The Great Patriotic War in Artistic Literature. Famous Frontoviki Writers

The Great Patriotic War in Artistic Literature. Famous Frontoviki Writers
The Great Patriotic War in Artistic Literature. Famous Frontoviki Writers

For many years, they separate us from the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). But the time does not reduce interest in this topic, paying attention to today's generation to the distant front-year years, to the origins of the feat and the courage of the Soviet soldier - the hero, the liberator, the Humanist. Yes, the word writer in war and the war is difficult to overestimate; The designer, distinguishing, elevator, poem, song, a chastushka, a bright heroic image of a fighter or commander, they inspired warriors on the feats, led to victory. These words and today are full of patriotic sound, they poinate the ministry of the Motherland, approve the beauty and greatness of our moral values. That is why we again and again return to the works that made the Golden Fund of Literature on the Great Patriotic War.

As there was nothing equal to this war in the history of mankind, and in the history of world art there was no such number of various types of works, as a tragic time. Especially strongly the topic of war sounded in Soviet literature. From the first days of the grandiose battle, our writers stood in one system with all the fooling people. More than a thousand Writers took part in hostilities at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, the "pen and a machine" defending his native land. Of 1000, more than 400 have not returned to the front, more than 400 from the war, 21 became the heroes of the Soviet Union.

Famous masters of our literature (M. Sholokhov, L. Leonov, A. Tolstoy, A. Fadeev, Sun. Ivanov, I. Erenburg, B. Gorbatov, D. Poor, V. Vishnevsky, V. Vasilevskaya, K. Simonov, and .Surkov, B. Lavrenev, L. Sobolev and many others) became correspondents of front-line and central newspapers.

"There is no longer honor for the Soviet writer," Fadeev wrote in those years, "and there is no higher task from Soviet art, the daily and tireless service of the arms of the artistic word to their people in the Terrible Watch of the Battle."

When the guns thundered, the muses were not silent. Throughout the war - and in a serious time of failures and deviations, and in the days of victories - our literature sought to reveal the moral qualities of the Soviet person as fully as possible. Rising love for the Motherland, Soviet literature brought up hatred of the enemy. Love and hatred, life and death - these contrasting concepts at that time were inseparable. And it is this contrast that this contradiction carried the highest justice and the highest humanism. The power of literature of the military years, the secret of her wonderful creative success - in an inseparable connection with the people, heroically fighting with German invaders. Russian literature, who has long been famous for his proximity to the people, perhaps never closed so closely with life and was not so targeted as in 1941-1945. In essence, she became the literature of one topic - themes of war, the themes of the Motherland.

Writers breathed in one breath with the struggling people and felt like "trench poets", and all the literature as a whole, by the member of the expression of A. Tvardovsky, was the "voice of the heroic soul of the people" (the history of Russian Soviet literature / Ed. P. Extend. ., 1970.-C.390).

Soviet literature of military time was a multi-community and multilayer. Poems, essays, journalistic articles, stories, plays, poems, novels were created by writers during the war years. Moreover, if in 1941 the small - "operational" genres prevailed, then over time, the works of larger literary genres begin to play a significant role (Kuzmichyov I. Genres of Russian literature of military years. - Gorky, 1962).

Significant in the literature of military years the role of prosaic works. Based on the heroic traditions of Russian and Soviet literature, the prose of the Great Patriotic War reached great creative vertices. The Golden Fund of Soviet literature includes such works created during the war years, as "Russian character" A. Tolstoy, "Science of Hate" and "They fought for their homeland" M. Sholokhov, "Taking Greykushumsk" L. Leonova, "Young Guard" A. Fadeeva, "Unbridled" B. Gorbatov, "Raduga" V. Vasilevskaya and others who have become an example for the writers of post-war generations.

The traditions of the literature of the Great Patriotic War are the foundation of creative searches for modern Soviet prose. Without these, who have become classic, traditions, which are based on a clear understanding of the decisive role of the masses in the war, their heroism and selfless devotion to the Motherland, would be impossible to be those wonderful successes that the Soviet "military" prose was achieved today.

Its further development of the prose about the Great Patriotic War received in the first postwar years. Wrote the "fire" K. Fedin. Continued to work on the novel "They fought for their homeland" M. Sholokhov. In the first post-war decade, a number of works were also appeared, which was taken for a pronounced desire for a comprehensive image of the events of the war called "panoramic" novels (the term itself appeared late when, the general typological features of these novels were identified). This is "White Birza" M. Bubennova, "Znamers" O. Gonchara, "Battle of Berlin" Sun. Ivanova, "Spring on Oder" E. Kazakevich, "Storm" I. Ehrenburg, "Storm" O. Latsis, "Family Rubanyuk" E. Popovkin, "Unforgettable days" of Lyankov, "For the power of the Soviets" V. Kataeva, etc.

Despite the fact that many of the "panoramic" novels were characterized by significant drawbacks, such as some "lacquering" of the events depicted, weak psychologism, illustrative, rectilinear opposition of positive and negative heroes, a certain "romanticization" of the war, these works played their role in Development of military prose.

Writers of the so-called "second wave", font-name writers who have entered into greater literature in the late 1950s - early 1960s made a great contribution to the development of Soviet military prose. So, Yuri Bondarev near Stalingrad is chanting tanks of Manstein. The artilleryrs were also E. nosov, Baklanov; Poet Alexander Yashin fought in the marine infantry near Leningrad; Poet Sergey Orlov and writer A. Ananyev - Tankists, burned in a tank. The writer Nikolai Mushroomov was a platoon commander, and then the self-battalion commander. Oles Gonchar fought in a mortar settlement; Infantrymen were V. Babyov, I. Akulov, V. Kondratyev; mortar - M. Alekseev; cadet, and then partisan - K. Vorobyov; In relations - V. Astafiev and Y. Goncharov; self-propeller - V. Kurochkin; A paratrooper and intelligence - V. Bogomolov; Partisans - D. Gusarov and A. Adamovich ...

What is characteristic of the work of these artists who came into literature in the missing gunpowder with sergeant and lieutenant chains? First of all, the continuation of the classical traditions of Russian Soviet literature. Traditions M. Sholokhov, A. Tolstoy, A. Fadeeva, L. Leonov. For it is impossible to create something new without support that was achieved by the predecessors, exploring the classical traditions of Soviet literature, front-line writers not just measured them, but also creatively developed. And it is natural, because the literary process is based on the complex mutual influence of traditions and innovation.

Front-like experience in different writers of unequal. Prosers of the older generation entered in 1941, as a rule, the words already established by artists and went to war to write about the war. Naturally, they could see the events of those years wider and comprehend them deeper than the medium-generation writers who fought directly on the front line and hardly thinking at the time that they would someday take over the pen. The circle of the latest vision was quite narrow and limited to often the limits of the platoon, the company, battalion. This "narrow strip across the entire war", according to the expression of a Frontovik writer A. Ananyyev, passes through many, especially early, works of medium-generation prosaikov, such as "Battalions are asking for fire" (1957) and "Last Slops" ( 1959) Yu. Bondarev, "Cravery Creek" (1960), "Third Rocket" (1961) and all subsequent works by V. Bykov, "South of the main strike" (1957) and "Land of the Earth" (1959), "Device Come "(1961) Baklanov," Creek "(1961) and" killed near Moscow "(1963) K. Vorobyov," Shepherd and Shepherd "(1971) V. Astafieva and others.

But, yielding to the senior generation writers in the literary experience and the "wide" knowledge of the war, the medium-generation writers had their own explicit advantage. All four years of war they spent at the forefront and were not just eyewitnesses of battles and battles, but also their immediate participants who personally experienced all the burden of equal life. "These were people who carried all the war of war on their shoulders - from the beginning of it and to the end. These were people of trenches, soldiers and officers; They themselves went to the attacks, to a mad and furious excitement shot on tanks, silently buried their friends, took the highlights that seemed to be impregnable, with their own hands the metal trembling of a hot machine gun felt, breathed the garlic smell of a German tall and heard how acute and splashing juggling in brush from broken mines "(Bondarev Yu. View into the biography: Coll. Ph.-m., 1970.- T.- P. 389-390.). Land in literary experience, they had certain advantages, as they knew the war From the trenches (literature of the Great Podav.- M., 1975.- Vol. 2.- p. 253-254).

This is the advantage - the immediate knowledge of war, the front edge, the trench, allowed the medium-generation writers to give a picture of the war extremely brightly, highlighting the smallest details of the front life, accurately and strongly showing the most stressful moments - minutes of battle - all that they saw with their own eyes and that They themselves survived in four years of war. "It is deep personal shocks that can explain the appearance of the nude truth of war in the first books of Writers-Frontovikov. These books have become a revelation, which our literature on war has not yet knew. "(Leonov B. Epos Heroism.-M., 1975.-p.139.).

But not the battles themselves were interested in these artists. And they wrote the war not for the war. The characteristic tendency of the literary development of the 1950s and 1960s, which brightly manifested themselves in their work is to strengthen the attention of the fate of a person in its conjugacy with history, to the inner world of the person in its unprofitability with the people. Show a person, his inner, spiritual world, the most fully revealed in a decisive moment, is the main thing that they were taken for the pen of these prosaics, which, despite the originality of their individual style, is inherent in one common feature - sensitivity to the truth.

Another interesting distinguishing feature is typical for the creativity of Frontovikov writers. In their works of the 50s and 1960s, compared with the books of the previous decade, the tragic emphasis in the image of war increased. These books "carried cruel drama charge, often they could be defined as" optimistic tragedies ", their main characters were soldiers and officers of one platoon, company, battalion, shelf, regardless of whether it was liked or did not like dissatisfied critics requiring largely wide paintings, global sound. These were far from any calm illustration, even the slightest didactics, lunizing, rational deactivities, the substitution of the inner truth of the external one. They had a harsh and heroic soldiers' truth (Bondarev Yu. The trend of the development of the military historical novel. - Soviet. Ph.-m., 1974.-t. 3.-p.436.)

The war in the image of prose-front-line, it is not only, and not even so much, the spectacular heroic exploits, outstanding actions, how much tedious everyday work, the work is heavy, bloody, but vital, and from it, as everyone will do in his place, Ultimately, winned victory. And precisely in this everyday career and saw the heroism of the Soviet man writers "The second wave". Personal military experience of writers "The second wave" determined largely as the very image of war in their first works (the locality of the events described, extremely compressed in space and time, a very small number of heroes, etc.) and genre forms, the most relevant The content of these books. Small genres (tale, story) allowed these writers most and accurately convey everything they personally saw and experienced than their feelings and memory were crowded.

It was in the mid-50s - early 60s that the story and the story took a leading place in the literature about the Great Patriotic War, significantly sweating the novel, who held a dominant position in the first post-year decade. Such a tangible overwhelming quantitative superiority of works written in the form of small genres caused some critics with hasty hot to argue that the novel is no longer able to restore his former leading position in the literature that it is the genre of the past and that he does not meet the tempo time, the rhythm of life, and T ..

But time and life also showed unperative and excessive categorical of such statements. If in the late 1950s - early 60s quantitative superiority of the story over the novel was overwhelming, then from the mid-60s, the novel gradually returns to the lost positions. And the novel undergo certain changes. It is more than before, relies on the facts, documents, on valid historical events, the relevant behave in the narration of real persons, seeking to draw a picture of the war, on the one hand, as widely and fully as possible, and on the other, it is historically extremely accurately. Documents and artistic fiction go here hand in hand, being two main terms.

It was on the combination of a document and fiction that were built by serious phenomena of our literature, works, as "live and dead" K. Simonov, "The origins" of Konovalov, "Baptism" I. Akulov, "Blockada", "Victory" a . Schakovsky, "War" I. Stadnyuk, "Only one life" of S. Barzunov, "Captain of Far Navigation" A. Krona, "Communion" V. Karpova, "July 41 years" G. Baklanova, "Requiem Caravan PQ-17 "V. Pikule, and others. Their appearance was caused by the requirements in public opinion objectively, in full, to present the degree of the preparedness of our country to war, the causes and nature of the summer retreat to Moscow, the role of Stalin in the management of the preparation and course of hostilities 1941-1945 And some other socio-historical "nodes", attracted close interest, starting from the mid-1960s and especially during the period of restructuring.

Hate never did people happy. War is not just words on pages, not just beautiful slogans. War is pain, hunger, breaking the soul fear and ... death. Books about the war - vaccinations from evil, sobering us holding from rash actions. Let's learn from the mistakes of the past, reading wise and truthful works to avoid the repeat of a terrible story, so that we and the coming generations could create a beautiful society. Where there are no enemies and any disputes can be resolved. Where do not harbor relatives, fighting from longing. Where every life is priceless ...

Not only the present, but also a distant future depends on each of us. Just need to - fill your heart to kindness and see in the surrounding non-potential enemies, and the same as we are people - with expensive hearts with families, with a dream of happiness. Remembering the great victims and exploits of ancestors, we must carefully keep their generous gift - life without war. So let the sky above our heads will always be peaceful!

In the history of mankind itself, the bloody and continued for almost 4 years, it was reflected in the heart of every cruel tragedy, which took the lives of millions of people.

Peter People: Truth About War

Despite the growing time distance between those distant events, interest in the theme of war is constantly increasing; The current generation does not remain indifferent to the courage and the exploits of Soviet soldiers. A large role in the veracity of the description of the events of the military years was played by the word writers and poets, a temporary, elevator, director-inspirational. They are those who are writers and poets-Frontoviki, holding their youth on the battlefields, reported to the modern generation the history of human destinies and actions of people who sometimes depended on life. The writers of bloody wartime truthfully described in their works the atmosphere of the front, partisan movement, the severity of campaigns and life in the rear, strong soldier friendship, desperate heroism, betrayal and cowardly desertion.

Creative generation born war

Frontoviki writers are a separate generation of heroic personalities who have experienced the military and post-war period. Some of them died at the front, others lived longer and died, as they say, not from old age, and from old wounds.

1924 was marked by the birth of a whole generation of Frontovikov, famous for the whole country: Boris Vasilyev, Victor Astafiev, Yulia Drunina, Bulat Okudzhava, Vasil Bulls. These front-line writers, the list of which is not full, with the war, faced at the time when they were just 5 years old.

Boris Vasiliev - Emergency Man

Almost all the boys and girls did not manage to escape in the terrible wartime. Survived only 3%, among whom Boris Vasilyev turned out to be miracle.

He could perish in the 34th year from Tifa, in the 41st surroundings, in 43rd from mine stretching. At the front, the boy left a volunteer, passed cavalry and machine-gun shelf schools, fought in the airborne regiment, studied at the Military Academy. In the post-war period, worked in the Urals test of tracked and wheeled vehicles. Was demobilized in the rank of captain engineer in 1954; The reason for demobilization is the desire to engage in literary activities.

Military theme author devoted such works as "did not mean in the lists," "Tomorrow was war," "Veteran", "Do not shoot in white swans." Famous Boris Vasiliev began after the publication in 1969 a story "And the dawns here are quiet ...", set in 1971 on the stage of the theater on the Taganka Yury Lyubimov and was not fused in 1972. According to the writer's scenarios, approximately 20 films were shot, among which the "officers", "Tomorrow there was a war," "Ati-Bata, soldiers went ...".

Frontoviki Writers: Biography Viktor Astafieva

Viktor Astafyev, like many front-line writers of the Great Patriotic War, showed war in their work as a great tragedy, saw the eyes of a simple soldier - a man who is the basis of the whole army; It is his punishment that he is abundant, and the awards bypass him. This collective, half an autobiographical image of a front-line woman who lives one life with comrades and who has accounted for fearlessly to watch death in his eyes, Astafev largely written off himself and his front friends, opposing it to the obseriala-figs, most of them inhabited in a relatively non-dangerous front-line zone throughout wars. It was to them that he, like the other poets and font-frank writers, experienced deepest contempt.

The author of such well-known works as "king of fish", "cursed and killed", "the last bow" for its allegedly commitment to the West and a tendency to chasisin, which critics saw in his works, on the slope of years was abandoned by the state of fate, for Which fought, and sent to die into his native village. It was such a bitter price that I had to pay Viktor Astafyev - a man who never refused written, for the desire to tell the truth, bitter and sad. The truth, which was not silent in their works of Frontoviki Writers of the Great Patriotic War; They said that the Russian people who not only won, but also lost a lot in themselves, at the same time with the impact of fascism experienced the oppressive influence of the Soviet system and its own internal forces.

Bulat Okudzhava: Sunset has shone a hundred times ...

Poems and songs Bulat Okudzhava ("Prayer", "Full Trolleybus", "Merry Drummer", "Song about soldier's boots") knows the whole country; His story "Be healthy, Scholyar", "Date with Bonaparte", "Travel of amateurs" are in a number of the best works of Russian Prosaikov. Famous movies - "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha", "loyalty", whose screenwriter he was, looked not one generation, as well as the famous "Belorussian station", where he performed by the author of the songs. The repertoire and singer are about 200 songs, each of which is filled with its own history.

Okudzhava Bulat, like the other front-line writers (photos can be seen above) was a bright symbol of his time; His concerts were always held with the anchelates, despite the lack of posters about his speeches. Spectators shared their impressions and brought their friends and acquaintances. Song "We need one victory" from the movie "Belorussky Station" sang the whole country.

With war, Bulat met at seventeen years, leaving after the ninth grade to the front volunteer. Private, soldier, a mortar who fought mainly in the North Caucasian Front, was injured from the opponent's aircraft, and after healing he got into a heavy artillery of the Main Command. As the Bulat Okudzhava said (and his colleagues agreed with him - Frontoviki writers), everyone was afraid of all, even those who considered themselves the forever brave.

War through the eyes of Vasil Bykov

The leaving of the Belarusian peasant family, Vasil Bulls went to the front at the age of 18 and fought to the victory, passing such countries as Romania, Hungary, Austria. Was wounded twice; After demobilization, lived in Belarus, in the city of Grodno. The main theme of his works was not the war itself (historians should write about it, and not the front-line writers), but the possibilities of the human spirit manifested in such difficult conditions. A person should always remain a person and live according to conscience, only in this case is able to survive the human race.

The features of Bykov's prose became a reason for accusing the Soviet critics in the desecration of Soviet Lada. In the press, a wide injury was arranged, censored on the output of his works, their prohibition. Due to such an etching and sharp deterioration, the author was forced to leave his homeland and live in the Czech Republic for some time (country of his sympathy), then in Finland and Germany.

The most famous works of the writer: "death of a person", "Crane Creek", "Alpine Ballad", "Krezhunsky Bridge", "dead". As Chingiz Aitmatov said, the bulls were saved by fate for honest and truthful creativity on behalf of the whole generation. Some works were fused: "live to dawn", "Third Rocket".

Frontoviki Writers: War A poetic string

On the front, the talented girl Julia Drunina, like many front-line writers, went volunteer. In 1943 he received a serious injury, because of which was recognized as disabled and commissioned. Then followed the return to the front, Julia fought in the Baltic States and the Pskov region. In 1944, she was again controversial and declared unsuitable for further service. With the assigned title of the senior, and the medal "For the courage", Julia, after the war, released a poetic collection "in the soldiers of the Schinel", dedicated to front-line time. She was taken to the Union of Writers and were forever enrolled in the ranks of Frontovikov poets, taken to the military generation.

Along with the work and the release of such collections as "anxiety", "you're near", "My friend", "Country - Youth", "Equal Star", Yulia Drunina actively engaged in literary and social work, was awarded prestigious prizes, more than once He was elected by a member of the editorial board of central newspapers and journals, the secretary of the Board of various unions of writers. Despite the general respect and recognition, himself completely, Julia gave poetry, describing the role of a woman in the war in verses, her courage and tolerance, as well as the incompatibility of the life-giving female began with murder and destruction.

Fate of man

Frontoviki writers and their works have made a significant contribution to the literature, 11 times to descendants are the truthfulness of the events of the War years. Perhaps one of our loved ones and relatives fought with them shoulder to shoulder and became a prototype of stories or leads.

In 1941, Yuri Bondarev - a future writer - along with his peers participated in the construction of defensive fortifications; After the end of the infantry school fought under Stalingrad as the commander of the mortar calculation. Then the contusion, easy frostbite and wound in the back, which is not an interference to return to the front, participation in the long way to Poland and Czechoslovakia. After the demobilization, Yuri Bondarev entered them. Gorky, where he had a chance to get to the creative seminar under the leadership of Konstantin Powhtsky, who instilled in the future writer, the love of the great art of the pen and the ability to say his word.

All his life, Yuri remembered the smell of frozen, hard as a stone bread and fragrance of the burns of stories in the steppes of Stalingrad, the ice cold crushed tools, the metal of which felt through the mittens, powder SMAD, and the deserted silence of the night starry sky. The work of Frontovikov writers permeated by the urgency of the unity of man from the Universe, his helplessness and at the same time incredible force and perseverance, in the stock edge increasing to terrible danger.

Yuri Bondarev's broad fame brought the story "Latest Slops" and "Battalions asked Fire", brightly showing the validity of wartime. The topic "Silence" was drawn to the topic of Stalinist repressions, highly estimated by critics. In the most famous novel, "hot snow" is sharply raised by the theme of the heroism of the Soviet people in the period of the most severe tests for him; The author described the last days of the Battle of Stalingrad and people to protect their homeland and their own families from the fascist invaders. The red line passes Stalingrad in all works of the front-line writer as a symbol of soldier durability and courage. Bondarev never embellished the war and showed the "little great people" who did their job: they defended their homeland.

In war, Yuri Bondarev finally understood that a person is not born for hatred, but for love. It is in front-line conditions that the writer included crystal clear commandments of love for their homeland, loyalty and decency. After all, everything is naked in battle, good and evil is distinguishable, and everyone did his conscious choice. As Yuri Bondarev believes, a man's life is not just like that, but to fulfill a certain mission, and it is important not to waste yourself in trifles, but to raise your own soul, struggling for free existence and in the name of justice.

The story and the novels of the writer were translated in more than 70 languages, and for the period from 1958 to 1980, more than 130 works of Yuri Bondarev were published abroad, and the pictures taken on them ("hot snow", "shore", "Battalions are asking for fire") I looked at a huge audience.

The activity of the writer is marked by many public and state awards, including the most important - universal recognition and reading love.

"Pant of the Earth" Grigory Baklanov

Grigory Baklanov is the author of such works as "July 41st Years", "there was a month of May ...", "Pant of the Earth", "Friends", "I was not killed in the war." He served in the war in the Gaubic Artillery Regiment, then in the rank of officer commanded the battery and fought on the south-western front until the end of the war describes the eyes of fought on the front line, with her terrible front weekdays. The causes of heavy lesions at the initial stage of the Baklanov war explains the mass repressions, the atmosphere of universal suspicion and fear that ruled in pre-war time. Requiem in a short-lived young generation, an exorbitant high price for victory, became the story "forever - nineteen-year-old."

In the works dedicated to the peaceful period, Baklanov returns to the fate of the former frontovikov, which turned out to be a terrible merciless totalitarian system. This is especially brightly shown in the story "Karpukhin", where the life of the hero of the work broke off stateless. According to the writer's scripts, 8 films were shot; The best film is "there was a month of May ...".

Military literature - Children

Children's front-line writers made a significant contribution to the literature, writing for teenagers about their peers - the same as they, boys and girls who had the opportunity to live in wartime.

  • A. Mityaev "Sixth incomplete."
  • A. Plekin "Ivan - I, Fedorov - we".
  • S. Alekseev "From Moscow to Berlin."
  • L. Cassil "Your Defenders".
  • A. Gaidar "Oath Timur".
  • V. Kataev "Son Regiment".
  • L. Nikolskaya "I must stay alive."

Frontoviki writers, the list of which, given above, is far from complete, affordable and understandable for children by the tongue reported the terrible reality of war, the tragic fates of people and the courage and heroism. These works raise the spirit of patriotism and love to their homeland, teach to appreciate close and relatives, take care of the world on our planet.

  • Awards


    "Red Star"


    "For courage"

    "For the liberation of Warsaw"

    Astafiev Viktor Petrovich (1924-2001)


    Military Path

    In 1942 he left the volunteer to the front. Military preparation received in the educational unit in Novosibirsk. In the spring of 1943, he was sent to the existing army. He was a chaffiner, in the world's artillery, after severe injury at the end of the war, served in the internal troops in Western Ukraine. (In battle 20.10.1943, Krasnoarmeca Astafiev V. P. Four times corrected a telephone connection with the advanced NP. When performing a task, land from a close break of the bomb, the land was filled down. Ground hate to the enemy, Tov. Astafyev continued to perform the task and under artillery -Mine fire, gathered scraps of the cable and again restored the telephone connection, ensuring uninterrupted contact with the infantry and its support for artillery fire. From a premium sheet for a courage "for courage").

    "Cursed and killed"

    "So you want to live"

    "Shepherd and shepherd"

  • Awards


    "Red Star"

    "Patriotic War I degree"

    "Red Banner"

    "For merits to the Fatherland"


    "For taking Budapest"

    "For taking veins"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Baklanov Grigory Yakovlevich (1923-2009)


    Military Path

    In 1941, at the age of 17, the volunteer went to the front. He first fought ordinary on the North-Western Front, then the commander of the platoon of the control of an artillery battery on the south-west and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. It was hardly wounded, contuge. He commanded the platoon, participated in the battles in Ukraine, in Moldova, Romania, Hungary, Austria. In 1942 he joined the WCP (b). He graduated from the war by the Head of Intelligence ArtDivizion.

    Work about the Great Patriotic War.

    "The dead awns do not have"

    "How much is a pound of lich"

    "July 41 years"

    "South of the main strike"



    "Red Star"


    "For courage"

    Belas Yuri Semenovich (1920-1988)

    Military Path

    The participation of the Great Patriotic War, started the war by a private, mortar soldier, climbed Lieutenant.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "The infantry was taught to kill"



    "For the defense of Leningrad"

    "For valiant work in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Berggolts Olga Fedorovna (1910-1975)

    Poet, Prose.

    Military Path

    In the years of the Great Patriotic War, Olga Bergolts remained in a besieged Leningrad, worked on the radio, almost daily appealed to the residents of the city with calls for courage.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Blood swallow"

    "In Stalingrad"

    "And the city was in the densely removed fan ..."

    "Was a day like a day"

    "Enemies were broken in our free city ..."

    "How we were silent that night, as silent ..."

    "Oh an ancient instrument of the earth ..."

    "I never had a hero ..."



    "Patriotic War I degree"

    Bogomolov Vladimir Osipovich (1924-2003)


    Military Path

    With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he won a volunteer in the Moscow fireproof regiment MPVO in filists. In November 1941 he fell to the Kalinin front near Moscow (the front was formed on October 17) as a cadet. It was seriously injured in April 1942. On June 22, 1943, he sent a senior team to Izhevsk Udmurt ASSR, to the Leningrad Red Banner Artillery and Technical School. Since the end of 1943 in military exploration. Forced Dnipro. He fought in the North Caucasus, a participant in the liberation of Taman, the liberation of Zhytomyr, the Kirovograd offensive operation. In September 1944, he moves from military reconnaissance to military counterintelligence bodies. Participates in the liberation of Poland, in hostilities in Eastern Prussia and Germany.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "In August, forty-fourth ..."

    "The first love"

    "Cemetery under the Blessed"



    "For courage"

    "For defense of Stalingrad"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Bondarev Yuri Vasilyevich (1924 N.V.)


    Military Path

    In 1941 he participated in the construction of defensive fortifications near Smolensky. In the summer of 1942, after graduating from school, aimed at studying at the 2nd Berdichevsky Infantry School, which was evacuated to the city of Aktyubinsk. In October of the same year, cadets were sent to Stalingrad. Bondarev is enrolled by the commander of the mortar settlement of the 308th regiment of the 98th rifle division. The battles near Kotelnikovsky was contused, got frostbite and a slight wound in the back. After treatment, the hospital served as a commander of the guns as part of the 23rd Kyiv-Zhytomyr Division. Participated in the forcing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Kiev. In the battles, Zhytomyr was injured and again fell into a field hospital. With January 1944, Yu. Bondarev fought in the ranks of the 121st Red Banner Rylsky-Kiev Rifle Division in Poland and on the border with Czechoslovakia.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Battalions are asking for fire"

    "Hot Snow"



    "Patriotic War I degree"


    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Bykov Vasily Vladimirovich (1924-2003)

    Military Path

    The war found him in Ukraine, where he participated in defense work. Fought as part of the army engineering battalion. Called in the army in the summer of 1942, graduated from the Saratov infantry school. In the autumn of 1943, the title of younger lieutenant was awarded. Participated in the battles for Krivoy Rog, Alexandria, sign. During the Kirovograd operation, he was injured in foot and stomach (by mistake was recorded as the deceased); Events after the injury served as the basis of the story "dead not hurt." In early 1944, three months was in the hospital. Then he participated in the Yaskovo-Chisinau operation, the liberation of Romania. With the current army passed through Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Austria; Senior lieutenant, commander of the platoon, then army artillery.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War


    "Crane Creek"

    "Circle Bridge"

    "To live to dawn"




    "Patriotic War II degree"

    "For merits to the Fatherland"

    "Labor Red Banner"

    "Friendship of Peoples"


    "For the defense of Moscow"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Vasilyev Boris Lvovich (1924-2013)


    Military Path

    In 1941, at the age of 17, the future writer went volunteer to the front. The first fight took on July 8, 1941. Fought as part of the Komsomol Fighter Battalion. In 1943, after discharge from the hospital, Boris Lvovich was aimed at studying at the Military Academy of Armontic and Mechanized Forces named after I.V. Stalin (subsequently named after R.Ya. Malinovsky). As part of the column of the Academy participated in the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "And dawns here are quiet"

    "There were no lists"



    "Patriotic War II degree"


    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    "For taking veins"

    Vanshkin Konstantin Yakovlevich (1925-2012)

    Military Path

    In 1942, from the tenth class Konstantin Vashnekin went to the front, served in airborne troops. The poet participated in the battles in the second and third Ukrainian fronts. Demobilized at the end of 1946 in the rank of sergeant Guard.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Cowers pretended to be brave in war ..."





    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    "Partizana of the Patriotic War"

    Vorobyov Konstantin Dmitrievich (1919-1975)

    Writer, bright representative "Lieutenant Prose"

    Military Path

    At the beginning of the war, he was sent by a cadet to the Kremlin Military School, which graduated from the accelerated program. In the rank of lieutenant participated in the battles near Moscow. Under the Wedge in December 1941, the contused lieutenant Vorobyov was captured and was in Klinsky, Rzhevsky, Smolensk, Kaunassky, Salaspils, Susthenian camp (1941-1943). Twice fled from captivity. In 1943-1944, the commander of the partisan group from the former prisoners of war in the partisan detachment operating in Lithuania. He was awarded the medal "Parisan of the Patriotic War" of the 1st degree. While staying underground in 1943. Posted by an autobiographical story "This is us, Lord!" about experienced in captivity

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

  • Awards


    "Red Star"

    "Patriotic War II degree"


    "For the defense of Moscow"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Gudseenko Semen Pereovich (1922-1953)

    Military Path

    In 1941, the volunteer went to the front, served in parts of OMSbon. In 1942 he was seriously injured. After the injury, he was a correspondent in the front-line newspaper "Suvorov Natisk".

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Before attack"

    "Death of the Fighter"




    "Red Star"


    "For courage"

    Drunina Julia Vladimirovna (1924-1991)

    Military Path

    After the start of the Great Patriotic War, at the age of 17, Yulia Drunina was recorded in a voluntary sanitary squad at the Red Cross's district society, worked as a nurse in the hospital. He graduated from nurse courses. At the end of the summer of 1941, it was aimed at the construction of defensive structures under Mozhaisk, then served in the 1038th self-propelled artillery regiment of the 3rd Baltic Front, fought in the Pskov region, in the Baltic States. In one of the battles, it was contused and on November 21, 1944, it was recognized as unfit to the martial service. He graduated from the war in the rank of senior of medical service.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Come on. We cried and sang ..."

    "Two evenings"

    "I saw a hand-to-hand ..."



    "Patriotic War II degree"

    "Red Star"


    "For courage"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    "For the capture of Berlin"

    "For the liberation of Warsaw"

    Kazakevich Emmanuel Henrikhovich (1913-1962)


    Military Path

    When the war began, Kazakevich was freed from calling due to severe myopia, but he was not going to sit down in the rear, and left a volunteer to the front. Competent, who knew several languages, the junior lieutenant, got into the intelligence division. His group often made a raid in the rear of the enemy, mined valuable information, dismissed several times from the southers of the Nazis. In 1941-1945, he served in the current army, first in the writing company of the national militia, passed the way from the ordinary scout to the head of the division's intelligence and Captain - Assistant Head of Intelligence Army.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Two in the steppes"



    "Red Star"

    "Patriotic War I degree"

    Karim Faht Gilmanovich (1909-1945)

    Tatar poet

    Military Path

    A participant in the Great Patriotic War, died on February 19, 1945, fulfilling a combat mission, on the approaches to Königsberg - in the village of Victory, now the Kaliningrad region. He was buried in the fraternal grave of the city of Bagrationovska Kaliningrad region.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Soviet soldier"



    "Red Star"


    "For military merit"

    Kaufman David Samuilovich (1918-1942)

    Poet, translator

    Military Path

    At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, it was directed to the labor front, built defensive fortifications under Vyazma. In 1942, the poet served on the Volkhon front. March 23, 1943 in the area of \u200b\u200bArt. MGA was heavily injured in the left hand of a fragment of mines. After recovery, from March 1944, he continued to serve in the 3rd separate motor disclosure department of the headquarters of the 1st Belgorussian Front.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Second pass"

    "Wave and Stone"

  • Kogan Pavel Davidovich (1918-1942)

    Military Path

    Despite the strong myopia, he became an officer, a military translator of the regimental intelligence in the rank of lieutenant. On September 23, 1942, the Sugar Head under Novorossia Pavel Kogan and the local group headed by them came to the rebel, in which the poet was killed.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Through me"

    "Singer Third"



    "Patriotic War I degree"


    "For courage"

    Kondratyev Vyacheslav Leonidovich (1920-1993)


    Military Path

    In December 1941, he was directed to the front. In 1942, the 132nd Rifle Brigade, as part of which Condratyev fought, led heavy battles under Rzhev. During them, I received the first injury, was awarded the medal "for the courage". After the holiday received by injury, fought in the railway troops. He was repeatedly wounded. In the hospital stayed on the cure half a year, the Communications with disabilities; Ensign.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Victory Day in Chernov"

    "Early leave"

    "Hello from the front"

    "At the" Free "station

    "Not the hardest day"

    "Reappear blood"

    "Paradoxes of front-line nostalgia"

    Kulchitsky Mikhail Valentinovich (1919-1943)

    Military Path

    In 1941, Kulchitsky went to a fighter battalion. In mid-December 1942 he graduated from the machine-gun school, received the title of younger lieutenant. On January 19, 1943, the minimal platoon commander Jr. Lieutenant Mikhail Kulchitsky died in battle under the village of Trembachevo Lugansk region at the occurrence of Stalingrad in the area of \u200b\u200bKharkov.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Young sexy"

    "The most like"



    "Patriotic War I degree"

    "Patriotic War II degree"

    Levin Konstantin Ilyich (1924-1984)

    Military Path

    In the summer of 1941 he entered the medical institute, after the first semester, he was taken to the anti-tank school, later he commanded the firing platoon. And in April 1944, under Yassami was seriously injured, his legs lost. Heavyly wounded on the front - Lost leg.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "We have been buried by artillery"



    "Red Star"

    "Patriotic War II Stepn"


    "For military merit"

    "For the defense of Moscow"

    "For taking Budapest"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Levitanian Yuri Davidovich (1922-1996)

    Poet, translator

    Military Path

    With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the poet left a volunteer to the front from the second year of the institute, served in parts of OMSBON, received the title of Lieutenant, then served as a military correspondent, was printed in front-line newspapers. After the surrender of Germany, Levitansky participated in hostilities in Manchuria. Demobilized from the army in 1947

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Soldier road: poems"

    "Meeting with Moscow: poems"

    Major Nikolai Petrovich (1919-1942)

    Military Path

    In October 1941, the poet left the volunteer to the front, was the 1106th rifle of the machine gun of the 1106th rifle regiment of the 331st division. Died at the front at the village of Baranzhevo Smolensk region.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    Literary heritage is lost almost completely. Few preserved works were posthumously published, including youthful verses.



    "Patriotic War II degree"


    "For the defense of Moscow"

    "For the defense of Leningrad"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Mezhina Alexander Petrovich (1923-2009)

    Poet, translator

    Military Path

    At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was called up to the army, the paratroopers training courses were sent to the front as part of the 8th parachute-landing corps. Mezhirov was wounded, in the hospital he feared with a typhoid. The poet continued in the 1st battalion of the 864th rifle regiment of the 189th rifle division of the 42nd army in the Western Front, since 1942 he was a deputy commander of a rifle company in the West and Leningrad fronts. Demobilized in 1944 after severe injury and contusion in the rank of junior lieutenant.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Ladoga ice"

    "Poems about the boy"

    "Memories of infantry"

    "We are under Kolpini Skop, ..."

    "Kursk arc"


    Hero of the Soviet Union

    Musa Mustafovich Valilail (1906-1944)

    Tatar poet

    Military Path

    In 1941, Jalil was drafted into the Red Army. In the rank of senior Politruck fought on the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, was the correspondent of the newspaper "Devra". In 1942, during the Lyuban offensive operation, the poet was seriously injured and captured. To continue the fight against the enemy, Jalil joined the German legion "Idel-Ural" and organized the underground group among the legionnaires, satisfied the shoots of prisoners of war. In August 1943, Gestapo was arrested by Jalil and most members of his underground group a few days before a large-scale rebellion of prisoners of war. Musa Jalil was executed on the guillotine on August 25, 1944 in the prison of Rutsensen in Berlin.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Letter from the tag"


    "Cutting love"



    "For courage"

    "For defense of Stalingrad"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Nekrasov Viktor Platonovich (1911-1987)

    Writer, screenwriter

    Military Path

    In 1941-1944, Nekrasov was at the front of the regimental engineer and deputy commander of the sapper battalion, participated in the Battle of Stalingrad, after the injury in Poland, in early 1945, was demobilized in the rank of captain.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "In the trenches of Stalingrad"

    "Private Lutikov"




    "Patriotic War II degree"


    "For courage"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Nosov Evgeny Ivanovich (1925-2002)


    Military Path

    Sixteen-year-old young people survived the fascist occupation. She graduated from the eighth grade and after the Kursk battle (July 5 - August 23, 1943) went to the front to the artillery troops, becoming a gunner to the gun. He participated in the operation of "Bagration", in battles at the Rogachev bridgehead for Dnipro. Fought in Poland. In the battles near Königsberg on February 8, 1945, he was seriously injured and the victory day met in the hospital in Serpukhov, he later wrote a story "Red Wine Win". Coming out of the hospital, he received a disability allowance.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Red Wine Victory"

    "Chopin, Sonata number two"



    "Patriotic War I degree"


    "For the defense of the Caucasus"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Okudzhava Bulat Shalvovich (1924-1997)

    Bard, poet, prose, screenwriter, composer

    Military Path

    In April 1942, Okudzhava Bulat sought an early call to the army. It was called in August 1942 and sent to the 10th Separate Spare Mino Division. After two months of preparation from October 1942 in the North Caucasian Front, the mortar in the 254th Guards Cavalry Regiment of the 5th Guards Don Cavalry Cossack Corps. On December 16, 1942, he was injured near Mozdok, after the hospital, he did not return to the operating army. From January 1943 he served in the 124th rifle shelf in Batumi and later by a radist in the 126th Gaubic Artillery Brigade of the Grand Power of the Transcaucasian Front, covered the border with Turkey and Iran. Demobilized for health in March 1944.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "And we are with you, brother, from infantry ..."

    "Goodbye, boys ..."

    "Did not learn, the foreman, so that there was silence ..."



    "Patriotic War II degree"


    "For the defense of Leningrad"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Orlov Sergey Sergeevich (1921-1977)

    Military Path

    After the start of the Great Patriotic War, Volozersk's fighter battalion voluntarily joined the fighter battalion, soon he was sent to the Chelyabinsk Tank School, subsequently became the commander of the platoon of heavy tanks "KV". Orlov almost burned down alive in the tank during a breakthrough, traces from burns remained on his face for life. Traces of burns he subsequently masked, leaving his beard.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Third speed"



    "Patriotic War I degree"

    "Badge of honor"


    "For the defense of Odessa"

    "For defense of Stalingrad"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    "For victory"

    Simonov Konstantin Mikhailovich (1915-1979)

    Writer, Poet, Public Worker

    Military Path

    With the beginning of the war, the army was called into the army, he worked in the newspaper "Combat Banner". In 1942 he was awarded the title of senior battalion commissioner, in 1943 - the rank of lieutenant colonel, and after the war - Colonel. As a military correspondent visited all the fronts, passed on the lands of Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Poland and Germany, was a witness to the last battle for Berlin.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Days and Nights"

    "Arms Comrades"



    "Red Star"

    "Patriotic War I degree"

    "Patriotic War II degree"


    "For the defense of Moscow"

    "For military merit"

    Slutsky Boris Abramovich (1919-1986)

    Poet, translator

    Military Path

    Slutsky since June 1941 was a member of the Great Patriotic War, served as the ordinary 60th rifle brigade. Since the autumn of 1942, Slutsky became an instructor, since April 1943 - the senior instructor of the 57th division of the 57th division. Despite the fact that he was a political worker, the poet constantly walked in Rzonki. At the front, he received a difficult injury, as a result of which was dismissed from the army in 1946 in the rank of major.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Today and yesterday"

    "Modern stories"

    "Annual Wood"



    "Patriotic War I degree"

    "Badge of honor"

    "Friendship between nations"


    "For the defense of Moscow"

    "For military merit"

    Starshinov Nikolai Konstantinovich (1924-1998)

    Military Path

    In 1942, it was called up to the army and became a cadet of the 2nd Leningrad Military Infantry School. In early 1943, in the rank of senior sergeant fell to the forefront. The first poems of the poet were printed in front-line newspapers. In August, in the battles under Savior Demensky, he was severely wounded. From the army demobilized in 1944.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Neither the grief truth, nor sweet lies ..."


    "Rockets Green lights ..."

    "My comrades - soldiers"



    "Red Banner"

    "Red Star"

    Surkov Alexey Alexandrovich (1899-1983)

    Military Path

    In 1941-1945 Surkov was a military correspondent of the front-line newspaper "Krasnoarmeyskaya Pravda" and a special correspondent of the newspaper "Red Star", also worked in the "Combat Natisk" newspaper. Participated in the defense of Moscow, fought in Belarus.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Beats in a close firework ..." ("in the dugout")

    "That's not clouds, thunderstorm clouds"

    "On the expanses of the Motherland wonderful"

    "Song of the Bold"

    "March defenders of Moscow"




    "Patriotic War I degree"

    "Patriotic War II degree"

    Tvardovsky Alexander Trifonovich (1910-1971)

    Poet, writer

    Military Path

    During the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945. The poet worked as a military correspondent in front-line newspapers.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Father and son"

    "The House of Fighter"

    "When you go through the columns ..."

    "I killed under Rzhev ..."



    "Red Star"

    Utkin Joseph Pavlovich (1903-1944)

    Poet, journalist

    Military Path

    With the beginning of the Patriotic War, the poet went to the front, fought under Bryansk, was injected with a fragment of mines. In the summer of 1942, Utkin again turned out to be in the Bryansk front - as Speckner Sovinformbüro, from the newspapers "True" and "Izvestia". Participated in the battles, wrote song-marches. In 1944 I.P. Utkin died in an aviation catastrophe.

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "Front Poems"

    "Poems about heroes"

    "Son Son Mother"

    "I saw a girlfriend killed"

    "Over the birthplace of the Terrible clouds"



    "Patriotic War I degree"


    "For the defense of Moscow"

    "For defense of Stalingrad"

    "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

    Sholokhov Mikhail Alexandrovich (1905-1984)

    Writer, public figure

    Military Path

    During the Great Patriotic War, Sholokhov was the Military Correspondent "Truth", "" Red Star "," often drove to the front. His essays "on the Don", "at the Smolensk direction", the story "Science of Hate" was published in different publications and had great popularity. During the war, he began the publication of chapters from the new novel "they fought for their homeland."

    Works about the Great Patriotic War

    "The Fate of Man"



    "Red Star"


    "For courage"

    Shubin Pavel Nikolaevich (1914-1950)

    Poet, journalist, translator

    Military Path

    During the Great Patriotic and Soviet-Japanese wars, Shubin served as a front correspondent in Volkhovs, Karelian directions, in the Far East and in Manzhuria. At this time, the first poems about Russian warriors appear: "Halm", "Battle on Don", "goes to the homeland of soldiers," "We will arrange" and others. In 1943, the book of poems "in the name of Life" was published in Leningad And in 1944 a collection of "People" appeared.

War found them with seventeen-year-old

Almost 70 years are separated from the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945). But the time does not reduce interest in this topic, paying attention to today's generation to the distant front-year years, to the origins of the feat and the courage of the Soviet soldier - the hero, the liberator, the Humanist. Yes, the word writer in the war and it is difficult to overestimate about the war. The designer, distinguishing, towering word, poem, song, a chastushka, a bright heroic image of a fighter or commander - they inspired warriors on the feats, led to victory. These words and today are full of patriotic sound, they poinate the ministry of the Motherland, approve the beauty and greatness of our moral values. That is why we again and again return to the works that made the Golden Fund of Literature on the Great Patriotic War.

Large contribution to the development of the Soviet military prose made font-line writers who entered into greater literature in the late 1950s - early 1960s. So, Yuri Bondarev near Stalingrad is chanting tanks of Manstein. The artilleryrs were also E. nosov, Baklanov; Poet Alexander Yashin fought in the marine infantry near Leningrad; Poet Sergey Orlov and writer A. Ananyev - Tankists, burned in a tank. The writer Nikolai Mushroomov was a platoon commander, and then the self-battalion commander. Oles Gonchar fought in a mortar settlement; Infantrymen were V. Bykov, I. Akulov, V. Kondratyev; mortar - M. Alekseev; cadet, and then partisan - K. Vorobyov; In relations - V. Astafiev and Y. Goncharov; self-propeller - V. Kurochkin; A paratrooper and intelligence - V. Bogomolov; Partisans - D. Gusarov and A. Adamovich ...

1924 he became a year of the birth of famous all-country front-line workers - Prosaikov, poets. This is Viktor Astafiev, Yuri Bondarev, Boris Vasilyev, Vasil Bulls, Bulat Okudzhava and Julia Drunina. "Generation of the 24th" is those who, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, almost seventeen.