Themes of lyrical deviations in the poem "Dead Souls". Lyrical deviations and their meaning in the poem N.V

Themes of lyrical deviations in the poem
Themes of lyrical deviations in the poem "Dead Souls". Lyrical deviations and their meaning in the poem N.V

The main tasks of the lesson:

"Grade 9 lesson №45 Lyrical deviations in the poem Gogol."

Grade 9.

Lesson №45

Lyrical deviations and their role in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls".

Objectives lesson:

    introduce students with the subject of lyrical digressions, to determine the role of lyrical deviations in the poem Gogol, through the analysis and comparison of Gogol motives in the work of writers of subsequent generations;

    improve the skills of oral and written speech, contribute to the development of the ability to express their point of view, to prove it; ability to compare, analyze, assume, draw conclusions;

    to form a culture of thought, feelings, communication.

Predicted results:

students know the content and problematics of the work, can analyze the text, retell it, read expressively; perform a learning task in accordance with the objectives; Associate their own thoughts; generalize and draw conclusions; To adequately use speech tools to represent the result.


presentation, audio file, technological map of the lesson (for each group), sheets of format A-4, markers (green, black, blue, red), magnets

Form of the lesson:

creative workshop

During the classes

Teacher's activities

Activities of students

Organizational and motivational stage

    Greeting students.

    Creating an emotionally psychological attitude.

The word teacher under the romance, written in the poems of Gogol.

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich is not only a writer whose works for about two centuries are the achievement of world literature, but he and the artist, and the poet! Gogol's prose is so keen and melodious that it is possible to compare it only with the creation of the poet! Our glorious Russian language in the works of Gogol is transformed and becomes even more diverse, even more diverse. Do you know what a lyric romance sounds now A. Zhurba, written on verse by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (E. Guseva - L. Serebrennikov)


3.1. Play with the word "lyrics". Choose the words-Associations (synonyms, single-tempered words).

3.2. Goal.

- Riddles of the "dead souls" begin before reading the work. For example, the genre is a poem (lyrol-epic work.) With the epic (narrative) component of the "dead souls" we met in previous activities.

- What tasks do you put in front of yourself today at the lesson?

Observe... for the peculiarities of the lyrical component of the poem

Explore... Fragments of lyrical retreats of the poem

Determine... The role of lyrical deviations in the poem

Greet teachers.

Listen to the admission word of the teacher, the romance to the poems of Gogol.

Pupils are recorded in technological maps: feeling, mood, experience, emotions, knowledge of literature ...

Students are recorded in the technological map of the task

Operational stage

    Creating a creative product in a deconstruction based group cooperation (work in the technological map.)

4.1. Read the passage from the article D.I. Pisareva.

D.I. Pisarev wrote: ... Gogol was the first to our people, exclusively by the Russian poet; (...) The best modern figures of our literature can be named by the followers of Gogol; On all their works, it is a seal of his attention, whose tears for a long time will probably remain in Russian literature.

4.2. Describe the ratio of criticism to the work of N.V.Gogol. What seemed unusual to you in the characteristics of the writer? What does D.I. Pisarev puts him in merit?

Discuss in the group, write down your observations. Prepare a performance-argument from the group. Word the answer in one sentence using expressions -stresses, approves, draws attention. (3 min)

4.3. Laying groups (about 2 minutes) / records are drawn up on A3 sheets and are hung on a magnetic board.

    Reconstruction. Work in groups.

How did the lyrical component expand the horizons of the "Dead Souls" poems, as affected by contemporaries and the next generations of Russian writers?

Group work

- Read the excerpt from the work. Decide yourself how you will perform the task. Or each analyzes the excerpt and its conclusions contribute to the general conclusion, or together you do all stages of work. Your conclusion Subscribe in the form of a table (15 min)

    Placement and adjustment of the creative product / Registration of results in a common booth (work by markers: black, green, blue, red)

- Tell me what conclusions you came as a result of working in groups. Listening to comrades, complement your conclusions. (7 min)

* Explanation of color values \u200b\u200bin psychology

Blue colour - This is a constancy, perseverance, perseverance, dedication, dedication, seriousness, rigor.

Green color -People who choose green, clearly and rationally choose their life path

Red color -ensures power, breakthrough, will to victory. Red likes to be first

Black color -People preferring black - riddles. They want to unconsciously attract the attention of others

    Reading by heart Overbill "Rus Troika"

    Creative work "Ways and Pouring" (implementation of homework).

    Create a symbol of Russia Gogol.

    What cover "dead souls" would you draw today?

    Create a poem reflecting the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem.

    Write an essay-trip: "What are we seen Russia?"

    Create a collage "Where is Russia Gogol?"

Get acquainted with the statement, discuss it on proposed issues, formulate conclusions in one sentence.

For example, D.I. Pisarev emphasizes the exceptional poetry of Gogol's heritage, draws attention to the fact that the best figures of Russian literature can be called him followers, argues that the main thing in the heritage of the writer - tears, leaving the trail on all Russian literature

Read excerpts from the poem, analyzed, compared with the works of Writers of the twentieth century, draw conclusions, write them into a technological map

Select the color of the marker, make out the results of work in a common stand.

They read by heart in groups, choose the best reader - hearing at the board.

Present creative work made at home

Reflective-estimated stage

    Reflection (3 min)

Put a bit next to the statement of N.V.Gogol, which most reflects your condition after the lesson:

    Like neither the words of the fool, and sometimes they are sufficient to embarrass the smart person.

    The youth is happy that she has a future.

    What the truths are higher, the one you need to be careful with them: otherwise they will suddenly turn into common places, and the general places are no longer believe.

    ... Even there is a higher pleasure, how to create pleasure.

    Learn others, also learn.

Put "likes" near the statements of Gogol (you can ask for a few people to comment)


Pp.: Homemade essay by the poem Gogol "Dead Souls"

Determine the subject of writings, write down in a notebook for creative works

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"Lyrical deviations in"

Lyrical deviations in "Dead Souls"

I .Gogol called "dead souls" by the poem, thereby emphasizing the equality of lyrical and epic began: narration and lyrical retreats (see Belinsky about Paphos "Subjectivity" in terms of "genre peculiarity of the" dead souls ").

II. For the main types of lyrical deviations in the poem:

1. Retreats associated with the epic part, with the task of showing Russia "from one side".

1. The deviations associated with the epic part serve as a means of disclosure of characters and their generalization.

1) retreat, revealing images of officials.

A satirical retreat of thick and thin typing images of officials. With the general problem of the poem (soul with death), the antitrietia is concerned, on which this retreat is built: it is physical qualities that are the main in the person defining his fate and behavior.

Men here, as elsewhere, were two births: some are thin, who everyone saw about the ladies; Some of them were such that it was hard to distinguish them from St. Petersburg ... Another genus of men was thick or the same as chikhiki, i.e. Not so that too thick, however, not thin. These, on the contrary, mowed and fivefold from the ladies and looked only on the sides, did not set where the Gubernatorial servant of the green table for Vista ... These were honored officials in the city. Alas! Thicks know how to clean their things on this light, rather thin. Thin serve more on special instructions or only be listed and wake there and here; Their existence is somehow too easy, air and very unreliable. Thicks never occupy indirect places, and all straight, and if they are sitting, they will be reliably and firmly, so soon the place will shrink and will be sick under them, and they will not fly.

(chapterI. )

Images of officials and Chichikov are also revealed in retreats:

About the ability to contact:

It is necessary to say that in Russia if we didn't get sophisticated by something else for foreigners, they gave them away in the ability to apply ... We have such wise men who, with a landowner who have two hundred souls, will speak quite differently than with those who have their three hundred, and with those who have their three hundred, will again say again, as with the one who has their five hundred, but with those who have them five hundred, again, not as with the one They are eight hundred, - in a word, although you are upgraded to a million, everyone will be shades.

Please look at him when he sits among his subordinates - yes, just with fear and words will not speak! Pride and nobility, and so what does not express his face? Just take a brush and draw: Prometheus, resolute Prometheus! It looks out for an eagle, performs smoothly, dimly. The same eagle as soon as he left the room and approaches the office of his boss, the partridge is in a hurry with the papers under the arm that urine is not.

(Chapter W)

About Millioner:

Millioner has the benefit that can see meanness completely disinterested, pure meanness, not found on any calculations ...

(chapterVIII. )

About hypocrisy:

It happens on the faces of officials during the inspection who came by the head of entrusted to the management of their places: after the first fear has passed, they saw that he liked a lot, and he himself finally checked to joke, that is, pronounce a few words with a pleasant smile ...

(chapterVIII. )

On the ability to talk with the ladies:

To the greatest regret, it should be noted that people are gentle and occupying important posts somehow a bit heavy in conversations with the ladies; On this masters of the Lord Lieuners and no further of the captain's ranks ...

(chapterVIII. )

2) A group of lyric retreats summarizes the characteristics of the landowners, the private phenomena in the phenomenon are more general.


There is a genus of people known under the name: people so-so, neither of the same, nor in the city of Bogdan, nor in the village of Selifan, according to the proverbs.

(chapterII. )

Wife Manilova Lisa (about guest houses):

And good upbringing, as you know, it turns out in the guesthouses. And in the guesthouses, as you know, the three main objects make up the basis of human virtues: French, necessary for the happiness of family life, piano, for delivering pleasant minutes to the spouse, and, finally, the actual economic part: knitting wallets and other surprises. However, there are different improvements and changes in methods, especially at the present time; All this more depends on the prudence and abilities of the pension informants themselves. In other guesthouses, it happens in such a way that before the piano, then French, and there is already an economic part.

(chapterII. )

Speaking of a box, Gogol uses a reception of several stages of generalization:

1) See the retreat of the boxes of the type of boxes in the topic "The means of disclosure of characters in the" dead souls ".

2) Comparison of the landowners with the "aristocratic sister":

Maybe you will even think: yes, right, is it right if there is so low on an infinite staircase of human improvement? Is it true that the abyss, separating it from her sister, is not expressed by the fenced walls of the aristocratic house ...

(Chapter W)

3) A very broad generalization is given through the apparent alogyrism:

However, the chisters were angry in vain: other and respectable, and the state even a person, but in the case it comes out a perfect box. How he bored that he had in his head, then he would not overpower him; How many arguments seem to be clear as a day, everything bounces away from him how the rubber ball bounces off the wall.

(Chapter W)


Maybe they will call it the character of beaten, will say that now there is no nozroid. Alas! Unjust will be those that will speak like this. Nozdrev has not yet taken away from the world for a long time. He everywhere between us and maybe only walks in another caftan; But people are frivolously impervious, and a person in another caftana seems to them with another person.

(chapterIV. )

Sitting Nozdreva Mijuev:

Blonde was one of those people, in whose character at first glance there is some kind of perseverance ... And it will always end in that in the character they will be soft, that they will agree on what they rejected, the stupid will call smart and go to sleep It is impossible to be better under someone else's Dudka, - in a word, will begin with a stroke, and he finish with Gadew.

(chapterIV. )


Did you have been born so a bear or excesshed you a gravity life, bread crops, breaking with men, and you became what kind of person called a fist? .. No, who's a fist, not to get rid of the palm! And the breakdown fist is one or two fingers, it will be worse. Try it a slightly top of some science, he will give it later, taking the place more commenting, all those that really learned some science.

(chapterV. )

Only Plushin - the phenomenon is non-phenomenon. The lyric retreat in the VI chapter is built on denial, the generalization is given as if against the opposite:

It must say that such a phenomenon is rarely falling across Russia, where everything likes to turn around rather than climb.

3) In addition, retreats are allocated to everyday themes close to the epic part of pathos and the language and the serve as a means of generalization:

About the food and stomach Lords of the Middle Hand:

The author must admit that it is very jealous of the appetite and the stomach of this kind of people. For him, all the Lords, living in St. Petersburg and Moscow, who lived in St. Petersburg and Moscow, speaking, resolutely, do nothing, which would eat tomorrow and whatever lunch to write on the day after tomorrow ...

(chapterIV. )

About scientists reasoning and discoveries:

Our brothers, the people clever, as we call ourselves, comes almost the same, and our scientists of reasoning serve as evidence.

(chapterIX )

About human oddity:

Looks like sweets with a man! I do not believe in God, but believes that if the transfer is hunted, it will certainly die ...

(chapterX. )

From the analysis, it can be seen that in the works of Gogol we are dealing not with traditional typing, but rather, with a generalization, universalization of phenomena.

2. Retreats, opposite epic parts, revealing the positive ideal of the author.

1) Lyrical deviations about Russia (RUSi), connecting the topics of the road, the Russian people and the Russian word.

The retreat of the said Russian word in the V Chapter (see "Folk Images, the image of the people, the nationality of the" dead souls ").

About Bream (image of the people):

And in fact, where now the fryers? Walks noisy and having fun on the bread pier, glared with merchants. Flowers and ribbons on the hat, all having fun Burlats Vataga, saying goodbye to mistresses and wives, high, statist, in monistas and ribbons; Horics, songs, boils the whole area ... And all the bread arsenal looks out huge, until it turns all the deep courts-struts and will not be incurred by Gusesh with people an infinite one. There you will work out, burlacks! And in a friendly, as they first walked and silent, stick to work and sweat, taching a strap for one endless, like Rus, a song.

(chapterVII )

Eh, Troika! Troika's bird, who invented you? .. Isn't you, Rus, that a brisk odd triple, rushing? .. Rus, where you carry you, give an answer? Does not answer. A wonderful ringing is poured a bell; rattling and becomes the wind torn in pieces of air; It flies past everything that neither is on the earth, and the settles are pleased and give her other peoples and states.

(chapterXI )

About the road:

What a strange, and mounted, and carrier, and wonderful in the word: road! As wonderful, she herself, this road: a clear day, autumn leaves, cold air ... Running into the road overhang, the hat on the ears, crawled and cozy, fit to the corner! .. and night? Heavenly forces! What night is performed in the embroidery! And the air, and the sky, distant, high, there, in an inaccessible depth of its own so immense, sound and clearly spread out! ..

(chapterXI )

About Russia and her heroes:

Rus! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautifully distant you see: Poor, scattered and uncompretable in you; won't get drunk, do not frighten the outstanding sofa nature, weddowed by bold siques of art ... Open-deserted and smoothly all in you; As the points, as badges, not exactly sticking among the plains of low of your cities; Nothing sends and will not charm the gaze. But what incomprehensible, the secret force entails you? Why does it hear and is heard unless in your twilight ears, carrying along the entire length and width of your, from the sea and the sea, the song? What is in it, in this song? .. What will this vocabulary spacious? Is there a lawless thought if you yourself without end? Is it not to be herself here when there is a place where to turn around and go to him? And Grozno, the volume of me mighty space, the terrible force is painted in the depths of mine; The unnatural power was illuminated by my eyes: y! What a sparkling, wonderful, unfamiliar far distance! Rus! ..

(chapterXI )

2) Lyrical retreats to philosophical topics approaching the language to lyrical deviations associated with a positive ideal.

About conflicting life:

Does the box, Manilov Lee, is a life or an incompania - by them! Not that in the world is allocated: I will contact the sad moment in the sad, if only for a long time you get stuck before him; And then God knows that heaves up.

(chapterIII )

About youth:

I get on the time instead of Chichikov some twenty-year-old young man, Husar Lee he, whether he student, or just who had just begun a life field, and God! Whatever wake up, neither moved, nor spoke in it! ..

(chapterV. )

The currently fiery young man would bounce with horror aside if his portrait in old age have shown him. Take the same way in the path, leaving my soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take away all human movements, do not leave them on the road, do not fit later! ..

(chapterVI )

About old age:

Grazing, terrible middle ahead, and nothing gives back and forth!

(chapterVI )

III. In addition, a number of retreats can be distinguished, revealing the views of the author on artistic creativity:

About two types of writers. Based on this departure, the poem of Nekrasov "Blessed is an informant poet" (for the death of Gogol).

The writer is happy, who past the characters of boring, nasty, striking his reality, is approaching the characters, which is the high dignity of a person who from the great pool daily rotating images chose some few exceptions that did not change the sublime building of his lira ... no equal He is in force - he is God!

Blessed is an informant poet

There is a little bile, a lot of feelings ...

Loving carelessness and peace

Bent the bold satire,

He firmly rules the crowd

With his peace-loving Lira.

But it was not the lot, the other fate of the writer who daring to call out all that every minute before the eyes and there are no indifferent eyes, - all the terrible, amazing Tin of the little things, entangled our life, the whole depth of cold, fragmented, everyday characters, which our teaching Earth, sometimes bitter and boring road, and the hard power of an inexorable cutter who daring to put them out and brightly on the nationwide eyes!

But no mercy of fate

Someone whose noble genius

Became the convulsion of the crowd,

Her passions and delusions.

He is not to collect folk applauses, he does not heave the confessional tears and the unanimous delight of the souls excited about them ...


His hula pursue;

He catches the sounds approved

Not in the sweet rake of praise,

And in the wild cries of the ombortion.

The method of the method of heroes in the II chapter is connected with the problem of the method. It is built on an antithesis: a romantic hero (portrait) - ordinary, no remarkable hero.

It is much easier to portray the characters of a large size: there is just throwing paints from all over the canvas, black grooming eyes, hanging eyebrows, cut the forehead with a black or scarf, like fire, cloak, and portrait ready; But these are all the gentlemen, who are much in the world, which are very similar from the species, and between how to look around, you will see many of the most elusive features, - these gentlemen are terribly difficult for portraits. Here you will have to strain very much until you make all the subtle, almost invisible features speak, and in general it will have to deepen the look already sophisticated in science.

(II. chapter)

In a lyrical retreat of the language of the artwork, the principle of democratization of the language is declared, the author opposes its artificial "refinement".

To blame! It seems from the mouth of our hero flew the little character noted on the street. What to do? That is the position of the writer! However, if the word from the street hit the book, the writer is not guilty, readers are to blame, and first of all readers of the highest society: they will not hear a single decent Russian word from them, and French, German and English, will probably endow in such quantities What you do not want.

(chapterVIII. )

See also "Women's images in the" Auditor and "Dead Souls".

About choosing a hero:

And a virtuous person is still not taken into heroes. And you can even say why not taken. Because it is time to finally give rest to a poor virtuous person, because the word is celebrated on the lips: a virtuous person, because they turned into a virtuous person's working horse, and there is no writer who would not go on it, poured and whip and all that ; Because I walked a virtuous person to the fact that now there is no shadow of virtue now, and only the ribs are left for the skin instead of the body ... Because a virtuous person do not respect. No, it's time to finally impose a scoundrel. So, straight scoundrel!

(chapterXI )

Gogol approves the role of the main acting person of Antigero (see "The genre peculiarity of the" dead souls ").

About creative plans, about a positive ideal:

But ... maybe, in the same story, others are honored, still the most resistant strings will appear, the unpretentious wealth of the Russian spirit will appear, the husband, gifted by God's Davors, or the wonderful Russian maiden, which is not found anywhere in the world, with all the wonderful beauty of women's Souls, all of the generous aspiration and selflessness. And all the virtuous people of other tribes seem to be dead before them, as a dead book in front of a living word! .. But why and why talk about what ahead? It is indecent to the author, being a long time for her husband, brought up by the harsh inner life and the overall sobriety of privacy, forget like a young man. All your turn, and place, and time!

(chapterXI )

See also about the idea "The plot and composition of the" Dead Souls ".

And for a long time, I am still a wonderful power to go handle with my strange heroes, it's all a huge life to look around the prominent life and invisible, unknown to him! And far from the time when a terrible blizzard is a different key of inspirations from clothed in the holy horror and in the blasting of the chapter, and be honored in an embarrassed trembling the magnificent thunder of other speeches ...

(chapterVII )

IV. In contrast to Pushkin, Gogol has no autobiographical deviations, except for the poetic "oh my youth, about my freshness!", But it is wearing a general philosophical nature:

Before, for a long time, in the summer of my youth, in the summer I was imperatively flashed my childhood, I had fun to drive up for the first time to an unfamiliar place ... now it is indifferent to any unfamiliar village and indifferently look at her duty.

(chapterVI )

V. With the point of view of the principle of artistic generalization Lyrical deviations of "dead souls" can be divided into two types:

(chapterII. )

Such is russian man: Passion is strong to be agreed with the fact that although one rank was higher ...

(chapterII. )

As russian manin decisive minutes, there will be something to do without going into distant reasoning, then turning to the right, on the first crossway, he shouted [Selifan]: "Hey you, other respects!" - And it was embarrassing, thoroughly thinking about where the car taken.

(chapterIII )

There was a lot of nostrotess of all sorts of hard and strong desires; Even the bad words came across. What to do? Russian manyes, and evers!

(chapterV. )

Selifan felt his oversight, but since russian mandoes not love to confess to others, that he is to blame, he immediately said off, driving: "And what did you talk so? The eyes of their own in the Kabaska laid, or what? "

(chapterV. )

Guest and the owner drank vodka on a glass, bored how bit all spare russia in cities and villages ...

(chapterV. )

In Russiasociety the lowest people love to talk about the gossip that are in the Societies of Higher ...

(chapterIX )

What meant this scratch? And what does it mean at all? .. Much different things means russian nationhaning in the back of the head.

(chapterX. )

See also the retreat of Plushkin, Sobevich.

Russia in the "Dead Souls" is a special world living in its own laws. Wide expanses of it will generate wide nature.

She [Governor] kept a young sixteen-year-old girl under her hand, a fresh blonde with thin slender features, with a sharp chin, with a charmingly round facial oval, which artist would take into a sample for Madonna and which only a rare case comes across in Russia, where it loves everything to be in a wide size, all that is not: both mountains, forests, and steppes, and faces, and lips, and legs.

(chapterVIII. )

And what Russian does not like fast ride? His soul, seeking to spin, thoroughly, say sometimes: "Damn everything!" - Doesn't you love her soul?

(chapterXI )

2. through commonhouse, national lies the path K. universal.

AND in the World Chronicles of Humanitythere are many centuries that seem to have crossed out and destroyed as unnecessary. There was a lot of delusions in the world, which, it seemed, did not even make a child. Which twisted, deaf, narrow, impassable, who are driven far towards the road humanity,in an effort to achieve eternal truthwhereas in front of him, a straight path was opened, a similar path, leading to the magnificent chramine, appointed by the king to the pags!

(chapterX. )

All universal generalizations are somehow connected with the plot-forming motif of the road (see "The plot and composition of the" dead souls ").

Vi. Paul Gogol is built on thematic and stylistic opposition of epic and lyrical principles. Often, this antithesis is specifically emphasized by Gogol, and he collides two worlds:

And Grozno, the volume of me mighty space, the terrible force is painted in the depths of mine; The unnatural power was illuminated by my eyes: y! What a sparkling, wonderful, unfamiliar far distance! Rus! ..

"Hold, keep, fool!" - Selifana shouted Chichikov. "So I'm a Palash! - I shouted to meet the companion of the Feldgerer with a mustache in Arshin. - You do not see, Leshe Deri Your soul: the execution crew! " And, as the ghost, disappeared with thunder and the dust of the top three.

What a strange, and mounted, and carrier, and wonderful in the word: road!

(chapterXI )

In general, speaking of the stylistic originality of lyrical deviations, it is possible to note the features of romantic poetics.

Conceptually: in opposition of youth and old age.

See lyrical retreats to philosophical topics.

In artistic means (hyperbolas, space images, metaphors). See "The genre peculiarity of the" dead souls ".

God! How good you are sometimes distant, distant road! How many times like perishing and sinking, I grabbed for you, and you endured me generously and saved me! And how many wonderful ideas were born in you, poetic dreams, how many marvelous impressions were listed! ..

(chapterXI )

VII .composition role of lyrical retreats.

1. Some chapters open with retreats:

The retreat of youth in the VI chapter ("before, long ago, in the summer of my youth ...").

The retreat of two types of writers in the VII chapter ("Happy Writer ...").

2. Retreats can be completed chapter:

About "Metacually said Russian Word" in the V Chapter ("It is expressed strong Russian people ...").

About "scratching in the back of the head" in the X Chapter ("What did this scratch meant? And what does it mean?")

About "Bird Troika" at the end of the first volume ("Eh, Troika, a Troika Bird, who invented you? ..").

3. The retreat may prevail the appearance of a new hero: the retreat of youth in the VI chapter is preceded by a description of the village of Plushkin.

4. Turnstanding moments in the plot can also be marked by lyric deviations:

Describing the feelings of Chichikov when meeting with the governor's daughter, the author again reminds the reader about dividing people on thick and thin.

It is impossible to say probably, rightly awakened in our hero of a sense of love, "even doubtful, the Lord of this kind, that is not so that thick, however, and not that thin,caught to love; But at all, there was something strange here, something in such a kind, which he himself could not explain ...

(chapterVIII. )

The arguments about the skill of the Lords of Tolstoy and Thin Entertaining the ladies The author includes a description of another romance scene: Cychikov's conversation with a governor's daughter on the ball.

People are tender and occupying important positions somehow a bit heavy in conversations with the ladies; The masters of the Lord Lierants and no further of the captain's ranks ... This is noticed here so that the readers see why the blonde began to yawn during the stories of our hero.

(chapterVIII. )

5. By the end of the poem, the number of lyrical retreats associated with a positive ideal increases, which is explained by the design of Gogol to build "Dead Souls" according to the model of the Divine Comedy Dante (see "The plot and the composition of the Dead Souls").

VIII. The language of lyrical retreats (see "genre peculiarity of the" dead souls ").

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"RM - Rus (by heart)"

God! How good you are sometimes distant, distant road! How many times like perishing and sinking, I grabbed for you, and you endured me generously and saved me! And how many wonderful ideas were born in you, poetic dreams, how many marvelous impressions were listed! ..

Rus! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautifully distant you see: Poor, scattered and uncompretable in you; Will not get drove, do not frighten the outstanding siques of nature, weddowed by bold dives of art, cities with multi-color high palaces that have grown in the rocks, artworks and villages that have accommodated in the houses, in noise and in the eternal dust of the waterfalls; It's not a leap back to look at the bulky without end above it and in the embroidered stone blocks; They will not shine through the submarine alone on another dark arches, excreted by grape bruises, ivy and outstanding millions of wild roses, will not shine through them the eternal lines of shiny mountains carrying in silver clear skies. Open-deserted and smoothly everything in you; As the points, as badges, not exactly sticking among the plains of low of your cities; Nothing sends and will not charm the gaze. But what incomprehensible, the secret force entails you? Why heard and is heard unlikely in your twilight ears, carrying along the entire length and width of your width, from the sea to the sea, the song? What in her, in this song? What is calling, and flies, and enough for the heart? What sounds are leaning painfully, and strive in the soul, and go around my heart? Rus! What do you want from me? What incomprehensible connection is lighted between us? What do you see so, and why all that neither in you turned the full expectations of the eyes? .. And I still, full of bewilderment, I still stand, and the chapter caught the terrible cloud, severely coming rains, and the thought before you space. What will this immense obstacle prophesate? Is there a lawless thought if you yourself without end? Is it not to be herself here when there is a place where to turn around and go to him? And Grozno, the volume of me mighty space, the terrible force is painted in the depths of mine; The unnatural power was illuminated by my eyes: y! What a sparkling, wonderful, unfamiliar far distance! Rus! ..

What a strange, and mounted, and carrier, and wonderful in the word: road! And as wonderful she herself, this road: a clear day, autumn leaves, cold air ... Run into the road overhang, the hat on the ears, cramped and cozy, we look at the corner! The last time I had broken trembling the members, and had already changed her pleasant warmth. Horses rush ...

God! How good you are sometimes distant, distant road! How many times like perishing and sinking, I grabbed for you, and you endured me generously and saved me! And how many wonderful ideas were born in you, poetic dreams, how many marvelous impressions were listed! ..

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"PM for groups"

1 group.

A. Distribution of thick and thin (1 chapter)

Men here, as elsewhere, were two kinders: some are thin, which everyone saw about the ladies; Some of them were this kind that hardly it was possible to distinguish them from St. Petersburg: they also had a very purely, thoughtful and tastefully combed Benbenbards, or simply godded, very smoothly shaved ovals of persons, as casually sent to the ladies, they also said In French and laughed in the same way as in St. Petersburg. Another genus of men was fat or the same as chichotists, that is, not so that too thick, however, and not thin. These, on the contrary, mowed and fivefold from the ladies and looked only on the sides, did not set where the governor's servant of the green table for Vista. Persons they had full and round, even there were warts, someone was and scaled; They didn't wear her hair on her heads, nor letters, nor on the manner of Chort, they were defeated, as the French say; Their hair was either low trimmed, or glare, and the face features are more rounded and strong. These were honorary officials in the city. Alas! Thicks know how to clean their things on this light, rather thin. Thin serve more on special instructions or only be listed and wake there and here; Their existence is somehow too easy, air and very unreliable. Thicks never occupy indirect places, and all straight, and if they are sitting, they will be reliably and firmly, so soon the place will shrink and will be sick under them, and they will not fly. Outdoor shine they do not like; On them, the frak is not so deftly crown, like thin, but in the boxes grace of God. In a thin one for three years there is not a single soul that is not laid down in Lombard; Tolstoy calmly, look, and appeared somewhere at the end of the city house, bought in the name of the wife, then at the other end of another house, then near the city of the village, then and the village with all the land. Finally, the fat, served by God and the sovereign, deserving universal respect, leaves the service, moves and is made by the landowner, the glorious Russian Barine, Boshosol, and lives, and lives well. And after him, again, thin heirs are descending, according to Russian custom, the courier is all the fatherly good.

Words, phrases, details

B. Task: Is there a story "Fat and Slim" in the text of the story and in this passage similar thoughts, reasoning? Confirm the similarity of the text of the story "Thick and Thin" or explain in your own way.

At the station of the Nikolaev Railway, two buddles met: one thick, the other is thin. Thick just gave birth to the station, and his lips, filled with oil, glanced like ripe cherries. It smelled from him with sherry and Fleur-D "Orange. Thin just got out of the car and was navalized by suitcases, knots and cards. Plowing from him ham and coffee dense. Because of his back, slender woman with a long chin appeared And a high gymnasium with a rich eye is his son.

Well, how do you live, friend? - asked fat, enthusiastically looking at each other. - Do you serve where? Did you get?

Serving, my dear! College Assistor has already had the second year and Stanislav. The salary is bad ... well, God with him! Wife music lessons gives, I am privigar from a tree. Excellent cigarettes! For the ruble for sale. If anyone takes ten pieces and more, you understand the concession. We are trying something like. He served, you know, in the Department, and now it is translated here by a column on the same department ... I will serve here. Well, how are you? Probably, Statsky is already? BUT?

No, my dear, raise higher, "said Fatst." I have already arrived at the mystery ... I have two stars.

Thin suddenly turned pale, petrified, but soon his face was twisted in all directions in a wide smile; It seemed that from his face and his eyes sparks fell. He himself cringed himself, buried, narrowed ... his suitcases, knots and cards were cringe, frowned ... The long chin became even longer; Nathanail pulled out to the fruunt and fastened all the goals of his uniform ...

I, your Excellency ... very nice! Friend, you can say, childhood and suddenly went into such veelmbod-s! Chi chi-s.

Well, full! - Fucking fat. - What is this tone? We are with you friends of childhood - and what is this kind of chinovation!

Mix ... that you, with ...- I shovel thin, even more hiking. - The gracious attention of your Excellency ... It seems like a lifeful moisture ...

2 group.

Before, for a long time, in the summer of my youth, in the summer I was imperatively flashed my childhood, I had fun to approach the first time to an unfamiliar place: I still, whether there was a village, a poor county town, the village of Lie, Slobodka, who was a curious, he opened a lot in him Curious look. Any building, whatever overwhelmed by some noticeable feature, everything stopped and struck me. Stone, a state-owned house, famous architecture with half fake windows, one-dinner protruding among the steroids of one-story meshchansky, philistine houses, round, Right, the right dome, all covered with leaf white iron, ascended over low, like snow, new church, market Lee, Fran Lee the county, who came across among the city, - nothing eluded from fresh, thin attention, and, having slipped his nose from his hiking carts, I looked at the unprecedented Dotol to do some kind of surtuk, and on wooden drawers with nails, with gray, yellers away, with raisins and soap, flashed from the doors of a vegetable bench together with the banks of dried Moscow confect, looked at the smoking officer who went to the side of the infantry officer, who was listed, knows from what province, on the county boredom, and for the merchant who flashed in Siberian on Running shodkes, and worn mentally for them into the poor life of them. The county official will pass by - I already wondered: where he goes, if he was for his brother or his brother or right to his home, so that, at half an hour on the porch, until the twilight was completely thickened, sit down for early dinner with Mother, with his wife, with the sister of his wife and the whole family, and what the conversation will be behaved at the time when the courtyard girl in monistas or a boy in a thick jacket will bring, after soup, a greasy candle in a durable home candlestick. Driving to the village of some landowner, I thoughtfully looked at a high, narrow wooden bell tower or wide, dark wooden old church. A tempting flashed to me from afar, through the woody greens, the red roof and white pipes of the landlord house, and I waited impatiently, while it disperse on both sides the gardens standing on his gardens and he will seem all with his own, then, alas! I didn't go to the outside, and I tried to guess who was the landowner himself, whether he was Tolsta, and his sons or as much as six daughters with a ringing virgin laughter, games and eternity of the little sister, and whether they are black and dislike He himself or chmure, as September in the last numbers, looks into the calendar, yes he says about boring rye and wheat.

Now it is indifferent to any unfamiliar village and indifferently looked at her state appearance; My chilled outcut is uncompretable, I'm not ridiculous, and the fact that there would be a living movement in the face, laughter and unfortunate speeches in the previous years, it will now slid past, and the indifferent silence keep my real mouth. Oh my youth! Oh my freshness!

Words, phrases, details

Conclusions about the role of retreat (as the author reflects)

Narrator in Youth

Narrator in adulthood

B. Task: Is there a poem of S. Yesenin in this passage and in this passage similar thoughts, reasoning? Confirm the similarity of the text of the poem or explain in its own way.

I do not regret, do not call, do not cry,

Everything will pass as with white apple trees smoke.

Fading gold embraced

I will not be more young.

You will not be so fight now,

Heart touched by chill

And country of birch sitz

Do not lure a barefoot.

Spirighter spirit! You are less and less

Moving a flame of mouth

Oh, my lost freshness,

Blue eye and flood feelings!

I now became a storm in the worst,

My life, Ile you dreamed me?

As if I am a spring bunker

Specked on a pink horse.

All of us, all of us in this world are damaged,

Quietly pours from the maples of the leaves copper ...

Be forever blessedly,

What came the prosperity and die.

Place an answer in the technological map.

3 Group

A. Lyrical retreat of Russia and the road (chapter 11)

And what Russian does not like quick ride? His soul seeking to spin, thoroughly, say sometimes: "Everything is worthless!" - Doesn't you love her soul? Is it not to love it when something enthusiastic is heard in it? It seems that the unknown force praised you on the wing to herself, and you are flying myself, and everything flies: the versts fly, the merchants fly to order on the irradiations of their kibilities, flies on both sides of the forest with dark buildings of fir and pines, with an ax, and a cracker, flies The whole road is inherent in the disappearance of the distance, and something terrible is concluded in the fire by fast Melkanya, where it does not have time to mean the disappearing subject, only the sky over the head, and light clouds, but the same one seems to be real estate. Eh, Troika! Bird Troika, who invented you? To know, you could only be born in the mortgage people, in that land that he does not like to joke, and even smoothly accommodated half a hundred, and they go to count the versts until it fell into the eyes. And not cunning, it seems, the road projectile, not iron captured with a screw, but lively alive, with one ax and shelter, equipped and gathered you Yaroslavsky milled man. Not in the German boots, the ball: beard and mittens, and Sit Chort knows what; And I highlighted, yes swung, yes delayed the song - Horse swirl, the knitting needles in the wheels were mixed into one sleek circle, only drown the road yes cried in the frightened pedestrian! And she rushed, rushed, rushed !.. And Won is already visible away, as something dust and drill air.

Are you not so, Rus, that a brisk odd triple, rushing? Smoke smoke under you the road, ram bridges, everything is lagging behind and stays behind. The contemplator struck by God's miracle: Is it not zipper dropped from the sky? What does it mean a horror movement? And what kind of unknown power is in the unknown light horses? Eh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Will the vortices sit in your maneers? Does the ear burn in any of your alkalo? I heard a familiar song from the embroidered, and the copper breasts strained together and, almost not touch the ground with the hooves, turned into one elongated lines flying through the air, and rushes, all inspired by God !.. Rus, where are you getting up, give an answer? Does not answer. A wonderful ringing is poured a bell; rattling and becomes the wind torn in pieces of air; It flies past everything that neither is on the earth, and the settles are focused and give her other nations and states.

Words, phrases, details

Conclusions about the role of retreat (as the author reflects)

B. Task: Is there a poem in the text of the poem of A. Russia and in this passage similar thoughts, reasoning? Confirm the similarity of the text of the poem or explain in its own way.

Again, as in the years golden,

Three erased whiskers fluffluts,

And the knitted knitting needles
In the ragged ruts ...

Russia, the poor Russia,

I am in gray your

Your songs are windows, -

How the tears are the first love!

I do not know how to regret

And the cross is careful ...

What do you want a sorcerer

Give robberies!

Let the lubrication and deceive,

Will you disappear, you will not curve

And only concern boils

Your wonderful features ..

Well? One concern more

One tear river noisy

And you are still the same - the forest, yes the field,

Yes, patterned circuit boards ...

And impossible is possible

The road is long,

When it flashes in Dali Road

Instant out of handkerchief,

When zvenent

Deaf Song of the Yamchik! ..

Place an answer in the technological map.

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    Fill the table:

Topic L.O.

Examples from the text

About fat and thin

About upbringing in Russia

About the subtlety of the appeal

About the gentlemen of "Middle Hand"

About the Metball

russian Word

About youth and youth

On the fate of the writer

in Russia

Lyrical deviations

in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Lyrical deviations -

retreats from direct plot in literary work

Lyrical deviations

give the poem scale, latitude and depth of problems coverage, symbolism

1 Chapter

About fat and thin

2 Chapter

About upbringing in Russia

3 Chapter

About the subtlety of the appeal

Topics of lyrical deviations in the poem

4 Chapter

About the gentlemen of "Middle Hand"

5 Chapter

About the Metball

russian Word

6 Chapter

About youth and youth

Topics of lyrical deviations in the poem

7 Head

On the fate of the writer

in Russia

8 Chapter

About urban people

9 Chapter

About Russian peasants

Topics of lyrical deviations in the poem

11 Chapter

About Russia

The role of lyrical retreats in the poem

Lyrical deviations in the poem:

  • introduce the image of the author;
  • give narration latitude, depth, hassiness, lyricism;
  • help characterize different directions of Russia

I wish you all more than once in your life to plunge into the beautiful, fascinating world,

whose name is Gogol

I. Prologue

The wonderful sleep ... as if in the kingdom of shadows, over the entrance to which the restless lamp fifters the "Dead Souls" inscription, the joker-Satan opened the doors. The dead kingdom has shredded and an endless rimniest stretched out of it.

Shub manilov on big bear, Nozdrev in someone else's crew, Shimportord on a fire pipe, Selifan, Parsley, Fetigny ...

And the most latter he moved - Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov in the famous with his brickest.

And all Vataga moved to Soviet Rus and happened in it then amazing incident. And what are the things follow points.

Gogol had long dreamed of writing a work, in which all Russia would have appeared. " It was supposed to be a grand description of the life and morals of Russia of the first third of the XIX century. Such a work was the poem "Dead Souls", written in 1842

Why did Gogol named the poem? The definition of the genre became clear to the writer only at the last moment, since, still working on the poem, Gogol calls her the poem, then Roman. The genre of the novel did not satisfy N. V. Gogol, as the novel is the epic work that reveals the history of the fate of a particular person, and the author's idea was to show "all of Russia." The genre uniqueness of the "dead souls" is that it is quite large in terms of the work of the poem in prose.

To understand the features of the Genre of the poem "Dead Souls", it is possible to compare this work with the "Divine Comedy" of Dante, the poet of the Renaissance. Its influence is felt in the poem Gogol. "Divine Comedy" consists of three parts. In the first part, the poet is the shadow of the ancient Roman poet Vergil, which accompanies the lyrical hero to hell, they pass all the circles, the whole gallery of sinners passes before their eyes. The fantasticity of the plot does not prevent Dante to reveal the topic of his homeland - Italy, her fate. In fact, Gogol conceived to show the same circles of hell, but hell of Russia. No wonder the name of the poem "Dead Souls" Ideanly echoes the name of the first part of the poem Dante "Divine Comedy", which is called "hell." Gogol, along with satirical denial, introduces an element chasing, creative - image of Russia. This includes a "high lyrical movement", which in the poem at times is replaced by a comic story.

A significant place in the "Dead Souls" poem occupy lyric retreats and plug-in episodes, which is characteristic of the poem as a literary genre. In them, Gogol concerns the most acute Russian public issues. The author's thoughts about the high appointment of man, about the fate of the Motherland and the people here are opposed to the gloomy paintings of Russian life.

Lyrical digression - an extrapty element of the work; The composite-stylistic acceptance of the author's retreat from the direct stories; copyright the reasoning, reflection, the statement expresses the attitude to the indirect attitudes depicted or having it. Can take the form of memories, the author's appeals. Used in epic or lyrol-epic works.

Lyrical retreats give the author the opportunity to communicate directly with the reader. Their emotion, incessia possess a special power of conviction. At the same time, the lyrics of digressions do not mean that the writer closes in the world solely by his own "I": they transmit important for all thoughts, feelings, moods. The overall content is expressed in them usually on behalf of a narrator or a lyrical hero, embodying the typical position of the contemporary, his views and feelings.

In the "dead souls", Gogol connects lyrical and epic start. The poetry of the work gives lyrical deviations that in each chapter of the poem. They introduce the image of the author, give the work of depth, latitude, lyricism. The subject of lyric retreats is diverse.The author reflects on the gentlemen of the "middle hand", "On the youth and youth", about urban people, the fate of the writer in Russia. It is especially interesting to think about the upbringing, a laptop of Russian Word, about Russia, about "thick and thin".

In the second chapter, where the story of Manilov and his spouse is being conducted, N. V. Gogol writes, in particular, what kind of education will receive girls in guesthouses. An ironic tone of the narrative ("... in the guesthouses ... Three main objects are the basis of human virtues: French, necessary for the happiness of family life; piano, for delivering pleasant minutes to the spouse, and ... Actually, the economic part: knitting wallets and others Surprises ") makes it possible to understand the reader that the author does not consider such a methodology of upbringing correctly. The proof of the uselessness of such upbringing is the image of Manilova: in their house "something always lacked: the living room was beautiful furniture, covered with Schiekolskaya Silk Matter ... But on two chairs there was a lack of it, and the chairs stood inspired by the root ...", " Introvers was served on the table of a very schocholist candlestick made of dark bronze with three ancient graces, with a pearl sickle shield, and there was some simple copper disabled with it, chrome, rolled over and all in Sale ... ". The pastime of spouses is in long and languid kisses, prepare surprises for the birthday, etc.

In the fifth chapter, the word "paid", which the Plushkin called a simple man, caused the author to think about the accuracy of the Russian word. The author beats a well-known proverb: "Taken said, it's all the same as written, not covered with an ax." Reflecting on the features of other languages, Gogol sums up: "... There is no word that would be so painfully, Boyko, so it would have broken from under the heart herself, it would have been boiling and lived as the Russian word talked."

Reflections of the author about the subtlety of the treatment expose the subchalimawhich possess a fantastic ability to determine their line of behavior, the Manera of the treatment of people of various social status (and this feature he notes exclusively among the Russians). The behavior of Ivan Petrovich, "the ruler of the office", which, when "among his subordinates, is, is served by Ivan Petrovich," yes, it's just not to speak from fear and words! Pride and nobility ... Prometheus, decisive Prometheus! Looks out for an eagle, performs smoothly, dimly. " But, applying to the head of the head, he is already "partpath such a hurry with the papers under the arm ...". And if he is in society and at a party, where people are a little bit higher than its rank, then "With Promethem, such a transformation, which and Ovid will not invent: fly, less even flies, destroyed in the sand!".

After visiting the Nozreva, Chichikov is found on the road with an excellent blonde. A description of this meeting is completed by a wonderful copyright: "... everywhere at least once will meet on the way to a man of a phenomenon, which is not similar to all that he happened to see Dotole,which at least once will awaken a feeling that does not like those who are destined to feel all his life. " But all this is completely alien to chikchiku: its cold prudency here is compared with the immediate manifestation of human feelings.

At the end of the fifth chapter "Lyrical retreat" is completely different. Here, the author is no longer talking about the hero, not about the attitude towards him, but about the mighty Russian man, about the talentedness of the Russian people. This "lyrical retreat" seems to be little connected with all the previous development of action, but it is very important for disclosing the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem : Genuine Russia is not a companion, nozzles and boxes, and the people, folk elements.

In the conclusion of the first volume of the anthem in the glory of the Motherland, the words of the author about Russia sound. The image of the threesome threesome carrying on the road personifies Russia itself:


"Are you not so, Rus that a brisk rude tripler wear? Smoke smoke under you the road, ram bridges, everything is lagging behind and stays behind. The contemplator struck by God's miracle: Is it not zipper dropped from the sky? What does it mean a horror movement? And what kind of unknown power is in the unknown light horses? Eh, horses, horses, what kind of horses! Will the vortices sit in your maneers? Does the ear burn in any of your alkalo? I heard a familiar song from the embroidered, and the copper breasts strained together and, almost not touch the ground with the hooves, turned into some elongated lines flying through the air, and the whole inspired by God rushes! .. Rus, where are you going? Give an answer. Does not answer. A wonderful ringing is poured a bell; rattling and becomes the wind torn in pieces of air; It flies past everything that neither is on the Earth, and, asleep, the other nations and states give her the road. "

from shurrikov and tutorial for entering universities written by Krasovsky

Using lyric retreats, the image of the author is created. Entering the author's image into the poem, Gogol has received the opportunity to expand the subject of the image, to make a number of problems that could not be delivered to the reader's court and are solved at the plot level. This explains the wealth of the problems of lyrical deviations in the poem. They affect the philosophical life path issues, and the problem of spiritual losses that a person carries (lyrical retreat of the fate of the young man in 6 chapter); Problems of true and false patriotism; Create an image of Russia - Troika Birds.

In lire. Retreats of G. puts and solves literary issues. In lire. The retreat of two possible ways of creative personality (the beginning of the 7th chapter), he approves a new ethical system, proclaimed by a natural school, - Ethics of love-hatred: love for the bright side of national life, to live souls implies hatred for the negative parties of being, to dead souls. The author perfectly understands what he obrives himself, putting on the path of the "crusions of the crowd, her passions and delusions," - for the persecution and betraying from liarpatrots, for the rejection of compatriots - but courageously elects this path.

Approve to LIR. The retreats of the new concept of a creative person, G. defended its right to choose from the object of the image: in the center of his attention turn out to be vices of society and a separate person.

There are extrapty elements - in the 11th chapter of the parable about Kife Mokiyevich and Mokia Kifovic. Also about patriotism.

In the author's retreats, Gogol looks at Russia with the eyes of an epic writer who understands the ghostity, the ephemerality of the lifestyle of people depicted by him. Behind the void and immobility of "necobroters" the author is able to consider "the whole life of life", the future of the vortex movement of Russia.

In lire. Retreats are expressed by the widest range of author's moods. The admiration for the accuracy of the Russian word and the boyhood of the Russian mind (the end of 5 chapter) is replaced by a sad-elegic reflection on adolescence and maturity, about the loss of "living movement" (beginning of 6 chapters). Start 7 chapters: comparing the fate of two writers, the author with bitterness writes about the moral and aesthetic deafness of the "Contemporary Court", which does not recognize that "Equally the wonderful glasses, the fussing sun and transmitting the movements of unnoticed insects" that "the high enthusiastic laughter is worthy With high lyrical movement. " The author refers to the type of writer who does not recognize the "modern court": "He is severely in his field, and it will feel his loneliness bitterly." But in the final of LIR. Deputies The mood of the author is changing: he becomes the sublime prophet, his gaze opens the future "terrible blizzard of inspiration", which "takes out of the chapter-clotted horror and in the blasting of the chapter" and then his readers "be honored in an embarrassing thrill of the magnificent thunder of other speeches."

In the 11th chapter, the lyric philosophical meditation about Russia and the vocation of the writer, whose chapter dawned the Terrible cloud, severely coming rains "(" Rus! Rus! I see you, from my wonderful, beautiful than you see you ... "), replaces the panegirik road, anthem Movement is the source of "wonderful designs, poetic dreams", "wonderful impressions" ("What a strange, and misfortune, and carrier, and wonderful in the Word: Road! .."). 2 of the most important topics of reflections of the author - the topic of Russia and the topic of the road - merged in a lyrical retreat, which completes the first volume. "Rus-Troika", "the whole inspired by God," appears in it as a vision of the author, who seeks to understand the meaning of her movement: "Rus, where are you rushing? Give an answer. Does not give a response. " The image of Russia echoes with Pushkin's manner of Russia - a "proud horse" (in the "copper rider"). And P. and G. Passatally wanted to understand the meaning and purpose of the historical movement of Russia. The artistic outcome of the reflection of writers was the image of the uncontrollabically rushing country.

from my notebooks for preparation for admission

In lire. Retreats reflected high aesthetic ideals of Gogol, love for their homeland, pain for the country, for the people, invisible tears to the world.

I head: The retreat of thick and subtle officials (not about the figure, but on the characteristics of the public situation).

II Head:

· Everything has its own "bad". Manil has no such "Zador" - the dead.

· Words about good upbringing.

III Head: On the shades of the Russian handling of people of various social status. Hint of kindness.

IV Head: Characterizing the landowner, the author always gives him a generalized characteristic, as if showing this type of people.

V Head: Meet Chichikov with blonde (governor's daughter). Built by taking contrasts. Gogol: "The true effect is concluded in a sharp opposite, beauty is never so bright and visible as in the contrast."

· The value of a dream, glossy joy, which at least once appears in life.

· Contrast: a dream and everyday life; Possible perception of a 20-year-old young man (as chikhikov perceives the governor's daughter \u003d\u003e not at all like a 20-year-old young man).

Gogol: "The originality of the Russian mind is especially heard between the peasants," and this mind is just glorified by Gogol at the end of 5 chapters.

VI Head: Departure of youth and cooling, which comes in mature years ( impotence is called).

Here Gogol speaks in the first face, i.e. as if from ourselves. We have an example of a partial incurrence of the author and the narrator. Gogol himself retains interest in life. But the main thing is not in this, but in the fact that by the help of the first-person narrative, the author creates the same essential image as by the help of the third-face narrative. The "I" of the beginning of the VI chapter is also a kind of character, and in it Gogol is also important to outline a certain psychological appearance.

Changing a person at the "Life Road" - that's what is put forward to the fore this character. Such a change that happened not without his participation in which he is always. All this is connected with the inner theme of this chapter. The head of Plushkin, about those striking changes that he had to go through. And, by describing these changes, I again resort to the image of the road: "Take the same way to the path, leaving my soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take all human movements with them, do not leave them on the road: do not fit later!"

Again familiar metaphor "Road of Life", the contrast of the beginning and end.

VII Head:

· About the traveler (contrast of the road and home, houses and homelessness).

· About two types of writers:

1. Pure Art (writes only pleasant and good)

· Long reasoning Chichikov about the peasants purchased to them (retreat, but not lyrical and not author, and Chichikov, the cat. At the end picks up the author). The author emphasizes that his thoughts are close to the thoughts of Chichikov.

VIII Head:

· About writers and readers in a secular society

· Continued reasoning about thick and subtle officials

X Head:

· The history of Captain Copeikin (war hero is 12 years old, the cat. He lost his hand and leg), the government rejoices from his defenders, thereby showing its anti-national essence. This is completed and summarizing the theme of the dead souls.

· Many in the world misconcellied

XI Head:

· The reasoning about the homeland (patriotic), the thought of hero

· Go to the retreat of the road (Gogol spent a lot of time on the road, there was a large number of designs).

· The reasoning about the hero (chischikov is frankly called the scoundrel)

· Inserted parable about Kyfe Mokiyevich and Mokia Kifovic (Bogatyr is born in Russia, but his wealth is not right away)

· Troika bird (where the Troika bird rushes: the ideal of Gogol is high, but abstract. He loved his homeland, the people and believed in a bright future. Russia will find a means to move their poor, smooth life). Naive hope that there should be a person who will open his eyes to all Russian people on vulgarity of their lives, antichelovic morals and customs. The role of such a man Gogol takes over. "Who, as not the author, should tell the truth." Eye officials and landowners did not reveal, but the subsequent revolutionaries were honored)

By analyzing the "dead souls" of Gogol, Belinsky noted the "deep, comprehensive and humane subjectivity" of the poem, subjectivity that does not allow the author "with the apathetic indifference to be alien to the world, they drawn, but forces it to spend it through his soul living the appearance of the outside world through his soul That and inhaling the soul to live ... ".

Gogol did not accidentally consider his work as the poem. Thus, the writer emphasized the breadth and epichetic of the narration, the value in it of the lyrical principle. The same thing noted critic K. Aksakov, who saw in the "Ancient, Homerovsky Epos" poem. "Some may seem strange that the persons in Gogol are replaced without a special reason ... It is the epic contemplation that allows this calm appearance of one person after another without external communication, while one world is a volume of them, communicating them deep and inextricably unity inner," wrote critic.

Epicness of the narrative, internal lyricism - all this was the result of creative plans of Gogol. It is known that the writer planned to create a big poem similar to Dante "Divine Comedy". The first part (1 volume) should be consistent with the "hell", the second (2 volume) - "purgatory", the third (3 volume) - "Paradise". The writer thought about the possibility of the spiritual revival of Chichikov, about the appearance of characters in the poem, which embodied the "unpretentious wealth of the Russian spirit" - "Muga, gifted by the Divine Doodles", "The Wonderful Russian Maiden". All this attached a narrative, deep lyricism.

Lyrical retreats in the poem are very diverse on its topics, pathos and moods. So, describing the journey Chichikova, the writer turns our attention to many details, as it is impossible to better characterize the life of the Russian province. For example, the hotel in which hero was stopped was "the famous kind, that is, just as there are hotels in the provincial cities, where for two rubles per day, passing the deceased room with cockroaches that look like prunes, from all corners."

"Total hall" where Chichotes are sent, well known to any passing: "The same walls, painted with oil paint, darkened up from pipe smoke," "The same smoked chandelier with a lot of hanging glass, which jumped and rangs whenever sexagon ran According to the exterior oil, "" The same pictures in the whole wall written by oil colors. "

Describing the governor party, Gogol talks about two types of officials: "thick" and "thin". "Thin" in the author's presentation - scoop and Frant, which are seen near the ladies. They are often prone to the merchant: "In thin for three years, there is not a single soul that is not laid down in Lombard." The thick is sometimes not too attractive, but the "founder and practical": they never "do not occupy indirect places, but all straight, and if they are sitting where, they will sit reliably and firmly ...". Tolstaya officials - "True Pillars of the Company": "Serving God and Sovereign," they leave the service and are made by glorious Russian bars, landowners. In the description of this, the author's satire is obvious: Gogol perfectly represents, what was this "official service", which brought a man "Universal Respect."

Often the author accompanies the story with common ironic remarks. For example, telling about Parsushka and Selifane, Gogol notices that he is uncomfortable to hold the reader with people of a low class. And further: "This is the Russian person: the passion is strong to be agreed with the fact that, although one rank, it was higher, and a cap acquaintance with a graph or prince for him is better than any close friendships."

In lyric retreats, Gogol argues about literature, about writing work, about various artistic styles. In these reasoning, there is also an author's irony, a hidden controversy of a realist writer with romanticism is guessed.

So, portraying the character of Manilov, Gogol ironically notices that it is much easier to portray the characters of a large size, generously throwing paints on the canvas: "Black scoring eyes, hanging eyebrows, cut the forehead with a black or scarf, like fire, cloak - and portrait Ready ... " But it is much more difficult to describe not romantic heroes, and ordinary people, "which from the species is very similar among them, and meanwhile, as you look like, you will see a lot of elusive features."

In another place, Gogol talks about two types of writers, having in mind the romance writer and a realist writer, satirist. "The perfect lot of the first preferring is preferred to describe the characters of sublime, which are the" high dignity of a person. " But this is not the fate of the second, "having daring to call out all the terrible, amazing Tin of the little things, entrusting our life, the whole depth of cold, fragmented, everyday characters, which our earthly, sometimes bitter and boring road." "It's sternly," and not to avoid him a modern court, considering the work of his "insult to humanity." There is no doubt that Gogol speaks here about his own destiny.

Satirically describes Gogol's life strength of Russian landowners. So, telling about the pastime of Manilov and his spouse, Gogol notes in passing: "Of course, it would be possible to notice that there are many other classes in the house, except for long kisses and surprises ... Why, for example, stupid and without anything prepare in the kitchen ? Why is pretty empty in the storeroom? Why the thief is the keystitch? ... But all these are low items, and Manilov is well brought up. "

In the chapter dedicated to the box, the writer argues about the "extraordinary ability" of a Russian person to communicate with others. And there is a frank author's irony. Noting a rather unceremonious appeal of Chikchikova with a box, Gogol notes that the Russian man overtakes a foreigner in the ability to communicate: "Recount it is impossible to all shades and subtleties of our appeal." Moreover, the nature of this communication depends on the size of the state of the interlocutor: "We have such wise men who, with a landowner who have two hundred souls, will speak quite differently than those who have their three hundred ...".

In the chapter on Nosdreva, Gogol concerns the same topic of "Russian communication", but in another, more positive, aspect of it. Here the writer notes the peculiarity of the natural man of the Russian man, his good nature, impairedness, innobability.

The nature of the nostride is quite recognizable - this is a "broken small", Likhach, Kutil, Player and Deboshire. He tends to join during the game of cards, for which it is repeatedly pumped. "And that everything is more strange," Gogol notes, - what can only happen in one Russian, he had already met again with the buddies who were tuzyli, and met, as he had no happening, and he, as they say, Nothing, and they are nothing. "

In the author's retreats, the writer argues about the Russian noble class, shows how far these people are from all Russian, national: they "do not hear a single decent Russian word", but by French, German, English "will endure in such quantities as not We want. " Higher society worships everything foreign, forgetting its original traditions, customs. The interest of these people to national culture is limited to the construction at the cottage "His in Russian Tseus." In this lyrical retreat, the author's satire is obvious. Gogol here urges compatriots to be patriots of their country, love and respect their native language, customs and traditions.

But the main topic of lyrical deviations in the poem is the topic of Russia and the Russian people. Here the author's voice becomes excited, tone - pathetic, irony and satire retreating on the background.

In the fifth chapter, Gogol glorifies the "live and wagon Russian mind", the extraordinary talentedness of the people, "Metko said Russian word." Chichikov, asking the peasant of a pryushkin gazed by him, receives an exhaustive answer: "... paid, paid! - exclaimed man. They were added and nouns to the word "paid", very successful, but non-consuming in a secular conversation ... ". "The Russian people are expressed! - Gogol exclaims, - and if he rewards with a sense, he will go to the genus and offspring, he will drag him with his service, and retired, and in St. Petersburg, and on the edge of the world. "

Very important in lyric retreats The image of the road passing through all the work. The topic of the road appears in the second chapter, in the description of Chichikov's trip to the estate of Manilov: "I barely went back the city, how you went to write on our custom nonsense and game on both sides of the road: bumps, yelnik, low liquid bushes of young pines, burnt shutters Old, wild heather and similar nonsense. " In this case, the picture is the background on which the action takes place. This is a typical Russian landscape.

In the fifth chapter, the road resembles a writer about the joys and charts of human life: "Everywhere, across whatever the sadness, of which our life is woven, having fun of the glistening joy, as sometimes a brilliant crew with gold harness, painted horses and sparkling glasses of glasses suddenly unexpectedly Will sweep past some stuffed poor village ... "

In the chapter on Plushkin Gogol talks about the susceptibility of people of different ages towards life impressions. The writer here describes his children's and youthful feelings associated with the road, with the journey, when all the surrounding caused live interest in it and curiosity. And then Gogol compares these impressions with their current indifference, cooling to the phenomena of life. Copyright thinking here is a sad exclamation: "Oh my youth! Oh my freshness! "

This reflection of the author imperceptibly proceeds to the idea how the character of a person can change with age, its inner appearance. Gogol indicates how a man in old age can change, to which "insignificance, petty, nastyness" can come.

Both copyright deviations here are echoing with a plush image, with the history of his life. And therefore, Gogol's thought ends with a sincere, agitated call to readers to keep in themselves the best that inherent in adolescence: "Take the same way in the path, leaving the soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take away all human movements, do not leave them on Road, do not fit later! Grimovna, terrible old age, and does not give back and back! "

The first volume of the "dead souls" is ends with a description of the triple rapidly flying forward, which is a real apotheosis of Russia and Russian: "And what Russian does not like quick ride? His soul, seeking to spin, thoroughly, say sometimes: "Damn everything!" - Doesn't you love her soul? ... Eh, Troika! Troika Bird, who invented you? To know, at the Boygogo People you could be born, in that land that he does not like to joke, and even smoothly accommodated half a hundred ... Rus, where are you rushing? Give an answer. Does not answer. A wonderful ringing is poured a bell; rattling and becomes the wind torn in pieces of air; It flies past everything that neither is on the ground, and, asleep, they are stored and give her other nations and states. "

Thus, lyrical deviations in the poem are diverse. These are the satirical sketches of Gogol, and the paintings of the Russian life, and the argument of the writer about literature, and ironic observations on the psychology of the Russian man, the peculiarities of Russian life, and the pathetic thoughts about the country, about the talent of the Russian people, about the latitude of the Russian soul.

Lyrical retreat - an extrapty element of the work; The composite-stylistic acceptance of the author's retreat from the direct stories; Copyright, reflection, statement expressing attitude to the indirect attitude to it. Lirically, the deviation in the poem of Gogol "Dead Souls" makes a lifeful, refreshing start, shall be drawn by the content of life-arising from the reader, reveal the idea.



Analysis of lyrical deviations in the poem N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

Lyrical retreat - an extrapty element of the work; The composite-stylistic acceptance of the author's retreat from the direct stories; Copyright, reflection, statement expressing attitude to the indirect attitude to it. Lirically, the deviation in the poem of Gogol "Dead Souls" makes a lifeful, refreshing start, shall be drawn by the content of life-arising from the reader, reveal the idea. The subject of lyric retreats is diverse.
"On fat and subtle officials" (1GL); The author resorts to the generalization of the images of civil servants. Care, bribery, kindness - characteristic of their features. Apparent at first glance, opposition to thick and thin actually identifies common negative features and those and others.
"On the shades and subtleties of our circulation" (3HL); It is referred to imprisonment in front of rich, sinking, self-reliance of officials before bosses and arrogance to subordinate.
"On Russian People and His Language" (5HL); The author notes that the language, the speech of the people reflects its national character; A feature of the Russian word and Russian speech is an amazing accuracy.
"On two types of writers, about their lots and destinies" (7HL); The author opposes the realist writer and the writer of the romantic direction, indicates the characteristic features of the Creativity of the Romance writer, speaks of the beautiful funeral of this writer. Gogol with bitterness writes about the Writer-Realist Writer, who risked to portray the truth. Reflecting on a realistic writer, Gogol determined the meaning of his creativity.
"Many accomplished in the world of delusions" (10Hl.); The lyrical retreat of the World Chronicles of Humanity, his delusions is the manifestation of the Christian looks of the writer. All mankind left the straight road and stands on the edge of the abyss. Gogol indicates to all that the straight and bright path of mankind consists in following the moral values \u200b\u200blaid down in Christian teaching.
"On the expanses of Russia, the national character and the Troika Bird"; The final lines of the "dead souls" are associated with the theme of Russia, with the reflections of the author about the Russian national character, about Russia-state. In the symbolic image of the bird-triple, Vera Gogol in Russia, as a state, which is intended for more than a great historical mission. At the same time, the thought of the very difference of the path of Russia is traced, as well as the idea of \u200b\u200bthe complexity of the presence of specific forms of promising development of Russia.

"Dead Souls" - a lyrol-epic work - a poem in prose, which unites two starts: epic and lyrical. The first principle is embodied in the author's plan to draw "all of Russia", and the second - in the lyrical retreats of the author associated with its intention constituting an integral part of the work. The epic story in the "Dead Souls" is also interrupted by the author's lyrical monologues, evaluating the behavior of a character or reflecting about life, about art, about Russia and its people, as well as affecting topics such as youth and old age, the appointment of a writer who help to learn more About the spiritual world of the writer, about his ideals. Larine deviations about Russia and Russian people have the greatest importance. Throughout the poem, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author is approved about the positive image of the Russian people, which merges with the glorification and chanting of the Motherland, which is expressed by the civil-patriotic position of the author.

So, in the fifth chapter, the writer famous "live and wagon Russian mind", his extraordinary ability for verbal expressiveness, that "if he rewards a sense, he will go to him in the genus and offspring, he will take him with himself and in service, and resign , in St. Petersburg, and on the edge of the world. " Chichicov's such reasoning brought his conversation with peasants who called Plushkin "paid" and knew him only because he fed his peasants badly.

Gogol felt the living soul of the Russian people, his delets, courage, diligence and love for free life. In this regard, the author-invested in the mouth of Chichikov, about the fortress peasants in the seventh chapter, have deep importance in this regard. Here is not a generalized image of Russian men, and specific people with real features, in detail discharged. This is a carpenter Stepan Cork - "Bogatyr, that in the guard would be suitable", which, on the assumption of Chichikov, proceeded to all Russia with an ax behind the belt and boots on the shoulders. This is a shoemaker Maxim Tjaleshovers, who studied in German and decided to get rich anger, making boots made of rotten skin, which were spread in two weeks. On this he abandoned his work, washed, dumbfounded on the Germans who do not give to the life of the Russian man.

Further, Chichikov reflects on the fate of many peasants purchased from Plushin, Sobevich, Manilov and Boxes. But the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "rampant of the people's life" so did not coincide with the image of Chikchikov that the word takes the author himself and already on his own name continues the story, the story about how the Abakum Fyrim walks on the Breast Pier and merchants, while working on one, like Rus, song. The image of Abakum Fyris indicates the love of the Russian people to the free, rampant life, walking and fun, despite the heavy serf life, the oppression of landowners and officials.

In lyric retreats, the tragic fate of the reserved people, scored and socially fitted, which was reflected in the images of Uncle Mitya and Uncle Mine, the girls Pelagei, who did not know how to distinguish, where the right, where the left, Plushkin proshi and Maur. Behind these images and paintings of the people's life lies deep and wide soul of the Russian people. The love of the Russian people, to the Motherland, Patriotic and sublime senses of the writer, was expressed by the created Gogol the image of a triple, carried forward, personifying the mighty and inexhaustible forces of Russia. Here the author is thinking about the future of the country: "Rus, where are you rushing? "He looks to the future and does not see him, but as a true patriot believes that in the future there will be no Manilov, Soberevichi, Nosdrey, plush, that Russia will rise to greatness and glory.

The image of the road in lyric retreats is symbolic. This is the road from the past to the future, the road at which every person and Russia is being developed in general. The work is completed by the anthem of the Russian people: "Eh! troika! Troika Bird, who invented you? You could have been known for the Boygogo People .... "Here, lyric retreats perform a generating function: serve to expand the artistic space and to create a holistic image of Russia. They reveal the positive ideal of the author - Russia of the People, who is opposed to Russia's Rusian-rank.

But, in addition to lyrical deviations, who chanting Russia and its people, in the poem there are both reflections of the lyrical hero on philosophical topics, for example, about youth and old age, calling and appointing a true writer, about his fate, which are somehow related to the way the road in the work . So, in the sixth chapter, Gogol exclaims: "Take the same way to the path, leaving the soft youthful years in the harsh faster courage, take all human movements with them, do not leave them on the road, do not fit! .. "Thereby, the author wanted to say that all the best in life is connected with younger and do not need to forget about it, as the landowners described in the novel, stas" dead souls ". They do not live, but exist. Gogol urges to keep the living soul, freshness and completeness of feelings and remain as long as possible.

Sometimes, reflecting on the agent of life, about changing the ideals, the author himself appears as a traveler: "Before, for a long time, in the summer of my youth .... I had fun to approach the first time to an unfamiliar place .... Now I am indifferent to any unfamiliar Village and indifferently looked at her duty; My chilled outstand is unpleasant, I'm not ridiculous .... and the insane silence keep my real mouth. Oh my youth! Oh my freshness! "To recreate the impact of the author, it is necessary to say about lyrical devices in which Gogol argues about two types of writers. One of them "did not change the sublime building of his lira, did not sleep from the top of his poor, insignificant to his fellow, and the other dare to call out all that every minute before the eyes and wonder the indifferent eyes. The lot of the present writer who daring to truthfully recreate reality, hidden from popular eyes, such that, unlike the romance writer, was absorbed by his unearthly and sublime images, it was not destined to achieve fame and experience joyful feelings when you admit and chant. Gogol comes to the conclusion that an unrecognized realist writer, Satiri writer will remain without participating that "Him His field is severely, and he feels his loneliness." Also, the author talks about "connoisseurs of literature", who have its idea of \u200b\u200bthe appointment of a writer ("better to imagine a beautiful and fascinating"), which confirms its conclusion about the fate of two types of writers.

All this recreates the lyrical image of the author, which long will still go hand in hand with a "strange hero, to look around the whole huge life, to look at her through a prominent laughter and invisible, unknown tears to him! "

So, lyrical retreats occupy a significant place in the poem of Gogol "Dead Souls". They are remarkable from the point of view of poetics. The undertakings of a new literary style are guessed in them, which will later find a bright life in the prose of Turgenev and especially in the work of Chekhov.