William Shakespass. Watch what is "Shakespeare's sonnet" in other dictionaries Sonnet Shakespeare are dedicated

William Shakespass. Watch what is "Shakespeare's sonnet" in other dictionaries Sonnet Shakespeare are dedicated

The real edition of the immortal works of William Shakespeare is in its unique in modern Russian literature, as it was for the first time a literal translation of the author. This titanic work carried out the poet - translator Nikolai Samoilov. Having saved Shakespeare from the literary layers caused by the translators of the twentieth century, Samoilov showed the readers the real and, as it turned out, the very topical work of world genius. Meet this Shakespeare. For a wide range of readers.

1. "From the pearl of beauty offspring waiting ..."

The offspring is waiting for the pearl of beauty -

So the beauty rose does not die;

When the mature flowers fade,

Heirs their appearance retain.

But you are an applied with a look of clear eyes,

Your beauty is nourished,

With abundance, ourselves at one time

As the worst enemy, they do it on hunger.

You are the decoration of the world, the standard,

Beauty spring is the only herald

Your cute appearance, burying in bud,

As the soul, harvest a scant board.

Do not be an incinerate, uniting peace,

With a grave, for two, arranged a feast.

2. "When a man falls down forty winters ..."

When the man falls down forty winters,

On the beauty field, fighting with the flesh,

Outfit in which you irresistible

Wear out, the ramp will remain;

Then then, if you ask where now

All the beauty of the spring outfit,

Do not say: "In the depths of the shoulder eyes."

The answer will consider the shameless bravada.

More to say: "I lived not in vain,

Here is justifying old age - a child.

I tried, in it a copy of cottages,

Therefore, he is my portrait with a pellery.

I, putting, as if young again,

Colding in me, burns blood in the son. "

3. "Look in the mirror, seeing reflection ..."

Look in the mirror, seeing reflection,

Say: "It's time to create a living portrait."

Deceive the world without fulfilling the solution,

The girl is pleased with grace.

After all, where that that is not glad

Give a virgin womb?

Or maybe there is love for yourself - obstacle,

Does she tell the childless to die?

For the clan to become a tomb - treachery,

You are a mirror for your mother,

She is in you, and you - in your offspring

You will return the April of the past days.

But if you decided to interrupt your genus,

Live alone, and your image will die.

4. "Why is your beauty - the richness of the family ..."

Why does your beauty - the richness of the kind

Passion on yourself, the adorable ILO?

She is not a gift debricking, nature

She gives it generous.

Lovely courage why are you loans

Do not hurry the owner to return?

Without a score spending, owed it everywhere,

Forgetting that in each deal - profit is the essence.

Surrious, keep things with yourself,

Living in deception, you are already bankrupt,

When fate will send death with a sore,

Where will you take an acceptable report?

Share your children with beauty,

Not yet buried with you.

5. "The time that the look of your ..."

The time that the appearance of your appearance

So that stops glances

Crash with your beauty,

As an evil tyrant who does not know the mercy;

Tireless time flow

Leads to winter, to death from the journey, summer:

Souring foliage and freezing juice,

Gardens and earth paints with white.

Only one who can roses fragrance

Capture and sharpen in the vessel in the spring,

Store in perfumes, strengthened stock edge,

Save from full death in winter.

Losing flesh, frozen flowers

In perfumes will leave the essence of beauty.

6. "Do not let the winter spoil the summer ..."

Do not give winter to spoil the summer

Bills in vessels life Giving juice;

Give your appearance as a relay,

While the beauty of the flower has died.

So, in the growth of giving, you do not go away the soul,

Governing happier than the ILO;

His offspring, sshit,

He arrived ten to one takes.

Who ten sons are ten grandchildren

Will persuade in life to give,

That will be happy, death will lower his arms,

Seeing that the whole genus does not exstruct.

Smiri his temper, your appearance is perfection,

Do not leave His worms inheritance.

7. "Look, like a fertile shine ..."

Loose like the gracious shining

Gets up, dusting proud head,

Honor of people earlier earn

And led their views on themselves;

When the Hill of Heaven rushed slowly

As a strong man in the flourishing days,

From the ground they admired the views of sinful,

But devotees are still people;

Passing Zenit, it is on the chariot,

As older, dragged to the sunset,

People recently devotees

Will turned away, looking to the side.

Do not get yourself in your midday my son -

One, like the sun, meet an hour of death.

8. "Music himself - be sad ..."

Music himself - from music sad?

Pleasant - pleasant Otrada,

Why do you like what you cane,

And pleased to accept annoying annoyance?

Perhaps insulting strings reproach,

Putting them nicely and friendly:

"I did not want to marry in time -

One you will be unnecessary to anyone. "

See how the strings are friends among themselves -

So mother and father sing, baby son,

They like, and live, and sing - family,

Unity - bright joy cause.

"One is nothing!" - They sing without words.

9. "You are afraid to moisten the eyes of the widow ..."

You are afraid to moisturize the eyes of the widow,

So you live lonely?

ABOUT! These are not new,

Carelessness to give the world cruelly.

He will be forever mournful widow,

He is your image of the reborn

Believe me, the widow will say goodbye to a tear,

Comforted, seeing in her husband's son.

When the wealth of ancestors spends the ILO,

It lives, hitting in other hands,

Who children do not distribute children

That death will multiply the world of flour.

Without having loved no women nor children

His appearance kills like a villain.

10. "We are shaky! Do not believe that you love someone ... "

Shake! Don't tell you that you love someone

To yourself, you are nerazumen, like the ILO;

Love surrounded, you will destroy

With his insane hatred of the genus.

So obsessed with a kill passion,

What you build a goat yourself.

Keep your home - the key to love and happiness,

About him Care - the main thing in fate.

Oh, I change, so I change the only one!

Surely hate more important than love?

Be merciful, kind and rush

Continue in children does not stop the genus.

Respect me: Live on white light

So that beauty gets to children.

11. "While you are being tested, the son flources ..."

While you are tight, son blooms,

In it, your part of yours becomes stronger,

And blood is boolean like a waterfall from the vertices,

You have the right to call it yours.

In paternity, wisdom, beauty and growth,

Clean-free frost and launch.

Whether everything like you - would go to the poll

All people in the world for three genera.

Let those whom Nature has created

Urodes - die from the blurry,

You give you a rich gift -

Share with children and settles.

Nature you are created like printing,

To, how to repeat the look.

12. "When the clock is taking into account the moments ..."

When the clock keep accounting for moments,

Perfect day night extinguishes darkness,

Violet flows down and aging

In curls, all the thick shine shape,

With trees, leaves fall under the feet,

They were sacheled in summer heat,

Gifts of fields on trades on the road,

Carried in snops with a barbed beard.

Then sad, remembering about each other,

In the classroom will leave the white light,

We are not sparing time, sickling sickling,

Prepares a place for coming.

Only descendants will be able to enter into a dispute

When death takes you to the dotting.

13. "Oh, let you belong to yourself! .."

Oh, let you belong to yourself!

Welfare is allowed to live

Hurry, while not tired of life,

Your cute look to another

So that people enjoy beauty,

Her back taking, do not be careless -

Let after death of your appearance

Your descendants are embodied forever.

Who will let the cold in his beautiful house

Will give death lead him to decline,

Allow you to ruin, put on the layer,

When is the strength to clean up?

Alone ILO! You are very similar to your father,

Let both your son say the same.

14. "I don't spend the studies of the stars at night ..."

For the study of the stars at night I do not spend,

But still with astronomy sign.

Not to predict luck,

Plague and hunger feel the chute;

For every moment, unable to give advice,

I do not indicate the rain and hail in fate,

Looking at the stars and planets,

The kings do not predict you.

Other for prophecies is the reason -

Your eyes managed to convince

What will be true with beauty one,

When your appearance starts to live in the Son.

And if you want to live otherwise -

About the beauty and truth world will pay.

15. "All that grow on Earth ..."

All that on earth grows,

It happens perfect only a moment;

On the scene of the world, the stars are managed

The performance is incomprehensible to others;

Plants and people relative to the order:

The growth of each depends on the skies,

In Zenith begins decay,

Obliva ends regress.

The outcome of the thoughtful - sadness from understanding:

My friend today is rich,

But time, accelerating fading,

She strives to turn halfday into the sunset.

I love you, come to the aid pleased

What time will take - return back.

16. "Why not you have a desire ..."

Why not you have the desire of Tirana -

Time to pacify war

And protect yourself from fading

Reliable than my verse is mine?

Now you live on top of happiness,

Look, as spacious in virgin gardens,

They are ready for your fate

Your appearance to repeat in the living colors.

Life, this, updating him skillfully,

More precisely than feather and your portrait

Shows people as soul and body,

You were beautiful in the flourishing of young years.

Giving yourself, you will save in another

Yourself loved, cute craftsmanship.

17. "In the coming will not believe the page ..."

In the coming, do not believe the page,

Where the praise you filled with verse,

Although he sees the sky that they are a tomb

For half the values \u200b\u200bof yours.

And if inspiration will help me

Truthfully describe in verses Portrait,

The descendant shouts from the perturbation:

"There were no such beauties, and no!"

Listful yellowed pages,

Describing the angels,

Boltun dreams for the truth gives out. "

What am I truthful, my beauty

It will help to prove your child.

18. "Do I compare you with the June Day? ..."

Do I compare you from the June Day?

You are painful and moderate at the same time:

May storm is painted with a flower,

A very short time is given summer;

Sometimes too burning heavenly eyes,

But more often modestly hides for clouds,

Beautiful - beautiful only an hour,

Capricious and strong in nature;

Your beauty belongs to centuries,

She does not spoil her winter nor summer

Taught black shadow on the heels

Can not death kill my sonnets.

As long as people breathe and read

They do not allow you to forget.

19. "Grooming Time, Tigra Teeth RVI ..."

Grooming - time, tigra teeth RVI,

Tupi lion claws, having reduced strength;

The flesh of the Phoenix burned in his blood,

Land Vernel, all that gave rise to;

Create in flight and December, and May;

What do you want to do, fast moment,

Beauty of the world of the old and destroy

I just forbid a crime:

Do not touch the pen of my love

From the malice of the days of the barrier

Aging forever stop

Let it be for the descendants, he is an example.

And, however, harm, as well as others

In my verses to live will be young.

20. "You and the female file was created by nature ..."

You and the female face was created by nature,

Soul and lord, and mistress;

Tender women in heart, but inade

Live, only constant costs;

Eyes Chista, there is no game of deception,

Any subject under view - golden;

And you become yours and for men is desirable,

And women are striking by beauty.

You worked out a woman nature,

But, having loved, a man created;

Adding what I don't need a srope

Those from my forever took away.

I ask her: give me no treachery

His love, and women - offspring.

21. "I am not from those enthusiastic poets ..."

I am not from those whose musi inspires

Write poems fake beauty

Whoever glorifies the charms

Using the skies in comparisons.

Not forgetting the wonders of the Earth and the sea,

Sovit and about spring flowers,

Aphas that in the unrestrained zador,

Squisses rare beauty pearls.

Let me be sincere poet;

My young friend, I confess not jokingly,

Not so glitter as stars but at the same time

Beautiful, as for Mother Child:

But I will not fill the price

What does not intend to trade.

22. "Glass Mirrors will not convince that old ..."

The glass mirrors will not convince that old

While you will be my youth.

When you are deprived of wrinkles, charms,

Then comes to me about the death of the Bulletin.

Your beauty is like an outfit,

It is in you, yours - in me on the march,

Hearts, counting time in tact knocking,

So how can I be older than you?

Therefore, beat yourself:

Hearts with you are inseparable

Your chest I wear for you

Like a nanny, the shore is tireless.

But do not hope to get back,

When my will kill the deadly poison.

23. "Like, Orobiev, a bad actor nemeth ..."

Like, orobiev, silent a bad actor,

Forgetting the words of a long familiar role,

Like hot-tempered, giving rage space,

He comes to heart pain;

So I, Roby, oaths forgotten,

Violating those in love with rituals,

And it seems love loses dust,

Depressed glow burden.

Oh let him replace Krasnorechye - look

Let the heart speak with you eyes,

Once upon love of the recovery awards

They said more than language words.

Reduce look to speak in the blood.

24. "My eyes - artists skillfully ..."

My eyes - artists skillfully

Captured your portrait in the heart;

It serves the body to be a frame,

There is no reliable place for beauty,

After all, the eyes of the eyes took into account and perspective,

In the chest, placing your image,

You put the room illuminated on Divo,

Glass eyes windows in the workshop.

Now the eye has mutual services:

Mine - portray your portrait

But yours took care of each other,

To me in the chest, like windows, launching light.

Sorry that, drawing a copy from the face,

Eyes can not comprehend hearts.

25. "Let those to whom the constellation gives happiness ..."

Let those whom the constellation gives happiness,

Have money, title and honor.

My Fortuna closed the way to power,

Unfortunately glad that life gives.

When caressing the sovereign Favorites,

As a marigold, under the sun flows,

Frowned - and swears the joy of suite,

Bliss lasts a few minutes.

Dead warrior, balovd good luck,

Broken, after a thousand victories,

From the former glory will not receive delivery -

All exploits will forget the light immediately.

You are loved, glad to love you -

No one can deprive us.

26. "Beautiful Lord of My Love ..."

Lovely Lord of My Love,

I am your vassal, faithful to the coffin,

To the letter - Embassy, \u200b\u200bgrace show

In it, only a reader, a sharp mind exile.

He failed to find worthy words

The embassy will fall bare before you

For this, do not drive my ambassadors,

Sogray in the soul is kind of kind.

Perhaps a guiding star

Will show mercy, performs the desire,

Love charges, I will prove then

What am I worthy of your attention.

Dare, love pursuer,

And before you can't appear.

27. "Charter on the way, I hurry I lie down in bed ..."

Charter on the way, I hurry I lie down in bed,

Enlightening welcome vacation body

Touching the pillow - thoughts like a blizzard,

Brain tiring, proceed

Dreams and Duma go on the road

Fly to you, piercing Dali Nights,

Sleeping and on the moment the eyes sick,

How two blinds on the darkness look at the eyes.

Imagination hurries eyes to help

The blind ghost sees clearly

Like a diamond, he illuminates the night,

Darkness, making both young and beautiful.

So the feet in the afternoon, and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe night sometimes,

In an effort to you, I do not give rest.

28. "As a state of happiness to me to return ..."

As a state of happiness to me to return,

After all, the grace of rest I do not know:

From the day trying to relax,

Most at night tired?

Even though day and night - enemies with each other,

To try me, shook hands:

Walits day with feet of road vanity,

And the night interferes with sleeping the separation.

To please, Strip in bad weather: day,

My friend today replaces the sun,

When the taucia is hiding in the shadow,

He instead of the darkness of the night decorate.

But the days in response my sorrow is set,

And the night of the longing is all zealous.

29. "When, persecuted by malice and fate ..."

When, persecuted by malice and fate,

Rejected and lonely, crying,

Anxious sky complaint - plea,

In vain on curse of strength spending,

I dream to become easily

Whose validity of the human praises his opinion

I am angry, I do not drink, do not eat,

What I causal to myself contempt.

Repentant, suddenly, remembering you,

Cease to envy and get angry

My soul called a dashing fate,

Like a bird, in the sky with a song seeks.

Then I, think of your love,

Happy and richer kings.

30. "When to the court of silent, cherished doom ..."

When the court of silent, cherished doom

Remember I call again, -

Grows about the unfulfilled my mind

And judges for the embezzlement of the stern

Then the eyes who did not know the tears

There are again flooded with tears:

From Muk Love the wall I'm seriously

Invaluable those who were my friends;

Grieving because of the abundance,

Sick hard, as I was sick

The sad account of suffering is not closed,

For each sin, doubt the fee

But it's worth thinking about you,

How again I am grateful to fate.

31. "In your breast, the hearts of people are knocking ..."

In your breast, the hearts of people are knocking

Who did not consider already alive;

There reigns now love friends,

Lying under the stones of coffins.

How many bitter, funeral tears

Love from the eyes kidnapped in vain,

I burned over the dead seriously,

Now I see their faces in you!

You, as if crypt, accommodate all love

My girlfriends, and windy, and strict,

Taking their right, you collect again

Those feelings that I missed many.

In you, all those who loved in was,

You - with them - I own the whole.

32. "Perhaps you will survive that day ..."

Perhaps you will survive that day

When death relieves dice in the grave.

I hope you find and cross

My poems burning on the graveyard.

Comparing them with poems of young,

Having found imperfection in my works,

You still save them in the archive -

In honor of us experienced bliss.

I wish me alone alone:

"Be, a friend, alive - there would be no confusion,

Today, a friend for talent price

I would keep my favorite muse.

But he died, another nove rose,

I read their style, but in it - his love. "

33. "More than once I saw the peaks of the mountains ..."

More than once I have seen the tops of the mountains

Beautiful in the morning honors luminous,

Like a meadow, holding a throwing eyes,

Alchemy flows golden.

Freaks - clouds ran away suddenly

To humiliate the sun allowed

God-like lik for the cloud of tum

Invisible to the West crawled.

Ground Sun Gloss Wording

My forehead is Once in the morning.

Alas, it shone me only an hour,

Then from the eye of the separation - the cloud hid.

And all the love does not despise him -

Without stains, even the sun does not happen.

34. "Why are you a wonderful day of Sulil ..."

Why are you a wonderful day of Sulil,

She went without a raincoat, careless like

Overtake the evil clouds, the rain wrapped,

We divide us, ugly curtain?

Do not praise for the fact that through the fog

You will come to warm and lacquer, and flattery.

You, like balm, save me from wounds,

But you can't heal from dishonor.

From grief will not help me your shame,

Losses will not cover regret

When you carry a heavy cross offended,

Sympathy is a bad console.

But tears, which was shed from Sostraday,

Forced to forget your act.

35. "For the old sin, I will not flutter yourself ..."

For the old sin, herself will not flock herself:

Roses spikes, in the source of sand,

And the sun, and the moon is staining clouds,

A wakeful worm climbed into the bud.

No one holy, and I'm sinful in the sonnets -

Your deeds give up

Justified: my friend in words hasted,

And your sin over the other elevated.

Reasonality attached to your misconduct,

As a lawyer justified the guilt,

He was judged, you walked for concessions,

Love and hatred lead war in me.

It turns out, I involuntarily helped,

To the one who I have godlessly cradle.

36. "Let me recognize that we are divided ..."

Let me recognize that we are divided,

Although the love is still one,

On me one disgrace from the guilt,

You have no reason to stain shame.

In love we have an attachment alone,

And evil his own every year,

Love will not touch too strong,

But she steals the clock in enjoyment.

So that you are not making a shame

I will not show that we are familiar personally;

To honor your dash,

And you do not admit me publicly.

Keep yourself, you are all that in life is;

I am on your way and your life, and honor.

37. "How glad the old man is the father of the success of the Son ..."

How glad the old man is the father of Son's success

A trick of young days

So, wounded by fortune for no reason

Using yourself with the faithfulness of your.

After all, beauty, wealth, mind and glory,

In addition to everything and noble

Destiny is given to you

My love is increasing to the number of generous.

Forget everything: and poverty, and contempt,

Seeing how happy you are rich,

From these goods, I can only be satisfied with the shadow,

To live part of your glory I will be glad.

I will be happy to find in you

All the best that is in human destiny.

38. "How can a muse slow down at least a moment ..."

How can the muse slow down at least a moment,

When are my poems full of you?

You are so beautiful that the feeling of admiration

Do not express paper sheet simple.

Thank you when in the sonnet

You will find on what to stop your eyes

Well, who is so stupid not to become a poet,

When do you assume it to Parnas?

So become the same muse a ten times stronger

What were before nine others

Let everyone who hurt, Faminae,

Create great and immortal verse.

And if my sonnet deserves glory,

Give me work, praise your right.

39. "Oh, how to pick up your dignity ..."

Oh, how to pick up your dignity

When are you in me - the best particle?

Praise to you and me praise mine

How is your praise not to be built?

For this you have to go apart,

Let Love Departure will reduce fame

But I will be able to more readily praise,

We will reply honor, deserved right.

Separation, you would be torture,

When b in a clock leisure

I did not give sweet freedom

All the time to devote to dreams about each other.

I defectly reducing the term,

Praise who is far from me.

40. "Take my love, everything is up to one ..."

Take my love, all to one,

Having got all the passions, will you become richer?

The one named you are true, my friend,

Now yours, others are all, especially.

Kohl took love, violating the friendship of the way

For the fact that I love - I do not blame,

But if it was deceived - to blame

His capricious tastes of Potakaya.

I forgive your robbery, my cute thief,

Although you assigned something I own,

But all the strikes of hate - nonsense,

Love beat us and evil, and it is more painful.

In you and evil seems good to me,

Kill offend, but do not be an enemy.

41. "In the misdemeanor, after the years ..."

In the misconduct, the sensely and over the years.

When I'm near and in my heart

Temptations for you on the heels

And the day, and at night follow the light

You are Yun and kind - the fascination in the blood,

Therefore, you are precipitated;

When Woman's Love wants,

Who refuse her in caresses wishes?

And you, my friend, the temptation did not win,

Valid youth in the thirst for pleasure,

You, buoying, two loyalty broke,

When the capture of my possessions:

Her - pushing to treason with beauty,

His - violating the friendship of the Duty Saint.

42. "Not all the sadness that you have that ..."

Not all sadness that you have that

Which in my chest reigned;

It is more like that, mastering you

She killed love to me in you.

Forgiving sin, I can justify you:

You love, knowing that I love a girlfriend,

She still wants to become -

Love, delivering joy to a friend.

They owners of two of my losses:

Favorite friend in the embrace of beloved,

Favorite owns them now,

One carry, the cross of pain is incarisible.

I can only console yourself:

We and I am one, coming out, I love.

43. "The stronger, the sharper look ..."

The stronger, the sharper look,

My eyes do not be happy to do anything

When wept, closed look

In the darkness of you, looking for a look.

But if the shadow for them is a lighter day,

Then the image of your rivals does not know

When sunshine, you will blind me,

Since the dream is so shining in the darkness!

What happiness would be for eyes

See you clear on the second

Kohl with pleasure in dreams, in an hour - an hour,

We look at the unsubstantial image at night.

While we apart, my days are dark nights,

In a dream I will see - the night of the day of the day.

44. "Be thinking - flesh, any distance ..."

Be thought - flesh, any distance

Would overflow with the ease of dreams,

Pierced spaces driven by welcome

Get there where you are.

I was anyway, what given

We are divided into this moment with you,

Neither sushi nor the sea would hold

Me from meeting with joyful fate.

Alas, unfortunately, my flesh fellless,

Earth with water make up the essence,

On complaints and moan giving power,

They interfere with the conquer instantly way.

Slow, did not give anything

I, in addition to the serious tears of my sorrows.

45. "Help light air and fire ..."

When they go to you

Messengers of my love and faith,

Two others live with me in the fight,

Watching melancholy over measures.

Despondency will last until

While the ambassadors will not bring a response:

"Your anxiety about me, friend, nonsense -

I am alive, healthy and send you a lot. "

After, listening to them, I will be glad first

Then, then let's send to you, back.

46. \u200b\u200b"Do not break out of a closed circle ..."

Do not break out of a closed circle

The eye and hearts have proven a dispute:

Eyes deprive the heart of rights to each other,

And the heart of these rights deprives the eye.

It says that inaccessible to the eye,

Eyes from the heart hiding your image

Then, deciding to finish their discord,

The brain undertook to act as a judge.

Zurai from thoughts, showed the will,

And carried out, weighing everything, the verdict:

We allocate each in the share

And this stop the stupid dispute.

Since then, the eye and hearts are again PLA:

Love honors heart, appearance appreciates.

47. "Now the eye and the hearts are left again ..."

Now the eye and hearts again

Services help each other

When the eyes of hunger sad

And the heart from the longing is exhausted.

Eyes fell, looking at the portrait,

And the heart is satisfying to be saturated,

But also there is no failure

When the heart dreamers about you.

Thanks to the portrait and dreams

You, being away, always with me.

Wherever left - thoughts there,

I am with thoughts, and therefore with you.

And thoughts sleep - you dream again,

The view divides joy with a heart in half.

48. "It is time to go on the road ..."

It is time to go on the road,

I hid baubles under constipation,

Now they will not be able to stretch to them,

Thai enjoyed in the house, a dishonest thief.

All diamonds before you - trash,

It was consolation, and now sadness:

I'm scary to trust you with castles,

And leave the extraction of thief sorry.

Will have to locate in my chest

Where are you forever, although you are not there,

Open doors, you can enter,

And you can go at any time.

49. "When the insight will come to you ..."

When the vessels will come to you,

You will see the soul of my flaw,

Love to see her without embellishment,

Will start changing his dreams and plans;

Deciding that time to bring the line,

Walk without words, barely touching the eye,

And stand alienately for the mile,

Do not wish to stand with me nearby

I will understand your coldness and solve

Tell yourself that it is punished

Up hand raise and swear

As the law, and the truth is, for you.

You have the right to leave Vin

For no reason to love me.

50. "How hard the way when at its end ..."

How hard the way when at his end

Not idle rest with a long-awaited friend,

A sad smile on face

Horse, feeling her, barely runs,

Charter carry me and my grief,

Multiply the distance is not in a hurry,

Therefore, it does not want to speed up.

Short strikes do not help

When, angry, horse in Boca Wonzay,

He quietly moaning, listening to reproach,

I myself am stronger than the horse suffering.

I ask her: for the spurs do not judge,

After all, the joy is rear, grief - ahead.

51. "I justified the slowness of the horse ..."

I justified the slowness of the horse,

Without having experienced hosts to him:

Before returning in a hurry there is no need.

But how he can justify himself,

When and speed for me will be flooded?

Ready i will give the wind to give

So that he flew still fast forward.

Thought will not catch up the best horse

Cannot catch a wish to catch up.

In an effort to you, faster than fire,

Love horse will help to justify:

Ran from a friend, slowing down lynx,

I mitch to him, and you are no hurry.

52. "I as a rich, whose key is blessed ..."

I like rich, whose key is blessed

Open ways to treasure rare,

He rarely walks to the meeting with them,

So that MiG Svidanya was always the sweet.

Solemn holidays in a row

Harsh everywhere everywhere

They are rare and look a year,

Like large diamonds in decoration.

This time and time hides from me

You, like a dress, in a black cabinet separation,

Therefore, I am glad to shyanu day,

Which in the morning stops flour.

You give me and holidays,

And everyday life of endless expectations.

53. "What are you born by substance ..."

What are you born in substance

The only one, in addition to the personal shadow,

You have a million help

Shadows of living and dead generations?

Look at the adonis bust, you are

With you, he looked the Creator Great

Prava Elena Ancient world is fighting,

But she is - you are in the Greek Tunica.

Everywhere, visiting, I see you:

In the spring you are striking beauty,

And I find out in the crop, loving -

Only, he compares generosity with you.

In all the beauty of yours there is a part,

You constantly give the abyss.

54. "We seem to be an invaluable beauty ..."

We seem to be invaluable beauty,

In which virtue flourishes,

Roses are seductive mouth,

When the fragrance is above them.

Rosehip is attractive in appearance

Spikes of the island, flowers are growing at less

Not inferior to roses flavor

It would seem that the advantages of all the same.

However, they are deprived

Attention, without glory dying,

And sweet roses are valuable,

That the smell even death does not kill.

Their aroma of infusion of spirits stores,

How is my sonnet in the row of your young look.

55. "And marble, and tyranans of sarcophagi ..."

And marble, and tyranans sarcophagi

Mighty verse will easily survive,

Your image will not fade on paper,

When with stones dirt inscriptions erase.

Let the war and the rue of the ruins set

Let the statues of the leaders fall in the struggle -

Mars's sword and fire will not destroy

In my sonnets lines about you.

Called fires, death and discord

They will carry your image in the eyelids,

The descendants will praise the appearance of the choir,

Until God's court stops.

Refair from the dead in the terrible day of the court,

Learn that in verses you always lived.

56. "My love, renew your dust ..."

My love, renew your dust,

Do not let say that appetite is sharper,

Comes up so the white light is not mil,

The next day will be half the holling.

Same be: today enjoy

To satiety, to the unwitting meeting,

The next morning again in the arms strive,

His yesterday surpasses surcharge.

Watch separation hours in longing,

As if there were oceans between us,

When you are waiting for meeting on the seabed,

Then they are especially welcome.

In the frosty day the desired summer heat.

57. "What can slave? Serve and wait ... "

What can slave? To serve and wait

When you want to want orders.

Not sorry for time to lose

The purpose of life is to fulfill your desire.

I'm afraid to rap on the infinity of the flour,

Call days and nights in the expectation.

I do not dare to curse the clock separation,

When you send without reasons.

And in thoughts will not solve ask a question,

Where can you be and who is around the crowd,

How the heat is waiting for the frost,

So I dream to meet with you.

Love is stupid, again forgive ready,

Not finding in your dear things.

58. "God who made me your slave ..."

God made me by your slave

I did not give me the right to demand a report:

When and who comes to your house

Sharing with you fun and care.

I am your vassal, sadly my role -

In prison, the separations wait for regulations,

Demolish the refusal, not accuse for pain

To tolerate the insults of bitter humiliations.

Be where you wish, waven solve himself,

What to do things, il fun

You and blame, and forgive yourself,

For mortal sins, you have the right.

Bad, Ile are good those entertainment,

I am waiting, not judging, even though it is torment.

59. "Kohl is all old, the new - only a repeate ..."

Kohl is old, then new - only a repeat.

The mind is mistaken, from Dedovsky times,

It gives us for a new creation

Of who was long ago born!

Oh, if I could, hit the archives,

From the ancient books who lived five centuries,

Find out how our ancestors are patient

You were depicted by the knitting words.

Reading the book of an ancient poet

Understand who is better than beauty sulfur.

Whether we've gotten it better

Ile perfection also has a limit.

I am sure that ahead of me,

He praised those who were not so beautiful.

60. "Wave wave pushes in the back ..."

Wave wave pushes in the back,

While on the stones of the shore carries

So and minutes to their death

A stubborn turn is rushing forward.

All to maturity crawl from birthday,

Hardly time to look at God's light.

In Zenith begins early

There is no live mercy from time to time.

The color of youth in the flourish years pierced,

Wrinkles urged a man

All the best in nature eats,

Kosy slicing everything that has dumped.

And so I hope that praise the beauty,

She in verses from time to Sisa.

61. "Whether you will have your own way at night ..."

Does your will of your will

I do not give a heavy century to close?

You get the shadows, similar to you,

My eyes trying to deceive?

And maybe this is your invisible spirit

Saladed to peep after me

Trying to check false rumors,

Perhaps, jealousy rules you?

Oh no! Your love is not so strong;

My love eye does not suck,

Imposing the guarantee the role of it

I prevent me over and sleep at night.

Worried by the spirit of spicy, like a blade:

He is close to others, far from me.

62. "The sin of myself - became the lord of the eyes ..."

Sin selfish - became the Lord of the Eye,

Soul and flesh now his poses,

So in the heart of the root deeply stuck,

What I don't have hesitation from him.

I don't find a wonderful face,

Grace, the spirit is full of nobility,

When your advantages judge,

I see over other superiority.

When the mirror appears me

Potskanny, in Sedins and wrinkles,

Then the warming, myself for the sin of Wiel:

Monstrous love for yourself in men.

Praise - you pose you,

Decorating old age with young beauty.

63. "When my friend goes in my years ..."

When my friend goes in my years

Broken and sweated fate

Blood will exhausted, it will become like water,

Goes to sunset the morning blue.

Old woman old age will knock on the door,

Most kingdom paints now,

And to the end of all other losses

The beauty, like the color of the spring, will leave it.

Trying to protect from these years

I hurry to build a strengthening,

When the old age knife wants to cut the color,

Sava is a wonderful appearance from the fence.

The defense will be a black string

In it, the image of the friend will be the Yun century.

64. "Ruthless in time hand ..."

Ruthless in time hand:

There are no richness and Gordin,

And the tower, historical century,

And bronze of the eternal statues of the Tarpinet;

I see how the Hungry Ocean

Water to the kingdom of sushi comes,

And the shore of the wave crashes like a ram -

Balance of captures and losses equals;

Alternating these changes

Inspires that it will end all collapse,

Losses teach think: Grozen Tlen,

In the classroom, love will destroy in a mum.

I want to cry

About what is, but terribly losing.

65. "Once bronze, stone, the tile of land and the sea ..."

Times bronze, stone, fume land and sea -

All the bezness is destroyed in dust,

How to survive beauty in unequal dispute

It is no longer in it than in colors.

How can the breath of summer

Hitting the siege of merciless days

When and the rocks do not forces it

The iron gate is not stronger.

Scares the thought: no shelter is reliable,

Where is my diamond from time to store

Who is able to keep the flow of events

And beauty from damage to protect?

Nobody made such a miracle

Saves it in ink - the first will be.

66. "Charter, I call for death: - No patience!.

Charter, I call for death: - No patience!

Dignity from birth in poverty,

Elegant nonentity in fun,

About faith forget in fuss,

And the honors are not honored,

And the virtue of the eyelid, mowing, crushed,

And perfection was rolled by hearing,

And the power of the ruler turned into a weakness,

And knowledge of Blazh leads

And foolish honesty ordered huffiness,

And the evil is good to serve.

The charter so live, I would have gone until the term

I'm afraid to leave love lonely.

67. "Why should he live among the vices ..."

Why should he live among the vices,

Decoring them with your presence

So that grave sin, accumulating from reproes,

Who connected even more with him?

Why the color of the dead colors imites

Rumyanta his pussy, he is gentle al,

Why deception deformity decorates

His face, accepting an ideal?


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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