Academic games for schoolchildren. Online Games School

Academic games for schoolchildren. Online Games School

The school games are devoted to the most remarkable period in the life of every person. Children want to go to the first class, they recognize a lot of new and interesting sitting at school desks, and are preparing for a real adult life. Adults remember school years as the most wonderful period of their lives, not rarely comrades, with whom made friends at school remain for life.

The section contains a variety of versions of the game of the school dedicated to school training, here you can find quizzes in different subjects, dynamic games about school pranks, and you can also find versions in which the players will have to become the teacher's place and try to cope with the restless class of students.

The school game in which you like to play for children and their parent, they are so diverse that each user will be able to choose an option for your own taste. All Games School free, there is no possibility of payment by real money, and they all start online, right in the browser window, no need to first download them to the Winchester, thereby occupying a precious place on it.

Games School are designed for different age categories, for kids who are far to school, there are still beneficial entertainment, developing various skills. Schoolchildren can in a game form, and not before boring notebooks to consolidate their knowledge in various disciplines, such as mathematics, geometry, geography and other sciences. Playing to know the world much more fun than tooling lessons.

Variety of genres in games about school

Games school who will enjoy everything in different versions there are online games for any mood. The kids will like to paint pictures related to the school, collect puzzles and give a heroine of cartoon films in different outfits, create a letter of teacher.
For schoolchildren there are:

  • Charms;
  • Quiz and tests;
  • Merry mathematics;
  • School adventures.

At school, not only learn, the children are having fun, running through spacious corridors, and piercing each other. In the game "Weeside: First Class", the newcomer was late for a lesson, he is very in a hurry to take his place at the desk, but as a basketball balls came out from the gym. First, the first turns will have to run along the corridors and staircases very carefully, jumping over all obstacles.

In another version, the schoolgirl decided to walk the lesson. In order to be not caught her, she needs to escape from the school yard faster. The player manages a girl who rushes from all his legs, the main thing is not to face other students otherwise with injuries will have to visit the medpark.

Playing the School of the game can be studied, for example, the game "Numbers 2" Excellent intelligence training not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents. On the playing field there are balls with numbers, the number appears in the lower part. The player for the allotted time must be removed all the balls from the field, folding the numbers on the balls so that the amount turns out as a number in the bottom field.

You can play the game School not only while learning or running, in some versions users need to take the place of the teacher and follow the order in the classroom. You can do this by various methods, in one of the versions of the disciple came to the lesson after the party and fall asleep right on the go. The teacher does not have anything left, as a me to throw markers in them to wake Song. In another version, the teacher stands in front of the class with a large pointer, as soon as students begin to interfere with each other or a stitching teacher takes all available measures to maintain order. The developers have created a reference situation where every wishes can make a lot of mocking on an unfortunate teacher.

Training is very important for every person. The ability to teach someone in the end will require every sensible girl - otherwise how will she prepare their children to adulthood? And if the person will comprehend the basics of training, then his students will become more than diligent, right? That is why Flash Games The teacher is useful for every girl. They develop a person, give him excellent mental food and fully prepared him to more responsible times. So why do you, dear ladies, do not play flush games teacher for girls online and free?

Some of you are probably indeed become excellent teachers and teachers. You will teach children to the most important sciences - mathematics, languages, natural science and other subjects. And you certainly need certain skills in this regard, without which the teacher is not difficult in the difficult profession. And where can they be purchased? It is in flash games! Here you can catch up your experience, become smarter and begin to understand how you can easily form a student. And if you ever have to put on a school uniform, again go to school and teach children, you will probably have good words to remember times when you could go to Flash games teacher For girls play online and free.

Again, in these games you are not only taking someone, you are in principle learn to learn. If this is how it should be obtained, you will be much easier to dispense with other people in life - you can easily find a common language with them. As a loving mom, you will form your children, give them the first knowledge in their lives. And therefore the first learning experience is more than important. If you go through multi-level flash games, where there is a built bonus system, where it is very interesting and fun - you can continue to teach children and adults to everything you need. And this is a real truth.

Teacher play online for free:

The guys love to fool even in high school. Their jokes become less childish, but they are no less funny. Especially often getting inexperienced ...

Teachers of physics are exposed to all laws of physics. They cannot challenge them at all. It will be either very difficult for them, either meaningless. They choose themselves ...

It happens that patience of teachers ends sharply. First, the teacher speaks a calm voice. Then he begins to raise it a little. When school students ...

You have completed the Pedagogical University. We studied there for five years and released a teacher of mathematics. Here you sat all summer in front of the lodge ads in search ...

Today you have a good opportunity to visit the teacher's place! No, the teacher will not take the place of the student, but you can only get it like that. Looking at ...

Teaching is the light, but it is also a lot of fun time spent in schools. Children manage to have fun both on change and directly in the lessons. Some even ...

The young girl looked at the university and now returns to his school. No, she will not learn again in the second round, she studied at the teacher and ...

We know how sometimes (or rather, very often) I do not want to go to school. But some parties of life are essential and there are their foundations. How to turn learning into a fascinating occupation, and not in the depressing process? The answer is to play a flash game "School" to exciting and with benefit to spend time.

In this section, we combined several different gaming genres that are suitable for both schoolchildren and schoolgirls. Each flash is unique in its own way, which means that the game can find any user. But despite the differences in the genre, in each of them there is a colorful stylistics, interesting characters, sound support and fascinating gameplay.

There are games of both cognitive and entertainment, and uncomplicated and entrusal. Let us give an example. Many girls love the Genre of "Dress Up". After all, select images from the collection of stylish things and create fashion images, laid in our blood. Now you can choose a laconic outfit for the princesses of Disney. They also gnaw granite science, but do it light.

If we talk about the games of cognitive and tutorial, we will note Flash We learn English words with pictures. It allows you to expand the vocabulary of foreign words. Here you have learning in spelling, studying new words and pronunciations. And the entire gaming process passes on a positive note, which brings joy from learning.

As if it was trite, it did not sound, but to know something new is really interesting. So you become wiser, interesting and liberated personalities and more prepared for life, plus - hold the brain in the form. Such qualities will always be useful in life.

  • not when not bud
  • Come up with some activity to students.
  • Be kindergarten with students
  • If you are not allowed to print workbooks, copy them to paper.
  • Find a notebook, make tests in it, copy and distribute to students. If you want, you can give students your old working notebooks so that you do not have to spend a lot of time to draw up new ones. Of course, they will fill the pages that are not filled with you.
  • Teach them something that matches their class.
  • Use old school notebooks and provide each student on the book.
  • You can use old textbooks.
  • If no one wants to play, you can replace students with plush beasts!
  • Prepare stickers who will let the disciples for good work, answers, behavior.
  • Play different versions of schools, for example, the school of pioneers or the school of England, but do not go too far to not offend anyone.
  • Prepare more lessons
  • Take advantage of a long taste for drawing as a pointer.
  • In addition to relatives, friends, brothers and sisters, you can find many more people who can be invited to the game. Perhaps the neighboring children of your age will want to play with you - the main thing, do not forget to ask the permits from their parents.
  • Make plates for students where they write the names selected by them. Call them with the names with the plates, and not their real.
  • Not necessarily playing with people, you can play with plush animals, imaginary people and even pillows!
  • If you come up with pseudonyms, there will be much more fun to play, there will be a feeling that you are a completely different person. For example, if you name Miss Holmes, change the name and become Miss Welish.
  • Tell the children of funny stories so that the school day is interesting.
  • Ask your teacher, maybe he has something left from previous years of study. And also, if you have a board and chalk, use them! Invite friends, soft toys or even imaginary friends. Your teacher could have old unused workbooks. Ask him, perhaps you will be given them for a home school. But do not be greedy! One will be enough! You may find a sign "Please observe silence" or "Build". Make sure the passage to the hall and the toilet are open and sign leaves / books.
  • Make so that the children have fun. The game should bring pleasure. Do not bother them!
  • You can pretend that in the class more imaginary students.
  • Sometimes ask students to prepare a study on some topic, such as horses, etc.
  • If you have a nursery, make a recreation area for those who are tired and wants to sleep.
  • Sometimes you can play with one student.
  • Collect them

Games at the table, placing games, games with words, didactic games in elementary school

Unfinished games

When the street is raining and there is no possibility to take a walk, you can play this simple game.

Russian folk game "Mouse"

Playing get up in a circle. Connect the palm together. One of the leading takes a small subject ("mouse"), clamps it between the palms, goes in a circle, puts his palms in the palm of the players and imperceptibly transfers to someone "mouse". Rises next to another leading: he must guess who has a "mouse".

Game "On the edge of the forest"

Make a picture "If I were a tree." Children, raising hands up, freeze for a few seconds, imagining that they are trees and rooted to the ground.

Didactic game "Pick up the word"

In a bright sunny frosty day, how do you think snow? (Sparkling, sparkling, brilliant, silver, crispy, cold.) And what do snowflakes do? (Flutter, circling, fly.) When it is snow, then how is this phenomenon called? (Snowfall.)


In the center - "birds" blindfolded. "Birds" - they go around the "bird" with the words:

In the forest, in the header,

On the ground, on the oak

Birds sing fun:

"Ay, birds go!

He will take us in captivity.

Birds, fly away! "

"Books" claps in your hands, children freeze. He begins to search. The one he found, imitates the shout of the birds, which he chose. The birds guess the name of the bird and the name of the child.

Game "Flowers"

Children are divided into two teams. Each child comes up with the name of the flower and informs a quiet teacher. Teams become against each other.

Team of children: Hello, "Flowers"!

Team "Flowers": Hello, children. Guess our names.

Children in turn lists the names of colors, guessing "Flowers" depart on the side. When all the flowers are deposited, the game is finished, you can change roles.

Game "Finish Proposal"

Children in turn continue to offer.

Antoshka is on one ...

Vanya has two ..., and the mushroom ....

At the table and the chair has four ...

The table has long, the sofa ...

The mushroom has a big hat, a nail ...

Under the pines, a tangle creeps under the Christmas trees ...

Hedgehog needles hedgehogs, pines ...

At pine and christmas tree needles round year

Needle you can proclaim, she ...

Tanya stratum irons ...

Tanya stroked her hand ...

I have a big hand, and the Lena is small ...

Tanya writes in the notebook ...

There is no glass ..., and the cup has ...

The pan is two ...

Behind the handle can be a cup ...

Iron handle have a refrigerator ...

The game "happens - does not happen"

The goal of the game is to learn to reason, argue your consent or disagreement with the statements of the partner.

Vaska's cat pulled sour cream. It happens? Ate her and pleased Zalal: Av-Av! It happens? What happens?

I heard Cat Vaska Dog Arapka and Zamayukal: "Meow-meow! And I want sour cream! " It happens?

Vaska cat catches fish. I climbed into the pine and catches Okunkov in Duples. Okumps are sitting in the nest and sing: Pi-Pi. It happens?

Dad-Okun teaches Okunkov flying. Okumps fly quickly. And the cat Vaska flies even faster. It happens?

The dog Arapka loves to eat. He hunts on mice and rats. The dog of Arapka near Mink and Karaulit. It happens? Mice live in the stove. They eat firewood and coal. They get out of the stove such white, such clean. The dog Arapka catches mice on the fishing rod and fries them in the refrigerator. It happens?

"What? What? What? "

Pick up as much definitions as possible, not to repeat. Show a picture with the subject, for each word - chip. For example: Apple - juicy, round, red, large, bulk, ripe ... pear, fox, squirrel, hedgehog ...

"Restore the word"

In recorded several unusual ways, words have the same syllables - the first and last. What is this word? Restore them.

** BUT ** ** TURN ** ** RI ** ** AT ** ** x ** ** lech **

(Zanoz, coil, queen, orator, ottoman, ring.)

"Collect the Word"

Children can prepare everything you need for this game. First you need to take old logs and cut the headers of the articles that are written in large letters. Then these headlines are cut into syllables and fold into the box from under the candy or glued in the free order at Watman AZ format. From the box you can take syllables and compose words of them. It is not only beautiful, because words are obtained by color, letters of different size and a variety of writing, but also very interesting.

"Write vowels"

This IFA is held for a while. A few people or the whole group can participate (the tutor should only be thought out as all students to supply blanks cards, or simply on the board or Watman to make a large overall workpiece). For 2-3 minutes, children must restore as many words as possible by inserting vowels:

m - K - (Flour)

l - T - (Summer or Lotto)

m - - K (Lighthouse)

l - M - N (Lemon)

d - R - G - (Road)

- KN - (window)

sT - K - N (Glass)

c - R - K - (Forty)

d - B (oak)

z - G - DK - (Riddles)

h - d - s - (miracles)

b - M - G - (Paper)

Game "confusion"

And this game really likes children. Words stand in their places, and letters in them were confused. Put all letters into place and read the names of famous children's books.

rTI Dymeved ("Trimeleg".)

who is in Plow ("Cat in Boots.")

dortok Boilit ("Dr. Aibolit".)

tire sturgeon ("Three piglets".)

hamo-kohahatu ("Fly Costa".)

fenoorido Right ("Fedorino Mountain".)

Game "Five words on the letter" L "of four letters"

Remember five words on the letter "L" of four letters. For example, the word "summer"

l *** L *** L *** L *** L *** (Possible options: moon, lotto, linden, magnifier, fox.)

The game "What fruits on what tree grow?"

Find out the tree in its fruits and finish the offer.

Acorns grow on ... (oak).

Apples grow on ... (apple tree).

The bumps grow on ... (spruce and pine).

Brozdi Ryabin grow on ... (Ryabina).

Game "Replace the phrase word-sign"

What sheet? What fruits?

Birch leaf - birch ",

Oak leaf -

Linden leaf -

Osin Sheet -

Maple Leaf -

Willow List -

Poplar sheet -

Pine cone -

Bitch fir -

Rowan berries -

The game "Fourth extra" (plants)

Highlight the unnecessary word, explain your choice.

Maple, rowan, spruce, tulip;

birch, oak, rosehip, poplar;

apple tree, currant, cherry, rowan;

aspen, linden, oak, spruce;

pine, poplar, Rowan, Iva;

lipa, aspen, maple, apple tree.

Word game (trees)

Challenge your hands, having heard the word suitable for the word "Birch" (oak, linden, aspen ... apple tree). Explain the choice of each word.

Vocabulary: Acorn, Ylannik, Beresta, Resin, Apple, Unpretentious, Light, Mighty, Mighty, Mightonos, Pine, Shadowish, "Slim Tree", Dark Sheet, Bryer, Pooh, Dubrava, Slim, Berries, High, White, Amber, Antonovka, Frost, Crawling, coniferous tree, deciduous tree.

Comment for adults. After the game to activate memory and speech in children, you can offer them the following task.

Remember what words suitable for birch (oak, linden, aspen ... apple tree), you heard.

"Voices of birds"

Guess which bird gives such sounds.

Car-car! (Crow.)

Chick Chirik, Chiv Chive! (Sparrow.)

Cha-cha-cha! (Magpie.)

Curlons-Crook! (Crane.)

Svir-Svir! (Sweethel.)

CSC-TSK, CCC! (Crossbill.)

Ku-ku! (Cuckoo.)

Ryum-Ryum-Ryum! (Bullfinch.)

Xin-blue blue! (Tit.)

Game "Finish Proposal"

Sparrow small, and crane ...

The crow big, and the tit ...

Owl sleeps in the afternoon, and hunting ...

At the shiny the tail is short, and at the wagtail ...

Dyatlas the beak is long, and in bulk ...

Sery duck, and swan ...

Word game (birds)

Slap your hands, having heard the word suitable for the word "sparrow" (crow, woodpecker, tit ... Duck). Explain the choice of each word.

Dictionary: Curlles, small, brown, forest, gray, flies, agile, red, swimming, faulty, chasing, city, jumping, nozzles, swamp, gray, tweet, brave, omnivorous, smart, hollow, big, brisk, birdhouse, Friendly, long-tailed, cheerful, skirmish, "Ice", predatory, snow-white, white, long-legged, squabble, small, dancing, agile, dives, hunting, winter bird, flying bird, migratory bird.