The top of the best full-length anime. The best feature anime: rating, reviews and reviews

The top of the best full-length anime. The best feature anime: rating, reviews and reviews
The top of the best full-length anime. The best feature anime: rating, reviews and reviews

To date, it became very popular to browse the different character of the films. Now the genres of films has become very and very much, ranging from the militants and ending with porn movies. One of the like genre is anime. What is it and what is their feature?

Anime Films It is the immediate genre of cinematography, which every day becomes more popular and famous. As a rule, full-length anime films were invented and developed in Japan, several dozen years ago. Immediately after its creation, anime films quickly won popularity and fame not only in Japan, but also in other Asian countries. Over time, Anime began to popularize both Western America and Eurasia.

Full-length anime It became very popular and famous because it has several main features that are not in other cinematography genres. What are these features? First, this is a direct plot style. Indeed, the style of filing the plot in anime is very unique, because in anime the viewer is not boring due to the fact that the plot constantly fascinates and it is fed much faster than in ordinary films. As a rule, this style did not come up with someone, because during, when, actually, the genre of Anime was created, there was a shortage of paper in the country, with the help of which anime was created at the time, so the anime developers had to resort to paper saving style Thanks to which the plot in anime develops pretty quickly. Secondly, the characters themselves anime. As a rule, the characters in anime films have very big eyes, and the mouth and nose are almost not visible, due to which all the characters in anime are very cute and fabulous.

Not everyone loves the multi-veneer anime. Tens of tens of episodes The plot allows you to pass the time to pass well, but very often a large number of episodes affects the quality of the drawing and creates many unnecessary dialogues and additional, completely uninteresting plot branches. Another thing is a list of the best full-length anime, which more resemble high-quality cinema, and not the Latin American series. No, no one is understood by the value of the multi-sized anime, as it may seem at first glance. But the fans of full-lengths are sometimes embarrassed by the described flaws. The list of the best full-length anime is a set of excellent animation films for all times. Among them there will be wonderful full-lengths for both children and adults and the whole family.

Walking from Valley Valley (1984)
In the future, humanity, centuries, recklessly exploited nature, fell victim to their pride. The Earth has suffered a terrible environmental catastrophe, which prosperous once industrial civilizations appealed to the dust, and the surface of the planet covered the Giant Sea of \u200b\u200bForest, emitting to the atmosphere to poisonous disputes of their plants. The remaining living people have to live in the shade of the forest and its monstrous insect-like inhabitants, trying to prevent the spread of malicious vegetation.

Walking from Valley Winds / Kaze No Tani No Naushika (1984)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, fantasy, fantasy, drama
Premiere (peace): March 11, 1984.
Country: Japan

Starring: Sumy Simamoto, Machito Tsudzimura, Hisako Köda, Goro Naya, Ikiro Nagai, Kohei Miuauti, Dzödyji Yama, Minouro poison, Richoko Yoshida, Masako

Heavenly Castle Laputa (1986)
Summary of the animated film "Heavenly Lock Lappet". An alternative reality corresponding to the beginning of the 20th century. In the hands of the girl by the name of the Sita there is a flying stone. He is hunting the agents of government and pirates, because the stone is a huge value. Trying to hide from the pursuers, Sita meets the commander, his own peer working in the mining town. Together, children find out that the stone is the key to the mysterious flying island lape ...

Heavenly Locking Castle / Tenkû No Shiro Rapyuta (1986)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fiction, fantasy, adventure, family
Premiere (peace): August 2, 1986.
Premiere (RF): February 28, 2008, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Anna Pekuine, James Van der Bik, Clooris Person, Mark Hamill, Richard A. Dysart, Jim Cummings, John Hostel, Michael McShin, Mandy Patinkin, Andy Dick

My neighbor Totoro (1988)
Japan, the fifties of the last century. Having moved to the village, two small sisters Satsuki (senior) and mei (younger) deep inside the tree found an extraordinary, wonderful world, populated by Totoro, charming fluffy creatures, with which the girls immediately started the friendship. Some of them are large, others are completely tiny, but everyone has a huge, kind heart and magical abilities to make extraordinary things, like flights over the mountains or cultivating a huge tree.

My neighbor Totoro / Tonari No Totoro (1988)

Premiere (peace): April 16, 1988.
Premiere (RF): March 20, 2008, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Toshiyuki Amagas, Briann Brosie, Paul Batcher, Pat Carroll, Cheryl Chase, Sigar Tiba, Lara Cody, Natalie Cor, Tim Daly, Dakota Fanning

Witch delivery service (1989)
Summary of the cartoon film "Witch delivery service". A young witch Kiki to achieve 13 years should live a certain time among people. Kiki, together with their cat, Jiji goes to the city, where he gets acquainted with a kind back, which helps her start his own business - emergency delivery service. Work introduces to Kiki with many different people and provides an opportunity to gain new friends and make a lot of all sorts of trial.

Winth delivery service / Majo No Takkyûbin (1989)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, comedy, adventure, family
Budget: ¥ 800 000 000
Premiere (peace): July 29, 1989.
Premiere (RF): October 2, 2008, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Mindows of Oakama, Ray Sakuma, Kappei Yamagui, Caico Toda, Mieso Nobusawa, Koiti Miura, Haruko Kato, Hiroko Skeki, Yuriko Foutydzaki, Koiti Yamadera

Throwing Rosso (1992)
Adriatic, the twentieth years of the last century. Italian pilot Marco Pagott bravely fought during the First World War. However, after the war, he was disappointed in military business, herself and people, turning into the most real pig. At the end of the twenties, the fascists headed by Mussolini came to power in Italy, Marco, who called himself Rosso (Malinovaya Pig), began to work in the adriatic heaven. Its hydraulic is horrified on air pirates.

Rosso / Kurenai No Buta (1992)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, melodrama, adventure
Premiere (peace): July 18, 1992.
Premiere (RF): December 25, 2008, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Suitiro Moriyama, Tokico Kato, Sansei Katsura, Tsungiiko Kamijo, Akemi Okamura, Akio Yutsuka, Hiroko Skeki, Osama Saka, Mahito Tsudzymura, Minouro poison

Princess Mononok (1997)
Young Prince Ashitak, killing the idle, brought the deadly curse. The old surcharge predicted him that only he himself could change his fate. And the brave warrior went to a dangerous journey. So he found himself in a mysterious country, where people under the leadership of the evil Mrs. Egories fought with the inhabitants of the forest: the spirits, demons and giant creatures, which Ashitaka never seen before. And there was a Princess Mononok with them - the Lady of the Beasts and the daughter of the Wolf.

Princess Mononok / Mononoke-Hime (1997)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, drama, adventure
Budget: ¥ 2 400 000 000
Premiere (peace): July 12, 1997.
Premiere (RF): June 24, 2010, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Yuriko Isida, Billy Krupp, Billy Bob Thornton, Minnie Driver, John di Majio, Claire Danes, John Demita, Jad Pinkett Smith, Gillian Anderson, Keith David

Ghosts (2001)
Little schiro along with mom and dad move to a new home. Borrowing on the road, they turn out to be in a strange desert town, where they are waiting for a magnificent feast. Parents with greed attack on the food and to the horror girls turn into pigs, becoming prisoners of the evil sorcerer of Yabuba, the ruler of the mysterious world of the ancient gods and powerful spirits. Now, being one among the magic beings and mysterious visions, the brave quiet must come up with how to save his parents from the spell.

Ghosts / Sen To Chihiro No Kamikakushi (2001)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, fantasy, adventure, family
Budget: ¥ 1 900 000 000
Premiere (peace): July 20, 2001.
Premiere (RF): December 31, 2002, "Central Partnership"
Country: Japan

Starring: Rumi Giragi, Irino Miu, Marie Natsuki, Takasi Nito, Yasuko Savaguchi, Tatsuya Gasyuine, Ryunche Kamiki, Yumi Tamai, ё'yzumi, Koba Hayashi

Walking Castle (2004)
The film takes place in the parallel world of Europe of the end of the XIX century, where magic goes hand in hand with technical progress. A modest life is early orphaned Sophie's orphaned hat, when the walking castle of the Mysterious Wizard Hawl's mysterious wizard, famous for his "abductions", appeared in the vicinity of its city, famous for his "abductions". Saved by this handsome from the closers of two soldiers, she loved him at first sight. However, the exciting walk with him was worth the young hacker of her beauty and youth.

Walking Castle / Hauru No Ugoku Shiro (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, fantasy, melodrama, adventure
Premiere (peace): September 5, 2004.
Premiere (RF): August 25, 2005, "Central Partnership"
Country: Japan

Starring: Tieko Baiso, Takuya Kimura, Akihiro Mila, Tatsuya Gasyuine, Rysunca Kamiki, Mitsunari Isaki, Yujdzumi, Akio Jutsuka, Dajiro Harada, Haruko Kato

Fish Pono on Rock (2008)
A five-year-old Schooked boy lives in a house on a rock on the ocean coast along with an energetic mom. Once he caresses a red fish in the ocean with a suspiciously human face, he sits in a bucket and calls her Ponly. From the ocean gets out the shaggy Mr. Middle-aged in a striped costume and takes Ponly back to the underwater kingdom - it turns out, it is one of his daughters. Ponly liked the people, and she decided to turn into a girl. Dad against, but his daughter is stubborn.

Fish Ponly on the cliff / GAKE NO UE NO PONYO (2008)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, adventure, family
Budget: ¥ 3,400,000,000
Premiere (peace): July 19, 2008.
Premiere (RF): September 3, 2009, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Tomoko Yamaguchi, Kazushiga Nagashima, Yuki Amami, Jodi Tochoro, Yea Nara, Hiroka Doi, Rumi Hiragi, Akiko Jano, Kazuko Yoshiyuki, Tomoko Naratoka

Wind fastens (2013)
The boy Dzirio dreams of flying and beautiful airplanes capable of overtakening the wind. Just a pilot, he does not become a pilot - he is near the birth of Nearlyruk. But Dzirio does not part with the dream of the sky, he begins to invent the perfect aircraft and over time becomes one of the best aircraft designers of the world. On the way to success, he will not only meet many interesting people, surviving a great earthquake in Tokyo and cruel war, but also will find the love of his life - beautiful Naoco.

Wind fastens / Kaze Tachinu (2013)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, drama, biography
Premiere (peace): July 20, 2013.
Premiere (RF): February 20, 2014, "Central Partnership", "All Media"
Country: Japan

Starring: Hideaki Ano, Hidetoshos Nisidzima, Mori Takimoto, Masahiko Nisimura, Mansai Nomura, Morio Kadzama, Jun Cunnimura, Miraia Sida, Caico Takecita, Sync Otate

Prince of North (1968)
Cold winds poured towards distant northern villages. Unprecedented attacks devastate human seams one after another. Ghostly wolves, ice mammoths and insidious bushes bear the death of everything ... and even hardened in battles of warriors can not withstand the mighty witchcraft of the Daymon of Grunwald, which placed to subjugate this stern edge. In this troubled time, in one of the villages, a brazing boy Hols appears, with a mysterious sword, whose name is sunny.

Prince of North / Taiyou No Ouji Horusu No Daibouken (1968)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, fantasy, action, drama, adventure, family
Premiere (peace): July 21, 1968.
Country: Japan

Starring: Yukari Asai, Mikidziro Hira, Etsuko, ITihara, Hirosha Kamiyama, Jill Mak, Masao Misima, Corina Orr, Ray Owens, Ageziro Tono, Billy Lu Watt

3000 leagues in search of mothers (serial) (1976)
The action takes place at the end of the XIX century. The boy named Marco lives with his family in the port of Genoa (Italy). His father, Pietro Rossi, is a doctor, all his time dedicating the treatment of poor patients. Once the Father, because of errors, falls into big debts and therefore the family begins to experience huge financial difficulties. In connection with such problems of Mother Mother, Anna Rossi, have to go to Argentina, where it hires a job by the maid.

3000 leagues in search of mothers (serial) / Haha Wo Tazunete Sanzenri (1976)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, adventure, family
Premiere (peace): January 4, 1976.
Country: Japan

Starring: Yoshiko Matsuo, Sogabe Kadzujuki, Yuciko Niko, Kiesei Kavakubo, Ikiro Nagai, Noriko Ohara, Mieso Nobusawa, Takujo Kamiyama, Satikova Tijimatsu, Caiko Yokodzava

Hooligan Tie (1981)
Fifth grade Tie is once korped over the lessons, she has cares to be more. She needs to lead a family business - to host in a small driven-diner (frying kebabs, pour out sake, wash the dishes, accept payment and check the balance), as well as look at the father, a Great-aging extinguishing, which is just to make idiotic bets, play cards yes Bones, and blow off local Yakuz. Tie's mother has long been tired of such a lifetime and left; But Tie - Strong, Tie will cope ...

Hooligan Tie / Jarinko Chie (1981)

Premiere (peace): February 9, 2005.
Country: Japan

Starring: Chinatsu Nakayaama, Norio Nisikava, Kiyashi Nisikava, Yasui Okyama, Sansuke Shimada, Ryussuk Matsumoto, Utako Ko, Keisuke Ootori, Gunnosuke Asia, Kyoko Mitsubayashi

Cello Gosji (1982)
The summary of the music multiplication film "Cello Selo". Anime's storyline tells the story of a young cellist I am crazy about Beethoven, but until he is not well playing well to enjoy his comrades. Ten days left to a large concert, and he is still not ready, although in the sweat of the face trains. And now, every evening animals begin to come to him that will help Gosu learning to play, listening to their heart ...

Cellist Gosi / Sero Hiki No Gôshu (1982)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, music
Premiere (peace): January 23, 1982.
Country: Japan

Starring: Hideki Sasaki, Fuyi Shiioshi, Masashi Amemenori, Dzündzi Chiba, Complete Hasimoto, Cotimotu's Camnet, Atsuko Mine, Ryuji Saikati, Kazua Takahasi, Akiko Takamura

Grave of Flycles (1988)
The last days of World War II. American aviation bombed defenseless Japanese cities. A 14-year-old Sutsuko and his sister sisuko fall into the whirlpool of a human daily nightmare. The very bitter loss - the loss of loved ones, they remained quite alone. The young boy overnight becomes an adult, faced with the cruelty of the world. He realizes that the life of his little sister depends on him. Touching in the abandoned shelter, Sutsuko and Satsuko try to survive, relying only for their strength.

Svetaru No Haka grave (1988)

Genre: anime, cartoon, drama, military
Premiere (peace): April 16, 1988.
Country: Japan

Starring: Tatsuymi, Ayano Siracy, Yoshiko Sinohara, Ashima Yamaguchi, Shannon Konley, Crispin Freman, Dan Green, Amy Jones, George Liver, Corina Orr

Yesterday (1991)
Summary of the cartoon film "Yesterday." During the rest of Teko, it discovers unexpectedly for himself, which recalls times when she was small and studied at school back in 1966. The film's action constantly jumps back and forth between two time periods with nostalgia and beautiful mountain landscapes, while Teko plays his memories on the shelves and is trying to take a difficult decision about his future ...

Yesterday / Omohide Poro Poro (1991)

Premiere (peace): July 20, 1991.
Premiere (RF): May 8, 2008, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Miki Imai, Toshiro Yanagiba, Ekoko Honna, Maumi Iidzuka, Masahiro Ito, Chiya Kitagawa, Yoshimas Kondo, Yuki Masuda, Yuki Minova, Isse Takahasi

War Tanuki in the periods of Haysei and Pompoco (1994)
Action Pictures occur in modern Japan. People persistently expand their possessions, taking land from nature and cutting out forests. On the hills near South Tokyo, they gradually deprive the habitats of the people of Tanuki - raccoon dogs-isortic. Those are desperately trying to save their home and send messengers to the Great Masters of Magic, asking them for help. Young wolves are actively practiced in the art of transformation.

War Tanyuki during the periods of Haysei and Pompoc / Heisei Tanuki Gassen Pompoko (1994)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, drama, comedy
Premiere (peace): July 16, 1994.
Country: Japan

Starring: Sinto Kokontei, Makoto Nonomura, Yuriko Isida, Norihai Miki, Nidziko Kiyokawa, Sigera Isuma, Gunnosuke Asia, Takehiro Murat, Bato Katsura, Sansi Katsura

Our neighbors of Yamada (1999)
The film consists of a series of short stories dedicated to the daily life of the Yamad family. Grandmother, Mom, Dad, Son and Daughter - the most ordinary people, with recognizable features and habits. Despite the fact that many Japanese realities are reflected in the film, starting with food and ending with fairy tales, these plots are understandable to any viewer. Comedy situations are interspersed by examples of everyday wisdom, household scenes are replaced by fantasies, something happens for the first time, something is repeated from day to day.

Our neighbors of Yamada / Houhokekyo Tonari No Yamada-Kun (1999)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy, family
Budget: ¥ 2,000,000,000
Premiere (peace): July 17, 1999.
Country: Japan

Starring: Hayato Isohata, Masako Araki, Naomi Uno, Tora Masuoka, Yukiji Asaoka, Akiko Yano, Kosadi Yanagi, James Belosha, Jeff Bennett, Alex

Tale of the Kaguya Princess (2013)
bimer Bamboo Miyatsuko finds on one of the stems of the creature, which looks like a tiny princess. Miyatsuko and his wife adopt a girl who immediately becomes the usual meaning of the baby. However, their daughter, who received the nickname Bammokhrock, surprises everyone with rapid growth. She participates in the games of neighboring children, the young man named Sutamar is becoming the most close one. Meanwhile, Miyatsuko finds gold and expensive outfits in the bamboo stems and understands that the princess daughter should do.

Tale of the Kaguya Princess / Kaguyahime No Monogatari (2013)

Genre: Anime, cartoon
Premiere (peace): November 23, 2013.
Country: Japan

Starring: Chloe Grace Mozz, James Kaan, Mary Stinbergen, Darren Cryss, Lucy Lew, Bo Bridges, James Marsden, Oliver Platt, Hinden Walche, Ding Cain


I can hear the ocean noise (TV) (1993)
ostability is peculiar to a person, regardless of age and the student, Morisaki tested this feeling, remembering his hometown and school. The guy comes home to meet close and friends and update memories. Matsuo's childhood friend was delighted by the arrival of Taku and gladly met him. Guys talked for a long time, recalling their school years and numerous comical situations. It came to heart deeds. Taku and Matsuo were in love with Ricako girl who came to their city.

I can hear ocean noise (TV) / UMI Ga Kikoeru (1993)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, drama, melodrama
Premiere (peace): May 5, 1993.
Country: Japan

Starring: Tobita Nobuo, Toshikhiko Seki, Yoko Sakamoto, Yuri Amano, Kate Araki, Uniti Kaemaru, Ai Sato, Aya Hisakawa, Tomokaj Seki, Hikar Midorikava

Heart Sleeps (1995)
Sizhuko, a girl from how previously spoke, reading family (Father Librarian, mother works on the dissertation, sister - university student) Most of all loves to read books and rewrite for the soul Texts of John Denver songs. With the help of the local library catalog, she discovers that a certain guy named Sagezi read all her favorite books even before she recognized them. Having become acquainted with him, Sizhuko understands that it is time for her to decide with his future.

Hearts Hearts / Mimi Wo Sumaseba (1995)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, drama, melodrama
Premiere (peace): July 15, 1995.
Premiere (RF): January 22, 2009, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Ekoko Honna, Issei Takahasi, Takasi Tatiban, Shigeru Muroi, Cuyuguti Sigeru, Kaidse Kobeayashi, Yori Yamashita, Maiko Kaiama, Yoshimi Zhodzima, Mamina

Cat Return (2002)
At the height of the day on a busy street, young Haru bravely snags from under the wheels of a charming cat truck. To her great surprise, the cat rises on the rear paws and thanks Haru in the human language. It turns out that it is a prince from the mysterious cat kingdom, and now the mighty feline king wants to marry him on a brave savory. Soon he abducts Haru, who does not want to be a cat princess at all, and only the faithful preoccupied and tailed friends.

Return of Cat / Neko No Ongaeshi (2002)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, fantasy, adventure, family
Premiere (peace): July 19, 2002.
Country: Japan

Starring: Tyzurua Ikavaki, Yoshikhiko Khakamada, Aki Maeda, Takayuki Yamada, Khitomi Sato, Kenta Satoi, Marie Hamada, Tsets Watanbe, Osuke Sito, Kumiko Okay

Lectures of Land Marine (2006)
Mountains, caves and castles of a fabulous country, dragons and amulets, spells and prophecies, magicians and princes, priestesses and killers, villains and righteous people - in the new adventure animation fantasy-saga about the magic world of the earthly earth. The farmain is in danger, the world of magic on the verge of extinction. Ecumenical equilibrium is violated: dragons living in the western limit of a fabulous country, unexpectedly appear in the east in the possessions of people. The Supreme Magician Ged goes to search for the roots of the priest.

Lectures of Land Marine / Gedo Senki (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, adventure
Premiere (peace): July 29, 2006.
Country: Japan

Starring: Juniti Okada, Aoy Tserim, Bunta Sugavara, Yuko Tanaka, Teruyuki Kagawa, Jan Fubuki, Takasi Nito, Mitsuko Baiso, Yui Natsukava, Kaoru Kobayashi

Arietti from the country of Liliputov (2010)
Funny dwarfs arrange their modest dwellings in secret places hidden from human eyes: under the floor, between the walls, in dense shrubs. They call themselves mineds, because periodically clothe the things they need. The existence of kids is stored in the strictest selection, and the miners are strictly forbidden to issue themselves. But young Arietti violates the ban. She detects 12-year-old sho, who arrived at the summer holidays to the grandmother. The boy honestly store the secret of the existence of a new acquaintance.

Arietti from Liliput countries / Kari-Gurashi No Arietti (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy
Premiere (peace): July 17, 2010.
Premiere (RF): September 15, 2011, "Premium Film"
Country: Japan

Starring: Miraia Sida, Ryunche Kamiki, Moyazes Arias, Bridget Mendler, David Henry, Will Arnett, Carol Burnett, Amy Polier, Siniti Hatori, Sirsha Ronan

From the slopes of Kokuriko (2011)
The action unfolds in 1963 near Yokohama. Heroin - Umi Matsudzaki - Father, the ship commander, dies during the Korean War 10 years ago, when she was still a little girl. While her mother is in departure, the girl has to take the farm for himself, in particular, do not forget every morning to raise the checkboxes - such a rule put his father to see from the sea that he was awaited at home. There is a school club in the town, with a variety of interests.

From Cocurico Sokuriko / Kokuriko-Zaka Kara (2011)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, drama
Budget: $22 000 000
Premiere (peace): July 16, 2011.
Premiere (RF): October 18, 2012, "Ruscico"
Country: Japan

Starring: Masami Nagasava, Juniti Okada, Caiko Takecita, Yuriko Isida, Rumi Giragi, Jan Fubuki, Takasi Nito, Shunsuka Kadzama, Nao Omori, Teruyuki Kagawa

Akira (1988)
After 31 years after the third world war and the nuclear bombardment of the capital of Japan, a new city is recreated - New Tokyo. Externally, everything under control, however, the country's organization is now reminiscent of the opposite state, which is most severely overwhelming attempts by rebellion. In research centers, parapsychological experiments are carried out on people to develop a perfect type of weapons. Military, represented by Colonel Sikisima, head of the project of biological military experiments.

Akira / Akira (1988)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, action, thriller, detective
Budget: ¥ 1 100 000 000
Premiere (peace): July 16, 1988.
Country: Japan

Starring: Iwat Mitsuo, Nodza Sasaki, Mami Koyama, Tessy Ganda, Hiroshi Otate, cross Kitamura, Michikhiro Ikemom, Yuriko Foutydzaki, Masaaki Okra, Tarot Arakawa

Memories of the future (1995)
The events of the three novels are developing in the near future, which may not be ... Actions of the first episode transfer viewers in 2092 into undivided outer space. The crew of the ship "Crown" is engaged in cleaning of space garbage, but forced to face supernatural. On the way at astronauts, the dead are the hero of the second novel, easier and humorous, - the ordinary guy, randomly swallowed the wrong pill ... The third novel tells about life in the city.

Memories of the future / Memor & ICIRS; ZU (1995)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, fiction, fantasy, thriller
Premiere (peace): December 23, 1995.
Country: Japan

Starring: Sigeru Tiba, Hisao Yehgawa, Kaoko Fujiy, Nubaki Fukuda, Amy Khasegawa, Isama Hayashi, Yu Hayashi, Mitio Hadzama, Masato Hirano, Hydeyuki Hori

Stamp (2004)
XIX century, England. The young inventor Rae Steam receives a parcel from grandfather, a famous scientist. In the package - the mysterious "steam ball", a unique mechanism for which the influential fund of Hara is hunting is hunting. Going away from the fonda fountain, the boy falls into London, which is preparing to the magnificent holding of the World Exhibition. Few people can assume that soon dramatic events will turn the holiday Celebrations of technologies in an industrial nightmare. Can Rey will be able to protect an invaluable invention from chain lapties of villains.

Stamp / Such & ICIs; Mubôi (2004)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, action, thriller, adventure
Budget: $22 000 000
Premiere (peace): July 17, 2004.
Country: Japan

Starring: Ann Suzuki, Masana Tsukama, Katsuo Nakamura, Manami Concyc, Kiessi Codama, Icca Savamura, Susumu Teradzima, Osama Saka, Caico Aizawa, Rosalind Airs

For clouds (2007)
According to an alternative version of the development of history, after the defeat in World War II, Japan turned out to be divided between allies - North Island Hokkaido Annexed the Soviet Union, and the Americans were traded by Honsu and other southern islands. In the summer of 1996, the advice began to build a mysterious building in their area of \u200b\u200bthe occupation - the tower of such a giant sizes that three high school students with American Honshu, walking together at the school holidays, could clearly see its contours.

For clouds / Atrás Das Nuvens (2007)

Starring: Nikolau Brainer, Ruben Silva, Sofia Grill, Carmen Santos, Jose Eduard, Graciano Diaz, Jose Pintu

5 centimeters per second (2007)
An animated film consists of three parts combined by one storyline. The first part is an excerpt about Blooming Sakura. By virtue of the circumstances, the best friends are Takaki Tono and his girlfriend Akari Sinohara - should part immediately after elementary school. Between them ten kilometers distance and communications through numerous letters. And once the Tanaki decides to go to see her. The second part is the astronaut. High School Tanaki on Tanacim Island.

5 centimeters per second / Byôsoku 5 Senchimêtoru (2007)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, drama, melodrama
Budget: ¥ 25 000 000
Premiere (peace): March 3, 2007.
Country: Japan

Starring: Knezi Mizukhai, Yoshimi Kondo, Satomi Khanamura, Ayaka Ope, Ris Midzuno, Yuka Taratzaki, Yuko Nakamura, Masami Ivasaki, Ray Kondo, Hiroshi Simosaki

Curses of Forgotten Votes (2011)
Summary of the cartoon film. Amazing sounds that sometimes heard on the radio - the most interesting thing that is in the life of the school girl Asuna. The shadows of another world, such distant and so inaccessible ... But what lies for mysterious signals similar to a strange song - serenity or anxiety? And how to be when the moment of salvation turns you to face the deadly danger, with which it is impossible to cope with the only one who is in this other world on your side?

Genre: Anime, cartoon, drama, adventure
Premiere (peace): May 7, 2011.
Premiere (RF): November 17, 2011, "Reanimedia"
Country: Japan

Starring: Hilary Haag, Corey Hartzog, Leraliado Anvaldoua, David Martraga, Shellya Carlin-Black, Shannon Emerik, Sam Roman, Emily Nevoza, Britnie Carbowski, George Martley

Garden of Elegant Words (2013)
Summary of the cartoon film "Garden of Elegant Words". The young man named Takao meets a mysterious young woman. Their random and as if no leading meeting meetings in the park, where Takao walks classes, working to achieve their strange dream - to devote life to design and manufacture shoes - repeated again and again ... True, only in rainy days. Hearts of Heroes are starting to open each other, but it takes time, and ahead has already been looming the end of the rainy season ...

Garden of Graceful Words / Koto No HA NO NIWA (2013)

Genre: anime, cartoon, melodrama
Premiere (peace): May 31, 2013.
Premiere (RF): September 27, 2013, "Reanimedia"
Country: Japan

Starring: Irino Miu, Kana Hanadzava, Fumi Hirano, Gou Maeda, Taisi Maeda, Yuka Tarasaki, Takanory Hoshino, Ineoe Sugar, Meguma Han, Mikako Komatsu

Angel Egg (1985)
The plot "Angel Eggs" is not easy to convey words. This anime is rather about the form, rather than about the content, here they prefer the missing revelations. The philosophicity of the film is emphasized by the colonic dark graphics and rare characters dialogues that do not clarify what is happening, but even more confusing. In the "Angel Egg" there are only two main characters - a little girl who does not part with a mysterious egg, and a man who has a strange cross. Spectators are granted to think about themselves ....

Angel Egg / Tenshi No Tamago (1985)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horrors, fantasy, fantasy, drama, detective
Premiere (peace): December 25, 1985.
Country: Japan

Starring: Mako Hyodo, Denpachi, I, Kayichi Noda

Ghost in the armor (1995)
2029 year. The boundaries between states finally collapsed, thanks to everywhere spreading computer networks and cyber technologies. When a long-widespread hacker named "Kuklovod" begins to intervene in politics, the "9th department" of the Ministry of Public Security, a group of cybernetically modified police, receives a task to find and stop hacker. But during the investigation, the question arises: who is such a "dice" ...

Ghost in the armor / Kôkaku Kidôtai (1995)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, fantasy, fantasy, fighter, thriller
Budget: ¥ 600 000 000
Premiere (peace): November 18, 1995.
Country: Japan

Starring: Atsuko Tanaka, Akio Jutsuka, Koiti Yamadera, Yutaka Nakano, Tamio Oki, Tessy Ganda, Namaki Masakadzu, Masato Yamanuti, Sinji Ogawa, Mitsur Miyamoto

Ghost in armor 2: Innocence (2004)
Close future, 2032 year. The technique has achieved unprecedented progress. This is a world that people are divided with cyborgs and robots. Bato - Detective Police Department to Combat Terrorism. He is a live cyborg equipped with artificial hands, legs and other parts of the body. Only his former brain remains yes, the memory of it, about Motok Kusanagi. Together with the partner of Togus Bato, it was brought to the investigation of a series of murders with robots of their owners, and all robots belong to the experimental model of sex androids.

Ghost in armor 2: Innocence / Innocence (2004)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, fantasy, fantasy, action, thriller, drama
Premiere (peace): March 6, 2004.
Country: Japan

Starring: Akio Jutsuka, Atsuko Tanaka, Koiti Yamadera, Tamio Oki, Yutaka Nakano, Naoto Taknaka, Gou Aoba, Eysuk Asakura, Robert Axelrod, Laura Bailey

Heavenly Skin (2008)
"Every generation has his own war," said Mao Zedong, not in vain studied ancient Chinese treatises in his youth. Only fear makes people appreciate a peaceful life, only the consciousness that someone is constantly fighting and dying. This truth was well learned in an alternative world, the development of which stopped at the level of our XX century. The war from horror and curse turned into a business and craft, control levers moved to transnational corporations.

Heavenly Skin / Sukai Kurora (2008)

Genre: Anime, cartoon, action, drama, adventure
Premiere (peace): August 2, 2008.
Country: Japan

Starring: Rinko Kikuti, Ryo Cae, Siesuke Tanihara, Meguma Yamagui, Daisuke Chirakawa, Takawak Takuma, Mugihito, Hechu Jutsuka, Mabuki Ando, \u200b\u200bMako Hyodo

Girl who conquered time (2006)
Eccentric schoolgirl Makoto Horse detects amazing ability: it can move back and manage time. The new talent reasoning girl does not waste and trying to change for the better. She begins to correct school assessments and establish complex personal relationships with peers. Very soon, Macoto understands that the wonderful gift is not by chance. She is trying to breathe hope in close and dear people and make them happy.

Girl who conquered time / Toki O Kakeru Shôjo (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, drama, melodrama, comedy
Premiere (peace): July 15, 2006.
Country: Japan

Starring: Risa Nak, Takuya Isis, Mitsutak Itakura, Ayi Kakiuchi, Mitsuki Tanimura, Yuki Chatter, Yutavaka Katsura, Midori Ando, \u200b\u200bFumihiko Tatika, Caico Yamamoto

Summer Wars (2009)
A gifted high school student Koiso Kenji takes an invitation from a girl on a trip to her family. If he only knew how it would end. At first he suddenly has to play the role of a guy of this girl in front of her relatives. Then he steals an account to the country of Oz (a peculiar virtual reality, in which not only play and having fun, but also lead quite serious things, such as the purchase of goods and business management). Next, events grow as a snowball.

Summer War / Samâ Uôzu (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, comedy, adventure
Premiere (peace): August 1, 2009.
Premiere (RF): November 1, 2012, "Reanimedia"
Country: Japan

Starring: Ryunche Kamika, Nanami Sakuraba, Mitsuki Tanimura, Takahiro Okokawa, Mieso Nobusava, Mitsui Sasaki, Takasi Kobayashi, Yuji Tanaka, Kyu Tanyigawa, Khasia Nakamura

Wolf Children Ame and Yuki (2012)
The summary of the Japanese, multiplication film "Wolf Children Ame and Yuki". The main heroes of Anime - Film - Yuki and Ame - only seems to be ordinary children who should be the nipple of the surrounding world. When their father dies, the last representative of the ancient kind of iswolves, their mother - an ordinary girl, once fallen in loved by a wolf - you have to move away from the big city and start all over again.

Wolf Children Ame and Yuki / Ookami Kodomo No Ame to Yuki (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy
Premiere (peace): June 25, 2012.
Premiere (RF): November 1, 2012, "Reanimedia"
Country: Japan

Starring: Aoi Miyazaki, Takao Osava, Haru Kuzhni, Yukito Nicia, Moma It, Amon Kaba, Takuma Chiraoka, Magumi Hayashibar, Tadasi Nakamura, Tamio Oka

Last week, the Anime "Your Name" of the director Makoto Synk, who has already managed to become the most cash anime, who has already managed to become the most cash anime in the entire history, having moved the previous leader in this place - "Ghostly Gone." Futurist offers to remember which anime films became cult not only in Japan, but also in the West.

"Pokemon: Mute against Muj"(1998)

Producer : Cunichko Yuyama, Michael Hayei

Charges in the world : $ 163.6 million

Everyone remembers the series about Pokemon with the Esh, Pickachu and their friends, but the full-length history of Pokemon is even more successful and has 19 films, which a total of over $ 956.7 million earned over $ 956.7 million. The first film of the "Mute MuTU" series is the most popular of them . The picture is divided into three parts - in the first one is told by a short story Pikachu, and the second is a prologue to the main film, in which ESH and Picachu take part in the largest Pokemon tournament.

"Barefoot Geng" (1983)

Producer : Mori Masaki

Charges in the world : n \\ d

Film based on a biographical manga Caidsee Nakazawa , tells about how the boy named Geng is experiencing the end of the war and one of the most terrible events in Japan's history is Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing. Having lost almost the whole family and remaining together with the mother and newborn little sister, Geng struggles with death from hunger and radiation sickness, hitting many of those who survived after the fall of the bomb.

"My neighbor Totoro"(1988)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : n \\ d

Early ribbon Hayao Miyazaki It was planned as part of the program of aesthetic education of Japanese schoolchildren and was shown along with the "grave of the Svetlychkov". Two girls and their father move from the city to the village, get used to the new life and get acquainted with different forest spirits. Soon the giant keeper of the Totoro forest became one of the most recognizable images of Japanese animation, and references to the Totoro are found in many Japanese ribbons.

"Ninja Manuscript"(1993)

Producer : Yoshiaki Kavadziri, Kevin Seymour

Charges in the world : n \\ d

One of the films-poles of Japanese animation, a recognized classic along with Akira and the Ghost in the Armor, "Ninja Manuscript" contributed to the popularity of adult-oriented anime films outside of Japan. The picture tells about the Samurai warrior who kills the legendary demon and saves the girl. Now the rest of the "demons" from the "eight kimon demons", which turned out to be ninja with outstanding abilities hunt.

"Wind strongs"(2013)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : $ 133.4 million

They promised that the film would be the last in the career of the animation, although Miyazaki himself said that he had changed his mind. The story is made on the biography of the Japanese constructor Dziro Horikoshos who designed the main Japanese fighters of the Second World War. The tape tells about the person who followed his dream - he could not become a pilot because of myopia, but found himself in aircraft construction. The name of the film sends to the poem Vellen fields "The wind strongs! You need to try to live. "

"Wolf Children Ame and Yuki"(2012)

Producer : Mamorra Hosoda

Charges in the world : $ 52.1 million

One of the most popular Anime 2012, the film tells the history of children Yuki and Ame, whose father was a representative of an ancient kind of iswolf. When he dies, their mother moves to a new place and trying to start everything at first, hiding from the outsiders. Children grow up and in front of them gets a choice - to become a wolf or to stay by a person.

"True sadness" (1998)

Producer : Satosi Kon.

Charges in the world : n \\ d

The film tells about pop singer Mimarin Kiro which is decided to leave the musical group and try yourself as actresses. Fans react to it too rapidly, and one of them begins to lead a diary for it on the Internet, which describes daily events from the life of the actress. When she is offered an unusual role in the movies, before Mimarin, a choice appears - to remain an actress or return to the career of the pop star.

"D: thirst for blood" (2000)

Producer : Yoshiaki Kavadziri

Charges in the world: N \\ D.

The film tells one of the cult vampire stories in Japan, comparable except that with the success of Hellsing movies from Mad House, but much more elegantly made. The action of the picture takes place in the distant future, where the hunt for vampires continues to lead an experienced delender of undead for nicknamed Di, half the vampire itself and using it in the fight against enemies. The story of the love of the vampire and the death girl who became the basis of the story of the "thirst of blood", became a new case in a series of stories with the participation of di, the world of which was originally described in the Romanov series Hideyuki Kikuti .

Paprika (2006)

Producer : Satosi Kon.

Charges in the world : $ 944 thousand.

Philosophical picture-thinking about the nature of sleep and reality, published 4 years before the "beginning" Christopher Nolana , and, in some sense, it is superior to the idea. A group of scientists is inventing DS mini-device that allows you to penetrate other people's dreams. When the device is kidnapped, inexplicable things begin with the world, the reality and sleep are blurred, and the main characters need to overcome themselves to defeat the evil evil. A love letter to Western cinema, Paprika amazes with its visual effects, which would have done the same "beginning".

"The grave of fireflies"(1988)

Producer : Isao Takahata

Charges in the world : n \\ d

One of the ribbon tapes of the Japanese film, which was included even in the Japanese school program, received such respect is not accidental. She talks about painful and historical turning on Japan events of World War II. The scene lay down the story Akiyuki Nosaka who described the death of his loved ones during the war. The name refers to the Japanese belief that the souls of the soldiers in battle become fireflies. In the midst of the old Japanese aristocracy, there was entertainment when the viewers were going on the banks of the river at night and watched the "Firefly Wars".

"Garden of elegant words"(2013)

Producer : Makoto Xinkai

Charges in the world : n \\ d

This film is worthy of mentioning and viewing before going to the premiere of "Your name" at least due to the number of references. Makoto Sinkai Loves to remind the audience about their previously removed ribbons. The story of the strolling classes of a schoolboy and his strange meeting with a mysterious stranger in the park, tied on the topic of rain, loving nature and changing seasons make it possible to better understand the purely Japanese "contemplative" approach of the director to the paintings.

"Arietti from the country of Liliput"(2010)

Producer : Hromasa Yonbayashi

Charges in the world : $ 145.6 million

Production project Hayao Miyazaki, who, like many Movie Studios "Ghibli", has repeatedly paid off at the box office. Love story about a Liliput girl who finds a common language with an adult man, received recognition of critics and audiences, and also won the Japanese Academy Award as the best animated film.

"Heart whisper" (1995)

Producer : Yoshifumi Condo

Charges in the world : n \\ d

Shot according to the scenario Hayao Miyazaki with attraction to work on the landscapes of the famous Japanese artist-Impressionist Naokhi Inoue. The tape quickly entered the classic of the studio Ghibli. The plot tells about the girl who likes to read and once again meets the name of one boy in library cards of his books. Their meeting becomes a directorial study of the first love of the girls, her feelings and growing.

"Girl who conquered time"(2006)

Producer : Mamorra Hassoda

Charges in the world : n \\ d

Inventive movie about travel time. Makoto Honon girl accidentally gained access to a movement device in time and is trying to arrange his life with it, but it does not work too well. On the way, she meets his classmate Tiaki, who is the owner of the device to move in time, but he had his own goal of traveling in the past.

"Walking Castle" (2004)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : $ 235 million

According to the plot, the evil witch sharpened 18-year-old Sophie into the body of the old woman. Sophie gets acquainted with the powerful wizard Hawl and his demon by calcifer, hoping that they would help her get rid of the curse. The film was nominated for an Oscar Award as the best animated feature film.

"5 centimeters per second"(2007)

Producer : Makoto Xinkai

Charges in the world : n / d

This film was the second full-length cartoon director "Your Name". Three short stories tell about the life of a regular Japanese young man, showing his childhood, youth and growing up. The picture, despite its belonging to the animation, the Japanese themselves are considered exclusively adult, "contemplative", since it does not have bright plot peripetias or acute drama.

"Princess Mononok"(1997)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : $ 159.4 million

Epos Hayao Miyazaki tells the story of the Warrior Ashitak and his search for deliverance from the curse imposed on it the Vepérem. Fantasy, in which animals of huge sizes talk and lead their wars, pulled the mastery of Miyazaki and made a superstar from him, and also marked the beginning of the continued financial success of his films worldwide.

"Akira" (1988)

Producer : Katsuchiro Otomo

Charges in the world : $ 49 million

At that time, the most expensive anime film in history, Akira became a new word in the animation and using computer special effects. Cold cinema, the film has paid attention to the western audience. Along with the "ghost in the armor" and the "Ninja Manuscript", is a staged picture in the history of anime. The film takes place in the hypothetical 2019 after the third world war and the nuclear bombardment of Japan, and the main characters are children who have supernatural abilities.

"Ghost in armor"(1995)

Producer : Mamorra Osi

Charges in the world: N \\ D.

Caltic Cyberpunk, inspired by brothers (now sisters) Vachovski at the "matrix", the "ghost in the armor" became a cultural phenomenon, Sikvel gave rise to Sikvel, the series, Animeus, and also Hollywood Rime Scarlett Johansson starring. According to the story Cyborg, Major Motox Kusanaga should stop the hacker named the doll.

"Ghostly gone"(2001)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : $ 274.9 million

One of the most famous anime of all time, the film is also the only anime that received Oscars in the "best full-length cartoon" nomination. According to the plot, the little girl quietly must save his parents from the evil spell of the sorcerer, along the way to meet the Flying Dragon, turned out to be a boy. This film finally turned Miyazaki into a living legend, after this picture, any of his film enjoyed the same success among the public and critics.

Last week, the Anime "Your Name" of the director Makoto Synk, who has already managed to become the most cash anime, who has already managed to become the most cash anime in the entire history, having moved the previous leader in this place - "Ghostly Gone." Futurist offers to remember which anime films became cult not only in Japan, but also in the West.

"Pokemon: Mute against Muj"(1998)

Producer : Cunichko Yuyama, Michael Hayei

Charges in the world : $ 163.6 million

Everyone remembers the series about Pokemon with the Esh, Pickachu and their friends, but the full-length history of Pokemon is even more successful and has 19 films, which a total of over $ 956.7 million earned over $ 956.7 million. The first film of the "Mute MuTU" series is the most popular of them . The picture is divided into three parts - in the first one is told by a short story Pikachu, and the second is a prologue to the main film, in which ESH and Picachu take part in the largest Pokemon tournament.

"Barefoot Geng" (1983)

Producer : Mori Masaki

Charges in the world : n \\ d

Film based on a biographical manga Caidsee Nakazawa , tells about how the boy named Geng is experiencing the end of the war and one of the most terrible events in Japan's history is Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing. Having lost almost the whole family and remaining together with the mother and newborn little sister, Geng struggles with death from hunger and radiation sickness, hitting many of those who survived after the fall of the bomb.

"My neighbor Totoro"(1988)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : n \\ d

Early ribbon Hayao Miyazaki It was planned as part of the program of aesthetic education of Japanese schoolchildren and was shown along with the "grave of the Svetlychkov". Two girls and their father move from the city to the village, get used to the new life and get acquainted with different forest spirits. Soon the giant keeper of the Totoro forest became one of the most recognizable images of Japanese animation, and references to the Totoro are found in many Japanese ribbons.

"Ninja Manuscript"(1993)

Producer : Yoshiaki Kavadziri, Kevin Seymour

Charges in the world : n \\ d

One of the films-poles of Japanese animation, a recognized classic along with Akira and the Ghost in the Armor, "Ninja Manuscript" contributed to the popularity of adult-oriented anime films outside of Japan. The picture tells about the Samurai warrior who kills the legendary demon and saves the girl. Now the rest of the "demons" from the "eight kimon demons", which turned out to be ninja with outstanding abilities hunt.

"Wind strongs"(2013)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : $ 133.4 million

They promised that the film would be the last in the career of the animation, although Miyazaki himself said that he had changed his mind. The story is made on the biography of the Japanese constructor Dziro Horikoshos who designed the main Japanese fighters of the Second World War. The tape tells about the person who followed his dream - he could not become a pilot because of myopia, but found himself in aircraft construction. The name of the film sends to the poem Vellen fields "The wind strongs! You need to try to live. "

"Wolf Children Ame and Yuki"(2012)

Producer : Mamorra Hosoda

Charges in the world : $ 52.1 million

One of the most popular Anime 2012, the film tells the history of children Yuki and Ame, whose father was a representative of an ancient kind of iswolf. When he dies, their mother moves to a new place and trying to start everything at first, hiding from the outsiders. Children grow up and in front of them gets a choice - to become a wolf or to stay by a person.

"True sadness" (1998)

Producer : Satosi Kon.

Charges in the world : n \\ d

The film tells about pop singer Mimarin Kiro which is decided to leave the musical group and try yourself as actresses. Fans react to it too rapidly, and one of them begins to lead a diary for it on the Internet, which describes daily events from the life of the actress. When she is offered an unusual role in the movies, before Mimarin, a choice appears - to remain an actress or return to the career of the pop star.

"D: thirst for blood" (2000)

Producer : Yoshiaki Kavadziri

Charges in the world: N \\ D.

The film tells one of the cult vampire stories in Japan, comparable except that with the success of Hellsing movies from Mad House, but much more elegantly made. The action of the picture takes place in the distant future, where the hunt for vampires continues to lead an experienced delender of undead for nicknamed Di, half the vampire itself and using it in the fight against enemies. The story of the love of the vampire and the death girl who became the basis of the story of the "thirst of blood", became a new case in a series of stories with the participation of di, the world of which was originally described in the Romanov series Hideyuki Kikuti .

Paprika (2006)

Producer : Satosi Kon.

Charges in the world : $ 944 thousand.

Philosophical picture-thinking about the nature of sleep and reality, published 4 years before the "beginning" Christopher Nolana , and, in some sense, it is superior to the idea. A group of scientists is inventing DS mini-device that allows you to penetrate other people's dreams. When the device is kidnapped, inexplicable things begin with the world, the reality and sleep are blurred, and the main characters need to overcome themselves to defeat the evil evil. A love letter to Western cinema, Paprika amazes with its visual effects, which would have done the same "beginning".

"The grave of fireflies"(1988)

Producer : Isao Takahata

Charges in the world : n \\ d

One of the ribbon tapes of the Japanese film, which was included even in the Japanese school program, received such respect is not accidental. She talks about painful and historical turning on Japan events of World War II. The scene lay down the story Akiyuki Nosaka who described the death of his loved ones during the war. The name refers to the Japanese belief that the souls of the soldiers in battle become fireflies. In the midst of the old Japanese aristocracy, there was entertainment when the viewers were going on the banks of the river at night and watched the "Firefly Wars".

"Garden of elegant words"(2013)

Producer : Makoto Xinkai

Charges in the world : n \\ d

This film is worthy of mentioning and viewing before going to the premiere of "Your name" at least due to the number of references. Makoto Sinkai Loves to remind the audience about their previously removed ribbons. The story of the strolling classes of a schoolboy and his strange meeting with a mysterious stranger in the park, tied on the topic of rain, loving nature and changing seasons make it possible to better understand the purely Japanese "contemplative" approach of the director to the paintings.

"Arietti from the country of Liliput"(2010)

Producer : Hromasa Yonbayashi

Charges in the world : $ 145.6 million

Production project Hayao Miyazaki, who, like many Movie Studios "Ghibli", has repeatedly paid off at the box office. Love story about a Liliput girl who finds a common language with an adult man, received recognition of critics and audiences, and also won the Japanese Academy Award as the best animated film.

"Heart whisper" (1995)

Producer : Yoshifumi Condo

Charges in the world : n \\ d

Shot according to the scenario Hayao Miyazaki with attraction to work on the landscapes of the famous Japanese artist-Impressionist Naokhi Inoue. The tape quickly entered the classic of the studio Ghibli. The plot tells about the girl who likes to read and once again meets the name of one boy in library cards of his books. Their meeting becomes a directorial study of the first love of the girls, her feelings and growing.

"Girl who conquered time"(2006)

Producer : Mamorra Hassoda

Charges in the world : n \\ d

Inventive movie about travel time. Makoto Honon girl accidentally gained access to a movement device in time and is trying to arrange his life with it, but it does not work too well. On the way, she meets his classmate Tiaki, who is the owner of the device to move in time, but he had his own goal of traveling in the past.

"Walking Castle" (2004)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : $ 235 million

According to the plot, the evil witch sharpened 18-year-old Sophie into the body of the old woman. Sophie gets acquainted with the powerful wizard Hawl and his demon by calcifer, hoping that they would help her get rid of the curse. The film was nominated for an Oscar Award as the best animated feature film.

"5 centimeters per second"(2007)

Producer : Makoto Xinkai

Charges in the world : n / d

This film was the second full-length cartoon director "Your Name". Three short stories tell about the life of a regular Japanese young man, showing his childhood, youth and growing up. The picture, despite its belonging to the animation, the Japanese themselves are considered exclusively adult, "contemplative", since it does not have bright plot peripetias or acute drama.

"Princess Mononok"(1997)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : $ 159.4 million

Epos Hayao Miyazaki tells the story of the Warrior Ashitak and his search for deliverance from the curse imposed on it the Vepérem. Fantasy, in which animals of huge sizes talk and lead their wars, pulled the mastery of Miyazaki and made a superstar from him, and also marked the beginning of the continued financial success of his films worldwide.

"Akira" (1988)

Producer : Katsuchiro Otomo

Charges in the world : $ 49 million

At that time, the most expensive anime film in history, Akira became a new word in the animation and using computer special effects. Cold cinema, the film has paid attention to the western audience. Along with the "ghost in the armor" and the "Ninja Manuscript", is a staged picture in the history of anime. The film takes place in the hypothetical 2019 after the third world war and the nuclear bombardment of Japan, and the main characters are children who have supernatural abilities.

"Ghost in armor"(1995)

Producer : Mamorra Osi

Charges in the world: N \\ D.

Caltic Cyberpunk, inspired by brothers (now sisters) Vachovski at the "matrix", the "ghost in the armor" became a cultural phenomenon, Sikvel gave rise to Sikvel, the series, Animeus, and also Hollywood Rime Scarlett Johansson starring. According to the story Cyborg, Major Motox Kusanaga should stop the hacker named the doll.

"Ghostly gone"(2001)

Producer : Hayao Miyazaki

Charges in the world : $ 274.9 million

One of the most famous anime of all time, the film is also the only anime that received Oscars in the "best full-length cartoon" nomination. According to the plot, the little girl quietly must save his parents from the evil spell of the sorcerer, along the way to meet the Flying Dragon, turned out to be a boy. This film finally turned Miyazaki into a living legend, after this picture, any of his film enjoyed the same success among the public and critics.

Actually, anime is a kind of art, "Ding Winchester" Supernatural ".

Anime - Favorite Genre

Almost all of us love anime. Full-length (the list of the best we will look at a little below) the cartoons are interesting both adults and teenagers. Anime is often removed for an adult audience - and in the usual, it would seem that the cartoon sounds philosophical questions that completely change the worldview of viewers.

Today we will look at the list of the best, according to the viewers, anime in the genre of fiction. As well as combat fantasy, trembling melodramas and even horrors. In each of the descriptions, the advantages and disadvantages of this picture will be allocated. The conclusions are based on the reviews and reviews of people who have already had the pleasure to get acquainted with this anime.

So, the best full-length anime films ...

"Guined Ghosts" (2002)

The next picture is popular both in Japan and beyond the director Miyazaki.

The action of the picture unfolds in a parallel reality, in the city in which the powerful witch of Yabuba rules. She turns the parents of the main heroine of Tikhiro in pigs, and the girl to save them is forced to go to her service. Only a faithful hack friend will help a poor girl.

This picture opens our list "The best full-length anime". Fiction telling about otherworldly beings and adventures, loved by the audience. An incredibly atmospheric anime, which, like chameleon, changes its meaning depending on who looks at him. Here everyone will see and find something their own.

Beautiful landscapes and images, good musical accompaniment and dynamics of the paintings will make you from the first minutes.

"Asura" (2012)

Genre: fiction, history.

Asura was born in dark times when people died in flour from hunger and thirst. Born at the foot of the Temple of the boy was destined to become a monster, which travels on crushed Japan. Armed with secretion, the boy kills people and eats their flesh. And only acquaintance with the girl Vakasoy and the support of the Buddhist monk can change the boy-beast and return the human appearance to him.

This full-length anime is filled with cruelty and pain, among which you can see compassion and humanity. In addition, Anime is based on religion, because only faith will help the mint to become a man.

In the mythology, Asura is demonic beings with a huge physical force.

Anime received most positive feedback, and its rating was 6.7 units, which is already talking about something. "Asura" struck the TV viewers with its cruelty and originality.

In reviews, viewers allocate terrifying frankness, which was shown in the first 15 minutes of the film. It is worth highlighting originality and unusual animation, as well as suitable soundtracks. Many call this story to masterpieces. But it is so - check yourself.

"Ghost in the armor" (1995)

Genre: Scientific fiction.

Manga, released in 1989, became the story that was filmed more than once. In 1995, a full-length anime was released, later - a multi-sieuled series was removed, and in 2017 a film came out with Scarlett Johansson in the lead role. But it was exactly the first anime that became the most successful and popular in the kinobiographies of this manga.

2029 year. Technologies have achieved incredibly high progress. Hacker nicknamed Cooking Presents a threat to leading global politicians. His catchment is engaged in cyborg (cybernetically modified police), at the head of which - Major Motok Kusanaga. The girl very responsibly refers to his task, however, is the case of a cook? Is the villain?

This picture is an excellent battle anime fiction. List of the best (full-length films) She heads not in vain. Anime got incredibly positive and even enthusiastic reviews. An excellent story, which became a classic genre, offers the viewer not only excellent action scenes, but also the philosophical component that makes thinking of each of us. The director of the picture somehow admitted that he can and can create militants, but for him more important than the fight is a conversation.

Anime is accompanied by methodical music, which is not better harmony with the picture. Computer graphics, in those years, first used in such a large quantity, soundtracks, plot and meaning - everything here is at the height. Many viewers are confident that this is the best full-length anime in the history of Japanese cinema.

"Pirate Harlock" (2013)

Genre: fantasy, action.

Future. People studied space, but paid for this high price. Now, humanity is in captivity of more powerful beings than the researchers could once be submitted. There is no freedom nor hope.

But in the endless space of space, the pirate of Harlock, which has sufficient strength and courage to challenge the invaders. Buntar in the soul, Harlock could not accept the established system and ghosts of the past, which make him rush to the bake of events.

This is a cosmic fighter with excellent graphics and excellent action scenes. "Harlock" fell on the soul of those television drivers who love militants filled with the opposition between good and evil. In addition, the screenwriters worked on the plot - it turned out to be dynamic and unpredictable. And the ending will surprise everyone. Almost every topic where the anime is discussed by the full-length, the list of the best includes the name "Pirate Harlock".

Also in the reviews especially allocate excellent soundtracks and graphics. Heroes are drawn so vividly and realistically that the TV viewer will soon forget that he looks at the cartoon. They are pleased with their charismatic characters - everyone is a personality with their principles and concepts about justice.

"Walking Castle" (2004)

Sophie is a young seamstress, which will accidentally quarrel with a powerful witch who visited her hat shop. A broken witch in anger sharpened the girl's soul into the body of the old woman. Sophie, frightened by the fact that she will no longer be able to return his former appearance, finds the sorcerer Haul. He lives in a walking castle with his servant - a demon calcifer.

"Walking Castle" - full-length anime in a pure Japanese style. It can be put in one line with other pictures of the category "The best full-length anime about love." After all, Sophie was looking for not only support and help from Haul - she was unrequited, as it seemed like a girl, in love with him. After all, who will love an ancient ugly old woman? Certainly not such a high handsome man.

The story was loved by the viewers thanks to the two main characters - the good and gentle, but ugly externally sophia, as well as a beautiful and static, but indifferent in the soul of Haulu. Against the background of such a large-scale event, as a war, the love of these two seems like a flower fragile in appearance, but strong. After all, it is love, and not the Haul Chala, return Sophie former beauty.

The TV viewers in their reviews praise beautiful soundtracks and originality in the details that Miyazaki famust is one of the most famous director Anime. This is the best full-length anime, where the basis of the plot is love.

"Lady Death" (2004)

Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Action.

She was burned, accusing in sins of his own father, who turned out to be Lucifer. Having lured her to hell, he suggested Hope to rule in the dark kingdom together, but the girl refused, thereby deserving the exile into the depths of hell. Now Hope dreams only about one thing - destroy the father.

Anime in the genre horror should be truly magnificent to be looked with pleasure. "Lady Death" received controversial reviews from the audience - some are satisfied with the good and dynamic horrors, other sincerely perplex about the sudden transfiguration of the heroine and predictability.

In any case, thanks to the talents of the heroine battle, it looks interesting - the girl levitizes and even owns telekinesis. Some celebrate the picture as the best full-length anime in the horror genre.

"Evangelion 1.11: You (not) one" (2007)

Genre: fantasy, action movie.

And again we are transferred to the future. Most of humanity is destroyed, the second - forced to fight with alien beings, called angels. Ikari gets a task from the Father (Commander-in-Chief of the Secret Organization) to pilot the secret weapon of evangelion. This is a human-like robot that was designed to protect humanity. This is the best full-length anime from classic paintings.

According to this plot, the series was shot with the same name. It is worth noting that he was removed before the full-length film, so many compare them. In fact, the director really retained the overall concept of the plot, but at the same time, in his intention it was not an accurate repetition of the events of the series.

"Evangelion" - the best full-length anime, which not only interesting looks, but also changes the worldview, many television viewers are confident. Indeed, this picture is distinguished by an interesting plot, beautiful music and graphics. Thanks to intrigue, the cartoon looks incredibly interesting, and the simple and understandable humor is closer to the audience than in the series "Evangelion".

Of the minuses, excessive pathos are distinguished and the abundance of battles (like heroes just do that they are fighting, and in the interruptions sighs about their difficult fate).

"Garden of graceful words" (2013)

Genre: fiction, melodrama.

Discussing the anime cartoons of the full-length (best of the best), you can not forget about melodramas with a fantastic plot. The "Garden of Elegant Words" has high ratings and many positive feedback.

The picture tells about the young man Takao and the girl with which he occasionally meets in the park in rainy days. Gradually, two lonely hearts begin to reach each other.

This melodrama touched upon the strings of the soul of each viewer. Its stunning atmosphere, well-worked parts in the images of heroes, amazing landscapes are not all. It is much more important to look deeper, understand and take the main thought of the cartoon. And each of the TV viewers understands it, albeit in its own way. The director managed to show the loneliness from the side of the medal that does not scare and does not push.

Top best anime

And we give for those who have already watched the above-described paintings, "and who loves full-length anime, the top better, less well-known:

  1. "The city in which I do not" (9.2).
  2. "The grave of fireflies" (9).
  3. Cowboy Bibop (8.8).
  4. Agent Agent (8.8).
  5. "Girl who conquered time" (8.7).
  6. "My neighbor Totoro" (8.7).
  7. Apple Granushko (8.8).
  8. Bleach (8.9).
  9. "Princess Mononok" (8.7).
  10. "Elf Song" (8.8).


If you are an anime amateur, then all the pictures described above will probably like you. Here at an altitude not only graphics and dynamics, but also the plot that does not leave the viewers indifferent.