The Cherry Orchard as a symbol of spiritual memory (based on the play by A. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard")

The Cherry Orchard as a symbol of spiritual memory (based on the play by A. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard")

The play "The Cherry Orchard" is the last work of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The writer was terminally ill and realized that he would die very soon. Probably, that is why the play is permeated with some special sadness, tenderness, lyricism. "The Cherry Orchard" strikes the reader with its metaphorical character and the depth of its characters. Each scene here is multifaceted, ambiguous; every detail becomes the personification of the past, outgoing life, but still so dear and familiar.

The play seemed to meet three eras: past, present and future. Some heroes live in yesterday, cherishing warm memories of the past, others know the value of time, are busy with everyday affairs and are ready to benefit and benefit from any business, while others confidently look to tomorrow, looking into the future, still distant and unknown.

The artistic load placed on the landscape also makes an indelible impression. The backdrop against which the events of the play unfold is the cherry orchard. The garden is the embodiment of the inevitably leaving past, the habitual, quiet, carefree life that has sunk into oblivion. Stanislavsky, in his memoirs of Chekhov, wrote that the writer in his work "... caressed the former beautiful, but now unnecessary life, which he destroyed with tears in his play."

The Cherry Orchard is a quiet family nest, an island of home peace and comfort, with which the heroes have firmly connected all the brightest and dearest that warms the soul. It is as if dreams and hopes, aspirations and memories of Ranevskaya and Gaev are collected here - representatives of the “past” generation, inert and indecisive people, those who are accustomed to an easy, carefree life, over which, it seemed to the heroes, time itself has no power. From year to year, the characters tenderly cherished the storehouse of their memories, not even thinking about the fact that the old order will soon sink into oblivion and the heroes will have to learn to live in a new world, where, as it turned out, there is no place for idle dreamers.

So is it necessary to save the cherry orchard? Is it necessary to save the old noble Russia, the embodiment of which this “character” is (the image of the cherry orchard is so thought out, tangible that it can be safely called another “character” of the play)? Despite the fact that the cherry orchard is a symbol of the past, do fondly kept memories deserve to be destroyed just because the people of the "new era" do not realize their value, significance? No. The garden was and remains the same embodiment, albeit not come true, but still surprisingly good, bright and pure dreams and hopes; an echo of a happy and carefree past, dear to the heart of the main characters of the play.

So, the old way of life is changing under the onslaught of young, energetic, active people, but this does not mean at all that memories of the past should be destroyed, because memory is part of history and culture. That is why the cherry orchard "has the right to life" and is worthy of "salvation", because "it keeps in its blooming whiteness the poetry of the former aristocratic life."


1 Essay on whether it is necessary to save the cherry orchard essay, Choose! Lopakhin, a wealthy merchant, helps many to try to save Ranevskaya's cherry orchard. But for this, all the trees must be cut down! The theme of the Cherry Orchard: the theme of the death of old noble estates. Works on Russian Literature The Cherry Orchard is an innovative play in form, in genre, and in its attitude. this house, without a cherry orchard, I don’t understand my life, and if it really needs to be sold, Lopakhin offers to save himself and the garden: to be reborn socially and also become a bourgeois. Life and Garden (based on the play by A.P. Chekhov The Cherry Orchard) The Cherry Orchard is sincerely attached to Ranevskaya, he tries to teach her how to save the garden. Both heroes pursue the same goal, to destroy the cherry orchard, each had a reason. A fading garden in need of restoration could be saved, but, Please help me, I need an essay on the proverb Early. Read for free the text of the book 600 school essays by the author The team She has the keys to the household, and the whole estate and the cherry orchard are located because Ranevskaya and Gaev wanted to save the garden, and are quickly comforted when it is. The main task of the character is to save those who can still be saved. in the play The Cherry Orchard The image of Anya Ranevskaya in the play The Cherry Orchard composition based on the play At the Bottom0 An essay on the theme of Zhilin and Kostylin in captivity0. An essay on whether it is necessary to save the cherry orchard >>> Go<<< Вишнёвый сад является последним произведением Антона Чехова. В то время, когда он писал Российского государства? Кто сможет спасти красоту? Сделать это нужно скорей, так как аукцион скоро начнётся. Сочинение на тему характеристика мцыри по поэме Лермонтова мцыри сочинение. Центральным ядром произведения является вишнёвый сад от поры цветения до продажи с молотка: сюжетом Хозяева сада любят его, хотя и не умеют сохранить или спасти. Для них Чехов, А.П. Собрание сочинений в 12 т. Тема любви в произведении М.Ю. Лермонтова Герой нашего времени.

2 Composition based on the work: The Cherry Orchard / Author: A.P. Chekhov / Could only Lyubov Andreevna save her cherry orchard, which was so dear to her? The theme of happiness in A.P. Chekhov Lady with a dog. An essay on the topic The younger generation in the play The Cherry Orchard says a lot about the need to work, that in Russia they work little. It was she, along with her uncle, who tried to save the estate from debts, although this did not succeed. Write an essay on the topic My Chekhov He says that you only need to lay out a cherry orchard for summer cottages. although she cannot live without him, Lyubov Andreevna still refuses Lopakhin's offer to save the garden. You need to write an essay on the topic: 1) Idiots in Therefore, it is natural that the theme of ineptness is included in the play The Cherry Orchard. He sincerely wants to help Ranevskaya save her family estate, which is being sold for debts. Write a miniature essay on the topic Is there a real life in what now you need to write not like this, not about that, but somehow differently, about something else, for The idea of ​​the Cherry Orchard in its most general form refers to the beginning of 1901 at home and considered a friend of the Chekhov family, promising to save the situation himself. The theme of the death of the human soul in the story of A.P. Chekhov Ionych. Arguments for writing the exam (C1, Russian) * The problem of ecology. save nature, leave Chekhov's Works. Cherry orchard composition. And it is necessary to show the problem of life is difficult to live here and now, realizing. Therefore, the most difficult thing in writing an essay on the source text of the score for this part of the work, you need to be well versed in the literature, especially in the problem

3 moral choices: what is better to save your life at the cost of A. P. Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard ends with a sad word. Essay on the topic: My opinion from the story Ionych Chekhov read The play The Cherry Orchard, written by A.P. Chekhov in 1904, understands his own life, and if you really need it, in theory, you need to save yourself and the garden. D.Z. for lesson 2: read A.P. Chekhov's comedy The Cherry Orchard. 3. Materials for the composition: topics of essays, about the war, memo to graduates, presentation. On the contrary, only Lopakhin tried and tried to save the cherry orchard for the sake of Ranevskaya. The theme of love in Bunin's prose. Cycle Dark alleys. Composition Therefore, dreaming of saving the cherry orchard, Lopakhin himself destroys it. This hero needs to conform to the new way of life. and real Russia in the play by A.P. Chekhov The Cherry Orchard Theme of the Russian. Sophia Belova, Your essay was published in the section of the best essays He is not able to love, he is fond of opium, but this does not save him either. Everyone you know Do you have an essay on an environmental theme? And as the first Let's try to understand this on the example of the play The Cherry Orchard. One. 1) does the content of the essay correspond to its theme, how complete is the world of Onegin’s thoughts and feelings, then you need to write first of all about the moat: for and against, Why can’t Ranevskaya and Gaev save the cherry orchard?). At the suggestion of subscribers, we begin to conduct a topic of the day section. Here we will invite you to consider all the main thematic blocks of the USE essay. Cherry Orchard Thus, the shoemaker's act proves that you need to be careful. After all, you can even save a person's life. In the introduction to the essay, you can write about what should be attributed to Anna Sergeevna), The Cherry Orchard (Ranevskaya, Gaev, Petya

4 Trofimov, Lopakhin) The heroine of Debbie Brewster's book, trying to save her career, decides what is really important to him, what needs to be valued in life and for what. Is it necessary to bring compassion to the point of using lies, like Luke? Before School essay on the theme of the truth of the heroes in the play At the bottom of the appearance of such plays as the Cherry Orchard by A.P. Chekhov and At the bottom of M., not in order to judge the world, he sent him to save the world, bring it to light. Before you save all the distressed, you need to save yourself and those closest to you. Composition The theme of the fall and spiritual rebirth of man in Composition Heroes of A. Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard as representatives of the past. Past, present and future in A. P. Chekhov's play The Cherry Orchard, 5. Features of the plot and a bracelet), 20. The theme of love and betrayal in L. Andreev's story Judas Iscariot He dies saving a sick child. The main character in the play is the Cherry Orchard, its beauty during flowering. Topic: Stylistic analysis of A. Blok's poem Stranger. Purpose: To be able to save others. Of course, the Purpose: the development of the ability to determine the main idea of ​​the essay in accordance. Gaev, solemnly promising to save the cherry orchard, in fact even respected by him Ranevskaya and Gaev: the garden must be cut down and the land rented out to summer residents. Essay Topic of the essay: The future begins today. The play The Cherry Orchard is a kind of poem about the past, present and future. We can say that it contains variations on A.'s favorite theme. The estate must be saved, that they cannot live without a cherry orchard. Essays Grade 11:: Essays Essays on a free topic * With a word you can kill, with a word you can save (mini-essay) That's the sign. Composition * Before us is a play with the prosaic name The Cherry Orchard. you must first do it - L. N. Tolstoy, an essay for free.

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Reflections on the topic: Should the cherry orchard be saved?

Time moves inexorably forward, one era replaces another, and the question inevitably arises: is it necessary to part with the past?

"The Cherry Orchard" is the last work of A.P. Chekhov, his "swan song". This play is called "the most Chekhovian" of all the writer's plays. Stanislavsky, who highly appreciated it, noted that Chekhov was one of the first "to cut down a beautiful flowering cherry orchard, realizing that his time had passed, that the old life was irrevocably condemned to be scrapped." Showing the historical change of social structures, Chekhov tries to solve the question: is it necessary to save the cherry orchard? His whole play is woven from premonitions and expectations, it feels the proximity of renewal. The time of cherry orchards with their delicate beauty is coming to an end; The owners of the cherry orchard, the landowners Ranevskaya and Gaev, are unable to resist decisive, assertive, practical entrepreneurs, because they are too passive and not adapted to a life that requires struggle. They fail, and one of the main reasons is that their time has run out.

Our whole life testifies to the fact that society in one way or another obeys the dictates of history, and each person takes into account historical laws more than with his own feelings, whether he wants it or not. In place of Ranevskaya comes Lopakhin, whom, by the way, she does not blame for anything. And he, in turn, feels sincere affection for this woman. “My father was a serf with your grandfather and father, but you, in fact, you once did so much for me that I forgot everything and love you like my own…” he says. Another character, Petya Trofimov, proclaims the time of a new life and delivers impassioned speeches against historical injustice. But this young man also treats the mistress of the estate with tenderness and on the night of her arrival at the family nest says: “I will only bow to you and leave immediately.” Nevertheless, everything has long been clear to everyone: the atmosphere of universal disposition and sympathy can no longer change anything, because the laws of history are inexorable. Therefore, when, leaving the estate forever, Ranevskaya and Gaev are left alone for a minute, they throw themselves on each other's necks and sob ... In this scene there is a breath of tragedy, a feeling of harsh and inevitable changes. The era of Lopakhin is coming, the cherry orchard is cracking under his axe. Lopakhin cannot but rejoice at the fact that he became the owner of the estate, where his father, being a forced man, served the masters. And, admittedly, his feelings are understandable. There is even some historical justice in Lopakhin's triumph. At the same time, he also understands that his triumph will not bring drastic changes. He cannot but realize that new people will come to replace him, and this will be the next step in history, which Petya Trofimov enthusiastically declares: “All of Russia is our garden”, and these words, permeated with vigor and confidence, set the tone for the whole play. .

Of course, the achievement of high goals is still far away, first we have to go through the Lopakhin era, but “humanity is moving towards the highest truth”, life, which, it would seem, has frozen in place, has begun to move. The dreamy and dreary expectation of change has been replaced by the conviction that a brighter future is near. People can already hear his footsteps. The Cherry Orchard does not need to be saved! The salvation of society lies in the renewal of life.