Vladimir Vinokur - biography, photo, personal life, family, humorous children. Artist Vladimir Vinokur buried mother early years, childhood and family Vladimir Vinokura

Vladimir Vinokur - biography, photo, personal life, family, humorous children. Artist Vladimir Vinokur buried mother early years, childhood and family Vladimir Vinokura
Vladimir Vinokur - biography, photo, personal life, family, humorous children. Artist Vladimir Vinokur buried mother early years, childhood and family Vladimir Vinokura

Famous humorist Vladimir Vinokur reported on the death of his mother Anna Yulievna.

"Dear mommy! Love you! And I always love you! Goodbye, native! " - Posted Vinokur in the publication in Instagram.

"Cobacious! Fuck, Volodya! Kingdom of Heavenly Your Mother! We will never forget it! In the soul she will always be with you. I am writing from the plane, now take off. There, in the clouds, I mentally with you, "wrote a humorist.

Recall that Petrosyan is in the midst of a difficult strokerazing process with. Spouses filed on each other attendees on the section of jointly proven property. On Monday, August 13, the Khamovnic District Court of Moscow will begin to hear the parties.

Vinokur always treated his mother with trepidation and kept a very close relationship with her. Anna Juliev Almost never missed concerts of his son and often attended events with his participation.

Vinokur said more than once that he was obliged to his mother's sense of humor.

"She is a real optimist. I do not understand how at her age you can remain. I take an example from her and learning to be the same, "the humorist admitted.

Last year, Anna Juliev noted the 95th anniversary in a family circle in one of the restaurants in Moscow. Vladimir Vinokur himself and his daughter Anastasia published photos from the celebration. Many subscribers drew attention to how well Anna Judevna looked good at their revenue.

"And at all you have not been raised, only the heads are a little afraid! - wrote a ballerina in social networks. - My wealth, support and support in life! The oldest in the family! Our queen, teacher in every sense of Anya - 95 years old! And Vladimir Vinokur - the best son, brother, father, husband, and grandfather! And friend! Love you! Long summer. "

In 2015, Anastasia gave birth to Son Fedor. According to Vladimir Nathanovich's stories, the appearance about His grandson and great-grandfather Anna Juliev has changed the lives of the whole big family.

"With the advent of Fedi, my daughter and the daughter constantly in touch - it happens, and to give it three times a day," the words of the artist leads. - It's good that they live with Grisha nearby: if I'm not on tour, then I call every evening - they say, you still do not sleep? And then I'll jump to play with Fedka. I come, he crawls me to meet - and everything I'm crazy about love. "

Vladimir Vinokur - the second child in the family. He was born in Kursk on March 31, 1948. His elder brother Boris appeared in 1944. The father of the future artist Nathan Lvovich Vinokur worked as a builder, and his mother worked as a teacher of the Russian language and literature and received the title of Honored Teacher of the RSFSR.

Vinokur graduated from Gitis in 1975, and combined his studies at the university with work in the circus on color boulevard. In 1974, he was invited to the popular ensemble "Gems", where he went on stage with a parody number, speaking by the voices of famous people -, Vladimir Vysotsky ,.

In 1989, the artist founded the theater of the parody of Vladimir, who he managed so far. In the same year, the humorist received the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Vinokur was awarded the Order of the "Honor Sign" in 1990, the Order of Motor in 2013 and the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II in 2018.

70-year-old humorist Vladimir Vinokur reported on the death of his mother, 96-year-old Anna Vinokur: "Dear mommy! Love you! And I always love you! Goodbye native! "(Spelling and punctuation here and then copyright. - Approx. Ed.)

Artist's daughter, 32-year-old ballerina Anastasia Vinokur, also said goodbye to his grandmother. "Farewell, our Queen Anna ... You lived a long, interesting and very beautiful life! Rest in peace! We will always love and remember, "she wrote.

Anna Julia Vinokur was born in 1922. All his life, she worked as a teacher of Russian and literature. In 1995, Anna Julia Ovdelova - Nathan Vinokur died, the father of her sons of Boris and Vladimir. Eight years ago, Boris Vinokura did not become - because of the heat he had a heart attack.

Despite the losses, Anna Vinokur until the last days of life remained optimistic and vitality. I did not miss a single transfer with the participation of my son and was always interested in family matters. "She is an optimist by nature, I think all the time, can I be like that in 96?! I want to say: I'm learning to be the same! " - admitted artist.

Vladimir Vinokur - Biography

The ability to check the public is a rare and valuable gift. Not in vain someone there, upstairs, so sews Vladimir Nathanovicubinur, at the right moment suggesting loyal solutions and leading to trouble ...

Childhood and family of Vladimir Vinokura

Vladimir Vinokur was born on March 31, 1948 in Kursk in the Jewish family of a builder and teacher.

The creative biography of Vladimir Vinokura began in childhood. Male Volodya loved singing very much. I did not hesitate when Dad put it on a stool, and my mother announced guests: "Soots Vladimir Vinokur." But Millions of boys and girls participate in home concerts, and units become folk artists.

It never occurred to parents and in the head that their son could seriously get into the scene. Dad, Nathan Lvovich, was engaged in construction, was a big boss, a deputy. Mom, Anna Juliev, worked as a well-deserved teacher, taught Russian and literature. Both dreamed that Volodya would have learned to the engineer, eventually headed the shock construction and became the same respected person in his native Kursk as his father. It was noted that the Son did not show a special zeal to study.

When Mama was appointed by a class teacher, Volodya was delighted - thought it would be easier and more fun. But Anna Juliev immediately made it possible to understand: it's a special demand, God forbid, will come, they will go as if the assessment put "according to Blatu." And although the literature, the boy now knew five with a plus, the exact sciences were still not given to him.

In the school Volodya participated in amateur amateur. Love for singing to Volodya, the victovor came by inheritance - in the family of Vinokurov everyone loved music!

Sing Volodya, of course, did not prohibit. Mom herself took the son to the chorus of the pioneers at home, where he soon became a soloist. In 1962, the 14-year-old Volodya received a ticket to "Artek". He distinguished himself there - won the song contest and received an award from the hands of Yuri Gagarin himself. And soon he was found by Semen Dunaevsky, who came to "Artek" with his choir. Mattolic Material really liked the boy, and he decided to give him advice ... stop singing. I explained that the mutation must be waited to not put a bundle forever.

When Vinokur returned home, the parents did not understand what she stared, "the son said he throws singing. Father decided: the passion passed, it is time for the siblings to take the mind. After the 8th grade Volodya went to the construction technique. At the time of practice, Nathan Lvovich took him to himself; In educational purposes, I put my son on the most difficult plots - he visited a plaster, and a carpenter, and a bricklayer.

Vladimir Vinokur - Education

Three years later, Vladimir understood such Kathers: it's time to change something. Everything was in order with the voice, and without waiting for a diploma. Vinokur went to go to Gitis. And after all, almost it turned out-to-keeping tours, only the certificate could not be present. The young man was on the verge of despair. Only years later realized: "Everything that happens, for the better!" This phrase has become his motto in life.

After the failure in Gitis, Vladimir was on the verge of depression, and then the agenda came to the army. And at this moment the guardian angel covered it with his wing: Vinokura called on the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow Military District. Two years he sang and led concerts. He had the opportunity to perform even in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses!

Having honed the skill at army concerts, Vladimir without much effort became a student of guitis. A series of luck lasted: He was hired to work in the circus - to sing in the program "Dream towards". I received at that time not enough - 100 rubles! But the main plus was acquainted with Yuri Nikulin. Looking at the great comedian, the young man realized that she actually dreams of not singing, but to merry the public. When Vinokur has already become a famous artist, Nikulin jokingly reproached him: "The boy, you deceived me. He said, you want to become a singer, but became a clown. "

Vladimir Vinokur - Biography of Personal Life

Another student Vladimir began singing in the Moscow operetta. It was here that he met his love. Ballerina participated in the play "Not Bay Girl". How did he like them! Behind the scenes, Vladimir constantly Hohmil, told the bikes. Only one girl laughed. She generally tried not to look in his direction, and if he applied, then on "you", although he was older than Her for 5 years. But the paradox - Tamara Pervakova liked him more than the rest. When Vladimir tried to kiss her, she was embarrassed and ran away. This inexperience, defenseless in it and bribed.

After the Vinokura Institute, they were invited to the Moscow Theater, but the condition of employment was registered. Then Tamara, who got a 2-bedroom apartment from her grandmother in the capital, offered a fictitious marriage. Vladimir admitted that she loves her truly. "I will try to believe you," -drawn Tamara. She called him to the "you" before the wedding. In 1974, they got married and happy in marriage until now.

Vladimir Vinokur - Career

Performing this bride promise to become rich and famous, Vinokur began his way to glory. In 1975, he came to the "Gems" ensemble in those years. At concerts allowed himself a liberty -With-approved songs made parodies on famous singers. From the hands came out - after all, the numbers liked the public!

The decision to go to Moskoncert and master the spoken genre turned out to be correct: funny monologues made Vladimir famous. And in 1989, 41-year-old Vinokur received the title of People's Artist.

Vladimir Vinokur - Miracle did not die

The guardian angel reminded himself regularly. In the summer of 1986, the Vinokur was to ride by the sea from Novorossiysk in Sochi. But Lion Leshchenko, with whom he had to perform, urgently called to Moscow. Vladimir did not want to go alone and stayed in Novorossiysk for a day. And in the morning I learned from the newspapers about the catastrophe: the ship faced with a cargo ship and sank. Hundreds of people died, and Vinokur could be one of them.

in 1987, shelling began during the concert in Afghanistan. The first shell did not reach the hangar at all, where the artists were performed, the second - flew, but the explosion was strong. All the speakers fell on the stage, closing their head with their hands, one Vinokur remained standing. Then the military, patting on the shoulder, called him a hero, and he was just shocked and did not know what to do.

And in January 1992, during the tour in Germany, the car in which Vladimir Natanovich was driving, fell into a terrible accident. Saved only what he was in the back seat. It took more than 20 years, but the artist still remembers this nightmare in the details: "We drove under one hundred fifty kilometers. But I was calm - for Germany it is normal. And suddenly the car flew to ice. Spun, spinning and crashed left sideways in oak. The driver died, his bride, who went with us, is a spinal fracture. At that moment I did not understand anything - pain shock! "

When the crumpled artist was taken to the clinic, the German doctors promised that he would live, but he advised the scene to forget - well, what an artist without a leg? "So the Germans said:" Cute with the right leg! We must cut! " "And already started to prepare me for surgery," Vinokur recalls with horror. Thanks to Joseph Kobzon, he was transferred to the Russian military hospital, and after 3 months he fell on his feet. It was restored for a long time and difficult, and when I could walk normally, I came to the very German doctors and fulfilled the "gypsy". They could not believe their eyes.

In a few years, Vladimir Nathanovich, together with other artists, "Anshlag" was to play on the ship. But even at the start felt bad. Friends practically hacked him to the hospital in Nizhny Novgorod, where Vinokura was diagnosed with purulent appendicitis. If he had stayed with everyone on the vessel, they would not have time to save him.

The artist has long understood that in life the main thing is not money, apartments and cars. It was a few times on the hairs of death several times, he learned to rejoice in the trifles: a gentle sun, a fresh wind, a laughter of the grandson of Fedi, who last year he gave him his daughter Nastya. "Life is short, hurry to do something good," says the artist and reinforces his words to business -Un the precious moments of laughter.

The famous Russian artist Vladimir Vinokur is experiencing another tragedy in the family - his mother died on 97 years old. Anna Julievn knew and loved friends and colleagues of the artist. It was in her house that the "Bohemian" companies often met, and she fed their delicious homemade food and poded, throwing the mass of themes and ideas for jokes and performances.

The mother of humorist was a birthway from Kursk. He worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature. Many knew that it was from Mother Vinokur who took over the love of the word, and precisely because of her efforts he knows how to heal like no other. It should be noted that a humorist became famous in the first place (modern slang) "Standaper".

The death of Mom Vinokur and his relatives reported on the social network.

"Dear mommy! Love you! And I always love you! Goodbye, native! " - Posted by Vladimir Nathanovich in his personal blog.

The actor at one time lost his father and still cannot forgive himself that he did not have time for his mortal lie - a man squinted a stroke when the son was on tour. In 2010, the elder brother of Vinokura died and the loss leave an indelible mark in the soul of the artist.

Mother was for him the closest man. He specially bought her an apartment on Arbat, not far from his own to visit more often. The artist has repeatedly boasted by Mom in social networks and always wanted to her for many years of life.

The death of a woman became a complete surprise for the family - native just in despair, because nothing foreshadowed trouble. She, of course, had some health problems because of the older age, but never complained about serious. She was always full of strength and energy - the son in her 70 often ran into her breakfasts, as it was just crazy about her cheese.

Colleagues and friends express condolences to the family of Vladimir Vinokura, and the gossips are trying to learn the cause of the death of a woman. The humorist does not tell the details, but it is understandable - not to explanations now somehow.

Family Vladimir Vinokura - What is known about the personal life of the artist

Anna Yulievna had two sons - Boris and Vladimir. The artist often told that the elder brother was raised more than him, because he was a more sociable child. Volodya was a painful boy, although he was born hero, and therefore was often in closed loneliness.

As mentioned above, the brother Artist lost in 2010 and it became a terrible drama for him - the family was always friendly and supported each other to the last sigh.

As for the personal life of the artist, it is impossible to blame him here in impermanence - he married once and for life. They met when they were still students - Ballerina Tatiana Pervakova played a doll in the play, where Vinokur played a duder.

The girl really liked the guy and he decided not to pull - she covered the table in the hostel, invited to visit and began to pester. Tanya eventually burst out, frightened and ran out than and hooked the future spouse.

Married couple in 1974. Before the wedding, a brought up girl called her beloved on "You", which looked from the side very sophisticated. The spouses quarreled rarely, except because the wife was well prepared, and the humorist always loved to eat. Over time, Pervakova has learned to cook, but as soon as culinary sings appeared on the home kitchen, Vinokur decided to lose weight.

For a long time, the pair did not work - the daughter was born when Tatiana was already 32 years old, and Vladimir and that 37 years. Nastya went in the footsteps of the Father and is now working in the Bolshoi Theater. The spouses quarreled rarely, except because the wife was well prepared, and the humorist always loved to eat. Over time, Pervakova has learned to cook, but as soon as culinary sings appeared on the home kitchen, Vinokur decided to lose weight.

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Anna Vinokur left this world at mighty age, a woman was 96 years old. This fans told the artist himself, under the posted photo with mom on his page in social networks. Friends of Vladimir tell that relatives were very close. Anna Juliev has supported the ending of the Son itself, since Vladimir's father died in 1994, when the artist was on tour. Vladimir after the funeral said that he could not forgive himself that she spent so little time and did not have time to talk. A woman always tried to give her children the best, although it was difficult to be difficult for the salary of the Russian teacher and literature, but her sons did not need anything.

Mother Vladimir Vinokura died: Beautiful and intelligent woman

Everyone who knew Anna Juliev speaks about it as a very intelligent woman interested in politics and art. She was a wonderful mother, was always a permanent spectator of each idea where her son participated. Mom Vladimir was a frequent guest on different TV channels and always thoroughly prepared for this: he picked up beautiful outfits and decorations. Friends and colleagues are kindly fucked over Vladimir, they said that he was so adult (the artist was 71 years old), and still walks to have breakfast home to mom. The artist himself said often about what excellent cheese crops she does, no one managed to repeat this culinary masterpiece. Everyone knew how a man values \u200b\u200bevery minute spent with her mother.

Familiar artists were often visited by Anna Yulievna. Later, Vladimir bought her an apartment on Arbat, so that it was possible to help her when it takes, since he has a house on the same street. Of course, the woman had health problems, like almost every elderly person, but everything was within the normal range. Anna Julievna eight years before his own death buried her son Boris.

Vladimir Vinokur during many interviews told stories about his mother, amazing with what optimism she looks at life, despite everything that she had to survive.