The fourth health group includes children. Health group in children: criteria for determining

The fourth health group includes children.  Health group in children: criteria for determining
The fourth health group includes children. Health group in children: criteria for determining

In medicine, there is such a thing as a children's health group, which means assessment of health from birth to almost adulthood.

With the help of comprehensive examinations, tests and individual consultations, specialists assess the state of health and give recommendations.

All this helps in the future more clearly and competently. diagnose to assist in the preparation of individual treatment.

The chief physician who determines the health group is pediatrician, it is based on the testimony of analyzes, the observation of other specialists, helps to draw up a program for improving performance.

Most often, health groups are necessary for the child to enter kindergarten or school without problems, sometimes it is necessary to change educational institutions so that the child perceives information in a quality manner, and specialists regularly monitor him and correct the disadvantages in development.

Today we can safely say that parents often perceive the verdict of specialists like discrimination, because sometimes restrictions on physical activity are required or a special diet is drawn up according to which the child must eat.

Of course, this sets him apart from the rest, which is why parents begin to worry. The system is currently designed in such a way that not all teachers and parents take into account the recommendations of doctors, because they do not consider it important, although timely correction helps to avoid problems in the future.

How is the health group determined?

chronic diseases. This is determined by different doctors, each of them specializes in his own direction. Pathologies can significantly affect which health group will be given to the child. It can also be various congenital diseases or acquired with age.

The quality of the work of internal organs. It is also a significant factor that affects the general condition of the body. In this case, all organs are examined to determine where help is needed, and where everything is functioning at a sufficient level.

Sometimes, to determine the quality of the work of the heart, kidneys, lungs, etc. computer diagnostics is enough, but sometimes it may be necessary to pass several tests.

Immunity. Children quite often get colds and viral diseases, and this directly depends on how strong their immunity is. In order to understand which health group a child belongs to, it is important to analyze how often he gets sick and what kind of diseases.

Sometimes his immunity may simply be weakened, which is not critical, but with a competent approach, the child's condition can be significantly improved.

mental development. Another important factor that determines the group of health. The kid should develop harmoniously and fully communicate with peers. It is also important how well he perceives information and communicates with the world.

There is an indicator of compliance with their age group, so if there are any deviations, we can safely talk about violations. First of all, the behavior of the child is evaluated, and only then his level of development.

1 health group in a child - who belongs to it?

The first group includes children of any age from birth to adulthood, who do not have any disorders. Their body develops in accordance with the age group, the organs function normally, and mental health is normal.

They have no pathologies, they are absolutely normal according to all criteria. Unfortunately, today according to all-Russian indicators approximately 10% children from birth to adulthood belong to the first group of health. All the rest have some kind of disease or developmental problems, so they cannot be called absolutely healthy.

If the child is in the first group, it does not mean that he does not undergo regular examination. Necessary regularly take tests and visit doctors in order to timely identify any problems in the work of the organs and prevent them.

There are regulations, according to which children should constantly undergo prevention, this will help them stay healthy longer and not put their health at risk. The health group is determined more than once, so it cannot be argued that the child will always belong to a certain one.

Regular check-ups and tests help identify problems. It often happens that the child was first in the first health group, and later some problems appeared, which led to changes in the indicators.

The state of health of Russian children today is in a critical situation Therefore, parents should regularly monitor in order to timely determine the development of diseases or mental disorders.

For any of us who are parents and it doesn’t matter if it’s mom or dad, the health of our baby is the main issue of life, because a lot depends on it, including the future fate of the child. Much depends on the health of our baby, we all rely only on the most favorable result of his examination and the conclusion of doctors.

With the birth of a child, a medical card is immediately entered for him in a children's clinic, in which the features of his wearing, birth, state of health and further development of the baby are scrupulously painted. Many parents noticed that after almost the first examination of the child, the pediatrician assigns him a health group - 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, but that's what it says, we devoted this article.
You are probably interested and important to know what features in the development of your baby exist, what and by what parameters is the child's health assessed? Below we will describe in detail how health groups are divided, we will talk about the features of assigning one or another health group to a baby.

Children's health groups - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

In total, there are five health groups of children, aged from three to seventeen years, and all of them with their own characteristic differences and distinctive features. Below we will consider each of the five children's health groups, dwell on each of them in more detail, tell you how they qualify and what they are characterized by.

1 (first) health group

The first group of health includes those children who are completely healthy, do not have any deviations, visible problems or defects. The mental and physical condition of this group is almost completely consistent with recognized standards of measurement.

Children of the 1st (first) group should not have any special problems, any defects or deviations in development, defects or other disturbances in the activity and organization of the internal organs of the child.

2 (second) health group

The second group is the most numerous and is the most common of all children's health groups. It includes those children who have slight deviations in health, they may have reduced resistance to diseases and the influence of external factors.

This group does not have pronounced signs of developmental delay, and these children do not have chronic diseases, but still small functional deviations (disorders) are recorded.

Children of the 2nd (second) health group may have a general delay in physical development, which is classified as underweight or vice versa, overweight, impaired vision, and so on. Also in this group will fall those children who quite often fall ill with respiratory diseases.

3 (third) health group

The next, third health group includes those children who have chronic diseases, however, they are in the process of remission, they have exacerbations from time to time, but complications of the underlying disease do not occur.

This also includes children in the 3rd (third) group, with quite normal development, they develop according to plan and have more or less stable physical health, but still they have certain deviations, for example, they have small stature, excess or deficiency in mass . Also, this group will include those children whose psychological development is slightly behind the generally accepted indicators.

4 (fourth) health group

The next fourth group of children's health includes those who have chronic diseases and are actively developing, or are at the stage of unstable remission with frequent exacerbations.
Also in the 4th (fourth) group of children's health are those of them whose disease is in remission, but still supportive treatment should be followed for this. Children also enter here after some operations, with consequences after the injuries they received, restrictions in learning and physical labor.

5 (fifth) health group

The last fifth group of children's health includes those who have serious health problems and normal development, the functioning of the body. It includes children with severe chronic diseases and with extremely rare remissions who often have seizures. This group also includes those who have significant complications, treatment is necessary to prevent their further development.

Here, to the 5th (fifth) health group, those children who have physical defects are sent, they may have impaired functions of some internal organs and are accompanied by serious obstacles in the formation of the child's activity (labor and physical). This group also includes children with disabilities.

What does a health group mean for a child?

Let's say right away that you should not get upset and wind yourself up about assigning a child 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 health groups, at this stage of development of children, this is still more of a convention, and not some kind of sentence and so on, in than you can see for yourself.

Assigning a health group to a baby is a rather conditional medical definition, which, by and large, is necessary for proper care for them and examination by a doctor, and is used to analyze the health of any child.

In order for the pediatrician to be able to assess the child's condition and attribute it to one of the health groups, he conducts a preventive examination, a thorough examination with further collection of the necessary tests and their study.

The assigned health group can change throughout the development of the baby, and it depends on many different factors, especially external changes. Usually, a baby is examined by a council of doctors (medical commission), which consists of a surgeon, an ENT specialist, an ophthalmologist, a neuropathologist, a cardiologist and a dentist, to assign a health group.

Nevertheless, the final decision on assigning a health group to a baby is made by his personal pediatrician, who takes into account all the indicators obtained and is based on the conclusions of the narrow specialists who examined the child.

The assessment of the baby’s health is assigned at the moment of the check, it does not take into account infections or acute diseases, as well as any other diseases that the child had in the past, of course, if they did not become chronic.

Why is it necessary to check the physical condition of the child, first of all - to identify and separate those being checked for further practical assistance to them. As a result of such checks, certain conclusions are drawn, one of the children will turn out to be a completely healthy baby, and someone will need special care, perhaps not some kind of treatment, but a closer attitude towards him from the side of specialists.

Sometimes, as a result of comprehensive checks, special health groups are assigned to children who have health problems, in which the requirements for such children and the load on them are more gentle, not as demanding as for healthy ones.

Definition of a health group - how to determine?

The list of basic criteria, on the basis of which the issue of establishing a child's health group, is, on the one hand, quite diverse. If you understand the medical benefits of determining health groups, then they contradict each other to some extent, they interpret some points in different ways.

However, the most popular division implies only six basic principles, according to which certain conclusions are made, the final decision is made to establish the baby's health group.

Heredity of the baby

At the first examination of a newborn child, the doctor will definitely ask his parents if there were diseases in the family and which ones, especially those that are inherited from generation to generation. He will also ask about how serious hereditary diseases are (if any), what their nature is and how serious the consequences are.

Further, with the help of various tests, the doctor concludes how much the child is ultimately susceptible to the transmission of the disease by inheritance. In this case, during pregnancy, the expectant mother and father should also undergo a series of examinations that will warn, to some extent exclude negative aspects.

This criterion for determining possible health problems includes not only inherited diseases, but also the process of pregnancy itself, the course of the birth itself and the further development of the child, especially in the first month of his life.

The physical development of the baby

This criterion for determining the state of health of the baby includes the main physical characteristics, when height is measured, its weight is set, and the circumference of the head and chest, the length of the arms and legs, the size of the child's legs and some other parameters are also measured. In the process of growing up, the baby is monitored and recorded when for the first time he began to hold his head, sat down and began to crawl, and then to walk, when he said the first words and so on.

Children's doctors always have a table at hand, it lists all the requirements for the child by months, the skills that he should have at a particular age. If the child does not go according to the development schedule, he has some deviations, then now it is necessary to investigate their nature and figure out whether they have serious consequences, or at this stage it is not worth sounding the alarm, worrying about something, they not so scary for a child.

The development of the organ system in the child's body

During the development of the baby, and especially in his first year, the doctor monitors his cardiac, nervous and circulatory systems. At this time, the formation, development and growth of all the main organs in the body of children takes place.

To determine this criterion, the doctor often resorts to additional tests and studies - ultrasound, general tests and a number of other examinations of the child. Particular attention during the development and maturation of the baby is given to his heart, kidneys, stomach and lungs.

The resistance of the child's body

In the first months of life, studies are being conducted, where there is an important question that is being answered - about the impact on the child of infections and other external factors, how susceptible he is or vice versa, is immune to external stimuli, and so on.

We often hear such statements as "a sickly child" or "a child with weak immunity" - these phrases determine the criterion for classifying a baby as a certain health group. In the event that the baby is often sick, he has a weak immune system, then it is recommended to additionally examine him, to understand the sources and causes of his condition. Taking into account these indicators, one or another health group can be given to the child.

The psychological and physical condition of the child

Psychological and physical criteria also influence the establishment of a child's health group. In order to establish the psychological and neurological state of health of the baby, you should contact a psychologist and a neurologist, respectively.

After examining these narrow specialists and interviewing the baby, an intermediate conclusion will be made whether he has pathologies, whether he develops normally, or whether development does not proceed as it should. The criteria for the child's physical health are evaluated by a pediatrician and can be compared with generally accepted tables that reflect approved standards.

At what age is the health group assigned?

Health groups are assigned to children aged 3 to 17 years. As a rule, they are established according to the general condition or the presence of some chronic diseases in the child. It is worth mentioning separately that sometimes children with approximately the same diagnosis may receive different health groups from a doctor. Parents should not worry about assigning their baby a health group if it turns out to be lower than that of about the same child, which does not fully meet the normal state of health.

Do not forget that this does not solve anything yet and is not a final diagnosis, but just a special gradation established by the doctor and which is designed to help him adjust the baby's health, take into account all sorts of influence factors that can help solve the problem of the further development of the child and in general for the future of his health.

Health groups in the garden - condition and characteristics

The distribution of children in kindergarten by health groups is carried out only by a doctor, a qualified specialist, and taking into account a variety of criteria, which we wrote about above in this article. A pediatrician, psychologist, surgeon, neurologist, dentists and other narrow specialists take into account many factors and examinations, use tests, get acquainted with the medical record and data on the course of pregnancy, as well as the first days and weeks of child development.

Of no small importance in determining the state of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th health groups of children in the garden is a personal examination by a pediatrician and narrow specialists, as well as instrumental studies. After an individual examination, each of the specialists makes his own diagnosis, on the basis of which it is already possible to determine the baby to one of the five health groups.

Much in the decision depends on what kind of violation is recorded, in what form and in what functions of the body it exists, at what stage of development it is and what prospects are also taken into account and which of the variants of the course occurs, whether complications are detected. The fact that other diseases, which are usually called concomitant, are also important, if they are not found, the specialist diagnoses the child as "healthy".

In the future, having collected all the recommendations from narrow specialists, the pediatrician examines the collected information, all the diagnoses made by narrow specialists, takes into account their recommendations, on the basis of which he draws conclusions, assigns a particular health group to the child, after which (if necessary), are given further recommendations on how to act to keep the baby healthy.

We offer you guidelines for all health groups that you can use if you find them useful. Let's say right away that regardless of which group the child is assigned to, individual requirements can be put forward for him, separate recommendations for performing sports (physical) and social activities.

They can engage in any kind of physical and mental activity. Studying, sports activities, physical labor - children are formed in this group according to the general education program, without any restrictions.

To form the first group, only age categories should be taken into account so that there is no sharp contrast in it, and in general there are no restrictions or contraindications.

The second group includes those children who have slight deviations, which means that contraindications are not radical. Here you should pay special attention to the hardening of the body, to a greater extent to monitor the diet than in the first group.

It is necessary to observe and perform in the second group and the motor program. Active physical education should not be interrupted, additional minutes of rest should be taken, but it should be noted that children from this group may pass the planned standards with some delay. Participation in activities with serious physical exertion is allowed only with the permission of a doctor.

Those who are enrolled in the third group - before starting physical exercises, work, should visit their doctor so that he gives permission, as well as recommendations, if necessary, he will limit the child in some way.

In the third group, attention should be paid to restorative procedures, to conduct recuperation classes, to perform restorative breathing exercises, which can even be increased in duration compared to the total mass of the exercises done.

Classes are usually held according to specially designed programs, they must also be attended by doctors. Active participation in competitive competitions, some sporting events should be limited for this group, they are allowed only with the permission of a doctor.

In the fourth group, activity is significantly reduced, limited to certain time frames, a special daily regimen for children is being developed, in which rest and sleep prevail, which are given quite a long time.

In this group, instead of the usual physical labor or sports, a program of physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy) is implemented to a greater extent. For this group, programs are specially created that are purposefully designed for such institutions (health groups).

The last fifth group of health provides for a significant decrease in the activity of children, the daily regimen is mostly calm with long periods of rest and is accompanied by physiotherapy exercises.

For the fifth group, medical procedures are prescribed, which, by their functional purpose, should maintain the health of the child. Physical labor or physical education, if carried out, is carried out only on an individual basis and under the direct supervision of doctors or qualified specialists. Such programs, which include, albeit small, but still physical activity, must be approved by the attending physician.

In conclusion, let's say the following (let's calm moms and dads) - children's health groups, whether it be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, this is far from some kind of sentence or final diagnosis for any baby, but just a specially designed scale that makes it easier for the doctor to monitor the state of health, some changes in one direction or another, as well as on the results of examination and observations, make adjustments to the load, and so on.

The health group in a rare case is constant, it changes in one direction or the other, so there is no reason to worry about assigning your child a low health group, everything can change soon, count on it and help your child in every possible way.

In-Depth Research. During it, the state of health of the child during the periods of epicrisis is assessed, followed by recommendations from specialists for the further full development of the baby.

Identification of various diseases in the early stages and improvement of the child, the purpose of which is to prevent the formation of a chronic disease.

The pediatrician determines the health group, taking into account all the examinations of specialists.

There are several criteria for assessing the health status of a child:

Criterion 1 - whether deviations are observed in early ontogenesis.

2nd criterion - development in the physical plane.

3 criterion - neuropsychic development.

4th criterion - the body's resistance to various painful factors.

5th criterion - the state of organs and systems.

6 criterion - whether there are chronic diseases or congenital diseases.

Thus, the definition of a health group occurs based on the criteria listed above. So, the child has a 2nd health group. What does this mean?

Characteristics of 2 health groups

You need to understand that a health group is nothing more than the state of health of a child and its predisposition to various diseases, as well as the presence of congenital diseases. Health group 2 includes children who have minor health problems. They, as a rule, get sick more often, for example, acute respiratory infections, overweight or the likelihood of allergies may be present.

Group 2 health in newborns is most common. Because at present, completely healthy children are not born, even if the mother does not suffer from any diseases. A person's attitude to a particular health group is established not only in but also accompanies him throughout his life.

Two more subgroups are distinguished among children who were assigned to group 2

2-A are children who have biological, genetic and social factors for the development of diseases, but they are healthy according to other criteria.

Genetic factors are the presence of relatives with various diseases that can be passed down from generation to generation. For example, diabetes, heart disease, allergies and others.

Biological factors are deviations that arose during pregnancy and childbirth in the mother. These are fast or vice versa long births, caesarean section, prolonged presence of the fetus without amniotic fluid, placental pathology, malposition of the fetus, and so on.

Social factors include smoking, parental alcoholism, parental work in hazardous industries, chronic diseases of the mother, too early or late pregnancy. The presence of infections that can be sexually transmitted, the threat of premature birth or miscarriage in the mother. Poor nutrition during pregnancy and violation of the general regimen.

2-B - these are children who have morphological and functional changes. Newborns who belong to this subgroup suffered some disease in the first days or hours of life and after discharge from the hospital they still have some deviations. Such babies often get sick, there are anomalies of the constitution and other deviations in health.

When discharged from the hospital, a risk group is indicated, and, judging by it, the pediatrician must draw up a plan for observations, examinations, and carry out preventive measures (hardening, vaccinations). If necessary, drug treatment is prescribed.

It is necessary to observe children who belong to subgroup 2-B at home for up to three months.

So, what is health group 2, and how can young children and preschoolers be attributed to it?

There are a number of deviations by which one can judge the state of health of the child:

Multiple pregnancy.

Immaturity is postponed, prematurity.

CNS damage.

Hypotrophy 1 degree.

Infection in the womb.

Low weight at birth.

Overweight at birth (4 kg or more).

The initial period of rickets, 1st degree of rickets and its residual effects.

The presence of anomalies in the constitution.

Changes that relate to the cardiovascular system, changes in blood pressure, pulse.

Frequent illnesses, including respiratory.

Gastrointestinal disorders - lack of appetite, abdominal pain, etc.

2 health group in a child is not yet an indicator that all deviations should be present in the medical record. Just one or more is enough. The health group is determined by the most severe deviation.

All parents can easily find out which health group their child belongs to. Each local doctor owns this information, and even a nurse will be able to give explanations. After all, the child's health group is not a medical secret.

Monitoring the health of children in children's institutions

Information about children from 2 gr. health must be at the nurse of the children's institution. If a child belongs to this group, then at physical education lessons he is offered a set of exercises specially designed for such children. Loads for them should be lower. But this does not mean giving up sports. If there is a 2nd health group in a child, then such children are often prescribed physiotherapy exercises.

In addition, medical supervision is necessary for children who belong to this group. Since they have a high risk of developing various pathologies. The main method that allows you to get an assessment of the health status of children is a preventive examination, which is carried out by doctors.

There is also an algorithm for determining health groups in children aged 3 to 17 years. Children are examined:

At 3 years old (before entering kindergarten);

At 5 and a half or 6 years old (one year before elementary school);

At the age of 8, when the child finishes the 1st grade of school;

At age 10, when the child enters secondary school;

At 14-15 years old.

If, as a result of the examination, the child's health indicators are related to the classes and groups of diseases allocated by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, then he is referred to a certain health group.

Physical education with children of 2 health groups

In order for physical education lessons to be effective and without risk to the health of schoolchildren, the latter are assigned to one of three groups (basic, preparatory and special). The division is made by a pediatrician or therapist at the end of the school year, but the specialist makes the final verdict only after a second examination before the start of the next school year.

If a child has the 2nd health group in physical education, then he belongs to the preparatory medical group. These are practically healthy children, but having certain deviations, poorly prepared physically. Schoolchildren can be engaged but with the condition of gradual assimilation of the necessary motor skills and abilities. The dosage of physical activity is observed, contraindicated movements are excluded.

If a child has a 2nd health group, then he is forbidden to perform test tasks in the classroom and participate in sports events. But experts strongly recommend conducting additional physical education classes at home or at school.

The tasks of schoolchildren with 2 health groups:

Strengthening and improving health;

Improving physical development;

Mastering important motor skills, qualities and skills;

Improving the adaptation of the body to physical activity;

Hardening and increasing the body's resistance to disease;

Formation of interest in constant physical education, development of volitional qualities;

Raising a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

Mastering a set of exercises that have a beneficial effect on the state of the child's body, taking into account the existing disease;

Compliance with the correct regime of rest and work, hygiene, good nutrition.


Thus, the 2nd group of health in a child is not a sentence. It should not be considered inferior or terminally ill. The child's belonging to this group means that he needs sensitive care, you need to constantly monitor his health in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Children with this health group lead a normal life and develop well, they are no different from other kids.

Each district pediatrician maintains a medical record of the child, studying which you can find that this baby is assigned to the first, second, third, fourth or fifth group. This division carries information about the current state of health of the baby, and in some cases about the events preceding his birth.

What is it

Not all parents know what a health group is and why it is needed. The division of children into health groups facilitates the work of teachers and doctors. With their help, you can more accurately determine the conditions in which a small person will study, engage in strengthening or healing physical education, and eat.

All children have a different state of health, and on the basis of this, the district pediatrician assigns such a group to each child. This division into health categories shows whether the child needs any restrictions in anything, up to placement in a special institution. Based on the health group indicated in the children's medical record, the diet or type of physical education necessary for the baby is selected.

The primary distribution of children by health category is carried out by the district pediatrician, who observes the baby with. Neurologists, surgeons, orthopedists, and psychiatrists are also monitoring. When assigning a health group, the complex results of the examination of the baby by other specialists are taken into account, including tests, age tests are carried out.

Did you know? Chris Nolan is an Irishman who has been suffering from cerebral palsy since birth. He was absolutely motionless for many years. Thanks to the mother, who believed in the possibility of his healing, and was looking for ways to do this, a cure was found. After the treatment, Nolan was able to move his neck muscles. This gave him the opportunity to master the typewriter and the man who never said a single word in his life became a famous poet. The first collection of his poems was published on the author's fifteenth birthday. Over time, the poetry of Chris Nolan has taken a place on a par with such famous poets as Joyce, Keats and Yeats.

Initially, the baby is assigned to some category shortly after birth, usually when a young mother is discharged from the hospital. In the future, the assigned health group may change and be adjusted after each visit to the district pediatrician. If the child does not have visible deviations in health, then an entry in the medical card will be needed only when submitting documents to kindergarten, and later to school.

How is the evaluation

To attribute the baby to any of the groups, you need to correctly and comprehensively assess the state of his health and mental development.

To do this, after examining the child, the specialist must answer the following questions:

  • whether there are defective deviations in mental and physical development;
  • whether often sick, whether there are chronic diseases;
  • whether the internal organs and systems of the body work normally;
  • Is the development of the nervous system appropriate for age?
  • how high immunity to viral diseases.
Before reaching the age of one year, the pediatrician sends the mother with the baby for examination to such doctors:
  • surgeon and orthopedist;
  • ophthalmologist and ENT;
  • cardiologist and neuropathologist;
  • dentist.

If during the examination the doctor notices in the development of the baby, he makes an appropriate entry in the medical record and the small patient is prescribed additional examinations and tests. If necessary, doctors of other medical specializations are included in the examination process.

To preliminarily determine the health group of a newborn, the following are taken into account:

  • whether there were pathologies during the intrauterine development of the baby;
  • were there any complications in the process, and how did it proceed;
  • hereditary diseases through the father and mother;
  • was the child sick in;
  • whether the development meets the standard.

The main groups of child health and their characteristics

Children's health groups have certain characteristics, which take into account such indicators: the development of the child (neuro-psychological and physical), the presence of chronic diseases or their complete absence. Assignment to any of the groups may be temporary, after a while the child may be transferred to another category.
What factors can affect the assessment of the child's condition by a pediatrician:

  • if the child was sick at the time of the examination;
  • how the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems of the body work;
  • the work of internal organs (kidneys, liver, heart, pancreas, etc.);
  • physical development (, head circumference);
  • mental development (does he know how to eat, etc.);
  • resistance to viral disease (frequency and duration of illness).
The combination of these indicators allows the pediatrician to attribute the child to one of the five health groups.


This group includes children who are little susceptible to disease (statistics are taken for 12 months). Observation of such babies shows: the child does not have chronic diseases, he does not have deviations from the age norm in the development of motor skills, growth. The internal organs develop and function correctly, the observed monthly weight gain.
The timely development of the nervous system and psyche is very important. An experienced pediatrician can easily distinguish whether some inhibition of the child is caused by character traits or there are problems in the neuropsychic development. Each little patient must be examined by a neurologist. If deviations from the norm are noticed by the neuropathologist, then other doctors (psychologist and) begin to communicate with the baby. This is a small deviation and such children grow and develop normally, just the crumbs have a slight need for medical attention.

Did you know? The phrase "physical culture" was an invention of the British and first appeared on the pages of English newspapers at the end of the 19th century. This concept came to Russia long before the revolution and gained extreme popularity in society and in state educational institutions, where it was introduced as a separate discipline.

If a child has a small defect that does not prevent a person from living and functioning of his body, then he will be assigned to the first group of health. For example, the crumbs have too large or strongly protruding ears, this slight deviation from the norm does not prevent him from hearing well, does not require surgical intervention, and does not affect his health for the worse.


If the child was assigned to the 2nd health group, then this means that the baby has deviations from the existing standards in the work of any organ. Such pathologies are of inorganic origin, that is, it is not a neoplasm or an inflammatory process, but a malfunction in the functioning of internal organs or one of the systems (cardiovascular and others).
The impetus for the development of such pathologies can be given by a violation of biochemistry in the human body, the baby's immune system begins to work poorly, it does not adapt well to new conditions. Often the reason for the beginning disorders in the work of the body is the rapid growth of a small person, for whom the cardiovascular system does not have time to rebuild. Rapid growth increases body weight and the volume of the systemic circulation, the body has not yet rebuilt, and the child does not have the strength for this.

One of the indicators that a child should be assigned to the second health group is frequent (more than four times a year) viral and colds. The child becomes weakened, he needs a long time to get out of the disease and restore his strength, much more than is necessary for a child of his age. The baby loses its appetite for a long time, becomes lethargic and sleepy. After colds, such children often have complications: they hurt, the stomach and intestines do not work well.

Babies belonging to the second group have no pathologies in how they develop (or they are completely insignificant), there are no anomalies and defects in the development of internal organs, and there are no chronic diseases.
Pediatricians divide the second health group into two subcategories:

  1. Group A- the child has no obvious and hidden deviations in development, but in the family there are cases of the appearance of children with developmental defects; if the mother of the baby at the time of birth was; there was a pathology of pregnancy or childbirth; in these births two or more children were born; or post-term pregnancy; deviations in one direction or another in the body weight of the newborn. Group A can be assigned if the mother or the unborn baby was infected with a viral disease or the baby recovered for a long time after surgery, illness and other serious conditions.
  2. Group B- during obstetrics, the child received damage to the central nervous system, which led to slight deviations from the norm in the development of the psyche. The crumbs may have heart murmurs, blood levels below normal, malfunctions of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.
Medical workers pay a little more attention to children from the second health group than to their peers from the first group. Constant monitoring reduces the chance of overlooking the development of any pathology.


If your child was assigned the 3rd health group, then this means that the child is in a state of compensation. Classification by health groups is needed in order not only to note the diseases present in the child, but also to fix the severity of their development.
This category is a beacon for physicians that the crumbs have a chronic disease or pathologies in development, but such diseases are rarely exacerbated and easily occur, they are simply relieved by drugs or other methods.

Children from this category may have developmental deviations, however, these deviations will not become an obstacle to a normal lifestyle and will not greatly limit the baby's capabilities. The development of the psyche and physical condition is usually within the normal range or slightly behind it. Children from the third health group feel great in the company of other kids, easily and quickly adapt to society.

Characteristic features for this group:

  • excessively low weight of the child (first-second stage);
  • insufficient ;
  • weak body muscles.
The diagnosis of the "third group" is removed, and the child is transferred to the second group (with an indication that the child was ill) if the established pediatric observation has expired. Such cases are most common in patients with impaired renal function, with or. After the treatment, they later show that the body is working normally, and the children simply “outgrow” these diseases.
Diseases related to the 3rd group:
  • chronic;
  • chronic duodenitis;
  • chronic;
  • stuttering;

Important! If the child was assigned to the third category, then this does not mean at all that you can put an end to his health, the main thing is to go on time to an appointment with a specialist, take his recommendations seriously - and gradually the health of the crumbs will return to normal. This category is not assigned to children who have incurable diseases, but in order for the child to recover, parents must provide him with love, care and care. Inattention on the part of parents can serve as an impetus for the development of existing pathologies for the worse.

Parents often worry about whether their child can go in for physical education if they have a third health group in their medical records. Such kids are engaged in physical education, but not on a general basis. On the recommendation of the attending physician, the child is sent to physiotherapy exercises or to special groups, where they take into account the peculiarities in the health of a small patient.


The category unites children who have complex congenital pathologies in development (complicating human life). Such pathologies affect not only the initially diseased organs and systems, but also negatively affect other organs. Sometimes such children simultaneously have a whole “bouquet” of chronic diseases, the exacerbation of which proceeds with complications, they are poorly treated, and after them the child recovers strength for a long time.

This also includes babies who are in remission after a serious illness and are forced to constantly take medications. Children who have consequences after injuries and surgical interventions experience some limitations in intellectual and physical activity.
In society, such children feel uncomfortable, their illness affects the character and physical abilities, the perception of the world. At the same time, their psyche and nervous system can develop absolutely normally, but in some cases, pathology in development (from minor to critical) may also be present here. For children of the 4th group, a lack of muscle mass and body weight is common, they often need to live in special boarding schools, which provide all the conditions for the life of such babies.

Did you know? There is an International Day for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, it is held on May 5th. For the first time this date was marked by the fact that in 1992 people with disabilities in seventeen European countries simultaneously held protest marches against discrimination against people with disabilities. They insisted on the equality of disabled people with other citizens. Since then, similar rallies and marches have been held on this day in many countries.

If the child is quite able to live at home, he needs constant supportive therapy:

  1. Regular courses of therapeutic and preventive physical education.
  2. Taking recommended medications.
What diseases are characteristic of the fourth group:
  • hypertonic disease;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • progressive .

If doctors have established a fourth health group for your child, then this is not at all a recommendation to place your baby in a specialized boarding school.
But it is still worth listening to the advice of doctors to parents: a sick child does not always benefit from a society of healthy peers, an inferiority complex may develop. The kid understands that he is different from other children, cannot run like them or memorize new verses, does not understand the conditions of the game. Such feelings do not benefit the mental health and self-esteem of the child, because even an adult can be “pecked” with ridicule.

Studying with specially trained teachers, the baby does not feel his problem, learns easier, and, quite possibly, in a few years he will be able to study with healthy children.

Did you know? Sarah Bernard is an outstanding actress of the early 20th century, who served as a standard of artistic taste and acting skills even for such a brilliant director as K.S. Stanislavsky. Towards the end of her theatrical career, she injured her leg, which had to be amputated. Despite her failing health, Bernard did not even think of leaving the stage, and during the First World War she went to the front with concerts. The famous actress was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor.


This category includes children with the most serious diseases and disabilities (physical, mental and mental). These children usually have chronic diseases in a constant stage of exacerbation, they are on disability or will soon get one. Many (or all) internal organs and systems of the body are sick in such small patients, their diseases are constantly at the peak of activity, their parents turn to medical help more than ten times a year about this. In addition to the general weakness of the body, such patients often develop mental retardation, but there are exceptions.
Pathologies in development are not only congenital, the fifth group additionally includes:

  • children with oncological diagnoses;
  • babies after complex crippling surgical interventions;
  • who have suffered serious injury or illness.

Children with the 5th health group do not attend kindergartens or schools, they need individual home education. If parents cannot provide a child with disabilities with special care and education, they are transferred to a permanent place of residence in a specialized boarding school. Such boarding schools provide medical care, constant supervision and guardianship of trained personnel. Children of this category of health are often not adapted in society, especially the smallest ones - after all, most of their lives are spent in hospitals.

Did you know? Stephen William Hawking is a famous physicist, Nobel laureate, who studies the fundamental laws of the development of the Universe, including quantum cosmology and gravity. At the age of 21, doctors diagnosed him with terminal amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. For almost 30 years, Hawking has been in a state of almost complete paralysis, now only his cheek can move. With her help, he controls a computerized wheelchair, the computer speaks for him. Despite all this, Stephen Hawking is one of the most prominent scientists on Earth, he has been awarded twelve academic titles, and his scientific works are widely published.

To sum up: comparison table

For categorization, pediatricians have a comparative table of health groups in children. Based on such a table, it is easier to correlate the health characteristics of a particular child with the indicators characteristic of one of the groups.
From all of the above, it becomes clear that the division of children into health groups has the ultimate goal - to choose the right methods of mental and physical education suitable for a small person, determine the correct daily routine, based on individual characteristics, and determine the boundaries of physical activity. All this is aimed at ensuring that in no case harm the baby. The distribution into health groups is valid until the person reaches the age of majority (up to 18 years), after which his health leaves the field of pediatrics and is dealt with by doctors of other areas.

For any parent, the health of the child is key, because his future life and destiny depend on it. With the advent of the baby into the world, a medical card is started for him in the clinic, which describes the features of the development and health of the baby. Surely, many paid attention that at the birth and examination of a child, the doctor assigns him a score, it is indicated by a number from 1 to 5. What does this mean? What features in the development and health of the child exist? In this article we will talk about the health groups of our children, consider their characteristics and the features of assigning one or another group.

What are health groups

A child's health group is a conventional medical designation that is used to analyze a child's health. In order to assess and attribute a person's condition to one of the groups, a preventive examination, examination, collection and study of analyzes is carried out.

Throughout the development of the child, his group may change. It depends on many external factors. The child is examined by a medical commission consisting of an ophthalmologist, an ENT specialist, a surgeon, a cardiologist, a neuropathologist and a dentist. The final decision on the assignment of a particular health group to a child is made by a pediatrician, based on the conclusions of narrow specialists.

The score is assigned at the current point in time, does not take into account acute diseases, infections or other past illnesses, unless, of course, they have become chronic.

An assessment of the state of physical health of children of different ages is necessary to identify and separate children for further assistance. Someone will be healthy, but for someone it will be required, if not treatment, then supervision of specialists. Often, children who have any health problems are provided with special health groups, where the workload and requirements for children are less difficult.

How is the health group determined?

The classification of criteria on the basis of which the definition of a health group is carried out is very diverse. Each medical aid interprets all points differently. The most popular division implies 6 principles, according to which the decision is made to determine the child's health group.

  1. Heredity. When examining a newborn, the doctor is obliged to conduct a survey of parents, whether there are diseases in the family that are transmitted from generation to generation, what they are like and how severe the consequences are. By passing tests, you can determine how susceptible the baby is to the disease by heredity. In this case, during pregnancy, it is also necessary to undergo some examinations that will exclude negative aspects. This criterion includes not only hereditary diseases, but also the course of pregnancy, the course of childbirth and the development of the baby in the first month of life.
  2. The physical development of the baby. This criterion includes the main characteristics - height, weight, the circumference of the chest, head, leg size, length of arms and legs and other parameters are also measured. With the development of the child is monitored when he began to hold his head, when he sat down, began to crawl, walk, talk. To help pediatricians, there is a table that reflects by months all the requirements and skills that a baby should have. If there are any deviations, then you need to examine their nature and understand whether they have serious consequences for themselves or whether they are not so terrible for the baby.
  3. Development of the organ system in the body- this is the cardiac, and nervous, and circulatory systems. In the period of the first year after birth, the formation and development of all organs in the body, as well as their growth. For this criterion, additional tests and studies are often used - ultrasound, general tests and other examinations. Increased attention is paid in this case to the heart, stomach, kidneys and lungs.
  4. The degree of body resistance to external factors and infections. Often one hears such a thing as “sickness of the child, weakness and weakness of the immune system” - this determines this principle of referring to a health group. If the child is often sick, has a weak immune system, then it is worth being examined additionally and identifying the cause of this condition. In accordance with this, a health group can also be assigned.
  5. The ratio of psychological and physical indicators of health. For examination of psychological and neurological health conditions, it is necessary to contact a psychologist and neurologist. After examination and interview with the child, it will be revealed whether there are any pathologies or development is proceeding normally. Physical health indicators are assessed by a pediatrician and compared with tables that indicate standards.

Health groups are assigned to children from 3 to 17 years old. Basically, they are appointed according to the general condition of children or the presence of chronic diseases. By the way, children with the same diagnosis may well have different health groups. Many parents are afraid of assigning their child a group that does not correspond to good health. But you should know that this is not a final diagnosis, but a special gradation that allows you to adjust the state of health, take into account various factors that affect the future of the child.

Types of health groups, characteristics of each group

In total, there are five health groups for children from 3 to 17 years old. All of them have their own characteristics and distinctive features. Consider all health groups.

First group- these are completely healthy children who do not have any defects, problems. Their mental and physical health correspond to standard measurements, they do not have any malformations, defects and other violations in the organization and activity of organs.

Second group- is the most common against the background of others, there are slight deviations in health, resistance to external factors and diseases is reduced. There is no pronounced developmental delay, for example, there are no chronic diseases, but there are functional disorders. General delay in physical development - overweight, underweight, impaired vision and more. If a child often suffers from acute respiratory diseases, then he also has a 2nd group.

Third group- children who have chronic diseases, but they are in remission, sometimes there are exacerbations, there is no complication of the underlying disease. Children belonging to this group have normal physical health, but they have some deviations in weight - excess or deficiency, short stature. Psychological development often lags behind normal indicators.

Fourth group- children with chronic diseases that develop at the active stage or the stage of unstable remission are accompanied by frequent exacerbations. This also includes children whose disease is in remission, but this requires supportive treatment. Children with consequences after injuries, operations or limitations in learning and work.

Fifth group- is the most difficult and difficult group, this includes children with severe chronic diseases with extremely rare remissions and frequent seizures. Also in this case, there are significant complications, for the prevention of which treatment is used. This includes children with physical defects, dysfunction of some organs, accompanied by serious prohibitions in the formation of labor activity. This includes children with disabilities.

Distribution of children by health groups

The distribution of children by health groups is carried out only by a qualified specialist - a doctor based on the criteria and signs described above. A pediatrician, psychologist, neurologist and other narrow specialists use tests, examinations, and also study data and medical records on the course of pregnancy and the early development of the baby.

Of great importance is also a personal examination and instrumental research. Each doctor makes an accurate diagnosis, on the basis of which it is already possible to attribute the child to one or another health group. It all depends on what kind of violation in the functions of the body exists, at what stage it is, which of the variants of the course proceeds, the presence of complications. Of great importance is the fact of the presence of other diseases, the so-called "comorbidities", if they are not present, then the diagnosis is "healthy". The pediatrician studies all the diagnoses of narrow specialists and their recommendations, on the basis of which a health group is assigned, and recommendations are made to maintain health.

Those children in respect of whom there are suspicions of a disease or functional disorders are not given a comprehensive health assessment. In this option, it is necessary to conduct the entire complex of analyzes and studies in order to determine the group correctly. After the tests are received, it is necessary to clarify and make a diagnosis, then recommendations can be made and treatment prescribed.

Depending on which health group the child belongs to, various requirements or recommendations are put forward for him to carry out sports and social activities. Consider in detail the methodological recommendations for children of different health groups.

First group- any type of activity - educational, labor or sports are formed without restrictions on the general program of raising a child. It is only necessary to take into account the age and capabilities of a person, otherwise there are no contraindications or restrictions. All standards can be met without harm to health, and additional electives and classes, visiting sports sections and participating in olympiads and competitions are also recommended.

Second group- in this case, as we remember, the deviations are small, which means that the contraindications are not of a radical scale. It is necessary to harden the body, follow a balanced diet for weight gain or, on the contrary, for weight loss. It is also mandatory to follow the motor program. Physical education classes can not be interrupted, but children in this group can pass the standards with a time delay. Doctors recommend going in for sports sections of general physical training, it is necessary to take walks and games, participate in relay races and competitions. Participation in serious events is allowed with the permission of the doctor.

Third group- Before you start playing sports, you need to visit a doctor so that he gives some recommendations and restrictions. Particular attention is paid to the recovery procedure after classes, breathing exercises should be increased compared to the total mass. The pulse must be constantly monitored, the pace of exercise should be low and slow. Classes are implemented according to specially developed programs with the participation of doctors. Participation in sports activities is limited and permitted with the consent of the doctor.

Fourth group- the activity mode is limited, a special daily regimen is formed, in which rest is given a long time, and exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises) is implemented instead of ordinary sports. Specialized programs for special educational institutions are being created.

Fifth group- the activity of the child is significantly limited, the daily routine is accompanied by physiotherapy exercises, as well as a long rest. Formed medical procedures that support the health of the child. Physical education classes are held on an individual basis, under the supervision of qualified specialists, the programs are approved by the attending physician.

Instead of a conclusion

Summing up, we note that health groups are not the final diagnosis for a child, but only a special scale, thanks to which you can monitor the child's health, adjust his workload at school, sports clubs, depending on external factors. The health group can change, both for the worse and for the better.