Inner speech of man. The meaning of speech in a person's life

Inner speech of man. The meaning of speech in a person's life
Inner speech of man. The meaning of speech in a person's life

Speech for a person is the most important means of communication. It helps to form thinking and transmit information between people. She also controls human behavior, thanks to which people are able to competently express their idea and act in circumstances.

How it appeared

The human speech appeared in prehistoric times, because people needed to understand each other. Initially, they learned to explain each other only the most important concepts, for example: "Food", "Fire", "Danger". Over time, the margin of words expanded, people learned to hunt, sew clothes for themselves, to do the tools of labor. All this required their designations. So, gradually, individual words turned into a conscious speech.

What properties of speech are

Modern linguists (people who are engaged in learning languages) allocate the most important speech properties. It:

  • content (how much information is transmitted);
  • clearer (how clear this speech is clear to other people);
  • effectiveness (as far as effective is about reflections, actions);
  • expressive (whether it is painted with an emotional background).

These properties help decorate speech, give literacy and content in it useful information.

For what people need a speech

In our world it is difficult to present communication without speech, both written (letter and reading) and oral (this is speaking, listening and pronunciation). Without its development it would be impossible to achieve the existing level of development of culture and science. Accordingly, speech is vital for the transfer of their thoughts, desires for other people. Understanding each other, a person can significantly climb the step of development in all areas: science and education, medicine and geography, in knowing and studying the surrounding world and much more. It is difficult for a person to convey my understanding, the ability, who does not own the speech. Thus, it is a main way to express thoughts and the main mechanism of human thinking. Therefore, it is very important to try to improve your speech, filling your vocabulary with new competent expressions.

Speech is a special form of people's communication, with the help of which people interacted with each other for many centuries. Initially, these were only sounds, more similar to animal sounds. But over time, the human speech developed more and more - new words appeared in it, a person with speech could communicate not only with people belonging to his language. But also with foreign-speaking citizens.

For centuries, with the help of speech, people transferred important information to each other. Without possessing the gift of speech, a person could not satisfy his need for communicating, he could not understand other people, and no one would understand him.

The speech was present in the life of a person always - primitive (at the level of sounds) from birth and developed when a person studied the letters, words.

Without speech, none of the people could write a single letter, because it is not only oral, but also writing. Not knowing words, a person could not set them out on paper and convey to another person.

Speech combines people, she makes us people, those who we are.

One of the conditions for the formation of a socially active person is mastered by human speech - the ability to pronounce separate sounds, words, phrases. Its practical application is called tongue. What happens? Should a person improve his ability to talk? As you can eliminate a far from the full list of questions that are interested in parents immediately, as soon as their child pronounces the first words.

What we need

Scientists allocate several basic about which each should know.

  1. Speech is a kind of tool, with which people are exchanged with each other feelings, thoughts. The language acts as a means of communication.
  2. Thanks to the speech, the assimilation and the transfer of collective experience accumulated by mankind. Through the language, people will know the world in which they live.
  3. To achieve the results of activity, a person is obliged to organize it and plan. This process is possible only when it owns language skills.
  4. With the help of speech, a person can affect the feelings and thoughts of other people.

The listed functions fully disclose the value of the language in the life of humanity.

What happens to

If we consider the language in terms of the existence of its forms, then you can allocate oral and written. During the letter or reading, what oral form is used by man? Hearing and speaking are varieties

If you take into account the number of participants in the conversation, then it can be a dialogic or monologic. Translation from Greek makes it clear that the dialogue is a conversation of two or more people, and a monologue is a statement of one person.

From the point of view of flaws, it happens correct or incorrect. Linguists give a similar assessment. In their opinion, the correct is a competent speech, but it can have both positive and negative painting. Incorrect (illiterate) contains a large number of language errors.

Is the ability to speak correctly

The dispute about what a person should be, in a scientific pedagogical environment, it arises quite often. This problem concerns the younger generation, and the older. Most people are still inclined to the fact that the language should be competent, that is, beautiful.

The ability to speak correctly is not born with a man. This skill needs to be trained. The process of mastering the language begins in preschool childhood and continues throughout life. To achieve the result, the desire is not enough. It will be necessary to make certain efforts and spend a lot of time.

A man who mastered the art of talking, always produces a good impression, it is beneficial to stand out against the background of others. Consumable speech turns indicate the level of its culture. It is believed that a person who can control the flow of words, phrases, sounds, is able to manage and mind.

So, the ownership of the right beautiful language with his positive painting is the vast dignity of man.

What are speech defects

Problems in the work of the articulation apparatus are indicators of incorrect speech. Kosonazebo delivers a lot of troubles that can concern both personal life and promotion in service, the relationship of those around them.

A child who has difficulty in the work of the speech bodies will necessarily have problems with school learning. They may be related to overall performance, the formation of the handwriting, spelling literacy, mastering the reading technique.

What could be a human speech with the wrong work of the relevant authorities?

  1. Fuzzy pronouncing or distorted pronunciation of individual sounds - a child, whispered.
  2. Non-talking endings in words.
  3. Violation of the priority of sounds in the word is their interchange.
  4. Poor vocabulary.
  5. The inability to build connected statements.
  6. Violation of the word pronunciation (slow or fast), stuttering.

Causes of violations

Having understood with what it happens during the wrong work of the articulation apparatus, it is worth paying attention to the reasons that could affect the problems that have arisen. And the origins of violations are the most diverse.

One of the reasons causing a failure in the work of the speech bodies is a different kind of injury that could be obtained by a child during childbirth or in the first years of life. This cause can be attributed to the category of the most difficult. No less serious and the one belonging to hereditary predisposition.

In addition, speech disorders may arise with insufficient development that leads to the inability of the child to perceive the utmost phrases. The baby's stay in a certain speech environment also significantly affects the level of language development.

Of great importance to the formation of the ability of the kid to speak, listen, read or write its parents and a close environment. For example, the replacement of live communication by viewing the TV shows will certainly lead to a delay. If adults do not pay attention to visible defects, believing that the problem will be eliminated by itself, it can cause a significant lag in speech development.

Where they eliminate speech defects

Before correcting the shortcomings, the specialist to whom the patient addressed is obliged to establish the causes of the difficulties. It is from them that will depend on the methods and techniques that will be used in the work.

If the development of the speech is influenced by the deviations of a neurological nature or they are associated with the improper structure of the articulation bodies, then, besides the speech therapist, a surgeon or neurologist will be required. An integrated approach to working with people who have deviations in the development of speech gives the greatest effect.

Speech therapy classes with a child can be conducted by specialists in schools, kindergartens. Such rooms opened in children's clinics or in the child development centers. The speech therapist leads classes using numerous techniques, techniques and techniques. Exercises are aimed at developing an articulation apparatus, motor skills, child skills to observe, compare, analyze, express their emotions.

Huge help in overcoming the toddler's speech difficulties is provided by parents, doing at home. Doctors and teachers, explaining to adults, what a child's speech can be with regular classes, give specific tasks. All recommendations must be fulfilled. Only with this approach can be obtained a steady positive result.

Where they teach the right beautiful speech

If a person has a desire to improve the style of language, its expressiveness, replenish the vocabulary, then special speech courses will be perfectly suitable for this.

Many people believe that such classes are needed only for mastering foreign languages, but it is not. It is also studied by their native speech. What can it be after training? This is happy to demonstrate people who have passed the course.

For the development of beautiful schoolchildren, special facultative classes provided for by the curriculum are conducted.

What are the speech exercises

Tasks aimed at developing a language can be performed in conjunction with the teacher, independently or by the group. Exercises proposed below also give an understanding of the right speech.

So, she should be what? A good speech is distinguished by conciseness, rich in vocabulary. Use of expressive means only decorates the language.

Processing essay

Speech - Human business card. Is it so? Do words are able to reveal a person, denying his character traits, features, behavior? The answer to this question begins the beginning in distant antiquity, hidden from us a durable time wall.

More ancient thinkers thought about the significance of speech. So, Socrates once said to a young man who was silent in front of him: "I will say that I saw you." Without words, a person is closed, "invisible for others." Indeed, to make a faithful idea of \u200b\u200ba person only by appearance seems to be incredibly difficult, the entire appearance only the cover of a closed book, whose key is speech.

It is a reflection of the internal attitudes and character of a person. Many experienced leaders and psychologists know that by how a person is expressing can be said that this is a person, what is his strategy behavior and how it will interact with other people. It turns out that we, by communicating in friends on change, responding to a lesson or speaking in front of the audience, not only convey information about the subject of interest to us, but, without noticing, telling about themselves. How does this happen?

Erudition and intelligence can be a certain extent are appreciated by the meaning of speech and suggest, first of all, the presence of deep and versatile knowledge. If, according to specific statements, a person can be seen that it is well versed in various matters, quickly finds weighty arguments to confirm its point of view, using adequate linguistic means, then it can be said that this is an erudite person. Assessing the speech, the interlocutor draws attention to the beauty and organization of speech, to build phrases, a logical connection between proposals. Even the same idea we can convey to the listener in different ways! For example, three sayings are given: "Sedna is cold, here is the hell," "To my extreme displeasure, the weather is quite cold, so low the temperature has not descended from January 2005," Truly Russian Winter! As Pushkin said: "Frost and the sun ...". After analyzing three statements, we see that the first belongs probably a teenager or an uneducated person, as evidenced by the presence of spoken vocabulary, primitive proposals. The speech is competent correctly, correctly and supported by facts, from which it can be concluded, which says an adult, an erudite man, inclined to a few minor accuracy, excessively scientificness, well, and the third complements his speech by an excerpt from the famous poem, which shows its cultural development or a claim. on her.

Moreover, our speech tells about our feelings, issues emotions that we sometimes cannot contain. Psychologist Anton Stand-based votes characterizes personality features of a person as follows:

The lively, the woolly manner says, the rapid pace of speech testifies to the animated response, the impulsion of the interlocutor, his self-confidence;

Calm, slow manner indicates non-vulnerable, prudence, thoroughness;

Noticeable fluctuations in speech speed discover the lack of equilibrium, uncertainty, the easy excitability of man;

Strong volume changes indicate emotion and excitement of the interlocutor;

Clear and clear pronunciation of words indicate internal discipline,need in clarity;
- ridiculous, blurry pronunciation of telescence, uncertainty, softness, lethargy of will.

So, just to say smart phrases is not yet a key to success! To make a good impression, we must speak confidently and connected without disturbing the smooth flow of votes. Most likely, you noticed that the voice of man himself can attract or repel the listeners. This is true. Look at your past, take a look at people, listen to the feelings that the voice of the speaker causes you, and you will understand that the sound of voice is important. A crickty director will scare the staff and will not reach success, while the owner of a soft, nice voice will attract the public.

Speech culture is one of the main indicators of the general culture of man. And therefore we all need to constantly improve their moves of communication and speech. The culture of speech is not only in the ability to avoid mistakes in speech, but in the desire to constantly enrich your vocabulary, in the ability to listen and understand the interlocutor, respect his point of view, in the ability to select the necessary words in each specific situation of communication.

It is of great importance in our lives, it carries a lot of information not only about the subject of the topic under discussion, but also about ourselves. In conversation, we can learn about the psychological state of a person, about its culture, erudition and intelligence. Maybe we should think about it? I believe that we must improve our speech and follow as we say, because it is really our business card.

Korepanova Elizabeth, Grade 10, 2013

Nikolai Timchenko, psychologist

The speech behavior of a person serves as a indicator of its overall erudition, features of intelligence, motivation of behavior and emotional state. On it can also be determined by the emotional strength of a person who

The speech behavior of a person serves as a indicator of its overall erudition, features of intelligence, motivation of behavior and emotional state. You can also determine the emotional human tension, which manifests itself in the choice of words and the style of building phrases.

Erudition can be in a certain extent appreciated by the meaning of speech and implies primarily the availability of deep and versatile knowledge. If, according to specific statements, a person can be seen that it is well versed in various matters, quickly finds weighty arguments to confirm its point of view, using adequate linguistic means, then it can be said that this is an erudite person.

It should be noted that it is an important informative alarm in the assessment of the emotional state of the person, in particular its emotional tensions, manifested in the particular choice of words, the specifics of the stylistic construction of the statement.

It can be concluded that the personality carries in itself the experience of language development of generations, including the experience of the masters of the word, the experience of the country, environment, as well as their own, that it is always in the framework of the diverse diverse conditions of speech behavior.

In the state of emotional tensions, many people, expressing their point of view, with difficulty choose words. In particular, compared with speech under normal conditions, the number and duration of the pauses increase. Sometimes they are called indecision pauses. It is easy to make sure that if you compare the speech of the same person in a calm state and state of emotional tension.

Difficulties in choosing words can manifest itself in the utterance of various meaningless repeats, in the use of words: "This", "see Lee", "you know", "such", "well," "here", etc.

In terms of emotional tensions, the vocabulary becomes less diverse. Speech in these cases is characterized by selectivity: the most commonly told the words that are most typical for it actively uses speech stamps.

Another important indicator of emotionally intense speech is the grammatical incompleteness of phrases specifying in grammatical neo-formability, a violation of a logical connection, the sequence between individual statements, which leads to ambiguity. Talking distracted from the main thought, focusing on the details, which certainly makes it difficult to understand. In the future, he, as a rule, is aware of the mistake committed, however, trying to fix it, usually confused even more. It should be noted that the most important indicator of the mental health of a person is speech, almost all mental deviations are clearly recorded.

Voice intonation are also thin signaling devices not only of states, but also the deep personality parameters of the person. You can change the voice of the voice, to stay in different mood, but at the same time only 20% of your characteristics will be new - the remaining 80% are constant. Accounting for voice signs in the study of the interlocutor gives very important and reliable information, to hide which from the attentive observer the speaker can only with the corresponding special training.

Famous domestic linguist A.M. Peshkovsky wrote about the relationship of emotions and intonation: "... the expression of the emotional side of speech is the main and, it is necessary to think, the original function. While in the values \u200b\u200bof the sound side of the speech, the emotional side is almost not reflected, the values \u200b\u200bof the intonation side by 0.9 are filled with it. It is only worth remembering the abundance of exclamation statements in our everyday speech and their intonational, especially the timbre (and the timbre, of course, also part of the intonation) diversity to admit that we express our feelings not so much with the words as intonation. " Intonation, the timbre constitutes the fund of meaningful lamps that we use widely in communication. And here again the whole range of feelings and the whole range of social and personal relationships. In one of the newspapers, we read: "In fact, sadness, joy, false, triumph - hundreds of nuances of the mood and the inner state of the interlocutor we recognize, we are valid, without having time to think about it in meaning. Intonation, it should be noted, universal. And even when a person is silent, his emotional state affects the electrical activity of the muscles of the speech apparatus. " As often, the writer means that the voice accompanies of the sayings uttered: he said - gently, sorely, rudely, defiantly, with a smile, through his teeth, welcoming, friendly, sullenly, viciously. And by how the word "sounded" in the artistic text, we recognize the feelings, the attitude of the characters. And each of the shades will be detected by the features of the intonational, voice expression, as well as the "eye language", a smile.

In situations of communication, the voice of a person is a very characteristic feature that allows us to make a general impression of him. In mass studies, from 60 to 90% of the correct judgments relative to the magnitude of the body, completeness, mobility, mobility of the internal state and age, relying only to the voice and to say on the manner.

  • the lively, the woolly manner says, the rapid pace of speech testifies to the animated response, the impulsion of the interlocutor, his self-confidence;
  • calm, slow manner indicates non-vulnerable, prudence, thoroughness;
  • noticeable fluctuations in speech speed discover the lack of equilibrium, uncertainty, the easy excitability of man;
  • strong volume changes indicate emotion and excitement of the interlocutor;
  • clear and clear pronunciation of words indicate internal discipline, the need for clarity;
  • ridiculous, blurry pronunciation of telescence, uncertainty, softness, lethargy of will.

Speaking about the personal characteristics of the voice, it is impossible not to say about a laugh. Laughter is one of the most expressive features of the person. The most bright attitude towards him expressed back in the XVIII century, the famous German doctor Christoph Gufelland: "Of all the bodily movements, stunning body and soul together, laughter is the most healthy." Man recognizes a lot of laughter shades: joyful, cheerful, carefree, ringing, screaming, bleaching, bitter or sweet, dirty (greasy), poisonous, hate, mocking, malicious, power, cozy, embarrassed, hidden, made, artificial, learned and t .. Consider several variants of laughter:

  • at "A" (ha ha): absolutely open, coming from the heart. Testifies to non-repeated joy, carelessness, naive-cheerful man moral;
  • at "E" (Hehe): Not too pretty, causing, daring, envious. The more open, the more gloating, rudeness, the contempt, he expresses;
  • on "and" (heeh-hee): Giggling, go deep into herself. Testifies to secrecy, tricks, irony and gloating (typical of young girls);
  • on "O" (Ho-Ho): Sounds boastful-threateningly, with some critical surprise, protest, as of its basis - the mockery and protesting;
  • on "U" (Hu-Huh): Indicates hidden fear, timidity, fearlessness of nature.

In the study of P.M. Ershova emphasizes the complete involuntary of laughter, although in the list of his nuances are not all born without the participation of consciousness. On the contrary, the ironic, echidial, patronage, sarcastic and other shades, although they are reproduced using the same mechanisms, but the Mimic, accompanying them, is still artificial. Therefore, it is advisable to distinguish: a) truly involuntary laugh; b) arbitrary demonstrative; c) involuntary but controlled.

Thus, not only speech, but also the extralyinguistic, paralynguistic features of pronunciation, on the one hand, give us the opportunity to judge the partner and, on the other, characterize each of us.

Man's speech is a great miracle. Try to learn anything without a language without knowing how to talk ... You will make sure that it is impossible. Without language, a person ceases to be a man.

People learned to speak when they began to work together, help each other. The bees or ants also help each other, but they every day, each year at the classroom of instinct make the same thing, perform one job. And people are able every day to perform a variety of cases: weave the network, like spiders, dig a dungeon, like the clutches, swim better fish, build houses from clay, much more complex than the jack of swallows or the dwelling of termites. All this makes people mind, and the mind enjoys a language for their purposes. It can be said that labor and speech created the current reasonable person.

The main thing in our speech is the word. Wonderful words can not be found on Earth. When you take a picture of your friend, the photo will work out, of course, a person. But it will be this particular person, it is Vova Chaykin or Zhenya Lapina.

And when I say the word "man", in this word there will be everything: and "this person" (if I said "a man goes on the road"), and "anyone of the world" (if I deliver the words "Man more expensive to us Total").

If you draw water, you can paint it only any: a bounce or a standing, pouring waterfall or dripping a small rain. You can't draw "Water in general", all water. And saying the word "water", you called any water, what is in the world: salty and blue in the ocean, the cold and clean, current in the kitchen from the crane, the one that the janitor allows the street from the hose, and that especially clean, What is sold in pharmacies ... The word is the most common and most accurate designation of any thing, any action, any quality of the subject. That is why it and only it allows a person to think about anything.

A man speech is primarily the main and main tool to exchange thoughts for communication between people. If you need to ask for the permission to go to the movies, you start talking. And if the chief designer of space missiles should give a job builders of a starry ship, he cannot do without words, without speech. You see, it is the most important, the very first, the necessary means of communication of people among themselves, or, as scientists say, a means of communication.

But there is human speech and other, no less important appointment: it serves people throughout the life of humanity in the area.

When you're fun, you sing a song. But the song is a special question related to music. And when a person is hard, he also expresses his feelings in the song, in her words. The poet writes poems where rhymes play, shimmering and linking. Poems are funny and witty, deep, as the sea, and the mighty, like a hurricane. And any poems, even the most brilliant, are speech.

Mathematical formula, which opens up us the most important laws of the world, is speech. Bucating epigram - verbal, which is bad to have a non-depth, - speech. The lullaby song, which you fell asleep in childhood, are speech, and the great essays of the best people of the world, that we are truth and good, -,