Tatar fairy tale three daughters illustration. Presentation to the lesson of literary reading Theme: "Three daughters" Tatar folk fairy tale

Tatar fairy tale three daughters illustration. Presentation to the lesson of literary reading Theme:
Tatar fairy tale three daughters illustration. Presentation to the lesson of literary reading Theme: "Three daughters" Tatar folk fairy tale

One woman lived in ancient times. And she had three daughters. A lot had to work as a woman to wear, shore and feed the daughters. And daughters grew good. And they grew by one more beautiful. And they came out all three married, they left, and the mother remained alone.

Tatar fairy tale three daughters

Here was the year, the other, the third. And it happened so that the mother got sick. So she asks for a squirrel who lived in the forest nearby:
- Squirrel, squirrel, call me my daughters!
Protein immediately ran to fulfill the request.
The squirrel came running to the eldest daughter, knocked out the window.
"Oh," the eldest daughter said, hearing the squirrel. - I would immediately run to my mother, yes, the Thai must be cleaned.
And she really cleaned the basin.
- Oh, so, - the squirrel became angry, - then do not part forever with his pelvis!
Only said - in the midst slammed Thai, and the eldest daughter turned into a turtle.
And the protein in the meantime to the middle daughter came running. Tell her the sad news of the mother.
"Eh, I would run to my mother, yes, here canvas need to get to the fair."
And she really canvas of the fault.
"Oh, so," the squirrel became angry, "well, then all his life is just doing it, the cans of the TKA!"
She said so, and the middle daughter Migom in Spider turned. And when the squirrel in the window to the youngest daughter knocked, the dough Mesil. As she heard that the mother was bad, the hands did not have time to wipe - ran to her.
"You have a kind heart," said the squirrel - so let the people for you will always be. Live, cute, happily and people do happy! And people will love you and good yours will never forget.
So it became.

Tatar folk fairy tale three daughters
Translation S. Gilmutdinova

Stages lesson
Call I. Org. moment.
1. Psychological attitude. Sun-smile to each other and guests like this is a radiant sun. - Slide-1
2. Golden rule. (On the board)
Hush is not hype.
Want to answer - the hand lift.
Pay attention.
Sit down correctly.
3. Speech Slide-2 speech

I I. Repetition passed.
1. Checking d / s: "Pluses" - Dialogue:
- Work on matters - p. 139 "Check yourself" - a generalization on the section "I want to know everything!"
- What works did we meet? Name the authors of these works. What have learned from these works? What works did you like more?
- What genres of literature include these works?
- Are there any fairy tales among them? (On the board record "Fairy Tales")
2. Reception "Compilation of the Cluster" "Tys of Fairy Tales" - What do you know about fairy tales? What are fairy tales?
Tales - folk, literary; Household, magical, animals, number 3.

3. Reception "Faithful - Invalid Approval" - by Slide-3
-Well, that all pictures relate to one genre - the genre of fairy tales?.
-Well, that all fairy tales are people?
-Well, what are folk and literary fairy tales? Name them.
4. * Summing up and estimation: who has more pluses?

I I I. Introduction to the subject of the lesson. Work in pairs.
1. Reception "Celebrated logical chains" Slide-4
- The beginning of one proverb, and the end of the proverb - on the cards. Your task: connect the beginning and end of proverbs. Check with a slide.
* No better friend What kind of native mother.
* With sun, warm, with a good mother.
* Every mother's mother is nice.
* The mother's tender woman does not know.

- How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?
2. Acquaintance with the Kazakh proverb Slide- 4: Zhamak- Ananң Tabannyң Astanda
- attribute the value of the Kazakh proverb (reading, translation, analysis)
- What topic are these proverbs combined?
- Determine the topic of our lesson, who will we read today?
(On the board :) Logical chain - a fairy tale-mothers-children-sneakers-three.
3. Message Topics lesson.
Overview of the section "Golden Soul"
-We today we start working on a new section of our tutorial. What is it called? Read the poem Vladimir Stepanova (p.137)
- What does it call? What do you think there will be works collected in this section? What is the word Mama-Children's words can be combined?
Tippers "7th"
- All the work is united by the word "family."
And let's start with the Tatar folk fairy tale "Three daughters". What do you know about the Tatar people?
* Short message about the Republic of Tatarstan. -Slide-6
* Vocabulary working - similar to the words of the Kazakh and Tatar peoples:
"Mom" - "Ana" - "En." Motherland - Tugan Zhere, Tugan Il
Comprehension IV. Work on a new topic.
Work on the fairy tale "Three daughters" .- Slide-7
1. Reception "Training brainstorming!"
Read the name of the fairy tales.
- Suppose what kind of fairy tale is. Suppose it is she?


2. Receive "Reading with Stopping". Reception "Reading with litters" - highlight unfamiliar words.
Read your own start of fairy tales. The first paragraph.
-What did you find out about mom's mom? What are moms?
1 fragment
- Why did the mother sent a whitewash to her daughters? Slide 8.
- Find in the text and read that the senior daughter answered the squirrel?
- How did her squirrel punished?
2 Options
- What did the second daughter answered the protein?
- How was she punished? Read
3 passage
- What did the youngest daughter did when a squirrel came running to her?
- For what people love younger daughter? Read.
- How was the younger daughter awarded? Read.
* Word allocation, the value of which is not clear to children - -Holst, fair, great-grandfather.
Canvas - linen fabric, which has a hand in a weaving machine.
Fair - place of trading in various goods.
Virtuk - Son of Grandson.
Reflection 1. Summage of students. (Tip Slide-10)
. - Name the main characters of the fairy tale and make their characteristics.
- Humor, squirrel, older sister, middle sister, younger sister, golden bee.
2. Check and evaluation of work. - Are you agreeing with the characteristic? What could you still add?
2. Preparation for retelling. Drawing up a recovery plan. Slide 11.
3. View the cartoon "Three Daughters"
4. Short retelling fairy tales- on a chain.
- Have you a fairy tale? What does she teach? How do you yourself feel about your moms?
3. Outcome. Reception "Questions problems"
-What happens to those who do not care about their relatives and relatives?
- How can a person extend the earth's life and become immortal?
-Why in the same family grow different children?
-How adult children should relate to old and helpless parents?
3. Home task - retelling fairy tales.
4. Reflection. "Sunny" -slide 12-
My mood looks like:
1-Sun, 2-sun with a tucca, 3-puff (shown with your fingers)
5. Voice of estimates for the lesson.

School-Gymnasium №1 named after M.Gork

Open lesson in grade 2

Literary reading

"Three daughters"

(Tatar folk tale)

teacher: Mehdiyeva F.A.

2011 - 2012 academic year

Theme lesson : Tatar folk fairy tale "Three daughters"

Objectives lesson:

1) Know the content of the fairy tale, be able to express your thoughts.

2) to analyze and evaluate the actions of the hero

3) Work in groups, develop creativity, analytical thinking.

4) to bring up attentive and caring attitude towards parents.

Equipment: Interactive Board, Tutorials, Clean Leafs.

During the classes

I. . Organizing time. Preparation for lesson. Roll.

II. . Message Topics lesson, goals and tasks. Slide 1. Slide 2.

III . Workout. Slide 3.

If you have a good mood, sweep your feet.

If you have a cat, keep yourself on your head.

If you like chocolate, lick your lips.

If you like school, hurt your hands.

If you want to enjoy the lesson, be active.

Good luck everyone!

IV. . Checking passed.

1. Individual survey.

What is oral folk creativity?

2. Frontal survey.

What fairy tale did we read on the past lesson?

How did the forestry felt in the forest?

Why was he angry at home and frowned?

How did children usually behave without parents?

What happened to them once under the New Year?

How was the elder brother for his cruelty?

For what kind of good acts helped him, animals and birds save themselves and brother?

What does this fairy tale take?

V. . Check erudition and memory.

What folk proverbs teach respect to the elders and to parents?

VI . Studying a new material.

Today we will continue the relationship of people in the family and will read the Tatar folk fairy tale "Three daughters".Slide 6.

What do you think it will be about this fairy tale? (Having hears the answer options).

Why? (argument, assumptions).

VII . Working with a textbook . Reading a fairy tale by unfinished proposals.

In order to find out who was closer to the truth, we will now open textbooks and get acquainted with this fairy tale. Open tutorials on page 136. And let's get acquainted with the content.

The teacher slowly and expressively reads the beginning of a fairy tale before "- Tell them, so that they will see-sew."Slide 7.

What do you think the senior daughter answered the squirrel? (Listening to answer options)

Reading on roles:

1 student reads the Elder Daughter's answer.

Two student reads the words of the squirrel.Slide 8.

What happened to her daughter the next moment?

What did the middle daughter answer the squirrel? What do you think? What happened to her?

The 2nd, 4th and 3rd student read on the roles.Slide 9.

What do you think the protein did it correctly, when turned the daughters in the turtle, spider and a bee?

Has her decision right?

What fairy tale is this fairy tale? What is in common with them?

VIII. . Work in groups. Drawing up a fairy tale scheme.

Students group make up a fairy tale scheme on a sheet. Listening options.

IX . Slide observation 11. Schematic image of a fairy tale.

Who was closer to this scheme?

X. . Creative task to groups. Essay. Slide 12.

And now, guys, try writing your wishes to daughters in the form of a small letter.

The 1st group will write a letter to the eldest daughter, and will roll out its attitude towards it.

The 2nd group will write a letter of middle daughter.

The 3rd group will write a letter to the youngest daughter and express her appreciation to her.

Well, let's read our letters (students read letters, discuss, argue)

XI . "Mosaic".

- Try to collect the proverb from these words (reading the resulting options).

Reading the finished proverb. Check understanding.

XII. . The outcome of the lesson.

What does this fairy tale take?

How to treat parents? Why?

XIII. . Reflection. Retelling fairy tales on a chain.

XIV . Homework. Choose proverbs to this fairy tale (5 proverbs)

XV . Completion. Slide 13.

The lesson today was successful

He did not pass for you in vain.

You all really tried.

Did you like, friends?

"Literary reading lesson Tatar folk fairy tale" Three daughters "Didactic goal: to create conditions for the awareness and understanding of the Tatar folk fairy tale" Three sisters "with the help of funds ..."

Literary reading lesson

Tatar folk fairy tale "Three daughters"

Didactic goal: to create conditions for the awareness and understanding of the Tatar folk fairy tale "Three sisters" using the means of technology of critical thinking.

Content Goals:

Educational aspect: Continue the training of younger students to analyze artistic works of various volumes and different genres, the formation of the ability to independently extract the moral idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, clarifying the moral lessons of texts.

The developing aspect: the formation of the skill of conscious smooth reading, the skills to work independently with the text, the abilities work individually, collectively, in the group.

Educational aspect: Raise the joy from students from the process of creativity; bring up kindness, attentiveness and responsiveness to others

Forms of cognitive activity: individual, steam room, group, collective.

Equipment: Textbook V.Sviridova "Literary reading. Grade 2, 2 part, cut cards with proverbs, explanatory dictionary, cards with characteristics Heroin fairy tales, presentation

1.G. moment.

2. Actualization and definition of the lesson

Look at this photo, what feelings do you cause you?

(Photo grandmother)

Today, to know the world of such complex feelings will help us with a new product, and what genre we can find out if we handle the letter dictation.

Cries on the pebble, crushes, brother Ivanushka is going to save

What work these lines

"And we stayed near the Christmas tree. She lay big, shaggy and so tasty smelled frost, that we stood like fools and smiled. Then Alenka took up one twig and said ... "(" Enchanted letter ")

What is the name of the highest stress point in the development of events in the artistic work? (Climax)

What is the name of the reception in the literature built on a comparison of the subject with another for a common feature. (Comparison)

Read the word Asksx - Fairy Tale

And what is a fairy tale?

We also have an unusual object today - the magic bowl. She is empty. In the lesson, we will fill it with our feelings and experiences.

Today I will get acquainted with the fairy tale "Three daughters".

3. Suitable goals

There are folk wisdom, that for any knowledge we must contact the ancestors. The experience of ancestors creates fabulous heroes. It is not by chance in many fairy tales there is a stone by the road. A positive hero necessarily chooses one of three roads.

It is believed that magic fairy tales teach wisdom. The main thing is described - as a person passes certain stages, as responsibly refers to the experience of ancestors. In every fairy tale, a happy end. We again joking in the magical world of fairy tales.

Complete suggestions that we have to work in class

Meet ... (with the work)

Describe ... (main characters)

Determine ... (Main thought)

This will be the goals for this lesson.

Fairy tales teach people to learn themselves, help to discover deficiencies and suggest how to get rid of them. They teach wisdom of life. Reading fairy tales enriches us knowledge of the life of the native language. To read fairy tales - it means to become smarter, learn something new and important about yourself and people.

4. Slice work

In order to better understand the fairy tale, let's pay attention to the meaning of the words that are found in it:

fair - a large bargaining with entertainment, entertainment, suitable regularly in the same place.

canvas - Linen Fabric of Thick Yarn

day-day - daily.

western - always, forever

5. For a first acquaintance with the work.

Now you will listen to a fairy tale and follow the textbook - take a simple pencil, when reading, may not be discrepancies with your text and the text of the reader were there any inconsistencies?

Is it possible to change the text when reading? (Folk tale)

Checking primary perception

What feelings did you experience?

What are your mother?

Why does the fairy tale have such a name? (Consider illustration of girls)

Is the protein correctly acted?

What does this fairy tale teach us?

What kind of tale is this fairy tale? (Household with magic elements)

6. Analysis of the work of the Tatar fairy tale "Three sisters" and selective reading.

When reading, try to pass the character of the hero.

What daughters mother grow up? Find and read the confirmation of the text.

Read what happened to the mother in a few years?

How do daughters know about it?

Find how the eldest daughter reacted to the mother's request?

What answered the squirrel? Answer words from text.

How did the average daughter agreed on the mother's request?

What did the squirrel answer her?

How can you call the act that the eldest and middle daughter did?

Lightness is the carelessness of the soul, the lack of order and depth in thoughts and feelings.

How did you thank the squirrel younger daughter for her responsiveness?

Why did people love younger daughter?

Are there any wonders in this fairy tale?

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale?

7. Work in groups

Get ready for work in the group and mentally remember the rules of work.

Determine the characteristics of the nature of the daughters and give an assessment of their actions

Choose words that belong to the eldest, medium and youngest daughter. Stick on words related to daughters.

Junior daughter









Ready to always help


Checking the work of groups

Which daughters have beauty? Prove a passage from the text

Why did the squirrel punished the elder daughters? (Mom did not help)

Close your eyes, remember when you are scary or hurt, who are you usually calling?

(Mom - Lera - very emotional - oh, mommy!)

And why?

Because you are sure that my mother will come to your aid. I regret, sticks, will advise you. Mom will do everything for you. Moms always take care of their children, worried, worry, teach us good, good. Close your eyes - remember mom's voice.

Why did people love the younger daughter for?

Read the last two text paragraphs. Stress out the words that say that the predictions of the protein came true

8. Left outcome

1). Compassion

What feelings did we experience during reading?

What did Tatar fairy tale taught you?

What makes this fairy tale? - What values \u200b\u200bthe people in man most?

2). Work in parach

In the cards written by proverbs. The beginning of one - the proverbs, and the end of the proverb - to another. Your task is to combine the beginning and the end of the proverbs so that the right statements come true.

Life is coming to merry.

Read proverbs. What is common between them? (Kindness)

Bowl, why is still empty? (Feelings can not be seen, but you can survive)

green - the mood is wonderful, everything turned out in the lesson, you are satisfied with

yellow - the mood is good, but it turned out in the lesson not everything

red - the mood is bad, nothing worked

(signal circles)

Why caught fire in the bowl?

What feelings have we filled the bowl? (Love, kindness, mutual understanding, empathy) These feelings remained in our heart, the soul - if, at least a spark, flashed there, then our lesson did not pass in vain.

9. Information about the homework


1. Fill the table

1. Fighting good with evil

2. Building a fairy tale

3. Magic numbers

4. Magic events

2. Write a mini writing "What I would like to say mom"










Ready to always help

Beauty on time, good deeds

Good to create - kindness forever.

Life is coming to merry.


Beauty on time, good deeds

Good to create - kindness forever.

Life is coming to merry.


Beauty on time, good deeds

Good to create - kindness forever.

Life is given to cheer up with a table

Signs of a magical fairy tale fixing the presence or absence of a sign.

1. Fighting good with evil

2. Building a fairy tale

3. Magic numbers

4. Magic events

5. Magic existhelex objects

Fill out the table

Signs of a magical fairy tale fixing the presence or absence of a sign.

1. Fighting good with evil

2. Building a fairy tale

3. Magic numbers

4. Magic events

5. Magic existhelex objects

Fill out the table

Signs of a magical fairy tale fixing the presence or absence of a sign.

1. Fighting good with evil

2. Building a fairy tale

3. Magic numbers

4. Magic events

5. Magic existhelex objects

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Love Vladimirovna Volkov
An abstract of classes in familiarization with the fiction "Tatar folk fairy tale" Three daughters "

Software content.

Introduce children with Tatar folk creativity.

Teach children feel and understand the characters characteristics, perceive the originality of the construction of the plot, notice the genre features of the composition and language fairy tales and story; Teach children to transfer their attitude to the characters.

Promoting education in children needs to improve good acts, the desire to make good deeds. Educate love for customs and traditions tatar people.

Material. Panel plane images: houses, trees, mother, three daughter, squirrel. Toys: pelvis, spider, bee. Coloring with the image of heroes fairy tales: Bee, spider, squirrel, turtle. Colour pencils.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance of children with Russian folk, Mordovskaya, Nanai fairy tales. Consider view taleswatching cartoons by tales. Collapse, drawing fairy tales with children, coloring color tales.

Educator. - Children, what is your mood now?

Children. - Good.

Educator. - Then let's all the good gather in the palm, we will eat firm fists, and then we divorce and drink on the palm,

i will send everyone a charge of cheerfulness and good mood.

(Children sit on chairs.)

Guys, once you have a good mood, then I have to you question:

tell me, please, you love fairy tales?

Children. - Yes.

Educator. - And what fairy tales and tales of which nations you know?

(The tutor listens to children's answers.)

Educator. - Children, as well, that I came to you today. And I came not alone, I have you the fairy tale brought. Curtain open, fairy tale start. There are many pictures about whom this tale We will learn about itIf you collect the whole picture entirely.

(The educator together with children lay flat attributes fairy tales and consider placed on chalkboard: House, Trees, Squirrel, Figure Adult Women and Three daughters.)

Educator. - Children, what kind of gentle words do you speak your mom?

Children. - kind, beloved, beautiful, cute, dear, etc.

Educator. "Moms always take care of their children, however, sometimes a mother and quarrels, but then it definorates." There is such proverb: "The maternal caress of the end does not know". But children are not always caring towards their mothers! Listen tatar fairy tale"Three daughter» , and then tell me who from daughters He loved his mother truly.

Tatar folk fairy tale"Three daughter»

There was a woman. Day and night she worked to feed and dress their own daughters. And three rose daughters are fastlike swallows, face similar to the bright moon. One after one married and left.

Several years have passed. The old woman got sick, and she sends her daughters red squirrel.

Tell them, my friend, to hurried to me.

Oh, "the eldest sighed, hearing sad news from the squirrel. - Oh! I would be glad to go, yes, I need to clean these two pelvis.

Clean two pelvis? - the protein became angry. - So if you are inseparable with them!

And Thai suddenly jumped off the table and clasped her older daughter from above and below. She fell on the floor and crawled from the house of a big turtle.

Knocked the second daughter.

Oh, - answered that. - I would now run to the mother, yes very busy: I need to push the canvas fair.

Well, now all your life, never stopping! - said squirrel. And the second daughter turned into a spider.

And the younger kneading dough when the squirrel knocked to her. Daughter ne. she said not a word, I didn't even wipe the hands, ran to my mother.

Bring you always to people joy, my dear child, - she told her whitewash- And people will take care and love you, and your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

True, the third daughter lived for many years, and everyone loved her. And when it came to die her, she turned into a golden bee.

All summer day-day collects a bee of honey people ... And in winter, when everything around the dies from the cold, the bee sleeps in the warm ule, and wakes up - eats only honey and sugar.

The educator sets questions children:

Litted Lie story? Than? Why?

About com that story? And about whom?

Which of the heroes liked most? Why?

What was at the beginning fairy tales?

What then?

How my mother loved daughters?

What the senior squirrel punished daughters?

As you can to say about them?

How did the jar of younger daughter awarded?

What words can be to say about it?

What do you think, why the youngest daughter turned into a bee, not in a hare or hedgehog?

Think, do you always kindly treat your moms.

(The educator listens to children's answers)

Educator. - Children want get acquainted with Tatar game"Timerbay".

Children. - Yes.

Educator. - Then get up, take hands and make a circle. Choose a leading - Timerbai. Children take token maker from the basket, who has an image of a boy that baby becomes in the center of the circle.

The educator together with the children go in a circle and say the words:

Five children at Timbera

Together, fun playing.

The river quickly bathed,

True laundered

And beautifully dressed up.

And neither eat nor drinking

At each other glanced,

Made like that!

With the last words, this is how the watering makes any movement. Everyone must repeat it. Then the leading chooses another child instead of himself.

(After the game, children sit on chairs)

Educator. And now I suggest the staging of this fairy tales.

Children are chosen on the role of senior, medium and younger daughters, squirrels and author; Children choose the silttones with the image of the hero fairy taleswhich will be executed. The teacher puts on it tatar Attributes - Tubetsey. One of the children says the words of the author, others fulfill their selected roles.

Educator. Children, the bees really liked how you listened carefully fairy tale, yours spellings and reasoning. For it she decided to deliver joy, and gives coloring coloring with the image of different heroes fairy tales.

The educator invites children to choose the painting you like and colorfully color. Then the works of children are placed on a magnetic board, the educator thanks children for creativity.

Educator. Guys today you learned tatar fairy tale"Three daughter» , met by S. fabulous heroes. I want you to never part with fairy tales and smart, good books.

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