The device is a harem of the Ottoman Empire. Little secrets of a big harem of the Ottoman Empire

The device is a harem of the Ottoman Empire. Little secrets of a big harem of the Ottoman Empire
The device is a harem of the Ottoman Empire. Little secrets of a big harem of the Ottoman Empire

Each woman in the harem of Sultan Ottoman Empire had its status, there were strictly defined rights and obligations. Based on this status, the magnitude of its complain, the number of rooms occupied or chapels, the number of servants, the right to occupy any position. But only narrow specialists know about the complete hierarchy of women who lived in the Ottoman harem of the Middle Ages. Olga74ru tells in detail about all the status.

Editor LJ Media.

As a basis, of course, taken by Harem Sultans of the Ottoman Empire, but other Eastern harem had a very similar structure, somewhere hard, somewhere softer, somewhere the titles of the titles a little bit different.

So, every woman in the sultan harem, which had a certain title or title, was their status, there were strictly defined rights and obligations in accordance with it. Based on this status, the magnitude of its complain, the number of rooms occupied or chapels, the number of servants, the right to occupy any position. But only narrow specialists know about the complete hierarchy of women who lived in the Ottoman harem of the Middle Ages. I only call a list of possible statuses in a harem of the 16th and 8th centuries, and let's tell you in detail about all the status.

My story will concern specifically Harem Sultan, but in almost every harem Shehzade, a similar hierarchy was used, with light small changes in personal plan, which were not uncommon. By the way, in a harem to the woman of the status from "Jaria" to "Khaznedar", when applying, it was customary to add the word "Hatun". To women who received the "Sultan" status when handling always added this word. For example, Hurrem Sultan.

In harem (artist unknown)

So, possible statuses of women in Harem Sultan:

Jaria (in Hansky Harem - Bicchch) - considered the lowest stage of the hierarchy. Each girl who fell into the harem received this status, at the beginning of his way. It should be noted here that most girls have never improved their status, even by spending in a harem for many years. Such status belonged to the simplest slave-concurrent, officially owned by Harem Sultan, with minimal worship. Such concubines were not even allowed to intimate intimacy with their own master. They did not have the right to command and manage anyone. Their obligations included cleaning in the premises of the palace, the service of those who were at a higher position in the hierarchical vertical, performing various small orders. It was not even at first Muslimians, although later almost all of them took Islam. For Jaria, they arranged courses in a harem, the training on which lasted two or four years, depending on what age the slave got into a harem. The concubines were trained in elementary knowledge and skills. They learned to write on Ottoman language, studied applied disciplines, for example, embroidery or a game on a musical instrument. Primary School...

Calfa - So called the maids who entered the serving staff of the palace. These most often were the former Jaria, who received and the main training, and the additional, which was necessary to obtain such status. They differed from Jaria in that they were engaged in cleaning premises and servicing privileged individuals as professional activities, and not as an additional occupation. They paid an increased salary, but intimate relations with the Sultan with this status they still had no. Jaria and Kalfa could count on marriage after ten years will serve in a harem if they had such a desire. Their husbands were usually very successful people, and their further life was decently arranged. Calfs were three digits. They were divided into junior, medium and olders, depending on the service life. In addition, they taught Jaria, and commanded only the girls of this status. Bees ...At the most important Kalfa there was even a small power. In the post of Unger-Kalfa in the palace there was one person, and it was very difficult to get it. It was even more difficult to get the position of Haznedar, about which - later.

Mouth - This status could be assigned to Jaria, diligently completed the entire period of study, and at a certain moment of his stay in the harem she had to become an exemplary concubine, which did not reach the service personnel, that is, Kalfoy. A magnified complaint received the mouth, thanks to this status, more talented and attractive concubines were allocated among the slaves, which they had just been brought, and they had nothing else yet. Such districts on combat and political ... The carrier of the status of the mouth became candidates for the right of intimate relations with Sultan. Only they could move on through the career stairs.

Odalak - This is the next stage after simple slave. Odalak is not much different from the mouth, only with its smaller luck in an intimate connection with the Sultan, if it was at all. Odalak continued to live in a harem on full provision, had an increased salary, if compared with a simple concubine. Excellent, but losers ... Then they were married, if they did not commit serious mistakes. But the mistake could make any of the concubine. Obviously, the modern word "Odalisk" the root comes from this status.

Frame from the series "Magnificent Century" (from left to right - Eunuch Harem, at the door two kalphs, Odalak holds a box and huesheki Hurrem Sultan)

Pike - This is a type of concubine that was able to approach and become the assistant owner of one of the highest titles. This, in its essence, trusted Hseki, Valid or Mrs. (Sultanshi) in Harem. Companions ... They paid a very good salary, even more than experienced Kalf. Peaks were obliged to respect all the other concubines. It was a very solid status, almost the maximum hierarchy in a harem, which a simple concubine could have achieved, who had no relationship with Sultan. Above this plan was only Khaznedar.

Gözda - This status was considered the first really serious, who could have achieved a slave, which was allowed to communicate with Sultan. At least even one night. Most often, it was before that there was an exploratory (excellent in combat and political). After that, she turned into a favorite concubine, and she no longer entrusted the things in the harem of the rest of the apartment. The Gözda could continue the relationship with Sultan, which could lead to higher titles if Sultan remained favorable, or they were pregnant. Goezda allocated two maids, and a separate room for each. Also followed a serious increase in the salary, and many gifts from Sultan. For the status of Gözda, every concubine was sought if she wanted to be at the very top of the hierarchy of the harem, but only the units were able to receive this status, although it was not guaranteed to anyone with a cloudless life.

Ikbal "This is a real permanent favorite of Sultan, who used the favor of Padishah for a long time, and he spent not one night with her. This status was awarded the Gözda, pregnant from Sultan, but not yet born. This concubine was more respectful than to the Gözda, but if they lost the fruit, they had no further path in the harem. They could be translated into Odalak, so pregnant was necessary to be very careful. For convenience, Ikbal, they moved to more spacious comfortable chambers. They were serviced by several maids, twice as much as the Gözda.

Khaznedar - This is the status of the main treasurer, or, as they would say today, the administrator of the Harem. It was the right hand and the main assistant Haseka or Valid. Depending on which title in the active control harem. This status in the palace could only have someone alone. Khaznedar is a unique title, even pregnant sultan favorites below it in status. Sometimes the former Calf was able to become a Khaznedar, with a successful circumstance, but most often this position was delivered to girls who have the status of an Odalak or Pike. The position of Haznedar was indefinite, and if they received it, they could have her to death. Obtaining such a post - it was the only way to continue working in a harem even in old age. But in this case it was necessary to forget about creating your family. Khaznedar had the opportunity to abandon his position, but then they turned out to be at the same step of the hierarchy or in general, they went on peace. This status was a guarantee of further peaceful life, because he guaranteed a high prestige, a good salary, a large number of gifts. Khaznedar communicated with the Sultanian family, and could further count on life behind the walls of the Palace on full provision. Khaznedar could be deprived of his status by Sultan or Head of Harem if she made serious mistakes. She came to shift a more appropriate candidate. Further fate of the dismissed Khaznedar was unknown, and it was a rather rare case. However, there were situations where the former Haznedar received his position again.

Kadyn. - so called the former Ikbal, who gave birth to Sultan daughter. Sometimes, the former Mrs., Sultansh, who lost the title, was becoming a title, because of the loss of men's heirs, but had a child-girl who had a daughter or his granddaughter to the acting Padisha.

Sultan (Mrs. or Sultansh) - This title was considered one of the highest that could be assigned to a woman in the Ottoman Empire. Before he began to edit Sultan Suleiman, this title was considered the second among women's titles after the valid. This title could be assigned to the former Ikbal, who gave birth to his son, and it automatically received all the daughters of the acting Sultan. According to one version, sister and daughter Sultan, possessed this title from birth, but after marriage lost this title. But this statement does not correspond to reality. Even after marriage, their title was preserved for the sisters and daughters of Sultan, if the acting Sultan had no objection. Most often it happened. But now the irony of fate - the sisters and daughters of Sultan did not have the opportunity to get a higher title, and the concubine who gave birth to Sultan Son was the opportunity to be in the status of Valida or Haseki. Thus, women who worn by the title of Sultan for birth were not engaged in the official control of the harem, and the concubine, which managed to "dorate" to the highest position by Harem. The only exception was Mihrima Sultan, who headed Harem Sultan Suleiman, his father. It from 1558 to 1566 managed a harem. In the eighteenth century, the Ottoman Empire experienced reform, and all women harem received a ban on the use of this title and a similar console to their name. Further, the title of Sultan in relation to women was generally abolished.

Frame from the series "Magnificent Century". Koyssem (1 part) "(here is still a controversial situation, since the grandson is already ruled, and the grandmother can not send everything to the old palace) (from left to right - Walde Handan Sultan, Aunt Sultan Fatma Sultan," Grand "Valid Safiya Sultan, worth Jennet Kalfa, Ködem still in the status of Gözda, Khalima Sultan (Mother Brother Sultan)

Khaseki - It is the second title for seniority after Valida in the Ottoman Empire. He was introduced by Sultan Suleiman in 1521 for his legitimate wife Hurrem Sultan. The daughters and sisters of Padishakh were not supposed to receive this title, and their position in the hierarchy of the harem was lower. Haseki received a salary equal to about 30 thousand accuma per month. This title was unique: it was impossible to alienate, regardless of the gentle of children, the number of living heirs, the age of the title, its location. It was impossible to lose even due to job changes to the members of the dynasty (Sultan's change, for example). The first one hundred and fifty years of the existence of this title in the harem, at every moment of time, there was only one Haseki. Only at the end of the eighteenth century, several concubines were immediately able to receive such title from Sultan, so its owner was at that time less influential and had fewer opportunities. Haseki received the best fabrics, fur and jewels, and their chambers were most often located next to the shakers of Valid; They also had a large staff servants and received a great salary: so, Haseki Murada III Safiya received a salary in the amount of 100 accuma a day. In addition, in the event of the death of Sultan Haseki continued to receive payments from the treasury. Famous at different times of Haseki: Gulnush Sultan, Telly Haseki, Ködem Sultan, Safiya Sultan, Nurban Sultan, Hurrem Sultan.

Frame from the series "Magnificent Century" (from left to right - Makhidevran Sultan (mother of the Sultan Soul), Valida Aisha Hafs Sultan, sister Sultan - Hatice Sultan and Haseki Hurrem Sultan)

Valida (Valida Sultan) - There was no higher title for a woman in the Ottoman Empire. For the first time, he was assigned Aishe Hafse Sultan - Mother Suleiman Magnificent. Such a title of concubine could only receive when her son received the title of Sultan. This title was assigned to a former concubine for life or to the time until the acting Sultan was her son. The validation was controlled by a harem. She enjoyed great respect and influence both in the palace and beyond him, actively interfere with the state affairs. This title had all the great concubines of the famous female Sultanate. These are not expensive - Turkhan Sultan, Ködesem Sultan, Safiya Sultan, Nurban Sultan. These four women were the most famous carriers of this title. In total, this title at the time of the Ottoman Empire was assigned twenty three women. Valida Sultan had income (Bashmatyk) from the Sultan lands in various parts of the empire, owned summer and winter estates, and also received gifts from Ottoman nobility and foreign states. Walid Sultan affairs outside the Palace were ruled by Biassaede Agalary (Chapters of White Enunov). Valida Sultan invested significant capital in Vacufa (Funds) established by them in Istanbul, Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. For Vacufs, Daryssaade Agasy (head of black eunuhov) was followed.

The harem could be managed and not having a title of valid, that is, even with her sultan. So, in the 16th century, Haseki Hürrem Sultan, who had never worn by the title of Valid (she died during her husband, did not find the board of her son, in the 16th century. She ruled the Suliman Garem twenty-four years.

If we talk about the chronological sequence in which hearer Sultan in the 16th century, it looks like this:

Walde Aishe Hafs Sultan - Years of the Board: 1520-1534

Haseki Cherrem Sultan - years of board: 1534-1558

Mikhrima Sultan - the years of the Board: 1558-1566

Haseki (in 1574 received title Valida) Nurban Sultan - years of the Board: 1566-1583

Haseki (in 1595 he received title Valida) Safiya Sultan - years of the Board: 1583-1603

Such a strict hierarchy helped maintain in a harem, in this feminine kingdom, at least some discipline. Although everything else often happened "wars" and "catastrophe" of a different scale.

Frame from the series "Magnificent Century. Koyssem "(here is still a controversial situation, since the grandson is already ruled, and the grandmother can not send everything to the old palace) (from left to right - Handan Sultan Valida, Aunt Sultan Fatma Sultan," Grand "Valid Safiy Sultan, worth Jennet Kalfa, Haseki Ködesem Sultan, Khalima Sultan (mother of Brother Sultan)

Thanks to the series "Magnificent Century", women were able to immerse themselves in oriental fairy tales about love, cunning and romance. In the television picture you can find a huge number of beautiful women and courageous men. Under the influence of seen, one young resident of Moscow went to Turkey, where he married a local guy, and then entered one of the universities of Istanbul. She studied at this university, she came across the amazing documents in which the methodology for preparing concubines for life in the sultan harem was described in detail. Muscovite shared with us with these secrets.

The university is located on the territory of the Old Palace, in which during the Middle Age, women were trained for the harem. Among them were those who were preparing for Sultan Suleiman the first - one of the main acting persons The series "Magnificent Century". The Russian girl really wanted to meet these ancient documents and learn their secrets. After their study, it was found that there was a large number of fictions and myths in the series. Made it all, of course, to improve the plot.

Features of the life of concurrents

In real life in the harem reigned the most real borot. But women did everything possible to stay slim and beautiful on how many years ago. They developed entire complexes of moderate physical exertion and nutrition. With the help of these measures, Muscovite itself lost 10 kg. Excess weight. The word harem can be translated into our language as "ban, taboo, protected zone." He could only come to Sultan and Enun. It was a special VIP zone for women with beauty salons, fitness centers and other useful places for wonderful ladies. Naturally, in a medieval format, without modern devices.

Documents indicate that there was a well-thought out plan for filling the harem women. They were not just taken from the whole empire or captured captured during raids. Statistics show that approximately 87% of women were brunettes, the blondes were less. As for the red-haired, they were not at all. In the Middle Ages, such ladies were considered unclean.

Secrets of a thin waist

The growth of the girl in the definition in the harem was almost not taken into account. The main requirement that has been presented to them is slim. Sultan firstly paid attention to the waist and honeycomb. The chest almost also was valued as height. The best difference between the beads and the waist is described as 2/3. This approximately corresponds to the modern ideal of 60/90. Harem Sultan numbered about 500 rooms and a large park. Only the lovers of the monarch could ride the carriage.

The rest went on foot, which was the first exercise on medieval fitness. Competition was arranged daily: in the hand of the runaway girl was a handkerchief, the other concubines were caught. Who managed to catch a handkerchief, she chose the queen of the day. The winner had massage and other privileges. It was a chic reward, since such procedures were made to those women who were preparing to spend the night with Sultan. In the bath, he also could not fit a huge number of people, because more than 1000 people could live in the harem.

Young? Dance until you can

There were a lot of dances. The concubine was dancing until the orchestra was in a literal sense fell from tremendous fatigue. Documents clearly indicate that women learned about 20 types of different dances. At the same time, they were all with loads.

Both during rehearsals and in the dance, before Sultan, there were heavy bracelets on the ankles and wrists on themselves. Also on them could be the necklaces. Sometimes in the hands of the girl kept grenades, oranges and other fruits. If you dance in such an outfit a couple of times a week - it guarantees an unforgettable effect.

Another type of physical exertion was swimming. There have been 3 large basin in the harem. In the XV century, the first elements of aerobics in the water were already attended: concubines became pairs and engaged in stretch marks. It was near the pool, Sultan watched his wives and chose himself the one that would be caught up at night. Dancing, swimming, runs were not superneenergotable exercises. Therefore, their effectiveness was at a high level.

Rule of seven trapes

Historical documents found at the University of Istanbul, it says that the apartment in the harem took food 7 times a day. It was the best diet of the time:

  1. on an empty stomach in the morning, Ayran was published, which in the Ottoman Empire most often was salty;
  2. there were fruits, vegetables, boiled eggs, chicken and Ayran again for breakfast. But only now greens were added to it;
  3. coffee. This drink in the Middle Ages was not just a drink of elite, women almost could not drink him. The exceptions were just the supervision of Sultan. The indifferent satellites of coffee were raisins with dates;
  4. for lunch, there were ate lentil or vegetable soup. Olives, meat, fine rolls from the pita, filling were served to the table;
  5. lunch with octopus and other seafood. And again vegetables, olives, cheese. It is worth noting that the amount of food used is strictly dosed. The girl was impossible to eat more than 250 gr. For one reception. So they ate from small plates;
  6. the dinner was mostly fruit. And for that happy, which went to the bedroom to Sultan, coffee was allowed;
  7. a glass of Ayran was drank on the night with her greenery chopped into it.

But with sweet it was awesome. Baking relying to that girl who spent the night with his master. And she eaten her in the morning. Since not all the accomplusions were with the Sultan, they could not be baking for years.

Pregnancy protection in harem

Separately, you need to say about the methods of contraception in the harem. Not all the supervisors of Sultan had the right to give birth to children. At least at a certain period of time. The fact is that all the boys, born both from the main wife and from the concubine, had the right to claim the throne. First of all, to become Sultan could the eldest son, the rest could claim the role of the ruler in the order of seniority.

Therefore, the fertility control was very important for political purposes to avoid in the future possible cross-constellation between applicants for throne. In those distant times, sufficiently low-efficient means of contraception were used. They were champs and homeopathic ointments. So, it is worth mentioning olive and cedar oil, slices of lead. The last option was an even greater threat to health.

To prevent pregnancy, tampons were used made of pomegranate and cotton pulp. They were impregnated with some narcotic drugs, including Haishem. A completely unusual way of contraception of a harem concubage was used ... mixtures of excrement of animals, ear sulfur and cabbage (!!!). This truly hellish method very often led to the most difficult consequences.

There were other tampons against pregnancy. They were made of (and again approach) cotton, honey and manure crocodiles. There were men's methods of contraception. Moreover, they differed at higher efficiency. For example, there were condoms made from an intestine of animals and fish skin. Less effective was the use of essential oils and onion juice, which were treated by a gender organ of Sultan.

The extremely radical method of pregnancy protection was the removal of uterine and ovaries. This guaranteed 100% protection from the birth of children. But such cases were not particularly common. And therefore, almost always after the night with the Sultan, a wife or concubine was pregnant.

Features of national cuisine

Turkey's kitchen is best useful to those people who want to lose weight. After all, all products are prepared on olive oil and only dietary meat is used - chicken, lamb, veal. Vegetables with salads in no case cannot be filled with mayonnaise. Instead, it is best to use olive oil, lemon juice, a small portion of vinegar. Good to health vegetables, the more of them - the better. Note, in particular, on baked eggplants, which were invented for the Sultan Garem. In modern Turkish cuisine, the yogurt is very valued, in which meat dishes can prepare. Nowadays, except for this useful food and water procedures to improve the sex life of a woman can female Viagra, you can order this amazing drug on the website of our online pharmacy.

What associations arise from us when mentioning the harem? Beautiful girls sitting on sofas and drinking sherbet, saunas, where the planters rub themselves with aromatic mixtures, dear decorations, the battle in which hundreds of beauties fight for the attention of the lord. This is a place impregnated with Neho, charm, temptation, female fluids and a musk aroma.

While we are struggling to compete with men for equal rights, sometimes forgetting about their essence, the women of the East belong to a man as a lord. They use an ancient technicians who delight men and turn them for a long time in the slaves of love.

I propose to transfer for several centuries ago, during the time of prosperity of the Great Ottoman Empire and look at the life of the harem from the inside. Let us open the curtain of the mystery and take some lessons of preparation for the proximity and development of attractiveness from the superlitz Sultan.

Guarded paradise

The word "harem" means a secret, inaccessible and closed. Indeed, the place where the sultan's concave and wife lived was closed to everyone, except for the elected members of the Sultan family.

The Turkish chronicler of Dysun-Bay once wrote: "If the sun was a man, he would even be forbidden to pee in Harem."

The most famous harem was the Palace Seraral, located in Istanbul. It consisted of 400 spacious rooms where more than two thousand concubines lived. The palace was the size of a small town surrounded by high walls. The inhabitant of this paradise could only become a real beauty, which was strict selection.


In Harem, Sultan never got casual girls. There was a special plan, according to which a certain number of blondes and brunettes were chosen. Most Eastern Padishahs appreciated the hips and waist. The ideal ratio was considered 2/3 (waist / hips).

The difference between the waist and the hips was supposed to be about thirty centimeters. But the chest and the growth of girls were secondary indicators. In special honor there was Slavic beauty.

Girls were selected not only by external criteria. The future concubine was supposed to be smart. The candidates who were lucky to get into the harem were a thorough medical examination.

Courses seduction

Girls selected for serving Sultan, a special two-year training. They were taught by the Kalfa - old, molded slave experience. Future concubines taught the language, the foundations of the Quran, literature, poetry, calligraphy.

We studied the session and the game on musical instruments. Girls constantly supported physical shape, long-range dance. Odaliski thoroughly studied the court etiquette, studied to serve coffee and sweets, stuffing the phone and lead conversations with Sultan.

In the second year of study, a resident of Harem studied the art of care. Masks and special aromatic compositions were preparing, made makeup. He studied to dress and pick up the decorations.

All girls studied the dance "Rax Shary." It is a cross between belly dance and striptease. This dance excited the love mood and desire of Sultan.

Then they mastered the subtleties of intimate gymnastics, which we call vombilding. At the end of learning, each girl passed the exam. In addition to dancing, resentment and rules of etiquette in the exam, several very spicy exercises included.

Exercise first: jade egg. The girl was seated on a bench with a hole. The legs were widely bred, and in the vagina the subject was laid by a nephite testicle of a small size, to which several threads were attached. The girl had to squeeze the muscles so that the threads were broken when they were dragging.

Exercise Second: Dance "Rax Sharyi". A 100 ml of painted liquid was poured into the bowl. The girl injected the liquid into her loan and danced. Dance lasted for half an hour. During this time, the future Odalisk should not have lost a drop of liquid.

If all the tests were completed successfully, it became a legitimate resident of Harem.

On the golden path

It was not enough to just get into the harem. You can stay there for several years and never bother the invitation to the Sultan Bedroom. Before Sultan, hundreds of beautiful, seductive girls were conquered daily. But luck smiled only to a little. To draw attention to the attention of Padishah, the supervisor carefully littered. Dressed the most beautiful dresses, for a few hours a day spent on makeup. They trained a gait and posture, studied to seduce alone only with a look.

If Padishah liked one of the slaves, she received an invitation to the Sultan's relatives. The girls were very diligently prepared for intimate intimacy with the Sultan, because from their skills depended on whether they were lucky again. The path from the shared bedroom to the rest of the lording was called gold. To go through it, the girl passed a number of beauty rituals.


One of the most important rituals for the care for concubines was a campaign in Hamam (bath). Girls bathed in water infused on hibiscus petals and violets. This tool not only mitigated the skin, but also filled it with a thin aroma. Then mask of clay was applied to the hair and the skin.

Before going to the sauna, the girls removed the hair from all parts of the body with a special cream. It consisted of eggs, honey and lemon juice.

In those days, peeling eastern women replaced Cesé. Spaced supervision skin massaged with a rigid silk mittens. Such a procedure made it possible to remove dead skin cells and made it soft, like a child.

Sultan's body

After washing, the hair became rigid. To soften them, Ottoman beauties used hair cream from Malva's colors. Hundreds of kilograms of these colors were delivered to the palace annually.

Oriental beauties carefully cared for their hair. Preparing masks from henna and a grinding shell of walnuts. After such a mask, the hair grew very quickly.

In order for the bodies of the concubines to remain elastic and young, masks made of clay with informs and herbs.

After a thorough bathing, the blonde girl is ready for massage. Specially trained maidmen relaxed muscles and body concubines on the eve of the night of love.

Spassy skin quickly solidifies and wrinkles. Therefore, the skin of girls after Hamam was smeared by oils. Several drops of aromatic oil were added to olive or sesame oil. In the summer, violet or roses were usually added oil, and in the winter - carnations.

Before bedtime, beautiful washed with pink water. She softens the skin and smoothes wrinkles. Turkish rose oil is still used in the manufacture of elite cosmetics.


Before going to the swelling of Sultan, concubines were made by makeup. Special attention was paid to the eyes. In order for the eyes of the heart of Padishah at first sight, the girls painted the arrow by antimony with an admixture of ash. To give lips scarlet hue, oriental women chewed Bethel - pasta with pepper, lime and flax seeds. Cinnamon sticks helped breathing on the eve of the night in the night.

Play the desire to be spoiled by the female attention Sultan was not so easy. Each girl tried to emphasize their best features. Finish the image helped drawings from Henna. Slave-artists painted on the bodies of an oodalist patterns. They covered the brushes of the hands, ankle, the back of the neck or clavicle. Sometimes they were applied to the lower part of the lower back or under the navel, drawing a path to pleasure.

Unlike Christianity, in Islamic religion, pleasure from intimate proximity was not considered a sin. But Quran prohibited anal, group and same-sex relationship. Therefore, the orgy of lesbian jokes represented by many Europeans between bored concubines were most likely a fabulous fiction.

We offer in the text and in the audio several essays of the Russian broadcasting radio "Voice of Turkey" about the history and the nrules of the most famous Eastern Harem in the new story - a harem of Ottoman Sultans in Istanbul ..

Recall, the harem was originally located in the tiered pavilion separately from the palace, and since Sultan Suleiman, from the mid-16th century, was moved directly to the Topkapi Palace (Topkapi) - the office and residence of Sultan. (The transfer was achieved by a misstant Ukrainian Rocksolane (Hurrem), which became the most influential concubine in the entire history of the harem of Turkish sultans).

Later, when Ottoman Sultans left the Topkapi in favor of the new Istanbul Palaces in the European style - Dolmabach and Yildyz, then the concubine followed them.

Harem is a modern state as part of the museum in the former Palace of Turkish Sultans Topkapi in Istanbul.

Harem is a modern state as part of the museum in the former Palace of Turkish Sultans Topkapi in Istanbul. In the background, the Bosphorus Strait, on the front - the wall of the ex-harem yard.

Frame of Turkish National Broadcasting TRT.

Before moving to the text of the Turkish primary source, several important notes.

When you get acquainted with this review of a haremium transmitted by the "Voice of Turkey" and pay attention to some contradictions.

At times, the review emphasizes almost the prison severity, in which the Harem people lived, surrounding the Sultan, and at times, on the contrary, the rather liberal ingredients say. This discrepancy is caused by the fact that throughout the almost 500-year existence of the Sultansky courtyard in Istanbul, it was changed at the Ottoman court, usually towards mitigating. It concerned about the lives of simple concubines, and the princes are the sultan brothers.

In the 15th century, in the period of conquest by the Turks of Constantinople (Istanbul) and for a while later, the Sultanov brothers usually ended their lives from rent, thrown by eunuchs by order of a lucky brother, who became Sultan. (Silk Removes was used, because shedding the blood of the royal person was considered reprehensible).

So, for example, Sultan Mehmed III after his promotion to the throne ordered to strangle 19 of his brothers, becoming a record holder in quantity.

In general, this custom, who was in the go before, officially sanctioned the conqueror of Constantinople Sultan Mehmed II Fatih (conqueror) in order to protect the empire from civil engineers. Mehmed II indicated: "For the sake of state well-being, one of my sons, to whom God gives the Sultanate, can sentence the brothers to death. This right has the approval of most lawyers. "

Later, a number of sultans began to maintain life to their brothers, locking them into the so-called. "Golden Cage" - Isolated chambers in the Sultansky Palace of Topkapi, next to the harem. By the 19th century, the labels were larger than, and the "cell" was gradually canceled.

Liberalization, as already mentioned, touched a harem concubine. The supervisors were originally slaves, sometimes delivered to the palace directly from the slave bazaar, sometimes presented by Sultan - the ruler in power. If they did not give birth to the Sultan of the heirs, they were either resold, or after the death of the lording sent to the so-called. Old harem (outside the main Palace of Topkapi), where they lived their days in oblivion.

So, with the liberalization of morals, these concubines in the late period of the existence of the Ottoman Empire turned into free women who arrived in the harem with the consent of the parents to make a career. The concubine could no longer resell, they could leave the harem, get married, having received a mansion and monetary remuneration from Sultan.

And, of course, the cases of antiquity were forgotten when concubines were simply discharged from the palace in a bag of Bosphorus.

Speaking about the "Career of the concubine" Recall that the Istanbul Sultans (with the exception of Sultan Suleiman, who married Roxolane) never married their family. But about all this in the material from the original source (listen also and audio file below).

  • audio file number 1

"Girls in Paradge and without", or from where the researchers draw information about the harem of Turkish sultans

"Since the XV century, Europeans' stories began to appear about the Ottoman Palace. True, harem for a long time remained a forbidden place, where Europeans could not penetrate. In the harem there were concubines and children of Sultan. Harem in the Sultansky Palace called "Darussada" (Darussade), which in translation from Arabic means "Gate of Happiness". (The Arab word "HAREM" means "forbidden". Note site).

The inhabitants of the harem had extremely limited ties with the outside world. They all spent their lives in four walls. By the way, due to the fact that the sultan concubines did not leave the limits of the palace, until the beginning of the XIX century, i.e. Before the throne of Mahmud II, the concubine did not cover their head by Paranjoy. To close your head on the Muslim manner, they started from this period when they began to leave the palace limits, participate in picnics. Over time, concubines even began to be taken out of Istanbul to the Sultan Palace in Edirne. Of course, while women completely covered their face, so no one could see them.

Eunuchs that served in a harem took very strict measures to prevent the penetration of the sultan palace in this holy of the saints. For the time being, the eunuchs were people who could at least talk about the harem. However, the eunuchs did not do this and carried their secrets into the grave. Special precautions were accepted and when fixing what was associated with the exercise life of the harem. For example, concurrent names almost never mentioned in these documents. Only with the publication of the Sultan decree, when creating a charitable foundation, the names of the concubines could be mentioned, whom Sultan appointed, so to speak, "Chairmen of the Board of these Funds".

So the documents that shed light on life in the sultan harem was extremely small. Only after the deployment in 1908, Sultan Abdul Hamid II began to admit outsiders in the harem. However, their notes were not enough for complete removal of the veil with secrets relating to the harem. As for the notes written before 1909, it is unlikely that they can be considered something significant, for the authors of the notes were forced to be content only with rumors, often very incredible. It is not left, naturally, no images of concubines. Historians have only notes of the spouse of Western ambassadors, and the authenticity of the Sultansky Palace of the Sultansky Palace of the Sultanian Palace is very dubious.

For the time being, the Sultansky Palace, surrounded by high walls, was carefully guarded. To the even greater degree was guarded by harem. It was almost impossible to penetrate here. The guard of the harem was carried out by eunuchs. Castwards could not look into the face of the concubine, if you had to lead to them a conversation. Actually, the courtesome, with all her desire, could not do this, for these conversations were carried out only because of the curtains. (But the concubitates of the nobles on various festive ceremonies and weddings appeared before Sultan with a uncoated head). Moreover, even eunuhi at the entrance to the harem room should have been notified about their arrival with a loud exclamation of "Goals!" . (Literally the exclamation means "road!" Approx. Site). The same penetration into the palace, not to mention the harem, it was impossible. This is despite the fact that the territory of the palace was quite extensive. You it may seem that the Sultan Garem was a kind of prison. However, it was not quite so.

Suite sultan harem: from slave to the status of free

At the mention of the harem, concubines come to mind, former, in essence, slaves. The institute of slavery appeared, as is known, at the dawn of mankind. Engaged in trading slaves and Arabs. Including And in the pre-Islamic period. The Prophet Mohammed did not cancel this institution. Nevertheless, in the Islamic period, slaves, which, mainly, could gain freedom from the prisoners in various ways. In the Abbasid period in Baghdad, there was the largest in the east slave market. Moreover, Abbasid Caliphs charged tribute with some areas not money, and slaves and. (Abbasids are the second dynasty of the Arab Caliphs. They served the ancestors of Osmanov - Selzhuki. After Abbasid Caliphs, the Ottoman Sultans became califes of Orthodox, so the Ottomans were used to looking back on the traditions of the Abbasidian courtyard. Approx. Site).

In accordance with the Islamic law, the owner of the slave could use it as a thing with all the consequences arising from here. True, the Prophet Muhammed said that the slaves should be given food and clothing from what is in the house, and not subject to slaves to torment. That is why Muslims were well treated with slaves. (So \u200b\u200bin the text "Voice of Turkey" approx. Site). In addition, the release of the slave was considered great beneficia. The Prophet Muhammed said that Muslim, who let go on the will of the slave, will get rid of the nightmares of hell. That is why the Ottoman Sultans gave their concubines to be attached, even mansions. The concubine released on the will also gave money, real estate and various expensive gifts.

The most beautiful slaves in Ottoman times were determined in the harem. First of all, in the Sultan. And the rest were sold at slave markets. It was such a custom of the presentation of Sultan concubines to the sights, other nobles, sultan sisters.

Girls were recruited from among the slaves from different countries. In the XIX century, the slave trade in the Ottoman Empire was prohibited. However, after that, representatives of various Caucasian peoples themselves began to give girls to the Sultan Garem.

The number of concubines in the sultan harem began to increase from the XV century, from the Board of Sultan Mehmed II of the Conqueror.

Based on the foreigner, the Mothers of Sultanov became a foreigner of foreign origin. Rules with a harem and the mother of Sultan's mother was controlled. The concubine who gave birth to Sultan sons achieved an elite position. Naturally, most of the concubines turned into ordinary maid.

The favorite of the sultans, the concubines with which the Sultans met constantly, became a few. About the fate of the rest of the Sultans did not know anything.

Over time, three groups of concubines have been formed in the Sultan Garem:

In the first group, there were already elderly by the standards of those times of women;

Two other groups included young concubines. They took place in the harem training. At the same time, the training was taken by the most intelligent and beautiful girls who were taught by diploma, rules of behavior in the Sultansky Palace. It was implied that girls from this group over time can become mothers of future sultans. Girls who confiscated in the second group, among other things, trained the art of Flirt. This was due to the fact that the concubines on the expiration of a certain period could carry out a harem and sell again;

And the third group included the most expensive and most beautiful concubines - Odaliski. The girls from this group were serviced not only by Sultanov, but also the princes. (The word "Odalık" - ("Odalisk") translates from Turkish quite trivial - "Maid". Note site).

The concubine who came to the palace, first of all gave a new name. Most of these names were Persian origin. Names were given to girls based on their character, appearance, features. As an example of the names of the concubine, we can lead: Majamal (Lunolic), Nerzhidezade (girl, similar to Narcissus), Narginlek (Angel), Cesmir (girl with beautiful eyes), Nazludzhamal (coquetty). In order for these names to know everything in a harem, the girl's name embroidered on her turbans. Naturally, the concubines were trained in Turkish. Among the concubines existed a hierarchy, depended on the period of stay in the harem.

About "devshire" and sultans - eternal bachelors

One of the features of the Ottoman Empire is the continuous power of the same dynasty. Bailik, created by Osman-Beem in the XII century, then turned into an empire, which existed until the 20th century. And all this time, the Ottoman state ruled representatives of the same dynasty.

Before turning the Ottoman state into the empire, his rulers married the daughters of other Turkmen bees or Christian nobles and Vladyk. At first, such marriages were concluded with Christians, and then with Muslims.

So until the XV century, Sultans had legitimate wives, and concubines. However, with the strengthening of the power of the Ottoman state, the Sultans ceased to see the need to conclude a marriage with foreign princesses. Since then, the Ottoman race began to continue the children of slave concubines.

At the time of Abbasid Caliphate, the court guard was created from the slaves, which was much devoted to the ruler, rather than representatives of other local labor. In the Ottoman period, this approach was expanded and deepened. Christian boys turned to Islam, after which the young converts served only by Sultan. This system was called "Devshirma". (According to the "Devshirma" system (letters. "Devşirme translates as" collecting ", but not" blood of blood "- as often translated into Russian) they gained recruits in the shelves" Yanychar ", but only the most talented boys came to training in the Sultansky Palace for Preparations for the military or civil service, the rest before the majority were given to the Turkish family of regions around Istanbul. Then these already redeemed and those who adopted young people who have determined the Sultan or to the army to the civil service). Act a starting system began in the XIV century. For the next one hundred years, this system has been so strengthened and expanded that Christian young people facing Islam took all places in the state and military hierarchy of the Ottoman Empire. So it continued to continue.

The most gifted converts were brought up at the Sultansky yard. Such a system of civilian palace learning was called "Endorun". Moreover, these people were officially considered Sultan's slaves, their position was distinguished from the position of slaves, so to speak, "classic type". Similarly, the special status was enjoyed by the concubine that saccumed from Christianians. The system of their upbringing was similar to the "Devrosher" system.

It is noteworthy that the latter strengthening the influence of forever converted to Islam led to the fact that in the XV century, the male-devmirm began to occupy not only all the military, but all the most important government positions, and the girl-devshire from ordinary concubines began to turn into persons whose role in Palace and state affairs increased increasingly.

One of the versions of the reasons for the transition of Ottoman sultans for life with only concubitations in Europe was called the unwillingness to repeat the bitter and shameful fate of Sultan Bayazida I. However, this version was far from truth. In 1402, the battle took place at Ankara, in which the Ottoman troops were divided by the troops of Timur. Sultan Bayazid was captured, and Bayazid's wife, Serbian Princess Maria, who Timur turned to his slave was captured. As a result, Bayazid committed suicide. (The victory of Timur, also known as Tamerlan, slowed down the expansion of the Ottoman Empire and declined the fall of Constantinople and Byzantium to several generations (more than 100 years). Note site).

This story was first described by the famous English playwright Christopher Marlo, in the play "Great Timurleng" written in 1592. However, what is the proportion of truth in the fact that it was this story forced the Ottoman sultans to stop taking wives, completely bypassing the concubine? English Professor Lesli Pierce believes that the refusal of official dynastic marriages was associated with a clear decline in their political importance for Ottoman Sultans in the XV century. In addition, the traditional Harere tradition took its own for Muslims. After all, Abbasid Caliphs (with the exception of the first) were also children of harem concubines.

At the same time, as evidenced by the story, told by the daughter of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, which was ruled in the last third of the XIX century (until 1908), by the end of the XIX century in Istanbul, the dignification was widely spread. Abdul Hamid II had one favorite concubine, distinguished by the coldness of feelings. In the end, Sultan realized that he could not see the love of concubine, and he gave it to his wife to one clergyman, giving her a mansion. True, during the first 5 post-tree days, Sultan kept her husband with his former concubine in the palace, without letting him go home.

XIX century. More freedom for concubine sultan harem

The status of the concubine in the harem depended on the degree of approaching to the Sultan. If the concurrent, and even more so the most favorite sultan concubine - Odalis, managed to give birth to Sultan Son, then the status of happy immediately raised to the level of the sultan woman.

And if the son of the concubine in the future became also a sultan, then this woman took into his hands the control of the harem, and sometimes with the whole palace.

The concubines that did not have to get into the category of Odalisok, over time, was married, while ensuring emphasis. The husbands of the Sultan concubine became, for the most part, high-ranking venoms-likes or their sons. So the Ottoman's ruler Abdul Hamil I proposed in the 18th century, offered a son of his first visit to his wife, who was close to Sultan from orphanage.

The concubines that did not become Odaliski, but at the same time worked in a harem servants and educators of more young concubines, could leave the harem after 9 years. However, it often happened that the supervisory simply did not want to leave the usual walls and to be in unfamiliar conditions. On the other hand, concubines who wanted to leave the harem and marry before the expiration of the nine years could apply with the relevant statement to their lord, that is, Sultan.

Basically such petitions were satisfied, and this concubine was given to the bid and house outside the palace. The concubine who left the palace was given a diamond set, gold watches, fabrics, as well as everything that was required to improve the house. This concubine paid regular benefits. The families used in society with respect and were called palace.

From the palace archives, we learn that pensions sometimes paid for children of former concubines. In general, Sultans did everything so that their former concubines do not experience material difficulties.

Until the XIX century, the concubuses that were transmitted to the use of Crown Princes were forbidden to give birth.. The first allowed the concubine to give birth to the Crown Prince Abdul Khamid, after the adultery of Sultan Abdul Khamid I. Pravda, in view of the fact that the concubine gave birth to a daughter, the last until the prepoly was brought up outside the palace. So the girl was able to return to the palace already in the rank of princesses.

In the palace archives, many documents telling about the novels between the Crown Prince and Sultanian concubines are preserved. So, when the future Murata V was 13-14 years old, he was in the palace carpentry, at that moment a concubine entered here. The boy was terribly confused, but the concubine said that he had nothing to be shy and that he had 5-10 minutes had to take advantage of the appropriate purposes.

It happened that the concubitions started the novels even with eunuchs. With all the problematicness of these novels. Moreover, it happened that the eunuchs killed each other because of the feeling of jealousy.

In the late stages of the existence of the Ottoman Empire, novels took place between concubines and in the harem musicians, educators, painters. Most often, such love stories occurred between concubines and music teachers. Sometimes the older positive-educator closed their eyes to the novels, sometimes not. So it is not at all by chance that in the XIX century a few concubines were married to famous musicians.

There are in archives and records concerning love stories between concubines and young people facing Islam, and after this particular to the Palace for Education and Training.

There were similar stories and between concubines and foreigners, for one reason or another invited to work to the palace. So at the end of the XIX century there was a tragic story. One Italian artist was invited to draw part of the Sultansky Palace of Yyldyz. Over the artist observed the plan. (Zyldyz Palace ("Star"), built in the European style, was the second sultan residence built on European samples - after the Dolmabach Palace. Yyldyz and Dolmabachchely differed from the old residence of Sultanov - the Palace of Topkapi, built in oriental style. Topkapi was abandoned by the last Ottoman sultans, who moved first in Dolmabach, and then in Yildyz. Note site).

After some time, a love relationship arose between one of the concubines and the artist. The teacher who learned about this declared the sinfulness of Muslim's relationship with incorrect. After that, the unfortunate concubine committed suicide with him, rushing into the oven.

There were many similar tragic stories in the life of the concubine. However, it happened that such stories did not end the tragic and adulterate concubines simply expelled out of the palace.

Exile and concurrents who committed one or another serious misconduct. However, in any case, the concubines did not throw on the mercy of fate. So it happened, for example, at the end of the XIX century. Somehow three concubines were entertained by Sultan Abdul Hamid II, when he worked in a joinery workshop (all the sultans had various hobbies). One day, one concubine joined the other to Sultan and set fire to the workshop. Fire managed to put out. All three concubines refused to recognize the guilt, however, in the end, the palace guard was able to reveal the culprit of the fire. Sultan forgave the jealousness, who still had to leave the palace. Nevertheless, the girl paid a salary from the palace treasury.

Roksolana-Hurrem - "Iron Lady" Harem

Hurrem is one of the most famous sultan complies, which at one time had a strong influence on Ottoman politics. Hurrem first became a beloved woman of Sultan, and then his heir's mother. It can be said that Career Hurrem was great.

In Ottoman times, it was the practice of sending the Criminal Princes to the province of governors in order to obtain future skills in the management of the state. At the same time, with the Criminal Prince, their mother was sent to the district defined for them. The documents testify that the princes experienced great respect for their mothers, and the fact that the mother received a salary exceeding the sorrect of the princes. Suleiman is the future Sultan Suleiman magnificent in the XVI century in his exceeded the Crown Prince was sent to Governor in (City) Manisus.

At that time, one of his concubines Makhidevran, who was the ex-Albanian, or Cherkhenka, her son gave birth to him. After the birth of the son, Makhidevran received the status of the main woman.

At the age of 26, Suleiman rose to the throne. After some time in Garem entered the concubine from Western Ukraine, which was then part of Poland. It was called this concubine, a funny beautiful girl, rokcolan. In the harem she was given the name of Hurrem (Hurrend), which in translating from Persian means "funny".

In the shortest time, Hurrem attracted the attention of Sultan. Makhidevran, mother of the Crown Prince Mustafa, became jealous of the Cheerrend. The Venetian Ambassador writes about the quarrels between Makhidevran and Cheurrem: "Makhidevran insulted Hurrem and breed her face, hair and dress. After some time, Hurrem was invited to the Sultan-worn. However, Cherrere said that he could not go to the lord in this form. Nevertheless, Sultan caused Hurrem and listened to her. He then called Makhidevran, asking whether he was truth than told Hurrem. Mahidevran said she was the main woman of Sultan and that other concubines should obey her, and that she broke the insidious Chewarm. Sultan was angry with Makhidevran and made Hurrem his favorite concubine. "

A year after the arrival in Harem, the son gave birth to Son. Following this, she gave birth to five children, including one girl. So the harem rule did not spread on Cherrend, according to which one concubine could give birth to Sultan only one son. Sultan was very in love with Hurrem, so he refused meetings with other concubines.

One day one governor sent Sultan as a gift for two beautiful Russian concubines. After the arrival of these concubines in Harem, Hurrem arranged hysterics. As a result, these Russian concubines were given to other harem. This is another example of how Suleiman's magnificent violated tradition in the name of love for Cherrem.

When Mustafa's older son was 18 years old, he was sent to the Governor to Manisu. Together with him was sent and Mahidevran. As for Hurrem, she violated another tradition: she did not go after their sons in the places where they were appointed by the governors, although other concubines who gave birth to Sultan Sons were still sent with them. Hurrem simply visited her sons.

After removing Makhidevran from the Palace of the main woman, Harem became Cheurre. Also, Hurrem became the first in the Ottoman Empire with a concubine, with which Sultan concluded marriage. After the death of the Sultan Mother Hams, Hurrem completely took power over the harem. In the next 25 years, she commanded the Sultan as she wanted, becoming the strongest person in the palace.

Hurrem, like other concubines who had from Sultan sons, did everything so that her son (or rather one of them) became the heir to the throne. She managed to undermine the confidence of Sultan to the Crown Prince Mustafa, who was very loved by the people and who enjoyed the Lucky Yanychar. Hurrem managed to convince Sultan that Mustafa is going to overthrow him. Makhidevran constantly watched her son to be poisoned. She understood that conspiracies were walked around, the purpose of which eliminates Mustafa. However, she failed to prevent the execution of his son. After that, she began to live in the (city) bursa, staying in poverty. From the poverty, she saved only the death of Hurrem.

Suleiman is a magnificent, who took most of the campaigns, received information about the situation in the palace exclusively from Hurrem. Letters have been preserved, which reflects the great love and longing of Sultan in Cheurrem. The latter became the main advisor for him.

Another victim of Hürrem was the main vizier - sratrazam Ibrahim-Pasha, also a common slave. It was a man who served Sultan Eshe from Manisa and married to the sister Suleyman's gorgeous. Moreover, because of the goose Hurrend, another faithful approximate Sultan - Kara-Ahmet Pasha was killed. Herrum helped in her mom's intrigue Mikhrimakh and her husband, Croat by origin, Rustem Pasha.

Hurrem died before Suleiman. She could not see the adoption of his son's throne. Hurrem entered the Ottoman history as the most powerful concubinate, "the station passed in his essays on the history of Turkey. (Suleiman's son from Makhidevran - Mustafa was strangled by order of Suleiman, because Sultan was inspired that Mustafa prepares treason. After the rokcolani death Hurrem passed years when the Soul Son who died inhabited his son from Hurrem - Selim, glorified by writing poems, as well as drunkenness. In Ottoman History, he now appears under the nickname Selim a drunkard. Total Roksolana gave birth to Suleyman five children, incl. four sons, but only Selim survived the father. The first son of Roksolana Mehmed (years of life 1521-1543) died at a young age, like the youngest - Son of Dzhangir (1533-1553); Another son of Roksolana - Bayazid (1525-1562) was executed by the decree of his father after during hostility with his mother brother - Prince Selim (who became later Sultan), hid in hostile Osmans Iran, but then was issued back. Roxolanta Tomb is located in the Istanbul Mosque Suleymania. Approx. website).

This essay series was transferred to the Turkish state and radio "Voice of Turkey" throughout the spring-spring 2007, his Russian edition. This publication shows the decoding of the texts of the essays from 02/01/2007; 16/01/2007; 23/01/2007; 30/01/2007; 27/02/2007; The subtitles to the essays arranged Portalostranah.

This exotic secret was worried about the minds of many generations of historians and just curious. Almost a mystical mystery of the depths of the eastern world is the most famous of all. The mysterious concept came from the distant Middle Ages, from the spicy eastern nights and fantastic white buildings of a cubic shape, from an amazing and unfamiliar world, the full opposite of European, modern, glass and concrete surrounding us every day. The history of the existence of a harem is one of the most interesting.

If you can imagine all this means you managed to look at the Sultan Garem. Why in Sultansky? For the reason that at the Sultansky courtyard of the Ottoman Empire, Garem was not a love, not a personal structure, but a ceremonial, even political playing a huge role in the life of the country. In Istanbul, the colossal Palace of Topkappa was built, which represents the giant complex of buildings. In one of the branches, Topkapi was a Sultanian harem, called "Dar-Us-Saead" ("House of Happiness"). In fact, happiness was rather ghost, because, first of all, Sultans were interested in politics, strengthening the Ottoman Empire

Garem Bukhara Emir

A rare man is able to withstand the electrical atmosphere of a huge (700 people!) Women's team. Therefore, the main concern for Harem's rules was from all of this Sultan to protect. After Sultan, the main rank was considered Valida - his mother. In fact, it was Valid that managed a harem. Then there was a unmarried sister of Sultan (of course, if they were. As a rule, the unmarried relatives of the Sultan himself remained long). Then they followed their wives (but their power was very ghostly, insignificant). Then - the main eunuch (managing all the eunuch). And in the last place was shuffled, slaves - Jarius.

In fact, real power belonged to two: Valida and the Chief Enuhu. For the "honor" to sell his daughter in the Sultan Garem, even noble families fought. In the sultan harem there was very little slaves, they constituted an exception, and not a rule. Priorities-slaves were used on rough work and as maiders for concubines. The accompli selected very carefully from the girls who were sold with their parents to school with a harem and held special training in it. Girls bought from fathers aged 5-7 years and brought up to 14-15. They were taught music, cooking, sewing, court etiquette, art to delve pleasure a man.

Selling daughter to school with a harem, father signed the paper, where it was indicated that he had no right to her daughter and agrees not to meet her until the end of his life. Therefore, falling into the harem, the girls received another name. For example, the name of the flower or jewel. From the slave-captive girls of the girl only four nationalities could be elevated to the Sultan Garem. Ukrainka, Russian, Cherkhenyki and Georgians. They used preference as a valuable product and were considered a benchmark for women's beauty. Ukrainian Anastasia Lisovskaya, Slave from Ukraine, hitting in a harem under the name Herrend (laughing), became a sultan, the only woman who managed the Muslim Empire.

Popova Daughter Anastasia (Nastya) Lisovskaya, many should know about it, and not only in Eastern Europe, but also Western, where she is known under the name Roksolan. Anastasia-Roksolana Single is not only in operations, ballets, books, portraits, but even in television series. Therefore, its biography is relatively well known to the public. Only the number of scientific and artistic books about it, written in different languages, translates over several dozen.

Anastasia Gavrilovna Lisovskaya, or Roksolana, or Hurrend (1506-1558) - First, the concubine, and then the wife of the Ottoman Sultan Suleiman's magnificent. Regarding the origin of the names, there are disputes: the Hurrend in Arabic may mean "cheerful, bright", but about Roksolana - disputes are fierce, do not want to participate in them (but in general, the name to Rusins, Russians - the so-called all the inhabitants of Eastern Europe).

There are still disputes about the place of her birth - whether the city of Rogatin Ivano-Frankivsk region is, or the city of Checomers of the Khmelnitsky region. A completely small girl she was captured by the Crimean Tatars, then sold to Turkish harem.

And what can the young feature in such a complex public education, like a harem? Or the abyss (and it was tightly broken by other competitors), or fight. That Anastasia did so successfully that they know it now around the world.

Serala, he is seeral - here not to the tenderness between the contenders on Sultanov mercy. Survive the very, yes the offspring to put on your feet.

Rockcolan-Nastya's life is well known. There are fewer information about other sults, which took place actually from the position of the slave.

Finding into the harem, the girls studied etiquette, rules of behavior, ceremonies and waited for the only moment when they see Sultan. By the way, this moment could not be. Never.

Dancer belly dance

One of the most common rumors is the one that Sultan entered into intimate relationships with all women. In fact, it was not at all. Sultans behaved proudly, with dignity, and very rarely who humiliated to the frank depravity. For example, a unique case in Harem's history is the loyalty to Sultan Suleiman's his wife Roksolane (Anastasia Lisovskaya, Hurm). For many years he slept only with one woman - with his beloved wife. And it was rather a rule than the exception. Most of their concubines (Odalisok) Sultan did not even know in the face. It makes one more opinion that the concubine was doomed to eternal life in the harem. After 9 years, the concubine, never chosen by the Sultan, had the right to leave the harem. Sultan found her husband and gave dowry. The slave received a document that it is now a free person. Unfortunately, family life rarely developed successfully. Getting used to living in idleness, contentment, women left their husbands. Garem was for them to be a paradise, and the house of her husband - hell.

Sultan could have four favorite - Güzid. Choosing a concubine for the night, Sultan sent her a gift (often - shawl or ring). After that, she was sent to the bath, dressed in beautiful clothes and sent to the door of the Sultan's bedroom. She was waiting outside the door until Sultan fell into bed. Entering the bedroom, she crawled on his beds to bed, kissed the carpet and only then had the right to divide the bed. In the morning, Sultan sent rich gifts to the concubine if he liked the night with her. If the concubine pregnant, she was translated into the discharge of happy - Ikbal.

And after the birth of the child (regardless of the floor), he received a separate room and a daily menu of 15 dishes. Four wives Sultan chose personally. The wife received a new name, written evidence of his status, individuals, clothes, jewels, many slave-maid. And only one of his wives Sultan could give the title of sultach. Sultansh (the highest title) received a new name again, and only her son could inherit the throne. The heir was just one son. The rest of the sons were scented (!!!) daughters were left alive.

Interesting were the laws established by the Sultan for her husband's husband, princess. Sultansky son-in-law (Damat) did not have the right to own a harem! Harem was banned for him. He was obliged to keep loyal to the princess. In case of violation of the faithfulness of the princess had the right to demand its execution. She could also get a divorce and take another husband. Sultan holy defeating the honor of his daughter (or daughters) and could not allow the Sultan blood to be insufficient. Not all of his wives, Sultan loved the same. Many received this status only thanks to related relations (for example, the princess of some state). Sometimes, Sultan did not even come to such "official wives", did not meet with them for years.

Only his beloved wife became a sultan, regardless of whether she was his wife or fourth. All the concubines and slaves of the harem, as well as the rest of his wives were obliged to kiss the hem of dresses of Sultanshi. It was considered to be considered only the mother of Sultan - Valida. Was a harem nightmare or paradise, unnatural or normal - who knows the answer to this question? But sometimes on the soil of intrigue, suppressing will, prohibitions, instructions and hatred flourished Beautiful Flower of Love. Only for two. For Sultan and one woman. All other 699 were superfluous. Proving all the well-known truth that there is only one number in love - two. And that the finest and clean can only be love for two.

Harem is a symbol of the absolute power of a man over a woman. At the time of the conquests of the Caliphate, when Vladyk Muslim world did not have a lack of slaves, it became fashionable to collect multinational collections of concubines, who became a visible embodiment of the power and wealth of Emirov and Sultanov.

The concubine was called "Odikal", a little later, the Europeans added to the word the letter "C" and turned out to "Odalisk". From among the Odalisok, Sultan chose himself up to seven wives. Those who were lucky to become his wife received the title of "Kadyn" - Mrs. The main "Kadyn" became the mother of the firstborn. Low below the hierarchical staircase stood favorite - "Ikbal" - skillful mistresses and real beauties. These women received a salary, their own apartments and personal slaves

Odalisok had only one chance to climb on the hierarchical staircase - to give birth to a child, and for this it was necessary to get the attention of Sultan, which was extremely difficult, given that thousands of competitors were waiting for their turns. The ability to draw attention to the attention of a mustache man and excite the desire in it was a matter of survival. There were any means. The slave born in the most different countries brought the national secrets of "skin like a velvet" and "lips like cherry" in Harem.

In the time of haremov, medicine in the east was worried about flourishing, and the multi-dimensional lacc-tabiba worked tirelessly to "Lunolic" beauties could delight their master. As a result, the unique art of creating and maintaining beauty was born under the arms of "happiness houses", which, despite the high walls and strong castles, significantly influenced the fact that today is called modern perfumery. Skin care with oils and vegetable extracts, massage, soap and perfume penetrated Europe due to harem walls.

The makeup of the eastern beauties was bright and contrast. Bellyl, solutions and pastes of gypsum and chalk covered faces, bright blush from a cinnabar were applied on top, and eyelids were tinted with Saffran's infusion. And also to cut the cheeks, used fine red powder made of safflower and roots of Arnebia plants. The custom, who binds a woman to close the face, involuntarily focused on the eyes of Eastern beauties. Therefore, this part of the body paid special attention. Eyes had to hit the heart of a man at a glance.

The inhabitants of the harem were plucking their eyebrows, and to care for the eyelashes used antimony, which was prepared from the raggy fat, almond oil, ussm, bass and antimony itself. It was applied fine wooden wand, sometimes adding ash.

It was believed that antimony possesses the healing properties and improves his eyesight, so the eyes of her even led to babies. In order for the lips to be bright red, the women of the East chewed Bethel - a paste based on Betel's pepper with the addition of palm seeds and lime. For whiteness of the teeth, a means was prepared, which included a stone salt, mint, iris and pepper. The chewing was replaced with cinnamon sticks.

According to legend, the prophet himself refused to take a letter from a woman whose hands were not decorated with henna. The art of painting henna by body is one of the oldest in the East. It is believed that it came from India. Today, the genth patterns are performed for solemn ceremonies, mainly for wedding. The drawings decorate the brides from the fingers of the hands to the forearm and from the feet to the knee.

The Eastern tradition demanded that the skin of a woman was smooth, so Odalisky in the harem got rid of extra vegetation using compositions based on honey, clay and eggs. To moisturize the skin, natural oils rubbed into it. A special place in preserving the health and beauty of excellent concubines was held by Hamam - Eastern Bath.

Ten secrets of beauty from Scharerzade

In order for eyelashes to be long and silky, in the morning and in the evening they should be combed to break up, using a brush, lubricated with vegetable oil. In the east, girls from the small years, the usp dorished eyebrows. This plant stimulates hair growth, so after a while there, where they painted the dark strip, new hairs grew. In order for the hair to be thick and silky, a tablespoon of sour cream was added to a liter of warm milk, stirred and put in a warm place. Kefir, which was obtained as a result of these manipulations, wet her head, massaged, and then washed with warm water.

In order for the hair to grow faster and thicker, in the eastern harem used the crushed cores of sweet almonds, mixed with milk. Creamy mass twice a week rubbed into the head.

In order to paint the hair, the huhu was poured into the cup, they added warm water, then the cassea was put into the vessel with hot water and heated. The hair was separated on strands and put it with a thin layer from the roots to the tips. If the hair is light, they were kept from 5 to 10 minutes, dark - from 30 minutes to one and a half hours. Cocoa butter was added for dark hair.

To the lips were soft and gentle, they were lubricated with honey before bedtime. For a larger effect in Honey, butter or strawberry juice was added.

The beauty and youth of the hands guaranteed the ointment cooked on the basis of a yolk of a raw egg, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil, a tablespoon of honey and juice of one lemon. If the skin on the hands is dry, we used olive oil, mixed with tea tree oil.

As a scrub, oriental beauties most often used salt, which was mixed with sour cream or coffee grounds. It will not spoil such a scrub and olive oil.

To maintain the skin in the tone, they took a spoonful of rosemary, poured a glass of dry red wine and insisted. The bottle with infusion shake every two days. After 6 weeks, they were filled and used. The result is elastic skin without wrinkles.

The almond mask successfully fought with early wrinkles. To do this, they took a tablespoon of purified sweet almond seeds, pushed into powder with a small amount of milk and applied to face and neck for 15-20 minutes.

Modern harem.

Harem, polygamy, oppressed woman - the first, with which the East is associated with Europeans. Many people are interested, is there a harem in modern Arab men? Of course have. But in the word "harem", as Arabs understand him, there is nothing spicy or reprehensible. Harem is all women family: mother, sisters, aunt, wives. Thus, the word "haram" in the east is called the female half at all. The United Arab Emirates appeared only thirty years ago from several tents of Bedouins in the desert.

Today it combines the achievements of modern civilization and the inviolability of ancient traditions, high technologies and - in the representation of Europeans - archaic attitude towards a woman. It seems to many that women in black clothes are the only sufferers in this magnificence. You can live in the country for several years and never talk to a local woman - she will not support the conversation.

It is believed that foreigners make a danger in themselves: the contact is too sharply, they ask indecent questions (and the Arabs are not even interested, as wives), try to shake hands. What is unacceptable for the Arab woman. Even photographing it is considered an insult.

But it looks like a modern oriental prince ... The most real, and not some kind of Tarkan ... Despite the fact that he is not and 30, he is already married and how any eastern man Quran allows him to have ... up to 4 wives. But it seems to me that this Arabic sheikh will not be limited to this small number ...

Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid, UAE

The hereditary Prince of Dubai is one of the 19 children of Sheikh Mohammedin Bin Rashid al-Mactoo-Ma.Etemovar, dark-eyed, with long eyelashes and noble sophisticated features of a dark face. He graduated from the London School of Economics and the Sandherst Military Academy. He has a gold medal that won on Asian games in horseback riding.

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