Anatoly Kuragin. Natasha meets Anatolam. Helen invites growth to itself, where Anatoly pursues Natasha, tells her about her love for her. He secretly sends her letters to her and going to kidnap her to secretly be married (Anatoly was already married, but no one knew it).

The abduction does not succeed - Sonya randomly finds out about him and recognized Mary Dmitrievna; Pierre tells Natasha that Anatol is married. Andrei who arrived, Andrei lets about the refusal of Natasha (she sent a letter to the Princess Mary) and about her novel with Anatola; He returns her letters through Pierre through Pierre. When Pierre arrives at Natasha and sees her ashadowed face, he becomes sorry for her and at the same time he suddenly tells her that if he was "the best person in the world," then "his hands and love" her knees. " Tears "Deaming and Happiness" he leaves. On the way, Pierre watches Comet of 1811, whose type answered his soul.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3.

IV Tom

Part 3.

Part 4.


Part 1

Part 2

Disputes about the title

In modern Russian, the word "world" has two different meanings, "Mir" - Antony by the word "war" and "world" - planet, community, society surrounding the world, habitat, homeland (cf. "on the world and death Krasnova "). Before the spelling reform of 1917-1918, these two concepts had various writing: in the first sense, "peace" was written, in the second - "MIR". There is a legend that Tolstoy allegedly used the word "MIR" (Universe, Society) in the title). However, all the prominent editions of the Tolstoy novel went out under the name "War and Peace", and he himself wrote the name of the Roman in French as "La Guerre et La Paix". There are various versions of this legend.

  • According to one of them, ambiguity arose at the first full publication of the novel. 1868 in the publishing house M. N. Katkova comes out, on the title page of which is inscribed: "War and Peace". The document preserved this event from March 24-25, 1867, addressed M. N. Lavrov - an employee of Catkova's printing house. This is a draft agreement on the publication of the novel. Interestingly, the title of it in the document is "a thousand eight hundred and fifth year" - it is entrusted with one line and hand L. N. Tolstoy over the words "thousand eight hundred" is written: "War and Mir". But, of course, it is also curious that at the very beginning of the document on the words "gracious sovereign, Mikhail Nikolayevich" pencil is inscribed: "War and Peace". This is done by the hand of Sofia Andreevna, obviously, when sheaving orders in her husband's papers in the eighties.
  • According to another version, the legend arose due to typos made in the 1913 edition under the editivity of P. I. Biryukova. The four volumes of the novel title reproduce eight times: on the title page and on the first page of each volume. Seven times printed "Peace" and only once - "MІR", and on the first page of the first volume.
  • There is finally another version. According to her, the legend originated from typo in the original edition of the popular work George Florovsky. Writing the name of the novel for some reason, the letter "I" was used.

Legend support was provided in 1982, when in a popular TV program "What? Where? When? "The question was asked on this topic and delivered the" correct "answer. These question with the answer in the same year came to the book V. Voroshilov "Phenomenon of Games". On December 23, 2000, in the jubilee game dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the transfer, the same retro question was repeated again. And again the connoisses were given the same answer - none of the organizers did not bother to check the question of the merits. See also: , .

It should be noted that in the title of "almost the same" poem of the Mayakovsky "War and Mir" (1916), the game of words, which was possible to spelling reform, but today's reader is not captured.

Empty and use of the novel as a literary basis


  • "War and Peace" (1913, Russia). Mute movie. Dir. - Peter Chardynin, Andrei Bolkonsky - Ivan Mozyzhukhin
  • "War and Peace" (1915, Russia). Mute movie. Dir. - Ya. Protazanov, V. Gardin. Natasha Rostov - Olga Preobrazhenskaya, Andrei Bolkonsky - Ivan Mozyzhukhin, Napoleon - Vladimir Gardin
  • Natasha Rostov (1915, Russia). Mute movie. Dir. - P. Chardynin. Natasha Rostov - Vera Karalli, Andrei Bolkonsky - Witold Polonsky
  • "War and Peace" (War & Peace, 1956, USA, Italy). Dir. - King Vido. Composer - Nino Rota costumes - Maria de Mattei. Main Cards: Natasha Rostov - Audrey Hepburn, Pierre Duzhov - Henry Fund, Andrei Bolkonsky - Mel Ferrer, Napoleon Bonaparte - Herbert Scrap, Helene Kuragin - Anita Eckerg.
  • "Also people" (1959, USSR) Short film on the excerpt from the novel (USSR). Dir. George Dannelia.
  • "War and Peace" / War and Peace (1963, United Kingdom). (TV) Director Silvio is drawn. Natasha Rostov - Mary Hinton, Andrei Bolkonsky - Daniel Massie
  • "War and Peace" (1965, USSR). Dir. - S. Bondarchuk, Starring: Natasha Rostov - Lyudmila Savelyev, Andrei Bolkonsky - Vyacheslav Tikhonov, Pierre Ducheov - Sergey Bondarchuk.
  • "War and Peace" (War & Peace, 1972, United Kingdom). (TV series) dir. John Davis. Natasha Rostov - Morag Hood, Andrei Bolkonsky - Alan Kobya, Pierre Duhov - Anthony Hopkins.
  • "War and Peace" (2007, Germany, Russia, Poland, France, Italy). Series. Dir - Robert Dorngelm, Brendan Donnison. Andrei Bolkonsky - Alessio Boni, Natasha Rostov - Clemence Poets
  • "War and Peace" (2012, Russia) Trilogy, short films for romance romance. Directors Maria Pankratova, Andrei Grachev // Ether September 2012 TV channel "Star".

Using a novel as a literary basis

  • "War and World" in verses ": Poem on Roman-Epopea L. N. Tolstoy. Moscow: Key-C, 2012. - 96 p. (Author - Natalia Tugarina)


  • Prokofiev S. S. "War and Peace" (1943; final edition of 1952; 1946, Leningrad; 1955, Ibid).
  • War and world (film operator). (United Kingdom, 1991) (TV). Music Sergey Prokofiev. Dir. Humphrey Berton
  • War and world (film operator). (France, 2000) (TV) Music Sergey Prokofiev. Dir. Francoisa Rassello


  • "Prince Andrei" (2006, Radio of Russia). Radiospect. Dir. - Sadchenkov. GL Roles - Vasily Lanova.
  • "War and Peace. The beginning of the novel. Scenes "(2001) - Statement of the Moscow Theater" Workshop P. Fomenko "

Tolstoy wrote a novel for 6 years, from 1863 to 1869. According to historical information, he manually rewrote it 8 times, and the writer rewrite separate episodes more than 26 times.


In Wikitek, there is a full text roman "War and World"
  1. Tolstoy L. N. Letter Herzen A. I., // L. N. Tolstoy: to the 120th anniversary of his birth. (1828-1948) / Comment. and ed. N. N. Guseva. - M.: State. Lit. Museum, 1948. - T. II. - P. 4-6. - (Chronicles of the State Literary Museum; BN. 12).
  2. The first feedback on the novel gave Military Historian N. A. Lachinov, at that time an employee, and later - the editor of the Russian disabled - "Regarding the last novel of Tolstoy Count" // Russian disabled. 1868. No. 96 / Apr 10 / (Babayev E. G. Lev Tolstoy and Russian journalism of his era. Moscow State University. M. 1993; p.33.34 ISBN 5-211-02234-3)
  3. 1 2 3 Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  4. Tolstoy L. N. PSS. T.61, p.247.
  5. Tolstoy L. N. PSS. T.56, p. 162.
  6. 1 2 V. B. Shklovsky. Material and style in the lion novel Tolstoy "War and Peace"
  7. Kathryn B. FEUER, ROBIN FEUER MILLER, DONNA T. ORWIN. Tolstoy and the Genesis of "War and Peace"

145 years ago, the largest literary event occurred in Russia - the first edition of the novel of the Lion's Tolstoy "War and the World" was published. Separate heads of the novel were published earlier - the first two parts of Tolstoy began to publish in the Russian Bulletin of Katkov a few years before that, but the "canonical", full and processed, the version of the novel came out only a few years later. For one and a half years of its existence, this world masterpiece and bestseller has increased and weighing research and reader legends. Here are some interesting facts about the novel that you may not know.

How did Tolstoy themselves appreciated "War and Peace"?

Lion Tolstoy very skeptically referred to his "main works" - the novels of "War and Peace" and Anna Karenina ". So, in January 1871, he sent a letter to Fetu, in which he wrote: "As I am happy ... what to write a crowded kind of" war "I will never become more." After almost 40 years, he did not change his opinion. On December 6, 1908, a record appeared in the writer's diary: "People love me for those trifles -" War and Peace ", etc., which they seem very important." There is even a later evidence. In the summer of 1909, one of the visitors of the Casual Polyana expressed his delight and gratitude by that time the generally accepted classic for the creation of the "war and the world" and "Anna Karenina". Tolstoy's answer was as follows: "It's likely that someone would come to Edison and would say:" I very respect you for what you are well dancing Mazurka. " I attribute the importance to completely different my books. "

Was Tolstone sincere? Perhaps there was a share of the author's goettle, although the whole image of a thick-thinker strongly contradicts this guappy - he was too serious and uncovered man.

"War and Peace" or "War and Mir"?

The name "War of the World" is so habitual that it has already been chosen. If you ask any little of the educated person, what the main product of Russian literature of all time, good half without thinking will say: "War and Peace". Meanwhile, the novel had different names: "1805" (the passage from the novel was even published under this title), "everything is good that it ends well" and "three pores".

The famous legend is associated with the name of the masterpiece of the thickness. Often the name of the novel is trying to beat. Claiming that the author himself laid some two-notes in him: whether Tolstoy meant the opposition of war and the world as an antonym of war, that is, calm, either used the word "world" in the value community, community, land ...

But the fact is that during the time when the novel saw the light, such a meaningful could not be: two words, although they were uttered equally, wrote in different ways. Before the spelling reform of 1918 in the first case, "Peace" (peace) was written, and in the second - "MІR" (Universe, Society).

There is a legend that Tolstoy allegedly used the word "MІR" in the title, but all this is a consequence of a simple misunderstanding. All the prominent publications of the Tolstoy novel went under the name "War and Peace", and he himself wrote the name of the novel in French as "La Guerre et La Paix". How could the word "MIR" misele the name? Here the story is split. According to one of the versions, this name was personally written on the document submitted by Lv's Tolstoy M. N. Lavrov - an employee of the Typography of Katkova at the first full publication of the novel. Very perhaps, there really had an author's search. So there was a legend.

According to another version, the legend could appear later as a result of typos, admitted by the publication of the novel edited by P. I. Biryukov. In the publication, released in 1913, the title of the novel is reproduced eight times: on the title page and on the first page of each volume. Seven times printed "Peace" and only once - "MІR", but on the first page of the first volume.
About the sources of "war and the world"

When working on a novel, Lion Tolstoy very seriously approached its sources. He resulted in a lot of historical and memoir literature. In the Tolstsky "list of used literature", for example, such academic editions, as: a multi-volume "Description of the Patriotic War in 1812", History M. I. Bogdanovich, "Life of Speransky Count" M. Korf, "Biography Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsova" M . P. Shcherbinin. Used the writer and materials of the French historians of Thieres, A. Duma-senior, George Chambre, Maximellen Fua, Pierre Lanfre. The studies about Masonry and, of course, the memories of the immediate participants of the events - Sergey Glinka, Denis Davydova, Alexei Yermolov and many others, was also a list of French memoirs, starting from Napoleon himself.

559 characters

The researchers calculated the exact number of heroes of the "War and Peace" - they are found in the book exactly 559, and 200 of them are quite historical faces. Many of the remaining are real prototypes.

In general, working on the names of fictional characters (invent the names and surnames for semi-pile people - already a considerable work), Tolstoy used such three basic ways: used real names; modified real names; Created absolutely new names, but according to the models of real.

Many episodic heroes of the novel wear quite historical surnames - the book is mentioned by reasonable, meshchersk, Georgian, Lopukhins, Arkharov, and others. But the main characters, as a rule, are quite recognizable, but still unreal, encrypted surnames. The reason for this is usually called the reluctance of the writer show the connection of the character with some particular prototype, which has only some features. Such, for example, Bolkonsky (Volkonsky), Drubetskaya (Trubetskoy), Kuragin (Kurakin), Doolokhov (Dorokhov) and others. But, of course, he could not tolt completely abandon the fiction - so, on the pages of the novel, sounding quite noble, but still not related to the surname - Peronskaya, Chatrov, Tellyan, Desala, etc.

Real prototypes of many of the heroes of the novel are also known. So, Vasily Dmitrievich Denisov is a friend of Nikolai Rostov, his prototype became the famous hussar and partisan Denis Davydov.
The familiar family of growth Maria Dmitrievna Ahrosimov was written off by the widow of the Major General Nastasya Dmitrievna Offrow. By the way, she was so colorful that he appeared in another famous work - Alexander Griboedov, almost portraitfully, was portrayed in his comedy.

Her son, Brener and Kutil Fedor Ivanovich Shahov, and later one of the leaders of the partisan movement embodied the features of several prototypes at once - the heroes of the guerrisan of Alexander Figner and Ivan Dorokhov, as well as the famous duelist Fyodor Tystoy-American.

Old Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, aged Ekaterininsky Wiel, was inspired by his husband's grandfather, a representative of the Rod Volkonsky.
But the prince of Maria Nikolaevna, the daughter of the old man Bolkonsky and the sister of Prince Andrei, Tolstoy saw in Mary Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (in marriage Tolstoy), his mother.


We all know and appreciate the famous Soviet film "War and Mira" Sergey Bondarchuk, who came to the screens in 1965. King Viors of 1956, Kingov, King Vius, 1956, is known, the music to whose music was written by Nino Rota, and the main roles played Hollywood stars of the first magnitude of Audrey Hepburn (Natasha Rostov) and Henry Fund (Pierre Lyuhov).

And the first screening of the novel appeared after just a few years after the death of Lion Tolstoy. A mute picture of Peter Chardynina was published in 1913, one of the main roles (Andrei Bolkonsky) in the film played the famous actor Ivan Mozhukhukhin.

Some numbers

Tolstoy wrote and rewritten a novel for 6 years, from 1863 to 1869. As the researchers were calculated by his creativity, the author manually rewrote the text of the novel 8 times, and separate episodes rewrote more than 26 times.

The first edition of the novel: twice as shorter and is more interesting five times?

Do not everyone know that in addition to the generally accepted there is another version of the novel. This is the very first edition that Lion Tolstoy brought in 1866 to Moscow to the publisher Mikhail Katkov for publication. But the novel this time was not able to publish.

Katkov was interested in continuing to print it with pieces in his "Russian messenger". The other publishers did not see at all in the book of commercial potential - too long and "irrelevant" they seemed to them, so they offered the author to publish it at their own expense. There were other reasons: the return to the clear clearing demanded from her husband Sophia Andreevna, who did not cope with the leading of a large economy and the supervision of children. In addition, in the newly discovered for public use of the Chatstsky library Tolstoy found many materials, which certainly wanted to use in his book. Therefore, postponing the publication of the novel, worked over it for two more years. However, the first version of the book did not disappear - it was preserved in the writer's archive, was reconstructed and published in 1983 in the 94th volume of the "literary inheritance" publishing house "Science".

This is what I wrote about this version of the novel made it in the 2007th chapter of the famous publishing house Igor Zakharov:

"one. Twice shorter and five times more interesting.
2. Almost no philosophical retreats.
3. It is a hundred times easier to read: all the French text is replaced by the Russians in the translation of the thick.
4. Much more of the world and less war.
5. Heppi-end ... ".

Well, our right - choose ...

Elena Veshkin

Dmitry Bykov

Russian writer, poet, publicist, journalist, literary critic, Literature teacher, radio and TV presenter.

The novel of the Lion Tolstoy "War and Peace" enters most of the world's best books ratings: Newsweek put it on the first NewsWeek's Top 100 Books. Place, BBC - on the 20th The Big Read. Top 100 Books., and the Norwegian book club turned on The Top 100 Books of All Time. Roman to the list of the most significant works of all time.

In Russia, the third "War and Peace" - the main book for schoolchildren. Residents consider "war and peace" by the work that forms an "worldview, fastening nation". At the same time, President of the Russian Academy of Education Lyudmila Verbicksk said that 70% President RAO: More than 70% of school literature teachers did not read "War and Peace". School teachers did not read "War and Peace". There are no statistics on the rest of the Russians, but most likely she is still paying.

Bykov claims that even the teachers understand not everything is written in the book, not to mention schoolchildren. "I think that Lev Tolstoy himself did not understand everything, did not know what kind of gigantic power drove it with his hand," he added.

Why read "War and Peace"

According to Bykov, each nation should have their own "or" Odyssey ". "Odyssey" is a novel about wandering. He tells how the country is arranged. In Russia, this "Dead Souls" Nicholas Gogol.

"War and Peace" is a domestic "Iliad". It tells how to behave in the country to survive.

Dmitry Bykov

What "War and Peace"

As the main topic, Tolstoy takes the most irrational period in Russian history - the Patriotic War of 1812. Bykov notes that Napoleon Bonaparte realized all his tasks: he entered Moscow, did not lose the general battle, but they won the Russians.

Russia is a country where success is not identical to the victory, where they won irrationally. Just about this novel.

Dmitry Bykov

The key episode of the book, according to Bykov, is not a Borodino battle, but a duel of Pierre Duchov and Fedor Dolokhova. On the side of Dolokhov all the advantages: Society supports him, he is a good shooter. Pierre holds a pistol for the second time in his life, but it is his bullet that gets into the opponent. This is an irrational victory. And also defeats Kutuzov.

Doolokov is definitely a negative character, but not everyone understands why. Despite its advantages, he evil, who is aware of who admires himself, "a non-flashing Gaddy." Like Napoleon.

Tolstoy shows the mechanism of the Russian Victory: the one who gives out more, who is more ready for the victim, who trusted fate. To survive, you need:

  • not afraid of anything;
  • do not calculate anything;
  • do not admire yourself.

How to read "War and Peace"

According to Bykov, this irrational novel is written by rationalist, so there is a hard structure in it. Acquaintance with her and makes reading fascinating.

The action of "war and the world" occurs in four plans at the same time. Each plan has a character that performs a certain role, endowed with special qualities and has the appropriate fate.

* The life of the Russian nobility is a household plan with drama, relations, suffering.

** Macroistoric plan - Events "big history", state level.

*** People are key scenes for the understanding of the novel (according to Bykov).

**** Metaphysical plan - an expression of what is happening through nature: the sky of the Austerlitz, oak.

Moving along the rows of the table, you can see which characters correspond to the same plan. Columns will show dumble at different levels. For example, Rostov is a line of good, fertile Russian family. Their strength in irrationality. They are the soul of the novel.

On the national plan, they correspond to the same inefficious captain of Tushin, on the metaphysical - element of the Earth, thorough and fertile. At the state level, there is no soul, no kindness, therefore there are no correspondences.

Bolkonsky and all who are with them in the same column is an intelligence. Pierre Duhov is personifiable to the very irrational and ready for victims of the winner, and Fedor Solohov - "Self-LED Gadina": he is the character who does not forgiveness, since he puts himself above the rest, hens the superman.

Armed with the Town Table, it is possible not only to understand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, but also to facilitate reading, turning it into a fascinating matching game.

Returning with the family to Russia. I brought unwittingly from the present by 1825 ... But in 1825, my hero was already a mature, family man. To understand him, I needed to be transferred to his youth, and his youth coincided with ... Epoch of 1812 ... If the reason for our celebration was not accidental, but was in the essence of the nature of the Russian people and troops, then this character was supposed to be more brighter in the era Failure and lesions ... "So Lev Nikolaevich gradually came to the need to begin the story since 1805.

The main topic is the historical fate of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812 in the novel, more than 550 characters are derived as fictional and historical. The best of their heroes L.N. Tolstoy depicts in all their mental complexity, in continuous search for truth, in a striving for self-improvement. These are Prince Andrei, Pierre, Natasha, Princess Marya. Negative heroes are deprived of development, dynamics, soul movements: Helen, Anatol.

The philosophical looks of the writer are essential in the novel. Publicistic chapters finish and explain the artistic description of events. Fatalism Tolstoy is associated with his understanding of the elementaryness of the story as "the unconscious, common, woeful life of humanity." The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, according to the very thick, - "Folk Thought". People, in understanding Tolstoy - the main driving force of history, the carrier of the best human qualities. The main characters are the path to the people (Pierre on the Borodino field; "Our prince" called Bolkonsky soldiers). The ideal of Tolstoy is embodied in the form of Plato Karataeva. Ideal female - in the image of Natasha Rostova. Kutuzov and Napoleon - moral poles of the novel: "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth." "What is needed for happiness? Silent family life ... with the ability to do good people "(L. N. Tolstoy).

To work on the story L.N. Tolstoy returned several times. In early 1861, he read the chapters from the novel "Decembrists", written in November 1860 - early 1861, Turgenev and informed about the work on Roman Alexander Herzen. However, the work was postponed several times until in 1863-1869. Not written Roman "War and Peace". For some time, the Roman-epic was perceived by Tolstoy as part of the story, which was supposed to end the return of Pierre and Natasha from the Siberian Links in 1856 (it was about this in 3 preserved chapters of the novel "Decembrists"). Attempts to work on this idea were taken by a thick last time in the late 1870s, after the end of Anna Karenina.

The novel "War and the World" had a great success. An excerpt from the novel called "1805" appeared in the "Russian Bulletin" in 1865. In 1868, three parts were released, followed by the remaining two (only four volumes).

The greatest epic work of the new European literature, the "war and the world", recognized as criticizing the whole world, is striking with a purely technical point of view with the size of its fictional linen. Only in painting you can find some parallel in the huge paintings of Paolo Veronese in the Venice Palace of the Doge, where hundreds of people are discharged with surprise and individual expression. In the novel of Tolstoy, all classes of society are presented, from emperors and kings to the last soldier, all ages, all temperatures and the space of the whole reign of Alexander I. What even more elevates his dignity as epic is the psychology of the Russian people given to them. With an amazing penetration, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy Crowd, both high and the lowest and brutal (for example, in the famous scene of the murder of Vereshchagin).

Everywhere Tolstoy tries to grab the spontaneous, unconscious beginning of human life. All the philosophy of the novel comes down to the fact that the success and failure in historical life does not depend on the will and talents of individual people, but on how much they reflect the spontaneous lining of historical events. Hence his love attitude towards Kutuzov, strong, above all, not strategic knowledge and not heroism, but by the fact that he understood that purely Russian, not spectacular and not bright, but the only correct way that could be cope with Napoleon. From here, the dislike of Tolstoy to Napoleon, so highly appreciated his personal talents; From here, finally, the construction of the greatest sages of the modest soldier of Plato Karataev for the fact that he is aware of himself exclusively part of a whole, without the slightest claims on an individual value. Philosophical or, or rather, the historiophy thought of a thick majority penetrates his great novel - and it is great - not in the form of reasoning, but in the brilliantly seized details and one-piece paintings, the true meaning of which is not difficult to understand every thoughtful reader.

In the first edition of the "War and Mira" there was a long range of purely theoretical pages that prevented the integrity of the artistic impression; In later publications, these arguments were allocated and made a special part. Nevertheless, in "War and the World", the fat thoughtler was reflected far from all and not the most characteristic of its own parties. There is no reason that it takes red thread through all the works of Tolstoy, as written to the "war and the world" and later - there is no deep pessimistic mood.

In the later works of thick, the transformation of the elegant, graceful flirty, charming Natasha in the blurry, slightly dressed, fully left in concerns about the house and children of the landowner would produce a sad impression; But in the era of her enjoyment, the family happiness Tolstoy, all this was erected into the Pearl of creation.

Later, Tolstoy skeptically referred to his novels. In January 1871, Leo Lion Nikolaevich sent a letter to Feta: "As I am happy ... What to write a crowded kind of" war "I will never be more."

On December 6, 1908, L.N. Tolstoy recorded in the diary: "People love me for the trifles -" War and Peace ", etc., which they seem very important."

In the summer of 1909, one of the visitors of the Casual Polyana expressed his delight and thanks for the creation of the "war and the world" and "Anna Karenina". Tolstoy replied: "It's like an all else that came to Edison and would say:" I very much respect you for what you are well dancing Mazurka. " I attribute the importance to completely different my books. "

However, hardly Lev Nikolaevich really denied the importance of his preceding creations. To the question of the Japanese writer and philosopher Tokutomi Rock (eng.)russian In 1906, what kind of work he loves most, the author replied: "Roman" War and World "" . Thoughts based in the novel sound in the late religious and philosophical works of Tolstoy.

There were various options for the name of the novel: "1805 year" (a passage from the novel was published under this title), "everything is good that it ends well" and "three pores". Tolstoy wrote a novel for 6 years, from 1863 to 1869. According to historical information, he manually rewrote it 8 times, and the writer rewrite separate episodes more than 26 times. Researcher Zaidanshnur E. E. There are 15 options for the beginning of the novel. There are 569 acting persons in the work.

The handwritten fund of the novel is 5202 sheets.

Sources Tolstoy

When writing a novel Tolstoy used the following scientific works: the academic history of the war academician A. I. Mikhailovsky-Danilevsky, the story of M. I. Bogdanovich, "Life of Speransky's Graph" M. Korf, "Biography of Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsova" M. P. Shcherbinina, Freemasonry - Karl Gubert Lobrey Plumen, about Vereshchagin - Ivan Zhukov; From French historians - Tiere, A. Duma-Art., Georges Chambre, Maximellen Fua, Pierre Lanfre. As well as a number of evidence of contemporaries of the Patriotic War: Alexey Bonailuzhev-Ryumin, Napoleon Bonaparte, Sergey Glinka, Fedor Glinka, Denis Davydov, Stepan Zhikharev, Alexey Ermolov, Ivan Liprandi, Fedor Korbeletsky, Krasnokutsky, Alexander Grigorievich, Vasily Pepovsky, Ilya Radozhitsky, Ivan Skobelev , Mikhail Speransky, Alexander Shishkov; Letters A. Volkovka to Lanskaya. From French memoirists - Boss, Jean Rappa, Philip de Segur, Auguste Marmon, "Holy Helena Memorial" Las-Kaza.

Of the fiction on Tolstoy, Russian novels R. Zotov "Leonid or features from Napoleon I", M. Zagoskin - Roslavlev ". British novels - William Techkeea "Vanity Fair" and Mary Elizabeth Braddon "Aurora Floyd" - according to memories T. A. Kuzminskaya writer directly indicated that the nature of the latter's main character reminds Natasha.

Central characters

  • Graph Pierre (Peter Kirillovich) Lyuhov.
  • Graph Nikolai Ilyich Rostov (Nicolas)- Senior son Ilya Rostov.
  • Natasha Rostov (Natalie) - The youngest daughter of Rostov, married the Countess of the Bezukhova, the second wife of Pierre.
  • Sonya (Sophia Aleksandrovna, Sophie)- The nephew of Graph Rostov, is brought up in the family of the graph.
  • Bologkoe Elizabeth (Lisa, Lise) (Urban Maineen), the wife of Prince Andrew
  • Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky- Old prince, according to the plot - a prominent figure of the Ekaterininsky era. The prototype is the grandfather L. N. Tolstoy for the mother, the representative of the ancient kind of Volkonsky.
  • Prince Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky (Fr. André) - Son of the Old Prince.
  • Knyazhna Maria Nikolaevna (Fr. Marie) - the daughter of the old prince, the sister of Prince Andrei, in marriage, Countess Rostov (wife Nikolai Ilyich Rostov). The prototype can be called Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya (in marriage thick), Mother L. N. Tolstoy
  • Prince Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin - Anna Pavlovna Shersher's buddy, spoke of children: "My children are a burden of my existence." Kurakin, Alexey Borisovich - Probable prototype.
  • Elena Vasilyevna Kuragin (Helen) - Daughter Vasily Kuragin. The first, the wrong wife of Pierre Zuhovova.
  • Anatole Kuragin "The younger son of Prince Vasily, Kutila and a depravant, tried to seduce Natasha Rostov and take her," Restless fool "in the expression of Prince Vasily.
  • Dolokhova Marya Ivanovna, mother of Fedor Dolokhova.
  • Doolokh Fedor Ivanovich, Son of her, officer of Semenian regiment I, 1, VI. At the beginning of the novel was the infantry officer of the Semenovsky Guards Regiment - started the Buckers, later one of the leaders of the partisan movement. Prototypes served as partisan Ivan Dorokhov, Duelist Fedor Tolstoy-American and partisans Alexander Figner.
  • Plato Karatayev - Soldier of the Absheron Regiment, who met Pierre Bezuhov in captivity.
  • Captain Tushin- Captain of the Artillery Corps, distinguished during the Shenagraben Battle. The prototype was his headquarters-captain of artillery Ya. I. Sudakov.
  • Vasily Dmitrievich Denisov- friend Nikolai Rostov. Dr. Denisova served Denis Davydov.
  • Maria Dmitrievna Ahrosimov- familiar family of growth. The prototype of Ahrosimova served as a widow of Major General of Abrosimova Nastasya Dmitrievna. A. S. Griboedov almost portrait her in his comedy "grief from the mind."

In the novel number 559 heroes. About 200 of them are historical faces.


In the novel, the abundance of chapters and parts, most of which have plot finishes. Short chapters and many parts allow you to thick move the story in time and space and thanks to this, to fit hundreds of episodes in one novel.

I Tom

Actions of the I volume describe the events of the war in the Union with Austria against Napoleon in -1807.

1 part

The action begins with the reception of the approximate Empress Anna Pavlovna Sherler, where we see all the highest light of St. Petersburg. This reception is a kind of exposure: here we get acquainted with many of the most important heroes of the novel. On the other hand, the reception is a means of characteristics of the "highest society" comparable to the "Famovskogo society" (A. S. Griboedov "Mount from the mind"), immoral and false. All those who arrived are looking for themselves in useful dating that they can start Shero. So, Prince Vasily worries the fate of his children, whom he tries to arrange a profitable marriage, and Drubetskaya comes to persuade the Prince of Vasily to pat over her son. An indicative feature is the ritual of greetings to anyone who is not known and not the necessary tuntushka (FR. MA TANTE). None of the guests knows who she is, and does not want to talk to her, but they cannot break the unwritten laws of secular society. On the pussy background of the guests of Anna Sherler two characters are distinguished: Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Duchev. They are opposed to the highest light as Chatsky is opposed to "Famovsky society". Most of the conversations on this ball are devoted to politics and the upcoming war with Napoleon, which is called the "Corsican monster". At the same time, most of the guest dialogues are conducted in French.

Despite his promises, Bolkonsky not ride Kuragin, Pierre immediately after the departure of Andrei goes there. Anatole Kuragin - the son of Prince Vasily Kuragin, delivering him a lot of inconvenience to the fact that he constantly leads a rampant life and spends money father. After his return, because of the border, Pierre constantly holds his time at Curabina, along with Doolokhov and other officers. This life is absolutely not suitable for a bellow, who has an exalted soul, a kind heart and abilities to become a really influential person, to benefit society. The next "adventures" of Anatol, Pierre and Dolokhova end in the fact that they got somewhere the live bear somewhere, they frightened them with young actresses, and when the police came to take them, they "caught the quarter, tied him back to the bear and put the bear in the sink; Bear floats, and quarterly on it. " As a result, Pierre was sent to Moscow, she was demolished into soldiers, and his father had somehow pressed his father with Anatola.

From St. Petersburg, the action is transferred to Moscow to the name of the Countess of the Rostova and her daughter Natasha. Here we are familiar with the whole family of growth: Countess Natalya Rostova, her husband Count Ilya Rostov, their children: faith, Nikolai, Natasha and Petei, as well as the nephew of the Counsel Countess. The atmosphere in the family of growth is opposed to reception Sherler: everything is easier here, sincere, kind. Two love lines are tied here: Sonya and Nikolai Rostov, Natasha and Boris Drubetskaya.

Sonya and Nikolai are trying to hide their relationship from everyone, since their love cannot lead to anything good, because Sonya's Sonya sister Nicholas. But Nikolay goes to war, and Sonya cannot hold back their tears. She sincerely worries about him. The conversation of his secondary sister and at the same time the best friend with her brother, as well as their kiss sees Natasha Rostov. She also wants to love someone, therefore it comes to a frank conversation with Boris and kisses him. The holiday continues. He is also present Pierre Duhov, who comes here with a very young Natasha Rostova. Marya Dmitrievna Ahrosimova arrives - a very influential and respected woman. Almost all those present are afraid of her for the courage and the sharpness of its judgments and statements. Holiday in full swing. Count Rostov dancing her favorite dance - "Danilub of the Durger" with Ahrosimova.

At this time, Moscow lies with the death of the old Graph of Lyuhov - the owner of the huge state and Father Pieger. Prince Vasily, being a relative of Zuhova, begins to fight for the inheritance. In addition to his inheritance, the princesses of Mammoth, who, together with Prince, Vasily Kuragin are the most close relatives of the graph. Princess Drubetskaya also interferes in the fight - the mother of Boris. The case is complicated by the fact that in his will, the Count writes to the emperor with a request to legalize Pierre (Pierre is an illegal son of the graph and without this procedure can not get the inheritance) and makes it all. Prince Vasily's plan is to destroy the will and all the inheritance to share between its family and princes. The goal of Drubetskaya is to get at least a small part of the inheritance to have money to unwind your son departing to the war. As a result, the struggle for the "mosaic portfolio" is unfold, which stores the testament. Pierre, coming to his dying father, again feels a stranger. He is uncomfortable here. He simultaneously feels sorrow due to the death of the father and awkwardness due to the big attention, chained to him.

The next morning, Napoleon, on the day of the anniversary of his coronation, in the happy arrangement of the Spirit, examining the places of the upcoming battle and waiting when the sun finally comes out of the fog, gives Marshal the order to start the case. Kutuzov, on the contrary, in the morning dwells in an extended and irritable mood. He notices confusion in allied troops and waits when all the columns gather. At this time he hears the cry and exclamations from his army behind him. He walked over a couple of meters and squinted to understand who it was. It seemed to him that this is a whole squadron, in front of which two riders were jumping on the raven and red anointed horse. He realized that this was the emperor Alexander and Franz with his retinue. Alexander, who granted Kutuzov, sharply asked the question: "What are you not starting, Mikhail Larionovich?" After a small dialogue and the disagreement of Kutuzov, it was customary to start an operation.

Driving with Cutuzov's prisons stopped at the abandoned house, at the branch of two roads, which descended to the mountain. The fog diverged, and the French were visible in two verss. One adjutant remarked the whole squadron of enemies at the mountain. The enemy seems much closer than he was supposed earlier, and, having heard a close shooting, Kutuzov's retinue rushes to run back, where the troops were passed by the emperors. Bolkonsky decides that this long-awaited moment came, it came to him. Jumping from the horse, it rushes to the banner's fence falling out of the hands and, picked up him, with the cry of "Hurray!" Runs forward, in the hope that the upset battalion will run behind him. And, indeed, one by one soldiers overtake him. Prince Andrei gets wound and, without his strength, falls on his back, where only an infinite sky opens in front of him, and everything becomes empty, insignificant and having no meaning. Bonaparte, after a winning battle, circles the battlefield, giving out the latest orders and considering the remaining killed and wounded. Among others, Napoleon sees the lying on Bolkonsky and makes tend it to the dressing point.

The first volume of the novel ends with the fact that Prince Andrei, among other hopeless wounded, surrendered to the seizure.

II volume

The second volume can be truly called the only "peaceful" in the whole novel. It displays the life of heroes between 1806 and 181 years. Most of it is devoted to the personal relationship of heroes, the topic of love and finding the meaning of life.

1 part

The second volume begins with the arrival of Nikolai Rostov home, where he happily meets the whole family of growth. Together with him comes and his new military friend of Denisov. Soon in an Anglico club, a celebration was organized in honor of the Hero of the Military Campaign of Prince Bagration, which was attended by all the highest light. Throughout the evening, toasts, glorifying Bagration, as well as the emperor, were heard during the evening. Nobody wanted to remember about the recent defeat.

Pierre Duhov, who has changed after marriage, is present at the celebration. In fact, he feels deeply unhappy, he began to understand the real face of Helen, which is largely similar to his brother, and he is also beginning to torment suspicions about the treason of his wife with a young officer of Dolokhov. By random coincidence of the circumstances of Pierre and Shardov, they are sitting opposite each other at the table. Decisibly sassy behavior of Dolokhova annoys Pierre, but the last drop is becoming a TOSOSHOVA "For the health of beautiful women and their lovers." All this was the reason that Pierre Duhov causes Dolokhov on a duel. Nikolay Rostov becomes Sing Nolokhov, and Nesvitsky - Bezuhova. The next day, at 9 o'clock in the morning, Pierre and Secundant arrive in Sokolniki and meet there, Dologov, Rostov and Denisov. The Secundant of Laughova is trying to persuade the parties to reconcile, but the opponents are determined. Before the duel, it turns out the inability of NUHOVOV even to keep the gun as it should be, while Solokhov is an otny duelist. Opponents diverge, and on the team begin to go to rapprochement. Lyuhov shoots the first, and the bullet gets rolling in the stomach. Duckers and viewers want to interrupt the duel because of the wound, but shareholders prefers to continue and carefully aims, but bleeding and shoots past. Rostov with Denisov will be disappeared by the wounded. Nikolay's questions about the well-being of Dologov, he begins Rostov to go to his adorable mother and prepare it. Having gone to fulfill the order, Rostov learns that she lives with her mother and sister in Moscow, and, contrary to almost barbaric behavior in society, is a tender son and brother.

The excitement of Pierre, about the connection of his wife with Dolokhov, continues. He reflects on the past duel and increasingly asks for himself the question: "Who is right, who is to blame?" When Pierre, finally, seemed from Helen, "with an eye on the eyes," she begins to swear and contemptively laughing at her husband, using his naivety. Pierre says that they are better to part, in response hears sarcastic consent, "... if you give me a state." Then in the character of Pierre, the father's breed is for the first time: he feels a passion and charming of rabies. Grabbing a marble board from the table, he is with a cry "I will kill you!" Wares to Helen. That, frightened, runs out of the room. A week later, Pierre gives his wife a power of attorney to most of his condition and departs to St. Petersburg.

After receiving the news of the death of Prince Andrei in the Bald Mountains with Austerlitsky Battle, the old prince comes a letter from Kutuzov, where it is reported that it is not known whether Andrei was really died, because among those found on the battle of the battle officers, he was not named. Liza, Andrei's wife, relatives from the very beginning do not tell anything to know anything in order not to hurt her. In the night of childbirth, heard prince Andrei suddenly arrives. Lisa does not tolerate childbirth and dies. On her dead face, Andrei reads a reputable expression: "What did you do with me?", Which subsequently does not leave him for a long time. Newborn son give name Nikolai.

During the recovery, Dologovoy Rostov especially moved to him. And he becomes a frequent guest in the family of the Rostov family. Shelokhov falls in love with Sonya and makes her an offer, but she refuses him, because still in love with Nicholas. Fedor before leaving to the army suits a farewell feast for his friends, where it does not quite honestly beating Rostov by 43 thousand rubles, thus aventing him for refusing to Sony.

Vasily Denisov spends more time in Natasha Rostova society. Soon makes her an offer. Natasha does not know how to be. She runs to the mother, but that thanking Denisov for his honor, harmony does not give, because he considers his daughter too young. Vasily apologizes in front of the Countess, saying for a farewell, that "guardian" her daughter and all their family, and next day leaves Moscow. Rostov himself after leaving his friend, two weeks stayed at home, waiting for money from the old graph to pay all 43 thousand and receive a receipt from Dolokhov.

2 part

After his explanation with his wife, Pierre rides in St. Petersburg. In Torzhok at the station, waiting for horses, he meets the Mason who wants to help him. They begin to talk about God, but Pierre is unbelieving. He talks about how he hates his life. Mason convinces him in the opposite and persuades Pierre to join their ranks. Pierre, after a long rapidness, there is a dedication to the Masons and after that he feels what has changed. Prince Vasily comes to Pierre. They talk about Helen, Prince asks him to return it to her. Pierre refuses and asks Prince to leave. Pierre leaves a lot of money for alms to the masons. Pierre believed in the union of people, but later completely disappointed this. At the end of 1806, a new war began with Napoleon. Sheer takes Boris. He took a favorable position in the service. He does not want to remember the growth. Helen takes interest to him and invites him. Boris becomes close man for the house of beans. Princess Marya replaces Nikolka mother. The child is suddenly ill. Marya and Andrei argue than to treat him. Bolkonsky writes a letter to them as if won victory. The child recovers. Pierre took up charity. He agreed everywhere with the manager and began to do business. He began to live former life. In the spring of 1807 Pierre gathered in St. Petersburg. He drove into his estate - everything is fine there, everything is still, but the circle of mess. Pierre visits Prince Andrew, they begin to talk about the meaning of life and about worldwife. Andrei says that he began internal revival. Rostov is tied to the shelf. War renews.

3 part

Prince Bolkonsky, thirsty to take revenge on anatol for his act, leaving behind him in the army. And although Anatol soon returned to Russia, Andrei remained at the headquarters and only after some time he returned to his homeland, in order to see his father. A trip to the Bald Mountains to Father ends with a strong quarrel and the subsequent departure of Andrei to the Western Army. Being in the Western Army, Andrei was invited to the king for a military council, in which each general, provinging his one correct decision regarding the fighting, enters the rest of the stress dispute, in which nothing was accepted, except for the need to send the king to the capital So that his presence would not hurt the military campaign.

Meanwhile, Nikolai Rostov receives the title of Rothmistra and together with his squadron, as well as from the whole army, retreats. During the retreat, the squadron was forced to give a battle, where Nikolay shows a special bravery, for which it becomes awarded by the St. George Cross and is seeking special incentive by the leadership of the army. His sister Natasha, while being in Moscow, heavily sick, and this disease, almost killed her, is a soul disease: she is very much worried and corront himself for the betrayal of Andrei by frivolity. On the advice of the tshushka, she begins to go to the church early in the morning and pray for the redemption of his sins. At the same time, Natasha visits Pierre that the sincere love of Natasha in his heart is in his heart, which also experiences certain feelings. A letter from Nicholas comes to the family of Rostov, where he writes about his award and the course of hostilities.

Nikolai's younger brother - Petya, for 15 years old, has long been jealous of his brother's successes, going to enter military service, telling parents that he, if he is not allowed, will leave himself. With such an intention, Peter goes to the Kremlin, in order to get an audience from Emperor Alexander and personally convey to him his request for a desire to serve as a dedication. Although however, he could not achieve a personal meeting with Alexander.

Representatives of rich birth and various merchants are collected in Moscow in order to discuss the situation with Bonaparte and allocate funds to help you fight. There is also a graph of beams. He, sincerely wanting to help, sacrifices a thousand souls and their salary to create a militia, the purpose of which was the entire assembly.

Part 2

At the beginning of the second part, various arguments are given about the reasons for the defeat of Napoleon in the Russian campaign. The main idea was that the various kinds of events accompanying this campaign were only a random coincidence, where neither Napoleon, nor Kutuzov, without having a tactical plan of war, provide all the events themselves. Everything happens to be inadvertently.

The old prince Bolkonsky receives a letter from his son, Prince Andrew, in which he asks for the forgiveness of his father and reports that in the Bald Mountains to remain unsafe as the Russian army retreats, and advises him with Prince Marya and Little Nicholya to go deep into the country. Having received this news, from the Bald Mountains to the nearest district city of Smolensk was sent servant of the old prince - Jacob Alpatych, in order to find out the situation. In Smolensk, Alpatych meets Prince Andrei, who transmits him the second letter to the sister with a similar first content. Meanwhile, in the salons of Helen and Anna Pavlovna in Moscow, the former moods are preserved and, as before, in the first of these, Napoleon's actions are assessed by Glory and wore, whereas there are patriotic moods in each other. Kutuzov at that time was appointed commander-in-chief of the whole Russian army, which was necessary after the connection of its buildings and conflicts of commander of individual divisions.

Returning to the story with the old prince, it is impossible not to notice that he, having neglected the letter of his son, pretended to stay in his estate, despite the coming French, but a blow had happened to him, after which he, together with his daughter - Prince Marya - went towards Moscow . In the estate of Prince Andrei (Bogucharov) to survive the second strike the old prince was no longer destined. After the death of the Barin of his athlets and the daughter, the princess of Marya - became hostages of his own position, being among the renuncing men of the estates who did not want to let them go to Moscow. Fortunately, a squadron of Nikolai Rostov was nearby, and in order to replenish the reserves of hay for horses, Nikolai, in the cost of His servant and the deputy visited Bogucarovo, where Nikolai bravely defended the intention of the princes and escorted it to the nearest road to Moscow. After and Princess Marya and Nikolay remembered this case with love trepidation, and Nikolai even had the intention to marry her later.

Prince Andrei in the bet in Kutuzov meets Lieutenant Colonel Denisov, who with fervent tells him about his plan of the partisan war. After, asking permission personally at Kutuzov, Andrei is sent to the current army as the regiment commander. At the same time, it goes towards the place of the future battle and Pierre, meeting at the headquarters first Boris Drubetsky, and then Prince Andrei himself not far from the position of his troops. During the conversation, the prince argues a lot about the patrimony of war, that she has a success not from the wisdom of the commander, but from the desire of soldiers to stand up to the last.

There are last preparations for the battle - Napoleon indicates the disposition and distributes orders that for one or another reasons will not be fulfilled.

Pierre, as well as everything, was raised in the morning of the Cannonade, driving on the left flank and, wanting to take personal part in the battle, falls on Raevsky's Reduner, where it does not take time and at a successful coincidence, he leaves him ten minutes before his surrender. Andrei regiment during the battle stood in the reserve. Not far from Andrei, the artillery grenade falls, but he does not fall out of pride to Earth, like his colleague, and gets the hardest wound in the stomach. The prince is attributed to the sanitary tent and laid on the operating table, where Andrei looks like his long-standing offender - Anatoly Kuragin. The fragment was struck by Kuragin in his leg, and the doctor just engaged in its cut-off. Prince Andrei, remembering the words of the Princess Maryia and being himself on the threshold of death, mentally forgot Kuragin.

The battle was over. Napoleon, without having achieved victory and losing the fifth of his army (the Russians lost half of their army), was forced to retreat from ambitions to continue to step up, as the Russians were not for life, but to death. For their part, the Russians also did not make any actions, while remaining on their turns (in terms of Kutuzov, the next day an offensive was scheduled) and blocking the way to Moscow.

Part 3.

Similar to the previous parts in the first and second chapters, the philosophical reflections of the author on the reasons for the creation of the history and actions of the Russian and French troops during the Patriotic War of 1812 are given. In the headquarters of Kutuzov there are hot spores on the topic: to protect Moscow or cool down? General Benigsen advocates the defense of the first-hearth capital and in case of failure of this enterprise is ready to accuse in all Kutuzov. One way or another, but the commander-in-chief, conscious that Moscow has no strength left for defense, decides to pass it without a fight. But given the fact that the decision was made only the other day, all Moscow was already intuitively preparing for the arrival of the French army and the passage of the capital. Rich landowners and merchants left the city, trying to take away as much property as possible on the supplies, although this is the only thing that did not fall on, but increased in Moscow due to the latest news. The poor was burned and destroyed all their property, so that it did not get the enemy. Moscow embraced panic escape, which was extremely not liked to the Governor-General by Prince Mensor, whose orders had to convince the people not to leave Moscow.

The shooter of Bezuhova on returning from Vilna to St. Petersburg, having a direct intention to make a new batch for himself in the world, decides that it is necessary to settle the last formalities with Pierre, who, by the way, also felt burdens in marriage with her. She writes a letter to Pierre to Moscow, where he asks to give her a divorce. This letter was delivered to the addressee on the day of the battle on the Borodino field. Pierre after the battle itself wanders for a long time between mutilated and exhausted soldiers. He also fell asleep in speed. The next day, on the return to Moscow, Pierre was called by the prince of messenger, which with its previous rhetoric calls to stay in Moscow, there, Pierre learns that most of his fellow masons have already been arrested, and they are suspected of spreading French proclamations. Upon returning to my home, Pierre receives news of the request of Helen to give good to divorce and about the death of Prince Andrei. Pierre, striving to rid himself from these abominations of life, leaves the house through a black entrance and no more at home.

In the house of growth, everything goes to the usual one - the collection of things is going sluggish, because the graph is used to postpone all for later. Passion from them stops Petya, and as a military, retreats further for Moscow with the rest of the army. Meanwhile, Natasha, accidentally encountered on the street with a view of a wound with injuries, invites them to stop them in their house. One of these wounded is its former groom - Andrei (the message to Pierre was erroneous). Natasha insists on removing the property and download them to wounded. Already moving through the streets, the family of growth with the interses of the wounded is noticing Pierre, who in the clothes of the versators thoughtfully walked down the street, accompanied by some old man. Natasha, by that time knowing that the Prince Andrew is going in the host, it became for him to take care of him at every stop and prival, without leaving him away. On the seventh day, Andrei became better, but the doctor continued to assure others that if the prince did not die now, then he would die later in even big flour. Natasha asks for forgiveness from Andrei for his frivolity and betrayal. Andrei by that time already forgiven her and assures in his love.

By that time, Napoleon came close to Moscow, and, surrounding her with a gaze, it rejoices that this city was submitted and fell from his feet. He mentally represents how to make an idea of \u200b\u200btrue civilization and make a boyar with love to remember his conqueror. Nevertheless, entering into the city, he is very distressed with the news that the capital is abandoned by most of the inhabitants.

The dispersed Moscow plunged into unrest and theft (including from the authorities). Opposite the city council gathered a crowd of dissatisfied people. The town of Meschatchin decided to distract her by issuing a Vereshchagin who was sentenced to Katorga, detained with Napoleonic proclamations and culled as a traitor and the main culprit of Moscow. By order, the dams of Dragun struck Vereshchagin by the Palash, the crowd joined the massacre. Moscow at that time had already become filling the smoke and the languages \u200b\u200bof fire, like any left wooden city, she had to burn.

Pierre comes to the idea that all his existence was needed only to kill the Bonaparte. At the same time, he involuntarily saves from the old madman (his friend's brother of Mason) of the French officer Rambalar, for which he was awarded the title of a friend of the Frenchman and had a long conversation with him. The next morning, sleeping, Pierre went to the Western entrance to the city with the aim of killing Napoleon Dagger, although it could not do this, since he was late for his arrival for 5 hours! The annoyed Pierre, wandering through the streets of a non-living city, came across the family of a small official, whose daughter was supposed to be locked in a burning house. Pierre, being not indifferent, went in search of a girl and after her prosperous salvation gave the girl to a woman who knew her parents (the official of the official had already left the place where Pierre met them in desperate position).

Inspired by his act and jealously on the Street of French Marauders, who robbed the young Armenian and an elderly old man, pounced on them and became with a frantic force to strangle one of them, but soon he was captured by the cavalry journey and was captured as a suspect in arson in Moscow.

IV Tom

Part 1

Anna Pavlovna has on August 26, on the very day of the Borodino battle, was the evening dedicated to the reading of the Letter of Highland. The news of the day was the disease of the Baudens. In society, they were talking about the fact that the Countess is very bad, the doctor said that it was a breast disease. The day after the evening an envelope was obtained from Kutuzov. Kutuzov wrote that the Russians were not retreated and the French lost much more than our. By the evening of the next day there were several terrible news. One of them turned out to be the news about the death of the Countess Bezuhovaya. On the third day after the cutuzov report, the lime of Moscow's delivery by the French was spread. Ten days after the absenteeism of Moscow, the sovereign took the sent to him, the Frenchman Misho (Russian in the depths of the soul). Misho handed him the news that Moscow was left and addressed in a fius.

A few days before the Borodino battle, Nicholas Rostov was sent to Voronezh for the purchase of horses. The provincial life in 1812 was the same as always. Society gathered from the governor. No one in this society could compete with Georgievsky Kavaler-Gusar. He never danced in Moscow, and there it would be indecent to him, but then he felt the need to amaze. The whole evening Nikolai was busy with blue-eyed blonde, his wife of one of the provincial officials. Soon he was informed about the desire of one important lady, Anna Ignatievna Malvintseva, to get acquainted with the Savior of her niece. Nikolay, when conversation with Anna Ignatievna and mention of the princess, Marya often blues, is experiencing an incomprehensible feeling for him. The governor confirms that the Princess Mary is profitable for Nicholas party, talks about matchmaking. Nikolay thinks of her words, remembers Sonya. Nikolay tells the governors of his sincere desires, says that the princess Bolkonskaya really likes and what a mother said about it more than once, since she would be profitable parties to pay for debts of growth, but there is a Sonya with which he is associated with promises. Rostov arrives in the house of Anna Ignatievna and meets there Bolkonoe. When she looked at Nikolai, her face was transformed. Rostov saw it in it - her desire for good, humility, love, self-sacrifice. The conversation was the easiest and most illicit between them. They are found shortly after the Borodino battle, in the church. Before the princess reached the news of the brother's injury. Between Nicholas and the Prince there is a conversation, after which Nikolai understands that the princess covered him deeper into his heart than he foresaw it. The dream of Sona was merry, and about the princess Marya scary. Nikolay receives a letter from the mother and from Sony. In the first mother tells about the death of Andrei Bolkonsky and that Natasha and Sonya take care of him. In the second Sonya suggests that she refuses the promise and says that Nikolai is free. Nikolai reports on the state of Andrei Princess and holds it to Yaroslavl, and a few days later he leaves the regiment himself. Sony Nikolai was written from the Trinity. Sonya hoped for the recovery of Andrei Bolkonsky and had the hope that if the prince survive, he would marry Natasha. Then Nikolai will not be able to marry the princess Mary.

Meanwhile, Pierre in captivity. All Russians, former with him, the lowest title. Pierre with 13 others took to the Crimean Brod. Until September 8, before the secondary interrogation, there were the hardest in Pierre's life. Pierre interrogated Davu - sentenced to shooting. Criminals were painted, Pierre stood sixth. The shooting failed, Pierre separated from other defendants and left in the church. There, Pierre gets acquainted with Plato Karataev (about fifty, the voice is pleasant and singeling, the peculiarity of speech in the immediacy, never thought about what he said). He knew everything, was always busy, sang songs. Often spoke the opposite of what he said before. He loved to talk and spoke well. For Pierre Plato Karatayev was the personification of simplicity and truth. Plato knew nothing by heart, except for his prayer.

Soon the princess Marya arrived in Yaroslavl. She is welcomed by the sad news that two days ago Andrew was worse. Natasha and Princess come closer and spend the last days near the dying prince Andrew.

Part 2

Part 3.

Peter Rostov on behalf of the general falls into the partisan detachment Denisov. Denisov's detachment together with Dolokhov's detachment organize an attack on the squad of the French. In the battle, Peter Rostov dies, the squad of the French is divided, including Pierre Duhov, among Russian prisoners.

Part 4.

Natasha and Maria are hard to experience the death of Andrei Bolkonsky, in addition comes to the news about the death of Petit Rostov, the Countess of Rostov flows into despair, from fresh and cheerful fifty-year-old women, it turns into an old woman. Natasha is constantly caught by the mother, which helps her to find the meaning of life after the death of the beloved, but at the same time she herself weakens and physically and mentally. A series of losses brings closer to Natasha and Marre, as a result, at the insistence of Natasha's father, they return to Moscow together.


Part 1

Seven years have passed after 1812. Tolstoy argues about the activities of Alexander I. It suggests that the goal is achieved and after the last war of 1815, Alexander is at the top of the possible human power. Pierre Lyuhov marries Natasha Rostova in 1813, and thus takes her depression, which was due, in addition to the death of Brother and Andrei Bolkonsky, also the death of her father.

Nicholas Rostov, after the death of his father, it becomes known that the inheritance he received is fully consisting of debts, in addition to the most negative expectations. Native and friends asked Nikolai to give up inheritance. But he takes an inheritance with all the debts, it was impossible to go to the army, because the mother had already held his son. The position of Nicholas was getting worse and worse. At the beginning of the winter, Princess Marya arrived in Moscow. The first meeting of Princess and Nicholas was dry. Therefore, she did not decide to visit Rostoy again. Nikolai came to the princess only in the middle of winter. Both were silent, occasionally looked at each other. Princess did not understand why Nikolai comes with her. She asks him: "Why, count, why?". Princess starts crying and leaves the room. Nikolai stops her ... Nikolay marries the princess Marya Bolkonskaya in the fall of 1814, in three years he completely returns all debts to creditors, by taking a debt of 30 thousand at Pierre Probrelov and moving to the Bald Mountains, where he became a good Barine and the owner; In the future, he is trying to use all the forces on the redemption of his personal estate, which was sold immediately after the death of his father. In 1820, Natasha has already three daughters and one son. In her face there is no longer the fire of revival, one strong beautifully prolved female was visible. Rostov did not like the society and there did not appear. On December 1820, everyone gathered in growth, including Denisov. All expected the arrival of Pierre. After his arrival, the author describes life in the same family, the life of completely different worlds, conversations between husband and wife, communication with children and the dreams of heroes.

Part 2

The author analyzes the causal relationships between events that occurred at the political field of Europe and Russia, from 1805 to 1812, and also conducts a comparative analysis of a large-scale movement "from West to the East and from East to West." He, considering single emperors, commander, generals, abstraction of them the people himself and as a consequence of the army, from which it consisted, raising questions about the will and necessity, genius and chance, is trying to prove contradictions in the analysis of the system of old and new history in order to Full destruction of the laws on which the story as a whole is based.

Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy - Great Russian writer, whose name and whose works are known to the whole world. Tolstoy books enter the golden Foundation of world literature and are considered one of those masterpieces, the genius of which is unlikely to ever be able to refute or exceed. The head of Russian literature wrote a lot of wonderful works, but one of the most famous books, which for many decades the people of all countries of the world have been reading, is the immortal work "" (1863-1869).

"War and World" - a novel in four volumes from the genius of classical literature. Roman-epic describes Russia during the war against Napoleon (1805-1812). The book tells both about the war, military actions, battle scenes and about peaceful life in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country that flows against the background of war. Concerning war, Roman simply amazes a thorough and practically scrupulous description of all actions, important points and scenes. Against the background of human relationships and fate, the description of hostilities does not seem to be a boring lesson of history, and even on the contrary - a fascinating adventure in the past. A modern reader can discover a lot of new things about the history of this heavy and bloody time, having enjoyed after studying all its historical events traveling along them with their favorite heroes.

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« Peace"And the life of society, in the face of several families of the high position, capture the reader even more. Relationships of people, love, betrayal, mood of society, traditions and morals that reigned in the XIX century, all this is described incredibly beautiful and elegant. The main characters of the novel become so bright and penetrated here that the reader can look into their soul, feel everything that they feel, on time to feel love and hatred, the feeling of happiness or suffering, joy and grief. The most bright characters of the novel "War and Peace" are: Natasha Rostov, Pierre Duhov, Nikolay Rostov, Andrei Bolkonsky, Sonya, Maria Nikolaevna, Anatole Kuragin and many others. The whirlwind of their relationship may take the reader in the book so deeply that these images will appear the rest of life. Heroes and their characters will be so memorable that you will notice a few for a long time in the real people of Pierre's habits or the carelessness of Natasha Rostova, courage and heroism of Andrei Bolkonsky or Sony's self-sacrifice. This novel can be called the real ocean, the ocean of life, which eternity rages in the universe.