Tarmashev Sergey Sergeevich Ancient. Allal books in order

Tarmashev Sergey Sergeevich Ancient. Allal books in order
Tarmashev Sergey Sergeevich Ancient. Allal books in order

Sergey Tarmashev


Initially, I did not plan to make a series of "area", since the themes of all sorts of deadly, Chernobyl and other anomalous zones, as they say, "not mine". However, the many readers sent and continue to send letters with a request to "write something into the" Stalker "series. At first, I felt from such proposals, but when the total number of messages united by the general thought "give" Stalker! ", Exceeded the mark of three and a half thousand, I realized that I was impossible to ignore such an insistent request for readers. Since the world of "Stalker" feels well and confidently develops, I counted more interesting not to join the already existing series, but to create a variation on a popular topic. As a basis for its new world, I took the brilliant creation of the immortal Strugatsky Picnic on the side of the sidelines, which is the attitude of the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe anomalous zones and exploring their stalkers. I hope that my "Area" will not disappoint fans of the genre, but the final conclusions will make sure the reader.

Sergey Tarmashev

- Yes. And everything would be very good if we knew what kind of mind.

- Do not we know? - Nunan was surprised.

- Imagine not. Typically proceed from very flat definition: the mind has such a person's property that distinguishes its activities from animal activities. Summary, you know, an attempt to degrade the owner from the dog, who alleged everything understands, just can not say. However, more witty determination flow from this flat definition ... For example: Mind is the ability of a living being to make inappropriate or unnatural actions.

"Yes, it's about us ..." Nunan agreed.

- Unfortunately ... Another definition, very elevated and noble. Mind is the ability to use the strength of the world without the destruction of this world.

Nunan shoved and climbed his head.

"No," he said. - This is not about us. Well, what about the fact that a person, in contrast to animals, is a creature experiencing an insurmountable need for knowledge? I read about it somewhere.

"I, too," said Valentin. "But the whole trouble is that a person, in any case, a massive person, with ease overcomes this his need for knowledge. In my opinion, there is no such need at all. There is a need to understand, but for this knowledge is not necessary. The hypothesis of God, for example, gives any incomparable opportunity to absolutely understand everything, without recognizing anything. Give a person an extremely simplified system of the world and interrupt any event on the basis of this simplified model. This approach does not require any knowledge ...

"Wait," said Nunan ... "Do not distract." Let's still so. The man met with an alien being. How do they learn about each other, what are they both intelligent?

"I have no idea," said Valentine, fun. "All I read about this comes down to a vicious circle." If they are capable of contact, then they are reasonable. Conversely: if they are intelligent, they are capable of contact. And in general: if an alien creature has the honor to have a human psychology, then it is reasonable ...

"So," said Nunan. - And I thought that you were already decomposed on the shelves ...

"Decisid on the shelves and a monkey can," Valentine said.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, "Picnic on the side of the road"

Rocket attack warning system team point, Solnechnogorsk, USSR, March 27, 1991, 4 hours 52 minutes.

A half-sided person in an immaculately rejected man with a colonework straps and a red bandage of operational duty on the sleeve is tired of the eye and, silently groachty, raised his cargo body from the working chair. He slightly shook his head, drivening off his drowsiness, then, heavily stepping, out of the table, forced by the equipment of the classified communication. His look slipped along the glass cartographic plates and an electronic scoreboard surrounding the battle posts of the service provisions of the SPRN operators. It was then a glimpse of the displays of computers displaying the data from satellites, designed to monitor the rocket hazard sites of the likely enemy. Finally, he stopped on his reflection in the nearest tablet card, which was replacing one of the walls of his combat post.


"Catastrophe" - the first novel from the "Ancient" Cycle Sergey Tarmashev. World conflicts and struggle for resources led to a nuclear catastrophe.

Humanity almost died, the remaining representatives were able to escape in the bunkers. Over time, when the underground life of people was organized, attempts began to climb the surface.

Only the most courageous, experienced special forces, including the main character - the brave thirteenth - could agree to it. Now they will have to survive in the conditions of nuclear winter and encounter terrible monsters.

But the danger is waiting for them not only on the surface. In the bunkers, a revolution can begin, which has long been planned to be self-relocated by the valuing villain. Can hero prevent future disasters?


The thirteenth is an experienced and bold fighter of special forces, at one time together with his team who received too much dose of irradiation and therefore translated in Anabiosis. Only extreme cases are resorted to this method. And he introduced himself at the prompthood of two thousand years after the war of mankind.

The only salvation for humanity has become an outdoor space. After all, our planet could no longer be safe for later life. Now that people can start everything again - you need to deal with a terrible enemy. But who is he this opponent: the aliens or a person himself? The fate of all mankind is now in the hands of the main character ...


"War" is the third part of the series about the ancient, created by Sergey Tarmashev. The brutal corporation lost the battle with people, but the troubles of the person do not end. After all, people always need a new bloody war. Become a Savior of Civilization and help the survivors again to find the world will have to brave special forces to the thirteenth and his faithful companions.

"War" - a book in which Tarmashev finally moves from the genre of postpocalyptic fiction to the genre of the cosmic opera. Fans waiting for acquaintance with many interesting alien races, bright battle scenes and dynamic fascinating plot.


In the 4th novel, the famous fantastic series "Ancient" Sergey Tarmashev gives its admirers to learn a lot of interesting things about the representatives of each race who participated in the war they came after.

The continuation of the story is just as fascinating as the events of past books. However, a healthy writer affects the serious problems of humanity: the love of imitation of life, care from true values \u200b\u200b... and only the invasion forces people to re-remember what it means to be a person and fight for their future for their children.


The new book from the "Ancient" cycle will surprise fans fans with an incredible speed of development of the plot. Almost defenseless group of people will be powerless before the aggression of the invisible enemy.

Countless sacrifices throughout the galaxy, the army of aggressors ... It seems that the world is completely destroyed and the victory will be behind the enemy. But literally at the last second, the hero returned to the scene, who is able to withstand the enemy's hordes.


Despite the fact that the revival of the human race is only a matter of time, to victory over the enemy is still far away. The galactic war has gained unimaginable scales. To get to the Commonwealth of Ras Dalfi and People, the Army of Aliens incite everything in their path.

The opponent was able to confront the enemy only the air-space forces of the Commonwealth, which strongly hold the defense and boldly reflect attacks on the galaxy. Everyone is expected that the victorious battle is about to begin, but in the interplanetary confrontation suddenly the unexpected ...

Hour Radiant

The leader of the human race Alex is thirteenth well familiar with the pricing price and perfectly learned the lessons of history. He realizes that the enemy can take any kind of attitudes and put a death blow at the moment when they are not waiting for him at all ...

To prevent the tragedy, the commander intends to break the world order of things and learn the secret laws of the universe. But someday for endless authorities will have to pay ...


Dawn Darkness

In the world of the guy stretch the endless sea-oceans, steep mountains with snowy peaks, spacious plains and deserts. And this world is divided into light and dark parts. A variety of races live on bright: gnomes, elves, orcs, K'zrds and people. And in the dark there are necromos, which are mainly inhabit in the gloomy ease. These lands were cursed in the past of the gods, and with them no one managed to return. This edge as a black hole that sucks all living things and does not release anyone back.

People in the guy have magic abilities - the great gift of God. Some of these abilities are weakly expressed, others are stronger. The most powerful magician is white. Every people would like such a ruler. The main wizard of Nasos is a black knight, the most terrible and cruel. Once at the age of twenty decades, he comes to people to destroy everything around. And the hour of war comes soon, from which the fate of all will depend on.

Shine of darkness

The "radiance of darkness" is the continuation of the story of "Dawn Darkness". In the 2nd part of a series of fans to be witnesses to the terrible and bloody war. K'zrda, orcs, necromos, people and seawater cooking are ready to go on everything.

Will they save the guy? What happens to the King Tragrom and Princess Ailani? Lovers of epic scenes and unusual tactical moves will be interested to know what everything will end ...

Sunset Darkness

Sergey Tarmashev managed to create an amazing world, which is based on his personal views on life and universe. Here, the orcs are generous, decent, are ready to give their lives for their lands and in the glory of them, people - the opposite are insignificant, vicious, year old and are ready for betrayal for the sake of salvation of themselves, and the gods no longer want to help them, because they do not consider them worthy of it.

In the novel "Sunset Darkness" of the series fans expects the dynamic development of the plot, a huge amount of battle scenes, interesting heroes, a love line and, of course, the fight against evil. But how to overcome it, if everyone is separated in the world, there are hordes of enemies from everywhere, and it is impossible to trust anyone?

End of darkness

When an important battle, on the outcome of which will depend on the future of all, inevitable, the most unimaginable alliances and unions begin to organize. But the cunning of enemies who lead a double game, also increases at times. How to find out who friend, and who is the enemy?

The famous warrior Trarg and the strongest magician Ailani do not just decide to unite forces, and their alliance develops into something else. But the future depends not only from them. Do the magicians make people to take risks to save noble orcs in confrontation with K'Zrdami? After all, the spells oppose the deadly spells of a much more powerful opponent! Is it possible to overcome the demons of Nasos, how to escape from merciless golems? Will the end of darkness come?



In the vicinity of the small town of Ukhta, the mysterious space object collapsed, due to which the entire territory turned into the zone. The zone exists in his absence: here live terrible mutants and mysterious abnormalities are curly, and an artifacts with magical properties appear from time to time. Of course, there are adventure and bold brave stalkers who risking everyone penetrate the zone to learn it and find artifacts.

The main character is Ivan Berezov or Fog - joins the fighters that protect the zone from illegal penetration and prevent the exit of terrible creatures from the zone to the usual world. What will he have to face such an unusual service?

Price of greed

The mysterious zone extends to the Taiga Square in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tiny town - Ukhta. In the area there are frightening creatures - snakes, dickerages, zombies, here are regularly dangerous to the life of anomaly, and all of its existence does not find an explanation from the point of view of physics.

But there is something that the fear of the area is capable of having greed. Kamikaze, who earn their living in that they carry metamorphites from the area, they regularly try to penetrate the zone. Only a detachment of special operations is able to protect our world from creatures from the zone.


In the 3rd part of the "Area" series, the main hero of the nicknamed "Fog" will have to be in the most terrible red zone, where the likelihood of perishing is approaching 100%.

Before Ivan, there are 3 missions at once: find a person who has developed a foreign laboratory in the yellow zone, to find documents that are important for all people in the area and return their beloved lavender.

In this part of the cycle, fans will finally be able to find answers to the main questions about the creation of the range, its system and new hazards that it contains.

Crushed out of life

After the area survived the fall of the nuclear bomb, life there has changed dramatically. Former rules no longer apply, and new ones have not yet been developed. To understand how the world works now sometimes you have to go for a deadly risk. But even the most brutal rules can be adapted. With time…

Everything is crazy. And how to be a bear and his team in such conditions? Especially if you also started hunting ...

State in the state

The fifth part of the "Area" cycle will tell readers about the detachment for special operations inside the yellow zone. Together with brave guys, scientists who spend crazy experiments live.

Was the coincidence that the life of a crippled gymnasts stolen from a big land, and the life of Major unexpectedly crossed? The girl was not the only one who was subjected to similar fate at the time when scientists had a chance to win over the area. Who was interested in this?

Die beautiful

The range is an unusual place that can permanently change fate, to help in obtaining endless power, health and money. But everyone who dares to choose this path awaits addiction. Together with the acquisitions, he will receive and destructive anomalies, and meetings with mad beings and mutants from parallel worlds may end death.

Studies of scientists explore the anomalous zone cause anger of representatives of the authorities and the criminal world, which they themselves want to take possession of this resource. The inhabitants of the range become involuntary participants in this confrontation. Terrible events were completely close, and only the Major Pletnev team can now allow the situation. But can heroe be able to fight uncharted?

There is safety in numbers

Area is a territory in which too many secrets are stored. And what if someone knows more than others about the cataclysm and a nuclear bomb, which hit the epicenter, and does everything to hide everything?

In a difficult game, which is among themselves the heads of various departments, are simple people with pawns. And therefore the invisible hand of the area interferes with ordinary Muscovites. And who knows that now they can expect them ...

What we go

The base of OSP is destroyed. Opponents cannot rejoice, anticipating the progress, and the arral filled with monsters plans to have new lives. But the main characters do not give up so easily. They will meet their enemies in all combat readiness, enter the last battle of all-consuming anomalies. Perhaps, thanks to this SMR, the evil will finally dispel ...

For many years, readers explored the zone along with loved heroes. They visited the abandoned laboratories and Logov Monsters, met terrible creatures and zombies. In the last novel, the author will tell all the secrets of this place ...



In his new book, Sergey Tarmashev decides to affect the very relevant problem of modernity - the effect of gennometric products on human health and the environment.

This is a novel - reasoning on a potential apocalypse, with human hands created by human hands, because the direct activity of humanity itself will be the catalyst.

Well, where without monsters, battles and searches of the saving "heritage"? Lovers of the genre of Poshalip Calipse awaits a complete set of attributes of an excellent novel of this subject.

Heritage 2.

The 2nd part of the Roman Sergey Tarmasheva "Heritage" tells about what is happening in the Russian Federation after two hundred years after the largest environmental catastrophe. And in the center of the plot is the main character who desperately believes in the infallibility of the country's leader.

Does humanity die and there are no chance to escape? Is the GMO actually - is it death for all living on the planet?

This is a novel call, a warning book. And the writer hits the alarm so that people finally began to think about what they feed on, who creates this very food and how. After all, a huge flame appears from a small spark, a flame of hope.


Inevitable death

Two centuries ago Humanity began active and inevitable movement to death, but all the fault of the carelessness and greed of people. So, the Earth is slow pace, but correctly began to be covered with ice. Plus temperature now - incredible luxury. Those who were able to survive in such conditions threaten a terrible fate - death from the cold.

The main character is a corestole-loving Mike - lives in New America and heads with an expedition for the polar circle to save the planet and conquer glory and honor. But does he be able to survive in such terrible conditions? Who could assume that the salvation will find there, where they were not waiting for - from Siberian savages ...

Ice infinity

The book enters the fascinating cycle "Cold". The natural disaster provoked that long ago it was possible to expect - irreversible shifts in the climate of the Earth. On the planet, a terrible cold reigned, and in earlier it was not warm Siberia frosts became unbearable - temperatures here reaches 1000 marks Celsius. It would seem how to survive in such conditions, but people somehow managed to adapt to it ...

An African American Mike is in frosty Siberia for a specific purpose. He arrived here for help. He does not like that he is forced to count on the mercy of Russian savages, and the Dickarians themselves do not really like the dicks: all the high, slim, attractive, fair-haired, excellently polite - exactly after all, mutants? Next to them the main character feels flawed. They have unique knowledge, inhuman endurance, super-modern medical equipment. A man cannot force himself to trust these people, but can not lose their help either. It is necessary to start the reactor, this is the only chance to escape.

Jewish breath

When the planet is doomed to death from an unbearable cold, and the last inhabitants have already been exploring inevitable fate, hope begins to melt. A climatic reactor that contains the last particles of heat is under the control of mutants and cannot help stop the coming catastrophe.

To save New America, the elected decide to turn to the brave savage from Siberia Siberia and T-shirt Batler, the inhabitant of a civilized world. Now the heroes have to overcome dangerous barriers, to achieve the alert control point and restore heat supply. But the managers did not take into account one point - the ancient enemy has already prepared to revenge, which will shook the whole planet ...


Hotel "Oyuns"

The book "Hotel Oyunsu" is the first attempt by Sergei Tarmasheva to experience his strength in the Gorror genre.

The celebrating company of wealthy young people, contemptuously looking at those who fate was not so financial generous, decides to celebrate the new year. One of the guys invites everyone to go to the newly beginning to work in the Siberian Taiga Eco-Hotel Oyuns. And the parties began: alcohol, dance, music ...

But strange things are unexpectedly starting to work, and then the corpses are found at all ... soon it becomes known that the hotel is connected with a mystical ancient curse, and the mountain is not a harmless ski slope at all ...



If someone is able to destroy humanity, then this is a man himself. A terrible virus, who has worked for a long time, the Nazi Wilman doctor worked, was released from the test tube. The results of this turned out to be disastrous. Most people just died, and many appealed to the bloodthirsty creatures that the rain adore and tolerate fire. Those who have not affected the terrible epidemic are hiding in bunkers to try to survive.

The only one who is able to save the planet from the virus is Ivanov's doctor who has all the necessary data on antivirus. So that Ivanov managed to get to the command item, he must be accompanied by Captain Alexey Kharitonov. It will be a very dangerous and difficult path for both of them.

Purgatory. The final

The creepy virus escaped from the laboratory to freedom and twisted almost all of humanity. The surviving sooner or later turn into bloodthirsty creatures. The world began to resemble a postpocalyptic desert. In order not to die, you need to hide in underground shelters, but it is always impossible to live there ...

The final novel of Saga about purgatory gathered all the characters. Which of the heroes will die? Who can overcome the tests? Everyone is trying to escape from infected places and seek to get to Gotland: it is here that there is a chance to gain salvation, open the secrets of Wilman researcher.

But who will be the lucky one? And is it true in their hands will be a medicine? Will it be worse than the epidemic itself?

Ancient. Prehistory.

Ancient. Prehistory. First book

If you are a fan of books about ancient, then this novel will definitely like you. This is the first part of the background will reveal many moments that were previously underwent and incomprehensible. But this series is worth reading only those who are already familiar with the main works dedicated to this hero.

In this book, the writer will tell about childhood and adolescence of the thirteenth, as well as his personal philosophy.

Ancient. Prehistory. Book Second

In the continuation of the famous fantastic novel, Sergey Tarmashev, the opposition of dark and light worlds is becoming increasingly cruel and desperate. Race shining actively resists the onslaught of enemies - avatars, which are managed by dark rulers, confident in their one hundred percent victory. But do they really wait for success?

Ancient. Prehistory. Book Three

Race shining does not give up and continues to fight with countless enemy armies and their immortal rulers who constantly change their avatars. They are not afraid of death, death in the battle for them is just the loss of expensive equipment. Forever leave this world only the warriors shining, but they also do not experience "fear." And there are reasons for it ...

And her readers will find in the fate of the famous true Asa - Torbranda, whose life is directed only to one goal - to take revenge on everyone for the main loss. And he understands that the time of the bloody battle will come soon ...

Ancient. Prehistory. Fourth book

"Ancient. Prehistory. The fourth book is the last novel about the premises of the saga about the bold fighter thirteenth. In it, readers learn a lot of interesting things about the past of the main characters. They are expected to be an important fight of light forces - the civilization of shining - with cunning and selfish dark races.

For fascinating events of the novel - pursuit, battles and wars - a deep philosophical meaning is lighted. What is the most important in life: Rod, Motherland, tribe or love? By the way, a romantic topic in the book is revealed from an unusual side: no one thought that this bright feeling may even experience dark.

Worlds and War Sergei Tarmashev

Each of its 2.

After rented nuclear strikes on August 29, 2111, chaos came on the planet. Cities are destroyed, there are no more water in the rivers, trees, houses and roads erased from the face of the earth. Sun is no longer visible due to radioactive dust. It seems that in the absence of states, governments - each now only for itself.

But those who hid underground, do not escape without special training or reasonable leadership. Just how to distinguish the future of the Savior of people from the crazy marauder? Capturing a spacious bunker Colonel Brillov is not in a hurry to open the doors in front of a new group of desperate people. The entrance ticket will cost the captain of Porfiryev Neszayevo ...

To each his own

Civilization is destroyed, and the infrastructure no longer works. All important strategic objects are destroyed and the destruction of less important.

Power Immumbered The Bunkers underground created for themselves, and the rest of the groups of survivors are hiding in shelters, the most secure of which is always considered the subway of the capital. But will it be an underground trap? ...

One of the group of survivors has a rescue plan. But this plan is not suitable ...


From a long time, our solar system is located at neutral territories. For many millennia ago, the ancient races defended her from the attacks of the aliens thirsty, so that nothing prevented the development of earthly civilization. Since then, the rule of non-interference is 100% executed, and its violators expect a harsh fate ...

But the resources of the solar system continue to remain the desired goal of the granny strangers. For many centuries, they are selected the most greedy and vicious earthlings, with the pleasure of performing any instructions for the sake of the desired reward: money and influence. Against the awaken-armed carriers of ancient blood armed with secret knowledge, which save their homeland from capturing.

Thirst for power

Galactic battles, full of dangerous adventures and sophisticated political intrigues! The struggle of civilizations for the throne, for the sake of victory in which you can go for everything ...

The imperial race started. The condition is only one thing: the emperor must be a representative of another galaxy. Catting a network of zero-transitions will give access to portals, and in civilizations that would like to find the emperor will be at the disposal of the imperial day. This time, the catching network pointed to Earth ...


Where does the truth ends and the fiction begins about the area? Operation "Disinfection", during which a nuclear strike was applied to the area, led to a catastrophe. Anomalous territory is rapidly expanding. All owners of precious artifacts flock to the area, unable to oppose call, - although a person who has shifted the border of the green zone is doomed! The fatal brain itching, the Beach of the New Time, is striking and the millionaires, and powerful stalkers. But the people who have fallen under the curse of the range, not only themselves suffer terrible flour, but also carry a threat to everyone around, so the injury of dependent begins. Great land is little concerned about the fate of twenty thousand prisoners of the range. Now this state is in the state where the laws of criminal groups establish their wolf laws, among which they are trying to survive the detachment of Major Plentnev, known as the Bear. But he has too many enemies: and the sinister generations of the range, and gangsters, and sales officials who announced Major a criminal and appointed a fabulous award for his ...

On March 27, 1991, an unknown cosmic body, moving with unthinkable speed, collapsed at the entrance to the atmosphere of the Earth. His debris, collapsed in the deaf taiga Komi ASSR, gave rise to a tremendous emission of energy throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe meteor flow drop. In less than a minute, the defeat zone expanded in all directions more than a kilometer, continuously increasing with a constant speed for one meter per day.
Here is the unique oil type "X", many times superior to all the fuel-known fuels, and are artifacts, which are populating the laws of physics. Here, flora and fauna are mutated in the most bizarre and deadly forms, aggressive to all alive. Anomalies appear chaotically and disappear here, the hit in which death threatens death. It is not easy to survive here even the most trained and skillful. And it is here, in a detachment of special operations of RAO "Area", the former Fighter of the "Alpha" squad, Captain Ivan Berezov, falls ...

The adventures of Captain Ivan Berezov and his comrades, familiar readers on the first book of the new cycle Sergei Tarmashev, continue!
Emissions are followed by one by one, and all the large areas of the taiga in the area of \u200b\u200bUkhta are transformed into a mysterious and deadly zone. But people who made their craft mining generic metamorphites and trade in state secrets of the Motherland, as well as their customers, foreign residents, do not suffer from abnormalities, nor terrible mutants nor live dead. And only one force is a detachment of special operations of RAO "Area" - can oppose those who fully know the price of greed ...

If there are anomalies, then you are in the zone. If your UIP works - the zone is green. If not - Yellow. If the devices cut off and in the load, you became a zombie - you are in the red zone, and stay in it forever. But neither zombies nor anomalies, nor even call of the dark lord can stop Ivan Berezov. After all, not only his life and a good name, but the lives of a very expensive person are delivered to the map.
What is hiding in the epicenter of the area? What kind of strange terrorists seized the Main Research Center RAO and for what purpose? How is this associated with the release of unprecedented sizes and a strike, which turned Ukhuh in the dead city? Answers to this and many other questions - in the third part of the Cycle Sergey Tarmashev "Area"!

Where does the truth ends and the fiction begins about the area? Operation "Disinfection", during which a nuclear strike was applied to the area, led to a catastrophe. Anomalous territory is rapidly expanding. All owners of precious artifacts flock to the area, unable to oppose call, - although a person who has shifted the border of the green zone is doomed! The fatal brain itching, the Beach of the New Time, is striking and the millionaires, and powerful stalkers. But the people who have fallen under the curse of the range, not only themselves suffer terrible flour, but also carry a threat to everyone around, so the injury of dependent begins. Great land is little concerned about the fate of twenty thousand prisoners of the range. Now this state is in the state where the laws of criminal groups establish their wolf laws, among which they are trying to survive the detachment of Major Plentnev, known as the Bear. But he has too many enemies: and the sinister generations of the range, and the gangsters, and sales officials who announced Major a criminal and appointed a fabulous award for his capture ...

Life in the "Area" is expensive, and another question who sets the price. A bear detachment became the only stronghold of order in the anomalous kingdom, but the information war is beginning against him, terrible bikes are launched, as if all the members of the essay are more dangerous zombies. Soon they will be afraid to be afraid as a fire, although the frightening events are already enough: the battalion of the Dark Lord is clearly collecting forces. And if the Major's paths and crippled gymnasts are intersecting, one of the many kidnapped girls? And it is at the moment when scientists receive a chance to defeat the "area"! Who is profitable? Probably, those who go to all for the sake of increasing the production of oil "Type X", the country's main resource. Countries "Area" ...

Want to deceive fate, get rich, heal from any ailments? Milicia asking in the area! But back let it be ordered: as a reward for perseverance, everyone is given addiction. They no longer have to miss: disastrous anomalies, angry mutants, indomitable zombies ... and people are no better. After all, the range is also invaluable resources, and where it smells of money, the interests of a large crime and great politicians intersect. Attempts to a handful of scientists to "tame" the area are extremely concerned with the power of the property, and only the Major Pletnev's squad is to protect the interests of ordinary people. But even more sinister events mercilessly invade the life of the country's inhabitants ...

"Now in the first time, calm reigned. Calm, densely impregnated with hatred. His friends, let the former somewhere are too harsh, and somewhere are excessively silent, but these are real, died in unequal battle, and he could not come to their aid. Enemies celebrate victory and hurry to finish a handful of recalcitrant bravers, the last fragment of his little and clean world, until yesterday existing inside and mud and muddled by the Human mud. But he will give enemies his little battle. And this will fight on his field and according to his rules ... "Does everyone give him to everyone? The long-awaited book, completing the legendary cycle "Area"!