Three famous characters. The richest kinoheroi

Three famous characters. The richest kinoheroi
Three famous characters. The richest kinoheroi

When Dan Harris turned 25 years old, he was able to embody the dream, probably many film school students: he took off his own film, that is, he served and his and the script wrote him. And it does not matter that the picture has passed almost unnoticed, the Lieotter is that Sigurnie Weaver, Jeff Daniels, Emil Hirsche and Michel Williams starred, and with a budget of 10 million tape gathered less than 300 thousand dollars in the world, then you mean a meal. But the audience, which relates well to the family type philosophical drama, quite positively appreciated the work of Dan Harris: on IMDB, the middle score of "fictional heroes" is 7.3, on the CP, only one tenth score less. As young for all standards, cinematographer began to earn a name, however, "fictional heroes" still remain the only director's work of Harris. It is engaged in the fact that Harris himself in Big Cinema began with the adaptations of comics about the "people's people", and then worked on the "Return of Superman".

Weaver, Daniels, Hirsche and Williams are an average American family that lives on all the canons of society, without standing out from the Somny of other such families. But one day she crashes a terrible misfortune: the eldest son cums the life of suicide ... His motives are unclear, everyone is in shock from what has happened, meanwhile, they find numerous injuries on the body of the middle son, but he stubbornly silence from where all these bruises and abrasions are silent. The mother cannot reach him, although she is at least trying to do something in the established atmosphere, but the father persistently does not notice that there is a loneliness and split in his family - few people have a thing, and the father's father himself seemed to be from other members of the cell of society. In the meantime, the mystery of his family begins to learn in himself in itself, which were carefully kept in the most distant closet and covered with century-old dust, but still skeletons to pour started and the very last, the largest skeleton can plunge into a guy's shock, closing it from all the others forever .

Here is such a hard, serious plot was able to Dan Harris. Watch for what is happening must be carefully. It is possible at first not all scenes will be clear, the question will arise "why is it all here?", But in the future everything will be laid out on the shelves, so that the viewer can make a whole picture of attitudes towards the family, around and inside which all this is a dramatic action. Dan Harris tried to extremely balanced between the development of the painting and the dialogue on its basis. I can say that he did not always succeed. But it is possible to write off this promament on his youth and inexperience. In order for the episodes of the film, they did not fall out from the total row, the actors were quite trying. Some places even tried too. And this is not what seemed fake, rather, too deeply tragic, and there were scenes that this seems to be not required. And after some time, this excessive saturation of the tragic emotionality and fragmentation of characters leads to frank rabies from these suffering.

And it would be all right if they suffered from lost a person close to them, but it is noticeable that all the heroes of "fictional heroes" are most focused on themselves. For example, Sigurney Weaver is a high flight actress, on it and the lion's share of the picture is holding, but only in places it can be seen that she restrains his charisma a little and provides space for other actors. But the scenes with their middle son, whom Emil Hirsch played, Waiter played really great. Emil Hirsche himself looks good on the background of Waiter, but when the scenes are provided with his hero, then he is like his teeth in them, trying to prove that he is worthy of Waiver and Daniels. We know Emil that you are a good actor, but excessive emotionality of your hero was that I did not give a reason to believe in your image. But Daniels dull as the mattress Jeff Daniels watched the most prosaic character, but at the same time and the most natural. Although I wanted to give him a clutch and say: "Look around: you have a family collapsed, and you are rushed in a chair!".

That's how it happens during the time of watching the family drama "Fictional heroes" - in some places it touches you, takes over the living and the scenes of these leave behind memorable episodes, so they are set very competent. But there were moments when it was not clear that the actors make up a common, whole team, they were explained to their images separately. Although, in any case, the performers deserve praise. And the flaws in the picture will be spoken on the youth and inexperience of the director and the Scenario of Dan Harris.

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Heroes of famous books and films, we sometimes perceive as good acquaintances, but still remember that these characters fictional. And the more interesting to know that the writers on their creation inspired real people. They have the authors borrowed appearance, habits and even favorite words.

Editorial website Collected prototypes of famous heroes of films and books - it's just incredible that they really lived.

"Scattered" Marshak -
Academician Ivan Heads

It turns out that the "man scattered from the street of the pool" from the poem Samuel Marshak existed in fact! They were the famous Chudak, Academician Ivan Heel, who was famous for its impracticality and scattered. For example, instead of the words "Chemistry and Physics", the professor often spoke to students "Chemist and physiya". And instead of the phrase "the flask burst, and a piece of glass got into the eyes." He could have turned out: "The lopa scum, and a piece of eyes got into the glass." The expression "Mendelshutkin" meant "Mendeleev and Menshutkin", and the usual words of Ivan Alekseevich were "not at all" and "I, that is, not me."

The professor read the poem, and once he recalled Brother Marshak, writer Ilyin, shook his finger: "Your brother, of course, methyl in me!" In the draft Marshak there is such an option of the beginning of the poem, in which the hero was directly named after the name and surname of the prototype:

In Leningrad lives
Ivan heel.
He calls himself
Ivanov heel.

Sources: Miron Petrovsky "Books of our childhood », « Moscow's comsomolets »

Dr. House - Dr. Thomas Bolt

Dr. Thomas Bolt, whom the "real house" was called, is also distinguished by eccentricity. Here he is rushing to the patient, circling cork on the rollers.

The creators of the series about Dr. House are interested in the history of Tomas's doctor Bolt from New York, who cured the owner of the gallery, 40 years old suffering from migraine. The man walked around several dozen doctors who were pucked by his bunch of medicines from headaches. And Thomas Bolt clinched for the fact that the patient did not tolerate egg yolk. He once again carefully studied the tests and realized that the patient had been suffering from poisoning with heavy metals for 40 years. After treatment, a man forgot what migraine is. And this is not a single case - talent and erudition allow the cake to be taken for the most difficult cases. He is even called a "medical detective."

Howe's creators were inspired by cases of cruise practices and several eccentric behavior. He himself from the series is not delighted: "Yes, there is some similarity between us, but I don't like the film. I am categorically opposed to go on heads like a house to make a diagnosis. " But by the way, after that, the doctor's career had gone to the mountain, and now he is the official doctor of the MTV office.

Sources: HistoryTime., REALDOCTORHOUSE.

Dorian Gray - Poet John Gray

The English poet John Gray, with whom Oscar Wilde met in the late 1980s of the XIX century, became the prototype of Dorian Gray. The sophisticated decadent poet, intelligent, beautiful and ambitious, he inspired the writer the image of the forever young and beautiful Dorian Gray. After the release of the famous novel, many began to call John Gray by the name of the hero, and the poet himself signed at least one of his letters Wilder Dorian. It's amazing that after 30 years, John Gray refused bohemian life, became a Catholic priest and even received a parish.

Sources: The Man Who Was Dorian Gray, « Wikipedia "

Sherlock Holmes - Professor Joseph Bell

Sherlock Holmes has a lot in common with Professor of the University of Edinburgh, Joseph Bella, who has Conan Doyle worked as an assistant in the hospital. The writer often recalled his teacher, spoke of his Orlin profile, an inquisitive mind and amazing intuition. Bell was high, dried, cutting in movements and smoked the tube.

He knew how to accurately determine the profession and character of his patients and always called for students to use the deduction. He invited unfamiliar people to lectures and asked students to say who they were and from where. Once he led to a man's audience in a hat, and when no one could answer Bella's questions, explained that since he forgot to remove the hat, then, most likely, he served in the army lately. It is customary to stay in the headdress in order to give honor. And since he has signs of fever characteristic of West Indies, then arrived, apparently, this man from Barbados.

Sources: " School of Life ", « Historical truth »

James Bond - "King of Spies" Sydney Rake

On the prototype of James Bond, disputes are being conducted, and the image of this largely collective (former scout Yang Fleming gave the hero and his own traits). But many agree that the character is very similar to the "king of spies", the British intelligence and adventurer of Russian origin Sydney Railil.

Incredibly erudite, he owned seven languages, loved to play politics and manipulate people, adored women and twisted numerous novels. Raili did not fail any trusted operation and was known for what could find a way out from any position. He knew how to instantly reincarnate in a completely different person. By the way, he is great "Heritage" in Russia: even preparations for the attempt on Lenin even prepare for the attempt.

Sources: " AIF ", Book Robin Bruce Lock Carta "Sydney Railil: Spy Legend of the XX century »

Peter Peng - Michael Davis

On the wonderful book about St. Petersburg Pan writer James Barry inspired the son of the writer's friends, Silvia and Arthur Davis. He was familiar with Davis for a long time, was friends with all of their five sons, but it was four-year-old Michael (a brilliant boy, as they talked about him) became the prototype of Peter Pan. From him he wrote off character traits and even nightmares that tormented a frisky and brave, but sensitive child. By the way, the sculpture of Peter Pan in the Kensington Garden is Michael's face.

Christopher Robin - Christopher Robin Miln

Christopher Robin from the books about Winnie Poham Alan Milna is the son of a writer, who just called - Christopher Robin. As a child, the relationship with parents did not make up - the mother was engaged only by himself, his father - his work, he spent a lot of time with a nanny. Later he would write: "There were two things that overshadowed my life and from which I had to save: the glory of my father and the" Christopher Robin "." The child was very kind, nervous and shy. "The prototype is simultaneously Christopher Robin and Piglet," as psychologists will say later. The boy's favorite toy was Teddy's beater, whom the father gave him the first birthday. And the bear, as you have already guessed, is the best friend of Robin Winnie Pooh.

Sources: BBC NEWS., Independent

"Wolf with Wall Street" - Broker Jordan Belfort

On the left - Jordan Belfort, and it is about his biographies that we learn from a successful Hollywood film. Life raised the stock broker to the top and dropped in the dirt. At first he plunged into a beautiful life with his head, and later for almost 2 years he went to prison for fraud in the securities market. After the liberation of Belfort with ease, I found the use of my talents: he wrote 2 books about his life and began to conduct seminars as an orator-motivator. The main rules for success according to his version are: "Act with the limitless faith in yourself, and then people will believe you. Act as if you have already achieved tremendous success, and then you really achieve success! "

Sources: HistoryTime., well urnal "Spark"

Ostap Bender - Osip Shore

The fate of the proteotype of Bender is no less surprising than the history of the "Grand Combinator". Osip Shor was a man of many talents: he played football perfectly, perfectly understood in jurisprudence, for several years he worked in a criminal wanted list and visited the multiple stroke, from which he left with the help of artistry and inexhaustible fantasy in half with arrogance.

His big dream was to go to Brazil or Argentina, so Osip began to dress in a special way: he wore bright clothes, a white captain's cap and, of course, a scarf. Writers and branded phrases have borrowed, for example, "my dad is Turkish". It was the first scor's scam - to avoid calling to the army, he decided to give himself to the Turk and faked documents.

The preference of the Aventurist Osip was incommenssed: in 1918-1919 in Odessa, in order to extract the means of existence, he appeared to the artist, then a chess grandmaster, then a representative of the underground anti-Soviet organization, which was selling places in paradise. And once he asked Ilf and Petrov money - "For the image" (then admitted that this is a joke). About these events, tells Valentin Kataev in his book "Diamond Crown".

Sources: " Russian planet, « Wikipedia "

15 richest fictional characters. The list headed the hero of "duck stories" Scrooge McDak, also known as "Uncle Scrooge". The richest spleen made $ 65.4 billion on the mining industry and search for treasures. Macdak prefers its state in the form of gold coins in the repository. He also seats the old 10-century - the first money he earned independently, clean shoes.

In the second place of the list - the firewood dragon was able, the inhabitant of a lonely mountain from the works of Tolkien. He received his condition as a result of the Laugscence: he was able to take the treasures at the dwarves, the cost of which Forbes estimated at $ 54.1 billion.

Closes Top-3 Father of the Vampire Family from Saga "Twilight" Carlisle Callen. In long-term financial transactions and investments, the Immortal Doctor screamed a state of $ 46 billion.

Tony Stark also entered the list of richest fictional heroes. Despite the fact that in the last film of the Stark Franchise (his role was performed by Robert Downey Jr.) lost his mansion in Malibu, income from the activities of the Stark Industries corporation allowed him to take the fourth place. The state of Tony Stark is $ 12.4 billion.

The list also includes a media signal Charles Foster Kane from "Citizen Kane" (5th place, condition - $ 11.2 billion), Batman Bruce Wayne (6th place, Condition - $ 9.2 billion), Lord Tywin Lannister from "Games of Thrones" (9th place, condition is $ 1.8 billion). "Rich Richie" Richie Rich, who inherited $ 5.8 billion, became the seventh. Debuted in the ranking of the billionaire Christian Gray ($ 2.5 billion). The main hero of the trilogy "50 shades of the gray" British writer E. L. James took the eighth place.

The owner of the Springfield NPP from Simpsons Monty Burns closes the top ten with a state of $ 1.5 billion. Behind him, he has a hero of the TV series "Two and a half people" Walden Schmidt, who sold Microsoft his program for $ 1.3 billion. The richest fictional woman became the hunter Artifacts of Lara Croft (12th place, $ 1.3 billion). Mister Monopoly from the popular board game was the 13th, its condition is estimated at $ 1.2 billion. The heroine of the "Abbey Dounton" series Mary Crowley with an inheritance of $ 1.1 billion took the penultimate place. Completes the rating of Jay Gatsby from the novel "Great Gatsby" ($ 1 billion).

Forbes is the ratings of the richest fictional characters annually. The list includes the heroes of literary works, films, television series and games. The rating member should be known for its wealth in the world where he lives. It should also be the fruit of the author's imagination, therefore the heroes of the people's epic are not considered. When evaluating the state, the potential impact of the modern economic situation on the assets of the character is taken into account.

The popularity of some heroes of books and cinema is so great that their reality is no doubt. In the house where they allegedly lived, water excursion groups, their sayings are transmitted from mouth to mouth, and we study the theories and books invented by them. Only evidence that they really have ever lived, no. And it remains only to admire the person who forced everyone to believe in a non-existent, who fictional to them.

King Solomon

He entered the story as the richest man of his era. But disputes about his reality between theologians, historians, archaeologists, are still underway. The confirmation of the existence are texts from the Bible, but their accuracy is questioned by scientists.


The author "Odyssey" and "Iliad" for fans of poems more than real. Describe it as a blinder who lived on the island of Chios. Here, only the examination of the examination indicate that the "poet" ascribed to him could not compose. Most likely, Homer was invented so that the works of unknown writers appeared "Father" to the works of unknown writers.


Known with school bench. Only mathematician is difficult to call him. He was rather obsessed with mystic numerology. Pyphagore information remained only in mentioning the enemies criticized him for the worship of an unconventional cult.

Achievements in mathematics reached our days thanks to other people, but they covered such fantastic details that force some scientists to doubt the reality of Pytagora himself.

King Arthur

In the English legends, the main character often acts as King Arthur. Together with him mention the knights of the round table and sulfur Lancelot. But all of them are myth. So far, historians could not find anything to confirm their real origin.

Wilhelm Tel

A wrestler for freedom and rights of Switzerland residents, Wilhelm Tella, known thanks to Reksini and Schiller. The shooting shooter existed only in oral giving, and later appeared in the movies.

Robin the Hood

Many of us lack a hero who robs rich and distributes their money to the poor. And historians claim: such a person has never been. In the XII century, residents of cities and villages in the word robehod called any bandit.

William Shakespeare

The essence of Shakespeare comes down to the mention of his name in historical documents. But for some reason, experts are expected: all the works attributed to William writing to one person would be very difficult.

They suggest that under the pseudonym "Shakespeare" "hide" at once several authors, whose names no one knows. The fact that writing his behalf in the documents is different. Words of eyewitnesses who can confirm the "live" correspondence with Shakespeare or a personal acquaintance with him were found not.

Uncle Sam

The famous embodiment of American patriotism has never been real. The name of the character, if you consider it according to the first letters, UNCLE SAM is the designation of United States. Drew his American propagandists on their posters during the First World War. Uncle Sam looked like his creator - a cartoonist from America, "gave" his face to a painted person.

Cowboy Malboro.

In 1950, in the USA and the 1990s, a person who could doubt Russia would hardly be found in Russia that the brutal handsome existed only on the screen. Cowboy came up with advertisers, before the task was set: to force men to buy tobacco products with a filter, in those days those considered the female prerogative. Malborough was not afraid to smoke "female" cigarettes.

Sherlock Holmes

The popularity of works about a detective, written by Artur Conan Doyle, did not fade several decades. It was believed that the hero of books is a real person. In fact, he was invented.

Even fictional people can surprisingly affect our world. But we decided to tell you about those invented people who have achieved considerable success in our world, which many of the real people remain only to dream.

1. Director

Not every film can become a blockbuster - on every "Avengers" will certainly find their own "fantastic fantastic". When the film does not receive high ratings, the directors can go on a lot to whitewash themselves - for example, they attribute the authorship of Alan Smithy. For many years, Alan Smithi managed to visit the director, the writer and even an actor, despite the obvious obstacles like a lack of a person.

In fact, his profile on the IMDB website is filled with roles in the cinema and books written by them, he even received several nominations. It should be noted that, although Smith's help resort to fall into someone's responsibility for a failed film, his name sometimes also serves as a kind of protest, if the director or writer believes that third-party intervention destroyed their original vision of the film.

2. One of the most popular models on Earth

Chris Brown

Manti's career The'o is essentially the complete opposite of the career of Chris Brown. Probably once he tried to recover from the blow and therefore invented his girlfriend. The popularity of this girlfriend, however, is growing - it is devoted to her a huge number of magazine articles.

True, her career was completed after it was recognized as one of the hottest women in the world according to the magazine "Maxim" - she was awarded the nomination "69". The creator of an imaginary girl is worth noting, because even a fictional girl suddenly turned out to be too hot for him.

3. Letters of fans

Sherlock Holmes is a world phenomenon. He wrote books, songs and even starred in art films. In addition, he is a fully fictional character, although the author, the first to create it, made a mistake when he gave him a completely real address.

The apartment on Baker Street, 221b is considered to be the official residence of Holmes. Today, this apartment has been turned into the Sherlock Holmes Museum, but before that was a huge problem for the British bank "Abbey National". When one of the branches moved to a new address, by the will of the case turned out to be just the notorious Baker Street, 221b, then the staff immediately poured thousands of letters from the fans of Sherlock Holmes - letters to a invented person, who also spent a hundred years ago.

So even if the fans did not know that this person was not real, they could, at least, suggest that he would have to die by this time.

4. In Twitter, fictional characters have more followers than celebrities

Let's talk about Twitter. The number of your followers directly depends on how famous you are that, in turn, means some influence on people. Do not laugh, but that's why Justin Bieber can be called one of the most influential people on Earth. And the effect itself from what followers can make, somewhat stunning: when 20 thousand people without any coercion "Retwtit" written by you "Thank you", you really have an impact on which you can only dream of.

But do not forget that on Twitter there are hundreds of accounts of fictional people who have thousands of followers. One of the most famous examples - Batman, who is read almost half a million people. Twitter version of the English Queen, where that allegedly swears, there are more than a million followers. And the most amazing case - Lord Voldemort by his own person, he reads about two million people.

5. Book written on the basis of fictional life

Mrs. Stephen Fry is an account on Twitter, and the person who leads him, claims that the unfortunate wife of the British writer Stephen Frya. Despite the fact that her fewer followers than Batman, Mrs. Frey earned fame, making two books, one of which is literally the catalog of its tweets.

Of course, there are other people who have created a new person in the network, in the root differing from their own. But Mrs. Frey - a unique phenomenon: she leads his blog, writes on Twitter and gives an interview, and never discontinue incognito.

Strange, of course, that the fictional weighted wife Gay won the people such popularity, simply by adding one invented history after another. But let's talk better about the guy who ...

6. became one of the most famous photographers in the world

Robert Kincade is a character who was played by the Clint Eastwood in the Madison County Bridges. In the film, Kincaid worked as a photographer for the magazine "National Geographic", and, although most of his time he made intimate photos of Lady Maryl Streep, nevertheless made some photos of the bridge.

Movie lovers so much like this mysterious photographer with a stone face that many of them contacted National Geographic to see his real works. The unfortunate editorship of the journal once at one time was forced to answer them that no kincade in fact exists that he is just a fictional hero of the film, but it did not stop anyone. Even after it was officially announced that Kinkade was not and never had, the fans continued to send their letters.

7. Hero of War

George P. Bardell appeared due to a joke of a bored student from a pedagogical college in Georgia, who accidentally got two introductory questionnaires. Instead of sending one questionnaire back or throw, he filled both - one on his own behalf, and the other on behalf of some George P. Bardell. Both people, and the real, and fictional, entered the college, and during study, the student performed all the tasks in a double volume - for himself and for Bardell.

However, this for George was, apparently, not enough, as he decided to take part in World War II. Under the "acceptance of participation", we mean that it was literally everywhere: in the composition of the B-17 flight crew, served in Africa and even visited Harvard as part of the naval bloc. We are surprised that for some reason the amendment is not amended as George personally killed Hitler.

Later, George became even more famous and even advanced to the Award "Man of the Year".

8. Star of national media

Cody Kennings allegedly was an eight-year-old daughter of the American soldier who served in Iraq. But you probably guess that Cody really did not exist - it was the creation of some Jamie Reynolds, who invented the Cody and her story to impress all readers of the student newspaper.

The story very quickly gained momentum and, in the end, attracted the attention of the world community. Reynolds In an attempt to earn in hell, a place with air conditioning reached the point that she hired a girl to portray Cody Kennings during public speaking, telling her that she would play Kennings in the movies. Then, for consistent effect, Reynolds said that Kody's father was killed, and a memorial service will take place in his honor.

The service really took place, and just on her deception was revealed.

9. Thanks to the fictional personality, a popular drink appeared.

Perhaps you heard about Tome Collins - the elderly drink this drink, ordering it in telecasts. But who is this Tom Collins actually? The answer is simple - it does not exist.

This short answer was part of a large-scale and challenging joke. They say that in 1874, quite a lot of people have decided that they want to watch the routing of casual people on the street. To do this, they as if he would accidentally told one of their familiar, that the mysterious stranger, called the name of Tom Collins, speaks about him any nasty.

The calculation was built on the fact that an offended person would try to find Tom Collins to fill him in the face. The deception was so successful that Tom was mentioned in several reports of the news of the time that had fun to perpetuate the hoax, mentioning that unknown squams was seen in various parts of America. Two years later, a cocktail "Tom Collins" appeared, and the name provided him with double popularity among those who were aware of the draw.

10. Pop Star

All characters in our list have one distinctive feature - no one has a person. As a rule, the person, known to fans around the world, have only real celebrities. Nevertheless, we hurry to present you Japanese superstar Aimi Iguchi.

Aimi appeared on the video, declaring himself a member of the AKB48 group, which in Wikipedia is referred to as a "iconic maiden group" - young girls who are dressed in school uniform play it. Almost immediately after the appearance of AII, the fans were crazy, trying to figure out who she was actually such. Their disappointment was comprehended: as a result, it turned out that Aimi was just a "assembly" of six other members of the group.

Although you probably never heard about "AKB48", this group, however, is considered one of the most highly paid youth groups in the world, which makes a double record holder, because AKB48 is also the most numerous musical team on the planet: It consists of 90 people.


So the next time, when you laugh, just remember that the fictional Japanese schoolgirl instantly received the legions of the fans, won the awards in the world of music and appeared in adult magazines (well, this is Japan).

If a fictional character can achieve so much without any effort, imagine what you are capable of yourself - you yourself, unlike all those who told you about them, are quite real.