War and world existing persons 1 volume. The main characters of the novel "War and Peace

War and world existing persons 1 volume. The main characters of the novel
War and world existing persons 1 volume. The main characters of the novel "War and Peace

M. M. Blinkina

The age of heroes in the novel "War and Peace"

(Izvestia An. Series of literature and language. - T. 57. - No. 1. - M., 1998. - P. 18-27)


The main purpose of this work is the mathematical modeling of some aspects of the development of the plot and establishing the relationship between the real and romance time, or rather, between the real and novel ages of the characters (and in this case, the connection will be predictable and linear).

The very concept of "age" has, of course, several aspects. First, the age of the literary character is determined by the romance, which often does not coincide with the time real. Secondly, numerative in the designation of age besides their main (actual numerical) significance often have a number of additional, that is, they carry an independent semantic load. They can, for example, enter into a positive or negative evaluation of the hero, reflect its individual characteristics or bring the ironic tint in the narration.

In sections 2-6, it is described how the Lion Tolstoy changes the age characteristics of the heroes of "War and Peace", depending on their function in the novel, on how young they are, what sex are they, as well as from some other individual characteristics.

Section 7 offers a mathematical model that reflects the features of the "aging" of Tolstsky heroes.

2. Age Paradoxes: Text Analysis

Reading the novel Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy "War and Peace", you can not pay attention to some strange inconsistencies in the age characteristics of his characters. Consider, for example, the growth of growth. In the yard August 1805 - and we first meet with Natasha: ... in the room concealed thirteen-year-old Girl having smelled something as a kisino yup...

In the same August 1805, we get acquainted with all other children from this family, in particular, with the older sister faith: The senior daughter of the Countess was four years older sister and kept themselves as big.

Thus, in August 1805 faith seventeen years. And now we will be transferred to December 1806: Vera was twenty-year-old Beautiful girl ... Natasha Glubryshnya, Hollow...

We see that over the past year and four months faith managed to grow for three years. She was seventeen, and now she is not eighteen and not nineteen; She is immediately twenty. Natasha's age in this fragment is defined metaphorically, and not a digit, which, too, as it turns out, is not good.

It will take another three years, and we will get the latest message about the age of these two sisters:

Natasha was sixteen years, and was 1809, the one, to whom she was four years ago on the fingers, believed with Boris, after she kissed him.

So, over these four years, Natasha rose three, as, however, and was supposed. Instead of seventeen or even eighteen she is now sixteen. And no longer will be. This is the last mention of its age. And what time happens with her unfortunate older sister?

Faith was twenty four yearsshe went away everywhere, and despite the fact that she was undoubtedly good and judgment, so far no one ever made it proposals.

As we can see, for the past three years, faith grew four. If you count from the very beginning, that is, from August 1805, it turns out that four from a small year faith has grown for seven years. During this time interval, the difference in the age between Natasha and Vrai doubled. Vera is now not four, but eight years older sister.

It was an example of how the ages of two characters are changed relative to each other. Now look at the hero, which has different ages at some point in time for different characters. This hero is Boris Drubetskaya. It's never mentioned about his age, so we will try to calculate it indirectly. On the one hand, we know that Boris is the peer of Nikolai Rostov: Two young people, student and officer, friends since childhood, were some years old ...

Nicholas in January 1806 was nineteen or twenty years:

How strangely was a counter that her son, who was a little marked with tiny members moved in it twenty years ago, now a courageous warrior ...

From here it follows that in August 1805 Borisa nineteen or twenty years old. And now we will estimate his age from Pierre's position. At the beginning of the novel Pierre twenty years: Pierre from ten years old was sent with governer-abbot abroad, where he stayed up to twenty years .

On the other hand, we know that Pierre left Boris fourteen years old boy and resolutely did not remember him.

Thus, Boris for four years older than Pierre and at the beginning of the novel he twenty-four years old, that is, he is twenty-four years for Pierre, while for Nicholas is still twenty for him.

And finally, another one, a very funny example: the age of Nicholya Bolkonsky. In July 1805, his future mother appears in front of us: ... the Little Princess Volkonskaya, last winter married and now did not go to the big light because of his pregnancy ... Turning to the table, small fast cameters bypassed the table ...

From the universal considerations it is clear that Nikolek should be born in the fall of 1805: But, contrary to everyday logic, this does not happen, it appears on the light March 19, 1806 It is clear that such a character will have problems with age until the end of the romance life. So in 1811 he will be six years old, and in 1820 - fifteen.

How can you explain similar inconsistencies? Maybe there is no accurate age of his characters for thickness? On the contrary, Tolstoy, nourishes addiction to the numbers and with the striking accuracy sets the ages of even the most insignificant heroes. So Marya Dmitrievna Ahrosimova exclaims him: Fifty eight years old Lived in the world ...: No, life is not over thirty one year, - says Prince Andrei.

Three everywhere has a number, and the numbers are accurate, fractional. Age in "War and the World" is undoubtedly functional. No wonder share, beating Nicholas in the card, i decided to continue the game until this recording would increase to forty-three thousand. The number it was chosen they because forty-three accounted for a sum of the folded years over the years .

Thus, all age incursions described above, and in all of them in the novel about thirty, are deliberate. What are they due?

Before proceeding to answer this question, I note that on average, in the course of the romance time, Tolstoy makes each of his characters a year older than them to be (this show the calculations that will be told later). Usually, the hero of the classical novel will always be twenty-one years instead of twenty-one and eleven months, and on average, therefore, such a hero is half a year younger than its years.

However, even from the above examples is already visible, firstly, that the author "old" and "manages" his heroes is not the same, and secondly, which is not a random, but systemic, programmed. How exactly?

From the very beginning it becomes obvious that positive and negative heroes are older, disproportionately. ("Positive and negative" - \u200b\u200bthe concept, of course, conditional, however, the thick polarity of the character in most cases is determined almost unequivocally. The author of the "war and the world" is surprisingly frank in his sympathies and antipathy). As shown above, Natasha grows more slowly than it is supposed, and faith, on the contrary, faster. Boris as a friend of Nicholas and friend of the family of growth appears twenty-year-old; He is in the role of a secular friend of Pierre and the future husband of Julia Karagina in parallel turns out to be much older. At the age of heroes, it seems to be asked a non-stated order, more precisely, the anti-phoned. There is a feeling that the heroes are "fined" by incremental age. Tolstoy as it may punish their heroes with disproportionate aging.

There are, however, in the novel, the characters who become older in accordance with the last years. Sonya, for example, not being, in fact, neither positive, nor negative heroine, but completely neutral and colorless, Sonya, which always studied well and remembered everything, growing exclusively neatly. All the risos of age, having a place in the family of growth, does not affect it at all. In 1805 she fifteen-year-old girl , and in 1806 - sixteen year old girl In all the charms just blossomed flower. It was her age, the calculating share wins in Rostov to the card, he shovel to his own. But Sonya is rather an exception.

In general, the characters of "different polarity" are growing differently. Moreover, the maximum saturated space of age is divided between positive and negative heroes. At the age of sixth, Natasha and Sonya are mentioned. At the age after sixteen - faith and Juli Karagin. No more than twenty is Pierre, Nikolai and Pet Rostov, Nikolek Bolkonsky. Strictly more than twenty Boris, Dolokhov, "ambiguous" prince Andrei.

The question is not how much a hero of years, the question is which age in the novel is fixed. Natasha does not rely more than sixteen; Marya is unlimited for the positive heroine, therefore, it does not say a word about her age; Helen, on the contrary, defiantly young for a negative heroine, therefore, we do not know how old she is.

The romance is given a border, after which only negative heroes already exist; The border, surcharge, which, obviously positive hero simply ceases to exist in the age of age. A completely symmetrical manner, the negative hero walks on the novel without age, until this border will pass. Natasha loses age, reaching sixteen years old. Julie Karagin, on the contrary, acquires age, being no longer the first youth:

Julie were twenty seven years. After the death of his brothers, she became very rich. She was now completely ugly; but I thought that she was not only as good, but it was still much more attractive now than was before ... a man who was ten years ago would be afraid to ride every day in the house where seventeen year old ladiesSo as not to compromise it and not tie themselves, now I went to her boldly every day and communicated with her not like a brownish-bride, but with a familiar not having sex.

The problem, however, is that Juli in this novel was never seventeen years old. In 1805, when this barshnaya Guest It appears in the house of growth, nothing is said about her age, because if then Tolstoy honestly gave her seventeen years old, now, in 1811, she would not twenty seven, but only twenty three, which, too, of course Not an age for a positive heroine, but still not the time for the final transition to the most intimate creatures. In general, negative heroes, as a rule, are not relying childhood and adolescence. From here there are amusing misunderstandings:

Well, what, Lelia? - Prince Vasily to her daughter with the negligent tone of the usual tenderness, which is absorbed by his parents, with childhood caressing their children, but who was a prince violence only to be guessed through the role to other parents.

Or maybe the prince of Vasily is not to blame? Maybe his purely negative childhood children was not at all. And no wonder Pierre, before making an offer to Helen, convinces himself that he knew her child. And was she in general a child?

If the lyrics move to the numbers, it turns out that the novel is found positive heroes aged 5, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 20, as well as 40, 45, 50, 58. Negative, there are 17, 20, 24, 25, 27. That is, the positive heroes from the early youth immediately fall into the accurate old age. Negative heroes have older age, of course, of course, it happens, but the fragility of age they have less less than that of positive. So, the positive Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova says: Fifty eight years old Lived in the world ... Negative Prince Vasily assesses himself with less accuracy: To me sixth tens, my friend...

In general, accurate calculations show that the aging coefficient in the "positive-negative space" is -2.247, i.e. All other things being equal, the positive hero will be two years and three months younger than negative ..

We will talk now about two heroes that do not emphasize age. These heroines are Helen and Princess Marya, which in itself is not by chance.

Helen symbolizes in the novel eternal beauty and youth. Her rightness, her strength in this inexhaustible youth. The time as if it was not imperative above it: Elena Vasilyevna, so that fifty years Beauty will be. Pierre, persuading himself to marry helen, as its main advantage also leads her age. He remembers that he knew her baby. He tells himself: No, she is beautiful girl! She is not bad female!

Helen is the eternal bride. With a living husband, she with charming spontaneity chooses a new groom, and one of the applicants are young, and the other is old. Helen dies under mysterious circumstances, preferring the old adanor to the young, that is: however, herself chooses old age and death, refusing their privileges of irritation, and dissolves in non-existence.

Princess Marya also does not have age, and it is not possible to calculate it by the final version of the novel. In fact, in 1811, she, old dry princess, envies the beauty and youth of Natasha. In the final, in 1820, Marya - a happy young mother, she is waiting for a fourth child, and her life, one can say, just begins, although at this moment there is no less than thirty-five years old, a little suitable for lyrical heroine; Therefore, she lives without age in this novel, through the impregnated numbers.

It is curious that in the first edition of the "War and Peace", which differs from the final version of the uncertainty and the "last directness", uncertainty in the images of Helen and Maryia will partly remove. There in 1805 Marya twenty years: the old prince himself engaged in the upbringing of his daughter and to develop both the main virtues in it, up to twenty years gave her the lessons of algebra and geometry and distributed all her life in continuous classes.

And Helen there is also dying not from excess youth ...

4. The first completed version of the novel

The first version of the "war and the world" helps to solve many riddles given in the final version of the novel. What is very foggy is read in the final version appears in an early version with striking for the romance narrative clarity. The space of age is not impregnated here by another romantic inappropriateness that the modern reader faces. Plumbling accuracy borders banality. It is not surprising that in the final version of the novel Tolstoy from such a subsidism refuses. Mentions of age becomes one and a half times less. Behind the scene is the mass of interesting details, which will not be mentioned here.

Princess Maryahow it was already noted at the beginning of the novel twenty years. Age Helen It is not specified, but it is obviously limited on top of her older brother. And in 1811 Anatrol It was 28 years. He was in full brilliance of his strength and beauty.

Thus, at the beginning of the novel anatoly twenty-two years old, his friend Dolokhov - twenty-five, Pierre - twenty. Helen no more than twenty-one. Moreover, she probably no more nineteenBecause on unwritten laws of that time, she should not be older than Pierre. (The fact, for example, that Jew is older Boris, emphasized especially.)

So, the scene in which the secular lioness Helen is trying to reduce the true young Natasha Rostov, it looks completely comically, if you consider Natasha at this point twenty years, and helen twenty-four, that is, they actually belong to one age categories.

Early version clarifies us as early as age Boris.: Hélène called him Mon Hage and appealed to him, as with a child ... Sometimes in the rare minutes of Pierr, "the thought came that this patronage friendship to the imaginary child, who was 23 years had something unnatural.

These considerations belong to the fall of 1809, that is, at the beginning of the novel Borisa nineteen years oldand his future bride Juli - twenty-oneIf you count its age back from the moment of their wedding. Originally Juli, apparently, the role of a more pretty heroine was assigned to the novel: High, full with proud type of lady with milovoid daughter, noise dresses, entered the living room.

This pretty daughter - Julie Karagin, who thought first younger and attractive. However, in 1811, Julie Ahrosimov (so it is originally called) will be the "the most punishable" creature, which we know it by the final version.

Shelokov in the first version of the novel wins Nicholas not forty three, but only forty two thousand.

The ages of Natasha and Sony are given several times. So, at the beginning of 1806 Natasha says: To me fifteenth year, Babushka in my time married.

In the summer of 1807, Natasha's age is mentioned twice: Natasha passed 15 years And she very much looked at this summer.

"And you sing," said Prince Andrei. He said these simple words, straight looking into the beautiful eyes of this 15-year-old girls.

Such a number of age events makes it possible to establish that Natasha was born in the fall of 1791. Thus, on its first ball, it shrinks at eighteen, and not at sixteen years.

To make Natasha younger, Tolstoy changes at the same time and the age of Sony. So, at the end of 1810 Sona was already twentieth year. She already stopped good, nothing promised more that it was, but that was enough.

In fact, the twentieth year at this moment Natasha, and Sonya, at least one and a half years older.

Unlike many other heroes, Prince Andrei has no accurate age in the first version of the novel. Instead of the shittomethy thirty one year him about thirty years old.

Of course, the accuracy and directness of the early version of the novel cannot serve as a "official rapidness" of age shifts, since we do not have the right to assume that Natasha and Pierre's first edition are the same heroes that Natasha and Pierre in the final version of the novel. By changing the age characteristic of the hero, the author partly changes the hero himself. Nevertheless, the early version of the novel allows us to check the accuracy of calculations made on the final text, and make sure that these calculations are correct.

5. Age as a function of age (age stereotypes)

It remains so long to live -

I'm already sixteen years old!

Y. Ryashetsev

The tradition of the older characters in comparison with young leaves its roots in the depths of centuries. In this sense, nothing new was invented. Calculations show that the coefficient of "aging from age" in the novel is 0.097, which means the year of romance aging for ten lives, that is, the decade hero can be eleven years old, twenty-year hero twenty-two, and fifty-year-old five five. The result is not surprising. Much more interesting how Tolstoy gives the ages of his heroes, as he is on the scale of "young - old" evaluated. Let's start from the very beginning.

5.1. Up to ten years

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy loved children very much.

It happened to give him a full hill. Step

there is nowhere to step, and he shouts everything: more! Yet!


Harms is definitely right. Infant age characters in the novel set. General for them is, perhaps, the fact that they do not seem independent units endowed with their problems and experiences. Age up to ten years is a signal that the hero will, in essence, a small verge for the author. Children in the novel see the world are surprisingly thin and right, they are engaged in the systematic "intention" of the environment. They, not spoiled by the burden of civilization, more successfully adults solve their moral problems and, at the same time, it would be completely deprived of the mind. Therefore, so young characters, the number of which will grow to the finals to incredible limits, look very artificially:

Five minutes later, a little black-eyed three-year-old Natasha, Father's favorite, having learned from his brother, that Patek sleeps in a small sofa, who was not noticed by his mother, ran to his father ... Nikolay turned around with a dyed smile on his face.

- Natasha, Natasha! - I heard from the door frightened whisper of the Countess Marya, - Patek wants to sleep.

"No, mom, he does not want to sleep," Little Natasha answered convincingly, "he laughs."

Such is the edging little character. And here is the following - a little older:

Alone granddaughter Andrei, Malash, six-year-old girl, which was light, losing it, gave a piece of sugar for tea, remained on the furnace in a big hut ... Malash ... otherwise understood the meaning of this council. It seemed to her that the case was only in the personal struggle between the "grandfather" and "long-channel", as she called Beningsna.

Stunning insight!

The last character, showing signs of the same "childish-unconscious" behavior, like all the juvenile characters of Tolstoy, - Forever Sixteen-year-old Natasha Rostov:

In the middle of the scene, the girls were sitting in red corsages and white skirts. They all sang something. When they ended their song, the girl in White approached the souflar boot, and a man came up to her silk in a tight-tight pantalon on thick legs, with a pen and a dagger and began to sing and breed her hands ...

After the village and in that serious mood in which Natasha was, all this was wild and amazing her.

So, Natasha sees the world in the same children's unreasonable way. Not in the age of adult children look like young old men. In an effort to globality, the author of the "War and Peace" loses the little things, the individuality of the babies, for example, the children of Leo Nikolayevich do not go piecewise, and in the kit: At the table were a mother who lived with her old woman Belov, wife, three children, governess, governer, nephew with his governer, Sonya, Denisov, Natasha, her three childrenTheir governess and an old man Mikhail Ivanovich, the architect of Prince, who lived in the Bald Mountains on the rest.

Individuality in this listing is leaning to everyone, even the old woman is white, which we meet in the first and last time. Even the gutener, and the governess, and also the guterner do not merge into the generalizing concept of "governors". And only children, culls and faceless, go with a scope. Harms was to parody.

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy his pure Russian feather gave life to a whole world of characters in the novel "War and Peace". His fictional heroes, which intertwine in whole noble birth or related links between families, are the current reader's present reflection of those people who lived during the time described by the author. One of the greatest books of the world value "War and Peace" with the confidence of the historian-professional, but in, then, the same time as in the mirror, represents the world that the Russian spirit, those characters of secular society, those historical events that were invariably attended at the end of the XVIII early XIX centuries.
And against the background of these events, the greatness of the Russian soul is shown, in all its power and diversity.

L.N. Tolstoy and the Heroes of the Roman "War and Peace" are experiencing the events of the past nineteenth century, however, to describe Lev Nikolayevich begins events of 1805. The coming war with the French, resolutely impended on the whole world and the growing greatness of Napoleon, the Skyatitsa in Moscow secular circles and visual peace of mind in St. Petersburg social society - all this can be called a peculiar background, on which, as a brilliant artist, the author drawn his characters. The heroes are quite a lot - about 550 or 600. There are both basic and central figures, and there are other or simply mentioned. In the overall complexity of the heroes of "War and Peace", one can divide into three groups: central, minor and mentioned characters. Among them, they exist as fictional heroes, both the prototypes of people who surrounded the writer at that time, and really existed historical individuals. Consider the main actors of the novel.

Quotes from the novel "War and Peace"

- ... I often think how sometimes the happiness of life is unfairly distributed.

No one can own a person while afraid of death. And who is not afraid of her, it belongs everything.

Until now, I was, thank God, the friend of my children and I use full confidence in them, "said the Countess, repeating the delusion of many parents, believing that their children have no secrets from them.

Everything, from the napkins to silver, faience and crystal, it wore the special imprint of novelty, which is in the economy of young spouses.

If everything was fought only by their convictions, there would be no war.

There was an enthusiast in its public situation, and sometimes when she didn't even want to be, she, not to deceive the expectations of people who knew her, was taken by enthusiastic.

Everything, to love everyone, always sacrificed for love, there was no one to love anyone, it meant not to live it in life.

Never, never marry my friend; Here is my advice: Do not marry until you tell you what you did everything that could, and until you stop loveing \u200b\u200bthat woman, what you chose, while you won't see her clearly; And then you make a mistake brutally and irreparable. Marry an old man, anywhere else ...

Central figures of the novel "War and Peace"

Rostov - Graphs and Countess

Rostov Ilya Andreevich

Count, Father of four children: Natasha, Faith, Nicholas and Petit. A very nice and generous man who loved life very much. His exorbitant generosity in the end and led him to waste. Loving husband and father. Very good organizer of various balls and techniques. However, his life is on a wide leg, and disinterested assistance to the wounded during the war with the French and the departure of Russians from Moscow, the fatal strikes were struck by his state. His conscience constantly tormented him because of the impending poverty of his relatives, but he could do nothing with him. After the death of the younger son of Petit, the graph was broken, but, but it was revived while preparing for the wedding of Natasha and Pierre Dzuhova. Literally a few months after the wedding of beans, as a graph of Rostov dies.

Rostov Natalia (wife Ilya Andreevich Rostov)

The wife of Count Rostov and the mother of four children, this woman at the age of forty-five had the eastern features of the face. The focus of slowness and gear of it was regarded surrounding as a solidity and high significance of her personality for the family. But the real reason for her manner, perhaps, lies in an extended and weak physical condition due to childbirth and upbringing of four children. He loves his family, children, so the news of the death of the younger son Petit almost brought her crazy. Just like Ilya Andreevich, the Countess Rostov loved the luxury and fulfillment of any of her orders.

The lion of Tolstoy and the heroes of the novel "War and Peace" in the Countess Rostoy helped to reveal the prototype of the author's grandmother - Tolstoy Pelagia Nikolaevna.

Rostov Nicholas

Son of Graph Rostov Ilya Andreevich. Loving brother and son, honoring his family, at the same time loves to serve in the Russian army, which is for his dignity very significant and important. Even in his fellow soldiers, he often saw his second family. Although there was a long time in love with her cousin Sonya, still at the end of the novel marries the princes Mary of Bologkoe. Very energetic young man, with curly hair and "open expression". His patriotism and love for the Emperor of Russia never dried up. Passing through many of the war, becomes brave and brave hussar. After the death of the father Ilya Andreevich, Nikolai is resigned to correct the financial affairs of the family, pay for debts and, finally, become a good husband for Marya Bolkonskaya.

It seems to be Tolstoy Lero Nikolayevich as a prototype of his father.

Rostov Natasha

Daughter of graph and graphate growth. Very energetic and emotional girl, considered ugly, but alive and attractive, she is not very smart, but intuitive, because he knew how to perfectly "guess people", their mood and some features of characters. Extremely pusher for nobility and self-sacrifice. It sings very beautifully and dancing that at that time it was an important characterizing quality for a girl from a secular society. The most important quality of Natasha, which Lion Tolstoy, like his heroes, is repeatedly emphasized in the novel "War and World" - this is proximity to the simple Russian people. And she herself all absorbed the rusticity of culture and the strength of the spirit of the nation. Nevertheless, this girl lives in his illusion of good, happiness and love, which, after some time, introduces Natasha in reality. It is these blows of fate and its heart experiences make Natasha Rostov adult and give it as a result of a mature real love for Pierre Bezuhov. Special respect deserves the story of the rebirth of her soul, as Natasha began to attend the church, after hesitated the temptation of a false seducer. If you are interested in the works of Tolstoy in which the Christian heritage of our people is more deeply considered, then you need to read the book about Father Sergius and how he fought with the temptation.

The collective prototype of the daughter-in-law writer Kuzminskaya Tatyana Andreevna, as well as her sisters - the wife of Leo Nikolayevich - Sofia Andreevna.

Rostov Vera

Daughter of graph and graphate growth. It was famous for strict temper and inappropriate, albeit fair, comments in society. It is unknown why, but her mother did not love her very much and faith felt hard, apparently, so he often went to everyone around him around him. Later became the wife of Boris Drubetsky.

He is the prototype of the sister of Tolstoy Sofia - the wife of Leo Nikolayevich, which was called Elizabeth Bers.

Rostov Petr.

The boy, the son of the graph and the Countess growth of growth. Stunned Petya, young men rose to go to war, and so that parents could not hold him at all. Breathing after all the same from parental care and determined in the Gusar Regiment of Denisov. Petya dies in the first battle, and did not have time to play. His death very strongly sucks his family.


The miniature glorious Sonya girl was the native niece of Graph Rostov and lived his whole life under his roof. Her long-term love for Nikolai Rostov became fatal for her, because she did not manage to connect with him in marriage. In addition, the old graphy Natalia Rostov was very against their marriage, because they were cousins. Sonya comes to noble, refusing to Loolev and agree to love only Nicholas, while freeing it from this promise to marry her. She lives his rest with the old decanter on the care of Nikolai Rostov.

The prototype of this, it would seem at first glance, a minor character was a secondary aunt Leo Nikolayevich, Yergolskaya Tatiana Aleksandrovna.

Bologkoe - Princes and Princess

Bolkonsky Nikolai Andreevich

The father of the main character, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky. In the past, the acting General-Annef, in the present prince, who earned the nickname "Prussian king" in the Russian secular society. Socially active, strict as a father, tough, pedantic, but the wise owner in his estate. Outwardly, it was a thin old man in a powdered white wig, dense eyebrows, hanging over insightful and smart eyes. Does not like to show feelings even to your beloved son and daughter. It constantly enthusiasm walds, a sharp sense. Sitting in Himself, Prince Nikolai is constantly on a check of events taking place in Russia and only before death, he loses a complete picture of the scale of the tragedy of the Russian war with Napoleon.

Prototype of Prince Nikolai Andreevich was the grandfather of the writer Volkonsky Nikolai Sergeevich.

Bolkonsky Andrey

Prince, son Nikolai Andreevich. Changed, as well as his father, restrained in the manifestation of sensual gusts, but loves her father and sister very much. Married to the "Little Princess" Lisa. Made a good military career. A lot of philosophy about life, sense and condition of His Spirit. What is seen that it is in some permanent search. After the death of his wife in Natasha, Rostova saw the hope of a real girl, and not fake as in a secular society and a certain light of future happiness, so he was in love with her. Having made Natasha proposal, was forced to go abroad to be treated, which served both by the test of their feelings. As a result, their wedding broke. Prince Andrei went to the war with Napoleon and was seriously injured, after which he did not survive and died of a severe wound. Natasha until the end of his death loyally cared for him.

Bologna Marya

Daughter of Prince Nicholas and sister Andrei Bolkonsky. A very meek girl, not beautiful, but good soul and very rich as the bride. Her mantiness and dedication of religion serves many examples of Dobron and meekness. Unforgettably loves her father, who often mocked her with his ridicule, wcrows and injections. And also loves her brother, Prince Andrew. Immediately did not accept Natasha Rostov as a future daughter-in-law, because she seemed too frivolous for Andrei's brother. After all the experienced adversity, she marries Nikolai Rostov.

The prototype of Marya is the mother of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy - Volkonskaya Maria Nikolaevna.

Bezukhov - Graphs and Countess

Lyuhov Pierre (Peter Kirillovich)

One of the main characters, which deserves close attention and positive evaluation. This character survived a lot of mental injuries and pain, possessing a kind and highly aggative temper. Tolstoy and heroes of the novel "War and Peace" very often express their love and adoption of Pierre Laughterhood as a person very high morals, complacent and human philosophical mind. Lev Nikolayevich loves his hero, Pierre. As a friend of Andrei Bolkonsky, the young Count Pierre Duhov is very devoted and responsive. Despite the various weavers under his nose, Pierre did not get out of her nose and did not lose their good-feeling towards people. And he married Natalia Rostova, he finally gained the grace and happiness that he was so lacked in his first wife, Helen. At the end of the novel, his desire to change political obscures in Russia and from afar, you can even guess his Decembrist sentiments. (100%) 4 votes

For the disclosure of the copyright of L.N. Tolstoy involved in his epic novel "War and Peace" of more than 200 heroes. The main ones are Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostov and Pierre Duhov. Often they are also called "favorite" tonside heroes and it is not just like that. They are characteristic of the quality that the author considers the key in man: the desire for self-improvement, the desire to spiritually enlighten, as well as the love of life and all-sucking.

These characters can not be divided on only positive or only negative. They are ordinary people in which there are both good and bad traits. Unlike unloved (Anatole Kuragin, Helene, Anna Pavlovna Shero), they are primarily endowed with internal, mental beauty and may not have an external appeal.

The first on the pages of the work appears Bolkonsky - a young aristocrat, a representative of higher aristocratic circles. Before the reader appears an adult, who has already formed a person who has already formed, with his principles and beliefs that he never change in his entire life. Tired and disappointed in everything, he will rebound life, having met his true love - Natasha.

History of Natasha Rostova is an evolution from a 13-year-old girl, a nasty duckling, a beautiful and interesting girl, later - in a smart woman, a loving wife and mother. She was given to her that was so desperately looking for the other two main characters - sincerity, the gustness of feelings, the desire to live with a heart. The author was important to show how to help the help of these qualities, a person can make a lot of people around themselves.

The third protagonist of the novel is Pierre Duhov. This hero, like Bolkonsky, is looking for his calling in life. It is characteristic of the bustiness, the dramaticness of judgments. In his search, the hero falls into extremes: from the deification of Napoleon, he moves to the hobby of Masonic and all this in order to find himself.

The three main characters of Tolstoy are three different character, three different fates that intertwined against the background of a large-scale historical event - the Patriotic War. And despite all the peripetics of their destinies, they retain humanity and love to everything alive.

Option number 2.

Roman-epic L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" is the greatest work of domestic literature, and the main characters of the work know absolutely still with school bench. It is impossible to remain indifferent to their such characters that are not like each other. All of them are looking for their meaning of life, make mistakes and get bitter experience.

The main heroes of the novel is a young girl named Natasha Rostov, her close friend Pierre Duhov and the future beloved Andrey Bolkonsky. Each of them passed a heavy path not only through the Great Patriotic War, but also in search of true life happiness. At the beginning of the work of Bolkonsky regrets that he married, since he is alien to the secular society that his wife Lisa loves so much. Andrei is very ambitious, and even a few vain person: he dreams of becoming a hero in war, build a brilliant career in a military business, and his idol is Napoleon. But, hitting this field of battle, the young man understands that the war does not carry anything except blood. And the victory in it does not depend on one person, but from the whole people. He shares his guesses with the best friend Pierre. That is a completely different story: unexpectedly having received the inheritance from his father, he immediately becomes one of the richest people of the capital and the most enviable fiance.

Soon Pierre married the beauty of Helen, but this marriage turned out to be a mistake. The girl did not like her husband, she was only interested in his wealth. Soon, the deceived Pierre begins to understand this and, just like Bolkonsky, is experiencing a certain spiritual crisis. Both men bind Natasha Rostov - they both are in love with it. After the death of his wife, Bolkonsky is immersed in deep depression, but the young Rostov was able to return him to life. She enchants people with their vitality, the kindness of the soul, ease. But she was assured by a difficult path: she became a victim of the famous hedge of Kuragin, who promised to marry her, although he himself was married. Then Natasha answered Bolkonsky refusal, but it was a serious mistake. Kuragin escaped soon, and Andrei again lost the meaning of life.

Thus, in the novel, the main characters are often mistaken in their choice. Throughout the work, they grow up and get a bitter, but valuable experience. Only passing all life tests, they will understand that true happiness lies in a strong family, in love for their loved ones. And no career dreams, wealth, intrigues will not replace it.

Essay on the topic of the main characters of Roman War and the world

Roman-epic Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy occupies a special priority place in the Russian literature of the nineteenth century. The work makes arguing and reflecting the contemporaries.

The main heroes of the novel cause conflicting disputes as critics literary critics and simple readers.
Favorite Heroine Tolstoy - Natasha Rostov. At the very beginning, it is shown carefree and at first glance even a windy girl. But she just seeks true love. Natasha truly falls in love with Andrei Bolkonsky. And the fleeting passion by Anatola Kuragin subsequently experiencing it very hard. She understands that he made a betrayal towards Andrei. She has a revaluation of life values. At the end of the novel Natasha appears to those who love his wife and a caring mother, the family for which stands at the head of everything. It was such an image of a woman in understanding Tolstoy appeared perfect.

Another protagonist Andrei Bolkonsky appears on the pages of the novel honest, faithful son of debris. He is a generous, decent young man. A sample of magnitude for it is Napoleon. But, participating in combat battles, Andrei gets wound. Lying was wounded on the field under the sky of Austerlitz, he understands how negligible the perfect image of Bonaparte. Bolkonsky returns to the village, raises his son. But soon he meets Natasha Rostov. Life for Andrei changes again. He falls in love with young countess. But they are not destined to be together, since Andrei gets a fatal injury and dies.

One of the most ambiguous images is Pierre Duchev. Pictures a fat such respect. Just like Natasha, passed through many tests and obstacles in order to understand that in life is really valuable and significantly. Everything was in his life: marriage to the wrong helen, the circle of masons, drunkenness and a rackety lifestyle. Having visited the war, Pierre found his place in life and realized that the main thing was family and relatives and relatives.

The work of "War and Peace" is large-scale and great. The main characters are striking by their originality, identity and brightness. They are true patriots of their homeland. Tolstoy created a novel, striking his exception.

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Alexey Dunovovo talks about the prototypes of the heroes of the famous Epopea of \u200b\u200bLion Tolstoy.

Prince Andrey Bolkonsky

Nikolay Tuchkov

One of those characters whose image is more fictitious than borrowed from concrete people. As an inaccessible moral ideal, Prince Andrei, of course, could not have a certain prototype. Nevertheless, in the facts of the character's biography, you can find a lot of common, for example, with Nikolai Tuchkov.

Nikolai Rostov and Princess Marya - Parents of the Writer

He, just like Prince Andrei, was a fatal injury in the Borodino battle, from whom he died in Yaroslavl in three weeks. The scene was injured by Prince Andrei in the battle of Austerlitz, probably borrowed from the biography of Tisengauzen's headquarters (Ferdinand). He died with a banner in his hands, when the Malorosiysk grenadier regiment believed on the enemy bayonets in the very battle. It is possible that Tolstoy gave the image of Prince Andrei the features of his brother - Sergey. At least, this concerns history with a failed marriage of Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova. Sergey Tolstoy was engaged with Tatiana Bers, but a marriage deflected for a year has not taken place. Whether due to the inappropriate behavior of the bride, or because of the fact that the bridegroom had a gypsy wife, who did not want to part.

Natasha Rostov

Sophia Tolstaya - Writer's wife

Natasha immediately two prototypes, already mentioned Tatiana Bers and her sister - Sophia Bers. It should be noted here that Sofya is none other than the wife of Lion Tolstoy. Tatyana Bers in 1867 was married to Senator Alexander Kuzminsky. She spent most of his childhood in the family of the writer and managed to make friends with the author of "War and Peace", even though he was almost 20 years old. Moreover, under the influence of Tolstoy, the Kuzminskaya herself took up literary creativity. About Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy, it seems, knows every person who went to school. She really rewritten "War and Peace", the novel, the main character of which had a lot of common features with the spouse of the author.


Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy - grandfather writer

The surname Rostov was formed by replacing the first and last letters in the surname Tolstoy. "P", instead of "T", "B" instead of "y", well, and minus "l". So the family that occupies an important place in the novel found a new name. Rostov is thick, or rather relatives of the writer in the father's line. There is even a coincidence in the names, as in the case of the old Graph Rostov.

Even Tolstoy did not hide that Vasily Denisov is Denis Davydov

Under this name, the grandfather of the writer Ilya Andreevich Tolstoy is hidden. This man, in fact, led quite wasteful lifestyle and spent enormous amounts for entertainment activities. And, nevertheless, this is not the good-natured Ilya Andreevich Rostov from the "war and the world". Graph Tolstoy was the Kazan governor and famous for the whole of Russia with Mtzomp. He was filmed from his post after the auditors found the embezzlement of almost 15 thousand rubles from the provincial treasury. The breaking of money Tolstoy explained the "lack of knowledge."

Nikolay Rostov is the Father of the writer Nikolai Ilyich Tolstoy. The similarities of the prototype and the hero of the "War and Peace" at least debug. Nikolay Tolstoy served in the hussars and passed through all Napoleonic Wars, including the Patriotic War of 1812. It is believed that the descriptions of military scenes with the participation of Nikolai Rostov are taken by the writer from the memories of the Father. Moreover, the Tolstoy-Senior tried the financial collapse of the family with permanent losses in maps and debts, and to correct the situation married a ugly and closed princess Mary Volkonskaya, which was four years old.

Princess Marya

Mother Lion Tolstoy Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, by the way, also the full namesake of the book heroine. Unlike the Princess Mary, did not have problems with sciences, in particular with mathematics and geometry. Lived for 30 years with his father in a clear Polyana (bald mountains from the novel), but never married, although it was a very enviable bride. The fact is that the old prince, in fact, possessed a monstrous character, and his daughter was a closed woman and independently rejected several grooms.

Prototype Dologov, probably ate his own orangutan

The Princess Volkonsky had even a companion - Miss Hanessen, something similar to Mademoiselle of violence from the novel. After the death of his father, the daughter began in the literal sense to dismiss property, after which her relatives intervened, the marriage of Maria Nikolaevna with Nikolai Tolstoy intervened. Judging by the memoirs of contemporaries, the marriage concluded by the calculation turned out to be very happy, but not long. Maria Volkonskaya died eight years after the wedding, having time to give birth to her husband of four children.

Old prince Bolkonsky

Nikolai Volkonsky, who threw the royal service for the sake of raising the only daughter

Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky - General from infanteria, who distinguished himself in several battles and received the nickname "Prussian king" from colleagues. In the nature, it is very similar to the old prince: proud, very well, but not cruel. He left the service after the top of Paul I, retired to a clear clearing and engaged in raising her daughter.

Prototype Ilya Rostov - Grandfather Tolstoy, killed his career

For all day, he improved its economy and taught daughter with languages \u200b\u200band sciences. An important difference from the character from the book: Prince Nikolai experienced a great war of 1812, but only nine years later, a little without surviving up to seventy.


Tatyana Yergolskaya is a secondary sister of Nikolai Tolstoy, who brought up in his father's house. In his youth they had a novel who never ended with marriage. Not only the parents of Nicholas performed against the wedding, but also Yergolskaya herself. The last time the proposal for marriage from the cousin was rejected in 1836. The widowed Tolstoy asked the hands of Yergolskaya, so that she became his wife and replaced the mother to five children. Ergolskaya refused, but after the death of Nikolai Tolstoy really took up the upbringing of his sons and her daughter, devoting them to the rest of his life.


Fedor Tolstoy-American

Dolokhova also has several prototypes. Among them, for example, Lieutenant-General and Parisan Ivan Dorokhov, a hero of several large campaigns, including the war of 1812. However, if we talk about the character, that by Dolokhov, more similarities with Fedor Ivanovich Tolstim-American, famous in his time by the Brener, a player and a lover of women. It must be said that Tolstoy is not the only writer who mounted an American in his works. Fyodor Ivanovich is also considered the prototype of the Zaretsky - the Secundant of Lensky from Evgenia Onegin. Tolstoy received his nickname after he traveled to America, during which he was bumping from the ship and ate his own monkey.


Alexey Borisovich Kurakin

In this case, it is difficult to talk about the family, because the images of Prince Vasily, Anatol and Helen are borrowed in several people who are not related to relatives. Kuragin-senior is undoubtedly Alexey Borisovich Kurakin, a prominent slander of the time of the board of Paul I and Alexander I, who made a brilliant career at the courtyard and a prisoner.

Prototypes of Helen - Bagration's spouse and lover classmate Pushkin

He had three children, exactly as the prince of Vasily, of which the daughter delivered to him most of all the trouble. Alexandra Alekseevna really had a scandalous reputation, especially a lot of noise in the world endowed her divorce with her husband. Prince Kurakin, in one of the letters, even called the daughter the main burden of her old age. Looks like a character "War and Peace" is not true? Although Vasily Kuragin expressed a little bit differently.

Anatole Kuragin, apparently, does not have a prototype, except for such anatoly Lvovich Shostaka, at one time he seduced Tatyana Bers.

Catherine Skavron-Bagration

As for Helen, its image is taken immediately from several women. In addition to some similarity with Alexandra Kurakina, has much in common with Catherine Svvaroness (Bagration), which was known for careless behavior not only in Russia, but also in Europe. In his homeland, she was called "wandering princes", and in Austria she was known as the lover of Clemens Metternich - Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire. From him, Ekaterina Skavronskaya gave birth, - Of course, outside of marriage, - the daughter of Clementina. Perhaps it was the "wandering princess" contributed to Austria's entry into the anti-Napolation coalition. Another woman who could borrow the features of Helen, Nadezhda Akinfova. She was born in the 1840 year and was very famous in St. Petersburg and Moscow, as a woman's scandalous reputation and a rackered lave. It became widely popular thanks to the novel with Chancellor Alexander Gorchakov, Odnoklassnik Pushkin. He, by the way, was 40 years older than Akinfova, the husband who had to Chancellor the grandchildren.

Vasily Denisov

Denis Davydov

Each student knows that Denis Davydov was a prototype of Vasily Davydov. He recognized it and thicker himself.

Julie Karagin

It is believed that Julie Karagin is Varvara Alexandrovna Lanskaya. It is known exclusively by led a long correspondence with his girlfriend Maria Volkova. According to these letters, Tolstoy studied the history of the war of 1812. Moreover, they almost completely entered the "war and peace" under the guise of the correspondence of the Princess Mary and Julia Karagina.

Pierre Duchevov

Peter Vyazemsky

Alas, but Pierre does not have any obvious or even approximate prototype. This character has similarities both with Tolstoy himself and with many historical persons who lived during the writer and during the Patriotic War. There is, for example, a curious story about how historian and poet Peter Vyazemsky went to the place of Borodino battle. Allegedly, this case is based on the story of how Pierre traveled to Borodino. That's just Vyazemsky was at that time the military, and the Field of the Face arrived not on the inner call, but according to official duties.

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Anatole Kuragin

He is the son of Prince Vasily, Brother Helen and Ippolit. Prince Vasily himself looks at her son as a "restless fool", which you constantly need to get off from various troubles. A. Very handsome, fierce, naked. He is frankly stupid, not found, but popular in society, because "he had a precious ability of calm and no confidence in him." A. Fr. Dolokhova, constantly participates in his kitsa, looks at life as a constant stream of pleasures and pleasures. It is not worried about other people, he is selfish. To women A. applies with contempt, feeling its superiority. He got used to everyone, without experiencing anything serious in response. A. Fasciance in Natasha Rostova and tried to take it. After this incident, the hero was forced to flee from Moscow and hide from Prince Andrew, who wanted to call the seducer of his bride to the duel. The last time they are seen in Lazarut, after the Borodino battle. A. was injured, he was amputated to the leg.

Andrey Bolkonsky

This is one of the main characters of the novel, the son of Prince Bolkonsky, the native brother Princess Maryia. At the beginning of the novel, we see B. as smart, proud, but enough man. He despises the people of the highest light, unhappy in marriage and does not respect her pretty wife. B. Very restrained, well formed, he has a strong will. This hero is experiencing large spiritual changes. At first we see that his idol is Napoleon, whom he considers a great man. B. falls on the war, goes to the existing army. There he fights along with all the soldiers, manifests greater courage, composure, prudence. Participates in Shenagraben battle. B. was seriously injured in Austerlitsky battle. This moment is extremely important, because it was then that the spiritual rebirth of the hero began. Lying Reality and seeing the calm and eternal sky of Austerlitz, B. understands all the petty and stupidity of all that is happening in the war. He realized that in fact there should be completely different values \u200b\u200bin life than those that he had so far. All exploits, fame do not matter. There is only this huge and eternal sky. In the same episode, B. sees Napoleon and understands all the insignificance of this person. B. Returns home where he was considered dead. His wife dies with childbirth, but the child survives. The hero is shocked by the death of his wife and feels his guilt in front of her. He decides no longer serve, settles in Boguchars, is engaged in the economy, the education of the son, reads a lot of books. During the trip to Petersburg B. for the second time it is found with Natasha Rostova. It awakens a deep feeling, the heroes decide to get married. B. Father does not agree with the choice of the Son, they postpone the wedding for a year, the hero leaves abroad. After the cheating of the bride, he returns to the army under the leadership of Kutuzov. During the Borodino battle, mortally wounded. By chance he leaves Moscow in Rostov's Most. Before death, he forgives Natasha and understands the true meaning of love.

Anna Pavlovna Sherler

Freilin, an approximate empress Mary Fedorovna. Sh. - Mistress Fashionable in St. Petersburg salon, Description of the evening in which the novel opens. A.P. 40 years old, she is artificial, like all the highest light. Its attitude to any person or event depends entirely on the latest political, courtiers or secular considerations. She is friendly with the prince of Vasily. Sh. "The revitalization and impulse" is filled with "," to be enthusiastic has become its public situation. " In 1812, her salon demonstrates false patriotism, eating soup and penalty for French.


This is a real historical person, one of the most famous Russian military leaders, the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, is the title of Prince. Tolstoy says that B. "is low, with the eastern type of a solid and fixed person, dry, not yet old man." In the novel, we basically see his commander of the Shenagraben battle, whom Kutuzov blessed to the rescue of the army. Just the presence of B. on the battlefield already helps fighters. Everyone loves and respected for decisiveness and courage. During the dramatic moment of the battle B. does not give visible orders, but dismounting and goes into battle ahead of all troops. During the Austerlitsky battle B. also showed his heroism. He one beat off the enemy, which was clearly twice as much as, and then, during the retreat, he brought his column of his column from the battle. Tolstoy notes that when lunch was given in honor of B., in his face "was given to the honor of combat, simple, without ties and intrigue, the Russian soldier ...".

German, first the groom, and then the husband of faith is Rostova. This is "Fresh, pink guards officer, flawlessly washed, fastened and combed." At the beginning of the work of B. Lieutenant, and at the end of the work becomes a colonel, from which you can see that B. made a good career. It is accurate, calm, taking into account, but very selfish and stingy. He loves and can speak only about himself and his successes. The surrounding laundered over him, he is someone else's in the house of growth. They are incomprehensible to his graciousness, misfortune. B. makes faith proposal and requires an old graph of the promised dowry, despite the difficult financial situation of growth. This hero is clearly unpleasant and alien to the most thick.

Boris Drubetskaya

Son of Princess Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskoy. Since childhood, he was brought up and for a long time he lived in the house of the growth, who had to relative. B. and Natasha were in love with each other. Externally, this is a "high blond young man with the right dead features of a quiet and beautiful face." B. From his youth dreams of a military career, allows the mother to humiliate before higher, if it helps him. So, Prince Vasily finds him a place in the guard. B. is going to make a brilliant career, makes a lot of useful dating. After a while it becomes the lover of Helen. B. It manages to be in the right place at the right time, and his career and position are approved particularly firmly. In 1809, he again meets Natasha and is fond of her, even thinking to marry her. But this would prevent his career. Therefore, B. begins to look for a rich bride. In the end, he marries Julie Karagina.

Vasily Kuragin

Prince, Father Helen, Anatol and Ippolit. This is a very famous and fairly influential person in society, takes an important court post. Attitude towards all the Prince V. indulgence and patronage. The author shows his hero "in the court, shitty uniform, in stockings, shoes, with stars, with a bright expression of a flat face," with "scented and shining bald". But when he smiled, in his smile it was "something unexpectedly gross and unpleasant." Specially Prince V. Nikoma does not want evil. He just enjoys people and circumstances to implement his plans. V. always seeks to get close to people who are richer and above him. The hero considers himself an exemplary father, he does everything possible to arrange the future of his children. He is trying to marry his son Anatoly on a rich princess Marya Bologkoe. After the death of the old prince, Beshov and the receipt of a huge inheritance Pierre, V. Marsh of the rich bride and cunning gives his daughter Helen for him. Prince V. Big Intrigan, who knows how to live in society and make acquaintances with the right people.

Count Rostov

Rostov Ilya Andreevi - Count, Father Natasha, Nikolai, Faith and Petit. Very good-natured, generous man, loving life and not very able to count on his funds. R. is able to make it best to make, the ball, he is a warm owner and an exemplary family man. The graph is used to live on a wide leg, and then when funds no longer allow this, gradually ruins their family, which is strongly suffering. When departing from Moscow, R. starts to give the submission for the wounded. So he inflicts one of the last blows on the family budget. The death of the Son Petit finally broke the graph, he comes to life only when she prepares a wedding for Natasha and Pierre. In the same year, R. dies and leaves a good memory.

Countess Rostov

Count Rostov's wife, "Woman with an eastern style of a thin face, years of forty-five, apparently exhausted by children ... The slowness of her movements and a dialect, who originated from the weakness of the forces, gave her a significant view that suggests respect." R. Creates in his family an atmosphere of love and kindness, very careful about the fate of his children. The guise of the death of the younger and beloved son Petit almost drives her crazy. She got used to the luxury and fulfillment of the slightest whims, and demands it after the death of her husband.

The author describes Fyodor Dolokhova. So: "Shelokhov was a man of medium height, curly and with blond, blue eyes. He was twenty-five years old. He did not wear a mustache, like all the infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face was all Viden. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved. In the middle of the upper lip, it was energetically descended on a strong lower spicy wedge, and in the corners there was constantly something like two smiles, one on each side; and all together, and especially in the compound with solid , impudence, a smart look, was the impression that it was impossible not to notice this person. " This hero is not good, but knows how to put himself so that everyone is respected and afraid of him. He loves to have fun, and quite strange and sometimes a cruel way. In one case of bullying over Quarterly, D. was demolished into soldiers. But during hostilities again gained its rank officer. This is a smart, brave and cold-blooded person. He is not afraid of death, hears the evil man, hides his tender love for his mother. In fact, D. does not want to know anyone, except for those who really love. It shares people in harmful and helpful, sees around him mostly harmful and get rid of them if they suddenly stand on his road. D. was Helen's lover, he provokes Pierre on a duel, dishonestly beats in the map of Nikolay Rostov, helps an anatoly to make an escape with Natasha.

Captain Tushin

This is the headquarters-captain, the hero of the Shangrabensky battle. T. - a man of small growth with a thin voice, there was something "non-violent, somewhat comic, but extremely attractive." This hero robets before the bosses, feels guilty, small. On the eve of the battle of T. speaks of the fear of death and what awaits after it. But during the battle, the hero is transformed. He feels "a huge growth, a powerful man who eats the French by both hands." Battery T. was forgotten during the battle. During the battle, the captain's headquarters is no longer afraid of death or injuries, he is becoming more fun and more fun, the soldiers are listening to him as children. Soldiers miraculously survive thanks to the heroism

Princess Marya

The daughter of the old prince Bolkonsky and sister Andrei Bolkonsky. M. Nekrasiv, painful, but all her face transforms beautiful eyes: "... the eyes are princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very often, despite the urgency All the faces, these eyes were attractive than beauty. " Princess M. Differs great religiosity. She often takes all sorts of mantis, wanderers. She has no close friends, she lives under the oppression of the Father, whom he loves, but incredibly afraid. The old prince Bolkonsky was distinguished by a bad temper, M. was absolutely clogged with them and did not believe in his personal happiness. All his love, she gives his father, brother Andrei and his son, trying to replace the little mother to replace the little Nicholen. Life M. is changing after a meeting with Nikolai Rostov. It was he who saw all the wealth and beauty of her soul. They marry, M. becomes a devoted wife, fully dividing all the views of her husband.

Kuragin Helen

Kuragin Helene is the daughter of Prince Vasily, and then the wife of Pierre Lobyov. Brilliant Petersburg Beauty with a "unchanged smile", white full shoulders, glossy hair and beautiful mill. It did not have a noticeably coquetry, as if she was conscable "for her undoubtedly and too strongly and winning beauty." E. Ilight, providing all the right to admire himself, why it is felt like a gloss from many other people's views. She knows how to be silent-worthy in the world, producing the impression of a tactical and intelligent woman, which in combination with beauty provides her constant success. Coming out married Pierre Dunzhova, the heroine discovers before his husband not only the limit of mind, the rudeness of thought and vulgarity, but also cynical depravity. After breaking with Pierre and receive from him by the proxy of a large part of the state, she lives in St. Petersburg, then abroad, then returns to her husband. Despite the family gap, the permanent change of lovers, including Doolokov and Drubetskaya, E. continues to be one of the most famous and demanded ladies. In the world, she makes very great successes; Living alone, she becomes the mistress of a diplomatic and political cabin, acquires a reputation as a smart woman. Deciding to go to Catholicism and pondering the possibility of divorce and a new marriage, confusing between two very influential high-ranking lovers and patrons, E. dies in 1812

Real historical person, commander-in-chief of the Russian army. For Tolstoy, he is the ideal of a historic figure and a person's ideal. "He will listen, everything will remember, everything will put in his place, it does not hurt any useful and nothing harmful. He understands that there is something stronger and more considerable to his will, is the inevitable course of events, and he knows how to see them, Able to understand their meaning and, in view of this, knows how to renounce participation in these events, from his personal willief directed to another. " K. knew that "the fate of the battle is not ordered by the commander-in-chief, not the place on which the troops cost, not the number of guns and killed people, and the elusive force, called the spirit of the troops, and he watched this force and led it as far as it was in his power. " K. merges with the people, it is always modest and simple. His behavior is natural, the author constantly emphasizes his loadability, elder weakness. K. - expressive of folk wisdom in the novel. His power is that he understands and well knows what the people worries, and acts according to this. K. Dies when he performed his duty. The enemy is supplanted beyond the borders of Russia, there is nothing more than this folk hero.

Lisa Bolkonskaya

Prince Andrew's wife. She is a favorite of all the world, an attractive young woman, whom everyone is called a "little princess". "It's pretty, with a slightly inxicious assholes, the upper sponge was short on the teeth, but that nail she opened up and the more Mile was pulled out sometimes and went down to the bottom. How it always happens in quite attractive women, the lack of her - the shortness of the lip and the half-open mouth seemed She is especially especially her beauty. Everyone had fun to look at this complete health and lively, a pretty future mother, so easily transported their position. " L. was a universal favorite thanks to his always lively and courtesy of a secular woman, she did not think her life without top light. But Prince Andrei did not like his wife and felt unhappy in marriage. L. does not understand her husband, his aspirations and ideals. After leaving Andrei to the war, L. lives in the Bald Mountains at the Old Prince Bolkonsky, to which fear and hostility is experiencing. L. Prefers his ambulance and really dies during childbirth.


This is a real historical face, the French emperor. Tolstoy decided to debunk the legend of Napoleon from the standpoint of real humanism. At the beginning of the novel, this man is the idol of Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Duhov believes N. Great Man. But gradually these best Heroes are disappointed in their idols.

Work description

Anatole Kuragin
He is the son of Prince Vasily, Brother Helen and Ippolit. Prince Vasily himself looks at her son as a "restless fool", which you constantly need to get off from various troubles. A. Very handsome, fierce, naked. He is frankly stupid, not found, but popular in society, because "he had a precious ability of calm and no confidence in him." A. Fr. Dolokhova, constantly participates in his kitsa, looks at life as a constant stream of pleasures and pleasures.