Three types of behavior in the zodiac or secrets of relationships. Crosses qualities in astrology and human horoscope

Three types of behavior in the zodiac or secrets of relationships. Crosses qualities in astrology and human horoscope
Three types of behavior in the zodiac or secrets of relationships. Crosses qualities in astrology and human horoscope

The wonderful word mutability in astrology means adaptability and great potential. Signs that are attributed to mutable, are capable of a lot in life. So mutable is astrological components that can develop immediately in several areas, inclined to easily worry about changes and showing flexibility in communication and work.

What signs are astrologers to mutable?

The zodiac's mutable signs include:

  • Twins;
  • Streltsov.

It is they who can show wonders of society, well adapt to the situation and people. These signs find new ways to a difficult attitude of the goal where others simply pass.

But this wonderful ability has a reverse side. Representatives of mutable signs are inconsistently, changeable in affection and solutions. It is difficult for them to make a choice. Mutable signs often neglect the necessary planning and prefer to solve problems when they "stand on the threshold."

Each of the above signs is changed and adaptive in its own way. But impermanence is a common feature that best characterizes the mutable properties of signs.

Mutabelia twins and its features

Credo twins - communication. Without information, this sign cannot live and day. Their mutability is concluded in the ability to quickly analyze information, as well as in the fact that they can change the opinion of the facts extracted literally on the go.

Twins are quite simply penetrating things. Especially gifted ones can disclose crimes without leaving the TV, but their point of view also change these people in seconds.

Their adaptive abilities are well disclosed in communicating with a large number of people. Here, twins can be called real interaction chameleons.

The negative side of mutability for this sign is not in society, but in trust and close relations. Few people will endure next to a person who has "seven Fridays in the week."

Virgo among other signs are emphasized by their practicality. They love to bring all things to the state of perfection. Whether they are too underwear or perform an annual report - everything will be done with pedantic accuracy.

For this sign, mutability is true salvation from perfectionism. The flexibility in making decisions is very helpful to keep the balance between their desire for ideality and the realities of this world. In all respects, the mutability of this sign is useful for them and almost does not have negative properties.

Other mutable signs are zodiac assistance to use their features as good and for evil. And the Virns use mutable properties so that there are no undesirable distortions in their behavior.

People born under this sign are distinguished by high intelligence. But its manifestations are expressed in practicality, logic and rationalism. And it is muttability that helps the devies to come to understanding high matters.

Fish mutability is adaptability and improvement. But they are improved not the material world, but the sphere of communication, the area of \u200b\u200bsenses and human relationships. Fish are inconsistent, but extremely sociable. Could and wish to help others. Therefore, the good side of their mutability consists in the deepening of the above skills.

The desire for completion allows representatives of this sign to find the point of support in life. They do not just help, but after always want to make sure the result. Not knowing what the case ended, the fish are disturbed, stress is experiencing. And here adaptive abilities come to the rescue.

The reverse side of the mutable properties for fish is concentrated in the fact that they feel bad borders. Communicating with other people, fish as it would become them for a short period, since they have great abilities to empathy. And then mutability interferes with identifying personal barriers, contributes to the dissolution of individuality. However, and the fish get used to this quite easily.

For Sagittarius Mutabeliness - a lifebuoy in the huge ocean of adventure. Since this sign has passionate nature and does not refuse to participate in positive adventures, mutable properties helps him feel normally in any conditions.

Streltsov do not be afraid to go to the mountains and a large business project. Adaptive abilities are at the height. Still mutability allows representatives of this sign to explore philosophical and cultural aspects. But it causes difficulties in making some one topic instead of a million others.

All the Mutable signs of the zodiac express their flexibility in different ways. In some mutable properties prevail, and in the others - hidden and waiting for a suitable moment to manifest. But for all the above characters, their mutability is the constant part of the nature.

The keyword characterizing the cardinal signs is the action. All of them are united by the desire to achieve goals at any cost and in general the desire to act. This is based on the need for all cardinal signs to succeed, accept the challenge and defeat. Cardinality, akin to the elements of fire - this is energy, strength, desire, desire. In essence, one of the factors for the development of the evolution of human civilization is precisely the cardinality, since it is it forces people to strive for something new, unknown, be the discoverer.

For people with a large cluster of planets in the cardinal signs of the zodiac, we are owned by a majority of any innovative ideas, research, discoveries. Their pressure, desire, optimism and faith in their own strength allows you to carry out similar things. Most often, people with brightly pronounced fundamental qualities are either leaders or outcasts, since many people dislike them and the desire to be first. The main problem for these people is that they need to understand - despite the excellent ideas, for their implementation, they still need a constant stream of energy for implementation, then you mean constancy, which they often lack.

However, there are other disadvantages, in particular: inconstancy, impatience, inability to compromise, quickly changing desires, goals, ideas.

Cardinal signs in astrology

The radical signs of the zodiac include Aries, Cancer, Scales and Capricorn. On the first day of each season, the sun is in these signs. It is this fact that confirms that these signs are the initiators of the zodiac.

Aries: Cardinal, Fire

The role of Aries is to actively learn and master the world. The self-expression is paramount for this sign-pioneer, and Aries like to watch how far he comes in his knowledge, research, opening and experimentation with the world that surrounds it.

The fiery element of Aries gives him incredible self-confidence and amazing courage. His cardinal nature makes it restless and forces to create changes for the forces themselves. Aries - assertive, and comes so that they will be recognized in a short time. Aries will say this: "If I do not attract attention to myself, then how do you know about me?" And he is right! Faithfully, Aries gets acquainted with the right people. (In the case of a militant, it must be any rich or politician who could become his favorable protege and introduce it with even more influential people!) Where would we be without brave events that pushing us forward?

Cancer: Cardinal, Water

The role of cancer is to actively master the entire sphere of human emotions. The cardinal property and element of water motivate cancer to learn new emotional states and experiments. As a watermark, cancer is most subtle of all fundamental signs expresses its independence and ambitiousness. But do not be deceived - these qualities in the same extent inherent in cancer, in which other fundamental signs, regardless of how gently these qualities are manifested.

Astrologers often describe crayfish, as a changeable mood change, that sometimes it is true, but this description too simplifies the multifaceted cancer nature and its ability to accept, initiate or use the change when it feels that it is necessary. The cancers are incredibly high compared to other signs the ability to compare and sympathize, and this can be compared with them only fish. Craks have a very wide emotional spectrum, and their inner life combines both the highest, and the lowest. Cancer can not be different!

Scales: Cardinal, Air

Scales are great swaws and they know how to disperse cases, familiar people in a relaxed atmosphere. This sign rotates among people, communicates a lot, and combines opposites in themselves. Scales love to act with someone in a pair, and attempts to do something without the "other half" they seem meaningless.

Best scales work in a team. They are active, influential, a cardinal property allows them to contact with succeeding people, the same as they themselves. So they quickly formed a database of influential friends, connections and contacts. The desired acquaintance to promote your pet hotel project, for example, you can get with your friend-scales - it organizes a party or dinner needed to dating. Since scales are a cardinal sign, they sometimes behave like bosses, but do it so charming that most people willingly (and with joy) obey the will of the scales.

Capricorn: Cardinal, Earth

Capricorn - a cardinal sign that begins to do something, already seeing the end result. Capricorns are impassable and not impulsive - their earthly nature puts goals and builds plans carefully. Unlike another earthly sign, the Capricorn motivated, the Motivation of Capricorn is to maintain and improve its reputation. Prestige is very important for the Capricors, for they love them to be respected for how they work.

Everything that they left their mark should be the best of what they could do. They work almost with the same obsession and devotion as the Virgin (almost - because the virgin is difficult to surpass perfectly and devotion to their work). Earn honors and glory for the sake of honors and glory - the main interest of the caferals, especially if the position allows them to use all their significant leadership abilities. Why does practical Capricorn agrees to the top position in the company, even if the salary in this post is small?

The landing Capricorn realizes that in the future he will be able to benefit from its title and compensates for a low salary. It is said that we are only two phone calls from influential people. If this is true, and you want to get someone from the highest ranks in the stratosphere, call first your friend-Capricorn. He knows all the necessary people - and are a constant part of their circle.

Mutable zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Fish. Mutable (changeable) signs - Hameleon zodiac.

Well adaptable and flexible, people of these signs easily carry change. Where the cardinal signs lose interest in their goal, Mutabelny can breathe new life into it. Although they are inventive and multifaceted, their constant desire for change makes the achievement of something thorough, long-term and durable rather difficult task. However, they are not very bothering them, because most of all they want to be free for new discoveries.

Properties of mutable signs

The Mutabel Cross of the Zodiac is associated with new ideas and acquisition of knowledge. The adaptability and flexibility of representatives of mutable signs can develop into impermanence and endow their stunning resourcefulness. But without the correct distribution of energy, it cannot be used constructively and the wasted wasted.

Changing behavior is a feature, common to all mutable signs, but there are features imposed by the elements of the zodiac signory. Gemini are associated with air elements, they change and adapt their worldview in accordance with new ideas. Virgo, under the control of the Earth's element, is constantly watching the laws of the material world to change for the better and show its numerous talents. Sagittarius expressing the properties of the element of fire seeks to adventures that give him inspiration. Fish, as representatives of the element of water, are constantly trying to adapt to the changing emotional impact of both their own and the outside.

Meeting with the problem, they are trying to avoid contact with the situation, hiding their heads in the sand. If changeability dominates the Natal Map, a person can get confused in his own desires, experiencing a sense of dissatisfaction. From nature scattered, people with pronounced mutable qualities are difficult to concentrate and work for the future. They are very easily adaptable and adapted, however, it can lead to bravery and disorientation. Excessive impermanence can express in the waste of energy, the absence of will and purposefulness. A man with a dominant mutable property in Natal Map is a frowning spirit. To turn your numerous talents to real achievements, it needs to determine for itself a goal. On the other hand, if a person has little or at all the planets in the Mutabelnaya cross of the zodiac, it is difficult for him to adapt to the changes that life presents.

In our daily life, we daily have to play many different roles. And often, when we are in any relationship, the role of our behavior dictates the role of our behavior. It turns out a certain paradox: we want to fully express ourselves, our "I", but constantly forced to spend a lot of strength to implement only some parts of it. But M.we will be better to realize your potential, if we understand what we differ from our friends or other people with which life is facing. What a leading type of behavior is inherent to us and people who surround us.

So, let's try to explain one of our reasons to dislike others with the help of astrology. If the astrological concept of elements gives us the concept of the nature of the signs of the zodiac, the squares of the qualities make it possible to understand the manifestation of these characters in action. There are three phases of any action: the beginning (initiative), development (continued) and transformation) of the change of strategy and tactics, when the action in its development is overlapping itself and becomes unpromising).

The zodiacal circle gives us three sets (squares) of qualities, the psychotypes of each of which are reacting in a similar way. At the same time, psychotips belonging to one square of qualities, the implementation of one of the three phases of action or manifestation is better. So, let's try to understand this, using three models of behavior, known in astrology as: a cardinal, fixed and mutable (or variable).All signs of the zodiac are divided into these groups:

cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Scales and Capricorn

fixed signs - Taurus, Lion, Scorpio and Aquarius

mutable signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces

In astrology they are called squares or crosses of qualities. To find out which of these types of behavior prevails in your character, you just need to count how many planets your horoscope is located in each of the crosses. If one of them dials the greatest number than other two, then it is most often the style of your behavior.However, you need to consider what planets are personal, social or higher. Personal planets, especially the sun and the moon more importantly, their position itself focuses on the cross in which they are located. We also definitely take into account the cross of the Ascendant, as the Ascendant largely determines the external "I" of a person.An example of such a calculation can be found at the end of the article.

Here it should be recalled that in each person there are features corresponding to all three types of behavior, and the net type is extremely rare. Usually some kind of types prevailing over others, but supplemented by their features. Let's try to understand how people who prevail one or another behavior behavior.

Cardinal type of behavior

If you, your satellite of life or your children are most involved cardinal signs, then you literally cuts the desire to start acting immediately. Such people simply need movement, active actions and mobile lifestyle, otherwise they quickly begin to experience boredom and their creative potential can simply overcome. People of the cardinal type of behavior personify fearlessness, and the motivating factor to start performing any projects for them is the action itself. Because they are ready to take the initiative, they often become leaders. Their disadvantage is a "short breathing", they spend too much energy in the first stages of action and come to the finish line on the last breathing. The exception is the Capricorn psychotype, which can economically distribute its strength on all stages of the path and even leave them to leave them for the last jerk to come to the finish line first. People of the cardinal type are easier to start a business than bring it to completion. They can start several cases, but extremely rarely bring them to the end.

Each of the signs included in the cardinal cross draws its specificity. The psychotype of Aries infects enthusiasm and paves the way. Cancer's psychotic attracts an emotional color and protects the rear during the offensive. Scales make a reasonable motivation and control the relationship of all components. Capricorn's psychotype operates organized, with a specific analysis of the situation, without losing a single favorable circumstance.

If you are dealing with a strong cardinal personality, then direct confrontation is the best way to reduce all the problems for zero, and it will be necessary to do so quickly as possible! Best of all in this situation is persistent, but friendly defense, because they are not able to wait long, and besides, they are easily discouraged. To help a man of a cardinal type to bring to the end of his endeavor, he needs to set a short time of execution all the time. If the goal is enormous enough, it is better to break it on a number of small, which can be performed quite quickly.

As you already understood, patience is not their main advantage. If you are going somewhere with a strong cardinal type man, then, no matter, an adult is or a child, take care to take with you enough toys, books, pictures, etc., or make sure you have There are a lot of topics for discussion, because they constantly need to have something to take themselves.

fixed cross

Fixed type of behavior

When a fixed type is prevalent in the birth card, such a person is most often concerned about security and security issues and prefers to adhere to once and for all of the order of things. It is a psychotype of successors, investors of actions, ideas implementers. They act methodically and persistently, care about holding and enhancement achieved, love to use proven methods. They do not like any randomness, attempts to make something new in the usual routine, do not like change at all. Possessing the solid will, they are true to their beliefs and affections. When they learn something, you can argue anything that this is how they will always do. Therefore, the first thing you need to keep in mind is that it is very difficult for them to decide any changes. When they act in the usual framework, they have a sense of security, security, and it is in it that they draw strength - because they always know where they go and what should happen next minute, they do not need any surprises!

The energy that fixed signs give is stability, reliability, stubbornness and, of course, resistance and constancy (sometimes even at a loss). They know how to bring the started to the end, you can rely on their constancy. A fixed cross is called "constant", its representatives are inherent in certain conservatism. These are precisely those people who are too slow with the decision-making, they are afraid to use the case that has fallen into their share or the opportunity, resulting in which they lose it. It was they who came up with the saying: "better less, yes better." They constantly need to encourage and encourage them to take advantage of the case and committed some changes in their lives.

As in the case of cardinal signs, the last sign of the fixed cross (Aquarius) is somewhat deviated from the total type, there is almost no conservatism in it and the spiritual beginning is very developed, somewhat reduces the purposefulness, the Aquarius is inclined to be distracted from the main task. The psychotype lion comes into business inspired, contributes to it some dramatic element and strive to keep all the threads in his hands is a dealers organizer. The calf is embarking on a thoroughly, specifically, and only if I am convinced of the benefits of the event, it is a worker worker. Scorpio acts very emotionally. The main prompting motive is "I wish." He immediately finds out all the groundwater, reveals the springs, leading it into action, and very effectively takes on the weakest link. Scorpio is a risk type and often wins the lifetime racing dizzying effect. Being, perhaps, the most energetically rich sign of the zodiac, he loves to "walk around the edge" and "balancing over the abyss." Volodya is the biggest intellectual from the signs of a fixed cross. He in any case seeks to have as much information as possible, continuously modernizes and improves the means of achieving the goal and always sees the distant outlook of the events, is an innovator.

If you have a child with a strong fixed type of behavior, then as a parent, you are obliged to create such an environment so that he felt so secure and outside the danger in order to make (or at least allow) change in his life . Such children love all the usual, and if something in their cozy world will break, it can cause a feeling of uncertainty and even hysterics.

The only way to achieve a fixed-type person did exactly what you want is indirect impact. You must, so to speak, "donate the seed", giving them to understand what you would like, and provide them to act at our discretion. You will be surprised with what a sense of responsibility your child, having a significant number of planets in fixed signs, will repeat your own actions at the beginning of the task set! And then, very soon, he will believe that he has a stunning idea (that is, your thought will be considered yours), and then slowly, but surely, it will begin to perform it.

So the main difficulty in people with most planets in fixed signs is that they need to be able to advance. They need to push (in contrast to people of a cardinal type of behavior, which is enough to point out to the problem), but if they started, it will be very difficult to stop them! Step by step, they will go all the way to the end. A person of a fixed type of behavior needs only to encourage and prompt the direction. If you talk to such people, you will definitely hear the complaints that it is not clear to them, from where and how to start to implement their favorite project! And all the only because any changes lead them into confusion, and they are able to engage only with something one.

If your child predominates a fixed type, during the day he does not need the whole set of toys available in the house, because it will focus and concentrated only on something one, and in this game he will be selflessly playing for hours. Sometimes, as mentioned above, it can become a source of problems, because they are not easy to refuse their habits and is difficult to get used to the new one. You could allow this new to enter their life and shift their psychological mechanisms so that they become flexible and movable. Then the goals that need to be achieved for a long time can be exactly what they need for them by giving the necessary protection and the meaning of their lives.

Mutabelo type of behavior

Changeable (non-permanent) signs:Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Fish. These are psychotypes of reformers, especially valuable where necessary to change the action, give it a new meaning, reorient to new goals. Already by the title of this cross, it is clear that people of this type are subject to external influences and in their actions take into account a specific environment. They are inherent in the flexibility of mind, good adaptation, ingenuity. They are well comprehended by the rhythm of the process, tides and flowing actions, use flexible tactics. In each action, they see positive and negative sides, understand the relativity of all that is created and often fluctuate in choosing a direction.Their flexibility and lability without hard leaders can transform into negative qualities - the desire to swim by the waves, where the wind blows. In critical situations, they are lost not knowing what to do. Intuitively feeling this quality, they try to evade themselves, slip away from decisive "or or".

Twins emphasize the intellectual side of the action, its compliance with the purpose and the setting. Virgo embarks on action, thoroughly analyzing it and gives great importance to the details of the operation. The Sagittarius turns on in the case gambling, with a scope, be sure to bring the "Theoretical Base" under it. Fishes show themselves emotionally, continuously try all possible directions and strive for the optimal solution, so that the wolves were fed and the sheep are intact. "

If you are dealing with a man with a strong mutable type (which most planets are located in the Mutable signs of the zodiac) or if you yourself are such a personality, you may find that it is difficult to manage such people. They strengthen you, like the flow of water, are lost in the crowd, leaning and inferior to the desires of others, and then changing their attitude. And as a result, it often turns out that, leaving, they seek the fact that others begin to fulfill their desires and take their point of view. Children of this type do not know peace and well adapt to the ever-changing surrounding and living conditions. They are podiatiles, easily adapt to the environment and succumb to suggestion.

Where people of the cardinal type find ways to change what is happening, people of mutable type simply adapt to it. Very often they can fully change their personal habits and behavior depending on what people they are at the moment. This, of course, is not a fixed-type people, always remaining faithful to themselves and everyone and everyone who demonstrate the same thing. People of mutable type are very sensitive and try to avoid any direct conflict. They slide from one topic to the other, and therefore the best method of communication with them is polite but hard approach.

Arm yourself with patience, and let them, let parts, pieces, but express the truth. Moreover, one part may be contained in one story, the other - in the apparent trivial remark, etc. If you drive them into the framework of harsh agreements, people of mutable type will feel in difficulty, because such conventions limit their freedom to change depending on the situation. They love the phrase like: "and enough about it", "let's talk about it tomorrow." Their huge power is in their ability to respond to changes in the surrounding world, adapting to them and finding a new way of existence.

Now you see, as just a small part of the information contained in the birth game, helps to understand the motives of different behavior in the same situation.People of cardinal type with difficulty will appreciate the instructions and appeals to the dimension and the following orders that find a hot response from fixed-type representatives. The latter shocks the need for people of a cardinal type to be in the thick of events and actively affect them. People of mutable type are best able to adapt all others and, apparently, it can be better than others with all the others, although their restless nature can deliver a lot of problems to people of a fixed type of behavior.

Compatibility is a very not simple case, and here there may be many difficulties. And do not forget that in each of us there are traces of each of these three types. Each of us must learn to understand yourself, and it can be the key to understanding those who are dear to us. We take 10 planets. Let's consider such an example.

Suppose you were born on January 2, 1974. That's what you should get:

The sun is in Capricorn - a cardinal sign;
The moon in the sign of the Aries is another cardinal point;
Mercury in Capricorn - again a cardinal sign;
Venus in Aquarius is a fixed sign;
Mars in Taurus - a fixed sign;
Jupiter in Aquarius - Fixed Sign;
Saturn in cancer - a cardinal sign;
Uranus in the scales - a cardinal sign;
Neptune in Sagittarius - a mutable sign;
Pluto in the scales - a cardinal sign.

To this list you need to add an ASC sign.

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Compatibility Horoscope: Zodiac Sign Cancer Cardinal - The most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The keyword characterizing the cardinal signs is the action. All of them are united by the desire to achieve goals at any cost and in general the desire to act. This is based on the need for all cardinal signs to succeed, accept the challenge and defeat. Cardinality, akin to the elements of fire - this is energy, strength, desire, desire. In essence, one of the factors for the development of the evolution of human civilization is precisely the cardinality, since it is it forces people to strive for something new, unknown, be the discoverer.

For people with a large cluster of planets in the cardinal signs of the zodiac, we are owned by a majority of any innovative ideas, research, discoveries. Their pressure, desire, optimism and faith in their own strength allows you to carry out similar things. Most often, people with brightly pronounced fundamental qualities are either leaders or outcasts, since many people dislike them and the desire to be first. The main problem for these people is that they need to understand - despite the excellent ideas, for their implementation, they still need a constant stream of energy for implementation, then you mean constancy, which they often lack.

However, there are other disadvantages, in particular: inconstancy, impatience, inability to compromise, quickly changing desires, goals, ideas.

Cardinal signs in astrology

The radical signs of the zodiac include Aries, Cancer, Scales and Capricorn. On the first day of each season, the sun is in these signs. It is this fact that confirms that these signs are the initiators of the zodiac.

Aries: Cardinal, Fire

The role of Aries is to actively learn and master the world. The self-expression is paramount for this sign-pioneer, and Aries like to watch how far he comes in his knowledge, research, opening and experimentation with the world that surrounds it.

The fiery element of Aries gives him incredible self-confidence and amazing courage. His cardinal nature makes it restless and forces to create changes for the forces themselves. Aries - assertive, and comes so that they will be recognized in a short time. Aries will say this: "If I do not attract attention to myself, then how do you know about me?" And he is right! Faithfully, Aries gets acquainted with the right people. (In the case of a militant, it must be any rich or politician who could become his favorable protege and introduce it with even more influential people!) Where would we be without brave events that pushing us forward?

Cancer: Cardinal, Water

The role of cancer is to actively master the entire sphere of human emotions. The cardinal property and element of water motivate cancer to learn new emotional states and experiments. As a watermark, cancer is most subtle of all fundamental signs expresses its independence and ambitiousness. But do not be deceived - these qualities in the same extent inherent in cancer, in which other fundamental signs, regardless of how gently these qualities are manifested.

Astrologers often describe crayfish, as a changeable mood change, that sometimes it is true, but this description too simplifies the multifaceted cancer nature and its ability to accept, initiate or use the change when it feels that it is necessary. The cancers are incredibly high compared to other signs the ability to compare and sympathize, and this can be compared with them only fish. Craks have a very wide emotional spectrum, and their inner life combines both the highest, and the lowest. Cancer can not be different!

Scales: Cardinal, Air

Scales are great swaws and they know how to disperse cases, familiar people in a relaxed atmosphere. This sign rotates among people, communicates a lot, and combines opposites in themselves. Scales love to act with someone in a pair, and attempts to do something without the "other half" they seem meaningless.

Best scales work in a team. They are active, influential, a cardinal property allows them to contact with succeeding people, the same as they themselves. So they quickly formed a database of influential friends, connections and contacts. The desired acquaintance to promote your pet hotel project, for example, you can get with your friend-scales - it organizes a party or dinner needed to dating. Since scales are a cardinal sign, they sometimes behave like bosses, but do it so charming that most people willingly (and with joy) obey the will of the scales.

Capricorn: Cardinal, Earth

Capricorn - a cardinal sign that begins to do something, already seeing the end result. Capricorns are impassable and not impulsive - their earthly nature puts goals and builds plans carefully. Unlike another earthly sign, the Capricorn motivated, the Motivation of Capricorn is to maintain and improve its reputation. Prestige is very important for the Capricors, for they love them to be respected for how they work.

Everything that they left their mark should be the best of what they could do. They work almost with the same obsession and devotion as the Virgin (almost - because the virgin is difficult to surpass perfectly and devotion to their work). Earn honors and glory for the sake of honors and glory - the main interest of the caferals, especially if the position allows them to use all their significant leadership abilities. Why does practical Capricorn agrees to the top position in the company, even if the salary in this post is small?

The landing Capricorn realizes that in the future he will be able to benefit from its title and compensates for a low salary. It is said that we are only two phone calls from influential people. If this is true, and you want to get someone from the highest ranks in the stratosphere, call first your friend-Capricorn. He knows all the necessary people - and are a constant part of their circle.

Elements in astrology

Cardinal signs of the zodiac

Keyword characterizing cardinal signs-action. All of them are united by the desire to achieve goals at any cost and in general the desire to act. This is based on the need for all cardinal signs to succeed, accept the challenge and defeat.

Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn - Cardinal Zodiac Signs

Sometimes all these qualities may seem not to the appropriate cancer temperament, and many newcomers in astrology mistakenly believe that cancer, being a water sign, passive and not too much tends to the goal.

Of course, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Cardinality itself is somewhat more complicated: the action and the initiative are combined here with a sensitivity characteristic of the watermark. Cancer may not strive for rivalry openly, but if he wants something, it will be firm to go to the goal set, spending a huge amount of emotional energy.

Best of all, cardinal signs are combined with the elements of fire, therefore Aries - the only cardinal fiery mark - embodies it in the most obvious form.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, more than any other inclined to impulsive actions, especially with regard to its ambitions. Aries is confident that no one can do anything better than him. Sometimes the strong Will of the Aries is able to suppress all those who are with him next to him, so often Aries are alone, and others may mistakenly think that he seeks to this.

The opposite Aries sign scales - on the contrary, strives for harmony and perfection in relations with others, the weights-air cardinal sign, therefore, although the actions and ambitions of this sign are not expressed as clearly, like the Aries, it gives a great pleasure to rival disputes and discussions. Scales are very skillful in social communication, which can sometimes seem on the side of candid careerism.

The cardinal beginning of Capricorn is manifested, as in cancer, in a stubborn desire for his goal. The manifestation of the quality of the cardinality near the earthly sign resembles the movement of a giant boulder, riding the inclined plane with an increasingly increasing speed and with a rumble of falling on the ground. Capricorn receives a pleasure from them more than other cardinal signs.

A person with the prevailing quality of the cardinality in the horoscope, is, as a rule, an enterprising and ambitious, in the absence of this quality, a person, on the contrary, will oppose any new undertaking, without having no desire, nor the ability to led away from the place in any way.

Cardinal signs of the zodiac: description, definition and compatibility

All people know about horoscopes. However, few people heard about the cardinal signs of the zodiac. And the topic is very interesting. Therefore, it is about her briefly tell.


Before discussing directly the cardinal signs of the zodiac, I would like to briefly talk to a generalized topic. The fact is that in our daily life we \u200b\u200bplay a lot of different roles. But, nevertheless, the leading type of behavior has every person. There are even its certain models. There are three of them three. And they define the types of behavior: cardinal, fixed and variable (or mutable). Accordingly, the signs of the zodiac are divided into listed groups.

Cardinal signs of the zodiac are Capricorn, Cancer, Aries Scales. Fixed belongs to Aquarius, Scorpio, Lion and Taurus. And to mutable, respectively, all the others. That is, Virgo, Fish, Sagittarius and Gemini. Each type is the "cross" of qualities. So it is called in astrology. And in order to determine which of the listed types is the leading for a certain person, it is necessary to calculate the number of planets of its horoscope, which is located in each of the crosses. But it is too complicated topic. So far, we should talk only about the cardinal signs of the zodiac.

Personal features

A person who is clearly expressed by a cardinal type of behavior is usually characterized by increased activity. He always wants to act - this is almost his need. In such people need a movement, an active lifestyle. They are continuously in search of novelty, bright sensations. Otherwise, they fade as individuals. A creative or working potential quickly blows up. Active lifestyle, interesting incidents, adventures are a feedback for them, peculiar fuel. If this is not, then people who born under the auspices of cardinal signs will be sluggish, apathetic and passive.

It is necessary to know them close. If they want to see a cheerful and energetic person next to them, then they need to be encouraged in the desired situation, which is called - throw wood on fire around. Make it is not so simple. You do not need to try to find a problem, eradicate it or arguing for hours on this topic. It is necessary to say a few sincere prubing phrases from the soul and captivate your loved ones that he has an interest. This is the best way.

About character

Analyzing the foregoing, it is possible to understand what the zodiac cardinal sign means. Now a few words about the characteristics of the nature of such personalities. First, they are fearless. These people are really practically afraid of anything. And the motivating factor to start performing any affairs is ... Action itself. These individuals often become leaders, as they are often ready to take the initiative on themselves. But their major drawback is that they can start several cases at the same time, and to bring to the end only one.

Secondly, these people are good workers. If they do something, then on conscience. However, there is a "but". They need a short time. Give the project to such a person for two weeks - he will make it in the remaining three days. Indeed, a cardinal personality. And all because the short terms of such people motivate. And people who were born under the auspices of cardinal signs, terribly impatient. Most of all, they hate to wait. And, of course, spend time wasted. They constantly need to do something. And each of their action should be fruitful. Such is a feature.

Fixed type

Naturally, it is impossible not to affect this model of behavior, since it was discussed about the signs of the zodiac cardinal. Fixed were listed above. Now let's talk about what features they have. So, these people hate change. They are for stability. To make them get out of the comfort zone, you will have to try hard. The fact is that when they act in their usual framework, they feel good, safe and security. And it gives them strength and confidence. They are sure - nothing can go wrong. But that their stable flame will not fade, you need to encourage them. By the way, sometimes with the filing of close people, they are solved on change.

Mutabelle type

Above the fixed signs and cardinal. Mutable zodiac signs should also be discussed. People born under their patronage are very complex personalities. They are almost impossible to control. And they are unknown, what to expect. These individuals are perfectly adapted to any conditions. If the above-mentioned "cardinals" are trying to change the circumstances, then these are simply adaptable. By the way, the personality of the mutable type is often adopted from other habits and behaviors. And people of fixed signs in such situations remain themselves. This trace explicit differences.

By the way, mutable personalities are very sensitive. And do not love those straining atmosphere. Therefore, they try in every way to leave them. Because if there is a need to find out something with a person of this type, you need to act confidently, firmly, but nevertheless politely. So, you will be able to find a contact.


Above it was briefly described about the cardinal, fixed, mutable signs of the zodiac. Finally, it is necessary to characterize their mutual compatibility. It is more difficult to contact two people, one of which belongs to the fundamental type, and the other to the fixed. It is like fire and water. "Cardinal" is always looking for sharp sensations, constantly craves an active lifestyle and change. His friend (colleague, spouse, partner), on the contrary, will try to keep stability with all their might. And only a compromise will save the situation. True, often such relationships are successful!

A cardinal type man shows the second participant in the relationship that changes are not so bad. They benefit, a variety of life, prospects and new impressions. His close can even get into such a lifestyle. Well, a man of a fixed sign of the zodiac, on the contrary, in the right situations extinguishing the dust "Cardinal", showing what is happening with an adequate, impartial point of view.

The most simple relationships are between a man of a mutable sign and fixed (or cardinal). The first simply adapts to the second - he is easy. True, with "Cardinals" may be more difficult. They are more active. They need bright emotions, expression in relationships, spark. Such personalities can even sometimes flare that sensitive people of mutable type are difficult to understand. They are accustomed to adapt, and be "comfortable" for the rest - and then they require something else, unusual for them. In general, the relationship based on the types of zodiac signs is quite an interesting topic. But, in principle, in general terms, it can be understood throughout what was told above.

Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn. They are considered the initiators of the zodiac. This is confirmed by the fact that on the first day of each season, the Sun is in a cardinal sign: in the spring in the Aries, in the summer in cancer, in the fall in the scales and in winter in Capricorn.

People of these signs of the zodiac are extremely active and active. They appreciate personal freedom and reject attempts to impose restrictions on the part. But everyone's habit of doing everything in his own way can lead to problems with others, as they seek to open new faces of life, but at that time and where it is convenient for them, often showing intolerance towards others.

Properties of cardinal signs

Usually people who have the predominance of cardinal qualities, ambitious, they can even be unceremonious. They strive to keep everything under control, although this desire can be veiled and at first glance, imperceptibly. However, each of these signs of the zodiac manages its element, and the attendance of the nature is manifested in accordance with it. For example, Aries, representing the element of fire, generates new pulses of the power of will and due to its energy, while cancer associated with the element of water communicates with the world at the emotional level. Scales are under the control of air elements, they move forward, creating a harmonious relationship, and Capricorn, as a representative of the Earth's element, leads in life a striving for the creation of a solid foundation of material well-being and high achievements.

These signs can be called pioneers. They are distinguished by the ability to open new faces of the world, mastering new and exciting parties to life. People who have a lot of planets in the cardinal signs of the zodiac, energetic and enterprising, however, they may miss perseverance to go to their goals to the end. They may also lack condescension to those who do not have the same enthusiasm and creative approach. As a result, if there is ambition to finally take the top of them, people with a predominance of cardinal qualities can become intolerable and sometimes even cruel. Their full opposite is those who have little in the horoscope or there is no planets in the Cardinal Cross of the Zodiac. Testing a lack of his own initiative, they often rely on others to realize their ideas.

Cardinal signs of the zodiac

The keyword characterizing the cardinal signs is the action. All of them are united by the desire to achieve goals at any cost and in general the desire to act. This is based on the need for all cardinal signs to succeed, accept the challenge and defeat. Representatives of the cardinal signs of the zodiac are very active, are active, energetic and intolerant. Cardinal signs highly appreciate personal freedom, resolutely rejecting any attempts to impose restrictions, getting rid of any encroachments on their independence from whose party.

Symbol of cardinal signs

General features of the signs of the cardinal cross: action, activity, perseverance, desire, desire and ability to influence the environment; Hence the desire for change. Energy is directed from the center on the outer side.

Cardinal signs of the zodiac

Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn. They are considered the initiators of the zodiac. This is confirmed by the fact that on the first day of each season, the Sun is in a cardinal sign: in the spring in the Aries, in the summer in cancer, in the fall in the scales and in winter in Capricorn. In external activities, representatives of these four characters are initiators of any processes. These are generators of energy and new ideas, creators of new directions in the sphere in which they are busy. People of these signs of the zodiac are extremely active and active. They appreciate personal freedom and reject attempts to impose restrictions on the part. But everyone's habit of doing everything in his own way can lead to problems with others, as they seek to open new faces of life, but at that time and where it is convenient for them, often showing intolerance towards others. These signs can be called pioneers. They are distinguished by the ability to open new faces of the world, mastering new and exciting parties to life.

Zodiac signs


Interpretation of cancer sign

Preferred colorswhite and silver

Happy stonepearl and Moonstone

Vulnerable part of bodystomach and breasts

Main featuresintuitive, but sullen The symbol of cancer represents the chest (and therefore - mom), crab claws and a changeable nature of life and feelings.

Water trigon, cardinal cross. Cold, wet, female, negative long ascent sign, solstice sign, tropical / northern. Fruit, maternal, home, mute, phlegmatic.

The ruler is the moon. Saturn in exile. Jupiter in exaltation. Mars in fall.

The sun enters the cancer on June 21 and is located there until July 22. Any ephemerides will show that the sun visimo reaches the highest point of the northern decline and remains in it three days, as if standing on the spot, and then, like the crab, begins his declination to the south. Thus, the middle day of three is the longest day of the year.

Cancer is known as susceptible, transformable, metamorphic (multi-sided), feeding, fruitless, but having a lack of vitality.

Crab symbolizes possession and retention, he carries his home on his back. The symbol of this sign comes from the image of a nursing breast and is associated with maternity, nutrition, feeding, having rinse and ripening. Although he has the ability to move very far, still this water creation. The Egyptians symbolized this scarab sign.

In the gospel, Issahar is likened to a strong donkey, and at one time it was Donkey who served as a symbol of this sign. Archangel: Muriel. Angel: Pakiel. Prophet: It is believed that the sign of cancer corresponds to the Prophet Amos. Pupil: John. Israel's knee: Issahar.

In the constellation of cancer is a preprise (manager). The first decan is currently called a small bear, which includes a polar star. The second decan is a big bear, a big bucket. The third dean is Argo, the Heavenly ship, whose main star is canopus.

Cancer rules the body area, including breasts, stomach, pancreas and esophagus. Bones: Ground, Ribs, closest to the stomach. Matters: intercostal and diaphragms (used in breathing). Arteries related to the diaphragm and stomach employees. Veins going to milk glands, stomach and diaphragm.

Since the stomach is the main source of every pleasant, it is important that food that falls into it is clean, fresh and not causing fermentation. Food should be well cooked, all sorts of stimulants should be avoided. Special concern for this should be manifested when the moon passes cancer and Capricorn signs. Cold and colds should be watched, as well as imaginary diseases and anxiety about finance. Frequent variables of life scenario will benefit people of this sign.

Patience, consistency, conscientiousness, economy, home contact, maternal qualities, kindness, dedication, multifaceted, sociability, adaptability, sympathy, patriotism.

Pugitity, instability, fisiness, frivolism, tendency to fantasies, falsehood, sentimentality, tears, striving for seizure, pride, raziness, contempt, laziness.

May, Mother, Holy Water, King Arthur.

Rivers, lakes, streams; The place where weeds and vegetables are growing; Houses, Stables, Sheepskin, Taverns, Public Buildings, Laundry, Kitchens; Water tanks, pantry, corner buildings overlooking the north.

You serve the embodiment of an interesting paradox. As a sign of water, you are very sensitive, whose volatile moods serve as a barometer of the emotional atmosphere around you. You have a genuine love for the past, you recognize the significance of intuition, you have a deep need for home, family and emotional security. Stubborn and solid, you never give up who love, and even if it means clinging or superframe, it will still be. Your ability to educate others is parallel to your teacher all my life. Wishes to arrange a comfortable existence. But there is another aspect that is often overlooked. As a cardinal sign, you tend to initiate activity. Although your feelings can be a raging sea, you do not allow him to captivate you in the Pochin. You manage your strength, suppress your oscillations and move forward, although not without shed a pair of tears on the road. Cancer is known as a home mark, you are gifted by a rich imagination, reasonable and ambitious. And you need to add that you have the best memory on the planet.

Draw a crab. It moves sideways, and when scared - hides in the shell. You do the same. You protect yourself well. At times you are so protected, so concentrate on protection of yourself from pain, which is almost impossible to talk with you. You are also easily excited and the Grand Owner. When you are afraid to be abandoned - a loved one, a friend, or even your own child, - you cling to your relationship. Your emotions can be insurmountable, and in search of resumption of connections, you often want to retreat, like crab, in a quiet privacy. To be away from Zybuchi Sands of Insperse and Snake Poam Depression is one of the tasks with which you will constantly face. Like many of your life problems, this problem is capable of solving more than successful.

As the most maternal zodiac sign cancer instinctively to the proximity. The family in which you were born will always take a central place in your mind. Moreover, your attitude to it can be both positive and negative (or, more likely to represent a mad mixture and of the other). You give up the attention of friends and lovers, and if you do not have a loyal romantic partner, friends become your family. Kids occupy a special place in your heart.

Love intrigues capture you entirely and completely, but more comfortable you feel in devotees of traditional relationships. Shying more than it seems, you need a related soul that understands you. When you feel welcome, then become loyal and faithful. A completely different situation is formed when you feel uncertain. Fear to stay alone and at the same time not wanting to conflict, you often cling to relationships too long. When they still rush, you feel empty, even if they themselves were the initiator of the gap. You will close in yourself and pour tears. After that (incredible, but the fact) you feel fine again. Although astrologers always say that the representatives of the crab sign are moving sideways (usually I say so too), in practice it is not always true. Sometimes you are straightforwardly go to the goal, and I saw cancers, over a few months weighing from the state of extreme poverty until the transcendental heights. In love, as in other areas of life, your ability to act and notice the possibilities pay off.

Your sign is a sign of a household and family life. This does not mean that you want to sit at home all the time, brewing tea and preparing the cheesecakes. Since the sign refers to the cardinal, you are happy when actively participate in the events. Your career should give the will of your emotional sensitivity. You can succeed in medicine, teaching, social work, child psychology, you will be a good marriage and family consultant. Since you are inherent in strong love for home (and homes), you will also succeed in real estate, architecture, cooking, restaurant management, etc. Finally, thanks to his interest in the past, you can devote yourself to history, antiques and museums. You have a great deal with children and responsive to older people, so you can succeed in geriatia. Whatever you do, it should give a sense of satisfaction. Your work should charm, because you do not agree to the smaller.

Despite your doubts and fluctuations, the best tactic is to take the initiative. In any organization, you quickly create alliances and become a leader. You are organized and energetic, but often emotionally dependent on their work and strive to take her home with you. You will not hurt to find a good mentor. The presence of personal relationships with someone with an authority and experience that you lack you can strengthen and support your position. After you get all the necessary knowledge, you can become a mentor for others - and you will like it!

Famous crayfish

Henry VIII (Henry VIII Tudor) - English King of the Tudor Dynasty, one of the most striking representatives of English Absolutism - June 28, 1491

Ernest Hemingway - American Writer who has become a "lost generation" symbol - July 21, 1899

Mark Zakharovich Shagal - painter, schedule, theater artist, illustrator - June 24, 1887