What city lived Chukovsky. Jewish roots rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky

What city lived Chukovsky. Jewish roots rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky
What city lived Chukovsky. Jewish roots rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky

Biography of Chukovsky Kornea Ivanovich is replete with interesting events. Nikolay Kornechukov 19 (31 on the new style) of March 1882 in St. Petersburg. His mother - the peasant Ekaterina Osipovna Korneyukov met with the future father of his children (Nikolai had a sister Marusya), when she got a servant to the house of the future cohabitant. Emmanuel Solomonovich Leenson - Father Nicholas and Marusi - wore the title of a hereditary honorary citizen and the peasant woman could not make a worthy party.

Together they lived at least three years, two children were given birth to children, who did not have any patronyony, therefore in the documents before the revolution of 1917, children were written differently. Nikolai - Vasilyevich, his sister Mary - Emmanuilovna. Subsequently, their father married a woman of his circle and moved to live in Baku, and Ekaterina Osipovna - in Odessa.

All childhood Nikolai spent in Ukraine - in the Odessa and Nikolaev regions.

When Nicholas was five years old, he was given to the garden Madame Bezteeva, about which he later wrote that the children were marched to the music and painted pictures. In the kindergarten, he met Vladimir Zhabotinsky - the future hero of Israel. In the elementary school, Nikolai shoved with Boris Zhitkov - the future children's writer and traveler. In school, however, Chukovsky studied only to grade 5. Then he was expelled from the educational institution due to "low origin".

Start of creative activity

Initially, Chukovsky worked as a journalist, since 1901 wrote articles for the "Odessa News". Having learned on his own English, Nikolai got the work of the correspondent in London - wrote for the "Odessa News".

For two years he lived in London, together with his wife - Maria Borisovna Goldfeld, then returned to Odessa.

And yet, the biography of Chukovsky as a writer began a lot later, when he moved from Odessa to the Finnish place of Koopkal, where he met an artist Ilya Repin, who was convinced Chukovsky seriously to do literary.

Still in London Chukovsky seriously became interested in English literature - read in the original Tekckery, Dickens, Bronte. Subsequently, the literary translations of W. Whitman helped Chukovsky to conquer the name and achieve recognition in the literary environment.

After the revolution, the pseudonym of the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky becomes a real name of the writer. The roots of Ivanovich writes the book of memoirs "distant close" begins to publish his own almanac "Chukochal" - an alike mix of the name of the place of Kooquocal and the names Chukovsky. This Almanac Chukovsky issued to the end of his life.

Children's literature

But the most important thing in the creative fate of the writer is not transfers and not literary criticism, but children's literature. Chukovsky began writing for children quite late, already when he was famous literary critic and critic. In 1916 - he published the first compilation for small readers called "Tree".

Later - in 1923 - from under his feather, "Moydodyr" and "cockroach" appear, with a brief content of which, probably, all children are familiar with the post-Soviet space. Chukovsky's work is being studied in modern school - in the classroom, and now it is even difficult to imagine that at one time Aibolit, Muha-Costochoha and Moidodyr was severely criticized and mercilessly ridiculated. Critics considered works by tasteless and deprived of the right Soviet ideology. But now they will not write about this in the preface to the books of the writer, neither by briefing the biography of Chukovsky for children, they seem so absurd now these accusations nominated critics against the children's author.

Chukovsky translated into Russian for the children of the work of R. Kipling and M. Twena, retold the "Bible for Children."

Other biography options

  • Interestingly, Chukovsky founded a whole literary dynasty. His son Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky and daughter Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya also became famous writers. Nikolay wrote briefly literary memories of poets and writers of the Silver Century, who were in the house of his father, and Lydia became a writer - a dissident.
  • The second Son of the writer - Boris Korneevich - died at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War at the front.
  • It is known that Chukovsky was friendly with

Name: Chukovski's roots (Korney Chukovskiy)

Age: 87 years old

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Place of death: Moscow

Activity: russian Soviet poet, Children's writer

Family status: was married

Chukovsky's roots - biography

The literary activities of Korni Chukovsky lasted 70 years, and life is almost 90. He was a doctor of science, hero of labor, but the children of the whole country called him without titles - grandfather roots.

Chukovsky not loved about the biography of his childhood. Even in the story "Silver coat of arms", where much embellished, it says: "Mom raised us democratically - needed." Mother, Ukrainian peasant Ekaterina Korneychuk, was a maid in the house of a rich Odessa doctor Leuvenon, where she came up with the Master's son Emmanuil and gave birth to Mary's daughter from him, and after three years, in March 1882, - Son Nicholas.

The family did not succeed, Emmanuel married another, but helped children money. Ekaterina Osipovna has kept a photo of a bearded man in glasses for many years and told the children: "Do not be angry with dad, he was a good man." But Chukovsky never forgave the Father for their poverty, for the stigma of "non-trap", for an understanding smirk, with whom family interlocutors treated him: "Sorry. Nikolay, how are you ... Vasilyevich? Or Emmanuilovich? "

At the age of 18, I barely be printed in the newspaper, he made the pseudonym "Koren Chukovsky" alone and later legalized him, and the middle name took the simplest - Ivanovich.

About the mother of the roots of Chukovsky, on the contrary, always recalled in his biography with tenderness. To feed the children, she in the morning until the evening was washing and ironing, while having time to prepare delicious and generally keep the house: "The room was small, but very elegant, it had a lot of curtains, flowers, towels, embroidered with patterns, and all this sparkle purity, since the purity my mother loved to passion and gave her all his Ukrainian soul. " Hardly able to read, Ekaterina Osipovna bowed before the scholarship and did everything to make her children to receive a good education.

Kolya even arranged in the only kindergarten in Odessa, where he became friends with the future prominent Zionist Vladimir Zhabotinsky. He generally had many friends with whom he was fishing, climbed in attic, launched the kites. Choking in "Kalamashki" - large drawers for garbage, - the boys dreamed of distant countries, and Kolya retells them the novels of Jules Verne and Emar. Already then literature invaded his life. He looked at the average women with a bewilderment with their small joys: "Did no one told them that Shakespeare is much sweeter than any wine?" Becoming older, he unbelievably the Meshchansky Odessa and at the first opportunity ran away from there.

The opportunity was far from immediately. At first, Kolya was excluded from the gymnasium by the infamous circular about the "kitchen kids". In the circular of this, approved by Alexander III, the study authorities were prescribed to allow in the gymnasium "only such children who are on the care of persons who represent a sufficient leader about the right above their home supervision and in providing them with the necessary convenience necessary for educational activities."

The study of one of the most educated people of Russia ended in the fifth grade, the work began on. He cleaned the network, glued billboard, painted fences. Zulled English, dreaming to leave somewhere in Australia. He was angry with the whole world, including his mother, once even beat her and, slamming the door, left home. From falling to the bottom of him, the literature was saved: "I run into the library every free minute, I read the swoping without any disorder and order." He tried to take a tutoring, but could not impose the necessary solidity to himself:

"I entered with my pets in long talk about outsiders - about how to catch tarantulas, how to make reed arrows, how to play pirates and robbers."

Zababy's friend helped, with which Nikolai became a reporter of the popular newspaper Odessa News. For the first time, he was a editorial board with a big book, which covered the gaping hole on his pants. But the bog articles of the young author were liked by the public, and soon he had already received 25-30 rubles per month - decent money for those times.

Simultaneously with work in his life, love appeared. Chukovsky has long liked a chubby black-eyed girl from the neighboring street - the accountant Maria Paldfeld. It turned out, he was not disseminated to her, but her ridikh ate was against Nikolai and Masha escaped from the parent home to join his fate with her beloved. In May 1903, they were married and soon when Nicholas were offered to become a correspondent of the "Odessa News" in England, went to London.

Nikolai forever fell in love with this country, although his English, who he mastered the tutorial, nobody did not understand there. He improved him, from morning to evening studying in the library of the British Museum. Pregnant Masha, Zakokhav, returned to Odessa, where the son of Nicholas gave birth to. With the intervals of three years in the family, two more children appeared - Lydia and Boris. In a large family, the ghost of lambress was settled for a long time. Making it well, Chukovsky was very impracticious: for example, leaving from England, a camera bought a camera and a clock with a chain for the last money, so that the steamer had to go with a hare.

In Russia, Chukovsky met a starting revolution. In June 1905, the "Potemkin" armored carnaposta arrived in Odessa - Chukovsky managed to get there and wrote a bold report, which forbidden for censorship. Usually apolitical, it covered a common impulse of the struggle for freedom. Having left for St. Petersburg, he started the publication of the Satyrian magazine "Signal", persuading to write such famous authors to him as Kubrin, Sologub and TEFFI. Very soon, the magazine was banned, and Nicholas as the editor arrested, accusing in the "insult to Majesty." Released on bail, he released a journal at some time, hiding from police surveillance. Then, feeling that the publishing thing is not his path, returned to the writer.

He became very quickly with his own in the metropolitan book-journal world - to resist the charm of this cheerful, friendly, living, like mercury, the person was resolutely impossible. He fell in love with even severe Lion Tolstoy, it was at his request that the famous article "I can not silent!".

In any society, the arrival of Chukovsky - a long-legged, ruddy, with sticking vortices of black hair made a cheerful task. Nobody knew that in his diaries go and the case appears "Empty", "boring", "all the time I think about death." Lydia's daughter later confirmed: "Ivanovich's roots were a lonely man, closed, suffering from severe despair attacks." In order not to suffer from close people, he smelled irritation on the "distant" - namely, the victims of his critical articles.

In the newspaper "Speech" Chukovsky led the heading "Literary chips", where she rizued nonsense and lamps as unreserved graphic and mastty authors. For example, Kupper, in one of whose stories, the pigeon kept a letter in the teeth. The writers compared Chukovsky with a wolf and were afraid to get on his "huge scary tooth" - these are the words of Gumilyov who did not differ in fearfulness. Alexey Tolstoy in the diary wrote that Chukovsky looks like a dog that a lot beat, and now she barks and bite without a reason.

The victims of his criticism scolded Chukovsky "Jew" and "Bandit", caused a duel, tried to beat. From sin, Chukovsky moved away from his family to a resort town near Petersburg, Koookell, where he lived next to the artist Repin and became friends with him. Repin came up with the name of his handwritten almanac "Chukocal", which became the real encyclopedia of the Russian culture of the 20th century -Mogenous guests of Chukovsky recorded the wishes and sharpness, painted cartoons, the owner answered the same.

The newspaper jet stay almost no time to work on serious things. Nevertheless, he translated the American poet Walt Whitman in Russia and wrote a book about him. He took up the work of Nikolai Nekrasov. He worked for five, but was unhappy with himself: "For two years only pretended that I wrote, but in fact squeezed some fallen thinners from the sluggish, sleepy, bloodless brain." The works of discontent with their "adults" gradually led Chukovsky to children's literature: it was the sincerity, those unoccasiated words that were so lacking adult literature.

He compiled a children's anthology of "Fire-Bird" - to confront the "sentimental bazaar rubbish", swelling bookshelves. And in 1916, when he one after another wrote patriotic articles on the theme of World War I, Chukovsky suddenly was born the first of his famous fairy tales - "Crocodile": there was a crocodile. He walked down the street. Papiros smoked, spoke in Turkish. Crocodile, crocodile crocodalovich!

With such an intonation with children in Russia, they did not yet spoke - without teaching, without didactics, sometimes jokingly, but always honestly, rejoicing with them with the beauty and a variety of peace. Perhaps because Chukovsky was sincerely rejoiced by the overthrow of the tsarism, although it was soon clear, he was soon. A 35-year-old famous critic was completely unmarked.

However, the roots of Ivanovich quickly proved his need. Entering the editorial board of the publishing house "World Literature", he convinced the Bolsheviks that the publisher should acquaint workers with the culture of past eras by creating new, "right" translations. Of course, nothing came out of this venture, but it allowed the best Russian writers to survive hunger and cold in Revolutionary Petrograd. Since then, Chukovsky has learned to get along with the Bolsheviks, not expressing his discontent, - except that it is very joking. Here, for example, in "confusion", written in 1922: "They were jammed by kittens:" Tired of me to meow! We want, how piglets, grunt! " - Why not an image of the revolution?

Chukovsky's official position was not used - with all the hungry, Merz, dragged the water from the river to his fourth floor. "From hunger swollen legs," he recorded in a biographical diary. And endlessly helped others: someone knocked out the pieces, saved someone from the seal. At the same time, it seemed to many that he did not like people - in any case, adults. Evgeny Schwartz, who called Chukovsky, "White Wolf", wrote: "All anecdotes about his hostility with Marshak inaccurate. There was no real hostility - he hated Marshak no more than all his neighbors. "

But it was Chukovsky in the former House of Art of Arts ", the famous" disk ", where the writers could live in warmth and relative satiety. In their company, he met the new 1920 millet porridge with vanilla and carrot tea. And in February, Chukovsky was born daughter of Maria, who was all in the family called Mura, - Late, the most beloved child. Observations of growing Moore, then, as she studied to walk, speak, read, formed the basis of the famous book "from two to five." It was for Mura that all his fairy tales, poems and riddles were intended.

He wrote difficult, infinitely right text and scolding himself in the diary for media. "Tarakanische" - five text pages - written two months. "Muha-Costochuha", the masterpiece of lightness, all the forces took over the author for more than a month, so "wanted to swell." When I wrote for adults, I suffered even more - he did not really know, for whom he writes: new people caused a fearless amazement:

"Recently, the patient, I sat down on the steps from some kind of porch and looked at those new terrible people who were passing by. Surfacial, firm, with busty strong females. (Bright all died.) And in the gait, and in gestures they felt one thing: the war ran out, the revolution ended, let's enjoy and make a young. .. I have to love them, I love them, but, God, help my unlock! "

Only children pleased: the revolution made them rougher, cheerful, but they retained the purity of the soul and greedy curiosity - the qualities that Chukovsky valued most. For them, "Dr. Aibolit" was written - a free retelling of the Fairy Tales of the Englishman Hugh Lofting about the Good Dr. Dulittla. For them, and above all for Mura, who gave "Aibolit" many names of heroes. "Avoy" she called all the dogs, "Kurodo" - a parrot, who lived in familiar, "Bumba" - the father's secretary of Maria Ryzhkin, a glacast and similar to Ol. And Chukovsky himself came up with the evil robber Barmaley, after the Barmaleev Street, named by the name of the long forgotten homeowner.

Children were not interested in the origin of all these words, but they liked "Aibolit". But the party censorship was alerted - Chukovsky's children's books seemed too fun and idle. At first, forbidden the "crocodile" for the fact that there was mentioned elderly city. Then the "Muhu-Cocotuhu" for "Name Day" - after all, this is a religious rite. Even to the fact that flies with a mosquito on the illustration in the book are too close, inspiring bad thoughts.

In 1928, the Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya itself was struck by Chukovsky - the Nadezhda Konstantinovna itself, Lenin's widow, called his fairy tales "Bourgeois Mut", sprouting Soviet children. A little earlier, in 1926, the daughter of Chukovsky, Lydia, arrested for participating in the student circle and sent for two years in Saratov. And soon another, the most terrible misfortune came, - it turned out that Murochka, and before, often painful, suffers from incurable bone tuberculosis. The girl was blind, could not walk, cried from pain. In the autumn of 1930 she was taken to Alupka, in a sanatorium for teen tuberculosis. Two years of life Chukovsky passed as in a dream: he traveled to a sick daughter, tried to encourage her, composed poems and stories with her.

On November 11, 1931, Moura died in his father's hands: "She smiled - it was strange to see her smile on such a tormented face ... and did not finish telling me his dream. Lies flattering, serious and very stranger. But the hands are elegant, noble, spiritualized. I have never seen such ". I buried her in the same place, in the Crimea. Chukovsky himself lowered the coffin in the grave, made from the chest: "do it yourself. Long. " Then they went with his wife to walk - "I found yourself somewhere at the waterfall, sat down, began to read, talk, feeling all our creature that the funeral was not the worst thing: there was much more painful with her two-year dying."

He found the strength to live on. It was after the death of Mura that he became a universal "grandfather root", moved by the love of his daughter on the rest of the children. In Muurin Sanatorium, he communicated with the patients with interest, recorded their stories and wrote a story "Sunny" - about how boys and girls, despite his terrible diagnosis, joke, laugh, grow flowers and even expose the "enemies of the people." The latter was especially liked by the authorities, although the story was about a friend - about love for life.

Chukovsky suddenly made it possible to criticize "separate flaws": for example, a school education, which brought up a "class approach" in children instead of knowledge and love for the subject studied. In the fact that his adorable Russian literature in the textbooks write the Koryown Stationery, the roots of Ivanovich was indignant for a long time: "If the compilers were instructlessly sought to submit our literature in the most tasteless, not necessarily and unattractive form, they have achieved their goal."

Chukovsky's struggle with "gibbami" from the drug addresses met the approval of power - Stalin needed arguments for the bureaucracy conceived by them. In January 1936, the writer was previously invited to speak at a conference on children's book. He applauded. In Euphoria, Chukovsky recorded a diary: "I want to do ten times more for children's literature than they have so far. I took upon myself the task - to give the Children of 14 books, and I will give them a ladies, at least a blow. "

In 1937, on the day of its 55th anniversary, he made a record: "The workload of the work is unprecedented ... But the mood is clear, festive." However, the euro mood has changed: then one, then another familiar Chukovsky was declared "enemies of the people." Their fate almost divided his daughter - her husband, a talented physicist Matvey Bronstein, was shot, and Lydia Korneevna itself was saved only because, on the advice of his father I urgently left Leningrad. On Chukovsky himself, there were also many denunciations. His surname appeared on arrest lists, but someone struck out him and Marshak. Chukovsky did not know that and, like many then, he kept the suitcase with things and at night alarmingly listened to the noise of the elevator.

In the summer of 1938, he could not stand the constant voltage and left Leningrad to Peredelkino near Moscow, where he was among the other writers allocated a cottage. Soon he received the Order of the Red Banner; They were going to give an even more honorable Order of Lenin, but Zluki Nikolai Aseev, whose poems of Chukovsky at one time donor, reminded the bosses that the roots of Ivanovich once published in the Cadet newspaper "Speech". Colleagues writers have repeatedly kick him and later - someone avenged for old resentment, someone religiously tip a competitor from premiums, benefits and literary orders. Chukovsky was put in the guilt, for example, what he did not appreciate Mayakovsky - at that time it was almost a sentence, was not interested in modern Soviet literature and "respected only translated from English."

From the experiences of the roots of Ivanovich, as always, was saved by work - in his famous book "The Art of Translation" taught how to translate books for children. And not only taught - he and his son Nicholas transferred such masterpieces of classics as the "adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Prince and Beggar", "Uncle Tom" hut, Kipona and Wilde, retraced "Baron Münhhausen" and "Robinson Cruzo".

Not too interested in politics, he met the beginning of the war rather calmly-superstitious propaganda, believed that the mighty red army would break the enemy with "small blood, a powerful blow." I assured the loved ones that Leningrad may not be afraid of the bombing, - "Who will the hand rushes to throw a bomb in the Admiralty or on the street Rossi?" Both of his son immediately went to the front: Nikolai all the war served in the coastal defense and returned to the hero, the author of the famous novel "Baltic Sky".

Younger, Boris, disappeared in the Moscow militia. In October 1941, Chukovsky and his wife were sent to evacuation to Tashkent. In the "Writing Echelon", he was constantly surrounded by children, and he, to relax a little, hung on the door of the coupe announcement: "Children! Poor, the seaman root is tired. "

In Tashkent, I liked Ivanovich, I liked it: "We live here well - satisfying and sobed, I read lectures, I am printed in Tashkent newspapers, I really like it - a poetic original city - all in the poplas - Uzbeks, a wonderful people, delicate, courteous." Soon the Lydia Korneevna with her daughter, Lydia Korneevna, came to him (now Elena Caesaren Chukovskaya is a famous literary critic, the loyal keeper of mother and grandfather's heritage). Not not knowing about the death of Boris, he was worried about his sons, for his beloved Leningrad, dying in the vice of the blockade. New books were not written; Began was the fairy tale "Obuzh Barmaley" seemed poster and clumsy. In addition, the writer received a new spread - the article in the newspaper "True" called the fairy tale "Fly and harmful shabby", as it depicts heroic fascism with fascism in the form of animals and birds.

In the autumn of 1942, Chukovsky returned from Tashkent. With difficulty, having evicted his apartment of the NKVD who took his apartment. In the war, a fracture came, but the joy of approaching victory was overshadowed by new fears. The "organs" agents in the writing environment were transferred by the "politically harmful" statements by Chukovsky: "In the conditions of despotic authority, Russian literature stalled and almost died. The last holiday of Chekhov, in which I participated eloquently showed what the gulp lies between the literature of the pre-advisory and literature of our days.

Then the artist worked for the best of his talent, now he works, raping and humiliating his talent. " Such conversations were then led by many writers, full hopes for close changes. But they quickly pointed to place: in 1946, after the Zhdanovsky "decree on the magazines" Star "and" Leningrad ", who trampled A. Ahmatov and M. Zoshchenko, began a struggle against" rooted cosmopolitans. " Then the new one - the latter - the fairy tale of Chukovsky "Adventures of Bibigon" was prohibited as "Utrejel and Sharing". Having learned about this, he was familiar to the diary: "So, again, I have an old year old age."

For several years, Chukovsky, with all his big family, lived only on fees, which he paid for comments on the works of "revolutionary poets" Nekrasov and Shevchenko. Increasingly, he felt alone, no one was needed by an old man. In the spring of 1947, an entry appeared in the diary: "Gorky, bitterly, that I no longer feel any talent that that goes over the verse, which gave me the opportunity to write" Muhu-Tsokotuhu "," Mojdodyra "and T d .. Absolutely left me. "

His 60th anniversary of his no one noticed - there were no guests, nor congratulations in newspapers. It is said that on that day Chukovsky went to the Peredelkinsky dacha balcony and, looking towards the Kremlin, shouted: "Wait, you will also have a fifty-third year, and sixty-fourth, and eighty second, and two thousand eleventh!" If this is true, then Ivanovich's roots, never distinguished by political inquire, was the prophet cleaner of Nostradamus.

The feeling of loneliness was exacerbated by the situation in the family: Maria Borisovna, broken loss of children, was sick not only physically, but also sincere. Chukovsky could only talk about this with the most close people. For example, with the son: "The whole family makes up such an impression that I - in anything that is not a borrowed sufferment, tortured by the despotism of his wife ... Meanwhile, this is a fact. None of you knows what role my grave guilt played here ... Now she is the destroyed sick person - is not my fault? "

Maria Borisovna died in 1955. Without it, Chukovsky seems to be orphaned: "This grief completely crushed me." I did not save the Khrushchev "thaw" who began in the country and literature, and finally returned to readers and "crocodile", and "Bibigon" and "Muhu-Cocotuhu". After the second congress of the Union of Soviet writers with his boring, official performances of writers from "Surkova Mass" (Poet Alexei Surkov was then the Secretary of the Union) Chukovsky did not doubt that all liberal relaxation for a while.

Nevertheless, he continued to write. Almost did not go out of conveyor, communicated mainly with children - his grandchildren and village guys. He told them all sorts of stories, climbed the game, and then built a library for them, whose shelves were taken by his books in an even place. Chukovsky for those years recalled Children's writer Natalia Ilyina, sister Marshak. During the first meeting, she expected to see the powerless old man - because Chukovsky was already under eighty. But in front of her appeared "a thin cheerful man with a white strand on his forehead, with a sharp, laughing glance, with big dark hands, without a single chance of old age ...

Since the minute, as I got into the orbit of a cheerful gray-haired person, I'm cleaned up like a chips ... So I was captured by the hand and is entrusted to the depth of the site, where there are a lot of benches, there is a bonfire for children ... right here, I let go of my hand, Ivanovich jumped on the bench, ran through her, laughed, jumped up somewhere dragged me somewhere, I don't remember what I showing it on the plot, then we ran to the house, it was running away, and he, he overpowed with long legs Through the steps, took off the stairs, I'm behind him ... "

By a long-standing habit of Chukovsky hid his feelings and experiences from extraneous. In 1965, losing his son Nicholas, he again gathered with the forces and returned to the affairs, which, as always, there was a lot. There was work on the theory of translation, over the works of Nekrasov, Wheatman, block, over the memories, published in the ZhZl series called "Contemporaries". There were foreign trips and awarding the title of honorary doctor of literature in Oxford, where the roots of Ivanovich read his "crocodile" in Latin and said the speech started by the words:

"In my youth I was a painter ..." There was a friendly help of many writers, including Opt Joseph Brodsky and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. And, of course, there were meetings with children, which still remember in Peredelkino. Once, for example, he came to the house of the Asmus philosopher and pulled him in the cinno sitting in the corner of sons in the contest - who will burn louder. And then declared: "I'll go from here. This is some kind of crazy house! " Poet Valentin Berestov, speaking once in kindergarten, was surprised: for some reason, children believed that the writer must sing and dance. It turned out that Chukovsky visited the garden on the day before, this eighty-year-old Patriarch was raised here such a wave of joy that she did not smack after his care, but rose again, picking up at the same time. "

Adults he could fool: for example, to lock from annoying fans: "Tell me, what I don't have that I died!" But she did not allow children to deceive or others. And I did not tolerate Lena, Raskannancy, condescending to himself - reported, for example, poetess Margarita Aliger: "There is no mood, and you do not work? Can you afford it? Ornate live! And I, confess, thought that you are a real professional working primarily and regardless of anything. " He himself was exactly such a professional and worked until the last days - in the hospital, where he was taken to viral hepatitis, finished the article about Wheam. True, I could not write - I dictated.

Kornea Chukovsky was not October 28, 1969. At the funeral literary critic Julian Oksman said: "The last person who was still hesitated to be shy." Many then had the feeling that "the connection of times" broke out, "people with completely different principles came to replace the generation of Chukovsky - or completely without any. Now there are no more people, and children are still reading the "crocodile", "Phone" and "Aibolit". "Stolen Sun", "Moidodyr", "Tarakanische", "Fedorino Mountain", not suspecting that some of these works have been written without a small hundred years ago.

(19 (31) March 1882, St. Petersburg - October 28, 1969, Kuntsevo, at that time already within the city of Moscow)




Nikolay Kornechukov was born on March 31, 1882 in St. Petersburg. Frequently found date of his birthday on April 1 appeared in connection with an error in the transition to a new style (added 13 days, and not 12, as should for the XIX century).

Writer for many years suffered from what was "illegitimate". His father was Emmanuel Solomonovich Leenson, in the family of which the mother of Kinga Chukovsky lived in serving - Poltava peasant Ekaterina Osipovna Korechuk.

Father left them, and mother moved to Odessa. There, the boy was given to the gymnasium, but in the fifth grade it was expelled due to low origin. He described these events in the autobiographical story "Silver coat of arms."

The patronymic "Ivanovich" was given to Nikolai for the shaved father. From the beginning of the literary activities of Kornechukov, for a long time by its illegalness (as seen by his diary of the 1920s), I used the pseudonym "Korean Chukovsky", which later joined the fictitious patronymic - "Ivanovich" later. After the revolution, the combination of the "roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky" became its real name, patronymic and last name. [Source not specified 303 days]

His children are Nikolai, Lydia, Boris and the deceased in childhood Maria (Murochka), which Many children's poems are dedicated - we wore (at least after the revolution) Surname Chukovsky and Patronyadium / Korneevna. [Source not specified 303 days] Portrait of Kornea Chukovsky Brush Ilya Repin, 1910

Journalistic activities before the revolution

Since 1901, Chukovsky begins to write articles in the "Odessa news". In the literature Chukovsky introduced his close gymnasic friend, Journalist Vladimir Zhabotinsky, later became an outstanding politician of the Zionist movement. Zhabotinsky was also a guarantor of the groom at the wedding of Chukovsky and Mary Borisovna Goldfeld.

Then in 1903 Chukovsky was sent to the correspondent to London, where it was thoroughly familiarized himself with English literature.

Returning to Russia during the revolution of 1905, Chukovsky was captured by revolutionary events, visited the battleship "Potemkin", began to publish a Satir magazine "Signal" in St. Petersburg. Among the authors of the magazine there were such well-known writers as Kuprin, Fedor Sologub and TEFFI. After the fourth number, he was arrested for "Insult Majesty". Fortunately, the rooting Ivanovich, he defended his famous lawyer Surgonberg, who achieved justification.

In 1906, the roots of Ivanovich arrives at the Finnish place of Kuokkal (now Repino Leningrad Region), where he brings close acquaintance with the artist Ilya Ripin and the writer Korolenko. That Chukovsky convinced Repin to seriously treat his writer and prepare the book of memoirs "distant close." In Kuokkale, Chukovsky lived for about 10 years. From the combination of Words Chukovsky and Kuokkal formed "Chukocal" (invented by the Repin) - the name of the handwritten humorous almanac, which Ivanovich was rooted until the last days of his life.

In 1907, Chukovsky published the translations of Walt Whitman. The book became popular, which increased the fame of Chukovsky in a literary environment. Chukovsky becomes an influential critic, bulvaceous literature (articles about Anastasia Verbitsky, Lydia Char, "Nat Pinkerton", etc.), withered futurists - both in articles and public lectures - from the attacks of traditional criticism (met in Kuokkale with Mayakovsky And in the future he was friends), although the futurists themselves are not always grateful for it; It produces its own recognizable manner (reconstruction of the psychological appearance of the writer on the basis of numerous quotes from it).

Several separate words deserves the unique photograph of 1914. She has his own separate story saturated with famous names and coincidences ...

Yuri Annenkov, a famous book illustrator and a portraitist, a man, as if he knew everyone and all in the literary and artistic world of the pre-revolutionary Petrograd - left a lot of live evidence of people of this era. Remembering, in 1965, during a lecture at Oxford University, about his last meeting with Anna Akhmatova, Yury Annenkov told the story of this photo, which she presented him. The picture was made in the early days of the 1914 war.

"In one of these days, knowing that the Nevsky Prospect will be mobilized, Chukovsky's roots and I decided to go on this main street. In the same place, quite by chance, I met and joined the master of Mandelstam ... When they began to pass mobilized, not in military uniform, with bales on the shoulders, then suddenly came out of their ranks, too, with a bodie, and ran the poet Benedict Livshits to us. We began to hug him, press him the hands when an unfamiliar photographer came to us and asked for permission to remove us. We took each other under your hands and so were photographed ... "
- St. Petersburg. The capital of the Russian Empire. Faces of Russia. St. Petersburg 1993.

The story of Annenkova coincides with the photo right up to small details ... However, something remained outside of his story. And above all, the unknown photographer was "himself" Karl Bulla, from the workshop of which this photo later received distribution.

Of the four bright creative persons presented in the picture, only two died by their death in the late 60s, early 70s, surviving to deep old age: this is the roots of Chukovsky, the only, remaining in the USSR and Annenkov himself who survived in emigration. Osip Mandelstam and Benedict Livshitz were cruelly killed by their fellow citizens during the days of Stalinist repression. Osip Mandelstam, at the later words of Academician Shklovsky, "This strange ... difficult ... touching ... and a genius", in photograph 23 years. Just a year ago, his poetic collection "Stone" was released in the St. Petersburg Publishing House "AKME". Since the first publication in 1907 in the journal of the Tenishevsky Commercial School, a huge path was passed: classes of French literature at St. Petersburg University, acquaintance with Vyacheslav Ivanov and Innokentius Annensky, a new literary communication - the poets of the Circle of the magazine Apollo ... A little older Mandelstam - entered into literature with A group of futurists poet and translator Benedict Livshitz, who in a picture sits already nakedly around and with a deliberately made brave face, a man goes down to the front. He still does not know whether he lives alive after the first world, where the St. George Cross will be wounded and receives ... Just like Mandelstam, Benedict Livshits was illegally repressed in the 1930s and died in camps in 1939.

In 1916, Chukovsky with the delegation of the State Duma again visited England. In 1917, the book of Patterson "with a Jewish detachment in Gallipoli" (about the Jewish Legion in the British Army) edited and with Preface Chukovsky.

After the Revolution, Chukovsky continued to criticize, publishing the two most famous his books about the work of contemporaries - "Book about Alexandra Blok" ("Alexander Block as a Man and Poet") and "Akhmatova and Mayakovsky". The circumstances of the Soviet times were ungrateful for critical activities, and Chukovsky had to burrow this talent to "buried to the ground", which he later regretted.

Literary criticism

Since 1917, Chukovsky sat down for many years of work about Nekrasov, his beloved poet. His efforts came the first Soviet assembly of Nekrasov poems. Chukovsky finished work on it only in 1926, recycling the mass of manuscripts and supplying texts by scientific comments.

In addition to Nekrasov, Chukovsky engaged in the biography and creativity of a number of other XIX century writers (Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Sleptsova), participated in the preparation of the text and editing many publications. The most closest in spirit writer Chukovsky considered Chekhov.

Children's poems

The passion for children's literature, glorified Chukovsky, began relatively late when he was already famous critic. In 1916, Chukovsky made a collection of "Christmas tree" and wrote his first fairy tale "Crocodile".

In 1923, his famous fairy tales "Moydodyr" and "Tarakanische" are published.

In the life of Chukovsky there was another passion - the study of the psyche of children and how they master the speech. He recorded his choices for children, behind their verbal creativity in the book "From two to five" in 1933.

"All other my writings are tested by my children's fairy tales to such an extent that in the presentation of many readers I, except for" Mojdodyrov "and" Muh-Cocotuch ", did not write anything at all."

Bhukovsky's injury in the 1930s

Chukovsky's children's poems were subjected to cruel injury in the Stalinist era, although it is known that Stalin himself repeatedly quoted the "cockroach". [The source not specified 303 days] N. K. Krupskaya became the initiator, inadequate criticism proceeded from Agnes Barto. In the midst of the party critics, the editors arose even the term - "Chukovska". Chukovsky took over the obligation to write an orthodox-Soviet work for the children "Merry Colhihoda", but did not do it. The 1930s were marked by two personal tragedies of Chukovsky: in 1931 he died after a heavy disease, his daughter Murochka died, and in 1938 the husband of his daughter Lydia physicist Matvey Bronstein was shot (about the death of the son-in-law, he learned only after two years of hassle in instances).

Other works

In the 1930s. Chukovsky is engaged in a lot of the theory of artistic translation (the "art of translation" of 1936 was reprinted before the beginning of the war, in 1941, called "High Art") and inversely transfers into Russian (M. Twin, O. Wilde, R. Kipling, etc. , including in the form of "retelling" for children).

Begins to write memoirs over which he worked until the end of the life ("contemporaries" in the "ZhZl series").

Chukovsky and Bible for children

In the 1960s, K. Chukovsky started the retelling of the Bible for children. To this project, he attracted writers and writers and carefully edited their work. The project itself was very difficult in connection with the anti-religious position of the Soviet power. The book called "The Babylonian Tower and other ancient legends" was published in the publishing house "Children's literature" in 1968. However, the whole circulation was destroyed by the authorities. The first book publication available to the reader took place in 1990. In 2001, in Rosman and Dragonfly publishing houses, the book began to be published under the name "Babylonian tower and other biblical legends."

Last years

In recent years, Chukovsky is a nationwide favorite, a laureate of a number of state premiums and orders, at the same time supported contacts with dissidents (Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Joseph Brodsky, Litvinov, a prominent human rights defender was also his daughter Lydia). At the cottage in Peredelkino, where he constantly lived in recent years, he arranged meetings with the surrounding children, talked with them, read poems, invited famous people, famous pilots, artists, writers, poets to meetings. Peredelkinsky children who have long become adults, still remember these children's sites at the cottage Chukovsky.

Korean Ivanovich died on October 28, 1969 from viral hepatitis. At the cottage in Peredelkino, where the writer lived most of his life, now its museum has.
From the memories of Yu. Oxman:

Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya passed in advance to the board of the Moscow branch of the Writers' Union list of those whom her father asked not to invite to the funeral. Probably, therefore, an ARC is not visible. Vasilyeva and other mannefactants from literature. Very little Muscovites came to say goodbye: there were no rows about the upcoming dihid in the newspapers. There are few people, but, as at the Ehrenburg funeral, Powesta, the police - Darkness. In addition to uniform, many "boys" in civilian clothes, with sullen, contemptuous physiognomies. The boys started with the fact that they hooked the chairs in the hall, they do not give anyone to stay, sit down. He came seriously sick Shostakovich. In the lobby, he was not allowed to remove the coat. In the hall they were forbidden to sit in a chair. Reached the scandal. Civic memorial. Stuttering S. Mikhalkov pronounces all the words that do not fit with his indifferent, some even naughty intonation: "From the Union of Writers of the USSR ...", "from the Union of Writers of the RSFSR ...", "from the publishing house children's literature ...", "from the ministry Enlightenment and Academy of Pedagogical Sciences ... "All this is pronounced with a stupid significance, with what kind of doors of the last century, during the roadside, the guests called the Count of this and the prince of such. Yes, whom we are Horony, finally? Cinema Bonse or Cheerful and Mocking Mirlitz Kornea? Rebuilt his "lesson" A. Barto. Cassie executed a complex verbal pirouette so that the listeners understand how personally he was close to the late. And only L. Panteleev, interrupting the blockade of official, ineptly and sadly said a few words about Chukovsky's civil liba. Relatives of Korney Ivanovich asked to speak L. Cabo, but when she sat down in a crowded room to paint the text of his speech, General KGB Ilyin approached her (in the world - secretary for the organization of the Moscow Writer Organization) and correctly, but firmly told her that it will not allow her ..

Buried in the same place, in the cemetery in Peredelkino.

A family

Wife (from May 26, 1903) - Maria Borisovna Chukovskaya (nee Maria Aron-Berovna Goldfeld, 1880-1955). The daughter of the accountant of Arona-Bervimovich Goldfeld and the housewives Tuba (Tauba) Oizerovna Goldfeld.
Son - Poet, writer and translator Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky (1904-1965). His wife is a translator Marina Nikolaevna Chukovskaya (1905-1993).
Daughter - writer Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya (1907-1996). Her first husband was a literary critic and literature historian Caesar Samoilovich Volpe (1904-1941), the second is a physicist and a popularizer of Science Matvey Petrovich Bronstein (1906-1938).
Granddaughter - Literary critic, Chemist Elena Caesarensha Chukovskaya (born 1931).
Daughter - Maria Korneevna Chukovskaya (1920-1931), heroine of children's poems and stories of the Father.
Grandson is the film operator Evgeny Borisovich Chukovsky (born 1937).
Nolegante - Mathematics Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin (1919-1984).


Chukovsky was awarded the Order of Lenin (1957), three orders of the Red Banner of the Red Banner, as well as medals. In 1962, he was assigned to the USSR Lenin Prize, and in the UK awarded the degree of doctor of literature Honoris Causa Oxford University.

List of works

Fairy tales

Aibolit (1929)
English folk songs
Barmalei (1925)
Stolen Sun.
Crocodile (1916)
Moydodyr (1923)
Mug-Costohah (1924)
Ower Barmaley (1944)
Adventures of Bibigon
Dog kingdom (1912)
Cockroach (1921)
Phone (1926)
Toptygin and Lisa
Toptygin and Moon
Fedorino Mountain (1926)
What Moore did when she was reading a fairy tale "Wonder Tree"
Wonder tree
Adventures of white mouse

Poems for children

Slonich reads
Hedgehog laugh
A sandwich
Song of poor boots
Christmas tree
Fly in Ban


Silver coat of arms

Work on translation

Principles of artistic translation (1919, 1920)
The art of translation (1930, 1936)
High Art (1941, 1964, 1966)

Pre-school education

From two to five


Memories of Repin
Yuri Tyanyanov
Boris Zhitkov
Irakli Andronikov


Live as life
To the ever-young question
The story of my "Aibolita"
As was written "Fly Costume"
Recognition of old storyter
Page Chukocokaly
About Sherlock Holmes
Hospital No. 11.

Memory! The greatest gift of the Lord, and she is the greatest God's punishment, if the memories are not in freaks with conscience. But the usual flour of nostalgia is sweet, but still flour. Which of us did not suffer from forever lost days of sunny (for some reason, certainly solar!) Childhood? In search of a unique feeling of the novelty of the world, we return to our big and small "Mecca" - to touch, fall, clean, reborn ...

But there are places of pilgrimage of a special kind. We were not born here, did not grow up, they were not baptized. But once we touched on something incredibly real here, almost to the truth, and since then we turn on these places in favorites, we will be erected there only by our temples, chapels or the same way, finally ... We surround them with their spiritual field, we leave our Manki - signs - what, as antennas, connect us. Connect how far and for a long time we would not have separated - and in time, and in space. And the pilgrimage sites in response surrounds us with their fields, include in their egregor. For some time it is enough. But the moment comes when it is necessary to come personally (if "the mountain does not go to Magomet") - all the merits - and spiritual, and physical. To appear to feed each other with an unknown as long as our physicists energy, which is no doubt about the energy of high love.

From my childhood, from the Ural Sela Pisanskoye, where the brothers with the literary game with the literary game, stretching the walkways for Moscow, in the famous writing nest - reseller. The fact that writers in Moscow are written, and here, in dachas, they rewor their works, it became a literary surplus.

Here I first visited at the very beginning of sixty-fifth. We tied a correspondence with the journal "Pioneer". Then he was headed by Lydia Ilyina - Samuel Marshak's sister. She gathered in the magazine not only creative, but also pedagogically gifted people who were insensitive, selflessly searched for young talents. "Pioneer" then published our selection and - about a miracle! - The editors of the journal invited us with brothers in the capital, organizing a little guests a wonderful creative vacation.

Impressions were incredibly a lot.

Moscow itself - the fiery, flowing, as if lava. Moscow - with only her inherent subway smell. Taxi, ice cream cafe, elevator in a high-rise hotel! Daylight lamps! Wooden beds finally! It did not matter that I was not allowed at the "contemporary" in my youth - on the "naked king" with Evstigneev in the lead role. But I already knew where at the station "The Square of the Revolution" can be approached to the bronze statue of the sailor and twitch Mauser. Huge Mauser moved! And at the studio "Diafilm" we accepted us at all as respected authors, and in the demonstration hall showed a completely fresh ribbon - a film on our poems. Miracles continued! During the show, an actress of Rina Green in absentia appeared in absentia, called us by name, and said what our verses like it most. But we waited for the main event - trips to Peredelkino. Her, fortunately, no one was going to deprive me.

And here we are going to Peredelkino. The train - fabulously quickly, as it seemed to me - crosses the fields near Moscow. On the doors of the car - the new inscriptions for us: "Do not learn, the doors open automatically!". Unknown clementers scratched some letters. It turned out quite funny slogans, where we were offered "not to wrap up", and then, they say, "the doors are cut off automatically" ...

"Walkers" to the grandfather root - Brothers Pavlov: Alexander (15 years), Vladimir (12 years old), Oleg (10 years old) - Snapshot 1964

It darkens early, outside the windows - the buzzing blue darkness. We are imperceptibly sent to yourself in another, fabulous, unknown peace for us. The approaching transcendelino, not yet familiar, it seems to us something like the magic Berendevsky forest. And, of course, there is a major wizard. This is a person who invited us to visit himself. This is really a storyteller, the most famous children's writer of the roots Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to visit Chukovsky at his life. But with him, hesitated himself. And after many years I saw one of the last bonfire, burning in memory of the storyteller. Near that fire were children's writers, there were famous actors and musicians. Some read poems, others sang with the guys of the song, but, of course, the main hero and the owner of the holiday was invisibly the roots of Ivanovich. Entrance to the fire - Pine bump - As a result, a huge mountain of cones rose in the midst of the clearing.

Autograph (roots Ivanovich Chukovsky) of the poet and writer, cited in Essa Oleg Pavlov

I imagine how it appeared here once in front of the guests of the roots Ivanovich - high-deficuous, with a great good nose, in the long headdress of the Indian leader from beautiful feathers. Guys - And then, many played in the Indians - probably met Chukovsky delighted deafening cry. And Ivanovich's roots, must have got up before the fire, he embalted his hand to the sky - and everyone did the same. Then he took the hands of the nearest boys, and everyone took up his arms, and drank around the fire, as extorbing Indians. And then everyone - and Chukovsky, too, threw in the fire on a chish, like a tribute to the fiery spirit.

I saw this Indian headdress at first in the photo in the "Pioneer Pravda". So thanked our storyteller Americans during his trip to the states. Then I saw his sideline - the roots of Ivanovich could not be lazy to retire to the neighboring room and suddenly appear in front of his guests in this stunning, colorful-feathene, long - almost to the fifth - the head of the leader's redheads ...

The semi-plated snow tracks brought us to the house where the roots of Ivanovich lived. There, nearby, there was a building of his library. He gave it to children, and the children were gratitude and rushed here - and from the very passive, and from Moscow.

In the country, Chukovsky did not turn out - he left for a short to friends - in the house of recreation of writers. We went to meet him, and caught already dressed in the lobby. Seeing us, Ivanovich's roots immediately spread up with the interlocutor, and began to get acquainted with us. There was a wit and organic, and shone a generous.

Spit cane and repeated all the time: "When I was young when I was just eighty, I did it much better!"

Then suddenly he brought his finger to her lips and exclaimedly exclaimed:

Handwritten Almanach Kornea Chukovsky "(Publishing House" Russian Way, Moscow, 2006)

"See that a funny person that rubs the firewood behind the fence? This is Valentin Petrovich Kataev! See and remember. "

By the country, we approached easily chatting like old friends.

And there I was waiting for tea with four - to choose from the views of the jam (our tastes suddenly coincided - we chose the blueberry with the root of Ivanovich), talk about literature, reading poems. That evening I first learned that Chukovsky writer writes for adults. He not only listened, but he himself read - it seems, translations. I read and interested in our opinion.

When it reached me to me, I read the beginning of one of the most successful poems (but, I apologize, I was only ten!):

Wooden house
Loey Loe on the log house,
Who lives without mom
In it found shelter.
But one kitten -
Pantyk is called
I did not find in that house
For yourself shelter.
Musya regretted -
Funtka took
And, tell me mercy,
In the family accepted ...

"Good girl Musya," Chukovsky said, "the kitten said ...

What was his surprise that Musya was not a girl at all, but also a cat, a citizen of the fictional, brothers, the Kitty republic, at the head of which for some reason the king is worth it. Further more. We surprised the storyter with our fabulous countries - the Kitty, the united country of animals, the free city of Pavlograd ...

The roots of Ivanovich accepted the countries invented by us, asked to tell about them in more detail, and then suddenly told his story. In his youth, resting at the Finnish resort of Koookell, along with friends, he suggested the game into a kind of fictional republic. Friends supported the game, the country was told by Chukochaly, and the instigator himself was announced by the president. Parting, they gave root Ivanovich the knife with engraving - "Alexander Peliannder's President of the country." On the Russian border, the knife fell to the eyes of customs officers, and the word "president", and suspiciously the Greek name forced Chukovsky for a long time to explain with impermatizing humor imperial officials.

"So," said the storyteller's morality, "be careful with the fictional countries." Dangerous this is the case! - And himself laughs.

At the end of the evening, the owner presented us with the book of his fairy tales by providing her inscription on which only a person who knows how to simulate (and above himself first) - "Pavlov's poetic family from their modest colleague. With the deep sequencing, the roots of Chukovsky. "

Much lost in life. Cards from Chukovsky are not preserved, there is not a single copy of our filmfilm. But that book and today stands on my shelf. And my children, and now grandchildren, belong to her with deep separation ...

In other, later visits, reseller, I have repeatedly been silently to stand over the graves of the rooting Ivanovich and Boris Leonidovich. I found their horms from afar with a notable three pine. However, only two of them remained. And the trees are not eternal ... about Great Pasternak, a clear thing, I have no personal impressions - he died long before our pioneer visit to Transmekino. But there are these lines:

Landmark three pines
on Peredelkinsky Cemetery -
their golden rhizomes
bind your dreams ...

There, under Sine, Pasternak -
in a coffin,
as in a wooden prism ...
In the collective farm field of realism
he was a wonderful weed.
Susceptible to injury and weeding,
he stood in his native land -
and, addressed to descendants,
candle burned on the table.
Candle burned - he worked -
And, opening the scenes of the gloom,
Shakespeare poems Pasternak
he spoke from all over Russia.
And through words, words, words
silent snowy vertex
i got a question, insoluble
most vote.
Candle burned not to dottle,
when her over dark blood
with orphaned table
transferred to the headboard.
Immortal, like the poet himself,
she burns Sunday Verba,
without poetic hyperbol
at all limits
say light.

One day, together with a friend, Timothy the windy, we visited here, in Peredelkino, the poet of Arseny Tarkovsky. Timothy I was as if elder brother and in the literature, and in life. In the Litobyment of Zlatoust, he came to the seventeen-year-old Gubaste boy, Kartvo and with the fan of the declamusing Mayakovsky. I brought kilometer space-philosophical poems.

Then, after the army, went to a duel with Moscow. The fight was delayed for the entire subsequent life. In one of his crisis periods, I turned out to be a passage in the capital and decided to shake Tim a trip to Peredelkino, to Tarkovsky. Arseny Alexandrovich was his favorite poet.

"We are not familiar," Timofey rested timidly, but soon surrendered to clear curiosity.

The poet came down to us from the steps of the recreation of writers, and it seemed that it seemed from heavenly heights, relying on one crutch. Smiling as an old acquaintance, sat down on the bench. He looked very sick and tired. It was a heavy time for the poet - the son lived abroad and was in a taught opal. Arseny Alexandrovich asked for the guests to smoke - apparently, on illness he was trying to separate with tobacco and, apparently, unsuccessfully. Tarkovsky himself suggested to read verses. He listened very carefully, and when he read Timofey, then suddenly shed and kissed him. Tima did not understand then - what this meant - a really old poet who once loved by Tsvetaeva, touched the youth lines, or just tears had so closely, as they only have children and old people.

After parting with Tarkovsky, we still walked for a long time on Peredelkin's surroundings, a picnic was arranged on the side of the ravine. As the way, a part of the human skull fell on the eyes - it can be seen, the ravine washed the ancient cemetery.

However, why not the way? Immediately remembered the scandalous from Yuri Kuznetsov: "I drank from the father's skull ..."

Four years later I again visited Peredelkino. Not far from three pines of Chernela, fresh grave - the last shelter of the "smaller branch of Russia" is the arseny of Tarkovsky ...

Now in Peredelkino, probably noisy. And it did not have passed the fate of the great redistribution, when the Iceberg of Russian literature split into two unions. There are probably the axes, as in the "Cherry Garden" in Chekhov. Old anywhere by the eyes of Firsa looks at cheerful construction.

Will I succeed at once again in Peredelkino, take a walk under his pines? I do not know. So far, many of us in the category of price hostages are unauthorized us by the will of the market.

But this is a magical place for me - a la-business-ki is always with me. It is in my dreams, dreams, in verses and prose. They live the heroes of my story "Poem about Black Currant." There is still alive and live by Chukovsky, listening to our boyish poem about the Kitty republic and treat me with delicious blueberry jam.

Age, Peredelkino! You wait. Your pilgrim is on the way ...
Oleg Pavlov

From the editorial It is interesting to note that the almanac "45th parallel" publishes memories of the great man in the year of the 125th anniversary of his birth. And in the poetic selection of KC, entitled to a stitching of one of the epigrams of the poet and the writer included, of course, are far from all brilliant ballads for children belonging to Peru Chukovsky. I would like to see that uncle or the tetynka, who do not remember the phone nor "phone" nor "stolen sun", nor "Muhu-Cocotuhu" ... What is "Chukocala"?

The word is composed of the initial syllable of my surname - Chuk and the last syllables of the Finnish word Koookekala - the one was called the village, in which I then lived.

The word "Chukocala" was invented by Repin. The artist actively participated in my Almana and under the very first of its drawing (dated July 20, 1914) made a signature: "I. Repin. Chukochal. "

To this date, to the very beginning of the First World War, and refers to the origin of "Chukochaly".

What is "Chukocala", say not easy. Sometimes it is handwritten almanac, responding to topical topics, sometimes - just the most ordinary album for autographs.

Initially, the "Chukocala" was a skinny notebook, asked crosslined from several random leaves, now this is a volumetric volume of 632 pages with four branches belonging to the later time.

Thus, in 1964, it was exactly half a century since its appearance on the light. The list of its employees is huge. Among them, Leonid Andreev, Anna Akhmatova, Andrei White, Al. Block, IV. Bunin, Max Voloshin, Sergey Gorodetsky, Gorky, Gumilyov, Dobuzhinsky, you. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Jelebov, Zoshchenko, Arkady Averchenko, Alexander Amphitheatres, Yuri Annenkov, Al. Beno'a, Vyacheslav Ivanov, A. Koni, A. Kookin, Osip Mandelstam, Fedor Sologub and others. As well as a younger generation - Margarita Aliger, Irakli Andronikov, A. Arkhangelsky, E. Evtushenko, Valentin Katav, Caveryin, Mikhail Koltsov, E. Kazakevich, I. Babel, Meyerhold, V. Mayakovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, Nikolay Oleinikov, M. Sv'evin, Mich. Slonimsky, A. Solzhenitsyn, K. Powesty, Al. Tolstoy, K. Fedin, S. Plipchyov, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Victor Shklovsky and others

The main feature of "Chukochaly" - humor. People wrote and painted in the "Chukocale" most often at such moments when they were located to laughter, in a funny company, during a short rest, often after heavy work. That is why there are so many smiles and jokes on these pages - sometimes it would seem too frivolous.

And another feature of "Chukocokaly". Its participants in many cases are not in their usual role and act in the role that seem to be completely unusual for them.

Shalyapin does not sing here, but he draws, Sobinov writes poems. The tragic lirik block writes a fun comedy. And Sithweets Mikhail Isakovsky appears before us as a music master of a funny burlesque. Proser Kubrin becomes a poem here.

Of course, there is a "Chukocale" and things of another tonality, another - no comic - style. This is primarily autographs of the poems of Anna Akhmatova, Bunin, Mandelstam, Valentina Katava, Khodsevich, Kuzmin and others.

The British has a beautiful word "hobby". It means a favorite person who is not related to his main profession. Such a hobby was "Chukocala" for me. She always remained on the periphery of my personal and literary interests. It was also the same peripheral for most of its participants. They almost never recorded on its pages of what was the very essence of their spiritual biography, their creativity.

That is why this book did not become a mirror of those terrible times when she had the opportunity to exist. Only two world wars reflected small and random reflections. And is it possible to look for in it the reflection of the magnificent October days? Wild and senseless would be an attempt to capture on its often frivolous and humorous pages planetary grandiose events that shook the entire universe.

The most serious in Chukokkale brief etudes about the personality and poetry of Nekrasov, written at my request, Bitter, Block, Mayakovsky, Tikhonov, Maximilian Voloshin, Fedorom Sologub, Vyacheslav Ivanov and others in the form of answers to the questionnaire compiled by me. Preparing for the study of the life and creativity of your favorite my poet, I, of course, I found it necessary to appeal to my contemporaries to find out how the grandson and great-grandchildren were perceived by the poetry, to which his work was drawn.

All these feedback is written seriously, without a smile. However, no, and commemorated humor. I am talking about the answers of V. Mayakovsky, written naughty and mockingly. The ridicule is directed against the questionnaire, which, unfortunately, did not understand the critics that wrapped on Mayakovsky for a disrespectful attitude towards Nekrasov.

Although "Chukocal" is based on, as already mentioned, in 1914, but now, by typing it, I (though, very rarely) acquired such drawings and texts that belong to earlier. These are the records of Lyadov and Roman Corsakov, caricature of Trojan, the poem of Potemkin, who came down before me after the creation of "Chukocala".

Most of the drawings and records included in Chukocloka are made at me at the table, in my house. If, on a visit or at some meeting, I happened to meet with such a person, whose participation in Almanac did not seem valuable to me, I offered him the first random leaf, and, turning home, pasted this piece in Almanac. So it was, for example, with the drawings of Chaliapin, whom I unexpectedly met Gorky; With Figure M.V. Dobuzhinsky, AD Radlova, V.A. Milashevsky, filled in 1921 in the Hollys, where we saved from Petrograd's hunger. Alexander Blok myself brought me a poem "No, I swear, rather rose ...", who was on the way home from "World Literature", materials related to the second All-Union Congress of Writers, I collected in a small notebook, which became so to speak The first branch "Chukocokaly". There are several such branches.

Such, for example, the drawings of Yuri Annenkov, borrowed from his wonderful book "Portraits" (1922), as well as photographs made by photographer-artist MS Underpoperbaum, the author of the book "From Crafts to Art", where the most valuable from his talented works are collected. Originals of some of the portraits fulfilled by him (Anna Akhmatova, Mich. Slonimsky, Evg. Petrov, Mich. Zoshchenko and others) have been preserved at his daughter O.M. Bratzova, who kindly provided them for Chukocykaly, for which I hurried to express my gratitude to her. Evgeny Borisovich Pasternak handed me a little-known portrait of his father. I am very grateful and to him, and to other friends, thanks to which portraits of Marshak, Nikolai Oleinikov, Yugov, could appear in Chukokkale. Schwartz, Paolo Yashvili and others.

In 1965, I presented the "Chukoclon" of my granddaughter Elena Chukovskaya, who did a great job on the preparation of Almanac to print. The work was difficult and challenging. It was necessary to concentrate drawings and texts around a particular topic ("World Literature", the Arts House, the first congress of writers, etc.) and, most importantly, write my comments almost every page "Chukocykaly".

In cases where this or that page of Chukocykaly could be commenting with the help of brief passages from my memoirs, the reader offers these excerpts in a somewhat modified form.

Marshak in one of his poems was aptive to "Chukoclov" a museum. Finishing a brief friend about Chukokkale, I invite readers to get acquainted with the exhibits of this museum.

Chukovsky's roots

April 1966.


The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969)

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky (Nikolai Ivanovich Korechukov) was born in St. Petersburg in 1882 in a poor family. He spent his childhood in Odessa and Nikolaev. In Odessa Gymnasium, he met and made friends with Boris Zhitkov, in the future also a famous children's writer. Chukovsky often walked into the house to Zhitkov, where he used the rich library collected by the parents of Boris.

But from the gymnasium of the future poet, due to the "low" origin, since Chukovsky's mother was a laundry, and the father was no longer. Mother's earnings were so miserable that they were barely enough to somehow bring ends meet. But the young man did not surrender, he was engaged independently and passed the exams, receiving a certificate of maturity.

Chukovsky began to be interested in poetry from an early age: wrote poems and even poems. And 1901, his first article appeared in the newspaper "Odessa News". He wrote articles on a variety of topics - from philosophy to fechens. In addition, the future children's poet led the diary, which was his friend throughout his life.

In 1903, Korean Ivanovich went to St. Petersburg with the firm intention to become a writer. He traveled by the editors of magazines and offered his works, but everywhere he received a refusal. It did not stop Chukovsky. He met many writers, accustomed to life in St. Petersburg and found her work - became the correspondent of the newspaper "Odessa News", where he sent his materials from St. Petersburg. Finally, life rewarded him for inexhaustible optimism and faith in his abilities. He was sent to the "Odessa news" in London, where he contened his English language and met well-known writers, including Arthur Conan-Doyle and Herbert Wells.

In 1904, Chukovsky returned to Russia and became a literary criticism, printing his articles in St. Petersburg magazines and newspapers. At the end of 1905, he organized (on the subsidy of L. V. Sobyanov) Weekly magazine of the political satire "Signal". For courageous caricatures and anti-government poems, he even underwent arrest. And in 1906 he became a permanent employee of the magazine "Scales". By this time, he was already familiar with A. Blok, L.andreyev A. Kookin and other figures of literature and art. Later, Chukovsky raised the living features of many cultural figures in his memoirs ("Repin. Gorky. Mayakovsky. Bryusov. Memories", 1940; "from memories", 1959; "Contemporaries", 1962). And nothing seemed to not foreshadow that Chukovsky would become a children's writer. In 1908, he released essays about modern writers "from Chekhov to this day", in 1914 - "Persons and masks".

In 1916, Chukovsky became a military correspondent of the newspaper "Speech" in the UK, France, Belgium. Returning to Petrograd in 1917, Chukovsky received an offer from M. Gorky to become the head of the Children's Department of the Publishing House. At the same time, he began to pay attention to the speech and borders of young children and record them. Such records he led until the end of his life. Of them were born a famous book "from two to five", which first came out of the press in 1928 called "Little Children. Children's Language. Ekikiki. Miscellaneous Notes" and only in the 3rd edition Book got the name "from two to five" . The book was reprinted 21 times and with each new edition replenished.

Once Chukovsky had to make the Almanac "Fire-Bird". It was an ordinary editorial work, but it was she who caused the birth of a children's writer. Having written to Almana's first children's fairy tales "Chicken", "Dr." and "Dog's Kingdom", Chukovsky performed in a completely new world. His works did not remain unnoticed. A.M. Gorky decided to release the collections of children's works and asked Chukovsky to write a poem for children to the first column. Chukovsky first worried very much that he could not write, because I had never done this before. But it helped the case. Returning to the train to St. Petersburg with the fallen son, he told him a fairy tale about the crocodile. The child listened very carefully. For several days passed, Ivanovich had already forgotten the episodes, and the son remembered everything that was said to his father, by heart. So the fairy tale "Crocodile" was born, published in 1917. Since then, Chukovsky has become a favorite children's writer.

Bright, unusual images, clear rhyme, rigorous rhythm made it poem quickly memorable. All new and new poems began to appear for the "crocodile": "Moydodyr" (1923), "Tarakanische" (1923), "Muha-Codotha" (1924 called "Wedding Muhina"), "Barmalei" ( 1925), "Felorino Mountain" (1926), "Phone" (1926), "Aibolit" (1929, called "Aybolit's Adventures"). And a wonderful fairy tale "Miracle tree", written in 1924, he dedicated Moure his little daughter, early died of tuberculosis.

But Chukovsky did not limit himself only by his own essays, he began to translate for children the best works of world literature: Kipling, DEFO, Wheatman, etc., as well as biblical plots and Greek myths. Chukovsky's books illustrated the best artists of the time that did them even more attractive.

In the post-war years, Chukovsky often met with children in Transmekino, where he built a country house. There he collected around him up to one and a half thousand children and arranged holidays "Hello, Summer!" And "Goodbye, summer!"

In 1969, the writer did not.

K. I. Chukovsky in Kuokkale

Boris Kazankov

Wonderful Soviet writer, critic, children's poet, literary critic, the translator of the roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882-1969) for about ten years he lived in the village of Kuokkal (Repino). Here, by I. E. Repin in "Penats", he recognized many of the most prominent figures of Russian culture. A. M. Gorky, V. G. Korolenko, L. N. Andreev, V. V. Mayakovsky, F. I. Shalyapin, L. V. Sobinov, V. A. Serov, A. I. Kindji , A. I. Korovin, V. V. Stasov, A. K. Glazunov, A.F. Koni, Academician I. P. Pavlov, V. M. Bekhterev and many others.

Initially Chukovsky settled nearby from the railway station, in a house with a "non-turret", after he was persecuted by the royal authorities for the publication of the counter-government satirical magazine "Signal".

"When in 1907 or 1908 I arrived in Kookkalu," wrote K. I. Chukovsky, "I was told in a whisper that the Bolsheviks were hidden at the cottage" Vase ".

At the same time, an acquaintance with Repin took place. Ilya Efimovich was older than Chukovsky for almost forty years, but he treated him with sympathy and interest, quickly overgrowed in sincere affection. "I'm so glad to the neighborhood of K. I. Chukovsky ... - He reports A. F. Koni. - His phenomenal love for literature, the deepest respect for manuscripts infects all of us."

Like Repin, Chukovsky lived with his family in Kookkale all year round. The guidebook of the pore reported that in the Kooquill "the best cottages on the seashore ... Pretty roads; Cheaper are located behind the railway, farther from the sea." Therefore, the first time Chukovsky, removed the cottage near the railway station, later - closer to the sea. At one time, Chukovsky rented Dacha P. S. Annenkov, the former disruption. At the same time Chukovsky became friends with his son Yuri, soon showing himself a talented artist. After some time, Chukovsky appears the opportunity to move to a more convenient room with the assistance of Repin: ... "he bought this cottage on my name, in which I lived then (mastock from the fenats), rebuilt it all from the base to the roof, and came Watch how carpenters work, and himself led them to work. Already by the amazement with which he met me in the later years, whenever I came back to him (and I paid my duty in parts), it was possible to see that By buying me a cottage, he did not wait for the money returned. "

Victor Shklovsky, more than once, in the house of Chukovsky in the pre-revolutionary years, describes it in the book "Lived - were": "Cottage goes into the sea, an unbroken and not painted by the fence. Further from the sea, the plot expands. Cottage stands on the shore of a small river. She is two-story, With some extensions of the English cottage. At the root of Ivanovich the office in the upper floor of the country. It is even winter writers come to him. "

For many decades, this wooden house stood. In recent years, he belonged to the summer trust, and was not even taken under the protection of the state as a historical and cultural monument. In the summer of 1986, a fire broke out in the house, the building could not be saved ... His address was: Sunny, Border Str., 3

In addition to Ilya Efimovich Repin, the guests of this house were the inhabitants of the same Kooqual: theatrical director and art historian N. Jerins, the artist and the first illustrator of the Blokovsky "Twelve" Yury Annenkov. Previously acquaintances with Chukovsky Leonid Andreev, Alexander Kuprin, Sergey Sergeyev-Portha. Chukovsky himself in his memoirs recalls Alexey Tolstoy, Sergey Gorodetsky, Arkady Averchenko, Sasha Black, Boris Sadovsky, singer Leonid Sobyanov.

Every summer, Kuokkala revived, and together with the summer houses, the echoes of the literary and artistic and public life of the capital were transferred. Until 1912, Nikolai Fedorovich Annensky, Peaceful Public Worker on Statistics, Brother of the Outstanding Poet of Lyricia Innocent Annensky, lived in Kuokkale. Nikolai Fedorovich lived his closest friend Writer V. G. Korolenko, Historic E. V. Tarl, employees of the literary and political and scientific journal "Russian wealth" (N. Annensky and V. Korolenko edited).

In 1909, Chukovsky persuaded the writer S. N. Sergeyev-Visku in Kookkale Zima and removed the Casinochka for him on which he himself lived before. Writers and artists who lived in Kookkale were in Chukovsky, but his house became especially busy on Sundays. "By the evening," recalls one of the contemporaries, "when the sunset lied black pines with cool fire, the house came to life. Guests, neighbors or from St. Petersburg, boiled disputes about symbolism, about the revolution, about the block, about Chekhov." Chukovsky himself told him later, like "around the tea table stood stormy, young, often naive disputes: about Pushkin, about Dostoevsky, about magazine news, also about the worried writers of the famous writers of the pre-war epoch - Kuprina, Leonid Andreeva, Valeria Bryusov, block. Often Poems read or passages from just published books. " Not only modern, but also classical Russian and foreign literature: "Don Quixote", "Copper Rider", "Kalelal" ...

The participants of these literary "resurrection" were writers Alexey Tolstoy and Arkady Averchenko, Poets of Osip Mandelstam, Beremir Khlebnikov, David Burluk, A. E. Klycheykh, artists Yu. P. Annenkov, Remi (N. V. Remizov), S. Y. Sudyikin, B. Grigoriev ...

Probably hauling the guests and caused the idea of \u200b\u200bcollecting autographs from Chukovsky. But he decided this task otherwise than the Kuprin, which granted his guests to sign on the table. In the fall of 1913, Chukovsky, on the advice of the artist I. Brodsky, made a homemade album, on the title leaf of which Boris Sadovsky wrote: "Heir to the Shevchenky's heir, and you will shoot a foam here ..." Repin immediately came up with the name of the handwritten almanac: "Chukochal ". He also dubbed the house of the root of Ivanovich.

Soon, pictures, cartoons, poetic expression, sayings were appeared on the pages of Almanach, ... - "Chukocala" was loved by guests. Artist A. Arnthtam, who collaborating once in the "signal", painted a cover for her, depicting Chukovsky on the shore of the Gulf of Finland, on which writers, poets, artists hurry to leave their autographs in Chukokkale.

In the spring of the next, 1914, I. E. Repin made his first contribution to this collection, giving the Chukovsky drawing, depicting it and three other people while cleaning the pine fears on the Penate track. These "burlates in the fenats" opened the Chukocala collection. The main feature of "Chukocokaly" - Humor, - noted later by her collector.

The roots of Ivanovich led this meeting until the last days of his life, when it reached the volume of 700 pages. In addition to autographs, Russian writers are found in the "Chukocale" drawings of Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, Boris Grigoriev, Sergei Chekhonin, are presented in this collection and the theater figures; Shalyapin, Sobinov, Jews, Kachalov. There are English writers in Chukokkale - Oscar Wilde, Herbert Wells, Arthur Conan-Doyle. Poems, cartoons, documents (cuts from newspapers, ads), boats from paper, which folded the bitter, "Chukrost window" Mayakovsky.

In the pre-revolutionary years, "Chukocal" numbered several tens of pages. Repin in it is represented by several drawings. One depicts the German worker who exported Wilhelm to the wheelbarrow (1914). On the other, guests are depicted Roger Ivanovich - "State Council in Chuokkale". For many years, unique almanac was replenished, and in 1979, after the death of the writer, he was released by the Publishing House "Art" with facsimile reproduction of autographs and bright comments - Empmented Chukovsky.

In the summer of 1915, Chukovsky often visited Vladimir Mayakovsky. Winning 65 rubles into the lottery, he took a room in Kookkale. But he lacked money for food. Later, in the autobiography "I myself" the poet writes; "I installed seven diners dating. On Sunday," EM "Chukovsky, on Monday - Jewinov, etc. On Thursday, it was worse - they eat repin's grass. For a futurist height in the soot is not a matter." In the house of Kornea Ivanovich Mayakovsky read its poems, including new, written on the same day or the day before. "These readings took place so often that even a seven-year-old daughter remembered something by heart," Chukovsky writes.

In June 1915, such reading of the poems found on the terrace of Repin at the terrace. He liked the poems, and then he invited the poet to "Penate" to write his portrait. True, Repin wrote not a portrait, but only an sketch drawing. Mayakovsky did not remain in debt: he made several portraits of the Repin himself in a cartoon form, including in Chukovsky's house. At one of them, he depicted Repin with Chukovsky, bowed to each other during the exciting of them both conversations. "In those years, he painted without end, freely and easily - at dinner, for dinner, three, four drawings - and now he was distributed to them around," writes about Mayakovsky in his memoirs to K. I. Chukovsky. His son Nikolai adds: "Sitting at my father in the office, in a big society, and someone listening, they (Repin and Mayakovsky. - B. K.) Usually something was drawn. One in the corner, the other - in another" .

Mayakovsky drawings caused Repin's approval: "The most motive realist. From nature, the character" is caught or damn. " In the evenings, Repin went to Chukovsky and, together with Mayakovsky, everyone went towards Olila, to the nearest seaside grove. At this time, Mayakovsky continued to work on the poem "Cloud in Pants". The text of the poem, he usually composed during walks along the shore of the Gulf of Finland. According to Chukovsky, rapid walking along the shore, during which the poet muttered poems, sometimes stopping to burn rhyme (most often on a cigarette box), lasted for several hours. "The soles erased it from the stones," Chukovsky wrote, "the nanny bluish suit from the sea wind and the sun has long become blue for a long time, and he did not stop his insane walk."

Sometimes Mayakovsky passed 12-15 miles, shifting in the confusion of dacnis. "Sades looked at him with caution," Chukovsky told. - When he wanted to seen and rushed with an extinct cigarette to someone standing on the shore of Gentleman, he ran into a panic from him. "

A huge figure of Mayakovsky passes through all the literary creativity of Chukovsky: first in his reviews and articles, then - in his memories, always in the correspondence and since 1920 - in the diary. In one of the letters of Chukovsky (60th G.), it is possible to read such a recognition: "Block, Commissarzhevskaya, Vyach. Ivanov, Leonid Andreev, Fedor Sologub, Young Mayakovsky - 0 My sleepless crazy youth, my Peterbug nights and days!. . All this is not quotes for me, but live reality ... ".

Survived by Chukovsky poet and aviator Vasily Kamensky. He was remembered by the inhabitants of the house with his decorative work: a dozen fantastic dragons, carved from orange and punctic paper, pasted on a huge green cardboard, carved out with purple stars. A wonderful, cheerful ornament was obtained. If you hang this paper improvisation on the wall, the room becomes fun. In such a spirit was decorated with Kamensky empty room in the house, where children were put in the corner. The first poem for children written by Korneeh Chukovsky in 1916, "crocodile" was in a certain way connected with the fantastic Kamensky drawings.

Somehow in the train (Chukovsky often had to ride the publishing and editorial affairs in Petrograd), entertaining the sick son, he decided to compose a fairy tale aloud, and in the morning the boy remembered heard from the first to the last word. In the fall of 1916, the fairy tale was completed and soon, according to Yuri Tynyanov, opened "noise, interest, surprise, as it happens with a new phenomenon of literature." So another side was opened by the multi-faceted talent of Chukovsky: he became a children's poet. The fairy tale, like a knife in the oil, entered the children's environment and, appearing in the press ("Crocodile" came out in the Appendix to the "Niva" in the summer of 1917), to the horror of her author, immediately and forever eclipsed the fame and popularity of Chukovsky criticism.

During this period, Chukovsky as a critic, led to the fight against the vulgarity and surviving, dominant in the then children's literature, which was supported by A. M. Gorky, with which K. I. Chukovsky visited I. E. Repin in 1916.

There was a Chukovsky trait, underestimating which, it is impossible to understand himself or his own literary interests. This is affection for children, and in youth and in old years. Chukovsky showed interest in new and new acquaintances among the defers. In the Kuokkal coast of the Gulf of Finland, he built a fortress with children, climbed exciting games. He conquered the guys with genuine passion, richest fantasy. The son of Leonid Andreeva, who had experienced the charm of Chukovsky as a child, wrote later: "We all immediately reacted with trust as our children, as to the person of our children's world." Kuokkal children remembered and fun holidays that the roots of Chukovsky arranged. One of them took place in the summer of 1917 in the summer theater (it was located on the territory of the current park of the holiday home. A. M. Gorky). The musicians invited Chukovsky performed the children's works of Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Grechaninov. Children themselves, including children of Chukovsky, played a play, delivered by artists of re-Mi and Puni. And the roots of Ivanovich read the newly written fairy tale "Crocodile". The money collected was transferred to the Kooqual Public Children's Library.

Years of life in Kookkale for the rooting Ivanovich were fruitful: during this time he wrote several dozen critical articles made up books "from Chekhov to this day", "critical stories", "faces and masks", "Book about modern writers." The circle of interests of Chukovsky literary waters covered at this time the work of Shevchenko poets-Democrats, Nekrasov, Walt Whitman. Therefore, Boris Sadovsky immediately called the rooting Ivanovich "Heir and like-minded Shevchenko". On July 19, 1923, he wrote Chukovsky: "Yesterday, she passed by Ollila, I looked at your darkened house with sadness, I remembered how many tides and sings there were all types of young literature! .. And many many brochures I saw in With a confused form on the floor, with traces from all dirty soles, boots, among the encouraged luxury sofas, where we are so interesting and comforted the time for the listening of interesting reports and hot speeches of talented literature, which has been involved in red fire. Yes, a whole land formed on the floor in Library from expensive rare publications and manuscripts ... "

Repin was seriously experiencing an unexpected separation with the corner of Ivanovich. "Oh, here in Kookkale," he wrote to him in Petrograd, "you were the most interesting to me with a friend." And in another letter: "I remember your high, cheerful figure ... Fire man, give you a god of health." And Chukovsky lack repin, near which he lived for 10 years. And of course, he also wandered through the Kookkale itself. As for Repin, Koookell has become "fenats" for him, the native home. That is why he once wrote the artist: "Kookkala - my homeland, my childhood ..."

At the beginning of 1925, Chukovsky came to Kookkal, which then was part of Finland. He saw Repina for the last time, spoke to him, his visit to Repin made a painful impression on him: "I remember him as one of the most painful failures in my life." Repin was surrounded no longer shone Russian culture, but evil mothers and cheap mystics. The roots of Ivanovich persuaded Repin to publish his memories "distant close" in Soviet Russia, but she did not achieve success (they were published with the participation of Chukovsky after the author's death). On the day of the death of Repin, September 29, 1930, K. I. Chukovsky was in the Crimea with Sergeyev-Visk. "It happened so that we two as if we would sit all the day at the mortal evidence of the one that was so loved during life!", SERGEEV-PRICE will say.

A quarter of a century passed. In the late 1950s, Ivanovich wrote the extensive volume of Memoirov "Contemporaries", where he recalled his long-time acquaintances - guests at home in Kuokkale. During these years, employees of the Museum "Penate" asked him to point out in the photographs of the surviving buildings of the village, the house where he had ever lived. The writer fulfilled this request. But in Repino he never came.

"Theiriyoki - Zelenogorsk 1548-1998". Cost. K. V. Tieda. St. Petersburg., 1998. - P. 39-44.

The literature was his bread and air, his only normal environment, his human and political asylum. He blew at the slightest mention of his beloved author and, on the contrary, felt the deepest despondency in the society of people who read the newspapers exclusively and spoke exclusively about mods or waters ... It was easier to transfer loneliness than the neighborhood with nonsense and unfortunately. Tomorrow, March 31, we celebrate the 130th anniversary of the birth of Kornea Ivanovich Chukovsky.

The roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky (real name Nikolai Ivanovich Korechukov) was born in 1882 in St. Petersburg. He lived a long, but not a cloudless life, although he was a famous children's writer, and a large literary critic; His merits in front of Russian culture, in the end, were estimated at home (doctor of philological sciences, Laureate of the Lenin Prize), and abroad (Honorary Dr. Oxford University).

Chukovsky's mother, Ekaterina Osipovna Korneyukhukova, Ukrainian peasant from Poltava province, worked for a servant in the house of Chukovsky's father, St. Petersburg student Emmanuel Solomonovich Levensson, the son of the owner of the printing houses located in several cities. The marriage of Chukovsky's parents was not formally registered, as the Jew Levenx would have to be pre-baptized, and he was not going to do this.

What would happen to him if not literary abilities? The chances of an illegitimate break into people before the revolution were very small. To top it all misfortunes, Nikolay and appearance had an uncomfortable: too tall and thin, with exorbitant hands, legs and nose ... Modern doctors suggest that Chukovsky was a marfana syndrome - a special hormonal failure, leading to body gigantism and mind giant.

The writer himself on his Jewish origin was rarely expressed. There is only one reliable source - his "diary", to which he trusted the most intimate: "" I, as an illegitimate, who does not even have nationality (who am I? Jew? Russian? Ukrainian?) Was the most inequer, not an easy man on earth ... it seemed to me that I am the only one - illegal that everything is behind my back are moving around and that when I show someone (janitor, Swiss) my documents, all internally begin to spit on me ... When the children spoke about their fathers, grandfathers, grandmas, I only Red, bluished, lied, poodured ... "

After that family drama that Ivanovich survived the roots in childhood, it could well happen and so that he would be a UDOFOB: at least because of love for the mother, at least in retaliation for his crippled childhood. This did not happen: the opposite happened - he pulled it to the Jews. After reading, for example, the biography of Yuri Tynyanova, Ivanovich's roots recorded in the diary: "In the book, it does not say that Yuri Nikolayevich was a Jew. Meanwhile, the finest intelligence that reigns in his "Vazir Mukhtar" is most often characteristic of the Jewish Mind. "

Kohl Kornechukov studied in one gymnasium with Vladimir (Zeev Zhabotinsky - the future brilliant journalist and one of the most striking representatives of the Zionist movement. Relations between them were friendly: they were even excluded together from the gymnasium - for writing acute pamphlet on the director.

Information about the relationships of these people, when both left Odessa, preserved (for obvious reasons) a little. In the "diary" Chukovsky name Zhabotinsky appears only in 1964: "Vlad. Zhabotinsky (subsequently Zionist) said me in 1902:

Chukovsky roots
Talent Khwalo
2 times longer
Post phone.

Chukovsky recognizes what a huge impact was the personality of Zhabotinsky on the formation of his worldview. Undoubtedly, Vladimir Evgenievich managed to distract the rooting Ivanovich from "Samoystvo" in relation to illegimateness and convince him of his own talentedness. The journalistic debut of the nineteen-year-old Chukovsky took place in the newspaper "Odessa News", where Zababyansky was brought, who developed in him a love for the language and a critting talent.

In 1903, Ivanovich's roots were married at the twenty-one-year-old Odessa, the daughter of an accountant of a private firm, Maria Borisovna Goldfeld, his native sister Zhabotinsky. Her father-accountant dreamed of pumping her daughter for a solid Jew with capital, and not at all for the midnight Iover-Baystryuk, besides her for two years. I had to go from home to the girl.

The marriage was the only and happy. Of the four children born in their family (Nikolai, Lydia, Boris and Maria), only two elders lived a long life - Nikolai and Lydia, who later became writers. Masha's younger daughter died in childhood from tuberculosis. The son of Boris died in 1941 at the front; The other son, Nikolai, also fought, participated in the defense of Leningrad. Lydia Chukovskaya (born in 1907) lived a long and difficult life, subjected to repression, survived the shot of her husband, outstanding physics Matvey Bronstein.

After the revolution, Chukovsky prudently left journalism as too dangerous occupation, and focused on children's fairy tales in verses and prose. Once Chukovsky wrote Marshak: "You could die and me, but fortunately, there are mighty friends in the world, who are the name - children!"

By the way, during the war of the roots of Ivanovich and Samuel Yakovlevich quickly quarreled, did not communicate for almost 15 years and began to compete literally in everything: who has more government awards who are easier to remember the children who looks younger, about whose extremes there are more jokes.

Very interesting and still discussed by literary criticism of the image of the image of Dr. Aibolit. For a long time it was believed that Dr. Dulitle's doctor, the hero of the book of the American Children's Writer Hugh Lofting, is the prototype of Dr. Aibolit. But here is the letter of the writer himself, dedicated to what helped him create such a charming image:

"I wrote this fairy tale very, for a very long time. And he conceived her to write before the October Revolution, because I met Dr. Aibolite, who lived in a wine. His doctor Cmemy Shabad called him. It was the kindest man I just knew in my life. He treated the children of the poor for free. Will come, there was a slender girl to him, he says to her:

Do you want me to write you a recipe? No, milk will help you, come to me every morning and you will get two glasses of milk.

And in the morning, I noticed, a whole queue built it. Children not only came to him, but also brought sick animals. So I thought it would be wonderful to write a fairy tale about such a kind doctor. "

Probably the most difficult for the writer became the 30s. In addition to criticism of your own creativity, he had to survive heavy personal losses. His daughter Maria (Murochka) died of illness, in 1938 he was shot by the son-in-law, physicist Matvey Bronstein. Chukovsky to learn about his fate, for several years, threatened the instance thresholds. Saved work from depression. He worked on the translations of Kipling, Mark Twain, O. Henry, Shakespeare, Conan Doyle. For children of younger school age, Chukovsky retold the ancient Greek myth about Persee, translated English folk songs (Robin-Bobin Bararak, "Jenny", "Kotausi and Mausi" and others). In the retelling of Chukovsky, Soviet children got acquainted with the "adventures of Baron Münhgausen" E. Rubbe, "Robinzon Cruzo" D. Defo, with a "little weighing" little-known J. Greenwood. Children in the life of Chukovsky became a truly source of forces and inspiration.

In the 1960s, Korean Ivanovich started the retelling of the Bible for children. To this project, he attracted several years of children's writers and carefully edited their work. The project, in connection with the antirefiosis position of the authorities, moved with a big creak. So, the editorial office put the condition so that the book was not mentioned the word "Jews". The book called "The Babylonian Tower and other ancient legends" reached the publishing house "Children's literature" in 1968, but the entire circulation was destroyed by the authorities and did not do on sale. The first reissue available to the mass reader was held in 1990.

In recent years, Chukovsky is a nationwide favorite, the winner of many premiums and the cavalier of various orders. At the same time, he supported contacts with Solzhenitsyn, Brodsky and other dissidents, a prominent human rights defender was his daughter Lidia. At the cottage in Peredelkin, where the writer constantly lived in recent years, he arranged meetings with the surrounding children, talked with them, read poems, invited to meet famous people, famous pilots, artists, writers, poets. Former Peredelkinsky children still remember those sitting at the cottage in Chukovsky.

Once a certain teenager, which celebrated in Peredelkin, asked:
- The roots of Ivanovich, they say, you are scary rich. It's true?
"You see," Chukovsky answered seriously, "there are two kind of rich people." Some think about money and make them - these become wealthy. But the real rich about money does not think at all.

Do not miss the most interesting!

The Pramicoval Council of Chukovsky, this novice writers, "My friends, work unselfishly. Pay for it better. "

Shortly before the death of Chukovsky, he read someone's memories of Marshak, who died a few years before, and drew attention to such a thing: it turns out that his psychological age Samuel Yakovlevich determined five years. The roots of Ivanovich saddled: "I myself is not less than six. Sorry. After all, the younger child, the more talented ... "

Nikolai Kornechukov was born 19 (31) in 1882 in St. Petersburg. Frequently found date of his birthday on April 1 appeared in connection with an error in the transition to a new style (added 13 days, and not 12, as should for the XIX century).

Writer for many years suffered from the fact that I was "illegitimate": His father was Emmanuel Solomonovich Leenson, in the family of which he lived in serving the mother of Kinga Chukovsky - Poltava peasant Ekaterina Osipovna Korneyukhukova from the genus of the fixed Ukrainian Cossacks.

Chukovsky's parents lived together in St. Petersburg for three years, they had the eldest daughter Maria (Marusya). Shortly after the birth of the second child, Nicholas, the father left his illegal family and married the "woman's woman", and the mother moved to Odessa. There, the boy was given to the gymnasium, but in the fifth grade it was expelled due to low origin. He described these events in the autobiographical story "Silver coat of arms", where he sincerely showed the injustice and social athlestation of the society of the era of the Russian Empire, with which he had to face in childhood.

On the metric at Nicholas and his sister Mary, as illegitimate, there was no patronymic; In other documents of the pre-revolutionary period, his patronymic was indicated in different ways - "Vasilyevich" (in the certificate of marriage and baptism of the son of Nicholas, subsequently he was entrenched in most late biographies as part of the "real name"; given according to the shaft father), "Stepanovich", "Emmanuilovich "," Manuilovich "," Emelyanovich ", sister Marusya wore the patronymic" Emmanuilovna "or" Manuilovna ". From the beginning of the literary activities, Kornechukov used the pseudonym "Korean Chukovsky", which later joined the fictitious patronymic - "Ivanovich". After the revolution, the combination of the "roots of Ivanovich Chukovsky" was his real name, patronymic and surname.

His children are Nikolai, Lydia, Boris and the deceased in childhood Maria (Murochka), who are devoted to many children's poems - wore (at least after the revolution) Surname Chukovsky and Pass Rock Koreevich / Korneevna.

Journalistic activities before the revolution

Since 1901, Chukovsky began writing articles in Odessa news. In the literature Chukovsky introduced his close gymnasic friend, journalist V. E. Zhabotinsky. Zhabotinsky was also a guarantor of the groom at the wedding of Chukovsky and Mary Borisovna Goldfeld.

Then in 1903 Chukovsky was sent to the correspondent to London, where he thoroughly familiarized himself with English literature.

Returning to Russia during the revolution of 1905, Chukovsky was captured by revolutionary events, visited the battleship "Potemkin", began to publish a Satir magazine "Signal" in St. Petersburg. Among the authors of the magazine there were such well-known writers as Kuprin, Fedor Sologub and TEFFI. After the fourth number, he was arrested for "Insult Majesty". He was defended by the famous lawyer Grunenberg, who achieved justification.

In 1906, Ivanovich came to the Finnish town of Kuokkala (now Repino, the resort district of St. Petersburg), where he had a close acquaintance with the artist Ilya Rimin and the writer Korolenko. That Chukovsky convinced Repin to seriously treat his writer and prepare the book of memoirs "distant close." In Kuokkale, Chukovsky lived for about 10 years. From the combination of Words Chukovsky and Kuokkal formed "Chukocal" (invented by the Repin) - the name of the handwritten humorous almanac, which Ivanovich was rooted until the last days of his life.

In 1907, Chukovsky published the translations of Walt Whitman. The book became popular, which increased the fame of Chukovsky in a literary environment. Chukovsky became an influential critic, boulevard literature (articles about Lydia Charskaya, Anastasia Verbicksk, "Nat Pinkerton", etc.), witheredly defended futurists - both in articles and public lectures - from the attacks of traditional criticism (met in Kuokkale with Mayakovsky And in the future he was friends), although the futurists themselves are not always grateful for it; He produced his own recognizable manner (reconstruction of the psychological appearance of a writer on the basis of numerous quotes from it).

In 1916, Chukovsky with the delegation of the State Duma again visited England. In 1917, the book of Patterson "with a Jewish detachment in Gallipoli" (about the Jewish Legion in the British Army) edited and with Preface Chukovsky.

After the Revolution, Chukovsky continued to criticize, publishing the two most famous his books about the work of contemporaries - "Book about Alexandra Blok" ("Alexander Block as a Man and Poet") and "Akhmatova and Mayakovsky". The circumstances of the Soviet times were ungrateful for critical activities, and Chukovsky had to burrow this talent to "buried to the ground", which he later regretted.

Literary criticism

Since 1917, Chukovsky sat down for many years of work about Nekrasov, his beloved poet. His efforts came the first Soviet assembly of Nekrasov poems. Chukovsky finished work on it only in 1926, recycling the mass of manuscripts and supplying texts by scientific comments. The monograph "Mastery of Nekrasov", released in 1952, was reprinted many times, and in 1962 Chukovsky was awarded for her Lenin Prize. After 1917, it was possible to publish a significant part of the verses of Nekrasov, who were previously either prohibited by the royal censorship, or to which the "veto" was imposed by the right holders. Approximately a quarter of the currently known poetic lines of Nekrasov was introduced into the turnover of exactly the corneal Chukovsky. In addition, in the 1920s, they were discovered and published manuscripts of prosaic essays Nekrasov ("Life and adventure of Tikhon Tynenikov", "Slim Man" and others). On this occasion, even a legend existed in literary circles: Literary critic and another researcher and Biographer Nekrasov V. E. Evgeniev-Maximov, Revilly belonging to the activities of the "competitor", every time, meeting Chukovsky, asked him: "Well, Ivanovich's roots, How many more Lines of Nekrasov did you write today? ".

In addition to Nekrasov, Chukovsky was engaged in the biography and creativity of a number of other writers of the XIX century (Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Sleptsova), which is devoted, in particular, his book "People and books of the sixties" participated in the preparation of text and editing many publications. The most closest in spirit writer Chukovsky considered Chekhov.

Children's poems

The passion for children's literature, glorified Chukovsky, began relatively late when he was already famous critic. In 1916, Chukovsky made a collection of "Christmas tree" and wrote his first fairy tale "Crocodile".

In 1923, his famous fairy tales "Moydodyr" and "Tarakanishche" came out.

In the life of Chukovsky there was another passion - the study of the psyche of children and how they master the speech. He recorded his observations of the children, for their verbal creativity in the book "Two to five" (1933).

Chukovsky in the 1930s

In the midst of party critics and editors, the term appeared - "Chukovska". In December 1929, a letter of Chukovsky was published in the "literary newspaper" with the renunciation of fairy tales and the promise to create a collection of "Merry Colhiosia". Chukovsky was seriously worried about the renunciation and eventually did the promise. The 1930s were marked by two personal tragedies of Chukovsky: in 1931 he died after a heavy disease, his daughter Murochka died, and in 1938 the husband of his daughter Lydia physicist Matvey Bronstein was shot (about the death of the son-in-law, he learned only after two years of hassle in instances).

Other works

In the 1930s, Chukovsky engaged a lot of the theory of artistic translation ("The Art of Translation" of 1936 was reprinted before the start of war, in 1941, called "High Art") and transfers in Russian (M. Twain, O. Wilde, P . Kipling and others, including in the form of "retelling" for children).

Begins to write memoirs over which he worked until the end of the life ("contemporaries" in the "ZhZl series"). Posthumously published "Diaries 1901-1969".

Chukovsky and Bible for children

In the 1960s, K. Chukovsky started the retelling of the Bible for children. To this project, he attracted writers and writers and carefully edited their work. The project itself was very difficult in connection with the anti-religious position of the Soviet power. In particular, Chukovsky demanded that the words "God" and "Jews" are not mentioned in the book; The forces of the writers for God was invented by the pseudonym "Wizard Yahwe". The book called "The Babylonian Tower and other ancient legends" was published in the publishing house "Children's literature" in 1968. However, the whole circulation was destroyed by the authorities. The first book publication available to the reader was held in 1990 in the Publishing House "Karelia" with Gustava Dore illustrations. In 2001, in Rosman and Dragonfly publishing houses, the book began to be published under the name "Babylonian tower and other biblical legends."

Last years

In recent years, Chukovsky is a nationwide favorite, a laureate of a number of state premiums and Cavalier of orders, at the same time supported contacts with dissidents (Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Joseph Brodsky, Litvinov, a prominent human rights defender was also his daughter Lidia). At the cottage in Peredelkino, where he constantly lived in recent years, he arranged meetings with the surrounding children, talked with them, read poems, invited famous people, famous pilots, artists, writers, poets to meetings. Peredelkinsky children who have long become adults, still remember these children's sites at the cottage Chukovsky.

In 1966 he signed a letter of 25 cultural and science figures to the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the CPSU L. I. Brezhnev against the rehabilitation of Stalin.

Korean Ivanovich died on October 28, 1969 from viral hepatitis. At the cottage in Peredelkino, where the writer lived most of his life, now its museum has.

From the memories of Yu. Oxman:

He was buried in the cemetery in Peredelkino.

A family

  • Wife (from May 26, 1903) - Maria Borisovna Chukovskaya (nee Maria Aron-Berovna Goldfeld, 1880-1955). The daughter of the accountant of Arona-Bervimovich Goldfeld and the housewives Tuba (Tauba) Oizerovna Goldfeld.
    • Son - Poet, writer and translator Nikolai Korneevich Chukovsky (1904-1965). His wife is a translator Marina Nikolaevna Chukovskaya (1905-1993).
    • Daughter - writer and dissident Lydia Korneevna Chukovskaya (1907-1996). Her first husband was a literary critic and literature historian Caesar Samoilovich Volpe (1904-1941), the second is a physicist and a popularizer of Science Matvey Petrovich Bronstein (1906-1938).
    • Son - Boris Korneevich Chukovsky (1910-1941), died in the Great Patriotic War.
    • Daughter - Maria Korneevna Chukovskaya (1920-1931), heroine of children's poems and stories of the Father.
      • The granddaughter is Natalia Nikolaevna Kostyukov (Chukovskaya), Tata, (born 1925), microbiologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences, Honored Worker of Russia.
      • Granddaughter - Literary critic, Chemist Elena Caesarensha Chukovskaya (born 1931).
      • Grandson - Nikolai Nikolayevich Chukovsky, Gulya, (born 1933), engineer.
      • The grandson is the film operator Evgeny Borisovich Chukovsky (1937-1997).
      • Grandson - Dmitry Chukovsky (born 1943), the husband of the famous tennis player Anna Dmitrieva.
        • Grandmother - Maria Ivanovna Shustitskaya, (born 1950), anesthesiologist-resuscitative.
        • Virtual - Boris Ivanovich Kostyuki, (1956-2007), historian-archivist.
        • Virtuk - Yuri Ivanovich Kostukov, (Ry.1956), doctor.
        • Grandmother - Marina Dmitrievna Chukovskaya (Ry.1966),
        • LIGHT - Dmitry Chukovsky (born 1968), the main producer of the directorate of sports channels "NTV-Plus".
        • Vernuk - Andrei Evgenievich Chukovsky, (born 1960), chemist.
        • LIGHT - Nikolai Evgenievich Chukovsky, (Rod. 1962).
  • Nolegante - Mathematics Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin (1919-1984).

Addresses in St. Petersburg - Petrograd - Leningrad

  • august 1905 - 1906: Academic Lane, 5;
  • 1906 - Autumn 1917: Profitable House - Kolomenskaya Street, 11;
  • autumn 1917 - 1919: Profitable house I. E. Kuznetsova - Country prospectus, 27;
  • 1919-1938: Profitable house - Manege alley, 6.
  • 1912: In the name of K. I. acquired a cottage (not survived) in the village of Kookkal (p. Repino) of the painter from "Penatov" I. E. Repin, where Chukovsky lived in winter. This is how the contemporaries describe this summer cottage:


Chukovsky was awarded the Order of Lenin (1957), three orders of the Red Banner of the Red Banner, as well as medals. In 1962, he was assigned to the Lenin Prize in the USSR, and in the UK awarded the doctor of the literature of the Honoris Causa Oxford University.

List of works

Fairy tales

  • Dog kingdom (1912)
  • Crocodile (1916)
  • Cockroach (1921)
  • Moydodyr (1923)
  • Wonder Tree (1924)
  • Mug-Costohah (1924)
  • Barmalei (1925)
  • Confusion (1926)
  • Fedorino Mountain (1926)
  • Phone (1926)
  • Stolen Sun (1927)
  • Aibolit (1929)
  • English folk songs
  • Toptygin and Lisa (1934)
  • Outstay Barmaley! (1942)
  • Bibigon's Adventures (1945-1946)
  • Toptygin and Moon
  • Chick
  • What Moore did when she was reading a fairy tale "Wonder Tree"
  • Adventures of white mouse

Poems for children

  • Glutton
  • Slonich reads
  • Order
  • Piggy
  • Hedgehog laugh
  • A sandwich
  • Fedotka
  • Turtle
  • Ginger
  • Garden
  • Song of poor boots
  • Camel
  • Golobastiki
  • Bebeka
  • Joy
  • GRA
  • Fly in Ban
  • Hen


  • Sunny
  • Silver coat of arms

Work on translation

  • Principles of artistic translation (1919, 1920)
  • The art of translation (1930, 1936)
  • High Art (1941, 1964, 1966)

Pre-school education

  • From two to five


  • Chukochala
  • Contemporaries
  • Memories of Repin
  • Yuri Tyanyanov
  • Boris Zhitkov
  • Irakli Andronikov


  • The story of my "Aibolita"
  • As was written "Fly Costume"
  • Recognition of old storyter
  • Page Chukocokaly
  • About Sherlock Holmes
  • Verbickskaya (she's later - Nat Pinkerton)
  • Lydia Charskaya

Editions of writings

  • Chukovsky K. I. Collected Works in six volumes. - M.: Fiction, 1965-1969.
  • Chukovsky K. I. Works in two volumes. - M.: True - Ogonos, 1990. / Compilation and general editors E. C. Chukovskaya
  • Chukovsky K. I. Collected Works in 5 volumes. - M.: Terra - Book Club, 2008.
  • Chukovsky K. I. Chukochal. Handwritten Almanaci Kornea Chukovsky / Prepared. I. Andronikova; Comment. K. Chukovsky; Cost., Premot. text, notes. E. Chukovskaya. - 2nd ed. Spread. - M.: Russian Way, 2006. - 584 p. - 3000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-85887-280-1.

Shielding works

  • 1927 "Tarakanische"
  • 1938 "Dr. Aibolit" (dir. Vladimir Nevoliev)
  • 1939 "Moydodyr" (dir. Ivan Ivanov-Vano)
  • 1939 "Limpopo" (dir. Leonid Amalric, Vladimir Colkovnikov)
  • 1941 "Barmalei" (dir. Leonid Amalric, Vladimir Colkovnikov)
  • 1944 "Phone_ (cartoon)" (dir. Mikhail Czechanovsky)
  • 1954 "Moydodyr" (dir. Ivan Ivanov-Vano)
  • 1960 "Fly Cotton"
  • 1963 "Tarakanische"
  • 1966 "Aibolit-66" (dir. Roland Bykov)
  • 1973 "Aibolit and Barmalei" (dir. Natalia Cervinskaya)
  • 1974 "Fedorino Mount"
  • 1982 "confusion"
  • 1984 "Vanya and Crocodile"
  • 1985 "Dr. Aibolit" (dir. David Cherkasy)

Selected quotes

About K.I. Chukovsky

  • Chukovskaya L.K. Memory of childhood: my father is the roots of Chukovsky. - M.: Time, 2012. - 256 p., Il. - 3000 copies, ISBN 978-5-9691-0723-6