2 month fetus. Embryo development by day and week

2 month fetus.  Embryo development by day and week
2 month fetus. Embryo development by day and week

The second month of pregnancy is counted from the middle of the fifth week and continues until the end of the eighth. The expectant mother's sense of smell is aggravated, taste preferences change. Constant companions are weakness and nausea, heartburn and swelling, frequent dizziness and mood swings. 2 months of pregnancy are accompanied by a violation of the hormonal background and the work of some internal organs. A kind of final test of the embryo for strength is the seventh week, after which the probability of miscarriage is significantly reduced.

Discharge at 2 months pregnant

Allocations in the second month of pregnancy are dangerous for the health of the expectant mother and the life of the fetus. If they are bloody and accompanied by pulling pain in the lower abdomen, this indicates that the tone of the uterus is increased and you should immediately consult a doctor. But thick and abundant whitish or clear discharge with an unpleasant odor, accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area, is a clear sign of infection. A frequent companion of pregnancy is thrush (candidiasis), which is characterized by white curdled discharge.

Belly at 2 months pregnant

The abdomen in the second month of pregnancy does not yet increase, sometimes pains in its lower part and lower back disturb. It is too early to think about changing your wardrobe, but physical activity should be reduced already at this time. Severe abdominal pain at 2 months of pregnancy is a dangerous sign in which you need to call an ambulance.

Pain in the second month of pregnancy

Pregnancy in the second month may be accompanied by slight pain in the chest, lower back and abdomen. If they are not too strong and disturb infrequently, this is normal. The pains are caused by hormonal changes and the restructuring of the body - for the next 9 months it is preparing to become a reliable protection for the unborn baby.

Fetal development in the second month of pregnancy

The fetus in the second month of pregnancy is especially sensitive to infections, diseases and other negative changes in the body of the expectant mother.

The cells of the embryo are actively dividing, it changes every week:

  • 5 week- the upper lip and nose are formed.
  • 6 week eyes, jaws, legs and arms are formed.
  • 7 week- the heart is improved.
  • 8 week- internal and genital organs are formed.

By the end of the second month, the embryo grows to 3 cm.

Toxicosis in the second month of pregnancy

Morning sickness, and sometimes vomiting after eating, is not observed in all pregnant women, but for most of them it is the main, most unpleasant and most annoying companion of their special situation. In some cases, toxicosis is accompanied by heartburn. There is only one way to deal with these phenomena - by adjusting the daily menu.

Ultrasound at 2 months pregnant

Ultrasound at this time shows how well the embryo develops, how correctly and timely the organs are laid, how the face is formed. The study helps to assess the condition of the placenta - the development of the fetus depends on its thickness. By the end of the second month, he can already move, the thymus gland appears, which is responsible for immunity, muscles, heart and brain grow.

Pregnancy in the second month is usually fully approved. The most important period for women begins, the hormonal background is completely rebuilt, the fetus is formed.

What happens in a woman's body

In the second month of pregnancy, a reliable attachment of the fetus to the uterus is observed, the formation of the placenta ends, and the laying of the tissues of the unborn child begins.

Around 5 weeks in a woman:

  • toxicosis of the early stage of pregnancy is manifested;
  • the uterus begins to increase in size;
  • the hormonal background changes;
  • pulls you to sleep, taste preferences change, sour or salty foods are preferred;
  • the psycho-emotional state changes, the mood often changes rapidly.

You will also need to consult other doctors: dentist, therapist, ENT, ophthalmologist.

It will tell you exactly how the pregnancy develops.

If pathologies occurred in her maturation, then this may threaten a miscarriage, termination of pregnancy, or.

At 2 months, the hormonal background in the woman's body completes the restructuring. Due to the change and development of the mammary glands, the size of the breast increases.


Signs of pregnancy at 2 months becomes more distinct.

If in 1 month a woman, as a rule, is completely ignorant, then the 2nd marks a 100% confirmation of pregnancy, since characteristic symptoms appear:

  • heartburn, colic in the abdomen due to an increase in the size of the uterus;
  • nausea, vomiting in the morning against the background;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • acute perception of any odors;
  • change in taste preferences and preference for salty foods;
  • pouring of the breast, the manifestation of a halo around the nipples of a darker shade;
  • the appearance of age spots, rashes on the body;
  • a distinct selection of veins under the skin in the area of ​​​​the mammary glands, on the legs and calves of the legs with the appearance of burgundy lines on the thighs - a sign of exacerbated varicose veins, provoked by an increase in circulating blood in the body;
  • feeling of weakness, drowsiness, increased fatigue, malaise;
  • dizziness up to fainting.

The main sign of pregnancy is the absence of menstruation at 2 months. Spotting at the end of 1 month, perceived as menstruation, is possible.

How the fetus develops

Many young mothers are extremely interested in knowing what the fetus looks like at 2 months of pregnancy.

Visual signs are still subtle, but cardinal changes are already taking place in the body.

Changes in a woman's body

In the second month, the body begins to experience stress due to the growth of the uterus.

During this period, spotting spotting in women should no longer be. Otherwise, this is a reason for an urgent appeal to a gynecologist.

The corpus luteum of pregnancy reaches its maximum.

For the preservation of pregnancy, increased production begins at the site of the egg that has left the ovary.

The active influence of progesterone affects the cervix, visually acquiring the shape of a cylinder with filling the lumen with thick mucus.

At 6 weeks, the uterus resembles a pear, an orange.

Grapefruit at 8 weeks. Women have unobtrusive pulling pains from the sides due to ligament tension.

Progesterone dominates during this period. In particular, lactogen is an important hormone for the development of the placenta.

In tandem, both hormones give the body a signal that it's time to reduce protein synthesis and switch to backup replenishment with glucose and fatty acids.

For normal growth and development of the fetus, an increase in the supply of nutrients is required.

Women have a hard time in the second month of pregnancy, because the sensations become more pronounced, the level of hCG increases.

It also gives doctors the opportunity to establish the state of pregnancy, the exact date.


  • protect yourself from infectious diseases, colds;
  • review nutrition;
  • avoid taking alcohol, drugs that are fraught with the development of malformations in the fetus.

The belly at the 2nd month of pregnancy in the expectant mother is not yet noticeable, since only the uterus increases in size. But by the end of the 5th week, you can already hear the baby's heartbeat.

On the 6th week, the formation of the liver, thyroid gland, respiratory system, and brain begins.

At week 7, the baby's heart is four-chambered with the ability to pump blood around the body.

Almost completely formed blood vessels, appendix, colon, gonads. The laying of the kidneys, endocrine system, and lungs begins.

At week 8, bone tissue is formed, as well as the ears and neck, the base for milk teeth.

The child is already able to swallow food, inhale air. And as the pituitary gland is formed, it controls the coordination of movements.

Analyzes and research

7-8 weeks - the period of registration of women for pregnancy, the appointment of a number of tests by a gynecologist:

  • Ultrasound, which makes it possible to plan adequate management of pregnancy in the future.

What can you do

The first and main occupation for women is timely visits to the gynecologist, since the 7th week is considered the most insidious, which accounts for a greater number of miscarriages.

Women should:

  • review and include in the diet protein, calf meat, chicken, eggs, milk, seafood, beans, soybeans, peas
  • walk more in the fresh air, walk;
  • sleep well;
  • avoid visiting crowded places (especially in the off-season) with an unstable body to attacks of infection;
  • perform moderate, avoiding overwork;
  • do breathing exercises, special classes for pregnant women.

What is prohibited

The following should be banned:

  • the use of medicines and if you had to drink any drug, you must urgently inform the doctor about it
  • eating fatty, salty, fried foods (shawarma, chips, crackers, soda, strong black, coffee);
  • alcohol intake, smoking;
  • lifting weights, carrying out physical activity and women should refuse to exercise in the gym;
  • wearing tight clothing;
  • stay in smoky rooms;
  • overeating at night;
  • fatigue (physical, mental).


Taste preferences in women in the second period of the month change dramatically. But I'm worried about toxicity. Sometimes you don’t feel like it at all, and the body thereby needs to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.


  • take folic acid in foods at least 500 mcg per day;
  • refuse fried, fatty foods, sweet dosage in order to avoid vomiting, irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • eliminate alcohol completely;
  • include dairy products (kefir, milk, yogurt, curdled milk, low-fat cottage cheese);
  • eat a small piece of boiled meat of beef, chicken, turkey, if nausea sets in, indicating a lack of protein in the body;
  • reduce the intake of spicy and salty foods, although it is quite acceptable to eat a small piece for appetite;
  • eat in small portions, but without drinking water, which leads to vomiting;
  • take soups and main dishes in the form of heat;
  • (compote, fruit fresh) if it becomes too hard;
  • eat a handful of nuts, dried fruits with the approaches of nausea;
  • take weak tea with honey (ginger) if you feel sick in the morning.


As a rule, women are not up to sex at 2 months of pregnancy, since intimate activity fades away, there is constant drowsiness, fatigue and mood variability.

If there is a desire, then the main thing is to make sure that there are no contraindications for intimacy.

If the threat of a miscarriage looms or the uterus arrives, then of course, it is better to refrain from sex, in particular, from rough caresses, deep penetrations, sudden movements.

In the second month, the future dad should show tenderness and affection for the woman.

If the future mother's health worsens and there is no desire for sexual intimacy, then you should not insist.

It is important for men to understand that unpleasant signs in early pregnancy in women do not lead to anything good. Although it can sometimes wake up libido with a vengeance.


Month 2 is considered critical, so women are advised to devote all their time exclusively to themselves:

  • completely protect yourself from the onslaught of harmful factors from the outside (toxins, viruses, microbes) that cause malformations in the fetus during the laying of organs;
  • avoid contact with harmful chemicals;
  • prevent hypothermia of the body.

A frequent danger that awaits women at the 2nd month of pregnancy is the threat of interruption, especially if there are hidden (chronic, venereal) diseases, hormonal disorders.

Signs that cannot be ignored and you need to urgently consult a doctor are severe pulling pain in the lower back (lower abdomen), uterine bleeding, increase.

Gynecologists advise women to understand what happens in the body in the second month of pregnancy and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • include fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, meat, fish in the diet;
  • refuse fast foods, fatty foods;
  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • drink special vitamin complexes in the composition with calcium, iron, iodine;
  • avoid crowded places in the off-season to avoid the risk of getting a cold;
  • engage in moderate household chores, avoiding overwork, refuse major repairs, general cleaning in the apartment, lifting weights.

The weight of a bag for a pregnant woman at 2 months should not exceed 3 kg. Activities (running, jumping) that require vibration of the body should be minimized.

Useful video: 2 months pregnant


In this article you will find answers to questions:

What do they depend on pregnant belly size?

When it starts to grow stomach during pregnancy?

Why do stomach ache during pregnancy (why does the stomach hurt)?

Is it possible to do abs exercises during pregnancy?

Is it possible during pregnancy sleep on your stomach?

Why stomach itches? (stretch marks and abdominal itching)

Why does it appear stripe on the abdomen and belly hair?

What's happened Braxton Hicks contractions(abdominal contractions)?

Why after giving birth put the baby on the stomach?

What does your belly after pregnancy and childbirth?


From this article you will learn the metrics and norms of the fetus by week: the size and weight of the fetus by ultrasound, fetal head size, biparietal fetal size (BDP), parietal coccygeal fetal size. And also see a photo of the development of the fetus by week of pregnancy.


From this article - a child development calendar - you will learn how a fertilized egg in 40-42 weeks it turns into a child. The most crucial moments in the development of the embryo and fetus with pictures.


Our collection photo ultrasound will help you immerse yourself in the world of a child even before his birth. You will see that someone is yawning, someone is smiling, someone is showing us their tongue, someone is hiding from us and covers their face with their hands, someone is sucking their thumb or playing with the umbilical cord ... At any time, you can add your photo ultrasound. See photos >>

From this article you will learn:

When should the first ultrasound be done during pregnancy?

- What is revealed by ultrasound in each of the trimesters of pregnancy?

- How often is it necessary and possible to do an ultrasound?

How to prepare for an early ultrasound?

Why do you need the first, second and third ultrasound during pregnancy?

2 month pregnant


Usually, the 2nd month of pregnancy is the period when women no longer have any doubts about the fact that they are pregnant. But if before that you still did not suspect that you would soon become a mother, then there are signs that clearly indicate this.

This period is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Weakness and fatigue. If you are not sick with anything, then this is a sure sign that you are pregnant.
  2. Toxicosis, which is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  3. Periodic bowel disorder.
  4. Swelling of the mammary glands.
  5. The upper part of the body does not fit into clothing. The bust and waist are enlarged.
  6. An emotionally unstable state that can be confused with PMS. If you don't have your period, then you are most likely pregnant.

Of course, an ultrasound at 2 months of pregnancy will help make sure that you are expecting a baby. In addition to it, you will need to pass some more tests:

  • blood and urine;
  • blood test for group and Rh factor;
  • blood test for group antibodies.

Since there is a possibility that a miscarriage may occur at 2 months, you must continue to take care of your body and take vitamins.

It happens that the temperature may rise during this period. If this is a basal temperature that can be measured in the rectum, then this is perfectly acceptable. And the body temperature at this time does not indicate any pathology. In any case, you should consult a doctor, and do not self-medicate. The most important thing to remember is that you should never take aspirin!

Many women are interested in whether sex is possible at 2 months of pregnancy. Everything is individual here, and if the doctor does not forbid it to you, then why not? In general, there are medical indications that it is better to avoid sex during pregnancy. Your doctor can recommend them to you.

In general, the 2nd month of pregnancy is very interesting for any woman. During this period, she may experience very interesting sensations. She will respond to familiar foods in a new way. At the same time, headaches and dizziness may begin.

It is interesting that it is now that changes in appearance begin. Not only the body changes, but also facial features. Veins may bulge in the chest and abdomen.

In order to avoid health problems, you must follow some rules:

  • monitor weight and avoid its increase;
  • constantly move and walk more in the fresh air;
  • engage in light physical activity, but do not overdo it.

So far, your baby is called an embryo and is 2.5 cm long. He develops in different ways, but his veins are already clearly visible, and his heart has divided into two chambers. By the end of week 10, your unborn baby will no longer be called an embryo, and will be called a "fetus".

Now there are changes with the body, face and limbs of the child. The digestive tract is formed in him and the rectum appears.

Now you need to be attentive to your health, and your future crumbs, take care of both of you.

2 month pregnant

The second month starts from the middle of the 5th week and lasts up to eight weeks. During this period, there is an aggravation of smell, taste preferences continue to change. The companions of pregnancy are malaise and nausea in the morning, severe heartburn, edema appears, constant dizziness and sudden mood changes are observed.

In the second month, there are such factors as, for example, hormonal disorders, dysfunction of the adrenal cortex, the production of androgens (male hormones) by the body. All this can have a negative impact on the fetus and lead to its death. The 7th week is considered a kind of milestone, a period of testing the strength of the connection between the hormonal production of the mother and the developing placenta. After all, it is at this time that most spontaneous miscarriages occur.

Ultrasound at 2 months pregnant

Ultrasound at the 2nd month of pregnancy shows that the embryo is also actively growing, the laying of internal organs occurs, the lower and upper limbs grow, the formation of the placenta is completed, and the face is formed. The fetus can already move, the thymus gland (thymus), the main organ of the immune system, is formed. There is growth and development of the brain, heart and muscles.

The size of the embryo by the end of the second month is only 3 cm. The second month of pregnancy, like the first, is a very important period. A woman is advised to rest more, take walks in the fresh air more often, monitor nutrition and weight, and avoid nervous experiences. As a rule, in the second month, menstruation stops, pregnancy is already easily determined not only during the analysis for hCG or through ultrasound, but even with the help of special tests.

Belly at 2 months pregnant

The belly at 2 months of pregnancy is still invisible. Sometimes there are minor pains in the lower back and lower abdomen. This month, women may for the first time, if there was no toxicosis in the first month, experience morning sickness and vomiting. Symptoms of nausea appear throughout the day, the expectant mother may react negatively to any smell and even to her favorite perfume or the aroma of her favorite dish.

Arctic Sunrise activists arrested for 2 months

Signs and symptoms 2 months pregnant

Feeling unwell in the morning, fatigue, constant drowsiness, dizziness leading to fainting are the main symptoms of pregnancy in the second month. Under the influence of hormones, many organ functions are disrupted. Pregnant women especially become irritable, tearfulness increases, the manifestation of hysteria.

Breasts at 2 months pregnant

The breast for the 2nd month of pregnancy “fills up”, increases in size, the skin around the nipples becomes dark in color, veins are visible under the skin, which means intensive blood circulation. The hormonal changes that occur in the body of pregnant women can be manifested by brittle nails and hair, the appearance of age spots or a rash on the skin.

The sensations characteristic of the second month of pregnancy are accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, because the body continues to adapt to new, unusual conditions of existence. In the second month, the size of the uterus changes, indigestion, bloating, problems with stools are observed. As the uterus grows in and puts pressure on the abdominal organs, the amount of urination increases.

Discharge at 2 months pregnant

Discharge at 2 months pregnant can be dangerous. If the pain in the abdomen is pulling and there is bloody discharge, this indicates that the tone of the uterus is increased, refusal to visit a doctor may result in a premature termination of pregnancy. You need to know that in the second month a thick mucous plug is formed in the cervical canal, which protects the fetus from infections.

This affects the change in vaginal discharge, they can become thick and plentiful, opaque or whitish.

Discomfort, green or yellow discharge, bad smell, itching or burning in the genital area indicate the presence of an infection. Very often during pregnancy, women suffer from thrush or candidiasis, which are accompanied by white curdled discharge.

Nutrition at 2 months pregnant

Nutrition at 2 months of pregnancy also requires special changes. For the normal development of the child in nutrition, rationality, balance and quality must be observed. In order to provide the body of a woman and the fetus with the necessary nutrients and nutrients, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits, and fermented milk products must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman.

Vegetables and greens will provide folic acid, necessary for the formation of a normal nervous system. The use of flour products that overload the body with easily digestible carbohydrates should be excluded, which contributes to the rapid gain of extra pounds of the mother. In general, it is allowed to eat what you want but in small portions, eating 4-5 times a day.

It is advisable to drink a cup of green tea immediately after waking up and eat a cracker or a cookie to prevent vomiting. The fetus continues to actively develop, and the impact of any negative factors can lead to pregnancy fading or spontaneous abortion.

Menstruation (bleeding) at 2 months pregnant

Menstruation at the 2nd month of pregnancy is a violation of the hormonal background, or a possible miscarriage, starting a spontaneous abortion, accompanied by bloody discharge. In this case, it is necessary to visit a doctor, since this is a deviation from the norm. Everyone needs to know that in the second month there can be no menstruation, if there is still a discharge of blood, then this is most likely bleeding, and urgent medical attention should be called urgently.

Abortion at 2 months pregnant

Abortion at 2 months of pregnancy is contraindicated for several reasons. These include: severe anemia, hemophilia, uterine fibroids, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital area of ​​a pregnant woman. In other cases, in the absence of contraindications, an abortion can be performed up to 12 or even up to 28 weeks, but by its nature, the process of terminating a pregnancy at such a late date resembles childbirth.

Sex at 2 months pregnant

Sex at 2 months of pregnancy may be allowed and contraindicated. Spouses should not have sex if there is a threat of termination of pregnancy, if there are two fetuses, with some abnormal locations of the placenta, with bleeding and infection. In most women, during the first months of pregnancy, sexual desire weakens due to fears, worries, toxicosis, fatigue and emotional instability.

But still, a planned pregnancy is always a great joy for a married couple, and sex during pregnancy has a number of positive aspects. Only a reasonable approach in this matter should still prevail, if there are grounds for a ban on sex in this period, then the doctor's recommendations require strict implementation.


How does the belly grow during pregnancy

Here you will find photos of four women with different body types. From the photographs you will be able to track how their belly changes and grows during all nine months of waiting. In addition, you will learn what factors and conditions affect the parameters of your abdomen.

When does the tummy start to grow during pregnancy? What will it look like? What determines the size and shape of the abdomen? And is it possible to predict what will be the belly of a pregnant woman? Expectant mothers ask all these questions. And obviously their curiosity has many explanations. A pregnant woman wants to know when her position will become visible to others. After all, if relatives and friends have already announced good news, then, for example, colleagues want to talk about changed plans far from immediately. In addition, trying to find out "normal" parameters, a woman seeks to keep the situation under control. After all, if the tummy corresponds to the average data, then the baby is in order. Is it really? Should women compare their tummies to photos on the Internet, or just "measure" their bellies with their girlfriends by position?

When does the belly start to grow? At what time is the belly visible?

Let's immediately turn to the photographs of four pregnant women. The photos were taken at the same time, however, the difference in how their tummies look is obvious. The belly changes its shape already from the second month of pregnancy, but the difference compared to the previous month is small, isn't it? Moreover, in the third month of pregnancy, the changes are also not yet obvious. And here in the fourth month others are likely to pay attention to the fact that the girls have changed.

The photographs also show that the growth of the abdomen begins at individual times. As obstetricians note, the abdomen becomes noticeable from the sixteenth obstetric week of pregnancy. However, it is quite possible that pregnancy will make itself felt a little earlier or even noticeably later. There are cases when, already in the first month of pregnancy (if the correct menu is not followed), women showed a noticeable increase in the abdomen due to gas formation. Pregnancy hormones affect bowel function, slowing down digestion. And if a woman continues to eat sweet, starchy foods, eats in large portions and rarely, then her stomach becomes noticeably large. In addition, in practice there are (albeit extremely rare) cases of “hidden gestation”, when the abdomen does not change shape and size until the very late stages of pregnancy.

What determines the size and shape of the abdomen

1. The tummy is more noticeable in women who are re-pregnant. This is due to the fact that in the first pregnancy, the abdominal muscles were not yet stretched.

2. The size and shape of the abdomen depend on the build, physique, height and weight of the woman. It is believed that petite women notice a rounded belly much earlier than tall women with a magnificent complexion. However, this does not mean that there may be exceptions.

3. The size and shape of the abdomen may depend on heredity. Therefore, it is more likely that you can predict the parameters of the abdomen by looking at photographs of your mother in position (or your father's mother, if you inherited his complexion).

4. Weight gain during pregnancy will also affect the size of the abdomen.

5. The estimated size of the baby, as well as the growth rate of the fetus. The larger the fetus, the sooner everyone will notice your belly! There is average information about the size of the fetus at certain times of pregnancy. Knowing them, it is easier to understand where the baby is “hiding” in the stomach until the fourth month.

As can be seen from the table, a significant increase in the fetus occurs precisely at the 16th week of gestation.

6. It affects the size of the abdomen and the growth of the uterus. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus has a pear-shaped shape, and by the end of the second month it becomes round and triples in size. In a non-pregnant woman, the uterus weighs only fifty to one hundred grams, and by the end of pregnancy, its weight reaches one kilogram! The size of the uterus will be given to you at each of your scheduled check-ups. But you can learn about how the belly changes each week of pregnancy (and see what the uterus looks like too) here: Pregnancy in pictures by week. In addition, if the location of the fetus in the uterus is closer to its front wall (with front diligence), then the stomach will appear larger. Amniotic fluid also plays an important role. Here's how amniotic fluid builds up:

Why the belly does not grow during pregnancy

So, earlier we found out that until the fourth month of pregnancy, the stomach can be completely invisible. But what does the slowed growth of the uterus mean? Lagging rates of uterine enlargement may indicate fetal malnutrition (doctors call it growth retardation). The risk of having a small child is high. The uterus may be smaller than its size even if there is molarity, which can develop as a result of maternal hypertension, infectious and inflammatory diseases, lesions of the fetal excretory system, placental insufficiency, preeclampsia.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the belly of a pregnant woman may look different depending on the six factors that we have listed. And yet, you should not neglect the medical supervision of the course of pregnancy. Only a doctor can accurately measure the size of the uterus, fetus (using ultrasound) and the volume of amniotic fluid.

Pregnancy week by week - how the fetus develops, what happens to the woman.

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External changes in a pregnant woman at 2 months and skin care

The appearance of a pregnant woman is largely determined by the inherent constitution of the female body. There are cases when the stomach at the 2nd month of pregnancy is already beginning to round. This may indicate the peculiarities of the physiology of a woman. Also, the belly is noticeable in very thin expectant mothers. But overweight pregnant women, on the contrary, may be no different from the rest.

By the 2nd month of pregnancy, a woman may feel a slight itch in the abdomen and chest. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the skin in these parts of the body begins to stretch. This is the best time to take care of the prevention of stretch marks. Most of us are more familiar with them as "stretch marks". Of course, they do not pose any threat to life and health. But from an aesthetic point of view, stretch marks do not emphasize the beauty of the female body in the best way.

At first, they appear as red or purplish marks on the skin, but over time they fade and become lighter than normal skin tone. The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the body of a pregnant woman is rapid weight gain. But their development can be completely prevented if you take care of skin elasticity in time.

Fortunately, in our time, every woman can successfully deal with stretch marks. It remains only to choose the appropriate effective method.

You can use special cosmetics that prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Almost every pharmacy presents a series of cosmetic products for skin care during pregnancy. Their obvious advantages are natural ingredients, the absence of fragrances and fragrances - all this makes them absolutely safe and hypoallergenic.

You can also refer to traditional medicine recipes.

Vegetable oil is considered a good natural remedy for stretch marks. Olive oil is especially effective. This is a very affordable, easy to use and safe natural remedy for mom and her baby. Just regularly lubricate the areas of skin prone to stretch marks with oil. In the area of ​​special attention - the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs. Olive oil will help relieve itching and soften dry skin.

Of course, special skin care is necessary throughout pregnancy.

Well, to make it easier to survive hormonal changes in the body at this time, start (or continue) taking vitamin preparations for pregnant women. If you are concerned about vomiting, then you need to use them during the best state of health. Most likely, you will not get rid of toxicosis, but the fetus will be provided with the necessary amount of vitamins.

Also, do not neglect the rest - go to bed early and get up later. During the day (especially in the morning) do not overwork.

The second month of pregnancy is a very important period of formation and development of the future person. At the same time, there are many risks, the embryo only strengthens in the uterus, the placenta develops, and the corpus luteum degrades. It is important for a pregnant woman to monitor her well-being and, if necessary, contact medical workers in time.

Discomfort and discomfort in the abdominal cavity. Unexpressed manifestations may accompany the process of implantation of the fetal egg into the uterine wall.

At the beginning of the second month, such sensations may indicate a risk of interruption or the presence of a tubal pregnancy, especially after a cesarean. For qualified assistance, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Frequent urination in small portions. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the nearby bladder, which reflexively empties more often. If this happens without discomfort and discomfort, it will soon stop. Frequent urges with pain and pain suggest contacting a medical institution.

Nausea and vomiting. These manifestations disturb quite often, but usually pregnant women adapt. Persistent nausea with lack of appetite and repeated vomiting can lead to a violation of the mother's well-being and pose a threat to the development of the embryo, in such cases, medical advice is indispensable.

Discharge from the genital tract. The amount of discharge may increase, its appearance may change, a bloody or brown secret may appear. With a light, curd-like discharge with a sour smell, you should not worry. If the discharge is bloody in nature, notify your doctor.

Want to know how your baby is developing?

Every week we are ready to send useful information about the development of the baby and your well-being.

Week 1 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25 26 week 27 week 28 week 29 week 30 week 31 week 32 week 33 week 34 week 35 week 36 week 37 week 38 week 39 week 40 week 41 week

Temperature. Hormonal shifts can lead to a slight increase in temperature. If the temperature lasts for some time and, moreover, is accompanied by manifestations of a cold, contacting doctors will allow you to choose the best option for help at a serious stage.

Constipation. A rare occurrence at this time. With initially overweight in the mother, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract before pregnancy, stool delays may appear. If it hurts on the left in the iliac region, seek advice. Do not forget about vegetables and fruits, gymnastics for pregnant women, hiking and a sour-milk diet.

Headache. Periodically, they can disturb at the end of the working day or against the background of traumatic situations. If they become persistent and prolonged, a doctor's consultation is necessary, medicines are only prescribed.

Insomnia at night and drowsiness during the day. Some pregnant women report sleep and wake disturbances, weakness and inability to concentrate during the daytime, and difficulty falling asleep in the evening and at night. These symptoms are temporary, help lies in an extraordinary vacation from work, being in the open air before bedtime, a moderate amount of food and positive emotions.

Flatulence. Unpleasant sensations of bloating in the abdomen, rumbling, irregular stools. By observing the daily routine and doing gymnastics for pregnant women, women help normalize bowel function and stop discomfort.

Itching of the genitals. Such discomfort is not very common, sometimes accompanied by copious discharge from the genital tract. May indicate the development of thrush, gestational diabetes mellitus, infection. The doctor will take a smear on the flora, after which he will recommend the approved treatment.

Emotional instability and mood swings several times a day. It is better to just survive this period by helping yourself with your favorite activities, hobbies, long walks in the forest or staying on the river bank in fine weather.

The appearance of a venous pattern on the legs. With an increase in the volume of circulating fluid in the body of a pregnant woman, the load on the veins of the lower extremities increases. If the problems did not appear before pregnancy, with weak venous valves, the veins in the legs expand and become visible.

To achieve a cosmetic effect, avoid prolonged standing on your feet, rest with your legs up and control weight gain.

Burning and slight prickling in the mammary glands. These manifestations are not very disturbing, the skin on them becomes more sensitive to caresses, so this problem is experienced quite simply.

Rapid fatigue and inability to concentrate. Hormonal storms also affect the emotional sphere, which leads to similar problems. Some, on the contrary, pay attention to increased working capacity. In any case, everything is experienced with thoughts of future childbirth.

Often, it is in the second month of pregnancy that women find out about their situation. It is one of the most crucial periods, since at this time the formation of the placenta and the laying of vital organs and systems in the embryo take place. The expectant mother should be extremely careful and attentive to her well-being and health.

What does a woman feel, what signs indicate pregnancy? What should a future mother be afraid of in order to avoid complications?

pregnancy symptoms at 2 months

Pregnancy is indicated by one or more symptoms, the best known of which is toxemia. It manifests itself in nausea and vomiting after waking up, a negative reaction of the body to odors and motion sickness in transport. Sometimes a pregnant woman feels sick throughout the day, which threatens with dehydration and weight loss.

In addition to toxicosis, a sign that a woman has become pregnant is the absence of menstruation for more than 0.5-1 month. A pregnant woman may feel tired and overwhelmed, and others notice her increased emotionality, which is manifested by tearfulness, whims and changeable mood. Many expectant mothers complain that they constantly want to sleep.

The changes are based on hormonal changes in the body, in particular the effect of progesterone and relaxin on it. Because of the hormones, the breasts of a pregnant woman are extremely sensitive, there is a slight soreness. The bust increases, and the nipples and areolas darken. Because of the blood flow, veins are clearly visible under the skin. In addition to breast augmentation, facial features change, and the nose seems larger.

An increased concentration of hormones in the body leads to the fact that the hair has to be washed more often than usual, the pores on the face become clogged, age spots and rashes appear. Despite the fact that the weight gain at 2 months is insignificant, the woman's waist becomes wider.

Many women have increased salivation and thirst. This is explained by the fact that the body accumulates water for the child. Pregnancy symptoms also include atypical tastes and food combinations. Often, a woman's obsessive desire to eat a certain product is so great that she sends her husband in search of him even at night.

What happens in the female body?

At the 2nd month of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size. If earlier it looked like a pear, now it takes on a round shape. By the size of the uterus, the gynecologist determines the gestational age.

Under the influence of progesterone and lactogen, the metabolism works more intensively. At the same time, protein synthesis in the body decreases, everything is focused on fatty acids and glucose. Thus, nutrients are accumulated for the development of the embryo.

The task of the endocrine system is to ensure a balance between the hormones produced by the adrenal glands and the thyroid gland. So, too much androgens will cause rejection of the fetus, and insufficient - deviations in its development.

Weakness and dizziness of pregnant women is associated with a decrease in blood pressure. Despite the short gestation period, there is still a load on the organs and systems of the body. The kidneys and the cardiovascular system are especially involved.

Feelings and pains in the second month of pregnancy

A slight discomfort in the lumbar region and abdomen of a woman is associated with the growth of the uterus, tension and relaxation of the ligaments, or other unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy (bloating, heartburn, nausea). At this time, the body adapts to the increased amount of hormones. Progesterone, for example, causes frequent urination.

In the normal course of pregnancy, a woman should not have pain. The appearance of pulling pain in the lower back or abdomen may indicate uterine tone or fetal rejection. The cause of pain is also an ectopic pregnancy.

Is the belly visible?

Since the uterus is located below the pubic bone, the abdomen is not visible at 2 months of pregnancy (see also:). In appearance, others are unlikely to guess about the new position of a woman. You can see what the stomach looks like at two months in the photo.

Pregnancy is more likely to be indicated by other signs, for example, frequent visits to the toilet or nausea. If the expectant mother's appetite has increased and she eats more, the stomach may round out a little. However, this is not associated with the growth of the fetus and uterus.

Can there be discharge and menstruation in the second month of pregnancy?

As you know, the absence of menstruation is one of the main signs of pregnancy. Therefore, in its normal course, menstruation should be absent. Light or white discharge is considered normal. Compared to the discharge that was before conception, now they have a thicker consistency. Thanks to the action of progesterone, mucus fills the cervical canal, protecting the baby from infection.

The appearance of foamy discharge, yellow or greenish mucus indicates the presence of an infectious disease that affects the development of the baby and can cause the loss of a child. Curdled discharge with a sour smell indicates candidiasis. Due to a decrease in the immune forces of the body and a change in the microflora of the vagina, it often appears during pregnancy.

Pinkish or bloody discharge is an extremely alarming signal. Causes of blood from the vagina in the second month:

  • taking hormonal drugs before conception;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • miscarriage.

What does an ultrasound show?

Scheduled ultrasound in the second month is not performed. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, it is carried out no earlier than 11-13 weeks. An examination is prescribed in case of illness of a pregnant woman and with the likelihood of complications.

From about 7 weeks, parents will be able to see the baby on the screen. The duration of the procedure is about 15-20 minutes. Since the gestation period is short, ultrasound is often performed by the transvaginal method, which involves the introduction of a special device into the vagina. Transabdominal type of diagnosis - scanning the uterus through the walls of the abdominal cavity - is recommended to be carried out closer to the three-month gestation period.

With the help of ultrasound, a specialist will check how the fetus develops and what condition the placenta is in. Ultrasound also makes it possible to determine the gestational age, detect the threat of its interruption or confirm a missed pregnancy.

Fetal development in the second month of pregnancy

This period is considered the most responsible - the systems and organs of the fetus are laid, the placenta with the umbilical cord is actively developing. At two months, the crumbs form legs and arms, a face, eyes, nose and mouth, and the process of forming ears begins. Compared to the body, the head is still disproportionately large, and there is no neck as such.

At 5 weeks after conception, the cardiovascular and respiratory systems develop, as well as the liver and pancreas. A little later, the process of closing the head end of the neural tube is completed.

By the end of the second month, the baby will begin to open his mouth and move. The first movements are chaotic and are not yet coordinated by the cerebellum. In addition, the rudiments of the genital organs of the crumbs are formed. The intestines are now contracting, and the baby's heart is beating.

The size of the embryo reaches 20-30 mm, and it is officially called the fetus. Its weight is no more than three grams, while most of the organs have already been formed.

Diet and vitamin complexes

Since at this time a woman suffers from toxicosis, it is necessary to drink the prescribed amount of water and give preference to vegetable and dairy foods. Until the toxicosis passes, it is recommended to reduce the amount of protein products. In addition, pregnant women should adhere to the following rules:

  • you should not eat fatty, fried, sweet and spicy foods - it will increase toxicosis and lead to a set of extra pounds;
  • an excellent choice would be steamed dishes, fresh fruits, vegetable salads, dried fruit compote;
  • you can not consume too many carbohydrates, and pastries must be excluded from the menu;
  • in order for the body to receive enough calcium, dairy products should always be on the menu;
  • the optimal snack will be nuts containing healthy fats and proteins;
  • The last meal should be three hours before bedtime.

In order for the mother's body and the baby in her womb to receive all the necessary trace elements and vitamins, it is recommended to take a vitamin complex. The drug is selected individually, taking into account the physical condition and nutritional characteristics of the woman. Often, a multivitamin agent includes folic acid (required for the formation of blood vessels and the nervous system), vitamin E (required to prevent premature aging of the placenta and normal blood flow), as well as iron, iodine and other useful substances.

Sex in the second month of pregnancy

Due to malaise and toxicosis, the sexual activity of a woman during this period is somewhat reduced. However, in the absence of health problems, you should not avoid sexual contact with your spouse.

The opinion that an orgasm will harm the baby is wrong. On the contrary, it enhances the supply of oxygen to the fetus. In addition, a flat stomach allows the couple to choose any position. The only exceptions are hard forms of sex with deep penetration and sharp movements.

With an increased tone of the uterus or the threat of rejection of the embryo, sexual contacts are minimized. If a woman has previously lost a child or has health problems, absolute abstinence is recommended.

Possible dangers and complications in the second month

At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus is most sensitive to negative factors and toxins that can provoke its rejection. The most dangerous is the interval between 6 and 7 weeks, when the corpus luteum completes its work and the placenta begins to function.

If, during the development of the placenta, a woman has had a cold or inflammatory disease, has had abortions in the past, or she has had miscarriages, the risk of losing a child increases. Maternal illness can affect the closure of the neural tube and lead to inadequate organ development in the baby.

In such situations, you should not wait 12 weeks to register. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. In the event of spotting and pain in the lower back or abdomen, an ambulance should be called.

The expectant mother should protect herself from physical and mental overwork, have more rest, not be nervous and eat well. With signs of damage to the veins in the legs and in the groin, a specialist consultation is necessary. To prevent further development of varicose veins, the mother will have to monitor weight gain, refuse to wear high-heeled shoes and wear compression underwear.

It is worth noting other risks during pregnancy and embryo development:

  • ectopic pregnancy (in this case, the pregnancy is terminated, because there is a threat to the woman's life due to rupture of the fallopian tube and internal bleeding);
  • Rhesus conflict, to exclude which an analysis is done at this time (if there is one, a special drug will be administered to the woman);
  • if a pregnant woman is ill with rubella at this time, there is a possibility of heart pathologies in the baby;
  • mother's illness can affect the formation of the baby's face, because of this, pathologies such as cleft lip and cleft palate appear (for more details, see the article:);
  • you should be extremely careful when taking medications - most of them affect the development of the embryo or cause miscarriage.