armor types. Assassin's creed ii: diary of a treasure hunter - game tactics and tips from the masters From the origins of the series to the origins to come

armor types.  Assassin's creed ii: дневник искателя сокровищ - тактика игры и советы мастеров От истоков серии к Истокам грядущим
armor types. Assassin's creed ii: diary of a treasure hunter - game tactics and tips from the masters From the origins of the series to the origins to come

First, I will say a few words about the features of the armor in Assassin's Creed 2 in general.

The armor "pumping" system is entirely based on the "further - better" principle. What does it mean? This means that the further the player advances along the branch of events, the better types of armor open up in front of him. So, at first we can only afford leather armor, then Helmschmid's armor opens up, and so on. Thus, at the beginning of the game, you will never be able to walk around, for example, in metal armor. Everything is honest.

Now about the features of the armor itself. Like I said, the more the better. And there is. The better the armor, the stronger it is, the better and easier it is for the player. The armor takes some of the damage on impact and adds a couple of "squares" of health. Below you can see more details. In order not to mislead you, I will immediately say what the symbols mean:

+1 - bluish color shows how many "squares" of health each piece of armor adds when worn.
+3 - reddish color shows the overall strength and durability of a particular part of the armor. Naturally, the more, the better.

Another subtlety: you can combine parts of different armor. So, if you have all the armor in the set, you can wear, for example, leather shoulder pads, a metal breastplate, Helmschmid's bracers and Missalia's greaves. No one forbids, everything is limited only by your imagination. The exception is Altair's armor - it is forbidden to "mix" it with other parts. It is correct, there is no need to defame the name of the ancestor.

Any armor needs maintenance. The game took this into account and did it quite right. So, with strong blows or falls, the armor can break: crack, tear, etc. At the same time, in the health indicator, you can see that the maximum health bar has decreased. Of course, what's the use of broken armor? No problem! We go to the blacksmith and repair armor for a relatively small fee.

Armor of Altair

Shoulders: +4 +?
Bib: +6 +?
Bracers: +2 +?
Greaves: +3 +?

The best armor in the game. Armor of the distant ancestor Altair. Here is what he himself writes about her on one of the pages of the code (written by him, by the way):
"... I made another breakthrough in metallurgy and created armor that the world has never seen before ... They have incredible strength, but at the same time they are so light that they do not restrict movement at all ... Surprise and fear fight in me: here before me lies an armor that makes its wearer nearly invulnerable.War will never be the same again...maybe I shouldn't have made this thing? all formulas should be destroyed..."
In general, one can judge the effectiveness of this armor from the words of the creator himself. You should know that you won’t be able to flaunt in black armor just like that - you will have to jump more than once in search of seals from the tomb of the Assassins. But it's worth it.

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All-unlock v3.0.1 RC4 Maybe even a five year old. Download the software, having passed an easy registration in advance, unpack it to disk C: in the Help folder there is a Faq.txt file on the screen of which an exhaustive step-by-step manual for the subsequent use of the project is written.

(if you need to unlock an external device, it may require a cable to turn it on).


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Download link:

: Assassin's Creed

, : , — . , .

Armor of Altair

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From the origins of the series to the Origins to come. How Assassin's Creed II will affect Origins

Not surprisingly, all valid devices, gadgets, software, etc. every working day is becoming more and more difficult, and it is always not clear to an ordinary layman how to work with him, and it happens that by mistake, an ordinary subscriber presses the wrong button, and as a result, these topics are noticed.

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Let's start with the fact that we need a program All-unlock v3.0.1 RC4. Due to this device, it is quite possible to unlock 99.9% of software, systems, gadgets, etc. Before the release All-unlock v3.0.1 RC4 all used the usual search in Yandex or Google. Of course, this has its advantages, but with the proliferation of information on the web, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the information you need. All-unlock v3.0.1 RC4 solves most problems with finding and unlocking.

The principle of the program is based on the neural search algorithm, i.e. intelligent data retrieval. enjoy All-unlock v3.0.1 RC4 Maybe even a five year old. Download the software, having passed an easy registration in advance, unpack it to disk C: in the Help folder there is a Faq.txt file on the screen of which an exhaustive step-by-step manual for the subsequent use of the project is written. (if you need to unlock an external device, it may require a cable to turn it on).

Attention! The program is free and is distributed only by our forum, in order to prevent attempts to distribute and sell the project, you will receive a personal code on your phone, which serves as a password to open the project. Be sure to write it down otherwise remember. Do not give the password from the project to any person.

With best wishes, leading IT expert Zykov_Roman.


sorry, I didn’t write there, I ask the bosses not to delete the topic, but to move it to the required section !!!

Thank you

Let's go to Animus.

Republic of Florence.
First sequence.

Bachelor party.

You should have seen the other guy.

A glass before bed.


Payback for change.

Petruchio's secret.

Family friend.

Special delivery.


Turn on Eagle Vision.

Assassin's Creed 2 "Golden Armor of Altair"

We pass into the secret room. We get a letter, an assassin's suit and a weapon from the chest. At the porch, two guards are trying to stop us. We kill them. We deliver the letter to Ubert.

The last Hero.

Republic of Florence.
Second sequence.


Trump in the sleeve.

Judge, jury, executioner.

In the shelter.


Third sequence.

Help on the road.

Home Sweet Home.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

The inevitability of punishment.

New plans.

Republic of Florence.

Live example.

Fox hunting.

See you.

We run after La Volpe.

Novella Secrets.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

Farewell, Francesco.

Republic of Florence.

bypass maneuver.

Behind closed doors.

Hiding from enemies.

City crier.

Come out to play.

With such friends...

Republic of Florence.

Fifth sequence.

Holidays in Romagna.

Playing Desmond. We communicate with Sean and Rebecca. We go down to Lucy. Now Desmond is great at climbing walls and fighting. You need to activate the scanners (2 at the bottom, 2 at the top). We speak with Lucy.

Republic of Venice.

Memory mark.

Cleaning the house.

Meet by clothes.

Decisive attack.

One field of berries.

If it doesn't work right away...

We clear 4 zones.

Courageous flyer.

Republic of Venice.
Ninth sequence.

Knowledge is power.

The girls are in trouble.

Wise nun.

Collection of tapes.

The race has started.

Capture the Flag.

You can't get good by cheating.

Stormy fun.

Republic of Venice.
tenth sequence.

Fighter in a cage.

Nobody is forgotten.

With one sword, two birds with one stone.

Republic of Venice.

Patience is rewarded.



Warm welcome.


Fortress defense.


We need to save Katerina's children. Let's save the girl first. Then she will tell us where her brother is. We go to the lighthouse. There are a lot of guards around, you can ignore them and climb to the very top. We kill one of the brothers (Ludovico) and save the boy.


An apple from an apple tree…

Republic of Florence.

Fiasco in Florence.

Kill 9 lieutenants:

Power to the people.

The place is marked with a cross.

In Bocca Al Lupo.

Assassin's Creed 2 Walkthrough

Printable version of the page: Assassin's Creed 2 Walkthrough
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The plot of the second part begins exactly from the point at which the first ended. Watching the video, we remember the background. Lucy suddenly enters the room and asks to come with her. After a short dialogue, we lie down in the Animus. Watching the birth of the main character (Ezio Auditore). We are offered to get used to management. So, the movement of the legs is a space, the hands are shift, the punch is the left mouse button, the movement of the head is the Russian “u”. We get up from the Animus and run after Lucy. Along the way, we observe her skill in hand-to-hand combat. You have to fight in the parking lot. Once at the headquarters, we get acquainted with the rest of the team members. We talk to them one by one.

Let's go to Animus.

Republic of Florence.
First sequence.

Bachelor party.

We fight with the people of Vieri Pazzi. We are working on different combinations. After the victory, we collect money from the bodies of defeated enemies.

You should have seen the other guy.

We speak with Frederic. We follow him to the doctor. We are being treated, also in the future it will be possible to purchase medicines and poison from him.

We run with the brother in a race to the church. We do this until we win. We climb to the very top.

A glass before bed.

We synchronize the area and go to Christina. At her invitation, we climb into her room. To see all the "beauty" of the game is possible only thanks to the timely pressing of the buttons (QTE). Christina's father finds us in the morning. We run away from the guards.


We speak with the father. He asks us to deliver the letter to Lorenz. After the transfer back, we return to Giovanni. Meet Uberto.

Payback for change.

We speak with the sister (Claudia). We learn that her husband is cheating on her. We find Duccio and beat him.

Petruchio's secret.

We speak with the brother (Petruchio). We get eagle feathers for him so that he goes to sleep.

Family friend.

We talk with mom (Maria). We follow her. Meet Leonardo da Vinci. We lift the box and return back home.

Special delivery.

It is necessary to deliver 2 letters for the father and a message from the dovecote.

Entering the house, we find out the most unpleasant news: the father and brothers were taken to prison, it is necessary to help them out. We go to the cell where the father is being held. The level of alertness of the guards has increased, so we move around the city carefully. We deal with enemies on the roof, we talk with our father.


Turn on Eagle Vision. We pass into the secret room. We get a letter, an assassin's suit and a weapon from the chest. At the porch, two guards are trying to stop us. We kill them. We deliver the letter to Ubert.

The last Hero.

We're going to court over Ezio's family. Uberto, instead of presenting documents of their innocence, on the contrary, accuses and orders the death of his father and brothers. We still don't have enough experience to fight with a large number of guards, so it would be a reasonable decision to run away.

Republic of Florence.
Second sequence.


Meet Paola. Let's do a little exercise. We learn to hide in the crowd and steal.

Trump in the sleeve.

We go to Leonardo. Having given him a corrupted item and a scroll, he makes a new weapon out of it for us - a blade. The guard knocks on the door. He starts beating Leonardo, we sneak up from behind and kill the guard.

Judge, jury, executioner.

We start tracking. Use the crowd, sneak to the backyard and kill the Uberto.

In the shelter.

We need to leave Florence, but before that we need to reduce our popularity among law enforcement officers. To do this, we tear down posters, bribe heralds and kill bribe-takers.


We urgently need to leave the city. We accompany mother and sister to the outskirts.

Third sequence.

Help on the road.

On the way we meet Vieri Pazzi. We fight with a couple of enemies. And, it would seem, now there is an unequal and very difficult battle with dozens of Vieri's subordinates, but Ezio's uncle Mario comes to the rescue. We kill the remaining enemies.

Home Sweet Home.

We follow Uncle Mario, simultaneously considering the new town. We get some money from him, we buy equipment and medicines on the market.

Repetition is the mother of learning.

We are going through a little training. We learn to evade attacks, conduct counterattacks, tease the enemy and suddenly run away from the attackers. At the end of the training, we practice new techniques on the uncle.

The inevitability of punishment.

Let's go for Mario. We get throwing knives. We penetrate the city through the fence. We kill the archers and open the gate. I'm going for my uncle. We kill all the guards who will interfere. From one of the soldiers we learn about the ambush and quickly go to the aid of our uncle.

We go to the gate. We observe a small screen saver. We climb the tower and kill Vieri Pazzi.

New plans.

Let's go for Mario. We read the letter. We climb onto the roof of the mansion and synchronize the terrain. We find 4 pages of the code. Finding them is very easy, just look at the map - "TAB".

We look at the house. We communicate with the sister, the architect. Uncle will show us the secret sanctuary, which contains a large monument of Altair and his armor. To get them, you need to find 6 artifacts, their storage locations will be available as you progress through the story.

Republic of Florence.

Live example.

We go to the courtyard. We test new types of murder on dummies. We return to Leonardo and get a new weapon.

Fox hunting.

We turn on eagle vision and find a person highlighted in yellow. He steals our money and tries to run away. We go after him. In order to catch it, you need to quickly press the Shift key when approaching it.

See you.

We run after La Volpe.

Novella Secrets.

You need to go down into the catacombs. We pass a series of simple tests. Let's watch the video. Climb up the wall to the left of the door. There are also enemies on the levels, so we try to act without attracting the attention of enemies or silently eliminating them. Having opened the door, we kill all the enemies below. Next, you have to catch up and kill the runner, otherwise he will call the rest of the guards and then you won’t go further without a fight. After eavesdropping on the conversation, we go to open the first sarcophagus (there are 6 in total, as mentioned earlier, they are necessary to open the lattice in Uncle Mario's villa). We leave the catacombs.

The second artifact can be obtained immediately after this mission. On the map, it is marked with the corresponding symbol.

Wolves in sheep's clothing.

I'm going to the square. In the green area we find Lorenzo. We help him deal with enemies. It is best to use the blade, and while the assistants are fighting with the guards, we sneak up from behind and kill them. Next, we take Lorenzo to a safe place.

Farewell, Francesco.

I'm going to the palace. We climb onto the roof from the back of the palace. We kill the guards or, ignoring them, we run straight through to Pazzi. Clinging to the ledges, we go down. We catch up and kill him. Let's watch the video.

Republic of Florence.

We speak with Lorenzo. He tells us the names of the escaped conspirators, whom we have to find.
We go to Leonardo. We get a new weapon - a poisoned blade.

bypass maneuver.

Learning how to dodge attacks and take away weapons from opponents during the battle.

The man in the cassock is not yet a monk.

We need to go to the abbey and kill Stefano da Bageno there. From the uncle's assistant we get smoke bombs. They are great for quickly escaping enemies. We go into the temple, quickly find Stefano and kill him. After that, use the smoke bomb to break away from the enemies.

Behind closed doors.

We order the assistants to attack the guards guarding the gate, and at this time we ourselves climb the wall and activate the lever on the back side. We kill Francesco Salviate.

Hiding from enemies.

City crier.

Antonio Maffei has climbed a tall building and is trying to impress people with unimaginable things. You need to climb into that very place and kill the herald. And then hide.

Come out to play.

We go to the green area. We find Bernardo Baroncelli and kill him. Hiding.

With such friends...

We follow Jacopo without attracting attention. Let's watch the video. We kill the guards and finish off Jacopo.

Republic of Florence.

Fifth sequence.

We speak with Lorenzo. We get from him the cloak of the Medici. While you are wearing it, the guards will ignore you. We learn from a passerby that Leonardo was invited to another city to paint pictures.

Holidays in Romagna.

We need to escort Leonardo to the city. We drive a carriage. Do not wiggle the cart too much, otherwise it may roll over. In no case should you touch obstacles, it does not help to shake the enemies from the wagon. After the trip, so that Leonardo can escape, we hold the enemies. We speak with Leonardo. A pass is required to enter Venice.

We find the boat and save the woman on the island. In exchange, she arranges with the boatman to allow us to sail to Venice.

Playing Desmond. We communicate with Sean and Rebecca.

Assassins Creed II Armor of Altair.

We go down to Lucy. Now Desmond is great at climbing walls and fighting. You need to activate the scanners (2 at the bottom, 2 at the top). We speak with Lucy.

We play as Altair. We follow an unknown girl. We turn around and run up the wall, turn on eagle vision and find it. We follow her. We rise to the tower.
Playing Desmond. Let's go to Animus.

Republic of Venice.

We accompany Leonardo to his new home.

Memory mark.

Help Rose. We run after her, along the way we deal with the guards. When she is unable to go further, pick her up and carry her to her destination. We accompany the gondola. Raise the Rose, put it on the table. Antonio will pull the arrow out of her leg.

We speak with Rosa. Learning to pull up in a jump.

Cleaning the house.

We find three traitors and kill them. The first is on the ship, the second is in the market, and the third is on the roof.
We speak with Rosa. For a while we rise to the tower, and then we go down.

We need to free the prisoners that Emilio arrested.

We kill the guards, open the cage and deliver the prisoner to a safe place. 1 out of 4 must survive for sure.

Meet by clothes.

You need to find 3 chests. We kill the guards and search them. Next, we sit in the boat and deliver it to the pier.

Decisive attack.

First you need to kill the archers so that Antonio's people can take their places. We speak with Antonio. We rise to the roof of the palace, and from there we go down to the courtyard. We kill the guards and Emilio himself.

One field of berries.

We follow the Templars, eavesdropping on their conversations. Don't forget to hide in the crowd. Along the way, the guards will block the road, so we quickly hire dodgers to distract them so that we can go further. Having reached the square, we watch the video and continue surveillance.

If it doesn't work right away...

We run together with Antonio to the square. We examine the palace from different angles in order to find the best place for penetration. Having found such a place, we climb onto the roof through the scaffolding.

Who does not take risks does not drink marsala.

Let's test Leonardo's flying machine. Unfortunately, you won't be able to fly far. We watch the video, Antonio said that the enemies have already got the poison. We need to hurry.

A good start is half done.

We clear 4 zones.

Courageous flyer.

We fly on a miracle car to the palace, from fire to fire. Along the way, you can use your legs to knock enemies off the roof. After landing, you need to sneak in to the Doge without attracting attention and save him. We hide behind the columns, kill the guards one by one. It is not possible to save the Doge, Carlo Girmaldi managed to poison him. Sure enough, murder hangs us. You need to catch up and kill Carlo. A couple of smoke bombs will not be superfluous to hide.

Republic of Venice.
Ninth sequence.

Knowledge is power.

We get a new weapon - a pistol. Let's practice using it. We aim at the mannequins and shoot. The longer we hold, the more likely it is to hit. However, the probability of hitting also depends on the distance. For example, if you approach the enemy at close range, then holding the mouse button is not necessary at all, just click on it and the probability of hitting it will still be very high. We return to Leonardo.

The girls are in trouble.

We are offered to strengthen the skills in using a pistol. The criminal takes hostages, if you try to get close to him, he simply simply kills them. Therefore, we take out a gun and punish the villain from a distance.

Wise nun.

We follow Antonio and Theodora. The man on the stage announces the competition. To get the golden mask you need to win 4 competitions. And then we can get to the doge's ball.

Collection of tapes.

In the first test, you need to collect the most ribbons. The mini-map shows the places where women gather, from which ribbons should be taken.

The race has started.

In the second test, you need to break the record for passing checkpoints.

Capture the Flag.

The third test is not easy. You need to capture the flag 3 times and deliver it to your base. The opponent is also on the alert, if he nevertheless took the flag faster than us, then it is necessary to catch up with him and take the flag away. So, the opponent runs faster than us. With each round, he will be closer to the flag. Immediately after the start of the game, not sparing health and first-aid kits, we turn left and jump from the roof, this is the only way to win this game.

You can't get good by cheating.

Last test. Rule one no weapons, fight only with fists. In this competition we have no equal! Dante proved to be a weak opponent. Silvio bribes the judge. 4 guards with short swords enter the arena. So we can also get weapons.

So the competition ended, it would seem that the mask is already in our hands, but Silvio's influence is much higher than the principles of fair play. The mask is taken by Dante Moro.

Stormy fun.

On the way to the ball, we quietly steal the mask from Dante. We put on a mask and go on a holiday to the Doge. Suddenly Dante appears. The guards are looking for us. We hire courtesans and wait exactly one minute (best of all, in some corner). We get as close as possible, take out a gun, kill Mark Barbarigo. We return to the brothel.

Republic of Venice.
tenth sequence.

Fighter in a cage.

You need to free Bartolomeo from the cage, and then escort him to a safe place. We kill the captain of the guard and his deputy. We open the headquarters gate.

Nobody is forgotten.

Free the remaining prisoners.

We place mercenaries in specially marked places Bartolomeo.

With one sword, two birds with one stone.

We climb the tallest building in the city. From there we give a sign to the mercenaries. Help Bartolomeo. Let's catch up with Dante. After crippling him a little, we run after him again. We kill Silvio and Dante.

Republic of Venice.
Eleventh sequence.

Patience is rewarded.

We follow the courier. He often turns around, so you have to be alert and actively hide in the crowd. Arriving at your destination, you need to quickly enter the courtyard and kill the courier. You have 90 seconds to do this. You can climb onto the roof to kill the archers, jump onto the hay and quietly kill everyone. And you can hire courtesans to set them on the main guard and kill everyone in the yard in the same way.


We select the box and carry it to the Spaniard. During the movement, in no case should you touch people carrying boxes, because in this case the guards will start pushing you, and you will drop your load and you will not be able to catch up with the escort. We fight with Rodrigo. Our entire team comes to the rescue, including Uncle Mario. Let's watch the video. Let's take a leap of faith.

Twelfth sequence.

Warm welcome.

We accompany Katerina to Forli. From passers-by we learn about the attack of the Orsi brothers on the city. We head to the gate. We turn right, swim to the pier. We kill the guards (red). We continue sailing east. We make our way into the city by swimming under the bars. We climb the wall and open the gate.


We run after Katerina and Nikolo. We kill all the guards. We get into the church.

Fortress defense.

We destroy the arriving enemy reinforcements.


We need to save Katerina's children.

Let's save the girl first. Then she will tell us where her brother is. We go to the lighthouse. There are a lot of guards around, you can ignore them and climb to the very top. We kill one of the brothers (Ludovico) and save the boy.


We find Cecco Orsi. We kill him and take the Apple back.
Let's watch the video. The apple is taken by an unknown monk. We need to find him!

An apple from an apple tree…

We go to the abbey, which is located in the lowlands of Romagna. We approach the church, and we look for a monk in black, without attracting the attention of the guards. We go to the abbey in Forli. The monk is trying to escape, we catch him.

Republic of Florence.
Thirteenth sequence.

Fiasco in Florence.

We are wanted in Florence. So it's not easy to get into the city. If you hurry, you can pass unnoticed along with the monks. Next, we go to the bridge, where we will meet with Machiavelli. After the conversation, we follow him. We accompany Nicolo to the palace.

Kill 9 lieutenants:

Priest, merchant, farmer, doctor, condottiere, artist, priest, nobleman,

Power to the people.

After a direct hit, the apple slips out of the monk's hands. He is picked up by a dodger and tries to escape. We kill him and take the apple.

Fourteenth sequence.

The place is marked with a cross.

Correctly arrange the pages of the code.
In Bocca Al Lupo.

We climb to the roof. We kill guards, we activate the lever and we pass further. We repeat this operation several more times. Then we sit on the horse and break forward as quickly as possible. We enter the hall. We make our way closer to Rodrigo. We attack him. We now have 5 times more! And all thanks to the mighty power of the artifact. We fight with the Spaniard. We turn on eagle vision, we find a secret passage. We finish it in hand-to-hand combat. Let's watch the video.

Do not rush to complete the game after the credits start, there is a small bonus ahead.

Playing Desmond. Let's follow Lucy. We deal with enemies. We leave the base.


Determine which city class your hero belongs to. Some, in their own way, are not suitable for a specific class of heroes. Conversely, in combination with the specific skills of the character, the greatest effectiveness of the armor is achieved.

If your hero belongs to the Necropolis type, that is, he is a knight or a necromancer, armor for him should be selected taking into account necromancer skills. The best for a necromancer is considered a prefabricated artifact - "Armor of the Damned". It consists of 4 simple level 1-2 artifacts: Shield of the Grieving Dead, Skull Helmet, Dead Knight Sword, and Rib Armor.

Collect the Armor of the Damned artifact. To do this, place artifacts-components on the head, arms and chest of the hero. Then right-click on the hero's body, and confirm the assembly. In addition to adding +3 to defense and attack, +2 to knowledge and spellcasting power, the assembled armor casts 4 spells at the beginning of the battle on all enemy troops: "Curse", "Slow", "Failure" and "Weakness".

For other classes of heroes, the Might of the Dragon Father armor is considered one of the best. It is assembled from 9 small artifacts. All of them are made from different parts of the dragon: "Stationary Eye", "Cloak of dragon wings", "Tongue of Flame", "Frozen Eye", also knee pads, armor and shield from dragon scales, crown and necklace from his teeth. Individually, their strength is low, and they often come across on the map.

The main secret of the Villa Auditore in Monteriggioni is the Sanctuary, where light and durable armor of Altair. Mario after some time will decide to show them to Ezio. To obtain the equipment and armor of Altair, stored behind bars, you need to find six seals-keys of the legendary assassins - Kulan-Gala, Darius, Wei Yu, Amunet, Iltani and Leonius - buried in Italy. Uncle, no matter how much he tried, could not find them, but he still does not lose hope, although he has long abandoned active searches. The locations of the tombs of the assassins with seals are marked on the map with special black icons in the form of the letter A. The icons appear immediately or after visiting the viewpoints, starting from the fourth sequence.

Before receiving each seal, you have to pass a test, proving the seriousness of your intentions. Trials consist of overcoming obstacles against the clock or finding a path. An unpleasant surprise during the hunt for seals will be the behavior of the camera, which will choose bad angles and viewing angles at key moments, leading to offensive breakdowns, snags and marking time. Each location, in addition to the main reward, hides one or two secret areas where treasure chests are hidden. It is not necessary to look for them, in this case only a reward will be missed - several hundred gold coins (re-passing the tombs of the assassins in AC2 is available through the "Cashes" in the "DNA" section in the main menu of the game). The collected seals are placed in slots on the Assassin statues in the Sanctuary in the basement of Villa Monteriggioni. All seals can be collected in the ninth sequence, before the carnival in Venice.

Legendary Assassins:

  • Mongol Kulan-Gal- shot Genghis Khan's horse with a bow.
  • Persian Darius- killed Xerxes with a hidden blade.
  • Chinese Wei Yu- killed the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang with a spear.
  • Egyptian Amunet- killed Cleopatra with a snake.
  • Babylonian Iltani- Poisoned Alexander the Great.
  • Roman Leonius- stabbed Caligula with a dagger.

The location of the tombs of the assassins in Assassin's Creed 2:

  • Seal of Darius(plot task "The Mystery of the Novella", sequence 4.4):
    • Florence: Catacombs under the Cathedral of Santa Maria Novella in the quarter of the same name in the eastern part of the city, entrance through a guarded courtyard from the eastern side of the building.
  • Seal of Iltani(task "The Secret of the Cathedral"):
    • Florence: Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in the San Giovanni quarter in the central part of the city, entrance at the north wall.
  • Seal of Wei Yu(task "The Secret of Torre Grossa"):
    • Tuscany / San Gimignano: At the base of the Torre Grossa, south of the central square with the church of Santa Maria Assunta.
  • Seal of Kulan-Gala(task "The Secret of Ravaldino"):
    • Forli: Behind the northern wall of the Rocca di Ravaldino fortress in the southwestern part of the city.
  • Seal of Amunet(task "The Secret of San Marco"):
    • Venice [