How to take a urine test. How to pass a general urine test? What the analysis shows

How to take a urine test.  How to pass a general urine test?  What the analysis shows
How to take a urine test. How to pass a general urine test? What the analysis shows

When contacting the district clinic with complaints about the state of health, the patient receives a referral for a diagnostic examination. Every patient should know how to properly collect a general urine test.

Urine collection is carried out according to certain requirements, which the attending physician tells the patient about. Violation of the algorithm can lead to incorrect information. Distorted results will not allow you to correctly assess the state of health, to identify a latent disease.

The lack of a positive effect from the prescribed therapy leads to the need to re-take urine.

What is a general urinalysis?

The procedure is necessary to identify deviations of chemical and physical norms, to determine the level of sediment. Important indicators are the transparency and color of urine. During the study, the volume of incoming protein, nitrites, hemoglobin and other constituent components is recorded.

A general urine test is necessary to detect inflammatory reactions in the ureter, urea, kidneys, and to determine the degree of neglect of diseases. Urine goes through two phases of formation:

  • primary - when converted in glomeruli from blood plasma, with the help of a filtrate;
  • secondary - with reabsorption in the renal canals of fluid, metabolites.

What other urine tests are there?

Specialists can prescribe various urine tests, the most commonly used studies include:

  • test according to Zimnitsky;
  • Nechiporenko;
  • Ambourge;
  • Addis-Kakovsky;
  • 2 and 3 glass sample;
  • daily volume of urine;
  • bacteriological study of urine.

The general requirements for the collection of biological fluid are the same, in some cases it is necessary to comply with the nuances.

How do other urine tests differ from general clinical?

If abnormalities in the form of increased renal epithelium are found in the clinical analysis of urine, the patient is assigned additional studies:

  1. 2 and 3 cup test - methods are prescribed for elevated levels of leukocytes in the urine, identifying the location of the ongoing inflammatory process. The first fence informs about the state of the urethral canal, the second - about the ureter and kidneys, the third - about the prostate and bladder.
  2. A bacterial urine test is necessary to determine the type of pathogenic microflora that provoked inflammation in the genitourinary system. In parallel, the level of resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is revealed.
  3. According to Addis-Kakovsky - it is carried out to determine leukocytes, blood cells, cylinders. When the collection starts in the evening, the collection takes place over 12 hours, if the procedure starts in the morning, then it must be continued for 24 hours.
  4. According to Amburge - determines the ratio of the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes, to identify chronic kidney pathologies. A feature of the procedure is the need to stop fluid intake three hours before taking urine.
  5. Zimnitsky test - a study is necessary to assess the ability of the kidneys to concentrate and dilute urine, filter. The technique allows you to determine the level of density of urine, the volume of diuresis. The sample includes 8 samplings, made every three hours.
  6. According to Nechiporenko, it is produced to identify formed elements and cylinders in a liquid. The biomaterial is collected in the morning and only the middle portion of urine. The initial and last go to the toilet.
  7. Daily sample - involves the collection of a urine sample for 24 hours. All urine containers already taken are stored in a refrigerator. The main purpose of the procedure is to conduct a Romberg test, a biochemical study of urine.

Which institutions can do urine testing?

Laboratory diagnostics is carried out in specialized medical institutions - district clinics, hospitals, private research centers. Some of them offer home testing services, which is convenient for patients with disabilities.

Obtaining fluid in the laboratory may be associated with problems with urination, spasm of the urethral canal and other pathological abnormalities.

Requirements for the correct taking of the analysis include provisions for how to collect it from adults and toddlers.

GOST R 53079.4-2008 - laboratory clinical technologies

Classic requirements include:

  • the last urination should take place no later than two in the morning;
  • the entire morning portion of urine is collected in clean, non-sterile dishes (containers in pharmacies are of two types: sterile and non-sterile);
  • the process of urination should be free, without excessive straining;
  • urine is initially collected in a vessel in which it will be delivered to the laboratory;
  • it is forbidden to collect biological fluid from a pot or duck - phosphate residues may remain on the walls, even after careful processing, which accelerate the decomposition process of fresh urine;
  • if not the entire volume of urine is delivered to the laboratory, then thorough mixing is necessary before transferring it to the container - in this case, the sediment, formed elements and sediment will not be lost.

General rules for all patients

Preliminary preparation for the delivery of urine tests provides for the following provisions:

  • a day before the collection of biological fluid, the patient removes from the diet products that can color urine in non-standard shades - sweet, marinades, smoked, fruits, vegetables of red or yellow color;
  • vegetable and fruit juices, carbonated drinks with sweeteners, flavors, dyes;
  • any kind of alcoholic and low-alcohol products is prohibited;
  • it is not recommended to take diuretics, dietary supplements, multivitamin complexes, antipyretics, painkillers;
  • visiting baths, steam rooms, saunas, taking hot baths;
  • excessive physical and motor activity - the body reacts to their presence by increasing protein in urine, the formation of third-party impurities.

If the patient is undergoing drug therapy, he must report the types of medications taken to the attending physician. The doctor will decide whether to interrupt the intake or clarify the option of drugs for the laboratory staff.

The rules for collecting urine when passing on a general analysis include a recommendation for transferring the fence:

  • if the female is currently menstruating;
  • with elevated body temperature - against the background of an infectious process;
  • with increased blood pressure.

If the patient underwent cystoscopy, then the urine test is postponed for a week. All contraindications and prohibitions will avoid obtaining the final incorrect data.

When passing a general urine test, the patient must take about 80 ml of material to the laboratory. If there is a problem with the standard emptying of the bladder, then a decrease in urine volume to 50 ml is allowed.

Collection of urine by men

The male sex, when passing a general analysis of urine, undergoes standard preliminary measures:

  • all foods that can change the color of urine are removed from the diet;
  • men should eat food that facilitates the process of digestion;
  • the liquid used is subject to control - clean drinking water, without dyes, gases and flavors, is the best option;
  • alcoholic, low-alcohol, tobacco products can distort the results of urine sampling - experts recommend abstaining.

In the morning, on the day of the test, the patient must conduct a thorough hygiene of the genitals. Particular attention is paid to areas located under the foreskin - the accumulated secret can affect the results. It is strictly forbidden to take general urine tests without washing the genitals.

Features of the collection in women

How to prepare for the delivery of urine? Preliminary preparation is fully consistent with the general rules for the delivery of a clinical urinalysis. The diet should not contain a large amount of spices, oils. It is forbidden to take a sample during the menstrual cycle - trapped blood particles will give false positive results.

Experts advise women to use a tampon at the time of sampling - it will prevent vaginal secretions from entering the urine container. Normally, girls may have a small amount of mucus before menstruation.

In pregnant women

In the period of bearing a baby, there are some nuances. A day before the delivery of the biological fluid, any physical activity is excluded - they can lead to increased levels of protein in urine. Hygiene procedures are carried out before morning urination.

They take a clinical urine test from pregnant women both in the laboratory and when bringing a container from home. Women at the time of bearing a baby should not forget that the analysis is collected on an empty stomach, before the first meal.

There are certain rules on how to properly take a general urine test in childhood:

Newborns - require the purchase of specialized urinal bags sold in pharmacies. The remaining requirements correspond to the rules for urine sampling for the adult population. Urine collection takes place in the morning, the child is thoroughly washed in front of him, excess moisture is removed with a dry towel.

In the absence of a urinal, it is replaced with a new plastic bag. The sides are cut and tied in the style of a loincloth. The package should be located in the crotch area. The collected urine is poured into a special container for urine. This option can lead to incorrect laboratory analysis data.

For babies from one to 12 months, about 40 ml of urine must be donated, the permissible minimum value is 20 ml. The latter volumes can cause difficulties and the need to re-collect the biological fluid.

The main problem with urine collection in newborns is the minimum outgoing portions - on average, one is 10 ml. In this case, parents will have to collect urine several times.

Older children - do not cause problems when taking urine. After the child has woken up, he is washed away, the biomaterial is collected - he must pee in a pharmacy container. Parents should remember to donate urine to the laboratory within two hours of receipt. In the process of urination, adults monitor the children - that the child did not accidentally spoil the sample.

Feeding time is postponed - babies receive food after the fence.

Why is it important to follow the rules for collecting urine correctly?

The exact fulfillment of the requirements in preparing the patient for the test will allow you to correctly determine the processes taking place in the body, prescribe adequate treatment. Morning urine shows the most accurate information about the patient's health.

The speed of recovery, the absence of complications and the degeneration of the acute phase of the disease into chronic forms depend on the correctly selected therapy algorithm. Failure to comply with the requirements for personal hygiene, sterility of containers, eating prohibited products leads to false positive data, according to which inappropriate treatment is prescribed.


A general urine test is one of the simplest studies that allows you to detect pathological processes, diseases provoked by pathogens that have entered the body.

Individual ailments are diagnosed in the absence of symptomatic manifestations of diseases, their latent course in the genitourinary system. Correctly passed analysis can show good results inherent in healthy people.

One should not be afraid of the negative results of OAM - before making a final diagnosis, the patient will be asked to urinate in a jar in a laboratory setting. The absolute sterility of specialized containers eliminates errors due to impurities.

A clinical study of urine is also prescribed for diabetes mellitus. The deviation is characterized by a low amount of glucose in the blood and an increased one in urine. An indicator higher than 6.5% directly indicates diabetes.

Before passing the analysis, it is advisable to consult with the doctor who prescribes the referral, who will explain in detail how to take a urine test correctly.

To obtain the most reliable analysis result, you should follow the rules for preparing and collecting the material, as well as delivering it to the laboratory.

With improper preparation and delivery of urine, the results of the analysis are distorted, which necessitates a re-examination, and in some cases can lead to diagnostic errors.

Rules for preparing for analysis

It is undesirable (allowed if there is an urgent need) to pass urine for analysis:

  • within a week after cystoscopy or ureteroscopy;
  • during acute respiratory or other diseases accompanied by fever;

If it is necessary to give urine for analysis, women during menstruation are advised to use a hygienic tampon to prevent menstrual flow from entering the collected material. If there is no hygienic tampon, it can be made from cotton wool or gauze.

The day before the study should:

  • refrain from sexual contact;
  • avoid excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress;
  • do not drink alcohol;
  • do not drink mineral water;
  • exclude from the diet fruits and vegetables that can stain urine (cranberries, beets, carrots);
  • do not take vitamin preparations;
  • agree with your doctor on the possibility of taking medications or the need to cancel them.

It is necessary to prepare a container for collecting urine in advance. It is advisable to use disposable plastic containers specially designed for this purpose. They can be purchased at the pharmacy, and in some laboratories they are issued to the patient when registering for the study. In the absence of a special container, you can use a previously thoroughly washed and sterilized glass jar with a tight lid (household plastic containers are not suitable for this purpose).

A general urine test for pregnant women is carried out regularly until childbirth, since it allows you to identify the development of various types of pathologies and take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

In different laboratories, the conditions for preparing and delivering the material may differ, including it should be taken into account that a number of laboratories do not accept material for research in any other container, except for a special container, so it is advisable to inquire in advance about the rules for accepting urine for analysis in the laboratory where give up analysis.

Before collecting urine, it is necessary to toilet the vulva, but it is not recommended to use antibacterial soap for this purpose. While filling the container, do not touch the genitals with it.

The collection of urine for analysis in adults usually does not cause difficulties, but in young children it can be difficult. For infants, pharmacies sell special urinals, which greatly facilitate the task.

With improper preparation and delivery of urine, the results of the analysis are distorted, which necessitates a re-examination, and in some cases can lead to diagnostic errors.


Urine is a biological fluid that is produced by the kidneys during blood filtration and removes filtered substances from the body that are unnecessary for it. The volume of urine excreted per day is called diurnal diuresis.

Analysis according to Nechiporenko

Normal urine color is light yellow. Its change makes it possible to suspect pathological processes in the body. For example, an orange-brown color may indicate liver disease, a reddish color may indicate glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, and neoplasms of the urinary tract.

An increase in specific gravity (density) may indicate dehydration, a decrease in kidney pathologies.

Urine is normally clear, cloudiness can be caused by protein, red blood cells, microorganisms, salts, mucus, pus and other impurities.

Protein in the urine may indicate the presence of diseases of the urinary system; glucose and ketone bodies in the urine are determined in diabetes mellitus.

Erythrocytes are found in pyelo- and glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis, infectious diseases, systemic diseases, poisoning. The number of leukocytes in the urine increases with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis.

Cylinders are found in the urine with kidney disease, fever, heart failure, hypertension, poisoning with salts of heavy metals. Microorganisms - in infectious processes.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

A general urinalysis (OAM) allows you to determine not only diseases of the genitourinary system, but also to identify most other disorders and pathologies of the body, regardless of origin.

But many people often have questions related to the general analysis of urine - how to collect, what preparatory measures need to be performed, how much urine is required, and what do such studies show in general?

What does the analysis show?

Researching the material, experts pay attention for the following characteristics urinary fluid:

  • physical and chemical;
  • organoleptic;
  • microscopic;
  • biochemical.

In each case, conclusions can be drawn regarding the presence or absence of diseases of various origins.

physical and chemical indicators

Such information includes relative density (specific gravity) and reaction of the medium. Relative density indicates the ability of the kidneys to concentrate or dissolve various substances, and for this a device called a urometer is used.

Normally, this figure is 1006 – 1026 g/l if the values ​​are increased, this may indicate the following disorders and diseases:

  1. pathological processes in the liver;
  2. nephrotic syndrome;
  3. decreased urine production in the body;
  4. toxicosis with;
  5. diabetes;
  6. heart failure.

If indicators are underestimated- additional examinations are carried out for the presence of renal failure, diabetes insipidus type and lesions of the renal tubules.

The normal reaction of the environment should vary in the range 5-7 units.

An increase in the norm is typical with a lack of proteins in the diet, with reduced rates, the patient, on the contrary, should add more plant foods to his menu.

Organoleptic data

In this case, the type and quality of the urinary fluid is evaluated. A healthy person should have urine light yellow, and with other shades, conclusions can be drawn about the corresponding diseases:

  1. With serious violations of metabolic processes, urine may be dark, almost black.
  2. A bright pink color indicates internal bleeding.
  3. With obstruction of the bile duct, the urine becomes greenish in color.
  4. Red urine is a sign of glomerulonephritis.
  5. Diseases of the liver and kidneys lead to a discoloration of urine to dark brown.
  6. In the case of kidney pathologies, the urine will be white and cloudy.

Smells can also show some problems: if the urine is sharp smells like ammonia- there are suspicions of inflammatory processes in the bladder.

A heavy smell of rot when urinating indicates infectious lesions of the genitourinary organs. If present sweetish pungent odor The patient should be tested for diabetes.

Regardless of the color, urine can be either cloudy. Turbidities are always talking about inflammatory processes and urolithiasis.

Microscopic studies

In this case, the urinary fluid is studied under a microscope, which makes it possible to identify cylinders, leukocytes, epithelial cells and erythrocytes in the material. Depending on their quantitative content, various diseases of the kidneys, liver and genitourinary system can be diagnosed.

Indications of a biochemical nature

This method allows you to determine the amount of glucose, urobilinogen, bilirubin and other substances and trace elements. They are not usually found in urine, but the presence of such elements(see form below) helps identify the following violations:

  • protein - inflammation in the urinary system and damage to the renal membranes (typical for chronic renal failure, myocardial infarction, diabetic nephropathy);
  • glucose - pancreatitis, heart attacks, diabetes mellitus;
  • urobilinogen - serious pathological processes that spread to the liver;
  • hemoglobin - muscle damage due to increased physical exertion and intoxication;
  • ketone bodies - advanced diabetes mellitus;
  • nitrites - infectious lesions of the genitourinary system.

You can take a general one both in city clinics and in private laboratories. The analysis is done either with appropriate indications, or at the initiative of the patient himself.

What are the indications for submission?

A general urine test is ordered on suspicion for the following diseases:

  1. diabetes;
  2. , pyelonephritis and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  3. infectious lesions;
  4. metabolic disorders.

OAM is also given during scheduled preventive examinations.

Preparation for testing

Violation of the drinking regimen can lead to a violation of the specific gravity of urine, and this will lead to an incorrect interpretation of the results.

The acidity of urine can be affected by the use of mineral water in large quantities the day before.

This also applies to nutrition: excessive consumption of only plant or exclusively meat foods also affects acidity, so a couple of days before collecting the material, it is better to stick to mixed diet.

You should also exclude consumption on these days. sweets and alcohol.

Two days preferably stop taking any medications, but when undergoing a course of treatment for serious diseases, this should be done only with the knowledge of the attending physician.

If it is not possible to cancel the drug intake, it is necessary to report this when submitting the material so that the specialists take into account the possible increase in the concentration of certain substances in the urine due to the medication.

How to collect and donate urine?

Collecting urine for analysis is a simple procedure, but it is very important to perform it correctly, adhering to the following algorithm:

  1. It is better to purchase a urine container at a pharmacy or at a clinic.
  2. Before collecting urine, it is necessary to wash the genitals, and it is better to take a shower to prevent various microorganisms from entering the material. It is permissible to use a 0.02-0.1% solution of potassium permanganate in this case.
  3. Urine should be collected only in the morning and within the first two hours the material should be taken for examination.
  4. The collection of urine is not done immediately: a small amount of urine during the first three to four seconds of urination should not fall into the container.

For adults and older people, this procedure is not difficult, but if it is necessary to collect material from infants, problems may arise: you will have to wait for the moment when the child begins to urinate, and it will not work to collect urine in a container, so you will have to use a special urinal.

He puts on the baby instead of a diaper, and after urination, the liquid is drained from it into a container.

When giving urine pregnant it is also necessary to take into account some features. First of all, the day before the collection of the material, it is necessary to completely exclude any physical activity, as this will lead to an increased accumulation of protein in the urine.

The collection of urine should take place under the most sterile conditions: the collection container must be thoroughly rinsed, and immediately before collection, take a shower. Just washing the genitals is not enough, as various microorganisms can enter from the vagina.

You can prevent this by swab use when urinating: this hygiene product will temporarily limit the access of microorganisms to the urethra.

How much urine is needed for a general analysis?

For an average adult patient over 18 years of age, it is enough to pass about 80 milliliters of material, but with difficulty urinating, characteristic of some kidney diseases, you should try to gain at least 50 milliliters.

In children aged from a month to a year, it is enough to collect at least 40-50 milliliters urine, the minimum allowable amount of material is 20 milliliters, but the examination will be difficult.

The greatest problems are caused by urine sampling for analysis in newborns: in the first days of life, children practically do not urinate, and if the process of urination occurs, then in these cases it is rarely possible to obtain urine in an amount of more than 10 ml.

In such cases, the examination will also be difficult, but possible (in extreme cases, you will have to collect the material several times).

A general urinalysis is the simplest research method that allows you to judge the development of various pathogenic processes and diseases caused by organic pathogens. In some cases, such an analysis allows diagnosing diseases even in the absence of complaints from the patient and with an asymptomatic course.

Features and rules for collecting urine for OAM in adults and children - see the video:

A variety of types and modifications of pregnancy tests offered by the modern pharmaceutical industry can satisfy any consumer demand. However, the rules for using the various tests are almost identical. To use the test correctly, you should carefully read the instructions and follow their instructions exactly. This will avoid incorrect application, minimize the likelihood of error.

There are general rules for using tests that are common to all types and modifications of these products.

How to do a pregnancy test yourself:

    A high quality test produced by a reputable pharmaceutical company should be used. Recommended brands: Eva, Bee-Sure-S, ClearBlue, Frautest, BB-test, Ulta, Duet, Evitest.

    The test is stored in the dark at room temperature until it is used. It is forbidden to store it in the refrigerator, otherwise the system, which has lost its properties due to low temperature, will show an incorrect test result.

    The package is opened before using the test, it is not necessary to do this in advance.

    For testing, urine collected immediately after a night's sleep is used. To get correct results when using daytime urine, you need to refrain from urinating for at least 3 hours.

    For research with a test, you can use morning urine a little later if it is stored for several hours in the refrigerator.

    Before testing, you should collect morning urine in a jar, mix it. The following actions depend on the type of system used: drop 4 drops of urine into the window on the tablet specially designed for this purpose, substitute the test under the stream of urine (when using the inkjet test), dip the test strip into the urine for 10 seconds.

    To obtain a result, you need to hold the test strip in a horizontal position for 3-5 minutes. Two stripes, even if one of them is thin and barely visible, is a positive result, that is, the woman is pregnant. One line - no pregnancy. No stripes - testing will have to be repeated due to an invalid test. After 5 minutes, it will definitely not be possible to evaluate the result obtained, since it will be incorrect. If a digital pregnancy test is used, it is connected to a computer. After a short period of time, the test result will appear on the screen of the tablet in the form of the words “pregnant”, “non pregnant” (literally “pregnant”, “not pregnant”), or the signs “+” and “-”. The advantages of the digital test are that when using it, there is no doubt about the interpretation of the result with an implicitly expressed second strip. Its result is recorded on the screen and stored for as long as the woman needs.

These rules are equally effective when using systems of any modification. However, various pregnancy tests have their own characteristics, reflected in the instructions. It is carefully read and exactly follow the instructions on all points.

How and what kind of urine should be taken for a pregnancy test?

For testing, you need to take urine obtained in the morning, immediately after the woman woke up. Urine is collected in a clean container, mixed. Careful observance of intimate hygiene before urination is not required, although it is not prohibited. For any type of pregnancy test, a sample of morning urine will provide the most accurate readings. If it is not possible to use urine immediately, it can be stored in the refrigerator, and only then used for testing.

If an urgent test is needed, use urine collected at any time of the day. In order to obtain a correct result in this case, urine collected after a three-hour abstinence from urination is used. It is advisable not to drink any liquid during this time period. The rules for using urine are the same - collect urine in a container, mix it, and test it. Intimate hygiene is not required here either.

Can I take a pregnancy test right after intercourse?

No, this tactic of testing for pregnancy immediately after unprotected contact does not make sense. The result obtained as a result of such a study will be incorrect.

The testing procedure is based on the determination of the content of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. This hormone begins to be produced after the fetal egg is fixed in the endometrium of the uterus. For conception to occur, it takes at least 2-3 days from the moment of sexual intercourse. This is how long it takes for the fertilized egg to move from the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. The most sensitive pregnancy test is not able to fix it before the second week of the gestational period begins and enough hCG is produced. That is why the use of test strips to determine pregnancy immediately after sexual contact does not make sense.

Can I take a pregnancy test during the day?

Yes, it is theoretically possible, although the accuracy of the result in this case cannot be guaranteed - the probability of obtaining false negative indicators is too high. The most accurate and informative, after all, a test using morning urine, since it contains the maximum hCG.

The daily portion of urine is less concentrated in terms of the content of human chorionic gonadotropin, since it is diluted by the liquid and food taken by the woman. The testing process is based on the determination of hCG in the urine, which is significantly lower in the daily portion of urine. This circumstance leads to a high probability of obtaining false negative results. To increase the concentration of pregnancy hormone, you should refrain from urinating.

Can I take a pregnancy test in the evening?

Yes, testing can be done in the afternoon, and even in the evening, although morning urine is most suitable for this. In testing done in the evening, a false negative result may be obtained, although pregnancy is still present. This is due to the reduced concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in any urine, except that obtained immediately after a night of abstinence from urination. The liquid drunk during the day dilutes the urine, reducing the concentration of hCG in it, which leads to an incorrect result.

If the situation requires an urgent test, and it cannot be transferred to the morning, you should refrain from urinating for at least 3 hours. At the same time, the concentration of urine will increase, and an accurate result can be expected.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

General analysis of urine is a simple and informative way to assess the state of human health. It is carried out in order to make an accurate diagnosis, as well as during a planned medical examination. In order for the results of the studies to be reliable, follow the basic rules of how to collect urine.

Preparatory stage

Before you collect a urine test, you need to properly prepare for the procedure. To do this, follow several key recommendations:

  • A few days before collecting the liquid, give up confectionery, overly salty foods, smoked meats, spices, tea and coffee. You can not eat foods that change the color and smell of urine: beets, carrots, garlic, onions. Refrain from eating with a pronounced diuretic effect: watermelons, cucumbers, citrus fruits.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol for three to four days before the test.
  • Don't drink too much mineral water. It can change the acidity of the urine.
  • Avoid medication if possible. The only exceptions are vital drugs, the interruption of the course of which is impossible. Be sure to discuss the need to discontinue medication with your doctor.
  • Protect yourself from stressful situations. Mental and mental stress often provokes disturbances in the functioning of the urinary organs.
  • Before collecting urine, limit physical activity.
  • During the day before collecting urine, refrain from sexual intercourse.
  • Do not go to the beach, to the bathhouse or sauna. Prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures provokes dehydration, which adversely affects the functioning of the kidneys.

Before collecting urine for analysis, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle for at least two to three days. Eat right, not be nervous, give up bad habits and walk more. In this way, it will be possible to exclude the influence of external negative factors on the results of studies.

It is forbidden to give urine for analysis at elevated body temperature against the background of the development of infectious diseases, increased blood pressure, and also within a few days after an instrumental examination of the bladder. A woman should not collect urine during menstruation.

Compliance with hygiene standards

One of the important aspects of how to properly collect urine is compliance with all hygiene standards. Foreign matter entering the sample will lead to incorrect interpretation of the results of the analysis, and this will make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

  • Before collecting urine, a full-fledged toilet of the genitals is carried out. To do this, use mild soap and clean running water. You can wash the genitals with a solution of furucilin.
  • After washing, the genitals are dried with a cloth, which is pre-ironed with a hot iron. Women should wipe the vagina in the direction from the urethra to the anus. It is important for a man to push the foreskin and blot the exit of the urethra with a napkin.
  • Ladies, before collecting urine for a general analysis, a hygienic swab should be inserted into the vagina. So it will be possible to avoid getting the secret into the sample for examination by specialists.
  • If urine is collected from a bedridden patient, then genital hygiene should be carried out not only before, but also after urination. Otherwise, drops of urine remaining on the skin will lead to severe irritation.

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Failure to follow these rules will lead to the penetration of bacteria, proteins and other impurities into the urine. All hygiene procedures should be carried out immediately before collecting the liquid.

Container preparation

Urine for analysis should be collected in a clean, dry container. Its volume should be about 150 ml. It is better to take a jar of baby food. It is not recommended to use mayonnaise containers, as in this case, the study may show an overestimated concentration of proteins. The container is prepared in advance as follows:

  • The jar is treated with baking soda, and then washed in warm water.
  • Rinse the container twice with cold water.
  • Leave on the table until completely dry.
  • Placed in the oven and kept at a temperature of 150 degrees for about 10 minutes.
  • The lid of the container is washed with soda, poured over with boiling water and dried thoroughly.
  • Ready for use, the jar and lid are placed in a plastic bag.

In order not to waste time preparing the container, and to be sure of its sterility, it is better to purchase a specialized container at the pharmacy. It is inexpensive and accessible to everyone.

To collect urine from young children or bedridden patients, you can use a special urinal. It is also easy to buy at the pharmacy.

Collection of urine

It is important not only how to properly collect a urine test, but also when it is best to do it. The most informative is the study of the liquid prepared in the morning. Urinate into a container immediately after getting out of bed. During the night, the urine accumulates the maximum concentration of substances that make it possible to objectively assess the performance of the urinary organs.

The sequence of actions when collecting fluid for a general urine test in adults is as follows:

  • After observing all hygiene standards, take the prepared container and go to the restroom.
  • Before urination, a woman should spread her labia to the sides, and a man should move a fold of skin on the head of the penis.
  • Flush a little urine down the toilet. Then put the jar in. For study, an average portion of urine is collected. Urination should be normal, without strong muscle tension.
  • Close the jar of biological fluid tightly.
  • Rotate the container three or four times. Its contents should be mixed, but not shaken.

After collection, morning urine should be sent to the laboratory as soon as possible. Long-term storage of the material makes it unsuitable for further study.

You need to collect exactly as much liquid as necessary for the study. In an adult, a clinical analysis is carried out in 80-100 ml of urine. If the patient suffers from urination disorders, then he needs to prepare at least 50 ml of biological material.

Collection of baby urine

The sequence of how to collect a general urine test in children older than a year is no different from the procedure carried out by adults. Difficulties arise when taking urine from infants. Toddlers cannot control the process of urination, and therefore it is impossible to predict when the child wants to go to the toilet. It is impossible to use the liquid squeezed out of the diaper, as it will contain a lot of foreign inclusions.

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Before collecting the material, do not forget to conduct a full-fledged toilet of the baby's genitals. The easiest way to properly collect urine from babies is to use a special urinal. It is a dense plastic bag with a special adhesive strip that allows you to fix the device on the baby's genitals. It is enough to attach the urinal so that the girl's labia or the boy's penis are inside the bag, and wait for urination. The resulting portion of urine is poured into a prepared container and sent for research.

The similarity of the urinal can be made from a new dense plastic bag. Small incisions are made along its edges, so that ties are obtained. The package is fixed on the baby's genitals. It remains only to wait for urination.

It is possible to collect urine for analysis without using a urinal. Proceed as follows:

  • Take a small plate. Wash it with soda, pour boiling water over it and dry it thoroughly.
  • Put a plate under the child's buttocks.
  • After the baby urinates, pour the collected liquid into a sterile container.

In the first days of life, the baby separates very little urine. It is often not enough for OAM. Therefore, it is allowed to collect it several times and store it in the refrigerator. On average, one study requires about 40 ml of liquid.

Storage and transportation

After you have managed to collect a general urine test, it is important to urgently transfer it to specialists. You have 2-4 hours before the start of unwanted processes in the urine that will make it unsuitable for study. All this time you need to store the container in the refrigerator.

  • During transportation, urine should be at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees. It must not be heated or frozen. Sharp fluctuations in the temperature of the medium during the transportation of the liquid will lead to a change in its properties.
  • Make sure that the container does not turn over on the way. It is not allowed to shake the contents. If the lid is opened during the trip, then the urine is not suitable for research. Most likely foreign substances got into it. We'll have to prepare a new sample.
  • You need to hand over the container to the laboratory assistant, having previously written your data on it. Be sure to indicate what time the urine was collected. Often, experts are asked to attach in a jar, direction.

In order for the research results to be reliable, it is important to follow all the rules on how to properly collect morning urine for a general analysis.

If you do everything right, the specialist will be able to make a preliminary diagnosis and develop a further examination technique. This in turn will lead to correct diagnosis and correct treatment.