Dining Mountains: Natural Wonders of Light or Stumps from Giant Barrels? Insecured and mysterious Tempui.

Dining Mountains: Natural Wonders of Light or Stumps from Giant Barrels? Insecured and mysterious Tempui.
Dining Mountains: Natural Wonders of Light or Stumps from Giant Barrels? Insecured and mysterious Tempui.

Tempuses have a very interesting structure - the plateau of many of them have many karst funnel with a diameter with a diameter of up to 300 meters, formed as a result of the collapse of the arches of the underground rivers tunnels, as well as the water-blurred water, the most famous of which - ABISMO GUI Collet - reaches 672 Street depth.

Descent to Karst Funnel:

Little Cars Funnel on Roraim Plateau:

From the Language of Indians, Peremon "Tempui" is translated as "house of the gods", which is not strange, because high mountains shrouded with fluffy clouds may well serve as a habitat of so important people. Tempui, for the most part standing remotely from each other, rise over the jungle of solubular hard-to-reach rocks, which makes them a unique refuge of endemic representatives of flora and fauna.

The highest Tempus includes Pisel-de-Neblyn (3,14 meters), Pico-Pico-Picks (2,992 meters), Roraima (2,810 meters) and Serro Marauak (2,800 meters).

The most famous South American table mountains are Ayangtepui, Autan and Rooraima.


On the surface of Ayiantepui:

Ayangtepui has the status of the largest of the Tempu, the surface area of \u200b\u200bits plateau reaches 715 km². In addition, from the top of this mountain, the highest waterfall in the world - Angel begins its spectacular drop. A large height of the fall - 979 meters - leads to the fact that, before reaching the surface of the Earth, the water is scattered on the smallest splashes and turns into a dense fog that envelops the surrounding area.

Angel Waterfall:

Evening view of Angel:

One of the most beautiful TPUU - Autan - towers over the forest and cliffs of 1300 meters. It is especially the fact that the cave is permeated, running from one end to another. The Autana Plateau decorate the dark gray cliffs of the most bizarre forms, and their surrounding funnels are filled with purest water.

Tpui Autan:

- The highest Tempus on the territory of Venezuela. Its height is 2810 meters, and the top is a plateau with an area of \u200b\u200b34 km² - it is completely covered with thick vegetation, bizarre stones, climbing depressions, caves, small lakes and swamps. Local Indians are called Mount Roraima "PUP of the Earth" and believe that the ancestralist of the human race lives on her top - the goddess Queen.

Tempui Roraima:

These three, as well as many other less well-known, but not less beautiful Tempuy, are in national Park Canaimalying in the southeastern part of Venezuela, at the junction of Brazil and Guyana. The reserve storing invaluable natural wealth on its territory is a UNESCO World Heritage List.

Tempui Kukhenan:

Night view of Kukhenan:

The nature of the Canaim National Park is extremely diverse and unique. In addition to the magnificent dining areas, fucked by beautiful waterfalls, on the territory of the park you can see rare types of flora and fauna, which are found exclusively in this area. For example, carnivorous plants that are lubricating in their beautiful fragrant traps of insects and eating them. The foot and the slopes of the mountains surround the forests seized by clouds, in which exquisite bromels and orchids are highlighted with bright stains. Herbs and shrubs grow on the tops of Tempuy. No less rich in the animal world of the Venezuelan Park - there are monkeys, a variety of sizes and species, jaguars, giant ants and many small animals. But the world of birds can boast the greatest variety of species, which in large quantities live on this rich land.

The local grasshopper, the length of which is 15 cm:

The largest natural nature reserve of Venezuela, Canaima National Park, was founded in 1962 and is considered the most ancient part of the Earth, which exceeds 2 million years. This lost world, as if the accidentally preserved as he was many million years ago, thousands of tourists visit daily. You can get to these places from the capital of Venezuela by bus.

View of the tourist camp in Canaima Park:

In the National Canaima Park, there are exciting excursions for Canoeing on the lagoon, which flows four waterfalls. Two of them are GOLONRINARN AND DIRECTION - you can see, swimming on canoe, and under two other - acha and SAPP - the track is laid, on which you can go inside the waterfall between the raging flow of water and the rock:

Lagoon in Canaima Park:

Acha's waterfall:

You can go to one of the most spectacular attractions of the park - Angel Falls, excursions to which are carried out either by boats or on airplanes. If you go on a boat excursion, then on the way you can see the picturesque island of orchids.

Very interesting is an excursion on a small plane to Canyon Cavaca, opening all the beauty of the canaime from a bird's eye view.

Flying over Canaima:

After the flight over the pristine land, the plane makes landing next to the Cavaca Canyon, near which the Indian village is with the same name.

Near Canyon Kavake:

Wishing to get acquainted with the life of the aborigines of these lands, you can go to the northern part of the canaima, where the settlement of the Indians "Peremmon" is located. It provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the uncharted culture, communicate with the aborigines, to get acquainted with their rites, traditions, legends and life entry, which has been preserved since a long time.

Among other things, this area is enveloped by the halo of the secrets and riddles, which are told not only the ancient legends and myths, but also reports of several expeditions organized by bold researchers. The last major official expedition to these hard-to-reach places, namely, Mount Roraim, was formed in 1965 the son of the famous Juan Angel, the discoverer of the highest waterfall in the world.

The expedition's diary describes an amazing world in which the flat surface of the mountain vertex is covered with bizarre hills, in shape resembling mushrooms, unusual recesses filled with water, and besides already known animal science, an unusual creature was found, which was called Kadborosaurus. An invisible earlier the beast had a horse's head and a snake body with humps on his back. There were also frogs surrounding eggs, insects - bloodshots, on which no chemicals of protection were operated, ants longer than 5 cm long, capable of snacking small branches of trees with their steel teeth.

The largest discovery for scientists was the find of the remains of ancient animals, which were even recently dwelling in these places. There is an assumption that they died as a result of aliens experiments. For such a guessed scientists, a large round platform, deprived of the expedition, deprived of vegetation and the solid was covered with a silver powder of unknown origin. Later, laboratory studies have shown that this is an alloy of the rarest metals, which on earthly conditions to create simply unrealistic.

When examining the caves, the researchers have found a large number of rock paintings depicting fantastic animals and creatures distantly similar to people. Participants of the expedition also discovered several crypts within which a thick fog was stood and had a sweet smell. Some team members, having fallen by this strange aroma, hit to whom for a few days, and when they woke up, they told their colleagues about incredible visions and travels to other worlds.

After this incident, it was decided to return back, but here the travelers were waiting for a new surprise: they did not manage to find a way out of this enchanted world, as if some mysterious forces were in every way prevent this.

Only a few months later, the exhausted search for people managed to return home. They argue that some unknown force helped them, which picked them and slowly lowered one of the Indian settlements to the central area.

When scientists finally got to civilization, it was discovered that families had long lost hope for their return: after all, the expedition, which according to the plan was supposed to return after several months of work, was missing for four years.

For a long time, expeditions were not organized in this region, but today this lost world, previously imposing fear in humans, is visited daily by several dozen adventurers. Just for security reasons, it is advisable to make it preferably accompanied by an experienced guide.

In the Gwianky Plateau of Latin America - in Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana, there are rocks with flat peaks, named on the local adverbs of indigenous peoples - Tepui, which means "house of gods". The rocky formations of Tepui from the sheer blocks of Precambrian quartz sandstone are consist. Separated from the surrounding landscape, hanging in the form of an islands with a height of 1-3 thousand meters above, Tempui - owners of endemic flora and fauna. Rare flowers - orchids grow on high-altitude plateau and, due to rocky soils, poor on nutrients and unsuitable for other herbal species.

At one time, the science adhered to the hypothesis that the biodiversity of the rocky hills of South America is a relict, not the past stage of mixing species. However, the latest studies of scientists prove that Tempuses were not so rigidly isolated from the environment, as previously assumed - for example, Tepuihyla had to the top of the Latin American Tempus after the mountain ridge was formed. In total, there are about 60 flat-terrain formations in this region.

The most famous TPU Mountains in South America:

1. Roraima (Mount Roraima, 2810 m), top area 31 km2. The inspired by the report of Robert Schombrochet about the rocky array of Latin America, who was granted to the Royal Geographical Society in 1844, Conan Doyle wrote his story "The Lost World" - it was Roraima who became a prototype of a mysterious mountainous country inhabited by dicky prehistoric animals.

Poorima Tempui, South America

2. Auantepui (Auantepui). This dining room is the owner of the highest waterfall in the world - Angel (979 m), falling in the lake with a depth of 807 m. In the language of the indigenous population - Peremonov, the waterfall until recently was called Kerepakupai Vena. The current name is Angel, he received in honor of the American pilot Jimmy Angela, whose monoplan committed an emergency landing at the top point of the plateau in 1937. Angel and three of his companions needed 11 days to come down from the mountain and return back to the civilized world. Only after 33 years later, the legendary aircraft was raised from the top of the mountain, restored at the aircraft museum and was empty at the entrance to Ciudad Bolivar Airport.

Auan Tempui, Waterfall Angel, Venezuela

3. Kookenan or Matwi Tepui (Matawi Tepui), 2680 m), 3 km long. The local population is the Peremon Indians, consider lonely standing table mountain of the country of the dead, here it originates the Kukenan River.

Kupenan Tempui, Venezuela, South America

4. Ptari (Ptari-Tepui, 2700 m). The classic version of the Dining Room of South America - with an ideally cut vertex and absolutely vertical slopes.

Ptari Tempui, Venezuela, Latin America

Plotovoid Flower Heliamfora on Ptari Tempui

5. Autana (Autana Tepui, 1300 m). This plateau is noteworthy in that its thicker passes a horizontally oriented cave, permeating the rock through.

Tempui Autan, South America

6. Sarisarinama (Sarisarinama). The study of the mining plateau began in 1961, when the pilot Harry Gibson noticed on his flat top of the unique openings of natural origin. Vertical caves-wells go far deep into the rocks - the longest of them has a length of 1.35 km.

Tempui Sarisarina, Venezuela

Tukumcari Mountain's dining room (Tucumcari Mountain) in Mexico is a little different from the Tempus of the Guiangic Massif - 1517 meters, it towers over the South American savanna. Opened in 1793, the peak-hermit caused a lot of controversy in scholars on the theme of age: first it was assumed that the dining room was formed during the Jurassic period, then it turned out that rocky education was younger and belongs to the chalk period.

Tukumkari, Mexico

Nature did not bypass and Argentina - on its territory there are also single mountains with a horizontal conclusion - the duet of vertices of the Sierra Negra array is located near the town of the city, famous for its coffee plantations. In addition to coffee, this region of South America is rich in the deposits of precious metals. In the depths of the mountain ridge, gold mines are located, with the recent Canadian company Goldcorp - according to experts estimates for the next 9 years at the mine will produce about 0.5 million ounces of gold per year, in July 2014, the first 100 kg were seized from stone depths.

Sierra Negra, Argentina

Cutlery Mountains of North America

Canyonlands National Park (Canyonlands National Park) in Utah, near the city of Moab - a vivid example of eroded lands with multiple canyons, hills and table mountains, between which the Colorado River and Green River flows. The park is conditionally divided into three zones: Island In The Sky, Needles and Maze, each of which is noteworthy in its own way. "The island in heaven" is an extended plateau with a height of 366 m, rolled up by the Colorado depth of 305 m, with the highest point of White Rim, the zone of needles (Needles) is famous for well-preserved clay housings and a "stone newspaper" - Newspaper Rock - with petroglyphs carved on cliffs . In the Maze zone there is a barrier canyon - the most hard-to-reach plot of the plateau, where the rocky paintings and the pictograms of the ancient hunters - gatherers, dated 2 thousand years BC, were found.

Canyon Land, Utah, United States

At the border of Utah and Arizona, the Monument Valley (Monument Valley) was spread with lonely with flat-terrain peaks, which sometimes reach 300 meters. Local Indians Navajo called this area belonging to the Colorado Plateau, the valley of the stones. The terracotta color of the mountains is caused by the presence in the breed of iron oxide, and a darker, gray-orange shade of some rocks - manganese oxide. In the 50s of the 20th century, uranium, vanadium and copper were mined in the monument valley.

Monument Valley, Utah, United States

In Colorado, on the green plateau Mesa Verde, the National Park is located - the country of Montesums is an ancient city built by the people of Pueblo (Anasazi Indians) many centuries ago. More than 600 rock housing were erected from 400 to 1200 G. AD. At the foot of the Emerald Cutlery Mountains and in their thicker, but after a 25-year-old drought, people were forced to leave the custody.

City of Montesums, Mesa Verde, Colorado, USA

Glass Mountains (Glass Mountains or Gloss Hills) - Dining Mountains in the Western Oklahoma State Region (USA), rise above the ground level from 46 to 61 meters. An array of hills with flat completes received its name in 1820 from the first researchers of America due to the sparkling intersices of selenite.

Dining Mountains Glass, Oklahoma, USA

In Oklahoma, on the Great Plains, there is another similar natural education - Black Mesa plogram (Black Mesa, 1516 m) with a length of 270 km - on the top of this dining room Mountain Indians.

Black Mesa, Oklahoma, United States

Above the coast of Cuba, in Guantanamo Province, there is a high-altitude plateau El Yunke (El Yunque, 575 m), resembling a blacksmith table, - this feature of the mountain served to choose its name: "Yunque" from Spanish translates as an anvil.

El Yunke, Cuba

Dining Mountains in Africa

Mountain fortress or amby - the so-called dining mountains in Africa - rocky platea in the north of Ethiopia, isolated from sandstone. Three Amba are located in the Amhara region: Amba Geshen or Amara, Wehni and Debre Damo. Abyby Mountains are known as the place of imprisonment for brothers and relatives of the male king of Ethiopia, including sons. The unfortunate fell into a highly mountainous dungeon immediately after the coronation of the heir to the throne and came out of it only after his death. When the sad tradition was canceled, in the hard-to-reach highlands - in the temples on the vertices of the rocks, the treasures of the royal dynasty were kept. Mount Geshen is famous for its Orthodox Church of Lalibela in the form of a cross carved in rock, and the Damamo Damamo dining room (2216 m) is a Christian monastery of the 6th century.

Dining Mountain in Africa Debre Damo, Ethiopia

Orthodox Monastery Lalibel on Dining Room Geshemen, Ethiopia, Africa

African Dining Mountains in Northern Ethiopia

On the territory of Ethiopia, a lot of rocks with vertical slopes and a flat vertex are scattered: Amba Aradam (2756 m), Amba Alagi (3438 m), Kundudo (3000 m). In 2008, a lost stalagmitte cave with ancient weak pictures was opened on Mount Kundududo. Here is the habitat of the only preserved population of wild horses in the world.

Ammonites on the Dining Room Mount Kundudududo, Ethiopia

Stalagmiti Corals in Cave on Mount Kundudududo, Ethiopia, Africa

The world's most famous planeau of Africa is a dining room (1084 m) of Cape Town (South Africa) with a length of 3 km. It is also a symbol of the city shown on its flag. A bright feature of an African mining plateau is the orographic clouds, almost constantly perching its top, form a tablecloth on a flat countertop. Local aborigines are attributed to the unusual cloudiness to the devil, an emerging tube in the company Pirate Van Khanki - Such is an ancient legend associated with Table Mountain. The age of South African dining area, isolated from solid quartz sandstone gray, is about 500 million years old. 2200 species growing on a high-altitude plateau - endemics that are no longer occurring anywhere in the world. Symbol of the country of South Africa -, the unique views of which are presented in the Table Mountain National Park.

On the territory of Namibia there are also several known rocking hills with a cut conclusion: Etzho (500 m) with a length of 10 km, Grotberg (1840 m), Welterberg and Gamsberg. His strange names for the Aryan Flood Dining Mountains Namibia received from the first German researchers.

Dining Room Etzho, Namibia, Africa

Dining Mountain Gamsberg, Africa

Dining Room Winderberg, Africa

Cutlery Mountains of Western Europe

Unusual on beauty Rocky Education with flat conclusion in Ireland (Sligo County) - Dining Mountain Ben Balben (Benbulbin) - this is part of the massif of the Green Mountains Darty. There is a name from the Irish word BINN, which means "peak", and ghulbain - "jaw". The Ben Balben dining room formed about 320 million years ago due to the movement of ice from the northeast to the south-west of the island, during the ice age. Once the alpine plateau was under the thickness of the ancient sea, as evidenced by the petrified marine organisms - sinks and, found by scientists in all layers of rock. Ben Balben is predominantly made of limestone and argillitis - fine-grained sedimentary rock consisting of petrified dirt and clay.

Dining room Ben Balben, Ireland, Europe

Monta-Santo's dining room (Monte Santo, 733 m), adjacent to the San Antonio's flat-terrible rock in the Siligo area, is the attraction of Sardinia Island (Italy).

Dining Mount Monte Santo Island Sardinia, Italy

Table Mountains of Australia

The terracottaic rock of Uluru (Ayers Rock, 348 m) is considered "heart." Anang's tribe aborigines settled in this area 10 thousand years ago, after a source hitting straight from the top of the stone hill. The sacred for the Aboriginal dining room Mount Uluru is shown by an ominous haze - it is believed that it brings the misfortune to those who try to climb or take a chip of stone with them.

Northern cutlery mountains

In the northern latitudes, dining or mountains, countertops have its name - Tuya (TUYA). Tui is rock formations with a flat conclusion, formed as a result of an eruption of a volcano under ice, as a result of which lava went to the surface and transformed into solid basalt rocks after cooling.

Thuja Brown Bluff (Brown Bluff) of about a million years and a length of about 1.5 km is located on the northern tip of Antarctica. Red-brown tuff at the foot of the dining area smoothly goes into an ash-gray top, rugged erosion. Brown Bluff - The World Ornithological Reserve - here the habitat is an extensive colony of birds: 20 thousand pairs of Adeli penguins and 550 pairs of Penguins Gentoos.

Dining Mount Brown Bluff, Antarctica

On the territory of Canada, mainly in British Columbia, there are whole groups of high-altitude plateau. One of them is the 2021-meter dining room Table Mountain, standing in the middle of Lake Garibaldi.

Dining Mount The Table, Canada

In the northern regions of the United States, you can find the cutlery mountains-thuly formed on the site of stratovulkanov and due to the departure of glaciers. In the state of Oregon, the Hayrick Butte, 1683 m (Hayrick Butte, 1683 m) is a form of a treated volcano with absolutely vertical slopes. At a distance of 3 km from him there is another Thuja-Volcano - Hogg Rock (Hogg Rock, 1548 m). Unlike other dining rooms, Hogg Rock has one gentle slope, along which the road to the top of the plateau is laid.

Dining Mount Hayrick Butte in Oregon, USA

Diomide Islands in Bering Strait

The unusual islands of Diomides (Diomedes Islands), the smaller of which belongs to the United States, and the larger Russia is a tremendous tuya volcano in the Bering Strait with a flat vertex. In the days of the Cold War between the USSR and the United States, Diomides, between which the state border passes, was the symbolic name "Ice curtain".

In contact with

Tempui is the only place on earth where the man's leg did not go. What animals live on the Tempians, which plants on the Tempuses grow - all this is a dark forest for us, as people visited only some Tempuses. And most of the TPEU is absolutely not examined! They become not only a source of legends and terrible stories, but also the subject of creativity for fiction artists.

Tempui, or Tempuy - Dining Mountains located on Guiangic Highlands in South America, mostly in Venezuela. Among the most famous Tempui - Autan, Ayangtepui and Mount Roraima. Many Tempuy is located in the Venezuelan National Park of Canaima, which has the status of the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The word "Tempui" in the language of the Indians of the Peremons inhabiting the district of Gran Sabana means "house of the gods". Tempuses for the most part are isolated from each other, towering over the jungle of hard-to-reach clutches, which makes them carriers of unique sets of endemic plants and animals.

As a rule, Tempuses consist of a single block of docambrian sandstone or quartzite, which sharply swears over the jungle surrounding them to heights of more than 2000 m. In many Tempus, there are washed water caves, such as the cave of Abysmo Guy Collete with a depth of 671 m, as well as karst funnels with a diameter to 300 m, formed with the collapse of the hounds of underground river tunnels.

The highest Tempus of Pico-de-Neblyn (3,014 m) is located in Brazil. The following three in height - Pico-Pelps (2 992 m), Roraima (2,810 m), located at the point of convergence of Brazil's borders, Venezuela and Guyana, and Serro Marauak (2,800 m).

Roraima is the highest Tempus on the territory of Venezuela. Its height is 2810 meters, and the top is a plateau with an area of \u200b\u200b34 km² - it is completely covered with thick vegetation, bizarre stones, climbing depressions, caves, small lakes and swamps. Local Indians are called Mount Roraima "PUP of the Earth" and believe that the ancestralist of the human race lives on her top - the goddess Queen.

The largest natural nature reserve of Venezuela, Canaima National Park, was founded in 1962 and is considered the most ancient part of the Earth, which exceeds 2 million years. This lost world, as if the accidentally preserved as he was many million years ago, thousands of tourists visit daily.

Herbs and shrubs grow on the tops of Tempuy. No less rich in the animal world of the Venezuelan Park - there are monkeys, a variety of sizes and species, jaguars, giant ants and many small animals. But the world of birds can boast the greatest variety of species, which in large quantities live on this rich land.

In the National Canaima Park, there are exciting excursions for Canoeing on the lagoon, which flows four waterfalls. Two of them are Gulondrin and dock - you can see swimming on a canoe, and under two other - acha and SAPAP - the track is laid, which can be passed inside the waterfall between the raging flow of water and the rock.

You can go to one of the most spectacular attractions of the park - Angel Falls, excursions to which are carried out either by boats or on airplanes. If you go on a boat excursion, then on the way you can see the picturesque island of orchids.

The largest discovery for scientists was the find of the remains of ancient animals, which were even recently dwelling in these places. There is an assumption that they died as a result of aliens experiments. For such a guessed scientists, a large round platform, deprived of the expedition, deprived of vegetation and the solid was covered with a silver powder of unknown origin. Later, laboratory studies have shown that this is an alloy of the rarest metals, which on earthly conditions to create simply unrealistic.

For a long time, expeditions were not organized in this region, but today this lost world, previously imposing fear in humans, is visited daily by several dozen adventurers. Just for security reasons, it is advisable to make it preferably accompanied by an experienced guide.

In the Gwiang Highlands in the northeast of South America, several dozen peculiar mountains were scattered with vertical slopes and flat vertices. These mountains are one of the oldest in the world. They are composed of very solid sandstone and are the remnants of a long-destroyed plateau. These Mountains of Tempui are called (the word is taken from the language of local Indians-Peremon).

Plateau Roraima, Venezuela

Country of Tempui is one of the most unusual and beautiful landscapes in the world. There are the highest waterfall in the world (Angel on Ayan-Tempui, or Ayanktepui, about 1200 m high), many smaller waterfalls (the tourists are especially popular with 250-meter Kaietour and 70-meter Orindic in Guyana), gigantic caves and failures. On the tops of some Tempui did not yet steal a man's leg.

Beautiful Landscapes of Tempua Country

The highest Tempui is Mount Roraima (2810 m) at the junction of Venezuela borders, Guyana and Brazil. At one time, Roraim served as a prototype of populated dinosaurs in the "Lost World" A. Konan Doyle. After many unsuccessful attempts, the mountain was conquered in 1884.

Sunset in the "Lost World"

Dinosaurs did not turn out there, but the researchers discovered many amazing animals and plants on top of anywhere in the world, except for mooring and neighboring Kukhenan-Tempui.

Crocodile Orinoco - a relative of dinosaurs

The peaks of Tempui are as if the islands in the sky, where the flora and fauna are developing in isolation for millions of years. The nature of these cold "islands" is absolutely not similar to the rainforests and savanna at the foot of the mountains.

Pink Flamingo, Venezuela

Steel walls of moisture seem impregnable.

Inaccessible walls of mooring

The heroes of the "Lost World" reached a vertex plateau, rummaged on a separate Rock and having chucking a large tree served by the bridge. On Roraima, there is really a "suitable" cliff, but the abyss between him and a plateau is too wide, and there are no large trees at such a height. You can only climb the mountain without the help of climbing equipment in one place, in a narrow inclined ledge called "ramp".

Picturesque Rocks of Tempui, Venezuela

Nowadays, a few dozen people per day are closed onto the moor. This is part of the National Park, and the climb is permitted only accompanied by a guide.

Capibara - the biggest rodent

Almost all tourists buy organized tours to a duration of five or seven days (the second option is much better - the participants of five-day tours can spend on a plateau just a couple of hours).

Bats in National Park, Venezuela

In the Venezuelan town of Santa Elene de Wiren on the Brazilian border (where you can get there in the evening bus from Caracas) a seven-day tour costs about a hundred dollars, in Caracas - already about three hundred. You give you a warm sleeping bag and sweater.

Tempui are flat cutlery mountains on Guiangian Highlands in South America, in particular, in Venezuela. In the language of the people of Peremon, who lives in Gran Saban, the word Tempui means "house of gods" - because they are very high. Tempui are separate mountains, which means that they can find a wide variety of endemic species of plants and animals, some of which live only on one TPU.

(Total 21 photos)

1. Topped over the outside forest, there are practically vertical walls, and many of them rise to more than 1000 m above the jungle.

2. The highest Tempuses reach 3000 meters in height.

3. Practically vertical slopes and a thick rainforest, on which these Tempuses lie, make them inaccessible to hiking.

4. Only up to three Mountains Grand Saban can be reached on foot, and among them - Mount Roraima in 2180 m in height.

5. Tempui are the remains of a large sandstone plateau, which once covered the layer of granite between the northern border of the Amazon basin and Orinoco, between the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and Rio Negora, during the Precambrian period.

6. For millions of years, the plateau was exposed to erosion, and all that remained from them is flat-terrain Tempui.

7. Although Tempuses seem deserted, their vertices boil their lives.

8. Because of the high height, the climate on Tempui differs from what reigns below.

9. Upstairs is often cooler, it rains more often, and at the bottom of the mountains have a tropical, warm and wet climate.

10. Many unusual plants adapted to this habitat and became unique types of Tempus.

11. About 9400 species of high-rise plants were registered in Venezuelan Guyana, of which 2322 are registered on Tempui.

12. About one third of these species nowhere else in the world are not found.

13. The Gran Sabana region has 115 such dining area. They are located in the south-east of Venezuela, where the most of the TPU is concentrated.

14. The most famous among them is Mount Roraim.

15. Roraima remained unexplored until 1884.