Tatars what the people. History of Tatars and Tatar language (brief historical excursion)

Tatars what the people. History of Tatars and Tatar language (brief historical excursion)
Tatars what the people. History of Tatars and Tatar language (brief historical excursion)

Each people have their own distinctive features that allow almost no mistake to determine the nationality of a person. It is worth noting that the Asian peoples are very similar to each other, since everyone is the descendants of the Mongoloid race. How can I define a tatar? What is the difference between the appearance of the Tatars?


Without a doubt, each person is unique, regardless of nationality. Nevertheless, there are some common features that combine representatives of race or nationality. Tatars accepted to refer to the so-called Altai family. This is the Turkic group. The ancestors of the Tatar were known as farmers. Unlike other representatives of the Mongoloid race, the Tatars do not have pronounced features of the appearance.

The appearance of the Tatars and the change, which now appear in them, are caused in many ways to assimilate the Slavic peoples. True, among the Tatars sometimes found blonde, sometimes even red representatives. This, for example, cannot be said about Uzbeks, Mongols or Tajiks. Do the features of the eye of the Tatar? They do not have a narrow eye cut and dark skin. Are there any common features of the appearance of the Tatars?

Tatars description: a little story

The most ancient and crowded ethnic groups include Tatars. In the Middle Ages, mention of them bought everyone around: in the east of the shores of the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic coast. Different scientists included mentioning the people in their works. The mood of these records was obviously polar: some wrote with an exquisite and admiration, other scientists showed out fear. But united all one thing - no one remained indifferent. It is obvious that it was the Tatars that had a huge impact on the development of Eurasia. They managed to create an original civilization that affected the most different cultures.

In the history of the Tatar people were both ups and downs. The periods of the world were replaced by the cruel time of bloodshed. The ancestors of modern Tatars took part in the creation of several strong states at once. Despite all the events of fate, they managed to maintain both their people and identity.

Ethnic groups

Thanks to the works of anthropologists, it became known that the ancestors of Tatars were not only representatives of the Mongoloid race, but also the Europeans. It was this factor that led to a variety of appearance. Moreover, the Tatars themselves are made to divide into groups: Crimean, Ural, Volga-Siberian, South Khaska. Volga-Siberian Tatars, whose features have the greatest signs of the Mongoloid race, differ in the following signs: dark hair, pronounced cheekbones, brown eyes, wide nose, fold over the top of the century. Representatives of this type are few.

The face of the Volga Tatars oblong, cheekbones are not too pronounced. Eyes big and gray (or brown). Nose with a hubber, oriental type. The physique is correct. In general, the men of this group are quite tall and hardy. They don't have dark skin. Such is the appearance of the Tatar from the Volga region.

Kazan Tatars: appearance and customs

The appearance of the Kazan Tatars is described as: A tightly folded strong man. Mongols are noticeable with a wide sulfur face and a slightly narrowed eye cut. Neck short and strong. Men rarely wear thick beard. Such features are explained by the merge of Tatar blood with different Finnish peoples.

The marriage rite is not similar to religious action. From religiousness - only reading the first chapter of the Quran yes special prayer. After marriage, the young girl does not immediately move into his spouse's house: another year she will live in his family. It is curious that her new-minced husband comes to her as a guest. Tatar girls are ready to wait their lover.

Only a few have two wives. And in cases where this happens, there are reasons: for example, when the first is already aged, and the second one is more young - now leads a household.

Most often there are European Tatars Tatars - owners of blond hair and light eyes. Nose is narrow, eagle or hidden. Growth is low - in women about 165 cm.


In the nature of the men-Tatar, some features were seen: hard work, choplost and hospitality bordering stubbornness, pride and indifference. Respect for the eldest - that's what is especially distinguished by Tatars. It was noted that the representatives of this people tend to be guided by the mind, adjusts to the situation, law-abiding. In general, the synthesis of all these qualities, especially hard work and perseverance, makes a man-Tatar very purposeful. Such people are able to achieve their career success. The work is brought to the end, have the habit of achieving their own.

Purebred Tatar seeks to receive new knowledge, showing enviable heaviness and responsibility. Crimean Tatars celebrates special indifference and calm in stressful situations. Tatars are very curious and talkative, but during the work stubbornly silent, apparently not to lose concentration.

One of the characteristic features is a self-esteem. It is manifested in that Tatar also considers himself special. As a result, some arrogance and even arrogance is observed.

Cleanity allocates Tatars. In their housing, they do not tolerate mess and dirt. Moreover, it does not depend on financial capabilities - both rich and poor Tatar maritimely monitors cleanliness.

My home is your home

Tatars - the people are very hospitable. Ready to take a person, regardless of his status, faith or national affiliation. Even with modest delta, they show welcoming hospitality, ready to divide a modest lunch with the guest.

Tatar women stand out with huge curiosity. They are attracted by beautiful clothes, they are watching other nationalities with interest, follow the fashion. Tatars are quite tied to their home, devote themselves to raising children.

Tatar women

What is amazing the creation - Tatar woman! In her heart, the immense, deepest love for her loved ones, to children. Her destination is to carry peace to people, serve as a model of peace and morality. A woman-tatar is distinguished by a feeling of harmony and special musicality. It radiates some spirituality and nobility of the soul. The inner world of Tatarka is full of wealth!

Tatar girls from the young years are aimed at strong, durable marriage. After all, they want to love her husband and raise future children behind the solid walls of reliability and confidence. No wisest says the Tatar saying: "A woman without a husband, that a horse without a zlond!" The word husband for her is the law. Although witty tatars are complemented - on any law, however, there is a correction! And yet these are loyal women who sacred traditions and customs. However, do not hope to see the Tatar in the Black Parandge - this is a stylish lady, which is characteristic of self-esteem.

The appearance of the Tatars is very well-groomed. Modnitsa in the wardrobe can be observed stylized things that emphasize its national affiliation. Here, for example, there are shoes that imitates chictek - national leather boots that wear Tatar girls. Another example is the applications where the patterns transmit the stunning beauty of the earthly flora.

And what about the table?

Woman Tatarka is an excellent hostess, loving, hospitable. By the way, a little about the kitchen. The Tatars National Kitchen is quite predictable in the fact that the basis of the main dishes is often the dough and fat. Even a lot of dough, a lot of fat! Of course, this is far from the most healthy nutrition, although guests are usually offered exotic dishes: Kasel (or dried horse), Gubady (is a puff pastry with a large variety of stuffs, from cottage cheese to meat), Talcisch-Kaleva (incredibly calorie dessert From flour, oils and honey). Squeeze all this rich treats can be anaran (a mixture of riding and water) or traditional tea.

Like men-Tatars, women are characterized by purposefulness and perseverance in achieving goals. Overcoming difficulties, they show seamless and resourcefulness. All this is complemented by great modesty, generosity and kindness. Truly, the Tatar woman is a great gift over!

Tatars - the Turkic people living in the territory of the central part of European Russia, as well as in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Far East, in the territory of the Crimea, as well as in Kazakhstan, in the states of Central Asia and in the Chinese Autonomous Republic of Soar. About 5.3 million people of Tatar nationality live in the Russian Federation, which is 4% of the total population of the country, in numbers they take second place after the Russians, 37% of all Tatars of Russia lives in the Republic of Tatarstan in the capital of the Volga Federal District with the capital in the city of Kazan and make up Most (53%) of the population of the republic. National Language - Tatar (group of Altai languages, the Turkic group, the Kypchak subgroup) has several dialects. Most Tatars are Muslim-Sunni, there are also Orthodox, and not related to specific religious flows.

Cultural heritage and family values

Tatar traditions of housekeeping and family lifestyle are more preserved in villages and towns. Kazan Tatars, for example, lived in wooden outsters, which differed from Russians only by the fact that they were not hay and the total room was divided into a female and male half, separated by the curtain (Charshau) or a wooden partition. In any Tatar vest, the presence of green and red chests was mandatory, which were further used as a godded bride. Almost in every house on the wall hung inserted a piece of text from the Quran, the so-called "Shamail", he hung over the threshold as a guard, and it was written the wish of happiness and well-being. In the decoration of the house and the local area, many bright juicy colors and shades were used, the inner premises were abundantly decorated with embroidery, because Islam prohibits portraying human and animals, mostly embroidered towels, covered and other things were decorated with geometric ornaments.

The head of the family is the Father, his requests and instructions should be carried out unquestioned, mother at a special honorable place. Tatar children from an early age teach to respect the elders, not to cause pain younger and always help disadvantaged. Tatars are very hospitable, even if a person's enemy person, but he came to the house as a guest, he will not be denied in anything, will feed, come in and offer the night. Tatar girls are brought up as modest and decent future owners, they are taught in advance to lead the economy and prepare for marriage.

Tatar customs and traditions

Ritals are calendar and family sense. The first are associated with labor activities (sowing, harvesting, etc.) and are held every year in about the same time. Family rites are held as needed in accordance with the changes that occurred in the family: the birth of children, the conclusion of marriage unions and other rituals.

The traditional Tatar wedding is characterized by the mandatory holding of the Muslim rite of Nicky, it passes at home or in the mosque in the presence of Mullah, the festive table is exclusively Tatar National Dishes: Chuck Chuck, Cort, Katus, Kosh Tele, Pogs, Kaimak, etc., guests Do not eat pork and do not drink alcoholic beverages. The man-groom puts on a tubeette, a bride woman walks in a long dress with closed sleeves, a handkerchief is required on his head.

Tatar wedding rites are characterized by a prior arrangement of the parents of the bride and the bride about the conclusion of the marriage union, often even without their consent. Parents of the bridegroom must pay calm, the size of which is discussed in advance. If the size of the rod of the bridegroom does not suit, and he wants to "save" anything is nothing to steal the bride before the wedding.

When a child is born, Mullau is invited to him, he holds a special rite, who has been praying to the child's ear who distinguishes evil spirits and his name. Guests come with gifts, a festive table is covered for them.

Islam has a huge impact on the social life of the Tatar and therefore the Tatar people divide all holidays on religious, they are called "Gaet" - for example, Uraz Gaet - a holiday in honor of the end of the post, or Corban Gaeta Sacrifice, and secular or folk "Bayram", meaning "Spring beauty or celebration."

In the feast of Uraz, the Muslim Tatary Muslims are spent in prayers and conversations with Allah, asking him about the protection and removal of sins, drinking and eat only after sunset.

During the celebrations, Kurban-Bayram, the holiday of the sacrifice and the end of Hajj, also also called the feast of good, every self-respecting Muself after the morning of the morning prayer in the mosque must be slaughtered the sacrificial sheep, the sheep, goat or cow and the meat to distribute the needy.

One of the most significant associates is considered the feast of Plow Sabantui, which is held in spring and symbolizes the end of the sowing work. Culmination of the celebration is to carry out various competitions and competitions in running, fighting or horse racing. Also, it is also necessary to treat all those present - porridge or in Tatar's Tatarus, which used to be prepared from common products in a huge boiler on one of the hills or hills. Also, on the festival, it was mandatory for the presence of a large number of painted eggs in order for their children. The main holiday of the Republic of Tatarstan Sabantus is recognized at the official level and is held every year in the birch grove of the village of Mirny that under Kazan.

Problems of ethnogenesis (begin origin) of the Tatar people

Periodization of Tatar political history

The Tatar people passed the complex path of centuries-old development. The following main stages of Tatar political history are distinguished:

The ancient-Turkic statehood includes GU-in Hongna (209 D.N.E. - 155 AD), Gun Empire (end 4 - mid 5th century), Turkic kaganat (551 - 745) and Kazakh kaganat ( Mid 7 - 965)

Volga Bulgaria or Bulgarian Emirate (End X - 1236)

Ulus Juchi or Golden Horde (1242 - the first half of the 15th century)

Kazan Khanate or Kazan Sultanat (1445 - 1552)

Tatarstan as part of the Russian state (1552 - present)

RT has become in 1990 by the sovereign republic as part of the Russian Federation

The origin of the ethnonym (name of the people) Tatars and its distribution in the Volga-Ural

The ethnonym of the Tatars is nationwide and used by all groups forming Tatar ethnic community - Kazan, Crimean, Astrakhan, Siberian, Polish-Lithuanian Tatars. There are several versions of the origin of the ethnonym of the Tatars.

The first version indicates the origin of the word Tatars from the Chinese language. In the 5th century, one militant Mongolian tribe lived in Mahzhuria, often committed raids on China. The Chinese called this tribe "TA-TA". Later, the Chinese ethnonym Tatars spread on all their nomadic northern neighbors, including the Turkic tribes

The second version displays the word Tatars from the Persian language. Khalikov leads etymology (option of origin of the word) of the Arab medieval author Mahmada of Everybody, according to which the ethnonym of the Tatars consists of 2 Persian words. Tat - stranger, ar - man. Thus, the word of Tatars is literally translated from the Persian language means someone else's person, the event, the conqueror.

The third version displays the ethnonym of the Tatars from Greek. Tartar - underground kingdom, hell.

By the beginning of the XIII, the tribal associations of the Tatars were part of the Mongolian Empire, headed by Gengizhhan and participated in its military campaigns. In arising from these campaigns, the Polovtsy, which were subordinated to the dominant Turkic-Mongolian clans, which had a military-serving estate, were numerically dominated by Ulus Juchi (UD). This class was called Tatars. Thus, the term Tatars in DD initially did not have ethnic meaning and was used to designate the military-serving of the estate of the company's elite. Therefore, the term of Tatars was a symbol of meaningfulness, power and refer to Tatars was prestigious. This led to a gradual assimilation by the majority of the population of this term as an ethnonym.

The main theories of the origin of the Tatar people

There are 3 theories in different ways treating the origin of the Tatar people:

Bulgarian (Bulgaro Tatar)


Turko Tatarskaya

Bulgarian theory is based on the provisions that the ethnic basis of the Tatar people is the Bulgarian ethnos, which has developed on the Middle Volga region and the Ural of IIX-IX century. Bulgarists - adherents of this theory argue that the main ethnocultural traditions and features of the Tatar people were formed during the existence of Volzhskoy Bulgaria. In subsequent periods, the Goldenordinsky, Kazan-Khansky and Russian, these traditions and features have undergone only minor changes. According to Bulgarists, all other Tatars groups arose independently and actually are independent ethnic groups.

One of the main arguments that brought bulgarists to protect the provisions of their theory is the anthropological argument - the external similarity of medieval booleans with modern Kazan Tatars.

Mongol-Tatar theory is based on the fact of relocation to Eastern Europe from Central Asia (Mongolia) of the nomadic Mongol-Tatar groups. These groups were mixed with Polovtsy and during the PD, created the basis of the culture of modern Tatars. Supporters of this theory are the meaning of the Volga Bulgaria and its culture in the history of Kazan Tatars. They believe that during the Bulgarian population, the Bulgarian population was partially exterminated, partly moved to the outskirts of the Volga Bulgaria (modern Chuvashi from these Bulgarians occurred), the main part of the Bulgarian was assimilated (loss of culture and language) by the new ethnonym and Polovtsy language. One of the arguments on which this theory is based is a language argument (the proximity of medieval Polovtsy and modern Tatar languages).

Turkic Tatar theory notes important role In their ethnogenesis of the ethnopolitical tradition of the Turkic and Kazakh kaganate in the population and culture of the Volga Bulgaria, the Kypchatka and Mongol-Tatar ethnic groups of steppes Eurasia. As a key point, the Ethnic History of the Tatars This theory considers the period of existence of UD, when a new statehood, culture, literary language arose on the basis of mixing the enhanced Mongol-Tatar and Kyphatt and local Bulgarian traditions. Among the Muslim military-serving, the new Tatar ethnopolitical consciousness has developed. After the collapse of the CD into several independent states, the Tatar ethnos was separated into groups that began to develop themselves. The process of separating the Kazan Tatars ended in the period of the Kazan Khanate. In the ethnogenesis of Kazan Tatars, 4 groups were attended - 2 local and 2 seals. Local Bulgars and part of the Volga Finns were assimilated by the arrivals of Mongol-Tatars and Kipples, which brought a new ethnonym and language.

Posted Fri, 06/04/2012 - 08:15 by Cap

Tatars (self-tatt. Tatars, Tatar, Mn. Tatarlar, Tatarlar) - The Turkic people living in the central regions of the European part of Russia, in the Volga region, Ural, in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Xinjiang, Afghanistan and the Far East.

The number in Russia is 5310.6 thousand people (census of the 2010 population) - 3.72% of the population of Russia. They are the second most people in the Russian Federation after the Russians. They are divided into three main ethno-territorial groups: Tatars Volgo-Ural, Siberian and Astrakhan, sometimes allocate Polish-Lithuanian Tatars. Tatars make up more than half of the population of the Republic of Tatarstan (53.15% of the 2010 census). Tatar language Refers to the Kypchak subgroup of the Turkic group of the Altai family of languages \u200b\u200band is divided into three dialects: West (Mishar), medium (Kazan-Tatar) and East (Siberian-Tatar). Believers of Tatars (with the exception of a small group - Kryashen, confessing Orthodoxy) - Muslim Sunni.

List of tourist facilities, historical monuments and notable places in Kazan and near the city for excursions and visits, as well as articles about the Tatar people:

Bulgarian Warrior.

Hero of the Soviet Union and the Tatar poet - Musa Jalil

History ethnonym

For the first time the ethnonym "Tatars" appeared Among the Turkic tribes, nomadic in the VI-IX centuries southeast of Baikal. In the XIII century, the name "Tatars" became known in Europe with the Mongol-Tatar invasion. In the XIII-XIV centuries, it was distributed to some nations of Eurasia, which were part of the Golden Horde.

Museum Tukah in the village of Koshlauch - on the Motherland of the Great Poet

Early History

The beginning of the penetration in the Ural region and the Volga region of Turkic-speaking tribes belongs to the III-IV centuries. e. And is associated with the era of invasion on the eastern Europe of the Huns and other nomadic tribes. Sent in the Ural and Volga region, they perceived the elements of the culture of local Finno-Ugric peoples, and partly and mixed with them. In the V-VII centuries, there is a second wave of promotion of Turkic-speaking tribes in the forest and forest-steppe areas of Western Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region associated with the expansion of the Turkic Kaganate. In the VII-VIII centuries, the Bulgarian tribes came from the Azov region, which conquered the Finno-threat and Turkic-speaking tribes existing here (including the ancestors of Bashkir) and the state was created in the IX-X century - Bulgaria Volzhsko-Kama. After the defeat in 1236, the Volga Bulgaria, and a number of uprisings (Bayan and Jick's uprising, Bachman's uprising), Volga Bulgaria was finally captured by the Mongols. The Bulgarian population was supplanted to the north (modern Tatarstan), was substituted and partially assimilated.

In the XIII-XV centuries, when most Turkic-speaking tribes were part of the Golden Horde, there was some transformation of the tongue and culture of the Bulgar.


In the XV-XVI centuries, the formation of individual groups of Tatars - the Middle Volga region and the Viurary (Kazan Tatars, Mishari, Kasimov Tatars, as well as the subconfesting community of Kryashen (Beschen Tatars), Astrakhan, Siberian, Crimean and others). Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Urals, the most numerous and more developed economies and culture, by the end of the XIX century there were a bourgeois nation. The main mass of the Tatars was engaged in agriculture, in the economy of Astrakhan Tatars the main role was played by cattle breeding and fisheries. A significant part of the Tatar was occupied in various hand-craft industries. The material culture of Tatars, folded for a long time from the elements of the culture of a number of Turkic and local tribes, also experienced the influence of the cultures of the peoples of Central Asia and other regions, and from the end of the XVI century - Russian culture.

Gayaz Ishaca

Ethnogenesis of Tatars

There are several theories of ethnogenesis of Tatars. In scientific literature, three of them are described in the most detailed:

bulgaro Tatar theory

tatar-Mongol theory

turkic Tatar theory.

For a long time, the most recognized was the Bulgaro Tatar theory.

Currently, the Turkic Tatar theory receives greater recognition.

Russian President Medvedev and President of RT Minnikhanov

I. Sharipova - represented Russia to Miss World - 2010


Tatars consist of several subethnos - the largest of them are:

Kazan Tatars (Tat. Kazanla) - one of the main groups of Tatars, the ethnogenesis of which is inextricably linked with the territory of Kazan Khanate. Talk on the average dialect of the Tatar language.

(General article about Kazan - here).

Tatars Mishari (Tat. Mishәr) - one of the main groups of Tatars, the ethnogenesis of which was held on the territory of the Middle Volga, the Wild Field and the Sundura. Talk to the western dialect of the Tatar language.

Kasimov Tatars (Tat. Kәchim) is one of the groups of Tatars, the ethnogenesis of which is inextricably linked with the territory of Kasimovsky Khanate. Talk on the average dialect of the Tatar language.

Siberian Tatars (TAT. Seber) is one of the groups of Tatars, the ethnogenesis of which is inextricably linked with the territory of Siberian Khanate. Talk to the eastern dialect of the Tatar language.

Astrakhan Tatars (Tat. Әsterhankhan) is an ethno-engineering group of Tatars, the ethnogenesis of which is inextricably linked with the territory of Astrakhan Khanate.

Tatary Tatriyari (TAT. Tattәr) - an ethnicular group of Tatars, known in Bashkortostan.

clothes of Bulgarian girls

Culture and life

Tatars speak the Tatar language of the Kypchak subgroup of the Turkic group of the Altai family. Languages \u200b\u200b(dialects) of the Siberian Tatars detect a certain proximity to the Tatars language of the Volga region and the Viurala. The tatar literary language was formed on the basis of the Middle (Kazan-Tatar) dialect. The most ancient writing is the Turkic Runic. From the X century to 1927, there was writing on the basis of Arabic graphics, from 1928 to 1936, Latin graphics were used (Yanalif), since 1936, the writing on a Cyrillic graphic basis is used, although there are already plans for the transfer of Tatar writing to Latin.

The traditional housing of the Tatars of the Middle Volga region and the Viurala was the cutter hopping, fenced off from the street by the fence. The external facade was decorated with multicolor painting. In the Astrakhan Tatars, which preserved some of their steppe cattle products, yurt's summer housing was told as summer housing.

Each people have their own national holidays. Tatar folk holidays admire the feeling of gratitude and respect people to nature, to the customs of ancestors, each other.

Religious Muslim holidays are called the word Gaet (Aet) (Uraz Gaeta - the holiday of the post and the Corban Gaeta - the holiday of the victim). And all folk, not the religious holidays in Tatar are called Bairham. Scientists believe that this word means "Spring Beauty", "Spring Celebration".

Religious holidays are called the Word of Gaet or Bayram (Uraza-Bayram (Ramazan) - the holiday of the post and Cabrban Bayram is a holiday of the victim). Muslim Holidays at Tatars - Muslims include collective morning prayer in which all men and boys participate. Then it should be relying to go to the cemetery and pray near the graves of his loved ones. And women and helping the girls at this time are preparing home treats. On holidays (and every religious holiday had been lasted for several days) with congratulations they went around the relatives and neighbors. Particularly important was a visit to the parental house. In the days of Cerban-Bayram - the holiday of the victims tried to treat meat as many people as possible, the tables remained covered with two or three days in a row and each part of the house, whoever he could have had the right to treat.

holidays Tatars

Bose Karau.

According to the old-prestary tradition, the Tatar villages were located on the banks of the rivers. Therefore, the first Bairem - "Spring Celebration" for the Tatars is associated with ice-frequency. This holiday is called Boz Karau, Boz Bagu - "Watch Loda", Boz Ozatma - Ice Wires, Zin Whale - Iceshop.

Watching the ice trip to the river bank went out all the inhabitants - from old people to children. The youth went dressed up with harmonists. On floating floes they laid out and lit off the straw. In the blue spring twilight, these floating torches were visible far away, and the songs rushed.

Janger Yau.

One day early in the spring, the children went home to collect barbecue, butter, eggs. They expressed their heads to the owners of prosperity and ... demanded a treat!

From the assembled products on the street or indoors with the help of one or two older women, children cooked in a hollow porridge. Each brought with me a plate and a spoon. And after such feast, the children played, poured with water.

Kyzyl Yomorka

After some time, the day of collecting painted eggs was taken. The inhabitants of the village were about such a day warned in advance and the mistress had painted eggs from the evening - most often in the brave of onion husk. Eggs were obtained multicolored - from golden-yellow to dark brown, and in the bark of birch leaves - various shades of green. In addition, there are special testy balls in each house - small buns, pretzels, and also bought candy.

Children were especially waiting for this day. Mothers were sewed for them from towels bags for collecting eggs. Some guys went to bed dressed and shove, so that in the morning did not waste time for the fees, under the pillow put the floor to not sleep. Early early in the morning, boys and girls started bypassing houses. The coming first cranked the sins and spread them on the floor - so that the "yard was not empty", that is, to make a lot of living on it.

Comic wishes of children to the owners are expressed by ancient - as in times of great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers. For example, this is: "Kyth-Kytyk, Kyth-Kytytka, grandfather with a grandmother home? Will eggs give? Let you have a lot of chickens, let them turn their roosters. If you do not give the testicle, in front of the house of your lake, drown there! " The collection of eggs lasted two or three hours, he was very fun. And then the children gathered in one place on the street and played different games with the collected eggs.

But again becomes the widespread and beloved spring holiday of Tatars Sabantuy. This is a very beautiful, kind and wise holiday. It includes various rituals and games.

Literally "Sabantuy" means "Plow Holiday" (Saban - Plow and Tui - holiday). He used to be celebrated before the start of spring field work, in April, now Sabantuy is arranged in June - at the end of Seva.

In the old days, Sabantuy was preparing for a long time and carefully - girls of the fabric, sewn, embroidered with a national pattern of scarves, towels, shirts; Everyone wanted to, it was her creation that was the award of the most strong Djigita - the winner in the national struggle or in the races. And young people went home and gathered gifts, sang songs, joked. Gifts tied to a long six, sometimes jigs tied themselves with the collected towels and did not remove them to the end of the ceremony.

At the time of Sabantius, the Council was elected from the respected Aksakalov - all power in the village passed to them, they were prescribed the jury to reward the winners, followed the order during the competition.

Socio-political movements of 1980-1990s

At the end of the 80s of the XX century, there is a period to activate social and political movements in Tatarstan. It is possible to note the creation of the All Statutarian Public Center (WTO), the first president of M. Muliukov, the Department of the Ettifak Party, the first non-communist party in Tatarstan, at the head of which F. Baires got up.

V.V. Putin also claims that there were Tatars in his family !!!

Source of information and photo:


Zakiev M.Z. Part Two, the first chapter. The history of the study of ethnogenesis of the Tatars // The origin of Turks and Tatars. - M.: Insan, 2002.

Tatar encyclopedia

R. K. Urazmenanova. Rites and holidays Tatars Volga and Urals. Historical and ethnographic atlas of the Tatar people. Kazan, Print House 2001

Trofimova T. A. Ethnogenesis Tatars Volga region in the light of these anthropology. - M., L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1949, p.145.

Tatars (a series of "peoples and cultures" RAS). M.: Science, 2001. - p.36.


Tatars, Tatarlar(self-taking), people in Russia (the second in numbers after the Russians), the main population of the Republic of Tatarstan .

According to the 2002 census, russia lives 5 million 558 thousand Tatars. Live in the Republic of Tatarstan (2 million people), Bashkiria (991 thousand people), Udmurtia, Mordovia, Mari Republic, Chuvashia, as well as in the regions of the Volga-Ural region, Western and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Resize in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. According to the 2010 census, 5310649 Tatars live in Russia.

History ethnonym

For the first time ethnonym "Tatars" Appeared among the Mongolian and Turkic tribes in the 6-9 centuries, but he entrenched as a common ethnonym only in the second half of the 19th and early 20th century.

In the 13th century, as part of the Mongols, who created the Golden Horde, were conquered by the tribes, including the Turks called the Tatars. In the 13-14th centuries, the Kipchak's numerically prevailed in the Golden Horde assimilated all other Turkic-Mongolian tribes, but learned the ethnonym "Tatars". Also called the population of this state European peoples, Russians and some Central Asian peoples.

In the Khanaters formed after the collapse of the Golden Horde, the Tatars were called noble layers of Kipchak-Nogai origin. It was they who played a major role in the spread of ethnonym. However, among the Tatars in the 16th century, he was perceived as a derogatory, and even the second half of the 19th century, other self-discharges were told: Meselman, Kazanla, Bulgarian, Misher, Tyter, Nagaibek and others -volgo-Ural and nougay, Karagash, Yurt, Tatarla and others - At the Astrakhan Tatars. In addition to Mesenman, they were all local self-discharges. The process of national consolidation led to the choice of unifying all self-supplying. By the time of the census of 1926, most Tatars called themselves by Tatars. In recent years, a small amount in Tatarstan and other regions of the Volga region refer to themselves Bulgars or Volga Bulgars.


Tatar language Refers to the Kypchak-Bulgarian subgroup of the Khpchak Group of the Turkic branch of the Altai language family and has three main dialects: Western (Mishar), medium (Kazan-Tatar) and East (Siberian-Tatar). The literary rate was formed on the basis of the Kazan-Tatar dialect with the participation of Mishar. Writing based on Cyrillic graphics.


Most believers Tatars - Muslim Sunni Khanafi Mazhab. The population of the former Volga Bulgaria was Muslim from the 10th century and remained those as part of the Horde, by virtue of this standing out among the neighboring peoples. Then, after the occurrence of Tatars, the Moscow state entering the Moscow state, their ethnic self-consciousness was even stronger with religious. Part of the Tatars even defined its nationality as "Mesaleman", i.e. Muslim. At the same time they have persisted (and partly persist to this day) elements of an ancient associate calendar ritual.

Traditional classes

The traditional economy of the Volga-Ural Tatars in the 19th - early 20th century was arable farming. They grown ozimous rye, oats, barley, lentil, millet, shell, flax, cannabis. Also engaged in gloomy, messengers. Pasture-stall animal husbandry with some features resembled nomadic. For example, horses in separate areas have grazed on the foot of the stern. Only Misharians were seriously engaged in hunting. High-level development achieved handicraft and manufactory (jewelry, valral-felt, rapid, weaving and gold-selling), leather and clouded plants worked, and trade was developed.

the National costume

Men and women consisted of a sharovar with a wide step and a shirt, which was put on a sleeveless, often embroidered. Women's costume Tatar The abundance of silver decorations, Kauri's shells, glass flaring. Casakin served the upper clothes, and in the winter - quilted Besht or fur coat. On the head of the man we wore a tubeette, and on top of her a fur hat or hat from felt. Women wore embanked velvet hat and handkerchief. Traditional Tatars shoes are leather Ichigi on a soft sole, on top of which Galosh was put on top.

Sources: Peoples of Russia: Atlas of Cultures and Religions / Answer. V.A. Tishkov, A.V. Zhuravsky, O.E. Kazhmin. - M.: IPTS "Design. Information. Cartography", 2008.

Peoples and religions of the world: Encyclopedia / Ch. ed. V.A. Tishkov. Roll.: O. Yu.Artemova, S.A. Aarutyunov, A.N. Kozhanovsky, V.M. Makarevich (Deputy Ch. Red.), V.A. Popov, P.I. Schkov (Deputy Chick . Ed.), G.Y. Sitonyansky. - M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia, 1998, - 928 p.: Il. - ISBN 5-85270-155-6