VBulletin Creativity and culture development. Creativity as a way to develop culture

VBulletin Creativity and culture development. Creativity as a way to develop culture

Creativity - activities that generates something qualitatively new and distinguishability, originality and social and historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to humans, since it always implies the Creator - the subject of creative activity. Creative activity is a unique feature of human race. It is multifaceted and manifests itself in all spheres of material and spiritual culture, in each gained its specificity, but keeping, nevertheless, the common option. The meaning of creative activity is precisely in the formation of a person as an active subject of social activity. In this aspect, creativity acts as the necessary attribute of culture.

Generic human essence There is a combination of such human properties that manifest themselves in every individual personality, they are preserved among representatives of the human race throughout its existence. This is the concentration of the most stable relationship in which the human person comes. Interacting with nature, man shows the first property of a generic entity, its natural physicality or objectivity. The first thing that a person masters in the process of his life is his body. In the process of targeted interaction with nature - labor, a person uses certain tools to achieve its goal. The subject result of human labor is Yavl. As the improvement of the person himself and items created by human labor. The second manifestation of a generic human essence is formed as a result of the natural human need for the society of people, and it is manifested in human sociality, the public and as a result of their manifestation of soulfulness. Being from the very birth within a certain society, a person cannot do without society of people throughout his life. Finally, the third manifestation is the spirituality of a person after its allegation (completely manifested after the advent of the person experiences). Real human spirituality is defined as a value attitude, the main method of the existence of which is Yavl. Experience sense. Value is the significance of the subject, person or phenomenon for the experienced personality detected in the process of experience. Creativity should be interpreted as a source of something eternal, increasing in culture.

Creation. Concept and essence. Types of creativity.

Creativity - activities that generates something qualitatively new and distinguishability, originality and social and historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person, because always implies the Creator - the subject of creative activity.

Types of creative activity is made to allocate in accordance with the type of thinking, which underlies each of them. Based on conceptual and logical thinking, scientific creativity develops, on the basis of a holistic-shaped - artistic, based on constructive-shaped - designer, based on constructive-logical - technical. Consider the features of the creative process in science, technique, art and design. Lotman calls culture and art with two ways of vision of the world or "eyes of culture". With the help of science, the culture comprehends the importance and natural, and art is the accommodation of the unnecessary, the study has never been former, the passage of the roads not covered by the culture. The creative process in science is limited by the framework of logic and facts, the scientific result reflects the cash of the scientific picture of the world, and the goal of scientific creativity is the desire to achieve objective truth. In artistic work, the author is limited by the framework of his own talent and skill, moral responsibility and aesthetic taste. The process of artistic creativity includes equally conscious and unconscious moments, the work of art becomes both an open-out system, text that exists in a certain context and possessing internal unspoken subtext. As a result of artistic creativity, the work of art is the embodiment of the inner world of the artist, rejected in an overall, self-fideline form. Technical creativity is due to the cash needs of civilization in achieving the greatest comfort and maximum enforcement adaptation. The result of technical creativity is the technical device, the mechanism that is the most responding person as possible. Designer creativity arises at the junction of technical and artistic creativity and is aimed at creating a thing that has not only functional and appropriate, but also an expressive external form. The result of designer creativity is the reconstruction of an objective habitat of a person. Designer art resurrects the forgotten thesis of an ancient culture: "Man is a measure of all things." Before the designers, the task of creating things commensurate people creating such a domestic and production subject matter, which would contribute to the most efficient solution of production problems and allow us to maximize the abilities and intentions of a person. Creativity is an indispensable condition for the occurrence of culture and the implementation of the generic human essence. In the work, a person expresses itself as a free individuality and is exempt from any external restrictions, firstly related to human physical capabilities: physical, physiological and mental, and, secondly, associated with the public life of a person. Creativity as a self-culture process is carried out when, during certain sociocultural conditions: public, economic, political, moral and religious, legal and ideological, asking a certain actual cultural level, it sets earlier unprecedented goals, is implemented by the search, selectively and receives The result expanding the measure of freedom of the Creator. It is creativity, when a person focuses on his spiritual side, contributes to the liberation of a person from the disturbing conventions of the surrounding world. Culture and creativity make a person free from the oppression of its age-age parameters, from the oppression of communal and from dictators of mass and standardization. It is creativity as a way of being a culture and self-realization of a person becomes a mechanism for preserving the unique human individuality and self-satisfaction. The Creator is Homo Faber - a creator man who was raised above the natural environment over everyday needs, over the creation of only practically necessary. Consequently, the first of all sorts of manifestations of creativity is the formation of a creative personality.

The creative person, regardless of the sphere of its activity, is usually distinguished by high intelligence, thinking, ease of association, a daisy game of ideas and at the same time skill to build logic circuits and establish interdependencies, patterns. The creative person should have the independence of opinions and judgments, evaluations, the ability to prove and protect their point of view correctly and argued. First of all, the creative personality is important in search of the problem and the ability to put questions. Creative personality should have the ability to focus on and for a long time to hold it on any question, the topic or problem, focusing in the process of finding a heuristic solution. Creative intelligence is different, as a rule, the ability to operate unclearly certain concepts, overcome logical inconsistencies, have the ability to coagulate the mental operations and the approach of remote concepts. Creative personality must be demanding to itself and other and self-critical. Doubt in generally accepted truths, the rebellion and the rejection of tradition should be combined with internal discipline and rigor to themselves. Creative people are distinguished by wit, susceptibility to the funny and ability to notice and comically comprehend the contradiction. However, psychologists note that the enthusiasm of the creative task, the deprivation of the world leads to the emergence of consumer absentia and the mining of relations between people, an increased desire for self-affirmation

Self-consciousness "I" is always individually specifically. It is unique and individually in the sense that further is not delimo (from Lat. individuum What literally means "indivisible"). But where does this unique individuality come from, how is it determined? Is it natural? Is she body? Is she spiritual? Is it ideal? Who is her owner? Human? Or maybe the genus gives him a physicality? Culture, giving language, norms, behaviors and thinking samples? What is "me"? What is the subject?

Personality, essentially, - "Matryoshka", which contains many other things in each other's stubborn matryoshek. Or pearl. In the very center of the pearl - self-consciousness, which is located perlamut - Subsequent layers of personality: consciousness, identity, physicity, role system, appearance, property, family, work, leisure, etc. Man, spoke Spanish philosopher X. Ortega-I- Gasset, is a person and its circumstances. But in the center - a nail on which all the integrity of these characteristics hangs is a self-consciousness "I".

From the outside, in the perception of other people, the integrity of our individually unique "I" is fixed by our name with his own or asked with the help of index pronouns "That", "Ta", "these". It is under his own name and we act with social creatures, situations and events characteristics. From the inside of our inner world, its own "I" is perceived as some unity of experiences in these situations and events, expectations, hopes, joy. In the experiences, in spiritual experience, life appears creativity and self-determination of the individual.

Personality to a certain extent is similar to the artist who sculpts and coins in the form of experiences of his personal life from the material of the surrounding reality. The point is not in the number of experiences, but in their depth, the ability of the person to understand the experiences, finding the point in them. Estimation - not "potatoes in a bag", but awareness of not chance and connection, meaningfulness of experienced, awareness of his role in experienced, its guilt and responsibility.

Doubt and disobedience

The ability to make independent acts implies, in this way, independent thinking, and therefore at some stage - doubt. Doubt, disobedience and deviation from norms and samples - in a certain sense, the necessary condition for the formation and development of the individual, its self-determination and self-organization.

Therefore, the decisions taken are not automatically adopted, but as a result of a conscious choice. It is a conscious choice that represents moral value, it is assumed as the necessary stage of the formation of a person, human entry. No wonder "obedience through disobedience" attracts such attention in art and religion: when a person does an act not by order, not the habit, but by making a conscious choice.

Non-traditionality of thought and actions, "dissent" and deviation from the prevailing stereotypes is a necessary condition for any creative activity. In the origins of any creativity lies the displeasure of a person by the existing order of things. Therefore, talented people often possess the so-called difficult character. The human essence itself implies the possibility of inconsistency, deviations from the norms, so the obedience of a free person differs from absolute and unconditional obedience.

Culture and creativity

Creativity - a lot of not only outstanding scientists, politicians or artists, but also of each person who exercises their unique mission to their participation in social life. Life both in professional and in the household environment very often puts a person in a situation where he is for the absence of a social sample of behavior forced to find solutions to themselves, independently hold their own experience.

In the ordinary consciousness, culture and creativity are often identified. It is enough to remember the newspaper stamps of the type "sphere of culture and creativity", "culture and art", etc. However, the ratio of culture and creativity is not so simple. In fact, creativity conscious or unconscious activities? Is it planned and managed or spontaneously, spontaneously and involuntarily? In the first case, it is clearly associated with the implementation of the rules of culture, in the second - mainly with their violation, sometimes even besides the will of the Creator. And in general, is the creativity of the mandatory moment of culture or something optional?

After all, what is culture? There are a great many definitions of this concept. In everyday consciousness, this is something "correct and good": someone is considered "cultural", and someone "no". In this case, it is actually about " value"Understanding culture as value systems (material and spiritual) people or humanity as a whole. Indeed, no NA Society can exist and develop without accumulating the effective experience of previous generations, without traditions, samples "how to live correctly."

According to another - "Technological" - the culture approach is life method. All people sleep, eat, work, love, but in each society they do in their own way. It is "life and morals", or those adopted in this community. Methods of carrying out life acts are understood here as an expression of culture. In the "technological" understanding of culture and such, dubious from the point of view of the value approach, phenomena as, say, "culture of the criminal world", "Technology of action of mass destruction."

There is also a cultural interpretation when cultural recognized not all without exceptioning ways of exercising vital activity, but only such that contribute to the development, improvement and elevation of man.

Summarizing these approaches, you can determine the culture as system of generation, accumulation, storage, transmission (from the parity to the people and from generation to generation) of social experience.

Culture keeps creativity, it feeds: both in maintaining old standards and values \u200b\u200band in creating new ones. Culture as a pagan idol requires "human victims", fresh blood and young lives. The more "cultural" culture, the more severe traditions of traditions have to face a creative person. Creativity is similar to Magma, with a great difficulty and spending energy breaking through the already frozen layers, but only in order to, fly away, to frozen a new layer. And the next creators will be even harder.

To distinguish creativity from his mirror twin - a negative social deviation, which was previously stated, is quite difficult. It is not by chance that contemporaries often do not conduct the face between the behavior of the criminal and the Creator, regarding the activities of the latter as a crime against morality, religion, or violation of the law. Socrates, asked for fellow citizens, "extra" questions were sentenced to death. The harsh punishment was waiting for D. Bruno and Galilee, doubted that the sun revolves around the Earth. At the first exhibitions of impressionists, outrageous viewers demanded the arrest of "hooligans". Approximately the same was at the first exhibitions of Russian artists-Mobile. As intellectual hooliganism was perceived by contemporaries theory of relativity, quantum mechanics. The story is full examples of reprisals of noble, but ungrateful contemporaries and tribesmen above the creators, after time, solemnly introduced into the holy pantheon.

Creativity is preferably far from any culture. Yes, and most of the human history occupy the so-called traditional cultures, the life of which is entirely determined by the farewell of the tradition, replicated by each new generation. Any deviation from traditional norms and rules in such societies was ruthlessly prevented, and the "creators" either expelled, or were subjected to cruel repression. A sharp acceleration of development, civilization is obliged to culture that has developed in the direction of the Judeo-Christian tradition with its special attention to personality, its freedom, and therefore creativity. It was, and maybe only in this culture that still defines the face of modern civilization, focused on the transformation of the surrounding world, creativity is considered as value. Moreover, in modern civilization there are institutions, the very existence of which is aimed at creativity: creative unions, scientific institutes or political parties.

The tragedy of the relationship of creativity and culture is that their relationship is asymmetrical. Modern culture is necessary, but creativity cannot count on culture, but should overcome it, becoming a new culture. Regulation and typics are necessary for creativity in the sense that they cannot be circumvented. In art, these are typical images expressing concrete ethnic, national, age features. In science, this is a mathematical apparatus that allows you to reduce the phenomenon to abstract law-based explanations. But creativity can only draw their strength in human freedom and the human heart - it does not have to count on culture. What is being done in the culture is not creativity, but the reproduction, and paradoxically, do not need culture, destructive for it. As a vampire, she needs fresh blood and energy, the intense of the living heart, and not dead waste common forms.

Culture programms personality, seeks to make not only personality behavior typical, but also its consciousness, thinking, feelings. In creativity, however, significantly not so much pre-pre-predetermined, how many no analogues, abnormal. Therefore, creativity relies on the structures that fix new forms of universal experience in the new established historical circumstances. Creativity always suggests a new image, prophecy about the future. Creativity is not retrospective, not reproductive, but promising and productive. Creativity is not only a combination of unchanged semantic units of culture, but also the creation of a new individual tragedy of existence. Creativity is destroying for the traditional usual world. Creative schemes, formulas and images focused forward, to the final meanings of the history of human life, are available in any culture, but their role and significance increases with the development of civilization.

Russian philosophical society

Section "Theory and Methodology of Creativity"


And creativity


Moscow 2002.

Development of science and creativity. Monograph. Ed. A.N. Legging, N.P. French. M.: RFO RAS, 2002.

Under the general editor

Doctors of Philosophy, Professor A.N. Legging,

Doctors of Philosophical Sciences, Professor N.P. French

The collective monograph "Development of Science and Creativity" is the fourth collective work, which is devoted to the systematic generalization, the presentation of ideas and experience of the work of the members of the section "Theory and Methodology of Creativity" under the Presidium of the Russian Philosophical Society. If the first monograph "Philosophy of Creativity" was devoted to theoretical and methodological problems of creativity, the second and third "creativity and development of culture", "creativity in space and cultural time" - analyzing the role of creativity in the development of culture, then in this monograph we consider the methodological problems of the development of science and scientific creativity.

Work can be useful for creative problems, for those interested in creativity, for students and graduate students, as well as to prepare courses and special courses on the philosophy of culture, philosophy of creativity.


Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V.A. Titov,

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor V.A. Vasilyev

ph.D. Aleshnya S.V. , Ph.D., Doc. Grishunin S.I. (1.3.), Ph.D., prof. Ignatiev V.A. (1.8.), Ph.D., Doc. Kataeva O.V. (2.11.), Ph.D., Doc. Kononova L.I. (2.9.), Kapitonova T.A. (1.9.), Queen S.A. (2.4.), Ph.D., prof. Legging A.N. (2.9.), Legging MA (2.6., 2.7., 2.8., 2.9.), Ph.D., Lyubimova TB (2.5.), K.F. - m. n., Doc. Mikhailova E.M. (1.5.), Ph.D. Markelov V.E., Ph.D., prof. Metlenkov N.F..6.), Ph.D., Doc. Nedzvetskaya E.A., Svetlov S.V. (1.7.), Ph.D., prof. Surkov L.V. (2.1.), Tikhomirova E.A. (2.9.), Ph.D., prof. Frenchman N.P. (1.1.), Ph.D., Doc. Chelyshev P.V. (1.4.), Ph.D., prof. Yakovlev V.A. (1.2.), Ph.D., prof. Yatsenko L.V. (2.2.).

Ó Russian Academy of Sciences,

Russian philosophical society,

Section "Theory and Methodology of Creativity"


In the real collective monograph "Development of Science and Creativity", work continued to summarize the experience of previous studies of the members of the section "Theory and Methodology of Creativity". The management of the section was set to summarize the results of scientific research, which were carried out by the members of the section in the 80-90 years of the twentieth century and the beginning of the 20th century on the problems of the development of science and scientific creativity, in order to summarize the experience and formulate the main tasks of further research within the section "Theory and Methodology creativity "in the presidency of the Russian philosophical society in the coming years.

This collective monograph is to continue the work that was performed in previous collective monographs: "Philosophy of Creativity." M., 2002., "Creativity and the development of culture." M., 2002., "Creativity in space and cultural time." M., 2002. If the first three monographs were devoted to the philosophical problems of creativity, the role of creativity in the development of culture, the real work is devoted to the problems of the development of science, scientific creativity, methodological problems of creative activities.

In the twentieth century, especially in its second half, deep research was carried out on scientific creativity. This is due, on the one hand, with the rapid development of science, as well as in connection with the fundamental works of K. Popper, T. Kuna, P. Feyebenda, L.A. Mikeshina, A.T. Shumilina, I.S. Ladenko, N.P. French, M.S. Kagana, Ya.A. Ponomareva, B.Ya. Pakhomov, S.N. Semenov and many other foreign and domestic researchers in the development of science and scientific creativity. Fundamental work on the development of science was allowed to largely consider the process and essence of scientists, as a scientific community, evolutionary and revolutionary changes in the development of science, the role of paradigm of the world, the formation of a scientific picture of the world, the role of a collective principle in the development of science and many others aspects of. But at the same time, a lot of factors of the internal and external determination of scientific creativity, the essence and the role of creative departments and creative abilities, ways of their formation and development are remained aside from the comprehensive consideration. There is no doubt that the development of science is carried out by the scientific community. But every scientific community consists of scientific teams, specific people with certain abilities, needs and interests. And, as Altshuller noted, even if a thousand farms digit one ditch, then each digging it in his own way. In this regard, the task of studying the essence and the specifics of not only collective, but also individual creativity arises.

Members of the editorial board were far from bias in the assessment of certain ideas, theoretical provisions, which were reflected in certain sections of a real collective monograph, although on some issues the point of view the authors do not match.

This collective monograph does not claim a comprehensive and exhaustive response to all problems of science, but it is impossible to make in principle. The authors tried to reveal only those aspects of the task, which are currently the most relevant. We hope to continue the work launched in the future.

Creativity and development of science.

VI International Theoretical Conference
"Creativity and culture in the light of philosophical reflection. Creativity of culture and culture of creativity"

Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Humanitarian faculty
Department of Philosophy

february 2018.

Dear Colleagues!

FBGUU in the Ulyanovsk State Technical University in February 2018 plans to holdVI International theoretical and practical conference dedicated to the memory of the doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Georgy Fedorovich Mironova "Creativity and culture in the light of philosophical reflection. Creativity of culture and culture of creativity. "

Participation in the conference is free.

The offered themed conference reversal:

· Creature as a direction of modern philosophy

· Ontology of creativity

· Dialectics of creativity: creation, existence, destruction

· Philosophy of art creativity

· The phenomenon of creativity in the mirror of fiction

· Psychology of creativity: Actual problems

· Self-residency as the basis of the existential man in the world

· Culture as creativity forms and values

· Logic and methodology of scientific creativity

· Research Practice

· Phenomenon of historical creativity

· Creativity and revolution

· Modern philosophical cultural concepts

· Culture and civilization

· "Sunset of Europe": the crisis of the cultural potential of modern Western civilization

· Social practice and culture

· Creativity in Russian philosophy: the specificity of understanding

· The phenomenon of creativity in German classical philosophy

· Structural and poststructuralist concepts of creativity and culture

· Creativity and religion

· Creativity and transgression

The following are planned at the conference. additional events:

· Presentation of books V.T. Farreeova, N.A. Balaklets and R.V. Leushkin, published in 2017, within the framework of the supported RFBR projects No. 15-33-01222 and No. 15-34-11045;

· Discussion on the topic "Creativity and Freedom" (Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Philosophy V.T. Faritov);

· A visit to the Museums "House Goncharov", "House of Language", "Simbirsk Men's Classical Gymnasium".

The conference is scheduled in February 2018

There are two forms of participation in the conference - full-time and correspondence. With absentee participation, reports are considered as the stand and collection of materials sent at the address specified by the author. With full-time travel expenses, the conference participants pay for the commander.

The collection of articles on the results of the conference will be assigned the ISBN number, the articles are made to RISC.

To participate in the conference until October 1, 2017 Including it is necessary to send an application for participation in the conference and until December 1, 2017 Including the text of the article in the amount of up to 20 times. Signs with spaces (0.5 pp).

Application and text of the article (report) are made in electronic form in * .doc formats, * .rtf. Materials are sent to the address:conf - Creature [Email Protected] Mail. RU and / or VFAR @ Mail. Ru

The file must be viewed: Ivanov.doc

In the subject line, indicate the conference "Creativity and culture in the light of philosophical reflection. Creativity of culture and culture of strivances. "

Application form

1. The topic of the report (articles);


3. Academic degree;

4. Scientist title;

5. Place of work;

6. Position (for working);

7. Contact phone;

8. Mail address (to send a collection);

9. Electronic address;

10. Form of participation in the conference (full-time / correspondence);

11. The need for temporary housing (yes / no);

12. The need for an official invitation from the organizing committee (yes / no);

Socio-cultural organization of creative activity

Culture is the soil on which creativity grows up. And at the same time, culture is a product of creativity. The development of culture is a consequence of many creative acts committed in the history of mankind. Creative activity is the source of all innovations that occur in culture and change it (with the exception of random "mutations" in its content). In this sense, creativity is the driving force of the development of culture, the most important factor in its dynamics.

Stressing the role of creativity in culture, it is impossible at the same time to underestimate the importance of reproductive, reproducing activities. It is necessary to maintain the life of human society and preserve the experience gained by him. It saves cultural inheritance from the destructive impact of time.

However, without creative activity, not only a change, but also the preservation of culture would not always be possible. When the creative activity of people stops in society (and this happens in history), its ability to adapt to changes in the medium falls. Lost sense in the new conditions of tradition becomes a dead cargo, only a gag of life, and gradually destroy, and new, more effective forms of behavior do not come to replace. This leads to the degradation of culture and pre-lifestyle. Knowledge and skills are forgotten, which are "superfluous", although in creative approach to their use could benefit. The erosion is subject to the farewell, works of art, manuscript, books - material incarnations of the culture of the past, to preserve and restore which neither forces, nor the desire, and there is no possibility, because for this it would be necessary to invent new funds and new techniques.

In the novel, Tatiana Tolstoy "Kysy" draws a fantastic picture of the life of people after an atomic catastrophe. They have also preserved some traces of the deceased culture - household items, books, separate scraps of knowledge and customs. They managed to even somehow adapt to caused radiation changes in nature and in their own bodies. But they have fed the ability to creative activity. And even reading and correspondence of the surviving "old-line" books turns into a meaningless mechanical procedure, which does not contribute to intellectual development and spiritual improvement. Before understanding their content, the case does not reach: because creative efforts are needed for the "opening of meaning". Cultural life fades, and society falls into a dead end, the release of them is not visible.

Creativity is a mechanism not only the creation of a new, but also holding the old in the "workable state." Building a new one, it does not just reject the old one, but converts it, deploys the potency laid in it. In the creative dialogue, along with the voice of the new, the voice of the old sounds.

Indeed, listen more carefully to the search dialogue. The voice of one of his participants is the "generation body" - breathes optimism and hope. He is sure that it makes his job well, if the ideas offered to them possess novelty: after all, its purpose is in that and consists in order to create a new one. The voice of another participant is the "breeding authority" - much less optimistic. Arriving that the new one does not always deserve approval, he also interferes with the work of the interlocutor, criticizes her results, persuades it to observe certain "technological standards", throw some blanks on the landfill and take the other. He sees his goal that among numerous ideas to allocate those and only those that have the importance to solve the creative task, and builds filters from the standards available at its disposal, through which only significant ideas are able to break through.

Thus, the "generation body" is responsible for novelty, and the "breeding body" - for significance The results of creative search. The voice of the first is the voice of novelty, and the second is the voice of significance. But novelty and significance are the defining characteristics of creativity (§1.1). Generation and selection are processes due to which creativity products acquire these qualities. The importance of creativity products is provided by conservatism and caution of the "selection authority", its skeptical attitude to a new and consideration of the experience gained earlier. The newest products of creativity are associated with a radical refusal of obsolete installations and the desire to reject the experience of the past for the best future. Therefore, the dialogue between novelty and significance contains a deeper semantic layer in which a dialogue between "voice of the past"And" voice future».

In essence, creativity turns out to be a link that connects today's culture with the culture of tomorrow, the dialogic interaction of the "maternal" culture with the culture of "subsidiary" arising in her Lon. In the search dialog, the culture today creates the culture of tomorrow. Thus, the creative process flowing in the head of the individual, in its deep nature socialien - He is not just the inner case of a subject of creativity, but a form of development of human culture.