Triumphal arch on Kutuzovsky Prospect. "MOSRONSTROY" against the triumphal arch

Triumphal arch on Kutuzovsky Prospect.
Triumphal arch on Kutuzovsky Prospect. "MOSRONSTROY" against the triumphal arch

Elena Viktorovna Kharitonova

From the assembly of the Central Archive of Electronic and Audiovisual Documents of Moscow

In the summer of 1814, Moscow was preparing for a meeting of the Russian army who returned from Paris after the victory over French troops. On this occasion, a triumphal gate was built on the Tver Ocloz Square, through which the procession led by Emperor Alexander I was supposed to proceed to the city. Celebrations ended, festive salutes, and the monument of the glory of Russian weapons remained standing at the beginning of the St. Petersburg highway. The wooden structure quickly ears, and after 12 years it was decided to replace it with stone. The design of the project was commissioned by the "chief architect" of Moscow O. I. Beauva.

Initially, it was about a simple replacement of wooden gates stone. They had to be combined with the Kordegardius of the Tverskaya Suppace - wooden buildings, where guard and officials were placed, which told the documents of passing. The final version of the planning of the area at the main entry to Moscow from St. Petersburg was adopted in April 1829. According to him, the triumphal gate was built exactly on the axis of a large Tver-Yamskaya street, and the segment of the St. Petersburg highway, adjacent to the cauldron, straightened and landscaped. The gate was combined with two new stone buildings of Cordhegardians, who complemented the main construction and, connecting with it with cast-iron lattices, formed an area - one of the most beautiful in Moscow of that time.

On August 17, 1829, a triumphal gate bookmark ceremony took place. The foundation lay a bronze mortgage plate and a handful of silver rubles of chasing 1829 - "For Happiness". The inscription on the stove said that "these triumphal gates are laid as a sign of memories of the celebration of Russian warriors in 1814 and the resumption of the construction of magnificent monuments and buildings of the first-hearth country of Moscow, destroyed in 1812 by the invasion of Galov and with them the two-month languages" 1. Construction stretched for five years. The gate of the brick was erected, and we were stonamed by the so-called white Tatar stone - rare and valuable, mined in the careers near the village of Tatarovo near Moscow.

O. I. Bevee designed a triumphal gate as a synthesis of architecture and sculpture. While the construction of the main structure was afraid, graduates of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts, I. P. Vitaly and I. T. Timofeev, took the creation of their sculptural design. Powerful shapes of ancient warriors in lamellar armor and islander helmets are located in high pedestals between each of the six pairs of columns. Sleepy above the figures were decorated with the reliefs "Exile of the French" and "Liberation of Moscow". Vertical system of columns completed allegorical figures of hardness and courage. On the magnificent ornamented frieze posted the images of the arms of the thirty-six provinces of Russia, the inhabitants of which participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, as well as medallions with the initials of Nikolai I. Six of horses harvested in the chariot of glory, in which the winged goddess of Victory was proudly. The inscription on the front, approved by Nikolai I, reads: "The blessed memory of Alexand-RA I, Vozmoszago from the ashes and is decorated with many monuments of the deception of the Pepper, the first-hearth dear, during the invasion of Galov and with them twenties, 1826 fire, 1812. From the city of the city, the inscription was performed in Russian, and with the opposite - in Latin.

All cast-iron goal details were cast on the Aleksinsky factory in the Tula province. Decorative casting was heavy and bulky - from 7 to 14 tons of casting. I had to wait for the Sunway to deliver all these medallions with coat of arms, multi-digur reliefs, cast-iron boards with the image of military armor. O. I. Beauva did not live a few months before the solemn opening of the triumphal gate, held on September 20, 1834, - His younger brother Mikhail ended the construction of the monument.

The striped barrier and cordegardis crowned with low flat domes, during the day and night a revival was reigned: diligeans, landlords of Duraza, treated top three. Everything changed in 1850, when regular railway communication began between Moscow and St. Petersburg. Tverskaya Zavadava lost its own value, and soon the barrier disappeared. V. A. Gilyarovsky So described the Square of Tver Outpost at the end of the XIX century: "In the houses of Cordhegardia, there were already urban sweatshirts, then the police guardian, which are reprehensible people with disabilities, thoroughly on the porch, under Doric Columns, in Korchaghah a snuff tobacco for amateurs? Nuhares. Then fit in one of the houses of the city ambulatory, and in the other - the digeon for the paramedic and servants. The circle of the house, on the right side of the gate, under the light iron staircase, attached to the roof from time immemorial times, were "cold shoes", which came to Moscow from the Tver province with the "iron foot", on which the shoes were revealed soon, cheap and good. They always worked with a dozen here, and their customers stood at the wall on one leg, raising another, sunk, waiting for the repair "2.

In 1872, at the gateway, the lines of Kons were laid: small two-story trailers, harvested by a couple of horses, drove passengers from the Resurrection Square to Tver Wallow. The route of the first in Moscow tram also passed under arches - passionate area and Petrovsky Park were the end stops.

On the eve of the century of the Borodino battle, the triumphal gate was slightly updated and the title. On the day of the anniversary, the delegation of the city laid down their foot wreath.

In 1935, the general plan for the reconstruction of Moscow was adopted. Among other things, it envisaged the expansion of streets and squares, especially in the central part of the city. This plan has decided the fate of the triumphant gate. In early July 1936, there were reports of their demolition on the pages of Moscow newspapers.

Strictly speaking, the gate, stood up 102 years and became one of the symbols of Mos-Kvava, it was planned not to demolish, but to disassemble that they could be restored in a new place. The end of the work entrusted by the "Mosorrzbroy" trust and conducted under the supervision of representatives of the architecture museum3, was planned at the beginning of August 1936. By this time, it was supposed to complete not only the disassembly of the gate themselves, but also the improvement of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Belorussian station, on which they were. In parallel with the dismantling of the designs, the museum specialists did measurements, compiled drawings of facades, plans for all six tiers, photographed the construction from all angles. Some of the main designs, sculptures, burners and other decorations transported to the territory of the former Don Monastery - a branch of the museum. Large elements of the design were disassembled into parts and in this form were transported. The masters, created them, left the keys in the "chariot of glory", with the help of which there was a disassembly. Before exposing brought sculptures, they were to restore: clean, cover with a special oil, grate graphite and so on. In 1939, the restoration was completed.

Since the recovery of the gate in the near future was not planned, the elements of their design were installed on the territory of the museum. The burners were placed in the niches of the monastic wall, the figures of the warriors took places on the pedestals along the central alley, the "chariot of glory" was watered on a specially created pedestal.

Almost three decades, Moscow Vlas-Ti did not remember the creation of O. I. Beauva. In 1966, Moscow Council decided to recreate the triumph gate. From several places of their possible placement, the Victory Square was chosen on Kutuzovsky Prospect. Nearby was the Kutuzovskaya Izba Museum, which in 1962 became the branch of the museum that opened? Panorama "Borodino battle". Thus, a triumphal goal was to complete a memorial ensemble dedicated to the events of the war of 1812.

The main architecturally, the planning management of Moscow was instructed to develop a project and draw up the documentation necessary to recreate the monument. Specialists of Mas-Teresk No. 7 Mosproekt-3 and Workshop No. 4 of Mos-Project-1 took part in this. Directly work was carried out by SU No. 37 trusts for the construction of embankments and bridges. The triumphal gate of the Tverskaya Forep was standing on wooden piles. And on Kutuzovsky they decided to put on piles, but only on steel, and not on oak. The brick arch arches replaced reinforced concrete, base and walls instead of bricks made from monolithic concrete. For the facing used limestone, mined in the Bodracian field (Crimea). The hardest thing was to restore the cast-iron decor in the original form. During the disassembly of the gate, some figures were injured, individual details of the design were lost. They had to make a newly in the Mytishchi artistic casting plant. At the Moscow Plant "Stankolit" cast twelve-meter cast iron columns.

On November 6, 1968, the solemn discovery of the triumphant gate took place. Outwardly, they looked such as and a half century ago, only the inscriptions on the boards changed: the text was reproduced from the mortgage board, laid on the base of the gate in 1829, on the other - the line of military orders: "The nice year of this year has passed. But they will not pass and do not smell the loud things and the exploits of yours, the offspring will retain them in their memory. You have been saved by my fatherland. Brave and victorious troops! .. Each of you is the Savior of the Fatherland! Russia welcomes you sim name. "

The triumphal gate on the Victory Square is one of the most recognizable attractions of the capital. And even this reminder of the important page of the Russian history - the Patriotic War of 1812. And a little left old-timers left, who saw a majestic building at all elsewhere ...

Triumphal arch on Kutuzovsky Prospect.
The author I.S. Drills. Moscow. 1984

Triumphal Gate on Tver Shipping

In the summer of 1814, a wooden triumphal arch appeared on the Tver Apartment Square - she honored the Russian army, which was returned from Europe after the defeat of Napoleon. The place was chosen in no coincidence: usually here, at the entrance to the city, Moscow city universities, nobles and honorary citizens met the emperor arriving from the northern capital. This road later became known as Petersburg (now Leningrad) highway - it was opened in 1822.

The Arch itself was also fulfilled in the best traditions - a lot of such structures were built on the path of Russian warriors.

In 1826, Nicholas I decided that the memory of the victory deserves something more durable and commanded to replace the wooden gate by stone. Create them instructed the famous architect Osip Beauva. Construction began in three years, but ended after five: according to one information, there was not enough funds in the treasury - the city continued to revive after the grandiose fire of the 1812, according to others, the business of Moscow officials who for some reason did not believe the project.

In September 1834, the solemn opening of the monument was finally held. Alas, the author did not live a few months before that moment, and his younger brother Mikhail Beve was completed. The construction at the junction of architecture and sculptures was truly majestic: six pairs of columns framed high supplies with powerful antique warriors in isothechic helmets and lamellar armor. On the decorated frieze, the coat of arms of 36 of the Russian provinces were placed, whose inhabitants participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, and medallions with Monogram Nikolai I. Wallen Arch Chariot of Glory, standing in which the rules of the horses of Horses Nick - the winged goddess of Victory. The fronton on both sides was decorated with an inscription (addressed inside the city - in Russian, outward - on Latin), glorifying Alexander I as the Savior of the Fatherland.

Square of new triumphant gates.
The author P.P. Pavlov. Moscow. End of the XIX - the beginning of the twentieth century

Restless fate of the monument

In 1872, at the gate, a line of kondi from the Tver appendix to the Resurrection Square (now the Revolution Square is now). In 1899, it was replaced by the first electric tram in the city, launched from passionate area (now Pushkinskaya) to Petrovsky Park. Intensive movement could not not affect the state of the monument, and by the century anniversary of the Borodino battle of the gate experienced the first restoration - while cosmetic. The next repairs took place already under Soviet power, in the mid-1920s.

In the 1936th, Tverskaya Zavava began to redo in accordance with the general plan for the reconstruction of Moscow, taken a year earlier. The triumphal gate disassembled, planning later to return to the previous place after a thorough restoration. When dismantling specialists of the Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Schuseva measured the parameters of the structure were detailed drawings of the tiers and photographed the arch from all sides. Most elements have cleaned and updated, and then sent for storage at the museum branch in the Don Monastery. They were pretty organically fit into the overall composition: the figures of the warriors lined up along the central alley, the burners were placed on the wall niches, and the chariot of glory was installed on a special pedestal.

The recovery of the gate was postponed not an indefinite period - he was pushed off the Great Patriotic War, after which the capital, like the whole country, in fact, was rejected again. Elements in the Don Monastery were patiently waiting for their o'clock. Much less was lucky, for example, cast-iron columns: they were lying on the Mius Square for several years, and then they were overpaid for military needs - only one of the twelve was preserved. It seemed that the monument was destined to oblivion as one of the many "remnants of the past" ...

Triumphal gate.
Author unknown. Moscow. Beginning of the 1930s

Arches and gates: a look in history

The triumphal gate came to us from the depths of the centuries: classic samples - the arches of the emperors of title, septimia of the North and Constantine in ancient Rome. They served as a benchmark for the construction of triumphal arches in Paris under Napoleon, and the gate on the Tverskaya Zoist, as well as the Narva Gate in St. Petersburg (also open in 1834), became a kind of "symmetric response" of Russia.

It is believed that the ancient tradition brought to Russia Peter I: in 1696, he built a triumphal gate in honor of the take of Azov, and in 1709 he put seven arches at once in honor of the celebration of victory under Poltava. All of them, although skillfully decorated with painting, statues and allegorical figures, were temporary, mostly wooden. Usually they were disassembled at the end of the celebrations or later, when they are versal; Often the arches burned in a fire.

The first capital construction in this series was the red gates, built in 1753 with Elizabeth Petrovna on the spot of a wooden arch. They were trying to demolish in the middle of the XIX century, and in 1927 destroyed to expand the Garden Ring. The name of the monument has been preserved in toponym area, and in 1935 the metro station has been opened here.

View of the red gate from the span.
Author N.M. Schap. Moscow. April 20, 1902

However, there are triumph arches and another "relative", which is not necessarily associated with victories, but denotes the central, the main entrance to the city and most often talks about its metropolitan status - it's about the golden gate. In Russia, they first appeared in Kiev under Yaroslav Mudrome (XI century); They were created according to the model of the Byzantine Arch of Emperor Constantine. Later, the Golden Gate was erected in other cities to show their greatness, for example in Vladimir (XII century).

Another analogue of the triumphant arches is the royal gates in Christian churches. They also inherit an antique tradition: in ancient Rome for any gate and the doors, two-limit Yanus was answered - a deity that looks at the same time and backward, to the future and the past, and connects different worlds. It was in his honor a month who begins a year called January. In the temple, the royal gates symbolize the transition from the village of the earth to the History of Heaven, in other words - entrance to paradise. In addition, according to some studies, in the era of classicism (the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century), iconostasis in the form of triumphant arches spread.

In general, the Soviet authorities had foundations skeptically refer to the bright symbol of imperial greatness, which was indirectly connected with religion.

Recreation of the triumphal gate: new place, new meaning

The victory in the Great Patriotic War made it possible to revise the ideological positions. In May 1947, a wide carved arch with traditional Russian patterns increased in Pushkin Square; In the evenings it was covered with multicolored lights. It was not just an entrance to the first post-warmer Fair "Spring Bazaar", and the symbolic transition from the time of hunger and destroyed to the era of abundance and prosperity.

Festively decorated entrance to the fair in the year of the 800th anniversary of Moscow.
Author - M. Chernov. Date of shooting - 1947

In the early 1950s, large-scale, truly, the triumphal gate appeared at the main entrance of the Central Park of Culture and Rest named after Gorky and VDNH, which was then the main platform for mass folk festivities.

And in 1965, the Council of Ministers of the USSR finally recognized the greatest artistic value and socio-historical importance of the triumphal gate and ordered to restore them. But in the area of \u200b\u200bthe square of the Belorussian station, they no longer fit out, and they found a new suitable place - on Kutuzovsky Avenue, opposite the Panorama "Borodino battle".

Strictly speaking, the construction was not restored, but recreated: 30 years after dismantling, many details were lost or dismissed. Apparently, therefore restorers decided not to touch the reliefs and statues preserved in the territory of the Don Monastery. Using drawings and photographs of 1936, as well as the author's copy of the arch, which was kept in the museum of architecture, all the elements were re-made. For example, cast-iron columns manufactured at the plant "Stankolit", and sculptures, coat of arms and burners - on the Mytischinsky artistic casting plant.

Not without transformations: the basis of the structure has become reinforced concrete, and not brick, as in the original; Instead of white facing stone, granite and gray Crimean limestone were used. And the inscriptions on memorable boards changed: the mention of Alexandra I was removed, but the lines were quoted from the appeal of Kutuzov to the army. This is a clearly key point - the Savior of the Fatherland recognized the people, not the emperor. In addition, the triumphal gate was no longer traveling: they were installed on the island in the middle of the avenue, having grown a small hill with the earth, and on both sides of the highway staged underground pedestrian crossings.

The solemn discovery was timed, as it should be, to the revolutionary holiday: the ceremony took place on November 6, 1968. And in eight years, to the 30th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War, the territory around the triumphal gate was called the Victory Square. The Military Memorial Complex and the Victory Park, which increased subsequently on Poklonnaya Mount, helped the recreated monument, dividing heavy dual load with him.

Arches of the New Century: Restoration and Reconstruction

Time flies quickly and does not even gent the stone and cast iron. At the beginning of the XXI century, experts noted that the triumphal goal was needed restoration, and they were held in 2012, to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. Related not only the arch itself, but also the territory around it: the polls broke new flower beds, and the engineers redid the system of artistic illumination. The updated monument was one of the Gifts to Muscovites for the Day of the City.

For the work on updating the monument to the jury of the contest "Moscow Restoration" awarded several awards at once. The awards were awarded immediately in seven nominations, including for the best project and for the high quality of the work performed.

In addition, at the 18th international exhibition on the restoration, the protection of monuments and updating the cities held under the UNESCO patronage in Germany, the award was the reward of the Government of Moscow, where first of all presented the restoration of the Triumphal Arch.

Used sources

Kraevsky b.p. Triumphal gate. - M.: Moscow worker, 1984.
Kharitonova E.V. Triumphal gates of the capital // Moscow magazine. - 2012. - № 5 (257). - P. 91-96.
Mikhailov K.P. Moscow, which we lost. - M.: Eksmo, 2010.
Posternak K.V. Foreign borrowings in Russian church interiors of Petrovsky time // Bulletin of PSTU. Series V. Questions of the history and theory of Christian art. - 2015. - Vol. 3 (19). - P. 102-119.

It is believed that the ancient tradition brought to Russia Peter I: in 1696, he built a triumphal gate in honor of the take of Azov, and in 1709 he put seven arches at once in honor of the celebration of victory under Poltava. All of them, although skillfully decorated with painting, statues and allegorical figures, were temporary, mostly wooden. Editorial LJ Media

The triumphal gate on the Victory Square is one of the most recognizable attractions of the capital. And even this reminder of the important page of the Russian history - the Patriotic War of 1812. And a little left old-timers left, who saw a majestic building at all elsewhere ...

Triumphal arch on Kutuzovsky Prospect.

Triumphal Gate on Tver Shipping

In the summer of 1814, a wooden triumphal arch appeared on the Tver Apartment Square - she honored the Russian army, which was returned from Europe after the defeat of Napoleon. The place was chosen in no coincidence: usually here, at the entrance to the city, Moscow city universities, nobles and honorary citizens met the emperor arriving from the northern capital. This road later became known as Petersburg (now Leningrad) highway - it was opened in 1822.

The Arch itself was also fulfilled in the best traditions - a lot of such structures were built on the path of Russian warriors.

In 1826, Nicholas I decided that the memory of the victory deserves something more durable and commanded to replace the wooden gate by stone. Create them instructed the famous architect Osip Beauva. Construction began in three years, but ended after five: according to one information, there was not enough funds in the treasury - the city continued to revive after the grandiose fire of the 1812, according to others, the business of Moscow officials who for some reason did not believe the project.

In September 1834, the solemn opening of the monument was finally held. Alas, the author did not live a few months before that moment, and his younger brother Mikhail Beve was completed. The construction at the junction of architecture and sculptures was truly majestic: six pairs of columns framed high supplies with powerful antique warriors in isothechic helmets and lamellar armor. On the decorated frieze, the coat of arms of 36 of the Russian provinces were placed, whose inhabitants participated in the Patriotic War of 1812, and medallions with Monogram Nikolai I. Wallen Arch Chariot of Glory, standing in which the rules of the horses of Horses Nick - the winged goddess of Victory. The fronton on both sides was decorated with an inscription (addressed inside the city - in Russian, outward - on Latin), glorifying Alexander I as the Savior of the Fatherland.

Square of new triumphant gates.

Restless fate of the monument

In 1872, at the gate, a line of kondi from the Tver appendix to the Resurrection Square (now the Revolution Square is now). In 1899, it was replaced by the first electric tram in the city, launched from passionate area (now Pushkinskaya) to Petrovsky Park. Intensive movement could not not affect the state of the monument, and by the century anniversary of the Borodino battle of the gate experienced the first restoration - while cosmetic. The next repairs took place already under Soviet power, in the mid-1920s.

In the 1936th, Tverskaya Zavava began to redo in accordance with the general plan for the reconstruction of Moscow, taken a year earlier. The triumphal gate disassembled, planning later to return to the previous place after a thorough restoration. When dismantling specialists of the Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Schuseva measured the parameters of the structure were detailed drawings of the tiers and photographed the arch from all sides. Most elements have cleaned and updated, and then sent for storage at the museum branch in the Don Monastery. They were pretty organically fit into the overall composition: the figures of the warriors lined up along the central alley, the burners were placed on the wall niches, and the chariot of glory was installed on a special pedestal.

The recovery of the gate was postponed not an indefinite period - he was pushed off the Great Patriotic War, after which the capital, like the whole country, in fact, was rejected again. Elements in the Don Monastery were patiently waiting for their o'clock. Much less was lucky, for example, cast-iron columns: they were lying on the Mius Square for several years, and then they were overpaid for military needs - only one of the twelve was preserved. It seemed that the monument was destined to oblivion as one of the many "remnants of the past" ...

Arches and gates: a look in history

The triumphal gate came to us from the depths of the centuries: classic samples - the arches of the emperors of title, septimia of the North and Constantine in ancient Rome. They served as a benchmark for the construction of triumphal arches in Paris under Napoleon, and the gate on the Tverskaya Zoist, as well as the Narva Gate in St. Petersburg (also open in 1834), became a kind of "symmetric response" of Russia.

It is believed that the ancient tradition brought to Russia Peter I: in 1696, he built a triumphal gate in honor of the take of Azov, and in 1709 he put seven arches at once in honor of the celebration of victory under Poltava. All of them, although skillfully decorated with painting, statues and allegorical figures, were temporary, mostly wooden. Usually they were disassembled at the end of the celebrations or later, when they are versal; Often the arches burned in a fire.

The first capital construction in this series was the red gates, built in 1753 with Elizabeth Petrovna on the spot of a wooden arch. They were trying to demolish in the middle of the XIX century, and in 1927 destroyed to expand the Garden Ring. The name of the monument has been preserved in toponym area, and in 1935 the metro station has been opened here.

View of the red gate from the span.

However, there are triumph arches and another "relative", which is not necessarily associated with victories, but denotes the central, the main entrance to the city and most often talks about its metropolitan status - it's about the golden gate. In Russia, they first appeared in Kiev under Yaroslav Mudrome (XI century); They were created according to the model of the Byzantine Arch of Emperor Constantine. Later, the Golden Gate was erected in other cities to show their greatness, for example in Vladimir (XII century).

Another analogue of the triumphant arches is the royal gates in Christian churches. They also inherit an antique tradition: in ancient Rome for any gate and the doors, two-limit Yanus was answered - a deity that looks at the same time and backward, to the future and the past, and connects different worlds. It was in his honor a month who begins a year called January. In the temple, the royal gates symbolize the transition from the village of the earth to the History of Heaven, in other words - entrance to paradise. In addition, according to some studies, in the era of classicism (the end of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century), iconostasis in the form of triumphant arches spread.

In general, the Soviet authorities had foundations skeptically refer to the bright symbol of imperial greatness, which was indirectly connected with religion.

Recreation of the triumphal gate: new place, new meaning

The victory in the Great Patriotic War made it possible to revise the ideological positions. In May 1947, a wide carved arch with traditional Russian patterns increased in Pushkin Square; In the evenings it was covered with multicolored lights. It was not just an entrance to the first post-warmer Fair "Spring Bazaar", and the symbolic transition from the time of hunger and destroyed to the era of abundance and prosperity.

Festively decorated entrance to the fair in the year of the 800th anniversary of Moscow.

In the early 1950s, large-scale, truly, the triumphal gate appeared at the main entrance of the Central Park of Culture and Rest named after Gorky and VDNH, which was then the main platform for mass folk festivities.

And in 1965, the Council of Ministers of the USSR finally recognized the greatest artistic value and socio-historical importance of the triumphal gate and ordered to restore them. But in the area of \u200b\u200bthe square of the Belorussian station, they no longer fit out, and they found a new suitable place - on Kutuzovsky Avenue, opposite the Panorama "Borodino battle".

Strictly speaking, the construction was not restored, but recreated: 30 years after dismantling, many details were lost or dismissed. Apparently, therefore restorers decided not to touch the reliefs and statues preserved in the territory of the Don Monastery. Using drawings and photographs of 1936, as well as the author's copy of the arch, which was kept in the museum of architecture, all the elements were re-made. For example, cast-iron columns manufactured at the plant "Stankolit", and sculptures, coat of arms and burners - on the Mytischinsky artistic casting plant.

Not without transformations: the basis of the structure has become reinforced concrete, and not brick, as in the original; Instead of white facing stone, granite and gray Crimean limestone were used. And the inscriptions on memorable boards changed: the mention of Alexandra I was removed, but the lines were quoted from the appeal of Kutuzov to the army. This is a clearly key point - the Savior of the Fatherland recognized the people, not the emperor. In addition, the triumphal gate was no longer traveling: they were installed on the island in the middle of the avenue, having grown a small hill with the earth, and on both sides of the highway staged underground pedestrian crossings.

The solemn discovery was timed, as it should be, to the revolutionary holiday: the ceremony took place on November 6, 1968. And in eight years, to the 30th anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War, the territory around the triumphal gate was called the Victory Square. The Military Memorial Complex and the Victory Park, which increased subsequently on Poklonnaya Mount, helped the recreated monument, dividing heavy dual load with him.

Arches of the New Century: Restoration and Reconstruction

Time flies quickly and does not even gent the stone and cast iron. At the beginning of the XXI century, experts noted that the triumphal goal was needed restoration, and they were held in 2012, to the 200th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. Related not only the arch itself, but also the territory around it: the polls broke new flower beds, and the engineers redid the system of artistic illumination. The updated monument was one of the Gifts to Muscovites for the Day of the City.

For the work on updating the monument to the jury of the contest "Moscow Restoration" awarded several awards at once. The awards were awarded immediately in seven nominations, including for the best project and for the high quality of the work performed.

In addition, at the 18th international exhibition on the restoration, the protection of monuments and updating the cities held under the UNESCO patronage in Germany, the award was the reward of the Government of Moscow, where first of all presented the restoration of the Triumphal Arch.

Triumphal Arch on Kutuzov Prospect

Since ancient times, the triumphal arches were erected in honor of the commander who won great victories. This tradition remained for several centuries. In many countries, the winners who returned from the campaign were part of the triumph gate specially built on this occasion.

There was such a tradition and in Russia. In 1814, by the time of return from Europe, the Russian army, who tried the defeat of the Napoleonic troops, was built a wooden triumphal arch from the Tverskaya Oblast. However, the wooden arch is short-lived, and in 1826 it was decided to replace her stone. The design of a new triumphant arch was entrusted to develop the famous architect Osipu Ivanovich Bow (the building of the Bolshoi Theater was built on his project). The project was ready throughout the year, but redevelopment of the area on which it had to be installed, forced the architect to revise it. As a result, the final project was introduced in 1829.

The laying of the Memorial was held in August 1829. At the same time, the bronze plate was inspired, the inscription on which he read: "These triumphal gates are laid as a sign of memories of the celebration of Russian warriors in 1814 and the resumption of magnificent monuments and buildings of the first-hearth country of Moscow, destroyed in 1812. Insune Galov and with them binetsteen languages. "

The construction of the monument was dragged for several years. The reasons for this were the lack of money and the indifference of the authorities of the city. As a result, the opening of the Memorial took place only five years later in 1834.

The Triumphal Arch was standing in the Tverskaya oblast for more than a century, while in 1936 there was a decision on the next redevelopment of the area. As a result, the arch was dismantled and placed in the branch of the Schusev Museum. Some of her fragments: part of the column and embossed images of military armchairs are located there and now.

30 years later, the Moscow authorities decided to recreate the monument. It was decided to install in a new place. The question about the place of placement of the Triumphal Arch caused a lot of disputes. Some offered to install it on the Leningrad highway, others on Poklonnaya Mount. In addition, it was decided not to restore some decorations and the fence, so that the monument does not interfere with the lively movement.

Architects had a lot to break her head and over how to place a monument better. Initially, the arch was surrounded by low houses, and on their background there was a majestic building. The modern houses exceeded the arch in height. As a result, the best accommodation option was recognized as the current Victory Square on Kutuzovsky Prospect.

Basically, the type and size of the Arc tremph should remain the same. For this, the preserved drawings, drawings and photos of the monument were used by architects and engineers. Sculptors for the same materials recreated embossed images, some of which were lost, while others were used in the design of the Museum-panorama of Borodino battle.

Finally, on November 6, 1968, work on the recreation of the Triumphal Arch was completed. The monument is located near the Poklonnaya Mountain and formed a memorial complex with a museum of Borodino Battle nearby nearby, Kutuzovskaya, "and several other monuments. The front side of the Triumphal Arch is addressed to the entrance to the city.

The monument consists of one-time arches and 12 columns located around two pylons - arched supports. The height of columns is 12 meters, the weight of each of them is 16 tons. Between pairs of columns on the pedestals are placed by cast figures, the equipment of which repeats the equipment of ancient Russian warriors: long spears, chain chains and pointed helmets.

Elegant burners, depicting scenes of fighting, as well as Russian Emperor Alexander II of the heroes of ancient myths, are strengthened over these figures. On one of them, Russian warriors in ancient armor attack a retreating enemy. This burner has the name "Exile French". Workshops made of the burners create an appearance of a three-dimensional image: Figures of the front and rear plans differ in magnitude.

Over the triumphal arch is a sculptural group depicting the ancient chariot harp in the six horses. The chariot manages the goddess of Victory Nick. In his right hand, she holds a laurel crown, which at all times awarded the winners. By the way, when opening the arch in the XIX century, due to the image of the ancient gods, the construction even refused to sanctify Moscow Metropolitan.

On the sides of the arch placed memorial plaques. At one of them, Kutuzov's words: "The nice year of this will passed. But they will not pass and do not smell the loud things and the feats of yours; The offspring will retain them in their memory. You have been saved by my fatherland. Brave and victorious troops! Each of you is the Savior of the Fatherland. Russia welcomes you sim name. " On another board, the inscription, which was on the plate closed when the plate layered above.

The arch of the arch is fixed a cast-iron memorial plaque, which recorded a brief history of the construction and recreation of the Arch, as well as the names of people who talked in this: "Moscow triumphal gates in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812 were built in 1829-1834. According to the project of the architect Osipa Ivanovich Bow, the sculptors of Ivan Petrovich Vitaly, Ivan Timofeevich Timofeyev. Restored in 1968. "

Moscow Triumphal Gate - Triumphal Arch in Moscow, built in honor of the victory of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. As a rule, Muscovites do not use the full name of the monument and call it just a triumphant arch.

Triumphal Arch - Restored Monument: Initially, it was erected in 1829-1834 for the project Osip Bowe On the Square Tverskaya Zavna, then disassembled in 1936 during the reconstruction of the area and was again built in 1966-1968 on Kutuzovsky Prospect near Poklonnaya Mountain.

Arc Triumphal Arch

In 1814, when Russian and allied troops entered Paris, and the world was achieved, Russian cities began to prepare for the meeting of the troops returned from France. In the way of their following, the cities were built by a triumphal gate, and Moscow did not exception: near the Tver Ockowa, where the emperor was traditionally met with the honors, they began to build a temporary triumphal arch of wood.

In 1826, Emperor Nicholas I ordered to build a triumphal gate in Moscow as a monument to the victory of Russian weapons, similar to the Narva Triumphal Gate, which were built at the time in St. Petersburg. The development of the project was instructed to prominent Russian architect Osip bow; The master developed it in the same year, but the need to redevelop the area slowed down the process, and the project demanded changes.

The triumphal gate for the new Bove project was built in 1829-1834, laying in the base of the bronze mortgage slab and the handful of silver rubles "for happiness" - which, by the way, did not help: the construction was delayed for 5 years due to lack of funds. Sculptural design Arches performed sculptors Ivan Vitaly and Ivan Timofeev, Worked in Bove drawing. Columns and sculptures were cast from the cast iron, and the gate themselves elevated from the White Stone from the village of Tartarovo ("Tartar Marble") and a stone from a disassembled samotane channel.

At the Attika, the gate was applied (in Russian and Latin, from different sides):

In 1899, the first electric tram line was held right under the arch, and in 1912 and in the 1920s they even cleaned and restored.

Unfortunately, in 1936, in accordance with the general plan of the reconstruction of Moscow, the gate was disassembled for the reconstruction of the area. Initially, they were planned to restore near the previous place, so when dismantling were careful, and they kept some sculptural and architectural elements, but as a result, it was not to restore the gate.

Triumphal Arch on Kutuzov Prospect

In the 1960s, given the artistic value and historical significance of the gate, it was decided to return to the idea of \u200b\u200btheir recovery, and in 1966-1968, their copy was built near the Kutuzovsky Prospectus near the Poklonnaya Museum and Museum-Panorama of the Borodino battle.

The project was carried out under the leadership of Architect-restorer Vladimir Libson by a group of architects (I. Ruben, Vasilyeva, D. Kulchinsky). During the construction, the drawings and measurements were used when dismantling the gates, as well as the author's structure provided by the architecture museum.

Generally Triumphal Arch In Kutuzovsky Avenue, it is an external copy of the predecessor, but with a number of constructive changes: reinforced concrete in the designs of walls, arches and basement, the white stone was replaced by the Crimean limestone, and Cordhegardia and lattices decided not to restore. The preserved sculptures and details of the design did not use, and everything was cast from cast iron again. In addition, the texts were changed on the Attics - instead of the words about the emperor Alexandra I, lines appeared there from the order of Mikhail Kutuzov to Russian soldiers and excerpt from the inscription on the mortgage board of 1829:

In 2012, the Triumphal Arch was renovated during the preparation for celebrations on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Russia's victory in the Patriotic War of 1812.

The triumphal arch was located in the square, broken between the oncoming strips of the movement of the Kutuzovsky Prospect. In 1975, in honor of the 30th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, this Square became known as the Victory Square.

To date Triumphal Arch I became one of the recognizable symbols of Moscow: the types of the monument decorate the popular postcards and calendars, the arch is depicted in the paintings of artists and produce a large number of souvenir products with its way.

You can get to the triumphant archway from the metro station "Park Victory" Arbatsky-Pokrovskaya line.