Fallout 4 how to increase the lethality of weapons.

Fallout 4 how to increase the lethality of weapons.
Fallout 4 how to increase the lethality of weapons.


In this article you will find all cheat codes for Fallout 4(Fallout 4). A complete list of cheats: for weapons, for armor, for levels, for cartridges, for abilities, absolutely all item codes!

Fallout 4 is the fourth (not counting various add-ons and offshoots) game in the popular RPG series about survival in the harsh world of the future, which has fallen into decay after a nuclear war. And although the developers have been criticized for the simplified dialogue system and a number of other controversial gameplay moments, it's safe to say that Fallout 4 has become popular. Even now, when more than two years have passed since the release of the project, 15-25 thousand people play it at the same time. And these are only the owners of licensed copies on Steam.

Like any other RPG from Bethesda, the new part of Fallout is not fully revealed during the first “fluent” passage of the storyline, but after - when the player begins to study the world in detail and install various amateur mods, modernizing and improving the gameplay in every possible way. And at this stage, cheat codes from the list below may come in handy. They are entered in the console, which opens with a tilde (~ - it is also the letter “Ё” on most keyboards with a Russian key layout).

List of main codes for Fallout 4

cheat code Description
tgm Activation of the divine mode, which gives invulnerability from all types of damage
tai Complete shutdown of artificial intelligence, bots do not move
tcai Enemies will no longer attack the player
kill Instant kill the selected target, previously selected with the mouse
kill Killing a target with a specific ID
killall Destroying all targets that are close to the player
resurrect Respawn mouse-marked target
resurrect Resurrect a target by its ID number
unlock Instantly open a door or safe that the player has previously targeted
activate Works in the same way as the previous cheat, only used to unlock the code panels on the doors
tmm 1 Designation of all interesting places on the map
setav aggression0 Removes unfriendly attitude towards the player from the side of the NPC
coc quasmoke Allows you to move to a secret area with a bunch of armor, ammunition and all sorts of bonuses. You can exit the zone by issuing a similar command, for example, “coc redrocket01”, which teleports the character to other zones of the game world
setgs fJumpHeighMin [number] Changes the jump height by a user-specified amount. The higher the value, the more jumpy your character will be.
sex change Instant gender change for your character
tdetect You become invisible to all NPCs
caqs The player is automatically credited with completing all the quests of the main storyline
setOwnership Assigning a name tag to the specified item
setScale [number] Increasing the size of the character model and NPCs. The numerical value can vary from 1 to 10
set timescale to [numeric value] Time management. By default, the game has a value of 16.1, respectively, all numbers from zero to the specified slow down time, and higher numbers speed up
player.modav [name] [number] Increasing or lowering the level of pumping skills. After the cheat, you need to specify the skill ID and the numerical value of the parameter that you want to assign
player.setlevel [number] Instant increase in the level of the character to a given value
player.setav carryweight [number] Increase in carrying capacity. The character will be able to carry more items in the inventory if set to a high value
player.modav health [number] The character's current maximum health is changed by the specified amount.
tfc Camera free flight mode
tm Disappearance of all interface elements. Attention! The change also affects the console itself, so re-entering the command to undo the changes will have to be done blindly
twf Enable Wire Frame Mesh

Cheat codes for Fallout 4 (Fallout 4). Cheats per level

The commands below allow you to get any amount of experience, or a certain level.

  • Player.ModAV Experience#- a code for gaining experience, where # is the amount of experience gained, for example: Player.ModAV Experience 10000 - will give your character 10,000 experience, due to which he will receive several new levels.
  • Player.SetLevel#- code to get the level, where # is the desired level, for example: Player.SetLevel 500 - will make your character level equal to 500.

Codes for calling opponents and adding items to inventory

Knowing the number assigned to a particular item / NPC, any player can call them, saving a lot of time that he would have spent combing the wastelands and fighting. The “player.placeatme [ID] [amount]” code allows you to play a certain number of specified items or NPCs next to the character, and the “player.additem [id] [amount]” code immediately transfers things to the player’s inventory. You can see the list of all identifiers in the tables below.

Identifiers for core items and consumables

Numeric ID Adds a certain amount:
0000000F caps (local in-game currency)
0000000A hairpin (hairpin)
00075FE4 Cores for Power Armor
0004F4A6 stealthboys
00023736 stimulants
00023742 antiradine
00024057 Rad-X
000366С5 screws
00033778 buffouts
000366C0 purified water
0004835F quantum nucleus cola
000366C4 whiskey
000211DD beer

Building materials and their identifiers

The construction of settlements and various fortifications is one of the ways to survive in an unfavorable post-apocalyptic world teeming with ghouls, radroaches and other aggressive creatures. The player will not be superfluous to acquire a large number of resources for construction. And in order not to engage in long and tedious gathering, it’s easier to enter a cheat.

Material ID Allows you to get supplies:
001BF72E glue
0006907a aluminum
0006907c copper
0006907B wiring
0006907E gears
0006907d crystals
0006554А miracle glue
0006907f plastics
000731a3 tree
00106d98 rubber
106D99 concrete
000731a4 become
000aec5d bones
000aec5f textiles
00069087 optical fiber
000AEC5E ceramics
000AEC63 lead
000AEC5С asbestos
000AEC62 gold
000AEC64 skin
000AEC60 traffic jams
001BF732 oils
001BF72D acids
00069082 springs
00069086 nuclear components
00069085 glass
00069081 bolts
0004D1F2 electrical tape
00059b1e turpentine
000AEC61 fiberglass
000aec66 silver
000aec5b protective fibers

Conventional weapon identifiers

This list includes conventional weapons that are easy to find, knock out or buy from merchants.

Rare Weapon IDs

Unique weapons that can only be obtained by completing certain tasks or visiting certain locations. If you want to test the original guns, the easiest way is to use the cheat on the spawning of items in the inventory and the identifiers from the list below.

List of ammunition identifiers

Item ID Item name
0001F66B 308 caliber ammunition
0004CE87 ammo 38 caliber
0009221C ammo 44 caliber
0001F66A ammunition 45 mm
0001F279 ammunition 50 mm
0001F66C ammunition 5 mm
0001F278 5.56 caliber ammunition
0001F276 ammo 10 mm
0001F673 shotgun ammo
000FE269 railway crutches
0018ABDF electromagnetic cartridges
0001DBB7 plasma charges
0018ABE2 cryogenic cells
000C1897 nuclear batteries
000CAC78 refill for flamethrower
001025AA ammo for Alien blasters
000DF279 charges for the gamma gun
000FD11C cannonballs
000CABA3 rockets
000E6B2E nuclear mini-charges
001025AE flares

Power Armor Parts

The power armor set in Fallout 4 is based on a single exoskeleton frame, which serves as the basis for attaching six elements to it - a helmet, a torso and four limbs. With the help of identifiers, you can easily assemble a complete set of one or another variety.

Armor part ID Armor for:
00140C52 left hand (SB Raiders)
00140C53 right hand (SB Raiders)
00140C54 heads (SB Raiders)
00140C55 left leg (SB Raiders)
00140C56 right leg (SB Raiders)
00140C57 torso (SB Raiders)
00154ABD T-45 left hand
00154ABE T-45 right hand
00154ABF T-45 heads
00154AC0 T-45 left leg
00154AC1 T-45 right leg
00154AC2 T-45 torso
00140C4C T-51 left hand
00140C4D T-51 right hand
00140C4E T-51 head
00140C4F T-51 left leg
00140C50 T-51 right leg
00140C51 T-51 torso
00140C3D T-60 left hand
00140C45 T-60 right hand
00140C4A T-60 heads
00140C3F T-60 right leg
00140C49 T-60 left leg
00140С42 T-60 torso
00154AC3 X-01 left hand
00154AC4 X-01 right hand
00154AC5 X-01 head
00154AC7 X-01 right leg
00154AC6 X-01 left leg
00154AC8 X-01 torso

Monster IDs

They may be needed, for example, if you want to remotely (without selecting the target with the mouse) kill opponents of a certain type nearby.

Monster name Monster ID
synths 00066644
Synth-patrol (paratroopers) 001a03f6
Security robots 000008ee
MK-II Security Robot Destroyers 0023b50a
Siege robot guards 000cfb4a
MK-IV security robot prototype 00000a26
Deathclaw ID 0001db4c
Wild Deathclaw ID 001423aa
White Deathclaw ID 001423ab
Chameleon Deathclaw ID 001423ac
Glowing Deathclaw ID 001423a8
Alpha Male Deathclaw ID 001423a7
Deathclaw Queen ID 001423a9
Mythic Deathclaw ID 001423ad
Mutant Hounds 00090c37
Luminous Mutant Hounds 0012240d
super mutants 000edcc6
Super Mutant Kamikaze 0014ae58
Super Mutant Scouts 000edcc7
Super Mutant Raiders 000edcc8
Super Mutant Thugs 000edcc9
Super Mutant Butchers 000edcca
Super Mutant Masters 000edccb
Super Mutant Bosses 002983e5
Super Mutant Elders 000bc1ef
Super Mutant Chieftains 002983e7
Monsters (behemoths) 000bb7dd
Luminous monster (behemoths) 0012b97a
Epic monsters (behemoths) 0012b97b
Ancient monsters (behemoths) 0012b97c
wild ghouls 000d39e9
Wild roaming ghouls 000d39ea
Wild ghoul stalkers 00165790
Wild Ghoul Rippers 000d39eb
Shrunken wild ghouls 000d39ec
Gangrenous wild ghouls 0011669e
Rotten ghouls 0007ed07
Burnt wild ghouls 001166a0
Glowing wild ghouls 000d39ed
Rotten glowing ghouls 0011669f
Bloated glowing wild ghouls 000a0eee
mole rats 0001d966
Mole Rat Queens 000b100f
Raging Mole Rats 001832f6
Glowing mole rats 001832f7
Vault 81 lab mole rats 000db0a5
Fire protectors 001e61e0
Medical protectors 001e61e3
Watch Protectorons 00121d4f
Guard Protectorons (Legendary) 00249af6
Construction protectors 001d77a0
Police protectors 001e61e4

Identifiers of baby dolls (figurines)

Twenty small figurines are scattered around the world of Fallout 4, some of which reward the player who finds them with an increase in performance, and some open up access to various unique bonuses that add up to the character’s skills and bonuses to the equipment worn on him.

Bobblehead ID Bobblehead adds a bonus:
00178b63 strength
00178b5d perception
00178b5a good luck
00178b58 intellect
00178b55 endurance
00178b54 charisma
00178b51 dexterity
00178b64 disarmament
00178b62 eloquence
00178b61 secrecy
00178b60 small guns
00178b53 big guns
00178b56 energy weapons
00178b5f science
00178b5e repairs
00178b52 barter
00178b5b medicine
00178b5c melee attack
00178b59 breaking locks
00178b57 explosives

Food IDs

Various edible products found in the wastelands can help the player replenish a small amount of health points and get some kind of bonus for a certain time. For example, dried bogweed has a +15 effect to poison resistance. Most products also have a side effect - raising the level of radiation.

Legendary armor mods

To assign the desired effect to the selected armor element, you need to write the command “amod [effect identifier]” in the console, having previously marked the desired item with the mouse. Removal of effects is carried out according to a similar principle - the “removemod [identifier]” command.

Effect Name Identifier Description of properties
Acute 001cf57d Adds one point each to Charisma and Intelligence
Happy 001cf57e +2 luck
Firming 001cf57f 1 point each for strength and stamina
cunning 001cf57c Adds a point of Agility and Perception
Anti-radiation 001f1dee Ghouls deal 15% less damage
disastrous 001f81ed Swamps and Insects deal 15% less
Antimutant 001f1df4 Mutant damage is reduced by 15%
hunting 001f1deb Animal damage is reduced by 15%
Repair 001f81ee Robot resistance. Mechanical enemies deal 15% less damage
murderous 001f1df3 Damage from human enemies reduced by 15%
Acrobatic 001f1df9 50% damage reduction when falling from a great height
The fall 00093bbd Falling from a great height no longer deals damage
Piezo 0022879c Under the influence of irradiation, ODs are restored at a faster rate
Vorovskaya 001f3ca9 Improving Hacking Skills
Protective 001f57e4 15% less Damage from any Attacks on a stationary character
sorcerer's 001f3072 +25 Poison Defense
Cavalry 001f579d Block or Haste grants 15% Damage Reduction
Martyr's Armor 001f2d3d If the character has less than 20% health, he automatically enters the time dilation mode (activated during combat)
Optical 001f4d18 When the character is stationary, it is more difficult for enemies to notice him
reinforcing 001f8165 The lower the health, the higher the resistance. Accumulates up to 35 points
Power 001f7a75 AP regenerate at a faster rate
Sprint 001f1c2f Character moves faster (+10%)
Improved VATS 001f1d62 -10% to the cost of VATS actions
Unbroken 001f1e0c The selected armor element is characterized by four times the strength. The perk is only compatible with power armor.
duel 001f3a49 10% chance to automatically disarm the enemy in close combat
lightweight 001f1e0b Reducing the weight of a perk piece of armor
Punitive 001f1e47 Melee attacking enemy takes back a tenth of the damage dealt to the player

Legendary weapon properties

Like armor, weapons can also be awarded with legendary properties. To do this, enter the code “attachmod [identifier]” in the console. You must first aim at the desired weapon in the inventory.

Property name Identifier Effect Description
stun 001e81ab Opponent is stunned with a small chance
mutilation 001f1048 20% chance to damage opponent's leg on hit
Rage 001f6ad4 Critical hit causes the enemy to attack your enemies
Rage (version 2) 001ef481 Each subsequent attack on a specific target takes increased damage
Aggression 001f7b8a Damage increased by a quarter of the current value, added chance to hit to maim
incendiary 001e7173 Fire attack modifier. A hit sets the target on fire and deals an additional 15 fire damage.
medicine man 001f31b9 Each attack inflicts a poison effect. It lasts 10 seconds and takes away 3 health points every second.
Chilling 001f5479 Each critical hit deals +10 frost damage, has a small chance to freeze the enemy
Power 001cc2ab Damage dealt is increased by a quarter
Plasma saturation 001f9b4d Additional energy damage on the target (+10 points)
Irradiation 001cc469 Additional radioactive damage (+50 points)
hurting 001e7c20 Additional bleeding damage (25 counts)
crippling 001e6d6b Limb attacks are 50% more powerful
Antiradiation 001e6847 Ghouls become twice as vulnerable to your attacks
disastrous 001f81eb 50% more damage against swamps and insects
Mutant Extermination 001e6848 Weapons are twice as effective at killing mutants
hunting 001e6845 Animals take 50% more damage
murderous 001e6846 Human enemies take increased damage (+50%)
Provocation 001f04b8 Targets at full health take double damage
Repair 001f81ec Mechanisms (robots, etc.) gain 50% vulnerability
Berserker weapon 001ef5d7 Reward a weapon with bonus Shock Damage based on your character's Shock Resistance stat.
Protective 001f5995 The character takes 15% less damage if they shoot from a stationary position
Cavalry 001f57e2 Damage reduced while blocking or sprinting (15%)
junkie 001eb99a The character's addictions allow you to get an additional bonus to damage. The more of them, the higher the characteristic
night weapons 001e8174 At night (from 18-00 to 6-00 in the game) damage increases
bloodied 001ec036 With each lost health point, the character's damage increases.
Pathfinder 001f04bd While not in combat, you can land the first hit on an opponent in VATS with increased accuracy. When used, more AP points are spent
Agility 001ebabd Character gains increased maneuverability when aiming (+75%)
indefatigability 001ed37e Critical hits restore AP
lightning speed 001f1026 AP when using weapons are consumed in a smaller amount (3/4 of the standard amount)
VATS Compliance 001cc2aa Attacks in VATS are more accurate and cost 25% less AP
VATS-compliant (version 2) 002056f0 Economical spending of OD. Each attack costs only 60% of the standard amount
Automatic 000a4739 Automatic shooting
Infinity 001cc2ac Removes the need to reload. Clip now consists of all the ammo for a specific weapon in the inventory
explosive 001e73bd Projectiles explode and gain terrain damage (15 damage to other enemies near the target)
Double-charged 001cc2ad At the same time, it releases not one, but two whole charges, which, when the cartridges are consumed, are considered as one.
penetration 001f4426 Reduces the target's resistance to physical and energy damage by 30%.
swiftness 001ec56d Fire rate increased by 25%, reload speed increased by 15%
Happy 001cc2a6 In VATS, critical damage is doubled, and the crit gauge on hits fills up 15% faster

In-game books and magazines

Another find for those who like to collect bonuses is 122 collectible magazines, grouped by series and scattered throughout the game world. Each of them is able to give an improvement or open access to some bonus trivia.

Astoundingly Awesome Tales are considered the most useful magazines for improving combat skills. They give damage bonuses to ghouls, super mutants, ghouls, increase the maximum amount of AP.
Grognak The Barbarian - for fans of hand-to-hand combat, they give a 5% increase in damage.
Guns and Bullets - 5% bonus to critical damage with pistols.
Hot Rodder - allows you to paint power armor in various original colors.
Unstoppables - increase the chance that the damage dealt by an enemy attack will be nullified (the chance is small - only 1%)
Live & Love - a set of bonuses for companions. Some magazines increase their damage, some increase their attitude towards you, and so on.
Massachusetts Surgical Magazine - 2% damage to enemies' limbs.
Tales of Junktown Jerky Vender - price reduction in the stores of the game world.
Tesla Science - 5% damage boost with energy cannons.
Total Hack is a set of source codes that allows you to hack turrets, protectors and searchlights.
Tumblers Today - Improves lockpicking skills.
U.S. Covert Operations Manual - stealth mode will become even more effective.
Wasteland Survival Guide - Improves survival abilities, for example, allows you to get a 50% increase in health restored by food.
Taboo Tatoos - Unlocks several new face tattoo styles.
RobCo Fun - Unlocks copies of discs with mini-games.
Picket Fences – Unlocks new settlement items, from high-tech lighting fixtures to garden furniture.

Building materials identifiers (for supplies)

Name and quantity of material Material ID
Steel (50) 001EC131
Steel (50) 001EC132
Acid (25) 001EC133
Glue (50) 001EC134
Glue (25) 001EC135
Aluminum (50) 001EC136
Aluminum (25) 001EC137
Security fiber (25) 001EC138
Antiseptic (25) 001EC139
Asbestos (25) 001EC13A
Ceramics (25) 001EC13B
Electronic circuits (25) 001EC13C
Electronic circuits (50) 001EC13D
Fabric (25) 001EC13E
Concrete (50) 001EC13F
Copper (25) 001EC140
Cork (25) 001EC141
Crystals (25) 001EC142
Fertilizer (25) 001EC143
Fiberglass (25) 001EC144
Optical fiber (25) 001EC145
Gears (25) 001EC146
Glass (25) 001EC147
Gold (25) 001EC148
Lead (25) 001EC149
Leather (25) 001EC14A
Nuclear material (25) 001EC14B
Oil (25) 001EC14C
Plastic (25) 001EC14D
Rubber (25) 001EC14E
Bolts (25) 001EC14F
Silver (25) 001EC150
Springs (25) 001EC151
Wood (50) 001EC151
Wood (100) 001EC152

All the main codes for the game Fallout 4 and numerical identifiers of items were presented above, but there are much more of them in the game. There are many things that are not in the main game, but they were added later - in the Far Harbor, Automatron, etc. expansions. A complete list can be found in specialized knowledge bases.

As you probably already know, such role-playing projects as Fallout 3, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Fallout: New Vegas and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim are created, in fact, on the same graphics engine, albeit improved (for newer games). And Fallout 4 is no exception to the rule. For this reason, the console commands for this game have remained the same as for games released about ten years ago. Naturally, the meanings of the items have changed, but the basis has not changed.

In this article, we will describe the main cheats and console commands for Fallout 4, which will help you greatly simplify the gameplay. Of course, we advise you not to abuse the codes and use them only in extreme cases, otherwise playing the fourth part of Fallout will become incredibly boring. To open the console, press the tilde (~) key on your keyboard.

Basic cheat codes

  • tgm - makes the main character invulnerable to any attacks and allows him to carry an infinite number of things in his inventory.
  • kill - killing any character in the game.
  • tmm1 - all places and markers on the game map are opened.
  • killall - killing all enemies located near the main character.
  • tcl - Adds the ability for the character to walk through walls.
  • activate - open a door that doesn't need keys or lockpicks to open.
  • unlock - open a door protected by a password or a strong lock. Might not work on story doors.
  • resurrect - resurrect the character on which the mouse cursor is directed.
  • player.modav actionpoints x - change the number of action points to the number x.
  • player.addperk - the main character learns a perk.
  • player.modav health x - change the character's health by the number x.
  • coc gasmoke - teleportation of the main character to the administration room with many different things. You can exit this room by entering the coc 111 command.
  • setav aggression 0 - reduces the aggression parameter of the characters towards the main character to zero.
  • player.modav carryweight x - Sets the carry weight parameter for the player's character to the number x.
  • player.setav y (characteristic name) x (its value). For example, you need the tenth level of dexterity. In this case, you need to write in the console
  • player.setav agility 10. Other parameters: strength - strength, endurance - endurance, agility - dexterity, charisma - charisma, perception - perception,
  • experience - experience and luck - luck. Do not try to enter these indicators when passing the prologue, otherwise you will break the game.

Cheat codes for the interface

  • tfc - activates a free camera; you can stare at your protagonist from all sides and take a couple of spectacular screenshots.
  • tm - removes all interface elements, but we will warn you in advance that the console will also disappear, so you will have to blindly activate the interface.
  • twf - activates the Wire Frame mesh; looks very interesting, but there is no benefit from it.

Console commands to add things

  • player.additem (ID of the desired item) (x) - get an item in the amount of "x" directly into the inventory. Item IDs will be shown below.
  • player.placeatime (ID of the desired item, monster or character) (x) - the desired monster, character or item appears in front of the main character in the amount of "x". NPC IDs will be presented below.

Note: you need to write ID and numbers without brackets. We used them for a more convenient consideration of the console command.

An example of a console command to add items: let's say you need 10,000 caps. In this case, it opens the console, and write player.additem 000000f 10000 in it - after that, the required number of caps will immediately appear in your inventory.

Below will be the IDs of all the items and characters in Fallout 4 so that you can get them without any problems.

Core Item IDs

  • 0000000F - for caps
  • 0000000A - to receive hairpins (hairpins)
  • 00075FE4 - to receive cores for power armor
  • 0004F4A6 - to receive Stealth Boy
  • 00023736 - to receive stimulants
  • 00023742 - for antiradine
  • 00024057 - to receive Rad-X
  • 000366C5 - to receive a screw
  • 00033778 - to receive a buffout
  • 000366С0 - for obtaining purified water
  • 0004835F - to get Quantum Nuka-Cola
  • 000366C4 - to receive whiskey
  • 000211DD - to get beer

ID codes of all building materials

  • 001BF72E - to receive glue
  • 0006907a - for aluminum production
  • 0006907c - for copper
  • 0006907В - to receive the posting
  • 0006907Е - to receive gears
  • 0006907d - to receive crystals
  • 0006554A - to receive miracle glue
  • 0006907f - for plastics
  • 000731a3 - to receive a tree
  • 00106d98 - to receive rubber
  • 106D99 - for concrete
  • 000731a4 - to receive steel
  • 000aec5d - to get bones
  • 000aec5f - to receive textiles
  • 00069087 - for obtaining optical fiber
  • 000AEC5Е - for obtaining ceramics
  • 000AEC63 - for lead
  • 000AEC5С - for obtaining asbestos
  • 000AEC62 - to receive gold
  • 000AEC64 - for leather
  • 000AEC60 - to get a cork
  • 001BF732 - for oil
  • 001BF72D - for acid production
  • 00069082 - to receive a spring
  • 00069086 - to receive a nuclear component
  • 00069085 - to receive glass
  • 00069081 - to receive bolts
  • 0004D1F2 - to receive electrical tape
  • 00059b1e - to receive turpentine
  • 000AEC61 - for fiberglass production
  • 000aec66 - to receive silver
  • 000aec5b - to obtain protective fibers

ID codes for regular weapons

  • 0001F669 - to receive a minigun
  • 000BD56F - to get a fat man
  • 00171B2B - to receive a cryolator
  • 00069088 - to get a super hammer
  • 000D8576 - to receive Deathclaw Gloves
  • 000E27BC - to receive a Gatling laser
  • 000D1EB0 - to receive the Gauss Optical Carbine
  • 0014831C - to receive a Short Combat Shotgun
  • 0015В044 - to receive a submachine gun
  • 0003F6F8 - to receive the Launcher
  • 000BD56F - to receive the Fat Man Rocket Launcher
  • 0014D09E - to receive a Short injection carbine
  • 000DDB7C - to receive a Gamma gun

ID codes for unique and legendary weapons

  • 000E9A43 - to receive a 2076 World Championship baseball bat
  • 00183FCD - to receive Grognak's axes
  • 000FA2FB - to receive Shish Kebab
  • 000DC8E7 - to receive pistols Liberator (Deliverer)
  • 000E98E5 - to receive a hallucinogenic gas grenade
  • 000FD11B - to receive the ship's cannon Volley
  • 000FE268 - to receive a rail rifle
  • 0017A880 - to receive the Kremva Tooth
  • 000E942B - to receive a Junk Jet
  • 00065DEC - to receive a radio beacon
  • 00174F8F - to receive an institute beacon
  • 000FA2FB - to receive a barbecue (dagger on fire)
  • 000DC8E7 - to receive the Savior
  • 0011B336 - to receive Power brass knuckles
  • 00171B2B - to receive the Cryolator
  • 00174F8F - to receive a Beacon to call Synths
  • 000FD11B - to receive a volley
  • 000FE268 - to receive the Nail Gun
  • 000ff307 - to receive the Revenge of General Zhao
  • 000FF995 - to receive an Extraterrestrial pistol

Ammo ID codes

  • 0001F66B - for caliber .308 cartridges
  • 0004CE87 - to receive cartridges of caliber .38
  • 0009221C - for .44 cartridges
  • 0001F66A - for .45 cartridges
  • 0001F279 - for .50 caliber cartridges
  • 0001F66C - for 5 mm cartridges
  • 0001F278 - to receive cartridges of caliber 5.56 mm
  • 0001F276 - for 10 mm cartridges
  • 0001F673 - to get shotgun shells
  • 000FE269 - to receive a railway crutch
  • 0018ABDF - to receive 2mm electromagnetic cartridges
  • 0001DBB7 - to receive plasma charges
  • 0018ABE2 - to receive cryo-cells
  • 000C1897 - to receive nuclear batteries
  • 000CAC78 - to receive fuel for the flamethrower
  • 001025AA - to receive ammunition for the Alien blaster
  • 000DF279 - to receive ammo for the Gamma Gun
  • 000FD11C - to receive cannonballs
  • 000CABA3 - to receive missiles
  • 000E6B2E - to receive nuclear mini-charges
  • 001025AE - to receive a flare

Power Armor IDs

Raider Power Armor

  • 00140С52 - to receive the left hand
  • 00140C53 - to receive the right hand
  • 00140C54 - to receive the head
  • 00140C55 - to receive the left leg
  • 00140С56 - to receive the right leg
  • 00140C57 - to receive the torso

Power armor T-45

  • 00154ABD - to receive a left hand
  • 00154ABE - to receive the right hand
  • 00154ABF - to receive the head
  • 00154AC0 - to receive the left leg
  • 00154AC1 - to receive the right leg
  • 00154AC2 - to receive the torso

Power armor T-51

  • 00140C4C - to receive the left hand
  • 00140C4D - to receive the right hand
  • 00140C4E - to receive the head
  • 00140C4F - to receive the left leg
  • 00140C50 - to receive the right leg
  • 00140C51 - to receive the torso

Power armor T-60

  • 00140C3D - to receive the left hand
  • 00140C45 - to receive the right hand
  • 00140C4A - to receive the head
  • 00140C3F - to receive the left leg
  • 00140C49 - to receive the right leg
  • 00140C42 - to receive the torso

Power Armor X-01

  • 00154AC3 - to receive the left hand
  • 00154AC4 - to receive the right hand
  • 00154AC5 - to receive the head
  • 00154AC7 - to receive the right leg
  • 00154AC6 - to receive the left leg
  • 00154AC8 - to receive the torso

Zealot Power Armor

  • 03009E59 - to receive one of the parts
  • 03009E56 - to receive one of the parts
  • 03009E57 - to receive one of the parts
  • 03009E58 - to receive one of the parts
  • 03009E5A - to receive one of the parts
  • 03009E5B - to receive one of the parts
  • 0303A556 - to receive a wetsuit

Monster ID codes

  • 00066644 - to create a synth
  • 001a03f6 - to create a synth patrol (paratrooper)
  • 00056917 - to create a flare to call the Rotary Wing
  • 000008ee - to create a security robot
  • 0023b50a - to create an MK-II security robot destroyer
  • 000cfb4a - to create a siege guard robot
  • 00000a26 - to create a prototype security robot MK-IV
  • 0001db4c - to create a death claw
  • 001423aa - to create a wild deathclaw
  • 001423ab - to create a white death claw
  • 001423ac - to create a death claw chameleon
  • 001423a8 - to create a glowing death claw
  • 001423a7 - to create an alpha male death claw
  • 001423a9 - to create the queen of the deathclaws
  • 001423ad - to create a mythical death claw
  • 00090c37 - to create a mutant hound
  • 0012240d - to create a glowing mutant hound
  • 000edcc6 - to create a super mutant
  • 0014ae58 - to create a kamikaze super mutant
  • 000edcc7 - to create a super mutant scout
  • 000edcc8 - to create a super mutant raider
  • 000edcc9 - to create a super mutant thug
  • 000edcca - to create a super mutant butcher
  • 000edccb - to create a super mutant master
  • 002983e5 - to create a super mutant boss
  • 000bc1ef - to create a super mutant elder
  • 002983e7 - to create a super mutant leader
  • 000bb7dd - to create a monster (behemoth)
  • 0012b97a - to create a luminous monster (behemoth)
  • 0012b97b - to create an epic monster (behemoth)
  • 0012b97c - to create an ancient monster (behemoth)
  • 000d39e9 - to create a wild ghoul
  • 000d39ea - to create a wild tramp ghoul
  • 00165790 - to create a wild ghoul stalker
  • 000d39eb - to create a wild ghoul ripper
  • 000d39ec - to create a shrunken wild ghoul
  • 0011669e - to create a gangrenous wild ghoul
  • 0007ed07 - to create a rotten ghoul
  • 001166a0 - to create a burnt wild ghoul
  • 000d39ed - to create a glowing wild ghoul
  • 0011669f - to create a rotten glowing ghoul
  • 000a0eee - to create a bloated glowing wild ghoul
  • 0001d966 - to create a mole rat
  • 000b100f - to create a mole rat queen
  • 001832f6 - to create a rabid mole rat
  • 001832f7 - to create a glowing mole rat
  • 000db0a5 - to create a laboratory mole rat from Vault 81
  • 001e61e0 - to create a fire protector
  • 001e61e3 - to create a medical protector
  • 00121d4f - to create a watchman protector
  • 00249af6 - to create a watchman protector (legendary)
  • 001d77a0 - to create a construction protector
  • 001e61e4 - to create a police protector

clothing ID codes

  • 001BDDF9 - to receive the Pure Blue Suit
  • 001BDDFA - to receive the Pure Gray Suit
  • 001BDDFB - to receive a Clean Striped Suit
  • 00151E34 - to receive a Clean Dark Suit
  • 001BDE04 - Dirty black suit
  • 001BDE05 - to receive a Dirty blue suit
  • 001BDE06 - to receive a Dirty gray suit
  • 001BDE07 - Dirty Striped Suit
  • 00151E30 - to receive a Dirty dark suit
  • 0014941A - to receive Summer shorts
  • 000E628A - for Sunglasses
  • 0018AC6E - to receive the Synth Uniform
  • 0010C3CA - to receive the Old coat
  • 0010C3CC - for a Fedora
  • 000FC395 - to receive a Tuxedo
  • 000FC396 - to receive a Hat
  • 000E2E2C - for Tarnished Trench Coat
  • 000E2E2E - to receive a Warm Fedora Hat
  • 000DF455 - for the Yellow Trench Coat
  • 001223CB - for Dirty Trench Coat
  • 000DF457 - for a Yellow Felt Hat
  • 001223CD - Dirty Felt Hat
  • 00068CF3 - to receive a Vault Lab Coat
  • 00178B68 - to receive a Lab coat
  • 0012571C - to receive the Shabby Visor
  • 001942D6 - to receive a Green shirt and combat boots
  • 001B828C - to receive an old skirt
  • 00165602 - to receive a Pompadour Wig
  • 000F6D83 - to receive a Hat with Ushanka
  • 001641F8 - to receive DB Tech Varsity Uniform
  • 001C0382 - to receive Nucleostrictive Torso Armor
  • 0011E46D - to receive Mascot Head
  • 0014A0DC - to receive Zika jacket and jeans
  • 001828CC - to receive the Grognak Suit
  • 00122246 - to receive Grandpa Savoldi's Hat
  • 001B5B26 - to receive Liam's Glasses
  • 00118864 - to receive Submariner Uniform
  • 00118865 - to receive a Submariner Hat
  • 0002F525 - to receive the Silver Cloak Suit
  • 000DED27 - to receive the Silver Shroud Costume
  • 000DED28 - to receive the Silver Shroud Costume
  • 000DED29 - to receive the Silver Shroud Costume
  • 000E1A25 - to receive the Silver Shroud Costume
  • 0014E58E - to receive the Cap of the Silver Cloak
  • 001467F5 - to receive the Crown of Lorenzo
  • 000F15CF - to receive Agatha's Dress
  • 000F15D0 - to receive Reginald's Suit
  • 000F15D2 - Rex's Suit
  • 000F6D85 - to receive Captain Ironsides' Hat
  • 0013BCD1 - to receive Railroad Armored Coat
  • 0009AC97 - to receive Covert Sweater Vest

Baby ID codes

  • 00178b63 - to receive a bobblehead Strength
  • 00178b5d - on getting a bobblehead Perception
  • 00178b5a - on receiving baby doll Luck
  • 00178b58 - to receive the bobblehead Intellect
  • 00178b55 - to receive a bobblehead Endurance
  • 00178b54 - to receive a baby doll Charisma
  • 00178b51 - on getting a bobblehead Agility
  • 00178b64 - to receive a baby doll Unarmed
  • 00178b62 - to receive a bobblehead Eloquence
  • 00178b61 - to receive a bobblehead Stealth
  • 00178b60 - on getting a bobblehead Small guns
  • 00178b53 - on getting a bobblehead Big guns
  • 00178b56 - to receive a bobblehead Energy weapon
  • 00178b5f - on getting a bobblehead Science
  • 00178b5e - to receive a bobblehead Repair
  • 00178b52 - on receiving baby doll Barter
  • 00178b5b - to receive a baby doll Medicine
  • 00178b5c - to receive a baby doll Hand-to-hand
  • 00178b59 - to receive a baby doll Picking locks
  • 00178b57 - to receive a bobblehead Explosive

Food ID codes

  • 009DCC4 - to receive potatoes
  • 00033102 - to receive mutafruct
  • 000F742E - for carrots
  • 000330F8 - to receive corn
  • 000EF24D - to get a pumpkin
  • 000FAFEB - to receive a watermelon
  • 000E0043 - to get a razor polish

ID codes for unique armor properties

To add this or that legendary property to any armor, you need to do the following: open the console and type in it the command amod (property ID), then clicking on the item. If you want to remove an effect, then you need to type the command removemod (property ID), remembering to click on the thing.

  • 001cf57d - Adds +1 Charisma and +1 Intelligence
  • 001cf57e - Adds +2 Luck.
  • 001cf57f - Adds +1 Strength and +1 Stamina
  • 001cf57c - Adds +1 Dexterity and +1 Perception
  • 001f1dee - Reduces damage from ghouls by 15%.
  • 001f81ed - Reduces insect and swamp damage by 15%.
  • 001f1df4 - Reduces damage from super mutants by 15 percent
  • 001f1deb - reduces damage from animals by 15 percent
  • 001f81ee - Reduces damage from robots by 15 percent
  • 001f1df3 - reduces damage from people by 15 percent
  • 001f1df9 - Reduces fall damage by 50 percent
  • 00093bbd - completely prevents fall damage
  • 0022879c - Irradiation increases the rate of recovery of action points
  • 001f3ca9 - makes picking locks easier
  • 001f57e4 - Reduces damage taken by 15% while the character is stationary
  • 001f3072 - Increases poison defense by +25 points
  • 001f579d - Reduces damage when accelerating or blocking by 15 percent
  • 001f2d3d - slows down time in combat if health falls below 20 percent
  • 001f4d18 - It's harder for enemies to find you while you are stationary
  • 001f8165 - Increases damage resistance when health drops
  • 001f8165 - increases the speed of recovery of OD
  • 001f1c2f - Increases movement speed by 10 percent
  • 001f1d62 - Reduces the cost of actions in VATS by 10 percent
  • 001f1e0c - increases element durability by 10 percent (power armor)
  • 001f3a49 - Gives a 10% chance to automatically disarm an enemy in melee
  • 001f1e0b - reduces the weight of a given piece of armor
  • 001f1e47 - Returns 10% damage to melee attacker

ID codes for unique weapon properties

If you want to add some legendary property to a certain weapon, then you should activate the console, click on the desired item and enter the following command: attachmod (property ID).

  • 001e81ab - Adds a chance to stun an enemy if you manage to hit them
  • 001f1048 - The chance to damage the enemy's leg is increased to 20 percent
  • 001f6ad4 - after inflicting critical damage, the enemy will become enraged and start hitting everyone in a row
  • 001ef481 - Increases damage when dealing damage to the same enemy
  • 001f7b8a - Increases damage dealt to limbs by 25%.
  • 001e7173 - Enemy catches fire and takes 15 fire damage
  • 001f31b9 - Enemy is poisoned and takes 3 damage every second for 10 seconds
  • 001f5479 - critical damage freezes the enemy, and normal damage deals 10 additional damage
  • 001cc2ab - Increases damage by 25%.
  • 001f9b4d - Increases energy damage by 10 units
  • 001cc469 - Increases radioactive damage by 50 units
  • 001e7c20 - additional bleeding damage (25 counts)
  • 001e6d6b - Increases damage to limbs by 50%.
  • 001e6847 - Increases damage dealt to ghouls by 50%.
  • 001f81eb - Increases damage dealt to insects and swamps by 50%.
  • 001e6848 - Increases damage dealt to Super Mutants by 50%.
  • 001e6845 - Increases damage dealt to animals by 50 percent
  • 001e6846 - Increases damage done to people by 50 percent
  • 001f04b8 - Doubles the damage dealt to enemies with full health
  • 001f81ec - Increases damage dealt to machinery by 50%.
  • 001ef5d7 - Adds energy damage based on wearer's damage resistance
  • 001f5995 - Reduces damage taken by 15% while stationary
  • 001eb99a - Adds damage dealt that increases based on how many addictions the character has
  • 001e8174 - Increases damage done at night
  • 001ec036 - increases damage when the health bar decreases
  • 001f04bd - Increases accuracy in VATS if the battle hasn't started yet
  • 001ebabd - Increases movement speed by 75% while aiming
  • 001ed37e - critical hits restore AP
  • 001f1026 - Reduces AP costs by 25 percent
  • 001cc2aa - Increases accuracy in VATS and reduces OD costs by 25 percent
  • 002056f0 - reduces OD costs by 40 percent
  • 001cc2ac - you can shoot without reloading (ammunition is consumed)
  • 001e73bd - all charges explode on hit
  • 001cc2ad - two rounds are fired instead of one, but the cost of ammunition does not change
  • 001ec56d - Increases rate of fire by 25% and reload by 15%.
  • 001cc2a6 - critical damage is increased by 2 times, and the scale of critical hits fills up 15 percent faster when shooting in VATS mode

Book ID codes

Astoundingly Awesome Tales

  • 001696a7
  • 001696a6
  • 001696a5
  • 001696a4
  • 001696a3
  • 001696a2
  • 001696a1
  • 001696a0
  • 0016969f
  • 0016969e
  • 0016969d
  • 0016969c
  • 0016969b
  • 0016969a

Grognak The Barbarian

  • 0008e74a
  • 0008e749
  • 0008e748
  • 0008e747
  • 0008e746
  • 0008e745
  • 0008e744
  • 0008e743
  • 0008e742
  • 0008e741

Guns and Bullets

  • 00092a8f
  • 00092a8e
  • 00092a8d
  • 00092a8c
  • 00092a8b
  • 00092a8a
  • 00092a89
  • 00092a88
  • 00092a87
  • 00092a83

Hot rodder

  • 00180a24
  • 00185cd1
  • 00185cbf


  • 00135f07
  • 00135f06
  • 00135f05
  • 00135f04
  • 00135f03

Live & Love

  • 001c2e28
  • 001c2e26
  • 001c2e24
  • 00185ccd
  • 00185cc2
  • 00184dc6
  • 00184db9
  • 00184da7

Massachusetts Surgical Magazine

  • 0008e751
  • 0008e750
  • 0008e74f
  • 0008e74e
  • 0008e74d
  • 0008e74c
  • 0008e74b
  • 001a7c24

Tales of Junktown Jerky Vender

  • 00092a63
  • 00092a64
  • 00092a65
  • 00092a66
  • 00092a67
  • 00092a68
  • 00092a69
  • 00092a6a

Tesla Science

  • 00092a78
  • 00092a79
  • 00092a7a
  • 00092a7b
  • 00092a7c
  • 00092a7d
  • 00092a7e
  • 00092a7f
  • 00092a80

total hack

  • 00094734
  • 00094735
  • 00094736

Tumblers Today

  • 00092a6d
  • 00092a6f
  • 00092a70
  • 00092a71
  • 00092a72

U.S. Covert Operations Manual

  • 0008e737
  • 0008e738
  • 0008e739
  • 0008e73a
  • 0008e73b
  • 0008e73c
  • 0008e73d
  • 0008e73e
  • 0008e73f
  • 0008e740

Wasteland Survival Guide

  • 0008e75e
  • 00135f0a
  • 00135f0d
  • 00135f0e
  • 00185cba
  • 00185cbd
  • 00185cc4
  • 00185cca
  • 00185cd8

Taboo Tatoos

  • 00180a2a
  • 00184d9b
  • 00184da5
  • 00184dc0
  • 00185ce2

RobCo Fun

  • 00184da1
  • 00184db2
  • 00184dc4
  • 001c1418

Picket Fences

  • 00180a36
  • 00184d8b
  • 00184db7
  • 00185cdd
  • 00185cee

ID codes of deliveries (building materials)

  • 001EC131 - receiving a batch of steel (100)
  • 001EC132 - receiving a batch of steel (50)
  • 001EC133 - Acid batch received (25)
  • 001EC134 - Receipt of Glue Batch (50)
  • 001EC135 - Receipt of Glue Batch (25)
  • 001EC136 - Receipt of Aluminum Lot (50)
  • 001EC137 - Receipt of Aluminum Lot (25)
  • 001EC138 - received a batch of protective fiber (25)
  • 001EC139 - receiving a batch of antiseptic (25)
  • 001EC13A - receiving a batch of asbestos (25)
  • 001EC13B - receiving a batch of ceramics (25)
  • 001EC13C - receiving a batch of electronic circuits (25)
  • 001EC13D - receiving a batch of electronic circuits (50)
  • 001EC13E - receiving a batch of fabric (25)
  • 001EC13F - receiving batch of concrete (50)
  • 001EC140 - Receipt of Batch of copper (25)
  • 001EC141 - Receipt of cork lot (25)
  • 001EC142 - receiving a batch of crystals (25)
  • 001EC143 - receiving batch of fertilizer (25)
  • 001EC144 - Receipt of glass fiber batch (25)
  • 001EC145 - receiving a batch of optical fiber (25)
  • 001EC146 - receiving a batch of gears (25)
  • 001EC147 - Receipt of Glass Lot (25)
  • 001EC148 - receiving a lot of gold (25)
  • 001EC149 - receiving a batch of lead (25)
  • 001EC14A - receiving a batch of leather (25)
  • 001EC14 - Receipt of a Shipment of nuclear material (25)
  • 001EC14C - receiving a batch of oil (25)
  • 001EC14D - Receipt of a batch of plastics (25)
  • 001EC14E - Receipt of a batch of rubber (25)
  • 001EC14F - receiving a batch of bolts (25)
  • 001EC150 - Receipt of Silver Lot (25)
  • 001EC151 - receiving a batch of springs (25)
  • 001EC151 - receiving a Party of wood (50)
  • 001EC152 - receiving a Party of wood (100)

Companion IDs

To select a companion, you need to use the command prid (companion ID), and in order to move it to the character, you need to write the command moveto player.

  • 00079305 Kate
  • 0001ca7d Codeword
  • 00102249 Chiuri
  • 001d162 Dog
  • 00045ac9 Deacon
  • 00022615 John Hancock
  • 0000313b Robert Joseph McCready
  • 0005de4d Paladin Dance
  • 00002f1f Piper
  • 0001a4d7 Preston Garvey
  • 0003f2bb Strong
  • 00002f25 Valentine
  • 000E210A X6-88

Item IDs for Dogmeat

  • 001C32C8 - to get Medium armor for a dog
  • 001B5ACC - to receive Light armor for a dog
  • 001C32C7 - to receive Heavy armor for a dog
  • 0009C05B - ​​to receive a Red Bandana
  • 0017E917 - to receive the Blue Bandana
  • 00034602 - to receive a dog collar
  • 0018B210 - to receive a chain collar
  • 0017E922 - to receive Gunner's Camo Bandana
  • 0017E923 - to receive the Green Rifleman Bandana
  • 0017E91B - to receive Leopard headbands
  • 0017E91C - to receive Jangles Bandana
  • 0017E91D - to get Skull Bandana
  • 0017E925 - to receive the Stars and Stripes Bandana
  • 0017E924 - to receive the Striped Bandana

ID of all perks

To add one or another perk to your hero, you need to use the player.addperk (perk ID) command


Iron Fist:

  • 0001dafe
  • 0001daff
  • 0001db00
  • 00065e42
  • 00065e43

Major League:

  • 0004a0b5
  • 000e36fc
  • 000e36fd
  • 000e36fe
  • 00065e05


  • 0004b254
  • 0004b255
  • 0004b256
  • 001797ea
  • 0004b253
  • 0004b26a
  • 000264d8

Big gun fan:

  • 0004a0d6
  • 0004a0d7
  • 0004a0d8
  • 00065e2a
  • 00065e2b

Strong spine:

  • 0004b24e
  • 00065e5b
  • 00065e5c
  • 001d2489

Firm hand:

  • 001d2487
  • 001d2488
  • 00065df9
  • 00065dfa
  • 00065dfb
  • 00065dfc

Tree Man:

  • 001d247f
  • 001d2480
  • 001d2482


  • 0004d89b
  • 00065e3c
  • 00065e3d



  • 0004d88a
  • 000e3702
  • 000e3703
  • 001d248f

Carbine expert:

  • 0004a0b6
  • 0004a0b7
  • 0004a0b8
  • 0006fa20
  • 00065e52


  • 000d2287
  • Cracker:
  • 000523ff
  • 00052400
  • 00052401
  • 001d246a

Demolition Expert:

  • 0004c923
  • 0004c924
  • 0004c925
  • 00065e13

Night Creature:

  • 0004c93b
  • 001d2495


  • 000ca99d
  • 000ca99e
  • 000ca99f
  • 00065e4b
  • 00065e4c
  • 0004c92a
  • 0004c92b
  • 0004c92c

Through shots:

  • 00024aff
  • 001d2477

Massed fire:

  • 0004d890
  • 001d2459
  • 001d245a



  • 0004a0ab
  • 0004a0ae
  • 0004a0af
  • 00065e5d
  • 00065e5e

Lead belly:

  • 0004a0b9
  • 00024b00
  • 00024b01

Fountain of life:

  • 0004a0cf
  • 001d2465
  • 001d2467

Clean Life:

  • 0004a0d5
  • 00065e0c

Aqua Boy:

  • 000e36f9
  • 001d248d

Lead pants:

  • 001d2479
  • 001d247a
  • 001d247b

Adamantium Skeleton:

  • 0004c92d
  • 00024afd
  • 00024afe


  • 0004b259
  • 001d1a62
  • 001d1a63
  • 0004d89e
  • 00065e22
  • 00065e23

Solar battery:

  • 0004d8a7
  • 001d2484
  • 001d2485


Cap Collector:

  • 001d2456
  • 000d75e2
  • 001d2457

Woman Killer:

  • 00019aa3
  • 00065e33
  • 00065e34

Black Widow:

  • 0004a0d4
  • 00065e31
  • 00065e32

Lone Wanderer:

  • 001d246b
  • 001d246d
  • 001d246e

War Dog:

  • 0004b26d
  • 001d244d
  • 001d244e

Animal Friend:

  • 0001e67f
  • 0004a0d9
  • 001d2450

Local leader:

  • 0004d88d
  • 001d2468

Party girl:

  • 0004d888
  • 001d2475
  • 001d2476


  • 0004d887
  • 001d2473
  • 001d2474

Born Leader:

  • 001d2461
  • 001d2462
  • 001d2463

Waste Speaker:

  • 001d248a
  • 001d248b
  • 001d248c


  • 001d02b5
  • 001d02b6
  • 001d02b7


  • 000207d1
  • 0004c926
  • 0006fa1c
  • 0006fa1d
  • 00065e35

Weapon fanatic:

  • 0004a0da
  • 0004a0db
  • 0004a0dc
  • 0016578e
  • 00052403
  • 00052404
  • 00052405
  • 001d245d

Junk Collector:

  • 00065e65
  • 001d2483
  • 000264d9
  • 000264da
  • 000264db
  • 0016578f
  • 000e36ff
  • 000e3700
  • 000e3701
  • 001d2458


  • 0004d889
  • 00065e64
  • 001acf96

Nuclear physicist:

  • 001d246f
  • 001d2470
  • 001d2471

Botanist Frenzy!:

  • 0004d886
  • 00065e37
  • 00065e38


  • 0004a09f
  • 0004a0a9
  • 0004a0aa
  • 0006fa1e
  • 00065e24


  • 0004a0c5
  • 0004a0c6
  • 0004a0c7
  • 0006fa24
  • 00065e0d


  • 0004c935
  • 000b9882
  • 000b9883
  • 000b9884
  • 000b9881


  • 0004b258
  • 001d2490
  • 001d2491

Zhivchik (female):

  • 0004d872
  • 00065df6

Zhivchik (male):

  • 0004d869
  • 00065df5

Running target:

  • 0004ddee
  • 001d2492
  • 001e0791
  • 0004d8a6
  • 000e3704
  • 000e3705

Sleight of hand:

  • 000221fc
  • 001d2478
  • 001d2451
  • 001d2452


  • 0004d881
  • 001d244f
  • 001d245c


Treasure hunter:

  • 0004c942
  • 001acf98
  • 001acf99
  • 00215cd4


  • 0004a0b0
  • 001acf9a
  • 001acf9b
  • 001eb99c

Blood bath:

  • 0004a0bb
  • 001d2453
  • 001d2454
  • 001f418e

Mysterious Stranger:

  • 0004c929
  • 001d2493
  • 001d2494
  • 001d245e
  • 001d245f
  • 001d2460

Critical Damage:

  • 0004d87a
  • 00065e03
  • 00065e04

Bank of critical attacks:

  • 0004c91f
  • 0004c920
  • 0004c921

Death on the rise

  • 0004d8a2
  • 00065e3e
  • 00065e3f

Four-leaf clover:

  • 0004d895
  • 00065e20
  • 00065e21
  • 001d245b
  • 001d247c
  • 001d247d
  • 001d247e

Item ID - how to find out?

If you do not know the ID of the item you need, then we advise you to use the coc gasmoke code in the console to be transported to a secret location where all the game items are hidden. Find the desired object, and then click on it with the mouse while in the console.

Download a list of all item IDs in Fallout 4

If you need IDs for absolutely everything in the Fallout 4 game, then we advise you to download the Excel document, the link to which is presented below. The file has been checked by an antivirus, so you can download it without fear.

Version: 1.2 Redux
Language: Russian

An easy, absolutely script-free modification that completely changes the system of survival, shooting and killing in the Commonwealth... The purpose of this mod is to improve the shooting system of firearms, add new elements of survival, and refine the hand-to-hand combat system in Fallout 4.

Update:1.2 (Redux)
- The theme with the loot of weapons from enemies is now back, you can pick up everything from the inventory of the enemy, the function did not take root
- Reduced the recoil of the minigun as it caused difficulties for many
- Numerous fixes of small bugs due to which I broke a piece of the keyboard in the corner, funny story, but oh well
- Increased prices for weapons, this is a serious thing and cannot be cheap in such a world

Update:1.1 (Redux)
- Firearms are now even more rare, enemies will have them, but you won’t find them in the loot, that is, there is a 10% chance that they will be in the corpse’s loot, now you will have to buy weapons (dealers still have them) or craft them (no bugs) when crafting, it seems that it is not there, but the weight is added, everything is perfectly crafted and it turns out, checked)
- The number of cartridges that can be bought from merchants has been slightly increased (Arturo has more of everything, since, as I understand it, he has his own workshop where he stirs it all up)
- Now there are additional modules if you want to make a real hell out of the Commonwealth in Survival mode, now about everything in order :)
- RebalancedAITweakRWE- will add a little tactical intelligence to the enemies, that is, they will not run at you like stupid degenerates, but will try to collectively, let's say, "form" you if you understand what I mean)) They will, at any opportunity, surround you with a group, pour lead with back and from the flanks, so I really don’t advise you to sit in one place, they will somehow get through to you. If you are a sniper, then you are immediately dead if you are still sitting in one place for more than three shots, I advise you to think over each battle in advance and retreat to the agreed position after each shot. A must have if you like tactics and fast combat). P.S: My favorite module :)
- Rebalanced CoreAndSprint - reduces the consumption of the nuclear block when used in power armor, but also makes the nuclear block itself terribly rare. It also reduces the consumption of AP per sprint (there are situations when you need to quickly shed from the battle, but there is no more AP)
- Rebalanced DamageRWE- use the module if some monsters are not killed by any weapon (only if you do not observe such a phenomenon, then you do not need this module)
- Rebalanced WeightRWE- reduce your carrying weight towards realism. Now you will not be able to carry a whole arsenal with you, always take on a sortie into the wasteland only the right weapon (based on where you are going and what enemy you are planning to fight), and a few grenades and traps. On the survival difficulty level, your carrying weight will be 60. And if you collect all sorts of rubbish, finally - that is, it makes sense in backpacks, bandoliers, pouches, etc. With them, you can carry more equipment.
- Rebalanced-Exp - will reduce the experience gained for everything, that is, you will develop more slowly and the game will cease to be an arcade game for you.
- RWENoHealthBonus- removes the increase in health of the GG and all NPCs. People are all equal, and GG is no exception. It is desirable to install, because without this module, interest disappears))
- Fixed numerous different small jambs, cleaned again through FO4Edit

Update:1.0 (Redux) Lite
- An additional link added a variant of the Lite mod. Use this option if you don't like the new loot system, reload, recoil, etc. In the lite version, only the damage and shooting system has been changed.

Update:1.0 (Redux)
*Important note:
Necessarily delete the file Real Weapon Experienced.esp, it has long been outdated, since the mod is now completely redone. The mod is now very light, very clean, and most importantly, I went through the whole story to find out what bugs need to be removed. Fixed a lot, but could miss something. We are all people :)) Do not be surprised at update 1.0, the mod has started a new life from scratch. RWE Remade it can be said Special Edition of the old fashion (as in TES: 5 Skyrim :))
- Loot, weapons, ammo, supplies, medicines, recoil, everything is returned. All the same your favorite mod :)
- Fixed the game freezing at the beginning of the game when exiting the refrigerator. Many people were very upset by this bug, so now everything works fine
- Fixed monsters being too strong (Deathclaws are still hellish creatures, don't get your hopes up)
- Fixed a large number of melee weapons from the Raiders, now they will have only one auxiliary survival weapon (Even armed Raiders carry melee weapons with them, I would wear this, it's logical)
- Just hundreds of different minor fixes, too long to list (I seriously took up fixing any of the smallest bugs)
- No dirty edits, cleaned and blew a whole colony of dust and microorganisms in FO4Edit
- Knives and blunt melee weapons no longer cut off body parts
- Now you can’t tear off a person’s limbs with a bullet, except perhaps .50 caliber, but even that will work very rarely
- Less ammo weapons in the overseer's office to feel ammo scarce at the start
- New feature: The weapon will shake easily in your hands while you hold it, just like in real life

- By popular demand, fixed super mutants. It is quite possible to kill with a 50 caliber shot in the head from a stealth (namely, in the head, shooting in the torso against them will not give much effect).
- Stingwings have also been fixed. If you really hit them in the head, it will kill them.
- Surprise characters snipers. I won’t say which one, but it’s a surprise, but I’m 300% sure that you will like it).
And finally, the cherry on the cake. Brand new recoil system for all weapons! Now you really have a weapon in your hands, and not a Chinese children's toy that shoots candy wrappers. And each weapon has a different recoil! For example, a smoothbore has a very strong recoil, since this weapon is made the devil knows how (they obviously didn’t think about convenience and comfort in shooting), shotguns now also have powerful recoil, as in reality, a revolver has perhaps the most powerful recoil of all (as it should to be). And most importantly: This feature is super compatible with almost all mods, there will be no problems and conflicts with other weapon mods :)

Tweaked some monsters: Super mutants can now be killed with a headshot (not one of course, their skull is strong)
- Fixed stingwings. Can also be killed with multiple headshots.
- I forgot to add something to the Brothers of Steel loot, I fixed it :)

- Remember how Paladin Dance gave you a rifle and said "Fellowship soldiers always carry a spare weapon"? But in the game, they all walk around with one laser gun, and that's it. Now this will not happen, the brothers will carry several types of weapons (such as a combat rifle and shotgun, assault carbine, N99).
- The system of hits to body parts has been improved, a headshot will still kill a person immediately, hitting the torso has a 60% chance to kill a person on the spot, hitting a weapon will immediately disarm the enemy, hitting both legs will paralyze the opponent.
- Weak spots of monsters! So far, less than half of the species have been affected. Deathclaws now have a weak point in the belly (since this area is quite soft, it will easily miss a bullet), in numerous small monsters this is the head. Huge mosquitoes now have wings and a head.
- Changed the animation of the combat knife. I really disliked the stabbing blows with this knife, now the animation has been replaced with chopping blows. Looks great, be sure to try it!
- Tweaked the AI ​​of synths of all generations (we managed to do without scripts, I really didn't want to load the game). Now the 1st generation synths will run at you like zombies (since the game says that the Institute has deprived them of intelligence), the 3rd generation synths (hunters) will use stealth battles more often, shoot in the back and let melee weapons into battle , and the synths of the 2nd generation (say, Nick Valentine) are not deprived of intelligence, they will use shelters just like a person, shoot from cover and often use edged weapons if they are fighting in a closed room.

- Listened to the comments, and now weapons and ammunition are in short supply not only for GG, but also for NPCs (Raiders, shooters, etc.). That is, you will not be poured with lead, since weapons are now rare for everyone, you just can’t get it, and it’s a pity for cartridges (just a little tweaked the AI ​​of the raiders and shooters, so far only they. Soon there will be other factions).
- Removed laser weapons from shooters. Since where would these ragamuffins have such cool toys :)
- And of course I didn’t forget about the balance, now you can’t fill up different monsters and mutants with a few rounds (in fact, they are even now a little stronger than in vanilla).
- Deathclaws are much stronger. Small caliber rounds will only lightly graze their thick skin (although 50 caliber is more effective against them). Don't even go after them without a powerful weapon and a few clips (RPGs work great on them, and the Minigun).
- Boggers have also been buffed (all species up to their queen).
- Prepare properly for the assault on the castle, there will be more swamps. And against their queen, laser muskets and small-caliber cannons are useless. In case you didn't know, there is a surprise for you in the General's room (an RPG with several missiles), take this and try to hit their Queen. The result is amazing.
- Radscorpions have also been strengthened.
- Robots (of all kinds) are much stronger.
- Strengthened wild ghouls.
- In general, all the monsters are strengthened, the list is long.
-I strongly advise you to take a look at the recommended mods . Since the mod was developed to play with these mods. Put them on and survival in the community will reach a new level :)

- Mod completely rebuilt. I hope you will like it.
- Completely changed the loot system. Now ammo, supplies and medicines really in short supply. Just walking around the community, you 99% will not find ammo, food, and so on. They have been removed from the loot. Instead of them now any little valuable small things. There is now 95% less ammo, weapons and stimpacks in the world EVERYWHERE. You can still buy them from merchants, but more on that later. Take care of EVERY bullet: it depends on whether you survive or not.
- Changed prices for weapons, armor, and ammo. Now they cost more. Much more expensive. Agree, ammunition cannot be so cheap. You will have to fork out for a new gun and ammo, because even in the corpses you will not find them.
- Completely changed the trading system. Now you DO NOT BUY truly rare toys from some stall on the street, or from some caravan hucksters (Plasma and laser equipment, gauss gun, mines, grenades, etc.). Instead, vagrants sell the most common items, such as: Smoothbore, N99 (rare), double-barreled shotgun (sometimes), Remington 700 (really rare). The range of well-known weapon manufacturers (Arturo, CLEO, Cricket) is more diverse. There are still few cartridges for everyone, it is basically impossible to buy in huge quantities in a wasteland. From them you can buy more powerful and rare samples, grenades, Molotovs, mines (rare), etc.
- Also renamed the cartridges in accordance with the real models. 10mm cartridge - 10mm AUTO, .45 - 45 ACP, .50 - .50 BMG, .308 - .308 Winchester Magnum, .44 - .44 Magnum, .38 - .380 ACP, 5.56 - 5.56x45mm NATO.

Update: 0.5
- Renamed many weapons according to real models: "Savior" is now renamed to Walther PPK "Savior" as the gun is based on this model, Hunting carbine is now renamed to Remington 700, 10mm Pistol is now renamed to N99 as the official name of this weapon in the Fallout universe, the .44 revolver is renamed the Smith & Wesson M29, as a real model of this weapon, the submachine gun is now renamed the M1928A1 Thompson for the same reason.
- Ammunition has also been changed. Ammo is now more expensive.

- Now, each weapon has its own unique characteristics, for example, the Laser Musket is very hard to reload, but deals just terrible damage.
- The reload speed of all weapons has been greatly reduced.
- Reworked the weight, damage, rate of fire of all weapons, in accordance with real models.
- Damage of all weapons increased by 2-3 times. This means, if you have entered into a fight, sit in cover, and don’t even dare to think about running into a crowd of enemies. You will be shot like a duck. Yes, and all NPCs (including GG) will die with several hits. A headshot will immediately cause fatal damage (only for people, ghouls have not been touched yet).
- Your marksmanship will be rewarded, but a miss is now a fatal and deadly mistake. And yet, you are unlikely to be able to stand and one-shot from a sniper, since snipers have also been added to the Raiders and Shooters, who can easily shoot you. Now the shootout is really very scary, the second time you are unlikely to get a bullet :)
- I will regularly work on the mod and update it.

- NOT compatible with: Get your gun, Realistic headshots, Better locational damage, NOT compatible with mods that change vanilla weapon loot or stats.

Fallout 4
Far Harbor DLC
Nuka World DLC
DLC Automatron

Installation:(can be done manually or via NMM manager)

DO delete the old RealWeaponExperienced file as it is outdated.

Before deleting the old mod, make a clean save (I hope everyone knows how, there is a lot of information about this on the Internet), delete the mod, install Remade and start a new game. If you are playing in survival mode, you can switch to a different difficulty level for the duration of a clean save, this will return the ability to save. Or smoke a cigarette from the Smokeable Cigarettes and Cigars mod (this will save the game to a new slot), but still I recommend the first method. Do not continue to play, it will cause unexpected bugs. If you flatly refuse to start a new game, then after installation, sleep in bed for 31 game days. But there are no guarantees that after that you will not have bugs. Better start a new clean game, and everything will be in chocolate. For those who install this mod for the first time, you can simply drop the mod into the Data folder and play safely.

Place the Real Weapon Experience - Remade.esp file in the Data folder in the game and activate it.
- How to install mods.

What is the difference between FULL and LITE
Use the Lite variant if you don't like the new loot, reload, recoil, etc. system in the Full variant. In the lite version, only the damage and shooting system has been changed.

From the author of the mod:
If you liked my mods and want to thank, write in a personal, or you can make a purely symbolic contribution for labor (purse number below), back and red eyes to provide you with pleasant moments of the game)

WebMoney: R299650534591 (rubles)

Tired of running and hiding from opponents? Here you will learn how to upgrade and create the most powerful tools of death. Learn about mods and cheats that increase the damage of your weapons.

How to increase weapon damage in Fallout 4?

In the game, any weapon inflicts damage on opponents in one of the ways, whether it be a bullet, radiation or energy. Some types of weapons can cause combined damage, for example, with plasma and fire at the same time. In order to understand how to increase weapon damage in Fallout 4, it is necessary to determine the capabilities of each type separately.

Damage can be one-time, and sometimes per unit of time. To increase realistic damage in Fallout 4, you need to upgrade weapons with the help of modifications. Also, pumped skills of the hero himself affect the lethality. Satellites are a separate element of improvement, when communicating with them, the ability to inflict damage also increases.

Weapons are distinguished:


In order to increase the damage from the Fist Weapon, it must be modified. For example, the base damage of the Deathclaw Glove is 25, after modification it becomes 31. If you fully pump the Iron Fist ability, which applies to all Fist weapons, then in Fallout 4 the critical damage will double and amount to 62.

The lethality of Melee weapons is increased in exactly the same way. For example, Cleaver deals 14 damage. After installing the Serrated Blade modification, the damage will become 24, plus blood loss will be added, which will not immediately, but gradually take away the life of the enemy. If you fully pump the Major League Ability, then we can inflict double damage on the enemy, which will be 48 units, plus there will be a chance to blow off the enemy’s head from the first blow.

Pistols. For example, a 10mm pistol does 18 damage. After modifying it and adding automatic fire to it, it will be able to deal 14 points per shot. And now it is not clear in Fallout 4 how to change the damage of the weapon, the lethality after the upgrade seems to have become less, but it is not. Improvements made it possible to fire more shots and deal 127 damage per second against the standard 46. And a fully pumped Commando ability will double the lethality, which will eventually amount to 254 damage per second.

This principle of modifications applies to all types of firearms. Basically, each ability is divided into 5 ranks, with the increase of which the degree of damage increases. Rank 1 increases by 20%, rank 2 by 40%, rank 3 by 60%, rank 4 by 80%, and rank 5 gives an additional 100% damage.
Now it became clear Fallout 4 how to double the damage. Any perk related to this type of weapon, if it is fully pumped, allows the player to deal double damage.

Also learn the weapon freak and science skill. They will give you the opportunity to create and modify various weapons as you like: increase damage, make a larger store, increase the rate of fire. These abilities will help even the weakest weapon to create a death scythe.

Mods and codes

If there is no desire and opportunity to upgrade weapons, but you really want to have a killer gun in Fallout 4, how to increase weapon damage. To do this, use cheat codes.

We throw where your weapon will turn out, open the console with the “~” key, click on it with the mouse for a code to appear, enter the damage increase cheat into Fallout 4:
where ID is the ID of the property itself.

For example, attachmod 001cc2ab - we will end up with a weapon that deals 25% more damage than the previous one.

There are also mods for Fallout 4 Increased damage. In them, you can adjust both the damage received from enemies and the damage you inflict up or down.