Pumpkin: What dreams dream. Why dream pumpkin man

Pumpkin: What dreams dream. Why dream pumpkin man
Pumpkin: What dreams dream. Why dream pumpkin man

If you see a pumpkin in a dream, you will certainly decide to find out what this vegetable is dreaming. In this article, we will tell readers, as interpreting a dream of one or another dream book. Pumpkin has always been considered by the people as a symbol of fertility, health and longevity. However, depending on the situation seen in the dream, the image may have both positive and negative interpretations.

If in your dream you saw a big ripe pumpkin right on the garden, such a plot foreshadows a conflict or empty promises from close friends. It is likely that at work you are waiting for certain troubles, for example, a conflict with someone from colleagues.

Dream: Pumpkin, Cooking

Cooking in a dream of any dish from ripe orange vegetable means that in the near future you will make a profitable purchase, you will fall apart with an unexpected wealth or you will get a good dear, and most importantly, an unexpected gift. If, cutting a pumpkin, you saw the rot, unsuitable for consuming the flesh, wait for the misunderstandings and begging with your own partner or spouse. However, it is not necessary to hardly worry, because it will be a temporary phenomenon, and ultimately you will overcome all disagreements in marriage. It is about that who says the dream book. Pumpkin, in a dream seen, can also have other meanings.


As we have already mentioned, pumpkin personifies fertility, because in the garden, perhaps, there is no vegetable larger. In addition, it is very useful and tasty, that is why it is very revered in the people. Of course, the dream in which you had a harvest fee, it simply cannot carry a negative imprint. To collect large ripe fruits means that very soon in life the success will overtake you, and all the plans for earlier are implemented. In addition to glory and material wealth, you can also receive well-deserved respect from the surrounding.

Buy Vegetable

We continue to talk about what sees in the form of an orange vegetable one or another dream book. Pumpkin, bought in the store, promises a dream unexpected wealth. True, such a dream will come true if the peel it was orange. The green misunderstanding peel foreshadows serious conflict situations in a family circle or at work.

There is a pumpkin

In general, the dreams in which a person eats a pumpkin is positive. The dreams will soon be made profit, wealth or unexpected legacy.

Other events

What else will we tell the dream book? Pumpkin is great to participate in various disputes or sports competitions. However, boldly rely on my strength, because the victory is waiting for you in front. If before this sleep you postpone judicial litigation, not particularly believing in a positive result, it's time to do it. If you have some savings, it is time to invest them in a profitable company. A huge pumpkin indicates a commensurate income from investment.

If an unmarried girl appears in the role of a dream, he will soon be a profitable marriage for calculating. A pregnant woman at the later period of the plot with a pumpkin in a dream will bring the news about speedy childbirth.

To see in a dream, the pumpkin, crooked on Halloween, means that there are envious in your close environment. We advise you to calculate the envious and take some measures to protect, because a person will take desperate attempts to harm you. Just do not give it a lot of much importance, if we recently revised the strict horror meat.

We all remember the famous children's fairy tale of Charles Perro Cinderella and remember the transformation of pumpkin in the carriage and back. If, in your sleep, the fiery vegetable is also experiencing transformation, in real life deceit and slander.

Dream Miller

And now consider interpretation, which explains the most popular dream book. The pumpkin is big in the dream of Miller means wealth, wealth and well-being. If you are busy cooking porridge in your dream, it means that some obstacles are built on your way. However, you will get out of the situation with honor, it is worth only to make certain efforts and call for help your own ingenuity. Also such sleep may mean modest existence by means.

Dream Vangu

Bulgarian clairvoyant Wang paid a lot of attention to the interpretation of dreams. What does her dream book warn about? What dreams of pumpkin girls and women? It seems that the answer to this question is obvious. Orange vegetable is dreaming of pregnancy and the rapid replenishment of the family. According to Vangi, buy a pumpkin - means learn about the gifted and talented child. If you are tightly standing on your feet and have financial stability, do not refuse to young genius in satisfaction. In the future, fate will surely thank you. The growing pumpkin is not always a sign of emergency replenishment in the family. Soon you can expect troubles, which will nevertheless be pleasant.

Funny Slavic Tradition

Remember how our ancestors had a custom to refuse the sidelines to be sent, awarding them with Garbuz, that is, the pumpkin? That is why on the people's turning pumpkin in a dream can symbolize a stupid position or refusal. The dreams will never reach the desired result, and all his dreams will be uncomptive.

Any cultivated plant in a dream is a symbol of prosperity, fertility, vital energy. But what the pumpkin dream is not always has a positive value. Many dreams come from a negative interpretation, but in any case, it all depends on the details of the dream.

For example, for those who were born in the autumn time, see Pumpkin in a dream - the fores of the problems with physical condition. Perhaps this is a sign of an excessive weight gain, approaching completeness. And for the summer born, the dream book promises completely different troubles - in terms of money.

By the dream of the XXI century, pumpkin on the garden denotes conflicts or empty promises, but only if they saw married and married in a dream. For lonely girls and boys such a plot - the wedding wedding.

Children's subconscious associates a pumpkin fruit with miracles, as in a tale of Cinderella, or with Halloween attributes. Therefore, what this vegetable dream is a child, means or fulfillment of desires, or hidden, deeply falling in fears and complexes.

In the black mage dream book, this plant personifies the head, the complete ideas that the dreams will not dare to release out. To see a pumpkin - a very good symbol, and you should not worry about that no one will approve your idea if you take a right thing for it, you can earn respect and glory.

By the dream of Miller Pumpkin in a dream - the fores of conflicts in the workplace, due to competition with colleagues. But if you are preparing any kushan from it, you are waiting for a pleasant purchase, or getting a beautiful and necessary gift.

Different pumpkin fruits, and actions with them

A young guy who seeks to love the person he liked, may not expect a response feeling if he saw a green pumpkin in a dream, the interpretation of the dream book foreshadows a sharp refusal of his beloved from possible relationships, and the disappointment of the young man in love.

A woman who recently lost her husband may not doubt what the big pumpkin dream is: in the near future, a fan will not appear, which will not slow down to offer his hand and heart. Do not miss the chance, this man is a good man.

What dreams a lot of pumpkins? If it is bright yellow, large, juicy, you can boldly compete, enter into betting, arguing for money or play gambling - you are waiting for only luck as money matters and love.

Pumpkin seeds are an obvious symbol of fertility, the origin of a new life. Especially favorable pumpkin seeds in a dream for women who want to get pregnant. This picture foreshadows replenishment in the family.

Problems in the relationship of lovers displays a rotten pumpkin in a dream. Cooling feelings and misunderstanding are not at all associated with treason, this is only a temporary phenomenon that will be held by itself.

If there is a pumpkin (in the Ukrainian dream book Dmitrenko)

Pumpkin - how to dream pumpkins, then this is a beautiful dream, everything will be fine. How to dream Pumpkin guy - let it goes to wrap. There is to illness. Pumpkins dream - Rodin will increase. Double pumpkin - woven to widow. If a girlfriend is shot by pumpkin, then there will be a wedding, and if the cucumbers are shot, so there will be a linger.

Sleep value for children's dream book

Pumpkin - to the performance of the most incredible dreams.

Pumpkin - What dreams in a dream (dream of the XXI century)

Pumpkin - to see a pumpkin in a dream - the forever of a quarrel or empty conversations, there is a pumpkin - to profits and well-being. Pumpkin, having doned the young man - to the match, the girl is to the wedding.

Interpretation of pumpkin from the Dream Dream Wanderer (Terentia Smirnova)

Pumpkin - Failure to love, quarrel; Magic influences and patrons.

Features of the decreased sleep about vegetable (on culinary dreamy)

Pumpkin - Pumpkin See-to a quarrel or empty conversations; Pumpkin is - to profits and well-being.

If the dream dreamed of pumpkin (interpretation of the magician Yuri Longo)

Pumpkin - to see in a dream Pumpkin - sleep means that you have ripe the idea that promises to be very fruitful with a successful coincidence. But you are afraid that alone cannot implement it. Do not doubt that this idea will not be able to appreciate your friends and loved ones. Now it was exactly the time that success and victory are provided to you. Razby in a dream Pumpkin - your dream indicates that in reality you are engaged in a very difficult, but profitable and grateful business, which will certainly be crowned with success through a short time. The main thing is that you will not disappear to continue it. Pumpkin in a dream - you will soon reap the fruits of your success. You've been waiting for a long time and, of course, deserved a reward. Prepare in a dream any of the pumpkins - in reality you are very inventive and thanks to this almost never sit without a case.

Meaning of sleep on the Bakhchev Plant (Message of Tarot Card)

Pumpkin, Yellow - Successes in any contests.

How to understand why the pumpkin dreamed in a dream? (on the collection of interpretations of Simeon Prozorov)

Dreamed pumpkin - failure; Treason.

Meaning of sleep about living culture (Jewish dream book)

Pumpkin - to see in a dream a growing pumpkin dream dreaming in the spring - to quarrels, troubles, concern; in the summer - to boredom; in the fall - to the spread of false rumors; In winter - to insomnia and headaches. There is a pumpkin dream, dreaming in the spring, means that some of your friends are big lucky; In the summer - he is a pleasant surprise; Having dreamed of autumn, he promises a calm and prosperous life; Sleep, dreaming in winter, means that your affairs will come in order.

Meet the pumpkin in a dream (the sidelines of the healer of aculina)

Pumpkin is the fulfillment of desires associated with the device at home and the provision of family. Imagine that you are baked pumpkin with sugar and treat this delicacy the whole family.

Interpretation of the psychologist A.Midel

Dreamed Pumpkin - you saw a pumpkin in a dream - in the near future you will quarrel with someone at work. You are preparing some kind of pumpkin dish - consider your well-being - visible; barely change the wind, and you will go to the world with Sum; While you are fine, make stocks. You seem to eat a pumpkin dish - either you will make a dear gift, or you buy some kind of valuable thing. The girl dreams that she eats a pumpkin - this girl will not get married for love; Then she will agree to marriage by calculation.

What does it mean if a pumpkin dreamed (Big Dream Interpretation)

Pumpkin - Your Family Life will boost, wealth will come to the house and well-being. Imagine a garden where big pumpkin has grown. You cut it off, bring in the house, clean, cut into slices and bake in the stove or oven. When a juicy fragrant dish is ready, lay out on plates, put on the table and invite your family to treat.

What does dream sleep with pumpkin taking into account the date of birth (for seasonal dream book)

In the spring of what dreams in a dream of pumpkin - you are threatened with an excessive fullness.

In the summer, something dreamed of pumpkin - there will be a confusion associated with money.

In the fall, why the pumpkin dreamed - you have a richly furnished house, but he is full of people who dislike you.

In winter, why the pumpkin dream is - if you don't like your manners, hold your opinion with you.


Pumpkin - Golden Queen of the fields. It seems to be a sun, heats up on rainy autumnen days. In the dreams of a pumpkin is considered precursor of important events that should happen to us in real life. However, in order to more accurately recognize the interpretation of the night trembling, it is necessary to remember all the details of the doned and appeal to dreams.

  • Autumn: Pay attention to your diet and remember: gluttony leads to an excessive completeness.
  • Summer: Be careful in financial matters.
  • Children: to the performance of cherished desire.
  • Ukrainian: In the future, everything will be worked out safely, and today's failures are a temporary phenomenon.
  • XXI century: to quarrels or empty conversations.
  • Spring: Two-room people surround you.
  • Wanderer: to undivided love.
  • LONGO: You have made good results.
  • Tarot: You can safely participate in any contests - you are waiting for victory.
  • Miller: to financial well-being.
  • Ivanova: Do not take yourself the illusions about the universal respect for you, in fact - you have plenty of disadvantages.
  • General: Win a trial.
  • Chinese: to the birth of a gifted baby.
  • Vanga: to pregnancy.
  • Tsvetkov: By the arrival of relatives, the communication with which will bring pleasant emotions.
  • Islamic: Be careful with money.
  • Most often, pumpkin is a positive symbol that foreshadows wealth and joy

    According to the ancient reference, the girl takes a pumpkin if he wants to refuse the fiance. Therefore, some interpretatives believe that this vegetable can symbolize a stupid position in which the dreams will fall.

    Battle of floors: pumpkin in female and men's dreams

    Huge importance for interpretation of sleep has a gentleman. Dream interpreters are confident that the interpretation of the image for a man and a woman will be radically different. For example, if the pumpkin dreamed:

  • the girl, it means, in her personal life will be changed. Most likely, she will marry a secured person. However, marriage will be built not on love, but on a cold calculation. Therefore, there is no successful happiness;
  • woman: Since the pumpkin is a symbol of fertility and the birth of a new life, which means that can begun an imminent pregnancy. In some cases, this image is as a warning that if the lady does not cease to "cut" the spouse, then the marriage will soon decide;
  • pregnant: Pumpkin, dreamed of early last period, foreshadows the birth of a cute girl. If you have to buy a pumpkin on the market, it means that an unusually gifted baby will be born;
  • widow: In the near future, the dreams will have a chance to marry again. Do not miss it, as the fan is a very good and kind person;
  • guy: To a quarrel with a girlfriend or to illness;
  • men: Whole vegetable - to a rich life, chopped - to poor existence.
  • A whole field of pumpkins indicates great opportunities that will soon open before the dream

    If the young guy was dreamed of pumpkin seeds, it means that he will be wrapped in a woman with several children.

    Description of Pumpkin

    The appearance, condition and color of the vegetable, as a rule, determine the character of sleep and affect the interpretation.

    Big, small, rotten, ripe

  • Rotten pumpkin symbolizes problems in personal relationships. If a bundled vegetable lies in the garden, then small quarrels between the inlentibles will gradually lead to a rupture. A dream, in which the Pumpkin's good glance was with Gnitza, suggests that a dream partner will not make a very good act.
  • Large pumpkin is a sign that if sleeping does not drop extra kilograms, he will soon receive health problems. Incredibly enormous vegetable foreshadows problems in the financial sector. So, the dream should be more attentive and try not to invest in risky enterprises. Sometimes this dream predicts participation in an important event in which the sleep will take part.
  • A broken pumpkin foreshadows the loss of work or a quarrel with his spouse.
  • Little pumpkin characterizes a dream as a transcription that spends too much money. If so go further, he will soon drive himself into a huge debt.
  • Ripe pumpkin in a dream indicates success in relations with the opposite sex and financial stability.
  • An immature vegetable symbolizes problems at work or in a family circle.
  • Pumpkin without peel - to monetary difficulties.
  • Green pumpkin - to trouble

    The feeding of the cattle pumpkin characterizes the dream as an overly greedy person who scrupulously calculates all his spending.

    Pumpkin color in a dream

    Bright orange vegetable prophesies a romantic acquaintance that can grow into a real feeling. Family people, this dream predicts a fascinating trip. If the dream was dreamed of a sick person, then soon he will fully recover.

    Green pumpkin indicates an unforeseen unpleasant situation. However, if the sleeping can take himself in hand and to navigate it in time, then it will not affect his affairs.

    Yellow pumpkin promises success in love. If he dreamed of a gray-colored vegetable, then the dreams are a mercenary person who is ready for any readiness for money.

    Pumpkin, deserted on Halloween, indicates the presence of envious.

    Broken pumpkin - to loss of work or decrease in position


  • Watch how the pumpkin is growing on the garden - to serious work, for which the dreams will receive a good reward.
  • If the sleeping itself is trying to grow a vegetable, it means that in reality he is looking for his purpose in life.
  • See in the garden a large amount of vegetable of different sizes - to the birth of a girl. If the pumpkins were very small, it means that someone will distribute bad rumors about sleeping.
  • Collect the harvest on our own vegetable garden - to receive remuneration for the perfectly performed work.
  • The unexpected profits are a dream, in which the pumpkin bought on the market. However, if the sleeper acquired rotten fruits, it means that, because of its scattering, he will lose something important.
  • For a long time to choose a pumpkin on the market means that the dreams will not be able to remain indifferent to injustice, as a result of which it will be caught by unnecessary trouble.
  • If I had to sell a grown crop, it means that the dreams will safely protect himself in a timely manner, thanks to which there will escape a big trouble.
  • Turn a pumpkin in a dream - to victory over enemies. True, she will receive her dreams fraudulently.
  • Choose a bag of pumpkins - to get a profitable sentence. If the dreams still bought it, it means that in reality he will receive great financial opportunities.
  • Cut the pumpkin with a knife - to quarrels in the family.
  • To feed the baby Pumpkin means that the child chose the wrong way for himself, sleeping will do everything possible to send it to the faithful life road.
  • Pumpkin jam indicates a complete harmony in relations between spouses

    Sawn pumpkin field - to a good crop.

    Cook or eat pumpkin in a dream

  • Homemade comfort and warmly symbolize dishes cooked by a dream from solar beauty.
  • There is a pumpkin - get a lot of pleasant impressions. If the sleeping fell in vegetable in a family circle, it means that someone from his relatives need help.
  • Luzrify pumpkin seeds - to a pleasant gift.
  • If the sleeper threw the rotten pumpkin into the trash can, hence, in reality, he shifts his problems on the shoulders of other people.
  • The profitability of the dream of a dream, in which the pumpkin was baked in the oven.
  • Do not worry and if the sweet vegetable cooked on the stove. As a rule, this dream indicates a prosperous and fed life.
  • Fry in a dream pumpkin - to an unpleasant situation, from which sleeping will quickly find the exit.
  • A large celebration with a numerous number of guests is a dream of a dream, in which sleeping patties with pumpkin filling.
  • Pumpkin porridge in a dream - a sign that if the sleeping wants to achieve the goal, then he needs to go into the "Stricting Savings" mode.
  • Rubbing the pumpkin on the grater means that the dream of a dream will be allowed by themselves, it remains only to wait a bit.
  • Other interesting interpretations

    The whole Bakhch Pumpkin is to great opportunities that will soon open before the dream. If, in a dream, the elderly lady presented a sleeping little pumpkin as a present, which means that frank conversations with friends should be avoided, since some of them will be a traitor. Dreaming, in which the chickens roared a broken vegetable - to good profits. Probably, now the dreams begins a new business and is very worried about its development. However, soon he will realize that all his fears were in vain. Pumpkin seeds prophesy huge joy. Perhaps sleeping will suddenly benefit a good amount or receive dividends from the case that he considered unprofitable. The carriage, which turned into a pumpkin, dream of deception or betrayal.

    Video: Pumpkin in a dream

    In most cases, the dream of a pumpkin has a positive interpretation. Sleeping, as a rule, awaits wealth, joy, happiness in personal life. If some points seem not too positive, then they need to just survive, because white will surely follow white.

    Pumpkin is a delicious and useful product, dishes from which adults and children love. She is the biggest berry. From a long time, it is compared with the Sun, because it is as big and yellow. Pumpkin is still a symbol of wealth. There are special conspiracies on pumpkin seeds, reading which helps people improve financial position. Quite often, pumpkin can be seen in a dream. Exchange such a vision is easy if you remember all the details.

    Interpretation in different dreams: Miller, Vangu, Tsvetkov

    What dreams pumpkin? Interpretation of this image is milking various dreams:

    • american: Your home is a full bowl, and close to you love and appreciate;
    • english: In the near future you will not experience foods in money;
    • Vanga: Disagreements with colleagues;
    • islamic: shortage or confusion with money;
    • Longo: It is necessary to implement an idea that has arisen so long ago, with a successful coincidence, you can get rich;
    • Miller: In pursuit of money, do not forget about human relations, appreciate people near you;
    • the newest: do not think that those surrounding do not have the souls in you; Undoubtedly, you have enough friends, but there are enemies wishing evil;
    • modern: problems at work and conflicts with bosses and colleagues;
    • medieval: health status will shake;
    • Wanderer: A quarrel with a loved one who can lead to parting;
    • Tarot: You will be accompanied by success in educational and scientific activities;
    • ukrainian: Fortune smiles to you; Act, and you will succeed;
    • Tsvetkov: Communication with relatives will bring positive emotions;
    • XXI century: you are gossipped for your back;
    • according to the Muslim dream book, if you saw a pumpkin in the night hiring, then your home is full of people who are disliked you.

    By the dream of Fedorovskaya, if you dream of pumpkin, you are waiting for trials. If you are able to win them, then strengthen the financial situation.

    To see in a dream a lot of pumpkins of a different size - to participate in an important event that will be successful in the future

    Who dreamed of a vegetable: a woman, a man, a girl

    The girl's sleep indicates that she has a fan that will come soon to wrap. According to the modern dream book, you make a marriage on the calculation, and not for love.

    For women, interpretation depends on the status of the dreams:

    • a married lady should stop criticizing the spouse, otherwise there may be a major scandal;
    • a breeded woman or young widow such a vision prophesies a meeting with an interesting man who can become her husband in the future;
    • for a pregnant woman to see in a dream a big and ripe fruit - a good sign: the baby will be born strong and healthy, and if the pumpkin dreamed in the first trimester, wait for the birthday of the girl.

    According to the Ukrainian dream book, a married lady, this dream is pregnancy and the birth of a child.

    For a guy, such a dream means that he will woof. If the fruit was ripe, then the girl will answer agreement. Nonble pumpkin symbolizes failure. The same meaning for a dream, in which the guy ate a vegetable.

    Men This image indicates that it is enough to fly in the clouds, it's time to engage in the practical side of the case and solve the wrong problems. If the pumpkin dreamed of a businessman, financial affairs will go uphill. However, do not brag, otherwise you fail. By family dream book, you have envious, which your success does not give rest.

    If the pumpkin dreamed of a child, his cherished desire will be fulfilled soon.

    Pumpkin Description: Large or small, green or ripe

    Interpretation of sleep varies depending on the size of the pumpkin. Did you dream of a big vegetable? You will take part in an important event. It should be prepared for him in advance and carefully, because the future depends on the outcome of the case. By Wange, you should learn to dispose of money.

    Little pumpkin means that your expenses began to exceed income. If you do not stop in time, then you risk to climb into the debt point, getting out of which will not be easy.

    Values \u200b\u200bdepending on the color of the vegetable:

    • green - an unexpected situation will arise; By correctly responding to it, you will avoid losing and shame;
    • yellow - thanks to its beauty and charm, you are successful at the opposite sex; on the flowering, you are waiting for success in love;
    • orange - to a fascinating trip, during which you will get acquainted with interesting people; Communication with them will allow you to expand your horizons, and the information obtained is useful in the future;
    • gray - you are looked for money, and spend all your free time to earn them; You should pay more attention to the second half.

    Rotina pumpkin dreams of conflicts with a loved one or business partners. According to the Ukrainian dream book, what you carefully hide from strangers, will fall out.

    If the baked vegetable dreamed, it is worth striving for clarity and order. A clearly compiled plan will avoid trouble and relieve unnecessary unrest.

    Have you seen a ripe pumpkin in a dream? You will make a financial situation and start using unprecedented success at the opposite sex. According to Miller, a successful confluence of circumstances will achieve success in affairs.

    The dream, born in the fall, dreamed of pumpkin promises health problems

    Vegetable Location: Groancy, Countertop, Desk

    The dream in which you saw a pumpkin from the side is interpreted depending on the place where you saw it.

    Vegetable lying on the counter? You will find good opportunities. The main thing is to die your appetites. Your requests are unreasonable. Do not scatter with money to the right and left, copy and multiply them.

    Interpretation of sleep with pumpkin on the garden depends on its condition:

    • good, healthy vegetable - you will deal with the case that will bring you good dividends and will like it, but do not think that the money will flow into the hands: to earn, you will have to work in the sweat of the person, however, the result will cost the efforts spent;
    • if the pumpkin on the garden was a worm or tightened, beware of the discontinuities of competitors.

    Did you dream of a pumpkin on the tree? You are a generous man with a wide soul, always ready to stretch your hand help your neighbor. However, one should not put the interests of other people above their. This behavior will make you unhappy, and thanks you are unlikely to achieve. Other people perceive your help as due.

    If the pumpkin lay on the table in a dream, get ready for the arrival of guests, which will come out unexpectedly. By the dream of Medele, you will get a pleasant news.

    Dunning actions: Buy vegetable, choose, tear

    1. To choose. Hard guys and unmarried girls sleep will tear the wedding, family people - hassle and empty conversations.
    2. Buy in the store. New acquaintances will open up with good prospects. According to family dream book, destiny will give you pleasant surprises. It is important to respond quickly to them.
    3. Sell. The dream warns that you have envious. According to Grishina, the competitors do not dorm.
    4. To tear You are awaiting professional success. Official meetings will be extremely productive.
    5. Steal. Not quite honest, you can bypass rivals and disrupt the big kush.
    6. They stolen from you. Take care of the negotiators who have conceived something bad.
    7. Treat. A friend will fall into an unpleasant situation and ask for help.
    8. Plant. Good time to solve important issues. The main thing is to make a clear action plan, and then Fortuna will smile.
    9. Water In front of you are waiting for long litigation, which you win and enrich.
    10. Choose a bag of pumpkin. You will be offered a profitable cooperation. If you purchased a bag in a dream, then the financial situation will improve.
    11. To find. There is a long-standing cherished desire. It comes a good time to open a new case, whose development you will want to devote all of your time in the future.
    12. Cut with a knife. To clarify relationships with relatives.
    13. To give a pumpkin in the night sperm - to romantic surprises and unexpected presents.

    Rast the dream of pumpkin - to enrichment. Your incomes will increase dramatically, just do not waste money by back, and invest in the development of a new enterprise.

    To eat pumpkin: baked, boiled, raw

    If in the dream you eaten a pumpkin, then dreams believe that this is a good sign:

    1. Vanga. Take something valuable.
    2. Longo. Get an unexpected gift.
    3. Modern. To profits.

    Feed the baby. You are waiting for fun and joy. The case you recently started will successfully complete. Under the dream of Loffa, girls and young women, such a vision is promoting pregnancy.

    It is important how the pumpkin was prepared, which you tried in a dream:

    1. Raw. Friend will be talkative and will open you some kind of secret.
    2. Baked. Use time and resources advisable, and then you will achieve a lot.
    3. Boiled. Get acquainted with an important special, which will be patronized.
    4. Pumpkin porridge. A person who limits your freedom will leave you alone.
    5. Pumpkin jam. Full harmony will reign in relationships with her beloved.
    6. Pumpkin pie. You will be able to elegantly take revenge on the offender.
    7. Pumpkin soup. Get an invitation to a romantic date.

    Prepare pumpkin dishes. Proceedings and effort will be appreciated by the bosses. By the dream of a white magician, you will receive a profit.

    See in the night hiring pumpkin with seeds - a sign that your ideas will bring fruit

    Meaning of other dreams: many pumpkin, chicken pecks vegetable, pumpkin seeds

    1. To see a lot of pumpkins - kind sign. A white stripe will come in life, you will take almost any endeavors. Entrepreneurs will be able to work well, and gambling players - disrupt the big kush. All this, provided that the fruits seeing in the kingdom of Morpheus were fresh and ripe. If not, then wait for problems financially. Money will begin to flow like sand through the fingers, and no matter how much you work, you will be lacking forever.
    2. If the night female gave you a small pumpkin, try to avoid frank conversations even with close friends. Accidentally told the secret in the end will be known for a wide range of persons.
    3. To see in the kingdom of Morpheus, how the chickens peck pumpkin - to profits. Now a good period to open your business, which in the future will bring good additional income.
    4. Pumpkin seeds, seen in a dream, prophesy the events that will give a dream joy. It can be cash receipts or moral satisfaction from the made.
    5. Glancing pumpkin seeds in night vision - to the birth of a child. So interprets the dream of a Chinese dream book.
    6. If you saw a familiar pumpkin in a dream, then soon he will have problems with the law, it can be sued.

    By the dream interpretary, having doned pumpkin warns about the threat to dial overweight.

    Dreams about pumpkin are stolen by different events, most of which are positive. The dream is waiting for profit, a successful outcome of the work has begun, a romantic date or a proposal of a hand and heart. According to Italian Vision's dream book involving pumpkins, it is foreshadowed by obtaining highly paid work or a career ladder.