Statue "David" Michelangelo: Description. Statue of David in Florence - Masterpiece of World Sculptural Art Reception Michelangelo when creating David

Statue "David" Michelangelo: Description. Statue of David in Florence - Masterpiece of World Sculptural Art Reception Michelangelo when creating David

David - the most recognizable silhouette

Everyone knows that Florence - The pearl of Italy, and millions of tourists come here to enjoy an unforgettable mood that created outstanding Florentine. And contribution David to the state treasury - 8 million euros per year. It is not surprising that Florentine wants to get their percentage of this amount, as the government significantly reduced budget transfers for local authorities.

And how this handsome David was created, which caused the difference between Rome and Florence And one of the most frequently copied sculptures in the world?

Maestro Michelangelo Imprinted image tsar Davidafocused on the upcoming battle with Goliath.The young king is 7 years old by the Jews, and then another 33 years of the United Kingdom of Israel and Jews. He is considered the ideal ruler, because of the body of David, the sculptor created perfect. Although, the anatomas still prosecuted the absent muscle under the right blade on the back David..

The public was stunned by the perfection of the design of the king, from whose kind, in the New Testament, the Messiah occurred. Giorgio Vazari. wrote that the gigantic statue of David, filled with twenty six-year-olds, "Taken fame from all statues, modern and ancient, Greek and Romans. This DavidThis magnificent and beautiful young man, full of infinite courage and strength, calm, but at the same time ready to deploy this courage to victory over the threat, confident in his victory and right. "

Copy of David made by Michelangelo himself, Piazza Signoria, Florence

On biblical legend, still very young David (then it was a simple shepherd, and then showed himself to the wise ruler) killed philistine warrior GoliathBy winning it in a duel with the help of the patraity, and then cuts off the giant head. And so, according to the Florentine biblographer Vazari, Michelangelo created the statue of the winner for his native Florence, for David "Fair defender and ruler of their people". So the great sculptor wanted to determine the ideal in which he saw the salvation of the offended debris.

Such a sample Michelangelo I didn't even try to look around myself. While Raphael and wrote portraits, and at the notes of the same Giorgio Vazari., sculptor and artist Michelangelo "The thought was horrified to syringe, if he did not possess perfect beauty.".

For the manufacture of his cherished dream, the master took a piece of marble, from which many sculptors have already refused, and doubted whether Michelangelo has anything sensible.

Once, Florentine decided to give a copy of David to full growth, 5 meters of 17 centimeters, September 25, 1995 on the anniversary of the city of Jerusalem, he turned 3000 years old. Florentine considered it very symbolic: jewish king David. for Israel. But, city authorities Jerusalem, examined David., refused, referring to the fact that the sculpture is naked, and therefore it is clearly seen that the Jewish king is not circumcised. Jerusalem officials, apparently, suggested that the Israelis could do with the statue of the uncircumcised king ...

Svetlana Konobella, from Italy with love!

About konobella

Svetlana Konobella, writer, publicist and sommelier Italian association (Associazione Italiana Sommelier). Cultivist and realizer a variety of ideas. What inspires: 1. Everything that goes beyond generally accepted representations, but the reverence of traditions is not alien to me. 2. The moment of unity with the object of attention, for example, with the root of the waterfall, the sunrise in the mountains, the fuels of unique wine on the shore of the mountain lake, burning in the forest Kostrom, starry sky. Who inspires: those who create their own world, full of bright colors, emotions and impressions. I live in Italy and love her rules, style, traditions, as well as "know-how", but the homeland and compatriots forever in my heart. Portal Editor WWW ..

The biggest sculpture of Michelangelo became "David". Its height is more than 5 m. Since then, this five-meter sculpture has become perceived as a symbol of not only the art of revival, but also human genius as a whole.

Michelangelo de Francesco de Nerya de Miniato Del Sier and Lodoviko Di Leonardo di Buonaroti Simoni, more famous for Just Michelangelo, was born on March 6, 1475 in the Tuscan city of Kresena in the family of the deceine Florentine Nobleman Lovovico Buonaroti. Michelangelo's mother Francesci di Neri di miniato del séra early married and died from exhaustion by frequent pregnancies per year of the six-year-old son. Lodovico Boonotti was not rich, and income from his little ownership in the village was barely enough to contain many children. In this regard, he was forced to give the young Michelangelo Kormilice, the wife of "Scarpelino" from the same village called Netinyano. There, brought by a married couple, the boy learned to knead the clay and own the cutter before reading and writing. In 1488, Michelangelo's father met the inclinations of his son and placed his student in the workshop to the artist Domenico Girlandian. He was engaged in there for one year. A year later, Michelangelo goes to the School of Sculptor Bertoldo Di Giovanni, which existed under the patronage Lorenzo de Medici, the actual owner of Florence. Medici first recognizes Michelangelo talent and patronize him. Approximately 1490 to 1492 Michelangelo is at the courtyard of the Medici. So began the creative path of the Great Italian artist.

In the biblical history of David and Goliath, David first put on the challenge, then a brass helmet, and then stuck himself with a sword: he was preparing for the usual battle of swords with Goliath. But then he stopped. "I can't walk in this ammunition, because I'm not used to her," he said, and took those five smooth stones.

On August 16, 1501, 26-year-old Michelangelo received an order from the elder of the shop of Florence wool traders (the workshop was instructed to follow the decoration of the Cathedral Church of Santa Mary Del Fiore) to the manufacture of the sculpture of the Biblical King David. This was preceded by the following story.

Back in the XIV century, the great Italian painter Jotto, a former one of the builders of the Florentine Cathedral of Santa Maria Del Fiore, depicted it with marble statues on the roof. Over 100 years before David, Michelangelo decided to exercise a long-standing dream of statues. Young Donatello carved from marble of two-meter "David". The sculpture seemed small, and the trustees of the cathedral sold it to the Florentine government as unnecessary. In order to raise a large statue of Donatello and Brunlellagles who thought to make them out of a light tree, row for metal strength, and paint under marble; Other materials were also offered. Doubts and oscillations continued for decades. Finally, Florentine hoped to the power of new techniques, and in the middle of the XV century a huge marble block was harvested for the first figure. Order on the big "David" received Agostino di Doodcho. In all her life, he did not create a single statue, only reliefs, but often helped Donatello in such work. He had to just shove the ships, and Donatello would come to work. But Donatello died, and the boulder remained in the courtyard of the Santa Maria del Fiore for many years, gradually losing a commodity view under the influence of rain and wind. There is a need to urgently save national good. The young sculptor Michelangelo turned up and turned up, who was advised by the fathers of the city of Leonardo da Vinci.

Another half a century after the sculpture of David, the writer and the artist Georgeo Vazari described the whole story of creating sculpture otherwise. Vazari in his "life tracks" it is said that the block was considered spoiled, and Michelangelo raised it as unnecessary, and then surprised the finished statue. Even a joke about how the head of the Florentine Republic asked the sculptor to shorten the nose of David. Michelangelo pretended to shorten, and the ruler immediately said: "Now it's good." But all this is only legends.

As soon as Michelangelo finished his "David," it turned out that it would not be possible to raise him on the roof, the trustees of the cathedral were transferred to the statue of the city. The Special Commission, which was included by Botticelli and Leonardo da Vinci, found her a good place on the square in front of the Palazzo Vecchio - the Palace of the Florentine Government. The special mechanism was built for the transportation of the statue, and on September 8, 1504, David was erected before entering the palace. There he stood under the open-air of almost 4th century. In 1873 he was postponed to the building of the Florentine Academy of Arts, and in the square installed a copy. The David delivered in the center of Florence, "David" began to be perceived as a patriotic symbol - the image of the defender of the city. The fact is that by 1501, when Michelangelo began working on the statue, citizens of Florence approved the new republican constitution, overthrowing the Tiracy of the Clan Medici.

The principle of "Dirt in Prince", often found in American biographies, has received two different interpretations over time. The XIX century version made focus on the shortcomings that are compensated in the future. If you want to climb up the top much better start at the bottom: so you will get the necessary skills and motivation to achieve success. Nowadays, we do not learn from poverty, we avoid it.

"David" became the biggest sculpture of Michelangelo. Its height is more than 5 m. Since then, this five-meter sculpture has become perceived as a symbol of not only the art of revival, but also human genius as a whole. The statue depicts naked David focused on the upcoming fight with Goliath. The young man is preparing for battle with superior to his enemy. He is calm and focused, but his muscles are tense. The eyebrows are slope shifted, something frightening is read in them. Through the left shoulder, he retained the right, the lower tip of which picks up his right hand. The free posture of the hero is a classic example of a counterpart - already prepares a deadly movement.

Hardly in the world there is a statue that can be compared with David in the number of copies and blinds. One copy is now in the Italian courtyard of the Pushkin Museum in Moscow. Interestingly, David's gypsum copy established in the London Museum of Victoria and Albert was one time supplied with a removable fig list in case of Queen's visits.

At the end of the XX century, 3000 years have noted in Israel. The anniversary of the hearth of the three world religions has become an event far from local importance. Florence municipality decided to give Jerusalem a copy of David Michelangelo to a natural value. International etiquette prescribes that "a gift horse does not look in the teeth." But it was not there! Israeli rabbis looked and ... Wallen: "And David is naked! And besides uncircumcised! " In Israel, as you know, religion is not separated from the state. There are many religious political parties in the country and the voice of religious figures has far from last. Rabbius then supported the spiritual authorities of Palestinian Arabs. The Israeli authorities were forced to submit a religious wave. The gift was not accepted.

Nevertheless, on October 7, 2008, a monument to King David was opened on Mount Sion in Jerusalem. But it was already another "David" - the modern Russian sculptor Alexander Demin. The sculpture of the legendary king of the Jews in his clothes, in the sitting position and with the lyura, was obtained by the Israeli authorities as a gift from the Russian Charitable Foundation of St. Nicholas Wonderworker. Installation of the monument to King David in Jerusalem blessed Patriarch Moscow and All Russia

Alexy II. This time, to avoid unpleasant misunderstandings, at all stages of creating a monument to King David personally, an adviser to the mayor of the city of Jerusalem on the issues of art and design David Susanna.

The sculpture was established near the tomb of the Tsar David, under the walls of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin and the windows of the room in which a mystery of the evening took place. The place to install the monument was chosen extremely successfully, it can be said similar to that the monument to Georgy Zhukow in Moscow.

The monument stood three days. On October 10, unknown vandals were abused. Vandals beat the nose monument, stained with mud and wool scraps, someone stuck someone from under Coca-Cola in the bronze harp. About the pedestal of the monument beat the eggs, the garbage sketched behind the fence. Local residents tell that the act of vandalism was committed by ultra-docusal Jews. According to the famous Jerusalem guide of Michael King, in the morning of October 11, after the commission of Vandalism, there was not a single police officer near the desecrated monument.

One can only guess that it would be with a copy of the statue of the uncircumcised Jewish king David Michelangelo if the Jerusalem mayonia adopted the gift of Florence municipality.

It should be assumed that in the light of the brewing malice of the day and there is a symbolism that the sculpture of David's work Michelangelo carries the capital of Russia more than Jerusalem. Would you hoist "David" Michelangelo on the streets of Moscow!? Religious intolerance to the arts of Russian citizens, unlike citizens of Israel, seems to be observed. Moscow, though younger than Jerusalem, but also the world capital. As in any way, and the third Rome. Moscow does not need to wait for the gift of the municipality of Florence. She has his own "David" - one hundred years is dust in the Pushkin Museum.

"David" Michelangelo would easily fit, for example, in the architectural ensemble of the Okhotny series, at the fountain near the Bolshoi Theater, opposite the monument to Karl Marx Sculptor Lion Kerbel. The fountain near the Bolshoi Theater was once broken by Square, where Moscow homosexuals hung. Michelangelo is listed with them by the idol, along with many other geniuses of humanity. However, the main functional destination "David" would lay in another plane. David, armed by the Prach, would be forever to remind the founder of scientific communism so that he never released the ghost to the will. And then you can get on my forehead.

Lush and unexpected became the bright era of the revival after the gray Middle Ages. Ascetic plots were replaced by stormy myths. Everyone is fond of bold heroes. No exception and Michelangelo Buonaroti. "David" in his execution is a masterpiece of sculpture.

Ambitious talent

Renaissance Genius was born in the impoverished noble family. Because of the lack of funds, the boy was given to raising Nyan, the family of which was dealing with stratum and carving on stone. Later, the Creator confessed that childhood, held at such an occupation, influenced the choice of profession. The young man's father was against such a future, but subsequently humbled and sent his son to learn to masters.

Popularity to the guy has come lowered. His work was appreciated by serious orders. At the age of 24, Buonarota creates a "mourning of Christ", where sincerely depicts Mary's Mountain over the body of the dead Jesus. This robot secured his name in the world of sculptures.

Glory about the wizard reached the Guild of Florence Traders, who have long been the material for the rest of the statue of David. Michelangelo was young and energetic. Having received an order, he gladly began to work.

Birth of the hero

At first, the sculpture was exclusively religious. The Old Testament King was supposed to become one of the twelve figures adorning the Temple of Santa Maria del Fiore. But political events changed these intentions. The power of Tirana Medici was temporarily overthrown. Therefore, it was decided that this work would be a symbol of struggle and victory. It was such an idea that the author wanted to embody. "David" Michelangelo is made from the monolithic block of marble, which was brought from the city of Carrara. But Buonaroti was not the first who worked on this piece. In 1460, the material was enlisted by the Agostino di Dutycho. Next was to work Donatello, but his death pushed the handling plan.

The following masters for certain reasons could not be realized by the intention of customers. Marble lay in the courtyard of the temple for several years. Unprotected by climatic exposure, he began to deteriorate and collapse. Only in 1501 the project decided to finish. So, in the hands of a 26-year-old master was a block, from which the sculpture of David was supposed to be born. Michelangelo began work on September 13 of the same year.

History of Figures

The basis was the biblical myth of courage and justice. The statue depicts a young man who is preparing for an important battle. History says that the Philistines are unbelievers - attacked the Israeli kingdom. In the enemy army was the Giant, whose name was Goliath. Well armed and invincible, he put fear with one species. The future king David came against the strongman. The young man refused to armor and severe sword. It was armed with the random, with which it was possible to throw stones. The one who is in the duel will bring the full victory of the country.

Reflections before the fight reflects the statue of David. Michelangelo recreated the emotional state of the young man. The king is aiming, thinking about the situation. His view is concentrated, the lips are compressed, the forehead is wrinkled. Body in noticeable tension. Hands in the veins, which seems to be really flowing hot blood. Muscles protrude on the perfect body. In the right palm hero squeezed the stone, the rush was transferred through the left shoulder.

Care from rules

Buonaroti is not just a genius of their time, but a real innovator. His works stand out against the rest of the rest. For example, previously depicted the finals of the Battle of the Israeli Tsar and Giant Goliath. The defeated enemy lay in the legs of the young man. David proudly stood over the body of defeated. But this master decided that the scene, which shows experiences before the fight, will be emotionally, and not mistaken. It is worth noting that David Michelangelo is absolutely naked, although none of the sources reported the hero's nation. Usually, the young man was just without a lat. Also in myth, it is described that the guy wore a bag from which she took out a stone. The palm of our David is empty.

The pose of the left hand was forced. It bent it because the marble was pre-submitted precisely in this form, so another exit than to portray the hero with a curved elbow was not.

Inaccuracies Anatomy

Special attention is paid to the movement. It seems that David Michelangelo is about to act, attack the enemy. Raised left heel makes a dynamic sculpture. There is a feeling that the stressed hands are crushed stone. It is closely following the hero for the invisible opponent.

The public immediately fell in love with the young man. But there was enough negative reviews to the Master. It is known that the author has long studied anatomy. His knowledge in this area was limitless. And yet many critics noted that on the back of the knight lacking one muscle. Surprised and disproportionately big head and huge hands. But here it is worth noting that the sculpture of David Michelangelo was originally intended for a niche in the cathedral located at the height. Then the audience would look at the statue of the bottom up, and the defect would create the effect of realism. First of all, the author sought artistic aesthetic.

Scars David.

At one time it was the biggest statue in the world. Its height is 5.17 meters. Weight reaches 6 tons. Many forces had to be attached to transport it to the destination. Several enviouss during transport dropped stones in the figure, for which they were put in prison.

But later, the work suffered from Vandals. During the riots of 1527 from the windows of Palazzo Vecchio, youth, which occupied the room, discharged furniture on soldiers. So, David Michelangelo got wound in hand. One of the benches beat the wrist. The next day, Georgeo Vazari collected all the parts and stuck back. Ideally attached pieces failed, there were noticeable lines in two places.

In 1991, one barbarian hammer hit several pieces of marble from the fingers of the left leg. Vandala grabbed. We inflicted irreparable harm to sculpture and weather conditions. The inept restoration was played by a joke.

There are versions that Created by Michelangelo David is more than Italian, not the Israelite, since the young man is not cut off. This was the reason for the fact that Jerusalem refused a copy of the statue that Florentine was given.

Despite any of the peripetics of fate, the real work of art is the work of Michelangelo ("David"). The statue description is a short story of the Renaissance.

One of the greatest masterpieces of world art is the sculpture of David - performed by Genial Michelangelo, survived a difficult fate. The history of the creation of sculpture is long and full of all sorts of peripetia. Initially, the order was given to Donatello. The material was chosen - a huge marble boulder from Carrara, the sculptor began to work, but did not have time to finish it. For several years, Marble was overlooking, and even began to collapse. The Fathers Commission of Florence decided that the work could continue the young Michelangelo. But the hoping of the sculptor was known for its difficult character, as well as the pedanticity in choosing a material for work. Michelangelo refused for a long time than the displeasure of the urban authorities caused. Finally, when it was already decided to give the order to another, the future "creator of the Vatican" began to work.

Sculpture was created just over two years. When the Commission came to accept the finished work, hot spores broke out. The whole thing was how the Hero of the Old Testament was depicted. The tradition of the Renaissance has intended the image of David at the time of Triumph after the victory over Goliath. Michelangelo went to another way. His David is only preparing for the battle. It is concentrated, muscles in tension, stern face.

The interpretation of the image strengthened the civic sound of the sculpture. If at first, the work was intended to accommodate near the Cathedral, now many members of the Commission proposed to put it on the central square. After hot disputes, a decision was made in favor of Signoria's area, as the place of the statue room.

Already in those distant times (early 16th century) David was the ideal of male beauty. For the sake of creating accurate proportions and the external attractiveness of its sculpture, the artist went on some distortion of the anatomical structure of the human body: there is no at least one edge and one muscle on the back. However, only doctors and specialists in the field of human anatomy notice.

Interestingly, the exact copies of the sculpture in the world of art are also unusually high and adorn the largest museums. In, for example, the sculpture is equipped with a removable fig list in case of visiting the Museum of the Queen, and in Pushkin Museum there is a copy made for the collection of the first director of the Tsvetaeva Museum.

Currently, the Florentine Square is a copy of the sculpture. The original was removed away from weather troubles at the Academy of Fine Arts. However, it did not save David from Vandals. Not so long ago, a mentally unbalanced visitor to the Academy rushed to a masterpiece with a hammer in his hands. Several beats were enough to damage the thumb of the statue.

Italian experts found out that due to the permanent microvibrations created by the public transport of Florence, the sculpture begins to collapse. It is not only vibration, but not too good the quality of marble, as well as the weight of a 5-meter statue. Currently, the possibility of moving a masterpiece to a safer place is being considered.

There are few of these famous and sign sculptures in the world as "David" by Michelangelo. From the moment the world saw this creation on September 8, 1504 on Signoria Signal in Florence, people do not cease to admire them. But at the same time, far from everyone knows the most interesting facts about this magnificent sculpture.

1. David was created by biblical motifs

At first glance, the famous nude man, whom Michelangelo spawned, is absolutely not like a "biblical hero". But if you look attentively, you can notice the Rouch, percked through the left shoulder of David, and in the right hand he squeezes the stone. Thanks to these subjects, David Piens Giant Goliath in the famous biblical history.

2. The statue is much higher than human growth

The height of David is 5.17 m., Which is almost three times higher than the height of the average person.

3. The hand of the statue is disproportionate

The statue's hand is too big and does not match the proportions of the rest of the body. This asymmetry is believed to be specially admitted to Michelangelo in honor of the nickname David, "Manu Fortis" (strong hand).

4. David - Left -sha

This can be argued, based on the fact that the rush lies on the left shoulder, and the stone is in the right. Oddly enough, the position of the body statue is more suitable for right.

5. The statue is carved from a solid piece of marble

Marble's lump, which turned into one of the most famous masterpieces in history, proves the old saying - what is garbage for one person, treasure for another. Michelangelo created David from a piece of marble, which before that was twice abandoned by other sculptors. Agostino di Duchcho refused the project to create a sculpture of David, barely started to cut the legs.

The reason was the death of Donatello, whose di dustcho was an apprentice. After that, the marble lump lay abandoned for 10 years. Next, Antonio Rosselyino took the statue, but he also immediately refused to work after he found a crack in the block. When Michelangelo finally began working on "David" in 1501, a piece of marble was waiting for him for 40 years.

6. David initially had to set at high height

In 1501, the Government of the city of Florence instructed Michelangelo to create "David" as one of the statues intended for decorating the dome of the Florentine Cathedral. But after the completion of the statue, Michelangelo patrons were so impressed with his creation, which decided to abandon this plan and place a statue in Lanzi's loggia (and then the statue moved to the Academy of Arts). In 2010, David's replica was posted on the Florentine Cathedral, as it was conceived initially.

7. The statue has always caused delight

The Italian painter and the architect of the sixteenth century Georgio Vazari so wrote about "David": "No sculpture in the world will no longer surprise anymore."

8. Reputation Michelangelo

Five years before the debut of David, Michelangelo has already become famous due to the sculpture of Roman Pieta. But precisely thanks to the "David" 29-year-old artist of the Renaissance became known as a master sculptor. Four years later, in 1508, Michelangelo began working on his greatest achievement in the field of painting - the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel.

9. David comes from ancient Greece

Michelangelo gave his sculpture a pose in which herakla was often depicted. Some experts believe that herakl was depicted on Florence urban press.

10. David - Symbol of Freedom

Although the originally ordered sculpture was only religious in nature, during the work of Michelangelo over David, Florence expelled the Medici family. That is why David became a symbol of republican freedom and protection against the power of tyrants.

11. David and Vandals

On September 14, 1991, the Italian artist Piero Kannata sneaks with a small hammer to a statue exhibited in the Gallery of Fine Arts in Florence. He managed to break a part of the finger on the leg of David, while his visitors to the museum did not twist him. The forensic examination recognized the Italian mentally insane, after which he was sent to the hospital.

12. There is not one David

Since David is one of the most popular works of art in the world, there are millions of its reproductions on T-shirts, mouse pads and on other of the most unexpected things. Even in Florence there are two full-sized replicas: one stands on its original place before Palazzo Vecchio, and the bronze copy towers above the city on the cathedral.

13. David was subjected to censorship

In 1857, the Grand Duke Tuscany was surprised by the Queen of the Queen of England Victoria, which he presented a copy of the statue of Michelangelo. The queen was so shocked by the details of the nudity, which ordered to cover the dignity of David with a removable fig piece of gypsum.

14. Tourists harm the statue

More than 8 million visitors per year come to the Gallery of the Academy of Arts to look at David. Studies have shown that all these visitors create vibrations when walking, which harm the mramor, causing cracks.

15. Who owns David

David is exposed to the Florentine Academy of Fine Arts since 1873. But the Italian government seeks to return the ownership of the statue, making it a national heritage.

Connoisseurs of modern art is necessarily impressive.