Topics for conversation with a girl 100 topics. Interesting topics for conversation with a girl, a guy, buddy: what can you talk about

Topics for conversation with a girl 100 topics. Interesting topics for conversation with a girl, a guy, buddy: what can you talk about
Topics for conversation with a girl 100 topics. Interesting topics for conversation with a girl, a guy, buddy: what can you talk about

If you just make the first steps in a pickup, and the experience of communication with girls is not very much, naturally arises the question what to talk about with a new girlfriend. After all, when for the first time, a lot of all sorts of nuances arises: since you, you start to worry, and because of this, communication is bad.

Therefore, before the meeting, it is better to have a plan in my head: what that you can catch in communication, where to behave and how to avoid awkward pauses.

The first question you must ask: "For what purpose I go now for a walk, and what exactly want from the girl?". After all, it is very important! Why so much dates ends with nothing? The guy likes the girl and he meets completely aimlessly in fact, he does not know what to do, and where to send his communication. Girls feel such uncertainty very well, and they quickly get bored and uninteresting.

For example, you say yourself: I like this girl. At the meeting, I want her to be interested in me. I want to get closer to her, and kiss her. In the end, I want sex with her.

And when the targets are delivered, you can talk in a certain way. What communication can lead to sex? It is clearly not a discussion of their hobbies, and one who learn to.

Therefore, flirt must be present in your communication. And the initiative of this flirting must come from you.

Interesting topics for conversation with a girl

  • Her appearance. After you greeted her, acquired and kissed, you can pay attention to its appearance. For example, to say that she has a cool top with an interesting printer, and start discussing it, what does it mean. In this case, you drive it into an estimated framework, and she is already beginning to think, as you like, and that there can be something wrong in it.)
  • Extreme sports. Tell her how to deal with roudjamping, how cool it is and what emotions are you feeling. Offer her also try. Your girl will present all this and starts experiencing emotions. And what is the main thing on the date? Emotions!
  • Tell about any cool or interesting case from your lifein which you turned out to be with your girlfriend. That is, you tell about the situation and, as it were, mimoles mention that there is at least one more woman in your life. It immediately creates competition for you in the head of the girl. For example: I was driven by a friend, and we saw such a terrible accident .. and then blah blah blah ... emphasis on the incident, but the girl immediately pay attention that you have a friend, which is also doing something for you.
  • Ask, how would she lend themselves in one way or another. An example of the situation should also be with provocation. For example, you are sitting in some institution, and you ask: how would you behave if the girl would come to me now and invited to the dance? It doesn't matter what she will answer. The main thing - in her head already created the necessary thought, which also works for competition for you.
  • Tell me about travel. Where were you and I saw. About the most memorable moments. Ask her same. By the way, this is a good girl check. Usually, people who have not been anywhere else, and even their desires do not occur this, turn out to be quite closed and boring. And why do you need a girl who is not much interested?

Topics for conversation with a girl in VK

I do not recommend tightening. Try as quickly as possible to take the phone number of the girl and, agree on to meet in real life. It is quite difficult to maintain a conversation in the desired degree, and it is meaningless. If the girl does not give a number and breaks, hammer on it and go to another.

How to communicate with a girl

No less important item. After all, if you use all of the above items, but you will be insecured in yourself and boring, then no, even superinterrix and intriguing topics for conversation will not help you. So consider, important not even WHAT Talk, A. AS speak.

Communicate with a girl confident. Do not go in front of it. Don't try her like.

Imagine that during your communication you on the mental level make her a gift. In the form of positive energy, good mood, interesting information. See how its reaction has changed.

As experience gained, you will still have questions about how to find topics for conversation with a girl in real life, on the Internet, in VK, by phoneYes, in all situations. It's like boxing. When the first time you come to the training, the hands do not obey, everything turns out barely. But after a few months of regular classes, you have already hit, you are well protected, and you do not think about every action. So here, cease to steam about how to start a conversation and what can be told with a girl.

Ended topics for communicating with a girl?

Keep some other options:

  • Ask about the dream.
  • About whether it is able to cook. You can joke well here)
  • "Who do you want to become when you grow up?")
  • Talk about feminine and male fashion.

That's all. Successes!

Interesting topics for conversation with a girl.

Dating on the street or online, success depends on how you talk. Sometimes external data of the interlocutor depart into the background, as it is very interesting to communicate with a person. In this article we will help start a conversation with a girl so that she does not refuse you.

If you introduce you to a girl friends or you found an advertisement on a dating site, then the first telephone conversation comes. From how much interesting to the girl will communicate with you, depend on your further relationship.

Topics for conversation by phone:

  • Pets. Find out if the girl has a pet, whom she loves, cats or dogs. Perhaps you have something to talk about. It may be care for animals or feed, vitamins, vaccinations, increments.
  • Children. This topic may be interesting to a young mother or a girl who has a younger brother or sister.
  • Sport. This topic will be interesting if your chosen is watching your body. And you also visit the gym. You can discuss vitamins, proper nutrition and nutritional supplements.
  • Holidays. If you are waiting for the holiday, this is a great reason to support the conversation. It is necessary to ask about gifts and holiday options.
  • Travels. The most pleasant topic is a holiday. Therefore, you can talk about warm countries and the sea.

Topics for conversation in VK:

  • Work. Try to ask the girl about her work, whether she likes. If she delight speaks of his work, you can develop the topic.
  • Money. The topic of money make money is interesting to all. But you should not talk a lot about money, so as not to seem like greedy or the opposite wasteful.
  • Hobby. Ask what the girl is engaged in free time. Perhaps she has a strange hobby.
  • Religion. This topic should not touch if you are a believer, and the girl is an atheism. But you can talk about religions in other countries.

Best, interesting topics for conversation with a girl in contact

Topics for communication with a stranger:

  • Start the conversation based on what has seen in social networks. Perhaps start a conversation with an interesting proverb or expression from the girl's page. Tell me that you are interested in philosophy or works by Laosza.
  • If there is a lot of culinary recipes on the page, you can talk about food. If a girl says that he loves to cook, you can tell you how you are cooking a specific dish, or you love it.
  • If you have found a questionnaire on a dating site, write, for what purpose do you get acquainted, and brief information about yourself. Write a little my hobbies.
  • If you do not know anything about fashion, it is not worth writing about it. Write about an interesting movie. This can be an excellent reason for inviting movie.
  • Find shared topics based on its page. If there are photos with a cat on the wall, ask about his nickname. Pet will be a great reason for dating.
  • If the girl has a photo, as she rides on the rollers, offer her to ride together. This also applies to the bicycle.

List of cool topics:

  • Museums and memorable places. Talk about some interesting and unusual places. Interesting can be pottery workshops, chocolate factories with a demonstration.
  • Computer games. Use this topic only if the girl really is interested in it.
  • Toys. Ask, maybe a girl makes or collect toys. This can be soft toys or kinders.
  • Collecting. You can talk about brands, coins, antiques. But this theme is quite subtle and not all interesting.

If you are familiar with the girl, and you know each other well, it is sometimes more pleasant to simply deal with each other's company. It is not necessary to talk about something.

Topics for conversation with your beloved:

  • Future plans
  • Interesting Travel Time or Leisure
  • Joint purchases
  • Study or work
  • General acquaintances and news about them

Here is an exemplary dialogue with a girl in VK:

- Hello, I am interested in your page, you are very interesting to me.

- Hello.

"We have common friends, you're on fitness go to the club Sport Life?"

- Yes, I go to fitness, and we are familiar.

- No, I saw you several times, maybe you will get to know?

- Okay.

- Have you long go to the hall?

- Approximately one year

- You have a beautiful appearance.

- Thank you.

- I go for 2 years, but without fanaticism. 2 times a week, cardio training and running.

- I also run, however, not in the hall, but in the park)

- Maybe we will organize a joint jog, when you plan?

- I will be on the lighthouse at 7.00

- OK, then until tomorrow, for now.

What to talk to a girl in VK: Example

As you can see to get acquainted with the girl, it is enough to know a little about it and you can talk about common interests.

Video: Topics for conversation

With each there was such a situation - you met the girl who you like it madly, but you do not know what to talk to her. In this article we will talk about how to choose a suitable topic to communicate, find common interests with a girl and interest it.

Invustible topics for communication with a girl

Obviously, you should not talk to a girl on the themes that she is not interesting. For example:

  • Racing cars and motorcycles - if it does not like speed, but prefers a safe ride;
  • Horror or militants, if she prefers romantic comedies;
  • Computers and their components, if of course your girl is not a hacker.

There are also a number of topics that should be excluded:

  • politics;
  • nationalism;
  • religion.

Your views can significantly disperse, and then your romantic date can end the quarrel.

In addition, you can not talk to girls about your "former" girlfriends. Remember! Never! Take it for a rule.

We begin communication. Get acquainted with the girl closer

The only thing about anyone can talk infinitely is about yourself. If you do not know where to start a conversation with a woman - ask her tell about yourself. Here are suitable topics:

  • What she is fond of and what is her hobby;
  • What time does she like her more - quiet, calm atmosphere of the house with a mug of coffee or night parties in clubs with friends;
  • What does her name, who she is on a horoscope;
  • Does love in love at first sight and trusts whether dreams trust;
  • What she is engaged in free time, where he loves to walk;
  • Separate attention was paid to its plans for the future;
  • Favorite drink, fragrance, film, book, season, color;
  • Separately, you should ask about her favorite colors. Be sure to remember them. When you come to the next date with a bouquet of her favorite colors, it will definitely make a strong impression on it;
  • Ask, did she ever committed crazy and rash actions, for what?

We continue to communicate. We are looking for a point of contact.

So, the intelligence is completed. You already imagine what kind of person sits in front of you. Next, the conversation must be continued on common, interesting for you both themes. You have already compiled a general opinion about the circle of her interests. Well, and your circle of interest you know how your five fingers. Where your interests intersect - there and should look for the most interesting topics For conversations.

If there are no points of contact (this also happens), do not despair. You can always find topics that are somehow touch both. For example:

  • Favorite places of your city;
  • Weather;
  • Common friends (if any);
  • Significant events and events.

Additional win-win topics


All women on the planet insanely romantic creatures. Tell me how I would like to meet the sunsets with her and to accomplish the sunsets, look at the shore of the azure coast on the stars and admire her outlines during the lunar light.


Not all girls athletes. But each of them is always trying to follow his figure. If you are a sports man, then this is your topic. Here it will listen to you very carefully.

Tell her about the advantages of a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, perhaps she tries to stick to him. Ask, if she visited the gym, or any sections - fitness, shaping, yoga, etc. If not, but will say that he always dreamed about it, offered her joint visiting a gym or pool.


Find out what kind of music she likes to listen to what movies to watch. Perhaps she paints well or dancing, sings or plays on some musical instrument. If you are doing this and you - then you will be about any dialogue.

Her family and relatives

All girls love to tell how they love their mother and dad. What they are the perfect pair for her and that by their example she would like to build their love.

If the girl has brothers or sisters, they did not hold them an excessive question. Ask their names, how many years they are that they love, where they learn and who would like to be in the future. If they are already adults to find out if they have their own families and are they often going to shared holidays or on weekends.

If your girl does not have a brother, nor sisters - you can talk to her if she ever had them ever and why. Learn more about her childhood. Whether she went to the garden, did she like it there. Let him relax a little and break into the atmosphere of carefree years.


Also with a girl is worth talking about love for the brothers to our smaller. Each girl adores animals. Find out if she has domestic lovers, ask, necessarily, as his name is and how old he is. Ask you to show the photo! (For you, it will play in a plus). And if you love animals yourself then, you can talk infinitely on this topic.


An additional advantage in communicating may serve humor. Laughter, as you know, prolongs life. Therefore, more jealous, especially if you have it perfectly, it turns out, tell me some interesting and funny joke or case of life. Just in case, it is necessary to always have 7-8 anecdotes in its arsenal for all cases in life. If you can cheer it, consider that the case is in a hat.


The main thing is not to overdo it! Throw a couple of phrases about how wonderful she looks like she is a dress and perfectly selected in the tone of lipstick (after all, she spent a bunch of time before your date and it is a pity if you do not evaluate it). This article.


With this topic must be careful. Go to it only if you are sure that you already have complete mutual understanding. Wherein, should not affect her past lovers. But, for example, you can talk about your favorite postures.

It is better to raise the topic of sex closer to the end of the date. Talk about sex at the very beginning, can scare it.

Well, in general, in a conversation with a girl, act in circumstances. Do not worry, not nervous and do not fuss. On the first date should not be forced the events. Imagine that she is your girlfriend with which you have not seen for 10 years. Do not be afraid to talk about what you like, and more try to learn about her.

Each young man wants to hit the girl with his erudition. So let's look at the top 20 of the most interesting topics for both friends:

1. Cinema is a pleasant topic for conversation. Ask the girl that she loves to watch. Talk about updates, about the genres, interesting actors, and finally invite to the movies.

2. Literature. Find out if your chosen wishes to read what he reads. Talk about the screening (for girls this topic is most interesting).

3. Museums, memorabilia. Each city has many cultural places. Find out the favorite places of the girl. Tell the fun story about your favorite place and invite strolls. So interesting as the attractions of your own city will help you to make contact with the girl.

4. Travel, walks. The most interesting topics for conversation with an inquisitive girl - travel and all that is connected with them. If recently traveled, tell me. Ask where she loves to ride where to go.

5. It is not worth talking about serious shortcomings, but about innocuous: the habit of losing the handle or accidentally collect them from friends - why not.

6. Food. About food and tastes you can speak infinitely. Do not forget to invite a girl in a cafe or for the weekend city.

7. Cars, transport, spare parts. These are more popular, but you can also interest the girl too. Ask, whether she drives the car if she likes cars and what. Tell us about the dream car!

8. Work and studies. These interesting topics for the conversation very quickly unite people. Tell me something interesting about your work or school, remember the funny situations. Ask a girl about her activities. Surely you have something to remember, tell us and what to laugh.

9. Sport. You can start a conversation with your favorite sports. Those quite a lot - sports tourism, fitness, famous athletes.

10. Health. This is an excellent topic to soften together. You can talk about such global problems as AIDS, cancer, etc.

11. Religion. Conversations on this topic can be endless. To interest the girl, ask her, whether she believes in fate or believes that everyone himself is the Creator of his fate, whether he believes in God in case.

12. Relationship. Ask about what she wanted to meet a guy. Talk about friends (just do not remember the former).

13. Children. Children, kids, small sisters and brothers, tribes are the lightest and pleasant, which can only be talking about. There is always something to tell about these wonderful creatures: funny stories, phrases and leprosy.

14. Rest and outdoors in the fresh air. These are great topics for conversation with a girl by phone. Ask how a girl likes to spend his free time. Support the conversation by offering it a joint holiday.

15. - The most interesting topics for conversation from fond of anything. Ask about the hobbies of the girl and do not forget the stories about your interests.

16. Gifts, holidays. What is your favorite favorite holiday? Discuss interesting ideas for gifts for various holidays. What is better: give or get? Tell us about your preferences.

17. Clothing. Clothing - Not so much a great topic for conversation as good reason to make a nice compliment to the girl. And it is necessary! Tell me that every woman for his beloved man is beautiful and irresistible in any clothes.

18. Pets. The theme is about domestic animals - win-win. Ask if she has domestic animals. Dog, cat, fish, parrot - someone is probably. Be sure to tell about your pets.

19. Money, prices for travel and food, waste to hobbies are not only a reason for an exciting conversation with a girl, but also interesting topics for conversation with friends.

20. Sex. It is not necessary to immediately tell about your sexual preferences, since this can cause apathy in the girl. Wait for the moment when relationships are close enough, and it will be ready to communicate on this topic.

The topics presented above will help you interest the girl!

Any girl loves courtship, attention and, of course, a gentle word from his interlocutor. And if we are talking about the first date, it is decisive for prolonged relationships.

Young people need to be able to select the desired topics for a conversation with a direct meeting when you walk with a girl 1 to 1, by phone or on social networks. This can be learned.

Topics for conversation on the first date


In order to interest the girl on a comfortable and easy communication, you need to captivate it with conversations about your hobbies.

This topic is useful for several reasons:

  • Firstly, telling about interesting types of classes, the girl will know more about his interlocutor after acquaintance than he lives what breathes and so on.
  • Secondly, It is possible to captivate its details and may be interested in your hobbies so that you want to spend them together.
  • And thirdlyIt may be so that you both are passionate about the same occupation that significantly facilitates the entire subsequent conversation.


You can raise the topic of free time. What did you do interesting recently, where we went what kind of institutions attended.

Perhaps, in this subject there will be common points of contact, which will greatly facilitate a further conversation.

Reference! It may happen that the interlocutor wants to spend time as well as you, then for sure the scenario of the second date will be ready.

Favorite films

Very relevant theme for modern young people. Scenarios and genres of films are very diverse, therefore the conversation about the most likeliped paintings is to be saturated and extensive.

At first it is necessary to delicately ask about the tastes of films from a partner, and then tell about your preferences. Be sure to have common interesting episodes and genres during the conversation.

Reference! At the same time, you can agree on the next meeting in the cinema to view the upcoming bestseller.


Girls love sports young people, so talk about your favorite and fascinating sport will not leave her indifferent.

You can talk about your achievements, as well as discuss records of famous athletes, give an assessment of their victory or losing.

  • During the conversation, you will learn about your interlocutor's preferences, maybe she herself is a athlete or a fan of a particular type of sports competition.
  • If you both have avid athletes, then the next date you can plan a trip to the sports section or in the gym.

Urban sights

You can discuss the memorabilia of your city and find out the interlocutor her preferences in this regard. It is necessary to choose such unknown corners in which the girl has never been. It is important to intrigue it and persuade to spend the second date there.

Attention! If during the conversation you understand that the girl managed to visit everywhere where you were and you could go to the cunning, saying that in some kind of attraction you are never enough, no longer enough.

It will be a wonderful reason and a hint for a girl to show you the unknown at the second meeting.


A good topic to continue the conversation and for the appointment of the second date in the beloved restaurant of the girl. It is necessary to ask a partner about its taste preferences and tell about its unusual and delicious dishes.

If you know how to cook, it will be a stunning bonus. You can surprise the girl with your unusual dishes and invite her home to divert them.


Conversations on the musical theme is always by the way on the first date. Music listen to everything and many have individual preferences that they are glad to share with the interlocutor.

Reference! You can discuss the positive and negative sides of the vocal, call your favorite performers and genre of executable songs. Points of contact will be found.

The list of the best topics for a conversation with a girl on a date is given on the video:

By phone

The telephone conversation is different from the personal conversation by the fact that communication on the phone is limited only by auditory and speech communication. Partners do not see each other and cannot judge the appearance, the mood of each other.

During the conversation, any themes can be affected, but it is important to follow the reaction of the girl so that her voice was Bodr and she remained an active interlocutor.


This topic is well developing imagination at a distance, so ideal for conversation:

  1. It is necessary to describe beautiful places, sunny beaches and cultural monuments.
  2. Before the conversation, you need to read on the Internet about several attractions and find out their positive parties.
  3. If you managed to travel around the world, the personal experience will be as impossible by the way.


On the phone wonderfully captivate the girl with funny jokes.

Just need to try to avoid vulgarity and cruelty.

Weak floor is very wounded and sensitive, such baking may not be excreted, besides, they are able to have a negative impact on the course of the entire subsequent conversation.


Favorite works have all young people. It can be stories from the school program, and may be individually readable works of little-known authors.

Important! During the conversation, it is necessary to try to understand what directions in the artworks are fascinated by the interlocutor, and try to adapt to her tastes. In this case, the conversation may be very harmonious and successfully.


There are no girls indifferent to animals. As a rule, many have a gentle kitty, a dog or the same bird.

The interlocutor will gladly tell himself about her pet, about his character, moral, taste preferences, habits, resentment. You should only support the words of dignity and delight.

And if you also have a favorite animal, the partner will be happy to listen to amazing stories about hamster, a parrot or a turtle.

Important! In a telephone conversation, it is very important to avoid awkward silence. Moreover, the course to continue the conversation should always keep a young man. You can interrupt the silence of a tender smile with a call in the phone and pleasant words to the subscriber.

How and what to talk to the girl on the phone tells on the video:

Correspondence on social networks on the example of VKontakte

Reference! It is important to be able to competently state your thoughts, since when communicating on the Internet there is no emotional component and the written phrase may be regarded in different ways.

What can I start a conversation with a young man in such a popular social network as VKontakte:

  • Emotional topics. You can talk about everything that I was particularly impressed in the last year. It should be borne in mind that girls love pleasant and bright topics. About cars and other technique should not start a conversation, few of the representatives of the beautiful floor this topic is valid for the soul.
  • Conversations about interesting rollers online. You can upload partner links to amazing stories, stories about UFOs and other impressive topics.
  • Holidays. Discussion of holidays is always fascinating and joyful. Tell us about your favorite traditions in your family, with friends. Communication can be attached to confirm photos from an important family event. Perhaps in the photos, the girl will see common acquaintances and your conversation will acquire a more casual channel.

Reference! The advantage of the social network is that it is not necessary to be limited to words. There is always the opportunity to attach an interesting link to a video or music clip. This creates a double interest on both sides. Thus, the horizon of communication of people is automatically expanding.

VKontakte has a lot of opportunities to express your emotions.

It would seem a simple emoticon, inserted in the right place, can cause a romantic attitude from the girl and fall in love with her in his person, as if trite it did not sound.

What should not talk about?

Communication with the girl you like should take place at ease and fun, you can talk to any conceivable and inconceivable topics, but still worth avoid some thematic conversations:

  1. Politics. This area should not be addressed at least at least on the first three dates. The beautiful floor rarely monitors the political events in the country in such an extensive scale as young people, and she will be bored and loosely listen to your opinion on this matter. Moreover, the questions addressed to her by the political line can generally lead the interlocutor in the despondency.
  2. Religion. The topic is practically intimate. It is so undefined as part of the understanding of the world of each individual, that such conversations can end the scandal and unpleasant sensations from the meeting. Religious moments should be excluded from the conversation uniquely and always.
  3. Former. Not every girl will agree to tell you about the former hobbies and intrigues. In addition, this area of \u200b\u200bcommunication is unlikely to be pleasant for her, since she is sitting in front of you in search of a new passion. Do not discuss your former beloved with it. It is not delicate and not like a single girl.
  4. Age. Do not ask about the age of the interlocutor, as well as report on your preferences in this matter. This topic should be a taboo to discuss. Women of any ages are very scrupulous to treasure as a "age period". For them, it is a hunted any hint of an invalid in this direction.
  5. Crime. The girls are not very loved by the militants and horrors, so the conversations for this topic are unlikely to make the soul. In addition, a date with a young man for wonderful representatives of weak gender is always something light, fabulous and magical, do not overshadow this light with such "dark paints".

About five forbidden topics when talking with a girl tells on the video:

In order to make an indelible impression on the girl you like, you need to know how to talk to her.

Girls love ears - a famous proverb that reveals all the essence of the female nature.

From what the guy talks about, it depends on the partner or not. The ability to support the conversation with the necessary thematic direction is important for the guy important and almost the most important goat to attract the girl for a repeat date.